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error-code-lovesick · 6 months ago
FUCK i wanna stalk him so bad
learn all the little details like his coffee order, where he shops for clothes, the songs he plays while hes driving
and i wanna see what brand of cologne he buys so i can spray it on a hoodie and wear it when im pining
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forest-falcon · 6 months ago
The Butterfly Effect
Chptr 14
"So what's the plan?" Rigby jogged up alongside John.
"Here," John pressed a button at his wrist and the rock face in front of them opened; much the way a garage door might.
"Impressive," Rigby mused aloud. He let out a long, low whistle as he stepped inside.
"We need to clear a path around the pool. Jetpacks just won't cut it if we're gonna try n' stabilize One," John pointed to his brother's green Bird.
"Need me to pilot her?" Rigby's face held more than a trace of excitement.
"Oh...no, sorry," John scratched the back of his head.
"You'll be driving one of her pods. When we've cleared enough of the debris, and the villa has been stabilized; I may need you in Phoenix's carrier to help with moving One."
Rigby straightened and gave a nod.
"Time is scarce. Reports say Alan's okay, but we have a further three people in the villa who may require urgent medical attention, and I can't risk McCready's team in there until we know they have a chance at making it back out again," John sighed.
Rigby cleared his throat; his face visually construing a silent inner-debate.
"What?" John urged, then winced inwardly at his tone. Adjusting to Earth's gravity appeared to be even more wearing when fearing for your family's well being.
"You know, you can call them by name - Virgil and Gordon. We...we have your back," Rigby gave John an awkward clap on the back.
The clap echoed around the cavernous hangar.
John swallowed hard to staunch impending tears. There was a second's pause, before the astronaut stepped into his missing brother's Bird.
*. *. *.
"Knock, knock!" Parker called to signal his arrival outside of Alan's door.
"Erm...am I supposed to say who's there?" Alan's young voice came back.
" 'Oo's there? Well, hI'm glad to see that yer haven't lost your sense of humour along with yer bedroom!" Parker chuckled as he worked the lock on Alan's door.
There was a satisfying sound of the latch clicking, and the door swung open.
"Looks like you could use an 'and, Master Alan," he smiled, extending a hand.
"F-A-B-," Alan enthused, hauling himself up, and into the corridor, with Parker's help.
The teen cracked his back.
"Welp, I think I now hold the Tracy Island record for the longest pull up!"
*. *. *.
"We had to make an 'ole in Master Gordon's window to get to you. 'Fraid your brother's parking had made somewhat of a mess," Parker gestured towards Gordon's rooms.
"Didn't you teach him to drive?" Alan grinned.
"Cars, young Master Tracy, not rocket ships! And, I'll 'ave less of yer cheek! Scott might not be firin' on all cylinders at the moment, but you mark my words - I 'ave a memory like an elephant!" Parker chuckled, wagging a finger.
"You look like one too!"
"Oi!" Parker swatted at the teen as he ran.
*. *. *.
John and Rigby had made light work of clearing the debris surrounding the villa, and the structure was stabilised enough for a team to head up to help locate Virgil, Grandma, and Gordon.
"-OVER HERE!" Gordon hammered a small rock against a metal support beam.
The team tentatively picked their way over splintered floorboards and around mounds of rock that lay strewn across what was left of the comms room.
"Allie, is that you?"
"The one and only! I've brought some friends with me. Didn't wanna hog all the glory, y'know?"
Jonesy took a step closer, with a small hydraulic whine from the suit.
"S'up Gords? I like what you've done with the place. You're kinda lacking in the door department though."
"Well y'know what Virgil always says; if you can't find a door, make one!" Gordon called from behind the fallen rocks.
"My thoughts exactly!"
"WAIT!" Tycho was almost pulled forwards into the rock face as he tried to stall Jonesy's suited arm.
"The structure's too unstable. Any attempt to move these boulders risks the whole lot coming down on top of Gordon," Tycho gesticulated wildly.
"Yeah, let's not do that." Gordon deadpanned.
