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こふちゃん だっこやぁなんでちけど…
Kofu don't like being hugged still now...but Kofu is getting feel so nice on mom's lap these days...that's good if it's under the desk!
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I'm here to meet you.
皆様お元気でしょうか?お久しぶりです🌸 How are you all doing? It’s been a long time 🌸
今回の題名にて「あなたに会いに来ました」をテーマにしてみました。相変わらずいろんなマダサクを描いて楽しんで��ります!! いろんなふたりを描くことは私の生きがいでもあります。ふたりのラブロマンスを全力で応援しております。フォロワーの皆様、いつも応援してくださる皆様、手を止めて見てくださったマダサク好きの皆様とも一緒に、この気持ちを共有できればとても嬉しいデス///
This time's title is based on the theme "I came to see you." I'm still having fun drawing all kinds of Madasaku! ! Drawing various people is also my purpose in life. We are fully supporting their love romance. I would be very happy if I could share this feeling with all my followers, everyone who always supports me, and all the Madasaku fans who stopped by to watch.
いつもありがとうございます!!! I am always grateful for your help! ! !
10月、11月と舞台最終章を見に行きました。こちらも最高の時間を過ごし、マダサクの絡みは血眼で探しつつストーリーのラストを楽しみ、最後を全力体感しました!!素晴らしい時間を過ごすことができました。マダラとサクラちゃんの戦闘シーンもありました!!本体マダラと戦うシーンは胸が熱くなりました。どちらの強い思いもぶつかって😿が止まらない。サクラちゃん途中マイクトラブル?もあるシーンがありましたが、熱い演技、表情、声でカバーし舞台を圧倒していました。最後だと思うととても���しいですが、オフショットを役者様が投稿してくださっており私はとても救われました。 また、会いたいなぁ🌸本当にありがとうございました!!
I went to see the final chapter of the play in October and November. I had a great time here as well, and enjoyed the end of the story while searching for Madasaku involvement, and felt the ending to the fullest! ! We had a wonderful time. There was also a battle scene between Madara and Sakura-chan! ! The scene where he fights the main character Madara was heart-warming. Both strong feelings collide and I can't stop 😿. Sakura-chan, microphone trouble on the way? There was a certain scene, but they overwhelmed the stage with their passionate acting, facial expressions, and voices. I feel very sad thinking that it's the last time, but the actors posted off-shots and I was very relieved. I want to see you again 🌸 Thank you so much! !
こちらは少しおまけ💖高い買い物になりましたが、我が家もついにお迎えいたしました。このマダラモデルは最高です。どのアングルも本当に本家、原作かと思うくらいの仕上がり!!頑張って働いてついにお迎えでき、幸せです。これからのマダサクを描く上での活力とします!!やばいクオリティ!!すごいです!!! (同じメーカーでサクラちゃんも作ってくれないかな…?🌸)
This is a little extra 💖It was an expensive purchase, but we finally welcomed it into our home. This Madara model is the best. Every angle is truly the original, and the finish is so good that you'll think it's the original work! ! I am happy to have worked so hard to finally welcome you. I will use it as a source of energy for drawing Madasaku in the future! ! Awesome quality! ! It's amazing! ! ! (I wonder if the same manufacturer could make Sakura-chan too…?🌸)
もう少しでマダラの誕生日ですね!!投稿できるか分かりませんが、 全力で当日はお祝いしたいと思います!! Madara's birthday is almost here! ! I don't know if I can post it, but I would like to celebrate this day with all my might! !
皆様、お体を大切に。🌼 ありがとうございました!❄⛄ Everyone, please take care of yourselves. 🌼 thank you very much! ❄⛄
Do not forget me...
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Thoughts Unspoken
My direct translation of Haurchefant's unsent letter from "Thoughts Unspoken". There are some things in the Eng localisation that aren't in the Jpn, so I thought I should retranslate it for completeness. The original localisation is here for comparison: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/2016/short_stories/#sidestory_08
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/71da0281a0f202ed56ba629b8d168b58/f5470126c6ef00b3-25/s540x810/91ef8b27241ba5a19295910bd9095e62f90f9389.jpg)
To my dearest friend,
Are you doing well?
A few days ago, after hearing the prediction of the dragons attacking the capital again, you and Alphinaud travelled to the West. I don’t know where you are now, nor do I intend to try to send this letter. In other words, I’m just writing this down for myself.
Nevertheless, I feel compelled to at least once express my feelings of looking to the distant sky and praying for your safe journey.
In the unlikely event that you ever read this, well, please just think of this letter as that.
Now then. Are you happy that you were invited to Ishgard?
Or are you fed up that after you finally made your escape, you once again got embroiled in someone else’s war? Even if that was the case, I’m bitterly smiling while easily imagining that you would still fight to the very end.
As for me, I am so very happy from the bottom of my heart and extremely grateful that you came to Ishgard. That is to say, of course I am delighted that my chances to see your really strong splendid adventuring up close have increased, but also… More than anything, to share a goal with my dependable friend and to fight by their side. There’s no way I couldn’t be excited about this!
The day that you two escaped from Ul’dah and came to stay at the House of Snow.
I thought that in the same way that I couldn't let the light of the "Dawn" go out, I couldn’t let your flame be dampened either, my friend. So that was when I went and directly appealed to Count Fortemps... my father, if there wasn't a way to invite you into Ishgard.
… I must confess that I am not good at dealing with my father.
I don’t mean that I hate him. Even with regards to my mother, even though he tried to do right by her, but she was unable to stand her situation and simply just left me with him and disappeared. I do believe that he loved my mother and loves me too. It’s just… neither of us are very good at communicating this to each other… For me, I was unable to talk to him except from the position of being a knight of House Fortemps.
When I went to ask him to help you, at first, his answer was quite harsh.
Even though he had been very positive when it came to supporting the Reclamation Corps, it seemed the idea of harbouring wanted fugitives was quite a worry for the head of the household. In response to my insistent pleading, he asked me why I wasn’t giving up. I simply told him straight from my heart my memories of you and I. Though they may be meagre in number, each one of them is irreplaceable, overflowing with surprise and shining light! I thought therefore, that this was the best way to explain to him just who you, my dear friend, is- and also how much my desire to save you was. Now that I think of it, this was probably the longest conversation I ever had with my father. When I had said all that I could, he suddenly smiled warmly and said “Let me think on this unto the morrow”. Then the next day, he sent word to me that he would officially become your guardian.
The rest, I trust you already know.
Thanks to you, unlike before, I now actually look forward to visiting Fortemps Manor. However, you aren’t there very much, and each time I hear you are off fighting some great trouble, I sometimes think I have done nothing but get you involved in the troubles of my homeland. If you have complaints about that you are welcome to tell me them over a drink sometime.
―― オルシュファン・グレイストーン
Nonetheless, my friend.
I, without a trace of doubt in my heart, trust in you.
No matter what troubles come, they will never dampen your spirits.
Not just on your current journey, but in the future, no matter what you try to do. Even if there is a wall you can’t climb by yourself, as long as you keep trying, there will be someone to lend you a hand. Just as I, right now, am praying to do.
And on the other side of those troubles, certainly there will be a new day waiting for you.
And when you find it, I want you to do so with a huge smile on your face.
I pray that your journey will always be a good one.
Haurchefant Greystone.
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random vocab of the day!
