#'oh why were you out of school?' 'I was with the cop whos supposed to keep us in school'
adair-the-bard · 1 year
doing connections essays is just trying to think of aspects and being so excited to get one and realising its just the thesis but rewritten
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craxkbaby · 6 months
Antares reader here! Got something good so probs a hurt/comfort?
Dick Grasyon x Adopted son of Deathstroke (who's a mercenary as well???)
"Why are you avoiding me?" "Because.... Because i think im falling in love with you okay?" TROPE OMG FKDNDRN
Or "Fuck you!" "Later. Now listen here you little shit-"
HELLO! If it’s okay, I’m just gonna call you Antares anon :3!! I did get your other request, and I am working on it!!! CHAT SCHOOL HAS BEEN KILLING ME!! I was listening to Once more to see you and Cop Car by mitski. And omg.. dawg it lowkey made me emotional!!!
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Why would Nightwing himself want to be involved with a guy, the son of Deathstroke? It was a moment of weakness. He shouldn’t be involved with you. You were trained to be a hired gun. A mercenary just like Deathstroke, you do it for the money.
He shouldn’t be involved with someone like you who is connected to a person who wants Batman gone. But it hurts to avoid you. It hurts knowing he will have to get you locked up one day.
Though the chemistry you two share is unavoidable. The small talks on the rooftops during Dicks patrol, the cat and mouse chase you two share. But it’s all platonic right? It’s not. But that’s what Dick wants to believe.
He can’t afford to have these feelings towards you any longer.
But you don’t feel the same way.
The thought of you finally having someone in your life that wasn’t just training you to end lives was refreshing. You wanted the daily night meetups to continue. You loved them, being able to have small breaks with a person you slowly grew to love felt enjoyable.
But you had no clue on how Dick was such against the idea.
He didn’t want to be against it.
But he had to. He was slowly melting onto you, completely sticking onto you like glue. Unable to be tore away. He secretly wished you would change.
Change just so he can be with you, how selfish, he knows. Wanting you to change just so he can be with you the way he likes it. When he knew you weren’t going to change just for him, the avoidance started.
Avoiding you at any cost, stopped meeting at your spot. Stopped answering your calls and texts. Started ghosting you. You obviously noticed this. How can it go unnoticed?
The word “read” under every text you sent suffocated your heart. Then the overthinking started.
“Hey.” Read.
“You okay?” Read.
“Did I do something wrong?” Read.
The overthinking, did you upset him? You probably said something wrong. He probably needs space! From what though?
How were you supposed to know how he felt? He was being childish. Childish in a way, refusing to communicate, refusing to acknowledge you any longer.
Refusing to acknowledge your text, refusing to acknowledge your missed calls, refusing to acknowledge your voicemails, refusing to acknowledge you.
Then the hatred started. All those months of getting to know Dick, and just for him to completely shove you off. Ghosting you for weeks straight, you grew angry with him.
You tried not to think about it, but it was eating you from the inside out. It was hurting like a breakup. Your life fell silent once again.
Dick completely walking out of your life without a reason, without an explanation! Oh and how it irritated you.
You waited for hours at the spot you two usually always met at. Staying out all night just for a no show. It’s like Nightwing never even existed.
It was just all apart of your imagination. Imaging a friend you finally had who was a hero.
You knew him and you being so close wasn’t the best idea, you two had completely different career paths, but still decided to stick to each other.
Though Dick was the one who broke that cycle. The way he always caught himself staring at you for long period of time, his hand always on you somewhere.
It wasn’t going to work out anyways. He always thought.
He convinced himself that you felt the same about the situation. Manipulating himself just to get out of a situation he put himself in.
Those text messages and missed calls didn’t even matter.
But oh when you caught him. It’s like his whole world crashed;
His name being spoken from the distance, it was obviously you. You caught him, finally finding him after almost a month. You sounded angry, pissed. You had every right to be.
“You aren’t going to say anything? Seriously?”
Dick couldn’t even turn around, couldn’t even face you after such a long time. The guilt started to wash over him like a wave.
The silence was so loud, the only light providing you was the moon. Gotham was settling down for the night, hardly any noises coming from the city. It was like it was just you two in the whole entire world.
“Did I do something wrong?”
No, he didn’t want you to think that. But he caused it. He caused those thoughts to flood in your mind. He didn’t mean to, but he made it happen.
“No, of course not..” He finally said something, slowly turning to you just to see your face scrunched up with confusion and anger.
You found that hard to believe, did you really not? “Yeah, I ghosted you for a whole month. But you didn’t do anything wrong! Makes sense right?”
That’s exactly what you heard from what he said.
“Really? So, my texts didn’t mean shit to you?” You said, stepping closer towards him just for him to back away, like you were some type of disease he couldn’t risk having.
Dick tried to say something, but stutters only came out. He couldn’t make up an excuse. How was he supposed to tell you?
“We can’t see each other cause you kill people.”
“I can’t be seen with you.”
“It’s just your father.”
“I’m trying to save my own fucking reputation.”
He didn’t know how to word it right. He found it impossible. The silence he was giving you was slowly bringing tears to your eyes.
You didn’t want to fucking cry in front of him, you feel embarrassment fade over you. This situation was stressing both of you out. Oh please, cut him some slack.
“It’s complicated.” Dick mumbled. It was, so complicated. Your feelings, his feelings, they weren’t complimenting the situation well.
Dick not giving you a valid explanation irritated you, it made your breath hitch and just made you go silent. The way he was avoiding your eyes, the way he looked anywhere but you.
“Listen—“ He started, but failing horribly to even complete his sentence. The look of your face just made him carry more guilt.
He should’ve been mature about this, instead of ghosting you he should’ve talked to you about the problem. Surely you’d understand, right?
Probably not.
“We can’t be seen together.” Dick got out.
His words sinking in your bead, the words overlapping in your thoughts. Were you really that bad? That bad that Dick is completely avoiding you?
“You can’t be seen together.” You repeated. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” Dick let out, a slight harsh following his tone shortly after.
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gyupinkys · 1 year
APRIL 12TH, 3:36PM
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Minghao is hiding something from you.
You're hiding something from Minghao.
WARNINGS: MURDER, GORE, VIOLENCE, GUNS, WEAPONS, TOXIC RELATIONSHIP, MANIPULATION, YANDERE, unprotected sex, public sex, sex with a corpse in the room (yes this happened again idk how we got here), scary dirty talk?, this is just Y/N being insane.
Minghao is the light of your life. From the moment you first saw him on April 12th, at 3:36pm you were mesmerized. His all black attire, mullet, nails, everything; it did it for you. Of course he didn’t notice you, only because you didn’t want him to. Being able to blend in was a gift; you preferred to play in the shadows anyways. From that moment you tried to learn everything you could about him. The instagram and twitter searches oddly led to nothing and linkedin was a no go.  Hmmm, either he has no social media presence or doesn’t want to be found. Even after hours of digging you still find nothing. 
You decide to revisit the cafe you saw him at, maybe he’ll reappear. You can’t say you’re too shocked when he doesn’t. All you know is you need another taste of him, a sight of him, you need something, anything. 
“Excuse me.” you say to the worker behind the counter.
“Yes?” he says with an awful attitude, taking you aback.
“I think I lost my phone here a few days ago. Can I check the security cameras to see if someone stole it?”
“What do you mean no?”
“I can’t show you them, lady.”
“Please.” you say batting your eyelashes at him and as always it works like a charm
“Maybe if you do me a favor, I’ll let you see.”
Gross. “Sounds like a plan” you smirk, trying not to throw up.
You follow him to the back to which he promptly pulls down his pants. You can’t help but laugh, his dick is so small. “What?” he says, sounding offended. “Nothing” you say and walk towards him. You pull out your trusty pistol and press it to his head. 
“Show me the tape.”
“You crazy bitch.”
That word always pisses you off. You’re not fucking crazy. You’re just passionate. 
“Shut the fuck up and show me the tape before I blow your fucking brains out.”
He immediately goes to the camera files and shows you the evening of April 12th. There he is. Your love. He somehow seems even more attractive. You sigh dreamily and the man next to you rudely interrupts to which you side eye him making him shut it. You take a copy of the file and erase the files from today in case this perv tries to go to the cops.
“Lovely doing business with you.”
You leave the cafe feeling like a teenager in love. He’s just so dreamy and you’re certain he’s sweet. As you rewatch the video on your phone you get an idea. Your friend Namjoon owes you one… hmm. If this is what it takes to find the man of your dreams so be it.
You read the file left on your doorstep. Xu Minghao, 25, born on November 7, 1997, Chinese, 5’10, likes frogs? You fucking hate frogs, but If he likes them you like them. No occupation? He doesn’t look like someone who's broke. Maybe his parents are rich or something. Besides the basic information there's no current address, phone number, or information about school. This guy is basically a ghost.  How did they find out he liked frogs but not where he lives? You give Namjoon a call.
“Namjoon, why is there nothing about this dude?”
“He doesn’t want to be found for a reason.”
“Stop with the cryptic shit just tell me what his issue is.”
“Y/N I don’t think you want to know.”
“I swear to god.”
“He’s in the mafia. SVT. You don’t want to get involved with him.”
Oh. This does to deter you, if anything it makes you like him more. A dangerous man is a sexy man. You don’t want him if he can’t kill someone for you. 
“You gotta introduce us.” 
“I did you your favor already. Plus I don’t approve of this.”
“How the fuck am I supposed to meet someone in the mafia on my own accord.”
“Y/N don’t act like you're not a criminal. You just pretend to be a good girl but we both know you’re not. I’m sure you’ll figure it you.”
He really likes tea. This is the third pack of tea he’s bought this week. Why not just buy more than one at a time? He walks through the aisles of the store like he always does, pretending to browse but knowing he’s just going to buy frog gummy bears. It’s the same thing every time. You pass by him and take a deep breath. He smells so good. You’re not sure how he hasn't noticed you yet. You’ve been a bit sloppy, trying to get as close to him as possible. He’s seen you walking around his apartment complex, at his favorite stores, at the park he meditates at, but he hasn’t seen you. You decide you’ve learned enough about him to finally approach him. As he’s about to leave the tea aisle you take this as your opportunity. 
“Excuse me” you say sweetly.
He turns around, seemingly shocked someone is speaking to him. 
“Is that tea good?” you smile sweetly.
“Oh this? Yea it’s my favorite.”
“Hmm, maybe I should try it. I don’t really know much about tea.”
“I like to think of myself as a tea connoisseur,” he says with a kind smile. Perfect, he’s letting his guard down.
“Well lucky me, huh?”
“You’re blessed to be in the presence of an expert so yes, lucky you.”
He begins to go on and on about different types of teas, benefits, and a whole lot of other crap you’re not listening to. You just can't believe he’s speaking to you, looking at you, perceiving you. This must be heaven. 
“Can I ask your name?” you say as you two near the checkout.
He clearly weighs his options, deciding you seem innocent enough. 
“Hao.” he says, making you smile.
“Hi, Hao. I’m Y/N.”
From there you two “coincidentally” bumped into each other often. The interactions become friendlier and more comfortable. The smiles turned into longing eyes, small touches. You’ve eliminated any threats, any woman or man who looked his way too long had to go. You couldn't let anyone take you from him now that you had him.
“Baby, I need to go to work.” Hao whispers, trying not to disturb you too much. He knows you need your sleep, he has to leave at such weird times he feels bad. You’d think after a year of dating he’d have the balls to confess to you but he can’t. How are you supposed to tell your sweet, innocent, loving girlfriend you kill people for a living? He feels awful lying to you about his work, his life. You’ve been begging to meet his friends and family but he keeps denying you. He doesn't want to involve you in this lifestyle. You give him a tired smile and nod. “Ok, I’ll see you later.” you say and give him a kiss.
Minghao leaves your apartment and drives to the base. He has a few things to do today and then he can get back to you. He misses you already.
For someone in the mafia Hao is way too trusting and honestly kind of stupid. Did he not think sharing his location with you would be an issue? Of course the kind innocent girlfriend would never be watching his every move, checking street security cameras to watch what he does, who he talks to, what he looks at. You see he’s meeting a woman at a restaurant. The fuck? Does she want to die? They go into the restaurant and you lose sight of them. Without thinking you head to the restaurant. Just the thought of him talking to another woman infuriates you. He would never cheat on you, he’s too much of an angel and you’re sure if he did it wouldn’t be his fault. He was probably coerced or blackmailed, he would never do that. You speed to the restaurant and park a few blocks away. By now the sun has gone down and the streetlights have turned on. You wait for them to leave in the alley near the restaurant. They bid their goodbyes and Hao walks away after confirming his lady friend has a rise coming, always such a gentleman. Once he drives off the woman starts walking away; she must've lied. Unfortunate for her, great for you. You start crying in order to gain her attention. As she walks by you emerge.
“Excuse me.” you sob.
She looks at you bewildered. “Oh my goodness, are you alright?” she walks into the alley to get closer to you.
“Some girl tried to mug me and I’m waiting for the police. Can you come and wait with me, I want to make sure she doesnt leave.”
She immediately agrees and follows you deeper in. So gullible…
When she’s a little ahead of you, you reach into your back pocket and pull out the hammer you brought with you. 
“You think you can talk to my boyfriend and get away with it?”
She turns to look at you. “What? Minghao?”
“He’s dating you?” She says in disgust.
You just stare at her. She’s becoming increasingly uncomfortable and as she goes to walk past you, you swing the hammer into her face making her fall to the ground. You straddle her and beat her face in, hitting her over and over and over until the ground is covered in her skull and brain. You don’t stop until you hear movement behind you.
You freeze. He wasn’t supposed to see this. You stand up looking down at your pretty pink dress now stained red. You drop the hammer, ready to start crying. You’re searching for a story to tell him. Self defense always works right? 
He just starts laughing. You look up at him confused. 
“Baby, baby, baby. I didn’t know you had it in you.” he says as he begins walking towards you. He takes his chin in your hand and looks into your eyes. “Why did you kill her?”
You just pout, too embarrassed to answer. “Was it because I spoke to her? Were you jealous.”
You just nod, ashamed but not apologetic. “She had it coming. She didn't think I deserved you.”
“Do you deserve me?”
Your face falls. “I just killed someone for you and you’re asking if I deserve you?” you spit, letting the sweet persona drop.
“Y/N. Do you think I have not known what you really were this whole time? I’m not stupid. I know you're a psycho stalker. I saw you all those times before we started dating, I know you looked into me, I know you follow me around, track me. I know this is all a facade.”
You feel your world falling apart. This can’t be happening. He backs you into a wall. “Hao I just do it because I love you.”
“And I love you, but you fell for my trap baby. You can’t go around killing people.”
“But you do that all the time.”
He breathes out a laugh. “Well you got me there baby.”
“Wait, what trap?”
“I needed to prove my suspicions; catch you in the act. I was supposed to kill her, but I figured I'd use her as bait. And you're just so predictable. You just killed her with no remorse. You’re just crazy.”
You take a deep breath. You’re not fucking crazy. You look him in the eye. “I’m not crazy.”
“Well clearly I am, because seeing you kill that bitch turned me on.” 
“You heard me. Seeing this pretty little dress I bought you covered in blood. God, It’s making me so hard.”
Well this is new. You go to speak only to be cut off by a rough kiss. He grinds his hips into you and he wasn’t lying he’s harder than ever. He begins kissing and biting down your neck, rubbing his hands across your blood soaked body. 
“If I tell you to kill someone else would you do it?”
“Yes” you immediately answer.
“Would you do anything for me?”
“Yes.” your breathing is picking up. He’s so close to you, you can feel his chest rise with every breath, his fingers tighten around your waist, everything. 
“You're just my little lap dog, huh? My every wish is your command?” you nod furiously as he sinks to his knees, hiking your legs on his shoulders. He bunches your dress on your hips and pulls your panties to the side. He dives in, eating you like his favorite food, the vigor and intensity driving you mad. “Hao, please fuck me I want to cum on your dick.” He groans, setting you down gently. 
“You want me to fuck you in this dingy alley? With people passing? What would look worse, them finding the body or them finding us covered in blood, fucking next to a body?”
You honestly dont give a fuck about either, all you want his his dick in you. “Hao please just fuck me.”
“I don’t know, Baby.”
“If you don't put your dick in me right now, I’ll show you how crazy I can be.”
He groans. He unbuttons his slacks and pulls his boxers down enough to pull himself out. He hikes you up the wall and pushes in, bottoming out immediately. “Fuckkk, just the thought that you killed someone just so you can have me is making me want to cum in this sweet pussy right now. But you deserve an award for being so good to me right?”