"So what's the plan?" Jonesy couldn't deny that the thrill of using the exosuit had him itching to use his new superpower again. Two tonne boulder? No problem! He'd just shifted it like....kapow!
Tycho dragged his hands down his face as he thought.
"Hmm...we need to get a better view of what we're dealing with. Right here, we can only see half of the puzzle." Tycho pensively ran a hand down the largest boulder.
"And how are we gonna do that?" Jonesy was under the distinct impression that Tycho wasn't referencing the exosuit.
"I think I have just the thing!"
The scientist bent down and unfastened the clasps of a small metal case he'd carried down from the carrier.
"Jonesy, meet Mini Max.”
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nottsangel · 7 months ago
This is just my 2 cents,
But imagine you got prank by the Weasley twins, and they're been using one of their product on you to test whether it can be good or not (yes you accidentally become their own little lab rat 😭). Of course, something's definitely wrong with you the moment you take the hit.
It was supposed to be an Amortentia thing, but it turns out to be an Aphrodisiac instead. So poor you need help from your own childhood friend Theodore to relieve the 'problem'. The bonus part is his friend Mattheo tagged along because he thought it would be fun to mess with you. Currently it's in my draft and now I'm stuck with writing blocks 🫠🫠🫠
I let my piece here so we can all go feral together on what's coming up next
I'mma be '🐦‍🔥' anon. Hope anyone hasn't taken this yet
I CANT WAITTTTT TO READ THIS !!!!!!! like oh my godddddd both of them condescendingly making fun of you for being horny as FUCK and ur just like ☹️☹️ pls help me out !!!!! which only ends up with you having to beg constantly for literally everything!!!!!!! and obv right as you are about to cum, they stop, because they just wanna hear once more how bad you want it…
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oscconfessions · 5 months ago
Call me down horrendous all you like, but I just wanna say that I stand for plus-sized Candle. That woman would NOT have an hour glass body shape, nah, she wouldn't even be skinny. Mostly due to the trope where characters gain weight when conflicts are resolved, I feel like Candle would do the same.
But you know what? I don't care what you see her as. I ain't your mind, so let you have fun with her design. Or anyone, really! It's your art, don't listen to the haters. I am very well the personification of "I play both sides so that I'm always on top" and I am simply gonna say that all Candle gijinkas are pretty. But ESPECIALLY if they're plus-sized.
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livingmydreamlife5555 · 12 days ago
Checking up on my shifter mooties, got some questions for you to answer if you wanna! Its to help with connecting to your drs and remembering we are literally in our drs rn cus ik it's east to sometimes forget that fact🤫
🐦‍🔥 :: What is your government name in your dr and what are some other names you go by? Do you have any nicknames?
🩷 :: What does your bedroom look like?
🎀 :: Do you have a routine to relax and wind down? What do you do after a long days work.
💌 :: Show me some of the food you are most excited to eat in your dr like desserts, meals all that stuff
💋 :: If you have one, whose your s/o and what do yall do to spend time together? (Your s/o can be platonic like your bestfriend for this!)