ブツ = stock, products; stolen goods, loot
気分(きぶん)転換(てんかん) = change of pace, (mental) break
手加減(てかげん) = adjusting by feel, adapting to the situation; going easy (on someone)
顎(あご)クイ = suddenly lifting someone's face by their chin (in a domineering yet romantic fashion) (colloquialism (笑))
神経(しんけい) = nerve (anatomical)
愛想(あいそ/あいそう) = amiability, friendliness
長居(ながい) = long visit, overstaying
腫れる(はれる) = to swell, be inflamed
塞ぐ(ふさぐ) = to stop up, close up, cover; to stand in the way, obstruct
直後(ちょくご) = immediately following
〜ざんまい = being immersed in, being absorbed in, indulging in
想い(おもい)を込める(こめる) = to show one's affection, express one's love
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MHA Chapter 401 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 体が動かない…‼︎ からだがうごかない…‼︎ karada ga ugokanai...!! My body won't move...!!
tagline 1 「凝血」��AFO拘束‼︎ 「ぎょうけつ」でオール・フォー・ワンこうそく‼︎ 「gyouketsu」 de OORU FOO WAN kousoku!! AFO restrained with Bloodcurdle!!
tagline 2 No.401 THE LUNATIC 堀越耕平 ナンバー401 ザルナティック ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 401 ZA RUNATIKKU Horikoshi Kouhei No. 401 THE LUNATIC Kouhei Horikoshi
2 火傷の男とインゲニウムの会話から状況を推察 やけどのおとことインゲニウムのかいわからじょうきょうをすいさつ yakedo no otoko to INGENIUMU no kaiwa kara joukyou wo suisatsu I inferred the situation from the conversation of the burnt guy and Ingenium.
3 戦場跡を辿り せんじょうあとをたどり senjou ato wo tadori I followed the traces of the battlefield.
4 雨風を免れた血痕を採取 あめかぜをまぬがれたけっこんをさいしゅ ame kaze wo manugareta kekkon wo saishu I collected the blood stains that escape the rain and wind.
5 その血がAFOのものかオールマイトのものであるかは そのちがオール・フォー・ワンのものかオールマイトのものであるかは sono chi ga OORU FOO WAN no mono ga OORU MAITO no mono de aru ka wa Whether that blood belongs to All For One or All Might...
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1 削いで尚 そいでなお soide nao Then slice it off.
2 血風嗅ぎ穿つこの鼻が けっぷうかぎうがつ��のはなが keppuu kagi ugatsu kono hana ga This nose that sniffs the scent of blood
3 うーん違う うーんちがう uun chigau "Hmm, wrong one."
4 報せてくれる‼︎ しらせてくれる‼︎ shirasete kureru!! will let me know!!
5 オールマイトああ OORU MAITO aa All Might, ah.
6 オールマイトおまえなら判るだろう⁉︎ オールマイトおまえならわかるだろう⁉︎ OORU MAITO omae nara wakaru darou!? All Might, you [of all people] understand, right!?
7-8 俺が敢えてこの躯を曝け出した意味! おれがあえてこのからだをさらけだしたいみ! ore ga aete kono karada (kanji: mukuro) wo sarakedashita imi! The meaning behind why I dared to expose this body*! (*Note: This kanji for "body" can also mean "corpse.")
9 英雄の心は他が為にのみ存在を許される… えいゆうのこころはたがためにのみそんざいをゆるされる… eiyuu no kokoro wa ta ga tame ni nomi sonzai wo yurusareru... (Literal translation) A hero's heart is only allowed to exist for the sake of others... (Official translation) A hero can only claim that title as long as his soul burns fiercely in service of others...
10 …だが神が地に伏せ人のか弱き心をも得たのなら …だがかみがちにふせひとのかよわきこころをもえたのなら ...da ga kami ga chi ni fuse hito no ka yowaki kokoro wo mo eta no nara (Literal translation ) ...but if a god is a person fallen face down on the ground and has his even his heart turn weak... (Official translation) ...however, say a god has fallen prostrate upon the earth and his divine soul has turned feeble and mortal...
11 自らの生を踠くことすら許されよう! みずからのせいをもがくことすらゆるされよう! mizukara no sei wo mogaku koto sura yurusareyou! They should also be allowed to struggle for their own lives!
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1 判ってるさ わかってるさ wakatteru sa "I understand,"
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
3-4 この"ヒーロー40名殺傷犯"を終わらせに来い この"ステイン"をおわらせにこい kono "SUTEIN (kanji: HIIROO 40-mei sasshou-han)" wo owarase ni koi (Literal translation) Then come and end Stain, this criminal who murdered 40 heroes. (Official translation) Then come for the life of Stain--the man who murdered 40 heroes.
5 「俺が 「おまえは 「omae wa (kanji: ore ga) You (read as: I)
6 来た」‼︎ 生きねば」‼︎ ikineba (kanji: kita)」‼︎ have to live (read as: am here)!!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/556e4cac9debc4bf35ce3027a597b2e9/9cf903a055ca9002-2b/s540x810/66e9810650a09a7990a1e0ff1a1724a874912b61.jpg)
1 「強制発動」「瀉血」 「きょうせいはつどう」「しゃけつ」 「kyousei hatsudou」 「shaketsu」 Forcible Activation: Bloodletting
2 血を ちを chi wo His blood...
3 捨てた⁉︎ すてた⁉︎ suteta!? He threw it away!?
4 赤黒! あかぐろ! Akaguro! "Akaguro!"
5 君が何かして来る事は予想できてた! きみがなにかしてくることはよそうできてた! kimi ga nani ka shite kuru koto wa yosou dekiteta! "I was able to predict that you would come and do something!"
6 だから事前に仕込んでいたさ だからじぜんにしこんでいたさ dakara jizen ni shikonde ita sa "So I prepared in advance."
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1 タルタロスから唯一人 タルタロスからただひとり TARUTAROSU kara tada hitori "Because you were the only one from Tartarus"
2 僕を拒絶し逃げ果せたあの日から! ぼくをきょぜつしにげおおせたあのひから! boku wo kyozetsu shi nige ooseta ano hi kara! "who rejected me and managed to escape that day!"
3 捨てたところで血は同 すてたところでちはおな suteta tokoro de chi wa ona-- "Even if you threw it away, your blood is the same--"
4 馬鹿か? ばかか? baka ka? "Are you an idiot?"
5 「抗原変態」 「こうげんへんたい」 「kougen hentai」 "Antigen Metamorphosis."
6 血を書き換えたんだよ! ちをかきかえたんだよ! chi wo kakikaetanda yo! "I rewrote my blood!"
7 痕跡を残さないのが長く君臨する秘訣だ こんせきをのこさないのがながくくんりんするひけつだ konseki wo nokosanai no ga nagaku kunrin suru hiketsu da "The secret to a long reign is to leave no trace."
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1 血を抜いたおかげで目が覚めてきた ちをぬいたおかげでめがさめてきた chi wo nuita okage de me ga samete kita "Thanks to the blood I drew out, I've woken up."
2 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 ゼェッ ZE "[wheeze]"
2 ゼェ ZE "[wheeze]"
3-4 ステイン‼︎ SUTEIN!! "Stain!!"
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1 「凝血」をいただこう 「ぎょうけつ」をいただこう 「gyouketsu」 wo ita da kou "Let me have Bloodcurdle."
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6130f909e25a69c64f8ebdd141694a18/9cf903a055ca9002-a8/s540x810/dc63d84b544ff070dcb1cdba3ceaa212df709b57.jpg)
1 思えば君は連合…延いては弔の成長に大きく貢献してくれた おもえばきみはれんごう…ひいてはとむらのせいちょうにおおきくこうけんしてくれた omoeba kimi wa rengou...hiite wa Tomura no seichou ni ookiku kouken shite kureta "If I think about it, the League...you contributed greatly to it and, by extension, to Tomura's growth."
2 あれで役目は終わってるんだよ殺人犯 あれでやくめはおわってるんだよさつじんはん are de yakume wa owatterunda yo satsujin-han "With that, your role is finished, murderer."
3 AFO‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! "All For One!!"
4 終わらんさ おわらんさ owaran sa "It won't end."
5 ハァ HAA "Haah"
6 全ては…過程だ魔王… すべては…かていだまおう… subete wa...katei da maou... "All of this...is a process, Demon King..."
7 高等教育など受けずとも こうとうきょういくなどうけずとも koutou kyouiku nado ukezu tomo Even though I never received anything like a high school education,
8 英雄が何たるかは全部おまえが教えてくれた えいゆうがなんたるかはぜんぶおまえがおしえてくれた eiyuu ga nantaru ka wa zenbu omae ga oshiete kureta you taught me everything about what a hero is.
