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error-code-lovesick · 3 months ago
am i bad at polyamory if i get jealous? sometimes i just feel a little protective devil scratching at the inside of my skull.
but i want whatever makes you happy, even if it means i have to share you. besides, i trust everyone we’re surrounded with to treat you well, and that puts me at ease.
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astrologylunadream · 1 year ago
What About You Makes Them Blush? 💝🥰🎀 (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hii it's Lunadream💞 Love is in the air so this will be a reading on everything about you that makes your person blush🥰✨️ hope you find your message💌
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the your person, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~💖
Pile 1🎀
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Pile 2🍓
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Pile 3💌
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Pile 4🫦
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 🩷
Pile 1🎀
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Sign energy: Waves, Work place, Libra, Touch, Community, Venus, Cancer, Pluto, Water, 2nd house, 🎥🪞🛍🐭
💝Your person's energy: Aww you guys there's such soft energy in this pile, you and your person both omg🥺💞 Your person is SO good at maintaining relationships with other people, they are a true magic worker in their social circles.💬 I'm hearing "making waves" so yeah they're good at that, super kind and likeable. Getting water energy, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus but also some indirect aquarius for some reason?? This person could have water signs in 3rd/7th/11th houses in their chart. Very charming soft allure to them, like a magnetic beauty of some kind.🌸✨️ Most of my pile 1's find this person very pretty🥰 Your person is so sweet and gentle with others, like they even touch people in such a soft way so comforting to be around😭 For some of you they have a very feminine/nurturing work environment, perhaps working around females or related to beauty. I'm picking up on some fashion/makeup related stuff take what resonates.🛍💋💖 Your person has a sweet voice, it's honestly so nice. Filming may be significant, beauty industry vibes~✨️ Their sense of style is amazing, they could enjoy shopping and trying on outfits.👚 Like seriously pile 1 your person is so aesthetic!! Mouse may be significant, maybe they find thay animal cute. They enjoy beauty routines and self care, it's no wonder they look so good🤯💕 Such lovely vibes from this person omg
🥰What about you makes them blush: Interpretation, Responsibility, Mindfulness, Venus, Self sabotage, Juno, 10th house, Leo, Uranus, 9th house,🙍‍♀️🤙🍷🩲 Interesting so maybe some of you know more about this person than you should..?😅😳 That makes your person blush a little since you have so much awareness about them and how they are, I'm getting maybe some of you have really figured this person out in some way.🔦🙊 Also your ability to analyze yourself makes them impressed, so they find it very attractive.🤭💗 Maybe you see yourself as something a little strange, they find it cute (omg). You have a lot of self worth and they love that lowkey, your poweful feminine energy no matter your gender is something they would find themselves blushing over.😳✨️Juno is here some of my pile 1's feel obligated to commit to this person, and that makes your person turn red in the cheeks! Your self awareness and determination makes them blush really. But also they have a soft spot for when you are Sad🥺 Your thighs and hair is something for them too. They feel there is really no one quite like you.❤️ This is a more specific message but for those of my pile 1's that are drinking age, maybe you have a high tolerance and that makes them blush??🍷🙈 They believe you would be very mature and responsible in your work/commitments, maybe you are very serious about your career/marriage/future plans. You radiate a bright lovely and self promoting energy that they just adore.😩💫 Your person may blush over how you're so special and the way you steal their attention.💗 Omg my pile 1's I am seeing your person blushing so much over you rn every little thing!!
