#🍃quick posts🍃
toxicanonymity · 2 months
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✨Sep 28: the downward spiral (stepdad Joel)
Sep 9: Bad ideas 👫👫 (au raider smut)
Sep 6: Domestication 🎃 (ghostface smut)
A few fic/hc posts per day are backing up on @toxyarchive.
I really like when anons have emoji identifiers if you don't mind (it helps my inbox feel like a space of friendly faces which it has not always been). you can claim one. you don't have to but I like it. unavailable: ☠️💀❤️‍🔥📢🖤💝💦💐⭐👱‍♂️🚬 🤡♥️🧡💙🎃🌸🫛 ✨🍃🍯🍸💚🦡🍓🐌🕺⚰️ 🦋
I don't have push notifications on, so I might not be as quick but I'm still around and love to hear from you.
I don't have fic updates. I appreciate your patience and enthusiasm but can't promise anything. If you unfollow me I get it.
ty ily 🩷
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midnight-glasses · 7 months
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This headcanon clearly inspired by @/dialovers-lover-xoxo check out her post!
Technically this is a part two of something I've done before, this is one of the characters I love the most! So I hope you guys can have fun with it.
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Some things that I imagine he might have:
🍵🍃— He has a charming smile, often accompanied by a playful glint in his eyes.
💚 🌿 — He often expresses himself through physical gestures, such as running his hands through his hair or tapping his fingers rhythmically when he is deep in thought.
🍵🍃— Laito's skin is pale, typical of a vampire, but with a slightly warmer undertone that contrasts his clothing.
💚 🌿 — His posture is confident and relaxed, with a tendency to lean casually against surfaces.
🍵🍃— Laito's shoulders are broad.
💚 🌿 — He keeps his nails short and well-groomed, a practical choice for his active lifestyle.
🍵🍃— Laito's lips are naturally pink and often curved into a smirk or playful grin.
💚 🌿 — He has a habit of running his fingers through his hair when deep in thought or planning mischief.
🍵🍃— Laito has a robust build, not overly muscular but with a sturdy frame, this is natural when you are a vampire, he never bothered to develop his physique however.
💚 🌿 — Laito's hands are large and capable, with long fingers that are nimble and skilled in various tasks.
🍵🍃 — His fingers are nimble and adept, capable of delicate tasks like playing musical instruments or handling objects with ease.
💚 🌿 — He has a distinctive laugh that is often accompanied by a bright smile.
🍵🍃— Whenever Laito smiles, dimples form on his cheeks.
💚 🌿 — His skin has a smooth texture, often maintaining a pale complexion typical of vampires but with a healthy glow that suggests vitality.
🍵🍃 — When he walks, Laito's gait is purposeful yet fluid. He moves with a natural grace just for draws attention.
💚 🌿 — Laito's voice is velvety and smooth.
🍵🍃 — Laito has a well-defined collarbone, as well as shoulder blades.
💚 🌿 — Laito doesn't have a lot of hair, whether facially or bodily, the only places that hair can be seen without much searching are on his eyebrows and hair, however when you look at him more closely it's possible see small ginger hairs that adorn his skin, it's like the skin of a peach.
🍵🍃 — When it comes to body hair, it can be said that he is the middle ground between the triplets, with Kanato and Ayato being two polar opposites in this aspect.
💚🌿 — I like to imagine Laito having freckles too, considering he is a redhead. In my opinion, both Ayato and Laito could share these characteristics. There is no canon basis to support this, but I like to think so.
🍵🍃 — Laito definitely has some moles scattered across his body besides the one he has on his cheek; I suppose he has some on his shoulder and forearm, and another set of them on his abdomen.
💚🌿 — His hair is soft and very well taken care of, this is probably one of the parts he is most proud of.
🍵🍃— Long legs.
💚🌿 — Wide torso.
🍵🍃 — Laito's skin is surprisingly sensitive to touch, reacting subtly to different textures and temperatures.
💚🌿 — His eyes are lighter in tone than Ayato's eyes; however, unlike his brother, Laito's eyes are brighter, although hazier. It is often difficult to read his true emotions through his eyes.
🍵🍃 — Still commenting on his eyes, Laito has sharp eyes like those of a feline; their curvature is pointed, as if he had natural eyeliner.
💚🌿 — Laito has slightly calloused fingers due to many years of practicing with the piano; however, they are very smooth, almost imperceptible in a quick interaction with him.
🍵🍃 — He has a slender neck.
💚🌿 — Laito's hands are particularly expressive, often gesturing or playing with objects.
🍵🍃 — He usually smells of sweet-smelling cologne and soap, which varies depending on the type he chose that day.
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I could write more; however, at present, I do not have much time for that. I also intend to explore if I can do the same for his other siblings. Thank you for reading!
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2024-Present.
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afalconfromalcyoneus · 5 months
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Got inspired by a post about Nightcloud × Leafpool, so I made some quick artwork of the pair. I quite liked drawing the background even if it was last minute.
I think I started loving this ship when I first watched the "In the Middle" LeafNightFeather Map. It's so cute! Lol.
🍃☁️ (they bond over both being Crowfeather's ex, omg like Scott Pilgrim!)
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
I saw a post about positivity regarding weight gain due to antidepressants and as someone who has had their entire life changed for the better due to those pills, this idea possessed me:
Dream has noticed Hob staring at him. He always does, but he seems to do it an awful lot these last couple weeks. Or maybe Dream is just more aware of Hob's staring nowadays.
His mind has been kinder to him lately but he still worries about what Hob thinks of him.
Hob knows him, loves him, and is quick to set the record straight:
He has taken an interest in the way Dream's body has gotten a little softer, yes, but he doesn't care! Well, he does, actually. He is so happy that Dream has a consistent appetite, that Dream has the energy to eat, that Dream will pick up some coffee or a snack when he goes on a walk, that he no longer has to force himself to at last try to eat something.
Hob would love Dream regardless of his looks, but having physical proof of his lover's life being a little easier? He's not gonna pretend it isn't doing things for him.
I really really love this, and I am so so glad that you are finding meds helpful 💕 Dream should definitely get some SSRIs frfr!!!
One of the best things is that Dream’s body image improves are his health slowly builds up. Maybe it's the constant positive reinforcement from Hob, but Dream genuinely feels a love and respect for his body that he didn't have before. There's a kind of relief in gaining that little bit of weight. He feels solid, strong, alive. And like his body is working with him rather than against him. The way Hob loves him is so simple and yet so life affirming, how can Dream not be persuaded by it?
And there's the added benefits within the fact that he actually feels hunger these days: bonding with Hob over food. Hob is such a big advocate of "little treats" and he is so thrilled to bring Dream into his world of bedtime biscuits, hot chocolate, home made pizza and fresh warm scones from the bakery down the street. Seeing Dream eating and actually enjoying the food (not just consuming it because he has to stay alive) is the greatest delight of Hob’s life.
Hob loves to kiss Dream’s little soft tummy because it is living proof that his darling is alive and thriving. It's evidence that Dream is feeling better, and because of that, Hob will protect that little tummy with his life. And Dream may complain about Hob always kissing him there (he's ticklish!!) but he never really means it. He loves feeling happier, too <3
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pandorasfavorite · 6 months
Saw your post abt being idealess and I am trying to brainstorm for you lol
Okay so first thought, hear me out, a bratty sub dominik x reader (smut ofc) or one where he finds out how much the reader likes him speaking Spanish
Or a story where dom and reader are childhood friends and decide to 🍃 together and one of the confesses (fluff)
I've got a few more ideas but idk if you like these so far or not lol
Love you 💕💕💕
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AN: I love you. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to try and use this opportunity to explore Dominik's point of view. (Please don't kill me, I swear if it is not popular I will never do this again). I just whipped this up yo....kinda impressing myself
Dominik's expectations for tonight were much different than yours. He always felt so drawn to you, and that feeling only grew as you both grew up together. Of course, as children Dominik wasn't in love with you; he didn't even really know what that was. But when he started to understand the concept, it took a short time to find out that's exactly how he felt about you.
For the past few years, Dominik felt absolute calm with you, anytime you made a presence he felt contained, relaxed, and most of all trapped. Trapped by your essence, trapped by the look in your eyes, trapped by the wit in your voice, and his favorite trapped by the way you yelled his name each time you saw him.
"DOMINIK!", you screech and sprint into his arms; acting as if you hadn't seen him in years. Dominik would be taken aback by your excitement to see him, eachtime it happened. And his heart would regularly race, so much so that he once had to step away and remind himself that he was not dying. You gave him a grin and pulled him along with you everywhere you went. Dominik had no complaints when it came to following you, he'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant being by your side.
Now that you both are 25 with too much time on your hands, you took it as your personal responsibility to be the red devil on Dominik's shoulder. He sat with you on the dingy couch you had for years now in the center of your small living room. He felt so comfortable in the familiar area, but sitting next to you with his leg pressed to yours was all he could think about. The moment you both sat down, your mischievous grin rose up and you reached into a drawer and pulled out a tin.