9 生きて勝て いきてかて ikite kate Live and win.
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1 俺の全てーーーーー…… マイ・オールーーーーー…… MAI OORU (kanji: ore no subete)-----...... My all-----......
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1 エルクレス⁉︎もう壊れた筈じゃ エルクレス⁉︎もうこわれたはずじゃ ERUKURESU!? mou kowareta hazu ja "Hercules!? You should have been broken already."
2 最後ノシールドデス さいごノシールドデス saigo NO SHIIRUDO DESU "This is my last shield."
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/3466df757460881535d78877ada710db/9cf903a055ca9002-b2/s540x810/68b21a8c7c7c10ffcd6c4fa7e21fec340d6f6727.jpg)
1 生キテ イキテ IKITE "Live-"
2 俊典 としのり Toshinori Toshinori,
3 がんばれ ganbare keep at it.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6be561ecef47e8c542f2ce7ab4669365/9cf903a055ca9002-94/s540x810/66473c0b5095d352b435a4dcecd7f4979472ff76.jpg)
1 俊典‼︎ としのり‼︎ Toshinori!! Toshinori!!
2 まだ紡がれてるぞ! まだつむがれてるぞ! mada tsumugareteru zo! [This tale] is still being spun!
3 がんばれ ganbare Do your best,
4 俊典 としの Toshinori Toshinori.
5 お師匠… おししょう… oshishou... Master...
6 …これは幻覚だ …これはげんかくだ ...kore wa genkaku da ...this is a hallucination.
7 私が私を励ましているんだ… わたしがわたしをはげましているんだ… watashi ga watashi wo hagemashite irunda... It's because I'm encouraging myself.
8 与えられてきた全ても脚も サポートアイテムもあしも SAPOOTO AITEMU (kanji: ataerarete kita subete) mo ashi mo My support items (read as: everything that was given to me) and my legs,
9 もう使えない もうつかえない mou tsukaenai I can no longer use them.
10 もう戦えないよ もうたたかえないよ mou tatakaenai yo I can't fight anymore.
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1 でも demo But...
2 まだ死んでない まだしんでない mada shindenai I'm not dead yet.
3 来いや こいや koi ya So come!
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a52ff1dccf65632a8bf74872e62a198b/9cf903a055ca9002-05/s540x810/91283a0be708f291c99943af0d1665b946dabe00.jpg)
1 AFO‼︎死柄木弔に接近‼︎ オール・フォー・ワン‼︎しがらきとむらにせっきん‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! Shigaraki Tomura ni sekkin!! "All For One!! He's approaching Tomura Shigaraki!!"
2 泥ワープ圏内に入ってます‼︎ どろワープけんないにはいってます‼︎ doro WAAPU kennai ni haittemasu!! "He's within range for a mud warp!!"
tagline 絶望がもう [cut off] ぜつぼうがもう [cut off] zetsubou ga mou [cut off] Despair is already [cut off]
#my hero academia leak translations#mha 401#bnha 401#my hero academia manga spoilers#final showdown spoilers#oh#oh that's an invitation#that whole chapter is an invitation#for someone else#for a special someone else#oh that's a LOT of “live” and “win” in there#ohhhhh boy#i see you struggling on to live all might#i see it and i'm having so many flashbacks to another one of your students#another great source of inspiration#oh please bite his hand
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Following Ayaka's announcement of getting pregnant... we now have Miyuu's announcement that SHE'S A MOTHER NOW !!!
Original message:
みなさまへ 私事ではございますがご報告させていただきます。 先日、新しい命が舞い降りてきてくれました。 いつも応援してくださっているみなさま、 関係者のみなさま、友人、家族、 出産まで支えてくださった産院のみなさま、 心から感謝しております。 ありがとうございました。 いきなりのご報告で驚かせてしまってすみません。 おかげさまで母子共に健康に過ごしております。 三人と愛猫のろくと家族で支え合いながら 笑顔あふれる日々を過ごしたいと思います。 これからもあたたかく見守っていただけたら幸いです。 みなさまもお身体もお心も大切に。 沢井美優
Dear everyone, I would like to make an announcement on a personal matter. Just the other day we were graced with the arrival of a new life. To everyone who has always supported us, all involved personnel, friends, family, and everyone at the maternity hospital who supported us until the birth, I'd like to express gratitude from the very bottom of my heart. Thank you very much. I am sorry for surprising everyone with this sudden announcement. Thanks to your support, both mother and child are in good health. With the mutual support between the three with my dear cat Roku and our extended family I would like to spend my days filled with smiles. We hope you will continue to watch over us warmly. Take good care of yourselves and your loved ones. Sawai Miyuu
OKAY! So Miyuu had been keeping it a secret. Man, she kept it well! She was still doing all the live streams these past months... and posting photos of her eating shaved ice.... lol
Y'know, between Miyuu being pregnant, Keiko giving birth to her 2nd born back in Jan 2024, and now Ayaka is also pregnant... I'm no longer surprised we've not been getting Senshi reunion updates. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they pause in-person gatherings for a bit, or even if they come together, they don't share photos to keep each other privacy, which is very, very fair!
Congrats again to Miyuu and her family!
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Also the baby photo with her cat Roku so SO ADORABLE!
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How Jyushimatsu Celebrated His Birthday This 2024!
May 24, 2024
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⏰ 8:00am
みんなー!おはようございーマッスルマッスルー!ハッスルハッスルー! 今日は早く目が覚めちゃったから、屋根で素振りしてたんだー! …え!ぼくたち今日誕生日…!?? 急いでみんなを起こさなきゃ!!! せっかくだから何か楽しいことがしたいけど、、今日1日何したらいいと思う…??(十四松)
Everyone! Good Mooo--uscle muscle! Hustle hustle!
I woke up early today, so I did some practice swings on the roof!
...Eh! It's our birthday today...!??
I need to hurry and wake the others up!!!
Since it's our birthday, I should do something fun, what do you guys think I should do for today...?? (-Jyushimatsu)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/631632b6113b0adf47e8e5f8328679e2/0605b7483a26d532-9a/s540x810/777cab9e1c166dc90ff77bad1914ca7fec1adc59.jpg)
⏰ 9:00pm
ふう~!銭湯はやっぱり気持ちいいね~! 今日はみんなのアドバイスどおり、野球したり、素振りしたり、ご飯食べたり、素振りしたり、ご飯食べたり、野球したり、とっても楽しい一日を送れたよ! 夕飯はハンバーグ3個も食べられて、いい誕生日だったねぇ〜!(十四松)
Whew~! Public baths feel really good~!
Today, I followed everyone's advice and had a really fun day playing baseball, practice swinging, eating, practice swinging, more eating, and playing baseball again!
I was even able to eat three hamburgers for dinner, so it was a great birthday~! (-Jyushimatsu)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f1b641e60ab1e92adb8a3333d0a121db/0605b7483a26d532-ad/s540x810/bb6165c847e08a56633258ba6c966c867d90ebd6.jpg)
⏰ 10:01pm
帰ったあと、なぜかトッティにすっごく怒られたんだけど何だったんだろうねぇ…?ハンバーーーグ!!ってずっと言ってたなぁ~ さて、明日も野球があるから体力づくりのために寝るね!!みんなも今日はお付き合いくださりありがとうございました!おやすみ~!(十四松)
After I got home, I heard Totty was really angry for some reason, I wonder what it was about…? "Hamburgerrrr!!" was what he kept saying wasn't it?
Well, I have baseball tomorrow so I'm going to sleep to build up my strength!! Thank you everyone for joining me today! Goodnight~! (-Jyushimatsu)
All: Ichimatsu Karamatsu Jyushimatsu Todomatsu Osomatsu Choromatsu
#osomatsu san#jyushimatsu#official text post#my fan translation#2024 birthday#松野家6つ子誕生祭2024#松野家6つ子公式ジャック
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The Apothecary Diaries Season 2 Teaser PV 2 / 薬屋のひとりごと 第2期ティザーPV 第2弾
Please note that English sentences are just my translation.
