metal-cn · 2 months
米ハリウッドの名画。俺たちに、今日すら、ない。Even the better tomorrow!ちゅう。そして、もちろん、教官には、巻き添えの、恐れなしと、誰が断言できまんねん?ちゅう。もし、やろね。はて、欠席しました。そして、マージャン学生、かけるな!絶対!違法だ!だが、模倣しない、とは?マージャン、実は、していました?ちゅう。だが、模倣的に、欠席扱い、してくれへんか?ちゅう。俺も、バンカーバスター、怖いねん?ちゅう。
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anamon-book · 1 year
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会津藩への挽歌 永岡慶之助 エルム
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byuiw · 11 months
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honnakagawa · 3 months
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6月16日(日)open 12-18
何かおかしいと思っていたら、ギャラリーのエアコンが暖房になっていました… これまでに暑い中お出かけいただいた皆さま、ごめんなさい…
仕事中に読んではいけない本、でもしみじみと言葉が痛いところに沁み渡る本『また猫と』入荷しております。 猫歌人、仁尾智さんの手触り柔らかな猫の挽歌集。 表紙にある
猫であく穴は 猫でも埋まらないけど 猫だけが入れるかたち
この一首だけでもう、この本は必要な人に届くと信じております。 そして、写真の柳本史さんの作品「手〈猫〉」(※ご売約済み)が私の中のこの"猫だけが入れるかたち"にすぽっとはまったようで、あの猫やあの猫やあの猫…への切なく愛おしい気持ちで胸がいっぱいになっている日曜日です。 ここの所猫のことで頭いっぱい本中川ですみません。
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brdc-a · 1 year
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源川瑠々子の『星空の歌』 2023/09/07 20時配信
ゲスト◇日本橋弁松総本店 代表取締役 樋口純一さん、木挽町よしや三代目 斉藤大地さん 今夜のお客様は、日本橋弁松総本店代表取締役の樋口純一さんと木挽町よしや三代の斉藤大地さんをお迎えします。
※スマホ/タブレットはアプリからご視聴ください。 過去の放送は、Back numberで🎧
・日本橋弁松総本店 公式サイト ・日本橋もの繋ぎプロジェクト(YouTube) ・木挽町よしや 公式サイト ・銀座ものひと繋ぎプロジェクト ・銀座ものひと繋ぎプロジェクト X
「月光」 作詞:島崎藤村の「若菜集」より 作曲:神尾憲一 歌:源川瑠々子
過去放送一覧はこちら 源川瑠々子 公式サイト
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rohisato · 2 years
闘いのバンカー(闘いの挽歌)ろひさとチートプレイ (Trojan Rohisato cheat play)
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rennebright · 1 year
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罪人の挽歌 by Infinity ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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fateandloveentwined · 7 months
poetry lines befitting MCS and XJY
These are mostly chinese tang shi and song ci poetry quotes, with a great biased amount from Su Shi because OP doesn't know better. Crude, 5-minute english translations below. There are lines I semi-made up or adapted from fandom/cpop songs (that is, most of Xiao Jingyan's lines), ngl OP is rather embarrassed of them because they aren't good at all looking back now but we'll just leave them here or else XJY would end up with zero quotes.
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梅长苏 Mei Changsu
想那日束髪从军,想那日霜角辕门,想那日挟剑惊风,想那日横槊凌云。 ——夏完淳
Think to the day I tied back my hair and enlisted. Think to the day the horn rang at the frostbitten tents, think to the day I danced my sword making the sound that deafens the wind. Think to the day I took to the lance, and it pierced through the skies, rising higher than the clouds. — Xia Wanchun
将士百战身名裂。 向河梁、回头万里,故人长绝。 易水萧萧西风冷,满座衣冠似雪,正壮士、悲歌未彻。 ——辛弃疾
The warrior fights a hundred battles, yet what remains is his severed reputation. He looks to the bridge over the river, thousands of miles back, past acquaintances forever gone. In another life, over the howling of the west wind and the cold Yi rivers, the banquet sits, clothes adorned in snowlike white. The courageous man strides through the blizzard, the song of lament never ceasing. — Xin Qiji
零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。 ——陆游
The plum blossoms wither and drift to the ground, crushed into earthly soil and dust. The prevailing fragrance is what remains. — Lu You
亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔。 ——屈原
So long as this is what my heart longs for and treasures, though I die nine deaths, my heart does not regret. — Qu Yuan
君臣一梦,今古空名。 ——苏轼
Lords and lieges ebb into nothing but a dream; in the river of time transcending present and past vain titles remain, cast into the void. — Su Shi
无波真古井,有节是秋筠。 ——苏轼
The heart is at peace like the ancient well that does not ripple; the integrity is as the autumn bamboos, steadfast and unfaltering. — Su Shi
舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 ——苏轼
The warship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. — Su Shi
对一张琴,一壶酒,一溪云。 ——苏轼
Facing but a guqin, a jug of wine, a stream of cloud. — Su Shi
江山如画,是我心言。 ——风起时
The rivers and mountains of the kingdom outstretches before me, as moving as in art: this is my heart’s will. — from the song “Feng Qi Shi”, when the wind blows
战骨碎尽志不休,冰心未改血犹殷。 ——改自《赤血长殷》、王昌龄
Bones completely crushed from the battle, yet aspirations unwavering. The heart has not changed; the blood flows red still. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red, and poet Wang Changling
袖手妙计权倾变,敛眸笑谈意了然。 ——改自《赤血长殷》