💌Messages from your person: I would let you, I would do anything for you, It's not your fault, I promise, Oh my god, You might get hurt, Be careful, You will find happiness. (Maybe some of my pile 1's they're worried about you/don't want you to be hurt by anything rn🥺) Extra cards: Kabedon, Stay, Online, Tsundere, Block, North node, Moon, Leo, Venus, 2nd house (Someone really wants attention from you omg some of my pile 1's blocked this person on social media but only some. For others it's more emotionally guarding yourself from giving or recieving love from this person, but yeah they're really wanting to show you a soft love and admiration for you guys💗💗🥹)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🍨✨️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the bow emoji~🎀 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💝
Pile 2🍓
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Sign energy: Win, Unexpected, Quiet, Jewelry, Remedy, Pluto, Capricorn, Taurus, Vertex, Fire, 🥰🕺🤧🎰
💝Your person's energy: Ooh powerful energy for your person✨️ Their presence speaks for them, like they don't even have to say much for everyone to go like, wow.😳😍 Lol for some of my pile 2's this person likes jewelry or accessorizing omggg, snazzy. Oh right so Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus and fire signs in their chart. That combination of heavy earth +pluto is just🤌😩 Like seriously you guys your person is so fine. They may be more quiet or have a low voice, they aren't overly talkative or anything. They may spend a lot of money on rings, neck jewelry or earrings, I feel like it's very healing to them. Your person has a powerful aura and they may be surprisingly more intimidating than you think😳 It doesn't have to be but there is a high class/luxurious vibe to this pile's person.💼 Could be tall or act as if they are. For some of you this person has a successful business of their own on the side, I'm getting introvert vibes for some too. Chill vibe to them especially their voice. I feel like your person is unexpectedly a good dancer lol like you think they're not into that sort of thing and then the next thing you know they take you dancing and sweep you off your feet✨️🙈 Ohhh specific message but your person may have thing for gambling, this may be surprising to you guys. They like to win and this happens to them often with many things, but that'd also something they keep to themselves.🤫 My pile 2's may really love this person like you may be the one blushing rn haha🥰💖
🥰What about you makes them blush: August, Cinderella, Silence, Clench, Suspicion, 8th house, Pluto, Saturn, Earth, 6th house,🍑🆓️☁️🕯 Ahh omg🤩 So you have a really magnetic beauty they find themselves blushing over oml🥵 Like less is more for my pile 2's the less you say the more they fall for your silence!!🥹❤️‍🔥 Some of you the month august may be significant, any of my pile 2's born in fall?💗 Your person is low key obsessed with your ordinary qualities you don't think much of at all, like it could be a small little habit you don't even realize and then there's them over there blushing like crazy🙉💓‼️ I can see them start to sweat when they look a you, and like if there's an awkward silence between you both they will be so red omg😭🟥 Sometimes they feel like you have your head in the clouds when you stay silent haha like "what is pile 2 thinking right now?" They like how you try to ground yourself, maybe you meditate or take walks outside trying to connect with the universe and and they find that cute. Also they like figuring you out, so like if you seem mysterious like you have a bit of a secret it gets them smirking like "I bet I can figure pile 2 out" OMFG😰❤️ They blush just thinking about grabbing you and pulling you to them. Your dark/hidden side makes them blush but also..... your 🍑 A little obsessed that's all I'll say okay🥲 They like your fascination on tarot and spiritual topics. Oh and the way you get when you're determined about something, like you make up your mind and don't back down that would make them blush idk why but it's so cute😭🩷 Your person sees you as sort of a cinderella energy, maybe they hope you're the special one who they give everything to.✨️ Oh and if they catch themselves overthinking about you, their cheeks will turn red.🙉❤️ My pile 2's I'm loving this energy between you both!
💌Messages from your person: Just dance with me, I can't wait to meet you, We can't let anyone know, It's nice meeting you, Are you loyal to me? I'm worth it, How could you? How are you so calm? (Haha maybe your person is freaking out and you're just like mhm yeah I know😌💓) Extra cards: Treat, Cut, Impulsive, Reminder, Meant to be, Water, 9th house, Leo, 12th house, Air (Lol they wanna remind you that they feel this is meant to be between you both🥰)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🍨✨️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the strawberry emoji~🍓 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💝
Pile 3💌
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Sign energy: Image, Valentine, Regret, Physical, Tangled, 10th house, North node, Venus, 9th house, 11th house, 🆓️☄️🔝😱
💝Your person's energy: Wow this person is a somebody for sure, they have a big image to keep up. Especially ties with their online persona and self promotion, maybe they are an influencer or have a successful social media.📱✨️ Signs for them are Capricorn, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius and Aquarius in their chart. Valentines is a significant time (also the time I'm posting this haha cute💖) I feel like they were asked online to be their valentine, like recieving a lot of love from their socials. They are physically attractive and pretty😭💗💗 Ugh like they have such soft and lovely features, and the way they dress is so pleasing. They may travel a lot or get caught up in that often, maybe they have to study really hard? For some of you this person speaks many languages and gets confused a lot of times lol😂 So a message I'm getting is that they may have regrets already about their future may turn out, they want to top themselves but also they are afraid of crashing and burning🛬🔥 This stresses them out omg😥 Maybe they identify with the movie tangled from disney, you may view this person as your ideal valentine or someone you would want to spend valentines with.💓 They want to free themselves and may feel trapped (Omg and identifying with rapunzel on that one) so they just want their future to be bright and don't want to get caught up with everything that's holding them back from reaching the top.🥇✨️ They may be respected and admired at their work or online, my pile 3's are so attracted to this person!!😍💗 College may be significant, maybe your person is studying something hard right now. They want to be very successful I'm hearing.