“Shinsho, kaimaku――”
“New chapter begins――”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama, nanika goyo deshoka.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi, is there anything I can help you with?”
Jinshi “Kusuriya. Sukoshi, shirabete-hoshii-kotoga aruno-daga―”
Jinshi “Apothecary. I’d like you to look into something.”
猫猫(また面倒ごとか… いや、待てよ…)
Maomao (Mata mendo-gotoka… Iya, mateyo…)
Maomao (Another trouble again… No, wait a minute…)
Maomao “Sore, kuwashiku kikasete kure-masenka?”
Maomao “Can you tell me more about that?”
『原作 日向夏 『薬屋のひとりごと』 ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊』
Gensaku Hyuga-Natsu “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto” Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan
Original: “The Apothecary Diaries” written by Natsu Hyuga, published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos
Katari “Kusuriya-no shojoga idomu, nazo-toki entāteimento-ga, ima, futatabi maku’o akeru―”
Narration “Now, the curtain is rising on another entertaining mystery for our young apothecary to challenge.”
“Kyuchu-ni uzu-maku an-un”
“Dark clouds, swirling in the palace”
Maomao “Kangae-sugi-dato omoi-taiga…”
Maomao “I’d like to think I’m overthinking it, but…”
“Futari’o machi-ukeru, aratana nan-jiken”
“A new difficult case awaits the two.”
Maomao “Nandaka hikkakaru…”
Maomao “Something’s stuck in my mind…”
Jinshi “Ittai darega……”
Jinshi “Who on earth…”
Maomao “Okusoku-ni sugi-masenga, kore, ano jikenni niteru-towa omoi-masenka?”
Maomao “This is just speculation, but don’t you think this is similar to that incident?”
Jinshi “――Masaka!”
Jinshi “――No way!”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Aa. Kusuriya, ikuzo.”
Jinshi “Yes. Let’s go, Apothecary.”
“Doku’o, abake―――”
“Expose the poison――”
“Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto”
“The Apothecary Diaries”
“Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka (Kin) hoso-kaishi”
“Broadcast begins on Friday, January 10, 2025.”
Katari “Kusuriya-no Hitori-goto, dai-niki. Nisen-niju-go-nen ichi-gatsu tooka, hoso-kaishi.”
Narration “The Apothecary Diaries, Season 2. Broadcast begins on January 10, 2025.”
『毎週金曜よる11:00より、FRIDAY ANIME NIGHT(フラアニ) 日本テレビ系30局ネットにて全国同時放送!放送終了後、各種配信プラットフォームでも順次配信予定! *放送日時は予告なく変更になる場合がございます』
“Maishu kin-yo yoru ju-ichi-ji-yori, Furaidē Anime Naito (Fura-Ani) Nihon-Terebi-kei sanjukkyoku-netto-nite zen-koku doji hoso! Hoso shuryogo, kakushu haishin puratto-fōmu-demo junji haishin yotei! *Hoso-nichijiwa yokoku-naku henkoni naru baaiga gozai-masu.”
“Every Friday night from 11:00 p.m., by Friday Anime Night (Fura-Ani), it will be broadcast simultaneously nationwide on 30 Nippon Television Network stations! After the broadcast, it will be distributed sequentially on various streaming services! *Broadcast dates and times may be subject to change without notice.”
『CAST 猫猫 : 悠木碧 壬氏 : 大塚剛央 高順 : 小西克幸 玉葉妃 : 種崎敦美 梨花妃 : 石川由依 里樹妃 : 木野日菜 小蘭 : 久野美咲 ナレーション : 島本須美』
“Kyasuto Maomao: Yuki Aoi Jinshi: Otsuka Takeo Gaoshun: Konishi Katsuyuki Gyokuyo-hi: Tanezaki Atsumi Rifa-hi: Ishikawa Yui Rīshu-hi: Kino Hina Shaoran: Kuno Misaki Narēshon: Shimamoto Sumi”
“Cast Maomao: Aoi Yuki, Jinshi: Takeshi Otsuka, Gaoshun: Katsuyuki Konishi, Concubine Gyokuyou: Atsumi Tanezaki, Concubine Lihua: Yui Ishikawa, Concubine Lishu: Hina Kino, Shaolan: Misaki Kuno, Narration: Sumi Shimamoto”
『STAFF 原作 : 薬屋のひとりごと(ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊) キャラクター原案 : しのとうこ…』
“Staffu Gen-saku: Kusuriyano Hitorigoto (Hīrō bunko / Imajika-Infosu-kan) Kyarakutā gen-an: Shino Touko…”
“Staff Original : The Apothecary Diaries (published by Hero Bunko, Imagica Infos), Character draft: Touko Shino…”
I would like to ask if there’s better English sentence for the green-colored translation.
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8dc9badfa268efcfc02676f68c2f2b91/872a46814def322a-42/s540x810/466d46a18864432cf534383e071bfbd546c21638.jpg)
合歓木[Nemunoki] Albizia julibrissin
The name of its kanji is an ateji(substitute characters) and its reading means 眠りの木[Nemuri no ki](Tree of sleep).
「夏の花が好きなひとは、夏に死ぬつていふけれども、本當かしら。」 けふもお母さまは、私の畑仕事をじつと見ていらして、ふいとそんな事をおつしやつた。私は默つておナスに水をやつてゐた。ああ、さういへば、もう初夏だ。 「私は、ねむの花が好きなんだけれども、ここのお庭には、一本も無いのね。」 と、お母さまは、また、しづかにおつしやる。 「夾竹桃がたくさんあるぢやないの。」 私は、わざと、つつけんどんな口調で言つた。 「あれは、きらひなの。夏の花は、たいていすきだけど、あれは、おき��んすぎて。」 「私なら薔薇がいいな。だけど、あれは四季咲󠄁きだから、薔薇の好きなひとは、春に死んで、夏に死んで、秋に死んで、冬に死んで、四度も死に直さなければいけないの。」
[「Natsu no hana ga suki na hito wa, natsu ni shinu tte iu keredomo, hontō kashira.」 Kyō mo okaasama wa, watashi no hatakeshigoto wo jitto mite irashite, fui to sonna koto wo osshatta. Watashi wa damatte onasu ni mizu wo yatte ita. Ā, sō ieba, mō shoka da. 「Watashi wa, nemu no hana ga suki nanda keredomo, koko no oniwa niwa, ippon mo naino ne.」 to, okaasama wa, mata, shizuka ni ossharu. 「Kyōchikutō ga aru ja naino.」 Watashi wa, wazato, tsukkendon na kuchō de itta. 「Are wa, kirai nano. Natsu no hana wa, taitei suki dakedo, are wa, okyan sugite.」 「Watashi nara bara ga iina. Dakedo, are wa shikizaki dakara, bara no suki na hito wa, haru ni shinde, natsu ni shinde, aki ni shinde, fuyu ni shinde, yotabi mo shininaosanakereba ikenaino?」]
"They say that people who love summer flowers die in summer, is that true?" Today, as my mother was watching me work in the fields again, happened to say something like that. I was watering the eggplants mutely. Ah, come to think of it, it's already early summer. "I like flowers of Nemu(Silk tree), but there is none (of that tree) in this garden." My mother says quietly again. "There's a lot of Kyōchikutō(Oleander)." I said in a deliberately brusque tone. "I don't like them. I like most of the summer flowers, but that one is too pert for me." "I love roses. But those bloom in all seasons, so does a person who likes roses have to die in spring, die in summer, die in autumn, die in winter, and die again four times that way?" From 斜陽[Shayō](The Setting Sun) by 太宰 治[Dazai Osamu] Source : https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/1086017/1/37
