#( c. Mahiru )
staardustkisses · 2 months
woe, curse of kukugumi be upon ye
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en-chi-la-da · 8 months
Tbh I think the whole class should get to smooch hajime. It’s what he deserves
im imagining hajime sitting in a kissing booth looking like lucy from peanuts in her psychiatrist booth. kisses are 5 cents. the hajime is IN.
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good-beans · 7 months
Tsumi's ask game: 2, 3, 4, 6 for Fuuta and Mappi!
Woo thank you so much :3 I promise I didn't go overboard but there were still a bunch so they're under the cut
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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This first one, hands down. Of course I love all frames of my little skrunkly (especially in his little knights outfit :3) but this moment in particular gave me chills. I could write a whole essay on how well Bring it On shows the melding of imagination/reality in a way that isn’t infantilizing. It’s not like a little kid getting carried away thinking of their fake stories, this happens to everyone – this has happened to me. Between the glitching and the beat in the music, this really gut-punched me with the feeling of letting yourself get carried away. Shoutout to the second one because it’s epic and I edited a lockscreen with it for a while. (extra shoutout to when he wipes the blood off his face ough I love that one too)
3. favorite non-mv official illustration?
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the pv shot who said that. Lmao I actually really liked the 3rd anniversary art! It really captured that shit eating grin, and somehow maintains the perfect balance of making him look genuinely creepy/intimidating and still like a loser asdfsdf. In general he just looks real good in it :3 I know it’s like three tiny panels but I also love his Clock Over Orquestra look ;-;
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
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THERE’S SO MANY LOL I think it has to be the pause of silence as Amane makes fun of his height, but I’m so obsessed with the starry-eyed panel when he’s watching Yuno do cat’s cradle ;---; (eng versions from thinkin-bout-milgram)
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
In general it’s Yuno, but a lot of that is from my own analysis/brainrot/fic writing 😭 I will never shut up about how his initial impression of violence was revealed to be in her defense, rather than his own aggression!!! They’re very similar and where they’re not, they’re complimentary. They are so special to me. If we’re talking mainly canon, it’s definitely him and Amane :’) Some parts are healthy and healing, some parts are fucking them both up more, but it’s all very fun and interesting. 
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
You’re making me choose??? You’re making me choose only one frame of my beautiful beautiful wife????
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Seriously though, this one. I know it may be cliche as her Classic Frame but for someone who really relates to her “out of control” emotions and toxic positivity habits, it really hit hard!! It puts you in her victim's shoes, but still in the mindscape, and is just so unsettling and sad ;-;
3. favorite non-mv official illustration?
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Definitely her birthday art! She’s so beautiful and happy in it <3 I love the dress, love the cake, love the flowers, it’s perfect! I enjoy her various anniversary art, but it always makes me sad seeing them try and paint her as creepy. I get it, but the whole point of her character is that there’s nothing literally creepy/mean about her ;--; (Referring to my previous answer, that's how you make her creepy. You put the viewer in her victim's shoes and make her just as cheery as always.)
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
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Her “I bet I could” because she Could!!! I believe in her 😤 It was such a cute minigram overall but after so much canon content of her struggling to keep up with what society/others expect of her I loved seeing her have some confidence in herself, even if it was silly :3 Ahh I also love her keeping up with Kotoko at jumprope! She may be small but she can keep up with the best of ‘em 💪
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
Also Yuno lol! I love how much they care for each other, especially now that Yuno has been looking after her in T2 ;-; In general they make such a cool parallel – they both have crimes related to a partnership with a man, both pay attention to the picture-perfect ideal of a woman that society expects, but are complete opposites regarding honesty/masks. My secret little favorite is Fuuta, but once again that’s really all from headcanoned interactions and parallels 😅
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magicmorningmeteora · 2 months
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ofsavior · 1 year
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“ Hmmm~ it's so boring tonight. ”
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arbitrarygreay · 2 years
Everything about this has aged like fine wine. Also, the song was ahead of its time? Like, yeah, the instrumental is obviously Asian, but the rhythm could just as easily be done as reggaeton or afroswing. (For potential link rot purposes, this is from their 20th anniversary live in 2019)
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Time for another Milgram shitpost! It’s my apology for never finishing my Milgram analyses in my drafts and that one anon ask. Woo!
I have had this idea for a while now, of just the Milgram prisoners trying to pass the time, and while the words have changed many times over, the general idea of some of them having something like a DnD campaign because there’s no TV, internet, or even a radio to pass the time, so why not?
Yuno: “Seriously? I thought you, of all people, would be into this sort of thing.”
Fuuta: “You want us to play pretend.”
Yuno: “How is this any different from your little computer games?”
Fuuta: “This is very different from MMORPGs, and you know it. This… is lame!”
Muu: muttering “You would know.”
Yuno: “Oh, please. Your eyes lit up when I mentioned it.”
Fuuta: “They did not!”
Yuno: “Did so.”
Fuuta: “Did not!”
Mikoto: “They kind of did, dude.”
Fuuta: “No one asked you! And they did not!”
Mikoto: “I mean, I’ll play, if you want Yun-chan. It’s a good idea. I really don’t want to do another ice breaker.”
