#( it would probably go nifty -> charlie -> husk -> angel -> vaggie -> sir pentious )
hazbingirliexoxo · 4 months
*in heaven, with Charlie and Vaggie before the court meeting*
Adam: *whispers smugly* Thoughts and prayers bitches😏
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hostradio · 2 months
△ Who's your favorite of the hotel crew?
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it  takes  startlingly  little  time  for  him  to  give  his  answer.  (  two  out  of  ten,  dear  asker!  )  ❝  why,  nifty  of  course. ❞   of  course!  such  a  charming  pint-sized  terror,  that  one  —  he  could  spend  hours  watching  her  slaughter  the  hotel's  near-endless  waves  of  wretched  insects  with  reckless  abandon!
❝  although,  our  darling,  delusional  princess  morningstar  has  been  growing  on  me. ❞   like  a  barnacle  —  coated  in  multicolored  glitter.  ❝  oh,  i've  no  doubt  her  dreams  will  crash  and  burn,  but  she  makes  for  lovely  company  on  the  inevitable  descent  to  despair!  ❞
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myntrose · 7 months
ೃ⁀➷partners in crime ��デ═一
ft: Alastor x gn! reader
summary: It's another night at the hotel. Everyone is lounging around the shared space, or sitting at the bar. With a boost of confidence (and a few drinks) Angel finally asks the burning question everyone had : How did you and Alastor meet?
cw: demi! Alastor, established relationship(married), Alastor and reader meet when they were alive, reader is an assassin , killing and mild gore (it's alastor yall), a lot of petnames, no use of y/n, no beta we die like men
a/n: it's the way alastor got me smiling and kicking my feet. he got me to break my 1 year hiatus LMAO. also, I am aware that he's ace. I myself am somewhere along the demi spectrum, so this fic is purely for comfort n coping. if you don't like it, pls ignore :,D
wc: 1.5 k (1,469 words)
The hotel common was filled with low gentle music and idle chatter. Vaggie and Charlie were on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. Nifty was running around chasing some poor roach. Even Cherri was here, with Sir Pentious attempting to flirt with her once again.
Husk was behind the bar, in ordinary fashion. Although he was mostly listening and doing his job, he would occasionally chide into the conversation the other two residents at the hotel were having. Angel was in the middle of telling you about how much of a headache Val was, while you gave him you condolences. It seemed like the only person missing was the radio demon himself, who was probably in his tower, making a new broadcast.
"Speakin of which..." Angel, who noticed Alastor's lack of presence, noted "I got a question for ya toots. How is it that tall, red and creepy managed to bag you as a partner? You're sweet and all, I get that. But how did you even meet-"
The loud slam of drinks caused the peace within the hotel to halt . Husk shoots a stern glare towards Angel, almost to warn him, be cautious about asking question's about Alastor and his darling, you never know if he's listening.
"It's alright, Husk" You send him a sincere smile. While he would never trust your husband, he can't help but believe your words.
"Well, Angel, let's start with this. If you've ever wondered why I'm down here in the first place, it's because of the occupation I had when I was alive. That's actually how I met Alastor."
Oh, maybe you were a thief and were trying to steal something from Alastor. Or maybe a detective that was on the case to solve his murders. Or maybe-
"I was hired to assassinate one of his targets."
You couldn't help but laugh at Angels' reaction. Sure, you were kind to those in the hotel, and definitely not as threatening as most overlords. He, and most people you met in Hell, just assumed you committed some mundane crime and got the unfortunate eternal punishment .
Taking a small sip of your drink, you start to recollect the unforgettable night that would define your current relationship.
It was supposed to be like any other job that you were given. Your employer would hand you a file, you would find the target, and get paid in return. Maybe it wasn't the most ethical way to make money, but hey, you knew how to kill so you made it work.
You had followed your target into the bar, while waiting away in the corner. Though your eyes were focused on them the entire night, you couldn't help but feel another pair of eyes on you.
It was probably some random patron in the bar, you guessed. It wasn't for another hour when you noticed that your target had left the vicinity.
The streets were dark, with the occasional street light every block or so. It was perfect place to finish your job. All you needed was for your target to turn into some alleyway, and as quietly as you followed him, you'd quietly go for the kill-
Quietly. Hold on, why was it so quite?
Looking up the street, you noticed that what was once where your target stood was now empty. There was no way he outran you, given that you would have heard his footsteps. To the right of you were the woods, maybe he took a detour?
No, everything felt wrong. Every single thought in your brain was screaming to run, to grab your gun that was hidden beneath your coat, to get out of here-
"Careful my dear, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?"
A cold blade found its way to your neck. Two very disturbing facts became known to you. First, was the fact that the blade was already stained red. And second, you were about to be the second kill of the night.
A million thoughts ran through your mind. Was this how you were going to die? How fast could you grab your gun? Would your employer be pissed off that you died in the job? With your eyes shut closed, you waited for the knife to make contact.
"Now now, there's no need to be so scared my dear! My, you look like a deer in headlights!"
Opening your eyes, you're met with the mysterious man who just had his weapon on you seconds ago. He seemed vaguely familiar, probably having seen him at the bar you frequent.
"It seems that I've caused you quite a scare. Do know that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to see for myself this new assassin I've heard so much about! You've caused quite the gossip, my dear. Makes good conservation."
You continued to stand in silence, with the initial shock of almost dying wearing off now. As mad as you were that you got caught, you were equally confused on just who this man was. With some more listening to his voice, the answer popped into your mind.
"You- you're that new radio host! Alastor, was it?"
Alastor's smile grew at the acknowledgment. "Indeed I am! Glad to know you've heard about me."'
Had anyone walked into the conversation you two were having, they would have assumed it was one between new acquaintances. In which one has a knife in their hand, while the other has a gun.
"You see, my dear, I've heard quite a bit about your line if work. While I am more than capable of... dealing with others, I propose that we work out some sort of deal. One where you can finally stop working for that employer of yours, and actually make a profit off your talents."
Alastor put out a hand, waiting, watching to see how you'd respond. It's been a long night for you, and you had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time you saw. Plus, if working with him meant you'd finally have to stop answering to your boss, then why the hell not. You take his hand, before agreeing to this proposition.
"...and since then, we've been business partners. Our relationship kind of just happened after a few moths."
It was nice to look back to when you first met your now-husband. Looking around the bar, you noticed that you weren't just talking to Angel. At some point, unbeknownst to you, everyone at the hotel had come over to listen to your story time.
"Well toots, I figured you had to be some sort of crazy to date smiles, but I guess it takes one to know one." Angels says while taking a shot, still reeling with that fact that someone as kind as you was a killer. Head nods and murmurs of agreement spread within the group.
Before you could say anything, a pool of dark clouds appeared to your side. From the shadows, the very man you were taking about stood before you.
"Hey, Al."
He faces you with his signature grin, before turning to the rest of the residents.
"It seems that I've became the topic of conversion while I was gone! It's quite interesting to see how interested you all are in with me and my dear's meeting."
The hint of annoyance in his voice was entertaining, to say the least. You place a hand on his shoulder, barely hovering above it.
"Aww, come of Al! They just wanted to hear how we first met! Besides, it's a fun story to tell."
"If "fun" means almost killing ya for the first time, I'd hate to know what you guys did when you started dating-" "Shut up Angel!"
You answer a few questions that were asked before everyone eventually returned back to their previous endeavors. Husk and Angel eventually sit around with the others in the common room, leaving just you and Alastor at the bar.
"It's kinda funny, now that I look back at it."
Alastor doesn't say anything, promoting you to continue.
"That night, I almost turned down that job. I was painfully tired, and all I wanted to do was go home. It's crazy to think that we wouldn't have met had I not pushed myself to take the job."
Anyone who knew Alastor would know that him asking for a partnership was simply outlandish. Hell, Alastor himself questioned why he was seeking you out in the first place.
No, underneath he knew. He knew from the first time he saw you. It was a different time from when you both officially met. When he saw you, someone so seemingly innocent, skillfully take down a man twice your size, he knew that he had to meet you.
"Well, mon chéri, it's good that you did."
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bunnyinfoxclothing · 1 month
Obedient Exorcists Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | (you are here) | It will arrive
If you thought it was angsty before. Hahahaha
She had hoped that if she reached the hotel before Charlie, she could get all the weapons setting inside, send the Carmine workers on their way, then find a way to hide her wings.
Truth be told. In the deep folds of her brain, she had known hiding her wings wouldn't be possible. And even deeper still, she was prepared to take her spear to them.
She wasn't living with Charlie anymore anyway. She had hidden being an angel for years. She could hide a back injury for a few weeks.
But the two women arrived at the same time. And Vaggie stood there unsure how to proceed.
She had written thousands of apologies notes during her time alone. None of them were good enough. She wasn't good enough. Charlie probably couldn't even look at her.
Vaggie was prepared to say an apology. A simple sorry. Something that Charlie had preached since the beginning of the hotel. Then she would take care of the Carmines and leave Charlie to settle in the cannibals.
Then Charlie pulls out the shrunken head.
And everything changes.
It's a perfect mix of the two of them. The red circle cheeks. The purple skin. The permanent smile. The red bow.
It was what Vaggie imagined their children would look like. Except less shrunken, sewn, and hopefully dead. (if it so much as twitched Vaggie doesn't think she will ever sleep again.)
Vaggie finds herself tucked into Charlie arms and everything feels fine again. They walk into the hotel and their friends haven't let them. Vaggie packs away the weapons and shakes hands with Carmilla's girls with a promise that she will return again. Then returns to help Charlie check in the cannibals.
The lobby is alight in so much activity it is blinding. There are so many people talking and enjoying the hotel. Husk has brought out his bartending moves and began mixing drinks like a true entertainer. Angel not far behind, with his flirting with husk, becoming a bit of a show for onlookers.
Nifty zipped through the crowd ensuring she was the only tripping hazard around. Even Alastor seemed to be enjoying the space, talking with his overlord friend.
And Charlie.
Charlie had stars in her eyes. Wetness peaking just at the corners. And the biggest smile that Vaggie had ever seen. (bigger than anything she had been able to produce)
Vaggie knew why.
She could see it.
This was Charlies dream. A hotel so full of people all of them united, and not trying to kill each other. It wasn't far off from her dream of redeeming mass amounts of sinners. This was a sneak peak into Charlie's dream. Fully realized.
Fully accomplished.
And she had done it on her own.
Charlie brought the cannibals.
Charlie wanted Alastor, and got Husk and Nifty as an addition.
Charlie wanted Angel and Sir Pentious.
Charlie had made all of this possible for herself.
Vaggie brought weapons.
Vaggie brought violence and bloodshed and the death of thousands who could have been saved.
Charlie retires before Vaggie, going to her room, getting some rest. Offering Vaggie only a smile from across the room as she heads upstairs.
Vaggie, not having been invited, stays.
While checking in cannibals, Charlie had never asked her to return the room key. Nobody was logged into the logbook for that room, not even her. And yet there wasn't a single question.