Novelist 檀 一雄[Dan Kazuo], who was having drinks with several people at a bar, later wrote that Dazai was severely asked by Poet 中原 中也[Nakahara Chūya] what his favorite flower was, to which he replied "Peach blossom". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chūya_Nakahara
Today, June 19, is the day of Dazai Osamu's birth and the anniversary of his suicidal corpse was found, 桜桃忌[Ōtōki]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osamu_Dazai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E7emJHLDkw
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アンビグラム作家の皆様に同じテーマでアンビグラムを作っていただく「月刊アンビグラム」、主宰のigatoxin(アンビグラム研究室 室長)です。
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「能登 正月から地震」 回転型:.38氏
今年は元日から大変なニュースで始まりました。 .38氏の作品は線の���さをあまり変化させないのが特徴である分、かすれた線が効果的ですね。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/26f98b72b00fb67bdb1f396d803cf250/5430da100bb8c4b1-b4/s540x810/49203114f0f49272c2a52b149978c2a946f0e710.jpg)
「能登半島」 敷詰回転型:Jinanbou氏
一年を通して余震や豪雨に見舞われまだまだ大変な状況です。 敷詰できる配置の発見がすばらしいです。斜め線分のパーツが面白いです。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f6dc48aaa4201b2c2c747e50826eb59a/5430da100bb8c4b1-f3/s540x810/bf00992459a9d6ae5272d4c192070fe220e39d1e.jpg)
「月面着陸」 鏡像型:てるだよ氏
探査機「SLIM」が日本初の月面着陸に成功。 「面/陸」がぴったりですね。作字のお作法がそろっていてきれいです。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/007f9ecdd8053d239567e026f4a5a0f5/5430da100bb8c4b1-39/s540x810/0a02d5a0467fc96c6820aac0a3e0ff5736af1a71.jpg)
「北見遊征」 回転型:douse氏
今年デビューした、にじさんじのライバー。 線の強弱の扱いが見事ですね。大型ディスプレイに表示しているような表現がステキです。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/13d50a6dd92ac36696d1f0c34e16bab0/5430da100bb8c4b1-7c/s540x810/7824720258a2c28386645ce4154d1330f22249c0.jpg)
「後遺症」 図地反転回転型: いとうさとし氏
COVID19の後遺症、ワクチンの後遺症などの話題も多く聞かれました。 どの文字も読みやすくて驚きます。水平垂直な線と斜めの線を対応付けするあたりが注目ポイントです。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1804fd8fde212403810f3c3585de64b3/5430da100bb8c4b1-41/s540x810/2aa282ef5f7e5c05561f0c59f559cb4f5dcf0c50.jpg)
「気ままに整地生活」 回転型:無限氏
10年続いた人気動画シリーズが完結を迎えました。 ドット表現にふさわしい舞台ですね。特に「整」が上下の密度差をうまくクリアして面白いです。
「百年の孤独」 回転型:うら紙氏
ガブリエル・ガルシア=マルケスのベストセラー。初刊訳から半世紀以上、作家没後10年を経て、今年6月に新潮文庫で再刊。 独特の書体による表現で立体的にも感じ、少し角度を変えるともっと読みやすくなるのかな、と思案してしまいます。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8454c725745d7994ce01838753a3c7a0/5430da100bb8c4b1-a9/s540x810/83927f1ec554ca4a22e590e00e1295bccb3ccee2.jpg)
「3D HOLOGRAM」 鏡像重畳型:松茸氏
20年ぶりの新紙幣には偽造防止用の3Dホログラムが。 見る角度で絵が変わるホログラムに対して、文字ごとに見る角度を変えていくところがついになっているようで面白いです。
「千円札/北里」 回転共存型:lszk氏
新紙幣の千円札は北里柴三郎が肖像画。 とってもわかりやすいです。シンプルながらぴったりで見事な対応付けですね。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/42aca1a1d199e746df9cb6b91fcaac6f/5430da100bb8c4b1-fb/s540x810/122b218f3c67507dd86809112980cc79c7c7842e.jpg)
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「福沢諭吉/渋沢栄一」 共存型:兼吉共心堂氏
一万円札は諭吉さんから栄一さんに。 「一」の引き出し方がよいですね。全体的に密度差をクリアする方法がためになります。
パリでの開催は1924年以来100年ぶり。 点対称図形4つをうまく組み合わせていて、敷詰の威力を感じます。字形もスタイリッシュでステキです。
日本勢は海外開催のオリンピックとして最多のメダルを獲得しました。 「輪」の形に驚きました。リングのあしらいが良い効果ですね。 Σ氏の作品と合わせてちょうど5つの輪になっているのが示し合わせたようで面白いです。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8367137c03566d4c139d88ee487a4a6a/5430da100bb8c4b1-0b/s540x810/8050a014fcef5c6af42044245a0e45b2bbc39aaa.jpg)
佐渡島(さど)の金山が世界文化遺産登録されました。 とても読みやすく素晴らしい作品ですね。重ね合わせが絶妙で、「金」の冠部分が最高です。
「伊能忠敬界隈」 旋回型×3:螺旋氏
異常なほど歩く習慣を持つ人々を指すネットスラングで、一説によると40km/day以上歩くことが必要とのことです。 「伊→忠」90度、「能→界」270度、「敬→隈」斜め鏡像という組み合わせですが、この対応の発見だけでも奇跡的です。
「帰ってきたニコニコ」 敷詰回転型:てねしん氏
6月にあったサイバー攻撃で停止していたニコニコ動画等のサービスが8月にようやくサービス再開。 重ね部分がわかりやすい表現になっているので読みやすいですね。「ニコニコ」の表現が「にこにこ」にも振動するので面白いと思いました。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8d039d5d056a37bfd8bb212fa57c1787/5430da100bb8c4b1-56/s540x810/69ccfc89a958b873db2636c70950fc23342cc24f.jpg)
「不法移民/治安悪化」 図地反転共存型: いとうさとし氏
クルド人など不法移民問題により治安が悪化しているの言う話が多く聞かれました。 これも読みやすく仕上がっていますね。「移/悪」が特に見事だと思います。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/eb19f87259128192d4746a15ede40358/5430da100bb8c4b1-57/s540x810/12521d69413b58b09e1a996755f2b771672530c3.jpg)
Creepy Nutsの楽曲で、テレビアニメ『ダンダダン』OPテーマ。 「オ」の鏡像性を生かしてうまくまとめています。ちょっとした字画の曲げがこだわりでしょうか。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/efc8597fa70b26677dc0a3fca1da55fc/5430da100bb8c4b1-63/s540x810/26b2c7314b700b972973a4c3ea43e9f5cb8a4fcc.jpg)
「低緯度オーロラ」 回転型:繋氏
10月の磁気嵐が最も大規模で、北海道だけではなく能登や兵庫でも観測されたようです。 「韋度」がきれいに対応できるのですね。残りもきれいに配置できています。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f3261b8bde150abaf17517683a338ee9/5430da100bb8c4b1-2a/s540x810/e9cf70da7d2077bb682700769ab484be3cb55a49.jpg)
「冨安四発太鼓」 図地反転鏡像(共存)型:ちくわああ氏
キングオブコント2024で披露された、ダンビラムーチョのネタ中に登場する芸能。 中間調処理を活用して読めるようにしていますね。図地反転して裏返すと文字組が変わるので一応共存型になります。
「アンビクイズ」 図地反転鏡像型:つーさま!氏
Σ氏によるアンビグラム関係クイズが披露されました。 一点濁点が「ビ」「ズ」の両方で共通しているのがよいですね。アンビグラムとはなかなか気付けないのがこのタイプの面白いところです。
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「戦争/陰謀」 図地反転回転共存型: いとうさとし氏
戦争について回る陰謀論、多くのポストが見られました。 こちらも読みやすくて素晴らしいですね。図地反転は漢字のパーツ構成の違いを簡単に超えてくるのが魅力の一つだと思います。
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/76f4da831031b4476c395c09dbc6e084/5430da100bb8c4b1-88/s540x810/170da610527dc7ccfb3a8167c7fa859015f5b5ad.jpg)
「祠」 フラクタル型:超階乗氏
「あの祠壊しちゃったの?」というミームが流行りました。 一文字で自己再帰的な作品はほとんどなかったと思います。部分的に見れば「祠」と「𡭕」の振動型であると理解すればよいですね。
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「闇バイト/一寸先闇」 鏡像共存型:ヨウヘイ氏
闇バイト関連の事件が多発しました。 墨のぼかしのような表現がうまく使われています。文字の配置が巧みです。
「ハリス トランプ」 旋回型:kawahar氏
アメリカの大統領選はカマラ・ハリス氏とドナルド・トランプ氏の対決となりました。 この形状の万能感がすごいですが、使いこなせるのはkawahar氏だけかもしれません。
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「(下から)『ECHO』『少女A』『愛して愛して愛して』『強風オールバック』『メズマライザー』/ 祝 VOCALOID youtubeの再生数 1億回突破 おめでとう」 回転共存型:ラティエ氏
今年、史上2~6番目に1億回再生を達成したボカロ曲のタイトルです。 超大作ですね。作り上げた熱量に脱帽です。対応させる言葉に応じて書体をうまく切り替えていますね。
「to the NEXT/to the 一番上」 回転共存型:igatoxin
Creepy Nuts「Bling-Bang-Bang-Born」の歌詞より。 アンビグラムにおいてもこうなりたいものですね。
お題 時事 のアンビグラム祭、いかがでしたでしょうか。御参加いただいた作家の皆様には深く感謝申し上げます。