“Please. I deserve it.” you moan.
He begins thrusting into you, hard and deep, trying to make you cum. The feeling of his arms holding you, his body heat on yours, and the adrenaline running through your body, it’s all driving you crazy. He angles his hips upward, searching for the spot that drives you crazy. 
“Tell me, what was it about me that made me want you so much?” he whispers in your ear.
“You just- y-you looked so hot, and you sm- smelled so good and ughh.” Every word you say he thrust into you harder making you unable to get a full sentence out. He’s taunting you. “Do you not love me?” he says slowing down. “Is that what it is? You don’t want me?” 
“No, no I do! I want you so bad Hao.”
“I don’t think so.” he says as he puts you back on the floor. “I don’t think you love me as much as you say you do. You just want me because I’m pretty? You don’t really love me.”
“What do I need to do to show you? I’ll do anything Baby.”
“I want you to kill someone else for me. Get more blood on your hands.”
“Right now? Just tell me who, I’ll do it.” you start walking back towards the street to which he pulls you back.
“God, Baby. You don’t know what seeing you like this does to me. So obsessed with me that you’ll blindly follow what I say. This power is going to my head.”
You groan, feeling delirious. You just want to cum at this point and these games he’s playing is pissing you off. You reach into his suit pocket and pull out his gun pointing it to  his head.
“I may love you but I love cumming more. Get to it.”
“Yes Ma’am”
He presses your hands against the wall and slides back into you from behind. He starts pounding into you ruthlessly, you feel every ridge and vein of his cock. You want to scream, cry, laugh, anything. You feel like you’re genuinely losing your mind, so overwhelmed by everything you're feeling. You start crying only making him fuck you harder. 
“Cry for me baby, let me see all those pretty tears.” he groans in your ear.
His feral groan makes you cum, squeezing him so tight he slips out. He jerks himself off, cumming onto your ass with a quiet moan. You try to catch your breath. That was so intense, you still feel like you’re on a different planet. He turns you around and pulls you into his chest. His warm embrace grounds you like it always has. 
“I love you. You’re so good to me, Baby.” he says as he hugs you harder.
“I love you too, Hao. So much.”
You both step over the body, leaving the alley hand in hand.You look at him under the moonlight. As beautiful as the day you saw him but even more beautiful now that he’s yours. 
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jqmalikhsgib · 15 days
aaron made it his mission to keep their weekend free. he wasn’t gonna let anything get in the way of his date with you. he even went as far as putting his cellphones on do not disturb. it’s something he hasn’t done since haley gave birth to jack.
you were also really excited. you’d went shopping for a new dress and maybe even spoiled yourself with a matching pair of shoes.
ever since aaron asked you out he’d been extra touchy. he’d make up some excuse to have you close or to simply hold your hand. you both agreed not to be too close when jacks around. you wanted the first date to go well before telling jack anything.
your date was tomorrow night. currently you’re on the phone with spencer. he’s been going on and on about a new docu-series he’s been watching. he gives his theories on who he thought the unsub was.
you simply laugh. he rarely watched tv. when he did it was some show or movie about a killer or serial killers he didn’t know anything about. he liked to see if he can guess who the killer is before they revealed it.
it’s why you never watched any documentaries with him. he’d always ruin it for you.
“why do you watch the show if you already know who the killer is with the little information you have. i bet it didn’t even take you fifteen minutes.”
“i just enjoy it, yn.”
“you’re literally a cop—”
“agent. actually a doctor.”
“right. my bad doctor spencer reid. what have you been up to besides that? read any good books lately?”
“actually yeah! i recommend slaughterhouse five.” spencer goes to tell you the details about book. meanwhile aaron comes into view. you smile at him as he wraps his arms around you. he sways you both back and forward.” you giggle. spencer thinks you’re laughing at what he’s saying and joins along.
aaron kisses the back of your neck gently. you try to shoo him away before he turns around. he turns you around and kissed you passionately.
every time he kisses you it feels like your breath is being taken away.
“so, what do you think? gonna give it a read?”
normally you never ignore spencer. but aaron make you feel all fuzzy. he truly made you feel like a dumb school girl.
“yeah, spence. could i call you back? im in the middle of making lunch for me and jack.”
“alright. love you.”
“love you too, bye.” you ended the call.
“aren’t you suppose to be at work?” you whisper.
“yeah. i have to head back. just wanted to see you on my lunch break. im so excited for tomorrow night.”
“speaking of. what did you tell jack?”
“i didn’t tell him much. just that his aunt jess was gonna take him to the zoo with his cousins. he’s excited.”
“mhm. he’ll be gone the whole weekend.”
you blushed. having the whole weekend to yourself with aaron. you squeezed your legs together just from the thoughts. it’s been a while since you’ve had sex. you’re not the type to have one night stands. you have to have some connection with the person you’re sleeping with.
you know you have one with aaron. you’re just nervous you won’t be any good. you’ve only had about three partners in your life. aaron was a bit older than the guys you’ve dated in the past—not saying much, really. you’ve dated men at least ten years older than you by the time you hit your twenties—you didn’t wanna mess anything up.
aaron noticed the gears in your head spinning. he caresses your cheek gently. “honey, what’s going on? tell me?”
“im not very—experienced.”
aaron eyebrows furrowed. “what do you mean?”
“aaron. ive only been with so many people. i just—i don’t wanna mess anything up. i don’t wanna be bad.”
aaron smiles at you. “oh, honey. trust me when i say, whatever we do, you’ll be perfect because you’re you. you’re perfect, beautiful, caring, amazing, smart. you’re everything that ive ever wanted in a while. you’ll do just fine because i lov—”
aaron stops himself before he finished. he takes a deep breath before giving your lips a small peck. “because i love you.”
you’ve never smiled so big. you kissed him passionately. aaron was much taller than you are. he had to lean down just to kiss you. you stood on the tip of your toes and run your hands through his hair.
aaron groans in your mouth. when you finally pull apart you look him dead in the eyes. “i love you too, aar. more than you know.”
aaron smiles. “i should get back to work. ill see you tonight, okay?”
you hum.
“love you.”
“love you too. be safe, okay?”
aaron nods before heading out. you get back to making a sandwich for jack. throwing away the bread that was left out too long.
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when jack gets home you make sure he gets his homework out. you hand him his sandwich and a little bag of chips.
“do you want apple juice or fruit punch?”
jack thinks before pointing to the fruit punch. “good choice!” you smile. you pour him a small cup before ruffling his head.
you sit beside him with your own sandwich. jack looks at his math homework with a frown. you look down. you grab the paper and hum.
it was an easy math question for you. but for an eight year old it’s a little bit difficult. you talk him through the problem. when he got the answer you smiled.
“see! you’re a genius.”
“just like uncle spence?”
“just like uncle spence.”
jack continues to finish his homework. once he was done with his sandwich you put both of your plates in the sink. you wash the dishes. once finished you hear your phone ring. frowning when you see your mom calling.
you haven’t heard from her in a while. the last conversation you had with your mom didn’t end well. she had yelled at you when you told her you’re moving to virginia. she didn’t understand why you wouldn’t move back home. when you explained that you wanted to be closer to spencer she simply asked why. she yelled and said that he’s not your family.
that angered you. you told her that spencer was the only person that was there for you when you decided to take your art seriously.
you ended the call when she called your art a ‘silly little hobby that wasn’t good enough to be displayed for the world to see.’
that hurt you more than anything she’s ever said to you. your father tried to apologize on her behalf. he was a bit more level headed and forgiving than your mother. he still thought you needed to go to college. gain some degree and have a decent career. but he still allowed you to enjoy this journey you’re on.
you declined the call.
“im finished with my homework, yn. may i go play in the yard?”
“yes. just be careful, okay? and no sneaking off.”
“i won’t. will you be coming out too?”
“in just a second. i promise.” he nods his head as he heads outside. your phone rings once more. this time it’s your father calling. you knew he’d just pass the phone to your mom.
you declined the call once more. you walked outside and smile at jack. he was kicking his soccer ball back and forward. when he made a goal you clapped.
“go jack!”
jack smiles. your phone rings once more. you groan before finally answering.
“you haven’t called me in a while. i was worried about you.”
“im fine mom.”
“how’s virginia?”
“it’s great.”
“did you find a place?”
“i have.”
“where are you staying? please tell me it’s a nice neighborhood at least?!”
“it’s nice. what is it you need mom?”
their was silence over the phone. you were already over the conversation. you didn’t have time for another lecture. your mother wasn’t gonna ruin your good mood. you’re way too happy to have her tear that apart.
“i just—i miss you, baby. im sorry i hurt you, okay? i think your art is beautiful. i just—i wished you had a back up plan. you’re so smart, baby. i just don’t want you to look back ten years from now and regret not going to college sooner.”
“i won’t mom. i love what i do. i have sold my art for good money plenty of time and i still do now. i just wished you believed in me as much of others do.”
“i do. im sorry.”
“it’s okay. how’s dad?”
“he’s a workaholic. been busy on this big bus! i tell him he’s too old and need to relax. he doesn’t listen.”
“you know how he is. other than that is he doing well. health wise?”
“great bill of health. whatever you do baby, don’t fall in love with law enforcement.”
your heart skipped at beat at that. you wanted to tell her it was too late. you’d already fell for an fbi agent.
but you also didn’t need her meddling anymore into your life. you knew once she found out you’re seeing someone she’s gonna wanna know absolutely everything about him. and knowing your mom, she wouldn’t approve of aaron.
not only because he’s older, but because he’s a single dad who has an risky job. riskier than your father. she’d immediately tell you that you’re making a mistake. you didn’t need her input! you loved aaron. you also loved the sweet adorable little boy who was now running towards you.
“listen mom, im at work. i should get back. ill call you soon. love you. bye.” you ended the phone call before she could get another word out. your focus now back on jack.
“you thirsty, buddy?”
jack cuddles up to you and gently nods his head. “alright! let’s head inside.”
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aaron arrived home a few hours later. jack had already fallen asleep. he was too excited for tomorrow. he knew his aunt was picking him up in the morning.
he kept telling you how much he wanted to see the tigers and the giraffes. you kept smiling at how adorable he looked.
“hi, honey? did i miss bed time?” aaron lies next to you on the couch. you’d been enjoying some down time. watching the docu-series spencer discussed with you earlier that day.
“yeah. he tired himself out. played a little bit of soccer in the backyard.”
aaron rest his head on your lap. you run your fingers through his hair. “how was work?” you asked.
“a lot of consulting on cases and a whole lot more paperwork.” he explained. he frowns when he sees what you’re watching. “you shouldn’t watch this, sweetie.”
he sees things like this on a daily. he wanted to steer it away from you and jack as much as possible. you didn’t need to see the horrors of the world. you’re too precious for that.
you simply giggle. aaron knowing you grew up around crime scenes since the moment you were born. not only your father being a detective. but your mom was a prosecutor. you’ve seen it firsthand.
you can go back to the photos your father brought home. seeing the crime scenes.
“it’s alright aaron. ive seen far worse! once my dad brought home a case of a serial killer in our area. id peak at the scene photos when he wasn’t looking. very disturbing.”
aaron frown deepens. “how old were you?”
“maybe twelve? i don’t remember much. just knew this case affected him the most. i think it’s cause the man killed a little girl. she was a bit younger than i was.” you shake your head at the thought.
“im sorry you had to see that. your eyes are made to see beauty. not slaughter.”
your heart almost burst. you kiss him gently.
“excited for tomorrow?” you whispered.
“definitely! are you?”
“a bit nervous. but im super excited! where are you taking me?”
aaron smirks. “i should get to bed. gotta get up early tomorrow to run a few errands.”
aaron gets up and heads upstairs.
“goodnight, honey. sweet dreams.”
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noonaishere · 18 days
Online/Offline [C.S] - eighty-three | honey pot
QuackIsWhack: Everything is set up. Are you recording? 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: Screen and audio are a go QuackIsWhack: You ready? 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: Yeah
The Discord ‘Incoming Call’ overlay popped up onto your screen.
QuackIsWhack: Punctual. If I didn’t hate him already, I’d like him 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: lol
You answered. “Hello?”
Silence for a few seconds.
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: This is terrifying 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: My heart is racing, dude QuackIsWhack: Yeah, mine too
“Hello? Are you there?” You asked again.
More silence.
QuackIsWhack: Maybe he’s setting up a voice changer or something? 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: idk
“I’m here.”
His voice sounded normal. And it was the voice you remembered hearing when he came to the café to try and talk to you. Your skin crawled.
QuackIsWhack: I was afraid you weren’t going to talk to me
“Oh, there you are. I was afraid you weren’t going to talk to me.”
“Sorry. My computer is old.”
🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: Wtf does that have to do with anything QuackIsWhack: Bullshit, how is he making all those videos then
“Oh, that sucks… I’m sorry.”
“... It’s okay.”
“So… you kept showing up to my job, huh?”
“... Yeah.”
“Why didn’t you just say it was you?”
“... I don’t know.”
QuackIsWhack: Are you shy?
“Are you shy?”
“I don’t know… maybe.”
“Well… you don’t have to be shy around me. You could have said ‘hi.’”
Silence for a few moments, maybe he was thinking. Wondering why you were being so nice to him. Hopefully he didn’t think about it too hard.
“But… we’re not supposed to know what you look like.”
“Well, yeah-- I kind of felt betrayed…”
QuackIsWhack: TOO FAR QuackIsWhack: It made me sad QuackIsWhack: That you found out
“--you… kind of made me sad.” You tried your best to sound like you were pouting, instead of how furious you actually were. 
“Like, I don’t know. I guess it just made me sad, is all.”
“I’m sorry.”
QuackIsWhack: THANK HIM
“Thank you… for apologizing.”
“You’re welcome.”
Silence for a few moments.
QuackIsWhack: We need to get him in person
You thought for a few seconds. “So…” 
“Can we still meet? In person?”
“I apologized.”
QuackIsWhack: God, he’s PATHETIC 🖤🖤JGG🖤🖤: He’s surprisingly easy
“You’re right, you did apologize.”
“Yeah… we can meet in person.”
“Can I come to your house?”
“Oh, I was thinking we could go out. Like, to the park or on a picnic or something?”
“A park?”
“It’s been so nice outside lately and I spend all my time inside.”
“You have your job.”
You laughed softly. “Where I’m working. I want to, like, go out and have fun.”
“I mean…”
QuackIsWhack: BE THE BITCH, CAT QuackIsWhack: YOU CAN DO IT
You hated manipulating people, you hated lying; after all the years of abuse from the Terror Triplets in school, how could it be a thing you could possibly like?
But you remembered an Ethics book you had checked out of the library in high school that had a quandry: Many people would agree that lying is bad and that you should always tell the truth - something you agreed with - but if you were presented with an instance where lying would protect someone, or protect you, would that make it okay to lie?
Of COURSE it would. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and getting the man who’s been stalking you both in your digital life and your real life for months now into a spot where you can get evidence against him so the cops will actually do something?
Dear god, you hated lying.
But this was in the interest of self-preservation. And to think you had finally ended your fake relationship, free from subterfuge for only a brief moment before you were pulled back in…
You were going to lie like a comatose feline after they scarfed down their dinner. 
“I don’t know if I believe you.”
“Mmm… you apologized, but you don’t want me to have fun outside… I don’t think you really care about me.”
“I do.”
“No you don’t.” 
“I do. I do care about you.”
“Then let’s have fun outside.”
“I don’t think we should go outside--”
“See? I told you you don’t.” You pouted.
He sighed. “...Okay.”
“Yay!” You said as happily as you possibly could. “I’ll message you the day and time.”
“Okay.” He sounded happy. Like a schoolboy blushing at the sight of his crush.
“Okay, I have to get ready to stream now. Will you watch me?”
“Ah-- yeah, I’ll watch you.”
“Okay!” You turned up the cuteness. “Baibai!”
You ended the call.