With folded arms, he devises labyrinthine strategies. The sceptre of power sways and shifts. He shrouds his gaze modestly, and in conversations of small smiles, he discerns the intention of men. — adapted from the song “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
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萧㬌琰 Xiao Jingyan
潜龙一朝御风翔,长歌挽弓射天狼。 ——《长喑》
The submerged dragon rises one day to ride the winds. Singing high and long; the bow is drawn pointed at the invading Sirius. — from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
挑灯殿阙思悄然,闻钤行宫寝无眠。 ——改自白居易
Awashed in the raised lamps of the imperial palace, thoughts whisper in grievance. The bell rings at the Jiu’an grounds, and he lies abed sleepless. — adapted from The Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi
驰骋沙场繁华梦,谈笑鸿儒君臣纲。 ——改自《致陛下书》、刘禹锡
Dreams soar in the flurrying gallops of the battlefield, flourishing dreams of splendour and joy. In pleasant dialogue with scholars, civility obliges polite smiles into the etiquette of lords and lieges. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty, and Liu Yuxi
铁马并辔封疆,几回魂梦游;更鼓落夜未央,笔下兴亡断。 ——取自《长喑》、《赤血长殷》
Armoured horses riding in parallel at the borderlands — how many times has the soul wandered to such dreams of the past. The hourly drums sound ceaseless across the long night; under the emperor's brush, the fate of prosperity and declination writes. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here, and “Chi Xue Chang Yan”, the noble blood flows red
揽尽山河只手倾,昂冕袖手瞰苍生。 ——改自《长喑》
The future of his kingdom sweeps into a tilt of his hand. With crown upheld, he folds his arms in his sleeves awatching humanity. — adapted from the song “Chang Yin”, the Long Darkness found here
咫尺抚眉峰,万丈叠远峰;梦底枕笑纹,惊风掀水纹。 ——《致陛下书》
Up close, the furrowed brows are smoothed. Ten thousands of feet stretch before him, converging into mountains at a distance. In the deepest dreams, the markings of a smile lie; he stirs up the wind which marks and rips tides in the tumultuous waters. — adapted from the song “Zhi Bi Xia Shu”, a letter to Your Majesty
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Two (three) things to note:
My dying obsession with Su Shi, sorry I can’t help it that perhaps over half of the all the poetry I know is from him;
To be really fair, my favourite description of Mei Changsu is 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外, used in describing Zhang Liang in Si Maqian's Records of the Grand Historian. He orchestrates masterplans in the tent of the army; he determines the victory of the battle from afar, thousands of miles from the front.
As for my favourite depiction of Lin Shu, it is definitely Su Shi’s description of Cao Cao: 舳舻千里,旌旗蔽空,酾酒临江,横槊赋诗。 The warship moves a thousand miles, ensigns enshrouding the sky. He pours out wine by the riverside, holds out his lance, and writes verses as he speaks. Xin Qiji’s verse above just fits the entire story of Mei Changsu so much, it deserves a mention.
I was assembling/making these lines up for something back then and so just listed whatever came to mind (for reasons I know not I kept on listing stuff for MCS, but maybe XJY was the typical good emperor kind of person so wasn't as inspiring coming up with quotes for him).
If there are lines of poetry you find really befitting the two characters, we're more than interested starting a thread here just for that purpose.
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lovejapanese80s · 8 months
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行き止まりの挽歌 ブレイクアウト(1988)
(Xユーザーのボンクラさん: 「#今でも面白い80年代のオススメ映画 行き止まりの挽歌 ブレイクアウト https://t.co/O85mr2s5FN」 / Xから)
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imdingdingdang · 4 months
             骐驎 铁蹄生焰尾拖尘,风行千里任骁腾。 重返美洲新大陆,不教自由缚缰绳。
           甲午抒怀 飘零书剑意气豪,寰球比邻何曾遥。 我凭赤胆行天下,自信人间大爱曌。
             感时 为祈天道叹倾危,仰天拊膺今古悲。 烈烈红祸国步窘,沉沉黑云世风歪。 此间莫要话政治,当朝工于钳人嘴。 但有压迫须反抗,砰然横空爆惊雷。
题秋瑾女士《黄海舟中》后(其一) 弹剑作歌归去来,承蒙大荒不弃□。 身陷涸辙千秋梦,心驰神州万里陲。 拯时在即当效力,匡世有需敢无为? 中华儿女多壮志,滔滔激浪问英才。
题秋瑾女士《黄海舟中》后(其二) 百年离乱云蔽晖,嗟我禹域多难灾。 铁枭屠亚颠成败,蟊贼窃国混是非。 连心手足顾疆藏,一体血肉念港台。 两字中华千钧重,力将狂澜再挽回。
             纪梦 国梦悠悠预之先,借得神兵下九天。 卧龙抚剑殚多少,跃马请缨策八千。 东穷旭日瀚海际,西绝长风昆仑巅。 澄我华夏庄严地,再归林泉罔少年。
           告同胞书 混沌歧途曳彷徨,天地人间两茫茫。 祚争沉浮尔马列,事关兴亡我炎黄。 虽有五鬼足乱华,再无紫阳可耀邦。 海外赤子多悲心,烈缺九评现光芒。
            天龙赋 迎飙穿云居重霄,霄纵九亿万丈高。 磞硠滚雷震英雄,熠煜掣电曜天骄。 啸吟千峰兹气壮,腾舞半空此心豪。 为将真理扬东土,冲入瀛海鞭怒涛。
             励志 皓皓白日曌青冥,壮思乘风万里行。 回望中原金雕举,来仪斯世彩凤鸣。 我有四海遍兄弟,我有五洲皆知音。 但使民约大归心,不向茅庐纸谈兵。
             长城 东方有硕举世雄,巍巍筑我民族魂。 长河入海潮起落,神龙连天气吐吞。 下顾颓朝非盛世,此去险途更鹏程。 一念天下民之任,岂容邪教惑妖氛!