🥰What about you makes them blush: Poker face, Style, Intimacy, Dominant, Tongue, Leo, Venus, 1st house, Libra, 12th house,💁‍♀️👇🟥🍒 So your person finds your clothing style and preference really beautiful💗 They like the way you dress, It makes them blush like "Wtf how is pile 3 so pretty??" Lol they love your soft aura and angelic presence.🪽✨️ So a lot of physical chemistry especially on intimate levels🥵 Your body has them more than just turning red🫣‼️ They are really into your face, body, tongue, also your chest they find very attractive. All that turns them super red omg like seriously the color is there😭❤️ The idea of dominating you has them blushing, like laying you down and yeah intimacy. Some of my pile 3's are Leo venus or Libra ascendant/Venus in 1st house.🌸 They like your facial expression and like especially ones with the tongue.😳 You grab their attention and it makes them blush omg, your feminine side also is something very attractive to them (No matter the gender).🌹 They want to touch you especially what they find attractive. Yeah they definitely find your whole appearance very appealing and physically attractive, they want to do things to you that is all I'm gonna say😭 You look good in the color red to them, literally you pull out their darkest side they weren't even aware of😳 They find you very cute like they may want to squish your cheeks, also they may dream of you and then wake up with rosy cheeks like aww pile 3🥰 Yeah they have romantic fantasies about you, especially dominating you, intense ones🥵. You give off a lovely shining energy and they also see you as their other half🩷 Yeah intimacy with you would make them blush, like a lot.
💌Messages from your person: I'm playing with fire, I get lost in your eyes, There's something between us, Say my name, I won't push you to do things you don't want to, I want to cheer you up, Don't look at anyone else, Please don't give up on me, I want to travel with you (Aww🥰😍) Extra cards: Romance, Cheeks, Anger, Final, Slide, Cancer, Taurus, Fire, Juno, Leo (Yeah lots of passion and romance in this pile omg💗)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🍨✨️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the love letter emoji~💌 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💝
Pile 4🫦
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Sign energy: Certain, Break, Teeth, To the grave, Stress, 6th house, 9th house, Gemini, Capricorn, Pisces, 🎪👨‍🍳😎🏰
💝Your person's energy: I am getting workaholic vibes, maybe your person has a lot to do. They may have a stressful job or schedule, leading to success but also burdens on their mental health. Cooking may be significant to you or them, like traveling to try food is coming through for me.🛩🍳 Your person has a lot on their plate right now, it's funny because didn't I say for some of you food may be significant? LOL😂 They are intelligent and use their mind a lot, they are prone to overthinking aswell. They may travel to conventions often, it could be for their job or a hobby/interest of theirs.❤️ Signs for them are Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Capricorn or Pisces in their chart. I don't know why but europe is coming to mind for some reason. Ah so your person wants to break their stressful routine and relax, they just want to forget all their worries and escape.🫥☁️ They may socialize with people often, they definitely think A LOT.💭 They may also sound like they're dead tired when they speak. This is more specific but maybe for some of you this person broke their tooth one time? Their teeth are noticable. They are very serious about their goals and tend to worry themselves often.💬💦 They tend to be realistic and forget to take breaks and indulge in the fantasy every once in a while. They are too strict with themselves I'm hearing "working themselves to death" omg like they need to take care of themselves😭 They do love travel and new experiences, they may want to visit a different country and have a fun vacation to clear their mind.✈️🗺💗
