#she wanted to be a cleric but that upset Amane
Time for another Milgram shitpost! It’s my apology for never finishing my Milgram analyses in my drafts and that one anon ask. Woo!
I have had this idea for a while now, of just the Milgram prisoners trying to pass the time, and while the words have changed many times over, the general idea of some of them having something like a DnD campaign because there’s no TV, internet, or even a radio to pass the time, so why not?
Yuno: “Seriously? I thought you, of all people, would be into this sort of thing.”
Fuuta: “You want us to play pretend.”
Yuno: “How is this any different from your little computer games?”
Fuuta: “This is very different from MMORPGs, and you know it. This… is lame!”
Muu: muttering “You would know.”
Yuno: “Oh, please. Your eyes lit up when I mentioned it.”
Fuuta: “They did not!”
Yuno: “Did so.”
Fuuta: “Did not!”
Mikoto: “They kind of did, dude.”
Fuuta: “No one asked you! And they did not!”
Mikoto: “I mean, I’ll play, if you want Yun-chan. It’s a good idea. I really don’t want to do another ice breaker.”
Shidou: “They’re good for getting to know others.”
Yuno: “Thank you. Who else wants to play?”
Kazui: “Oh ho, ho, I don’t know. It’s been ages since I’ve played a game like this. I wouldn’t know how to play.”
Yuno: “Alright, we got Kazui. Who else? Amane?”
Amane: “I am studying.”
Fuuta: “See? Even the grade schooler doesn’t want to play. I mean, you guys don’t even have any dice or anything to play.”
Yuno: “We don’t need dice to play. It’s just to pass the time. Who else? Kotoko?”
Kotoko: “No.”
Fuuta: “You need dice to play! How else are you gonna decide stats? Just by classes? That’s lame.”
Mikoto: big bro mode activated “You’re lame.”
Yuno: “Oh my God. Fuuta, I’m gonna make you be the first villain boss guy we face.”
Fuuta: “It’s just boss, and why do I have to be the villain?”
Yuno: “Why do you need to fight me on everything I say? Shidou’s gonna send you to your room if you don’t play nice.”
Fuuta: “Oh my God, fine. I’ll play your dumb game.”
Mikoto: “Wait, shouldn’t Es be the one sending us to our rooms?”
Haruka: nods
Yuno: “Haruka, do you wanna play? There’s no rules to this?”
Fuuta: “You can’t have a game without rules!”
Yuno: “Shut it, or you’re going to be the team goblin. Haruka?”
Haruka: “C-can I?”
Mahiru: “Can I play too? What are we playing?”
Kotoko: “Fake DnD.”
Yuno: “Oh? Did you change your mind then?”
Kotoko: “No.”
More nonsense:
They finally got Amane to play because Shidou wouldn’t stop bugging her about it.
Yuno: “You can be a priest if you want.”
Fuuta: “They’re called clerics and they heal-”
Amane: “I want to be a crusader.”
Fuuta: “A what?”
Yuno: “Bet. Want any special powers?”
Amane: “I want lightning to smite my enemies with.”
Shidou: whispers to Fuuta and Mikoto who canonically have sisters and probably know firsthand how unhinged play time drama can be “Is that normal?”
Mikoto: “Yes.”
Fuuta: “You’ve clearly never played crime Barbie. Coward.”
Mikoto: “Oh, word? My little sister used to love overthrowing evil queens with her My Little Pony dolls. That and evil orphanages.”
Fuuta: “Evil orphanages… Good shit.”
When faced with The Villain ™️
Mahiru: “Is he… is he hot?”
Yuno: “You can’t fix him.”
Mahiru: “I can try!”
Yuno: “You can’t. That’s how Kotoko died.”
Kotoko: “I wouldn’t try to fix him!”
Yuno: “You were trying to fix him like a dog.”
Kotoko: “Okay, now that… that I can accept.”
Kazui: sweating “I think we played enough for tonight.”
Later on, after Kotoko attacked.
Fuuta: “Hey… Yuno?”
Yuno: “Yeah?”
Fuuta: “I can’t stop thinking about-about it. Can you-can you talk about the game?”
Yuno: “The game?”
Fuuta: “Please. Everythung hurts and I need something else to focus on.”
Yuno: “…”
Fuuta: “Yuno?”
Yuno: “… okay, so Mahiru accidentally set off one of the traps in the villain’s old hideout. You and me, the brave knight and the baddest witch in the west, we were sent ahead to find the old Warlock, Shidou of the path, to figure out how to get Mahiru out of the ancient scroll she’s now trapped in…”
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