So, when everything is over and everyone has gone to bed, she heads to her own room.
Suddenly, nothing is fixed. The keychain in her pocket. The item representing her and Charlie's relationship feels like a noose. A message signed with the picture of a guillotine.
Vaggie can only empty her stomach.
She washes up and with a pain in her heart and gut, she goes to bed.
When she wakes up, she decides it's best to take a flight. She hopes a stretch will help sooth the pain that had come from sleeping on her back.
Her wings are weak. They barely get her to the roof before her lungs are puffing with exhaustion.
It's quiet on the roof.
Just like it always has been.
It's nothing like flying. It's nothing like heaven. It's nothing like anything.
And for Vaggie that's okay.
She enjoys the wind, even if it is humid heat against her face. She enjoys the view. Sinner on sinner crime at the break of dawn. Even though the crime had never ended to begin with.
The blood curdling screams make her wonder, if she screams would anyone hear? She hopes no. She could find herself a nice alleyway and scream her head off. Curse herself for every having existed. For ever falling in someones way.
For ever tainting Charlie's dreams with her face. For ever tainting heaven with her creation. She was proof that not everyone can be forgiven. Not everyone is worth redemption. She was proof that God made mistakes. That not all of his creations were loved.
She was the flaw in every plan.
Charlie finds her on the roof and all thoughts stop.
"How long have you been up here? You never came to bed... at least I don't think you did... did you? i'm sorry."
Vaggie is left reeling. What could Charlie ever have to apologize for? Did she miss something? Did Charlie want her to come to her room? Did Charlie want to talk to her about something? Did Vaggie accidentally ignore her?
Vaggie considers how to respond. How to tell Charlie she didn't know she was allowed to see Charlie again.
But Charlie is already onto a different topic. She talks about how great it is to have so many bodies in the hotel. She talks about the Carmine weapons, and the overlords kindness.
She talks about the sky, how nice Hell looks outside. And that's when Vaggie's traitorous mouth finds the words it was looking for ages ago.
"I fell asleep."
Charlie, of course, looks absolutely confused. Then assumes Vaggie meant last night and launches into an entire apology about the cannibals and how impolite it was not to ask anyone if they were comfortable sharing a roof together.
Guilt twists in Vaggie's chest. She had lied to Charlie again. It wasn't on purpose, but she didn't correct her.
Still Vaggie steels herself for tonight, where she assumes she and Charlie will finally talk.
The day goes by with Charlie attempting to see if any of the cannibals would even think about joining them full time. And no she does not mean the staff. All while Vaggie sets about getting everyone their own weapons.
It was nice having a menial task to do. No emotions. Nothing deep to think about. Just logic, and war.
This is what she was built for.
She makes incredible progress, only getting a select few weapons returned with the suggestion to make them special order.
Apparently too many people heard her with the Carmine girls and decided that she would be the perfect 'currier pigeon' for their weapon needs.
She tries not to be offended by the new nicknames.
hot wings
bird brain
They all seemed to revolve around her new appendages.
A part of her missed the lewd renditions of her name Angel used to throw her way.
She gave everyone a quick safety brief on angelic weapons before deciding to end the day early. She would go to the Carmines with the requests in the morning.
Charlie took her by the hand and brought her to her room. A room they once shared.
She felt a bit of warmth seeing her stuff, still in its rightful places. She let a hand caress a few trinkets. Gifts from Charlie from their earlier stages of dating all til...
She reached a hand into her pocket and pulled out the shrunken head from yesterday. It felt wrong to carry it now. So she placed it amongst her collection.
A hand snaked it's way around her waist and she was pulled flush against Charlie.
"I missed you."
"I missed you too."
Charlie continued on. Listing every little aspect of Vaggie she missed. Her scent. Her warmth. Her smile and smirks. Her sarcastic jokes. Her protective aura. Her loving kisses. Her eye that was only ever soft when gazing upon her.
Charlie let herself ramble on and on while holding Vaggie.
Vaggie felt nothing.
Vaggie felt less than nothing.
And that made her feel guilty.
All while Charlie continued to sing her praises, Vaggie could only feel the pressure on her wings, which quickly morphed into irritation the longer Charlie persisted.
She thought to Charlie's last few wishes. To be left alone. To have her sent off to the Carmines.
The look on Charlies face had been so empty. So full of hate that she had been willing to die for the girl in front of her.
Yet, this moment directly contrasted all of that.
Vaggie felt angry.
and that made her feel guilty.
Charlie had saved her life. Charlie had given her a purpose. A reason to live. If Charlie wanted to change the rules and orders she had previously set, then that was fine.
Charlie started slow, taking Vaggie's clothes off piece by piece.
It wasn't sexual, Vaggie knew when Charlie wanted more from a night together, even their gentle nights weren't like this. This was a sensual whisper of 'I missed you'.
This was I want skin on skin contact.
This was the closeness of a baby just after birth. When skin contact was vital for helping regulate temperature, heartbeat, breathing and connection.
This felt like life or death.
But only to Vaggie.
Charlie continued to whisper all the aspects she loved about Vaggie, moving from physical features to personality traits, to weird quirks.
Vaggie felt naked and scared. The words washed over her, but nothing soaked through. Her heart rate increased as she began to panic.
The closeness felt suffocating.
She should tell Charlie to stop. That she wasn't ready for any amount of emotional or physical closeness yet.
But the rules were changing.
Charlie was deciding which rules stuck. What if she no longer wanted Vaggie thoughts or opinions? She had filled the hotel on her own. Vaggie's opinion wasn't worth much anyway.
What if this was a couple clearing of the board? No rules no orders.
When Charlie brought her to bed, she finally seemed to notice the heart hammering against Vaggie's chest.
"Shhhh. It's okay, we're not doing anything tonight. You can relax. Tell me what's wrong."
Vaggie opened her mouth but nothing came out. It was an order. To tell her what was wrong. But did Charlie want the truth? Did she want half truth sounding board Vaggie? Did she want the softened words of girlfriend Vaggie? Did she want the rough uncaring truth of first found Vaggie?
The safest option was to ask.
"What do you want me to say?"
There were a few seconds of silence. Vaggie looked up to see a confused and slightly hurt look on Charlie's face. She had chosen wrong.
"The truth? Always the truth. Please, I can't- don't- don't lie to me again."
Vaggie nodded. Going with the most honest answer she could come up with.
"I don't know."
She doesn't know what's wrong. She doesn't know why she's bad at obeying. She doesn't know what the rules are anymore. She doesn't know what Charlie wants from her. She doesn't know why she feels suffocated in the arms of someone she once never wanted to leave. She doesn't know what's wrong with her.
Charlie sighs. She's disappointed in Vaggie again.
We can talk more about it after the battle.
There's a time limit now. Vaggie can feel it. She used to be so good at being hotel manager. She used to be so good at commanding respect. She used to be so good at being Charlie girlfriend.
Since they visited heaven she has done nothing but fail at all of these.
And now...
her and Charlie are over.
Vaggie doesn't sleep. Vaggie doesn't cry. Vaggie doesn't even think. Vaggie lays there and listens to Charlie quiet snores and lets herself get pulled into tighter snuggles. Vaggie ignores the burning in her back as her wings scream out. Vaggie doesn't do anything.
The arms around her body won't let her.
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theamberfist · 4 months
Cursed-Cat and Mouse | Uncle Alastor & Cursed Cat Alastor HC's
Familial! Alastor is Reader's Uncle
Description: A strange cat pops up at the hotel one day and begins terrorizing everyone; especially a certain mouse
(Notes: CW Alastor, death, violence) (gender neutral reader) (Reader is Alastor's niece/nephew/whatever term you prefer) (Reader is blind) (Reader is a mouse sinner)
Words: 979
❀ These headcannons are related to One Blind Mouse, a little oneshot I wrote! A friend of mine said 'if you're going to have a mouse reader you need to involve Cursed Cat Alastor' so here were are! ❀
♡ Considering Alastor literally had a niece/nephew/etc who was a mouse, no one expected him to get a pet cat
♡ And to be honest, neither did he
♡ No one knows how or why the cat showed up, it just appeared one day and they couldn't get rid of it so it lives at the hotel now
♡ Everyone calls it 'cursed cat Alastor' because it apparently looks just like your uncle but he refuses to admit the truth of that name so he just calls it a vermin
♡ When the cat first showed up, you were terrified
♡ You thought your uncle Al had finally gotten tired of carrying you around in his pocket and had decided to do away with you when you heard the meow of a cat in the lobby
♡ So when the cat stopped and noticed you there was a good five seconds where you both just froze; you out of fear and it out of who-knows-what-emotion 
♡ Then you took off running and, naturally, it chased you
♡ You probably ran all through the hotel (luckily you knew the place well enough not to bump into anything), shouting for your uncle, before he finally appeared and was surprised to see the little creature had no cornered you 
♡ He thought it was a prank on your part at first. Even in life, you'd always loved to pull tricks like this. But when he noticed the cat literally salivating over you he finally reached down and grabbed it by the scruff of its neck; letting out a hum of curiosity
♡ You climbed up Alastor's suit to take your place safely in his pocket as he debated what to do with it and that was when everyone else came into the room, witnessing the scene
♡ Angel thought it was hilarious, Husk was as unamused as ever, Sir Pentious teared up at its cuteness, Nifty was distracted by some nearby bugs, and Charlie was so excited by the little creature that Vaggie had to hold her back from running over and grabbing it
♡ Charlie, loving the fact that the cat looked exactly like Alastor, insisted they keep it, to your dismay
♡ She listened to your concerns though and promised she wouldn't let it hurt you and that they'd train the cat
♡ She even got a little collar with a bell for the thing so you could more easily hear it when it was coming
♡ For the first week, you lived in absolute fear
♡ You refused to leave Alastor's pocket for anything except the few times he actually slept at night when you would bury yourself in his hair for protection
♡ For some reason, he and the cat really hated each other. Whenever he came near it, the thing would his and bat at him, earning an angry smile from him in response
♡ He tried to kill it several times through mysterious circumstances but to no avail. Somehow, the cat would evade his traps every single time; as if it simply couldn't be killed
♡ Finally, there was a day where you simply couldn't be in Alastor's pocket and he had to leave you behind at the hotel
♡ You were both devastated and terrified as your uncle left but Sir Pentious promised you he'd have the egg boys protect you until he came back
♡ They did a good job for about ten minutes but then they got distracted and suddenly you were left alone with the cat in the same room as you
♡ You froze as you heard it come over to you, fully expecting to be eaten right there and then. But to your surprise, it started purring and nuzzling against your tiny body. You reached up to pet its ears and then suddenly it didn't seem so scary anymore
♡ Imagine Alastor's surprise when he returned to the hotel later that day to find you curled up on the couch with the cat; fast asleep as you lay against its side. It was wide awake, though, with its eyes looking in opposite directions and everything
♡ After that Alastor almost wished the cat would have attacked you instead
♡ He could not get you away from the thing; no one could. It became like your little bodyguard; always around you as it protected you from any impending danger
♡ Charlie thought it was sweet but your uncle Al did not appreciate having his role as your protector be called into question like that
♡ You rode the cat around like it were a horse, you slept on its warm and soft belly, you let it lead you around like some kind of service animal, you took care of it and made sure its fur was always pristine despite it being the most cursed being the hotel had ever seen (in Alastor's opinion)
♡ He would never admit to being jealous of a literal cat but he was jealous of a literal cat; especially because it resembled him so much
♡ But since you loved the cat so much he had to put up with it
♡ The only time Alastor approved of your little bodyguard was when Lucifer visited the hotel
♡ Before, Lucifer would make a big show out of offering to become your uncle too, which Charlie was always happy about since she wanted a cousin. The king of hell liked you as much as everyone else at the hotel, and he especially liked making your uncle jealous the way he'd once done with Charlie
♡ But now that the cat was around it wouldn't even let Lucifer near you
♡ As much as the thing hated Alastor, it seemed to hate Lucifer even more so gone were the days where he could swoop in and offer to be your new uncle or put you on his hat and fly around like before
♡ Alastor supposed the cat was good for something, after all 
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Could I request a Valentino x Fem! Reader? I know not a lot of people like him because of yk ಥ_ಥ
But basically the hazbin hotel crew are looking for ways to break Angel out of his contract with Valentino and ended up going to the reader because Angel said she was the most tolerable vee-
So reader is one of the vees and is a dance choreographer and owns the souls of her dancer
Anyways the hazbin hotel crew arrived at her studio not knowing the other vees were there. Angel dust noticed them and the crew tried to become unnoticed and eventually saw the reader dancing and dancers watching her steps
The crew get closer to the vees and overhears their conversation, basically Valentino worshipping the reader and the crew is shocked of Valentino's relationship with the reader
Little note; The reader and Valentino are in a relationship ;p
Thank you! 😊
So, first can I say I loved this prompt idea and it was so interesting! Like seriously love this idea.
