#'she's evil' 'she's a bad guy' 'she took a town hostage'
valkerymillenia · 3 years
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So many people are misunderstanding the whole point of this line. It has become a whole debate and I see the fandom divided about this in all forms of social media.
I keep seeing people whining and saying
"she held a while town hostage! She is bad!"
"but she is a villain! She always has been!"
"she's dangerous! She's destructive!"
"strange didn't mean any harm, she did!"
Let's fucking talk about it, shall we?
Wanda is not evil, she's not a villain and never was.
She's a highly traumatized person that keeps losing everyone she loves and being placed in extreme pressure situations over and over again and yet still has the moral fiber to try to fight for a greater good.
Yes, she held a town hostage. In Wandavision she had a mental breakdown from the sheer amount of complex trauma and grief she was going through. On top of that she was S.W.O.R.D.s scapegoat and manipulated at every turn by Agatha while she was emotionally vulnerable.
The problem is that she's very powerful and altered reality in an attempt to escape her pain. I do not know a single person that wouldn't do the same thing (escape the pain by changing reality, bringing back lost loved ones) if given the chance, the problem was her execution. That's beside the point though!
The point is she made a mistake and she accepted the blame, she didn't mean harm but she admitted her guilt and suffered for her mistakes, suffered immensely to fix what she did.
"she held a while town hostage! She is bad!", "strange didn't mean any harm, she did!"- she was having a mental breakdown and though she was deluding herself and in denial, she did try to give all her hostages happy lives and spare them pain. Yes, it's absolutely no excuse, but if you're going to say Strange didn't mean any harm, then you have to admit she didn't either.
Wanda was traumatized over and over and over again, she was USED over and over and over again, all she wanted was a moment of happiness. So many other "heroes" have done awful things for so much less and nobody says a thing.
Strange though? He did what he did out of pure hubris.
He knew the possible consequences, he was completely sane, he was warned not to do it, he just wanted to prove he could do it and his only excuse was that he wanted to help a kid with something mundane that he could have helped with in a hundred other ways.
Strange might not be evil but he broke the rules out of arrogance and narcissism.
Sure, Wanda affected people's lives directly while Strange did so indirectly, he didn't target anyone personally. But it's still one town vs the whole world (or more accurately, multiple worlds, even if he didn't know that at the time).
(And, just to be clear let me highlight this again, Wanda had no idea the amount of power she had, she had no idea she could do what she did. Westview was ACCIDENTAL. But Strange in NWH? Absolutely on purpose.)
Wanda is 100% right in saying that it's unfair that he's still treated as a hero while she's seen as an enemy. It's true, it's a fucking double standard.
And another thing!
So many people say she got off easy. EASY.
She had to willingly give up the only people that still loved her.
She had to give up her husband.
She was a mother that had to indirectly kill her own children, whom she loved.
(And she placed herself in self-isolation afterwards.)
How exactly could she have suffered more? Honestly, tell me what's worse than having to sacrifice your own children for a greater good?
You need to have ENORMOUS strength and character to do that, to give up all the happiness you have for the sake of other people, and not truly turn into a villain. A selfish person wouldn't do that!
Stop acting like the death (or "erasure" or whatever you want to call it to sanitize the situation) of literal innocent children isn't important, stop acting like it was deserved, stop acting like it wasn't a punishment for her actions.
"oh but they weren't real, she created them!" - yeah, well, my mom might not have used magic but she created me too. How the kids were born doesn't change how real they are or how much Wanda loved them, stfu!
Meanwhile, there's Strange.
Yes, arguably he tried to clean up his mistake but did he take accountability for that mistake? NO, he blamed a kid, he made Peter pay the consequences of his hubris and got away scotch free and still holding his titles of hero and sorcerer supreme!
(And then he went beg Wanda for help.)
You see, here's the real problem- Wanda IS dangerous, she has A LOT of power. And that generates fear. And fear generates hate.
That's true for the fandom too, not just the characters.
Plus she's a woman, and there's always double standards with women (why is Loki so loved but Wanda so hated?).
TD;LD: Wanda is fucking right.
Wanda is right and you not liking her doesn't make her wrong.
If you're going to treat her as a enemy, then you have to treat him the same way. It's a vicious double standard and the fandom is falling for it the same way the fictional characters are, which is stupid because the fandom has all the information and many are simply choosing not to use critical thinking.
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fortysevenswrites · 3 years
Okay. 9 books, 9 fics. You're welcome.
1. Kastle/The West Wing Crossover Every time I watch TWW, I think about Karen and Donna Moss being friends, and once I thought of a fic where during the early seasons of TWW, the President and staff go to New York and Karen is moderating one of the series of town halls they're there for (specifically one where Josh Lyman is speaking). And of course that one, because reasons I had not yet come up with, gets attacked by The Hand, and Karen, Donna and Josh (who gets injured, because Josh ALWAYS gets injured) get rescued by Frank and it basically ends with the President demanding to meet Frank to thank him for saving Josh's life and everyone is like, "Mr. President do you not understand that Frank Castle is technically a MURDERER and the Secret Service will n e v e r let you in the same room with him and it's bad enough that you're currently on the same ISLAND?" So, yeah.
Here's something I wrote for it:
“Josh, did you hear?”
“I have impeccable hearing, Donna,” Josh says without looking up from the memo in his hand. “What is it that I am supposed to have heard?”
“Carol told me that she heard from Lindsay in credentialing that Karen Page has been assigned to cover the President’s town halls in New York for the New York Bulletin!”
He waits for her to keep going, but she doesn’t so, he looks up and sees her waiting expectantly, “And?”
“Karen Page? What It Means To Be A Hero Karen Page. She’s connected to half the vigilante-superheroes in Lower Manhattan. She was held hostage by ninjas. She interviewed Tony Stark about the Sokovia Accords. Last year, The Punisher himself may or may not have held her hostage after saving her from that terrorist Lewis Wilson.”
“And, would it be inappropriate, as a member of the White House Staff, to ask her for her autograph?”
Kastle: The Big Indulgence
This is one of the first long fics I came up with for Kastle (and come hell or high water I WILL write it one day). Basically, it puts the NMCU actually IN the MCU. Post TPS1, Sarah tracks Karen down and they become friends, and at the same time, Frank becomes friends with Bucky Barnes (yes Emily, I know he's not your fav) by way of Curtis' group (Curt, of course, regrets ever letting them interact ever). Karen gets nominated for an award for her journalism work by the Maria Stark Foundation, where she meets Pepper, Natasha, and Darcy, and befriends them as well. Everything comes to a head and Karen and Frank reunite after the discovery that Sarah Lieberman is related to one of Bucky's surviving family members (the Liebermans are Jewish, Bucky's family is Jewish, it works!). Then, things related to Billy and Hydra happen, there's an incident where a few people disappear into an alternate universe for...an... amount of time, the Avengers meet the X-Men to help get them back, and Frank may or may not be a little psychic. Someone ends up coming from that alternate universe who doesn't belong here, but it's okay because she's [redacted] and also Leo's [redacted].
Leo-Centric, Kastle
Leo gets an internship as Darcy Lewis' assistant (well, technically she's working for Jane Foster, but it's basically working for Darcy), where she meets Karen, matchmakes her with Frank, and also gets a girlfriend. I think the summary says it best:
Summer 2021.
In which Leo Lieberman gets the internship of a lifetime—working for Jane!Freaking!Foster’s soon-to-be former personal assistant, Darcy Lewis—both comes out of the closet AND gets the girl, and helps her long-lost murder-uncle finally reconcile with the ace reporter of his dreams.
If Frank was actually bulletproof, it would totally be just like Superman and Lois Lane.
5 Times Seth Tells Kate He Loves Her
A five-times fic where Seth is just ass over tea kettle in love with Kate, and makes sure she knows it and doesn't care what other people (read: Richie and Scott) think about it. The first one takes place the night they get back from Matanzas, and I just love the little bit I've written so far. I know 2 that I'm going to write so far, so...3 to go.
Kate Meets Vanessa Post S3
So I started writing this around Valentine's Day this year, and I might keep it as a Valentine's Day fic no matter what, but basically, in a grand universal coincidence, Vanessa strolls into Jed's just because she's stopping for lunch on her way to...somewhere. She meets Kate, who is covering the bar for Kalinda and Greer (a culebra OC that I will one day actually formally introduce in my fics, I promise), who are downstairs "checking on inventory" read: screwing in a maintenance closet because it's Valentine's Day, and then Seth comes out and there's a little, very awkward reunion, and basically Vanessa is the MOST amused, Seth is the MOST uncomfortable and Kate's just like...okay? And? Also, Seth is still bitter about Vanessa taking the tire iron to his car back in early S1.
The SK/Detroit 187 Fusion
Seth is a detective in Houston PD, who comes into the office one day to discover they...hired an intern? Said intern is Kate Fuller, a grad student at the University of Houston, who is working on her master's thesis by studying something related to crime (duh). Seth thinks she's a Disney princess in human form and they're very antagonistic with one another, but also he likes her way more than he thinks he should (but feels a LOT better about it when he finds out she's 23, not like...barely legal to drink or anything. Angst happens when a gang (Malvado's, but Carlos' branch of it) attacks Kate's family and kills her parents, and Seth takes her to Eddie and Richie for protection while he and his partner, Ximena, and the rest of the department solve the case and put Carlos' crew away.
SK Post 2x02 AU
After Kate and Seth part ways in 2x02, Kate goes back to Bethel, but Scott isn't there (so Jessica lives). She ends up in Houston for two years, working at a gym and keeping her to the ground looking for word about her brother, until one night, she's attacked by a bunch of Culebras, and is saved by Seth, Richie, and Kisa. She finds out that Carlos and Malvado are after her because she's the key to the way to the Blood Well, and Carlos and Malvado's henchwoman, the one and only Sonja, draws them all back to Bethel by putting Jessica in danger, and...it's all going to come to a head in some way that involves them saving Jessica from Sonja and killing Malvado and stopping the events of S3 from ever having to happen.
SK Season 1 AU
I don't know if i'm ever going to go anywhere with this, but I had this thought of...what is Carlos as Kyle wasn't a dick to Kate, and he took her to Mexico instead of Kate going back with Jacob and Scott. She ends up at the Twister before Seth and Richie do, and spends time with Kisa before she goes out to perform, and somehow it ends up with Kate going through the labyrinth with the brothers? I don't know. Something like that.
The FDTD/The Punisher Crossover That Starts Off In New York
So this is one of 2 crossovers I have for SK-meets-Kastle, but I love it. This is post 2x02, and Kate ends up in New York after not being able to find Scott back in Bethel. She ends up going to work as NM&P's assistant, and befriends Karen. To get to know one another better, Karen takes Kate to Josie's, where Kate discovers that Josie is a culebra, and Josie promises to keep Kate's secret. One day, this...guy shows up at the office, asking to talk to Karen, and Karen kicks Kate out of the office while they talk, and when she comes back, the guy is gone and Karen doesn't want to talk about it. (It's Frank, of course it's Frank). Also featuring one day where Frank is on the roof, Matt gets wind of it and goes up there to confront him about seeing Karen again and comes back with a black eye, and Kate is V confused whereas Karen is 10000000% pissed off at them both. Not long after, Kate and Karen are out one night, and they're attacked by a bunch of culebras. Frank helps intervene while Kate really is the one to save the day...and then she has to explain culebras to them. Of course, Karen saw aliens fall out of a portal above Stark Tower, so...snake vampires? Whatever. Kate calls Freddie to figure out why she was attacked and it turns out Carlos and Malvado are after her (and, later found out Karen too). Kate, Karen and Frank end up in Texas and things all come to a head at the blood well, as it does, and while Carlos shoots Kate in front of Seth, Richie, and Scott (which, BAD IDEA), Kate falls into the blood well, and when she's pulled out, she's healed. But...she also has something inside her that wants to destroy the world, and everyone has to race against time to figure out how to get Amaru out of Kate before she takes over completely and destroys them all. They figure out a way, but it has an...interesting side effect for Kate and Seth. Also, this is the one where Maggie takes one look at Freddie and Ximena and shrugs and says, "You know what? Porque no los dos?"
So yeah, there you go!
(Also, I thought about also including the Amaru isn't evil, she's just cranky and wants to go home, S3 AU, but we just talked about it yesterday, so I figured it doesn't count hahaaha.)
send me a book emoji of any kind and i will tell you about a fic idea i have
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 08 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 2.9K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
<- Previous part (07)
Next part (09)->
{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
Home isn't Always a Place
You're pushed forward, a gun on your back. You step down the ramp, the sunlight blinding you for a while. The headquarters were built here, in some sort of field. There as soldiers everywhere, and they're immediately aware of you. Of course they are, you're a threat. With a gun on your hand, seven bullets means seven men on the ground, crying in pain. You hardly miss.
“Sister!” A yell gets your attention, and you turn to its source. Harley comes running, throwing her arms around you. “So good to see you. Where have you been?”
In paradise. “Same place as I've been for the last year. Isn't it obvious?” Shrugging your shoulders casually, you try not to look to misplaced. Wait. Why would you look misplaced here?
“Well, now we get to have fun and some family bonding.” As she speaks, a soldier walking by gets her attention. “Hey, you. Can you help me with something?” She says in a flirting tone and walks away.
“Now it's a party.” A rough voice says, and you soon recognize the owner.
“Killer.” You greet him with a smile and a quick hug. “Nice to see you'll be here to have my back. Who else is here?”
“Deadshot is arguing with a soldier. Diablo is seated in some corner whining.” He smiles, gesturing at his left. “Long time no see. How's life?”
“Life's fine. As fine as it could be.” You start walking over where Deadshot is, watching as the soldier rolls his eyes. Floyd is gesticulating a lot, which means he's pissed.
“I won't have it like it was the last time. Now go, be a good puppy and tell this to your boss.” He says, turning his back at the man. “Havoc. Hi.” He says, exchanging a glance with Killercroc. “Ready for another stupid mission?”
“It's not like we have a choice, right? I–”
“Listen up, assholes! Your dirty things are in these boxes. So change and let's get the hell out of here. You have five minutes.” A man shouts, and everyone rolls their eyes.
You make your way to your things, and as you expected, your box is filled with your old clothes. All in shades of lilac, purple and pink. As usual, the soldiers just stand around you, not caring too much, as you change. You never liked that. Harley doesn't seem to care, and many eyes lay on her. But you do care. And you care a lot more now.
“Guys. A little help?”
Floyd and Killer grab some of the dark plastic bags that lie on the the floor, as you take a dark purple sleeveless jumpsuit. You move to stand near a wall, and the guys turn their backs at you, holding the bags high so you're shielded from anyone's eyes. They did the same on the first time, and you're very thankful for that.
“Thanks, guys. I'm done.” You tell them, fixing the jumpsuit on your body. The hard material makes you feel strong, like Havoc again.
“You're welcome.” Killer says.
“To the trucks! Now!” A man barks and you have no choice but to do as he says.
All of you go in the back of one of the trucks, together. Harley seems to be the only one excited about it, since she's trying to flirt with a soldier named Tom. You wonder what Joker would think about that. Oh. He's stuck on a bed for the rest of his life. He won't be saying anything, you bet.
As you move through the town, you can't help but think about what you did before leaving the house. The kiss. You can't believe you actually kissed him. What in hell were you thinking? You're very brave to do such a crazy thing like that. And you should've at least stayed to see his expression. To see if he was mad or not. But even if he didn't like it, you trust him enough to know he won't break his promise. He still keep helping you after you beat him up twice, so it's not a peck in the lips that will make him change his mind.
Being sure of this is a weird feeling. Your head is so much clearer now, you're not as scared as you were. And you're liking who you're becoming. This mission is just a inconvenience. It'll be over and you'll head back to the house, back to the way of getting a real life. A good life, a life you'll actually enjoy having.
You stop suddenly, and you're ordered out of the truck. “There's a small group here. Eyes open. They might have put mines here so... Don't blow up.”
You get two guns, one in your hand as you walk the perimeter. Harley stays close to Tom, but it doesn't bother you. You walk near Killercroc and Floyd, your head too far from this place.
“Hey.” Floyd elbows you. “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I'm just... Thinking.” Shrugging your shoulders, you need to focus on being casual. “How's you daughter?”
“She's great. Best student of her class and she's in a hella good school. The best of Gotham.” He looks at the sides, making sure nobody is too close. Killercroc is a few steps ahead and he doesn't really care about these stuff anyways. “You will never guess who put her there. And also guaranteed her a good University, any one she chooses.”
“That's freaking amazing, Floyd. Who did all that?” It couldn't be Amanda. She's not that good.
“Batman.” The mention of Bruce makes you blush, your heart aching from his absence. You look down, running a hand through your hair.
“Batman? In like the man you hate with all your strength?”
“How can I hate someone who does that for my kid? No, no. I respect him. Even admire him now, doing this after I tried to kill him half a dozen times.”
“Floyd, he's...” You need to let out out your chest, and having someone to talk about it would be nice. And you know you can trust Floyd, even more now that his hate for Bruce is gone. So the words roll out your tongue in a whisper as you both stop walking. “...Batman is the one helping me... Rehabilitating me.”
“Oh. So the rumors are true. I knew they took you somewhere else, just didn't know where.”
“You two. Walk.” Someone says and you start moving again.
“Yes, he... I'm going well. I...” Floyd looks down at you, raising one eyebrow. “He said it was mostly just me, but he did help. He treated me with kindness, believed me. I don't know how to explain but I'm different.”
“I did notice something was off with you. But I'd never guess.”
“Really? I was trying to keep it cool.” As you speak, three man come from the corner, immediately shooting at you. You duck behind a car, peaking just enough to lay eyes on them and aim. But they're easily put down without you having to shoot.
“All clear!” Harley says, smiling.
“So...” You continue when you start walking downtown again. “I didn't want to come, but he promised me it would be the last time.”
“Uhm... He's making promises?”
“Yes.” You don't get his tone. “He's very kind to me. Unlike anyone else... He even threw me a birthday party.”
“Happy birthday by the way, and sorry it's a little late.” You turn the corner, carefully at first. “How kind?”
“Kind.” What else can you say? That his touch is so soft, so gentle that you couldn't help but fall in love with him? “He... Cares. I think.”
“You fell for him.” Floyd bursts out, and it's not even a question. It's an affirmative. How did he get there so fast?
But you're fast to dissimulate. “What? No.”
“It's called Stockholm Syndrome.”
“It's not like that!” You exclaim. “You know I've been kidnapped before. Twice by the Joker, who kept me hostage for five months... I did spent three of them just to play tricks on his mind and get some of his money but you get what I mean. Batman didn't held me hostage. He spoke to me, helped me get clean of the drugs they used to give me at Belle Reve, he... He won't let the door locked anymore. He wants me to be able to live in society again.”
“I was teasing you. But since you went into great lengths to defend your relationship with him... You did fell for him.”
“Shut up, Floyd.” You mutter, too much on your head. Increasing your pace, you reach Killer, walking beside him.
Your feelings are pretty clear, as much as you don't want to admit it. And hear it like that just makes it even worse. The kiss... All you think is about that kiss you shouldn't have given.