Dominik looked at you with suspicion, but he felt settled being beside you, as you felt being beside him. "What you up to Hermosa?", Dominik asked and moved his head into your space to look at your moving hands. He had been calling you Hermosa from the ripe age of 13, he heard it from his dad at first, and it seemed to apply to you perfectly. You open the tin and pull out the preroll, "Dom it's time", you say like it has been a weight on your chest. "Corazón...", he seems unsure. Dominik has never done this before, and he is 100% positive you have never done it either. He was less worried about the action and more worried about how it would make him act around you.
However, you looked at Dominik with pleading eyes; and without any words, you scathed by and convinced Dominik to smoke with you. "Ok", he drops his protective act and reaches for the lighter also in the tin. If he was going to do this, he would be the first to try it, to warn you, also it seemed more polite to light it for you. If Dominik is anything it is polite. He puts the preroll in his mouth and spares you a quick glance, you smile so cute that he is less nervous to do it. He lights up and takes a deep inhale; a really deep inhale. The smoke hits the back of his throat and the mild burn makes him cough it up.
You smack a hand over your mouth, stifling your laughs as Dominik hacks up a lung. After the initial pain of a gut-wrenching cough, the weed hits instantly. Considering he hasn't done it before it was easy for him to get high. The preroll is dangling from his fingers and you look at him with expectation. He jumps in realization and brings the preroll to your lips for you. You inhale much gentler than Dominik, but the thick smoke hits you just the same. Luckily for you, the coughing fit wasn't nearly as bad as Dominiks.
After another few less apprehensive hits, the high really set in. Dominik's eyes went low and glossy with a light hue of red. His goofy smile instantly graced his features and he turned his head to look at you quickly, though in his point of view, it was like slow motion. When Dominik looked at you his breathing came to a stuttering halt, he felt good; but you looked good. Truly perfect and the low eyes and that pretty smile would've brought him to his knees (if he wasn't on the couch). "How do you feel?", you say and somehow manage to lean closer to him as you speak.
Your words knock Dominik out of a haze and he has to inhale a breath before being able to talk to you. He breathes; his eyes staring into yours without care, he looks you over and answers, "I feel as good as you look". His eyes widen as soon as the words slip from his lips, he is about to speak but your giggle cuts him off. Your cheeks are a light tiny of pink and you put a hand on him as you laugh. If you were to look up 'What does a man in love look like?', a picture of Dominik staring at you with his lips parted in astonishment would pop up.
You sit up and your eyes go comically wide, "I want to do something" you declare and you somehow peel yourself from the couch. Of course Dominik got up just as you had. You both stand and look at each other without a clue of what to do and then you mutter a intrusive thought. "Hm?", Dominik asks you to repeat yourself in a small hum. You look up with those big glossy eyes, and his heart rate seems to beat back to life, "Give me a piggyback ride". Didn't have to tell him twice. He crouches down, "Get on then Hermosa".
You climb on his back and you lay your cheek on his shoulder when he stands up completely. "I like when you call me that", you mumbled against his shoulder, your arms barely hanging onto him. Yet you trust Dominik enough to know he would never let you fall. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much and so largely. He swallows and his mouth has gone dry; sure it was probably from the weed; but in his hazy state Dominik was convinced you have begun to affect him more physically than he anticipated. He walked into the kitchen with you slung on his back and his hands under your thighs keep you on him completely. He whispers that he is going to sit you down on the counter. Afterward, he pours a glass of water for you both to share, handing you the cup to get the first drink.
You moan in contempt as the cool liquid slides down your throat and you feel much better now that your mouth also isn't dry. Dominik eyes shoot to your lips at the sound that came from them. But he shook the thoughts from his head; he will not be that guy. You pull Dominik to you by the collar of his shirt (he curses under his breath at the proximity). "I really want some fucking chocolate", you say with wide eyes that are utmost serious. Dominik's eyebrows pull together in seriousness and he raids the cabinets for you. He finds a candy bar in the bottom cabinets and he pops up when he finds it; he smacks his head "ow". He says under his breath.
You jump off the counter and move to crouch down beside of him, your lips plant on his head before he can anticipate it. "There. Feel better?", you ask and snatch the candy bar from him. Dominik's mouth went dry again; this time, he thought he'd fall from the tingles that shot through his body. He nodded and his glazed-over eyes blinked at you twice. He watches you break off pieces of chocolate, he has the intense urge to pull you into his arms and kiss the chocolate off your lips. He thought, "god I'm in love".
Your head whips to him but Dominik doesn't acknowledge it as he slips a piece of chocolate into his mouth, "This is really good". He talked around the chocolate and then he finally looked up to your surprised look. He looked at you, just nearly as confused.
"Wait what?", you put the chocolate down.
"This chocolate is really good", he says again; rubbing the back of his neck.
"No Dominik what did you say before that- you said that you were..you know". His eyes fly the fuck open and his heart has surely fallen to the pit of his stomach. "What did I say?!", this was his worst fear. You waste no time repeating the words that were now inked into your mind, "You said, god, I'm in love". If his heart was in the pit of his stomach, his lungs were probably in the same spot. His breathing stops and his mouth is opening and closing like a fish out of water. Now that you are looking at him, telling you the truth seems so much harder. The way you were staring at him, with a heartbroken look; he couldn't take it. "I'm sorry Corazón, I should've told you sooner", his glazed-over eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips without the intention. "Me?", you asked in utter surprise, he liked you back, after so many years, he was just in love with you as you were with him.
"Who else?", a breathless laugh escaped from my mouth. You gasp at the complete confession, you fall into him heavily; wrapping your arms around him and holding Dominik tight. "Me too", you say into his chest, Dominik heard it and he felt as if he was floating. He pushes you back to see your face but you stay close, "You too?", he asked just to confirm. You nod and tears begin to well in your eyes at the finality and long-awaited desire coming to life. He smiles and breaks into a quick laugh at his luck, he tilts your body down and gives you a long kiss, pulling back to attach to your lips again; over and over again until his lungs recicitate and until his heart gives out.
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iridescent-solstice · 1 month
[ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ ᴀɴɴᴏᴜɴᴄᴇᴍᴇɴᴛꜱ ❗❗ ] 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 🎀 ་༘ ࿐
⤷ Oneshot x reader drabble series for the game: The Arcana
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ᴇʏᴇ ꜱᴘʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍʏ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴇʏᴇ . . . ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴜɴɪQᴜᴇ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ!
⤷ The eyes are the window to one's soul, or so they say . . . Isn’t that what makes you wonder what they hide behind their paper thin facade? A quick second is all it really takes to chip away at their walls. So, whether it's the magician's quick stolen glances, the countess's thoughtful gaze, the count's accusatory stare, the hand maid's curious peering, the plague doctor's worried gawking or the scourge's intimidating glower . . . There's definitely something hidden about each and every single one of them. The key to finding that out? Stare right into the heart of the storm. Would they let you in? Share their secrets in hushed whispers? Maybe.
But the real question . . . Is if you're brave enough to find out?
This is a six-episode series, featuring: - Asra Alnazar 🔮 ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ - Portia Devorak ˖𓍢ִ໋ 🌷͙֒ ࿐໋.˚ - Muriel of the kokhuri 🐣 ࿐໋.˚ - Nadia Satrinava 🦉🍃˖⋆࿐໋ - Julian Devorak🦜⊹ ࣪ ˖ - Lucio Morgasson ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🐐˚
Posting might start this week or the following one . . . I do hope i've managed to pique your curiosity enough to keep an eye out for updates! 👀
(Ps: If I did my job ryt, you’ll be able to guess which picture represents who in the edited banner above . . . Lemme me know if you can tell or not 🙆🏻‍♀️)
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hooked-on-elvis · 8 months
How did Elvis took care of his awesome hair? 🚿🍃
Plus, a quick overview on one of the King's hairdressers and Memphis Mafia man, Larry Geller: How somewhat he was the friend Elvis needed and how Elvis' over-controlling inner circle banned Geller from their surroundings for a while.
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I was actually looking if I could find Elvis' haircut name - precisely the type of haircut he had on the '68 Comeback Special and "Charro!" (1968), since I'm a girl and I have zero idea about the names for male haircuts but I just love that haircut he had so much I wanted to talk about it... anyway. But I found an article about Elvis' hair care routine and that sounds very interesting to me, so it might be something you wanna know too.
This is told by Larry Geller, so this means this was Elvis' hair routine starting from mid 60's on, precisely from 1964 to 1967, and possibly also from late 1972 to 1977 *, periods in which Larry was responsible for taking care of the King's hair.
Geller, who will be launching his own line of organic hair products later this year, tested out some of his first custom mixes on Elvis. “I used to go to the health food store and get a benign base shampoo and get some vitamin capsules and pour 99 percent pure aloe vera and other herbs into it, and shake it up,” Geller tells Yahoo Beauty. “That’s what I used on Elvis’ hair. He said to me, right from the get-go, ‘You can do whatever you want with my hair, but one thing — make sure I keep it!’” Source: Yahoo Beauty: Elvis Presley’s Hairstylist Spills the King’s Secrets by Lilit Marcus. The article was shared on a Graceland's website on January 28, 2014.