             写怀 遗世佳人独立侠,对月起舞弄长铗。 蝇咂鼠攫不可赦,戾政邪治罪当伐。 振把新知革敝俗,奋将民权烨中华。 何当倚天诛毒龙,环球一家自由达。
             元旦 一自洪荒划九州,悠悠五千春与秋。 眼中棋局已维谷,海内国运孰中流。 堪唾时弊不可救,幸喜宪政所同求。 万古霸史将翻去,人间巨作乃自由。
         示友 大道难申展,党国非民国。 赤霾障目下,青天白日何?
         感赋 涂足尘埃里,奉诗以鸣皋。 所有一腔爱,横天铸宝刀。
    金石君致力基督传教有赠 漫漫远航启,如日方东隅。 国难堕泞淖,明德思琼琚。 不经砺与炼,怎配七尺躯。 加油好男儿,勠力天下须!
         民觉 虐政如饕餮,夫子言无差。 四海豢走狗,五毛趋噪鸦。 楚楚鹰犬恶,堂堂鬼魅猾。 人非牛与马,习焉而未察。
         天罚 皇军八千万,苏维之余埃。 在野备胎众,为官脑肠肥。 凶器“铁血”溅,巧言“环球”飞。 垂死猖狂甚,天灭红袍贼。
             义愤 民之灾愆国之殇,一自马列驻我邦。 此心所欲天地鉴,为求日月复明光。
             出塞 激流砥砺沧浪寒,奉请真理做心磐。 天道邪岂能压正,一马肝胆勇向前!
           七绝其一 苛政不公民不平,恣睢无忌触怒霆。 请教国策求利器,复还乾坤清与明。
           七绝其二 身隐兰皋漫修韬,把茗夜思中山樵。 前辈遗业忍轻弃,会当新华换旌旄。
           七绝其三 大道夙夜为国筹,风骨甘为孺子牛。 有朝太平问世日,再看江山绘金瓯。
             复友 …… 绵延浩气承日月,激烈壮怀驱龙蛇。 已有先导千载拓,更需吾辈万里搏。 ……
             省思 噩梦未觉生亦灰,皦日惊破鸿蒙开。 万姓奴役身心木,举国愚化子孙哀。 百无一是唯党是,灭德立违诸善违。 披沥上陈斯微语,省察邪教真道哉。
             天刑 莽荡龙战海天西,声振太霄众星移。 大爱无疆岂能灭,自由万岁不可羁。 怵惕酷政封民瘼,慷慨环宇兴义旗。 赤魔不除人类患,与天为盟共诛殛。
           时闻有感 振臂有言疾一呼,除了翻墙无可抒。 朝嘉实话留学女,夕绥港星治下奴。 泱泱苏联复临世,浩浩航母又试浮。 堪叹我教洗脑功,激奋群情好模糊。
           朝登岵岳 壮气玄黄弥太空,截峰为���谷为胸。 身安荒峦迎风立,神飞长天与日横。 磨剑故园谢君伴,萃英九州知谁同。 历劫万千终不改,浮云安屈我昆仑。
             暴政 街警执大棒,网民囿高墙。 镇内鞭其行,防外灭其想。
         暗袭 孤立台交陷海峡,饮马香江踏荆花。 呼我九夏博大地,遭劫于此遏荒沙。
             生辰 翠屏天降郁葱葱,久怀登临慕长松。 飞云瀑下绝壁挂,铁索栏外乱石奔。 遥知前路艰难甚,终须不空负此行。 临巘毋忘所来径,当谢千花祝东风。
赴杭州送友留洋西湖畔诸君索句 久已词笔疏红牙,为饯诸谊感梦华。 适过钱塘女儿墓,犹思灵隐山中茶。 永福党下无妙法,西湖依旧好烟霞。 此去玄奘朝圣地,听取自由大乘筏。
             惊愤 逆党排华匪气骄,为逐蚁民借火烧。 帝都贫庶驱若狗,皇城幼儿虎口羔。 榨尽血汗赶将去,丧尽天良鬼辟谣。 低端上流祸政下,通国无人能幸逃。
             怳惘 老幼不宁钓丝惊,其名美曰时代新。 国无人权拜于党,党有人权论在京。 猎鹿裹足饲恶虎,鱼肉哑口哺贪蝇。 往日“美帝”逢灾庆,今朝天朝盛会禁止评。
             时评 为称霸主运深谋,第六国际大出头。 才宴政党号世界,又办网会曰全球。 厉鬼幻化讲人道,井蛙做梦说自由。 新装毕裸万邦贺,扫过流民一片愁。
             倡义 巍哉中华有何缺,广有灵气多俊杰。 尔来全地蒙剧痛,如此苍生遭大劫。 岂可甘心侍宵小,决不认命屈妖邪。 天赋尊严与生俱,高举民权与之绝!
