#Sand Skulls
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groriatrevi10xx · 8 months ago
...Ciudad y Pueblos/City and Towns...
✨Mundo Oscuro✨
✨Ciudad Central-Central City:
"Desde el nacimiento del Mundo Oscuro, la ciudad central ha existido... El primer alojamiento de las primeras brujas y donde se encuentra el castillo.../Since the birth of the Mundo Oscuro, the central city has existed... the first accommodation of the first witches and where the castle is located...
También lo llaman el Nido de las Brujas, un lugar luminoso y enorme... Donde todo brilla en la noche eterna, con sus faroles y suelos de cemento.../They also call it the Witches' Nest, a bright and huge place... Where everything shines in the eternal night, with its lanterns and concrete floors..."
🌿Jardín de la Muerte-Garden of Death:
"Un Pueblo apartado que fue creado de la nada, por muchas Brujas pacíficas que preferían la luz y la paz, lejos de la magia y las peleas que siempre se generaban comúnmente con otras Brujas.../A secluded Town that was created out of nothing, by many peaceful Witches who preferred light and peace, far from the magic and fights that were always commonly generated with other Witches...
Los dragones también vivían en este lugar, desde el Reinado de Hela, la ubicación del Pueblo pasó a estar encima de unas montañas, es muy fácil perderse para llegar allí.../Dragons also lived in this place, since the Reign of Hela, the location of the Town became above some mountains, it is very easy to get lost to get there..."
{Es normal que aquí sólo habitan las brujas, relacionadas con la naturaleza.../It is normal that here only witches inhabit here, related to nature...}
🍬Pueblo de Dulce-Town of Sweet:
"Aunque suene loco, este Pueblo creado por Brujas relacionado ya sea con la cocina, la comida o los dulces… Aunque más dulce que cualquier otra cosa… Tómalo como un paraíso loco, con una casa de dulces y suelos comestibles, ríos de almíbares dulces… Fantástico.../Although it sounds crazy, this Town created by Witches related to either cooking, food or sweets... Although sweeter than anything... Take it as a crazy paradise, with a candy house and edible soils, rivers of sweet syrups... Fantastic...
Suena muy loco... Bastante loco, pero la Reina de aquella época no prohibió la creación de tal lugar... Así que si te gustan los dulces, este es tu lugar para una buena visita.../It sounds very crazy... Quite crazy, but the Queen of that time did not prohibit the creation of such a place... So if you like sweets, this is your place for a good visit..."
{Imagínense las cosas más locas.../Imagine the craziest things...}
⛏️Pueblo Minado-Mined Town:
"Cuando se abrieron las primeras minas, estaban tan lejos de Ciudad Central como el Jardín de la Muerte y Pueblo de Dulce... Tardaban tanto en llegar a casa y volver a trabajar otro día, en ese momento todavía no había transporte ni hechizos para teletransportarse...Todo era tan primitivo.../When the first mines were opened, they were as far from Central City as the Garden of Death and Town of Sweet... It took so long to get home and return to work another day, at that time there were still no transportation or spells to teleport ...Everything was so primitive...
Así que muchas Brujas decidieron mudarse a las minas, no hicieron un Pueblo cerca de las minas, sino que crearon un Pueblo dentro de las Minas... Adornado de minerales y piedras preciosas, el Pueblo cubierto de tierra y piedra, bajo la oscuridad de las minas, con una estructura increíble que sólo los faroles iluminan... Caminos pedregosos y llenos de vías de tren, un verdadero espectáculo.../So many Witches decided to move to the mines, they did not make a Town near the mines, but rather they created a Town inside the Mines... Adorned with minerals and precious stones, the Town covered in earth and stone, under darkness of the mines, with an incredible structure that only the lanterns illuminate... Rocky roads and full of railway tracks, a truly spectacle..."
