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siim-tv · 2 years ago
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こないだのランチ 回転寿司やのに旨すぎた😭 #ランチメニュー #淡路島グルメ #回転寿司 #ぼっち飯 #悦三郎回転寿司 (淡路島) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosDxMYy_dc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kumadajanbo · 1 year ago
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yamacyan · 7 months ago
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aizumin · 2 years ago
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makoici40181206 · 2 years ago
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3月4日 土曜日のうち #晩ごはん ……豚キムチではありません、野菜炒めです ・ キャベツの肉野菜炒め+仕上げに白菜キムチ入れると[あっさり] 辛さ控えめでうまい ごぼうと油揚げの炊き込みご飯 豆腐のおみおつけ ・ #ばんごはん #晩御飯 #晩ご飯 #夕ごはん #おうちごはん #ごはん #ごはん日記 #野菜 #野菜たっぷり #肉野菜炒め #キムチ #キムチ野菜炒め #あっさり豚キムチ #炊きたてご飯 #ごぼうと油揚げの炊き込みご飯 #炊き込みご飯 #豆腐の味噌汁 #ブロッコリーサラダ #料理 #写真 #グルメ#うまい #yummy #横浜 2023 (いずみ野駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpl-q4ly2HJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yasunobu-h · 2 years ago
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#マルシン飯店 には並びたくない #さくっと 空いてたので #ぼっちごはん こんなに #餃子 美味っかっけ? #定番 の #天津飯 と #ごちそうさまでした (マルシン飯店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CohgZ4-vHgp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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doctorbunny · 3 months ago
MILGRAM x Karatez Interrogation Questions
Disclaimer: Weather-cluddy (and Maristelina) already translated these, I am not so filled with hubris that I think my work is better than theirs This is just me doing a favour for a friend who was bothered by the formatting/image quality of the original post That said, repackaging other people's work wholesale is a bit weird so these are my translations (yes I am procrastinating the hallucenation stuff but I promise I've started working on it)
Do you have any memories of karaoke?
Haruka: I feel like I went when I was really little I remember hearing my parents singing I want to try going with everyone
Yuno: I use them a bunch! I do things like going singing with my friends, as well as for some other stuff* Could you set it up for us in the prison? [Karaoke rooms are cheap, private and soundproof meaning a lot of people use them for 'hook ups', I'm pretty sure you're not meant to use them for that though, I wonder if the sponsor was aware Yuno was one of those people]
Fuuta: I only went around the time I started uni and was doing new student stuff But I stopped going not long after
Muu: I've been a couple times But most of the time I just end up chatting with my friends
Shidou: My family used to go Although I'd usually just be there listening to them
Mahiru: I feel like it'd be a good first date, wouldn't it? Then I could learn what my partner's favourite songs are... What kind of music do you listen to?
Kazui: I'd go there for stuff like drinking afterparties, y'know Drunk old men* really like singing, don't they? Recently the food's also really good, hasn't it? [*Kazui's favourite word ojisan lol]
Amane: I don't You can't have memories of something if you never went
Mikoto: Back in uni it was a godsend, I'd go almost every week I'm pretty confident in my ability to liven up karaoke Because I mastered the songs that everyone enjoys [Mikoto uses 'boku']
Kotoko: I've used them a lot before They're the most affordable kind of private room So they're really convenient when you don't want your conversations overheard
Images/Transcript below the cut
ハルカ:ちいさいときに行ったきがします おやがうたっているの聞いてたとおもいます ��んなと行ってみたいです [Image source: moibakadesu]
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ユノ:よく使うよ 友達と歌いに行くのもあるし、他にも色々 監獄の中にも作ってくれるの? [Image source: K-Books]
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フウタ:大学入ったばっかりときは新歓とかで行ったけど そのうち行かなくなったな [Image source: K-Books]
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ムウ:たまに行くよ ムウ場合はほとんど友達とおしゃべりしてる [Image source: K-Books]