             挞伐 红匪窃国为家私,蚁萃鸱张任所之。 盘踞宇内横戕虐,附体函夏悍鞭笞。 晦夜无光万恶聚,腐水久阴百孽孳。 今此罪贯满盈日,正是其命作古时。
             维新 一派民怨载邦闾,正好升平庆无虞。 逆流到头文明唾,通衢无阻大势趋。 舆情旨在督失政,人权为保受害需。 万里长城凝众志,天命鼎新破旧局。
             正道 红荒遗害盖地余,及时甘霖祛污泥。 光大初心星八万,昌明乾坤梦若而。 承恩天道仰人道,保障民生赖民权。 东方睡狮已苏醒,迎来春回诸焕然。
留迹于某老课本贴吧被删,外二首 生涯骨感忆蒙学,一片青壮叹老也。 睃眼个中之私货,摧残我等小花朵。
校内僵化国子监,校外魔鬼培训班。 一朝卒业淘汰去,可怜父母血汗钱。
逐梯应试至终端,出身娱乐儒林间。 承蒙红党再造恩,二考荣升公务官。
         戊戌维权事件 明劫暗掠层盘剥,中华百姓不可活。 新揭千竿横幅起,上书尊严不可夺!
      “新时代”之怪现状 朝呼故旧不应人,夕闻疯魔乱砍人。 何事人心荒如此!国本不国人非人。
          白手套之死 民脂国库有鲸吞,输血魔窟掩真凶。 此间知情即是罪,为封其口灭帮佣。
            国权抒 悉将土滨奉一人,五千高寿官欺民。 浩荡时势不可逆,天下为公大道行。
            历史抒 故事因循未转机,万岁城头易王旗。 而有国蠹狂如此,是以苍生哀于斯。 挥散烟云氛埃肃,起看明阳光荣施。 昭昭民权天赋予,安排真知凝共识。
         革命抒(之一) 百纪沉沦感苍茫,借天雷电破大荒。 人权无价民之本,法律至上国之梁。 不能安居遑论富,似此奴役何谈强。 亟起风云九万里,只认自由是吾乡。
         革命抒(之二) 江山如此祸未休,如此江山能不忧! 萧条民生谁之过,飘摇国计党比周。 十载长歌述自省,百万劲旅呼同仇。 共举无敌新宪器,重把沉沦危局收。
         民主抒(之一) 江山民主与旧殊,兴国公民须匹夫。 陆沉魔掌同胞难,长啸我闻轩辕哭。 来者宪政遍世界,去他马列归空无。 曙光新放诚在望,共传圣火煜吾族。
         民主抒(之二) 安得剑斩冰崖消?滔天一震涨怒潮! 莽莽旧制寿当暮,朗朗新宪永如朝。 太息神州以吾爱,重整山河有旌招。 何以救国于万岁?唯此民主是航标!
            董瑶琼 琼瑶小家女,义勇惭须眉。 墨泼魔王像,感召讨国贼。
       时感口号 聊天监微信,发文删贴吧。 料得文革再,乐见贸易罚。 噩梦终憬悟,文明已萌芽。 欲自救个我,当共济国家!
          Alita,观影 撒冷强食弱肉畸,降生沸汤烹肉糜。 上有铁律压与掠,下无人道诓更欺。 可喜姽婳渐已醒,非彼天坠不可医。 剑指魔王呼正义,还我日曜宇天熙!
            年后杂言 万马齐喑哑,道路唯以目。 君可见数省打砸掘墓剖棺焚尸处? 君可见多地又现“红袖标卫兵”否? 苞谷贱粜七毛五,官家收去利饱足。 逼出田园挤入城,卖身为奴贡献十三五。 呜呼!一年总算完,衣锦还乡过个年。 年景多艰难,盼头依旧满春联。 一番麻醉休整再出发,如此年年复年年。 萧索最是今年节,冷清酒肉并烟火。 经济衰退薪尚欠,日子难过年易过。 无聊此心,何以填充?有快手抖音。 好个显摆晒满屏,好个治国法宝艳女唱后庭。
           箴言(一) 痛将自由之炬搴,播撒火种向此寰。 先有个我觉人本,后有国家为多元。 党禁党虐且共产,民治民有更安澜。 通天无路沦地狱,起来人民解倒悬!
           箴言(二) 前进进前步铿锵,唤醒久跪齐首昂。 我鞭愚蛮及全域,我歌文明跨五洋。 人手一票择优善,鼎足多党制嚣张。 神州不是奴隶场,可把此诗入宪章。
           箴言(三) 暴秦积怨云怒号,欢呼宪政止旧朝。 自上而下粪蛆附,由下及上金沙淘。 党政军前人魔变,议政法侧现津桥。 国有救星乃民主,监缚霸权于笼牢。
           箴言(四) 何当为国筑利闸?愿撷真理如是答。 能选能劾绝舞弊,敢言敢抗有鞭挝。 巍巍权利不可犯,浩浩尊严岂能铩。 山河有缺穹未补,持此金石祭女娲。
             反歌 千年陈尸诗剑剖,荣把天光长歌讴。 识破满朝画皮伎,引进普世之嘉猷。 西去东物堪对等,东来西物难比侔。 人间万般多良友,除却暴政是仇雠。
             民歌 民有祖国无安居,身在中华沦陷区。 上奉狼道唯霸凌,下好奴性惯阿谀。 天降春雷惊蛰启,法授自由不再拘。 平权等利同机会,挽起新政塑旧墟!