Shidou: “They’re good for getting to know others.”
Yuno: “Thank you. Who else wants to play?”
Kazui: “Oh ho, ho, I don’t know. It’s been ages since I’ve played a game like this. I wouldn’t know how to play.”
Yuno: “Alright, we got Kazui. Who else? Amane?”
Amane: “I am studying.”
Fuuta: “See? Even the grade schooler doesn’t want to play. I mean, you guys don’t even have any dice or anything to play.”
Yuno: “We don’t need dice to play. It’s just to pass the time. Who else? Kotoko?”
Kotoko: “No.”
Fuuta: “You need dice to play! How else are you gonna decide stats? Just by classes? That’s lame.”
Mikoto: big bro mode activated “You’re lame.”
Yuno: “Oh my God. Fuuta, I’m gonna make you be the first villain boss guy we face.”
Fuuta: “It’s just boss, and why do I have to be the villain?”
Yuno: “Why do you need to fight me on everything I say? Shidou’s gonna send you to your room if you don’t play nice.”
Fuuta: “Oh my God, fine. I’ll play your dumb game.”
Mikoto: “Wait, shouldn’t Es be the one sending us to our rooms?”
Haruka: nods
Yuno: “Haruka, do you wanna play? There’s no rules to this?”
Fuuta: “You can’t have a game without rules!”
Yuno: “Shut it, or you’re going to be the team goblin. Haruka?”
Haruka: “C-can I?”
Mahiru: “Can I play too? What are we playing?”
Kotoko: “Fake DnD.”
Yuno: “Oh? Did you change your mind then?”
Kotoko: “No.”
More nonsense:
They finally got Amane to play because Shidou wouldn’t stop bugging her about it.
Yuno: “You can be a priest if you want.”
Fuuta: “They’re called clerics and they heal-”
Amane: “I want to be a crusader.”
Fuuta: “A what?”
Yuno: “Bet. Want any special powers?”
Amane: “I want lightning to smite my enemies with.”
Shidou: whispers to Fuuta and Mikoto who canonically have sisters and probably know firsthand how unhinged play time drama can be “Is that normal?”
Mikoto: “Yes.”
Fuuta: “You’ve clearly never played crime Barbie. Coward.”
Mikoto: “Oh, word? My little sister used to love overthrowing evil queens with her My Little Pony dolls. That and evil orphanages.”
Fuuta: “Evil orphanages… Good shit.”
When faced with The Villain ™️
Mahiru: “Is he… is he hot?”
Yuno: “You can’t fix him.”
Mahiru: “I can try!”
Yuno: “You can’t. That’s how Kotoko died.”
Kotoko: “I wouldn’t try to fix him!”
Yuno: “You were trying to fix him like a dog.”
Kotoko: “Okay, now that… that I can accept.”
Kazui: sweating “I think we played enough for tonight.”
Later on, after Kotoko attacked.
Fuuta: “Hey… Yuno?”
Yuno: “Yeah?”
Fuuta: “I can’t stop thinking about-about it. Can you-can you talk about the game?”
Yuno: “The game?”
Fuuta: “Please. Everythung hurts and I need something else to focus on.”
Yuno: “…”
Fuuta: “Yuno?”
Yuno: “… okay, so Mahiru accidentally set off one of the traps in the villain’s old hideout. You and me, the brave knight and the baddest witch in the west, we were sent ahead to find the old Warlock, Shidou of the path, to figure out how to get Mahiru out of the ancient scroll she’s now trapped in…”
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hajihiko · 2 years
What did you make of DR3's explanation for how the characters became Despairs?
I dont like it. Here's a re-write i was thinking about
Ok note: this is what would have made the School Life thing more enjoyable TO ME. Not gonna fit for everyone obvi
Ok first of all. Junko loses most of her potential if you take away her being sneaky and manipulative, which we barely even got to see in the games, so I want that in ACTION.
Second of all, this takes time. More than just like a single moment of anime hypnotism. Junko was definitely working her suckers for at least a year. I dont know how that reflects on the timeline and I dont super care
Chisa's class is full of chaos, these are some of the rowdiest students you'll find. They have potential for getting along, but they're also Very Troubled, and Chisa is a kind soul who tries to help them out with various issues. Actual attention paid to these kids being, like, KIDS, but also having some major red flags in their backgrounds that could escalate out of control very fast.
Among others, she tries to get Chiaki to come out of her shell and interact with the others more. This is hard, because Chiaki is not exactly receptive to it at first, but theres a little bit of unity between all the students anyway and they slowly start becoming friends. Chiaki uses this friendship guidance to befriend a lonely boy who often stares longingly at the school, whom she's noticed by silently sticking to the background when he's around. This will come in handy later.
Until, certain students start hanging out with their junior of 1 year, who always seems to be kind of slinking around and hanging with at least one student a day. Chiaki notices this because a) shes very quiet and mostly goes unnoticed when she's in the background, and b) she only needs half her attention span to play games anyway.