I can understand why people are wary to write for him and why there’s not a lot of Valentino stuff out there. To be quite honest, I probably won’t write for Val on like my own posting, like the fics/headcannons I create just because and post, but I know there are people who do like him and want to see content so I keep Val as a writing option open in the requests.
All that said, I do LOVE the dynamic you gave here though, so i made the reader a little bit more assertive and definitely gives the vibes she wears the pants in the relationship kinda thing. I think for a healthy relationship, or at least as close to one as possible, who ever is involved with Val has to push back and he has to allow it. Is that respect on his part to allow it or love idk.
This was definitely a challenge for me, but we got it done! I do apologize for this long intro and response, I do really hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
rating: PG
genre: fluffy/slight angst
characters: Valentino x reader (Val is somewhat OOC)
warnings: talk of how Val treats people, soul owning
“Okay, so, we need a plan!” Charlie said, looking determined standing in front of Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Nifty, Cherri and Alastor. After learning that Sir Pentious was redeemed, Angel wanted to turn over a new leaf and was more serious about redemption. The only thing holding him back, was that Val owned his soul.
“I don’t know if ya goin’ ta be able to pull this off Charlie.” Angel said, looking skeptical.
“That is not the spirit we need! We can do this, we just have to think of a way.” Charlie looked at the group and her eyes fell on Alastor. “Alastor, you’re an overlord. How do we get Angel’s soul back?”
“I could go eat Valentino.” Alastor said, his smile widening.
“No. I don’t want turf war or any war involving us and the Vees.” Vaggie said. Charlie nodded.
“That’s true.” Charlie agreed.
“It would have been more fun.” Alastor said with a shrug.
“For who?” Husk asked, looking at Alastor.
“For me, of course Husker!” Alastor laughed. “Though there is something you can try…” Alastor trailed off.
Everyone looked at him expectantly. “Oh, I figured you all had thought about this already. The moth has a special little toy that does all the media dance choreography, she also owns a studio too. Sweet little thing. Met her in cannibal town a few times as she was passing through.” Alastor mentioned.
“That’s right.” Angel murmured. “I had heard rumors that she was the fourth Vee. She’s an overlord and owns all her dancers souls. She’s crazy powerful.” Angel added.
“Then let’s go talk to her!” Charlie said!
“You talking to people doesn’t always go well.” Nifty popped into the conversation before running off.
“She has a point.” Husk said as Charlie deflated.
“Why don’t we infiltrate one of her classes? Can anyone pull up the schedule, they have to have a class schedule right?” Vaggie looked around as Angel grabbed his phone.
“There’s a class tonight in just a few hours. And she’s leading it.” Angel whispered.
“Okay, so we get in the class. We stay after and we talk to her.” Vaggie planned out. Everyone nodded.
“Okay, let’s get changed and ready for a dance class!” Charlie exclaimed.
It was soon decided after, that Charlie, Vaggie and Angel would be going. Alastor would be close by in case anything was needed, leaving Nifty and Husk at the hotel.
Getting into the dance class was easy. No one recognized them, until they all three stepped into the class and realized that all the Vees were there. Val, Vox and Velvette, all present for this class and Y/N, the fourth Vee, was just standing there chatting away, saying something that the Vees genuinely laughed at. Thankfully, Vox and Velvette left, stating they were going shopping and then would save a seat at some restaurant. Valentino on the other hand sat down near the back, just watching.
You commanded the dancers and the presence of the room effortlessly as she taught new choreography. By the end, even Charlie was impressed as she had learned a lot. Angel on the other hand had never looked happier. This was all he ever wanted to do. Dance and sing, perform. He sighed as class wrapped up and he drank some water, trying to blend in. He happened to hear Valentino and you talking, so he motioned Charlie and Vaggie over to listen.
“You were so fluid baby, and the way that you commanded the room. You showed all those little sluts exactly who’s in charge.” He praised you, and you smiled at him.
“Val, what did we say about not calling my dancers sluts or whores?” You said.
“Uh, not to?” Val asked. You nodded.
“Just because I own their souls or will own their souls doesn’t mean it can’t be respectful.” You responded cleaning up, and picking up on three figures still lingering and doing a pretty shitty job at hiding they were.
“But you own their souls baby. You have to show them who’s boss! And look sexy while doing it!” Val exclaimed.
“Didn’t I show them whose boss, pretty?” You ask Val and cross over to him. “Didn’t you see the way they listened and followed every step of mine?”
“I-uh-yes.” Val stammered out his cheeks aflame.
“Then don’t worry.” You said and cupped his cheek.
“I know, mi amor. I’m just-“ Val starts.
“I know. You’re scared of one of them loosing it on me? Like what happened to you?” You ask and watch Val nod, his eyes closed. “I’ve told you that I think you pushed them too far. Your mind comes up with some of the most interesting yet perverse ideas.” You sigh and grab his hand. “I’m fine. I’ve been an overlord longer than I’ve been with the Vees.” Val nods and kisses your forehead.
“Go on and catch up with Vel and Vox, I’ll be right there.” You say cleaning up.
“But amor, I want to spend more time with you-“ Val protests.
“No, go on, I know you’re hungry and I need to make sure the space is ready for tomorrow. Vel wants to practice that main number.” You say pushing him out. “I won’t be long darlin’. Then we can spend all night together.” You grin at Val.
“You always know just the right thing to say, beautiful. I’ll be timing how long you’re gone.” Val jokes and you roll your eyes.
“Mmmhmmm, go on lover boy.” You wave and watch him leave and wait until he’s out of eye sight.
“You three are bold to come here.” You say still cleaning up. You see the three people stiffen who were waiting around. “You didn’t think I’d notice you?” You ask, flicking your wrist and dropping the curtains and making the video feed loop so Vox couldn’t watch.
“What are you doing here Angel?” You ask walking up to them. His eyes widen and you see two other women with him.
“How do you know who I am?” Angel asks, suspicious.
“Because, you have caused the most fights in mine and Val’s relationship. We almost broke up over you one time.” You say, leaning against the mirrors in the back, all three of their eyes widening. “Not because of his connection to you either doll. Because I don’t like the way he treats you.” Angel looked at you, eyes still wide, almost like he wasn’t believing.
“We’re trying to get Angel’s soul back.” Charlie mentioned.
“And you want that contract from Valentio?” You ask, laughing. “It would take almost prying it out of his cold, dead hands. I don’t know what you’ve done, but you are his favorite.” You shake your head and look at Angel who looks ready to cry. Your eyebrows raise.
“I know. I know I am and I don’t know why. I’ve tried-I’ve tried not to be. When I started this he said I could perform and I wanted to perform. Not like now but sing, ya know. Dance?” Angel’s tears fall over and you nod.
“Is there anything you can do?” Vaggie asks.
“Well I was watching you during class, you’re naturally talented. I could start breaking down Val’s resolve and have him transfer the contract to me, so you could be one of my dancers. My performers. If you worked at it, I could easily put you in my elite group.” You offered. Angel’s eyes widened with hope.
“But it will take some time and you must NOT say a word unless I direct you to. I mean it. Otherwise it will end badly for both of us.” Angel nods and you start walking them out. Alastor appearing in front of you at the door.
“Oh my goodness! Alastor! What are you doing here? Are you finally going to take a class to learn some more modern moves?” You joke and he laughs.
“No, my dancing is just fine dear. I see you found our little infiltrators.” He chuckles.
“I did. You were not kidding when you said Angel was a natural.” You smiled.
“You contacted her before?” Charlie asked.
“Of course! I wanted her to see Angel and how he performs. He’s quite the natural?” Alastor asks.
“Smiles, you didn’t have ta…” Angel trails off.
“I know I don’t have to do anything. I was paying back a favor to a friend of mine who needs some good talent in her group.” Alastor said looking at you. You sigh and half nod.
“The numbers dwindle each year and the talent get halved each year. At try outs I’m lucky if I can get 5 talented new people.” Alastor hums in sympathy as you look outside.
“You all need to get back though. Alastor can you shadow travel them at least out of the area? I fear Vox will be watching to see where I’m at.” You explain and magically draw the curtains getting everything ready for lock up.
“Of course.” Alastor says, looking at the three. They step closer and before anyone can do anything Angel runs to you and hugs you. You stiffen for a moment and the laugh.
“It’s all right honey. We’ll figure it out, just be strong until then all right? I’ll harp on Val to be nicer.” Angel nods and then goes back to the group.
“Pleasure meeting you Princess, Vaggie! I’ll see you around Angel and always good talking to you Alastor!” They wave and are submerged in darkness and gone from your shop. You walk out and lock the front door, seeing the security camera turn to you. You wave and send a text telling the crew you’re on your way. Helping Angel would certainly be a benefit to your dancers when he joined you, and join you he would.
