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radshoedeanherring · 2 years ago
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ありがとうございます🥺❤️ 大分での星よみアロマorセルフセラピーカードセッション✨ 募集開始1日で  19枠満員御礼🌸 追加2枠しました❣️ #セルフセラピーカード #夢を叶える星よみアロマ #大分 #出張#満員御礼 #WehelptheworldHeal 🌎(#地球を癒す)#自然 #五感 #地球からのおくりもの #宇宙からのおくりもの  #出逢えてよかった #生まれてよかった #わたしは命 #これからもこの地球が美しくあり続けますように🌷🌏✨ #dōTERRA #ダイヤモンドクラブ1位 #津村美乃里#植物系ミネラル #エッセンシャルオイル #潜在意識 #ビジョン心理学 #ヒーリング #チームワーク #ありがとうございます https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYf5ghPFz9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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asknewstoryness · 8 months ago
Will you date me?
Breathe if yes.
Recite the Bible in Japanese if no.
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[2:12]その土地の金は良い。 bdelliumとオニキスの石があります。
[編集] 2:19それで、主なる神は、地上から野のすべての動物と、空のすべての鳥とを形成し、それらを人のところに連れて行って、彼らが何と呼ぶか​​を見させた。そして、その男があらゆる生き物と呼ぶものは何でも、それはその名前でした。
[編集] 2:21それで、神、主は深い眠りを人に降らせ、彼は眠った。それから彼はrib骨の一つを取り、肉でその場所を閉じました。
[3:3]しかし、神は言われた、「あなたは庭の真ん中にある木の実を食べてはならない。また、それに触れてはならない。さもないと死ぬ。 '"
[3:14]主なる神は蛇に言われた、「あなたはこれをしたので、あなたはすべての動物とすべての野生の生き物との間でのろわれている。あなたの腹の上に行き、あなたはあなたの人生のすべての日を食べなければならない」 。
[3:17]彼は言った、「あなたはあなたの妻の声に耳を傾け、わたしがあなたに命じた木を食べたので、 『あなたはそれを食べてはならない』と呪われた。あなたの;あなたは苦労してあなたの人生のすべての日それを食べるものとします;
[3:22]主なる神は言われた、「見よ、人は善と悪とを知って、わたしたちのようになった。そして今、彼は手を伸ばして、命の木から取って食べ、永遠に生きる" -
#[3:4]しかし、蛇は女性に言った、「あなたは死なない。#[3:5]神はあなたがそれを食べると目が開かれ、善と悪を知って神のようになることを知っています。」#[3:6]それで、女性は木が食物に良いこと、そしてそれが目に喜ばしいこと、そして木が一人の賢者を作ることを望んでいることを見たとき、その実を取って食べました。彼女はまた、#[3:7]それから、両方の目が開かれ、彼らは自分たちが裸であることを知った。そして彼らはいちじくの葉を縫い合わせ、自分用にふんどしを作りました。#[3:8]彼らは夕風の時に庭で神の主が歩いている音を聞き、男とその妻は庭の木の間に神の主の臨在から身を隠した。#[3:9]しかし、神、��は人に呼ばわって、「どこにいるのか」と言われた。#[3:10]彼は言った、「庭であなたの音が聞こえた。私は裸だったので、怖かった。自分を隠した」。#[3:11]彼は言った、「だれがあなたが裸だとあなたに言ったのですか。あなたは私に食べないように命じた木から食べましたか」。#[3:12]男性は言った、「あなたが私と一緒にいた女性は、木から実をくれたので、食べました」。#[3:13]それから、神、主は女に言われた、「あなたはこれをどうしたのか」。女性は「蛇が私をだまして、食べました」と言いました。#[3:14]主なる神は蛇に言われた、「あなたはこれをしたので、あなたはすべての動物とすべての野生の生き物との間でのろわれている。あなたの腹の上に行き、あなたはあなたの人生のす#[3:15]私はあなたと女性の間、そしてあなたの子孫と彼女の間に敵意を置きます。彼はあなたの頭を打ち、あなたは彼のかかとを打ちます。」#[3:16]彼は女性に言った、「私は出産時にあなたの苦痛を大きく増します。痛みであなたは子供を産みますが、あなたの欲望はあなたの夫のためであり、彼はあなたを支配します。」#[3:17]彼は言った、「あなたはあなたの妻の声に耳を傾け、わたしがあなたに命じた木を食べたので、 『あなたはそれを食べてはならない』と呪われた。あなたの;あなたは苦労してあな#[3:18]いばらとあざみはあなたのために生むでしょう。あなたは畑の植物を食べなければならない。#[3:19]顔の汗で、地面に戻るまでパンを食べる。あなたは塵であり、塵に帰らなければならない。」#[3:20]その男は妻イブと名付けた。なぜなら彼女はすべての生きている母親だったからだ。#[3:21]主なる神は人とその妻のために皮の衣を作り、それを着た。#[3:22]主なる神は言われた、「見よ、人は善と悪とを知って、わたしたちのようになった。そして今、彼は手を伸ばして、命の木から取って食べ、永遠に生きる#[1:2]地は無形の空虚であり、暗闇が深層の顔を覆っていたのに対し、神からの風が水面に吹き荒れた。#[1:3]それから神は「光あれ」と言われました。そして光がありました。#[1:4]そして神は光が良かったのを見ました。そして神は光と闇を分けました。#[1:5]神は光の日と呼ばれ、闇は夜と呼ばれました。そして、夕方があり、朝、最初の日がありました。#[1:6]そして神は言われた、「水の中にドームを作り、水と水を分けさせなさい」。#[1:7]それで神はドームを作り、ドームの下にある水とドームの上にある水を分けました。そして、そうでした。#[1:8]神はドームスカイと呼ばれました。そして夕方があり、二日目は朝でした。#[1:9]そして神は言われた、「空の下の水が一つの場所に集められ、乾いた地が現われるように」。そして、そうでした。#[1:10]神は乾燥した土地を地球と呼び、集められた水を海と呼びました。そして、神はそれが良いことを見ました。#[1:11]神は言われた、「地は草を生みなさい。種を産む植物、種を含む実を結ぶ地上のあらゆる種類の果樹」。そして、そうでした。#[1:12]地球は植物を生み出しました。植物はあらゆる種類の種を生み出し、あらゆる種類の木は種を含む実を結んでいます。そして、神はそれが良いことを見ました。