🥰What about you makes them blush: Breath, Intent, Despair, True feelings, Home, Moon, 2nd house, 1st house, Saturn, 9th house,😏🚀🦷👗 Ohh so they feel very emotionally connected to you guys, your comforting energy makes them blush omg🥺💗 You are their safe place that they can come to when they're stressed and not feeling well. You may be the voice of reason when they're down or anxious. Aww this is so sweet, you hugging them would make them blush so hard🫂💘 Like so soft and comforting to them, they love your nurturing side. When they are in despair you are their light.⭐️ Your physical appearance also makes them turn red, they would love seeing you in something nice like a dress.💎🥰 Your person is a little naughty for that actually, they wouldn't mind using their teeth to get what they want😳🥵 I see them making a little smirk when you two are alone together, that's all I will say for that one.🤐 If they ever feel your breath it calms them, they may want to feel your steady breathing as you are home to them. Your intentions for wanting them to feel better and care about them would make them blush a lot🥺💖💖 Also your neck and thighs have them smiling. Touching you probably skyrockets their heart rate, they may want to kiss your thighs and the thought of that makes their cheeks red🫢❤️‍🔥 Some of you may enjoy shopping and they find that cute. Oh my pile 4 this is a really sweet and romantic connection, I am seeing lots of lip biting on their mind lol (Which fits this pile perfectly with the lips haha). Your voice makes them blush, they just want your love and care because it's so good to them😩💘
💌Messages from your person: Do you still want this? You're my special someone, I saw it coming, Are you in love with them? You make me feel at home, I see your efforts, Tell me what's bothering you, You are my favorite song. (Aww pile 4 again you are home to them💖) Extra cards: Fantasy, Queen of hearts, Recover, One and only, Blossom, Scorpio, Uranus, Fire, 11th house, Pluto (You're like the omly fantasy they believe in omg. Yeah there is a lot of magnetic attraction to you guys seriously they're kinda hooked🤯❤️‍🔥)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!🍨✨️
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the lips emoji~🫦 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💝
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. Port Mafia Edition
Previous posts [I] [II] [III] [V] [VI] [VII] [VIII] [IX]
💉 Ougai Mori has his own nemesis. Zhongli hurt you and made you fear Mori's voice. Mori's goal is to destroy Zhongli's precious Liyue. Ougai will shower you with gifts, while you are recovering.
🍷 Even if all people with Geo Vision, Azdaha and Morax in a peak of his power will try to stop him, they won't stop Chuuya Nakahara. He won't even need to use the Corruption. He will make them pay for what they have done to you.
Chuuya will bring you gems he found in Teyvat. If the gems in question are valuable on Earth, he will sell them and will use the money on whatever you want. You can burn them, donate them, save them.
🌂 Kouyou Ozaki will become the nightmare for Inazuma's citizens. She and Golden Demon are silent and deadly. And no one will suspect a thing, Ranpo will make sure of it.
She will spend time with you, will let you pet Golden Demon.
🇫🇷 Paul Verlaine will become Teyvat Nightmare. Back in the app, he got his powers back, thanks to the messing with cards. If needed, he will unleash Demonic Beast Guivre on seven nations.
He will let you bride his hair. Makes sure, that you are healthy and happy.
🎧 Arthur Rimbaud is back to being a spy. He is ready to go to any nation he needs (even Snezhnaya). He and Verlaine will sabotage Dottore's work.
His hyperspace became one of the safest places for you. He will share his coat with you.
🏍️ Albatross is staying by your side, but, he is ready to sabotage any vehicle from Teyvat. He will take you on a motorcycle rides.
🧑‍⚕️ Doc is always checking your health. People of Teyvat take a number on you, and, while Yosano's ability did its job, he is concerned about mental scars.
🧊 While Iceman doesn't bear any grudges, he will make an exception for Teyvat's people. He will show them the hit man of Port Mafia.
He will listen to his records together with you.
🗣️ Lippman is doing his best in negotiating and tricking Teyvat officials. One day, even 'The Creator', that order to hunt you, will fall for his lies.
He will arrange spontaneous spa days for you. Your skin and hair were never that pretty.
🎹 Piano Man is using his skills to create fake mora. Mora are important not only as money, but in an alchemy. Soon Teyvat citizens won't be sure, if their money are real or not.
He will tell you funny stories he has heard. If it makes you happy, he will pronounce you an Honorary Flags member.
🧥 Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Rashomon like a black storm tear through Teyvat. Nothing will stop them. He feels guilty. He is your bodyguard and he failed you. He will undo his mistakes.
While on Earth, he won't leave your side. Will make hammock from Rashomon for you.
🔫 Ichiyou Higuichi is another spy. She will gather information from Liyue, getting close to Ninguang.
Will bring you fresh rumors.