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a/n: Live Quack Reaction, lol. So anyway, y/n is doing *this* shit now… 
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broodwolf221 · 11 months
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i have a feeling this might be one of my more contentious bits of meta, but - cullen positive!
i just think... i understand why people don't like him and a lot of it is fine, but i feel like there's also some misunderstandings or oversimplifications going around
first: templar = bad.
as an organization, yes! as individuals, no! templars are like horrible magic cops, that's bad, but we have to keep in mind that a lot of them - including alistair, including cullen - were given over to the chantry when they were very young and indoctrinated into becoming templars. some join later in life and those i take more issue with, but the ones who were given over to it young? i find it hard to blame them for becoming templars
second: it's a religious calling.
there's a huge amount of religious/cultural pressure to conform to chantry teachings, and this is the way someone who's not cut out to be a chantry member can still conform and gain social standing and respect. there's also the strong chantry pressure of Mages Are Bad, Actually, so the templars are seen as something of a divine protector of the innocent. obviously this is fucked up and inaccurate, but it's worth noting that the pressure and social gains are real, and that even lower-class citizens seem able to become templars. and if someone was only good at fighting, had little to no educational background, and still wanted to support themselves or their family? what are their choices? become a mercenary, criminal, or become a templar.
third: lyrium
after they take their vows, they're given their first draught of lyrium. so... let's look at this critically for a second. children given over, taught that mages are bad, that templars are good, that the chantry is good, that the chantry teachings are real, and that their faith would be rewarded. they're even schooled by the chantry, so they have little to no access to any points of view outside of it. then, if appropriate, they're asked: do you want to be a templar? and if they say yes, if they take their vows, they're given a drug that creates a profound dependency.
fourth: okay, but this was supposed to be about cullen?
and it is! bc cullen turned his back on all that. i'm not saying he didn't make mistakes - he's not saying he didn't make mistakes, horrible ones! but meredith lied to him in order to keep him committed, because she knew he wouldn't approve of what she was doing.
on a personal level, he was: indoctrinated into a cult (yeah i'm calling the chantry/the templar order a cult bc it is); tortured by the exact thing he was taught to fear and revile; following that torture, tried once again to return to the one thing he knew how to do and was deceived and led astray by a brutal commander who he wouldn't have followed if he'd known what was happening. and what did he do with all that?
he turned away. he rejected it. he rejected a large part of his upbringing, his sociocultural heritage, his faith, his indoctrination - and, oh yeah, his addiction. as a recovering addict, i find his story frankly amazing. he's willing to die to distance himself from what he now knows the templar order to be.
and cole mentions that cullen is one of the good ones when you ask him about templars. cullen has a lot of shit to unpack and a lot of trauma around magic and mages, and he's been cruel and contributed to a brutal system, but he's also grown a lot. like... it must have been so hard. he rejected everything. and sure, now he's serving the inquisition, another facet of the chantry, but even then... it's not the same, not at all. for one, the inquisition and the chantry are constantly at odds.
so he rejected everything he was taught, everything he was trained in, all that his significant trauma taught him, and the pull of addiction. he's changing himself. he's learning and growing. he's catching the remains of his own prejudice. again: if you don't like him, that's fine, i get it. he's far from perfect. but i really appreciate characters who take it upon themselves to question their beliefs, to grow and learn and change.
so yeah. i like him.
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
Another bit from Sally=Loki that might have to get the chop but I thought was too funny to not delete. Can you guess who Percy had just met? (It's Apollo, also to answer your earlier question Percy sounds more educated because 1) Loki is very educated and children learn to speak by mimicing parents so compared to Sally who is a high school dropout, nothing wrong with that, just Loki just has a broader vocabulary 2) Loki would accept nothing less then a fantastic education for his child so Percy does go to a good school and has Loki being very supportive at home, 3) Loki has a lot of run ins with the authorities and taught Percy specific phrases. After all mortal doctors could notice something was up with her if they looked so Percy was trained to deny care, if you asked her about some other topic she would not sound that good)
“Why have you returned?” Poseidon demanded “And where is your minder?”
Percy shrugged and replied, “Ares was trying to show me some statues and murals when a strange naked man appeared and started touching Ares all over the place and tried to chase me.”
Her uncle Zeus made a strange noise like a squeaky toy, he should probably see a doctor about that she thought. “Mom and my teachers and the school resource officers all said if I see a person not wearing all their clothes or exposing their privates I’m supposed to run away and find a trusted adult. Ares didn’t seem super available, and you were closest, and it is your day, but I guess I can go back to my grandpa’s house if you’re busy.”
For a moment everything was silent and then Uncle Hades suddenly lunged forward tackling her father who had started to rise back into his seat. “Oh my, that must have been very scary for you” replied her Uncle Hades voice rough and teeth gritted with exertion. Vaguely she could hear her father start to say something only to be quickly cut off by a hissed “Language!” from said Uncle.
Uncle Zeus laughed like someone who knew they were about to fail to negotiate their way out of being kneecapped by the mob and blabbered out, “You didn’t interrupt anything important, no siree, we were just finishing up, now if you will excuse me I just remembered I haven’t seen my children in an bit and must check in on them” all while he fled the room, carefully keeping the table between him and her father. Percy wondered why all the adults on this side of the family constantly acted like they were raised by baboons. With a sigh she turned back to her remaining “adults” and said “Public indecency is illegal, as is exposing yourself to a minor. I believe this is where you are supposed to call the authorities.”
Percy was very proud of herself for remembering all of that from the stranger danger talk at school (mom would have probably castrated the man rather than call the cops but as Percy had recently learned mom also had a history with the law here so she probably had to rely on her own conflict resolution skills… which would explain a lot actually. As the old man who ran the bodega had said, a criminal who calls the cops is a dead criminal). Admittedly she did not ever expect to need to need it as any adult who worked with children with any frequency at all seemed aware of this particular procedure, however she supposed she could give daddy a pass since he was one, very new to this and two, she was starting to doubt he or his siblings had been raised by sentient life at all. So, some ignorance was probably unavoidable on his part, she just hoped the rapid reddening of his face was not due to anger directed at her over being told what to do. Maybe he was embarrassed that he didn’t know already? Mom always said there was nothing embarrassing about learning. However, last time she corrected a boy in her class he cried, she hoped this was not another Joey Klingler situation because she really didn’t think she would be able to get daddy to stop yelling by distracting him by triple-dog-daring him to eat a fistful of sand.
i love how no matter the universe, percy's first interaction with ror!apollo always has to do with him being naked 💀
BUT I LOVE THIS!!! I hope you don't end up deleting it cuz it is a funny scene but if you do... i will treasure this post forever 😔😔😔
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hils79 · 2 months
Hils Watches Lovely Runner - Ep 8
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I knew he dug up the time capsule before they got rid of the tree!
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Look at him rehearsing how to look chill. I love him
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OH SHIIIIII! The serial killer is out of jail! Wait, how is he out of jail? And why is no one keeping tabs on him to make sure he doesn't go after Im Sol again?
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Sometimes I forget that Korea is a very conservative country until a woman freaks out at the prospect of being alone in a hotel with a man. Can't possibly have sex when we're not married or even dating!
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LMAO she gave this whole big speech that she has nothing against people who have casual sex but she has more traditional values and he let say all that and was like 'we're just going to the bar to have a drink'. I love them they are both so ridiculous.
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So much for those conservative values 😂
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I mean how bad can a gift from a gaming company be?
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HAHA! I mean it could definitely be worse than a carboard cutout sexy video game girl
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NOOOO! Don't hide it in your bed! Hide it under the bed! Or in the closet! Dude! This is not going to end well for you I can see it coming.
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He thought it was funny when she was very insistent that she didn't want to have sex with him. Now he thinks she wants to and he's scandalised. Shoe's on the other foot now :D
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Sunjae. Sunjae, that magazine you are pretending to casually read is upside down. Sunjae...
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I'm not an idol who has to watch their weight so I'll just eat in front of you
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Now he thinks she has legit prophetic dreams because when they were at school she told him she had a dream he got hurt and couldn't swim anymore, which then happened.
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How did she manage to spill this much ramen all over her sweater and jeans. The bowl was pretty much empty when they showed it a couple of minutes ago
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She is a tiny girl and you are a very tall man. I think it will definitely be too big
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Not sure why he let her change in his bedroom after they made a big fuss about how it wasn't appropriate for her to be in a man's bedroom earlier. But also, LMAO, the time capsule he denied going to get because he was trying to be cool is right there on the table.
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I AM WHEEZING! Dude, why did you use your entire duvet to cover the time capsule? Like what was the plan after that? Anyway, now his secret video game girl fetish has been exposed. They are both such disasters I love them so much.
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I am such a sucker for 'accidentally falling on top of each other'. Even more if they accidentally fall into a kiss. It's so stupid but I never get tired of seeing it.
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Oops. Busted.
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Ah, so that's why she stopped seeing him. I totally get it she went through something incredibly traumatic. It's just sad that the person she loves and who loves her reminds her of that time.
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Come on you need to tell him that you went too. You just arrived a bit late and missed him.
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I legit keep forgetting about this dude
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This is very random but it's nice to see someone working in a well lit office. So many kdramas have people working with just a tiny little desk lamp to see by and all the main lights are off for no reason
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I'm assuming the sasaeng that Im Sol got mistaken for is going to become plot relevant at some point. God, is she going to try and kill Im Sol? Like she doesn't have enough problems with a serial killer already after her
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Wait, am I supposed to know who this is? Im Sol looked really shocked when she saw her face
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Why have you taken her out for dinner instead of calling the cops? Is it just because of how young she is?
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OMG was he after Sunjae this whole time?
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daughterofcain-67 · 10 months
𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 (pt. 3)
(Beau Arlen x Female Reader)
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: When Beau wraps up at least one end of his case, he finds that there’s more and he may be sinking into some sort of rabbit hole. It’s his job to get Helena Montana out of this mess and safe once more with Hoyt’s help. Meanwhile, you’re getting more friendly with Andre and you start to wonder if you should be setting your sites on someone who has the time for you. What will you do when one of the two men in your life actually asks you out?
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of some characters in season 1. Kidnapping case and discussions of human traffiking. Beginning of the love triangle. I think that’s it?
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Beau and Jenny found Irene’s grandson, evidently named Sean, driving the green SUV down the road. They followed him and they were able to stop him at one of the many back roads of Helena Montana.
When the car was stopped, Beau and Jenny got out of Beau’s car and of course the two officers were cautious. They had their arms ready just in case.
“Sean? We need you to step out of the vehicle.” Beau said, a little wary of what might happen.
When the car door slowly opened up, a lanky looking red head with curly hair and freckles carefully stepped out of the vehicle with his hands up.
“I-I know why you’re here. And I’m so sorry…” This poor kid couldn’t have been older than nineteen. Fresh out of high school, could be a freshman in college.
“Come on, kiddo. Let’s get you down to the station. We just need to talk about a few things.” Jenny said.
Sean nodded and he stood still and put his arms behind his back.
“Oh, there’s no need for that. You aren’t under arrest.” The deputy promised and it took everything Beau had in him not to say the words “not yet” afterward.
When they got Sean into the car, they made it to the station about thirty minutes later. They got Sean’s fingerprints before getting him into the interrogation room.
Jenny and Sean sat down across from one another while Beau was a little too antsy to have a seat. He just wanted to get those two women found before anything bad would happen to them.
“You said you knew what this was about, right? So, Sean, why don’t you tell us what happened, tell us your side.” Jenny said. Beau supposed she was trying to play good cop for once since this was practically a kid.
“Well… All of it was just so I could help my grandma pay her hospital bills. She just had both her hips replaced several months ago but for whatever reason her insurance and social security couldn’t cover all of it. The co-pay was a little too much for her to afford. She’s also really far behind on some of her other bills.” Sean began and he looked down at his hands.
“So you’re trying to be a good grandson. What did you do?” Beau asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I-I made a mistake… I met this guy at a bar. He didn’t give me his real name. All I knew him as was Ace. And Ace told me that I could help pay for my grandmother’s bills if I just… did some driving for him.” Sean said.
“Driving? To where? What were you transporting?” Beau’s brows narrowed.
“H-He is a part of some gang. I don’t know what gang or what they wanted, but I was supposed to take whatever ladies he had blindfolded and take them to this site. It was different every time. I-It was like they were selling people for whatever reasons.” Sean continued.
“The Syndicate? Was that who it was?” Jenny asked, remembering the case with the truck driver, Ronald Perlman, and the state trooper, Rick Legarski.
“No, I think it was someone else. Maybe someone who buys from the Syndicate or something. Maybe it’s something similar to whatever Syndicate you’re talking about? I-I don’t know for sure. I’m sorry…”
“How long does it take for the buyer to get to the site?” Beau questioned, voice growing more stern.
“It depends on how fast we can get them to answer, or rather when Ace can get them on the phone. He got them on the phone three days ago. The buyer is supposed to come by sometime early next week. I think in about two days if their on schedule.” Sean said.
“Do you remember where the site is? Can you take us there?”
Sean was a little hesitant. He seemed unsure about something and he was shaking his leg under the table. Things weren’t supposed to be this way. It was supposed to be simple. An easy payday so he could take care of his grandmother.
“I-If I show you, is there any way I can get protection from these guys? Or protection for my grandmother at least?” He asked.
Jenny looked up at Beau who’s brow was raised in the air, arms still firmly in place over his chest as if he hadn’t moved the whole time.
“We can get the FBI involved and let them know the Syndicate or someone similar is hitting up Helena again.” Beau said, “We’ll see what we can do about your grandmother at least. I don’t know what deal they’ll offer you since you were an accomplice.”
“I’ll take it! As long as she’s okay.”
“Great. Hoyt, grab some reinforcements and call some backup in case there’s any conflict. Time to hit the road.” Beau instructed and walked out of the interrogation room.
Beau had grabbed a bullet proof vest and proceeded to put it on before stepping outside to get into his vehicle. When he did, Beau realized that it was already dark outside by this time. If this case were simpler, he would be at your house watching that movie with you. there was nothing else he would rather be doing right now. He would have loved to be under some random throw blanket he had with you beside him.
But this was his job and this was his priority whether he liked it or not.
It was time to get Sidney Ferguson and Ember O’Riley back to their families. They’ve been under enough stress for this past week and it’s time to put an end to this. At least an end for their means.
Yet for some reason, Beau had this unsettling feeling that whatever group this was, they weren’t done with Helena just yet.
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You were sitting on the couch with your sister and Andre. Sure enough, Cassie wasn’t able to make it and of course Beau had told you from that phone call that he and Jenny couldn’t make it tonight. So it was just the three of you watching The Shining and you had forgotten just how good of an actor Nicholson was in this role.
Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Cadence got up from her seat next to you on the couch.
“I’m grabbing a drink. Can I get either of you anything?”
“Sure, I’d like one if you don’t mind.” Andre said.
“I’m good.” You replied, then you watched your sister leave to go to the kitchen.
You looked at the tv again, but you weren’t exactly sure why your mind was suddenly drawing a blank. You knew you would be sitting here enjoying the movie with your sister and your guest, but you couldn’t help but think about the sheriff.
What kind of complications were there? Had he finally gotten a break in the case? Was he going to be able to find those girls? Would he come out of this okay?
“You’re thinking of your sheriff friend, huh?” Andre’s voice broke you from your thoughts. You looked at him for a moment and you have a half of a smile.
“That obvious? I’m sorry, you must think I’m really rude.” You apologized and looked down at your hands in embarrassment.
“No, that’s alright. I’m just curious… is he more than a friend to you?” He asked and you could feel his gaze on you.
You shook your head, “I don’t think he’ll ever be more than a friend. My sister is kind of an advocate for something to happen between me and him, but she has to face the reality that his work is his priority. I can’t stand in the way of that. What he does is important, and all I can really do is hope that he is at least safe with whatever case he’s on.”
“So… not more than a friend but you wish that wasn’t the case, hmm?” Andre asked and you looked over at him and grinned.
“You’re awfully nosey with me and him aren’t you? You and Cadence could bond over that.” You rolled your eyes, “But no, I don’t want him to be anything more than a friend. A person like him would make a much better friend than anything beyond that.”
You may have been lying through your teeth, but if you said the lie out loud maybe you could actually believe it one day. Beau would make a much better friend for you. You couldn’t get attached to him of all people, at least not romantically attached.
“I see.” Andre began but you watched him tuck his bottom lip between his teeth as his gaze went down to the space between the two of you. You could see the gears turning in his mind before he finally spoke again.
“So, hypothetically, if I were to ask you out on a date.. would you refuse?”
The question stunned you. Honestly you were speechless. You weren’t even sure if you were ready to hop back into dating but that was when your sister came into the room again.
“Of course she wouldn’t refuse! She hasn’t dated in forever and she really needs to get out more.” Cadence piped up and answered for you. You looked up at her wide eyed, wondering why the hell she was answering a question you weren’t even sure about.
“Really? How long has it been?” Andre asked and you looked back at him before you rubbed the back of your neck.
“Let’s just go with a little too long… so when do you want to go out on this date? And what do you have in mind?” You asked.