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シドウ:家族で行きましたよ 俺は大抵聴いているだけですけど [Image source: K-Books]
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マヒル:付き���いたてのデートって感じがしていいよね 相手のお好みの曲覚えたりして… あなたはどんな曲聴くの? [Image source*: Weather-Cluddy, but this image also appears on an earlier DCinside post with a different crop, so I think it's taken from a now deleted source and I couldn't find any other images]
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カズイ:飲みの二次会とかで行くねぇ 酔っ払ったおじさんは歌いたがるもんなのさ 最近はご飯もちゃんと旨いからいいよね [Image source: melsie]
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アマネ:ありませんね 行ったこともので思い出などあるはずもありません [Image source*: Similar situation to Mahiru where the earliest source is Weather-Cluddy/the DCinside post but I can't find any other images/their sources]
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ミコト:そりゃもう大学時代なんてほぼ毎週お世話になってたよ カラオケの盛り上げ方なら相当自信あるよ、僕 老若男女の喜��曲マス��ーしてるからね [Image source: K-Books]
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コトコ:よく使ってたよ 一番手頃な個室だから 聞かれたくない話をするには重宝する [Image source: K-Books]
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*if anyone could provide better quality/sourced images I would appreciate it
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may-k-world · 1 month ago
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🍄香茸の炊き込み御飯と鶏手羽の唐揚げ😋 職場の先輩(岩手県出身)からいただいた香茸で作った炊き込み御飯 🍚元々は岩手で採れる香茸(馬喰茸ともいう)というきのこの話から、メルカリで購入してみるけど自分は自炊などしないので、あげるから炊き込み御飯にして少し持ってきてほしいということで、私も珍しいきのこに興味津々だったので喜んで作らせていただいた次第です😋 貴重なきのこを無駄にしてはいけないと、いろいろネットで調べたところ、この香茸、生のままでは毒があるらしく、いただいたのは乾燥物でしたが、ぬるま湯で戻した後何度かお湯を替え、その後茹でこぼしてアクを除去してからの炊飯でした。 出来上がりは…? 松茸にも匹敵する芳醇な香りが立ち込め、なかなか良い感じの出来でしたが、個人的にはもう少し味を濃いめにしてもよかったかなー?でも差し上げた人たちには好評だったのでまぁ良しとしましょうか😉
鶏手羽の唐揚げも職場の先輩から。こちらは結構自炊をしている料理男子で、以前差し上げたベランダのホーリーバジルやタイバジルのお礼にと作ってきてくださいました❤️ こうしてどなたかに作っていただかないとなかなか食べる機会がない手羽先でしかも揚げ物ですが、これがびっくりするほど激ウマで、大食いを自負する私だったらおそらく30本はイケる!? 😆それくらいにハマる味でした。御馳走様〜❣️
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ego-tempestas · 7 months ago
It is with a very heavy heart that I must inform you all, that Kabosu, more famously known as the Doge, has passed away at the age of 18.
If it is any consolation, she passed away very peacefully, surrounded by love, living to a very old age for a Shiba Inu.
You will always be remembered, Kabo-chan, for your presence stays an indelible fingerprint on our greater conscious. There are scant few who do not weep for you now. Kabochan blog post:
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i-heart-hxh · 1 year ago
A Day in the Life of Killua
I wanted to share a translation of an excerpt from this Hunter x Hunter Characters Book, published in 2001.
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A Day in the Life of Killua
My own big prediction!
Although he has lived a life soaked in blood, Killua is probably no different from a normal 12-year-old. Let’s take a closer look at the life of Killua, who says he loves sweets!
10:00 Wake up
11:00 Gon arrives.
While I was dozing off in the morning, I hear Gon's voice inviting me to play with him. I’m embarrassed for some reason, so I hit him without thinking.
12:00 Play with Gon
14:00 Lunch
We have lunch while wandering around town. I feel it’s more fun to eat outside than in a restaurant.
15:00 Snack
16:00 Play some more
17:00 Discover Illumi.
While I was making a pit trap to trick Gon, somehow I found Illumi. I dash away like I'm about to die, and calm myself down.
17:05 Buy Chocobo
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Go to Gon's room
22:00 Go to bed in Gon's room
While talking with Gon about what we did in town, it gets to be late at night. It’s too much trouble to go back to my room, so I go to bed next to Gon.
A word from Killua
You're totally wrong! Why do I keep eating sweets all the time? And why is my brother Illumi buried in the garden? You're making fun of me!?
Japanese Transcript:
(Just because I went through the trouble to transcribe it, and in case anyone wants to do their own translations!)