🔥Infierno Negro-Black Inferno:
"Nadie sabe de dónde surgió la idea, pero crear un Pueblo bajo cualquier fardo de tierra, bajar a lo más profundo del abismo donde no existe el oxígeno... No es que las Brujas necesiten oxígeno... Después de todo en este pueblo lo único que no hay es Oxígeno.../No one knows where the idea came from, but creating a Town under any bale of earth, going down to the depths of the abyss where oxygen does not exist... It's not like Witches need oxygen... After all in this town The only thing there is not is Oxygen...
Dice la leyenda que fue por la indiferencia que nació un pueblo... Lleno de oscuridad bajo tierra, bajando y bajando escaleras, faroles colgados por todas partes... Y al final se ve la lava y el agua cruzando canales... Un maravilloso lugar oscuro, lleno de silencio y paz... Un infierno personal, lo único molesto de este Pueblo... Son las escaleras para bajar al centro de la tierra, al menos hay ascensor.../The legend says that it was due to indifference that a town was born... Full of darkness underground, going down and down stairs, lanterns hang everywhere... And in the end you can see the lava and water crossing channels... A wonderful dark place, full of silence and peace... A personal hell, the only annoying thing about this Town... They are the stairs to go down to the core of the earth, at least there is an elevator..."
⏳Cráneos de Arena-Sand Skulls:
"Algunos prefieren vivir entre la arena y el calor normal de un desierto... Al menos para eso se creó este pueblo, lleno de antorchas incesantes, templos y pirámides... Una combinación de muchas culturas a la vez, un lugar hermoso... Además si te gusta el calor y la arena en tus zapatos.../Some prefer to live among the sand and the normal heat of a desert... At least that's why this town was created, full of incessant torches, temples and pyramids... A combination of many cultures at the same time, a beautiful place... Also if you like the heat and sand in your shoes...
Gracias a la creación de este lugar se creó la Primera lengua y escritura del Mundo Oscuro, aunque se rechazaron varias lenguas y escrituras... La reina de aquella época al final eligió una, fueron muchos los creados que fueron difíciles y eran más dibujos que otra cosa; y más sonidos... Eligió números más simples y fáciles de entender y escribir... Hay un libro que guarda todos los idiomas rechazados, suena interesante, aunque está protegido.../Thanks to the creation of this place, the First language and writing of the Mundo Oscuro was created, although several languages and writings were rejected... The queen of that time in the end chose one, there were many created that were difficult and were more drawings than anything else and more sounds... He chose something simpler and easier numbers to understand and write... There is a book that keeps all the rejected languages, it sounds interesting, although it is protected..."
🌋Pueblo Volcán-Volcano Town:
"¿Como un Pueblo en un Volcán?... Ninguna Reina hasta ahora lo entiende, por mucho que pase el tiempo... Ni siquiera Arma misma lo entiende, aunque al fin y al cabo... El Mundo Oscuro es algo loco y extraño, pero maravilloso... Un hogar para cada Bruja.../Like a Town in a Volcano?... No Queen until now understands it, no matter how much time passes... Not even the Arma herself understands, although after all... The Mundo Oscuro is something crazy and strange , but wonderful... A home for every Witch...
La Idea de un pueblo sobre un volcán surgió de un Caballero, que se quedó en las orillas de uno, exactamente hasta la cima del volcán... Todos la miraban como si estuviera loca... Hasta que muchas Brujas simplemente empezaron a hacer lo mismo, uniéndose a él y construyendo casas dentro del Volcán, hasta convertirlo en Pueblo... Donde la luz abrazadora de la lava ilumina las casas, hay caminos hechos con algunas especialidades, casas y comercios flotando sobre piedras en medio de toda la lava... Un espectáculo loco.../The Idea of a town on a volcano came from a Knight, who stayed on the banks of one, exactly up to the top of the volcano... Everyone looked at her like someone crazy... Until many Witches just started doing the same, joining together to him and building houses inside the Volcano, until it became a Town... Where the embracing light of the lava illuminates the houses, there are paths made with some specialties, houses and shops floating on stones in the middle of all the lava... A crazy show..."