🫀 :: Show off your wardrobe style or your aesthetic
🐙 :: What are you most iconically known for I your dr? This can be multiple things
🦩 :: Describe your scent(s)
🥀 :: If you have any, what are your powers and your drawbacks/side effects
🌺 :: [Specifically for hero themed drs] Who is your favourite patrolling buddie(s), and do you prefer nighttime or daytime patrols
🍒 :: [Highschool/College themed drs like MHA] What subjects do you do and what extra curriculum do you attend? Also are you behind on your homework...🤨
Answer as many or as little questions as you like, and copy paste these into another shifters inbox! Have fun! Sending yall so much loveeee mwah mwah mwah
You are so so so right. We are in our drs right now, we've already shifted. This is totally a good way to remind ourselves (◍•ᴗ•◍)
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🐦‍🔥 :: My full government name is Jasmine Aurora Usagiyama. Some of the nicknames I have include Jaz/Jas from my big sis, Aurora from a lot of my cousins, or ironically princess
🩷 ::
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The first photo is the lovely bed I wake up in every morning. The second photo and third is more features of my room. It's quite big as well. So imagine my surprise to how small the dorms were 😭
🎀 :: Most times, it's either me playing with my pet bunny, or reading up on a new language that I have to learn for my spells. I also love to play roblox or any other video games with anyone else in the class
💌 :: so I'm a foodie, no matter where I go. And I love to cook, so if I see something I like, I'm gonna try to find the recipe and cook/bake it!! Most times I go for something with more protein though. Here's a few that I made that I've enjoyed or most of my classmates can't stop asking me for 😭
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💋 :: my s/o is Shoto, and I can't lie we've spent a lot of times in the kitchen while talking together. He loves my cooking, especially when I make Soba for him. But I'm trying to expand his taste to other food. We also spend together when we study, which in turn goes from a study session to us just playing games together. I love playing horror games with him, only because he always seems more calm then me, and I rather play it with someone else that can lead 😓
🫀 :: If I see anything cute and pink, it's going to my closet ❀(*´▽`*)❀
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🐙 :: oh this is very simple (maybe, maybe not 😭). My mom's family is a very famous family known for their magic quirks called the Arcania family. They are famous due to the fact that everyone has a different aesthetic to their magic. Some can be set around from fiery, shadow-like, or stormy visuals all the way to having magical visuals that are all cards (for example, all they're spells are casted through cards) or even having a more celestial visual. It can effect how we look too depending on what we get for our magical visual (I can make a more detailed post if anyone wants more info)
So for me, my magic visual/aesthetic is more on the pink and whimsical princess vibes. Soft and pink like Disney princesses (hence my middle name Aurora) Once somebody in my family develop their aesthetic, it can never be copied or found again in another person. So I've also gotten the nickname 'Princess of Arcania' which doesn't mean I am a princess of some land 😭, it's just what I've been described like through the family. And I'm also known for being Miruko's sister, even though we have very different...everything. Our personalities, our overall aesthetic is all different, but we are very close <3
🦩 :: my scent consists of vanilla and strawberry, and whenever I use my magic, it leaves off the notes of these scents as well. So I love using them ♥︎
🥀 :: so I have two quirks - bunny mutant (like my sister) and my magic quirk from my mom's side called mystic manifestations. I'll probably make a more detailed post about it, but some drawbacks include ➩
Using up my mana is like losing my blood, but I can have more control over my mana and more in general through practicing, meditating, and pushing my past my limits
Because my magic flows through my blood, it kinda effects how I see the world. For me, I see more soft hues of pink, soft sparkles, etc! It gets worst when I have my drawbacks. Everyone on my magical family side has the same thing. We all have magic flowing through our veins, yet everyone’s magic just looks different (visuals and aesthetics, etc!)
Also due to my magic, I have a whole lot of side effects. There are normally harmless, but they can make me stand out. I'll probably make a post just on all of them because there are a lot, but here are a few ➺
Harmless side effects: Emotional pink, glittery sparkles appear whenever I experience strong emotions like joy, excitement, or embarrassment. My eyes or hands might emit a faint rosy glow during moments of happiness or creativity. Tiny heart-shaped puffs, starry bubbles, or glowing butterflies occasionally appear and float around me, especially when I'm feeling playful or dreamy. Objects might shimmer or glow when I'm particularly animated. My presence seems to make lights more warmer and comforting. I leave behind faint trails of sparkles when moving quickly or gesturing dramatically, like during an excited conversation. Food and drinks I prepare might swirl into heart or flower shapes without me noticing, etc!!
🌺 :: my favorite patrolling buddy has to be Uraraka. I love my girl so so so so much! She's so adorable, yet can get seriously when we have to fight or encounter villains. We joke a lot, or talk about anything in the between. She doesn't make me feel bad for my likes and the way I present myself. I'd probably prefer day time, only because there's no way for me to be all stealthy with my magic and all!
