#๐Ÿ”ฅ OF EARTH CREATED. โ•ฑ mine.
ofcarth ยท 8 months
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god might not be good, but lilith sure is
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catboygretzky ยท 1 year
i have not read the silm but people always use it to go GLADADRIELS HAIR TO GIMLI can u explain
I wish i could do this without explaining so much of the silmarillion but i refuse to explain the entirety of the silmarillion
the first thing you have to know is that there's an elf called fรซanor who was the most important elf of the early first age. he was a big deal. super smart, super talented, and he knew it. absolute cunt of a dude. was he an anti hero? was he simply a villain? idk at the end of the day he was a kinslayer of a cunt that committed atrocious war crimes. but he was smart and talented! (he created the silmarils which - well. as you may be able to guess are also a big deal)
super interesting character though. a ๐Ÿ”ฅ character, one may say.
so just. keep in mind that fรซanor was super great at doing elf things (not so great at being a dad or just. having morals that weren't ambition and arrogance) and he was also galadriel's uncle.
now fรซanor was obsessed i mean obsessed with galadriel's hair - literally everyone was.
Even among the Eldar [Galadriel] was accounted beautiful, and her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, for its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother; and the Eldar said that the light of the Two Trees, Laurelin and Telperion, had been snared in her tresses. Many thought that this saying first gave to Fรซanor the thought of imprisoning and blending the light of the Trees that later took shape in his hands as the Silmarils.
so yeah - pretty impressive hair on a pretty impressive elf. impressive enough to inspire the silmarils creation? maybe.
(everyone was obsessed, but fรซanor was obsessed obsessed, there's this whole thing with him and light. see: silmarils, which literally captured the light of the Two Trees of Valinor and quite possibly were inspired by galadriel herself)
NOW fรซanor begged for an entire lock of hair, and expected her to agree, three times. galadriel denied fรซanor all three times.
to bring gimli back in - if you remember, gimli says his only desire is a single strand of her hair, not expecting to receive it but hey, she asked for what i desire most so!
by this point you may be able to sumise why it's a big deal without me telling you BUT
when galadriel tells him to name his desire and what she should give him, gimli says this
"There is nothing, Lady Galadriel," said Gimli, bowing low and stammering. "Nothing, unless it might be - unless it is permitted to ask, nay, to name a single strand of your hair, which surpasses the gold of the earth as the stars surpass the gems of the mine. I do not ask for such a gift. But you commanded me to name my desire."
"i do not ask for such a gift, but you commanded me to name my desire" whereas fรซanor begged - gimli didn't even ask it of her, just answered her question about his desires.
but to everyone else this was a Big Deal
The Elves stirred and murmured with astonishment, and Celeborn gazed at the Dwarf in wonder, but the Lady smiled. "It is said that the skill of the Dwarves is in their hands rather than in their tongues," she said; "yet that is not true of Gimli. For none have ever made to me a request so bold and yet so courteous. And how shall I refuse, since I commanded him to speak? But tell me, what would you do with such a gift?" "Treasure it, Lady," he answered, "in memory of your words to me at our first meeting. And if ever I return to the smithies of my home, it shall be set in imperishable crystal to be an heirloom of my house, and a pledge of good will between the Mountain and the Wood until the end of days."
the elves went UM WHAT THE FUCK but galadriel just smiled because yeah, it was bold of him to ask, but he expected nothing and the only thing he would use it for would be to fix the (shitty) relationship between dwarves and elves.
so this look? when gimli tells legolas she gave him three hairs?
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i'm sure inside he's thinking "holy shit holy shit holy shit", but it's definitely a turning point in their friendship. because well, if galadriel deems him worthy...
and when gimli said the only thing he'd use it for was to fix the relationship between elves and dwarves? HE DID.
and then galadriel let legolas bring gimli into elf heaven.
i'm sure others can say this much more eloquently, but tl;dr: galadriel said 'fuck you fรซanor, go gimli go'
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seven-stars-in-his-palm ยท 4 months
tabula rasa
(an aziraphale pov poem)
(some projectful long poetry about good-omens-god i wrote a super long time ago that helped inspire this fic of mine, do you remember hanging up the stars. thanks @jacky-rubou for that one reply ๐Ÿ”ฅ)
(now on ao3)
in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earthโ€”that is what the humans know.
they tend to leave things out
because it makes it easier for them.
humans like easy.
its easier to praise the mother
than see the children.
its easier to say the skies are the heavens,
God knows all,
and lucifer was little more than a faulty wire.
they always forget the children
the ones with pale wings and burning crowns,
the playthings of the universe,
who know what it is to be.
to hold Time in their hands
to mold Matter like clay
and who know what it is
it is simply Herโ€™s;
Her children
Her heaven
Her earth
Her light.
i never knew if it was my place to correct them
with my golden rings and white linen.
i would think itโ€™d be yours, wearing the ashy feathers and black ink
to say that it was not God who hung every speck in the skies,
but an engineer.
that it was not the divine,
but a brilliant mind not yet held by Time.
and even after the War,
the Fall,
the Beginning,
the Middle,
and even past the End,
it was you.
it was never not you.
innocent hands armed with only a book,
and nothing.
six-thousand years, i said,
but theyโ€™re still here, as are we.
you may not have the priests, or the statues, or the murals,
but there are the astronomers, the satellites, and the starcharts.
in a God-loving world, that will have to be enough.
and so i ask you, likely not the last time,
do you remember hanging up the stars?
or will you let them erase you,
let them say Her ideas,
Her Plan,
Her love?
i wouldnโ€™t blame you. youโ€™ve said it before, and i donโ€™t doubt you will againโ€”
i know you.
that angel you knew was not me.
as far as we know, they were Herโ€™s.
Her heavens,
Her earth,
Her skies,
and Her stars.
(they will always forget hell. it is simply easier that way.)
alright snoozefest over. im tagging @fearandhatred because u were curious about the title for the fic and @crowleys-bentley-and-plants because you always tag me in poetry so im gonna do it back the one time i can ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ˆ hope you enjoyed!! also yes leanne, these themes will eventually be explored later on in the fic. its only a matter of time......
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blueraineshadows ยท 1 year
Her Gryffindor
Part 3 of my Leander series
Part 1 - It's Not a Date ๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Part 2 - I Don't Kiss and Tell ๐ŸŒถโค๏ธ
Leander Prewett x F!MC ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒถโค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ž NSFW
She couldn't find Sebastian anywhere and the panic was starting to set in. She hadn't seen Leander either and her mind was creating all sorts of awful scenarios. She didn't want either of them to get hurt.
MC wasn't one for tears. They were a sign of weakness and she tried to avoid it if she could, she had learnt at a very young age to hide her weaknesses to avoid being bullied. It was a habit long practised. However, right now, she could feel the burn of tears at the backs of her eyes.
It was an unfortunate side effect of being close to someone, she realised. When you let them in, there was the potential to get hurt. Holding people at arm's length prevented it but, the closeness she now shared with her friends was something she would fight for, hurt for. They were worth it.
The sun was setting. She had missed dinner, but she wasn't hungry. Feeling tired, her throat still aching after the choking experience in the forest, she made her way to the Slytherin common room. The great snake door slithered into place and she entered, the cool ambience soothing as she descended the staircase.
Imelda rushed towards her as soon as she entered the common room. "Finally," she said, taking her arm. "Where on earth have you been?"
"I was looking for..." MC trailed off. Sebastian was sitting on the sofa, head in his hands. Ominis was beside him, his face set in cold disapproval. MC's stomach clenched.
"What happened?" She asked. She looked at Imelda and Imelda winced.
"They had a fight," she said. "Sebastian and Leander. And not a fight with wands either, although it did start that way. It ended with fists."
MC stared at Sebastian, but he wouldn't look up at her. She looked back at Imelda. "Where's Leander?"
"Not sure," she admitted. "The fight was in the Viaduct Courtyard after dinner. We broke it up before any professors came along. I think Garreth took Leander away."
MC sighed, but Imelda wasn't finished. "Erm, everyone knows. About you and Leander. There was a lot of shouted insults..." She trailed off, throwing an evil glare Sebastian's way.
MC moved towards Sebastian, standing before him. Still, he would not look up at her. "Look at me," she demanded.
Ominis sighed. "Don't be a fool, Sebastian."
Sebastian looked up at her. MC sucked in a swift breath. His face was fairly banged up, Leander had certainly given his fair share of hits. She folded her arms, resisting the urge to take a closer look at his bruises and cuts. "What were you thinking?"
"He wasn't thinking, that's the point," Ominis muttered. "Lashes out first, to hell with the consequences."
Sebastian glared up at her, face hard, cold. "What were you thinking? Letting that filthy Gryffindor put his hands on you."
MC flinched. "I didn't realise I needed your permission," she snapped. "Last time I checked it was my body."
Sebastian stood in one fluid motion. "Last time I checked you were mine to touch, now you're putting it out to him, of all fucking people MC. It's disgusting!"
Her hand flew up without even thinking about it. The slap she delivered to his cheek resounded sharply across the common room, his head swinging viciously to the side. Her palm stung from the impact and she wrung her hand, wincing, her breaths coming in quick gulps.
Both Imelda and Ominis gasped in surprise.
"Bastard," MC hissed. Those tears that had threatened earlier welled up in her eyes, hot and fast. She tried to gulp them back, but it was no good. They spilled free.
Sebastian stood still, stunned. Then, slowly he swung his head back to look at her. His cheek was reddened where she had struck him, adding to the already colourful array of bruises. His eye was watering on that side, leaking down his cheek as if he was crying too.
He said nothing, just stared as he wiped his cheek dry with his hand. MC choked back her tears, backing away from him. She couldn't stand this. This was exactly what she had wanted to avoid.
Imelda moved towards her. "MC..."
MC held up her hands. "No, please," she sobbed. "Don't touch me. I need...I'm sorry. I can't do this."
With one more heart broken look at Sebastian, she ran for the stairs. She had to get out.
Leander hissed as Garreth wiped a cotton pad soaked in potion over the split on his eyebrow. Sebastian had thrown a few good punches, but Leander had tackled him down to the ground pretty fast. He grew up wrestling with an older brother, he knew how to fight when he needed to.
Garreth gave him a rueful smile. "I guess there won't be any need for sneaking around anymore after this," he said.
Leander gave him a grim smile. "That's if she will even speak to me. I made a bit of a mess of Sallow's face."
"He did kind of deserve it though," Garreth said. He dabbed at the cut again, and not that gently. Leander swiped the pad from his fingers and did it himself. Garreth grimaced. "I don't think he will be coming back for another pop at you, though. Nice moves there, mate. I'm impressed!"
"I can't believe she told him and didn't warn me," Leander said. "I haven't seen her all day."
Garreth shrugged. "Maybe she didn't get a chance to. Sebastian was rather wound up, maybe they argued too. I'm sure she will talk to you about it, mate. Try not to worry."
It was late when Leander finally went to bed. He wasn't even tired but thought he had better try. Tomorrow was the last exam, and he should get some sleep. He wondered if MC was okay. He missed her, ached for her, worried that this was the beginning of the end.