Elvis, you're the best, man. LOL. Just that comment is worth this entire post. It made me laugh. But the article goes on.
Then there was the daily routine. “I shampooed his hair regularly, usually every day. I would massage his scalp for a few minutes, then brush his hair at least 50 or 60 strokes. I was focused on long-term health of his hair, which was so important,” Geller explains. He also used products like vitamin E and jojoba oil to style Elvis’ hair and replace conditioner. Hairspray was used to set it, with Geller alternating multiple brands so that none of them would dry out Elvis’ coif too much. As for its color, Geller dyed Elvis’ hair every two to three weeks with a L’Oreal formula. What did the two men discuss during all that grooming? Religion, philosophy, books, life, and anything else you can think of. “Elvis had everything,” says Geller. “He was an extraordinary human being. He had the greatest eyes, the greatest voice, fans galore. He also had great hair.”
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Elvis in "Frankie and Johnny" and "Spinout", both 1966 movies.
Larry Geller styled Elvis’ hair for: "Roustabout" (1964), Girl Happy (1965), Tickle Me (1965), Harum Scarum (1965), Frankie and Johnny (1966), Paradise, Hawaiian Style (1966), Spinout (1966), Easy Come, Easy Go (1967), Double Trouble (1967), and Clambake (1967). Geller prepared Elvis’ hair for the last time for his funeral in August, 1977.
Elvis' hair must have been so good smelling and soft. Washed every day, organic products to make it smooth and shiny as it was. 🫠🥹
Now, if you want to understand why there's a pause in Larry's association with Elvis, here it is:
On March 9, 1967, Elvis was staying in him home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, and one incident (Elvis tripped over a TV cord in his bathroom and banged his head against a porcelain bathtub) caused the beginning of the production for the movie "Clambake", for which he was preparing to, to be postponed. Colonel Parker was fuming when he heard about the need for Elvis to take a couple of weeks of resting to recover from the mild concussion he had. It was a critical moment in Elvis' life. By the time the filming begun, Elvis even put up some weight from his normal 170 lb (77 kg) to 200 lb (91 kg) — I said it before, whenever this happened to Elvis' body it was because he was extremely distressed. He was an emotional eater.
Getting back to the accident, Parker even thought Elvis did it on purpose not to fulfill his Hollywood commitment since Presley clearly was not happy about his movies anymore, something Parker somehow blamed it on Elvis' spiritual quest. He pulled some strings to manipulate Elvis to remove Larry Geller from his inner circle by saying to him that all that spiritual thing was getting too much into his head, distracting him from his business obligations. If not enough Parker said to Presley that Larry Geller was brainwashing him because of some personal agenda he must have had in his mind — it's mentioned by someone, somewhere (i'm sorry, I'm not gonna remember where I've read it now) that Geller was planning on using Elvis' money to open a religious study center or something like that).
Basically, Parker thought Larry was a threat because if Elvis decided in throwing his career away, like some say he was by becoming a preacher, Parker would lose his most profitable and only client. Consequently all the religion and spiritual "shit" (as they called) that Larry Geller had put inside the King's head (as they thought), presenting him with many books and having deep conversations for hours with Elvis about several religious and spiritual subjects but not exclusively that, they also talked about meditation and self improvement as a human beings, astrology and so on, all of that was threatening Parker's plans over Elvis.
But Parker didn't make it on his own. Even Priscilla says in her memoir book that Elvis was obsessively reading non-stop and wanting to share his learning with everybody else, but his friends and herself didn't care about none of this self-improvement and religious talk. His inner circle even looked at Presley's spiritual quest as somewhat annoying, including Priscilla. Their thoughts about Larry Geller were something like "Larry changed his mind. Elvis is not spending time with us as he used to." Ugh!
Nobody actually told Larry to leave, tho, and Elvis wouldn't do such thing if he didn't have a good reason to - until this point Larry was a confidant to him, one of the only people he could talk about life and wonder what was God's plan for him, his true life mission, something Elvis would never cease trying to understand. However, Elvis' inner circle and Colonel Parker begun making Geller feel uncomfortable, unwelcome among the group, while they took Elvis' attention back to them, practically forcing Geller to decide to finally leave and go away for good, and he did it. But it was not something definite.
Many things happened in Elvis' life since Larry Geller and him went different ways but by August 1972, tho, Geller got back in contact in Elvis when he attended one of Presley's concerts in Las Vegas, and from then on Larry begins working for Elvis again, till the end of the King's life in 1977.
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legitalicat · 8 months
Out of Time
Chapter 4 - "Eldest Son to Eldest Daughter"
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an: I am so glad people are enjoying this story! I've been playing with this concept for nearly a year now. I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much! I want to go ahead and put this out there. I have borderline personality disorder and quite a few other mental illnesses, so all of that influences relationships in my life, which is reflected a lot in this story. Also this is not canon Aegon. This is a version of Aegon that lives permanently in my head.
If you love this header go check out zaldritzosrose for more amazing work! She is tagged on the series masterlist and on my welcome post!
Find the series Master list here!
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Summary: Being the eldest child of the Queen or King is a weight many did not understand. It is a weight that dictates her every choice, ruling her heart and mind. Aegon, understanding the feeling, gives her the gift of a connection she could not have with another person.
TW: Very blatant mental health struggles, Substance Use (I added 🍃 into this world cause it not being in there is unrealistic), talks of alcoholism, religious talk, mentions of injury, self image issues, bad parents, divorced parents, moon tea, Aegon is so in love with reader it makes me ache
Relationships: Aegon Targaryen ii x Velaryon!Reader, past Aegon Targaryen ii x Helaena Targaryen
Word count: 3.7k
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When I woke up this morning, only to find Jace gone from my bed and a cup of moon tea on the table, all I wanted was to hide away from the world. But there was more to my life than just Jace and Aemond. I had others who loved me, who had missed me this entire time. With that in mind, I dressed for the day in a simple lilac colored dress, drank the tea in one quick gulp, and had Ser Erryk escort me to Helaena’s chambers.
Her and Aegon’s children were with him for the morning. With both of them still happily in the Red Keep, I suppose it made sharing their children’s time easier. Though I don’t believe there has been a situation such as this ever. Most marriages that ended in annulment happened because there weren’t children from my understanding. Though until now I had not known of anyone who had gotten an annulment.
“How did my mother grant the end of your marriage?” I couldn’t help but ask Helaena. We were working on our cross stitching together. It was an activity that soothed her and I was all the happier to make sure she was calm. “Doesn’t the Faith typically have to be in agreement? And I mean, you two had three children together, wouldn’t they just deny it?”
Helaena chuckled. “I often times forget how little you and your brothers paid mind to the teachings of the Seven,” she said to me.
Fair enough, I suppose. Technically speaking, we are followers of the Seven. Yet anyone with eyes knew that we only did it because we kind of had to. I don’t believe Mother or Laenor had any vested interest in their teachings. They certainly never passed anything on to us outside of the bare minimum. I know my father’s family believed in the Seven, but since he was never allowed to claim us, he had no right to teach us his beliefs. In truth I only knew anything about them from Alicent.
“So explain it to me as though I’m five,” I said, shrugging a bit.
“It is unholy to hold one in a marriage against their will. Aegon and I were so young when we were married, and it was done under the misguided notion that your mother and family may seek to squash any competition for the Throne, so it was not difficult to make a case for it to be an unlawful marriage. Though I do feel that Rhaenyra may have reminded the Septon that he can be and would be a delicious snack for Syrax should he not see reason,” she told me. The smile that played at her lips as she thought of it was enough to make me smile.
“And what is it you wish to do now?” I asked her.
“I am perfectly content to live my life here. I love my family, I love my home. Though I do wish my mother had bothered to ever understand me,” she explained.
My smile fell from my lips. Time changed many things but Helaena’s distance from Alicent didn’t seem to be one. It was unfortunate, truly, as Helaena was wonderful. She may be more into bugs than most people, she may have her dreams and episodes, but she was not mad. In fact when actually making an effort to know her, one could find she was the opposite.
I had always wished I could see the world Helaena does. The world that I live in is dark and dreary, a place where one loses any semblance of a father before they even understand how great they are. It is a place where most everyone prefers men over women, despite the women being capable and strong in their own right. The world I live in? It is not a place built for Helaena.
Yet the one she lives in? People are praised for what they have done. There is no consideration other than who truly is right and just. Even in the darkest moments in which her mother tried to keep her from being who she is, my mother always gave safe passage to her sweet sister. Helaena paid no mind to those who were insignificant unless they hurt her family or her bugs.
It Is not to say she is naïve. In fact, I would think she sees more truth than any of us. But being the third child, born after an eldest daughter and eldest son, is very different than being the eldest. She did not have to fight to prove she was worthy like Mother did. And she does not have to step away because she knows she would not be accepted over her brother as I do…
I was born approximately two hours before Jacaerys. A long time between twins as I’ve been told, but enough time there was no doubt about who came first. Truthfully to my mother I don’t think it mattered which of us was born before the other. We are twins and therefore she always gave us the choice.