You're thankful when the action starts, because you have something else to focus on. It doesn't resumes in shooting, you eventually get into hand to hand combat. And you can deal with it pretty well. Of course, it's easier because the guys have your back. You guess they somehow noticed you have no pleasure on doing this anymore. Diablo, as usual, doesn't participate much.
When you stop, hours later, you feel your body complaining a little, but you know it'll get worse. But you also know you can deal with that. And you will, because this time you have somewhere nice to return to.
The commotion goes on for a couple of days. It gets messy, and it only gets worse when the granades start falling from the skies. You're all bruised up again, but not as bad as you were in the hell hole. How is it possible that you're in the middle of a war and you're not as much hurt as you were inside a prison?
As you approach the terrorists base, things get worse, and even the soldiers seem to get anxious. So that means they're extra evil to you. One of them denied you a bottle of water, what made Killercroc almost get his head blown out for arguing with the man. That reminds you that you don't have an explosive this time, but the soldiers told you they will put a bullet through your head if you try anything. But they can rest their minds because the only thing you want is to end this soon.
A week later, the soldiers decide to settle for the night, and push you into a half destroyed house. Harley uses all the hot water, so you have to endure the cold. But it feels good to clean up, and you can take a look at your wounds. A few cuts and purple bruises, nothing you can't deal with. The only bad part of the times you stop to rest a little before start moving again, is that your mind involuntary floats back to Bruce. You can't help it, everything comes back. When he left his gala to dance with you, the dreams, the birthday surprise, the kiss... Why can't you take this man out of your head?
You're alone in a room where half of the wall is down. The others are downstairs, but you want to be alone. You can see the stars from here, and you wonder if Bruce is staring at them too. “Hey, freak.” A soldier comes in, throwing a small radio at you, that looks like a very rustic cellphone. “Someone wants to speak to you. You have five minutes.”
Watching as he leaves, you lie back on the floor, approaching the radio from your ear and mouth. You know who it is, and your stomach goes crazy, with a thousand butterflies flying around.
“Hi.” He answers. “How are you?”
His voice is so familiar, like home. “I'm surviving. Enduring. Just want this to be over soon.”
“It will. And you'll be back here.”
“I hope so... We're near their base now. So only a couple of days more and we'll reach it. Take them down.” You close your eyes, hoping that his voice will be enough to make you dream of him tonight. You would give anything to have him here... Or to be back home. You mean, back at his house. “How's everything there?" Stupid question, he's fine, everything is fine.
“It's weird not to have you here.”
A smile comes to your lips. “Is it?” You whisper, taking a deep breath. You're scared you'll lose control, and the words will roll out your tongue. “Our time is almost over but... Thank you, I... It's good to speak to you.”
“Just remember I'm waiting for you.” You hear his heavy breath, as if he's suffering too, tired, exhausted.
Then you hear a little static, and you know he's gone... There's a weight on your chest and you can't help but let a single tear roll down your cheek. You keep the radio near your face, as if you could hold Bruce with a little longer. “I miss you so much.” You say, barely recognizing your weak voice.
“I miss you too.” The sudden answer scares you, your eyes widened.
“I- I thought you hanged up.”
“No, I'm still here. And I miss you very much, sweetheart.”
The pet name makes you lose it, and now you're crying. “Bruce, I–”
“Time's up, Havoc.” The soldier comes back, hand reached out. “Say goodbye to your protector.”
“I gotta go. I... I miss you.” You burst out before another sentence, far more dangerous, leaves your lips. You give the man the radio back, curling up on the floor, bracing yourself.
From tomorrow, you'll fight harder. You need to go back.
• • •
“Their base–” The soldier who announces is shot in the throat, right beside you. You're duck behind the barricades, waiting for the big guns to arrive. You cannot approach with the risk of being blown up, and they're not allowed to spend you just yet.
“That's it. Shoot to kill, that's an order.” The commandant yells, and the bodies start dropping faster. But not from your gun. You keep aiming for their knees, but another bullet always finds the man you leave collapsed on the floor. “Are you deaf, slut?” He barks at you, leaving his post and pulling you up by the shoulders. “Don't you think you can trick me just because the Bat took you into his wings. Do what you do best and kill those terrorists.”
“I don't kill, sarg.” You tell him, making your way back to your post. But the grabs your arm violently, squeezing right on a wound you got. You groan, trying to pull away.
“You don't kill? Nice try. You will do as I say!” He yells right to your face, and you can feel his disgusting breath. But you won't back down, and you won't take a life just because he told you to.
“I don't kill.” You repeat, standing as tall as you can, head up raised up to look the man in the eye.
His gun makes sudden contact with your face, in the apple on the right cheek. Your head jerks to the side, and you're knocked down, a sharp pain spreading through the skull.
“Hey! Leave her alone!” Killercroc comes running, and you see through the corner of your eyes as he engages in a fight with the man.
You're done here. Crawling away from the fight, you hide yourself behind a building, seated on the floor and resting your back against the wall. They seem to be dealing with that very well, so they don't need you. You're tired of fighting, tired of being in pain.
“Havoc?” Floyd calls, startling you a little. “Are you ok? Your cheek is–”
I'm (Y/N). “Yes, I'm ok. But I'm not going back there.”
“You'll have to tell them you're feeling unwell or else–”
“I don't care, ok? I just need to go back home. I'm sick and tired of this shit.” You burst out.
“Home?” He questions, not seeming too excited to head back to the battlefield.
“Yeah, just... I'm confused, I'm hurt. I'm not thinking straight.”
“I have to head back. Sorry.”
Nodding, you close your eyes, taking in the explosions and shooting. The only thing you want is peace now, silence... Bruce's arms. A heavy, cold rain starts falling, and you're soaking wet in a matter of seconds. Your head spins around, and you lie down, eyes closed tight.
Suddenly, you're pulled into a heavy sleep.
• • •
“Lucky bitch. We should be taking her back to where she belongs.” A rough voice wakes you up, and you sit up, eyes opening slowly. You're in a truck, in the back, on the metal floor. Your hands are tied by huge metal handcuffs, that cover both hands, reaching the middle of your forearm. It's heavy.
“Let's teach her a lesson. Just like old times.” A man say, and you recognize two out of six, both were your guards in Belle Reve.
“Don't leave too many bruises. She'll be with Batman in ten minutes, he'll notice.”
Ten minutes... You're going back. This truck in taking you back. Lowering your head, you smile, breathing deeply.
“She was with the Task Force. He'll think she got them there.”
“Fine then.” You're pulled back, a dark, heavy fabric covering your head. “This is just to remind you of who you are, Havoc.”
“And to give you a nice memory of home.”
The beating starts, and your body easily collapses to the floor again. But you're lifted up, again and again. You should fight. You should do something, but you can't. You're not the superpowerful girl you thought you were. You break too, and you get hurt. And you are hurt, with countless cuts and wounds through your body. When you were high on whatever they gave you, you could keep moving. Now you can't. Being vulnerable, weak, feels awful, but there's just no strength in you. You just need to make it through the last ten minutes that separate you from home.
When exactly did the house became that?
Or is it Bruce? Is he the one becoming your home? Is it even possible? You hope it is.
@redwolf-7 @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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praphit · 4 years
WandaVision: When you can’t let go of that robo-lovin.
So, I just finished watching "WandaVision", and I must say, right off the bat 
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Disney Plus is finally paying off. I'm in the group of peeps who got DP, not for the mouse, but for the ones whom the mouse is in bed with, and most recently on Mickey's playtime Marvel List - Wanda Maximoff and her robo-boy toy VISION... or is that “THE Vision”? - that seems kinda ostentatious, but whatever.
When I first heard that Wanda was getting a series, I said "Who cares?" I don't care bout no Wanda! What has she been other than a weird pest?
Let's review:
She tried to kill the Avengers, she accidentally injures and kills innocent people, she was getting in the way, so Tony Stark had to get his CPU (Vision) to babysit her, she falls in love with the CPU - can we talk about how strange this is? I didn't say wrong, just different, cuz honestly, we may be headed there soon. That movie "Her" might be a reality with how tech is going these days.
But, imagine I come to your home and fall in love with your laptop (which messes everything up for you with all your devices and your social media), THEN (as Wanda did with Vision), I run off on some romantic journey with all of your devices. Imagine how Tony would have felt, if he was still with us.
She had one job when it came to Thanos, and it ended up not mattering.
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Then, went full rage on the wrong Thanos.
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Idk if that’s a look (Thanos) pain, release, of he’s listening to his jam. Kinda looks like he’s saying “JESUS”. But, Wanda is pissed.
Wanda: "You took everything from me!"
Thanos: "Lady, I don't even know you!"
I didn't care about Wanda. But, damn, Marvel is so good that in one episode they made me care; one trailer, really.
If you had not seen the trailer for this series, you might be confused by the first episode. 
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You might even ask yourself - "What the bleep is this nonsense?!" We want heroes vs villains. We want super-powered explosions. We want capes, ridiculously tight clothes, bulky armor, and anything else that makes no sense to fight in.
You're giving me "Bewitched"?
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I DID see the trailer, so I knew going in that it would be a slow burn with some nostalgia, some quirks, and some eeriness; right up my alley.
The change in Tv decade styles btw *chef kiss*
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I figured that they'd be trapped in some mysterious, magical world - which they are...
Unless you're super geeky with the funny books, there's no way you'll see what's coming in this mystery.
And it IS a mystery, not only to the audience, but for the characters involved in this show. Don't nobody know what the hell is going on.
But, LaWanda and Vishawn 
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(sorry, I just wanted to use this pic - Ha! Y'all are crazy.)had help figuring things out:
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Yeah, it's actually Monica Rambeau, 
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but... admit it, some of you kept thinking about Rambo too, right?? No offense to this actress, but I'd rather see old man Sly play Rambo, and HIM be in this mysterious WandaVision town. Let's get Disney a lil bloody. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
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Marvel WILL BE venturing into multiple universes soon, so perhaps Rambo finds his way to team up with The Punisher? Huh?? YEAH!
But, no... Rambeau (meh No personality, but whatever).
Randall Park - 
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He's that person we all know who has made us laugh so much in life, that they don't even need to say anything anymore; you look at them and laugh. I love this dude!
Kat Dennings - 
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I remember liking her more in the Thor movies.  I found her annoying, this time around.   She joins the mystery to figure tech stuff out, and she's a doctor or something (don't you forget it!). She also asks the team she just meets to get her some coffee, and acts like they're disrespecting HER, by their lack of response. I know she's a doctor and all, but damn! Imagine some electrician comes to your place to serve YOU, they're condescending to you, and then  they ask you for some coffee. Get the hell outta here!
Oh, and there's a dude named “Director Dick”. That's my name for him, but the name fits.
The people in this town are acting out as if they've been scripted for some show. And all of these characters, AND US, get to figure it out together - through antics from different times in Tv culture. 
Times sure were different back in the day:
No social justice issues implanted or cursing or sex or drugs... now, I'm not saying it was a better time, just a different one :) A time when dad jokes ruled! Simple times! Ignorance was bliss. But, it kinda wasn't - not really.
It's like having an animal die on your property somewhere, and it starts to stink. You COULD find the truth of the stench... or light candles everywhere. Some really strong candles - maybe some of those Gwyneth Paltrow candles.
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Though the stench might get covered up, the problem is still there. At some point, your kids could find the dead rotting animal... maybe start playing with it... you get the point.
In this show, the townspeople's minds have been taken over by someone or something, and it's torturous for them. So... bliss on the surface, but... not so much, going deeper. I tell you all of this, plus great production in each epi, a good slow-burn mystery, and fun with comic characters in a way we haven't seen before on screen, and hell yeah - Grade: A series.
Now... spoilers.
You might want to leave now.
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People, Wanda is the villain here. I'm not sure if that's the message the writers are trying to convey or not, but I don't care; she is the clear villain here.
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Here’s Wanda reading some Hell book, conjuring some dark spirits - nbd.
We are rooting for her throughout this show; even after we find out that she has been (even if not maliciously) controlling every one, we still root for her.
I'm not saying that's bad, but we can't forget about what she has done! Remember, I said that the mind control was torturous for the townspeople.
There's a very emotional moment at the end of this series between Wanda and Vision, and between them and their kids (yeah, they have kids... that's a whole other thing). This moment is well done and touching. There's even a bad ass fight between Wanda and the "true... villain"? - of this story. I'll get to her in a sec (There’s a badass Vision fight scene as well).
I loved all of that! But, at the end of the day...
I know Wanda is grieving and all, we all grieve, but we all don't, in our grief, take a whole town hostage, torture the people, all while playing house with our family. That's kinda sick, no??
Are we doing a girl-power thing? or a “witches are people too” thing? or “but she’s doing it all for her family” thing (yeah, they’re not actually real, but whatever)? I don’t know.
I'm not sure that we know what a villain is anymore. It used to be clear - the guy with the beard was the bad guy, or the guy wearing the black outfit was the bad guy, or the people who aren't Americans are the bad guys :)
But, movies like "Joker" and "Deadpool" and Harley's joint have confused some.
Who else would be the villain? There's a character, the villain (i guess), a witch named Agatha Harkness, played by Kathryn Hahn
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Here she is saying “I’m the villain? Really? What about her?!!”
   - she's excellent btw; def the highlight of this show; her and Paul Bettany's hair game.
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But, let's compare:
betrays her coven back in the day, sure, but why you bringing up old shit? 
She allows Wanda to play out this fantasy for a while, and even played along. She could have just killed her when she was ignorant; that's what I would have done. She eventually shows Wanda the truth (granted, she then wants Wanda's power, but hey, everything has a price. And for all we know, she would have used all of that power to... cure the worlds diseases or something... though prob not:). Annnd maybe she killed an imaginary puppy. Convo for another time: if you kill something that's not real, does it matter??
That's it!
She didn't (like Wanda): abduct a town, torture its people, bring Vision back from the dead (kinda), endanger soldiers who were just doing their jobs, create weird fantasies (And did she have sexy time with previously dead, fake Vision? This thing gets even weirder if she did. But, let's not go down that path.) Oh, and she magically punted a black woman (Rambo) the length of a football field just for her asking Wanda some questions.
When the townspeople finally regain their minds (Lord knows how long it's been), they look at her with disdain, and I don't blame them.  And what does Wanda do?? - shrug, put on a hoodie, and fly off - to break into somebody's home and read some devil book.
Where’s cancel culture in this universe? 
I know she made us feel, but I ask again, who's the villain here?
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Still Grade A stuff for me (again, I loved this!), but c'mon, people.
We get a glimpse of Captain Marvel 2 as well. My fingers are crossed. I actually liked the first movie. But, many others did not, and one of the reasons - Captain Marvel doesn't have much of a personality, and another - she's too powerful (no risk).
So, to answer the critics, we have Monica Rambeau - another ridiculously super-powered hero, with no personality. So, two unrelatable characters flying around in space, as Sam L Jackson tries not to curse. But, if Marvel can make me care about evil ass Wanda, I'll still hold out hope for Capt Marvel 2.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 3 years
Hi Bones! You're getting the Big P4 Angst Idea! And it's going under a cut cause it's kind of A Beast even in summary form. Title in my head is Guilty Until Proven Capable or possibly just The Second Time Around. Fair warning, this is gonna get a little rambly.
So this one's a Persona 4 fic inspired by the handful of NG+ fics I've read that play with new game plus as a time loop for the protagonists because that's already a juicy concept. Specifically, it takes place at the beginning of the second time through events after getting the bad ending on December 3rd, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200, Bad Ending. Narukami wakes up in the Velvet Room the day before he's supposed to leave town and is basically told "you done fucked up, we're gonna give you another shot, but be careful what you try and change." Naturally, after the losses that happened and the evil fog deep unease lingering over town over the three months between making That Choice and leaving town, he jumps right at the chance to fix things. Wakes up on the train going into Inaba and starts the whole cycle over fresh. Things go as expected for most of the first couple of days.
And of course, as is the nature of time travel as a narrative device, the rules and limitations don't get Really Explained until he fucks something up and tries to change too much. Specifically, he tries to prevent Saki Konishi's death.
Specifically, he succeeds in preventing Saki Konishi's death.
And spends the day riding that high until the next morning where he meets up with her again, feels incredibly vindicated that he's already doing better when the bond starts forming and that means she's safe, and... hold up... Magus Arcana? That sounds an awful lot like Magician. And Yosuke's missing from school. Another body's been found. And he knows what's coming at the school assembly, knows what's about to be announced, and somehow seeing it coming makes it so much worse when the principal announces that Yosuke Hanamura has been found murdered. The only thing worse than your best friend being murdered is feeling responsible for it. Even worse than that is not even being able to mourn him properly because at this point you've technically only known him for 3 days.
The second time around, it's Saki Konishi at his side going in to investigate the second victim's death. The second time around, it's not the liquor store in a distorted version of the shopping district but the break room of a dilapidated Junes where Yosuke's last thoughts about the town he hates and the girl who almost makes it worth staying there hang in the stale air and summon the worst parts of the person at Yu's side. The second time around, it's a lot harder to forgive those darkest parts when her shadow talks about how glad she is that he's finally out of her hair and how she only wanted to avenge his death to assuage her guilt at feeling that way.
Harder, but not impossible. She awakens to her persona, Ayame, and again, things proceed mostly as normal.
Next trip to the Velvet Room, the rules get explained: the true victims will always die even if it's not the same ones every time, but not every death that occurred last time was that of a true victim; be careful changing too much from last time lest the team go in just as blind as the first time and twice as out of their depth; face the journey with eyes open not just to what happened as he remembers but as they unfold again, without grief clouding his purpose and they'll find their way to the truth. Easier said than done with one new death on his hands and Nanako's death looming in the future.
Some of the Social Links get shaken up, with Yosuke's father as the new Hanged Man arcana (helping him work through his grief at the loss of his son as he swings wildly between throwing himself blindly into his work, acting as a surrogate helicopter parent to Teddie, and second-guessing everything he's done since his son's death; is he giving his wife space to grieve by taking up the extra work at Junes or is he just hiding from her and his own pain? Is he helping Ted out of the goodness of his own heart because this weird kid needs someone to look after him and it's the right thing to do or is he trying to replace the son he's quickly realizing he didn't know anything about and was probably driving away with the constant moving? Heavy questions to drop on a 16 y/o part timer.) and Naoki replacing Yumi/Ayane as the Sun arcana (medical club rather than drama or band, partly because Naoki cornered him into joining so he could keep an eye on him and get a feel for Narukami's intentions with his sister, and partly because Yu is fascinated by how different the guy is when not numbed by a massive burden of grief he won't let himself process.) And of course letting Saki out of the fridge to be the Magus arcana, as kind and angry and complicated and flawed as the rest of the team, and just as good a friend to him as Yosuke was. With bonus opportunity to relay what Yosuke wanted to tell her about being special if they had both had the chance to live, her rank 10 leads to her awakening to the persona Kushinadahime.