Feeling restless, and drawn to the desire of being near her, he dressed and slipped quietly from the Gryffindor common room. Walking the castle at night was oddly peaceful, and he arrived at MC's secret room in no time. He thought about leaving a note for her there, a point of contact in the hope that she wouldn't slip from his grasp.
There was no need for a note. She was there, sitting huddled against the cushions by the light of a single candle, her face blotchy and tear streaked. She looked up in surprise to see him in the doorway.
"Leander," she whispered.
His brow creased in concern as he entered the room. "Are you alright?"
She stared up at him, and then her face crumbled, fresh tears spilling from her eyes. She held her arms up to him and he immediately hurried to her. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his embrace, cradling her head against him.
Her fingers clutched at his robe as she sobbed against his chest. He rocked her, smoothed his hand over her hair and pressed light kisses onto her head. He hated seeing her like this. She was strong, stubborn, fiery, and seeing her so sad broke his heart.
"It's alright," he whispered. "I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. It's going to be okay."
Her tears slowed and she wiped at her cheeks. She lifted her head and studied his face, her fingers tentative as she explored the cut and bruising to his jaw. "Does it hurt?" She whispered.
He shook his head. "I'm fine."
"I'm sorry," she said. "You didn't deserve this."
"It's not your fault," he said. He took her chin in his fingers, his thumb brushing her lips. "I just hope it hasn't changed anything between us."
"No," she said, immediately. She shook her head and held his face in her hands. She held his gaze, her eyes shining from her tears. "I'm not letting you go."
His heart fluttered in his chest. He soothed her tears from her cheeks and bent to press a soft kiss to her mouth. She kissed him back, so soft and gentle. When she looked at him again, the intensity in her gaze stole his breath.
Something was different. Her kisses were slow, seductive even, and she kept eye contact with him as she slowly removed his clothes. Her kisses were soft as she pressed them to his throat, his shoulders, her hands smooth and sensual as she caressed him.
She pressed her nakedness against him, arching upwards as though hungry for the contact as he lay above her. He kissed away her tears, his mouth lovingly pressing kisses over her breasts, his hands cupping them and relishing her soft moans.
She rolled them both, straddling him, rolling her hips against him, her gaze burning into his. He smoothed his hands over her hips, tracing the exquisite curve of her waist. She guided him inside of her, arching as she took him deeper. He groaned, squeezing her perfect backside as she began to move.
There was no urgency, just a slow build of desire, he moaned, whispering to tell her how good she felt, how much he wanted her. His hips rocked to meet her sensual rhythm, his hands holding her firmly by the hips.
Afterwards, they lay together, wrapped closely in each other's arms, and he pressed soft kisses to her hair. There was no doubt. He loved her. He could feel it, like a warm blaze in his chest. It almost hurt, how precious and amazing she felt here in his arms. It didn't matter if she didn't feel the same, he would still love her.
They didn't return to their common rooms that night, they made a make shift bed on the rug and slept in each other's arms. Nothing had felt more right.
MC picked at a slice of toast, her stomach a ball of lead. Today was the last day of exams. School was almost over. It was bittersweet. She looked across the Great Hall towards the Gryffindor table, Leander's eyes finding hers immediately, his soft smile loosened the tension a little, and she smiled back.
Something had shifted between them, something soft, fragile, and she felt the need to protect it. She sighed and gave up on the toast. A gentle hand reached for hers and gave it a squeeze. She looked down at the slim, pale hand and instinctively leant her shoulder against Ominis. His calm, steady presence beside her was a comfort.
"He will come around, MC," he said, quietly. "Even if I have to nag him from dawn till night. You know what he is like, brash, stubborn, foolish. But underneath, he loves you. I think that's half the trouble."
MC frowned and squeezed his hand. "He's an idiot. Why didn't he say anything sooner if he wanted more from me? Maybe I would have given it a try, I don't know. I always thought it wasn't like that. But, its too late now. I have feelings...I like Leander, Ominis. I want to try with him."
Ominis smiled. "Then be happy, MC," he said. "But don't get too swept up in your new romance. I will expect to see you once we graduate. I am going to miss our morning chats."
Oh gods, she felt the burn of tears again. She sucked them back and lay her head on his shoulder. "I love you, Ominis, you're my family now. You're not getting rid of me that easily."
It was done. MC had done everything she possibly could have when it came to exams, and now she was free. She walked the grounds of the castle, the warm summer sun on her back. She had organised a room in Hogsmeade, a temporary place to lay her head while she figured out a more permanent solution. The shop was doing well, so she had an income.
Hogwarts had been the first real place she could call a home, with people she cared for. It was going to be a wrench to leave here, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to take that leap. It was scary.
Sebastian was ignoring her. It hurt, there was no way to hide from that. But she wasn't going to go running to him this time. She loved him, missed him, but she had forgiven him so much over the years. This time he needed to earn it. He needed to be sorry. She was not going to apologise for falling for someone else.
Yes. This softness in her heart, this glow that lingered after Prewett had touched her, it was a delicate little flame that was being nurtured by every long look he gave her. His hands stirred it, his kiss made it flare hotly, but most of all, his presence was a comfort that she was easing in to.
As she made her way towards the Summoners Court board, she saw him playing a game with his sister. Muriel's giggles drifting across the lawn as her ball rolled off the board and Leander laughed, bending to help her have another go at it.
"Room for one more?" She asked. They both turned to her. Muriel smiled brightly and clapped her hands. "MC, it's you! Yes, please come and help me beat my oaf of a brother," she said. She grabbed her hand and dragged her up onto the boards.
MC met Leander's gaze, her smile for him a delicate curve, a secret exchange of awareness between them. He didn't touch her, just smiled, the soft smile he reserved only for her.
"Maybe we could make this a little more interesting," he said. "Winner gets a prize?"
"Oo, what's the prize?" Muriel asked. She looked between the two of them and a sly grin curved her lips. "How about you two play and the winner gets a snog?"
MC smirked at Leander. "Isn't that how this all started in the first place?"
Muriel frowned. "How what started?"
Leander blushed and dipped his head. "I still say you lost on purpose."
Muriel gasped. "Merlin, you two have already snogged haven't you?"
Leander ruffled her hair. "None of your business," he grumbled. "Come on, let's play. Winner gets a box of treats from Honeydukes."
MC was amused at his bashfulness. She hadn't thought he might be shy about public displays of affection. She decided to take matters into her own hands though, and moved to slip her arm around his waist. He looked down at her in surprise, his cheeks darkening further.
She looked up at him, uncaring of who saw, and winked. She looked at Muriel and smiled. "You were right about his hugs, Muriel," she said. "They really are the best."
Muriel did a little dance and clapped her hands. "My brother and the Hero of Hogwarts," she squealed. She rushed to wrap her arms about them both, the three of them squished into an embrace. MC laughed in delight, returning the sweet girls affection. When her eyes met Leander's she almost couldn't breathe at what she saw in them.
Suddenly, life after Hogwarts didn't seem so scary after all. She smiled, and tried to convey the warmth in her heart as she gazed back at him. The words were there, buried deep, but she wasn't ready to voice them yet. She was savouring them, learning to appreciate what they meant. But, she would tell him. She just needed to be ready.
The 7th years were gathered in the Great Hall, the headmaster and Professor Weasley on the platform preparing to hand out the slim envelopes containing their futures, their NEWT grades.
MC wiped her hands on her hips nervously. So, she owned a shop, she wasn't preparing for some huge career, but those results would show if she really had earned her right to be here. Her throat was dry. Fear was a tricky thing, and usually she faced it head on, solid and true. Today she wasn't so sure.
A steady hand on her lower back made her sigh. She looked up at Leander and managed a tight smile. "I just know you will have the best grades," she said. "You're a bit of a nerd after all."
He chuckled. "Thanks, I think," he said.
She bit her lip as she looked up at him. "Oh, it's definitely a compliment, Leander. Nerds are very attractive in my opinion."
They stood holding their envelopes, staring at them. "You first," she said.
Leander nodded and ripped the pale cream envelope open, pulling out the parchment and scanning the page. MC held her breath. Then he laughed. "Fuck! I did it!"
She hurried to look at his results. He was right. He had smashed it, despite her dragging him off and distracting him. There was another envelope inside and he pulled that out, a confused frown on his face. When he opened this one he paled, and then a bright flush soon followed.
"I've been accepted on to the professor training program," he gasped. His hands shook. "I can understudy here, at Hogwarts..."
He had to stop, swallowing hard. MC felt her heart squeeze for him. It was what he had wanted. And a selfish part of her was inwardly screaming. He would be close to her, she could see him everyday once term started again.
Ignoring the other students in the hall, the staff, everything, she threw her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him off his feet. She squeezed him so hard he grunted, his arms coming around her waist. "You deserve this," she whispered fiercely. "I am so proud of you."
He was choked. He merely nodded and looked at the acceptance letter again, shaking his head. He mentally shook himself and gave her a nudge. "Now you, open yours," he said.
She stared at her envelope and hesitated. She thrust it towards him. "I can't," she said, flushing.
He pushed it gently back towards her. "Come on now," he said. "Surely some of that Gryffindor bravery has rubbed off on you. You've got this."
He was right. With a deep breath, she opened her envelope and stared at her own results. Her lip trembled. Top marks across the board, even in Arithmancy, and she owed that to him. She nodded, words escaping her. He took the parchment to see, and then it was her turn for a bone crushing hug.
It might not have meant a whole lot to some, but those results were the proof that she belonged in this world. She had earned every last one with her very blood. But she hadn't done it alone. Her friends had helped her. A tight sadness clenched her heart, missing the one who had always been at her side since day one.
She looked up at Leander. "Give me a minute?"
"Of course," he said.
She slipped from his arms with the promise to meet back up with him shortly. She clutched her results in her hand and moved through the hall, chatting quickly with some friends and sharing their congratulations, but there was one face she needed to see.
She caught the back of Sebastian leaving the hall, alone. She hurried after him. He'd always had a quick stride, but she jogged to catch him up, reaching for his arm. He halted, his surprised gaze meeting hers.
She held up her parchment. "I did it," she said, softly. His eyes dropped to her grades, scanning them quickly. "I just wanted to thank you. I couldn't have done half of it without you, and I appreciate it. I didnt want you to leave without knowing that."
He nodded, his eyes guarded. "You're welcome," he said. "And you shouldn't be surprised. You are a brilliant witch, MC. One of the best." His smile was small, sad.
"What about you?" She asked.
He shrugged, easy, carefree. "I did alright, enough to see me right with the Ministry."
"I didn't doubt you for a second," she said. She turned awkwardly, a little nod to him as she made to leave.
His hand caught her robe and she paused, looking back. He stared at her a moment before pulling her in for a tight hug. He buried his face into her hair. "I'm sorry, for everything," he said. His fingers were in her hair, sliding through to hold the back of her neck. "Be happy, MC. That's all I ask."
She swallowed thickly and returned his hold on her. "As long as you promise me the same," she murmured. "I love you, Sebastian."
"Not how you love him, though," he said, pulling back from her. He brushed his fingers under her chin, his smile beautiful. He bent to press a light kiss to the tip of her nose and smirked playfully. "Just remember though, if it doesn't work out with your Gryffindor, you could always come and find me. You know I can never say no to you."
