#🔫 - John
tyrianludaship · 28 days
Babe wake up, John Patrick Lowrie (sniper's va) addressed #fixtf2
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Proships DNI
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confessions-sm · 6 days
hi, this is that one jack n john person who didn't like them bc acab
who cares. why did you people write essays in response you could have shrugged your shoulders and moved on. thank FUCK i was on anon because if i said that shit off anon you people would have jumped me. for a confession blog, you people seem to really like starting arguments.. for people admitting things as a confession.
this is ranty, don't care. womp womp i'm moving on with my life
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desertthorn · 8 months
I haven't seen anyone from The A Team in like... days?? Too long. So here we go
Just a bunch of randomly chosen stills.
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I love you all why did you leave me
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bluelolblue · 3 months
Santino in this deleted scene hits different
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Literally :)
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fandom-blackhole · 9 months
🍷Wine n' Cry💦
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Welcome one and all to fandom-blackhole's angst with wine(?) event! You send me an ansty thought, HC, AU, ect. and I may or may not drink wine and expand on the ask while making everyone cry over the angst! (You're also welcome to ask about any angsty stuff I have brewing bc you know I always have angst ready)
Come hang and have fun :))
(Characters for the event listed in the tags!)
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joofie404 · 9 months
a few freaks
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originally freaks were just... basic ass monsters, but now i've given them more depth, along with a basic design outline.
Freaks are malicious entities that take forms based off of objects, materials, elements, or feelings, gaining powers based off of what they chose. It is in their nature to cause destruction and mayhem, and they use these forms in order to do so. Its a Freak Hunter's job to find and destroy them.
Gun Freak, AKA "Gunter":
Gunter is the Gun freak, with the ability to turn his arms into various ranged weapons. In order to do this however, it is required that he consumes said weapons first. In addition to this, he also boasts high speed and durability. He'd be a problem if he didn't have the mental capacity of a psychopathic toddler on meth. Another quirk of his is he doesn't stay dead. He just always seems to come back, so the Freak Hunters have affectionately named him Gunter.
Doll Freak:
A freak that decided to latch itself onto a little girl's doll. Unfortunately, the girl refused to let go of her beloved toy, which led to the three of them fusing into a nightmarish abomination, along with the freak gaining extra powers. The Doll Freak has the ability to control people like, well, dolls, along with the ability to summon needles and vanish. The girl is not actually conscious, the doll itself is the one in control.
Computer Freak:
Freak got its hands on a computer lab and look what happened. The Computer Freak has the ability to teleport, create clones, and manipulate technology, along with the ability to warp and glitch the world around it. If it manages to drag you inside its computer, you'll be taken to a digital realm where the Computer Freak is virtually omnipotent (bottom right of ref sheet). In this event, unless you have any knowledge of coding or programming, you are screwed.
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sweetness-pop · 3 months
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nevalizona · 3 months
John will forever be half Mexican to me. No one can take that away. I do not care that r* whitewashed him in the second game. R*r1 John will always be special to me because it's obvious he's mixed. You can even see it in Jack. I will die on this hill😤
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the-bar-sinister · 1 year
Toko talks up and arguably romanticizes Byakuya's qualities in the same manner that Watson talks up and arguably romanticizes Holmes qualities.
(ie: both writers characterize their detective as cold, unfeeling, inhuman -- despite clear action and evidence to the contrary-- and put them on a pedestal.)
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cutiecorner · 2 years
Can't have Mouse headcanons without shooting the character with my autism beams
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rotisseries · 9 months
rori detective era
thanks I'm good at it I like to think
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confessions-sm · 12 days
sometimes i think abt the fact i don't like jack and john bc acab and then i hear or read ppl say "oh i hate cops but jack and john are good ones"
girl theyre cops theyre gonna be bastards too
Not sure what to say about it/neu
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As someone who loves 70-80s music, I'm SO excited to hear what ofmd will have for their soundtrack. hoping it'll be ones I know and love already, but moreso ones I never heard before that will now forever be associated with gay pirates
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paleontaxi · 2 years
//play road 96 🔫
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bluelolblue · 30 days
I am so normal for the werewolf au ^-^
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bubsu · 4 months
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favorite quotes from the lobster
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