🍒 :: well some of the subjects that are specific to the hero courses are: Foundational Heroics Studies, Battle training, and Hero lessons. We take the general courses like Math, Science, English (which I don't really need due to me growing up in America), Japanese, PE, Health Class, and World history. (we do not have classes on Saturday, and they end at 3pm <3)
I attend the music classes, as I play in the band and orchestra (I play violin and flute, piccolo, trumpet, piano, and guitar) And I make sure to stay up on my home work, so I have free time for all of it as well
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Ask anymore questions, as I love to answer them all!! I'm already in my dr, I have already shifted, it is done
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melonchanverse · 3 months ago
Hiii sweetpea! I'm sending asks! Also, I hope you're doing well. 🩷 I couldn't just pick one character, so here are a few!
Ichiro: 🧡, 🔥, 🌇 and 🐦‍🔥
Kaguya: 🧡, 🍊, 🐅 and 🍁
Beloved Nadeko: 🎃, 🐹, ✴️ and 🎇
hi!! and thank you nimo this ask was crazy 💀💀💀💀💀 i’m doing much better now!! hope you are okay too!! @einsatzzz tag you for nadeko mention
if you wanna leave an ask - 🌇
🧡 (orange heart) - Is your oc honest? Why or why not? Are there only specific people they’re honest to?
yes, ichiro values honesty highly. he always tries to be honest, but in the mafia world, absolute honesty isn't always feasible. sometimes he unknowingly engages in dishonest practices for the greater good, but it doesn't sit well with him either. despite this, he still strives to be as sincere as possible. he wouldn't allow someone to be consistently kept in the dark.
🔥 (fire) - What drives your character in life? Is it a belief? A person? A goal? Whatever it is, what do they want from it and what are they willing to do to get it?
for ichiro, his burning ambition and drive come from a deep-seated sense of loyalty to his family. his primary goal is to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone he holds dear, especially his siblings. he’s willing to go to great lengths to protect them and safeguard their happiness, even if it means taking on seemingly impossible tasks. although loyalty to his family serves as the primary force propelling him forward, he also possesses a natural talent for leadership
🌇 (sunset) - What does it take for your character to trust someone? Do they have to prove themselves? Or does your character not trust anyone no matter what? What made them this way?
ichiro is quite a cautious person and doesn’t easily trust someone without sufficient proof. he doesn’t outright distrust everyone, but he does require time and tangible evidence before he’ll fully trust someone. this guarded nature is due to his experiences and the harsh realities of the mafia world. he’s seen deceit and betrayal, and it’s made him wary of others’ intentions. he needs to see some level of authenticity and consistency in someone’s actions before he’s willing to open up and trust them
🐦‍🔥 (phoenix) - What has your oc had to overcome to get to where they are now? Were the challenges emotional or physical? Would you say they had to go through a “rebirth”? How did they change, if at all?
ichiro's life, marked by his early immersion in the mafia, has been a series of challenges. he had to overcome emotional and physical obstacles from a young age, each one testing his resilience and character. these trials have indeed been akin to a “rebirth” for him. each hurdle has changed him, instilling a deep sense of responsibility, fortitude, and adaptability. he picked himself up bit by bit, staying strong for the ones he loves, as the mafia lifestyle demanded sacrifices and perseverance
🧡 (orange heart) - Is your oc honest? Why or why not? Are there only specific people they’re honest to?
kaguya is an interesting case when it comes to honesty. she values candor and doesn't beat around the bush, but her honesty can feel blunt and even a bit harsh at times. she tends to be brutally truthful with everyone, which often lands her in hot water. while she may hold back on certain things for nadeko's sake, she typically doesn't find the need to filter her words. so, you could say she's honest to a fault.
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
kaguya has a unique blend of selflessness and selfishness. while she appears aloof and self-centered, she harbors a deep sense of loyalty and would sacrifice a great deal for those she cares about. for Nadeko, she is willing to put her own wants and needs aside to protect her. but her selflessness is born from a deeper motivation; she doesn't do it out of sheer altruism, but rather as a means to fulfill her own desires and needs.