She blushed and swiped at his hand, a laugh bubbling up her throat. "You're a bloody nightmare, Sallow," she sighed.
He grinned and stepped away from her, hands sliding into his pockets. "Don't be a stranger, MC. Come and visit us in London. You're always welcome."
"I will," she said. "As I said to Ominis, you're my family now. You're stuck with me."
She watched him walk away, robe billowing out behind him, the familiar swagger of his step making her smile fondly. He was a rogue, and she would miss him. But, she had her own path to tread now, and she needed to get back to it.
Summer was in full force and slipping by quickly. It had been busy around the family farm, and Leander had been lending a hand, helping with the harvest and around the house. But today, he was waiting at the train station. MC was coming for her promised visit, and his heart ached to see her. The frequent owls they had exchanged wasn't enough. He craved her skin, the mischievous flash of her eyes.
When she stepped from the carriage, her hair swept up, soft strands framing that perfect face, he stilled. Her beauty slammed into him, the days apart had only magnified what he had been missing. A strong surge of imposter syndrome swept over him and he was rooted to the spot, heart hammering. Why was she here to see him?
She turned, eyes searching, and then she saw him, her lips lifting into the smile that he could never resist. She ran, her heels clicking on the platform, she dropped her suitcase without a care and launched herself at him. He unfroze his limbs in time to catch her, sweeping her up off her feet and burying his face into her soft sweetness.
Fuck, he had missed her.
She leant back, cupping his face in her hands. "I've missed you, Gryffindor," she said. She pressed her lips softly against his, searching his mouth, moaning quietly into his kiss. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "All the way here, all I could think about was how I want you to sneak me off somewhere and fuck me until I can't breathe."
He gasped, desire flooding through him, his cheeks colouring up at her words, and right here on the train platform no less! Her smirk was wicked and she kissed him again. "Not lost for words are you? Or, have you gone off me now?"
"No fucking chance," he said. "You know, I always thought Slytherins were meant to be cold and ruthless, but you are hotter than a firecracker!"
She smirked, wickedly. "Get me alone and I can play ruthless if you want me to, I do like a good tease."
He let out a desperate groan, his cock already aching to be buried inside of her. He put her feet back down on the ground and kissed her forehead. He took hold of her hand. "Let's get you home."
The Prewett home was cosy chaos. That was the only way MC could describe it. It looked lived in, loved, and his family were equally as charming. She sat at the kitchen table, a large mug of tea in front of her and a plate that was literally a mountain of homemade cookies.
Mrs Prewett was fussing around her, ensuring her every comfort. Leander had been right about her being small, and he had already received a slap for patting her on the head over lunch. MC had smothered her giggle, and Muriel had been her little partner in crime when it came to getting a blush out of Leander over the table.
She had been made to feel most welcome, not even the brief second of silence at the revelation she was a Slytherin had dampened the mood. The Prewett's were not judgemental in the slightest.
George, his brother, was even taller than Leander, his arms and neck strong from labouring on the farm. He bent to take a cookie from the plate and gave her a little wink. "What are you doing with our Lee then, MC? He is definitely duelling above his weight with you," he chuckled. "I can't believe he had the nuts to go after a Slytherin."
Mrs Prewett gave a little cry of protest and smacked his leg with her tea towel. "Watch your language in my kitchen, thank you very much," she scolded. "And in front of our guest too!"
"Your brother is very charming, actually," MC said. She thought about the night in Hogsmeade, when she had made him chase after her, his reward her kiss. "Let's just say he was relentless and I was powerless to refuse."
George quirked an eyebrow. "Sounds intriguing, do tell," he grinned.
"Right, that's it. Tea break is over," Mrs Prewett sighed. She gave George a nudge towards the door. "Go on, back to work."
MC pressed her lips together, fighting her smile as George was shooed out of the kitchen, his hand making a grab for one more cookie as he went.
Mrs Prewett gave her an apologetic look. "Forgive my firstborn," she said. "Like all the boys in this family, their mouths tend to land them in hot water more often than not."
MC smiled. "No apology needed," she said. "My skin is thicker than it looks, and I'm not afraid of a bit of banter."
Mrs Prewett settled into the chair adjacent to her. She gave MC a scrutinising look. "My Leander has done nothing but talk about you since he got home from school, it's rather sweet if you ask me," she said. "He was always such a shy, awkward boy. He seems different somehow, more confident. You make him happy."
MC blushed and lowered her gaze, she fiddled with her mug. "He makes me happy, too."
Mrs Prewett's smile was knowing. She gave MC's hand a little pat, and leant in to speak quietly. "I was watching you both at lunch, the little looks you two share. I remember what that feels like, dear," she said, warmly. "I've put you up in the spare room, but don't worry about the creaky floorboards. Mr Prewett sleeps like a log, and I know how to turn a blind eye." She tapped the side of her nose and winked.
MC gasped in surprise. "Oh...I..."
Mrs Prewett chuckled and stood, waving off her protest. She went to fetch the tea pot. "Top up?" She filled MC's mug. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Just make sure you're taking the potion. No babies just yet, plenty of time for them after you two have enjoyed time alone together."
MC gaped and shifted in her seat awkwardly. Babies? Potions? Mrs Prewett speaking to her about intimate things? She'd never had a mother, never had these talks with anyone other than gossip in girls bathrooms, or the school nurse.
Mrs Prewett seemed to see her discomfort and she put her hand on her shoulder. "Sorry, did I embarrass you? Forgive me," she said. "I can be a little blunt sometimes I suppose. But, Leander told me about you, that you are an orphan. If you ever need a woman to talk to, please, come to me. I know how scary things can be when you're trying to find your way. My door is open to you, to both of you. Whatever makes my boy happy, makes me happy. And you put the best kind of smile on his face."
MC stared at her. Tears burned the backs of her eyes. In less than a day she had been accepted with open arms. It was staggering. "Th...thank you," she whispered.
Mrs Prewett squeezed her shoulder affectionately. "Right then, let me get a glass of something cool for Lee, shall we? He's working hard out there in that sun, you can take it to him, spend some time with your man."
Still a little overwhelmed, MC wandered across the yard towards the sound of an axe hitting wood. Leander was swinging it, chopping fire wood, a pile of split logs gathered beside him. MC paused in her step. He was shirtless, sweating, she stared at the ripple of lean muscle as he swung the axe down. A little sound left her throat and she was tempted to take a gulp of his drink that she held in her hand, because Merlin! She was suddenly parched.
She moved closer and he paused, smiling as she held out the glass. He took it and drank deeply, his throat working, beads of sweat trickling down his neck.
"Give me that," she demanded. She took the glass and put it on a nearby wall and grabbed his hand. "Come on, now, Prewett."
"What...where?" He stuttered. "I need to finish those logs."
"Sod the logs, I want you. Now," she gasped. She eyed him hungrily. "Fucking hell, you're so..."
She groaned and pulled him in for a kiss. "Where..." She was panting. "Before I lose my shit in your mother's garden."
He chuckled and dragged her down past a shed, the pair of them giggling as they ran down a dirt path and into the shadowed cool of a barn. There were huge bails of hay stored in there and he led her around into a secluded corner, backing her up against the bales, his mouth hot and hungry on hers.
She slid her hands over his sweaty chest, moaning, grinding her hips hungrily against him. "Gods," she groaned. "This is fucking hot, I love you like this, all sweaty and filthy."
His mouth was on her neck, sucking deeply, and she slid her hands inside his trousers, seeking his hardness. He squeezed her backside, sliding up her skirt, and she wrapped a leg around his waist.
It was frantic, breathless, he thrust hard and fast and she dragged her nails up his sweaty back, her own back scraping against the prickly hay bales.
He knew what she liked now, his hands seeking out her pleasure, and she came apart under his care, biting her lip against the climax that ripped through her. She clung to him, she had missed this, the connection their bodies made. They just clicked together, the bond growing ever thicker. She was beginning to wonder why she had ever hesitated over him.
She bit his lower lip and urged his own release out of him, watching as he gave it to her, his cock buried deliciously deep. Oh, fuck, she had it bad. For the first time in her life, she thought she would be willing to put her heart in someone else's hands.
It was late, the moon was high and the sky was a blanket of stars. Leander leant his head against MC's where it was settled against him. She was sat between his legs, back to his chest, his arms securely around her as they sat on the roof. They had climbed out the window on to it, something he had been doing ever since he had been able to.
The wide spread of rolling countryside spread out before them, his father's fields and beyond draped in shadow. The night was still warm, and they were in nothing but their nightclothes, and he was savouring the moment. It was pretty damn close to perfect.
She shifted a little, tilting her face up to his. He smiled and kissed her forehead. She was toying with one of his hands, stroking her finger tips along his knuckles like she always did.
"I love you, Gryffindor," she said, softly. "I hope you realise that."
Her words were so soft, he thought he might have misheard her. The roof felt like it shifted underneath him and he thought he might topple off, his arms tightening around her instinctively. "You...really?" He stared at her, stunned.
She smiled and shifted to take his face into her hands, she put her nose against his. "I love you," she said, louder this time. Then she tilted her head back, a laugh spilling from her lips, she called out. "I love Leander Prewett!"
He grabbed her closer, pressing a hand to her mouth as she giggled. "Shush, you'll wake everyone!"
"I don't care," she said. "I want the whole world to know. I love you."
He thought he was going to cry. His throat closed up. "Girls like you don't love boys like me," he choked.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Now you listen to me, Prewett. You're smart, generous, kind, and you make me happy. Not to mention the way you make me feel when you fuck me the way you do, mmmm...gods, its so good."
He stared, heart pounding. He brought his fingers to her face. "But, you are so beautiful, so powerful, you could have anyone you wanted," he said.
"And I choose you," she said, simply. Then she frowned. "What's the matter with you? Are you trying to talk me out of it or something?"
"Gods, no!" He said, holding her tighter. "I'm never going to let you go, not ever. I love you too, so much. I just didn't think you would feel the same way about me, but that didn't mean I would stop. I would love you wherever you were, because you're you."
She smiled and kissed him, sliding her arms around his neck. Immediately, their passion began to burn, and she shifted again, trying to press up against him. Their balanced wobbled and they froze. He gasped. "Maybe we should get off the roof," he suggested.
She giggled. "Yes, because falling off is not in my plans for tonight."
"Oh, really?" He asked. He slid his hand downwards, dipping them under the hem of her pyjama top to seek out a deliciously soft breast. "And what are these plans? I'm afraid there are no graveyards around here to seduce me in."
"I thought we could take a blanket out to that barn we were in earlier," she whispered. She sucked his lower lip. "You can take me for a roll in the hay, farm boy. What do you think?"
He moaned appreciatively, kissing her, aching for her. "Anything for the girl I love."
Thank you for reading. I hope that my fic shines a little light on this side character. It has been a fun ride learning about who he could be, and how MC would fall for him. โค๏ธ
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moonlight-prose ยท 2 years
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a/n: below you can find all the works that i have created for the show/game the last of us! they're all on this post, but in the future some of the characters might get their own masterlist post.