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cerealandchoccymilk · 2 years ago
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yymm77 · 2 years ago
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psyetz · 3 months ago
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irafuwas · 9 months ago
The Night Ravens - 「Piece of my World」
The very first official soundtrack for Twisted Wonderland just released today, and one of the tracks included was the long-awaited full version of the opening theme, "Piece of my World". I took a crack at translating it, which you can view after the cut!
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聞こえるだろう 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
You hear it, don't you? What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
ドキドキいつも欲しいんだ [さあ 合図して]
I'm always on the hunt for an adrenaline rush [Now give me the signal]
瞬きなんてしちゃダメさ [魔法は始まるよ]
Don't even blink [The magic's just beginning]
誰もがそうさ 負けられない [月が煽る]
I know people say it all the time, but I'm not going to lose [The moon's urging us on]
尖る靴音鳴らしていこう ほら 夜が明ける前に
Let the sharp clang of your footsteps resound Come on, before day breaks
手探りだね 僕のカタチ 貫く熱は在るのに
I'm fumbling around, still trying to figure out who I am I know I can keep pushing on, and yet-
ねじれた リズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rythym The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
Go ahead, take a look What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
時計の針が滑り出す 「さあもっと上げて」
The clock inches ever forward [Now turn it up even more]
逸つ靴音 弾ける鼓動 ほら 誰よりも前へ
Your piercing footsteps, this throbbing beat Surpass everyone and everything
描いていた 僕のカタチ 歪さも気に入ってるのに
The concept of myself I've come up with I adore how distorted it is, and yet-
ねじれた世界で歌おう ざわめく胸の熱はほんとうさ シラけちゃうジョーシキ破り捨てていいんじゃない? スリルは僕らが輝くピース 闇の中 ���つけ出せるさ 繋がる答えを
Let's sing together in this twisted world This warmth stirring deep in my chest, I know it's real I'm sick and tired of these societal rules So why don't we just rip them up and throw them all away? The thrills we seek become part of us - look at how they shine It's here within the darkness that we're able to find the answer that connects us all
夜が分かつ時 超えてゆけるだろう [ねじれた世界が導く…]
When the night drives us apart, I'm sure we'll get through it [Guided by this twisted world…]
僕だけの運命が 拒めないように
So that I won't be denied my destiny
溢れだす魔法飲み干し 痛み苛立ちが邪魔をしても かまわないよ 全部 手に入れて見せるさ
I'll drink up this overflowing magic until there isn't a single drop left No amount of pain, no amount of frustration will stop me The world will be mine, just you watch
ねじれたリズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rhythm The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて扉の向こう キミの中へ繋ぐWonderland!