He smiled at you, apparently glad that you were willing to go along with this even if your sister practically volunteered you into this, “Why don’t we leave that as a mystery for let’s say… tomorrow morning? I’ll pick you up at nine.”
That soon? You didn’t know Andre was quite that ambitious but why not go for it? It’s not like anyone else was lining up to date you really. And it was just one time right? How bad could it be?
“Sure, nine sounds great.” You agreed as Cadence handed Andre his drink.
Then you could hear an unfamiliar ringtone and you saw Andre fish his phone from his pocket.
“Is everything alright?” You asked and you could hear him sigh seemingly out of aggravation, if that was the right word for it.
“Just when we were having a good time, I get a message from an associate. He says we need to have a meeting and it’s pretty urgent.” He said.
You smiled a little. Honestly you weren’t sure if you could complain. You weren’t sure what the jewelry business was like so you didn’t know if Andre would be as busy as Beau. Then again if he was and the two of you continued after tomorrows date goes well, you could understand that he was still starting to get established here in Montana. That would take some time.
Then again, that was all in the hypothetical and if everything would work out after tomorrow’s date.
“It’s getting pretty late anyways. We can always watch this another time or something. Go ahead for your meeting.” You said.
Andre smiled at you before he leaned in. You felt the warmth of his lips on your cheek, which sort of startled you because it was an unexpected gesture. When he pulled away, he grinned, “Thank you for understanding. I’ll be here by tomorrow morning.”
Then you watched him get up, causing you to stand as well so you could walk him out to the door. When the door was opened, you looked up at him, “Be safe on the way home, or to your meeting, or wherever the meeting is taking place whether its at home or not.”
“You’re rather adorable when you begin to ramble, aren’t you?” He chuckled, “But I’ll let you know when I get home. So don’t worry that pretty little head of yours.”
With that, you watched him leave and step into his truck before driving into the night.
You smiled to yourself. You weren’t quite sure where things would go between the two of you, but you hoped that maybe this could help you move on from the sheriff since that didn’t really seem to be going anywhere.
Somehow, though, it felt almost like you were cheating on Beau in a way. You didn’t think Beau knew you had feelings for him, but you wondered if this was right.
All you could do for the time being was wait and see what would happen next.
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Beau, Jenny, and the other officers that were called to the site where Sean dropped the women off were successful on their mission.
Both Ember and Sidney were safe and sound, finally, and Jenny was talking with Sidney to see if there was any information on this Ace fellow that she could gather.
Ember was sitting on another ambulance with a blanket around her while a paramedic was checking on her. Both the girls would end up being taken to a hospital to check on their well being. As well as Ember’s baby. Beau knew that James would be elated to have his bride back. As for Sidney, you knew Lidia and their parents would be eager to see their family member again.
He was just glad that he was able to get these two women back safely. He just hoped that these girls could give them some kind of information.
Beau watched as the paramedics took the two girls away and Jenny walked towards him with her hands in the pockets of her jacket.
“What’d you find out?” Beau asked.
“Well, not a whole lot. Sean was wrong about this Ace fella buying from the Syndicate. I think it’s an entirely different operation. It’s still related to trafficking, but it’s a different organization. They were planning on letting Ember go anyway because apparently expecting mothers aren’t in the criteria. But they didn’t let her go because they figured she’d tell authorities.” Hoyt explained.
“I think we’re gonna have to figure out how to get in contact with Ace. Or at least locate him and we can figure out how to get them out of here before someone else gets taken.”
“That’s a great idea and all, but we’re gonna have to wait on some DNA results. We collected some cigarette buds and we think that any saliva collected could help us figure out if Ace is in the data base anywhere.”
“Well what are we supposed to do until then? Just sit around on our hands and hope for the best?”
Jenny sighed before she reached up and adjusted the jacket Beau was wearing, “We celebrate this victory. Ember and Sidney are safe and they’re going back to their families. And who knows, maybe this whole thing might be over when this Ace fella finds out that their operation was compromised and they may not come back to Helena.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“So, a way you can celebrate, Arlen, is you can get your ass down to Y/N’s house and apologize to her about missing out tonight. Find a way to make it up to her. Because you know damned well that ladies like her don’t stay single forever.”
Beau thought about it for a moment and he thought about how you sounded disappointed in that phone call when he said he wouldn’t be able to make it that night. He knew you were the understanding sort, so would you actually hold it against him?
“Yeah.. I suppose I could go over. She’ll want to know that Ember and Sidney are safe now.” He nodded.
So that was exactly what he did.
When Beau made it to your house, he saw that the porch light was still on. He half expected it to be turned off considering it was getting close to midnight. We’re you alright?
He stepped out of his car and looked down when he realized the bulletproof vest was still on. He took it off and tossed it into the car and shut the door. When he made it to your porch, he lifted a hand and gently knocked on the door, hoping that you would answer.
After a few moments of waiting, the door finally opened up. He saw you there with a messy bun, an AC/DC shirt and some sleeping shorts. You looked like you were ready for bed even if you looked wide awake.
“Beau? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything’s alright… I just wanted to check on ya.”
“Check on me? What for?” He heard the slightest chuckle in your voice and he smiled a little before he shook his head.
“Never mind, Darlin… I did want to say that we did finally get those two girls back. They should be on their way home either tonight or tomorrow morning once their released from the hospital. They had one of those routine checkups done as far as I know.” He admitted and he saw a smile appear on your face.
“That’s good. I’m glad things were able to work out. But you know you could have told me that on the phone. So why are you really here?”
Beau couldn’t help but wonder why he felt so hesitant now. Why was he there? What was he doing on your porch close to midnight? All of this could have been done over the phone, but he just wanted to see you, he supposed.
“I um… I wanted to apologize for missin’ movie night.”
“You know I’ll never hold the job against you, Beau. You did well tonight and I’m glad you guys were able to make sure those girls got back to their families before something bad happened.” You promised.
“Right.. but uh… I was wondering if there was some way I could make it up to you?” He asked and he watched you tilt your head to the side a little.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I have the day off tomorrow. Maybe we can do something?” That was when he saw the expression in your face change.
“Um… tomorrow won’t exactly work for me. I’m supposed to be going on a uh.. friend date tomorrow.”
“A friend date?”
“Yeah, it’s with Andre. I’m just going to be showing him some of the fun spots in town. Nothing too fancy really.”
Beau felt this twinge of jealousy within him and he hated it. He didn’t like that you were going on a date with a guy you just met a couple of days ago. We’re you insane?! What if he was dangerous? What if he was just going to use you somehow?
All of these scenarios were playing in his mind and he wasn’t exactly sure what to say.
“Oh.. I see…”
“But if you still want to make things up to me…” He heard you trailing off for a moment, “This weekend, you and I should have a movie night at your place. Just the two of us. I’ll bring some marshmallows to roast and we can make s’mores.”
This was your request? You two have had plenty of movie nights together since Jenny or Cassie couldn’t make it once in a while if they were caught up with their own lives. But he couldn’t exactly recall the last time you said it should just be the two of you.
“I think that ought to be doable.” Beau smiled down at you.
“Good. So… I’ll see you at the coffee shop until then?” The hopefulness in your voice made that aching feeling in Beau’s stomach subside a little. He still didn’t trust Andre one bit. But at least he had something to look forward to he supposed. You did say it was just a friend date, whatever that means.
“I’ll be there.” He promised, “Now try and get some sleep. You shouldn’t be wide awake this late at night.” He grinned.
You rolled your eyes a little before you stood taller on your tipped toes. Suddenly he felt your soft lips on his scruffy cheek, taking him by surprise.
“You need your sleep too, Sheriff. You’ve had a long night and you deserve the rest.” He heard you say and he gazed down at you.
“I’ll do my best, Sweetheart… Goodnight.” He said with a softer tone.
“Goodnight, Beau.” You replied and he watched you slowly shut the door.
Beau sighed and he ran a hand through his hair before he turned around and went to his car.
While he was walking, though, he got a phone call, causing him to let out a grumble to himself. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and answered while he got into the vehicle. “Arlen. What’s happening?”
“We need you to get to Irene’s house. I was wrong. I don’t think this is over, Beau.”
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Hey guys! Thank you for reading! I hope you guys are enjoying this series so far! There’s more to this case than meets the eye and one has to wonder just who this Ace is. We’ll see where this goes!
Tag List:
@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @chriszgirl92 @fanfic-n-tabulous
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burntsecrets · 1 year
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Word Count: 1160
Prompt: Crush by David Archuleta
Summary: You end up at Eddie’s, and while he plays doctor, you reveal your crush to him.Warnings: running from the cops, mentions of underage drinking, mention of weed, AU Setting, drugs, alcohol
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Eddie sees you approaching his trailer from the window and smiles- He wonders what you're doing here. It’s the middle of the night, and you were supposed to spend it at your friends’ house.
Eddie gets a closer look, and his eyes double in size. He rushes outside to help you. “Jesus H. Christ! What happened?!” He helps you sit down on the steps up to his trailer. He kneels beside you. “Y/N... What happened?…” You’re all cut up and bruised and bloody. He knows something happened.
“I was at a party in the woods, and the cops showed up. I ran as fast as I could and guess my feet decided to take me here,” you shrugged as you winced as you shifted a leg from under you. 
“Thank god you're safe from those pigs.” Eddie sighs with relief. “Why were they chasing you anyway?”
“Uuuhhhh,” you bit your bottom lip nervously, rolling it out from under your teeth. “I may or may not have had some of our favorite MJ and a beer or two in hand.” 
“Jesus Christ!” Eddie scolds. “That’s illegal! You know that…” Eddie mutters, annoyed
You let out a fake cough, “says the dealer.” You let out another fake cough. 
“Hey! Don’t get all snappy!” Eddie glares. “I wasn’t the one running from the police.” He rolls his eyes.
“I wasn’t getting snappy,” you bump your shoulder against his comfortingly. “Say, you got anything to sterilize these cuts and scrapes?”
He nods. His uncle had a first aid kit just for things like this. “Come in, and I’ll see what I can do,” he says, opening the door to his trailer.
You follow him into the trailer and look around. It’s smaller, from what you remember. The last time you were here was a few years ago, right before the start of high school.
Eddie walks back into the kitchen and gestures that you should sit down in one of the kitchen chairs. He sits across from you and props your leg up. You wince as Eddie cleans the wounds. 
“So… who’s the lucky guy?” He winks teasingly. “C’mon, spill the beans. I can be trusted.” He chuckles. 
“Lucky guy? What makes you think there’s a guy and that he’s lucky?” You tease him. 
“Oh, c’mon!” Eddie says, rolling his eyes, “I know you. I know when you like a guy, all reasonable thoughts go out the window. And right now, it’s obvious you like someone. And he’s lucky as hell,” he says with a smirk.
“I mean, one guy invited me out to the party tonight. But he’s not who I like. The guy I like has this mop of hair and plays the guitar. You should hear him and his band. He loves playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends and has sweet tatts.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Huh… interesting…” He mumbles, a small smile creeping along his face. “Tell me more about this… guitar guy.” Eddie tries to play cool, but he’s getting excited.
Your brows furrow as you squint slightly at him, trying to figure out if he got the hints you had given him. "Aside from being an incredible dungeon master, he loves reading sci-fi and fantasy books. He uh..." You pick up the book next to you on the table, "has a worn and dog-eared The Hobbit that he loves to read. Oh, and did I mention that he taught himself to play the guitar? He's really good at mastering songs by Metallica. Oh! And his band, Corroded Coffin, plays at the Hideout every Thursday. He has these deep chocolate brown eyes, and my favorite tattoos of his are the bats flying up his arm. But the best thing about him is his kindness. He sticks up for his friends and the underdogs. He really is an amazing person both inside and out."
You bite your lip, smiling at him slightly, waiting to see his reaction to your confession.
He looks at you in surprise, a wide grin on his face. “Holy Jesus! You actually have a crush on me? On the real?” He laughs, grabbing your chin to look at you. He seems so excited and giddy. “Hell, I’m flattered,” he grins, winking at you, his dark and sharp eyes meeting yours. You’ve never seen Eddie with such a big, genuine smile.
A blush creeps across your cheeks. "Eddie...I've had a crush on you since the first day I saw you."
“Damn! So I take it you’ve had a...” he leans towards you, grinning. “Crush on me for quite a while?” He chuckles, the smile on his face widening, his dimples deepening with glee and excitement.
Your breath hitches in your chest as those dimples you love so much make an appearance. "Yes, you dofus. I've had a crush on you for two years!"
“Holy Jesus!” He says breathily, his eyebrows raising. “Two whole years?” He shakes his head. “And I never knew! Man, I feel like a complete moron.” He chuckles, his eyes widening in surprise. He smiles warmly at you.
"Well, I didn't know how you would react. You're my best friend, and I never want to mess that up," you play with the bandages, looking at them intensely. A sudden shyness and anxiousness to know if he feels the same way takes over your body. 
He chuckles. “Aw, c'mon, even if I didn’t feel the same way towards you, I would never hold it against you. I love you, and I always will—crush or not. You’ll always be my best friend,” he smiles gently, looking into your eyes.
You tilt your head in confusion, "Wait. So you do or don't have a crush on me?"
He nods, his eyes glowing brightly—a big, wide grin on his face. “Oh, I do. Don’t you worry about that.” He chuckles, reaching for your hands, gently caressing your palms with his thumbs. He looks so happy to hear how you feel about him.
A smile curves your lips as you watch his thumbs caressing your palms. "Good," You turn your hand over and clasp his hands in yours, tugging him slightly closer to you. "So you and me. Tomorrow. The arcade?" You ask him nervously.
“The arcade it is!” He grins widely, the smile on his face not going away. “See you then?” He says, his fingers entwining with yours. He takes in how beautiful you are.
You let him pull you up and walk to his trailer door, his hand in yours. When you both reach the door, you turn to him and say, "4 pm. It's a date." Before leaning up on your tiptoes, kissing his cheek, and then bolting out his front door into the rain, beelining for your family's trailer at the back of the park.
He watches you as you run out into the rain, a wide, genuine grin on his face, his eyes shining brightly with pure happiness.
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OHSHCAU (Keysmash)
Part 3
You know how, when the school year starts up, a teacher might get everyone to go around the room and give a couple of vague facts about themselves? Or, even worse, they might split everyone up into teams based on some random, inconsequential factors and they would all be forced to work together on some dumb task? That way they can get to know new people better?
You know how everyone hates that?
Yeah. Marinette thought that, of all people, her fellow high schoolers would understand. But alas, here she was, glaring down Dick because he wanted to do a team-building exercise. Bastard. She was going to shoot him.
With a paintball gun! Because they were playing paintball!
Do not send cops her way! She will introduce neurotoxins to your system!
Anyways, she had no choice but to agree. Debt’s a bitch.
And, maybe, the idea of shooting the Waynes point blank in the face with paintballs would have swayed her regardless, but who knows. The option was never truly given to her, so who’s to say how she would have reacted?
Certainly, the Waynes would never know.
Which was probably for the best. They could end her life in a couple of phone calls.
She hummed as she absently messed with her paintball gun. They had been split off into pairs. Steph was still on the bench thanks to her copious amounts of injuries, unfortunately, so Marinette hadn’t particularly minded who she was going to end up with (she hated all of the Waynes equally, save fucking Tim, who would avoid her, anyway), and had allowed them to all pair off and leave her with the leftovers.
She was regretting that, now, of course.
Dick wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his side. “Don’t get too competitive, please?” He said, and he sounded like he was one more ‘fuck you’ away from begging.
She glanced over his shoulder and found Tim making faces at her behind his back. He was supposed to be heading to one of the other nondescript, frankly unnerving steel tunnels that would lead them to a random place on the map. He should be spending this time with Damian so they could discuss their plans. He was not doing any of these things. He had followed Marinette and Dick to their room instead, and she would be concerned about him trying to figure out where they would end up for the sake of a tactical advantage… but, frankly, that was too smart for him.
He had no good reason to be here. How sweet of him to want to see her off.
She looked back at Dick, her eyes gleaming. “Of course I won’t. Only babies get competitive over stuff like this.”
Tim bristled. But his mic was on, so he was unable to say a word in protest. He could turn his face away from the people to mouth the curses he so clearly wanted to scream, but she could just look in another direction.
Her lips twitched into a kind of grin before she tamped it down.
Dick sighed. Deeply. “I’m guessing I can take that as a no.”
“Aw. You know me so well.”
He snickered. “Well, I’d hope so, since I hired you.”