Under no circumstances may you steal my work, say itโ€™s yours, or post it somewhere else. The writings I put on here are mine unless stated otherwise.
smut =๐Ÿ”ฅ| angst =๐Ÿ’ซ | fluff =๐ŸŒ™
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Hurt (series) | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| ONGOING
Summary: Alone and trying to survive, you find your path crossing with a man whoโ€™s headed to Boston of all places. He claims heโ€™s looking for a new start, not realizing you might be it.
Pale Rider |๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: Grief was a noose and he did what he could to loosen it before he lost you too.
From Eden, Love Grows | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| dedicated to: @/saradika
Summary: Days spent in flower fields and cooking in a sunbathed kitchen with him.
Marks Of The Damned | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ
Summary: His scars were his secrets, his pain he never shared.
The Wasteland Of A Bleeding Heart |๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: Joelโ€™s fears began to interfere.
View From The Bridge |๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: The past was off limits, but at what cost?
Warm Glow | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| dedicated to: @/sunflowersteves
Summary: His love felt as warm as the afternoon sun.
More and More | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ
Summary: โ€œHe wanted to know every part of you, everything you kept hidden for fear of it being rejected. And you let him.โ€
Be Still My Foolish Heart |๐ŸŒ™
Summary: โ€œYet somehowโ€”despite you never realizing itโ€”Joel always ended up with you.โ€
A Poison That Never Stung | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| UPCOMING
Way Down We Go | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| UPCOMING
Blackthorn Tree | ๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: You needed to protect him as much as he needed to protect you. The only problem wasโ€ฆJoel believed he didnโ€™t need caring for. He didnโ€™t need protecting.
Thrills | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œHe sought you out in the darkness of your shared home and found what he knew would keep him from dipping beneath the surface again. And you let him.โ€
Safe Haven | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œBeing with Joel felt like breathing. As if youโ€™d stepped outside for the first time in eons, soaking in the fresh air that emanated from the trees. It was clear. A constant fixated piece of nature that you knew would never fade.โ€
Sweet Words of Sin | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œThere was a certain high that came from this. Having a man like joel miller relenting to your every word, all to hear those sweet words fall from your lips. As delicious as a glass of wine and just as sinful.โ€
Sweetened Breath and Tongue So Mean | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œJoel couldnโ€™t fathom what you saw in him. a man bloodied with the ravages of life. Heโ€™d taken life, killed to survive, and there were times he even fucking enjoyed it. But you were soft. You were the good that remained. The light he shouldnโ€™t be allowed to tarnish.โ€
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It Will Come Back | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ
Summary: Mornings in the kitchen with him made life worthwhile.
Last Night On Earth | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| UPCOMING
Dreadful Need | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ
Summary: โ€œYou wanted to see his smile fade as the realization struck him that he would have to work for it tonight.โ€
Falling |๐ŸŒ™
Summary: โ€œA fleeting moment of you being tugged forward and wrapped into the safety of his arms. It ignited something in you. caused your heart to quicken its pace whenever he was aroundโ€”reminding you of what he felt like so close.โ€
Lover Be Good To Me | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œHow you managed to be the lucky winner in this draw called life, youโ€™d never know. Tommy was kind, good to you in a way no other person ever had been before.โ€
Wretched and Joyful | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| Kinktober 2023
Summary: โ€œHe would be your end and all that came next. Heโ€™d be your consequence in a world that sought out punishment rather than forgiveness. Your small slice of joy in the wretched ways of reality.โ€
How Stars Shine in Darkness | ๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: In darkness stars shine. In painโ€ฆyour love glows. And when all hope feels lost, Tommy Miller thinks of you.
The Breaking of Glass | ๐Ÿ’ซ
Summary: You could remember his smile most of all. How it shone brighter than the sun on most days. How his curls nearly always fell into his eyes. But most of allโ€ฆyou remembered how he loved you.
First Light (series) | 18+๐Ÿ”ฅ| COMING SOON
Summary: Tommy Miller never thought he would end up alone. Not when he had family behind him - a life that wasn't perfect, but good enough. Yet there he was, kneeling on the cold forest floor - bloodied and bruised - asking to die. Until light streams through the trees, and he sees you.
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rebelrebelwrites ยท 2 years
Fic Friday! โค๏ธ Rebelโ€™s Weekly Fic Recs
Sorry it took so long to get this out! Itโ€™s been a week. Thankfully, as always, this week's recs are...
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As always, please mind the tags on any recommended story for your own personal preferences.
The Classic Youโ€™ve Heard Of But Somehow Havenโ€™t Read Yet: But mine is as hungry as the sea by @liminal-zone
What you need to know going in:
When I say classic, I mean classic. Fairly certain this masterpiece was one of the first fics I read in the fandom, and in preparation of writing this rec I decided to bask in its beauty another time. The story is one of the first to chart Galadriel and Sauron after Eregion visiting each other in their dreams for some seriously smoldering smut and angst. As the ages of Middle-earth pass, Galadriel grows in both power and wisdom, retreating into Lothlorien and herself. I donโ€™t want to add too much moreโ€”just tell you to go experience this gem yourself. Itโ€™s beautifully written, achingly sad, and one Iโ€”and youโ€”will return to time and again.
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The AU You Need to Immerse Yourself In Because, Well, Wow: internal combustion by Lexicon935
What you need to know going in:
This AU is aptly titled because it describes my reaction while reading it to a Tโ€”absolute ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ. A one-shot, modern AU featuring a mean Halbrand (which is quickly becoming something of a flavor of these two Iโ€™m enjoying more and more, particularly in AU settings) and a rightfully bowled over Galadriel. The premise is simple: Gal is late to her mechanicโ€™s appointment. Hal is her mechanic, and heโ€™s not pleased. Orโ€ฆis he? ๐Ÿ‘€ An absolutely filthy, heaping helping of smut. Like I said: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ!
Complete, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Twitter or AO3.
The Complete But Never Forgotten Masterpiece: Fabricated by @frotu
What you need to know going in:
Oo, I love this fic! I feel like I stumbled across it by chance and was in love immediately. The premise grabs you straight away: Galadriel and Sauron rule Pelargir not-so-happily together, and when Sauron overhears a few subjects gossiping over their lack of an heir, he impresses on her the need for them to keep up appearances with a few recurring nighttime visits. The resulting arrangement creates this tentative, tantalizing trickle of a relationship that builds so satisfyingly well, and tugs at the heartstrings in a sighing, swoon-worthy way.
Complete, Teen
Read the story.
Follow the author Tumblr on AO3.
The WIP That Will Wreck You (In the Best Way): with hands as gentle as rain, i shall strangle him by @bad-surprise
What you need to know going in:
Oooooof, this story. I shiver just thinking about it! From trepidation and a little bit of terror and just how freaking terrific it is. The premise: Sauron goes full Annatar, Lord of Gifts, in a bid to try and entice Galadriel to reconsider his proposal after leaving Eregionโ€”and each gift he gives her is more unsettling than the one before it. Sauron is delightfully disturbing in this while still being captivating and very much enthralled with Galadriel, who, however terrified, canโ€™t shake him, either. The tensionโ€™s at an all-time high in this WIP and I canโ€™t wait to see where it goes next.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
The Canโ€™t Stop Consuming No Matter What Time It Is Fic: I could be your king by @cliffdivingsblog
What you need to know going in:
Another favorite WIP that when I get an update in my inbox, I rush to finish whatever Iโ€™m doing and read ASAP. A season 1 retelling that diverges from canon in some really unique ways, be ready for glimpses into a redemption-seeking Sauron (in his own limited way) an always-charging forward Galadriel, dreamlike flashbacks into Sauronโ€™s past (Melkor is a real standout amongst the Valar in this, but the characterization of everyone is top-tier), and insanely scintillating smut. To just name a few of the things that make this fic totally binge-worthy.
WIP, Explicit
Read the story.
Follow the author on Tumblr or AO3.
Me at all these fics:
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Donโ€™t see your story on this list yet? Keyword:ย yet. Please donโ€™t fret! I can only recommend so many each week, but I am always looking for more stuff to read, share, and generally shower with love, so please feel free to reply with your own fics or your personal faves. I have plenty more to recommendโ€ฆย โค๏ธ
Until next week!
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groriatrevi10xx ยท 4 months
...Ciudad y Pueblos/City and Towns...
โœจMundo Oscuroโœจ
โœจCiudad Central-Central City:
"Desde el nacimiento del Mundo Oscuro, la ciudad central ha existido... El primer alojamiento de las primeras brujas y donde se encuentra el castillo.../Since the birth of the Mundo Oscuro, the central city has existed... the first accommodation of the first witches and where the castle is located...
Tambiรฉn lo llaman el Nido de las Brujas, un lugar luminoso y enorme... Donde todo brilla en la noche eterna, con sus faroles y suelos de cemento.../They also call it the Witches' Nest, a bright and huge place... Where everything shines in the eternal night, with its lanterns and concrete floors..."
๐ŸŒฟJardรญn de la Muerte-Garden of Death:
"Un Pueblo apartado que fue creado de la nada, por muchas Brujas pacรญficas que preferรญan la luz y la paz, lejos de la magia y las peleas que siempre se generaban comรบnmente con otras Brujas.../A secluded Town that was created out of nothing, by many peaceful Witches who preferred light and peace, far from the magic and fights that were always commonly generated with other Witches...
Los dragones tambiรฉn vivรญan en este lugar, desde el Reinado de Hela, la ubicaciรณn del Pueblo pasรณ a estar encima de unas montaรฑas, es muy fรกcil perderse para llegar allรญ.../Dragons also lived in this place, since the Reign of Hela, the location of the Town became above some mountains, it is very easy to get lost to get there..."
{Es normal que aquรญ sรณlo habitan las brujas, relacionadas con la naturaleza.../It is normal that here only witches inhabit here, related to nature...}
๐ŸฌPueblo de Dulce-Town of Sweet:
"Aunque suene loco, este Pueblo creado por Brujas relacionado ya sea con la cocina, la comida o los dulcesโ€ฆ Aunque mรกs dulce que cualquier otra cosaโ€ฆ Tรณmalo como un paraรญso loco, con una casa de dulces y suelos comestibles, rรญos de almรญbares dulcesโ€ฆ Fantรกstico.../Although it sounds crazy, this Town created by Witches related to either cooking, food or sweets... Although sweeter than anything... Take it as a crazy paradise, with a candy house and edible soils, rivers of sweet syrups... Fantastic...
Suena muy loco... Bastante loco, pero la Reina de aquella รฉpoca no prohibiรณ la creaciรณn de tal lugar... Asรญ que si te gustan los dulces, este es tu lugar para una buena visita.../It sounds very crazy... Quite crazy, but the Queen of that time did not prohibit the creation of such a place... So if you like sweets, this is your place for a good visit..."
{Imagรญnense las cosas mรกs locas.../Imagine the craziest things...}
โ›๏ธPueblo Minado-Mined Town:
"Cuando se abrieron las primeras minas, estaban tan lejos de Ciudad Central como el Jardรญn de la Muerte y Pueblo de Dulce... Tardaban tanto en llegar a casa y volver a trabajar otro dรญa, en ese momento todavรญa no habรญa transporte ni hechizos para teletransportarse...Todo era tan primitivo.../When the first mines were opened, they were as far from Central City as the Garden of Death and Town of Sweet... It took so long to get home and return to work another day, at that time there were still no transportation or spells to teleport ...Everything was so primitive...