Go ahead, take a look There beyond the door connecting to your heart lies Wonderland!
A-ha NaNaNa… Yeah-- Come along Wonderland!
TL Notes: This is not a 1-to-1 translation, and I took creative liberties with it :)
And many thanks to my friend Yuurei-san for helping me parse through this!!
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empty-movement · 5 months ago
Bud of the White Rose: EVERYTHING
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HEY. HI. VANNA HERE. Yes, I've seen the countless messages, mostly on Tumblr, begging for links to download the musical, a static accessible copy of the script, and lyrics in Japanese for the main banger, Absolute Darkness: The Rose Garden.
I've procrastinated on this for many reasons! The script was worked out live in the subtitles, making it...kinda hard to translate back into a normal format. Thanks Notepad++ as always for that one. Also, I've felt like I should make a website for this content, and I still think that, but it also has impeded my sharing the content, and that sucks. But you know what? WE HAVE A FORUM. And unlike Discord, this will be archived and permanent! (Yes, I will do the 2019 Black Rose one as well, gimmie time)
2018's Musical Utena ~ Bud of the White Rose: Script & Everything Else!
(Oh, did you want the 2019 Blooming Rose of Deepest Black? Made that post too!!)
Ok fine, I know most of you want the banger lyrics and are too lazy to click for the thread:
M6: Absolute Darkness: The Rose Garden (plays after Saionji loses the duel) (Note, the romanization is via google, though I did check that it sounded right! The Japanese is from the program book.)
WAKABA: Wrapped in a nostalgic fragrance…​ 懐かしい香りに包まれた​ Natsukashii kaori ni tsutsuma reta​ NANAMI: …sealed with the wax crest of a red rose, a formal invitation arrives.​ 赤い薔薇の刻印に 飾られた招待状​ Akai bara no kokuin ni kazara reta shoutaijou​ MIKI: A white rose is pinned to the chest, this becomes the target.​ 胸に差した白き 薔薇を目印にして​ Mune ni sashita shiroki bara wo mejirushi ni shite​ JURI: The desperate search for you, a pursuit that begins on the night of the ball.​ 君を探し求める 舞踏会の夜​ Kimi wo sagashimotomeru budoukai no yoru​ SAIONJI: A heavy gate opens… and then! The sharp point of a sword—​ 重い扉は開き 鋭き剣先は​ Omoi tobira ha hiraki surudoki kensaki ha​ TOUGA: …plucks at the strings of destiny, and the music swells…​ 運命の音楽つま弾く​ Unmei no ongaku tsumabiku​
EVERYONE: The two of you begin to dance, and before long hurt one another.​ 君と君を求む者が舞う やがて互いを傷つける​ Kimi to kimi wo motomu mono ga mau yagate tagai wo kizutsukeru​ EVERYONE: A dance turned to a duel. Just like puppets…​ 決闘と化し まるで人形のように​ Kettou to kashi marude ningyou no you ni​ EVERYONE: …at the mercy of a god’s rhythm, two shadows suspended in absolute darkness.​ 神のリズムに翻弄される 漆黒に���かぶ 二人の影​ Kami no rizumu ni honrou sareru shikkoku ni ukabu futari no kage​ EVERYONE: The rose garden… And you — the Bride.​ 薔薇の花園 花嫁の君​ Bara no Hanazono hanayome no kimi​ ANTHY: When the rose petals are scattered…​ 輪のバラの散らされた (As in the program, but not accurate to the sung lyric, which I will use from here on.)​ 一輪の薔薇の散らされた (Accurate to the lyrics, credit to barafubuki's initial Japanese script)​ Ichirin no bara no chirasa reta ​ ANTHY: …you turn up your face to the heavens…​ 天空を見上げれば​ tenkuu wo miagereba​ UTENA: …and there you see the illusory castle that will descend, someday.​ 幻の城いつか御許に 舞い降りる​ Maboroshi no shiro itsuka mimoto ni maioriru​