❄️Brillo Frío-Cold Shine:
"Si las tormentas de arena no son lo tuyo, puedes disfrutar de las tormentas de nieve aquí... Llenas de un reconfortante, casi inhumano, fuerte frío cero... Pero las Brujas no son humanas, así que no les importa... Mientras caminan por caminos resbaladizos, caminos de hielo, este pueblo fue creado para aquellos que prefieren un invierno eterno..../If sandstorms aren't your thing, you can enjoy snowstorms here... Filled with a comforting, almost inhuman, strong zero cold... But Witches aren't human, so they don't care... While walking along slippery ice roads, this town was created for those who prefer an eternal winter....
Lleno de hielo y nieve, con carámbanos afilados que sobresalen de los techos y del suelo... Está cerca de las colinas, este Pueblo... Lleno de casas de madera e iglús, con pieles en venta y mucho chocolate caliente por todas partes... No nos olvidemos del pescado congelado, es un lugar iluminado por antorchas y velas allá donde esté, las aureolas boreales llenan el paisaje invernal y los cristales de hielo reflejan la luz a lo largo de cualquier camino rocoso lleno de nieve, o simplemente hielo…/Full of ice and snow, with sharp icicles sticking out of roofs and ground... It's close to the hills, this Town... Full of wooden houses and igloos, with furs for sale and lots of hot chocolate everywhere... Don't forget the frozen fish, it is a place illuminated by torches and candles wherever it is, the northern halos fill the winter landscape and the ice crystals reflect the light along any rocky path full of snow, or just ice..."
🥀Valle de Espinas-Valley of Thorns:
"Se puede decir que este pueblo es elegante... Donde aquí reina el glamour, la moda, las costumbres y muchas cosas así... Casas grandes y lugares demasiado exagerados, con luces de un lugar a otro... Aquí está donde se crearon las primeras modas y donde permanece una Familia importante que juró lealtad a todas las Reinas existentes, la Familia Reyes... Juraron con lágrimas y sangre morir por cada una y ser tan fieles.../You can say that this town is elegant... Where glamor lives, fashion, manners and many things like that reign here... Big houses and places that are too exaggerated, with lights from one place to another... Here It is where the first fashions were created and where an important Family remains that swore loyalty to all the existing Queens, the Family Reyes... They swore in tears and blood to die for each one and to be so faithful...
Este lugar con hermosos escaparates, restaurantes, teatros, museos y muchas cosas más... Podrían ser del gusto de alguna Bruja, es un lugar lleno de espinas afiladas y arbustos venenosos, pisos empedrados pero hermosos, por donde circulan las carretas... Donde brilla la riqueza y la elegancia... Cuidado con cada espina, son el reflejo de la crueldad de un ser y de la envidia más poderosa... Aunque es un gran lugar para vivir y demasiado acogedor, quitando las espinas.../This place with beautiful shop windows, restaurants, theaters, museums and many other things... They could be the taste of some Witch, it is a place full of sharp thorns and poisonous bushes, cobbled but beautiful floors, where the carts run... Where wealth and elegance shine... Be careful of each thorn, they are the reflection of the cruelty of a being and the most powerful envy... Although it is a great place to live and too cozy, removing the thorns..."
🪸Pueblo de Algas Verdes-Algae Greens Village:
"En las profundidades de un mar, en algún lugar del Mundo Oscuro... Un pueblo yace bajo el mar, lleno de algas y peces, donde los corales gobiernan las casas y tiendas construidas... Los caminos son de arena y piedra, faroles con extrañas luciérnagas iluminan el lugar en estas aguas oscuras... Mientras los tiburones patrullan, todo es música y risas bajo estas tranquilas aguas.../Within the Depths of a Sea, somewhere in the Mundo Oscuro... A town lies beneath the sea, full of algae and fish, where corals rule over the houses and shops built... The roads are made of sand and stone, lanterns with strange fireflies illuminate the place in these dark waters... While the sharks patrol, everything is music and laughter beneath these calm waters...