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
kaguya's temper is like a simmering volcano; it may not erupt constantly, but when it does, watch out. she’s not one to get easily angered, and she often maintains a stoic facade. however, if you cross certain boundaries or threaten what she holds dear, you'll quickly ignite her fiery wrath. it’s not so much that she's quick to anger, but more that when she does get angry, it's an intense and formidable force to reckon with.
🍁 (maple leaf) - What brings your character joy? Do they find happiness in the small things? Does it take a lot to cheer them up?
despite her exterior, kaguya does find joy in small moments. she may not display it outwardly, but the simple comfort of a quiet night, a satisfying conversation, or even a good meal can bring a subtle joy to her otherwise stoic demeanor. when it comes to being cheered up, it’s a bit more complex; she values genuine connection and understanding, and it takes something more than just a simple gesture or an empty platitude to genuinely lift her spirits.
🎃 (jack-o’-lantern) - What is your character’s greatest fear? Is it something primal like the dark or something specific like killer clowns? Did they gain this fear after a bad experience? Whatever it is, why are they scared of it?
nadeko's greatest fear is not something tangible or immediate like the dark or killer clowns, but rather a fear rooted in the depths of her soul. born and raised in a world where she is expected to uphold an image of perfection, her biggest dread is the loss of her identity. the fear that deep down, she isn't truly herself but a mere amalgamation of expectations and roles assigned to her. this fear stemmed not from a singular experience but from a lifetime of being trapped in a golden cage, constantly pressured to conform to others' definitions of who she should be.
🐹 (hamster) - How does your oc feel about animals? Have they ever had a pet? What made them feel this way towards animals?
nadeko has a soft spot for animals, particularly small and cute ones. she never had a pet growing up, her busy schedule and strict upbringing didn't allow for it. yet, she always felt a sense of comfort in the presence of animals.
✴️ (eight-pointed star) - Is there anyone your oc admires or looks up to? What qualities of this person does your oc admire? Do they want to be like this person one day?
nadeko doesn't have someone she consciously admires or strives to be like. her behavior towards her younger brother, Itsuki, can occasionally mirror the manner of their older brother, Ichiro, without her realizing it. perhaps there's a subtle influence from ichiro in how she interacts with her siblings, and it seeps into her actions without her fully recognizing its origin.
🎇 (sparkler) - If your oc had the chance to start their life over again, what would they change, if anything? How would this change them and the people around them? Would their lives be better or worse? Would they change anything in the first place?
if nadeko had the chance to start her life over again, she'd want to change the expectations and constraints that defined her existence. she'd yearn to break free from the chains of perfection and find her true self. this change would set her on a different path, creating a life free from societal norms and her own internal struggles. while it might cause pain for some, it would also bring a genuine sense of freedom and authenticity, affecting both her and those around her. the question remains, would she actually change anything in the first place?
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divine-mystic-princess · 10 months ago
Hey, hope you're doing fine!
I wanna ask you about your thoughts on aries lilith conjunct sun and MC.
Thanks in advance! Kisses xx
🐦‍🔥 Peace Beloved ✌🏾
Aries ♈️ Lilith ~ conjuncting the sun & MC
wow, first thing is definitely a fire starter, rule breaker, born to resist the norm and change a lot in whatever career field you’re in. You definitely trigger a lot of people because of your innate sense of confidence. I mean c’mon— the SUN conjunct MC alone screams radiant energy and ultimate willpower. In Aries.?! Omg, super powerful but to have Lilith there… the unseen dark magnetism behind it all is an unmatched kind of power. People don’t even know how to perceive you as hard as they may try. You have an underlying sense of divinity 👑 with everything you do and everything you touch seems to transform, not just “change”. You’re the type of a person to leave a mark… physically and spiritually. Fire here is smoldering, like 🐲 dragon fire I’m feeling. Too hot to handle (even for yourself sometimes) and will even melt through tough metal. Whew!! Am I gassing you up or what LOL! Seriously though, be careful not to play with too many others. You do best independently 100% especially if others can’t keep up or handle your flame here🔥 Don’t be sad, try to find more people that will resonate with your energy and passion.!
hope that helped 🥰
if you love my astrology observations feel free to ask more 💌 + any tips are appreciated for the energy exchange ✨💚🪐✨
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southparkhcs · 5 months ago
🚸 South Park HC's:
— Our tumblr page, as it's name says, will post South Park headcanons about the characters every day! Our headcanons will be shared as:
• Text (phrases, ideas, scenarios...).