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switchypanic · 8 months
One Last Trust Exercise || A 'Hazbin Hotel' Tickle Fic
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Summary: The night before The Extermination, the hotel crew decides to play a game of truth or dare. After all, what do they have to lose? They'll probably all be dead the next day anyways. However, a few interesting secrets come to light, and the evening takes a surprising turn.
Content Warnings: Canon-typical language and MINOR spoilers for the beginning of episode eight.
Word Count: 2,475 words.
Nobody was excited for what tomorrow would bring. The threat of imminent, painful failure loomed over their heads, unable to be masked by alcoholic beverages or (attempts at) rousing speeches. For them to survive, it was going to take a miracle, and Heaven had not been too keen on giving those out up to that point. However, there was a small bright side to the situation, as hard as it is to believe.
With little left to lose, the hotel staff were oddly relaxed with each other, showing the most affection and open comradery towards one another that Charlie had ever seen from the group. Husk and Angel were sharing drinks and snickering softly to each other at the bar, the former overlord absentmindedly cleaning a few shot glasses as the spider demon watched, barely muffling snickers behind one of his many hands. Whatever the two were joking about was lost on the princess, not that she minded in the slightest.
Nifty was rambling to Cherri Bomb about her newest creation, a morbid adaptation of 'Romeo and Juliet' which utilized the many roaches she had exterminated as puppets, garnering looks of concern and feigned smiles of encouragement from her captive audience. From a few meters away, Alastor listened in silently, his ever present smile somehow even wider than usual, betraying his clear amusement at the situation before him.
And then there was Vaggie, mumbling quiet words of encouragement to Sir Pentious in the far corner of the room, away from any prying ears. The snake demon fiddled with his hat, eyes flickering over to Cherri Bomb, causing his hood to flare open for a moment before he forced it back down with his hands. Charlie couldn't help but giggle; Vaggie wasn't the best at flirting herself, yet she was still trying her best to be a good wingman. If Charlie had thought she couldn't possibly be any more in love with the woman, she was being proven wrong yet again.
Charlie felt a pang of anxious sadness in her heart, knowing that all of the progress they had made could be undone in a single instant tomorrow morning. A single pierce from an exorcist's blade could mean the end, the final end, for any one of them. It could mean the sudden and cruel end of everything they had been working so hard to achieve.
The princess wrung her hands, blinking back tears as she attempted to calm herself down. Getting all worked up in front of everyone wouldn't help matters. No, she needed to do something to get her mind off of tomorrow. Scouring her mind for any ideas, one suddenly came to her, and her usual smile returned in a flash.
Clearing her throat, Charlie climbed atop of the nearby coffee table, careful not to accidentally knock over one of the many whisky glasses left strewn about. "Um, excuse me everyone! Can I have your attempt for a moment?" She yelled.
The various conversations paused, heads turning expectantly towards her.
"I had an idea for one final trust exercise for us to do before tomorrow; truth or dare! Anyone who wants to play is welcome to, but it's totally not mandatory!" Charlie announced. "Like I said, spend tonight however you guys want! I just thought it might be fun for us to-"
"Sounds fun to me!" Angel Dust interrupted, a playful smirk plastered to his face as he got to his feet. "Haven't played that since before I bit the bullet back on Earth. What do you say, Husk? You in too?" The actor asked, glancing over his shoulder at the cat demon.
Husk hummed, seemingly thinking it over. "Aah, what the hell? Why not? Not like I've got much else to do tonight." The bartender replied, shrugging.
Charlie turned her attempt to Nifty, who was bouncing on her toes with excitement. "Oh, I love that game! I love that game!" The short sinner squealed.
Cherri Bomb couldn't help but snort with laughter. "Fuck yeah, I'm in too! Last time I played that, I got to spend ten minutes in a closet with some super hot hellhound!"
From across the room, Charlie noticed Pentious' face go bright red. "I'm afraid I'm not familiar with such a game...but I would be willing to learn!" The snake demon pipped in. "This...Truth Or Dare, as you called it, does sound quite intriguing. How about you, Vagatha? Shall you be joining in as well?"
Vaggie rolled her eyes. "NOT my name, dude. We've been over this. But...yeah, why not?" The former Exorcist shot her girlfriend a gentle smile, and Charlie felt like her heart was going to beat right out of her chest.
Now, it seemed the only one left to answer was...
Charlie turned her attention to Alastor. The overlord hadn't moved from his previous position, though his expression had changed ever so slightly, bearing an emotion that Charlie couldn't quite discern. "Al? What about you?" The princess asked, offering an encouraging smile. "You want to play? No pressure, of course!" She half expected him to say no. Alastor was a private man, and while he often enjoyed messing with others, he didn't seem the type to play a game which could leave him vulnerable in some capacity.
However, to her surprise, the radio host let out a small laugh and quickly strode over to her. "Why not? I'm afraid I'm also unfamiliar with such a game, though I have been told I'm a fast learner!" Alastor replied.
Charlie squealed with excitement, jumping off of the table and ushering everyone forwards. "Great! Alright, everybody get into a circle on the floor!" She instructed, plopping down on the carpet with a soft thud. Vaggie took the seat to her right, as expected, and Nifty to her left. Alastor positioned himself between Nifty and Sir Pentious, the later of which had strategically made sure to claim a seat next to Cherri. Finally, Angel and Husk finished out the circle (were Charlie's eyes deceiving her, or was Husk ever so slightly wrapping a wing around the actor).
The princess clapped her hands with excitement. "Okay, since some of you haven't played before, I'll explain the rules! When the game starts, I'll ask one of you to pick truth or dare. If you pick truth, you have to answer whatever question I ask honestly. If you pick dare, you have to do whatever I dare you to. Once you've done either of those things, it's your turn to ask somebody else!"
Sir Pentious raised a hand. "ANYTHING you ask or dare? What if you wanted me to sign over my soul?" He asked, shooting a distrusting look at Alastor.
Charlie hummed, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Good point! I guess it would be a good idea to put some rules in place, just for safe keeping. If there is a truth or dare you really aren't comfortable with doing, use the safeword...apple!"
"And how do we know if somebody is telling the truth?" The snake demon continued, head cocked to the side with curiousity.
"That's the thing, we're working on the honor system! It's up to you guys to stay truthful with us. Remember all of our previous exercises; you can trust everyone here!"
Husk snorted. "Suuure..." He grumbled, also shooting Alastor a nasty look. If the deer demon was bothered by the group's apparent distrust in him, he didn't show it.
"Alright, I'll go first! Hm....Vaggie, truth or dare?" Charlie asked, beaming from ear to ear as she turned towards her girlfriend. The former Exorcist chuckled, shaking her head.
"Okay then, what's your favorite food?" Angel could be heard snickering from across the circle; of course Charlie would pick such a vanilla question.
"See?" Charlie squealed with delight. "It's super easy! You'll all get the hang of it in no time! Okay, Vaggie, it's your turn to ask someone!"
"Oookay..." Vaggie slowly glanced around the circle, taking a moment to think before selecting her target. "Cherri, truth or dare?"
The bomb expert grinned impishly. "You kiddin' me? Dare, mate!"
"Then I dare you to...do a cartwheel."
Cherri Bomb scoffed, getting to her feet. "For real? I can do that in my sleep!" She retorted, easily demonstrating her point as she completed the dare with ease. Nifty clapped excitedly, letting out a maniacal giggle.
"Bravo, bravo!"
Cherri looked over to the shorter demoness, chuckling as she sat back down. "Alright, pipsqueak, your turn! Truth or dare?"
The janitor was practically vibrating with excitement. "Oooh, dare! Dare!"
"Then I dare you to give ol' Angie here a taste of the tickle monster treatment, yeah?" Cherri replied, sending a knowing smirk to her friend.
Angel, who had been preoccupied whispering something to Husk, sputtered in shock. "What the fuck? Cherri!" The actor cried out, a look of betrayal on his face. "Did you have to throw me under the bus?!"
The other shrugged. "Sorry, mate! I'm kinda limited on the kinds of dares I'm allowed to give at this bloody place."
Angel's head snapped in Nifty's direction, his heart racing as the tiny cyclops scuttled over to him, giggling with excited glee. "N-Now Nif, we can talk about this, yeah?" A grin was already starting to tug at Angel's lips, and while he leaned back slightly, he made no real effort to get away.
"Sorry, a dare's a dare!" Nifty launched herself forward, nearly knocking the actor onto his back with the force of her movement. The smaller sinner's fingers immediately found their way to Angel's sides, digging in with chaotic zeal. Angel let out a surprised yelp, biting down on his lip in a vain attempt to contain his chuckles.
"Nohoho! Nifty, cohohome on! Lemme gohohohoho!"
"Ah, he doesn't mean that! Just look at him; he's barely fighting back!" Cherri replied, grinning deviously. "Wait, not barely fighting back, more like not fighting back AT ALL."
From across the rug, Charlie was cooing at the endearing sight, and even Vaggie was starting to smile a little.
"Aaw, this is so cute!" The princess gushed.
"You think this is cute? Lil' gremlin ain't even gettin' one of his really good spots. You latch onto one of those, he's DONE FOR." Cherri was determined to fluster the shit out of him, wasn't she?"
Angel's face turned a brilliant shade of pink, his face burrowing into his hands in an attempt to hide itself. "Cheheherri, shuhuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" He whined. Next to him, Husk couldn't contain the teasing grin tugging at his own lips.
"Well, well. Never would have pegged you as the ticklish type, considering your line of work."
Angel collapsed backwards onto the carpet as Nifty was gently pried off of him by Cherri, supporting his upper body on his elbows. It seemed the brief attack had been enough to satisfy his companion's mischievous streak, though Nifty herself was protesting over her fun being cut short. "Oho, cohohome off it. Everybody's a bit ticklish, ain't they?" He retorted.
"Not me." Husk replied smugly. A burst of laughter rang out from across the circle; it seemed Alastor was finally ready to speak up.
"Now Husker, it's not very nice to lie to one's friends, is it?" The Radio Demon chided, shaking his head in disapproval. The cat demon shot him a glare, wings puffing up slightly.
"I ain't lying!"
Alastor hummed, grin sharpening as a devious glint entered his eyes. "Funny, I seem to remember you rolling on the round, wheezing with laughter during your last shedding season. If I recall correctly, Nifty had decided to take a grooming brush to your wings. Ringing any bells?"
While not especially evident because of his fur, Husk knew that he was blushing up a storm. "You shut it!" He growled, tail flicking back and forth in flustered irritation.
"There's nothing to be embarrased about, Husk! I'm ticklish, and as we all just saw, so is Angel! It's completely normal!" Charlie chimed in, attempting to offer reassurance. "It wouldn't surprise me if everyone here was to some degree!"
"Hey, stop draggin' me into this!" Angel groaned. "Though I suppose she does have a point; I ain't never met somebody who ain't ticklish SOMEWHERE!"
"I'm not!" Nifty said, beaming with pride.
"Yeah, suuure." Cherri chuckled in response, shaking her head.