She explained to me that her father had named her heir before he had any other living children and never looked back. Once Aegon was born, most expected Viserys to change his mind. But he remained steadfast in his decision, never caring if Mother still wanted it. To this day I don’t know if she did. As such, she wanted to make sure we always had a choice.
“You’re doing it again,” Helaena said softly.
When I looked to her, she nodded her head to my hands. I had been so completely lost in thought that I didn’t notice I had repeatedly pricked my fingers with the needle I was using. Blood seeped through the fabric in several dots scattered around.
“Sorry,” I muttered before sitting the cross stitch down. Standing, I walked over to the bowl of water that was kept for washing her hands and dunked my fingers in it a few times.
“Our mothers are planning a feast to celebrate your return,” she told me as I turned back around. “I think it will happen week’s end.”
Naturally. It seemed they always found a reason to celebrate me. On my name day, it was always me who got doted on. Jace got put in the shadows, not that he seemed to mind much though. When I claimed Vhaela, only a few weeks before I disappeared, it was a much brighter occasion than Aemond claiming Vhagar. When I returned to King’s Landing, it overshadowed the tourney being held for Aegon to celebrate his own name day.
It was never my Intention, truly. Those around me just deemed me important. I had never wanted to be the center of attention. All I wanted was to do right by my family. Never have I sought out great fortune or the throne for myself, though technically it should be mine by birth order. All I craved was love.
“Are you happy?” I asked her, trying to change the subject.
“Yes. Aegon is a wonderful father, but he could never love me. And I do not love him,” she told me.
Before I was given the chance to respond, the chamber doors opened. Helaena’s children ran to her. The twins, Jaehaera and Jaehaerys, were nearing twelve at this point. They looked it, too. If you were to ask me, Jaehaera looked like Alicent but with the typical Targaryen silver hair and violet eyes. Jaehaerys and Maelor, who was nearing eight, were carbon copies of Helaena. They had the same curl to their hair as she did, their noses equally as small and rounded.
As the three children excitedly talked about their morning, I quietly excused myself from the room. While she would never say anything, there was not a place for me with Helaena and her children by myself. Those kids don’t remember me, though I remember Helaena’s every letter describing them in their early years. For both pregnancies, there was not a movement they made inside her that did not warrant a letter to me. But that was then.
In the corridor, Aegon stood and spoke with Ser Erryk. Erryk had a twin too, named Arryk. From what I remembered, Arryk and Aegon were quite close, the former taking on the watching over of the latter once Aegon hit puberty.
“Beautiful kids,” I said to him, offering a small smile. When he looked to me and smiled, I couldn’t help but blush a deep red.
“Thankfully they take more after Helaena,” he said to me. He stepped closer to me, extending a hand to rest under my chin. I swallowed hard as he tilted my face around in the light. “You should perhaps be more careful.”
“I shall keep that in mind,” I said, unable to hide my chuckle.
“Where are you headed to? I could join you,” he suggested as he offered his arm to me to take, dropping his hand from my chin.
“I was just going to head back to my room. Truly, Aegon, there is no need to bother yourself,” I told him.
“My darling, there is never a bother when it comes to you.” His voice was light and airy, as though the words he spoke were just the most casual thing in the world. But there was a firmness to them that I truly believe only he could accomplish.
It wasn’t so much a demand. He was not like Aemond, demanding and sure of himself. He was not like Jace, either, in being soft and guiding always. Aegon was something entirely different.
He had always seemed arrogant. He was the first born son so it was natural that he grew into believing he deserved everything he wanted. But only when you spoke to him when everything else was quiet did you ever get the truth.
He had never been much more than a scared little boy. There were frequent talks of what he feared would happen when Viserys had died. He had always been scared his mother would try to force him to take the Throne. When he was betrothed to Helaena, he was scared he wouldn’t be good enough for her. He was scared that I would grow to hate him, completely ignoring that I could never hate him.
The closeness I shared with Aegon was something that bordered on secretive. While it wasn’t that we felt the need to hide, as there truly was never anything to hide, it was what made him comfortable. He would come to me late at night when he could not sleep. I think it is when he felt safest. Even when we were children he preferred the night.
It was in the night that he saw beauty in his life. He didn’t struggle as much then to resist drinking, which had always seemed backwards to me but he swore it. The pressures that were placed upon him from Otto and Alicent didn’t exist at night. The person he truly is was enough for the shadows of darkness.
Perhaps it is my own cockiness but I like to think I see a side to him that others don’t. When we were alone I got to hear him sing. I don’t think anyone else knew he liked to sing let alone how good he was at it. The first time he ever sang me a song that he had picked up in a tavern, tears sprang to my eyes. And when he isn’t drunk, he is quite smart. He knows politics even better than Aemond. He knows how to get people to like him and trust him, a rare commodity in this world.
And if Helaena says he is a wonderful father, I have no doubt about it. I remember him writing to me the first time Helaena was pregnant. He was so happy and excited, determined to be better to his children than Viserys ever had been to him. When I had come back to King’s Landing, while he still struggled with the drink, he was so devoted to making sure they didn’t see it.
“I would be glad to have you along,” I said, smiling at him. Though I didn’t take his arm. He merely nodded at me and followed me, allowing me to set the pace in which we walked.
As we walked, we walked in silence. Our footsteps echoed off the stone walls, the small ching and squeak of Ser Erryk’s armor followed behind us. I was perfectly comfortable.
We got to my room in just a few minutes as it wasn’t far from Helaena’s. Ser Erryk took his place beside my door. I gave him a small smile and nod before leading Aegon into my room.
He took a seat in a chair in front of the fireplace. He seemed like maybe he ran cold, always choosing to sit close to fires or walking around wrapped in a blanket. I was like that too, of course, much to the hatred of Jace when we shared a room still.
“I am happy to see you home, have you need of anything?” he asked me when I sat in the chair next to his.
“I merely wish there was something I could take for the pain that wasn’t milk of the poppy. The way it muddled your father’s mind has made me certain I will never use it,” I told him simply.
He nodded softly and reached his right hand up his left sleeve. “In case you have not been told, I want you to know I am sober now. Have not had a sip of wine since the night you disappeared,” he told me.
“Aeg, that’s amazing. I am so proud of you,” I said as my heart felt like it was going to burst.
Truly I don’t think he had ever stood a chance against being a drunkard. Mother told me a long time ago how Viserys was giving Aegon wine by his second nameday. I never could understand why Alicent was so okay with that, especially because for my entire life she had yelled at him for being drunk. Like the night Aemond lost his eye, Aegon got blamed for not protecting him because even at thirteen he went and got so drunk he passed out on the steps. How on earth did she go from so passively allowing him to drink when he was a baby to being so vile about his problem?
He looked at me, his face saddened for a split second before he grinned and pulled out a pouch. “The Grand Maester told me to use this. It’s hemp. Mostly used for creating things, building and whatnot. But someone at the Citadel found if you consume it, it gives you what they call a high. But it is gentler on the health than being drunk. I’m not sure the process but they cook it into butter and then can bake it into things.”
He opened the pouch and pulled out a biscuit the size of his palm. He split it in two and offered me half. It didn’t look abnormal or smell any different. The biscuit looked very appetizing though.
“Do I just eat it?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes. But start slow. Too much at once and you’ll be completely incapacitated. Just a small bit should help your anguish, both physically and mentally,” he explained. “It will not be immediate like milk of the poppy. But it will be effective.”
Cautiously, I took a bite, eating on a quarter of my half. This was something I would never have done on my own. Yet Aegon had never truly steered me wrong, always seeming to have my best interests at heart.
After he took his own bite, eating a little more than I did, a silence fell between us as he just watched the flames. Aegon sometimes seemed like he wished that the world would open and swallow him whole. The way he would avoid looking at me, or anyone for that matter, spoke volumes about how uncomfortable he was even if nobody else realized it.
I remember once he told me that if he didn’t look at people he could convince himself they weren’t looking at him. When I tried to point out that wasn’t right he just put his hand over my mouth so that I couldn’t. It was that moment I realized how alike he and I are.
I escaped the duties of being Mother’s eldest child by pretending I wasn’t. Stepping aside so that Jace could be heir and acting as though I was okay with it was the biggest way I accomplished this. If I were honest, I wanted to be Queen, not Queen Consort. Hiding that fact from everyone, including my twin, repeatedly affirming his place as the next King essentially robbed me of a piece of my identity and forced me into a new one. One in which I was meant to stand by his side and have his children.
Aegon liked to hide from being the eldest son by pretending he didn’t exist. He didn’t just refuse those duties. He simply treated them as though they weren’t real. He used to disappear rather frequently for a few days at a time, only to be found in a tavern or a brothel and dragged back to the Keep. He had always been so drunk he never remembered his time there.