• Short dialogues.
• Sketches.
• Playlists.
• Edits/moodboards.
• ...and much more!
— We can also share your headcanon too! You can choose if you want to receive credits or if you want to stay anonymous by selecting when send us the ask, right below our bio.
* obs. it's important to say that we don't respost or even tolerate:
• Hateful headcanons (misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc...)
• Problematic headcanons (S.A., incest, pedophilia, etc...).
• Sex headcanons.
• Proships in general.
• Literally any problematic stuff...
— We're not here to judge or block anyone, everyone can enjoy our page — even those who aren't really part of the age rating of the show. Minors can interact with the account, but, those who are 16-, please be very careful with who you interact in the net or in the fandom and the contents that you are consuming. Stay safe.
— Well, still tho, not everyone is welcome here. Please do not interact if you're okay with any kind of discrimination or with most of the list above the previous paragraph.
— And if you're just against headcanons in general, bro, what are you even doing here? Stop being obsessed, it even, breaks your algorithm, you dumbass. Let people have fun and just ignore it, scroll down or block the account if you don't like it.
· ⚠️ Warning!
— Our headcanons for the characters will mainly be about themselves, or about their friendships and family, but it may contain our main ships, because we can, we're a bit biased and we're not very multishipper. So sometimes we will make content of:
• Style (Stan x Kyle).
• Crenny (Craig x Kenny).
• Candy (Cartman x Wendy).
• Bratters/B2 (Bradley x Butters).
• Petweek (Pete x Tweek).
• Clymmy (Clyde x Jimmy).
• Tolkole/Blaniels (Tolkien x Nichole).
• BeRed (Bebe x Red).
• Heidietta (Heidi x Henrietta).
• M2 (Michael x Mike).
• Dip (Damien x Pip).
• Gregstophe (Gregory x Christophe).
• And many others...
— You don't wanna pass hours trying to find the content about your favorite character? Easy! By clicking on the 🔍 right above our pfp, you'll find tags of the four main groups: The Boys, Craig's Gang, The Girls, Goth Kids and The Foreign Kids, each character of all these groups will have their own tag, unfortunately, we can't tag more then 24 characters, so if you wanna find content about any other character besides them, you'll need to find by yourself.
— Here, we choose to stay anonymous and mysterious for a while. But, we would like to introduce ourselves so we can interact with you! You can recognize us by our emojis.
🐦‍🔥: he/him — 18y
A normal guy — internally excentric, very passionate 'bout things, considerably chill, be having a few loose screws. Loves birds, 2000s fashion, night-time skies, race karts and hip-hop, rock and jazz music.
🦚: he/him — 18y
May i introduce me as kyle broflovski himself but made by light academia and grandfather clothes from thrift stores, peach tea, elephant gun & a sociology passion. Also my dog's name is Stan!
We hope you enjoy our page!
🐦‍🔥 🦚.
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nezuscribe · 1 month ago
hi hello i just wanna ,,, your stories give me life + make me feel emotions i didn’t know i could feel all at once; idk if this is odd but i genuinely thank you for taking the time to write these masterpieces and sharing it !!
i’ve always had the mindset that authors don’t really owe readers anything; i was content and happy with the drabbles + the first fic of the arrangement, ‘forcing’ (idk if that’s the right word) for a part two felt not great and if you wanted to leave it at that then we should be happy
but when i checked your page today and saw you posted a second part i just had to read it immediately and now its 4am and i’m hysterical 😭😂 i truly have never read fics like yours - your angst is so gut wrenching but you wrap and tell the story so nicely that it only ever really just lingers, it’s like an intense hurt/comfort??