EVERYONE: At the mercy of a god’s rhythm, two shadows suspended in absolute darkness.​ 神のリズムに翻弄される 漆黒に浮かぶ 二人の影​ Kami no rizumu ni honrou sareru shikkoku ni ukabu futari no kage​ EVERYONE: The rose garden… And you — the Bride.​ 薔薇の花園 花嫁の君​ Bara no Hanazono hanayome no kimi​ EVERYONE: We’ll never be separated again!​ 二度と離さない…​ Nidoto hanasanai…​
M25: Absolute Darkness: The Rose Garden ~ Reprise ​ NANAMI: Grasping for control…​ 狂わされた運命​ Kuruwasareta unmei ​ MIKI: …of a mad fate…​ 支配された​ shihai sareta​ NANAMI: …a spirit bound without hope…​ 魂縛り付けて​ Tamashii shibaritsukete ​ MIKI: …to a vast world of emptiness.​ 広がる虚無の世界​ hirogaru kyomu no sekai​ SAIONJI: There in the smoldering fire is an indelible portrait…​ 炎で燃やしつくしても 消えない肖像​ Honou de moyashi tsukushite mo kienai shouzou​ WAKABA: …rescued by a shadow from inside the frame.​ 絵の中から救ってくれる あの人の影​ E no naka kara sukutte kureru ano hito no kage ​ JURI: Countless illusions of who you are, overlapping each other…​ 無数のあなたの幻影が 重なり合ってかつての​ Musuu no anata no gen'ei ga kasanariatte katsute no​ EVERYONE: …and painting over the real you.​ 自分を塗りつぶしていく​ Jibun wo nuritsubushite iku​ ANTHY: Even in absolute darkness, I feel your warm hands pulling me forward…​ 漆黒の闇もあなたの手の温もり感じ前に進む​ Shikkoku no yami mo anata no te no nukumori kanji mae ni susumu​ ANTHY: …toward the sunlit garden that's surely ahead.​ 光の庭にたどり着く日は きっと来る​ Hikari no niwa ni tadoritsuku hi ha kittokuru​ ANTHY: Then, you'll let go of my hand, and it won’t even matter if we’re separated…​ その時にあなたが手を離して 去っていっても構わない​ Sonotoki ni anata ga te wo hanashite satte itte mo kamawanai​ ANTHY: …because your warmth will stay with me, for all eternity…​ 温もり��れない きっと永遠(とわ)に…​ Nukumori wasurenai kitto eien (towa) ni…​ ​ (dialogue cut - note that there is also dialogue occurring over and between the lyrics from here, so I will only note large breaks)​ ​ NANAMI: Grasping for control…​ 狂わされた運命​ Kuruwasa reta unmei ​ MIKI: …of a mad fate…​ 支配された​ shihai sa reta​ NANAMI: …a spirit bound without hope…​ 魂縛り付けて​ Tamashiishibaritsukete ​ MIKI: …to a vast world of emptiness.​ 広がる虚無の世界​ hirogaru kyomu no sekai​ SAIONJI: There in the smoldering fire is an indelible portrait…​ 炎で燃やしつくしても 消えない肖像​ Honou de moyashi tsukushite mo kienai shouzou​ WAKABA: …rescued by a shadow from inside the frame.​ 絵の中から救ってくれる あの人の影​ E no naka kara sukutte kureru ano hito no kage ​ JURI: Countless illusions of who you are, overlapping each other…​ 無数のあなたの幻影が 重なり合ってかつての​ Musuu no anata no gen'ei ga kasanariatte katsute no​ EVERYONE: …and painting over the real you.​ 自分を塗りつぶしていく​ Jibun wo nuritsubushite iku​ ANTHY: Even in absolute darkness, I feel your warm hands pulling me forward…​ 漆黒の闇もあなたの手の 温もり感じ前に進む​ Shikkoku no yami mo anata no te no nukumori kanji mae ni susumu​ ANTHY: …toward the sunlit garden that's surely ahead.​ 光の庭にたどり着く日は きっと来る​ Hikari no niwa ni tadoritsuku hi ha kittokuru​ ANTHY: Then, you'll let go of my hand, and it won’t even matter if we’re separated…​ その時にあなたが手を離して 去っていっても構わない​ Sonotoki ni anata ga te wo hanashite satte itte mo kamawanai​ ANTHY: …because your warmth will stay with me, for all eternity…​ 温もり忘れない きっと永遠(とわ)に…​ Nukumori wasurenai kitto eien (towa) ni…​