“I missed you,” he said quietly. “I know you never felt for me the way you did Jacaerys, or even Aemond. But you are probably the only woman I’ve ever loved.”
He didn’t look at me when he said it which made me wonder why he did. It seemed silly to me how badly I wanted him to look at me. My entire life I felt like I had been begging Aegon to look at me.
He was right, I never felt for him the way I did Jace or Aemond. But he was the first person that ever made me blush. He was the first person who I considered marrying for any reason. He was my first crush and I think that for a lot of people that was a pretty sacred role.
I wanted a dragon so badly because of his relationship to his own dragon, Sunfyre. I don’t remember exactly when they came together, only that Aegon claimed Sunfyre just as I claimed Vhaela. And they were a sight to see together, having potentially the strongest bond of any dragon and rider. I swear Aegon could be hundreds of leagues from Sunfyre, merely think of needing him, and Sunfyre would go there without a second thought.
There was also the fact that they were very beautiful together. Sunfyre was perhaps the most beautiful dragon to ever exist. His scales were a dazzling, glittering gold while his belly and wing membranes for a soft pink. When he stood tall, he looked like a perfect golden statue.
Aegon was the epitome of Targaryen beauty. His silver blonde hair was not as long as Aemond’s, but was chin length and began curling near the end. He had the classic Valyrian lilac eyes that sparkled in the firelight. He had a square jawline and lips fuller than Aemond’s. He was about five inches taller than me, and therefore Jace since he was my height, at about five foot ten, and just two inches shorter than Aemond.
He truly was a beautiful mixture of Jace and Aemond. His eyes, hair, and eyes were soft in such a way they drew me in. Yet his jawline was sharp like he was chiseled in stone. One could argue all the gods in the universe came together to create the perfect man in him.
I became very aware I was staring at his lips. My cheeks became hot as the blood rushed to them. He turned to look at me, a small goofy smile on his face when he saw me looking. It caused my cheeks to become even hotter.
“You’ve been staring for quite a while, how are you feeling?” he asked me.
“Fine,” I said as I shrugged.
My feet didn’t quite feel right though. Like they didn’t really exist but they do exist. He chuckled at something, I’m guessing my face, and I could feel a giggle bubbling up in my chest.
“Oh you feel it,” he told me, grinning.
“You’re pretty,” I whispered, leaning towards him. “Have I ever told you that?”
“Pretty?” he asked.
Slowly, I nodded. He was pretty. But not the way Mother or Helaena was pretty in an elegant and sophisticated way. He was the type of pretty like fire. One that was dangerous and wild, where I couldn’t quite guarantee I would make it out alive.
“You’re pretty, too,” he told me quietly.
I think he was the only one to ever call me pretty. Aemond called me beautiful and Jace called me perfect, yet never pretty. Except the times they called me pretty during sex, that is. Being pretty in the mundane was something special to me. It was like I was a flower or even a star.
He reached out and took my hand. We sat in silence for a while. There was no way I could tell how long we sat there, just looking at each other while saying nothing. It felt nice in a way I could not explain.
“My darling pretty girl,” he whispered, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. “How is your pain?”
“Better, thank you, Aegon,” I whispered.
My heart was light in my chest. It fluttered rapidly, my cheeks heating up once again. He was looking at me like I was precious to him.
He stood from the chair, moving to stand in front of me. The flutters turned to a steady pounding. It was beating in my ears loudly. Aegon didn’t say anything before he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the tip of my nose, something that he had done when we were kids.
“I will ask the Maesters to prepare you the same biscuits. I do not like to think of you in pain,” he whispered to me. “And it may help if your thoughts get to be too much.”
Without saying another word, he took his leave. He walked out of the room, leaving me to sit alone with only my thoughts of him.
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the-coral-collective · 4 months
Here’s a quick (scheduled) post for these Sonic Riders userboxes I just made at *checks time* 2:38 a.m. Enjoy!! -🍃 & 🖇️
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dayseternal-blog · 4 months
hello days! i hope i'm not bothering u. can i pls request for uzumaki fam fluff fic recs? 🥺
i kinda need ☀️fam fluff boost running in my system 🥹🤲
thank u in advance! love lots. i hope u are doing well~ 🤍🍃
Des 💝 I'm sorry this is over a year late. You're probably not in need of this anymore, but -
Sunshine Family Fluff Fics
Ones I can't remember if I've rec'd before:
"Sunshine family" from "Some Type of Love" by @chloelapomme - Rated T, Modern AU, One-shot. Hinata has to go grocery shopping for their Christmas Eve's diner coming in a couple of weeks. A quick job that won't take too long. Until the rest of the family decides to tag along.
"The Last Stand" from "The Little Joys and Sorrows of Everydayness" by Imanga - Rated T, Canon-Compatible, One-shot. In a desperate attempt to get themselves out of an uncomfortable situation, Naruto and Hinata risk it all.
"The Ramen Recipe" from "The Little Joys and Sorrows of Everydayness" by Imanga - Rated G, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto enjoys a Father’s Day morning in bed with his family.
"snug as a bug" by @secrettastemakerland - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Apparently, being afraid of thunder storms was genetic. Luckily for them, Hinata deals with it just fine.
"A Not Surprising Surprise Party" by secrettastemakerland - Rated G, Canon-Compatible, One-shot. Kawaki comes home from a mission on November 9th, only to find the house unusually quiet...
And the ones I've recommended before:
“Music” from “With You in the Future” by @chloelapomme - Rated E, Canon-Compliant, Series of related one-shots. The benefits of music on babies, but also on couples.
“Strawberry” by @cherryjutsu - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Naruto shares popsicles with his son just as Jiraiya did with him.
“Cooking with Dad” by cherryjutsu - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Prompt: I truly believe Naruto can cook.  It’s a personal headcanon of mine that he always had the skill but never bothered to do anything with it from both laziness of twelve years of no one to show it off too. When Himawari and Boruto are born he wears the apron to make their favorites just to see them smile. His favorite little taste testers.
Untitled by cherryjutsu - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, Drabble. Prompt: Can I ask prompt? Boruto as a little kid asking his Dad how he lost his arm/how it’s all bandaged up? Thank you!! <3
“Fort Uzumaki” by @itachiboutit - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Family time during a bad thunderstorm.
“missing out” by @flowerslut - Rated T for language, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Prompt: Naruto training with himawari and being proud of her.
“Our Whiskers” by @nekomamoru - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Prompt: Whiskers
“for you” by nekomamoru - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. A/N it would be a lie to say that I wasn’t slightly disappointed that Naruto had missed his inauguration but more than anyone, I think Himawari herself would’ve felt a little guilty so this idea popped up and I had to write it down. enjoy!
“The Apple Never Falls Far From the Tree” by @matchaball - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, Two-shot. Prompt: From chapter seven of the Konoha Hiden: where Naruto talks to his plants and Hinata presses flowers.
“Pranks” from “Your Hand in Mine” by @spyder-m - Rated G, Canon-Compatible, One-shot. After one too many tricks, Boruto sparks a prank war with his father.
"Day After Day" by spyder-m - Rated T, Canon-Compatible, Series of one-shots. Oneshot series exploring the day to day life of Naruto and Hinata post-The Last. Headcanons about them dating, living together and starting a family.
“To Welcome You” by @eliphya - Rated G, Canon-Compliant (?), One-shot. Naruto and his children have chores to do before Hinata comes home again. 
“Tickling Cheeks” by eliphya - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Himawari loves her fathers stubble and insists on him never shaving again.
“The Job He Never Wanted” by @alabasterink-blog - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. The swing was old and rotting. His children have a solution.
“Time Out” by alabasterink-blog - Rated G, Canon-Compliant (?), One-shot. Daddy didn’t like oranges. Himawari had a solution.
“Sunshine” by alabasterink-blog - Rated G, Canon-Compliant (?), One-shot. Himawari decides she wants to be just like her grandma when she grows up.
“Mama’s Boy 2: Like Father Like Son, We Love Her So Much” by basmah-chan - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. In which Boruto needs a little lecture on his hate for his mother’s hair ties, which leads to some father and son bonding time. Their topic to bond over: Hinata.
“Pretend” by @8bittheatrics - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Kids will be kids, and so will some adults.
“Bed Head” by @utsus - Rated T for language, Canon-Divergent, One-shot. Naruto and Sasuke are in charge of doing their daughters’ hairstyles for the day. Everything is a struggle.
“Sunflowers” by @myaekingheart - Rated G, Canon-Compliant (?), One-shot. Naruto teams up with his children to do something special for Hinata for Mother’s Day.
“Ouchimaki” by Tuvstarrs - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. To dress a toddler is an occupational hazard of parenthood that comes with a rather specific set of dangers. Naruto knows this but trying to explain that to your childless friends without sounding like an idiot is a completely different headache.
“his happy ending” by flyingonfeatherlesswings - Rated G, Canon-Compliant (?), One-shot. Boruto Uzumaki is less than enthused when a film about his father’s heroic deeds is released. He ends up dragged to it despite his protests and learns some upsetting details about his father’s early childhood.