             凯歌 为安天地日月挟,崛起义师伐纣桀。 弱水三千黜左术,只取一瓢尊宪哲。 若不天下为己任,何来权利履民责。 至道所向声响应,挝鼓助捷振金铎。
             国歌 蒙羞文明外,雪耻以开蒙。 公民只两字,合格鼎万钧。
       “扫黑除恶”运动 大厦将倾倩谁扶?巧立名目此蛊毒。 一刀劫富一刀霸,恫吓阶下亿万仆。
    偶感破格,寄言体制内者 振兴终须覆弊制,维新首当革愚思。 一梦槐南犹未迟,共填地狱裂云石。
            分权篇 为阻国政沦私房,析分三权相与防。 阿房不倒民不立,元首有约始敦煌。
            制军篇 非王非党非军阀,军权坼政分而辖。 虎狼阅兵意威慑,可怜屁民难自拔。
            平等篇 贫富无所限,官民同此标。 机会为我备,权益向我昭。
            民主篇 西方传公器,乃器千古磨。 蠹政明镜鉴,害民宝剑觉。 因之自由瀚,是以尊严峨。 江山谁与主?民主天地谐!
            人权篇 进为吴钩退兜鍪,吾权吾利吾政投。 公民法定磊而磊,尊荣���赋赳其赳。 千载专制满屈辱,一朝民主雪耻羞。 文明如日必普世,亚非拉与澳美欧!
            选举篇 天下为公岂容侵,腾挪江山扼要津。 剔除国蛀肃妖党,自有栋梁出茂林。 官场即今去场字,天道只合正义赢。 民选公仆官亦民,联通昆仑与沧溟。
            法制篇 瞻彼日月星三辰,辰列无上之昊穹。 天具设计故奥妙,国需创制始至臻。 巍哉法治替专断,壮乎指南司元戎。 但得人民获护盾,不吝雷霆使彰弘。
            党竞篇 象为标志驴作徽,开放异见供栽培。 与民请命甄而选,为己服务滤以筛。 我票主我杜跋扈,他党排他防自肥。 国宪秉国安天地,先亡邪共大独裁!
            自由篇 万世众望以宪镌,更始诗谱自由篇。 源于我思故杲杲,基于自治乃拳拳。 香江浣海值抗暴,玉山通天可申言。 唯有九夏尽解放,五洋归主济云帆。
            宪政篇 神爱世人造亚当,东方一脉传炎黄。 祖登昆仑划舆地,两河上下兴家邦。 尔来四千八百载,莽荒旧制未曾改。 不得人之为人尊,生民但有奴与跪。 辛亥转机悲夭折,一朝赤魔侵我国。 江山遭劫无颜色,多少血泪流成河。 为救中华昏睡狮,天启普世真价值。 法治国家民主政,保障自由人权之。 新天有望须政宪,收拾山河新颜换。 十亿宝剑呼新人,一举击破邪灵散。 邪灵烟消纪元新,四海五洲皆朋宾。 生当昂首与阔步,日月昭焕文明旌。 弘新知为道正信为爱兮,天意诛伐。 驱逐百年来附国邪教兮,还我中华。 上赞美我天父上帝之大能与荣耀兮, 下讴歌我手足同胞联袂天下于一家。
      破阵子·登阁 无主中原谁土,空嗟北西一陬。 苍生涂炭何以立,江山信美终难留。天地此恨悠。
犁新东土丰壤,汤风叱驭周求。 八千大刀镮铭志,十万云中军伴游。誓师从此楼。
             浪淘沙 江山谁纵横,还在我氓。 夐古专制费长征。但得一朝民智启,虎跃龙腾。
天地人日臻,爱结同盟。 和平理性以争锋。不信朽木不倒耳,一举功成。
             临江仙 故国沉睡悲胸臆,茫茫星暗云昏。 文明普世无西东。谁能遮旭日,一照天下同。
君有权利凛然也,觉醒即为战功。 海陆广大岁月洪。属我正之义,归我万民群。
             小重山 毒蛛长线连中枢。日新洗脑网,君跳出。 亦如厉鬼画人肤。恶贯满,天谴必祛逐。
邪恶正义除!我思而自主,剑昆吾。 法尊民贵换舆图。自由者:有权如是摅!
             南乡子 专政致愚迷,世有沉痼国有疾。 万般阴郁皆魔障,何医?除非行宪共传檄。
宪制信无敌,架海抟疆连八极。 炫燿辉荣弗远矣,可期,文明圣火永不熄!
             酹江月 国脉如此,几人是、堪鸣不平英物。 隔断文明仇外界,深囿高墙网壁。 大谎瞒天,长鞭斫地,奴耻如何雪? 难得领袖,“公民”即是雄杰。
毋负万里山河,正千秋其时,智启蒙发。 世间新陈总代谢,除却正义不灭。 昭彰尊严,光大生命,快意冲冠发。 非痴语也,众志能举日月!