The people Junko hangs around get noticeably worse, though not necessarily more divided; just sort of 10 steps backwards for every 1 step Chisa helped them take. The rude and mean ones stop trying to be kinder, the shy and meek ones retreat even more, etc. Chisa is at a complete loss with this, but Chiaki confides in her that it might be the new student making trouble. Chisa takes over, and encourages Chiaki to keep trying to make friends with the others, which Chiaki does.
(Mahiru gets scared into telling no one what happened / what she suspects happened in Natsumi's murder, and gets rid of the evidence, as advised. The evidence she throws away gets mailed to Fuyuhiko, who is encouraged to avenge his sister. Guess who orchestrated all that?)
Chiaki does not fall into Junko's claws, because she's quiet and unobtrusive and, importantly, less desperate for what Junko can give her than the rest is. Chiaki does, after all, have her teacher who took the reigns and told Chiaki to grab her own oxygen mask first, and her Lonely Boy to confide in, and whenever she starts to lose herself, he gently reminds her to stand firm. That's right, the secret weapon was the friends we made along the way, just like in the ending.
(Hajime is probably just doing things more or less like in the anime, maybe listens to Chiaki's growing worries about her semi-friends, shits getting fucked and the only conceivable way Hajime can help is by agreeing to be a lab rat obviously what else. Biggest downfall is wanting to be there for Chiaki, but not letting her be there for him in return. Because inferiority complex.)
Chisa goes to confront this troubled mystery girl; Junko catches her too and starts working her nasty magic- for example, did you know two of your students were a part of a murder? Aren't you supposed to be guiding them? Do you know what's really happening in this school? Do you wanna see the human experimentation they just started? Did you know your best friend is in love with your crush and you can't confide in either of them anymore actually? Etc.
Chiaki is all alone now. When she finally DOES confront Junko, once the whole class along with the teacher has been sort of indoctrinated and her Lonely Boy has ditched her and she's feeling a bit brave because of it all), Junko kills her horribly in front of everyone as they do nothing. Not because they were hypnotized, but because they choose to. This is what really marks the point of no return for them. Chiaki was a quiet and harmless and mostly very nice girl, and her death was pointless, and they were a part of it, and they got away with it.
Instead of being a practically perfect student council president, Chiaki has more of an NPC theme, falling into the background more but also being honest and nice and willing to work with people. Then later, obviously, she really is an NPC and repeats the process, but this time she manages to save her boy and therefore her class.
(I'm not opposed to Chiaki being JUST an AI and never a part of the class at all, but I havent thought about it as much so idk any good points)
Hajime retains the same themes, but gets to be more of a juxtaposition of Junko, sneaking into everyone's hearts by befriending them and helping them move forward instead of backwards. He wins with the power of friendship and all that jazz.
Everyone else gets way more accountability to take. No hypnotism or brain poking, just digging into the worst parts of themselves and then indulging them entirely (with the help of Ultimate Charismatic Cult Leader Junko). I think the most interesting thing about this whole narrative could be that Anyone is capable of intense cruelty, and Anyone can choose to be a better person moving forward.
anyway in my mind that's what happened differently.
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cheritya · 2 months
[ this post can contain milgram spoilers if you are not caught up with the results of the second trial. ALSO, TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of s*!c!de. ]
GUYS. READ THE "TIMELINES." PLEASE. i posted this on youtube at first, but i decided to post it here, too.
they have been getting translated on fandom wiki ever since 2020. they (timelines) highlight the characters' dynamics with each other, and we get to see them interact over time. i just finished reading all of them. i didn't even know they existed until today - and holy shit, there are some crucial details. here is the link if you want to read them yourself (i highly recommend it):
things are not looking great - the third trial is going to be a big shitshow. here are some developments that i have noticed (feel free to add more if you read the timelines):
1. throughout the second trial, haruka started isolating himself more and more despite being "forgiven" by us. he now spends most of his time in his cell, and muu brings his food to him. some of the prisoners are concerned about this, such as fuuta and shidou, asking muu if haruka is doing okay. shidou is concerned for haruka's mental state, but he implies that he can't do much about it (because he is busy with mahiru's treatment). he apologizes to muu for burdening her with haruka's wellbeing, which muu says that it is okay, because she and haruka are friends. shidou even thanks muu for "being there" for haruka... (oh dear.)
i think haruka starts isolating himself even with his "forgiven" verdict, because now he constantly thinks and worries about what to do if muu gets to be deemed "unforgiven" at the end of the second trial. and well, he has a plan. we all know what his plan is.
and considering the fact that muu has indeed voten "unforgiven", i am pretty scared for haruka. many people in the fandom still think that haruka was bluffing when he told es that he would commit if we don't forgive muu. i think he is dead serious, y'all. we need to take his threat more seriously.
he talked about his s*!c!de plan with kotoko and asked her not to intervene when the time comes. she was PRETTY receptive of it, telling him "if only all sinners were like you." she promised that she will not intervene with haruka's plans, and then added, "even though i'd like to do it myself, i'll leave it to you. what happens after that... depends on es, doesn't it?" so, yes. she knows what haruka might do, and she doesn't seem to care.
on timelines 2023/02/29 and 2023/04/07, haruka frantically begs es (so he is technically begging us) to forgive muu.