And of course, this wouldn't be complete without addressing the lingering dread of what Yu is certain Nanako's fate is gonna be. Initially he debates keeping an arm's length between them or being The Best Big Bro On The Planet for her and settles on the latter because of course. Throws himself into it when he's not working on the balancing act between essentially metagaming and being complacent in the investigation. As November draws closer and closer, he eventually convinces himself to interfere like he did with Saki in the beginning. Because the most likely person to die in Nanako's place is his uncle and if he knew everything, it's the call Dojima would make. Because he's spent another year of watching his uncle brushing off his daughter and breaking her heart because he can't look her in the eye and deep down, it's hard to feel charitable seeing that and knowing what's going to happen, even knowing why. So he starts working on his argument to convince his parents to adopt Nanako when the time comes.
Through a little extra interference, it's Dojima who gets dragged into the tv alongside Namatame after he fails to kidnap Nanako, although she gets hurt in the struggle to take her and still ends up in the hospital. Rather than Namatame trying to flee after they wreck, it's Adachi who shoves them both in and convinces the team Namatame took Dojima as a hostage. Their shared dungeon is Purgatory rather than Heaven, and Yu's not sure if it's better or worse. Things mostly go as they do in game, although there's also a confrontation with Dojima's shadow before the big fight. It's rough, but they bring everyone home.
Of course, they get the choice right the second time around with Namatame, and when Nanako recovers from the fog everyone's relieved as hell, especially Yu. Y'know, until the guilt of "oh god I was willing to sacrifice my uncle and orphan my cousin to try and save her, what the hell is wrong with me?" hits him like a ton or twelve of bricks. Now that Dojima has seen everything in the other world, has seen firsthand that Yu was telling the truth, Yu confesses everything everything, including the fact that he's done this before and the choice he was going to make. It's, naturally, a lot to process.
The confrontation with Adachi is even angrier, in part because he's done more this time around, in part because of Yu's own guilt. But again, things go as they do in-game.
Playing with the idea of either the Orb of Clarity or Myriad Truths at the very end of the true ending giving everyone else the memories made in the previous "playthrough" or just. Letting that be one of those Protag Things They Never Tell The Team, either way it's gonna be bittersweet as hell because I'm a monster.
I have put so much thought into this work that's gonna be too damn big for me to ever finish if I ever tried to do it. But I need it. But that means I have to write it. Naturally, Andi, if you wanna take this into dms and yell at/with me over this idea, then by all means please do. It's a big enough longfic idea that that's probably the only way it's gonna see anything resembling the light of day.
Send me a 📓 (or other book emoji) and I'll talk about a fic idea I daydream about but haven't gotten around to writing!
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adamburt1984 · 4 years
6 Favourite & Least Favourite Life is Strange Characters
6 Life is Strange Characters (Apart from Max, Chole & Rachel)
1. Kate Marsh (Right) (& her sisters-Lynn, left), Life is Strange
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2. Steph Gingrich, Life is Strange Before the Storm
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3. Cassidy, Life is Strange 2
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4. Dana Ward, Life is Strange & Life is Strange Before the Storm
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5. Juliet Watson, Life is Strange & Life is Strange Before the Storm
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6. Taylor Christensen, Life is Strange
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6 Least Favourite 
1. Sean Peocott, Life is Strange Before the Storm
 He worst than his son and reason why his son so mess up. He like took over the town and own part of it and don’t even care about people, small business like fishing and wildlife. He worst than the storm. He nothing like Donald Trump, he helps his people.
2. Chad Michaels & Mike Wilson, Life is Strange 2
 When I played Life is Strange 2, Sean should of have a gun. And Mike is useless prick he should hold Chad back and let Sean go. How many lands do these idiots own or did they arrived there and attack anyone they think not Americans. Also Sean should of ran them over. 
3. Madison, Life is Strange 2
 This woman is a *****, her husband (or ever he may be) seem inocent in all this and he start saying there a child but her wife (or who ever she is) does care and even think she work for police or board control. When Sean talk with Mexican couple she start interefree. Also feel her husband is bit inocennt is you free them he be the one to thank.
4. Jenn Murphy’s Mother, Life is Strange 2
 She tell Sean’s love interest Jenn from contacting Sean, cos Jenn’s mum a lawyer (reason they scum of the earth). Feel bad for Sean, he does like her, even he has Cassidy. Do sure Jenn care for Sean even help him in Math and even like a photo of Sean & Lyra in Lyra’s social media site in Episode 5. She dating someone on first episode or his friend, Lyra teaste him.
5. Hank Stamper, Life is Strange 2
 He maybe like main villain but he’s an asshole. And Sean sure beat him up bad and nick more stuffs. Sure it maybe put him to more trouble but should knock him out. Can’t stand that sort of guy. Had problem with Brody cos of what he into and think he will get award for heldind boys hostage.
6. Lisbeth Foster, Life is Strange 2
 Cult B****, brainwash Daniel. She only does it for the money. She’s evil. Desvere to die.
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laceymorganwrites · 4 years
The Story of the sad chapter 11
Word Count: 1,603
Pairing: Ban x reader
Warnings: few swear words
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As soon as you returned to the others, Meliodas was wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“What took you two lovebirds so long?” he asked teasingly.
“Well I asked (Y/N) to make it official and then they kissed the life out of me” Ban smirked, wrapping his arm around you as you blushed madly.
How could be just blurt out private stuff like that? “Congratulations!” Elaine chimed in from the side, she looked genuinely happy and laughed. Diane gave you thumbs up and so did Elizabeth in her boobs.
“Nishishi, I knew (Y/N) would make the first step!” Meliodas noticed, nodding at you and patting your shoulder.
“Mel! Stop it, you´re embarrassing me!!” you squeaked and tried to conceal your blush, but the blond just laughed at it, so did Ban, who wasn´t helping at all.
“What did you think, Cap´n? They´re just too irresistible not to chase after~” Ban laid an arm around you and your face was close to exploding from the heat.
“Guys! This isn´t funny, it´s private!” you tried to put them into place, which semi worked.
“Boys will be boys, (Y/N). My next fight´s coming up, wish me luck!” Diane chimed in and went to the battlefield after leaving tiny Elizabeth in Meliodas´ hands.
She was up against yet another holy knight, you wondered how many of those pests were around today. And even though his magic sent all of her clothes flying, she stood her guard and won the fight.
“I´m sorry I ruined your outfit, Elizabeth” she frowned sadly and fondled with her fingers in shame.
“Oh no, don´t worry about it! It wasn´t your fault” Elizabeth smiled sweetly and reassured her.
“Wait, I´ll give you my jacket” you suggested as you saw the dirty looks she was getting.
“Really? Thanks, (Y/N)!” Diane smiled brightly and accepted the jacket you took off.
Now it was Meliodas´ second round, he was up against the old guy that beat King before.
Somehow he looked so familiar, but you just couldn´t figure out why.
As soon as he threw off his cape though, it was crystal clear.
He was from Danafor, you realized and had to gulp, goosebumps building all over your body.
You instinctively grabbed for Ban´s hand, which he gently squeezed. He could sense something was off, but decided not to say anything at how uncomfortable you looked.
The time in Danafor was so great that you forgot about the curse and when it hit, Meliodas couldn´t take it and destroyed the whole kingdom.
But Cain was always so kind to the two of you… so why was he accusing Meliodas?
Well, it turned out that he didn´t know any better and once he found out that Meliodas was indeed telling the truth and didn´t hurt anyone on purpose, he hugged him out of relief and yielded the fight.
That left Diane and Meliodas for the finals, with that the reason you were here would for sure be retrieved.
You let out a relieved sigh as you saw how the events turned out, making Ban smirk and pull you closer to him to kiss your neck.
Giggling, you turned around to him and gave him a real kiss on the lips. It took him by surprise a little, but he chuckled at your fierceness.
You would´ve continued your little kissing session if it weren´t for the girls next to you who absolutely wanted Meliodas to win and be with them right now.
Oh no.
You didn´t need more context than that to know that the punch that was thrown in the battlefield was Diane´s. She was pissed. This was either going to be super fun or the end of the arena.
Ban´s and your attention was all on the fight now, Diane was beating up the captain and ranting about how much of an idiot he was.
But suddenly they stopped in their tracks and a dark atmosphere could be felt, it made you feel beyond uncomfortable.
As you looked up to the sky and saw more holy knights approaching, especially those two, you and the others joined the battlefield.
Everyone saw it and Meliodas thought about a make shift plan to get the people out of town.
Well, playing big bad wolf certainly did work.
But not good enough, the attack came sooner than you bargained for.
You did your best to defend the civilians but there were too many of the enemy for you.
So Meliodas told you to split up, you only wished your reunion wouldn´t take 10 years this time.
Ban and you teamed up and got the civilians to safety when an evil aura appeared.
You pushed Ban out of the way before the attack could hit him, but there she was: the girl from the Baste dungeon.
Well, you knew you didn´t need to be jealous, but you were just like your sister when it came to feelings, so you couldn´t really get a hold of yourself.
Especially not with the way that bitch eyed your man.
If only you had your sword….
Until then your fists and magic had to suffice, you vigorously attacked her, punching her in the face, which only semi worked. You started doubting your powers, weren´t you supposed to be one of the strongest of your kind? Oh right, you could only unleash full power with your sword.
“Have we met before?” Ban asked and the confused look in his eyes let you know he told the truth.
That kind of relieved you, but still, she was out here trying to get something that didn´t belong to her.
Your rage made you attack her without thinking again, how dare she make him bleed?
But Jericho saw you coming a mile away and grabbed you by the throat, choking you and throwing you on the ground, which left you unconscious.
Something about her had changed, she wasn´t the annoying, embarrassed little brat from the prison anymore, no, she was devoid of all emotion.
If you didn´t know any better you´d say there was something demonic about her, after all if someone would know what a demonic aura was like, it would be you.
You woke up after some time to see that King was taking care of the two women, Hawk and Elizabeth joined up with you too. Meliodas and Ban were still unconscious. It was strange, somehow Ban´s wounds didn´t heal as they usually would, it made you worried sick.
Alongside Hawk, you carried the two to safety.
“Elizabeth? Did you just...grow?” you asked, not being sure if your eyes only played tricks on you.
Hawk saw it too though and you were very glad that Meliodas was still unconscious.
In the same instance another princess of Liones, Veronica came around the corner alongside another holy knight.
Great, now you were busted.
Veronica tried to take Elizabeth back with her to the castle, but you and Meliodas who finally woke up managed to hold her back for a while.
Meanwhile she sprouted all sorts of insults and nonsense about your little sad club, which made you quite mad.
But Elizabeth defended your group as best as she could.
It was too late when you noticed some peculiar jewel that the princess had on her, it was Goddess Amber and trapped Meliodas inside of it.
“How the fuck did you get your hands on that, princess?” you mumbled, thinking about how it could be possible to lose something like that. Well, it wasn´t your fault and you really thought your race would take better care of it.
You were too distracted in your own thoughts to notice that Elizabeth picked up Meliodas´ sword and demanded that Meliodas would be set free from the jewel, unfortunately Veronica didn´t know how to do it.
You were taken aback by the determination and bravery of Elizabeth, it made your heart ache and tears come to your eyes.
Subconsciously you moved beside Elizabeth in an effort to protect her, you couldn´t be too careful around those holy knights.
“I´ll take care of this~” Ban finally regained consciousness and took the princess hostage as the holy knight trapped Elizabeth.
All of this was starting to get on your nerves and the last straw was when Guila and Jericho returned, Jericho injuring Ban again.
“I´ve had it with you, you fucking brat...” you said lowly, gritting your teeth and casting ark around your fists as you started throwing punches at the holy knight.
It did make her bleed and you smirked at that, you couldn´t wait to do it again, but in a failed attempt of capturing Elizabeth, holy knight Griamore captured them in his magic shell.
Elizabeth took the opportunity to run away with Meliodas in the jewel and his sword.
You stayed back to tend to Ban.
“Why do you keep taking all those hits?! Is it that hard to dodge?! Just once?” you had your arms crossed and gave Ban a scolding.
He just smirked at you as he got up.
“Why should I dodge when I know you´re gonna be taking care of me~?” he chuckled, making you pout.
“You´re an idiot, stop making me worry all the time!” you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head on his chest.
He put his arm around you, smiling contently and caressing you.
“I know, I´ll try my best to be careful next time” he said, but suddenly he frowned.
This feeling… he felt it before, it was like the creature in the fairy king´s forest.
But how could it be that it was back here? Didn´t he kill it?
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imagineswelcome · 4 years
Beauty and the Beast
Joker (Heath Ledger) x reader
Events take place during the 2nd Nolan movie, The Dark Knight.
Prompt : You meet the Joker, he kidnappes and you end up to take part of almost all his crimes. How did you come to that?
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You’re Y/N L/N, a famous physicist in Gotham. You work for the Wayne Compagny on sustainable energy sources, you have a great job, a great flat in Gotham and basically a great life !
You wake up as every morning but you realise you already have receive a letter. You are invited to a party at the Wayne penthouse, yes, the billionaire burn his house to crisp, who does that ? Anyway. The party is a found raising for Harvey Dent. The name seams to ring a bell but you’re not sure.  But the party is this evening, you reaaaally need to do some shopping, fortunatly it’s Saturday and you’re not working. You go to your favorite shop and you find a black dress which seems to be made for you. It perfectly suits you and you look incredible. You already know that it will match perfectly your Louboutin heels you offered yourself for Christmas. You will be stunning even if you are not a billionnaire as probably all of the other guests.
The time has come. Party time. You don’t know what you expected but definitely not that : you’re « talking » with an annoying billionnaire who isn’t even listening to you and believe that the earth might be flat. As a physicist you have loads of strong points to prove him wrong but he is a rich white man who don’t care about what you have in your head since he likes what he sees. An helicopter sound saves you from this terrible conversation. It seems that Brune Wayne is really a drama queen, you believed he is brilliant but never thought he would be the kind to be late and showing off with three top-models. After a very little speech on Harvey Dent, the party start again, this time you rush to the barman to enjoy a well-deserved drink. This man was such a pain. You were enjoying your free drinks when a gunshot was heard. The terrorist from the TV has come out of the elevator and is asking for Harvey Dent. You don’t know why but you wanted to see the man, the Joker, with your own eyes so you come closer to the scene. Harvey Dent girlfriend has the courage to come to the Joker and to tell him that Dent isn’t here. But he starts to come closer to her with a knife. You don’t know why, maybe you has a sorority instinct, but you call out for the Joker, he turns back to you and Rachel kicks him. And everything went so fast. Batman was here and starts to fight the Joker men but the Joker grabs Rachel and throws her out of the window. Batman jumps to safe her. But if Batman just jumps, who stays to protect you ? Once the Batman jumped, the Joker comes directly for you. You are paralized, all the courage you had just vanished. He grabs your arm and says « You come with me, beautiful. » You try to fight but there is no way for you to escape the Joker and his men push you in the elevator and in their van. You’re being kidnapped, of course you left your phone on the bar and you have no way to call for help. After a long enough moment, the van stops. Someone opens the back door and you hear : « Hi. I’m the Joker. Nice to meet you Y/N. Very nice indeed. I’m following your work at Wayne Enterprises and I can say that I’m, uhm, very impressed to have you here with me. » You were expecting everything but that. The Joker is a fan of physic ? Moreover a fan of you ? You must have look surprised because he adds «  Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just want to talk to you. Let’s have dinner. » And you find yourself answering ackwardly « uhm, ok. »
And you actually spend a really good evening, the Joker is a gentleman, he likes quantum physic and to make jokes (as his name made you guess). But it seems to be too good to be true. He is a killer and as charming as he wants to be with you, he kidnapped you. He told you you needed to stay at his place for a few days, that he can’t bring you back just now. People will think you’re part of the plan but he doesn’t want you to get involved in all the chaos. He shows you an incredibly cosy bedroom, there were several outfits in the closet. Not that bad for a kidnapping. You spend three days in this mansion/warehouse : it was a warehouse, at least you believed since you never saw the outside but the inside was a mansion with staircase and rooms. It was simple decoration but the place in itself was curious in the good way. You could discover it even if there were guards at every entrance to prevent you from any kind of escape. Every evening you had dinner with the Joker, he never talked to you about his evil plans, never screamed at you. He was nice but it was wrong.
The fourth day, a bodyguard came to you and told you to go on a truck but like a big big truck, the ones that usually have huge cargots inside. The Joker was at the back with an arsenal and something that looked like a bazooka. You were on the passenger sit. The Joker told you that he had something to do before bringing you home. You understand that it is definitely something dangerous and illegal probably involving murder and explosion. Great. You’re in the same car as a murdering psychopath. You don’t seem to have been kidnapped. You hope that the GCPD will not think that you are an accomplice or something like that.
But it was only the beginning of your problems, the Joker just shot an officer so he can drive through a closed road and he is now targetting a GCPD van with the bazooka. Oh lord. Is it the Batman outside ? Damn. An helicopter just fell on the ground. This is chaos. Batman is charging the truck you’re in now. Did he miss ? Oh god, he did n…
You blacked out for a little and wake up, you seem to have been thrown through the windscreen. Every muscles and bones of your body hurt. Several pieces of glass have cut you. You try to stand up and you see the Batman on the ground, lying like a dead man on his back with the Joker on him. Suddently you feel someone grabbing your arms on your back. « You’re under arrest, you fucking cop killer ». He pushes you against the reversed truck and handcuff you. You’re incapable of saying something, everything hurts.
Once in the GCPD department, the not-so-kind officer take your prints and your belongings and threw you into an interrogation room. You try to explain several time that you really need to see a doctor, you are in so much pain but they aren’t listening to you. The female police officer in charge of your interrogation comes closer to you and press her finger on an open wound you have on you arm. « Now you talk. Tell me everything you know. » It hurts to much. Maybe the only way to make them call the doctor is to force them to make you see a doctor. Because they don’t care about what you have to say. The female officer is still close to you, since you’re sitting on a chair with only handcuff on you wrists, you rise up and block her neck with your handcuffs. « I. Want. A. Doctor. », you run out of the room with the officer as your hostage and head for a big place where there are a lot of people. They probably can get you a doctor. They are celebrating something or what ? Is it applause that you’re hearing ? You scream out of despair « I need to see a doctor ! » They all turn out to you and start reaching their guns. You repeat with a softer tone « I’m really injured, all of my body hurts, I really need to see a doctor, please. It was the only way for you to hear me. She wasn’t trying to help me, she hurted me even more. » As you were explaining the situation, you saw that the Joker was in the room too, behind bars. And his gaze was full of compassion and a bit of anger but it wasn’t because of you. It was because of the police-men. An officer with a mustache and glasses start to talk « It’s ok Miss, let her go, we will help you ». « I won’t let her go before I see the medic in this very room. I don’t believe you » was your answer. The officer order to bring the medic here. And you finally let the woman go. The medic bring you into a cell for more privacy and also because you were a suspect and you will probably not get out of the GCPD any time soon. The medic was actually pretty kind to you, he diagnosed a broken forearm, four broken ribs and several contusions all around your body but there may be more, he couldn’t tell exactly how broken you were without a radiography. He took care of your wounds and left you to sleep. He told you that you’ll go to the hospital tomorrow and that you should rest now. You almost instantly fell asleep.