“Mission impossible” by Saku015 - Rated G, Canon-Compliant, One-shot. Hinata goes out to meet her friends, so it is Naruto’s duty to look after his kids for a few hours.
I hope you are doing well, too!!!!
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nevernonline · 7 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #16; the part we play.
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 1.5k
note: in-between photo sets is some writing!! xo
masterlist ▸ 015 leave it to the cullens (part 2). ▸ 017 happy trails.
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Jumping out of bed and throwing on a random pair of sweatpants scattered on her floor in what y/n referred to as her “stress pile” of clothes, she ran down the hallway to the front door to check who she had kept waiting for over ten minutes. 
Much to her surprise it wasn’t one of her obnoxious friends waking her and her overnight guest up so early, but a shady one. Joshua. 
“Y/n? I know you’re here, I asked the front door man if he had seen you leave yet this morning? Hello?” 
And with a couple more knocks pounding in her brain, she swung the door open to reveal a smiling old friend holding a bouquet of wild flowers and a box of pastries. 
“Sorry. Hangover. Why are you here?” 
“Tomorrow is your birthday?” 
“Right. But, it's also 7:30 in the morning?” 
“I thought I’d come by today so I didn’t disrupt whatever plans you have tomorrow with Seokmin and Jun. That’s okay?” 
“So.. Can I come in? Or do you not want to have a chocolate croissant?” 
“I do, but coffee! I’m out of coffee. Can we go get some? I can’t possibly have a pastry without it, silly.” 
“Yeah, of course. Mind if I use the bathroom?” 
“Why don’t you just use the-” 
In all of her attempts at protesting Joshua walking through her apartment and finding the boy hidden in the guest room, he still managed to somehow find a way in. Just like he was doing to her heart. She knew she shouldn’t even entertain the idea of spending a day with him and pretend that she has no idea the amount of blackmail he had a hand in, but a part of her couldn’t help it. 
In all her daze of thinking of the moral repercussions of his and her own actions. She didn’t even notice him slipping back by her side. As she rapidly texted the man she unnoticeably had hidden in the room down the hall it was his time to sneak out like a secret to be kept. 
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“Uh, yeah. Let’s go.” 
“So, how was Wonwoo’s event?” 
“Well for starters I had no idea that gamers drank so hard, I felt like I was back in freshman year of college trying to keep up with drunk Soonyoung and you at those dumb ass Dream Boy parties you used to take me to.” 
“That hard, huh?” 
“Yeah, I haven’t drank like that in so long. It’s fun once and a while I guess.” 
Walking into the white walled coffee shop with Joshua felt like some sort of omen, but y/n couldn’t decide if it was a good one or a bad one just yet. 
If Joshua was honest about his play in the game with Mimi, maybe someday down the road she could forgive him and patch up their friendship one last time. But, the more he waited to say anything, the more he lied and kept his secret the less she even believed he’d own up to his actions. 
“What would you like?”
“Just a drip coffee please, large, no sugar or milk.” 
“Okay, I’ll pay.” 
“Wow. Thank you so much.” 
Sensing y/n’s sarcasm, he smiled and turned towards the register placing their matching order and grabbing the cups as he handed her the steaming cup of fresh coffee and made their way back to her apartment. 
Waiting to cross the street her front door opened, walking out was Minghao dressed in his same outfit from the night before, catching y/n’s eyes, as she quickly turned Joshua around to look at a dog passing by so Minghao could make his quick exit without any suspicion. 
When she was sure he made his exit and got out of the line of sight, with Joshua by her side they headed back up to her apartment, announcing she needed to go use the restroom fast and search the bedroom that once belonged to another untrustworthy friend. 
Under her laptop sitting on the desk, a small note was placed with just the corner of the purple sticky note sticking to the side. 
‘Swan, by midnight tonight you’ll be one year older. I hope another trip around the sun brings you peace of mind and the happiness you truly deserve. See you tomorrow, MH.” 
Placing the note under the cover of her laptop, she smiled to herself and decided now was the time to confront an elephant in the room. 
She walked back up to Joshua sitting on her couch, the plate of chocolate croissants placed on the glass coffee table, two cups of coffee on either side. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah. Can I talk to you about something?” 
“Of course.” 
“I need you to listen to me, like really listen and don’t deflect. I need you to tell me how you got my journal to Mimi.” 
“I didn-”
“You did. I know it was you who took it, I just want to know why?” 
“Just listen. I didn’t take it to give it to Mimi. I actually took it before she even got back in touch with me. And I didn’t just stumble upon it on my own time. Minnie showed me it, she wanted me to know how much I hurt you and how you felt about me because you never told me. You kept all those cards so close to your chest, I felt like I had to read more. So, the night of Mingyu’s bar opening, I had Mimi over at my house after, we were just catching up, talking, nothing too serious, she had just moved back and needed somewhere to stay for the night. She was the one who found your journal and took it and concocted the entire plan.” 
“Why what?” 
“I guess why didn’t you just tell me all of this at the beginning?” 
“I was just going to bring you your diary back and ask you out, I had feelings for you too. I still do. I eventually was going to tell you everything. But, it just got so complicated and the day I came over and saw Minghao here, I got so pissed off at you for trusting him after he hurt me, I figured he’d hurt you too.” 
“But he didn’t. You did.” 
“I know. I should’ve just told you the truth from the beginning, but I was scared to lose you.” 
“You already had lost me. How am I supposed to even believe a word you’re telling me right now?” 
“Because, I have proof. The only reason I even still talk to Mimi is to make sure she doesn’t go too far.” 
“Why did you fight with Minghao then?” 
“He pisses me off. Simple as that. I knew he had helped Mimi. I knew he was being deceitful to you as well, but so was I. It was just a matter of who owned up to it first.” 
“Alright. What else do you know?” 
“I know that Minnie is helping Mimi. They’ve been in contact with each other for quite some time, even before Mimi moved back. I can’t tell you why only because I genuinely have no clue. But, I have a feeling she's trying to hide something about herself and not exposing you.” 
“And Mingyu?” 
“No. He has nothing to do with it.” 
“Can I ask you something?” 
“Mhm, sure.” 
“Do you think we can ever get past this? Even if we just stay friends or see each other once and a while?” 
“If what you’re telling me is a hundred percent true, then I think we can. But, if I find out you’re lying to me, I will never speak to you again.” 
“I can show you the texts. Between me and Mimi, Minnie, Minghao. Anyone involved.” 
“Who sent me the bouquet? You right?” 
“Yeah. It was just a warning to be careful about the people around you.” 
“Okay. Well. Thanks for telling me, I guess.” 
“There’s something else.” 
“Uh, alright?” 
“Tonight. There’s a party at Mingyu’s bar that Minnie was throwing for your birthday. I came over here initially to invite you. They told me only you’re invited. No Seokmin, Jun, or anyone else.” 
“They wanted me to take you as a surprise.” 
“My party is supposed to be tomorrow night?” 
“So they have something planned for me and I feel like it’s safe to say it’s not good.” 
“I don’t know what it is, but it’s safe to assume that yeah.” 
“Okay, if you want to make it up to me. You’ll help me sneak Minghao and the dorks into the back of his restaurant.” 
“Call Jeonghan, tell him everything. Get him to cause a distraction so they can come inside. Text Minnie and ask if it’s okay you invite Seokmin to come with you and I. It's believable I wouldn’t go anywhere on my own without him and I’ll handle the rest.” 
“Are you going to tell me what the rest is?” 
“Yes, eventually.” 
“Okay, let’s hurry, we have about three hours until I’m supposed to bring you.” 
“What’s the dress code?” 
“Formal. It's some sort of mask party.” 
“So you’re still friends with Hao?” 
“Yes, idiot. I heard you jiggle the doorknob this morning. Come on.” 
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taglist: @sun-daddy-yoriichi @hipsdofangirl@kissesfrmwonwoo@minhui896@wonwooz1@porridgesblog@jasssy051@soonyoungblr@saucegirlreads@musingsofananxiouspotato@young-adult-summer@punkhazardlaw@bibs-world@the-swageyama-tobiyolo@wonuulvr@woozixo@k-drama-adict@90s-belladonna@blaycke@dnylwoo@to-mi-yo, @nonononranghaee
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note: hi me again!! lol. I hope you enjoy this messy lil installment. not my favorite (everyone says this sometimes ik ik) let me know what you think our resident traitor mimi is up too 👀
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insomanic-fanfication · 6 months
🍃🌹Dick Grayson SFW Alphabet 🌹🍃
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Author's note: I'm slowly getting back into writing because I'm currently working on changing careers. So, I'm going to edit and refresh my pinned posts and do a couple of other things. Proofreader: Bilbo Baggins
__________________Alphabet Under the cut__________________
Affection: How affectionate are they? How do they show it?
Dick is very effective, especially when it comes to physical affection. He will always find a way to touch you, even in public. Holding hands, an arm around your waist or shoulders. Even when you sit down, he'll have a knee touch yours. Loves giving you quick pecks every time he sees you.