(dialogue cut)​ ​ EVERYONE: When the rose petals are scattered…​ 一輪の薔薇の散らされた​ Ichirin no bara no chirasareta ​ EVERYONE: …you turn up your face to the heavens…​ 天空を見上げれば​ tenkuu wo miagereba​ EVERYONE: …and there you see the illusory castle that will descend, someday.​ 幻の城いつか御許に 舞い降りる​ Maboroshi no shiro itsuka mimoto ni maioriru​ EVERYONE: At the mercy of a god’s rhythm, two shadows are suspended in absolute darkness.​ 神のリズムに翻弄される 漆黒に浮かぶ 二人の影​ Kami no rizumu ni honrou sareru shikkoku ni ukabu futari no kage​ EVERYONE: The rose garden… And you — the Bride.​ 薔薇の花園 花嫁の君​ Bara no Hanazono hanayome no kimi​ EVERYONE: We’ll never be separated again!​ 二度と離さない…​ Nidoto hanasanai…​ ​ (credits/cast walk-on)​ ​ UTENA: When the rose petals are scattered…​ 一輪の薔薇の散らされた​ Ichirin no bara no chirasa reta ​ UTENA: …you turn up your face to the heavens…​ 天空を見上げれば​ tenku wo miagereba​ UTENA: …and there you see the illusory castle that will descend, someday.​ 幻の城いつか御許に 舞い降りる​ Maboroshi no shiro itsuka mimoto ni maioriru​ EVERYONE: At the mercy of a god’s rhythm, two shadows are suspended in absolute darkness.​ 神のリズムに翻弄される 漆黒に浮かぶ 二人の影​ Kami no rizumu ni honrou sareru shikkoku ni ukabu futari no kage​ EVERYONE: The rose garden… And you — the Bride.​ 薔薇の花園 花嫁の君​ Bara no Hanazono hanayome no kimi​ EVERYONE: We’ll never be separated again!​ 二度と離さない…​ Nidoto hanasanai…​
(credits/cast walk-on)​
UTENA: When the rose petals are scattered...​ 輪の薔薇の散らされた​ Ichirin no bara no chirasa reta ​ UTENA: ...you turn up your face to the heavens...​ 天空を見上げれば​ tenkū o miagereba​ UTENA: ...and there you see the illusory castle that will descend, someday.​ 幻の城いつか御許に 舞い降りる​ Maboroshino-jō itsuka omoto ni maioriru​
EVERYONE: At the mercy of a god’s rhythm, two shadows are suspended in absolute darkness.​ 神のリズムに翻弄される 漆黒に浮かぶ 二人の影​ Kami no rizumu ni honrō sareru shikkoku ni ukabu futari no kage​ EVERYONE: The rose garden... And you — the Bride.​ 薔薇の花園 花嫁の君​ Bara no Hanazono hanayome no kimi​ EVERYONE: We’ll never be separated again!​ 二度と離さない…​ Nidoto hanasanai…
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lllusioninthehead · 2 months ago
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80236 · 8 months ago
これをたくさんお金をつかってやってきたのがアメリカ🇺🇸 分かりやすい医学、薬学、機械工学よりもむしろ、化学、数学、物理学、生物化学に予算を割いてきたわけ。
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hiromusicarts-blog · 2 months ago
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kennak · 2 months ago
[B! 医療] 命つなぐガリガリ君 終末期患者に食の喜び 医療現場で注目されるカップタイプ 「どんなに体調が悪くても喉を通る」病院や介護現場では季節を問わず圧倒的な支持 | 埼玉新聞
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radshoedeanherring · 2 years ago
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風水アロマの @ritsuko.0630 ちゃん いつもありがとう❤️ #風水アロマ #夢を叶える星よみアロマ #アロマ起業コンサルタント #あなただけの才能を輝かせて自由な成功に導きます  #WehelptheworldHeal 🌎(#地球を癒す)#自然 #五感 #地球からのおくりもの #宇宙からのおくりもの  #出逢えてよかった #生まれてよかった #わたしは命 #これからもこの地球が美しくあり続けますように🌷🌏✨ #dōTERRA #ダイヤモンドクラブ1位 #津村美乃里 #夢を叶える星よみアロマ #植物系ミネラル #エッセンシャルオイル #潜在意識 #ビジョン心理学 #ヒーリング #チームワーク #ありがとうございます https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUv-ZELKng/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pomodorosa · 3 months ago
ストリーミング詐欺の被害者になった話:A story about being a victim of streaming fraud
即時、ディストリビューターには自分が潔白であること、ストリーミング詐欺を疑われるようなプロモーション活動はいっさい行なっていないことを主張した。 しかし現時点でまだディストリビューターから回答は得られていない。
SpotifyやApple Musicなどの配信プラットフォームは、本当のストリーミング詐欺であろうとそうでなかろうと、ストリーミング再生数の異常を検知すれば自動的にディストリビューターに報告をし、報告を受けたディストリビューターはアーティストへの事実確認をすることなく配信を停止する取り決めになっているというのだ。
仮に自分の無実が証明されて配信が再開されることになっても、楽曲が停止されていた期間のロイヤリティは発生しない。 アーティストが本来得られるべき収益を不当に阻害されても、それを補償する制度はない。
この状況に私は恐怖を覚える。 ストリーミング詐欺は当然許されざる行為だが、それを取り締まるディストリビューターや配信プラットフォームの現在の姿勢も、真っ当な活動をしているアーティストには到底看過できるものではない。
今回は当事者として私の身に起こったこの理不尽な被害をリスナーに報告するとともに、周囲のアーティストにも注意を喚起しています。 そして音楽配信の問題点や未来を真剣に考える機会にできればと思っています。
Yesterday morning, I received a message from the distributor I use for music distribution, saying, "Your songs are being played abnormally on a certain platform. We suspect streaming fraud, so we will stop distributing your album."