"I'm afraid little Nifty is quite right; both Husker and I have attempted to tickle her on multiple occasions, to no success." Alastor said, sharing a sharp-toothed smile with the little cyclops. "She seems to be indestructible when it comes to tickling."
Happy to have the conversation directed away from his own sensitivity, Husk nodded. "As much as I hate to say it, Smiles is right on that front. The girl's a walking fortress; no cracks in the foundation."
Noticing that Sir Pentious had been oddly quiet, Vaggie gave him a gentle nudge. "How about you?" She asked, wanting to ensure the snake demon felt included.
Pentious flinched, hood flaring out slightly. "Who, me?" He chuckled nervously. "Why, the great Sir Pentious isn't ticklish! It would be rather unbecoming of a villain such as I, would it not?"
"Not necessarily. Anyone can be ticklish, even villains." Charlie said gently.
Angel Dust snorted with laughter. "You say that, but somehow I have a hard time picture Al rolling on his ass and laughin' up a storm!" The actor butted in, pointing an accusatory finger at the overlord. "What IS the deal with YOU, huh? You got anything your wanna admit to the group?"
The faint sound of buzzing radio static could be heard lingering in the air. "Me? Why, I don't see how that's any of your business, is it?" Alastor replied, head cocking to the side as if to challenge the other demon.
"That ain't a no." Angel retorted with a small smirk.
Nifty jumped to her feet, waving her arms about excitedly. "Oh, oh! He is! He is! This one time, I-" The little demoness was cut off as Alastor scooped her up, pressing a palm against her mouth.
"Now, now, my dear! Some things are best left a secret, hm?"
"No fuckin' way, I wanna hear it!" Angel leaned forward, eyes narrowing playfully. "Go on, Nif! Tell us aaall about it!" As Nifty squirmed in Alastor's hold, frantic talking could be heard muffled behind his hand. A moment later, Alastor suddenly released his grip, lip curling as he recoiled in disgust.
"Did you just LICK my hand?!"
Charlie knew she should probably put a stop to things before they got too crazy; that she should redirect the group back to the game. However, seeing the pure, silly interactions they were having, she just couldn't bring herself to do it. After all, why not let them have their silly little squabble?
After tomorrow, it could be a good, long while before any of them could relax again.
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This technically wouldn’t be considered cheating right? Can you (if you want to) do the people of the Hazbin Hotel Crew trying to cheer up a gn reader after finding out they have been cheated on? Just the ones that live in the hotel, or whoever you prefer!
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Uhh, this is a gray area, But sure! (For context I wouldnt wanna write Adam x lucifer wife reader but this is fine!)
TW: mentions of cheating, killing, and fluff!
Alastor - Al would be, well based on how close you are to him, he'd react one of two ways, if you were close, like family to him he'd hunt them down for sport! cook you some jambalaya, and then read you a book and send you off to bed, like the good father figure he is! If you were just his friend, still hunt them for sport and jambalaya just not the fatherly actions, maybe like, throw a blanket on you, he isn't that good at comforting people, He'd probably ask rosie for help. Angel dust - Bar hopping, venting about feelings and most importantly FAT NUGGETS. He would let you cuddle that pig for as many hours as you needed, as he made a plan with cherri to find the bastard who broke your heart. His mission for the next at least month would be to make sure you smile! Vaggie: She isn't the best with feelings, but would help the best she could, probably go off and deal with your Ex either ripping them a new hole or just killing them. But she would come back with ice cream and your favorite movies! Husk: Husker would hand you a hard drink and let you talk to him, he'd tell you they missed out on one of the best people he knows and you'd end up talking shit about them! Nifty: She'd steal their hair! Little bugger is insane but she'd hand it to you as a offering to hopefully make you feel better! Charlie: Charlie would be SO upset on your behalf! I mean how dare someone hurt HER friend! In such a cruel way too! She'd shower you with your favorite candies, books, movies, blankets, and you'd have razzle and dazzle for company! She'd most likely go and have a FIRM talking to to your Ex! Sir Pentious: He would stay that they are the worst person ever and offer for you to help him make something that would either kill them, or seriously maim them. Extras! Lucifer: So many ducks. He would make a duck of your Ex then burn it in front of you, he's very much like his daughter in showering you in candy blankets and your favorite media, along side maybe sending a head hunt for your EX!
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starryeyeddreamer21 · 22 days
Characters as things I've said/heard people say
I went to the fair with my family so you get this
Angel: No regrets, if we die good riddance
Cherri: I would strap myself to a bomb for fun
Charlie: I haven't pet a cow in too long I think
Vaggie: *furious* All because I can't crochet
Husk: if I was a goat I'd uhhh umm I don't know I'd probably just be a goat... Sleep maybe?
Angel: I'm going to touch your ankles
Husk: What are you, some kind of Victorian pervert?
Charlie: *gasping and pointing to a sign* SUPER FRIED CHICKEN
Angel: Lame I want super SUPER fried chicken
Alastor: *watching pork roast* Gorgeous
Charlie: *feeding Vaggie* here comes the airplane
Alastor: ... That was embarrassing for both of you
Vaggie: *watching a man dressed as a cockroach walk by* The men have started morphing into their true forms
Cherri: Wouldn't it be funny if this place got set on fire
Charlie: No??? There would be a stampede
Cherri: Oh damn I would die
Charlie: No, you would stampede?
Cherri: I wouldn't run
Charlie: *sigh* yeah, of course not
Sir Pentious: If I died on a rollercoaster my last words would be "Wahoo"
Nifty: I need to destroy, I need to rip something to shreds with my bare hands
Lucifer and his Candy apple adventures a saga:
Lucifer: *holding a candy apple* oh hell yeah I'm gonna fuck this shit UP
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *doesn't notice*
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *looks around* ???
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Alastor: *looks back at him* What are you doing?
Lucifer: Huh?
Lucifer: *spits seed at Alastor*
Lucifer: What are you talking about????
Alastor: You're throwing something in my hair and on my shoulders and back-
Lucifer: *singing* head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes!
(my sister never figured out what I was doing 💀)
Lucifer: *still eating his candy apple* Why am I eating this like a chicken wing?
Charlie: Is that not how you're supposed to eat it?
Lucifer: You are absolutely right
Lucifer: *covered in candy apple* I'm sticky 🥺
Lucifer: *done with his candy apple but still chewing on the stick*
Alastor: *takes a bite of a mozzarella stick*
Lucifer: *gasps* MOZZARELLA STICKS
Alastor: *dips mozzarella sticks in marinara sauce and holds it out to Lucifer*
Lucifer: *reaches for it*
Alastor: *takes it back and glares*
Lucifer: what? oh- weirdo *eats it from his hand*
Lucifer: Can you bring me to the bathroom?
Alastor: I'm not carrying you
Lucifer: *rolls eyes* can you walk me to the-
Alastor: I might be able to find you a little red wagon
Lucifer: I'm going to punch you
Cherri: Froot loops are just-
Angel: *nods seriously* Gay Cheerios
Charlie: I need to find a bathroom to cry in asap
Vaggie: She's either drunk or high off something
Angel: I think it would be easier if I was high
Charlie: All I can smell is weed
Angel and Cherri: *deep inhale*
Charlie: NO
Alastor: Ugh there are so many people
Lucifer: I know I'm dying
Alastor: *completely monotone* oh no the horrors
Stranger: Is that your dad?
Husk: Do I look that old?
Angel: No, we're married
Stranger: Oh... you're married
Angel: *laughing* No
Lucifer: *singing along* I can count on you like 4 3 2 you'll be there
Alastor: No I'd leave you
Lucifer: Yeah I know
Alastor: Like everyone else
Lucifer: oh
Nifty: *staring at crystals* Do I think they could heal me? No, I am beyond repair. Do I think they're so so so so pretty? YES!!! I NEED THEM
Lucifer: *overstimulated, angry, and grinning with tears in his eyes* I wish I could enjoy things
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel Characters based on how much I'd trust them to do a coffee run 🏨😈🎶👼
ah sweet Charlie
Dear sweet Charlotte
She would bend over backwards just to get you a cup of coffee, and that might be the main root of the problem
First of all, If 1 person asks her for coffee, everyone gets something. Everyone.
She's also gonna be a little overbearing
She means well, she really does
But if you only order something like a simple, small black coffee, be prepare to be brought a large black coffee, 2 large Frappes, a breakfast sandwich, a salad and a yogurt bowl
She's sweet but she be doing to much fr
Vaggie 🗡️🦋:
Vaggie is one of the best people in hell/the hotel you can ask to go on a coffee run for you
She's gonna go in, grab your order and get out asap
Where she loses a point is that she might accidentally get distracted by something she saw in a shop window that reminded her of Charlie
You can't even be that mad tbh cuz like...it is a cute outfit that she got for her XD
Other than the occasional distractions, she gets your order correct most of the time so shes a solid and trustworthy option
Don't ask him to do any favors for you
Even an innocent coffee run might bite you in the ass later
And that's assuming he even get you what you asked in the first place!
He's either gonna bring you what asked for and be really ominous about there possibly being poison in your drink(9/10 probably poisoned it 💀)
He's not bringing you anything
There is very little in between with him
He's also gonna high key judge you depending on what you order
He honestly might just get you a cup of black coffee instead of what you wanted because "It's the ✨proper✨ thing to have" 🙄
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
Listen...He means well but you can't trust him to get your order right sometimes
Hell, sometimes he'll bring you a half drunk drink cuz he just couldn't resist taking a sip 🤦🏻
He’s probably gonna forget what you asked for halfway to the café tbh
If he’s not feeling lazy he’ll call/text you and ask you to repeat your order
If he’s feeling lazy….may the odds be ever in your favor
It’s better to go with him tbh
He’ll even making it a day for the two of you
I mean who doesn’t wanna go shopping with this guy?🛍️😎
This man may be an alcoholic but he’s got job security for a reason!(Aside from, you know…Alastor 💀)
Memorizing orders is part of a bartender’s job so he’s gonna have your order memorized after you’ve said it once
He might complain but he’s out the door pretty quick for someone who just said he’d rather eat lead than go grab coffee for you XD
He also comes back quickly too
Mans does not mess around
He’s got a task to complete and he’s gonna do it asap so he can get back to the bar damn it! 😤
Efficient old kitty is efficient
…..I love this woman to death but I feel like trusting her to get you coffee is a death sentence…
If you see her preparing a coffee in the Hotel’s kitchen, go ahead and trust it, it’s probably pretty good
But sending her off to a café….
Best case scenario, she stabbed someone for their order because it was exactly what you asked for
Worse case scenario….the entire coffee goes up in flames because someone upset Nifty….
Please…for everyone’s safety….get it yourself
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
He’s a leggless golden retriever and you know it
He’s gonna agree to get you your coffee with 1000% enthusiasm
This is gonna go down 1 of 2 ways…
Option 1: egg boys
Don’t let them go
Lord only knows when they’ll be back
They will deadass come back at 3am with a cheeseburger and 5 packs of ranch
No coffee…
Option 2: Snake boy
This option…is at least more likely to get you some coffee
Here’s the problem….