             望海潮 依杳山岛,飘渺海蜃,激扬战浪惊潮。 牛斗冲天,鱼龙潜水,孰与斩鳄射蛟。 征帆需撼摇。望泱漭天际,万顷纤毫。 萧瑟秋风,涌起星月洗寒涛。
千古高歌离骚。解胸中块垒,岂是酒浇。 奔雷怒操,龙泉狂吼,羞与腐败同曹。 桀纣终一毛。有虹气吞吐,汗漫长飙。 异日波平海晏,骑鲸再遊遨。
             沁园春 悲夫红朝,阴天晦夜,恶行邪藏。 是民受沥髓,驱为牛马,官之捶骨,养成豺狼。 求美不能,求真未允,求善何以制凶狂? 共人类,举倚天长剑,诛赤魔亡!
公民新知武装。看文明锦绣我东方。 但法替人治,爱必彪炳,民为国主,义必伸张。 解放自由,回归权利,巍巍众望劲且刚。 为明日,请宪政圣火,播扬华光!
             满江红 世界潮流,纵歧阻、天与捭阖。 唤神州、十亿儿女,铸心伏魔。 山河呼应群情伟,日月添助中肠热。 速醒觉、解脱此幽笼,冲天鹤。
邪教冤,凭爱雪;专制恶,以宪灭。 引人间真谛,弘传情切。 千载屈膝祈硬骨,百年奴役盼活血。 谢云龙、腾起大纪元,风雷烈。
            水调歌头 腾转风云翼,周览我河山。 抟扶直上,极目九万里方圆。 因之庄严上意,而有可为人事,耳畔忽鸣鸾。 大道虽漫漫,秉心犹可攀。
开鸿烈,创新制,补缺残。 中华鼎兴在望,紫气氲威严。 余既滋兰九畹,又树蕙之百亩,不问但顺天。 相信以此爱,赢得寰宇安!
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fashionch668 · 1 month
Take the same style video of GEM 拍邓紫棋mv同款 拍邓紫棋《喜欢你》同款
中文歌词:喜歡妳,那雙眼動人, 笑聲更迷人。願再可,輕撫妳,那可愛面容,挽手說夢話。
Lyrics Translation: Liking you that the eyes are charming. I am willing to touch your lovely face, and to hold your hand to dream and talk.
Hong Kong Pronunciation: hay fung nay, nar shung ung dung reng, shiu sheng gung my rung. yuang joy hor ,hing fool nay. Nar hor oil ming rung, when show shuee mung war.
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myonbl · 1 month
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第28話「祝砲の挽歌」/ By Dawn's Early Lightシーズン 1, エピソード 28 私立の陸軍幼年学校の校長ラムフォード大佐は、経営不振の学校を共学の短大に変えようとしていた。しかし、創立者の孫で、現理事長のヘインズはラムフォードの意見に批判的で二人は対立していた。学校開校記念日の式典が開かれる早朝、ラムフォードは式典で使われる空砲に強力な爆薬を仕掛ける。
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lupinnewseason · 10 months
公式グッズについての詳細は ⇒ https://store.shochiku.co.jp/shop/c/clupin/
▼会場販売 新橋演舞場 場内グッズ売り場 販売開始:12/5(火)初日公演開場時間より
▼オンライン販売 「松竹歌舞伎屋本舗」公式通販サイト/楽天市場店 「トムスショップ」 販売開始:12/5(火)16:30より
▼実店舗販売 「松竹歌舞伎屋本舗」東京本店/木挽町広場店 販売開始:12/6(水)開店時より
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tokyowalking · 5 months
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Kabukiza Kobikicho Square
There are souvenir shops where you can experience the atmosphere of the theater, selling bento boxes and Kabuki-related goods.
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jzlily333 · 5 months
When you bless your enemies, you never lose and God will make it up to you.​​
A good man will find favor with the LORD, but the LORD will condemn anyone who devises deceit (Proverbs 12:2).
04/28 Bible verses
Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempered. (Galatians 6: 1)
Brothers, if someone happens to be overtaken by a transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him with gentleness; and be careful, lest you also be tempted. (Galatians 6:1)
04/28 Good words
1. The beauty of life lies in loving rather than being loved, giving rather than taking, and serving rather than enjoying.
2. No matter what happens, face the crowd with empathy. Treat others as you would like them to treat you.
Hymn: He Makes a Way for Me
善人必蒙耶和華的恩惠;設詭計的人,耶和華必定他的罪 (箴言12: 2)。
Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted.  (Galatians 6: 1)    
1. 生命的榮美,在於去愛而非被愛,給予而非索取,服事而非享受。
2. 無論何事,以同理心面對人群。你們願意人怎樣待你們,你們也要怎樣待人。
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long darkness — cháng yīn 长喑 translation
cháng yīn 长喑 // long darkness
a fan-made song on Xiao Jingyan. I have always been a Mei Changsu over XJY person, but this song from his pov really worked for me and let me see the weightedness of XJY's crown, so I wanted to share it with more.
song link in comment below. (bilibili . com / video / av10441457/)
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长剑出鞘冷锋芒 十三载意难忘
缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬
手足血脉埋青冢 挚友良弓唯锈藏
the long sword unsheathes from the scabbard, its cool blade revealed. thirteen years, and hard it is to forget.
leisured, soothing melodies with graceful dances at the ninefold palace; north wind and yellow sand with the billowing ensign in the desert. *[1]
brothers-in-arms and brothers in blood in tombs buried, graves long covered in grass; dear friends and cherished bow stored away, now left only to rust —
how is one to bend and kneel, and bury the names of the honourable and the good?