🚬 Ryuurou Hirotsu is dealing with Treasure Hoarders and other criminal organizations. Black Lizards knew, how to show low criminals their place.
He will tell you stories about his youth (some of them are fictional, but, he is happy, when these stories make you smile).
🔪 Gin Akutagawa is a spy in Inazuma. She will get into Narukami Shrine as one of the shrine maidens.
She and Akutagawa will spend quiet evenings with you, watching movies.
🩹🧲 Tachihara Michizou is overworked. He is dealing with criminal organizations of Teyvat as Port Mafia member, and with official organizations of Teyvat (Fatui, Knights of Favonius...) as Hunting Dog. He won't stop. He wants to make them pay. Tachihara will use his ability to destroy factories.
🍰 Elise is staying near you. She is making sure, that you always have snacks and water. She will let you choose her outfit, take her to a shopping trip. She will listen to everything you say.
Waiting for the day she and Mori will face against Zhongli.
💎 Karma is reading you your favorite books. Doesn't matter, if the book is boring or scary, he will read it to you. Always worried about you.
⭐⭕ Kyuusaku Yumeno are waiting. From time to time, they are called by Mori to take a stroll in the main city of random nation. And every time, the stroll ends up in injuries. Not Q's.
They will try to make you smile. Offered you to play or cuddle with their doll.
🍋 Kaji Motojirou will drown Teyvat markets in lemon bombs. And, until his command, they won't detonate. He is waiting for a signal.
Kaji will show you easy and interesting scientific experiments.
🍛 Oda Sakunosuke is taking care of you. While he is ready to go to Teyvat, he decided to spoil you and make happy.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms
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salemssimblr · 15 days ago
💟🍷 and 🎆 for Ariss & Vasily <3
Thank you Wisp!!! ILYYYY
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💟 Do they fight often? Are said fights easy to resolve or do they take time to fix up?
Full-blown fights are infrequent, but they disagree often and over a number of things. Vasily is forever pursuing Ariss, and she's forever self-sabotaging her own happiness. They argue about this all the time. It can get heated, & one of them (it changes depending on the argument) often retreats. Most issues are resolved quickly, but there's definitely some lingering pain.
🍷 Were they supposed to be endgame? What changed if that wasn't the case?
This story wasn't the one I'd initially intended to tell... But the rug got pulled out from under me on that a bit, so I had to pivot (I guess I didn't have to, but I wanted to explore Ariss' world more and this was the result). This has been a cathartic exercise for me and I'm really enjoying it. I'm writing fro the first time in over a year (stay tuned) and excited to share more about them! Hopefully later this year.
🎆 What are some of their favorite memories together?
The time spent together when they first met, when they were both young and carefree. Nights spent at the piano, afternoons spent picnicking in the gardens, evenings spent reading before the fire. The secrecy of it made it all the more memorable.
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cas-fulleditmode · 3 years ago
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(from left to right, harold graham, jimmy graham, peggy graham)
living the life of a whitehaven housewife involves strategizing, building connections and always presenting as your own best self, and nobody has cracked the code quite like peggy has. her house is spotless, her garden trimmed to perfection and her chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies? to die for.
however, maintaining your status as whitehaven’s pumpkin-spiced domestic goddess takes more than being flawless and making sure people know it. peggy is a master strategist, not shying away from using theft or manipulation to get herself where she wants to be. is she willing to sabotage her competition in order to have the best dish at the potluck? you bet she is! but besides being an evil mastermind, peggy also dedicates a lot of her free time to her youtube cooking channel titled “peggy’s paradise”, where she posts her infamous recipes for dishes like kale juice jello and potato chip casserole.
contrary to peggy, harold is a more reserved character who doesn’t spend nearly as much time in the spotlight as his wife does, and honestly it is for the better. while his wife tries her best to remain approachable, harold does not make an attempt at hiding how much of a nightmare he is to talk to, especially if the topic of conversation is his obsession with silicon valley and famous billionaires.
absolutely in love with high-tech, harold sees no issue in feeding into his son’s mildly worrisome gaming habits by decking him out in the sickest new gadgets, hoping that this will steer him towards a future of having his own start-up and becoming a tech mogul. jimmy on the other hand is an insufferable, reclusive gamer boy who will make your online gaming experience hell.