You have been waken up by an explosion. You try to see something through the little window of your door but everything was dark. You sit on your bed, listening to everything, trying to understand what happened. A little after that, you heard footsteps and a key in the hole of your door. When the door opened, you realise that it is the Joker. You start with visible confusion « How… did you… ? » The Joker cut you « We don’t have much time. Come ». The Joker wasn’t alone, an other prisonner with handcuffs and several of this complices were there too.
The Joker let his men go with the prisonner and ask you how you were. You told him what the medic said. « You’re going to see my doctor » he said. With a stolen police car, you were now heading to where the Joker lived in town and see another doctor who, this time, could do some bandages for your broken arm.
The Joker actually lives in a mansion. Maybe he is a guy of simple taste but when he can, he choses comfort. He brings you food, clean clothes and show you a room where you can rest. You took a shower and inspect you body. You never have been this injured before. And you promess yourself that you will never be this injured expect if you chose to be in a dangerous situation. Noone will ever hurt you again. You’ll not let them. Even if they are the police. Even if they are supposed to do the good. What’s good ? Does this word still have a sense in this world ? The Joker is a bad guy but he was good to you, he respected you, was interrested in what you had to say, listened to you while the « good » policemen did not. The Joker may be a mad man but he could be very kind, and funny, and he sometimes makes sense. Deep sense. When he talks about the established order and all the hypocrisis of the world.
After all this thoughts, you decide to sleep and you sleeped for a whole day. Your body and your soul needed it. When you wake up, your first reflex is to turn on the TV to check the news. The Joker has blown up an hospital. But it was actually an empty hospital. Everyone has been evacuated before the explosion.
It was dark outside. You dressed up and went downstairs to find something to eat. You were starving. You were surprised to discover that you were alone in this house, no one was there to guard you, no one was here to stop you from getting outside. Incredible. You were free. Again ! And you made another promess to yourself, you’ll be free forever. When you arrived in the kitchen, you saw a note on the table. It was from the Joker :
« Dear Y/N,
I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you. I truly am. Tonight is the final act. We’ll probably never see each over again but I had a great time talking with. You are a truly amazing person. Never let anyone make you think you are not. You are capable of everything you want to accomplish.
J »
But. But. But you don’t want not to see him again. You realise that you actually care for him, that you want to know him, to talk to him. As a friend first but maybe you are ready for more.
You turn on the TV with the hope to find where the Joker is and to join him. And it worked. He is filmed fighting Batman. He’ll never win. You know it and you know he knows it. He must have an ace in the hole. You check on the internet where this tower is and it is very close from this house. You run  in the house to find where the arsenal is. There must be one. It has to. And you found it. There are all sort of guns and accessories. You check the infos again. The Joker is in the air upside down with one feet tied. You have to rescue him. Even if that means that you become a criminal. You want to do it therefore you have to. You’re looking for a huge safety net of something like that. The thing that is used in circus. He must have one. You are incredibly lucky because he actually does. You take it and walk as fast as you can to put it just under the Joker since this is pretty heavy. The SWAT is helping the hostages and arresting the accomplices. They don’t notice that you were installing a big net. You have also bring with you a kind of sniper. You never shot anything with a weapon like that but you have so notion of how to use a gun. You’re an american afterall and even with a broken arm you can use a weapon. After one missed shot, you manage to cut the wire which was holding the Joker. His fall seems to be eternal laugh. But the net does its job and you save him. You help him to get out. He seems surprised to see you. « Thank you Y/N. I am impressed. But for now take my hand and run.»
So you do and you both disappear in the darkness of Gotham small streets.
GIF not mine, credit to the owner.
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thesehauntedhills · 4 years
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Now, for those you don't know me, let me tell you, "IMMA CHICKEN". I believe in the Holy Ghost and that leads me to believe in other Ghosts. Satan is a copycat master of deception, ya know. So, two places that I will not visit because after hearing of family and friends accounts of their visits to these places, I won't go. The two places are both in East Tennessee. One right here in Greene County, The Old Greene County Gaol. The old jail is located behind the Greene County Courthouse. The other place I will not go is located in Morgan County in the tiny town of Petros. Yep, that's it the former Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. I've heard accounts from reputable, professional people of their visit to the former Prison and they share tales of being on the Ghost Walk tour and "something got on" them. Scared enough to go wait in the car for the others! Here follows is some information about the Prison . . . . and the Convicted Ghosts who demand their acquittal
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Brushy State Penitentiary. Operating from 1896 to 2009, the penitentiary was known as the Alcatraz of the South. Brushy State once housed James Earl Ray, the man who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. The vacant prison is surrounded by a rock wall.
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The penitentiary stands in a notch in the Cumberland Mountains, hemmed in on three sides by the forbidding Frozen Head Wilderness. Over the years a surprising number of convicts escaped from the prison and headed into the hills -- but NONE ever made a successful escape . Hundreds of its inmates died anyway, worked to death in the prison's slave-labor coal mines or simply murdered by each other. The penitentiary produced so many dead bodies -- no one knows how many -- that it had its own morgue and crematorium.
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I would say that Brushy has seen more than her fair share of death. She has seen some of the most brutal deaths that one could have imagined. She has seen the worst human behaviors, she has seen pure hate and sadly pure evil. That kind of evil will forever leave a negative “impression” on an environment. That kind of horror, trauma, negative energy, sadness, hate, bad and evil can crawl into every wall, corner, crook and cranny. We then must throw in the natural environment. Paranormal researchers have found that certain natural properties such as water, limestone and other stones can energize spirits. Well, Brushy Mountain has all of those in abundance all around them. There have been many ghost hunting teams to do investigations inside the prison since it’s closing in 2009 and the evidence that has come out of there has been extremely convincing. From one ghost who supposedly smokes a cigarette if you leave one as a gift to one who is named Jack Jett a prisoner who was murdered while talking on the phone
Today, the walls of the prison have been reopened, revamped. For one hundred bucks you can go on a ghost walk through the pentinuary.
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A former Inmate recalled one night when a convict was stabbed to death, then was skinned, gutted, and flushed down a cell toilet, piece by piece, to hide the evidence. In the morning, all that was left was a garbage bag of human bones. "There was some bad, bad boys in here," said the former inmate. Prisoners who failed to mine their daily quota of coal, or who otherwise angered the guards, were tied to the exercise yard whipping post. The former inmate added that his granduncle was one of them, whipped so hard through his prison uniform that the cloth embedded into his flesh. Others were banished to The Hole, a lightless cellblock where each inmate was given two buckets: one for water and one for a bathroom. "You'd try to make a mark on one bucket so they wouldn't get switched around," he explained. "One guy was locked down in there 29 days. He put his head through the wall to kill himself."
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Brushy Mountain State housed some of Tennessee’s worst criminals. The violence inside the prison was a problem that the prison guards had a horrible problem controlling. It was said in that at one point they averaged one murder a week. On Feb. 8th, 1982, a hostage situation occurred fueled by racism, two black inmates were killed by white prisoners. The white prisoners sawed through their bars, using a gun that had been smuggled inside took four guards hostage. They then went upstairs to where the black prisoners were housed and started shooting them as they went down the line. The prisoners then surrendered to the guards quietly. Nearly 100 executions also took place at Brushy State by electrocution, "Old Sparky".
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All I'm saying is, "I believe" . I believe that many ghosts found the end of the line in this life here, but it never really ended . . . . .
Thanks for reading! SpOoKy !
As always drop a comment, share a story. Have you been brave enough to take the ghost walk? Please tell us about your experience!
Might ought to head to Morgan County mmmmm hmmmmm!
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The former inmate now works as a tour guide in the prison like any good prison tour guide, is a nonstop monologue of horror tales. "People think a lot of these stories are made up, but I've seen things," he said. He recounted one time that a prisoner was beaten dead in the gymnasium bathroom. Another convict was deliberately crushed to death on the exercise yard weight bench. A third was burned alive in his own cell by a molotov cocktail tossed through the bars. Even the non-fatal stories are unsettling. He added that his prison blanket turned black from roach poop, and that one time it was so cold that it froze to the wall of his cell. "It'd get colder than a wooly-wooly bugger in here," he said. It's true: the unheated prison is closed to tourists from December through March because it's so cold.
🦋░T░h░e░s░e░🦋 ░H░a░u░n░t░e░d░ ░H░i░l░l░s░
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“Threnody(s)”: an HYH recap
First things first: a threnody is “a wailing ode, song, hymn, or poem of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.” If it clicked far too late for you that the parentheses and ‘s’ meant that more than one person would die this week... welcome to the club.
This soul crusher of an episode opens with Haqqani reading the Quran in his cell. A few guards arrive to get him and he walks, peacefully, slowly, while the other prisoners bang their cups against their cells (a real thing that happens on death row in American prisons). He’s handcuffed to a post in an open-air courtyard as he stares down a lineup of soldiers with rifles, all aiming at him.
Cut to Hayes, Linus, and Hugh Dancy John Zabel in the Oval Office. They have the video that Jalal Haqqani shot of Max last episode. This is now a hostage situation and… look how these dots connect. If G’ulom executes Haqqani, Jalal will execute Max. Hayes pleads with G’ulom to halt the execution, at least until they can retrieve Max. G’ulom agrees, but only for 24 hours.
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Saul calls Carrie on the sat phone and she asks for an update. When is special ops coming? He still doesn’t know, but hey! At least now people other than Carrie seem to sort of care about whether Max lives or dies. She says the situation there is “quiet but fucked,” which is a perfect descriptor of most Homeland scenes.
Saul steps into a meeting with the White House to discuss Max’s exfiltration. It’s tough, because there’s no cover and the house they’ve got Max in is completely exposed. Also it’s in Pakistan so that adds another layer of complication. Hayes wants to know the odds. Resident Scott Ryan delivers the not so great, not so bad news: 50/50.
Hayes has a freakout because even when they went to kill bin Laden it was like 80%. But 50%? It doesn’t help that John Zabel is the figurative devil on his shoulder, making arguments like:
We don’t negotiate with terrorists. (Heh? It’s not a negotiation.)
I don’t even know who Max is. (You literally just got here. SIT DOWN, JOHN.)
“The US government can’t be expected to come to the rescue of every adventurer who gets himself in trouble overseas.” (Fuck you, dude.)
If the rescue fails, it’ll sink your presidency. (Your wife Carrie Mathison is gonna come after your ass.)
Elsewhere in the West Wing, Linus is snooping in John’s office and finds a printout of a speech he’s been working on for Hayes, the gist of which is: “Peace in the Middle East? I don’t know her.”
If you’re wondering whether John Zabel was successful in convincing Hayes to leave Max to die, in the very next scene Haqqani is dragged back into the courtyard. Saul is there. Once again they line up, but this time they go through with it. The bullets hit him and he doubles over. Saul watches in horror. Then, miraculously, he inhales sharply, very much not dead. He pulls himself up and stands again. G’ulom orders them to reload as prisoner’s chants of Haqqani’s name reach them. They fire again, and he falls to his knees. The job is done.
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Back at the compound, there’s movement. Yevgeny brings Carrie a news report: an image of Haqqani, chest filled with bullets, slumped over. Carrie knows what this means, and then she spots the Taliban soldiers escorting Max out of the house, seemingly to take him to another location. She calls for the crew to get their stuff, they need to follow them and can’t lose track. Then, through the scope of the binoculars, she spots Jalal Haqqani shoot Max in the chest from close range. One two three.
Carrie races down the hillside as the Taliban soldiers all flee in their trucks. She gets to Max, lying on his side, blood in the dirt. She checks his pulse, but the worst has happened—again. She breaks down in sobs as she clutches his body.
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In Washington, Linus is furious with John Zabel—who might just be as evil as his beard is tragique. Linus is in disbelief about this “speech” Zabel has written. A speech where he calls for security along the entire Afghan-Pakistani border that will be guarded entirely by the Pakistani military—the military of a country Zabel refers to as “failed and duplicitous.” It’s basically Homeland’s version of Tr*mp saying Mexico will pay for the wall after he called Mexicans criminals and rapists. 
ANYWAY. Zabel spits back that he can’t be as dumb as Linus, who got two presidents killed. And, I mean I did make this point last week, but that doesn’t make Zabel any less evil.
Meanwhile, Saul is overseeing the preparation of Haqqani’s body. Carrie calls him. She’s still sitting next to Max’s body, her face is stained with tears. 
Carrie: Max is dead. Fuck you. Saul: What? Carrie: He’s dead. Fuck you. By the way, thanks for the special ops team. They were really handy. Saul: POTUS wouldn’t move. Carrie: You wouldn’t make him move. You did nothing. You brought him here and it was your responsibility to protect him. That was your fucking job! Not mine. But I still tried, and he’s still dead. Did I say fuck you yet? Because fuck you. And fuck special ops too! Saul: I deserved that. But also, Carrie, you can’t keep running around with Yevgeny in the Pakistani countryside. Even though it brings great joy to Sara.  Carrie: Fuck you, dude. At least Yevgeny gave a shit. Saul: You still have to come in. Carrie: Come and get Max. I’ll still be here. Fuck you, goodbye.
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The Taliban are holding a town meeting. Haqqani’s lieutenant says they need to keep on the same path that Haqqani set out for them: peace. He knows that none of them were responsible for the helicopters crashing, so peace really is still possible. Just then, Haqqani and the Taliban Teenagers roll up. That’s right, it’s time for a little power battle. Jalal tells them all that his father is a hero. He wouldn’t die even after they shot him. He says we have to honor him: not by respecting the choice he made for peace, but by emulating him back when he was busting into embassies and murdering people. And also: it was I, Jalal Haqqani, who fired the RPG that brought down the presidents’ helicopters! And we will do the same for any other infidels who stand in our way!
After the meeting, the lieutenant comes over to Jalal and asks for some one-on-one time. He knows that Jalal didn’t shoot down the helicopters and Jalal gaslights him a bit. He also knows that Haqqani didn’t choose Jalal to be his successor, and Jalal gaslights him a little bit more. Jalal offers him some money or poppy fields if he’ll buzz off, but all he wants is peace, his country back. Jalal says they’ll get their country back, but not through peace.
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In the Oval Office, Hayes is sitting with the Two Stooges, who both want him to say something wildly different in his address to the nation. Hayes just says, “figure it out,” which is kind of hilarious and that’s when Zabel springs into action. He calls up some woman named Claudette and asks for any dirt she has on this situation. Which now means he’s cosmically linked with Carrie because she was trying to do the same thing last season.
They’ve moved Max’s body inside the house, but Carrie is still sitting there next to him. They’ve removed the bright orange jumpsuit and he’s lying on a small rug, barefoot. Yevgeny wants to know what their next move is. Carrie says she’ll just hang out until special ops comes, then she’ll go back to Kabul with Max. She understands if Yevgeny wants to leave now, before special ops comes, but like the good boyfriend he is, he sits down next to her and asks who this Max guy was anyway.
Carrie’s surprised. She told him everything about her life (!!) but not this? Nope. She goes on: Max was… always there for her. She’s known him forever, and wherever she went, he’d dutifully follow, always by her side. And the reason she never mentioned him is clear now, too. She took him for granted and took advantage of him. And now he’s dead. What a horrifying replay of events. “I’m so sorry, Max,” she sobs. She kneels down next to his body, her hands on his chest, and repeats it, over and over: “I’m so sorry.” Yevgeny comes over to comfort her and she clings to him amid more heaving sobs.
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The next day, Hayes has decided on his speech, which—surprise!—is the “cowardly” Linus version, where he just says “let’s do peace.” John Zabel is highly displeased but luckily Claudette has arrived just in time with that dirt he requested. It’s not dirt, but just intel: one of the soldiers at the secret Taliban power struggle meeting last night was actually recording the whole thing. So now they have Jalal on video saying he killed the presidents. Who cares if he’s actually telling the truth!
He races to Hayes to tell him what’s happened and in what language. Hayes is like “fuck, I need a moment,” and that’s when Zabel swoops in with his first draft racist speech and is like, “here ya go!” I’m sorry to say, but this actually seems realistic.
Saul arrives to the base where the special ops team is preparing to retrieve Max (and Carrie). They’re all huddled around a laptop screen opened to Hayes’ speech, which goes something like this:
We got the wrong Haqqani! Oops! Anyway, who’s ready for more war?
The reactions are “Can you believe this shit?” and “Oh, Christ,” which are both extremely relatable!
Linus is once again furious with Zabel.
Linus: What the actual fuck! Zabel: You weren’t here. Actually where were you? Aren’t you the Chief of Staff? Linus: You fucking idiot, we’re on a collision course with a nuclear power. Zabel: Don’t be such a drama queen. Pakistan will back down. Linus: No they won’t, dipshit. Also good job on making Jalal Haqqani a folk hero. He was a nobody 90 seconds ago. You’re pushing us into ANOTHER war that we can’t win. Zabel: See, that’s your problem, bro. You don’t think America can win any war. Anyway, I’m outie. Linus: We’re so fucked.
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Saul and the special ops team fly over Carrie and Yevgeny’s location. Carrie tells Yevgeny that she can’t stay out here with him forever, and he’s like, “hmm, are you sure *wink*?” She thanks him and he takes position by his truck with his crew. This is the Carrie/Yevgeny equivalent of dropping someone off at home and waiting until you watch them walk through their front door before leaving.
Saul and the team touch down and retrieve Max’s body. Saul fills Carrie in on the pile of shit that’s happened in the last 48 hours. He hopes she has something to make it less shitty. She reveals she has a lead on the black box but doesn’t elaborate. Saul doesn’t ask any follow-up questions but says they’ll find it together, like old times. She agrees, but asks for no more bullshit about her loyalty, or Mike, or the FBI. She did what she had to do. He promises he’s on her side, but she doesn’t totally believe him.
They’re about to board the helicopter when one of the special ops team members requests to search Carrie. “What?” Carrie says, before realizing she’s surrounded by a special ops team carrying automatic weapons. Saul looks around in disbelief too. Carrie spots plastic cuffs, and it all feels suddenly like a trap. It escalates quickly from there:
Carrie pulls out her gun, quickly backing away, in Yevgeny’s direction. 
Saul tries his best to calm everyone down.
Yevgeny fires his gun to distract them.
Saul pleads with Carrie to come back, it’s all a misunderstanding.
“What, so we can work together?” she spits.
“Yes, I need you.”
“In fucking handcuffs!”
He says he didn’t know. She calls him a liar and runs back toward Yevgeny. Saul, rightfully livid, heads to the helicopter and asks whose genius idea this all was.
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Yevgeny, ever the gentleman, opens the car door for Carrie. She turns back and glares at Saul, the perceived betrayal still a stinging wound (on top of everything else), before they drive off. The helicopter lifts off and Saul watches from above as Carrie and Yevgeny speed away. He has a look on his face not too unlike when he left Carrie in Moscow last season (and, come to think of it, this involves a lot of the same people). In the car, Carrie reveals to Yevgeny that she’s also been looking for the flight recorder and that she knows where it is.