挑灯不眠千军帐 逐千里护家邦
玉壶冰心铁骨铮 扬眉冷看覆风浪
当时少年且横枪 凝尽碧血守四方
light a lamp through the unrested nights at the commander’s tent; repel foes a thousand miles, and shield the kingdom.
nobility and aspirations stayed true to, bones of steel resounding. head high, brows lifted, he coolly looks to the tempestuous, overturning storms. *[2]
the youth of the past still danced their spears: blood of the honourable, thoroughly consecrated, defends the four corners of their homeland,
guarding rivers and hills to secure peace of the kingdom’s earth.
V/O — I do not expect you to understand a soldier’s honour or the smoke signals on the battlefield. But there are some people you cannot hurt, some things you cannot manipulate. If you cannot even respect the soldiers dying at the battlefront, I, Xiao Jingyan, will never work with you. Do you understand?
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance long since distanced — who is to know the desolation and vicissitudes concealed?
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
wading through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
pensive and lost he looks to four sides. remnants of past sounds remain, resonating through the beams of the palace.
(verse 2)
潜龙在渊敛锋芒 风雷动引龙翔
风云际会参参商 瞰天下世道无常
掌中龙渊凛如霜 立丹陛守盛世长
like a submerged dragon in the abyss, he enshrouds his splendour. wind and thunder call his wings to flight. *[6]
in the winds and clouds, he engages in the tumult of the Shen and Shang constellations. from above he looks down at the fickleness of the world.
in his hands, the abyss of the dragon is cold as frost; he stands at the red stairway before the imperial palace, and overlooks an everlasting prosperity.
the wine offering to the dead is yet to cool — I sigh, who is to drink with me?
袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒
气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾
长歌挽弓射天狼 潜龙一朝御风翔
hands folded in sleeves, he gazes at the kingdom before him. as emperor he rules from his attire and directs even the most distant lands. *[7]
with poised air he commands the court, hands held together; the entirety of the kingdom shifts with a tilt of his hand. *[7]
sing high and long; draw your bow to the invading Sirius. the submerged dragon one morn rises to ride the winds. *[8]
heaven and earth, and sun and moon clears, and the world before brightens.
铁马金戈谈笑并辔封疆 几回魂梦
鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲
armoured horses and metal spears, riding in parallel in friendly chatters at the borderlands — how many times has the soul dreamt thus?
depths of the palace, whistling of the nightly rain, a few stray rings of the bells. *[3]
an erudite scholar, now sat opposite in small smiles converse, yet know not to reunite. what leaves is the etiquette of lords and lieges. *[4]
voice and countenance already bygone, all but a body of desolation remains.
谈笑自若朝堂对气轩昂 霁月风光
漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 提笔写兴亡
composed in dialogue and pleasantries, assured and imposing at court. he is noble and virtuous as the bright moon and warm breeze.
having waded through the unpredictable winds and turmoils, zhang sceptre of jade at last in hand.
drums signifying the night hours sound, red comments from the emperor’s brush move through the boundless night yet to end. a lift of the brush, and prosperities and declines are writ. *[5]
from forth he establishes himself in the imperial city of dragons. alone, he awatches the eight corners of his realm. *[9]
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Extra notes
for those keen on classical chinese and literature allusions
I’ve cited some allusions and references I was reminded of as I listened to the song. These are subjective, my knowledge of classical texts is very limited, take everything with a grain of salt and please do comment if you’d like to supplement any information.
[1] 缓歌曼舞九重宫 朔风黄沙麾旗扬 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
缓歌曼舞: from “缓歌慢舞凝丝竹”. This is at the start of the romance tale, where the palace is in carefree bliss and prosperity.
slow and graceful songs / slow dances / slowly the music of the strings and the bamboo reverberate in step with the dances.
朔风黄沙麾旗扬: might be a stretch; I was reminded of “黄埃散漫风萧索”. This is from the same poem as above, we are one fourth in here, and it talks of a war.
yellow dust, scattered, drifts through the air. the bleak wind howls.
[2] 玉壶冰心铁骨铮 — 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》 王昌龄 Bidding Xin Jian farewell at Furong Tower by Wang Changling
玉壶冰心: from “洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶”
if the relatives and friends from Luoyang ask, tell them that my noble intentions are unchanged; a heart of ice in the vase of jade.
[3] 凤阙深深夜雨潇潇数闻铃 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi
夜雨潇潇数闻铃: again could be a stretch; I was reminded of “夜雨闻铃肠断声” from the same poem as [1]. (don’t ask me why, this entire song is infused with this piece it feels). This talks of the same romance tale, in which the emperor mourns the death of his beloved.
in the nightly rain, the sound of the bells could be heard. it sounds as sorrowful and agonising as the breaking of intestines.