Asรญ que muchas Brujas decidieron mudarse a las minas, no hicieron un Pueblo cerca de las minas, sino que crearon un Pueblo dentro de las Minas... Adornado de minerales y piedras preciosas, el Pueblo cubierto de tierra y piedra, bajo la oscuridad de las minas, con una estructura increรญble que sรณlo los faroles iluminan... Caminos pedregosos y llenos de vรญas de tren, un verdadero espectรกculo.../So many Witches decided to move to the mines, they did not make a Town near the mines, but rather they created a Town inside the Mines... Adorned with minerals and precious stones, the Town covered in earth and stone, under darkness of the mines, with an incredible structure that only the lanterns illuminate... Rocky roads and full of railway tracks, a truly spectacle..."
๐Ÿ”ฅInfierno Negro-Black Inferno:
"Nadie sabe de dรณnde surgiรณ la idea, pero crear un Pueblo bajo cualquier fardo de tierra, bajar a lo mรกs profundo del abismo donde no existe el oxรญgeno... No es que las Brujas necesiten oxรญgeno... Despuรฉs de todo en este pueblo lo รบnico que no hay es Oxรญgeno.../No one knows where the idea came from, but creating a Town under any bale of earth, going down to the depths of the abyss where oxygen does not exist... It's not like Witches need oxygen... After all in this town The only thing there is not is Oxygen...
Dice la leyenda que fue por la indiferencia que naciรณ un pueblo... Lleno de oscuridad bajo tierra, bajando y bajando escaleras, faroles colgados por todas partes... Y al final se ve la lava y el agua cruzando canales... Un maravilloso lugar oscuro, lleno de silencio y paz... Un infierno personal, lo รบnico molesto de este Pueblo... Son las escaleras para bajar al centro de la tierra, al menos hay ascensor.../The legend says that it was due to indifference that a town was born... Full of darkness underground, going down and down stairs, lanterns hang everywhere... And in the end you can see the lava and water crossing channels... A wonderful dark place, full of silence and peace... A personal hell, the only annoying thing about this Town... They are the stairs to go down to the core of the earth, at least there is an elevator..."
โณCrรกneos de Arena-Sand Skulls:
"Algunos prefieren vivir entre la arena y el calor normal de un desierto... Al menos para eso se creรณ este pueblo, lleno de antorchas incesantes, templos y pirรกmides... Una combinaciรณn de muchas culturas a la vez, un lugar hermoso... Ademรกs si te gusta el calor y la arena en tus zapatos.../Some prefer to live among the sand and the normal heat of a desert... At least that's why this town was created, full of incessant torches, temples and pyramids... A combination of many cultures at the same time, a beautiful place... Also if you like the heat and sand in your shoes...
Gracias a la creaciรณn de este lugar se creรณ la Primera lengua y escritura del Mundo Oscuro, aunque se rechazaron varias lenguas y escrituras... La reina de aquella รฉpoca al final eligiรณ una, fueron muchos los creados que fueron difรญciles y eran mรกs dibujos que otra cosa; y mรกs sonidos... Eligiรณ nรบmeros mรกs simples y fรกciles de entender y escribir... Hay un libro que guarda todos los idiomas rechazados, suena interesante, aunque estรก protegido.../Thanks to the creation of this place, the First language and writing of the Mundo Oscuro was created, although several languages and writings were rejected... The queen of that time in the end chose one, there were many created that were difficult and were more drawings than anything else and more sounds... He chose something simpler and easier numbers to understand and write... There is a book that keeps all the rejected languages, it sounds interesting, although it is protected..."
๐ŸŒ‹Pueblo Volcรกn-Volcano Town:
"ยฟComo un Pueblo en un Volcรกn?... Ninguna Reina hasta ahora lo entiende, por mucho que pase el tiempo... Ni siquiera Arma misma lo entiende, aunque al fin y al cabo... El Mundo Oscuro es algo loco y extraรฑo, pero maravilloso... Un hogar para cada Bruja.../Like a Town in a Volcano?... No Queen until now understands it, no matter how much time passes... Not even the Arma herself understands, although after all... The Mundo Oscuro is something crazy and strange , but wonderful... A home for every Witch...
La Idea de un pueblo sobre un volcรกn surgiรณ de un Caballero, que se quedรณ en las orillas de uno, exactamente hasta la cima del volcรกn... Todos la miraban como si estuviera loca... Hasta que muchas Brujas simplemente empezaron a hacer lo mismo, uniรฉndose a รฉl y construyendo casas dentro del Volcรกn, hasta convertirlo en Pueblo... Donde la luz abrazadora de la lava ilumina las casas, hay caminos hechos con algunas especialidades, casas y comercios flotando sobre piedras en medio de toda la lava... Un espectรกculo loco.../The Idea of a town on a volcano came from a Knight, who stayed on the banks of one, exactly up to the top of the volcano... Everyone looked at her like someone crazy... Until many Witches just started doing the same, joining together to him and building houses inside the Volcano, until it became a Town... Where the embracing light of the lava illuminates the houses, there are paths made with some specialties, houses and shops floating on stones in the middle of all the lava... A crazy show..."
โ„๏ธBrillo Frรญo-Cold Shine:
"Si las tormentas de arena no son lo tuyo, puedes disfrutar de las tormentas de nieve aquรญ... Llenas de un reconfortante, casi inhumano, fuerte frรญo cero... Pero las Brujas no son humanas, asรญ que no les importa... Mientras caminan por caminos resbaladizos, caminos de hielo, este pueblo fue creado para aquellos que prefieren un invierno eterno..../If sandstorms aren't your thing, you can enjoy snowstorms here... Filled with a comforting, almost inhuman, strong zero cold... But Witches aren't human, so they don't care... While walking along slippery ice roads, this town was created for those who prefer an eternal winter....
Lleno de hielo y nieve, con carรกmbanos afilados que sobresalen de los techos y del suelo... Estรก cerca de las colinas, este Pueblo... Lleno de casas de madera e iglรบs, con pieles en venta y mucho chocolate caliente por todas partes... No nos olvidemos del pescado congelado, es un lugar iluminado por antorchas y velas allรก donde estรฉ, las aureolas boreales llenan el paisaje invernal y los cristales de hielo reflejan la luz a lo largo de cualquier camino rocoso lleno de nieve, o simplemente hieloโ€ฆ/Full of ice and snow, with sharp icicles sticking out of roofs and ground... It's close to the hills, this Town... Full of wooden houses and igloos, with furs for sale and lots of hot chocolate everywhere... Don't forget the frozen fish, it is a place illuminated by torches and candles wherever it is, the northern halos fill the winter landscape and the ice crystals reflect the light along any rocky path full of snow, or just ice..."
๐Ÿฅ€Valle de Espinas-Valley of Thorns:
"Se puede decir que este pueblo es elegante... Donde aquรญ reina el glamour, la moda, las costumbres y muchas cosas asรญ... Casas grandes y lugares demasiado exagerados, con luces de un lugar a otro... Aquรญ estรก donde se crearon las primeras modas y donde permanece una Familia importante que jurรณ lealtad a todas las Reinas existentes, la Familia Reyes... Juraron con lรกgrimas y sangre morir por cada una y ser tan fieles.../You can say that this town is elegant... Where glamor lives, fashion, manners and many things like that reign here... Big houses and places that are too exaggerated, with lights from one place to another... Here It is where the first fashions were created and where an important Family remains that swore loyalty to all the existing Queens, the Family Reyes... They swore in tears and blood to die for each one and to be so faithful...
Este lugar con hermosos escaparates, restaurantes, teatros, museos y muchas cosas mรกs... Podrรญan ser del gusto de alguna Bruja, es un lugar lleno de espinas afiladas y arbustos venenosos, pisos empedrados pero hermosos, por donde circulan las carretas... Donde brilla la riqueza y la elegancia... Cuidado con cada espina, son el reflejo de la crueldad de un ser y de la envidia mรกs poderosa... Aunque es un gran lugar para vivir y demasiado acogedor, quitando las espinas.../This place with beautiful shop windows, restaurants, theaters, museums and many other things... They could be the taste of some Witch, it is a place full of sharp thorns and poisonous bushes, cobbled but beautiful floors, where the carts run... Where wealth and elegance shine... Be careful of each thorn, they are the reflection of the cruelty of a being and the most powerful envy... Although it is a great place to live and too cozy, removing the thorns..."
๐ŸชธPueblo de Algas Verdes-Algae Greens Village:
"En las profundidades de un mar, en algรบn lugar del Mundo Oscuro... Un pueblo yace bajo el mar, lleno de algas y peces, donde los corales gobiernan las casas y tiendas construidas... Los caminos son de arena y piedra, faroles con extraรฑas luciรฉrnagas iluminan el lugar en estas aguas oscuras... Mientras los tiburones patrullan, todo es mรบsica y risas bajo estas tranquilas aguas.../Within the Depths of a Sea, somewhere in the Mundo Oscuro... A town lies beneath the sea, full of algae and fish, where corals rule over the houses and shops built... The roads are made of sand and stone, lanterns with strange fireflies illuminate the place in these dark waters... While the sharks patrol, everything is music and laughter beneath these calm waters...
Un Pueblo creado por medusas y aprobado por la Reina de aquella รฉpoca, ahora bajo el agua viven sirenas, tritones y muchos seres mรกs... Un Pueblo creado para Brujas de este tipo de especies, aunque es un gran lugar para visitar... Cualquiera puede entrar, sรณlo hay que conocer los hechizos correctos.../A Town created by jellyfish and approved by the Queen of that time, now mermaids, mermen and many more beings live under the water... A Town created for Witches of this type of species, although it is a great place to visit... Anyone can enter, you just have to know the right spells..."
โ˜๏ธPueblo del Cielo-Town of Heaven:
"En las alturas, entre las nubes... Desde el infinito cielo oscuro que a veces se llena de estrellas brillantes, sobre todo eso... Sobre las nubes, hay un Pueblo construido en el cielo, las nubes cargan su peso como si fuera nada... Los รกrboles y la fauna crecen por encima de esas nubes, un espectรกculo interesante... El agua cae de las nubes hacia abajo en una cascada brillante, ยฟcรณmo es posible?.../In the heights, within the clouds... From the infinite dark sky that is sometimes full of bright stars, above all that... Above the clouds, is a Town built in the sky, the clouds carry their weight as if It was nothing... The trees and fauna grow above those clouds, an interesting spectacle... The water falls from the clouds downwards in a brilliant waterfall, how is it possible?...
Este Pueblo en las Nubes estรก lleno de pavimentos de concreto y casas de ladrillo, hermosos parques y observatorios especializados para observar las estrellas... Un hermoso lugar, donde puedes ver casas construidas en las nubes, puentes de nubes y escaleras de nubes... Todo iluminado por hermosos cristales que aparecen colgando de las nubes que allรญ flotan... Que loco es todo esto, es un lugar donde las estrellas son un poema para el corazรณn de cada Bruja que aquรญ vive.../This Town in the Clouds is full of concrete pavements and brick houses, beautiful parks and specialized observatories for stargazing... A beautiful place, where you can see houses built in clouds, cloud bridges and cloud stairs... Everything illuminated by beautiful crystals that appear hanging from the clouds that float there... How crazy is all this, it is a place where the stars are a poem for the heart of every Witch who lives here..."