anyway i’m so sorry this got really long i mainly wanted to thank you for putting in the time and incredible effort to writing your stories and i can’t wait to (hopefully?) see more of whatever you write; it’s all so addicting c:
aww seeing stuff like this makes me so happy thank you <33
and i knew that if i was going to write an act two it was going to be on my account bc a lot of ppl were kinda pushing me to just write angst but im physically incapable of doing that so that's why act two was so long lol !
but im really happy you liked the fic !! thank you again nonnie <3
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error-code-lovesick · 6 months ago
pick your poison
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ophiuchuscassandra · 3 months ago
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forgive me, peter, my lost fearless leader
in closets like cedar, preserved from when we were just kids
is it something i did?
the goddess of timing once found us beguiling
she said she was trying, peter, was she lying?
my ribs
get the feeling she did
and i didn’t wanna come down
i thought it was just goodbye for now
i’d give all i have honey
if you could stay like that
oh darling, don’t you ever grow up
just stay this little
i won’t let nobody hurt you,
won’t let no one break your heart
and no one will desert you
take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
so here i am in my new apartment
in a big city, they just dropped me off
it’s so much colder than i thought it would be
so i tuck myself in and turn my night light on
wish i’d never grown up
i could still be little
it could still be simple
won’t let nobody hurt you
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prpfz · 5 months ago
🐦‍🔥 hihi everyone! 20, she/they, adv literate rper here!
I'm interested in dipping my toes back into marvel and starting up some new rps! I have recently gotten back my muse for this fandom (after months of losing it) and I thought it'd be prudent to make an ad :)
in terms of plot, I'm very open— whether set in the MCU or otherwise— to pretty much anything. AUs, canon divergence, the whole nine yards. I'm also interested in any pairing, although I confess a preference to playing as tony. you're free to play as anyone though! (aside from peter, sorry!) I'd also be open to playing as an OC against tony stark too (or selfcest, anyone?) if you insist as playing as him, which I completely get, I love the guy.
I'm open to nsfw, 🕊, 🍪. I'm not specifically looking for those plots, but I'm open if we come up with something compelling. one note is that I'm not interested in anything domestic or super fluffy, so no sappy meet-cutes. it's not my vibe even if I get the appeal 😔😔😔
lastly, please be engaged and talkative!! I wanna gush and plot out absurdly and increasingly nitpicky points as if we're dumb bitches who tell each other "exactlyyy!". basically, I want to vibe with you, and become your friend. 💃
I can't wait to hear from you!!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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sockatoothewafflebird · 9 months ago
i'll edit this portion with my current main interests and/or things im doing that might affect the blog:
currently hyperfixated on outer wilds. i finished the game like a month ago (not including the dlc!! no spoilers!!!!) and. and oh my god. ohhhmygod THIS GAME. THIS!!! GAME!!!!!! AUGHTHJRNFKD!!!
i'm also-also trying to chip away at an Until Then playthrough, so yeah whenever i finish i will Definitely be talking about them so uh beware
meet the little bird that runs this blog with their keyboard and notebooks.
without further ado...!
hiii it's meeeee
hiya! i'm sockatoo the wafflebird! call me sockatoo, waffles, or robin if youre like a really really close friend of mine.
i use any pronouns. i'd prefer if you just use she/he/they interchangeably at your leisure.
i am a gender-weird lesbian. oh yea and um also girls,,,.,, im so sapphic help me..... fictional women.... sighs...
i really like worldbuilding, birds, and astronomy. no, not astrology like zodiac signs and shit, astronomy meaning NASA and space travel and sci-fi shit.
oh and here's my ao3 page in case you wanna read what i write :]
the fandoms i'm in and my blog tags are under the cut cause there's a lot of them,,, i highly suggest checking the blog tags cause i do indeed talk about heavy stuff here sometimes. i'd like this blog to be a safe space for everyone so pls filter out any tags that might scare you away!