“No one has ever lied to the people hiring them ever,” she said, nodding sagely.
He grinned. “Which is why we went with… atypical hiring practices.”
“You’ve basically kidnapped me and decided to hold my entire future ransom to make me work for you.”
She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Oh, Marinette,” a voice called, and she was more than happy to let Steph drag her out from under Dick’s arm, even if this meant that a new arm was wrapped around her waist and a face came to rest close to her own.
Marinette raised an eyebrow, but wasn’t too surprised at the sudden closeness. They’d literally slept together, in the same bed, for days. She could handle a little bit of contact. And, besides, they’d both agreed that it fit their characters (a playful flirt would flirt with a girl next door, and a girl next door would blush and let it happen) and it would draw in more customers. Teenage boys and gay teenage girls would both rather enjoy watching ‘wlw content’ when given the option.
Besides, who doesn’t flirt with their friends a little? Now they got to monetize it. A win.
Marinette rested a lazy arm over Steph’s shoulder, careful not to jostle the microphone hovering by the girl’s chin. She gave it a pointed look, and Steph mouthed the word ‘off’. She untensed a little. “Hey, what’s up?”
“Your mic is off.”
“I didn’t get one,” she said, shrugging.
Steph blinked. “Oh. I can give you mine.”
“Well, if I accept that, how am I going to insult Tim without the audience knowing?”
Dick snickered. “You could try not insulting him.”
Marinette gave him a blank look.
He shrugged as if to say ‘well, I tried’. Which, did he really?
But her attention was quickly stolen away when Steph pulled something out from behind her ear and then presented it to Marinette, who looked at it how one might look at a dead rat their cat had just brought in.
“What the hell is that?”
“A mic,” Dick offered.
She glared at him out of the corner of her eyes, and then snapped her attention back to Steph when the girl leaned in to fit the device over her ear. “You’re not putting that on me.”
“What, is the scientist scared of technology?” teased Dick.
She gritted her teeth. “Chemicals are easy to understand. They’re predictable. This? Unreliable. Who knows who's listening in on those wavelengths.”
There was a beat of silence. The two Waynes looked at each other for a moment, something unreadable on their faces.
And then Dick sighed. “Listen, you know how our dad bankrolls the Batman?”
She nodded, still eyeing Steph as if the girl was going to jump her and attach the evil machine to her by force.
“Well, we get a couple of perks. Like this. If anyone tries to hack into these – which, really, why would they? – Batman will be alerted and I’m sure they will never be heard from again… or whatever it is he and his weirdo kids do.”
“Local Batman proves that all cops are corrupt,” she said, still eyeing it warily.
“Not a cop,” said Steph.
“Not corrupt,” said Dick.
She wasn’t sure who was being less realistic.
And it didn’t matter what they said, either way.
Batman was exactly the person she was trying to avoid, thank you very much. But it wasn’t like she could just say that, because being openly wary of the Batman in front of rich people was just begging for them to be suspicious of you. They were too used to their peers being affiliated with the Court of Owls. So, reluctantly, she let Steph place the mic.
The girl drew back slightly once she was sure everything was in place (and, more importantly, that it would stay in place even while they were all running around).
Steph grinned. “There. Done. All you’ve got to do now is press the button and you’ll be live. Anyways. Blush like I said something suuuuper hot, m’kay? They’re staring.”
“Maybe if you do something hot, I will.”
She hummed thoughtfully before she brought her free hand up to cradle Marinette’s face. She tilted her head up, her thumb caressing her cheek, their noses brushing. A quiet click sounded next to her ear as her headpiece was turned on.
“Fixed,” Steph said. Quiet, but close enough to the mic hovering by Marinette’s chin for their audience to hear.
“Thanks,” Marinette mumbled. Thank god she had melanin to hide the reddening of her face somewhat, but she was pretty sure it was obvious regardless.
“Anytime,” Steph teased, going so far as to press a kiss to Marinette’s nose before drawing back. She glanced at Dick. “Your mic is off, too.”
“What, not going to fix mine for me?” Dick joked, lifting a lazy hand to flick the knob by his ear.
Steph snorted. “I’d rather die.”
Dick grinned and immediately tugged Marinette closer to him again. Woe is her. If only she could retaliate by beating his ass like she so wants to do. She hates debt. Thankfully, he didn’t wrap an arm around her this time, instead he let her go in favor of crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re just jealous that you don’t get to teach this sweet little underclassman the ropes.”
Marinette was fighting a valiant battle with her face, trying to keep the unimpressed annoyance off of it. “You’re so kind.”
“Of course! It’s my job as the club leader to make sure that your introduction to the group goes smoothly!”
They wouldn’t be bothering with all of this otherwise.
For you see, a large part of being a Host was based around how physically attractive you were, and if they wanted her to be popular enough to pay off her debt, they would have to introduce her to the potential customers in a way that would draw their attention in that way. So, it had been decided that Marinette’s official introduction should be some kind of physical activity. Especially since their clients were all fellow teens, and likely would see a bunch of people fighting for their lives in slightly skimpy clothes and go ‘ooooooooooh’.
Steph rolled her eyes so hard she must have seen her brain back there. “It would have been easier if we’d just done a pool party.”
“My! A pool party?! Steph, have you no shame? What about her innocence?!”
“Dick. She’s wearing a crop top and yoga pants.”
“A crop top, yoga pants, and tasteful armor,” said Dick. His attempts at defending her honor were… definitely attempts. Marinette could give him that.
Marinette crossed her arms over her chest, grinning. “Would you prefer I work out in a hoodie and sweats?”
“Well,” said Steph. She brought her hands up to press against her own chest, winking. “I don’t want that.”
A glance up at the crowd showed that the people had caught the jist of what she’d said thanks to the overdramatic body language she had opted for. Thankfully. Marinette wasn’t sure how to naturally repeat that for the sake of the people watching.
Her eyes caught on one particular person in the crowd, though.
Fu, leaning against his cane heavily, watching her.
“Alright, Steph, stop flirting with the new recruit,” Dick said, slinging his arm over Marinette’s shoulders again, tugging her closer to his side. “Shoo. Scram. Other synonyms that start with ‘s’. I need to teach her how to shoot – shoot! No, wait, I’m thinking of ‘shoo’, and I’m pretty sure I already said that. Anyways. Leave so I can teach her.”
Marinette’s head jerked around to look at him, her eyebrows disappearing behind her hairline. “I know how to shoot. You just…”
She pointed her paintball gun at a nearby wall and pulled the trigger. A disappointed look crossed her face when, despite the gun clicking to tell her that the trigger was working, nothing came out.
“Hm,” she said, eloquently.
He snickered. “Well, I know why that happened, but before we fix that…” He reached a hand out to adjust her fingers. “Let’s not keep our fingers on the trigger. Unless you want to shoot at anything that dares to surprise you.”
Marinette absolutely wanted that. Unfortunately, she couldn’t say that while in character, so she was stuck smiling and saying, “Thanks, Richard.”
“Dick,” he corrected lightly, as usual.
“You don’t understand how much I can not call you that,” she said. Even if Dick was, often, a dick, and she didn’t usually mind going with whatever nickname or name someone called themself, it’s hard to say the word and still come across as demure.
“Well, then, you can call me something else. How does ‘my liege’ sound?”
Marinette snickered into her hand. “Terrible, King.”
“Oh. Hate that.”
“Got it, Queen.”
He sighed.
“Themporer?” she tried, batting her eyelashes.
“How many of those do you have?”
“So many, gender nonspecific monarch.”
“That one feels like a stretch.”
She shrugged. “Yeah, it is a bit of a mouthful.”
“You know, I’m starting to realize that you use humor to stall.”
Marinette’s face flushed at the direct callout. That had been unnecessary. And she couldn’t even curse him out for it. She hated life.
Whatever. She’d roll with it (not like she had any other choices). She gasped, pressing a hand to her chest. “What do you mean? I was trying to figure out your royal-title-specific pronoun preferences! I had only the best of intentions.”
“Of course, of course. Pretend to get ready to shoot your gun.”
Marinette huffed, mumbling that he was ‘no fun’ as she lifted her paintball gun.
He walked around her slowly, knocking his foot against the inside of her own until she moved them to be shoulder width apart, bending her arms so the recoil wouldn’t hurt as much, bending her knees slightly so she wouldn’t fall over at the lightest of hits…
“You sure know a lot about this,” Marinette said, eyeing him warily.
“Dad made me take some self-defense classes after I got held for ransom for the eight and a half-th time.”
“Eight times is a lot but I guess that’s still surprisingly competent for hi – wait, half-th?”
“Yeah!” he said, and then did not elaborate.
She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting.
He checked her form one last time before nodding to himself. He squinted at her gun for a moment, before cringing.
“I – uh – I’m not used to turning off the safety from an outsider’s point of view…”
“Then here,” she said, starting to stand up straighter and hand it over to him, only for him to rapidly shake his head.
“No, no, no, we need you in that position for as long as possible to get your body used to it.”
Marinette fought back a grimace, her eyes briefly flicking to the people still watching them intently. Dick, as the self-proclaimed ‘king’ of the Host Club, was easily the most popular among guests. She did not want to put a target on her back by looking like she was trying to come onto him. Or because it might look like he was coming onto her. She hated this fucking job. They were coworkers, damn it. She shouldn’t be stressing about getting, like, Court of Owls-style assassinated for being near him!
“Just – just… do it quick,” she said.
He nodded sharply.
Arms wrapped around her from behind, a chin coming to rest upon her shoulder. Warm breath just barely wafted over the side of her neck, earning a few goosebumps. His hands ghosted over the back of her own, briefly, fixing the positioning of her fingers once again (he really didn’t like her tendency to hang onto the trigger, apparently) before flicking the safety off.
He pulled back the second everything was in order, hands up like he was already actively surrendering. They sent the people watching them mildly embarrassed looks. It isn’t doing them much good, though.
Quick! Take legitimacy away from the intimacy!
“I need to stop bringing desserts from home, you’re getting heavy.”
Dick spluttered. “What?”
“I said what I said.”
She would apologize later.
… wait, would Babs count mental damage as adding to her debt?
She was going to apologize so profusely later.
Dick sighed, running a hand through his hair, briefly pushing his bangs out of his eyes. “Tell me why we made you the girl next door again?”
“Out of ideas,” Marinette said.
“Right, right. Any chance we can change it?”
“Well, you’re the king and all, you can choose,” she said, before winking and blowing a kiss to the people up on the viewing platform. “But, hey, everyone knows that most ‘harsh’ people are just hurt people trying to protect themselves from more harm. I’m sure that, with the right person, I could actually be the soft, kind person I portray. After all, every act needs at least a little bit of truth to work, right?”
She glanced at Dick out of the corner of her eyes. He gave the barest trace of a nod.
She had a bit of a reputation in the school. Not really because she was outright mean to people – she would never say half the shit she said around Adrien and the host club members to people she didn’t know, not without good reason – but because pretty much every student knew about her… antagonistic relationship with Tim. Because during the last finals season they had only been a step above fistfighting in the middle of the hallway. And not even because they had been scared of punishment or expulsion, but instead because Duke and Steph had physically dragged Tim away before he could jump at her.
Whatever. It was totally water under the bridge and she definitely didn’t want him dead anymore.
(Yes, Tim and Marinette could just put aside their differences, and show that they had changed… but Marinette would rather just kill him, to be honest.)
Regardless, it would be hard to convince the general population that the person that had almost fought another member was all that shy and kind. So, they needed to rework her image. Recontextualize her personality.
Whether or not Marinette or any of the other host club members really believed what she was saying didn’t matter, all that mattered was that their guests believed it. Thankfully, they had years worth of toxic media to back up their claims, and the rich kids who had never had real reason to distrust what they’d been told fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
Great. The goal for today is done. Now, if only she could get out of this stupid paintball tournament. She has changed her mind. A chance of shooting Tim in the face is not worth having to simulate a battle.
Maybe if she annoys Dick enough he might just call it off?
She watched him out of the corner of her eyes as they continued down the hallway. He caught her stare and, instead of being confused or upset or uncomfortable, sent her a tiny smile.
Yeah, she didn’t think it would work. You can’t annoy someone with as many younger siblings as he has. They are immune to outside annoyances by this age, she is pretty sure.
There’s no getting out of this.
She almost laughed. Story of her fucking life.
Dick rested his hand on the doorknob, glancing back at her.
She flashed a wink. “As I’ll ever be.”
Their door opened up into what seemed to be a trench, carved into the ground. Once they had clambered out of the trench, their clothes already stained with dirt (at least she didn’t have to pay for any of it), they found themselves in a heavily wooded area, with a couple of concrete structures dotted around.
She walked to a nearby tree. All of them looked long dead, blackened, as if they had been burned. As if this was a real battlefield.
She rapped her knuckles against it lightly, and wasn’t surprised to find that, whatever it was made of, it wasn’t organic material. Judging by the sound, she would guess styrofoam, paper mache, paint, and a dream.
A quick check of one of the structures revealed it to have no ceiling.
The entire world around them was fabricated to give the people so far above them, standing on the glass and peering down at them with excited grins she didn’t want to look at, a good view of what was going on. No leaves, no roofs, nothing was allowed to take away from their fun.
Oh shit, she thought. This is what it feels like to be in the Hunger Games.
Or to be in one of Riddler’s escape rooms, she supposed.
She watched Dick carefully toeing at the dirt, checking to see how far down it went. Whether it could actually be used as padding, or if the metal hidden beneath would give some nasty bruises if someone fell on it for any reason. Such as dramatically falling over when shot ‘dead’.
Her lips twitched into a wry kind of grin. And he’s supposed to be the ‘dumbest’ one. Who does he think that he’s fooling?
It wasn’t until long after he had confirmed that the ground was, in fact, soft enough for them all to drop dead on without issue, that an alarm alerted them to the fact that the grace period was over, and they were now supposed to be hunting each other to the death.
Marinette brushed her bangs away from her eyes, taking advantage of the opportunity to see how the audience had dispersed themselves. They were, largely, grouped into four spots. No guesses why. Sureeeeeely not because this was where the four pairs of competitors were…
Okay, that wasn’t fair to the customers. There was no way for them to know that the glass wasn’t a one way mirror like they’d been told. They shouldn’t be aware of the fact that this was all a play that had been planned out well in advance. The Waynes weren’t the types to let on that they weren’t quite as ‘airheaded’ as they often portrayed themselves to be, for whatever reason.
Still… Marinette stretched lazily, rocking back and forth on her feet, trying not to laugh aloud at just how obvious they were all being.
“So, are we heading to the center or skirting around the edges?” she asked.
“Center,” he said, because that was where most of the male clients were, and therefore where Babs and Cass were likely to be. “Let’s see whether there’s a Hunger Games-style cornucopia or something.”
Marinette clicked her tongue lightly. “You can’t tell people what we’re ripping off.”
“I think they already know.”
She huffed, but it’s not as if she genuinely cared.
Without further ado, they were off.
They happened across Babs and Cass in the middle. They seemed to be doing the same thing that Marinette and Dick were, picking around for anything that might be useful. As if the people who had made this place would make an entrance in a spot where they had special items.
“Find anything?” Dick asked, pointing his gun at Babs.
Cass retaliated by pointing her gun at him. He did not seem particularly pleased about this development.
Marinette wasn’t pleased, either, because this meant she had to point her gun at Cass in retaliation. Fuck this script for making her defend Dick Grayson of all people.
Their guests looked to Babs, expecting her to point her gun at Marinette and complete the circle, leading to a dramatic standoff…
Only for Babs to hold up her hands in the universal sign of surrender. “We don’t have to fight,” she said. “It’s better if we don’t. We can’t have Jason or Tim’s teams winning.”
If nothing else, Marinette had to admit that this strategy would have probably worked on her and Dick even if it wasn’t scripted. Because fuck Tim Drake. And, in Dick’s case, Jason, in particular, cannot win, because he would be insufferable about it. They would both take shady deals in a heartbeat if it meant that the other two teams wouldn’t win.
“What do you get from this?” Marinette asked, because it was expected of her.
Cass shrugged. “Fun.”
Valid reason. Marinette (and Dick, too, though she loathed to admit it) could sometimes be fun.
As for Babs…
“If we’re the last two teams, I want to shoot Dick in the face.”
Dick gave a screech of offense, complaining about his ‘beautiful face’. But Marinette sees now downsides! They shook on it before he could get a word in edgewise.
“Alright, team, let’s roll out,” said Babs.
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Dick whined.
“No. We are misandry-ing,” Marinette informed him.