It was my first album, "pomodorosa," released in 2020.
Of course, I had no recollection of this accusation, and thought it was an accidental error or someone was trying to arbitrarily slander me.
I immediately told the distributor that I was innocent and that I had not engaged in any promotional activities that could be suspected of streaming fraud.
However, I have not yet received a response from the distributor.
While waiting for their response, I searched the Internet, both domestically and internationally, in search of a solution to this problem, and what I learned is that independent artists are in an extremely vulnerable position when it comes to these "suspicions of streaming fraud."
Distribution platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music automatically report any anomalies in streaming play counts to distributors, regardless of whether they are genuine streaming fraud or not, and the distributor who receives the report suspends distribution without confirming the facts with the artist.
In other words, regardless of the facts, once the label of "streaming fraud" is slapped on an artist, the distribution is stopped without the distributor or distribution platform providing any reason or justification, and the artist is not even given a chance to defend themselves.
Even if an artist's innocence is proven and distribution is resumed, royalties will not be paid for the period the song was suspended.
There is no system to compensate artists for their unfairly hindered earnings that they should have received.
In other words, if an unknown third party wanted to do it, they could arbitrarily cut off an artist's lifeline on suspicion of streaming fraud, whether it was done out of resentment, jealousy, or simple mischief, or because they wanted to promote the artist.
I find this situation frightening. Streaming fraud is of course unacceptable, but the current attitude of distributors and streaming platforms that crack down on it is also something that artists who are engaged in legitimate activities cannot overlook.
As a victim myself, I am reporting this unreasonable damage that happened to me to our listeners, and also calling attention to the issue among other artists. I hope this will be an opportunity to seriously consider the problems and future of music streaming.
Thank you for reading.
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haru-dipthong · 3 months ago
Fansub Release + Analysis of Utena Ep 14
This is a big one!!
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My fansub release posts aren't usually like this, but this episode is so jam packed with stuff I want to talk about that I had to write my translation notes as a series of essays. It's longer than usual so strap in!
First, a word on “The Mikage Seminar”
I’ve always found the translation “the Mikage Seminar” very strange. In English, a seminar is an event — a lecture. Yet “the Mikage Seminar” is discussed as though it’s not a recurring lecture, but a society or a school of therapy, or a cult (like scientology). In fact I did a bit of reading about scientology to try and find an alternative translation, and discovered that the origins of scientology, namely a set of ideas and practices called Dianetics, bears a lot of similarities to “the Mikage Seminar”. Both involve a type of therapy where one person looks into their mind and talks to an “auditor”.
The auditor coaxes the preclear to recall as much as possible. — Wikipedia
This in particular stood out to me! Mikage often says 「深く。もっと深く」 during his interviews (”Deeper. Dig deeper.”).
The Japanese word ゼミナール doesn’t actually come from the English “seminar” but the German “Seminar” (capitalised). According to Wikipedia, in Germany, and often in Japan, Seminar/ゼミナール is used to refer to a university course that includes a thesis project. So ゼミナール refers to a course of learning, rather than a talk or lecture. And it would make a lot of sense to call a system like Dianetics a “course”. Almost like a “course” of medicine — a “course” of psychological practices that you can join but never complete.
So it would make sense to translate it as “the Mikage Course”. But “course” has more meanings in English than just this, and in the context of a university this makes it sound more like a mundane teaching course. So I tried some other words: the Mikage Sessions, the Mikage Method, Mikage Psychotherapy, Mikage Therapy, the Mikage Movement. None seemed quite right. Until I remembered this post. ゼミナール is a foreign word in Japanese, why not find a foreign word for the translation? And so I settled on this:
The Mikage Seminarium, AKA The Society of the Black Rose…
Seminarium is Latin, and is where both the German and English derive seminar from. Its original meaning is “seed plot”, but it’s also just the Polish word for seminar. I really like how the Latin makes its meaning ambiguous — it kind of sounds like a location, kind of sounds like a society, and kind of sounds like a learning course. Because it is all of these things.
