#'punks' the novel
k41tlyn8487 · 9 months
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This is me right now trying to read Franz Kafkas Metamorphosis for my Drama and Theatre Studies exam
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
hobie in a croptop that says ‘thot crime’
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and proud of it too
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isabeauwolf · 8 days
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This beauty is from Law's Novel Illustration! We need this novel of Law and The Heart Pirates in English, I'm begging! Tell us what happened after he left Corazon's death, escaped The Bird Cage and The Donquixote Family, how he met Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, and forming The Heart Pirates!
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*end of Law's novel rant and rambling* But seriously, we need this!!!!!
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Now we are deep diving into what I have saved on my computer XD I regret nothing, nope, no, never!
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Film Red Law! I'm so happy!
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partuulla · 11 months
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Yo, I made another short horror VN.
you play as a mad scientist celebrating his hubris with his lab partner. Explore their messy relationship alongside their dumb death scenarios.
It's fully voiced and free to play here: https://partulla.itch.io/bubo-prologue
(Full credits and content warnings in the Itch.io page)
BUBO voiced by James Dijit AKU PUNK voiced by Michael Kovach Music by Lei Hart
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n30n-ang3l · 1 year
Imagine this four in a band.
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But the guitarist (Hobie) and bassist (Haruka) always argue about sharing the spotlight and where the band is going creatively while the lead singer and synth player (Jinx) and drummer (Nimona) just hanging out and causing anarchy (like pranking each other or TPing a heckler’s house the person jumped on stage trying to cause some major ruckus which got them kicked out of the venue). Haruka leaves the band because of Creative Differences (but in reality she gets kicked out of the band she did some shit that even Hobie thought that crossed the line). Haruka’s absence prompt’s the band to replace her with this dude.
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But turns out he’s not a good bass player at all but they kept him because he is a good rhythm guitarist so the whole band + Chai decides to perform without a bass guitarist. After a night, the band decided to celebrate in a bar (Nimona and Jinx just turned legal adults so Hobie why not have them get their very first drink of beer with their consent) after a first good live show without Haruka. While they’re enjoying their food (with Nimona and Chai arguing if pineapple is good on pizza while Jinx is egging them on) this woman came in wanting to join the band.
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She explained to them how she liked their performance during the show and how they would need a bass player. Hobie hesitant at first asks Marceline to perform in the stage (because it’s an open mic night at the bar) to see how she good really is. And she did, she went on the stage and performed I’m Just Your Problem, a song she wrote after a really bad breakup with her college girlfriend for 5 years. Hobie really impressed let her join the band. There is now 5 people (Jinx in lead vocals and synthesizer, Hobie in lead guitar, Marceline in backup vocals and bass, Nimona in Drums, and Chai in Rhythm Guitar) in the band and they’re rocking out all over the world.
P.S. They also have a roadie and guitar who is this lady.
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She doesn’t give her name to the band as she told them to call her The Player just because.
There’s also this young woman.
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Gwen is close friends with Hobie and occasionally plays drums with the band whenever Nimona is out of commission (usually injuries from one of her’s and Jinx’s hi jinx but she always gets back up better than ever). But she’s sadly not a permanent member because she has a band of her own in The Mary Janes (where she plays drums in) and she’s in college and the band knows that they can’t replace someone like Nimona because they pretty much care about her.
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nonolithic · 1 year
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readtilyoudie · 29 days
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angie-j-kay · 4 months
OH SHIT my novel chapters are getting put in the city library!!!
So I decided to take a risk, and packed all of my current chapters of What You Cast Out into little envelopes and take them to a few nearby shops. There was an occult shop, a comic shop, the local Hippie grocery co-op, places that are known to be partial to fantasy stories or local businesses.
While the shops didn't show very much interest (beyond the comic shop being politely intrigued), the local city library freaking FELL ON THIS.
Apparently they have a special section of the library where they showcase books written by local authors, and the librarians said that once they'd made it through being entered into the database, my books would be welcome in that showcase.
I'd like to note that there are some local authors here, mostly published through Amazon Press and with 90s-era photoshopped covers. And the topics tend to be local history and folklore, with like one mystery novel that I've heard of.
But there's NO fantasy, and ABSOLUTELY NO FANTASY set here in Southern IL. Like, readers from this region will be able to pinpoint locations and cities in the chapters, as things progress. Also, cover art:
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What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt (Novel Masterpost)
If you'd like to join the taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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nerdby · 3 months
He fucking would, too🤣
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Idk if anyone needs to hear this but it is something I needed drilled into me when I was younger and 90% of the reason I am posting it is typing makes it more real but
Suffering does not make you a better person
You are a better person because of yourself
No anything that hurt you
Your trauma did not make you kind
Make yourself kind despite your trauma
Your trauma did not make you more creative, it did not make you a good person, it did not make you smart, it did not make you caring, it did not make you anything that benefits you
The only thing your trauma did was traumatized you
You forged yourself to be the self that survived and you are the one responsible for all of the good qualities that that person has
So much of my life people try to paint the picture of people gaining traits from suffering as if suffering is a beautiful thing that will afflict you and then leave you improved
Suffering is not beautiful it is just suffering
You don't need to cause yourself any more hurt than you already have by thinking you should be great full for things that harm you, you already have a "unique perspective" suffering only makes you suffer it doesn't get any prettier than that
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allgremlinart · 5 months
#God I hope they stick to their guns and create an even weirder genre for the (hypothetical) next series... ...
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smashpages · 2 months
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Out this week: Punk Rock Karaoke (Viking Books, $17.99): 
Bianca Xunise, winner of the 2017 Ignatz Awards for “Most Promising Talent” and part of the Six Chix comic strip collective, presents this debut graphic novel about a punk band in Chicago trying to make the big time.
See what else is arriving in comic shops this week.
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nekoxyuki · 2 months
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She knew it was coming,
she didn't see when it came.
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nekromeowncer · 1 year
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I remember liking him the most out of all the LIs in DMMD...
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hapalopus · 3 months
steampunk elves save me.
steampunk elves.
save me steampunk elves
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angie-j-kay · 4 months
I have spent today laying out Chapter 6, and now I'm working on Chapter 7. Here, have a Ch. 7 summary!
Chapter 7
Gabe Nelson is no longer a police officer. He knew the risks when he refused to let his boss arrest an innocent woman, and he chose honesty over the police force. But Tracey Rutledge did not murder Jonas Alderman, and she is not a drug addict, and now that the FBI knows that, Chief Perkins cannot touch her.
The problem is that Tracey, after discovering that the murder victim had been visiting Southern Illinois and begging Gabe not to pursue the investigation anymore, has just vanished. And Doctor Alderman's killer is still very much on the loose, in a murder case that just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Now Gabe, FBI Agent Beth Larson, and Doctor Miles Pertwee have to figure out why Tracey was so terrified of Franklin County, and what could have made her disappear from a locked apartment.
What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt (Novel Masterpost)
If you'd like to join the taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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