“Perfect. Us girlies have to stick together,” Babs joked lightly.
“True. Can’t wait to kill ‘my liege’ for the sake of women everywhere,” Marinette said, snickering to herself.
Dick snorted at the ‘my liege’ callback, and then seemed to process what she had said. He pressed a hand to his chest. “Excuse you, I’m a girlie, too.”
“Woo, slay queen,” Marinette deadpanned. And then she frowned to herself. “Is ‘my liege’ a gendered term?”
“I… think so?” said Babs. The grammar rules for royalty is not the kind of thing the average teenager is looking up, after all. And, if Babs doesn’t know, then Cass (ESL speaker) and Dick (a liar pretending to be the ‘dumb one’ in a group already known for being stupid) had no shot. Pain. She must live without knowing for the next few hours. Why does god hate her so? Truly, she has suffered more than Jesus.
… perhaps it is jokes like that that make god hate her.
Whatever. She did not believe in Him, therefore He could not hurt her.
“Let’s roll out, then, I guess,” she said.
“Only I’m allowed to make that joke,” said Babs.
Marinette blinked. And then her face reddened. “Oh — I—!”
Cass shook her head in mock disappointment.
Marinette huffed. “Is it too late to un-team?”
“Nah, we shook on it, it’s binding,” Babs said.
Well. If that’s the case. They rolled ou— started off in search of others.
It was, honestly, a lot of meandering around. If they managed to go in the right direction too many times, the illusion would break, after all.
But, if nothing ‘entertaining’ was happening, they needed to work extra hard to have interesting conversations to listen in on. Which was hard. Usually, they entertained their guests by flirting, which was easy and didn’t take that much mental energy, but that was no longer really an option. They weren’t going to flirt with each other, especially since Dick and Cass were siblings and Dick and Babs were exes (Dick once again ruining things for everyone, shame on him). So…
Marinette walked alongside Babs. “If you don’t mind me asking, how the heck are you able to use your wheelchair when the ground is like this?” she said. The wheels didn’t look all that special, after all – it was all clearly high-quality, don’t get her wrong, but it wasn’t like she was looking at the wheelchair version of four wheel drive. And the gun in her lap was barely even moving.
“That’s the most fucked up question anyone’s ever asked me,” deadpanned Babs.
Marinette huffed. “Now, I just don’t think that’s true.”
“When have I ever lied?”
“I’m still convinced that the debt was a scam,” she sniffed.
Babs rolled her eyes but distinctly didn’t deny it. Because she couldn’t, clearly, not because she just didn’t feel that this was worth her time or energy. “This isn’t any worse than going down sidewalks.”
Marinette envisioned the Average Gotham Sidewalk. Then looked at the ground. She supposed that the sticks kind of resembled used syringes, now that she thought about it, and the dirt was surprisingly much smoother than the pothole-riddled concrete.
“Oh,” she said. “Okay, makes sense, yeah.”
Well. She had done her job. Someone else needs to pick up the slack, now.
Babs sent her a flat look that said she needed to say something that would interest the audience, not just her. She fought the urge to grumble under her breath. The microphone would pick that up, too.
She turned to look at Dick.
“Okay, philosophical question: if you are aware that you are in denial, is it really denial, or is it a weird form of acceptance?”
It was silent for a moment.
“Er… I guess… acceptance?”
“But then it’s not denial. Different stage,” Cass said.
“But if you’re aware of it, it can’t be denial,” Dick argued.
Babs sighed. “How ‘aware’ is this ‘awareness’? Because, I’m pretty sure, even people in denial kind of know things are weird.”
“Nonono, you’re aware of the denial,” said Marinette. “Like, you know the thing you’re in denial about is bad and you go ‘nahhhhh’. But it’s a conscious decision.”
“Then… ugh. Denial, I guess.”
Babs and Cass started arguing. Marinette was pretty sure this was the most talkative and passionate she had ever seen Cass.
As for the guests… they were either arguing vehemently themselves or watching other people argue with amused grins.
Marinette, discreetly, gave a little bow in Dick’s direction. He gave a huff of laughter.
By the time they stumbled across another person, Cass seemed pissed off enough to go all out. This wasn’t intentional, but it was still funny to watch Duke go from relatively calm and in control to immediately ducking behind a tree for cover for fear of death.
Until he started firing at them all, too, and they were forced to book it to the nearest shelter.
You might argue that they were cowards, and should help out Cass, and you’d be right, but…
They wouldn’t be much help, to be honest.
The way Duke and Cass were fighting was insane. Like they already knew what each other’s movements were going to be ahead of time, and thus were more intent on waiting for the other to slip up than outright outsmarting each other.
Marinette whistled lowly. “How often do you guys come here?”
“Here? This is the first time, actually,” said Dick, brightly. “But we have something like this back at the Manor.”
She hated rich people.
(This fact has been made abundantly clear over the past few chapters, but she would like to say it again. And again. For as many times as it would take for them to stop pulling Rich People Shit.)
“Woooow,” she said, trying to infuse as much fake cheeriness into her tone as was physically possible when her main thought was about how, technically, friendly fire is possible here. “What a perfectly amazing use of your money.”
He nodded his agreement. Whether or not it was joking did not matter when her blood was boiling beneath her skin. She started to lift her gun, intent on either helping Cass or betraying both Cass and Duke at once, only for a stray bullet to nail the wall by her head the moment she started to poke her head out.
She stared at the purple paint for a moment, eyes wide, before slowly shrinking back into hiding.
She was still pissed off, though!
Before her eyes could drift to Babs and she could weigh the moral implications of sending her out first, a handful of skittles was shoved in front of her face.
“Want some?” said Jason.
She nodded, taking all of the red ones and popping them in her mouth. Dick did the same, but with the green pieces, like a weirdo (who the hell prefers green?). Babs wasn’t nearly as picky, just taking a handful of the rest and popping them like pills.
And then she started to lift her gun.
Marinette nearly choked on her sweet treat.
“JASON?!” Dick yelped.
They scrambled for their own guns.
Jason managed to get a shot off on Babs before he was covered in yellow. Maybe they shot him more times than was strictly necessary, but that was what he deserved for using Skittles against them. Honestly, the fact that Dick didn’t believe in the death penalty was the only thing saving him right now.
As for Marinette… well, she had been too intent on looting his ‘corpse’ for more candy to bother with murdering him via paintball gun. After all, what if the Skittles ended up getting blood or — god forbid — paint on them? She wouldn’t even be able to kill him in retaliation for messing up her snack.
She grumbled when she found paintballs, but pocketed them for extra ammo, in case Cass won and needed more.
Then, finally, she procured her prize: a sharing size bag of candy.
Life is good.
Unless you are Jason Todd.
“Maaaaan,” he groaned. “Those are mine, y’know.”
“Shhhhh, you’re a corpse, you can’t speak,” Dick said, holding his hand out for some.
She set the paintballs in his hand instead.
And then watched on in horror as he bit down on one without thinking.
Dick stared at her for a moment, purple dripping from his mouth.
Marinette swallowed down the temptation to joke about him looking like a vampire in favor of frantically looking up whether paintballs were nontoxic or if they were about to cut this paintball tournament short.
… which she wouldn’t mind, actually, now that she thought about it...
She considered the google page saying that they were nontoxic (for humans, at least, apparently they were not good for animals, which Damian was going to be distressed about when he learned), wondering whether an ambulance visit would be added to her debt. And then decided she didn’t want to risk it.
“You’re fine.”
Want to know who wasn’t fine? Cass and Duke. Apparently, in the time it took for everything to settle, Duke and Cass had killed each other off. Or, well, Duke had slipped up and Cass had ‘died’ in solidarity with him. Mildly concerning behavior, but it was a paintball game and therefore has no real indication of actual behaviors. Hopefully. Marinette genuinely liked Cass.
No time to linger on that particular line of thought.
“If Tim wins I’m pulling a Cass,” Marinette told Dick.
Dick raised an eyebrow. “You’d already be ‘dead’ if Tim wins.”
She thought this over. “Then I’ll come back as a zombie and be killed again. Perfect.”
Jason did not seem to find this funny, but maybe he was still bitter about having his Skittles stolen. Dick grinned and, really, that’s all that matters.
“What do you think real life zombies are like?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Nonexistent.”
“Don’t know what I was expecting from the scientist,” he huffed.
“Fiiiiiine,” she said. She thought, long and hard, about what a real life zombie would be like. Blüdhaven got nuked a while back (deserved, fuck Blüdhaven), and she hadn’t yet heard of zombies, so radiation poisoning wasn’t going to do it. So probably an intentional thing — Jurassic Park style experimentation, or something. Which means that the circumstances would be controlled… except zombies would probably escape the labs, if Marinette were to ever see them. The body would have to be very cold to slow down decomposition. It wouldn’t even halt it entirely.
“Gross,” she decided.
Dick stared at her. “All that thought and you come up with ‘gross’?!”
“I’m not wrong. They’d be gross.”
“That is not the point!” he groaned. “Talk about whether you think they’d be fast or slow, strong or weak, intelligent or not! Talk about whether their decomposition would affect them!”
She snickered. “Careful, Richard, or you’re going to make people think you have a brain in there.”
For a moment, he froze. And then he purposefully relaxed, each muscle individually untensing, one by one. He laughed lightly, but it was a tad bit forced (when wasn’t it, though?). “Yeah, the zombies will come after me if they know.”
“Being stupid has its benefits, yeah?”
He chuckled humorlessly.
Before he could come up with a proper response, though, Tim wandered into their area, drawn by the sound of gunfire from Duke and Cass’s fight. Marinette and Dick pointed their guns at him immediately.
Tim narrowed his eyes. He pointed his gun at Marinette, but seemed hesitant.
Marinette fought off a smirk. She loved having plot armor. At the sight of her face, he only seemed more irritated, which was even better.
But there was nothing he could do.
He set his gun down.
“We could take him as hostage,” Dick offered. “See if that lures Damian –.”
“Nah, too risky,” said Marinette. Without any further ado, she shot Tim.
Tim fell over, and not entirely because that was standard for ‘dead’ people. He hugged himself. His dignity, breaking. In a very literal sense.
It was very quiet. Marinette’s hand found its way to her mouth.
Dick looked at her, his eyes wide and horrified.
“I know I hate you, but… I didn’t mean… I forgot that men have… Tim, I’m so sorry.”
Tim made a pitiful sound.
Shakily, he lifted a hand in a thumbs up.
She made a heart with her own hands. This did not seem to help in the slightest but, frankly, there wasn’t much else she could do.
Luckily, she didn’t need to think about it for long before she was distracted — a voice called from behind them: “Found you.”
She whipped around and shot Damian in the chest.
There were a few moments where no one knew what to do. The boy stared at the paint staining his armor bright yellow. Marinette’s grip felt clammy on her gun.
Dick tipped his head to the side consideringly.
She met his eyes.
She was no longer amused by the intelligence lingering in his gaze as he scrutinized her. She narrowed her eyes at him, briefly, daring him to say something. She wasn’t the only one hiding things, after all.
Play along, she told him. Help me fix this ending.
He relaxed his expression carefully.
They had an understanding. Despite Marinette’s supposed incompetence with guns, when startled she was quick to shoot and accurate. Despite Dick constantly acting as if he was dumb, there was clearly a brain hidden somewhere there. They both knew more than they tried to let on. Maybe that was why they didn’t have much trouble identifying each other’s acts… but, so long as their own secrets remained intact, they could keep each others’.
It was a little nerve-wracking, and yet, strangely, nice, to have someone you don’t have to lie to. That can see past it even when you try.
She smirked and lifted her gun. “See? This is why you keep your finger on the trigger, Dick.”
He grinned and held up his hands in surrender.
Marinette and Dick grimaced as a cooler full of paint was poured over their backs. They definitely felt victorious right about now. This was their prize for winning. Yay them.
Sure, they didn’t exactly, genuinely earn the win, but that’s besides the point.
He looked at her. “You’ve got red in your hair.”
She yelped and brought a hand up to try and get it out, only to remember just a second too late that her hands, too, were covered in paint. She stared at the glob of paint-covered hair hanging limp in front of her eyes for a moment, devastated, and then glared at him.
“You did that on purpose.”
“I was just pointing something out for you,” he said ‘innocently’, unable to quite keep himself from smiling.
She hummed, and then slapped her hand onto his hair. He hissed and reflexively his hands flew up to touch the sore spot, only for him to realize that now he had been the one baited into getting paint in his hair.
“Marinette,” he said, smiling sweetly.
For a moment, one could almost see the regret flickering across her features.
And then he rushed forward to try and trap her in a hug. She shrieked, managing to get only a few steps before she was snatched up, dragged into the evil monster. She barely even had time to fight back before she was thrown over his shoulder, only able to yell off-brand curse words and try to writhe around in hopes of freedom – or, at least, in hopes that she could smear her own paint over every part of him she could reach.
Within minutes, they were swirling messes of red, blue, purple, and the occasional scrap of visible skin.
There were people laughing at their antics.
Both of them froze.
They looked up, and found the other members of the Host Club were enjoying the show.
As well as a few guests, but they couldn’t really retaliate against them.
So, Dick set Marinette down and they met each other’s eyes and silently resolved to make up for that by attacking their fellow club members twice as much to compensate.
Marinette heaved a sigh as she sat on a bench, scrubbing paint off her arm with her millionth wet wipe of the day. Where did the green even come from?
It was then that she realized someone was nearing her.
She looked over her shoulder and found…
Well, someone her age. She recognized her, vaguely, from her English class, but their name eluded her.
The girl smiled nervously at Marinette, wringing her hands and somewhat avoiding eye contact. “I – uh – was wondering if you could Host for me sometime?”
Marinette stared at her for a moment, processing.
And then she lit up, practically jumping from her seat in order to shake the girl’s hand.
“That sounds great! What day would you –?”
She drew her hand back, and cringed at the red strings of paint now connecting their hands.
“I… don’t know if I have more wet wipes,” she said, blushing.
The girl smiled, amused. “If you walk me home, I’ll consider it even.”
Marinette hesitantly took her hand again, intertwining their fingers. “Okay. Don’t know if that’s much of a punishment, but if that’s what it takes to repay you…”
Taglist: @ev-cupcake @thatonecroc @toodaloo-kangaroo @fangirlingfanatic
29 notes · View notes
shallyne · 1 year
Feysand Week Day 3
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Feyre grimaced after taking her second shot of the evening, making Mor and Cassian giggle. The party was in full swing by now and both of her friends are set on getting Feyre drunk. "It's your birthday!" they are telling her, "You're free!"
She supposed she was and she supposed she should celebrate her freedom after leaving Tamlin. Yes, Feyre knew they were right but she wasn't into celebrating her birthdays, she never found them important enough after a childhood full of forgotten birthdays. Cassian and Mor wanted to show Feyre the magic of birthday parties but if getting drunk was the best way? She doubted it. Feyre shook her head, catching a glimpse of the poster that her friends hung up for the party. "Can we take this down now?" Feyre asked, pointing to her mugshot.
Mor laughed as Cassian replied, "Absolutely not! This day needs to be remembered forever!"
"It's been almost six years!" she told them, suppressing a smile.
Mor slapped her hand on the table in a mock gesture, "I don't know why you want to forget! You were fully in your right to punch Ianthe in the face. She deserved it! Embrace it, bestie!"
Feyre rolled her eyes, "I didn't punch her! It was a slap!" she told her as the song that blasted out of the speakers came to an end, and a new one started. Cassians gaze fell behind Feyre and he stood up.
"My brother is here! I'll be back Ina sec."
Feyre nodded as Mor filled her shot glass again, "Don't look like that, only that one. I know you don't like celebrating your birthday, Feyre, so let's celebrate how far you've come since you left you're toxic hometown." she pushed one glass towards Feyre and raised the other, "To my friend who I am very proud of!"
Feyre huffed, blinking away tears, and they clinked their glasses. She threw back that shot as Cassian stopped back at their table, "Feyre, may I introduce you to Rhysand?"
"You may," she replied, fixing the cheap plastic crown on her, "It's nice to meet y-" she stopped as she locked eyes with a male who was beautiful beyond reason, smiling at her with his hands in his pockets. Feyre swallowed, she recognized him. From her memories, from her dreams. She had thought she had him much more beautiful in her memories because she was under the influence of alcohol back then but her memories didn't even come close to the man standing before her. "I– I know you!" she blurted out.
He raised his eyebrows in question, a smile tugging at his beautiful lips. "Oh?"