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Anthy: では、香苗さん。失礼します。 Kanae: ね、あたしの事、お姉さんって呼んでいいのよ。もうすぐわたしはあなたの本当のお姉さんになるんだから。
A more literal translation:
Anthy: Thank you for having us, Kanae-san. Kanae: Please… you can just call me “sister”. I’m going to be your real sister soon enough anyway.
The translation I ended up going with:
Anthy: Thank you for having us, Miss Ohtori. Kanae: Please... you can just call me Kanae. We're going to be family soon. There's no need for the formalities.
Japanese honorifics strike again!
In English, sisters-in-law don’t ask to be called “sister”. That would be super weird in most scenarios, and this scene is trying to evoke a particular familiar feeling of closing a distance gap in a relationship. The audience is meant to relate. Changing how Anthy addresses Kanae was pivotal to this scene working properly.
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I understand. Your only choice is to force the world to change around you.
This line is translated as “Your only choice is to revolutionise the world” by basically every other translation. The reason is clear — the Japanese is the same as when Utena pulls the sword out of Anthy, or when any of the other characters talk about “revolutionising the world”. However, in this context, I don’t like it. The nuance of the English phrase is quite different to the Japanese phrase. In English, it’s often used to describe new commercial products: “This new device will revolutionise the world!” It comes with an implied “for the better”, but has used to describe technological developments so unexciting that it can also feel hollow. When the student council talk of revolutionising the world, they sound like revolutionaries — the context makes it work. But in this context, it comes out of nowhere and doesn’t have any of that fervour, which makes it sound hollow and flaccid when it should sound sinister and manipulative.
I think a pervading throughline for all the Black Rose duelists is that they see their problems as caused by other people, with themselves being blameless. Rather than change how they approach their situation, Mikage tells them they’re in the right.
Your behaviour will set you down a path. If that path leads to your goals, well done! However, if your path does not lead to your goals, there’s only two ways you can achieve them.
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The first is to change your behaviour so that it does align with your goals. The second, impossible way, is for the rest of the world to change such that your current path DOES end up leading to your goals. This second way is not possible in the real world. But it is possible in Utena.
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Also I’ll just leave this here: “around you” → “revolve” → “revolution” 👀
Kanae tried to build a relationship with Anthy in a passive, non-confrontational, extremely Japanese way — the way she has been taught to behave, the “proper” way, a mechanical following of the social scripts. We don’t see a lot of their relationship, but the way she behaved and spoke of behaving towards Anthy is very very similar to the way my Japanese grandmother has behaved towards my and my brother’s partners.
It was unthinkable to her to change this pattern of behaviour. Her only choice was to change Anthy, change the rest of the world, so that her behaviour would lead to the outcomes she wants. You could describe this forceful bending of reality to be “revolutionising the world”.
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As long as I have this Black Rose, I'm free from the lie I was living before.
Besides gender, growing up, and resisting change (which exist as separate themes but also all intertwine as one), another major theme present in Utena is the self and subjective reality. The self is explored within those first major three themes, but also in terms of how the self dictates reality with the Black Rose duellists.
Black Rose Kanae says that her past self was a lie.
It reminds me of all the times when I’ve been going through a personal trial and I’ve looked back on my past self and thought “How naive I was. I understand things better now.” And then after a while I realise I was wrong, and my first self was more right. And then later still, maybe I re-realise that the second self was more right! And so on! The reality of truth (or to use Kanae’s language, “lies”) is so subjective.
Who dictates knowledge production? Who decides what is true; what is valid knowledge? This is a question of sociology - and at the moment that answer is "science does, kinda". But science and academic systems are supported by capitalist structures and tainted by capitalistic incentives — needing to be published in a journal, issues of replicability, the barrier to entry into academia in the first place, etc, etc. In the future we may find our current way of organising knowledge to be archaic and primitive in the same way we look back at medieval scholars.
But what about organising self-knowledge? Knowledge where the only one who can really decide what is true is yourself. And the only one that can decide what yourself even IS is yourself. I feel like I have looked back on my old ways of conceptualising myself many times (not even counting the gender-based revelations) and thought it primitive and archaic, and NOW I truly understand who I am and how to think of myself and how my thoughts interact with my other thoughts. But I have no doubt that I’ll look back on this current self of mine and reject their way of thinking too.