2. amane becomes extremely standoffish after we did not forgive her. other prisoners reported how she seems to be in her own world all the time. shidou and mahiru are pretty concerned about her behavior - mahiru even asks once, "are you actually amane-chan?" after amane goes off on one of her religious rants.
we all know that fuuta has been in a pretty vulnerable state after being voted "unforgiven" and getting beaten up by kotoko, right? we see how present his anxiety is throughout the timeline conversations as well.
amane talks to fuuta on his birthday (2023/04/19 timeline). at first, fuuta thinks she is talking nonsense, and asks her how she can be still stand after hearing those awful voices in her head, just like he hears them, since they are both voted unforgiven. we know that some prisoners are hearing voices in their heads regarding to their verdict. fuuta has been hearing pretty awful stuff all the time about his crime.
to answer fuuta's question, this is what amane tells him: "it goes without saying. because we have something more important than the incomprehensible and irrational voices. humans can stand up if they have guidance. kajiyama fuuta, it's a coincidence, but today is your birthday, isn't it? it may be a good day to be reborn. if you can break free from the temptation of corruption around you and change your ways-"
after that conversation, fuuta's behavior seems to have shifted, first reported by muu. since haruka isn't coming out of his cell and muu is the only one actually interacting with him by bringing him food, on timeline 2023/07/05, which is muu's birthday, fuuta approaches muu and asks her if haruka is doing okay. she tells him that she has been bringing him food, which means he should be fine. to that, fuuta says that he understands a bit now, and that it is nice to have someone to rely on and have them accept you. he also says that while they (he and the other prisoners) might not fully understand from their perspective, if muu is the "salvation" for haruka, then he thinks that is something. muu seems taken aback by fuuta's salvation comment, and tells fuuta that he have started saying weird things.
on timeline 2024/01/17, which is mahiru's birthday, fuuta approaches mahiru and asks her if there is any way she can get better. mahiru tells him that shidou has been taking care of her, and that she is sure that if she keeps getting treatment like this, she will get better. to that, fuuta says: "i see. continue the treatment, huh... how can you truly be saved, i wonder?" remember the choice of words he is using. mahiru doesn't think badly about fuuta's comment, and thinks that it is sweet that he seems worried about her. "……that's nice of you, fuuta-kun. just thinking that way... mahiru feels saved already." she says.
on timeline 2024/04/19, which is fuuta's birthday, fuuta approaches haruka this time. i will straight up copy-paste the whole conversation, word by word.
fuuta: "—hey, are you really okay with that? if you come with me, you might also be saved you know……haruka."
haruka: "yeah……since i already made a decision. i, have something that i must do." (he is most likely talking about his plan here.)
fuuta: "ahh, is that so…… hey, haruka, you truly are an idiot. if that’s the case, you won’t be able to be saved."
haruka: "yeah, thank you. fuuta, i’m happy that you called out to me. um, i’m happy that you were so kind to me. i mean it. but, this is the only way i can do this. i’m sorry......" (i am fucking terrified.)
so... yes. interpret it as how you will, but his fixation on "saving" might be the result of amane's influence on him. we voted both of them "forgiven" for the third trial, so i wonder how that will go.
i almost forgot. on her second trial voice drama, amane talks about how she already gave shidou a warning. and yes she did, indeed. shidou wasn't the only person she gave a warning too, though. she also gave a warning to mahiru.
this is from timeline 2023/01/17, mahiru's birthday:
amane: "happy birthday. mahiru-san. how has your condition been lately?"
mahiru: "...ah, amane-chan. thank you. yes, i'm fine. as long as i use a wheelchair, i can still move around properly... it's thanks to shidou-san's treatment..."
amane: "first, i have to give you a warning. you two are treading upon something that's forbidden. if you continue to go against the natural order, you'll just quicken your demise. think about it carefully."
mahiru: "amane-chan... are you actually, amane-chan....?" (this is heartbreaking. timelines that happened during the first trial were mostly lighthearted and happy. the tone changes A LOT with the verdicts. we need to be extremely mindful of our votes.)
i might add more to this later. also, i am sorry for my english, it is my second language.
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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"Hey, Owari-san! Can I take a picture of you real quick? I want to snap a shot of you relaxing during breakfast."
"Huh? Yeah sure, go ahead! Just lemme eat while you're at it."
"Of course! Just act as you normally would, don't mind me!"
"Haha, you look so free! I'm definitely glad I caught this moment!"
"Hey, Koizumi! You need to eat now too! I know you still haven't eaten yet!"
"I'll eat, I'll eat, no need to get pushy! Haha."
"Fuahahaha! I see you require my aid, Mistress of Blades. Very well, I shall extend you my mercy and summon forth a suitable beast for your companionship! Fuahahaha!"
"...So, you'll help me? I would appreciate it greatly..."
"Fehehe. Behold! A beast has arrived from the underworld!"
"Is that... a cat? It's so... cute... and... fluffy..."
"...C-can I... pet it?"
"Is that not what you have requested of me, mortal? I will have you know I do not accept favors from just anyone. Do as you will with your new companion, but be careful. You must treat it with caution, lest it devour your very soul!"