Seriously though, something has palpably broken just now, possibly the last shred of trust left between Carrie and Saul. Carrie has been conditioned all season to distrust those who call themselves her friends. Now she’s actually lost her last remaining friend (in the world), bringing a devastating new literal meaning to the phrase “nothing left to lose.” That Carrie could so quickly get to a spot where her handgun is out and she’s ten seconds from Yevgeny’s car says a lot about the distrust and fear just simmering below the surface. That she didn’t hesitate to suspect Saul was in on it reveals just how broken and filled with resentment their relationship now is. And that Saul actually was on her side makes the end result that much more tragic.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Logically Speaking
A/N: Hello. I’m insecure and angry about it today so I’m doing my best Escapist trick and writing fic. I may be a little in love with all the Avengers. I started reading comics again.
Logically speaking, there had to be something about you that made you special enough to be here. Be an Avenger. But any time you looked in a mirror you weren’t so sure. 
Before you were an Avenger, you’d been a social worker. A fucking good one. You survived bed bugs, head lice, pneumonia, and a meth lab explosion. And then... Well. You got discovered. For years after the accident, your family had kept you hidden. Taught you to control your powers. Held you apart from broader society. Even before the accident, you’d been fragile. Born too early and too small, weighing just shy of 3 pounds. You weren’t going to make it to two, despite your fighting spirit. So. When a man showed up at your house with a cure. Well. Your parents had jumped at the chance. They couldn’t afford the surgeries you needed. They could barely afford to feed you. But they couldn’t give you up. 
They’d hidden you until they couldn’t anymore. Until their personal demons, the drugs and the violence had gotten you taken away. You’d started from the bottom but now, in Stark tower, you felt like an impostor. You were trash. You were nothing. As you started the shower and cranked the water to the highest setting you just wanted to drown. You felt like wallowing. It had been a rough day. The rest of the team all knew each other. They had stories with each other. They had ways to relate to each other. You didn’t.
You’d been good at this once. Relating to others and building rapport. But your best demographic was kids and adults with no orientation to reality. You knew how to navigate red tape like a fucking pro. But this... Fuck this. 
You weren’t good enough for this. 
You sat on the floor of the shower and let the hot water burn on your skin and let the tears flow. It had been a hard day. You’d tried to talk the bad guy down and had only succeded in pissing off most of the team. They hadn’t wanted him talked down and arrested. They wanted him dead. He was dangerous.
You’d gotten an earful over comms as you were doing it and summarily ignored it. You’d talked him down, talked him out of what you suspected was a brief break with reality. He’d let hostages go. And all the way home in the quinjet you’d been glare was what you were good at. It had kept you safe, knowing when to talk and when to shut up.
After your shower when you came downstairs in sweats and a hoodie, you didn’t join the others. You just grabbed a pint of ice cream and slipped out. They were decompressing, watching a movie. It looked like Ghostbusters. You loved that film but you didn’t love being glared at. You knew no one wanted you. They’d said you were going to get someone killed. That your powers weren’t enough to make you an Avenger. You didn’t expect to almost collide with Natasha as she blocked your path. 
“Hey, Y/N,” she said softly. You look away, “Sorry,” you say trying to slip past her. You hate sparring. You hate confrontation. She stops you and tilts your chin up gently, “Come watch the movie,” she said softly, smoothing her thumb over your cheekbone. You shake your head and swallow hard, “No, it’s okay. I’ve got... I need to go do something.” It’s a flimsy lie. You knew Natasha knew it and you waited for the disdain. You waited for the cold sneer. You rushed past her, head down. You just wanted to hide. You wanted to be out of the way. You wanted to go home but... There was no home to go back to. This was all there was now that you’d been exposed. You were a freak. A mess. A monster. 
A former client had seen you on the street and run screaming. 
This was all there was and you weren’t good enough. You never would be. 
You took a bite of ice cream and threw it away with disgust. It tasted like cardboard and chemicals. You missed the ice cream from the shop in your home town. That had been made in-store and was perfection. This was just sad. 
The snort behind you made you jump and you whirled around to find Bruce sitting on your chair with a book. You back away slowly. You know Bruce is pretty even-tempered but you don’t like feeling blocked in. You don’t like not having a place to go that’s just yours. Bruce holds up his hands and makes a soft noise, “Easy,” he soothes, “I just... I saw what you did today over the feed in Tony’s visor, I-I just wanted to tell you. You did good. That was some quick thinking.” You feel your face color and you look away, “Thanks.” It feels like a trap. It feels like there’s about to be yelling and you want to bolt but, there’s no where to go. Bruce watches you and swallows hard. Watching you now, cowering away from him; he can’t stand it. They’ve been hard on you. All of them have. And none of them took into account that you were already a hero. You had skills that none of them had ever thought were important. 
He slipped past you and left you be, feeling awkward and wrong-footed now that he realized he’d invaded your space and stolen the one bit of peace you’d been trying to hang on to. Downstairs Bruce slumped on a couch next to Tony and sighed, “She’s not going to come down,” he said softly. Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, “Did she say why?” he asked. Bruce shook his head, “No, but... Why would she? We’ve all been treating her like a time bomb. Or an intruder.”
Hawkeye and Natasha exchanged glances and Clint nodded, “Anyone know what she likes? TV Shows? Candy? Movies? Favorite Animals? Anything at all?”
Clint was good at this. He’d been training new recruits since before Natasha had come to SHEILD. Sometimes they came in cocky and needed to be broken down to make them a hero. Other times they were scared little bunny rabbits that needed careful handling. Clearly, they’d all taken your reluctance the wrong way. It wasn’t a lack of willingness to participate. It was fear. Fear that you had hidden pretty well by just not talking to anyone unless you had to.
It made sense. 
You’d been a lab rat for a decade before they’d set you loose on society to see what would happen. To see if they could make an Anti Super Soldier. An evil version of Steve Rogers. You’d responded by becoming a social worker. A community organizer. You specialized in working with kids. And the mentally ill. You hadn’t wanted to be an Avenger but when push came to shove and you’d used your powers to stop a train and leveled half a city block, Fury hadn’t given you much choice. Go to the Raft as a terrorist. Be an Avenger. 
As you lay in your bed, emotionally drained and hungry, you wished you’d chosen Jail.
Clint turned over pieces of your file in his mind and half-listened as Tony asked FRIDAY to give him a list of anything you’d seen on netflix. Any food preferences she could identify. 
He’d failed you, that much was for sure, the Archer thought. They’d been so caught up in the things you had done under someone else's’ control that they hadn’t looked at what you tried to do in the aftermath.
You tried to be good.
You tried really fucking hard.
Steve sunk lower in his chair and glanced at Bucky.
The other outsider. The other interloper. The one Tony had given the hardest time. He knew and he’d tried to warn them. Quietly. He’d kept his distance from you, respecting that you didn’t want anything to do with any of them. That you probably wanted less to do with them than they did with you. Bucky cleared his throat, “She likes ice cream. And otters. Sometimes she likes true crime documentaries.”
Natasha turned and quirked an eyebrow and Bucky shrugs, “I watched,” he said, “You told me she was evil incarnate... That just seems like a 28-year-old to me.” Clint weighed that information for a second and nodded to himself. He could work with that. 
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bucky-iss-bae · 5 years
My Nightmare (Peter Hale x Reader)
A/N... So this was a request from literally the first of March, so sorry its taken so long but I’ve finally gotten around to posting it, 
Requested By: @marvelous-nerdd (Sorry for taking so long hun, hope its something along the lines of what you wanted)
Fandom: Teen Wolf 
Pairing: Peter Hale x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Brief description of torture.
Word Count: 2900ish 
Masterlist Fandom List
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My Nightmare - Peter Hale x Fem!Reader 
The sounds of screams kept him up at night. The smell of smoke would never leave his senses. If something was ever overcooked and the smell of smoke rose up, it scared him. He wouldn’t ever let anyone know this, but it scared him more than he cared to admit. Some nights he was fine, but other nights, sweat was dripping down his forehead as he thought back to how that night, the screams the smoke.
“Peter, Peter” Y/N heard his screams from her room and knew they were never this bad, but he was shaking in fear, swatting his arms around,
She tried to grab both of his wrists but as soon as she had done his claws came out and he shot up letting out a deep growl, his eyes bright blue.
She held her breath, trying not to flinch at the close proximity of the two, him being so dangerous. Y/N had known Peter for years, although she was only human, she was part of the pack. She grew up with the Hale boys, she knew Scott, Stiles and Lydia since they were kids. And she was there for Peter when no one else was.
He stared at her for a second with his bright blue eyes before they slowly went to his usual midnight blue.
“Y/N” He whispered,
“Yeah Peter,” She said slowly releasing his hands and cupping his face in her hands, “I’m here,” She said to him using her thumb to caress his face.
He sighed and leaned forward resting his forehead against her chest, she ran her fingers through his hair not saying anything, she was happy she was here to comfort him, she knew he wasn’t one to share his feelings or to express emotion,
“You wanna talk about it?” She whispered with her chin resting on his head.
He shook his head before pulling away and getting up, Peter was stripped down to only his boxers and Y/N had to look away while getting up.
He walked towards the bathroom, switched the light on but left the door open, she followed at stood leaning against the door frame,
She watched as he washed his face, a few drops of water dripping from the hairs on his beard.
“I could’ve hurt you Y/N” He said to her,
She shrugged, “You wouldn’t have.”
He gave her a blank look, “I had my claws out Y/N.”
“When don’t you have your claws out Peter” She smirked at him, “You’ve been screaming for about five minutes. If I wasn’t here pretty sure I would’ve heard you from my place”
Peter snorted at that, “Sorry I woke you up” Considering that he just apologised was a shock in its own,
“You don’t need to apologise Peter. I’m here for you, despite your psychotic tendencies”
Peter had a small smile on his face before he leaned down and kissed her forehead, “Get back to sleep Y/N. There's a long day tomorrow”
Y/N held her breath, Peter had always been so soft and gentle with her, never treated her the way he treats the others, she knew he had a soft spot for her, but she did for him. She hates to admit it, but Peter was one of the most important men in her life, “Call me if you need me Peter” She said before walking out,
Beacon Hills was known for the big bad that often came to town, and sometimes the big bad could be a few hunters trying to kill all the supernatural they had around town. Or there could sometimes be other types evil of Supernatural. Although it had been quiet lately, hunters had come to town, they were soon on their way out, but pack meetings were still a common occurrence.
“Argent told them that they’ve got it under control, they’re still not budging they’ve set up camp about a quarter mile away from the Hale property,” Derek said,
Everyone was at the loft, a meeting trying to figure out why the hunters were here, and how to get rid of them.
“They won’t leave because they think Argent is covering for all of you guys” Y/N spoke up, “They’ve taken a lot of heat from other hunters these last few months which has lead to others not trusting them. Those others being hard headed ones similar to Chris’ dad” Y/N said speaking up, she rarely spoke up in pack meetings because usually, everyone knew what they were doing because they’re all supernatural, she’s not, she’s just the little old human,
As she was speaking Peter had come down the spiral steps to stand beside her, “She’s right” He spoke up, “The hunters are Savages and the only reason they’re probably here is because they must’ve thought the Argents couldn’t do the job”
“Since when did you actually care what someone had to say?” Scott narrowed his eyes at Peter
“Since it was Y/N speaking” Peter drawled back, not giving a care to how Scott spoke to him,
The two often clashed heads, more so since Malia and Scott had gotten together, she knew this because Scott was like a little brother to her, as was she like an older sister to both Scott and Stiles, they looked out for her which she appreciated, but then sometimes they looked out for her too much,
“And since when did that even make a difference to you?” Scott growled,
Peter growled back at Scott but Y/N put her hand over his making him stop in his tracks, “Peter” She murmured quietly despite everyone being able to hear here,
“What’s actually going on between the two of you?’ Stiles then asked,
“Nothing,” Y/N said raising her eyebrows at him, “Now, I’m pretty sure we have more pressing concerns to get to right now”
Both boys looked at one another before Scott nodded and carried on talking,
“You ok?” She asked him,
He nodded at her a small smile on his face, “If you’re around the, of course, I am” his lips slowly lifted upwards into his trademark smirk making her laugh a little and shake her head before she leaned her body into his,
She often wondered why she felt so safe and comfortable around Peter. She knows all about his past, she knows about his playboy days from when he was young, and she knows the monster he once was, but for some bizarre reason. Y/N felt safe around him, she felt comfortable in his touch and in his presence. That’s why she felt safe helping him the night before, it’s why she was currently comfortable leaning into him for warmth and comfort, yet she didn’t know he was the same. Exactly the same. He had his arm partially around her, and he felt human, he felt like he was a good man a better man with Y/N in his arms, without thinking about it he leaned down and kissed the top of her head, leading to butterflies to erupt in her stomach but not say anything about it.
“Ok, something is clearly going on between you two, and you’re not telling us what it is,” Stiles said cutting Lydia off and turning his head towards us,
Y/N rolled her eyes at his outburst, “Nothing is going on Stiles! What is your problem? And even if something was it wouldn’t be your problem, no matter what happens in my love life is not any of your boy's problem,”
Realising what she said her eyes widened and she took a step back away from Peter and shook her head, “I’m going out. This doesn’t really concern me, so I’ll be back later” She said speed walking out of the loft before any of them could stop here even if Peter was calling her name.
Y/N had gotten outside and to her car when she heard some footsteps behind her, “Peter, really I just need to do...” She paused mid-sentence when she turned to see it most definitely wasn’t Peter behind her and instead the scar on this person's face was enough to tell her that these were the guys she needed to stay away from,
Before she could even say anything she felt something hit the back of her head before her vision went completely black.
When Y/N had eventually woken up she had no clue where she was, all she knew was the hunters had taken her hostage, and they had her. She felt like she was outside, the floor was covered in mud, sticks and leaves, but the walls were stone, she looked around trying to let her eyes adjust to the darkness around her,
“Hello?” She called out, her heart hammering in her chest,
She slowly stood while rubbing the back of her head feeling a bump form there, “Ow” she let out a small whimper,
A few seconds alter someone rounded a corner to come towards her, a gun in their hand, followed by someone else a blade in theirs.
“The little human that runs with wolves. Y/N is it?” The man with the gun asked as the man with the knife stood back a sadistic smirk on his features,
Her survival instincts kicked in and she was ready to run if needed, but kick cut or shot was a high possibility right now.
“What do you want?” She warily asked them,
“We just want a few answers. We want to know where your friends are and how we can kill them”
She scoffed at that like she would give them up,
“And if I don’t comply?” Was her response,
“Well, my friend here will make sure you do,” He said with his own evil grin,
“Now, tell me, how many of them are there? And why do you, a human think it’s acceptable to spend your time with monsters like them. They deserve to get put down”
Y/N grimaced at that, “From where I am, you guys are the only monsters around”
The guy with the gun started laughing at that, fake laughing, loudly before abruptly stopping, he nodded his head at Y/N as soon as he had done the guy with the knife walked up to her and kicked her knee causing leg to give out from underneath her she groaned in pain before he wedged his boot into her stomach causing her to cry out,
“I’m not saying anything” She groaned while clutching her stomach,
Those words alone were enough to kick off the torture that was coming her way. It felt like hours to Y/N, but she didn’t say anything, both men had beat and cut her till she felt like she couldn’t move, but as soon as they turned to talk to one another, she saw this as her opportunity,
Y/N using any energy she had left to pick herself up and run towards the man with the gun, she kicked the back of his knee causing him to fold into himself,
The man with the knife then aimed to attack her but she slipped the knife and elbows his head before grabbing the gun off of the floor and then disarming the man with the knife, she then pointed the gun at them both, she stood back starting to walk around them both, she tucked the knife into her leggings,
“Alright now kid, you’re not going to shoot us, so how about we calm down for a second yeah” He tried to bargain,
She scoffed at that “What makes you so sure I won’t shoot you?”
“You probably don’t know how to aim the gun”
She rose her eyebrows, “You boys really should’ve listened to Argent” She said before she shot them both in the legs before she turned and ran the way they came,
She saw a whole set up out here but didn’t have the chance to look around before she heard them coming after her, turns out they were literally in a cave not far from the Hale house, she could briefly see it in the distance and started to run that way. If anything, she was happy that Argent had trained her the years he'd known her. She was happy that she used to run with Derek when she was younger, because without that endurance and the life-threatening situation she had no clue how she would’ve gotten out of the situation she was in.
As soon as she got out of the woods she tried to run to either flag down a car or run to the safest place possible,
She heard a siren behind her and saw Parrish in his car,
She hadn’t been more relieved to see him, “Y/N, is everything ok?”
She shook her head and before she could even say anything she ended up collapsing into his arms.
Jordan Parrish wasn’t sure where he should’ve taken Y/N, the deputy part of him would’ve taken her to the hospital, but the supernatural side of him knew the loft was the best place to take her. When he walked in with a bloodied and beaten Y/N in his arms, Peter was the first to his side, taking her into his arms and laying her on the table, Lydia's first aid kicked in as she grabbed what she needed to clean her up and to know whether they needed Mellisa.
“What happened to her?” Peter asked his voice shaking as he brushed her hair out of her face, she was pale, bruises across her face, and blood across her shirt.
“She came out of the woods like this. She... she was in survival mode. As soon as she saw me, she just collapsed” He explained,
“The hunters” Scott muttered from the side, “They’re set up in the woods. There’s no other explanation”
“When she wakes up, she’ll be able to tell us”
Jordan had to get back to work, but the rest of the pack were all worried about her, Peter more so than anyone. Realising he could’ve lost Y/N today made him realise what his life would’ve been like without her. It was in those moments his feelings hit him hard. He loved her. And he couldn’t live without her. She was one of the most important people in his life. He had always worried about her safety, but he had always loved to see her smile and to see her happy. He knew her favourite food, her coffee order, and that every night before she goes to sleep she loves drinking some hot cocoa. Although the latter he had noticed more so since she had been staying at the loft, but it was still something that bought a smile to his face.
Once Lydia had made sure she was all cleaned up, Peter carried her up to her room, Lydia helped with changing her out of her currently clothes, finding a knife tucked down her leggings, Jordan had presented a gun, that she had. He agreed to clean it before taking it down to the station to claim he found it on the outskirts of the woods. Near where he found Y/N,
When she was settled in her bed Peter didn't leave her side, instead, he held her hand in his own and prayed that she would wake up soon.
Peter had fallen asleep sitting upright beside Y/N, but woken by her nudging him, “Peter” She whispered looking up at him. “Peter” She tried again waking him up,
“Y/N” He whispered “You’re awake”
“Yeah” She groaned while trying to sit up beside him, her whole body ached, her head hurt, and she doesn’t know how she got home, she just knew she was able to escape.
“What happened?” She asked,
“Parrish found you. You apparently collapsed into his arms. I’m so sorry Y/N. I should’ve come after you or something.”