Best Friend: What are they like as best friends? How would you become best friends?
Dick is the type of guy that likes to make sure everyone feels welcome to places. You were probably new to Gotham or the team, and I began conversing with you about doing a check-in. 100% older brother therapist instincts at first.
Cuddles: Do they like to cuddle? How would they?
Even before you two start dating, they'll be cuddling. Dick thrives on physical closeness to the people he's close to. Whether hugging his friends or cuddling plies with his brothers while watching movies. He loves cuddling.
Domestic: Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?
Dick is good at cooking; he's good, not great. He needs to have a recipe to follow with clear, in-depth instructions. As well as you to help him keep track of the tasks to do in order. His ADHD is not kind to him when he tries to cook by himself; 20 minutes to bake in the oven? Cool, he can watch a YouTube video or scroll on social media. Need to remember the food in the oven.
He'd like to settle down, but he feels he never could. It would last a week until his old team is on a mission or his brothers are on a case, and he's putting on the suit again to help.
Ending: If they had to break up? How would they?
He tries not to let it show, but he has a crippling level of self-doubt. If he broke up with you, it was probably during one of his depression spirals, feeling like he is just not good enough to be with you. Feeling like he is just holding you back or you could do better.
He'll become closed off, trying to push you away. Then, after a while, if you try to confront him or you pry, his self-doubt will overflow and say you two are breaking up. You can try to help him get through it and reassure him. However, if he's not ready for the conversation, in that mental state, he'll try to push you away more, even though he wants the exact opposite.
Fiance: How do they feel about commitment? How long before they pop “the question”?
Dick is exceptionally loving and very passionate; however, he has extreme commitment issues, mostly built on his own self-doubt and crippling anxiety. As the oldest child, it's tough for him to voice his problems and stress. No matter how much he tries, his brain locks that in his throat. Wanting to focus on other people's pain and issues instead. He probably won't propose unless you ask him where he sees your two relationships going, making him think about it. He loves you very much, but it's not that; he just doesn't trust himself not to hurt you. Even if it wasn't even his fault that you got hurt in the first place.
Gentle: How gentle are they? Both physically and Emotionally? 
Dick is rough physically but lovingly. He won't go easy on you during training, but you will notice he tackles and dodges more with you. Using more defensive fighting instead of defensive tactics. Outside of that, he is incredibly gentle emotionally. He is gentle but is rough as much as you are comfortable with. Being sarcastic or a shoulder to cry on.
Hugs: Do they like hugs? What are their hugs like?
If you two are dating, be ready to mind your own business and be lifted into the air by a tight hug, as if his hugs are linked to the love he has for you. He absolutely loves hugs and hugging you. He loves the hugs where you both face each other and his arms around your midback. Not just because of the closeness of it, but he also attacks you with kisses and compliments, and you can't escape.
I love you: How fast do they say the L-word?
Physical affection, he can do no problem, but verbalizing it is much more challenging. He's trained his brain to know the best thing to say in any situation, so he fears saying it and not meaning it. Worried that he only said it cause that's what you wanted him to say. He probably said it out loud while looking back at the memory you two shared first, then paused for a second, and then was like, ' Oh?... OH, I LOVE THEM!'.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? What would they do?
He would 100% get jealous; for the most part, his jealousy was the strongest before you two started dating. But he's the silent boiler when it comes to jealousy, and his eyes give me away every time. Wally absolutely used this to his advantage to get Dick to confess to you or make a move. During parties or hangouts, Wally would put his arm around your neck or get close to you while you two were talking with a shit-eating grin as he saw Dick Death staring harder than Batman has ever done.
Kissing: What are their kisses like? Where do they like to be kissed/ kiss you? 
For regular kissing, he loves to do a slow, long kiss, taking his time to enjoy the presence of your lips. However, he also loves giving you quick pecks on the check every time he sees you during the day. Will melt into the floor as a gushy mess when you provide him with forehead kisses for greeting as you two are working or on patrol.
Little ones: How are they around kids?
He loves his brothers! But does he have kids of his own? Hell no. He has a crisis spiral almost every week. How could he care for someone who relies on him for support and care? He loves caring for his brothers anyway, often feeling more like a parent to them than a sibling. He's been woken up by his brothers breaking into his apartment or knocking on his door in the middle of the night plenty of times. He's already living the dad experience.
Morning: How are they during the mornings?
He likes to tell people he's a morning person, but he takes every chance he gets to oversleep. Did he patrol until 2 a.m. with no scheduled work for his day job? Sweet, he'll just sleep for 3 hours and then do some stuff around the house. *proceeds to sleep for 14 hours, only waking up cause Tim called having a panic attack *
Nights: How are they spent with them?
Dick, like most of the Batfam, can spend the whole night awake. Even going weeks without sleep if needed. So if he has to work on a case, you two like to cuddle on the couch during those nights after eating dinner, where you fall asleep buried into him as he works.
When not working on a case, you patrol if you're already asleep. He'll try to be as quiet as possible to not wake you while changing and getting ready for bed. Most of the time, he accidentally wakes you up when he gets to bed. To which you trap him into your arms sleepily, as if to say, no, you're leaving again now. It's cuddle time. Even the bathroom waits until the morning.
Open: When would they start revealing things about themselves?
You already know the most significant part if you are a hero. If you are just a civilian, then he'll try to hide his heroism as long as possible until he thinks it best to tell you. Either way, he'll try and be an open book when it comes to his relationship history, only opening up about his sexual assault and rape trauma WAY later into your twos relationship unless it starts to cause problems within your relationship with him.
Patience: How easily angered are they?
Dick is very patient, but he has a big temper, especially if he sees you doing a habit that is dangerous or self-harming in nature. He'll bring it up delicately to discuss it with you. But if you brush him off about the concerns, it will get into a heated argument, where he'll yell and cry about who he can't stand to see you do not to yourself, and stop pretending it's not happening.
Quizzes: Do they remember everything or nothing about you?
The answer is yesn't. He'll remember your side comment about your favorite flower, but if he doesn't set a reminder in his calendar for your birthday, he can't remember it to say his life. But he knows the time you take your meds! And he loves to shake them gently like a music shaker when walking up to you when you haven't taken them yet.
Remember: What is their favorite memory in the relationship?
His favorite memory in the relationship is at the end of your 2nd date; it began to rain when it wasn't supposed to. So, while you two were waiting for Alferd to pick you up, you huddled under his jacket to stay dry and had your first kiss.
Security: How protective are they? How would you protect each other?
Dick knows you can handle yourself; does that mean he won't protect you? Of course not! You two are attached at the hip during patrols and missions. Be ready to have a brooding hen by your bedside if you get hurt during one. If you're a civilian, he'll be more protective of you. Following you on top of roofs as you walk the streets at night until you are safe at home. Will even ask his brothers to do it if he can't.
You almost jumped out of your skin the first time you were expecting to look up to see your slutty waist hero boyfriend making sure you're getting home safe, to instead be making eye contact with a man built like a fridge with blood on him waving a gun like a concert glow stick, as greeting to you.
Try: How much effort would they put into dates, gifts, anniversaries, etc?
Dick has a lot going on in his schedule, so it's rare to have a time when you're both free to go out for dates or anniversary dinners. So he'll put in as much effort his being can do to make them perfect and go as planned. Don't be surprised if you look at a camera and it moves up and down; it's Baraba saying hi; he asks her to watch the place to ensure no villains or poppazi are planning on making an entrance.
Ugly: What are some bad habits of theirs?
A bad habit of Dick's is taking care of others, sometimes in a way that hurts his own well-being. Did he get shot in the arm? It's okay, he's alright, about Tim? Is Tim okay? Another Bad habit he has is he tries to ignore his problems until they are eating him alive.
Vanity: How concerned are they with their looks?
Dick is very concerned with his looks, but he's not self-absorbed. He often uses it as an outlight when he can't take care of something mentally. He'll be training or working out until exhaustion if he is angry about something. It may not solve the issue, but he feels better now to look at it with a level head. He also uses his looks as a form of self-care. It's how he recharges.
Whole: Would they feel incomplete without you?
When Dick falls in love, he falls hard. So without, he'll feel like that part of him, left with you.
Xtra: Random headcanon for them?
He is very goofy sometimes; one of his favorite things to do when you two are sparring is when you are trapped under the other. He turns the sparring into a ticking match.
Yuck: What are some things they don’t like, in general, or in a partner?
He hates people who lack empathy; I'm not talking about people who close themselves off due to trauma, but that ACTUALLY LACKS empathy. He could never date someone fine without batting an eye and leave their friend or ally for dead. And he can tell the difference. He also could never date someone who shares a lot of traits with the Joker.
Zzz: What is their sleeping habit?
Dick either sleeps for 14 hours or won't sleep for 3 days; there is no in-between. However, if you do, he will get a half to a ''normal'' sleep schedule because he wants to spend time with you. But if you don't have a regular sleep schedule, he's fucked! No matter what, though, he constantly moves in his sleep for the first 2 hours, then stays still for the rest of the night after moving on to his stomach. You would mistake his sleeping for he suffocated himself in his sleep. If it wasn't for his muffled snoring.