"Of course. I'll... treat it with care."
"...You're so... fluffy... and cute..."
"Tsumiki, you should be more careful. You're still recovering, you need to take it easy."
"I-I'm sorry, Hinata-san! I j-just wanted to help... I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-so-sorry for being so useless! I'm so sorryyyyyyyyy!"
"Hey, it's okay! There's no need to apologize. I know you just want to take care of the others, but you need to take care of yourself too. I'm sure everyone would be happy to see you recover."
"U-um, okay... I-if you say so, Hinata-san. I-I-I'll do my best! I'll do my best to take care of myself!"
"Hey, Koizumi. Let me take a picture of you real quick."
"H-huh? A picture... of me? Why?"
"Well, you said you don't really like selfies, right? So you probably don't have a lot of pictures of yourself. I think it's only fair to have some pictures of you too, since everyone else have a lot."
"Oh! Well, if you're sure then... go ahead. I'm not really sure how to act in front of the camera though... I'm so used to being behind it."
"It's fine. You don't need to do anything big, just a smile would do. ...You're hair looks nice today, by the way."
"H-huh!? C-c'mon, you can't just put that on me all of a sudden like that!"
"Ah, there we go. A nice smiling Koizumi shot. Cute."
"Ah- Hinata-kun! Did you compliment me just to get me to smile!?"
"Hey, I did mean it! You're hair really is nice today!"
"Hey Hinata-kun, say cheese!"
"Haha, it's so rare to see you caught off guard these days! I just had to capture it somehow!"
"Oh, so that's what this is about. Haha, I guess I'm not really surprised easily anymore."
"No kidding! Sometimes it feels like nothing can surprise you. Good to see that's not the case, haha!"
"W-what? What is it? Do you need something, Mioda-san?"
"MAHIRU-CHAN!!!! Please take a picture of Ibuki!!! Right now!!"
"H-huh!? I-I mean, sure but... what's the occasion?"
"Oh nothing, really! Ibuki just wanted a picture!"
"Haha, that's so like you! Well, alright, get ready!"
"Big Sis Koizumiiiiii! Souda-kun is picking on me!"
"I'm not picking on you! I just said you had to leave some candy for the rest of us! It's not just for you, you know!"
"Huuuuh? You think a nasty little grease monkey like you deserves any candy? As if! The only ones on this island who deserve candy is me and Big Sis Koizumi! ...And maybe the depressed little girl in the pod room."
"Why does Monaca-chan get candy but I don't!?"
"Because Monaca-chan isn't an annoying, whiny little perverted dumbass, that's why!"
"You haven't even talked to her, how would you know what she's like!?"
"Cute little girls have a natural affinity for each other! Not that YOU would know."
"Saionji-san, you're not even little anymore..."
"B-but I'm still cute, right!? I'm still an adorable girl, right Bis Sis Koizumi?"
"Of course you're still cute, Saionji-san."
"Hey, Nanami-san! Could a snap a photo real quick? I realized I don't have a lot of pictures of you, and I want to change that!"
"Hm? Oh, yeah. Sure. But can you make it quick? I was going to check on Monaca-san in the pod room... I thought she might be bored, so I brought her a 3DS to play with."
"How considerate of you! I'm not sure Monaca-san will be up for playing, though..."
"...No? Hm. Well, I'll hand it to her anyway, just in case she ends up feeling up to it."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it!"
"Oh, Sagishi-san! Look at what I have found!"
"Hm? What is it?"
"It is a serial killer documentation log! It appears that it has written down all the known information regarding serial killers all across history! Just look how thick it is! I am quite excited to read through this!"
"...You like serial killers a whole lot, huh."
"Yes! I find their way of thinking rather intriguing! Oh, but do not misunderstand! I do not condone or agree with their actions one bit! They are horrible criminals that should not be allowed to run freely to do whatever they wish! ...Oh, but... I suppose we are no different in that aspect..."
"...That's true. But our situation is very different. At the very least, we can now atone for our crimes by living our lives peacefully on this island, removed from the rest of society."
"...I suppose you are right. I will not let my past deeds disturb the peace of my present life! I will atone for my sins by enjoying myself in peace and companionship!"
"Heh. That's the spirit. ...Now then, how about that serial killer log? Why don't you tell me more?"
"Oh, yes! I would love to! Okay, so to begin with..."
"Haha, you enjoying yourself out there, Souda?"
"Of course! The water's super nice!"
"Kazuichi-chan's barely even in the water, though!"
"H-hey! Just because I don't feel like swimming right now doesn't mean I can't enjoy the water!"
"Is the swimming ring good enough for a baby like you? Kyahaha!"
"Don't call me a baby! Swimming rings are for everyone, not just kids!"
"You're still a total baby!"
"I'm not!"
"You are!"
"Am not!"
"Am too!"
"Hey, almost everyone's awake now, why don't we take a group picture?"
"B-but Komaeda-san isn't awake yet..."
"We don't know if that guy will ever wake up..."
"Please do not be so pessimistic! I am certain he will awake in time!"
"...Yeah, I agree with Sonia-san. Komaeda-kun will wake up eventually, I just know it. He's just taking a bit longer, is all."