10:00 起床
11:00 ゴンがやってくる
12:00 ゴンと遊ぶ
14:00 昼ご飯
15:00 おやつ
16:00 さらに遊ぶ
17:00 イルミを発見
17:05 チョコロボくんを買う
19:00 夕飯
20:00 ゴンの部屋に行く
22:00 ゴンの部屋に就寝
Another thing I want to note about this book is that it has a full story in it, which you can find translated here! It's an interesting read in general--it's based off episode 46 of the 1999 anime, which deviates from the manga and has its own original story, and this story then expands upon that original story. One thing I think is especially interesting is the story starts off with Gon and Killua sleeping in the same bed, so this book makes two separate mentions of that being something they do, which is cute. ❤️
While Togashi didn't write the story himself or likely the contents of this book, he did write an afterword to it, so I'm guessing he must have at the very least read it over and approved of the contents before it was published, and it's certainly possible he had more involvement than that as well. Take the canon status of it all with a grain of salt, I'd say it's more semi-canon/a different version of canon than 100% canon to the manga (similar to how I consider the 1999 anime additions/changes as well), but it's interesting nonetheless and fun as far as shipping fuel goes!
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leomacgivena · 5 months ago
もりそば大明神さんのツイート (via mug-g)
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yamacyan · 2 years ago
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momokuri-sannen · 8 days ago
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cctrain0722 · 2 months ago
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…振り返るとなんとも盛りだくさんだったなと思います。 初めての地であんなに魅力的な道と山、そして里山を目にしてしまったら、写真撮ったりまったりしてしまってなかなか進めないのは明白でした。
行きと帰りのフェリーや道内を走る日を除いて実質4日間の東北ツーリングでしたが、圧倒的日にちが足りないッ!(泣) こんなにも東北は見どころが多く、植生・地形が面白く、バイクで走っていて楽しくて、なによりご飯とお酒がおいしかったとは…
一枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/640【F値】/5.6 二段目左【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/125【F値】/2 二段目右【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/1600【F値】/2.8 四枚目【焦点距離】20mm【ISO】64【SS】1/1250【F値】/4 四段目左【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】800【SS】1/40【F値】/5 四段目右【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/80【F値】/2 七枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/125【F値】/2 六段目左【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/640【F値】/2.5 六段目右【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/250【F値】/7.1 十枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/1000【F値】/5.6
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pudknocker · 9 months ago
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blogmatsu · 7 months ago
How Jyushimatsu Celebrated His Birthday This 2024!
May 24, 2024
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⏰ 8:00am
みんなー!おはようございーマッスルマッスルー!ハッスルハッスルー! 今日は早く目が覚めちゃったから、屋根で素振りしてたんだー! …え!ぼくたち今日誕生日…!?? 急いでみんなを起こさなきゃ!!! せっかくだから何か楽しいことがしたいけど、、今日1日何したらいいと思う…??(十四松)
Everyone! Good Mooo--uscle muscle! Hustle hustle!
I woke up early today, so I did some practice swings on the roof!
...Eh! It's our birthday today...!??
I need to hurry and wake the others up!!!
Since it's our birthday, I should do something fun, what do you guys think I should do for today...?? (-Jyushimatsu)
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⏰ 9:00pm
ふう~!銭湯はやっぱり気持ちいいね~! 今日はみんなのアドバイスどおり、野球したり、素振りしたり、ご飯食べたり、素振りしたり、ご飯食べたり、野球したり、とっても楽しい一日を送れたよ! 夕飯はハンバーグ3個も食べられて、いい誕生日だったねぇ〜!(十四松)
Whew~! Public baths feel really good~!
Today, I followed everyone's advice and had a really fun day playing baseball, practice swinging, eating, practice swinging, more eating, and playing baseball again!
I was even able to eat three hamburgers for dinner, so it was a great birthday~! (-Jyushimatsu)
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⏰ 10:01pm
帰ったあと、なぜかトッティにすっごく怒られたんだけど何だったんだろうねぇ…?ハンバーーーグ!!ってずっと言ってたなぁ~ さて、明日も野球があるから体力づくりのために寝るね!!みんなも今日はお付き合いくださりありがとうございました!おやすみ~!(十四松)
After I got home, I heard Totty was really angry for some reason, I wonder what it was about…? "Hamburgerrrr!!" was what he kept saying wasn't it?
Well, I have baseball tomorrow so I'm going to sleep to build up my strength!! Thank you everyone for joining me today! Goodnight~! (-Jyushimatsu)
All: Ichimatsu Karamatsu Jyushimatsu Todomatsu Osomatsu Choromatsu
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