2023年 1月{フリー} 2月{TV} 3月{クイズ} 4月{健康} 5月{回文} 6月{本} 7月{神話} 8月{ジャングル} 9月{日本史} 10月{ヒーロー} 11月{ゲーム} 12月{時事}
2024年 1月{フリー} 2月{レトロ} 3月{うた} 4月{アニメ} 5月{遊園地} 6月{中華} 7月{猫} 8月{夢} 9月{くりかえし} 10月{読書} 11月{運} 12月{時事}
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[Photo above: Samhain, courtesy of Beltane Fire Society]
Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (22)
Hyldemoer – 'the Elder Mother’, the guardian of the elder trees
“If you stand beneath an elder tree on midsummer eve you will see the King of the faeries and his entourage but be careful that you do not get swept away to faerieland.
The tree and the wood is greatly prized by the fae folk, so it must not be used to make mundane household objects, especially not a cradle or the baby will be pinched black and blue.
Do burn the wood or bring it into the house as this is very unlucky and will bring the devil in.
The Elder Mother guards the tree and although she is usually kind she can become dangerous, if her trees are harmed so you must always ask permission before cutting an elder tree.
To cut elder wood you must say, three times, ‘Elder Mother, please give me some wood, and I’ll give you some of mine when I grow into a tree (Ourd gal, give me some of thy wood, an oi will give some of moine, when oi grows inter a tree)’.”
Faeries and Folklore from the British Isles
The Elder Mother is thought to be the guardian of the elder trees, and it was said, until recent times in various parts of England and Scandinavia that to take wood from the elder tree one would have to ask the Elder Mother first, or else ill luck would befall the woodsman. The spirit is said to haunt or torment people who build from elder wood unless they ask permission first.
In Denmark, the Hyldemoer (“Elder-mother”) or Hyldequinde (“Elder-woman”) is a spirit like a wood-nymph or dryad that lives in the elder tree.
Other similar and related beliefs have been handed down in various cultures.
In Denmark, an elder twig put in the mouth was traditionally thought to drive out evil spirits and thus could cure toothache. Also in Denmark, on Midsummer's Eve, if you were to stand under an elder, you could see the Elf-king and his host. A similar tradition existed in Scotland where it was said to happen on All Hallows or Samhain.
In England, it was thought that the elder tree could never be hit by lightning and that carrying the twigs of an elder could protect their bearer from rheumatism. Farmers used to protect their animals from evil by placing a cross made from elder on their cow-sheds and barns.
In some Slavic countries, such as Russia, it is thought that the tree had the power to ward off evil. In Sicily, it was claimed to have the power to ward off snakes, and so on.
Every summer, our neighbourhood had an elder hedge with divine, full blossoms, but it was completely cut down to develop a residential site. These days, they spray the stumps with powerful chemicals to prevent regrowth.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (22)
ヒルデモア-「エルダー・マザー」、ニワトコ (エルダー) の木の守り神
デンマークでは伝統的に、ニワトコの小枝を口に入れると悪霊が追い出���れ、歯痛が治ると考えられてきた。またデンマークでは、夏至祭の夜にニワトコの下に立つと、エルフの王とその群れが見えるとされていた。スコットランドにも同様の伝統があり、万聖節(All Hallows)またはサウィン祭(Samhain)に起こると言われていた。
#trees#tree legend#tree myth#elder mother#hyldemoer#elder wood#elder trees#legend#folklore#mythology#all hallows#samhain#fairy#fairy tree#nature#art
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パレスチナ土地の日(land day)に、日本の新宿で行われていたパレスチナ連帯デモを攻撃、参加者を脅していた、イスラエルの柔道選手が、
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#NOlympicsAnywhere#boycott the olympics#stop the genocide#free palestine#from the river to the sea palestine will be free#free gaza#ガザ#ガザ地区#パレスチナに自由を#パレスチナ#記録
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To bring in 2025, a new year's gift for @circumference-pie as thanks for your generous donation for Fandom Trumps Hate! I hope you enjoy your gift <3
Translations of the following songs below the cut:
ねむねむGO by Mito Natsume
なつめろ by Mito Natsume
ハナビラ by Mito Natsume
おでかけサマー by Mito Natsume
This is a paradise 思い出して あの頃の空の色とか This is a paradise 心に描く フィルムの中の メロディみたいに This is a paradise Recalling The color of the sky back then, for instance This is a paradise picturing it in my heart Like a melody from a film
恥ずかしそうに 照れながらも 残酷で愉快なセリフ 赤い顔してたあのコは いまごろ何してるかな It's funny day Even while seeming embarrassed to shine A cruelly cheerful line Red faced, around now what would she be doing? It’s funny day
緑色に変わる頃に ボクはあの乗り物に乗って おめかししたあのコ連れて 遥か都会の空を見上げてた Face changing to green I board the ride Taking her along, all made up Looking up at the faraway city sky
This is a paradise レッド、グリーン&ブルー あの頃の風景を今 This is a paradise 心に描く フィルムの中の メロディみたいに This is a paradise Red, green, & blue The scenery back then, now This is a paradise picturing it in my heart Like a melody from a film
まだまだ青色のボクは 何もかもが足りなくても すべてあるような気がして 遥か都会の空を見上げてた I’m still blue Nothing’s enough for me I feel like I have everything Looking up at the faraway city sky
ねむねむGO / Sleepy GO
心地よくて 昼まで 目を閉じれば いつの間にか 雨が止んで 鳥も歌う ぬるいシャワーを浴びて 目を覚まして テレビをつけて 一日が さあはじまる If I close my eyes, comfortable, until noon Before I know it, the rain will stop and birds will sing I’ll take a lukewarm shower to wake up, turn on the TV, and the day will start.
ああ 雨上がりの 七色にちょっと目が行きがち ねむねむGO ぬるい風と 鼻歌歌う こんなメロディー 海の見える 部屋から出て 自転車こぐ 坂を下りれば キミがいる まぶたをこすって まだ ねむねむGO まだ ねむねむGO Ah, my eyes stray a little to the seven colors after the rain sleepy GO, humming such a melody to a lukewarm wind I can see the sea, I leave my room, pedaling my bike If I go down the hill, you’ll be there, rubbing your eyes Still sleepy, GO, still sleepy, GO
寝ても寝ても 眠たい 今日の天気 ぽつり ぽつり おでこには 雨の粒が 信号渡り お店で様子見ても あれれ 降りだしてこないから ケーキ食べよ Even if I sleep, even if I sleep, I’m sleepy, today’s weather Alone, alone, on my forehead, a drop of rain Signal crossing, checking in at the store Oh? Since it’s not going to start coming down, let's eat cake!