She shook her head, “I know where they are now though. There’s not that many of them, and they’re set up in a cave”
Peter nodded, “The others have gone after them. Don’t worry about it Y/N”
“I was so scared Peter” She whispered while resting her head on his shoulder, “they tortured me for information. But I wouldn’t... I wouldn’t say anything. But I was so scared that my life was nearly over Peter. Iw as scared I wasn’t going to see you again”
He wrapped his arms around her and she cuddled further into his chest, “You’re here Y/N. In my arms where you belong. When Parrish bought you in, I was angry. I was ready to kill whoever done this to you. But I couldn’t leave your side”
“Thank you, Peter” She mumbled into his chest, “I don’t know what I would do without you”
He smiled at that, “I... it sounds weird maybe, but I need to tell you Y/N. But I love you. Today made me realise how much. But I don’t want to let you go, not again”
Y/N’s lip lifted upwards into a smile, she arched her neck to look up at Peter, “I should’ve had a near death experience a long time ago to get a confession like that out of you Hale” She smirked,
He just laughed but shook his head, “I mean it, and I regret not saying it sooner”
“Same” She mumbled causing Peter to grin at her, “I love you too Peter”
She then leaned up slightly as much as she could to kiss him feeling safer than ever.
A/N: Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I wrote this to take my mind off of my dissertation. Not the best time to write something up but i just love to procrastinate. 
Hope you all enjoyed though xoxo 
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soriseerakyra · 5 years
A Flight of Fancy -1- (Black!Batmom)
AN: So hi I know this is the first story I’ve posted in months and that there are tons of other things that I still have to write and catch up with, but this request was important to me so that’s why I did it first. I’m not sure when I’ll feel like talking about why I’ll was gone, but I will be trying to post more regularly from now on (Trying!). Anyway way thank you to @farala-sunita for the request and the detail given. It really helped me get this story out faster than I would have other wise.
TW: Guns and Gunfire,a hostage situation, and a few cuss words
“I don’t see you, are you sure I’m at the right place,” You mutter into your phone.  Rocking forward on to the balls of your feet you try to see through the crowded club. The heavy bass and the flashing lights are making it even harder to see the people you’re looking for.
“Ari is going to jump, she’s wearing one of those busted silver wings she likes,” A slightly irritated voice responds. You hear a small voice squeak out a perturbed ‘HEY!’ through the phone.
Moments later you see a small head rise above a group of girls. It is in fact a silver wig, not as horrible as some of Ari’s wigs usually are, and cutely styled in a pair of pig tails. Her short arms waved as she jumped, making her look like an excited fairy.
“I see her,” You say with a chuckle.
“Good, now hurry the hell up,” The phone clicks off quickly.
You roll your eyes at the tone but simply shrug it off.
Working your way through the gyrating bodies of the crowd, you have to apologize more than once when your hips bump into unsuspecting couples. Luckily none seemed too bothered by the intrusion, opting more to try and coerce you to dance once they see your figure than turn you away. Your cheeks warm at the invitation, but you politely decline.
“You guys got a table?” You question breathlessly as you come upon your group of friends.
A tall woman with honey brown skin stands with her hands on her hips, she flicks her eyes up and down your form, “It’s not like we haven’t been planning this for months, it just took to ‘til now for you to show up.”
“Sorry Kenya,” You say sheepishly. “We get swamped so easily, it’s hard to make time, you know that.”
She frowns, dark eyes looking over your form. Under her gaze you shift nervously, and your eyes flick to the other stone faces at the table.
Your eyes bounce back up to her pretty but firm face; you try you best to give her big doe eyes. You two lock eyes for a moment longer.
“Aww you dummy bitch, come here,” A wide smile spreads across her full lips and her long arms envelop you into a warm hug.
You have to stifle a giggle as she warmly rubs her hand up and down your back in sisterly affection. A chorus of cheers ring out from the other girls.
“How have you been, girlie?” She coos as she nuzzles into your curls.
“Okay,” you sigh as you pull back from her and giver her smile.
“Good,” she says slapping you on the back and then throwing an arm around your shoulders. She pulls you close and turns to the other girls, “Now that she’s here, let’s get fucked up!”
“What is with this city?” Serena, a mahogany brown beauty with straight dark brown hair and cinnamon highlights, questions exhaustedly as she throws down her second shot of tequila. “I swear almost everyone is on their way to crazy town.”
“There has to be something in the water,” you speak up, “I’ve never seen so many, like, objectively bad people.”
“You just think these people are crazy because you guys have been sheltered so much,” Kenya says taking a long sip from her vodka tonic. “As someone whose been working since they were fourteen, let me tell you, everyone is pretty fucked up. And they’ll do something fucked up to you the first time you let them. You always have to be on guard.”
As if on cue a thump lands on your shoulder, a warm head snuggles into you. You look down and let a small smile cross your face. Ari’s small head slumps against you, her eyes hazy as she drinks the last bit of her margarita. It was only her second drink, but she was already out of it. It was no secret to anyone at the table that neither you or Ari were the most capable of drinkers, but even you can handle more than two drinks; more like three.
“You’re right,” she coo’s drunkenly. “But it’s definitely worse her-*hic*- here.”
“I thought we came here to celebrate,” Jo-Jo, a full cheeked, septum pieced, artist drawls quietly as she sips her Hennessy. “Not to talk about how shitty this city is.”
“Boooo, why don’t you ever let me rant,” Serena, says full red lips pulling down in to a pout. “I don’t have anyone to talk to besides you guys. No one gets it when I say this city is weird, especially at work. They all think that I’m the weird one. Like sorry, I’m not used to niggas robbing banks every day like we’re in the middle of the 19-fucking-20’s.”
Kenya chuckles, “Jo is right though, we’re here to celebrate our two youngest.”
Eyes around the table shift to you and Ari, who gives a lazy thumb up.
“Our two babies here have finally made it too the big city,” Kenya starts with a smile. “No more suburbs, no more living out of mommy and daddies house. They are officially adults.”
A little cheer goes around the table. You feel a little shy at the attention, but Ari cheers loudly.
“So as a little gift we got you girls this,” Kenya, motions to another woman at the table, Chanté. Chanté was a quiet, slightly stern woman. Best friends with Kenya, and surprisingly Ari’s older sister. The woman hands Kenya two envelopes who in turn hands one to you and places the other in front of Ari. “We all chipped in.”
Excitedly you open the envelope and are almost instantly confused, “Happy six months?”
“Well, if you had shown up earlier it would have been the six-month anniversary of you moving into your own apartment.”
“Yeah but, Ken,” You sputter, “This is a congrats on your pregnancy card.”
Sure, enough the mostly white card had a featureless pink drawing of a woman with her hands spread lovingly across her protruding stomach.
“Hey bitch, we can take it back!” She snaps playfully.
“Okay, Okay,” you say fully pulling the card out. You flip open the card and among the words of congratulations, there is a small folded check sitting in the middle of the card. “You didn’t.”
“You haven’t even looked at it yet,” Serena says hazel eyes buzzing with excitement.
Gingerly, you take the check from the card and flip it open; you gasp.
“You guys, this is $7000,” You say slightly shakily as pinpricks of tears begin to assault your eyes.
“Holy shit,” Ari says as she tears into her own card. “What the hell guys?”
“We’re your sisters,” Jo-Jo says with a click of her tongue and a smack of her black painted lips. “Clearly you guys didn’t read our bylaws.”
“Bylaws,” Serena snorts, “No one read them Jo. Ken and Chan wrote them on a piece of notebook paper that was barley legible by the time these two came a long.”
“And they still signed it,” Chanté interrupts speaking for the first time. “If they couldn’t read it they should have said something at the time.”
“Why so you could give them the evil eye? Girl bye,” Serena responds with a roll of her eyes and a flick of her wrist.
Chanté does, indeed, proceed to give her a withering glare.
“We told you we’d take care of you when you graduated right?” Kenya asked looking between the two of you. “We meant to give this to you guys when you first moved here, but some of us weren’t all the way financially stable.”
Serena shifts uncomfortably while Jo-Jo sticks her pierced tongue out at her in defiance.
“And we were supposed to give you this at your six-month anniversary, but we know that didn’t happen.”
This time her accusatory tone is directed at you and you find yourself shifting as well.
“But money a year later is better than no money at all.”
“It’s so much though?” You protest looking between the older women at the table.
“Speak for yourself,” Ari says swooning slightly.
“We figured two months' rent in any decent apartment in this overcrowded city, and a little for expenses and fun,” Chanté said looking at you with a warm smile before her gaze narrowed at her sister. “Ari, give me your check so you don’t lose it.”
The drunk young girl stuck her tongue out at her sister and teasingly waved it at Chanté, “I’m rich you can’t tell me what to do now!”
Chanté snatches the check from Ari’s and stuffs it in her purse, “I hope you know you’re coming home with me. You could never handle your liquor.”
“Whatever, as long as I can see my baby when I get there,” the younger sister croons. Chanté had a Boston Terrier, named Prince who was just as spoiled as the name implied.
“He’s at a sitter, you don’t think I’d leave him alone by himself when we’re going to be out until God knows when,” Chanté reasons.
“Can we get Ice Cream then? I’m really hungry all of a sudden.”
“Are you 12?” Jo-Jo interrupts with a snicker.
A raspberry effortlessly flows from Ari’s lips.
“This means a lot to me Ken,” You say softly while the others engage in a childish argument. “Student loans are a killer.”
“We got you, girlie,” She says with a confident wink. “I know for a fact that if I hadn’t gotten that one big scholarship, I’d still be paying that shit off.”
“Hey, waiter!” Serena shouts banging on the table trying to get anyone’s attention over the bass of the club. “We need shots!”
“Water for me,” you speak up.
“You done for the night?” Ari asks looking at you with big eyes, “You barley drunk anything!”
“I have a shift in the morning I can’t afford to get drunk,” you reason.
“Ugh you and work,” Ari says with a wave of her hand. “You’re almost as bad as those two.”
She jabs a thumb ant Kenya and Chanté both of whom narrow their eyes in irritation.
“We could take our money back,” Chanté says quickly.
“If you do I’m telling mommy.”
“Ugh, he’s not even paying attention,” Serena says practically standing on her seat waving her arms around.
“This isn’t a restaurant, you’re going to have to go up to him,” Jo-Jo says coolly.
“When are you going to come work for us?” Kenya asks looking at you seriously.
“I don’t know, corporate seems scary,” You answer hoping that she’d drop the issue once she sees how uncomfortable you are.
“Yeah it’s scary as hell,” Kenya agrees. “But once you get there and you make a name for yourself, they can’t tell you shit. I’m telling you some of them people be looking at me like I’m crazy when I come up with new ideas, but guess what, they do it. They know the rules: they listen and get paid or don’t and get fired.”
“I-,” you start but she cuts you off.
“Look pulling triple shifts at a bowling alley and waitressing while selling papers to college kids isn’t going to pay the bills forever.”
Your cheeks warm when she calls you out.
“I know you had a bad experience at the place you were at last time, but this is me we’re talking about. You need to put that degree to work. You’re a programmer at heart and I could use you, and you can use the money.”
“I wouldn’t have to work with a lot of people would I?” You ask slightly timidly.
“A small team of like minded people that I picked out myself,” She says with a shrug. “Just come see me this week. Quit those jobs, I’m saving a spot for you.”
You look at the woman whom you’ve called an older sister for years now with wide surprised eyes, “Okay.”
“Okay,” She says with a grin, “Good.”
“I’m going!” Serena says as she forces herself up from her seat.
“Kick his ass!” Ari screams.
“Chan, control your gremlin,” Jo-Jo mutters.
“I’ve been trying since she was six,” The woman in question spits out between clinched teeth.
“We have to get one dance out of this before the night is over,” Kenya says.
“Aww you know, Pea isn’t going to dance,” Ari says snuggling back into you and poking your cheek.
“We’re still calling me, Pea?” You moan slightly embarrassed. Pea was short for Sweet Pea, the name that Ari and Chanté’s mother used to call you when you would stay at their home. The others got hooked on calling you that and the name has stuck.
“Only if it’s a wedding,” Jo-Jo comments slyly.
“Remember when she took it down to the floor?” Kenya laughs
“All the way down,” Ari says slapping your thigh.
“Guys!” You whine, “I don’t want to-”
“HEY LET GO OF ME!” A voice shrieks.
All of you snap your heads toward the voice, the familiarity of the scream sending shivers down your backs.
From your position you can see Serena struggling to wrench her arm away from a figure. The room was still dark and the music was still pounding, making it hard to determine who was holding her.
“What the FUCK!” Kenya screams flying from the booth with Jo-Jo right on her heels.
“Call the police!” Chanté said to you before joining the other girls to help Serena.
“Hurry,” Ari says slapping your shoulders slightly as she got on her knees to watch the situation unfold.
“Trying!” You scream as you as you fiddle through your purse searching for your phone.
“Let go of her asshole!” You hear Kenya scream.
The music is still going but the atmosphere in the club has started to change. You can hear a mumbling break through the crowd. And then the screams started.
It wasn’t the voice of one of your friends it was someone else.
“He’s hurting my sister Pea! What do we do?!” Ari screams.
Your head snaps up to look back to where the situation was unfolding just fast enough to see Chanté fall to the floor holding her cheek.
And while it was an awful sight, it only held your attention for a minute. There wasn’t just one figure over where the girls where, he’d multiplied to at least three or four.
The command was followed by a rapid succession of gunfire and screams from patrons after. The music went off almost immediately, but the lights were a different story. At least thirty seconds had passed and the lights were still off.
Thinking quickly, you grab Ari’s arm and pull her down with you under the table.
“What are you doing?” She shrieks. “We have to help them!”
“What are we going to do? Think! They have guns” You hiss. “If they don’t see us when the lights come on maybe they won’t know we’re here.”
She looks at you with teary worried eyes and nods her head in agreement, wig shifting slightly.
“While we’re down here we can call the police and tell them what's happening,” You say as level headily as possible, while still searching for your phone.
“What if they kill her, Pea?” She whines her hands coming up to cover her ears as if she was trying to keep her head from spinning, the alcohol likely wasn’t helping.
“They won’t,” You say finally finding your phone and pulling it out. “If they wanted to kill her they just would have shot her.”
She opens her mouth to respond but is startled when the lights of the club finally come back on. The once hazy purple club is sudden lit, almost bone white. The dark table, while still a place of refuge, becomes less bearable as the light reveals the disgusting pieces of gum and other matter that are stuck to the bottom of the piece of furniture. Ari gags when she sees what was under the table that you had all been previously sitting at.  She shakes her head and tries to clear her thoughts.
“We’re going to be okay,” you assure her with a whisper.
You aren’t sure that she hears you, because she either refuses to respond or no longer has the will to.
Shifting your attention back to your phone, you finally begin to dial 911. You press the phone to your ear and wait as the phone rings.
And you wait.
And wait.
And wait.
Until finally, the phone clicks ending the call. You pull the phone away from your ear and your brow furrows angrily when you see that you have no service. But that shouldn’t be, you pay your bills on time and even if you didn’t, shouldn’t you be able to place an emergency call?
“Hey boss,” you hear a deep voice call over the whimpering over the crowd. “I shut the phones off but I think someone tried to get a call off.”
Your shoulders tense, we’re they talking about you? You couldn’t have been the only one who tried to get a phone call off could you? Surely, if they were able, someone would have tried to call the police too. And how could they stop phones from making calls?
“Nothing they can do now,” A voice says rather nonchalantly. “We just gotta wait here until we find a way out.”
“You heard the man!” The first voice yells, “Find a way out of here.”
You can hear at least ten pairs of boot clad feet start to move around, hurriedly looking for an emergency exit.
You want to peak out, to see if you can get a glimpse of your friends, but just as you’re about to make a move to do so a large figure stops in front of your table.
A thick pair of legs clad in dark pants and a pair of steel-toed combat boots are now positioned in front of you. You feel a lump form in your throat as the barrel of some type of military grade weapon dangles precariously between you and the figure in front.
Ari too, seems to see the gun and gets frightened. A small gasp leaves her form before she slaps a hand over her mouth.
You shoot impatient eyes at her and she gives you an apologizing look. Her gaze however, turns fearful as she begins to look past you.
Slowly you turn your head, and find yourself staring face to face with angry green eyes. A gloved hand reaches under the table and pulls you out from underneath. You let out a terrified screech.
“Pea!” Jo-Jo’s voice screams out followed by a grunt of pain.
There is some relief in hearing her voice and knowing that she is safe.
Quickly however, the relief is lost as you are smashed against the attacker’s body, his arm around your neck and his other around your wrist squeezing until your hand was forced to drop the phone that you were holding.
“Found the snitch boss,” he says gruffly.
A black masked figure in the center of the room, lording over a horde of whimpering bodies barley looks at him, “Smash the phone.”
The man brings a large leg up and his foot quickly descends on your phone, smashing the screen to bits.
“Done, boss.”
‘Boss’ seemed like he was going to respond when suddenly the lights in the club shut off. It was pitch black; it was so bad you almost couldn’t see in front of you.
“I thought I told you to get those fucking lights on!”
“They are on Boss! At least that’s what the system says,” another crony screams.
“Shit!” Boss says. “That means one thing! It’s the Bat be on guard!”
“Fuck!” The man holding you says gruffly.
He pulls you tighter against him and situates the two of you so that the gun is in front of the both of you. He’s moving frantically, almost spinning around like he’s looking for a ghost.
His movements get more erratic as there starts to be various moans of pain permeating throughout the room.
“Oh God,” he mumbles, “He’s here, he’s going to kill me.”
“Not likely,” a dark voice growls from behind the pair of you.
The man spins and lets off a few shots in the air, screaming in terror as he does so. The heat of the gun causes you to scream slightly.
There is small movement again and the man shoots. The flash of the muzzle lights up the room in front of you and because of it you are just barely able to make out two objects flying directly at your face. They seem to have a mind of their own as they swing around your face to hit the man behind you.
You fall to the floor but before you can right yourself, your leg is pulled and you’re going sliding across the floor.
“Pea?” An unsure voice questions when you finally come to a stop.
A warm hand finds yours and squeezes slightly.
“Ken?” You question.
“Thank God,” she mumbles, “He saved you!”
You all sit in darkness for what feels like ages the only thing that makes time pass is the occasional grunts of the hostage takers. It was the only sign that what you were experiencing was real, that you had really been saved by the Bat.
Soon a large spotlight is flashed into the club and your mind begins to register the police sirens. Had they been there the whole time?
The light illuminates the club and you’re treated to something of a horror show as police officers begin to rush in and secure the scene.  The bodies, not dead, of most of the attackers are hanging from the ceiling by their arms, legs, and whatever else he could grab to string them up.
The man himself is standing not too far from where you are and looking around the room like he was surveying his work.
A strong hand is grabbing your and pulling you out of the club and you allow yourself to be pulled passively.
“Thank you, Batman!” You say loudly hoping he would hear.
There is only a slight turn of his head to let you know that he heard you.
“That was quite an experience, are you sure you’re doing better?” A smooth concerned voice asks looking at you with worried brown eyes.
You meet the eyes of your new therapist, Dr. Campbell. An older black woman that reminds you of your mother with her kind and caring face but also with her cutting advice that cuts as much as it does motivate you.
“I mean I think I’m okay,” you answer with a shrug. “I took that job with Kenya, that’s how I got you. And work is good, it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be.”
“I asked how you were,” She interrupts looking at you with stern brown eyes.