"But why's that freak taking so damn long anyway? Is it 'cus his death was just THAT brutal?"
"No, I don't think so... His death was definitely brutal, but... I think some of the executions were decidedly worse."
"Souda's right. If his death was the reason, then Hanamura, Peko, and Tanaka would probably have taken a lot longer too. But they woke up just fine like the rest did."
"Komaeda's delayed awakening has nothing to do with the events of the simulation."
"...Do you have information regarding the Fortunate One that we do not, Lord of Darkness?"
"...I do. But it's not my place to share. Let's wait until he wakes up for that. For now, let's just take that picture, alright? We can always take a new one when Komaeda wakes up."
"Ibuki agrees with Hajime-chan! Iiiiiiit's PICTURE TIME!"
"Well, alright... If that's what everyone wants, then I'm fine with it too. Let me set up the camera and timer real quick! Everyone get ready!"
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whats-it-mean · 9 months
Hello Mairu!
I’ve enjoyed your milgram fics for a long time - they’re all amazing you’re such a talented writer!
I am new on tumblr, I apologise in advance if this was not the right place or timing to ask for requests.
May I request another Mikoto Kayano x Reader? Ideally involving both Mikoto and John - but anything is fine.
Again, love your works, please continue what you’re doing!!!
Thank you so much.
Baking with… Mikoto ?
Mikoto/John Kayano x Reader
A/N - giggles. I love getting requests for mikoto HES SO. WHAJJSJ AWWWWW the boy i love him. hahahah i wonder how obvious it is that whenever i write for him i try so hard to avoid actually using the name john LMAO
C/W - None! :D
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
With all the varying traditions that came with people of different ages, cities, and families in MILGRAM, one of the few things that everyone seemed able to agree on doing together was baking cookies. Mahiru had everyone together in the kitchen, different areas organized into little task forces, everyone with a different mission, like some sort of assembly line. Everyone had been set in pairs, decided by Mahiru herself, and you found yourself next to the one and only prisoner 009, ingredients for icing scattered about in front of you.
You’d taken yourself up with reading over the instructions Mahiru had given you, struggling for a moment to decipher her cursive handwriting when you felt a sudden weight on your shoulder.
“Mmm.” He simply let out something of a tired grumble before sort of… nuzzling his face into your shoulder, arms wrapping around your waist. It made sense for him to be sleepy considering the overall lack of sleep each of the guilty prisoners had been experiencing, but the non-verbal response left you immediately confused.
“Shut up and let me have this for a moment, okay?” 
His voice was a low grumble, barely audible so that just you could hear it. You couldn’t see his face all that well from the way he held you from behind, but you could almost feel his expression against your shoulder- tired, slightly disgruntled, and very much not in the mood for idle chit-chat. Certainly not the Mikoto you were used to, and you could feel the difference in him.
You let out a sigh and the little voice in your mind telling you to keep up with whatever Mahiru had wanted you to do caved completely. 
“...Is everything okay..?” Your voice was timid as you spoke, quiet and cautious since you could tell it wasn’t Mikoto you were talking to, and again you felt his arms tighten around you.
“....Tired.” You could feel him nuzzle into your shoulder again, and tried desperately to ignore the way your stomach fluttered. You shifted in his hold, and immediately you could feel him gripping at your shirt. “Don’t go.” His voice was uncharacteristically soft as it brushed against your neck from where he was, and you couldn’t help but notice a tinge of an almost lonely sound in the way he spoke. One of his hands, which had been resting on your waist up until now, reached out lazily until it brushed against your own, and he intertwined his fingers with you. His hands were unreasonably warm, and your attention was immediately caught off guard with the way a flush fell over your features.
“You good?” His voice was gruff, almost questioning your behavior as if it was perfectly normal for him to be clinging to you like this.
You took a moment to respond, your breath catching itself in your throat and your free hand fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. “Y- Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” There was a sort of contented sigh from him, nuzzling himself into your shoulder once again, and you could hear a tired smile in his voice.
“It’s cool if i fall asleep on you, right?”
You were in for quite a ride.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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yarrayora · 9 months
yeah yeah mahiru coming back wrong after summer vacation due to trauma and all that but what if he comes back rizzed
originally just another Boy C in the background of his school romcom who never gets any valentine chocolate and gets nervous when talking to girls but then he experienced multiple life and death situations where he ultimately saved his city and just "okay there are things scarier than talking to girls i've been ridiculous" and now he's the sweet and sensitive boy next door who listens to your problems and compliments your sense of fashion or something
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seariii · 9 months
Milgram characters cutting the Rosca de Reyes (headcanons)
So, before the headcanons a quick rundown on what is Rosca de Reyes and Día de Reyes
Día de Reyes, technically, is the day of Epiphany, or when the Three Wise Men arrived to baby Jesus to give him the gifts. It's celebrated on January 6th. (but at least where i live we don't pay that much attention to its religious connotations)
It is a tradition that came from Spain to other Hispanic countries (Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay) and in some places it's a bigger celebration than Christmas because this is where the children get their toys!