๐ŸŒฒBosque Profundo-Deep Forest:
"Es difรญcil encontrar un Pueblo en todo un Bosque, que estรฉ exactamente ubicado en el bosque pero no sabes dรณnde y es mรกs difรญcil si el Pueblo estรก encima de los รกrboles... Asรญ es este Pueblo, en algรบn lugar ubicado dentro de los bosques profundos y oscuros, encima de los รกrboles y nunca en el suelo, se construye un Pueblo... Donde la agricultura se lleva a otro nivel, encima de los รกrboles y las macetas... Vaya.../It is difficult to find a Town in an entire Forest, which is exactly located in the forest but you do not know where and it is more difficult if the Town is above the trees... That is what this Town is like, somewhere located within the deep dark forests, above the trees and never on the ground, a Town is built... Where agriculture is taken to another level, above trees and pots... Wow...
Las casas de cada Bruja estรกn construidas en los รกrboles, como una casa en el รกrbol... Solo que mรกs grande y mรกs acogedora, hay muchas cosas allรญ... Es un pequeรฑo pueblo de puentes colgantes y mucha madera, con tarros de luciรฉrnagas iluminando cada rincรณn del lugar, un pueblo muy conocido por tener una gran agriculturaโ€ฆ Aunque no ponen un pie en el suelo y prefieren las alturas de un รกrbol, no dejan de ser unas vistas increรญblesโ€ฆ/The homes of each Witch are built in the trees, like a tree house... Only bigger and cozier, there are many things there... It is a small town of hanging bridges and a lot of wood, with jars of fireflies lighting up each corner of the place, a town well known for having great agriculture... Although they do not set foot on the ground and prefer the heights of a tree, they are still incredible views..."
G: Mucho Texto, pero tambiรฉn habrรก algo similar para el Au de Umbra, pero todavรญa tengo que escribir.../A lot of Text, but there will also be something similar for the Au of Umbra, but I still have to write...
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aespabending ยท 2 years
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๐˜”๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ต ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜บ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฌ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต๐˜บ ๐๐ฅ๐š๐œ๐ค ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐’ฆ๐“Œ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐‘”๐“Ž๐’ถ'๐“ˆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜‹๐˜ณ๐˜ข๐˜จ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜•รฆ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ด. ๐˜Œ๐˜ข๐˜ค๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฏ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ช๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ค๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ณ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ณ,๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฐ๐˜ฑ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐’ฆ๐“Œ๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐‘”๐“Ž๐’ถ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ฆ ๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ๐˜ด ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ณ ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ง๐˜ฆ. ๐˜๐˜ง ๐˜•รฆ๐˜ท๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ฏ'๐˜ต ๐˜ง๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ, ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ญ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ๐˜ด๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฌ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ด.
๐˜๐จ๐จ ๐ŸŒŠ ๐‰๐ข๐ฆ๐ข๐ง
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โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ข๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ๐–ผ๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–จ๐—‡๐–ฟ๐—ˆ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
Karina The Water Bender
๐—Œ๐—Ž๐–ป-๐–ป๐–พ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐—‚๐—‡๐—€ || ๐–ป๐—…๐—ˆ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๐–ฝ & ๐—‚๐–ผ๐–พ
Northern Water Tribe
๐–พ๐—‘-๐—๐—‹๐—‚๐–ป๐–พ ๐—…๐–พ๐–บ๐–ฝ๐–พ๐—‹
๐–๐ž๐š๐ฉ๐จ๐ง : ๐‚๐ซ๐ฒ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ฅ ๐–๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐…๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ
โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ก๐–บ๐–ผ๐—„๐—€๐—‹๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—‡๐–ฝ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
after returning from defeating ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š; Karina was voted as ๐“๐ซ๐ข๐›๐ž ๐‹๐ž๐š๐๐ž๐ซ by her people
but her parents knew something was wrong with their daughter when she returned; she seemed distance and unresponsive
๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š'๐ฌ spirit took over her first; it made her a harsh dictator amongst the tribe and others tried to reason with her that some of her punishments were extremely harsh
one night she locked herself away for a month to create her fist; the pink color came from the guards outside her door
after itโ€™s completion she left the tribe, leaving several bodies in her path; taking her pet leopard and a boat, she left to the main lands where she ran into NingNing
๐๐ข๐ง๐  ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐˜๐ข๐ณ๐จ๐ฎ
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โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ข๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ๐–ผ๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–จ๐—‡๐–ฟ๐—ˆ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
NingNing The Fire Bender
๐—Œ๐—Ž๐–ป-๐–ป๐–พ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐—‚๐—‡๐—€ || ๐—…๐—‚๐—€๐—๐—๐–พ๐—‡๐—‚๐—‡๐—€ ๐—€๐–พ๐—‡๐–พ๐—‹๐–บ๐—๐—‚๐—ˆ๐—‡
From : Ember Island, Fire Nation
๐–๐ž๐š๐ฉ๐จ๐ง : ๐Œ๐จ๐ฅ๐ž๐œ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐š๐ซ ๐’๐œ๐จ๐ฉ๐ž
โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ก๐–บ๐–ผ๐—„๐—€๐—‹๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—‡๐–ฝ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
When she returned to the fire kingdom, they held a celebration in her honor
She declined the offer to rank up, she wanted to say as a warrior; she gained a love for fighting (something she didnโ€™t like before)
While patrolling the fire nation, a thunderstorm rolled in and while trying to get out of the rain was struck by lightning
In recovery, ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š took this chance to strike; it took over her body & helped accelerate her recovery process
When she woke; she discovered her new ability by making all the lights and machines go haywire & explode
During the chaos; she left the hospital she was held at and ran into Winter
๐”๐œ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐š๐ ๐š ๐Ÿƒ ๐€๐ž๐ซ๐ข
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โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ข๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ๐–ผ๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–จ๐—‡๐–ฟ๐—ˆ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
Giselle The Earth Bender
๐—Œ๐—Ž๐–ป-๐–ป๐–พ๐—‡๐–ฝ๐—‚๐—‡๐—€ || ๐—†๐–พ๐—๐–บ๐—… & ๐—…๐–บ๐—๐–บ
From Ba Sing Se, Earth Kingdom
๐–พ๐—‘-๐—†๐—‚๐—‡๐–พ ๐—๐—ˆ๐—‹๐—„๐–พ๐—‹
๐–๐ž๐š๐ฉ๐จ๐ง : ๐—-๐‘๐š๐ฒ ๐•๐ข๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ
โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ก๐–บ๐–ผ๐—„๐—€๐—‹๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—‡๐–ฝ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
Her brother was supposed to go off and fight ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š but something happened to him and Giselle went in his place
She was just a mine worker with not that much training in fighting; mostly just what her bother taught her to
She discovered her lava bending ability while fighting ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š
When she returned home; she found out her brother was killed in a โ€˜fire accidentโ€™; the city wouldnโ€™t give her the location of then burial ground due to the investigation
In her grieving state, ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š took over her soul making her extremely bitter
In a fit of rage, trying to fight off ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š. she brought herself down into the mine, making the earth erupt all over Ba Sing Se. soon enough the earth cracked, filling the mines with molten lava and casing her body within
If it werenโ€™t for NingNing she wouldnโ€™t have been found
๐Š๐ข๐ฆ ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ ๐Œ๐ข๐ง๐ฃ๐ž๐จ๐ง๐ 
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โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ข๐—๐–บ๐—‹๐–บ๐–ผ๐—๐–พ๐—‹ ๐–จ๐—‡๐–ฟ๐—ˆ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
Winter The Air Bender
From : Western Air Temple
๐–พ๐—‘-๐—†๐—ˆ๐—‡๐—„ & ๐–บ๐—‚๐—‹ ๐–ป๐–บ๐—…๐—… ๐–ผ๐–บ๐—‰๐—๐—‚๐–บ๐—‡
๐–๐ž๐š๐ฉ๐จ๐ง : ๐€๐ข๐ซ ๐๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž ๐†๐ฎ๐ง
โŽฏโŽฏ เญจ ๐–ก๐–บ๐–ผ๐—„๐—€๐—‹๐—ˆ๐—Ž๐—‡๐–ฝ เญง โŽฏโŽฏ
She was praised when defeating ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š and made the main monk at her temple
While meditating, she saw ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐š in her realm and woke up in a cold sweat; she had to warn the others
But as days passed and the consumption started did her actions towards others changed; she became short tempered & used violence when angered
The monks tried to lock her in the meditation temple but she kept blowing holes in it to escape
Winter knew this was ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐Œ๐š๐ฆ๐›๐šโ€™s doing. With the last of her sane mind, she left the air temple in the dead of night in search of her friends, hoping she could get to them before the darkness took over
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skydinzeal ยท 6 months
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๐Ÿ›ธ๐Ÿ™Extraterrestrial Visitor, Episode 3.5) Giving ambiance to this new realm: There is a school on the sun. (continued) Channeled Visions, my art, voice and talisman design. No A.I.๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿงฟ...Read below for a hidden message from this E.T.! โšก๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŒท The E.T. Visitor was an exclusive feature of my newsletter for many years. I've put this into story/video format! They're all from my drawings, spiritual teachings, as a whole a channel perspective of various extraterrestrials, their civilizations and most interestingly their religions. All the content including the sound and voices is my own. I create Metaphysical & Alien Jewelry & Art! ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒŸโ˜€๏ธโœจ So, Solar ET implies: the rules of earth, both spiritual and physical only apply to earth. "Those who have vastly mismatched loftier values are adhering to the realms they had the best experiences on. They are waiting for the dense ones to evolve." ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ฝโœจ๐Ÿ”ญ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’œโšกโ˜€๏ธโœจ I have been trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed (many times). I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! ๐ŸŒŸ A very modest GoFundMe here! Please spread the word! https://gofund.me/82ac1c5b Thank you!๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽฟ๐Ÿ’œโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸฆŒ . . . . . . . . . #aliens #lifeonthesun #scifiart lry #handmadeart #extraterrestrial #spiritualart #metaphysical rtย  #psychicartย  #paranormalart #alienart #fantasyart g #pleiadian #pleiadianstarseed #m #starseedย  #channelling #starseed #alienguide #newageart #spiritualartist #extraterrestrial #psychicart #channelledmessage #Spiritualart #alienmessage #anunnaki #ancientaliens http://dlvr.it/T4V02c
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apkville1 ยท 10 months