Pentious is a smart guy…sometimes…
And for some reason, he just can’t seem to remember your order
So by the time he gets to the café’s doors, your order is forgotten
And instead of maybe calling or texting you…he slithers ALLLLLLL the way back to ask you what you wanted….
Please just go with him….let him feel like he’s doing a good job
Please 🙏
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hazbininserts · 6 months
Okay so I’ve been having a Vision
Basically, hazbin hotel with a reader, who is really sweet and really nice. They are very protective, always want to take care of people, and being kind of a motherly influence to everyone in the hotel. I’m going to say they were there in the beginning when Angel Dust started there. They are very protective of their family, and they see everyone in the hotel as their family.
Then, one day, Angel comes back after a bad time with Val, and they are really injured and probably concussed. This reader doesn’t usually look like someone who is a demon, but when they see the injuries, they get a smile that looks like Alastor’s when he’s angry. As soon as the reader has confirmation it was Valentino, they look Angel in the eyes and ask if Angel would be okay with Valentino disappearing. Like, he would never be able to harm anyone else again, and no one from the hotel would get in trouble, and they are asking for permission because ‘You have had decisions made for you too many time, so I want to allow you to decide if you are okay with this.’
Angel, probably due to the concussion and not thinking the reader could do it, agrees. The reader has Angel go upstairs to rest/eat/take a bath and self care, and sends Husk upstairs to keep an eye on Angel. Then, reader pulls out a phone that isn’t their regular phone, and everyone in the lobby (Vaggie, Charlie, Alastor, Nifty, not sure about Sir Pentious) hears one side of the following conversation. The quotations are what the reader said, and there are pauses in between lines.
“Hey, raptor, it’s me.”
“I need a favor. You remember Valentino?”
“Relax, I didn’t make a deal with him, but someone I care about did. Look, I want to bring back the deal we had when I was alive. And I want full scorched earth with Valentino. I want to be sure he can never hurt anyone again.”
“Don’t try to cheat me, I remember the deal, since this is only one guy, I only need to give five days.”
“No- Don’t you dare-“
“Do I need to call Wren? Because I will.”
“Fine. One week, four ‘special’ nights.”
“If you get this done before the weekend is over, I’ll even let you all dress me up in whatever you want, one person choosing per day, and won’t complain.”
“Have Wren or Raven call me afterwards, and I’ll arrange transportation with them.”
“Because if I arrange it with you, you won’t let me leave.”
“See you then.”
Then, reader hangs up, and breathes a sigh that is far heavier than the residents have ever heard before. Reader then smiles at them, wishes them a good night, and goes upstairs.
Are you guys interested in this? If I get more than 75 notes, I will link my ao3 and write it.
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 15/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
hooo weee this is a long one. A reaction chapter part 1
A few things to clear up:
Sir Pentious is in Heaven
They do not know that yet.
He'll have a part in the sequel!
Charlie is beyond worried.
She and the entirety of Pride sat in anticipation as Hell's highest powers perform the ritual again. Her dad disappeared a month ago and in his absence, she thinks she had handled Pride rather well. Vaggie and her friends were a big help though, as well as her uncles and aunts if they could.
Charlie has not missed once broadcast ever since it aired. Every time she looks for her dad among the demons and every time she's disappointed.
She keeps watching anyway in support- no matter how busy she was. The hotel residents do the same, dropping what they were doing to all sit in the couch together and watch this 'til it ended. The first time it aired created a mass panic that Charlie had to induce a Hellshake to placate her people. It somehow worked.
After the panic, it became the biggest hit "show" in Pride, resulting in the production of legit merch and even a few parodies- like it's just a game, like this can't kill them all.
That craze lasted almost 2 weeks but even the fanatics stopped watching when it was apparent that this wasn't a quick fix. Panic again then calm then panic- over and over and over again.
Vaggie: Babe?
Charlie: Hey, Vaggie.
Charlie tried to give her lover her usual smiles but she thinks she haven't given one ever since her dad left. Worry and guilt are eating her whole and she's just trying to stay afloat.
Vaggie: Hey, come on. What's going on in that pretty head of yours?
Charlie: Flatterer.
Vaggie: Not wrong though. But don't try to change the subject. .. Is it about your dad?
Charlie: I don't think I remember a time in a hundred years when it wasn't. When did it go so wrong, Vaggie? We were so happy when I was a kid..
Something inside the princess whispered her mother's name. She shakes off that thought because there's no way. Her mom and dad loved each other.
'But then why did they split? Why did your mom leave? Why did your dad fall in love with someone again?'
The voices are making a point but there's no chance her dad was going to tell her everything and it's not like her mom is even an option.
When Vaggie told her that Alastor and her dad were something, she tried to think of every moment she saw of her dad and the radio demon together after the hotel was rebuilt. The princess of Hell trusts Alastor but she doesn't know if she can trust him with her dad.
Charlie: Dad is happier.
Vaggie: Huh?
Charlie: Sorry. Was thinking of him and how Alastor is probably helping him come out more than I am.
Vaggie: Hey hey. I know your dad would be devastated if he knew you were thinking that. He loves you and you love him, right?
Charlie: More than anything.
Vaggie: That's my girl. Now why don't we-
Cherri: Holy shit! Guys! The broadcast turned on again!
All of them rushed to the lobby upon hearing the cyclops yell. They thought it was over 30 minutes ago when the nth overlord and Goetia fainted. Guess Vox was a bit afraid he would be next and turned it off to save face.
Angel: Holy shit!
Holy shit indeed. The one on the screen is none other than her dad! And a beautiful lady in white?
Husk: Who the fuck is that?
Nifty: She looks so clean! I wanna know what products she use.
Vaggie: Do you know who that is?
Charlie: Probably who dad was looking for.
Goodie: Such words! Angel, was self-preservation not included when you gave them the fruit of knowledge? Lucifer: Apparently not.
Okay, they clearly missed out on some context because her dad just arrived and he's mad. They watch as Lucifer grabs Velvette's face hard enough to bleed. Everyone is kneeling and seem to be locked in place. Husk eyes Alastor's monstrous form in the background warily.
Husk: Something happened.
Lucifer: I can't blame you. I was not the most present ruler, after all. But I thought I made something very clear when I dealt with that moth man.... I guess one example isn't enough.
One moment Velvette was struggle and the next her fucking jaw is gone!
Angel: Holy shit!
Husk: Ugh! You keep saying that. Don't you have any other words than holy shit?
Angel: 'M sorry, Huskie. But what else am I supposed to say to that huh??
Charlie's winces but her eyes are still glued to the screen as her dad summons his flaming sword and brings it down to the pink demon.
Lucifer: So, let me keep it simple. I'm Lucifer Morningstar. The creator of the first sin. The angel that damned humanity. Í̷̫̈́́͂̒̚̕͝͝͝'̶̨̛̺̤̿̀͒͛̂̿͋̄̑͆́͘͠͝M̴̝̯̖̦͍̽̎̏͆̔ ̴̛̛̄̋̈̑̓̀̓̃̄͐͗ͅŸ̷͇̙̟͈̭̥̬̻̙͔̠̱́̽̊̊ͅÔ̵̤͙͈̬̫̪͕̼͍͌̀̔͜U̴͈̼͖̯̤͌̀̀̓̾̔͆̈́̊͑͗̕͠͝R̵̨̹͍̦͒͌̋͒͆͌̄͛̓͑̔́͜ ̸̝͑̐̀̉̃͠͝F̵̞͖̮̗̗̜̯̯͔̮͒̊͒̈́̈́́̽́̂̂͑̎͝U̵̟̙̱̙̯̤̼̙͈̳̘̫͊̈̀C̷̙̞̔̅̊͌͋K̷̖͙̼̪̠̾̄̅̾͘I̵̛̩̘̜͖̩̙̿̐̽́͊́̒͆̆̎̑͗N̴̤̏̂͝G̸͋̋̍ͅ ̵̡͈̩̹̗̹̝̻̬͍̗̬̲̳̟̍͋̽͛̒̉̍͊͑̑̋̅̽Ḳ̷̡̬͔̞̱̤̬̮͉̙͇̪͛̅͊̚I̵̤͙̪̞̝͔̱͎̜̩̖̺̟͔̙͊Ṉ̵͈̤̘͚̻̙̼̓͂̌͋́̎͜ͅĢ̸̭͔͇̹̹̳̭͋̓̒͗̈́̉̈́̂̚.
They all had to avert their eyes as a giant ball of flame came down to finish Velvette off.
Lucifer: Û̶̪̌͐́̂̆͠͠n̸̛̟͕̱͍̫̘̻̣̱͈͈͇̱̜͛̓͗̏̅̇͋̒͆͊̓͗̚͠d̷̢̢̨̼̙͈̞͈͓͈͙̂̌͋̔̂̉̍̈́͆̿̈́̕͘͜͠e̵̛͍̯̫̼̫̐͛̊̒̆̉̓̊̽̓̒̒̚͘ŗ̶̨̢̧̮̜͙̪̹̯̙̪̤̠̝̓́̒̋͆̆̓̿͐̄̓̕̚̕ş̷̛̮͖̰̝̟͇͕̟̞̳̟̪̥̂̀̈́̈͗́̿̐̔̎̕̕͠t̶̮̖̭̹͓͉̪̣̦͙̖͍́͐͂̑͒̑͂̑̾̓̍̊͝ô̵̥͓̥͐̄̏̀̾̀̽̆ò̴̜͇̣̣̳͖̗̹̟̇̓͑͝ͅd̸̨̨͈͓̠͑͑̒̎̈́͘͠?̸̟̎̈
Even the sinners in the safety of the hotel nodded in fear. Lucifer made a delighted noise and with a clap, Velvette is back in one piece, albeit trembling in Vox's arms.
Lucifer: What? Do you really think I killed her? Sounds counterproductive. We still have a situation at hand and you are no use to me dead. Goodie: Up now! My sister is becoming restless.
Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Angel collapsed to Husk's side, when did he even stand up? Nifty didn't move a muscle but her maniacal smile is gone. Cherri started fiddling with an ignited bomb out of nowhere which Angel had to move to throw.
Goodie: Remember, angel, if this fails, you must do what I have told you. Lucifer: Let's start.
Angel: Holy shit.
Holy shit indeed.
Part 16 will be the 2nd part of the reaction before Lucifer goes in!
Dk if I will post on Wednesday as it will be my birthday! yayy
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tocomplainfriend · 9 months
Some random complaining!
Hazbin Hotel totally got cut off- I mean Viv probably wanted at least 3-4 season or something, but they just gave her 2. Cause the Angels already starting the genocide is so early. Which what does that mean for season 2 if this is just season 1?
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I really thought it all would've started after the events of the pilot. So we just got Alastor, Nifty, and Husk. And then getting Sir pentious in the hotel, and going through some time before the extermination.