Un Pueblo creado por medusas y aprobado por la Reina de aquella época, ahora bajo el agua viven sirenas, tritones y muchos seres más... Un Pueblo creado para Brujas de este tipo de especies, aunque es un gran lugar para visitar... Cualquiera puede entrar, sólo hay que conocer los hechizos correctos.../A Town created by jellyfish and approved by the Queen of that time, now mermaids, mermen and many more beings live under the water... A Town created for Witches of this type of species, although it is a great place to visit... Anyone can enter, you just have to know the right spells..."
☁️Pueblo del Cielo-Town of Heaven:
"En las alturas, entre las nubes... Desde el infinito cielo oscuro que a veces se llena de estrellas brillantes, sobre todo eso... Sobre las nubes, hay un Pueblo construido en el cielo, las nubes cargan su peso como si fuera nada... Los árboles y la fauna crecen por encima de esas nubes, un espectáculo interesante... El agua cae de las nubes hacia abajo en una cascada brillante, ¿cómo es posible?.../In the heights, within the clouds... From the infinite dark sky that is sometimes full of bright stars, above all that... Above the clouds, is a Town built in the sky, the clouds carry their weight as if It was nothing... The trees and fauna grow above those clouds, an interesting spectacle... The water falls from the clouds downwards in a brilliant waterfall, how is it possible?...
Este Pueblo en las Nubes está lleno de pavimentos de concreto y casas de ladrillo, hermosos parques y observatorios especializados para observar las estrellas... Un hermoso lugar, donde puedes ver casas construidas en las nubes, puentes de nubes y escaleras de nubes... Todo iluminado por hermosos cristales que aparecen colgando de las nubes que allí flotan... Que loco es todo esto, es un lugar donde las estrellas son un poema para el corazón de cada Bruja que aquí vive.../This Town in the Clouds is full of concrete pavements and brick houses, beautiful parks and specialized observatories for stargazing... A beautiful place, where you can see houses built in clouds, cloud bridges and cloud stairs... Everything illuminated by beautiful crystals that appear hanging from the clouds that float there... How crazy is all this, it is a place where the stars are a poem for the heart of every Witch who lives here..."
🌲Bosque Profundo-Deep Forest:
"Es difícil encontrar un Pueblo en todo un Bosque, que esté exactamente ubicado en el bosque pero no sabes dónde y es más difícil si el Pueblo está encima de los árboles... Así es este Pueblo, en algún lugar ubicado dentro de los bosques profundos y oscuros, encima de los árboles y nunca en el suelo, se construye un Pueblo... Donde la agricultura se lleva a otro nivel, encima de los árboles y las macetas... Vaya.../It is difficult to find a Town in an entire Forest, which is exactly located in the forest but you do not know where and it is more difficult if the Town is above the trees... That is what this Town is like, somewhere located within the deep dark forests, above the trees and never on the ground, a Town is built... Where agriculture is taken to another level, above trees and pots... Wow...
Las casas de cada Bruja están construidas en los árboles, como una casa en el árbol... Solo que más grande y más acogedora, hay muchas cosas allí... Es un pequeño pueblo de puentes colgantes y mucha madera, con tarros de luciérnagas iluminando cada rincón del lugar, un pueblo muy conocido por tener una gran agricultura… Aunque no ponen un pie en el suelo y prefieren las alturas de un árbol, no dejan de ser unas vistas increíbles…/The homes of each Witch are built in the trees, like a tree house... Only bigger and cozier, there are many things there... It is a small town of hanging bridges and a lot of wood, with jars of fireflies lighting up each corner of the place, a town well known for having great agriculture... Although they do not set foot on the ground and prefer the heights of a tree, they are still incredible views..."
G: Mucho Texto, pero también habrá algo similar para el Au de Umbra, pero todavía tengo que escribir.../A lot of Text, but there will also be something similar for the Au of Umbra, but I still have to write...
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auspicioustidings · 2 months ago
Frankenstein's monster 141, all the body parts remember they're in love with you even if the brain is that of an entirely different creature. My brain is too fried to elaborate, I hate December, I cannot handle this many social plans.