feel free to talk to me about literally any of these fandoms and i will gladly chat with you!!! keep in mind i'm a minor (high school age) but other than that anything goes :]]]
🪐fandoms i'm in🪐
outer wilds (no, not outer wOrlds. outer WILDS.) (also pls dont talk about the dlc i havent played it yet)
the amazing digital circus
the owl house (save me lumity.... lumity save me...)
minecraft story mode
raggedy ann and andy (specifically that one animated musical)
class of '09
over the garden wall
steven universe
infinity train
she-ra & the princesses of power (lesbianism!!!)
wings of fire (havent read the last book yet pls dont spoil 😭)
legend of zelda breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom
murder drones
Arcane (LoL show on netflix)
five nights at freddy's (i stopped following the lore years ago pls dont come at me im just here for creepy robots)
cult of the lamb
animal crossing (ive only played new horizons but i love the whole franchise)
doki doki lesbians literature club
dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon
furry, kind of? my sona is a bird so i guess it counts
fanfiction/fandom culture in general. i've been roped in since middle school and you can pry my writing out of my cold dead hands
🪶blog tags🪶
any frequent tags i use :)
#cool art- any art i reblog.
#waffles art- any art that I drew!
#waffles fave- something i wanna look at or save for later.
#waffles word wall- really long text posts. this includes analyses or just me yapping for too long lol.
#waffles thoughts- shorter text posts/goofy shit i think.
#waffles writing- anything i wrote! this includes links to fics and/or snippets of things i write. or poetry, or short stories, etc etc etc the list goes on.
#serious talk- anything i deem to be a heavy or serious topic, like politics. i suggest filtering this one out if you just want the goofy stuff from me.
#politics- anything political! this can range from positive things to negative things so i'll start tagging political posts with either "pos politics" or "neg politics" just to keep things organized! once again just filter this one out if you'd rather not see it.
#important- anything i think people should see.
#genderpost- me being genderqueer or talking about being genderqueer.
#lesbianpost- me being gay or talking about being gay. mostly being gay actually.
#autismpost- me being autistic or talking about being autistic.
🪿🦆🐦‍⬛🦜🐓🦃🦤🦩🐦‍🔥🕊️🦅🐥🦉🪽BIRDS!!!! thats it ok byeeeee
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melonchanverse · 5 months ago
🐦‍🔥 (phoenix) - What has your oc had to overcome to get to where they are now? Were the challenges emotional or physical? Would you say they had to go through a “rebirth”? How did they change, if at all?
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
Akina ♡
I NEED TO ANSWER ASK...... NEED....... And now here we are. thanks for the questions for Akina, jojo!! have a nice day 🩷🫶🏻
if you wanna leave an ask - 💵
🐦‍🔥 (phoenix) - What has your oc had to overcome to get to where they are now? Were the challenges emotional or physical? Would you say they had to go through a “rebirth”? How did they change, if at all?
Akina has made his way through life by any means necessary, facing numerous challenges and overcoming them with his cunning and resourcefulness. Along the way, he's gone through a kind of "rebirth," but this transformation has occurred within himself, rather than in response to external events. He's come out the other side a more self-assured and confident individual, but perhaps somewhat colder and more manipulative as a result.
🍊(orange) - Is your oc more selfish or selfless? Are they willing to sacrifice themselves or their goals for others? Why are they this way?
Oh, he's selfish for sure! He's all about looking out for number one (which is himself, obviously). But... well, there are times he's done some pretty selfless stuff, which is kind of confusing, right? It's like he has this weird sense of obligation towards certain people, but he'd never admit it. Like he's got this soft spot buried deep underneath all that selfishness.
🐅 (tiger) - What makes your character angry? Are they angry often? Does it take a lot to make them upset or are they quick to anger?
Akina’s main trigger for anger is when things don't go his way, especially if someone stands in the way of his financial gain or plans. He can fly off the handle pretty easily if someone messes with his money or hinders his schemes. On the flip side, he can be surprisingly patient when there's a huge payout at stake. He understands that sometimes it takes time and a bit of finesse to reel in the big fish, so he can control his temper in situations where he sees a potential windfall coming his way.
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