There are some cute traditions like leaving out water and grass for the animals the wise men came in, or children leaving their boots to get gifts or candy in them. All that depends on the country and the zone.
There is also the tradition of cutting the Rosca de Reyes, which is a colorful ring of bread (left picture below) with a sugary cover and dried fruit glassed with sugar. It comes with little figures of baby Jesus inside the bread (the white doll on the right picture), and the tradition (in Mexico at least) says that who ever gets it has to cook Tamales for the Día de la Candelaria, on February 2nd. We eat the rosca with hot chocolate.
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Now the headcanons!!
This are based on the experiences I've had with family and friends, just silly stuff <3
Haruka. When he looks at the rosca he feels happy and excited, of getting to try something new. He only wants to eat the white part and refuses to even try the colorful dried fruits, tho. Seeing him so excited, Shidou suggests on letting him cut the first piece, reluctantly he accepts. He apparently doesnt get the baby, but when he takes a small bite of his piece, there it is, its head peaking through the bread. He panics slightly but feels happy for the surprise of the little toy. First finishes the bread and afterwards drinks the hot chocolate.
Yuno. Doesnt want to get one of the baby figures, but wont care much if she does, she doesnt wanna go through the trouble of getting/making the tamales. Seeing most are getting the white part, she gets from the colorful one with just a bit of the white. She doesnt get a baby and she eats her slice dunking it in the hot chocolate (she enjoys the warmth <3).
Muu. She doesnt care if she gets the baby or not, shes just super happy she gets to eat something sweet and delicious, and hot chocolate? she gets even happier that she gets more to enjoy! she gets a bigger slice than the others, including white part and colorful part. As she is happily eating, she bites down on the baby figure and after cleaning it, she gifts it to Haruka, who is just happy to have two little figures.
Fuuta. The moment he hears he has to bring tamales if he gets one of the babies, he is determined to not get it. As he cuts his slice he quite literally sees the baby poking his feet through the bread, pretends not to notice and continues grabbing his piece. He hides the baby figure on his mouth, determined to swallow it if necessary. Kotoko calls him out when he nearly chokes and he ends up admitting to it and taking the figure out of his mouth, not without yelling "IM NOT COOKING FOR ANYBODY". Actually enjoys the bread afterwards, he also only took from the white part.
Shidou. He is probably the one walking in and out of the kitchen with Es, giving everyone their cup of hot chocolate. He insist a bit to Amane to take a cup too, but when he sees her about to spill the hot chocolate on him, he backs down. He kinda wishes to get one of the figures, but doesnt have his hopes up. He gets a slice of the colorful part.
Amane. Really wants to participate, but is conflicted because of her dietary restrictions. This all is too much of a temptation and she hates it. When she hears the dried fruits are glassed with sugar she starts to debate herself if shes allowed to eat them or not, once more reaching the conclusion that is too much sugar :c Mahiru manages to convince her to at least cut a slice to help her have another chance to get one of the babies, but doesnt get any. She gives her piece to Mahiru since she was who made her do it. She drinks a cup of hot milk to ease herself.
Mahiru. The moment she heard there were baby figures inside the bread. She. Wants. One. It will bring good luck, right? Its a baby, maybe it means one day she will have a baby too! She is determined to get one, and gets at least 3 slices of different parts of the rosca, but always comes back empty handed. Looks at Haruka's two figures with longing and he feels guilty and offers her one, keeping the one Muu gave him. She gives Haruka the slice Amane gave her as an thank you for the baby, and he gives it to Muu.
Kazui. He thinks getting one of the figures would be too much of a hassle, hopes he doesnt get any. He gets a piece from the colorful part with no baby (yay). (cant think much for him sorry).
Mikoto. Just like Mahiru, He. Wants. A. Baby. Figurine. But unlike her, he doesnt get any. After everyone has cut their slice, he cuts the rosca in smaller portions "to store" the leftovers, in reality he was searching for one of the baby figures, but he didnt find any.
Kotoko. She doesnt want one of the baby figures, but doesnt care much about anything of this either, shes just there and was dragged into it. She waits to be the last and gets whatever slice is already cut, has a bit of the two sections, white and colorful. Silently eats her slice and enjoys it more than she wants to admit to, she'll never say it out loud, tho.
Es. Doesnt care much and is just doing this thinking itll help them understand the prisoners more. After everyone has their hot chocolate, sits down and pokes fun at Fuuta for almost choking with the figure. Later at night, they go to the kitchen and take a slice of the leftovers, when they sink their teeth into the bread, they bite down on the last of the baby figures. They just stare at it, making a silent judgement of the thing that could've almost chocked them to death, and afterwards puts it in their pocket, fleeing the scene.