[4] 鸿儒谈笑对面不知相逢 唯知君臣纲 — 《陋室铭》 刘禹锡 An Inscription of the Humble Abode by Liu Yuxi; 《江城子》 苏轼 Jiang Cheng Zi, by Su Shi
鸿儒谈笑: from "谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁" credits to @fwoopersongs because my brain happily omitted it!
well-learnt scholars congregate in joyous talk, traversing there is no uncouth and unread.
不知相逢: there are many poems on this topic, one of the most notable ones would be “纵使相逢应不识,尘满面,鬓如霜。”
even if we met (Su Shi and his deceased wife), you should not be able to recognise me. dust covers my face, and the hair of my temples is white as frost.
[5] 漫漫更鼓朱笔落夜未央 — 《长恨歌》 白居易 The Song of Everlasting Regret, by Bai Juyi (added in edit)
漫漫更鼓: Okay, "迟迟钟鼓初长夜" immediately came to mind when I saw this phrase, but I went like here's too many footnotes already and thought it was too much of a stretch to put in (there's only one word in common!). Then I looked into the original poem, in which the timely bi-hour rings of the drum felt lengthened because of the emperor's agony over losing his loved one -- and so I went like, okay, this is relevant, I actually need to add this in.
the drums reporting the hour of the night come late, and it is early in the long night.
漫漫 meaning endless, without an end in sight. This echoes the sentiments of the emperor in Bai Juyi's poem in feeling that the night is everlasting and without end.
[6] 潜龙在渊敛锋芒 — 《易经》 Yi Jing, the Book of Changes
潜龙: There’s an awful lot of “submerged dragon” metaphors in this stanza. Technically it's a figurative "talents hidden dragon" rather than literally, under the waters. This is from Yi Jing essentially, a super old book on divination that does have some wisdom of old sayings in it. The submerged dragon talks of how the dragon, currently veiled, is a powerful being simply not revealed to worldly eyes yet, and is waiting for opportunity to strike (more like, soar, in this context). These lyrics parallel Xiao Jingyan with the allusion to talk about how he stayed silent for thirteen years before his time of brilliance.
[7] 袖手天下为帝王 垂衣且驭八荒 / 气宇舒金殿垂拱 揽尽山河只手倾 — Taoism concept
Okie this is super complicated and involves a Taoism context, some history from the beginning emperors of the Han dynasty, and a very enthusiastic Emperor Taizong of Tang; I don’t really know how to go about this.
袖手, 垂衣驭八荒, 垂拱, these all lead to the same concept, and the middle chunk in particular is from a poem written by Emperor Taizong of Tang. Theory suggested by Laozi and Zhuangzi of Taoism, overall it talks of inaction, which is action the emperors at the start of the Han dynasty employed. They demanded less of their citizens and let the economy recover naturally (agriculture and such), and since these policies worked, the starting few Han emperors were regarded highly with this kind of purposeful and benevolent “inaction”.
In short, this song here uses these descriptions to talk of Jingyan as a competent and masterful leader.
[8] 长歌挽弓射天狼 — 《江城子·密州出猎》 苏轼 Hunting outside Mizhou (yet another Jiang Cheng Zi), by Su Shi
挽弓射天狼: from “会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。”
I shall draw my carved bow like the full-moon, point towards the northwest, and shoot in the direction of the intruders.
天狼 means Sirius star. In chinese astronomy/astrology it was somewhat related to evilness, hence the use of Sirius to denote intruders.
[9] 从此立龙城孤守八方
I just added this this is not a reference it just really reminds me of this fanfiction oneshot 此生一诺 (this life, a pledge)! It talks about XJY at the end of everything, he draws a circle about the ground and entraps himself with the promise he made to see the world a better place under his reign (from the chinese idiom 画地为牢). I recced the oneshot here if you wish to check it out.
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arghhh the entire course of me writing the tl was me going oh goodness why is there yet another footnote but I’m glad to be done for now.
Like, goodness. There is not one “he” or “him” reference in the lyrics. I would love to do the same, but you can see me getting more and more resigned towards the end of the translation.
I am sooo inclined to passive voice and invert subjects for every sentence when it comes to translations, I realise, and I apologise for the almost-signature abundance of semicolons and em dashes in the translation (I blame it on the difference in punctuation nuances. — I subconsciously use semicolons for semi-parallel sentence structures, so you can spot out imperfect couplets that way.) Massive respect to all those who translate, because easy is it to hatch out a crude translation in five minutes, it is not treading about the delicate balance between literal and metaphorical, and in all honesty I feel that it is just way easier for me to write literal once, then go off the rails and do super-figurative for the other.
There are far more annotations and word definitions I’d like to add (I could literally do a classical text/poetry meta for every word lmao), but evidently, time constraints, and truthfully it would take forever to complete, so on a “ask me and I’ll try to elaborate” basis again.
The V/O — I’d love to make it more archaic, but the dialogue from the drama in this part was so modern apologies I’m sort of disappointed with the translation over here.
Re: song title. Yes, it sounds a little weird, excuse that.
I considered other translations for the song title, but none of them really gave the impression I really wanted. Words like “eternal” and “everlasting” were too permanent, I wanted to express the idea of the darkness being lengthened, yet with Jingyan’s reign it would come to an end, hence my hesitance. “Continual” is one I fiddled with: it did not give the same curt, direct feeling as “long” however, so in the end I just ended up with the simplest title.
Update: click here for notes on the amendment of the title.
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