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mangoposts · 9 months
I understand that 2021 is Chris's “prime” but I need to see edits of more recent clips. Don’t get me wrong he was cute then, but he looks like a baby. I feel he's grown so much and got so much sexier. There are so many Matt edits ( don’t come for me I’m not hating on my pookie😘). I just need to see more edits of Chris (and Nick) and not with those bum-ass retired ass clips. I wish people would just edit my man now.
Also, I feel like anytime we get anything good from Chris Matt girls are quick to the comments comparing him to Matt (ex. Chris's recent Insta post). Like when r we going to let Chris have his moment? Idk maybe I'm complaining a little.
Nah cause ..
Every time i watch edits of Chris it’s the same 5 clips over and over again and they’re all from when he was like 18. Of course i like and save that shit anyway but it’s like u said… where’s the new clips at ??? My man is always doing sum sexy shit and nobody edits it ???????
About the comparing thing i 100% agree and im sorry if that bothers anybody but to me it’s very true. I’ve seen a lot of people say Chris is the most popular but it’s definitely Matt. A lot of people can’t compliment Chris without mentioning Matt or say anything about him solo for that matter.
This is why i was all for Chris’ solo podcast with Zach Sang 🤷🏻‍♀️ I felt like he finally had a bit of spotlight and everybody was able to finally see the best parts of him that i’ve always seen Lmfaooo. But even so i’ve seen majority of the fans say they never fully watched his full interview or they clip the parts where he mentions and appreciates Matt.
So, Yk it’s not to shit on Matthew. I love him of course but I love Chris just as equally lmfaoooo
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bellyasks · 6 months
How about a nature theme?
thankyouuuu im going with more of a fantasy thing for this one since i feel like the last few ive posted all look the same (you can tell i was grasping for straws with some of these forgive me😭😭😭) some stuffing, some inflation/expansion/bloating
🌹 Your character eats a tasty plant known for being particularly filling. They don't feel all that full until they find out where it gets its reputation: it blooms inside the stomach, filling them to the brim with large, hearty blossoms. Their burps probably smell pretty sweet.
🥀 Your character is feeling wilted after accidentally eating something that's been enchanted to drain energy. The best way to rejuvenate themself in this situation is with plenty of food and drink, even if they're already full from whatever they ate.
🌱 Your character is a plant person. They aren't nearly as big as their fellow plants, and they're doing everything they can to grow themself bigger--extra sunlight, lots of water, the works. Maybe it'll work eventually, but for right now all they have to show for their effort is an extremely bloated tummy.
🍃 Your character adds a new fast-growing plant to their garden, hoping for some quick and plentiful produce. What they didn't realize is just how quickly it grows. Before their very eyes, the sweet, crunchy leaves begin to spring up and overtake their garden. There's no time to get help; the only thing they can do is try to eat it faster than it can grow. Can they get it under control before they run out of tummy space?
🌵 After eating far too much, your character is feeling sore and sick and desperately wants a tummy rub. Sadly, they're covered in prickly scales, and their tummy is far too rough for most hands. Can anybody help them? Maybe some protective gloves would be useful.
🌴 Your character is a little woodland critter who lives in a hole in a tree. Their home inside the trunk is comfortably roomy, but the entrance is a pretty tight squeeze. It wouldn't take too much to bloat their tummy up enough to make it hard to get through, or even to get them stuck.
🪺 Your character is some sort of sneaky little egg-stealing freak, and they happen upon a nice full nest. One or two eggs would easily fill them up, but they can't carry the rest with them and they're unwilling to leave them behind, so they quickly cram the rest into their belly as well. Hopefully they're not too stuffed to scurry off before whatever laid those eggs returns.
🏔️ Your character is hiking up a mountain, and they stumble across some berry bushes. They're easy to identify as safe; these berries have pretty much no lookalikes…except for a very similar-looking berry that expands dramatically in dark, damp environments, making themselves a hazard to anybody careless enough to eat too many.
🌊 Your character is a deep-sea mermaid. They occasionally visit their friends who live closer to the surface, and any time they do, the change in pressure makes their belly bloat terribly. Hopefully their shallow water friends have something to soothe their tummy, otherwise it's going to be a very uncomfortable visit.
🌬️ Your character is a winged creature, perhaps a fairy or a harpy, flying against strong wind. They make the mistake of opening their mouth for a moment and are promptly filled up with a rush of air.
⚡ Your character has some sort of lightning powers that build up if they aren't released frequently enough. If they find themself somewhere where it isn't safe to blow off some electrical steam, their belly could become very uncomfortably bloated.
🌧️ Your character is at a cafe in the sky, trying a cloud for the first time. They're warned to take it slow, but they accidentally suck up the whole cloud in one slurp, leaving their belly incredibly bloated, at least until all the vapor in their stomach condenses back into water.
☀️ Your character is a creature with an exceptionally high body temperature. They don't need water to survive, and it isn't really found where they're from, so they've never had it before. The first time they drink water, they discover that it boils inside their stomach, rapidly filling them up with steam.
🌕 Your character visits the moon and discovers that the rumors are true: it's made of cheese (continuously regenerating cheese, too!). The place is filled with expansive cheese shops and restaurants specializing in cheesy foods. By the time your character is ready to come back from their trip, their belly is feeling very weighed down by all the tasty cosmic cheese they've eaten.
💫 Your character is visiting an intergalactic rest stop, and they have a buffet there. There are foods from all sorts of different planets, many of which your character has never seen before, and, being curious, they're eager to try a little bit of everything. They'll be stuffed enough from the quantity of food; hopefully none of the strange and unfamiliar foods upset their belly.
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alluralater · 8 months
Wrote something super quick inspired by some of your recent posts mentioning your oral fixation. Mildly degrading?? Idk I've never written something like this so feel free to not post it if it's not up your alley.
Of course you need to bring a drink to your lips when a hot butch gazes at you. Of course you can get off to the mere sight of a perfect kissing session. It makes sense for you, doesn't it? And you know exactly why. You know it's because your mouth is the key to your pleasure. Those perfect lips made for kissing and sucking, your tongue for licking and tasting. Even taking pictures and videos of that mouth is enough to rile you and remind you of just how sexy you are. And it also reminds you of the desperate, nearly pitiful desire you have for your mouth to be used. In fact, "desire" may not even be a strong enough word. You n e e d for your mouth to be used, don't you? Working your lips and tongue to satisfy your partner is the only way to satisfy you. Sure, your fingers or your strap could be utilized just as well, but at the end of the day, your mouth is made for sucking cunt, leaving marks on skin, endlessly pleasing your partner above else. Your mouth is made for pleasure. And you can't get off if your mouth isn't being used for its purpose, can you?
Next time you're rubbing that pretty clit or fucking yourself silly, why don't you remind yourself of the truth? Say "my mouth is for pleasure." Say it out loud. Recite it to yourself over and over until you cum, because you know it's true. Your mouth is for pleasure.
jesus fucking christ how do you always just say things that leave me breathless and flushed in the cheeks?? this is one of the hottest things i've ever read in my life. fuck me. well, it's official. i will be making an audio about this <3
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itsokbbygrl · 9 months
It’s Me, Hi!
Just a quick intro post for new friends to this space :)
My Writing | Things I've Beta'd | A Peek Into My Brain
For The Horny Babes: Wank Bank | My Library
For Fic Notifications
Hi! I’m LJ (short for Elizabeth Jane. yes, it’s giving Pride and Prejudice.) I’m 34, queer (putting the B in LGBT), located in the Midwestern USA. She/her pronouns are preferred, please. ♡ Here’s my last three selfies (4/5/24 and 9/30/23) feat. my curly curly bangs that never want to stay blown out. I’m a real person, promise.
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My DMs and inbox (buenas, mis pollitas! = say hello, my little chickens) are always open, I promise I’m friendly. If you are my mutual I am kissing you on the forehead and the mouth because I luh u. 💖 Come say hello sometime! Some extras below the cut.
My mother would describe me as, “striking,” and, “a little intimidating,” and, “incredibly smart.” I would describe me as, “a retired theatre kid,” and, “an anxious mess,” and, “bad at following through on completing WIPs but always coming up with new stories.” (Also witty, tenacious, and a keenly creative but ew that’s so honest.)
I’m a 🔮woowoo🔮 girly. Libra sun, Aquarius moon, Sagittarius rising (Virgo Mercury and Venus, Gemini Mars if we’re going full big six). I grew up in the performing arts (dance first, then singing, then acting, then I threw them all together in musical theater).
I love a good old fashioned Midwestern goodbye (welp! it’s about that time!), hockey (pls don’t ask me about my team this season, it’ll just be depressing, tank for Celebrini I guess 🥴), a good glass of wine or a smooth pull (or 5…) off the pen 🍃, and pets (the animals, but I also will not turn down physical affection lol). Anyway! That's enough for now. You can always find more things that are very "me" in my "LJ core" tag. Ok byeeeee!
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