๐Ÿค  Unleash the Cowboy Within! ๐Ÿค  Get ready for an exciting journey in Westland Survival, a game set in the Wild West. Create your own story, build a strong home, and protect it from dangerous enemies. Are you prepared to explore the wild, take on challenges, and become a true cowboy legend? ๐Ÿœ๏ธ Discover a Huge Open World ๐Ÿœ๏ธ Each location provides unique resources but you will also meet deadly enemies there. Visit Native American Tribes to craft spiritual items and kill all enemies at the Bandits Outpost. ๐Ÿค Build a Wild West Ranch๐Ÿค  Build a shelter that will help you to survive in the Wild West. Gather resources, craft workbenches, get rare materials and build a perfect fortress. ๐ŸงจCraft Weapons & Armor for a Fight๐Ÿงจ Collect rare blueprints and craft the strongest weapons and armor. Your shooting skills will also help you in the war on bandits. ๐ŸบWild Animals Hunting๐Ÿบ Hunt wild animals in the open world for precious furs to survive frost and hunger or tame them to fight on your side. ๐ŸดBuild a Stable & Ride a Horse๐Ÿด A cowboy is nothing without his horse and a ranch. Build a stable and your loyal friend will help you to travel faster and carry extra items to western adventures. Ranch simulator allows you to craft a perfect shelter. ๐Ÿ†Challenge Other Players in Ladders๐Ÿ† Complete daily quests for bounty hunts to earn precious rewards from the city sheriff and participate in the PVP ladder. Invite friends to play! ๐Ÿ”ฅCreate an Alliance & join PVP mode๐Ÿ”ฅ Create an Alliance and build your own town. Become the strongest Alliance in the Wild West. Mine Gold, fight for treasure with other players with PVP mode. ๐ŸŠRaise your pet. Tame any animal you want๐ŸŠ Animals not only for hunting. Every pet can be your friend. Tame animals in the open world of the Wild West. Find a pet to fight with bandits and million players worldwide from Alliances ๐ŸŽLimited Events๐ŸŽ Don't miss out on the time-limited events in the Oregon Trail. Fight off a train raid and save survivors from bandits. Traveling traders will offer their goods for sale to a survivor. Open a New World of the Westland Survival Game! Tired of shooting dead zombies in the โ€˜last days of Earth-themedโ€™ survival games? Discover the action games experience of the online western world video game simulator. In the red valleys of the Wild Westโ€™s Great Oregon Trails, outlaws and even sheriffs are ready to kill men in broad daylight for good redemption. The whole new undiscovered earth is in front of you, cowboy. Frontier pioneers, bounty hunters, dead spirits โ€“ all have made shelter in the prairies of Texas or New Mexico. Imagine you are riding in the desert โ€“ this desert is like a red dead island in the middle of the lively prairies. Your wagon convoy ran into a bandit ambush and left you behind as the only survivor, but certainly grim with anger to bring those gunslingers to the hangman! Or shoot them right off their horses! But before, thereโ€™s some crafting to do โ€“ a shelter for the night, logging some wood for a bow and arrows, maybe even mining some ore for trading with the Indians. Perhaps they can teach you how to hunt deerโ€ฆ There are no rules of fighting for survival, no last day of your adventures, continue to play as the shooter in PVE/PVP mode. Walking through an open world multiplayer RPG game is hard. You are the last left to survive: build a shelter, design military strategy, craft guns, shoot earth walking souls, slay monsters, loot other players to survive. Westland Survival ยฉ โ€“ is a free to play RPG online mobile video game with multiplayer features. More than 10 million players enjoy the craft survival and adventure game! Begin a real exploration survival game journey in the Wild West and invite friends to play! Follow our online social media: Facebook: www.facebook.com/westlandgame Official website: www.heliogames.com
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artifactsbeyondtime ยท 1 year
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๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐ŸŽจ๐ŸŽจ "The Beginning" is about the end... The wandering figure is the viewer of the 1000's of macro landscapes that I have been creating for the past 20 years! This unassuming youth is Earth's final survivor! These pieces are mixed media paintings produced by photography, drawing, C.G.I., encryption then printed in crystalline layers on canvas which is finally oil painted. ๐Ÿ”ญ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ฝโœจ๐Ÿ”ญ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ‘ฝโœจ 95% of my Belongings/Art are Gone again!๐Ÿ™ Some stolen, some thrown in a landfill by my ex-landlord (Peter J. Belitsos). The art that I gave my life to! ๐Ÿ”ฅโšก๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŒท I've given powerful healings and always helpful psychic readings since 2006. I've taught spiritual practices though my classes at the top Spiritual Centers & Expos since 2008. This includes NYCs Edgar Cayce & Meta Centers. This is why my paintings and jewelry tap you into the actual distant Future or past! ๐ŸŒท๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ฅโšกโ˜€๏ธโœจ I have been trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed (10 times past few years) I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to TRULY help with sales/marketing their work & mine! I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge internet reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat. I have got by on hard work & skill alone, not cheating & it shows! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! ๐ŸŒŸ A very modest GoFundMe here! Please spread the word! https://ift.tt/Q7T90Pc Thank you!๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ—ฝ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŽฟ๐Ÿ’œโ„๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸฆŒ . . . . . . . #futuristicstyle #scififashion #futuristicart #futurism #abstractart #talismans #amulets #postapocolypse #dystopia #ascendedmaster #awakening y #alienart #ascension #wanderingchild #lostboy #lastsurvivor #Metaphysics #pleiadian #paranormalart #psychicart #Newageart #illustration #mixedmedia #scifiart #futuristicjewelry #handmadeart #solsurvivor #timetravel #stargate #spiritualart โ€” view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2jFmyhv
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ariadne-mouse ยท 3 years
First Lines Meme
Thanks for the tag @saturdaysky! This looks like a fun one. I'll pass an open tag onto anyone who would also like to do it! Also, Sky, I like your emoji formatting so I am affectionately yoinking it <3
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. ย  Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
Observations: I tend to start with dialogue to drop the reader into a scene right away, or with more slow-build narration from the POV character that establishes a mood or perspective they have that is important to the story.
1. ๐Ÿ”ฅ the fire kept closest (burns most of all) (Caleb/Essek, rated M)
โ€œEssek!ย  Youโ€™re smoking hot!โ€
The shout came from behind him in Jesterโ€™s familiar catcall.
โ€œYes, thank you, I am aware!โ€ he yelled back flatly, concentrating fully on the swing of his rock hammer into a breakout bubble of lava.
2. ๐ŸŒ… path of the traveled sun (Verin & Essek, Caleb/Essek)
Verin isnโ€™t sure heโ€™ll ever get used to seeing his brother wear a genuine smile.
Heโ€™s watched Essek don the political mask of the Shadowhand for so long - that slightly eerie, pleasant grin - that heโ€™s half begun to believe it had changed the man underneath, and become him. But since accepting a party invitation to the tropical island of Rumblecusp, of all places, Verin has seen his brother smile widely and laugh freely for the first time in decades.ย  Maybe a century.
3. ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ ghost is a verb (Jourrael & EXU party)
This new, transformed Exandria is strange.
Jourrael has inhabited it for a while now, and still it seems soft.ย  Stunted.ย  False.ย  Her memories are of battles that blotted out the sky and rivers tinted pink by blood, to which she contributed her fair share.ย  The conflicts of the kingdoms that have sprung up in the thousand years since then are petty and small.
4. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ a weird soup (Caleb/Essek)
โ€œCooking is merely a branch of alchemy,โ€ Essek told himself, hands on his hips as he surveyed a countertop full of supplies. โ€œHow hard can it be?โ€
5. ๐Ÿ“œ desired qualifications (Beau & Essek, Caleb/Essek)
โ€œHey. Essek.โ€
Beau was draped halfway over the back of the couch, balancing her full wine glass with preternatural grace. Yasha had twisted in her seat and leaned her cheek against Beauโ€™s hip, joining her in staring at him.
6. ๐ŸŒธ strewed flowers upon the barren way (Caleb/Essek)
The Zemnian orchard is in full spring bloom.
Each tree is like a dawn cloud that drifted to earth, fluffy swaths of blossoms in pale cream, parchment white, flushing pinks.ย  The branches are gnarled crowns of carefully-pruned old growth, with willow-thin spires of last yearโ€™s exuberance shooting out from the top, left to flourish.
It takes precise cuts over a long time to create that shape.ย  Someone loves this orchard.
7. โ„ that sadness of mine that you know (Caleb/Essek)
Ice crystals formed in Calebโ€™s beard as he counted under his breath: eins, zwei, drei, vier...
Counting was a comforting activity to Caleb.ย  He counted his possessions when he needed to settle his head, taking stock of each item and its condition so that he would have accurate information about them at any given moment.ย  Over time, without really meaning to, heโ€™d begun to do the same thing with his friends.ย  Were they all there?ย  All safe?ย  All well?
8. โณ multitudinous echoes awoke and died in the distance (Caleb/Essek)
Caleb opens his eyes and finds he is on a battlefield.
9. ๐Ÿฅ‚ as the dawn kisses the horizon (Caleb/Essek)
โ€œMama, are you sure you want to spend the Eve of New Dawn with us?ย  Isnโ€™t it like, a big romantic evening for your clients?ย  I bet they all want to kiss you at midnight.โ€ย  Jester held her mother's hands, looking up at her imploringly.
Marion Lavorre laughed, the sound filling her sitting room like so many bells.
10. ๐Ÿท the lying game (Lucien/Astrid)
Lucien supposed that Rexxentrum could be considered a rather attractive city, if one was in the right mindset.ย  The buildings were tall, angular, and imposing, with intricate carvings tucked like secrets into the eaves and door frames.ย  Built to withstand biting winters.ย  A hardy home for hardy people.
Currently, Lucien was most interested in Rexxentrumโ€™s hardy wine.
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More Guns, Weapons, Armor MCPE Mods - Addons ,
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๐Ÿ’พ โ–บโ–บโ–บ DOWNLOAD FILE ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Download Gun mod for Minecraft PE : add new colors to your survival, killing all aggressive mobs! Almost since the first version of Minecraft PE, there have been only two fighting tools. One is a sword, and the other is a bow. And only recently has a trident appeared. However, with each new creature in the game, survival becomes harder, and weapons do not change. This is precisely what these modifications solve by adding many weapons, armor, and much more. He adds weapons and armor, grenades, and even binoculars. You can find all these new items creatively in the inventory. The advantage of this addon of DesnoGun is its perfect optimization and practically no laggs. Although mod is free, four weapons are unavailable, requiring a full version. Unfortunately, binoculars were among them. It would be best if you understood that the mod has not been updated for a long time, so there may be glitches on newer versions of Minecraft PE. Here you can download the latest version of Desnoguns modification directly from the official website. This weapons addon adds three lasers to the game. Each has its features in the Minecraft Pocket Edition. For example, you can dig mines with a red laser gun. And an orange laser will help the player set things on fire. Blue, in turn, will happily blow something up. Due to some features of this modification, you should squat for shooting. Since the inventory does not contain these new items, it is recommended to issue everything using the command. In this Minecraft Bedrock Edition modification has implemented many mad weapons. The supplement introduces more than 25 guns that are suitable for survival. Both new swords and various cannons await you. For example, the ice sword deals six damage and freezes opponents. My dream has always been to inspire other people do great things. Thence I started this website. Hope you like it. Back 1. Back With School Abandoned Destroyed. Back High School. Back Dropper. Back Biomes Earth Nether. Back Low Fire 3D. Lasers This weapons addon adds three lasers to the game. Mad guns In this Minecraft Bedrock Edition modification has implemented many mad weapons. Is there an automatic weapon in the addon? Yes, it is different types of guns. It is three: red, orange and blue. There are 25 weapons. Edward Butler. Call of Duty Mod Terraria Weapons Pedestal Mod for Connect with. I do not mind to create my account. When you log in using social media for the first time, we receive public information from your account provided by the social media service provider according to your privacy settings. We also automatically receive your email address to create your account on our website. When it is created, you will be logged in with this account. Disagree Agree. Inline Feedbacks. Load More Button.