Your eyes flick away from her, as you suddenly find it hard to meet her gaze and tears prick at the corner of your eyes. Finally, you say, “I thought I was going to die. I thought they were going to use me as shield. I thought I’d wouldn’t get to see my family again. I thought my friends were going to have to watch me die. How am I? I’m horrible.”
A box of tissues is shoved in front of your face. You touch your cheek and realize that tears had been rolling down your cheeks.
“And I thought heroes were supposed to make you feel safe!” You scream out suddenly. “He was just as scary as the guys who held us hostage.”
She looks at you slightly confusedly before something clicks in her head, “Oh, he saved you that night.”
“Yeah he ‘saved’ me,” you say shrugging. “Doesn’t mean that I don’t get nightmares about those little bat things flying at my face.”
“He tries his best,” she says with heavy sigh. “But he does leave a bad taste is some people’s mouths. It's just a part of Gotham living unfortunately.”
“He could at least smile; you’re already having the worst day of your life when saves you”
“Oh sweetie,” she says with a chuckle and a shake of her head. Her shoulder length, gray streaked bob shaking with her, “This is Gotham. If you want someone to smile while they save you move to Metropolis. Here, we take what we can get.”
“I get it,” you say with a relenting sigh. “I guess he fits the city somehow.”
“According to your schedule,” she says as she checks the clock hanging behind you. “We are running out of time.”
“Eleven already?” You mumble earning a chuckle.
“First things first, I want to say that even if you can’t see it you are definitely improving.  You gave me details today that you never mentioned before, and you got through most of the story without crying. You are strong, you survived, and you are going to continue to overcome things that you never thought you would be able to.”
“Thank you,” you say slightly warming inside at the reassurance.
“Secondly, I want to give you some homework. Call a friend, watch a movie, go to brunch,” she says giving you a knowing look. “You have to start getting back out into the world. You can’t let this stop you from living your life.”
“I-, okay I’ll try.”
“Good,” she says standing up and holding out her hand to shake.
You meet her warm hand and shake it only to stumble forward as she pulls you in for a warm hug.
“Good luck today,” She says with a warm smile as she pulls back.
“Thank you,” you say slightly breathlessly and with an airy smile on your face. “I’ll tell you how it goes next week.”
You gather your bag and head for the door.
“E-mail me if you need me,” She calls.
“Will do.”
In the small private elevator reserved for the partners of Warner and Bobbitt’s Medical Fabrications, you rocked back and forth on your heels. The coffee that you stopped to get on the way over to the office had done little for your nerves, but at least you felt like you were zooming a million miles a minute. If you were moving fast maybe the rest of the world would speed up too.
As the elevator shot fast up to the 31St floor you started to worry. Was your blouse too tight? The beige pencil skirt too much? An aunt had warned you against wearing fitted clothes like the ones you were wearing now. That your natural shape and curves would distract people from your talent and brain. But you couldn’t exactly show up to this meeting in a sweatshirt and jeans the way that you usually did. After all, this wasn’t your job on the line, it was Kenya’s. The only thing you were confident in was your hair; thick and curly, you’d spent hours to make sure the lusciousness of your hair was on full display. Still was that enough to distract from your nervousness.
Maybe you had time to shoot a quick email to Dr. Campbell?
Too late you’re already here.
With a gulp you step out of the elevator and make your way to the conference room.
The glass is see through, and you can see the familiar tall form of Kenya talking to a group of men in suits. Sometimes you swear that all that sweet talk to get you to take the job was really for her own benefit. It was hard enough being a woman in a corporate power position, but being the only black woman? She must have felt like she had a target on her back. And while you were glad, she trusted you enough to give this job, you weren’t sure what you were going to do if she really did need back up. What if you got tongue tied and couldn’t explain your work?
Kenya catches your gaze and gives you a curt nod and a small professional smile. You take that as your que to come into the room. The door slides open and the chatter momentarily stops. The executives who recognize you turn their attention to the files in their hands.
Kenya’s assistant, Max, quietly moves over to you and hands you a folder with Warner and Bobbitt’s initials on it. Inside you find an itinerary of the meeting. An overview of the project you’d been shadowing and just started work on. It seemed like this was an acquisition meeting. Meaning someone was trying to buy the project even though it was barely out of prototype stages.
“I know that we have gone over the gist of the project gentlemen,” Kenya starts with a smile. “If there are any questions about the programming of the machine or the software, please feel free to ask them to our new lead engineer on the project.”
‘Oh shit that’s me’
Kenya gives you a reassuring smile, “If there are any other questions about anything else having to do with the project please feel free to ask me.”
To your surprise and relief, none of the executives in the room were too concerned about A.I. programming. Did she just bring you here to get your nerves all jumbled up? Clearly the meeting was over, even though you had come at the time that she’d told you to get there. What was Kenya up to?
“Excuse me?”
You jump, your shoulders find their way up to your ears in surprise. The voice is deep and considerably younger than the rest of the men in the room.
Your eyes meet with Kenya’s who has a sly smirk on her face. This is what she wanted?
Stiffly you turn to look back and meet a pair of dazzling blue eyes and wide million-dollar smile.
“Can I ask you a question about how this works?” He says smoothly.
“Huh?” You reply dumbly.
“Sorry,” he says mistaking your awe for contempt. “I’m Bruce Wayne.”
Your words are stuck your throat and your eyes can only go back and forth between his now outstretched and his eyes. Unfortunately, there is only one phrase that comes your mind.
“Son of a Bitch.”
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My Hero, My Sugar.
A/N: Hi my new friends! I would like to give a warning that this is going to be my first fanfiction posted on here! I am open to feedback, or messages and such requesting imagines and fluff. I am comfortable doing most plots. But because this is my first, I wanted to disclaim that I am very nervous posting this! Thank you :) and I am using my own knowledge of diabetes to write this, as I was diagnosed when I was 10, so I hope I’d know some. It may not be this way for everyone, but enjoy! 
Warning: It’s very long! I apologize. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Diabetic Reader
Summary: The reader is a member of the BAU, and she has been sent with Reid on a case, that they soon become hostages in. On top of trying to keep everyone safe, the reader (a diabetic) feels their sugar is low, and they have no access to food. As time goes on, Reid is now searching his mind for a way to get y/n to safety before something bad happens, or someone else gets hurt. Fluff and angst included. 
        You and Reid have gotten into the next target location without the unsub knowing that you were FBI. That is a surprise to you, as this is the first case that has worked out that way, especially on a case with Reid. The location is a small yet popular store in the small town right off the city where the unsub has lived for his whole life. It wasn’t hard to pinpoint, as the last targets have been stores with little security and female owners. Reid had figured it out after searching the surrounding area for stores that fit. 
      When you had approached, the unsub was already there, most likely making sure the time was right. This particular unsub had been predicted to be of a significantly high IQ; possibly genius and had a very bad case of OCD. From the way he had only attacked women, it meant he has a bad past with women: maybe a mom abandoned him, or a bad breakup that had sent him over the edge. The unsub has a case of aggression and low self-confidence. Because of this, he goes for weaker targets, in hopes of having no problems carrying out his attack. 
      You and Spencer casually look through the book aisles, not wanting to jump onto him right away. Reid was the one whose hand hasn’t left his gun since he entered the store. The unsub was definitely intimidating, as he was built very tall and muscular with broad shoulders. Reid had slowly inched his way towards the front, as the man reached the front of the store with a single book: Alice and Wonderland. “Alice in Wonderland, my favorite!” The older woman says ringing up the book with a ‘beep’. She definitely fit in with the past victims, as she had a small frame, and was fragile with old age. 
      “Me too, actually.” The low voice said, as the woman puts his book in a bag, not wanting the steady rain outside to ruin the books current state. It was a paperback, so it could ruin easily from the water. The man reached for his coat, in a strange line vision for Reid...he could pull out a gun, or a wallet. So Reid took his chance. 
      “Mr. Coles! This is the FBI, please put your hands in the air!” Reid says, finally happy to be the one to get to give the whole spiel. The whole thing happened in a blur, both guns came out at the same time, but the gun on the unsub was much more intimidating; much bigger. 
      “Put the gun down! If I see your finger reach the trigger, you will single-handedly be the reason this woman dies. Do you want to have that on your back for your life?” The unsub says as you reach for your gun, and Reid lowers his slightly. Reid was not the guy that would do well with someone dying when he could have saved them. “And you, the cutie in the aisle over there...keep your hands where I can see them. You don’t have me fooled.” He said in a shaky yet booming voice, making your hands go up quickly. Reid hated to admit, he did not want to go on this one with the newest person on the team; but Morgan and JJ had been sent to the other possible location to keep watch. He was definitely insecure about the strength in this pairing. 
      “Okay...James we can all put our guns down and then there will be no problems. You can leave. We will let you walk away since there was no harm done.” You say in a confident voice, even though that was not the case. Either way, he was going out in cuffs or a body bag. He has a body count of at least 6 women. The unsub’s beady brown eyes landed on your Y/E/C ones, which held curiosity. You couldn’t make out his next move in your mind, but your hands started to shake. 
      “No. I don’t believe you! All women do is lie. Put your gun on the ground, and sit with your hands under you.” He orders in a growl-like tone. The only thing you could do, is follow the orders, hoping that the woman in front of him can be saved by this action. You slip your gun out of your pocket; one hand still in the air as you let the gun fall to the ground. You feel Spencer’s soft eyes watching your actions. He’s been hostage many times, it isn’t something he could ever get used to. As you take a seat on your hands, you wrack your brain for ideas. A way to get out of the situation. Hotch should hopefully come to the rescue if Reid could not pull through. He may be a genius, but he did not have physical strength on his side right now against this man. 
      “I am not a woman, Mr. Coles. My name is Dr. Spencer Reid, and I will tell you as much of the truth as you would like to know.” Spencer pipes up and places his gun on the ground in front of him, placing his rather large hands into the air. He was someone you would believe if he told you that. He looked like he was too pure to lie, but he was currently doing it for his own safety, as well as yours and the store owner’s. And it worked...because Reid was good at reading and analyzing the best moves to get the unsub’s trust. It was something you admired more than anything. You felt the air in the bookstore heavier with each minute, and your eyes getting slightly heavier. It could be because of the lack of coffee this morning, or your sugar. You hoped it was the lesser of the two evils, as you had no access to food. 
      “Spencer...” You say with a croaky voice. Where was Hotch? Morgan or JJ? This felt like it had been taking years, sitting on your now aching hands. Reid had been told to sit next to you on the floor in front of Mr. Coles, as he tried thinking of a way out of this. Reid’s eyes searched yours with confusion. “I think my sugar’s low. I don’t feel all that great.” You warn him and his eyes widen a little. He knew you needed some source of carbohydrates to send the levels up. 
      “Spectacular!” He muttered to himself. He searched the room with his eyes, finding nothing but shelves full of books and a comfortable looking couch. “I’ll figure something out, don’t worry. How long do you think you can make it without eating?” He asked curiously. You shrugged your shoulders. You felt all the symptoms of a low sugar: shakiness, clamminess, fatigue, hunger and disequilibrium. You felt like your heart beating was louder than anything else in your ears, pounding fast. 
      “What are you two whispering about?” James asks, pointing the gun at you, before Reid. Reid furrows his eyebrows. This was a hard spot for him, as his gun now sits on the counter, mocking him. 
      “Please, just listen to my plea. Special Agent Y/L/N is a diabetic, and she feels very ill. I will let you stick your gun to my head if you let her run to her car, grabbing the things she needs to send her sugar up. If she does anything you don’t like, you can shoot me. She can die if you don’t do this, and we both know that your whole plan will be ruined if she is the one to die. You’ll have the whole team on your back. They will surely kill you.” Reid pretty much begs, and you widen your eyes. Why would he do that? Put his life in danger for you? You’ve known Spencer for a little over two months now. You see the unsub considering the plea, which is good, as you don’t even know if you could make it to the car if he takes too much longer than this. But you don’t have to worry about that, when the doors fling open to reveal Morgan. You give a relieved sigh, as he and JJ come in with Hotch in tow, their guns raised. 
      “James Coles, put the gun down. We will not hold fire.” Hotch calls as they approach quickly, and he unsub doesn’t think twice before lowering his gun and stepping forward. He had no way out of this, he wanted to leave alive. Reid stands and puts a hand out to you, knowing how dizzy a diabetic can get with low blood sugar levels. He had done very in depth research when you joined the team, even going as far as stocking the fridge at work with Orange juice; the best thing for diabetics in times of need. You took his hand and he helped you up with a force stronger than you expected from the scrawny doctor. 
      “Let’s go Y/N. If you don’t have anything, I have some sweets in my bag.” He offers with a small grin. One thing you knew about Spencer, is that he had a crazy sweet tooth. It made you gag sometimes, as you have grown to not use much sugar, and to eat in more moderation than most. 
      “Thank you Spencer.” You said gratefully as you walked to your car, leaning on him slightly. It felt awkward to use the tall genius for support, but the smell of his cologne and understanding that you’ll be feeling better soon made you ignore it. 
      “Don’t mention it. But this means that when we go for another mission, you let me play you in chess.” Reid suggests, opening the car door for you and going around to the other side. He was definitely not letting you drive in this state. 
      “Fair enough, but I have never won chess.” You reply, knowing this time surely won’t be any different. Reid was the smartest person you’ve ever met. And although the first month at the job he irked you with his waterfall of facts, you have become fond of it, even taking the time to write some down. 
      “Well, maybe I will go easy on you.” Reid says with a grin, but you know for a fact that he does not take losing easily. But that’s ok, he saved your life...losing one more game of chess is not going to kill you. 
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Pure Love (3)
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Request: I was wondering if u would be willing to write a florist reader x mob dean story where the reader is extremely shy and doesn’t wanna date him cus she’s scared of him but he’s super soft with her and it shocks all the other mob members because they have never seen this side of him.
Summary: It’s been too long since he met someone pure making him feel less evil.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Reader, Mobster!Benny Lafitte,
Warnings: angst, shy reader, innocent reader (non-sexual), fluff, flirting, comforting, soft/caring Dean, a hint of making out, implied smut
Pure Intensions Masterlist
The next weeks passed in a blink. You slowly got comfortable around Dean. Every morning he drives you to your shop to make sure you get there safe. Castiel or one of Dean’s other men is always by your side. You like the blue-eyed man the most. He’s a bit silent, maybe shy but less scary than Benny or Gadreel.
Unfortunately, this week Castiel is away, along with Garth. That’s the reason Benny took the trench-coat wearing man’s place.
“You okay there, Chère?” Benny is glancing at you, knowing you feel uncomfortable around him. 
“Yeah…” Shyly nodding you try to focus on anything than the dangerous man sitting next to your side.
“Please don’t believe I would harm you, Chère.” Benny rumbles giving you a charming smile. “I know I can look intimidating, but I swear I would rather die than hurt a girl. Especially not my boss’s girl.”
“Why?” Curiously glancing at the man, you see his features soften. “Dean would kill me if anything happens to you and he would rip me apart slow and painful if I dared to harm you. Relax and act as if I’m not around. I will just sit here, read my newspaper and make sure no one will hurt you.”
“How did you get into this business if you don’t mind me asking.” Benny leans back, smiling at the memory. “I met Dean during a tough time. Some years ago, when I was younger my boss abandoned me for falling in love with a girl.”
“I’m sorry…” Gasping you meet Benny’s eyes and you can see the hurting all over his face. “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“Hey, that was years ago, Y/N.” The tall man shrugs, offering you a cracked smile. “Said boss almost killed me, left me to die in the desert. I thought he killed my lovely girl too but…” Now Benny sighs. “He offered her a better life and she agreed. Money can buy everything, I guess…”
“Not everything…” Gently placing one hand onto Benny’s shoulder you shake your head. “Loyalty, friendship and love - money can’t buy this. I watched you and Dean together. You are not just boss and employee, Mr. Lafitte, you are friends…”
“Call me Benny, Chére or I feel like an old man next to you.” Chuckling Benny pats your hand on his shoulder, glancing up at you. “I know why Dean has a thing for you, you’re someone special.”
Flustered you look at Benny, not knowing how to react to such a compliment. “I still owe you my story.” Getting up the tall man glances out of the window, remembering the day he met Dean.
“You don’t have to tell me, Benny. It’s quite alright. I know how it feels not wanting to remember the past or certain people.” Voice soft you stand behind the Benny, gently patting his back.
“I recovered and got to know my girl, the woman I love is still alive, held hostage in the Mansion which used to be my home. I wanted to storm into the building when someone stopped me.” Benny keeps on talking, explaining Dean wanted to break into the house too, to prove he’s worthy. “Dean had a plan to enter the house, I could get my girl and Dean gets what he wants too.”
“So, this was some kind of ritual?” You ask not understanding what this means. 
“You see…uh…” Scratching his chin Benny tries to explain how things work in the ‘family business’. “It’s like when kids tell you to steal a candy to prove you are brave enough. This was the same with Dean.”
 “I get it. Dean had to prove he can get into the house and get something special.”
“Smart girl. John and his men waited outside, just in case. It was the usual drill to steal something from a befriended family.” Benny’s eyes darken at the memory of that night. “Dean and I entered the house with a stolen key. I thanked him and we parted ways.”
“I assume something went wrong?” Glancing at Benny you can see the hurting once again as he starts talking again. “Let’s say my girl wasn’t in danger. It was the opposite, Y/N. She was living a good life. Money. Expensive clothes. Everything she always wanted.”
“Some people don’t deserve our love, Benny.” Turning around the tall man, your protector nods. “Dean needs to keep you for sure. He never had a nicer girl.”
“So…Benny and you warmed up?” Dean is looking at you while you try to feel comfortable in the fancy restaurant he invited you in for your third date.
“He scared me a little, but he seems to be nice. Benny told me how you met, well at least a few things.” You look around the restaurant, feeling the waitresses staring at you. “Why are these women keep on staring at me, Dean?” 
Leaning closer to you Dean chuckles before he takes your hand in his to kiss it softly. “They are not used seeing me with a girl here. This restaurant is reserved for the Winchesters family and very close friends, Sweetheart. According to the way the waitresses look at you they know you are someone special to me…”
Dean’s words make your heart flutter. “You never brought a girl here before?” There’s a smile all over Dean’s face when he shakes his head, squeezing your hand tightly. “Not a single time. I was restless for the last years, Blueberry Pie. I had affairs, flings but nothing serious. You are the first girl I can imagine marrying, Y/N.”
“Marry…” Choking on your water you look at Dean with wide eyes. He gives you his brightest smile, playing with your finger as the waitress approaches to bring you the ordered food. Dean is watching you glancing at the expensive food.
“Baby, you can eat it. It’s the best chicken parmesan in town, maybe even in whole Kansas.” Eyes softer than usual Dean looks at you, smirking when a little moan escapes your lips at the taste of the first bite. “Good?”
Nodding, you chew faster to answer Dean, but he starts eaten and you whine when he pulls his hand away to grab his fork. “I’ll touch you as much as you want to later…” 
“UH…I…” Clearing your throat you glance at the waitress offering Dean and you wine while you shake your head at the young woman. 
“Don’t be shy. Everyone in this establishment knows by now you are my girl.” Dean is teasing you once again, a soft smile on his lips. 