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purgemarchlockdown · 5 months
Ah what the heck I'll post it through here
So in some discord servers, you've seen me specualte that Amane's uniform is inspired by the private Catholic Fukuoka Kaisei girl's school affiliated primary school (福岡海星女子学院附属小学校)
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Now, because of the name, I assumed this was an all girls primary school And that the picture above was of 4 girls and the school simply allowed children to wear either skirts or shorts (its uncommon for Japanese elementary schools to have uniform to begin with so I could see a laxer dress code when it comes to stuff like this)
However After a bit more reading of their website Turns out that the Fukuoka Kaisei girl's school affiliated primary school Despite the name Has in fact been a co-ed/mixed gender primary school for the last 50-so years And while I can't find a dress code on their website It does seem like all the students in pictures on their site who wear shorts are boys
Anyway to cut a long story short: Amane's uniform actually resembles the boys one more than the girls (shorts instead of skirt + no ribbon + more central buttons)
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And I know you like the trans girl Amane theory so I figured you'd enjoy this info
The only disclaimer I have to give is that the long haired child whose father tattles on Amane is in the same uniform (shorts and all)
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So like if this is a girl then occam's razor is that girls at Amane's school just wear shorts (also it'd be strange for Amane's cult to follow gender rolls Except for hair?? idk maybe im overthinking)
TRANS AMANE BELIEVERS WE MIGHT STAY WINNING!!!! It would be weird if they did follow the entire dress code Except for the hair. Additionally those buttons are tripping me up since their Buttoned like the girls so this actually comes somewhere more in the middle of the Both of them...if it does turn out my insane "Amane perceives gender in the same way a cat does, it's just there" catthing Amane idea is real I'm going to explode.
Regarding the girl though...I can't believe I can unveil my insane Queer Infighting Amane idea- okay so in cults it's generally heavily encouraged to outright spy and tattle on people who misbehave:
Information Control: Encourage spying on other members a. Impose a buddy system to monitor and control member b. Report deviant thoughts, feelings and actions to leadership c. Ensure that individual behavior is monitored by group
I think, and this is pure speculation there's is very little supporting this I just like the idea. It be fun if they were BOTH trans.
My reasoning behind this is, first of all Amane doesn't seem to have many friends. Her T2 distorted voiceline has her say:
Father is a very praiseworthy person. Once his virtue increases, he'll come back home, right? It's a little lonely, but I'm fine!
Which, okay it's fair that her homelife is lonely, this doesn't necessarily inform her school life. But if we go to the Prison she's rather isolated overall.
Even in T1. Yuno and Mahiru are people she considers "close" but that's after mulling it over a bit due to being asked.
T1Q10: Is there any prisoner you're close with? A: If I were to say, I guess it would be Yuno and Mahiru.
It's not for a lack of Trying, she tries very hard actually. It's just that people tend to note the way she acts is weird and that gets exasperated in T2 where it's said she's pretty isolated.
But also, I was discussing with a mutual about her relation with this peer and they said that it's possible that this question:
T2Q11: Did you love the person you killed? A: I loved them.
Is referring to a Second Victim (This child) and Not her mother because...well one Amane has shown Very Little Fondness for her mother, and two it's entirely possible she killed multiple people because her staff in Purge March has blood on it Before she gets to her house.
Second thing: Cat Symbolism, Cat Symbolism stay winning forever. There is substantial amount of subtext you can wring out of the Cat being representative of sin and impurity, and Amane taking care of it and also being the Cat. Same with having her be "found out" by a peer and then sold out to, to her Religious Fundamentalist parents.
So now we go into my insane, circumstantial evidence, idea of Queer Infighting. I love WKTD and a big thing in that game is that even if your a "bad kid" if there's someone "worse" than you, you can live another day. And this kid can be anyone, the devil can be Anyone.
Amane has stated an inability to be a good girl:
Only if, only if, only if I could be a good girl
And a lack of desire to exactly "be one" since it requires her not being...herself, and she's happy with who she is.
T2Q20: How do you feel about you not being like everyone else? A: Nevertheless I was born as myself, so I'm happy
So, I'm just saying on a purely speculatory "this would be fun" basis. If we got queer infighting 12 year olds who are trying their best to be "good." I would explode.
Also, she is paralleled with both Mukuhara Kazui and known Genderless Freak Es so, yknow.
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viewingthevoid · 9 months
Milgram spanish diminutives
Basically, the most common ways to turn a word into a diminutive in spanish is to add the suffix "(c)ito/(c)ita/(c)ite" (the c is there if you have to separate vowels), you can also do the same with "(c)illo/(c)illa/(c)ille" but I prefer the first ones. Whether you use o, a, or e at the end depends on the gender of the word, but for this I also wanted to keep in mind when a name already ended with any of those letters.
So, here are some possible diminutives for the Milgram characters' names:
Haruka = Harukito, Harukita
Yuno = Yunita, Yunito
Fuuta = Fuutito, Fuutita
Muu = Muucita
Shidou = Shidocito, Shidoucito
Mahiru = Mahirucita, Mappicita (sadly mapita is already a word and it means little map)
Kazui = Kazuicito
Amane = Amanecita, Amanecite
Mikoto = Mikotito
John Orekoto = Orekotito
Kotoko = Kotokita, Kotokito
Es = ...Esite? Esille? I'm sorry but none of the options I could think of sound remotely good
Jackalope = Jackalopito
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ofsavior · 7 months
smash or pass? || @rosysins
Smash or Pass + Shinya (for Guren and Mahiru~)
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“ Pass~ unless Guren's involved too. ”
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“ ................................................ Pass. ” No one ever said Guren was honest.
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