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New World Mod Pack - Official Feed The Beast Wiki
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๐Ÿ’พ โ–บโ–บโ–บ DOWNLOAD FILE ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Adds different hooks with launchers which give you ability to climb, abseil, jum This mod adds a new Dimension especially for mining. It is pretty much like the This is a small Backup mod I created. All it does: Backups. It also works on cli BiblioCraft adds fancy storage containers including bookcases, armor stands, pot Brandon's Core is a library mod used by most of my mods. It is no longer a core CodeChickenLib is a library of systems to help make various aspects of minecraft Required for all CoFH Mods. Also provides some customization options for Minecra Adds a cooking book and multiblock kitchens that only shows recipes you can make This mod allows you to wear two sets of armor, one for display, one for function Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much mo Plays a sound once the client has loaded to the main menu or loaded the world. This is a mod that was originally made for the Tolkiencraft mod pack but it has The unofficial version of the DummyCore library with some changes and fixes. Environmental Tech is a mod containing a vast selection of multiblock machines Adds large, multiblock power generation machines to Minecraft. Compatible with R Increases leaf decay rates. Check out the config to change the decay rate! Questionable "performance improvements" that are not in Forge for probably very Open source library for facilitation of multiple functional parts in the one blo Inventory Pets are living animated creatures that exist in your inventory and gi Tweaks to inventory handling for ease of use, including sorting and automatic re New chests with larger sizes, with in-place upgrade items. The feature chest is A mod which adds modular power armor, power tool, and a tinker table to configur A mod that enhances the inventory management by adding various additional functi A common library of useful functions and utilities for dealing with Minecraft's Allows players to mine whole veins of ore, cut down whole trees or any other too A mod that adds automation that can be built in the early game and upgraded thro Redstone enthusiasts' one-stop-shop. Compatibility module for Project Red. Thermal gets Agrarian - provides options for farming and related activities! Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - blocks for transporting Items, Fluids, Redsto Expanding Minecraft Thermally - provides new options for automation and processi A small mod that gives your tools XP and awards extra modifiers on levelup. A little of this, a little of that, a lot of tinkering, and a lot of tools. You are using Hwyla, a fork of Waila. You can find more information on the Hwyla You have JavaScript disabled. This site may not work correctly. No support will be given. Colony: New Worlds. New Worlds is the latest in our long-running Colony modpacks. Build your very own spaceship, and then blast off to over 50 planets. Maybe you're more of a down to earth guy, and just want to settle into some tech. Well, we've got you covered with the very latest sci-fi tech, allowing you to build complex factories and bases. Maybe all of that isn't for you, and you just want to check out some new dimension, build your own rail network, become as OP as possible, get into the magical side of thing Or maybe you just want to build a huge mob farm. Whatever you imagine, it possible in New Worlds. It has a friendly active community, advanced claim systems, admin and player shops, anti-cheat, and so much more. Servers Discord Support Website. Streams Videos. Download ATLauncher. Minecraft Version. This pack uses Minecraft version 1. There have been 19, installs of this pack. There have been 1, server installs of this pack. Players have played a total of A Lib alib Actually Additions r Advanced Hook Launchers 1. AI-Improvements 1. Alchemistry 1. AppleSkin 1. Applied Energistics 2 rv6-stable Aroma's Dimensional World 2. AromaCore 2. AromaBackup 2. AsmodeusCore AsmodeusCore Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded 1. Baubles 1. BD Lib 1. Better Builder's Wands 0. BetterFps BetterFps BiblioCraft 2. Botania r1. Brandon's Core 1. Chameleon 4. ChickenChunks 2. Chisel 1. Clumps 3. CodeChicken Lib 3. CoFH Core 4. CoFH World 1. CommonCapabilities 1. Controlling 3. Cooking for Blockheads 6. CosmeticArmorReworked 1. CraftTweaker2 1. CTM MC1. Custom Main Menu 2. Cyclops Core 1. Ding 1. Draconic Evolution 1. Ender IO 5. EnderCore 1. Engineer's Decor 1. Environmental Tech 1. Extra Utilities 2 extrautils Extreme Reactors 1. Fast Leaf Decay v FoamFix [email protected]. Forge Endertech 1. Forge Multipart CBE 2. Galacticraft I can't find it 4. Guide-API 1. HelpFixer 1. Immersive Engineering 0. Immersive Petroleum 1. Immersive Railroading 1. Immersive Tech 1. Industrial Foregoing 1. Integrated Dynamics 1. Integrated Tunnels 1. Inventory Pets 2. Inventory Tweaks 1. Iron Backpacks 1. Iron Chest 7. It's the little things 1. Item Blacklist 1. Just Enough Items 4. Just Enough Resources 0. Login Shield 1. LunatriusCore 1. MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits 1. Mantle 1. MatterOverdrive: Legacy Edition 1. McJtyLib 3. MCMultiPart 2. Mekanism 1. Mekanism: Tools 1. MekanismOres 2. MicdoodleCore MicdoodleCore MobDismemberment 1. Mouse Tweaks 2. MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod 6. MrTJPCore 2. No Nausea 1. No Recipe Book 1. NoMoreRecipeConflict 0. Numina 1. OMLib 3. OreExcavation 1. Pam's HarvestCraft 1. Practical Logistics 2 1. Progressive Automation 1. Project Intelligence 1. ProjectRed Compatibility 4. ProjectRed Core 4. ProjectRed Illumination 4. Random Things 4. RandomPatches 1. ReAuth 3. Redstone Flux 2. Resource Loader 1. RFTools 1. Schematica 1. SCP: Lockdown 1. SG Craft 2. Shadowfacts' Forgelin 1. SonarCore 1. Storage Drawers 5. SwingThroughGrass 1. TCFastCrafting 2. Tesla Core Lib 1. Thermal Cultivation 0. Thermal Dynamics 2. Thermal Expansion 5. Thermal Foundation 2. Thermal Innovation 0. Tinkers Tool Leveling 1. Tinkers' Construct 2. Track API 1. UniDict 1. Valkyrie Lib 1. Waila 1. WanionLib 1. Waystones 4. Woot 1. Xaero's Minimap XNet 1. YNot 0. Zero CORE 1.
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sistazai ยท 3 years
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This is the truth โ€ฆ Like so many folks out here, I did not even know how much of (so-called) modern psychology, new age spirituality, Quantum Physics, Biology and other sciences are all rooted in Indigenous Earth-based and ancient ancestral practices. In the case of New Age Spirituality and wh*te washed yoga, the result of my (socially and historically induced) ignorance is that I actually end up rejecting the very practices our ancestors created so we could be well and in harmony with all life. Isnโ€™t that some colonial fuckshit? ๐Ÿ‘ This is why I go on about cultural appropriation โ€ฆ of course โšช๏ธ supremacy delusion being what it is, itโ€™s gotta centre itself in those discussions ๐Ÿ‘ Hereโ€™s some tissue, boo. Now go do your work while I do mine. Let me repeat: Iโ€™m addressing โšซ๏ธ folks first and foremost because our traditions were not only stolen but also demonised. Then Iโ€™m also addressing all people of the global majority. I๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝm asking us all to gently consider what it might mean and be like to go and reclaim from the dominant capitalist culture what our ancestors developed over thousands of years and left behind for the benefit of our health and well-being. By reclaim, I mean really examine the remnants of these practices as they float around decontextualised and โšช๏ธ washed. May I invite you to pursue this project with curiosity and with the intention to find out about your roots and the social and historic context in which these practices emerged and how your ancestorโ€™s applied science to the body, mind and spirit. Then see if you can find ways to apply the same practices to your 21st century reality. This is just an invitation. Decolonizing is action. Me? Iโ€™ll be dancing under the moon ๐Ÿ’šโ™พ . . Posted @withregram โ€ข @ancestral_voices Powerful and truthful quote from @dr.rosalesmeza ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ’ฏ Connect back to your ancient ancestral wisdom. Know Your Story, Know Yourself https://www.instagram.com/p/CbLJBCRBCNj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cosmicpolaris ยท 6 years
Illyana Rasputina Appreciation
This is me again with another post for the X-men. Today, I wanted to appreciate one of my favorite characters *drums* Illyana Rasputina or Magik. Let's get started, shall we?
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  โŒHistoryโŒ
ย Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina first appeared in Giant-Size X-men #1, but as a background character,ย  whose name wasn't given until Uncanny X-men #160. After a while she aged seven years, became a sorceress in Limbo and delevoped her mutant abilities and later was added to the New Mutant's cast,ย  appearing for the first time as Magik in New Mutants #14.
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"You are wrong, Sinister. We are not the last of our kind -- we are the first. No one will kill us. Not you, not the Inhumans. We are the children of Xavier. We are all brothers and sisters... and together there is nothing we cannot do. "
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  โŒBackstoryโŒ
Illyana's backstory is complicated, yet tragic one.ย  She lived in the Soviet Union until her brother manifested mutant abilities.ย  They both went to live in the USA together.ย  After a while Illyana was trapped in Limbo by the demon Belasco, who made her his apprentice.In Limbo Belasco took part of her soul,ย  turning it into a blood stone, which allowed Illyana a great potential for power and Belasco a way to control her. He taught her everything he knew about black magik and was taught white magic by an alternative version of Storm, but at the age of 14 Illyana rebeled against him and cast the demon out of limbo becoming the realm's new ruler.ย  After six years (Limbo time) Illyana returned home to the X-men, where only seconds passed since the team's return.
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"I liedโ€ฆIโ€™m a demon sorceress, what did you expect ? Sue me."
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  โŒAbilitiesโŒ
ย โ˜† Teleportation through "stepping discs" - Magik is the only teleporter,ย  who can teleport throught time and space.
โ˜†Magic - Illyana's magic is unlimited in Limbo,ย  while on Earth she can cast very simple spells, sense mystical presence and astral projection.
โ˜†Eldritch Armour- it appears when Illyana uses her magical abilities and grants super strength.
โ˜†Soul sword - basically this is sword created by her own life force.
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"See ya, villains! Don't do anything in Limbo, I wouldn't do! And watch out for demons!"
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  โŒWhy I love her?โŒ
ย As I said in the beginning, Magik is one of my favorite X-men characters. I think her backstory is original and interesting. She constantly struggles to keep her dark side in check,ย  because if she doesn't.....a fight with a demon sorceress isn't something I would be looking forward to. Her I don't give a f**k attitude is something that always amuses me and I love to read about her. She was never in a relationship (which is not bad), but it shows that she is independent. Illyana's powers are really I interesting and kinda weird, which I love. At the end she is hell of a great character to read about,ย  especially her interactions with Kitty, their chemistry is just harious.
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Very well. Feel your soul bleed! "
Soon Illyana will be appearing in "The new mutants" and I can't wait to see her there.
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The actress looks so much like her lol
The images are not mine. I found them in We Heart It. I give full credit to the artists and makers
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