“What?” Awkwardly filling your glass, the waitress looks at you, trying to find out why the infamous Dean Winchester is falling hard for someone plain as you. “Don’t say such a thing. She could feel uncomfortable…”
“Y/N, I’m pretty sure Suzie heard and saw worse things than a love confession while she pours us some wine.”
“But we can change the subject for a moment, and I tell you how Benny became one of my best friends.” Dean offers you a distraction from his shameless flirting, so you nod eagerly as his hand gently caresses yours for a moment.
“I knew you are friends…” Your eyes shine when he starts telling you Benny and his story. “Benny found his love, Andrea. He believed she’s in danger, but she was busy fucking his former boss. One of his old bosses’ men captured Benny right before he could attack ‘the old man’.” Dean’s eyes darken at the memory.
“Awful…” Covering your mouth with your hand you imagine the hurting Benny must’ve felt back then. “Exactly. Seeing the woman, you love, the one you almost lost your life for with your former boss…” Dean takes a deep breath before he shoves the thought away someone could touch you.
“I wouldn’t do such a thing…” Mumbling you glance at your food before you shove another spoonful into your mouth. “I know, Baby. You’re such a good girl…” Oddly Dean’s words go straight to your core and you lick your lips, earning yourself a dirty grin from Dean.
“Anyways…I heard someone yell while I was hiding behind a wall. I saw Andrea kicking Benny down the stairs, telling him he was never good enough. One of these bastards aimed a gun at Benny and I jumped out, telling them I will lose the bet if they let him go.”
“Bet?” Dean remembers you can’t know about ‘the ritual’, the bets or anything so he tries to explain what he means. “It’s a tradition the sons turning 21 try to steal something from a befriended family. Whoever wins will get the prize, in my case my favorite strip club.”
“You sacrificed your win for someone you didn’t even know, Dean. I know you believe you are a bad guy, but this shows me you can feel compassion.” Your food gets cold while you just look at each other before one of you breaks the silence. 
“You make me feel like a better man, Sweetheart. I want to be better for you.” Sighing Dean looks around the room, seeing the respect and partially fear in the guest’s eyes. “Family business is a part of my life, but I swear I will try to never get you involved in this kind of things. Castiel will be back in a few days and we will know if the gang is after you or not…”
Looking at your plate you know Dean wants to tell you that you can move back into your apartment, so you nod, blinking a few tears away. “Still I want you to stay with me. Don’t get me wrong, I like your style, but your apartment is way too small for a tall guy like me! I almost hit my knee in your bathroom when I tried to turn around.”
Chuckling you imagine Dean trying to find enough space in your tiny bathroom. “It’s not made for a tall man like you, with muscles and all. I’m way smaller and got no muscles…” Seeing the knowing look on Dean’s face you stop talking.
“I knew you checked me out, Y/N! My sweet, innocent girl is into checking her meat out!” Wiggling his eyebrows Dean stuffs another piece of food into his mouth, a never-fading grin on his lips. “Going to let you see all of my meat…”
“Dean!” Flustered you glance at the waitress looking at Dean, mouth agape as you feel the heat creeping into your cheeks and core…
Walking you toward your room, Dean has one arm slung around your waist, squeezing the flesh tightly. “That was a nice date…” He whispers in a lower voice than usual.
“Very nice…” In a blink, you are pressed against the wall and Dean’s lips are on yours. Tongue licking into your mouth, hands roaming your back he moans against your soft pillows. “Well, goodnight.”
“Good night…” Dean wants to turn to leave but you grab his hand, glancing up at the tall mobster slowly stealing your heart. “Do you really like me?”
“I don’t like you, Blueberry Pie…” Dean nips at your lips, breathing ‘I love you’ against you.
“We could not say goodnight right now…”
Dean’s eyes meet yours as he slings his arms around your waist while you do the same. Just standing there you let Dean kiss you again, humming against your lips when you move one hand to his butt, squeezing it harshly.
“Whoa, lady.” Chuckling at your boldness Dean sees the smirk all over your face. “I’m shy, not a virgin. I want you…”
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Hiii if you’re taking requests can you write something where Vincent’s gf gets taken hostage and Vince goes into protective/pissed off mode? maybe some smut?
yesss of course omg ♥ sorry this took so long, i’m working on a few requests right now! :)
You sniffle, your cheeks stained from dried tears mixed with crusty mascara. “Stop fucking crying,” the lady snaps, throwing an evil scowl at you. The guy in the corner gives you an almost sympathetic look when he glances at you, but you doubt he’d step up and do anything.
You’re sitting at a grotty wooden table, hands and ankles both cuffed. Two henchmen-type fellows are standing either side of you, making sure you don’t try anything, the nasty lady is sitting opposite you, looking you up & down and the sympathetic-looking guy is standing beside the door, presumably guarding it. There’s not really anything to the room– it’s cramped, dimly lit and stinks of piss and cheap cigarettes… hardly a palace, to say the least.
Meanwhile, your boyfriend Vincent is pacing up & down the hall in your apartment– he had gone there to see you as a surprise, but clearly it hadn’t gone to plan. “Come on, Jules, pick up, Goddammit!” he growls to himself, phone pressed against his ear. Vince knew something had happened to you, and he suspected it had something to do with an asshole he and Jules were supposed to be assassinating in the next couple of weeks. 
“You gotta help me, man, (Y/N), she’s– she’s not home!”
“Man, what the fuck you doin’ callin’ me at this time? What time is it–” Jules scoffs, fumbling around to check the clock, “–fuckin’ almost four in the morning?”
“Did you not just fuckin’ hear me? Somethin’s happened to her, I know it!” Vince cries, clear panic in his shaky voice.
“Alright, alright. You at hers?”
Jules sighs in deep thought. He was used to thinking fast when something bad happened (which was, in all honesty, pretty frequent considering he worked with Vincent). “Right, you got the details about… damn, what’s his name– Samuels? Somethin’ Samuels?”
“Yeah, I know who you mean. Yeah, I do.”
“You got his address?”
“Okay, here’s what you gotta do, Vince– are you listening?”
“I’m listenin’, Christ,” says Vincent impatiently.
“Don’t blaspheme to me,” Jules growls. “Okay, go get his address from whatever shitty napkin you wrote his details on– see, motherfucker, I told you you should’a used paper!”
“Fuckin’ hurry up, man, I mean, she could be in danger!” Vince urges, fumbling through his coat pockets trying to find the napkin.
“Right. If it is him, which I’m pretty sure it might be, he has connections to Marsellus as we both know. And if he has connections to him, he can probably get ahold of our shit too, fuck knows how though. If he knows what’s important to you besides your precious hair, he knows who the fuck to take hostage. I don’t know, just a wild guess, so I’d go to his place fuckin’ pronto if I were you.”
“Yeah, man, that makes sense– I swear to God,” Vince scowls, clenching his fist around the napkin, “if he’s got my fuckin’ girl, I’ma shoot him right in his goddamn asshole.”
“Don’t blame ya. I’ll meet you there, you ain’t going alone,” Jules says, hanging up the phone before Vince can protest.
Not even ten minutes pass and the two hitmen reunite at Jules’ place– Vincent, in such a panicked temper, had ran (something he literally never does) to his car and sped well over the speed limit to Inglewood, where Jules lived. “Get in, hurry,” Vincent says as he pulls up, his cherry-red car screeching to a halt. A determined, fierce expression is wiped across his face. “Thanks, man,” he adds as Jules gets in the passenger seat.
“No worries. If I’m honest, I was already awake,” Jules admits, his colleague screeching back onto the road, a tiny bit calmer than before– company always helped when he was mad.
“Yeah? Why?”
“Watchin’ TV,” he says, flicking the radio on.
Vincent glances at him with a curious smile. “What were you watchin’?”
“The Simpsons.” Jules says this with such a serious face that Vince lets out an almost-chuckle. It wasn’t much, but Jules was helping lighten the mood a little.
“Ah. You got the address?”
For the rest of the car journey, they enjoy a bit of casual back and forth while Jules gives Vincent directions, the car screeching round corners in the quiet ambience of the night. Once again, Vincent slams his foot on the brake as they arrive at this ‘Samuels’ guy’s place– a grotty-looking apartment complex in what’ known as a ‘bad part of town’. “You got the room number?” asks Vince, looking up at the building.
“A’ight,” says Vincent, marching into the complex and making a beeline for the stairs. “No fuckin’ time for elevators,” he continues to a shocked Jules, “if that piece’a shit’s got my girl, I’m not waitin’ around for a death box to take us there.”
Jules tails his colleague up the staircase, truthfully taken aback by his determination and anger. “Fair do’s, man.”
It doesn’t take long for them to reach the third floor, and although Vincent had already started panting by the second floor, he loads his gun while marching to apartment No. 22. Jules joins him, loading his gun too. “You cool?” he asks.
“Yeah, I’m cool.”
Vincent waits a few moments, mentally preparing himself, before rapping aggressively on the door. You hear it from the room you’re in– a distant, muffled knocking. “Go and answer it,” orders the lady to one of the henchmen, and he instantly heads out of the door, closing it behind him with care. For somebody so tall and tough-looking, his obedience towards the woman definitely shows. You watch him with anxious curiosity as he leaves the room– his thick arms are heavily tattooed and he’s wearing a sweaty white vest with ratty old jeans. Needless to say, you wouldn’t fuck with him if you met him in a dark alley.
The man opens the door slightly, eyeballing the two hitmen suspiciously. “Yeah?”
“Who the fuck are you?” scowls Vincent, studying the guy’s stern face.
“‘Scuse me?”
Jules clears his throat. “I think you’d better let us in.” He discreetly shows the man his gun, aiming it at his stomach.
The guy’s eyes widen a little as he spots the gun and he shuffles aside, not breaking eye contact with Jules, to let them past. “Come in,” he mutters, closing the door behind them. “ANNIE!”
You hear him yell from the room you’re in, and can only assume the lady’s name is Annie (they hadn’t told you anything) as she marches out of the room after hissing at the two remaining guys to not let you utter a word. By now, your legs are numb and cold and you pray that whoever’s out there can do something to help.
Annie emerges from the back room, a scowl on her face and hands on her hips. “Can I help you?” she asks, looking the two hitmen up & down.
Vincent, pointing his gun at her, scoffs. “You know damn fuckin’ well what we’re here for– where is she?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Back in the room you’re in, you can barely hear the muffled voices, unable to tell who it is. 
Suddenly, a wave of panic strikes you as you get the familiar sensation of an incoming sneeze– a vague tingling in your nose. Your eyelashes flutter as you erupt with a HUGE sneeze, almost screaming ‘WAAHCHOO!’ as your head jerks forward with it. The two men still in the room with you look at each other like dumbasses, unsure of how to react.
Although fairly far away, Vincent hears that familiar sneeze he always giggles at and something in his brain snaps– he shoves Annie and her henchman out of the way and staggers around the place in a rush, Jules following him with his gun pointed at the two. “BABY!?!” calls Vince, looking all around. You hear him, but with the threatening looks the two guys are giving you, you keep your mouth shut. “You tell me where the fuck she is, or I swear to God–” your boyfriend growls, getting all up in Annie’s face about it. As the henchman tries to intervene, Jules decides he’ll save some time and shoots the guy in the stomach, leaving him to writhe around on the floor in agony, blood pooling beside him. As far as he was concerned, it only meant they’d probably have one less person to assassinate on that upcoming job.
“Thanks, man,” says Vince, his own gun aimed at Annie’s forehead. He turns back to her. “Take me to her.”
She doesn’t say a word, surprisingly, and, taking one frightened glance at her henchman, leads the two to the room you’re in. You hear footsteps and a few moments later, Vincent kicks open the door. “(Y/N)!” he gasps, lowering his gun.
“Hey, motherfucker, don’t put that thing away, stupid ass!” Jules chokes, giving him a classic ‘Vince-what-the-fuck-are-you-doing?!’ look.
You sit there, stunned, not knowing what to do– terrified, your head snaps from Annie, then to the two men, then to Jules & Vincent. “Uh… hi?” you say timidly, looking at your boyfriend.
“You,” he says to the other henchman guy standing behind you, “hands up, stand next to the bitch.” Admittedly, it’s a bit of a turn-on seeing Vincent like this– his face is sterner than you’ve ever seen it. He watches the guy shuffle over to Annie, holding his hands up, shaking slightly. By now, the two men that had been guarding the door and yourself are standing by the door with Annie, Vincent & Jules pointing their guns at them. “Okay,” he continues, “ya little bitch. Gimme the fuckin’ key to those cuffs you got my girl in.”
“Slowly– and don’t you fuckin’ dare think of try’na whip out a gun or some shit, or you’ll get a motherfuckin’ bullet straight through your head,” Jules threatens, giving Annie that familiar harsh stare. 
She scoffs and fumbles around in her blazer pocket (for a room as revolting as this one, she doesn’t look like she belongs there, the blazer looks expensive to you). Vincent holds out his hand, giving her a dirty look as she yanks her hand out and drops the keys. “Alright, now all of you turn around, face the wall ‘n’ put your hands flat against it,” he orders, and they do so.
He nods at Jules to keep an eye on them, Jules returning it, then lowers his gun and marches over to you. Carefully, Vince uncuffs you and tosses the handcuffs at the wall behind you. “Alright,” he growls, “sugar tits, AKA beautiful girl in the chair– hold onto my arm, I’ll escort you out.”
Tentative in case the three do anything, you wrap your arms around Vince’s, though not taking your eyes off of them. “We’re goin’. But don’t move a fuckin’ muscle or I swear to fuckin’ Christ you’ll get a bullet in your brain.” Frowning, he leads you past them and out of the door, Jules kicking it shut behind you.
“C’mon, let’s get the fuck outta here,” says Jules, and the three of you hurry down the stairs and out of the building, Vince carrying you to his car. “Wonder where the Samuels guy is.”
Vincent scoffs as he lowers you in the passenger seat. “Poor fucker probably left the country tryin’ to avoid that crusty old bitch.”
“Wouldn’t blame him, man,” chuckles Jules, getting in the backseat.
The car ride to Jules’ place was almost silent, the only sound coming from the radio, which Vince had put on low. “G’night, man. Call me tomorrow, and motherfucker– drive safely.”
“Yeah, I will. Thanks, man,” Vince replies, smiling tiredly. You both wave him off and ride home, his hand cupping your knee warmly.
As he pulls up on his drive, you take his hand and roll up his sleeve, checking his watch. “Jesus Christ, it’s almost five-thirty,” you sigh. He looks down at you, looking exhausted.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“S’not your fault, Vince,” you say softly, holding his hand in your lap.
He sniggers slightly. “Heh. Snot.” The two of you sit in his car for a moment, sharing relief, before he gets out and unlocks his front door. You trail after him, your legs aching from being sat cuffed in that chair for so long, and he wraps an arm around your waist, following you to the kitchen. He picks you up and places you on the counter top, fetches a chocolate bar from the cupboard and hands it to you. “This is to say I’m sorry for lettin’ them… y’know.”
“I’m never gonna forgive you, asshole,” you smirk, pulling him closer so you can hug him.
For a second, his dumb ass believes you, and he rubs your thighs a little. “How can I repay you, fruitcake?” he asks, kissing your cheek over & over. “Y’know, aside from the chocolate.”
“I have an idea,” you smile, hopping off of the counter and skipping to Vincent’s bedroom. He follows you, a curious but smug expression on his face, and lies on his bed, hands behind his head. “Wait there,” you giggle, heading into his en-suite and closing the door behind you. As Vince waits, he lights himself a cigarette while you strip down to your underwear and freshen up your makeup in the mirror (he keeps spare in case you ever stay over and forget yours). 
Satisfied, you open the door and his face drops. Taking the cig out, Vince exhales shakily, his eyes roaming your body. “What–” he begins, but you interrupt.
“I don’t want you to fuck me, before you get any ideas,” you say, crawling onto the bed and straddling him. He caresses your thigh as you do so, eyes darting from yours to your boobs. “I want you to touch me and make me feel good.”
“What do I get outta this?” he asks, already massaging your tits through your bra.
“My forgiveness? And the comforting notion that you made me feel amazing?”
“Yeah, that and a fuckin’ stiffy I can’t do nothin’ about!”
“Babe, I sat in that fucking gross ass room for ages, wrists and ankles cuffed, and you’re complaining about having a hard on?” you scoff, feeling him filling out his pants beneath you.
“Until you grow a dick and feel the pain of not bein’ able to c– oh, Christ, baby,” he groans, growing harder as you take off your bra. “Those tits, I swear.”
“I know. Are you gonna touch me or just stare?”
“Well, what do you want me to do?”
You roll your eyes at your airhead of a man. “Babe, use your imagination, Christ, do I have to order you around?”
“Sorry, honeypie, c’mon,” he says, giving your ass a squeeze, “get off me so I can eat that amazin’ pussy of yours.”
Smiling, you do as he says, wiggling out of your panties. Vincent spreads your legs with a smirk, holding them open and making eyes at you. “Aw, baby doll, you’re gushin’ for me, aren’t you?” he purrs, rubbing your inner thighs.
“Yeah, for a change,” you tease, fondling your breasts in eagerness.
He moves closer to your pussy, lips inches away from your throbbing clit. “Stop bein’ a little shit or I won’t be doin’ nothin’ to this beautiful little cunt.”
“Sorry, daddy,” you gasp– for such a ditz, it’s a breath of fresh air when he finally takes control of you.
“Where to begin…” he wonders, then kisses your thighs sloppily, purposely avoiding your pussy. You grow wetter with each kiss, pining for the touch of his warm tongue. Seeing you in agony, he smirks. “Alright, I’ll eat ya out, baby, Christ.”
Running his tongue over his top lip, Vincent spreads your legs further apart, hands firmly on your thighs, and glides that moist tongue between your silky lips. He groans into your pussy as he melts into it, his warm spit mixing with your arousal. Squealing, you grab the duvet. “Feels so good, daddy…” you breathe, rocking your hips a little.
By now, Vincent is in the zone, all of his focus on you. He wraps his thick, hairy arms around your thighs, smirking as he slides his tongue up over your pulsating clit, making you gasp. “Is this what you wanted, baby girl?” he teases, kissing over your clit sloppily.
“M-mhm,” you stutter, almost writhing around in pleasure.
Growling in concentration, he returns to eating you out, determined and passionate. “There’s a good girl,” he smirks, pulling away for a moment before burying his lips and tongue in your dripping cunt. Not even thirty seconds later, your legs begin to tremble as you begin to orgasm, an uncontrollable moan escaping your lips. Vincent gently carries on as you climax, still smirking, until you finish. He wipes his mouth on his sleeve and strokes your leg lovingly before throwing you one of your silk nightdresses to put on. “Was that what you had in mind?” he asks, sniggering as he undresses down to his boxers and joining you in bed.
You drape his arm around you and cuddle up to his warm body. “Something like that. I’ll decide in the morning if you’re forgiven,” you smile, kissing his cheek.
“Sure, pumpkin pie,” he sighs, turning the lamp off. He kisses your temple softly and the two of you get a well-deserved rest.
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