"Yup!" Feyre giggled, a wave of happiness rolling over her, "You arrested me at Rita's six years ago! In Velaris!" she exclaimed so loudly over the music that heads turned her way. She ignored them, scooting to the side to make room for him. "Sit down, officer...uh..."
"Rhysand." he told her, sitting down. Cassian took the seat across from them and her friends watched them in amusement. "But please call me Rhys."
"Okay, officer Rhys," he opened his mouth but Feyre kept talking, "How is it going? Still a cop?"
"I–yes, I am." he replied, taking a drink from Mor. "What about you? I heard you're an artist."
"Indeed, I am." Feyre straightened proudly, "I am working with Ressina and I went to art school in New York." she nodded to herself, "You must train a lot as a cop. You definitely look like you do."
Amusement danced in his eyes, "A few times a week." he replied.
"Cool, cool, cool," she said, "Very impressive. Must be hard, I couldn't do that. I mean I could if I wanted to but I don't."
Rhys chuckled, "It's not for everyone." Feyre nodded in agreement. He leaned back in his seat, relaxed, "Do you do commissions?"
"Why? Do you want one?" Feyre asked, brushing a fleck of invisible dust from her jeans. "I can give you my number and we can talk about specifics tomorrow if–"
"If?" Rhys asked, taking a sip of his drink.
Feyre leaned forward, pointing to the group of people who danced, "If you dance with me, officer Rhys."
Rhys smiled brightly, "It would be an honor, Feyre darling." he laughed softly, extending his hand. Feyre took it, following him into the crowd of people.
The next morning Feyre woke up with a message from an unknown number.
>> Hey, it's Rhys
Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @edgyellie @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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gyupinkys · 1 year
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Jeonghan x afab reader.
You were assigned this case and expected to succeed. 7 years working as a detective gives you experience like no other. So what happens when Jeonghan figures you out? Offers you an ultimatum, help him out or he rats you out.
part 2
WC: 3.1K
WARNINGS: MURDER, GUNS, DRUGS, misogyny, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, brief sex with corpse in the room, degradation, groping, strip tease.
“Sir, we don’t have Caprisun. This is a bar.” you overhear from your right.
“Wooyoung, stop bothering him, we have business to do.”
“Whatever” he rolls his eyes and walks away.
You're sitting at the bar waiting for your call time to go dance on the stage. This stripper thing was not ideal, you’re supposed to be extracting information about suspected drug trafficking and the mafia that's supposedly running this club. You became a detective to help people, not shake your ass ; though you can’t lie you secretly love this job. You love the power you have over these sleazy men and how sexy you feel on stage. The money you get to pocket is a plus.
“Y/N” you hear his deceivingly angelic voice ring out through the earpiece all the staff wears.
“Yes, Jeonghan,” you sigh.
“I need you to come to the vip room.”
“Do you need drinks or something?”
“No, all I need is you.”
You tell your coworker you’ll be back and walk up to the vip room.
“Y/N, take a seat” 
You see Joenghan, Joshua and Seungcheol sitting on one side and the man you remember as wooyoung along with two other men on the other. 
“What's going on?”
“Y/N, can I interest you in an investment opportunity?” Jeonghan says with a smirk.
“Absolutely not.” 
“Aww, don’t be like that.”
“Jeonghan, I know how you are. This “investment” is gonna be selling my soul or some shit.” 
“Why don’t you give our guest a show.” Joshua says with a smirk. Oh, how you hate this motherfucker. 
You begrudgingly walk up to who you remember as Wooyoung and put your hands on his shoulders looking him in the eye.
“Did you ever get your caprisun?”
“No, but I think I’m gonna get something better right now.”
You smirk. He’s charming, you'll give him that. You run your hands up his chest and lean down to run your nose up his neck. You turn and straddle him moving your hips to the music playing through the speakers feeling everyone's eyes on you. Leaning back you rest your head on his shoulder and look into his eyes. 
“You want a private room with me wooyoung?”
“Yes” he answers immediately, making you smirk.
“Before you two do that, Y/N, tell me. When were you planning to have your pig friends storm this place.” Jeonghan says with a smile.
Oh. You look up at him in confusion. 
“Don’t play dumb, angel. I’ve known what you’ve been doing this whole time.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about '' you say and shift uncomfortably in his lap ready to get up until you feel cold metal pressed to your head. 
“Don’t try to run now Y/N” Joshua says tilting his head.
“The fuck do you want Jeonghan.”
“Watch your tone Y/N”
“Watch my dick”
“The cop sure does have some audacity” Seungcheol finally speaks.
Wooyoung presses the gun closer to your head. “Y/N, you should really be careful with who you trust. You’d think you would be able to tell who's a dirty cop and who's not.”
“Your dear buddies Yunho and Jongho. They're our guys. They ratted you out.” Wooyoung says with a cackle.
Of course they are. Damn this is a shame, you really wanted to fuck Yunho.
“Jeonghan what are you getting at?”
“Y/N, I need you to do something for me. You can say no, but if you do I’m not sure that little sister of yours will make it to school tomorrow. Even worse I’m sure your boss won’t appreciate reports of you smuggling drugs.”
“First of all don’t you dare threaten my sister and what drugs?”
He throws a file at you filled with pictures of you at warehouses, documents of packages being imported under your name and drugs inside your apartment. How the fuck did they get in your apartment? The last set is pictures of your little sister at school, in bed, with your mom. Holy fuck these guys are insane.
“What do you want me to do?”
“There's a gala next weekend. I’m sure you know about it since you’ve been all up in my business. Convince your boss to raid it. Tell him Seungcheol will be there, I'm sure that’ll pique his interest.”
“You don’t worry that pretty head about all that, ok?”
“How am I supposed to convince him with no proof? He won't take my word for it.”
“That's for you to figure out.” he smiles, “By the way, you should call your sister. I had Mingyu pay her a visit, scare her a bit.
You shoot up from wooyoung's lap only to hear his gun cock. 
“Sit back down Y/N.”
You begrudgingly sit down.
“I want confirmation they're coming by wednesday.” 
“Todays friday.”
“Jeonghan, he doesn’t trust me enough to just believe me! I need more time.”
“Y/N, I’m not negotiating with you. You know the conditions. Figure your shit out.” he says and gets up to leave.
As he walks out the door he looks back at you. “Don’t disappoint me, angel.”
“Yunho you’re a fucking asshole.”
He turns around confused as to who's yelling at him in the middle of the break room.
You bend down in front of his face, bracing your hands on the arms of the chair he’s sitting on. 
“You’re a traitor.”
He smirks. 
“I’m guessing wooyoung got to you”
“He did more than get to me you motherfucker! To think I considered you and Jongho my friends.”
“Hey, we can still be friends. It's not like I did anything to you or lied.” 
Well he has a point…
“Whatever” you say with a dramatic eye roll and sigh.
“What's your plan?” he whispers.
“I have no idea” you whisper back.
“What are we whispering about?” Jongho whispers.
“I have some words for you Jongho.”
“I’m guessing you found out. Baby, don't hate the player, hate the game.”
You roll your eyes. 
“Hey, Y/N, there's a delivery for you.” your coworker calls out.
You furrow your eyebrows when he hands you a massive bouquet of white roses.
You read the note, “A gift for my angel.” - Jeonghan.
In the center of the bouquet is a voice recorder. You pull it out and play it.
“Joshua, I’m telling you we need to do the transaction at the banquet.”
“I agree, no ones going to suspect anything to happen at one of the biggest banquets of the year. We can lose the cops' trail if we go.”
“Y/N, go get me a drink, love.”
You smile. This is your ticket to getting the chief to believe you.
“He made it a little too easy for me.” you say with a pout. 
“I’m gonna go pay Jeonghan a visit.”
“Keep us updated. We never get to hear the drama.” Yunho pouts.
“What are you playing at?”
“Angel, I’m just trying to help you out.” Jeonghan says, leaning on his desk.
“There's always something else with you. You’re like the riddler.” you say making Wooyoung, who is sitting in the chair next to you laugh. 
“Can’t I just be nice?” he asks with a smile while sipping his bourbon. 
You side eye him. You can never trust someone like him. “So, I just give this to him?”
“If you want”
“Jeonghan your so annoying”
“Y/N, watch your tone with me. As much as I like you, we aren't friends. I’ll murder you and not bat an eye.”
He has a point. He has nothing to lose if you don't help him. He’ll just find someone else to do his dirty work.
“Don’t forget. I need confirmation by wednesday. And you still need to come to work. You know, keep up appearances.”
You’ve done two stages and you're ready to call it a night when you see Jeonghan and Joshua exit the club. You gave the recording to the chief but he said he needs more proof. 
You walk up the stairs and sneak into Jeonghan’s office, closing the doors behind you. On the desk there's papers explaining every inch of their plan. When the police raid the gala, his men are going to import 300 million dollars worth of drugs into the downtown ports. The police would be too busy with the raid to monitor the ports.
You quickly snap pictures of the papers and leave. This seemed a little too easy. You walk back down the stairs to see Jun and Minghao at the bar. Weird.. If Jeonghan left everyone would've gone with him. You decide to make your way to the locker room feeling tension rise in the room. You call your sister. The last you spoke to her was when Jeonghan threatened her, she said she was at her friend's house the whole night so you figured he was bluffing about Mingyu.
“Y/N, Hey”
“Hey, love. How are you?”
“I’m fine, actually i’ve been meaning to call you. Do you know someone named Mingyu?”
Your heart drops. “Why?”
“He was waiting for me outside the house. He said a friend of yours sent him to give me a check.”
“A check? How much was it?”
Angel numbers.
“That's enough to pay my tuition this semester tell your friend thanks.”
“Does it say who the check is from?”
“Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Yea I’ll say thanks.”
You have a meeting with your chief. You’re nervous out of your mind. 
“I was shocked Y/N actually got so much work done. I honestly didn’t believe in her.” you over hear your chief say through the door. “I didn’t think she would succeed, you know women don’t do much well.”  
The fuck?
“I’m thinking of laying her off after this job. We need more men on the team. She’ll probably need maternity leave soon,I can’t deal with all that.” 
This sexist piece of shit.
You take a deep breath and knock on the door. “I’ll call you later. Bye.”
“Come in.”
“Oh, Y/N. I hope you have some good news for me.”
You explain everything you heard to him. 
“You promise this is where they're going to be” 
“Yes, I swear. They will be at the port at 10pm.”
“Good work Y/N. We’ll finally get rid of these scum.”
“Get rid?” you say in confusion.
“We're killing them. I don’t care about the circumstances. We’ll tell the public they fought back and our last resort was to kill them. No one will believe low life criminals over the police.”
“Peace at last am I right?”
You walk outside with a frown on your face. You see Jongho and Yunho looking at you with wide eyes. “Did he believe it?” Yunho says.
“Of course he did.”
It's the night of the gala and you think you might die. If this goes wrong Jeonghan will kill you and your sister. You're in the club when the guys leave, Jeonghan giving you a look before he walks out the door. You think he’s onto you, he’s always outsmarted you so there's no way he doesn't know. Don’t panic, don’t panic, don’t panic. 
You're supposed to meet the chief and the rest of your colleagues at the pier but you decide to follow Jeonghan instead. You trail behind them but you know there's no point of being stealthy, they already know you’re here. Your phone rings through the car speaker and you see it’s a call from Jeonghan.
“Y/n, angel, why are you following us?”
“Oh, You know, nosy old me needing to know what you’re doing.”
“So it’s not because your friends are waiting for us at the pier instead of the gala.”
“I don’t know what youre talking about,” you say nervously. “Shouldn’t you be focused on driving? Omg look at the sky is that spiderman” you say and hang up. What the fuck are you talking about. He makes you so nervous. 
You make it to the pier and jump out your car seeing jeonghan waiting for you with a blank face, walking up to him with a smile.
“Jeonghan, what a coincidence to see you here.”
“I should kill you.” he says and pulls out his pistol leaving it hanging in his hand.
“And why would you do that? I have so much potential.” you smirk walking up to him, draping your hands over his neck.
“Y/N, I’m glad I didn’t doubt you.”
This makes you smile wider. “When have I ever disappointed you Hannie?”
“Not once baby.” he says and kisses you.
“Can you guys leave the baby making for later we have shit to do.” Joshua groans.
Their men start piling the drugs into their vans as you lean your weight onto Jeonghan. 
“The show's about to start,” you whisper into Jeonghan's lips.  In the distance you hear a loud boom, along with orange flames engulfing the night sky. The bombs planted across the city just detonated, taking out everyone with it. Including Yunho, Jongho and the police chief. Those “Dirty Cops'' were the real undercovers. You don’t know who they thought they were fooling. Wooyoung must be stupid if he thinks these guys were on his side, they've been feeding information to the cops for years. The real dirty cop has been you the entire time. The police can’t help but wonder why they always seem one step behind SVT, it’s because of you. Feeding them wrong information, giving them wrong locations, giving them wrong times. No one thought to question you, a detective of seven years would never betray the law… right?
You’ve been with Jeonghan for two years now. By now you two have this act down to a T. The cop who's so close to solving the case is discovered, the big bad mafia boss figures you out, gives you an ultimatum. This skit becomes more real everytime. They fall for it everytime, Wooyoung’s just like the rest. Too bad he’s dead. 
“Let's go Angel.” 
You two drive off and head back to the club, he says he needs to pick some things up. You don't believe him but follow him anyway. 
“How convenient. You need to pick something up from the VIP room?”
“Love, I would never lie to you, c’mon.” he says as he pulls you into the room and locks the door.
He walks to the wall and pulls out a charger from the wall. “I told you I left something.” he says innocently.
“I can’t fucking stand you.”
“Dance for me, Angel.” he says and sits on the couch, spreading his legs. God you're such a whore for manspreading, but only from him. To be honest you’re a whore for whatever he does. 
You walk to the stereo and turn the music up and you begin sensually swaying your hips. You feel his eyes on you. You slowly walk up to the pole and spin around it. You pull your shirt up slowly, grabbing your tits over your bra. You throw your shirt at him and squat low on the pole, spreading your legs, and putting your hands above your head to poke out your tits hearing him groan. You stand up and bend over, pulling your pants down slowly making him groan. Now only in your bra and panties you walk up to him sitting in his lap. He runs his hands over your ass squeezing. 
“I think I deserve an award for being so good.”
“I think so too Angel, you did so well for me. I can always count on you.” he says as he slides your bra down instantly putting your right nipple in his mouth and twisting the other. He sucks and swirls your nipple switching to the other making you groan. His mouth is always so good, his tongue can always drive you crazy. 
“Jeonghan I want you to fuck me, please.”
“He pulls your panties to the side, rubbing through your folds, but avoiding your clit.”
“Baby, please don’t tease.”
“You love when I tease”
“Not tonight baby, please”
“Whatever you want my angel.”
He pulls your panties to the side and slides two fingers into you thrusting in and out hitting your spot everytime. You bury your face into his neck sucking and biting, leaving marks all over his neck. He picks up his pace sliding a third  finger into you as you slide your own hands to his slacks, unbuttoning them and pulling out his cock. You pull your head back and spit on his red tip. He’s leaking precum over your hands, and you pull your fingers to his mouth making him suck it off your fingers. You lift your hips and slide his cock through your folds teasing him.
“So you can tease me but I can’t tease you?” he smiles.
“That’s how this works. Baby.”
 You sink down on him and start bouncing, chasing your high. You deserve it. You grind on him, making him moan in your ear. 
“You feel so good baby. This is the best pussy on earth, how lucky am I to say it’s mine? My angel is always blessing me.”
He grips your tits and squeezes, stimulating you more. You bounce harder feeling your end near. As you reach down to rub your clit, the door flies open. Jeonghans hand flies to his gun pulling you into his chest. You continue to grid, too caught up in your orgasm to care what's going on. You turn your head and see the man who was sitting next to wooyoung on the first day standing there with his gun pointing at you. God, you’re fucking sick; the fear running through our body does nothing but turn you on, pushing you closer to the edge. 
“Eyes up here, fucker. Stop looking at my girl.”
“You should take a final look at her before I kill you. Maybe I’ll take a turn on her before I kill that bitch.”
Your eyes widen, looking up at Jeonghan who has the sweetest smile on his face. Before you can blink he pulls his gun up and shoots the man in the head, his body landing on the floor as you cum.
“You’re a sick fuck, Angel. Such a slut.” he says as chaos ensues. The club goers erupt trying to exit the club due to the chaos, but Jeonghan doesn't even flinch. He stands up and slams your back into the wall, just as his men pile into the room, moving the man's body. Jeonghan doesnt stop fucking into you, pounding you into the wall ignoring the crowd behind you. 