I think we are going to get normal "get to know the characters" episodes, but then scaling to the extermination date. (which I thought it was held by the end of the year). No clue of what's after that... really.
The "we will show a heaven a fight" shows me that the idea of redemption of sinners is left behind really fast. Which I found interesting, so that sucks.
Oh, look is her!
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Also, I really thought they would do a small thing about the swearing. Look... I swear a shit ton! But Viv can not write all her characters like that. She said, "I write the characters how I talk"- that is not good because all characters talk the same and all force of swearing in the series disappears. The fact that Alastor doesn't swear is good, cause it gives him more character. I really hope that Charlie doesn't swear half as much, it would fit her character more. The daughter of Lucifer, that's the one out because she is nicer. But has casual to little swearing is outstanding. (It would be more special if multiple of the sins in HB weren't sweethearts). Husk swearing a lot makes sense old man, alcoholic, gambling addict from the '70s. Hopefully Nifty doesn't, She is from the 1950s when swearing was less frequent, and used specific words too-which I hope the language of the year is they are from-in the same way they are with Alastor. In the idea of Nifty being a maid during her life, you would guess she would swear less than other characters.
Every person talks and swears differently individually. So I hope not all characters over swear.
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Look at Nifty! (you can do small jokes like this without swearing or heavy sexual garbage all the time)
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These guys here looked a bit weird.
Also, I supposed Vaggie is still from 2014 and El Salvador, right? Like she died went to heaven, became a fallen angel... right? Am I wrong about that? Genuine question!
Also, I wonder what they will do with Sir Pentious? Velvette is not anywhere on the trailer, I think. I'm sure Baxter doesn't exist lmao. I really wonder how they will balance things with personal things for each character-at the same time of the angel's attack.
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Are they full front fight the angels? Where are this guy's machines?
Someone wanted a bunch of Broadway voices, and was so ready to throw old VA's out, damn.
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Are they going to have time to explore how characters died, what let them be in hell even? Gonna do a post about that and heaven stuff later on!
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imweirdimjazzy · 3 months
Questions of Hell
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Pairing: Alastor x GN!Reader
Description: after tiring a day, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for the radio demon chasing you with questions spending the night, right?
Warnings: mentions of drugs and that’s about it (alastor is prick btw)
Word count: 2104
A/N: hello! This is kinda my first time posting here in tumblr so bear with me on my first post here. Also this isn’t proofread so there could be couple of mistakes here and there so I’m sorry about that. No use of Y/n. But please enjoy it! Btw this fic can be taken as romantic or platonic either could work. Enjoy! :)
For most of my human life I thought death would be simple and morbid. Once life expectancy reaches its limit for how much it can go, the body starts to get tired and the brain will shut, just as the body decomposes.
And just like that you would be dead.
I never tried hard to question the afterlife since it had gave me a headache if I had think too hard about it but I do admit I had a few times where I did think about it too hard.
I just didn’t expect to wind up as a goddamn sinner in a literal pot of hell.
I can admit I wasn’t exactly the most holiest person. I fucked up. Quite a lot of times. And I suppose that life is all about whether you be rewarded to get into heaven or thrown down to hell for punishment.
And for that I now have to deal with the princess of hell and her friends in the Hazbin Hotel.
Charlie was energetic to know that I was another guest at the hotel ready to redeem sinners and probably grab the chance to get to heaven. Seems quite ridiculous once the opportunity was handed to me. Honestly I stayed because I knew nowhere else would let me stay without paying or doing something to repay back.
Yet I got to meet some of the most interesting people. Starting with Angel Dust who was porn star himself and only seems to make it his whole personality but he sure knew how to make a party start going. He also makes anything—and I mean ANYTHING to be dirty.
Vaggie who seems to be strict on everyone and trying her best for all of us to actually have good morals. Sure, we didn’t care but we all understood she wanted for the best of us. Sir Pentious was there to spy on them because of the Vees but then accidentally liked the idea of staying and making a better change of himself.
And there was Nifty who has a certain quirk driven into her personality that was unlike everyone else but she was almost a kid just needed to be protected. Just try not to get stabbed by her. Husk who seems to tell everyone to fuck off even though he’s bartender and you’re sitting at the bar specifically wanting a drink. He acted he hated everyone, but he never really did. He just hated someone who seems to fake who they actually are.
And I’m guessing that’s why he isn’t particularly fond of Alastor.
Alastor is a unique demon. To say in a short sweet way to not say any bad word on his name. Yet it’s hard to say he’s quite a mystery to all of us. Charlie might own the hotel but Alastor is faculty manager of the hotel. He’s always looming somewhere in here and always there with an eye to watch us.
I have to admit I even avoid him. His presence was kind I never had bump into, I rather make it stay that way.
My legs had grown numb and heavier as I kept walking back to the hotel. I was exhausted from Charlie’s shenanigans today. Trying to encourage other sinners out there to come to the hotel and save themselves from the extermination. Failed horribly since how many either attempt to kill us, offer sex, or offer straight up cocaine.
I gave up and had left Charlie with the others to keep going. It was getting late either way and they were planning to go into club.
Didn’t want to get myself into too much trouble anymore either way.
Pushing the doors to let myself in the hotel—I had let out an exhale that I had held all day. My body was slumped and all I could think was my comfy bed.
“My, my, you look quite a mess dear!”
The radio voice had made me slightly jump out of my skin.
To the right of me I could see Alastor sitting on a couch in the lobby. One hand with whiskey in a glass cup and the other with a book. His legs crossed with one leg on top bouncing to the sound of jazz playing background.
“Didn’t expect a fellow like me up around this hour, but I couldn’t resist such a great novel here wouldn’t you say?”
He made that little hum that sparked a few radio statics in his voice.
“Look, if you’re here to mock or annoy me today I make sure those antlers of yours are gonna be long gone before you know it.”
Alastor laughed and got up with swift movement with his cane. That smile was almost stitched to his face every glance I took of him. I expect there won’t be a day where I don’t see that venom smile of his.
His hands clasped in front of him as he eyed me down. “Now why would I do that? I merely checking up on is all.”
He said it with such a smirk in his voice.
“Sure, whatever, do what you want I guess,” I grumbled under my breath.
Attempting to head upstairs, Alastor tried to get in my way as he kept reappearing in front of me in every corner I try to go.
“What the—“
“Ah, ah, ah. Where do you think you’re going?” A playful tone was layered into his voice. Letting out chuckle as his antlers move just for a second.
He knew it was getting on my nerves.
“To my room. Is there something that you want?”
I was a bit hesitant when I first spoke, especially since Alastor was a type of demon who never necessarily wants nothing out of someone except manipulation.
He makes that same hum again, letting out a sing-song voice. “Well, I’m bored and I’m in the mood of doing something.”
“Okay—kill someone or some deer.”
I tried again walking away but he reappears again in front of me on the steps of the stairs. Keeping his eyes on me as he leaned on the handrail of the stairs. I could tell from his eyes that my annoyance was kicking the roof by now.
“Not really in the mood for that kind of fun tonight dear. I was actually hoping to maybe play some sorts of game with you.”
“A game?” I questioned.
“Yes! Just any sort of ordinary game. A game where I can ask questions about you and you have to answer them.”
I blinked at him for a moment and then narrow my eyes.
“So you’re interrogating me.”
“No, nonsense! Now, come on, sit on the couch and make yourself comfortable.”
Alastor nudge me downstairs and I follow him. I had no choice and I rather didn’t wanna push any limits with radio demon exactly. He wasn’t the type to be messing around.
Suspicion was written all over my face as I sat down.
Alastor offers whiskey in a glass with a smile. “Whiskey, dear?”
“Um—-no, no thank you.”
He sets the glass on the side table along with the book. Peering to my side I notice the book was the classic Dracula book.
Alastor sat on the other end of the couch. A leg propped on the other. Resting his chin on his hand on the arm rest.
“Now, I’ll start of the with an easy question to start off soft,” stated Alastor. “Do I annoy you?”
“Yes. Next question.”
His smirk grew wide yet his eyes narrowed down on me. Letting out a laugh that sounded for sure forced but as well annoyed.
“Okay, let me ask an easier question. What is your favorite color?”
“Oh well um—maroon. Maroon is my favorite color.”
Alastor hummed to himself. “Quite an unique answer. Didn’t take you as the type to like color such as maroon.”
“Red or maroon. I just like good color of red. Next question.”
Alastor tapped his fingers along the arm rest as he thought of another question to ask.
“What’s your favorite time of day?
Looking back at him with a tilted head I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
Alastor rolled his eyes jokingly and chuckled, seeming slightly amused of me. “I mean exactly what I said. What is your favorite time of day? Mornings? Afternoons? Nights?”
He lists off with this condescending tone, as if he spoke to me as a child.
“Watch your tone, and watch your ears, deer,” I hissed. But since you’re so damn curious. It’s night. And sometimes late afternoons. Not as much anymore though. I love them more in human life.”
“Human life you say?”
Alastor watches me as I adjust the black turtleneck I wore.
“Next question please.”
Alastor didn’t say anything but made a louder hum as he thought. Still overbearing me with annoyance of course.
“I’m running out of quite a lot of questions here but I suppose I should’ve asked this first, how are you liking this hotel so far?”
The tone switches and audibly notices it. Turning into this nonchalant tone. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to be curious or crack me under pressure with his eyes seeming to only stare at me.
With a sharp inhale I spoke direct.
“Annoying as fuck. I never was too fond of the idea of redeeming since it was hard to wrap my head around the fact that sinners here can even get the chance to go up to heaven with the rest of angels.”
He kept silent with his smile but I kept continuing.
“I didn’t think it would work. And I still have mixed feelings about it but…I do have to admit I kinda like the friends I made here.”
His eyebrow raised and he tilted his head almsot intrigued of what I had said. “I see. And these friends you’ve made here..”
His smile twisted into a smirk as he leaned forward slightly, his elbows on his knees.
“Any particular ones you admire the most?”
It was a question that had me actually thinking this time around and I knew it was a way for Alastor to get to me, and I didn’t want him too.
“Well, each person has their own unique thing to admire.”
He tweaks his head to the side and only narrows his eyes. Still with smile.
“Charlie can be a lot and maybe too hyper, but she’s willing to give people a chance. Vaggie pushes everyone and is harsh but does it for us to get better.. Sir Pentious is someone willing to give up villainous tendencies. Angel is…well Angel but he is a friend that is loyal and would do anything to back up friend.
Husker and Nifty are the same as well. All of them have everything to admire about.”
Alastor listened intently on how I spoke each of the hotel residents living here
“Interesting. Very interesting.”
He sat back once again, his legs still crossed and his hands back in his lap. Alastor chuckled again, looking at me for a moment.
“And what about me? Is there anything you admire about me?”
I scoffed and smirk a little.
“A bit full of yourself are you?”
His eye twitched a little and seemed ready to respond, but I quickly added on.