After their heart is replaced by the Black Rose, the duellists themselves frame this change as a moment of self realisation, of clarity. Once the rose is inside them, they wake up from themselves, like I have countless times. Kanae says herself, “This is the true me.” Honestly, I don’t doubt it. I think that version of Kanae was her true self at that moment, given the things influencing her. Being brainwashed doesn’t make you less of a person, or less yourself. It just makes you organise your reality differently.
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We won't be able to defeat her by simply freezing someone's heart and forcing them to duel.
Anya and I discussed this in depth. I originally translated 心 as “mind”, because that was the first thing that popped into my head and I thought that was the simple part of the translation. However, Anya pointed out that it didn’t make sense with the themes of self and subjective reality, and I strongly agreed, so I changed it to “heart” instead.
Anya suggested “conscious mind” instead of “heart” but I think heart is more accurate. 心 (kokoro) can mean heart or mind in Japanese (I find it interesting that those two things are portrayed as opposites in English), and that kanji is found in the word for biological heart, 心臓 (shinzou). When they say of the Black Rose "This is your new heart" they use 心臓. They also say "Your new 命 (life/lifeforce)" which I translated as soul since it sounded more hardcore and because "your new life" is a set phrase in English meaning a new chapter in your life rather than your life force. I think the idea is that they're freezing the duellists' ability to love and feel empathy, which in my opinion is necessary for them to commit to the unbelievably selfish act of revolutionising/reconstructing/bending the entire structure of the world for their own convenience.
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A very special thanks to @dontbe-lasanya for being there to talk through all these themes and ideas. I'm incredibly proud of this episode's translation and I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
If you want to see more analysis like this, let me know! And also follow this blog to see episodes of the fansub as they're released. You can find all episodes released so far here:
Rose divider taken from this post
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michitakao · 4 months ago
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(來宮神社の主祭神であられる五十猛命様は、 ”木の神様” でもあり、”いのちの神様” ”厄難除けの神様” でもあられます。)
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koch-snowflake-blog · 5 months ago
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豊島 心桜(とよしま こころ、2003年9月25日 - )は、日本の女優、グラビアアイドル。新潟県五泉市出身。アービング所属。
高校時代より『週刊プレイボーイ』からグラビアのオファーがあったが、上記の理由で抵抗感や恐怖感を持っていたために断っており、高校卒業後にオファーを受諾した。母と祖母は最初のオファー時点で乗り気だったうえ、2歳下の弟[注 13]の彼女も応援してくれており、『メジャー感』を購入したことを弟経由で連絡してきたという。なお、祖母はグラビア開始以前に(ドラマやバラエティなどの)出演作品をすべてチェックしており、厳しいアドバイスもくれていたという。また、同デジタル写真集の表紙は『君が獣になる前に』のプロデューサーの目に止まり、それを見せてもらった監督も快諾した結果、千田ミヤコ役への起用につながったという。
高校2年時に校則で禁じられていなかったからとUber Eatsを呼んで学校に激怒された結果、3年時の生徒手帳には「デリバリー禁止」が追記された。また、水泳の授業については「朝から塩素の入った水で髪を濡らしたくない」との思いから体調不良と偽って一度も出なかったため、入学時に購入したスクール水着はタグ付きのままで実家に眠っている。当時はオンライン授業ばかりになるなどのコロナ禍にあり、修学旅行については駄目になった海外の代わりである沖縄へ荷物を送ったが、生徒に新型コロナウイルス感染者が出たことから沖縄も駄目になり、1週間後に荷物が返ってきた。さらには、大阪へ変更された時点で緊急事態宣言が出されたため、すべて中止になってしまったという。
『週刊プレイボーイ』2023年47・48合併号にてグラビアを初披露する際にビキニを着用したが、これは1歳半の時にキティちゃんのビキニを着用した時以来のことだった。なお、初披露に際しての予習では頓知気さきなのグラビアを良いと思っていたところ、掲載号の表紙を彼女が担当していたため、思わずテンションが上がってしまったという。また、通常の『週刊プレイボーイ』を見ておこうと思っていたが、増刊『週プレPREMIUM 2023上半期グラビア傑作選』に多数のグラビアアイドルが掲載されているのを見てこちらを先に買い、後から通常の『週刊プレイボーイ』や何冊もの写真集も買って予習したという。
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