“Cum in me baby, I need it so bad. I want my reward.” you whimper.
He groans, emptying his load into your pulsing hole. He looks you in the eye and smirks. 
“Same time next week? I already have our next victim waiting.”
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
24 | Guardians
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None
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Stiles smacks Derek over and over but before going punch him, he wakes up so Stiles tells him everything that has happened. Derek leaves to go get his sister while Stiles and Julia stay back to hold off the cops.
"You should have gone with Derek." Stiles says as the two of them sit alone in the front lobby.
"And leave you? No, thank you."
"Why stay with me?" He looks at her playing with a strand of her hair so she stops to look at him.
"Because I want to be with you and you need someone by your side. Your dad was taken and your best friend left... but I'm still here for you." She tears up a bit, "Stiles, you're the first person in my life, besides from Lydia, I really care about."
"Julia," Stiles moves closer to her but stop as they both look at the door to see the FBI. "Oh, just perfect." Stiles sighs.
"Who's that?" Julia asks as the man walks over to them since it was clear Stiles didn't like him.
"A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"
"Stiles without sarcasm isn't a thing." Julia looks up at the man to read his badge, "McCall..."
"And you are?" He asks her.
"Julia Martin." She answers him.
"Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?" He ignores Julia to ask Stiles.
"I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours." Stiles tells him.
"Is he drinking again?"
"What do you mean, again? He never had to stop." Stiles tells him and Julia was getting pissed with Scott's dad.
"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?"
"All right, how about this? Next time I see him. I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet start with F end with U." Stiles says causing him to smile.
"How about you just tell me what the hell happened here?"
"We do you know what happened here because we were stuck in the elevators the whole time." Julia speaks up.
"Y'all aren't the ones who put the name on the doors?"
"What name?" They ask at the same time confused so he tells the Argent was written on the door.
Once they were good to go, Stiles and Julia go to the Argent's to tell them that their name was written on the door. Allison says it's no coincidence that Blake took Scott's mother and Stiles' father. Allison suspects that Ms. Morrell is behind the warning saying the guidance counselor knows a lot more about what's happening and might be trying to help. Stiles says they need to hurry since the lunar eclipse is two freaking nights away and that his father could already be dead. Chris disagrees. He says it seems Jennifer is moving pieces into place. Allison points out that Chris is one of those pieces. He says they won't wait around to see her next move. He takes out the map of the telluric currents.
Stiles is dejected saying that going after her will likely mean Chris gets taken. Chris says he's different because he's carrying a .45 caliber pistol. He says Jennifer has shown that she can heal from a shot to the leg and slashes to her face but wonders how she would do with half her skull blown off. Chris suggests the placement of the sacrifices has to do with the strength of the telluric currents in those spots. He points out the school, the animal clinic and the bank on the map. Supposing that Jennifer might return to a spot if she failed to complete a sacrifice there the first time, they settle on the bank as a logical starting point.
"What if we use Lydia and you?" Allison looks at Julia.
"Lydia and Julia? What can they do?" Chris asks lost.
"They sorta have a talent at finding bodies without looking for them." Stiles tells him so Chris looks at Julia.
"What are y'all? Psychic?"
"No, we're Banshees." Julia corrects him.
As time passes both Allison and her father bring out all their weapons, "I thought you guys were retired." Stiles says looking at everything.
"Retired yes, defenseless, no." Chris tells Stiles to keep his phone on so that if Scott calls they can tell him right away. Stiles says he thinks that is unlikely and Chris says Scott is only doing what he thinks is right.
"I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow. But... Well, I'm- I'm getting pretty good with these." Isaac arrives showing his claws.
While Isaac and Allison stay with her father, Stiles and Julia go to Lydia and catch her up on everything. She couldn't believe Scott would willingly join the Alpha Pack but Stiles says the look on Scott's face at the time suggests his choice was real.
"I get that Julia and I are human Geiger counter for death but I don't know how to turn it on or off yet." Lydia looks at Stiles.
"I still don't know how to do it and I've been a Banshee a lot longer." Julia takes a seat.
"Jennifer seemed surprised that I was a Banshee, so why did she try to kill me?" Lydia asks confused.
"We need to find out why. What do you know that I don't?" Julia asks her before the three head to school.
At school, Lydia was frustrated that Aiden wasn't texting her back. Isaac ends up texting Stiles about Allison's dad. The news ends up sending Stiles into a panic attack which Julia notices immediately.
"Stiles, what is it?" Lydia asks him.
"He's having a panic attack." Julia takes his hand leading him down the hall to the locker room where it there wasn't anyone but them and Lydia.
"Hey, hey, breathe. Try to breathe. Focus on me, look at me." Julia grabs his hands forcing him to look at her, "Remember when you helped me with mine at Scott's house?" Julia smiles a bit but it wasn't helping him so she wraps her arms around him hoping a hug would work like it did for her then.
"I can't stop, Julia." His voice cracks so she moves back cupping his face so he would look into her eyes.
"Look at me. You can. I know you can." She smiles before leaning in to kiss him gently till he was clam again.
As she pulled back slowly they just stared at each other completely forgetting Lydia was just standing on the side watching them.
"How'd you know that would work?" He asks her taken back.
"I read once when I used to have mine that holding your breath could stop one." She smiles with tears in her eyes, "I didn't know how to get you to hold yours so I kissed you hoping it would work."
"I held my breath?" He keeps his eyes locked with hers.
"You did." She nods her head wiping her tears away.
Stiles tears up again, "Thank you." He pulls her into a tight hug, "I'm lucky you're smart." He makes her laugh.
"If she was really smart she would tell you to sign up for a few sessions with the guidance counselor." Lydia speaks up finally so the two pull out of their hug.
"Morrell." Stiles says so him and Julia get up from the floor and the three rush out to go see her.
They rush into the Guidance Office to find Danielle waiting for Ms. Morrell. She says Stiles and Lydia will have to wait because she's got some serious issues to work on. Danielle says she's been waiting for 20 minutes for the counselor and points out that it's weird because Morrell is never late. Lydia agrees, saying she was seeing the councilor at the beginning of the semester. Stiles concludes she is not late, she is missing.
Stiles says he wants to know what Morrell knows and starts to search through her desk. There are two framed photos, both of young children, on the desk. Stiles comes up with Lydia's file and finds a number of drawings of the same tree. It is the same exact tree over and over again on several pages.
"Wait, I basically draw the same thing but upside." Julia pulls out her notebook and flips through her pages to show basically the same thing.
"Okay; you can have my session. You girls got bigger issues." Danielle leaves them.
"What is this?" Lydia asks scared.
"Stiles, the last one I drew..." She shows him she went into detail about what's under the roots, "It's the root cellar."
"That's where they are." Stiles looks at her.
The three rush off to find the Nemeton but Stiles is called by the McCall. Stiles sends Lydia and Julia to Derek since both he and Peter have been to the root cellar before.
Arrives at Derek's loft and there is an awkward moment when Lydia sees Peter for the first time since she brought him back from the dead, "Derek, we have visitors." Peter calls out.
"We know where the parents are. Jennifer has them in the root cellar. If I remember correctly, you've both been there." Julia enters the loft.
"Yes, but we don't know where it is. Talia- Derek's mother and my older sister, decided that she didn't ever want us going back. She knew how dangerous it was and took the memory of its location from us." Peter tells the girls.
"Then how are we supposed to find it?" Lydia asks him.
Stiles, Julia, Lydia, Allison and Isaac join Deaton at the Animal Clinic as they try to work out how to find the Nemeton. Stiles believes it must be on a telluric current or at the convergence of the currents. Allison says Gerard claims he can't remember the location although he and Chris had been there once before. Deaton says there might be a way to do it but that it is dangerous and that they'll need Scott.
At the animal clinic, three large tubs filled with ice water and mistletoe are waiting. Deaton asks if Scott Stiles and Allison have brought something personal that belongs to their parents. Stiles had his father's badge. Allison had a silver bullet made by her father. Scott had a Timex watch. He said it was given to his mother by his father and that Melissa jokes it was the only thing about the marriage that worked.
Deaton explains that the three will serve as surrogate sacrifices for their parents. The plan means the three friends will be dead for a few seconds before Deaton brings them back. Their deaths will supercharge the Nemeton and that will attract supernatural creatures to Beacon Hills. Deaton also says dying will take a personal toll on the trio. They will be left with a permanent darkness around their hearts.
"Each of us will hold you down until you're essentially... Well, dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under. It needs to be someone who can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you. A kind of emotional tether." Deaton tells the three, "Lydia, you're with Allison and Isaac you'll stand next to her. I'm with Scott, and Julia is with Stiles." He adds.
"Really?" Julia asks surprised Lydia didn't get him and Isaac wasn't with Allison since she could tell they were sorta liking each other.
"Yes," He says making Stiles and Julia to look at each other.
They each slip in the tubs. Through shivers and chattering teeth, Stiles informs them that Scott's father is in town. Each of their tethers reach out and push them under the water.
Hours pass and the three were still in the tubs while the other four waited patiently, "Deaton..." Julia walks over to him as he was in the front, "Why did you pair me with Stiles and not my sister?" She asks him.
He gives her a look, "Are you seriously asking me why?"
"Well, yeah. You said someone that has a strong connection to them. An emotional tether... Who better for Stiles then Lydia? He's been in love with her since the third grade. I'm still a recently new friend to him. It's been only like a year..."
"But to the two of you it doesn't feel like just a year. Believe it or not, you're the perfect person to pull him back. Y'all's connection is almost stronger than his and Scotts." Deaton walks away leaving her alone.
Julia takes a seat on counter before rubbing her temples mumbling to herself, "You have feelings for Stiles don't you?" Isaac joins her side.
"I don't know the answer to that question anymore, honestly." She turns her head to look at him, "In the past, I would've laugh and said no and meant it. Now, if I do that... I don't know if I'm lying or telling the truth." She laughs at herself, "I shouldn't though."
"Why not? I like Allison when I shouldn't."
"Because when I fully admit I have feeling for him it will just kill me. Isaac, I'm never gonna be his pick as long as Lydia exists. He's been in love with her since the third grade." Julia tears up.
"What he has is a one sided love, and that isn't real love. Love is a bond shared between people, Julia. Lydia doesn't love him since he's just a friend." Isaac tells her.
"When did you become a love expert?" Julia laughs at him.
"I'm not, I'm just stating the obvious. I have my friends back." He pulls her into his side.
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notbadweird · 1 year
Things I Realized In Obx
Me realizing Kie was asking them if they should peel from the motel while they were already outside on the ledge.
Me realizing Peterkin was never able to discover that Big John was alive.
Me realizing we never found out if they found Scooter’s boat.
Me realizing Wheezie has been the only person I’ve seen ever throw up in a show.
Me realizing Sarah bonded over the stars with both of her boyfriends.
Me realizing it was basically impossible for Tanny to get the gold off the ship cause I know damn well those rubber lifeboats couldn’t stay afloat with that much gold on it. Shit the gold weighed a whole plane down, let alone a boat!
Me realizing John B told those kids to stay in school even though he never did.
Me realizing that Sarah said buttercup in 1.4 and then the next episode JJ mentioned the Powerpuff Girls.
Me realizing Pope called Kook land Kooklandia just for JJ to then call the island Poguelandia.
Me realizing that when Sarah mentioned John B’s dad who was supposed to be dead, she called that a lame thing to say. The same way Kie pointed out that JJ calling her a Kook was lame.
Me realizing Sarah said she was gonna sugar momma John B in both s1&2.
Me realizing JJ mentioned John B was 16 in the car in season one and then yelled he was 17 during the court case which means his bday passed at some point.
Me realizing that Luke said he saw JJ’s mom in him and that’s why he roughens him up. So he basically sees a woman in JJ and in his mind is “oh let me beat his ass”.
Me realizing that it would’ve been really stupid for Ward to kill John B on the boat considering how Sarah knew that John B was with her father. If he had died, no one else could say John B was with them, only Ward could.
Me realizing John B has been hit with a car in s1 just for him to hit Cleo with a car in s2.
Me realizing that both Kie and JJ thanked the person who was telling them I love you. Kie thanked Pope and JJ thanked Kie. They also both said what when it first happened.
Me realizing that the cops were knocking on a vacant home when looking for John B so I never understand why they said open up when nobody fucking lives there.
Me realizing that if JJ never stole from Barry, Rafe and Barry never would’ve followed Kie’s car. It makes me wish JJ was the one to save Kie since it was his technically fault that they were there to begin with. But I also know that Pope needed his hit on Rafe sooo there’s that.
Me realizing Sarah and John B did not have on life jackets when The Phantom flipped over. So when did they have the time to find the lifejackets and put them on in a thrashing storm.
Me realizing that John B was wearing Topper’s shirt the whole time during s2 until they got back home.
Me realizing that we never saw how The Pogues figured out it was Gavin who flew the plane. Like they figured it out so fast.
Me realizing that we don’t know if Terrance and Stubby are alive after the shootout. Cleo heard the shootout but she never mentioned whether or not they made it.
Me realizing both Kiara and Pope left their dad’s trucks after they had accidents.
Me realizing that we never figured out how that sick patient knew JJ’s name.
Me realizing that so far Kiara has been the ONLY Pogue to interact with Luke, the same way JJ is the ONLY Pogue to ever go inside her house.
Me realizing that Kiara straight up told her parents about how she was abducted and how scared she was and they still had the audacity to let Kitty Hawk abduct her the same way they did her back in the Caribbean.
Me realizing that Topper called Sarah a liar but yet he still continues to go back to her no matter what.
Me realizing Topper denied he wasn’t a jealous person in s1 just to then burn down John B’s house in s3 cause of his jealousy.
Me realizing if Kie’s parents never turned Sarah away, she never would have been found by Topper which means she never would’ve cheated on John B…so again FUCK KIE’S PARENTS.
Me realizing that Big John really switched up on Sarah, went from welcoming her to the family to leaving her out of the search.
Me realizing Sarah is no longer wearing the “ring” John B gave her. Her neck didn’t have it the entire time during s3. (Could be wrong)
Me realizing without Sarah literally they never would have been able to figure out the clues to get to El Dorado
Me realizing Singh has to have some type of blood kink cause he sure as hell was eager to touch every patch of Big John’s blood he found.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
So Leon in re4r shows a basic understanding of spanish. Do you think he practiced it specifically for spain? Did he have time to do that? Do you think he was cramming basic spanish grammar and vocab on his way there??? Or was it like, something he might have learned a bit before. Some people think he might be translating the texts he reads (which i like) so maybe hes more comfortable reading than speaking it.
Anyway, this is a lead-in to another question: do you think he's been trained at all in handling and interacting with people being rescued from extreme situations? The way he interacts with Ashley gives me the impression he's very clumsy at that. XD It just makes me think he was studying the wrong thing. (But it does make the story more entertaining...)
On the other hand, I like the idea that maybe he took a class about that once and was very clumsily trying to put what he learned to use before giving up and just going with whatever worked. Which accidentally turned into flirting with her, oops.
re: the Spanish
He probably took Spanish for two years in high school and did his best with what he remembered, which is why the bit of Spanish he does try to speak in-game is borderline incomprehensible. and hilarious to listen to.
Leon's not a diplomat or a spy. He's a combat unit. He's not there to talk to people. The point of having two local Spanish officers go with him to the village was probably so that they could do that. Remember -- they weren't just his ride. They were supposed to be his support.
wrt the files you find around the game -- dude there's no way Leon is that proficient in reading Spanish but can't string together a basic sentence verbally LMAO I kind of took it as, Leon's not reading any of that shit in the moment. He's either taking pics of them and sending them to Hunnigan to translate, or he's just straight-up taking them to be translated after the fact and put in his report.
re: crisis victims
No. Again, Leon is a combat unit. He was trained in search and rescue, but it's not his job to question or interrogate or interface with crisis victims. That's a different thing entirely with a different skillset needed. It's usually psychologists who do that.
His job is not to be Ashley's friend; if she never spoke a single word to him, it wouldn't matter. Getting her to trust him made things easier, but he would've dragged her out of there physically by the arm -- or even slung her over his shoulder and carried her -- if he had to.
That was probably also part of the reason for sending in those two cops with Leon, tbh. If Leon had showed up with local police, his job would've been so much easier. Ashley would've trusted that immediately, because it's like -- oh, this is an official investigation and so yes it's very likely this American agent is a friend. But that's not how it went, so he had to do the best he could on his own.
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