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quandaryqueen · 3 years ago
ANGST FOR THE ANGST GOD!!! 🍷 Okay, since this sounds like (deliciously tragic) pain, how about... Riddler finding out his S/O is cheating on him? Extra points for no holding back! (Whichever Riddler/s you feel are best?)
The worst isn't over
Edward Nygma X Reader
I made the Riddler broad here in terms of character, because I just can't decide which Edward to hurt. So I decided that I'd make this interpretable! Because I'd love to hurt all the Riddlers 💝😊
Also, I might have injected some irl experience
He was stunned. Stunned was understatement, he was paralysed. He believes that knowledge is power, that those who think knowledge is a curse, he'd call them a fool... But he wishes nothing more than to revert back to ignorance, live in oblivious bliss. But that's just him amid the shock, the sudden revelation, the hitting realisation.
It was the first time he wished he was wrong.
You know, he denied it. When he read those messages, he was convinced it wasn't you talking to someone else, the way you talked to him. He's seen the heinous of what his fellow rogues are capable of, mainly mind control. Yes, you must've been mind controlled! There's no way you'd act so loving, so intimate towards a different person. Someone that isn't him... You wouldn't, you said it yourself! You love him!
He was... Overanalytical. To a fault. He's been told for as long as he can remember. His father telling him that he thinks too much about everything, irrational, paranoid. Even Professor Crane had given him a diagnosis, but of course, why would Edward believe them? They don't know how his mind works, they can never compare to the genius he is! They never really saw through him, but you know who did?
The only person who has seen his mind, welcomed his enigma, understood him-- you. You were the only he trusted and he believed it when you told him he was letting his own intrusive thoughts get to him.
"It's all in your mind Eddie, I would never do something like that to you."
"You're thinking too much into it, you're making your own hell."
"Do you not trust me, Eddie?"
"Your accusations are rooted from your senseless paranoia, why do you think I'd do that to you?"
"Do you not love me? Why are you thinking that I'd ever betray you? It's like you're projecting on me!"
He believed you. He really did. At that point he realised how his mind is turning against him because clearly, why would he ever think of pushing you away-- the only good thing that's happen to him-- based on haunches? Baseless, rooted from his irrational, stupid mind. The same mind that tried to push you away even if he knew you're the only one who understand and accept him, and now that you're in his arms, he's still finding reasons to shove you away. Self-sabotaging to his core, he recognises his flaws, he acknowledges it as you were the one good thing that's ever happened to him...
He wishes he can take it back. He wishes he believed himself back then.
He meant it when he says you were the best thing that's ever happened to him. To make him feel so warm, someone who wants to be with him and he has never felt so elated, having been alienated all his life. Your very presence ground him, level him out of the tumultuous bursts of thoughts, made living bearable for him. All his life long struggles eased the moment you walked into his life and he wanted nothing more to stress the fact that you really were special to him. He gave you everything, he gave up certain aspects of himself as to assure you would always be by his side.
He felt so used. So underappreciated. For the first time he had ever felt so accepted, made him feel as though there truly is more to life than riddles and one-upping the Batman, to constantly prove himself-- he believed he could be more with you by his side with your encouragement and love...
How blind had he been all this time? So stupidly trusting, to believe that you'd love someone like him and was an idiot to put his heart on his sleeve-- why did he have to fall? Why couldn't he have foreseen and forestall this, and if he could, he would have never ever talked to you, he would never grown attached, obsessed, in love--!
His chest tightens and a sob racks his body. His jaw clenched shut was quivering, whilst his breath exitted his nose in shudders. The warmth he cherished, loved, something you turned on and off against him but he loved you all the same.
He should hate you, he should want to wring your neck with a cord, utilise your cadaver as a test dummy, make the rest of your meaningless life miserable-- why does he still want you? You've betrayed him, that basically told him you hated his guts, that you can very well easily replace him but god, he can't bear to lose you.
And he knows it's stupid that he's still desperate for you. You were the one best thing that's happened to him and he'd do anything to keep you by his side.
"Please... Please don't leave me... I'm begging you..."
God, what did you do to him?
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error-code-lovesick · 6 months ago
im not scared of you in the dangerous way, im scared of you in the popular way
i feel perfectly safe around you but youre so cool that im scared of making myself look stupid and losing your respect
ill never understand what you see in me but im grateful that i have you all the same
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error-code-lovesick · 6 months ago
pick your poison
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