ああ 雨上がりの 七色にちょっと目が行きがち ねむねむGO ぬるい風と 鼻歌歌う こんなメロディー 海の見える 部屋から出て 自転車こぐ 坂を下りれば キミがいる まぶたをこすって まだ ねむねむGO まだ ねむねむGO Ah, my eyes stray a little to the seven colors after the rain sleepy GO, humming such a melody to a lukewarm wind I can see the sea, I leave my room, pedaling my bike If I go down the hill, you’ll be there, rubbing your eyes Still sleepy, GO, still sleepy, GO
なつめろ / Nostalgic Tune
海岸を沿うように 走る電車の中から見た 反射サンシャインの波の色 途中下車でもいいかもいいかも As though running along a beach From inside the moving train, I saw The color of waves of reflected sunshine A stop could be good, couldn’t it?
照れを隠すには 麦わら帽子じゃ足りなくて 海を眺めるふりをして キミを見ていたい A straw hat isn’t enough to hide the shine I want to be pretending to stare at the beach, while looking at you
キツめに抱きしメロディー 口ずさむ 中継地点名に 懐かしい 恋の素に 君と共に さあSing for you A melody that hugs me a little too tight The name of a stopover point Undisguised, like a nostalgic love With you, I sing for you
アマレットソーダ色を 太陽にかざしてほろ酔いで 運命というには軽すぎる 眩しいくらいのトークもいいかも The color of amaretto soda held up tipsy to the sun too light for the thing called fate maybe this too-bright talk could be good?
照れを隠すには 麦わら帽子じゃ足りなくて 海を眺めるふりをして キミを見ていたい A straw hat isn’t enough to hide the shine I want to be pretending to stare at the beach, while looking at you
キツめに抱きしメロディー 口ずさむ 中継地点名に 懐かしい 恋の素に 君と共に さあSing for you A melody that hugs me a little too tight The name of a stopover point Undisguised, like a nostalgic love With you, I sing for you
思い出すの いつもこのタイミングで 導かれたどり着くのは あぁ あの頃 Memories arise, always with this timing I’m brought back, ah, to that time
キツめに抱きしメロディー 口ずさむ 中継地点名に 懐かしい 恋の素に 君と共に さあSing for you A melody that hugs me a little too tight The name of a stopover point Undisguised, like a nostalgic love With you, I sing for you
ハナビラ / Petals
ぐんぐん伸びる 夢見るうちに どんな仕組みか知らないわ どんどん集まる 茎を伝わる 水の流れに寄り添うわ 純粋的に 何も触れない キミのヒミツも暴けるわ 上を目指そう 水滴の 一つ一つを感じるわ Rapidly growing as if in a dream into what shape I don’t know Slowly gathering, stalks spreading Nestling into the water’s flow Pure and undiluted I can even speak your secret I’ll look up and feel each and every drop of water
雨過ぎ 花咲き 急く鳥 谷間を 飛ぶ すぐ より じれったい恋の舞 湧く 泉のように 再来 不思議な おまじない 幕開いたら 咲く野に 行く旅の先に 向く ほら ハナビラ After the rain, flowers bloom, a bird hurries flying over the valley Soon an impatient love’s dance surges like a spring A return, an incredible good-luck charm if the curtain rises In a blooming field before the journey, look! Petals
ぐんぐん伸びる 空に近づく こっち側へと来る速度 どんどん集まる 測れはしない 愛の温度も感じるわ 純粋的に 何も見えない キミのヒミツもあの先に 上を目指そう 水滴の 一つ一つを感じるわ Rapidly growing, growing closer to the sky The speed at which you come to my side Slowly gathering, unmeasured I can also feel the warmth of love Pure, with nothing visible Even your secret is before me I’ll look up and feel each and every drop of water
雨過ぎ 花咲き 急く鳥 谷間を 飛ぶ すぐ より じれったい恋の舞 湧く 泉のように 再来 不思議な おまじない 幕開いたら 咲く野に 行く旅の先に 向く ほら ハナビラ After the rain, flowers bloom, a bird hurries flying over the valley Soon an impatient love’s dance surges like a spring A return, an incredible good-luck charm if the curtain rises In a blooming field before the journey, look! Petals
おでかけサマー / Just-starting summer
おでかけサマーもスキとYOU つかめ この夏の夢 ありふれた順番 飛ばして 星と眠るわ おでかけサマーもスキとYOU ひと夏の 思い出 ポケットに詰め 走る サマーもスキChu! I like the just-starting summer, and YOU Grasp This summer’s dream A familiar turn- jump- I sleep with the stars I like the just-starting summer, and YOU A memory of one summer Stuffed into a pocket I run I like summer, Chu!
おとなしくできない 夏の始まり あの日あの冒険は 今も焼き付いてる 南風吹いて 気持ちを押すの あんまり乗り気じゃない? でも大丈夫 It can’t be docile the start of summer That day, that adventure are still seared into me The south wind was blowing an overwhelming feeling? You’re not too interested? But it’s alright
おでかけサマーもスキとYOU つかめ この夏の夢 ありふれた順番 飛ばして 星と眠るわ おでかけサマーもスキとYOU ひと夏の 思い出 ポケットに詰め 走る サマーもスキChu! I like the just-starting summer, and YOU Grasp This summer’s dream A familiar turn- jump- I sleep with the stars I like the just-starting summer, and YOU A memory of one summer Stuffed into a pocket I run I like summer, Chu!
Light, summer blue I love you Light, summer blue
おでかけサマーもスキとYOU つかめ この夏の夢 ありふれた順番 飛ばして 星と眠るわ おでかけサマーもスキとYOU ひと夏の 思い出 ポケットに詰め 走る サマーもスキChu! I like the just-starting summer, and YOU Grasp This summer’s dream A familiar turn- jump- I sleep with the stars I like the just-starting summer, and YOU A memory of one summer Stuffed into a pocket I run I like summer, Chu!
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Fandaniel's death scene - Retranslation
Fandaniel's death scene always makes me cry, especially at the end where he talks to Xande- seemingly the first and last person he had any affection for. The Japanese is a lot softer and sadder than the English, so I just wanted to share.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6f8b6d7ea6fbd1f7c23837f286246dc5/3699475ab5ec307e-0f/s540x810/e9a5d424d9f3e9e87ef07d98cd26d5ea13554837.jpg)
古代人: 私は 世界を救うもの―星を巡らせ 理を紡ぎ直すもの― 命を対価に より多くの命をもたらすもの── 私は──
ファダニエル : 世界を救う?いいえ、あなたたちは今から世界の敵になる。何もかもを終わらせるために!
古代人: 終わりは嫌だ── 私たちは帰る 在るべき場所へ── 再び星の意志となるのだ──
それこそが最善の選択 星をより良くするために──
ファダニエル : いいえ! いいえ! いいえ!何もかも否ですよッ!!あなたたちは、もう死んでいるんです。亡霊らしく、お眠りなさい!
古代人: お願い どうか 私たちに── 星を──壊させないでくれ──
懐かしい雰囲気の青年 : そう、信じて前に進むんだ。その魂は、それでこそ輝くというものさ。
Ancient: I am the one who saved the world. Circling the world and spinning the natural order back to how it should be. For the price of my life, for the one that can bring back more life… I am…
Fandaniel: Saved the world? Don’t make me laugh, you are about to be the enemy of the world. For the sake of ending everything!
Ancients: We don’t want it to end! We will return…. To the place we should be… We will again become the will of the planet… this was the best choice… for the sake of making the world better…
Fandaniel: No! No! No! No to all of that! All of you lot are dead! Now go to sleep like good little ghosts!