“You always stay in control. Even if you aren’t or you’re not wanting to, you always are. You piece of shit who certainly earn a spot living here. I’ll give you that, but even I can admit that you’re intelligent in what you do. Even how manic and evil it can be.”
Alastor chuckled again. He was quite amused by my words. That wasn’t what he was expecting, but he was satisfied by it. He leaned forward a bit again, resting his arms on his legs. His elbows on his knees once again as he stared right into your eyes with his permanent smirk.
“How observant you are my dear. I thought you’d think of me as a annoying bastard”
“No, I also think that too.”
A smile spread on my lips as genuine the pit of fire in hell and before another word had slipped out of Alastors mouth, a rush of familiar friends came through the door.
“I need fucking a drink what the hell was that!?” Angel's voice rang through the hotel and same with others.
I laughed and got distracted by them as soon they called for me but Alastor sat on the couch there observing the others.
Asking himself many questions of himself now.
For how much this sinner might’ve made him rethink his plan.
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Theories for season 2 of hazbin hotel
(because i'm chomping at the bit) 
((and i'm also insane and I want to say called it lmao)) 
Baxter, Cryimni, and Cherri Bomb are going to join the hotel (also maybe Mimzy)
Arackness is going to spy for the hotel like Pentious but be more competent (probably spying for Heroin) 
The V’s will try to exploit a power vacuum that the cancellation of extermination caused and might start trying to overthrow other overlords
Vox is going to run a smear campaign on Alastor with his blackmail he got from the battle at the hotel and Alastor will have to try and fix his image (and kick Vox’s screen in)
The first song is going to be a song sung by the main cast, one of the verses will just be Alastor and Lucifer trying to one up each other 
Sir Pentious, Molly, and Emily (+Dazzle) will have a prison break episode trying to get to hell (St Peter is gonna tattle on them to Sera)
Adam will crash at the hotel because he wants to get back to heaven and is going to be a heathen about it the entire time
Sera and Lute will join forces in trying to stop the hotel from succeeding  
Adam and Lute will fight, not recognizing each other then they realize its each other and make out in the middle of a battlefield  
Nifty. Back. story. (she’s gonna be an overlord, I'm calling it) 
Pentious’s backstory will be broadcast in angel court to see judge if he is worthy of staying in heaven 
Just more backstory in general on like, everyone, lot of hearts to hearts 
Overlord Husk in action (maybe even some old ‘friends’ come to pay him a visit) ((bonus if afterwards Angel sings his own version of loser baby to husk to cheer him up))
Frank is going to try and be Alastor’s minion, Nifty will get into a fight with Frank
IDK i think it would be cruel but hurt so good if Charlie gets a chance to visit heaven again but it’s after Pentious and the others try to get their way into hell
Either we are going to get constant check-ins with heaven, sliced in between the A plot or heaven gets dedicated episodes and won’t crossover with the main plot until the finally 
Seeing family members of the hotel in heaven 
Lucifer trying and failing to bond with Vaggie
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heartsformars · 5 months
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Under my wing~ hazbin hotel ships & Child! Reader
(platonic ofc)
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CHARACTERS: Charlie & Vaggie, Angel Dust & Husk and featuring Alastor as the single dad!!
TW: Abandonment involved, mention of Valentino , alastor being an exemplary father (sarcasm), bad jokes, the reader is a hellborn, drama, reader being tortured (i.e. going through puberty).
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One rainy day, a crying mother would leave her little baby in a dumpster, hoping someone else would find they or hopefully, they would die. She would leave, not knowing what would happen to you or how you would protect yourself from the dangers of hell. That place, which in spite of its high temperature could be considered cold, and unfortunately you had to learn that as soon as you arrived in the underworld. However, a shadow would be seen in that alley after hearing your cries of despair.Saving you (possibly) from dying under the hands of other foul demons But who is it…
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The one that got you home was definitely Charlie Could you blame her? She thought you were so cute! How could anyone leave you alone at such a young age? However, she still had a little bit of her girlfriend's reaction. -Vaggie, what would you do if one day I came home with a baby? -Show both hands charlie - -probably at first she would refuse, a baby was a lot of responsibility, and they already had enough with the hotel however it would be easy to convince her with your and Charlie's gaze. -She would just sigh and say she was fine with it while Charlie died of emotion and you just laughed. -Listen, they are both very attentive and would accept your every decision as mothers, there is really no way you wouldn't feel loved with them. -when they are both busy they will probably leave you with someone from the hotel. Neither of them trust Alastor, sir pentious was too distracted, Angel dust was definitely a bad choice and nifty wasn't even an option so you'll most likely be left in charge of Husk. -you'd probably just be sitting at the bar while angel dust is trying to convince you to say a bad word or give the poor bartender the middle finger. -Husk would just look at him with contempt. -However, when vaggie comes back from her errand and goes to see you, she's probably in for a surprise.
-How are you doing honey, husk take good care of you?- -Mama, you, fak you, dumb- -WHAT- -and you've got angel dust laughing on the stairs. -Probably after that Charlie would give a talk on respect (with you present obviously). -Although after she reconciled with her father she would definitely be Charlie's first choice to leave you in charge. -Although she was a bit scared at first, her father took it well so she didn't worry so much. -now, lucifer would be a BUNCH OF NERVES. He would grab you like you were some kind of crystal figure being afraid to drop you at some point. -after all you are his baby's baby! And his daughter hates him again if he throws you off the fifth floor? -he would probably keep you distracted with some rubber duckies and make some specials for you and keep you dristraide while he figures out what activities to do with you. -he haven't babysat a child like this in a long time. -however, it all works out (surprisingly) well! Even Charlie almost cries when she sees her dad asleep on the couch with you asleep on his chest. (She didn't bother to wake you two up) -now, I really don't think Charlie would be so strict with you, she wouldn't let you do whatever you wanted, but she would leave some room for your freedom and development! -on the other hand vaggie... -she's really not THAT strict but she won't have Mercy when it comes to punishing you when you do something wrong.  -If you break a window accidentally don't think you'll get away with it, she'll probably make you replace it yourself to learn the consequences of your actions.  -Other than that, however, they were both very patient with you. Always being there for you every step of the way. -And then after that you hit puberty. -They would probably have a hard time with your mood swings and other teenage problems. -however, they would always try to understand what you're feeling and not judge you for anything. -Especially Charlie -Now, if you introduced they to a boyfriend/girlfriend… -God, they would be in a mental duel, both of them. -However, the one who accepted your partner as part of her family first was definitely Charlie. -And vaggie would be fine with that! However, expect her to be watching you two 24/7. -But it's great to meet someone who makes our little baby so happy!- -Yeah…-
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-Feel that they would both try to get you to have a certain part of their personality. However, you have the choice of how to be in the end and they couldn't force you to be something you don't want, neither of them 💓. -10/10 Mothers, I would let them adopt me.
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The one who took you to the hotel for the first time was Angel, I doubt that Husk leaves the hotel much outside of going to the casino or to a tavern... or both. -I mean, everyone was surprised when ANGEL DUST came with a baby to the hotel but it was fine for everyone. -Except for husk -There's no way you're planning on taking care of that kid! -Listen, I found him in a dumpster, all alone with no one to take care of him. I had to bring it in, who knows what would have happened to it if I left it there!  -A child is not some kind of fucking joke, you know very well the contracts we're in. You, and me. If we're not free we doubt very much that child can be… -There would probably be a little dispute, however Husk would accept it... not so fast. Eventually he'll warm up to you, though, don't worry .-Charlie or vaggie will probably always find him sitting at the bar with you while he's looking his usual sour self. -although Charlie finds it mildly endearing-Angel dust hurts to leave you with Fat nuggets when he has to go somewhere fast. -and if he didn't, his first choice of nanny would probably be Charlie. -And she'd be happy to take care of you -she'd definitely spoil you with gifts and say things like "where's baby" -And on your birthday she would be the first to give you clothes or a toy. -and angel dust loves being able to have someone to leave you with when Val got heavy and Husk was too busy.  -And even though Angel loves you very much sometimes (could) become a bad influence.... -but when that happens Husk is usually there to scold him.... -Husk wouldn't like you interacting with Alastor very much -even if he keeps a "good" attitude towards you he is afraid that he might use you as something to threaten him or that he might hurt you  -and whenever he sees him trying to approach you he tries to intervene in some way.... -Oh but who could this little sweetie be- -and you have husk taking you in his arms making some silly excuse like "oh they’re hungry" or "it's just that it's bedtime!" when it literally might be three in the afternoon -although you wouldn't always be a child, and that was something they both knew. -but when you actually reach puberty… -And from then on Angel would have to learn to share his animal companion (and comfort) fat nuggets -The one who would know the most how to help you and listen to you would be Husk, he would definitely give the best advice for your worst situations. -And even if angel really can't even help himself, he will try to help you and support you in everything. -Overall good parents, 9/10 if I would let him adopt me, my parents, I love them,
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-At the beginning, he saw you as a potential apprentice. -wouldn't really feel much of a parental attachment to you, he would use you mainly for his own convenience. -After all, every "mastermind" needs an apprentice, right? -although just because you are an avenue to continue his power doesn't mean he won't take proper care of you. -he would mainly leave you with Rosie and satan, you would find out everything from her. -and she would definitely spoil you as if you were her little girl. -she would be like that cool aunt who always sends you gifts lol -and you would ADORE her -Alastor would have passive-aggressive parenting with you. -you know when he gets mad even if he doesn't look mad, it's the experience I guess -surprisingly, even with alastor as a caregiver I feel like you wouldn't be as much of a son of a bitch as he is… at least hopefully… -you would get along with most of the people in the hotel except for husk -I wouldn't trust you much but i wouldn't hate you, just keep your distance -would teach you a lot of his tactics and powers -you would probably always try to smile like him to keep up the habit -although sometimes you forget and you're just serious, although he would take care to remind you every time he sees you TOO serious. -in general he would try to make you not to make his mistakes, since you were a child he would fill you with discreet lessons that will eventually serve you when you grow up, trust him… but be careful of his advice too. -ok, alastor has a few scores to settle with many of the sinners and overlords so don't be surprised if you have some idiots behind you trying to kill you lol -though don't worry, you'll always have your "father' to have your back. -although of the main ones would be vox, however as long as you don't pay much attention to him and stay out of his conflicts I doubt he'll do much against you. -he will probably call you by nicknames like "sweetheart", "little lady" (if you are a woman) or "darling" but never daughter or son -you are really just his apprentice, as I said before he doesn't see you as a real son or daughter -but if you call him father he wouldn't mind, but I'm not sure if he would be happy about it or not. -but he probably doesn't even care lol -6/10 as a father, at least he cares and protects you but you are not so much like a child to him
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— This wasn't something I had planned to write, it just came out lol but I hope you enjoy it anyway, I don't have any requests right now and I have TOO MUCH things I want to write so expect anything from me these days.
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