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galedekarios · 1 year ago
i hope in about a year-ish, we are ready to talk about how bl**dw**v* is literally the any two white guys trope
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years ago
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Got some more test print pics 👀!!
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vaathnaos · 10 months ago
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Happy (late) eclipse day!
In Shifting Sands and also Linked Universe Time is heavily inspired by Guts! Even in canon the hero’s shade was probably inspired by the skullknight! So i just wanted to poke fun at that!
That Skullknight took me AGES to make.
I wanted to make some Berserk art for the eclipse! but a doodle turned into something else and now i’m late…
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tropical-gothic-island · 11 months ago
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evilhorse · 6 months ago
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Detective Comics #1081
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gummi-stims · 3 months ago
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🏖️👻🖤💚Haunted Beach💚🖤👻🏖️
From sliimeyhoneyshop's Halloween collection!
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moviesludge · 3 months ago
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I love this half-assed repulsion magic, like "oh yeah, and you? uhh piss off I guess"
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sinekq · 8 months ago
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astronomical octopusy
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valeress · 1 month ago
#BARISI MERMAID AU#sonny being a mermaid in a beach and watches from the svu team from a distance drag a corpse to shore#the same corpse that sonny ended up finding by accident — because he didn’t realize he was swimming down the wrong stream.#until he bumped into it. ties it to a rock and waits for early dawn to hit pebbles at passerby's so they’ll catch sight of the body.#rafael catches sight of something in the water — sonny ducking back into the sea when the ADA points right at him.#sonny doesn’t see any of the csu or svu officers for the next two days. not until rafael is returning in the later afternoon.#eyes drifting across the sand — flickering to the sea. looking for something. or maybe another someone?#sonny decides to swim as close as he can. rafael picks up a broken shell. throws it out to the sea. nothing happens.#he sighs. rubs his bleary eyes and spins on his heel to head back home. a sharp spike of pain hits his skull.#he turns around — but there’s no one there. a perfect conch lays on the ground.#sonny gets the courage to introduce himself to rafael they meet often blah blah blah they get into an arguement#so barba doesnt come back for three days but then regrets it only to find out that sonny is gone and he becomes upset#meanwhile a week later sonny is arrested for public indecency because holy shit! he got legs!#amaro and fin trying to figure out who tf this guy is but he has no fingerprints in the system#or on his fingers. its literally purely smooth skin. just those wrinkles where you’ve been in the shower for too long.#amaro is assigned to watch sonny while they figure out where tf he came from because sonny does not know any english#besides coffee. because barba loved coffee. meanwhile barba is losing his fucking mind and sleep#amaro has sonny as his roommate for 2 months then finds out sonny knows barba when he sees him in the newspaper and starts screaming RAFA!#they reunite in the office and before they can kiss tucker comes in and suddenly he is speaking mermaid because tucker was#assigned to IAB by Poseidon to continue to keep mermaids hidden from the public eye. blah blah they kiss#valeress rambles#part 2 of this fic is literally intersex carisi and barba fucking this entire plot is an excuse to write intersex carisi#ok sleeping now gn
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sunnpii · 6 months ago
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yuris house in minecraft ddlc au :3
(well. she doesnt rlly consider it a "house", she thinks of it more like a... utility tower?? and she keeps all her important stuff there and her spawn point is set there. its judt like her top secret Place. she has smaller, more cozy looking houses that actually LOOK like houses built in a bunch of places scattered across the world. BUT I DIGRESS)
im not much of a builder but this was fun!!1!1!
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autopsiedsage · 4 months ago
sad and in pain friday 👍
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the-leech-lord · 1 year ago
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💀Death The Kid Stimboard💀
Day 30 cringetember stimboard - Soul Eater
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capricioussun · 2 months ago
Neonfell doc
(I didn't sleep so bear with me here, this might have a lot of needed editing, idk, that's a problem for post-sleep me)
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tema-makes-art-sometimes · 1 year ago
if france isnt being really weirdly morbid about death and its beauty then whats the gosh darn diggity dang point.
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