Ancients: Please… somehow… for us… the planet… don’t let it be destroyed…
A Familiar Young Man (Hythlodaeus): Yes, believe in yourself and continue on. That’s what makes your soul shine so brightly. I don’t think this is the ending that you wished for… but that makes us nearly the same as you, doesn’t it? Did you think that a little bit too? Did you, Hades…?
ゾディアーク : ああ、馴染んでいく……果てしない力が、私の意志と繋がっていく……。不完全な状態でどこまでやれるか、殿下で試そうとおもっていたのですが……この際です、世界を平らげるのに際も邪悪な、あなたから消すといたしましょう……!ゾディアークと繋がりきるまで、あと少し……!ああ、ついに、このときが……!ハハハハハハハッ!完全に繋がった、私こそがゾディアークだ!
ゾディアーク : 力が抜けて― これが限界だと―!?
ゾディアーク : ふふ……くくく……。不完全とはいえ、ゾディアークの力でも倒せないなんて。
Fandaniel: Ahh, it’s seeping in… this boundless energy is connecting to my will… I thought of using his Highness to test just how far this incomplete power could go… but I’m going to take this chance to flatten the world, starting with erasing you! Just a bit more and I’ll be connected to Zodiark… Ah! Finally, the time has….! Hahahahahaha! I’m completely connected, I am now Zodiark!
Zodiark!Fandaniel: My power has run out, is this my limit?!
Zodiark!Fandaniel: Hehe… hahaha… Putting aside that it was incomplete, you weren’t able to be defeated by Zodiark’s power. You lot really are a nuisance to me. But… too bad! I won! This was my aim all along- to kill Zodiark! I envisaged numerous ways to do it. It would have been fine if his Highness has eaten it and been defeated by you too. However, taking over Zodiark myself was the best way to make sure it happened. It’s too bad I wasn’t able to crush you in the process, but as you can see, my true goal has been achieved! Now then, let it begin properly this time- the true Final Days!
ファダニエルを名乗ったもの : ……身体から、急速に力が抜けていく。寒いような気がするが、よくわからない。何度も身体を変えて、肉体の死も経験してきた。今回もまた、ただ眠りに落ちるかのように、すべてが遠くなる。当たり前のことのようで、もう二度と目覚めないのだという実感はないままだ。せめて、終わったのだと自分に言い聞かせる。望みがなかった分、未練もない。少し先の未来を思い描いて「ざまあみろ」とだけ思う。この結末を、遥か昔、自分と同じ魂を宿して生きた「あの男」は嘆くだろうか。だとしても、私は到底、人が続いていくべきものだとは思えなかった。一万年以上の昔、彼が掛けた問いに、今、そう答えを返す。それが誤りだと言うのなら、こののち来たる災厄に、お前たちの答えを示すがいい……ハイデリンよ。ご覧ください、ザンデ陛下。これより、あらゆるものが無に還ります。私も、星も、すべての命が……あなたと同じに。
Fandaniel: …my strength is quickly leaving my body. I think I feel cold but I’m not really sure. I have changed bodies and felt physical death time and time before. This time too, everything is growing distant, as if I were falling asleep. As if it were an everyday occurrence, it still doesn’t feel like I will never wake up again. At the very least, I try to convince myself that it’s all over. For as much as I didn’t want any, I have no lingering attachments. I only imagine telling everyone “You got what you deserved” a little while from now. I wonder if 'that man', who lived a long time ago with the same soul as me, would lament this ending. Even if he did, I absolutely cannot think that humans are something that should continue living. That is my answer to the question he asked over ten thousand years ago. If I am mistaken, then show me your answer in the coming Final Days…. Hydaelyn. Please watch, Emperor Xande. Starting now, everything is going to return to nothingness. Me, the planet, all life… just the same as you did.
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(not so) random vocab of the day!
today's vocab are from this blog post on note:
n.b.: this list and the above blog post include a lot of words relating to and discussion of mental health issues, so please be aware!
精神衛生(せいしんえいせい) = mental health
芳しくない(かんばしくない) = poor, not satisfactory
うつ病(びょう) = depression
患う(わずらう) = to suffer from, be ill with
気(き)が滅入る(めいる) = to feel depressed
俯瞰(ふかん) = bird’s-eye view, overhead view
裏腹(うらはら) = opposite, reverse
試行錯誤(しこうさくご) = trial and error
刺繍(ししゅう) = embroidery
達成��(たっせいかん) = sense of accomplishment
充実(じゅうじつ) = fullness, completeness
服用(ふくよう) = taking medicine
今は転職をし、毎日充実した日々を過ごしているので、あまりハンドメイドはできていませんが、あの頃ハンドメイドに出会っていなかったら、今の私はきっといません。 それくらいほんとに毎日なにかを作ることにしがみついていました。 毎日の「達成感」によって生かされていました。
と、まぁ、長々と徒然なるままに書いてきたけど、結局何が言いたいかって、 「手作りって楽しい!!」 ってこと。 人のために作るのも、自分のために作るのも、なんのためにも、楽しいのです。 ただそれだけ。
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Rondo from vampire knight guilty opening
Thoughts and feelings of Yuki and kaname
If the white rose petals open one by one, the memories from those days will revive
Illuminated by peace, the night that makes flowers bloom is sweet yet painful, and becoming colourful
Like following a shining thread, time is flowing quietly
While people stick to the movement of flow and ebb, they are reborn
Your smile is the warmth that melts my chest
Like a faint dream that I had somewhere
Even if the present moment is cut out by the setting sun,
our shadows are overlapping
Like destinies that crossed each other, endless and far, boundless and deep
I grasped it again and again, I lost it again and again- the fact that we were finally able to meet
Like how the sky yearns for the earth, the flower waits for rain, and the night falls in love with tomorrow
I yearned so much for the fact that two hearts were one
🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
If we can relieve ourselves from our long slumber and meet tonight
Then come on, let's dance in our rondo
Like moving through past days, the moon is tender and clouded
And beyond my memories, love overflowed again.
If I can walk through your time again, then I want to become a shadow and protect you
Even if the wind, blowing blindly, estranges us please don't forget about believing
Like an aimless sparkle, a fleeting waver, and drifting illusions
Even while I wandered, I finally made it to the place that won't change
Even if the darkness steals away the sun, lies cry to sins, and the past splits apart the future,
As if I've been around, I'm certain I chose this place
Like destinies that crossed each other, endless and far, boundless and deep
I grasped it again and again, I lost it again and again- the fact that we were finally able to meet
Like how the sky yearns for the earth, the flower waits for rain, and the night falls in love with tomorrow
I yearned so much for the fact that two hearts were one
If the white rose petals scatter one by one, will we be dyed by the tender morning?
And if I were reborn and bloom in your chest, our love will become eternity
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/6aeb698813b8f3e76040f9c539806c2d/52d5deb191af2766-83/s540x810/26ca9cd7c89a8390723b60e14cfc3ccbd3dcf305.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/29cc7baa7b38d37c1bbb174a314e0f58/52d5deb191af2766-e8/s540x810/0d0e521432a4aeb042eccb259905a571e581ef1e.jpg)
甘くせつなく 色づいていく
どこかで見た 淡い夢のよう
沈む夕日に 今を切り取られても
果てしなく遠く 限りなく深く
何度もつかんで 何度も失って
空が地を求め 花が雨を待ち
二つの心が 一つだったこと
さあ 踊りましょう
貴方の年月を 二重に歩めるなら
影となって 守っていたい
吹き迷う風 二人を遠ざけても
宛てない煌めき 儚い揺らめき
彷徨いながらも 変わらない場所へ
闇が陽を奪い 嘘が罪に泣き
巡りゆく様に きっとこの場所を
果てしなく遠く 限りなく深く
何度もつかんで 何度も失って
空が地を求め 花が雨を待ち
二つの心が 一つだったこと
#Rondo Song#vampire knight guilty#vampire knight#vampire knight memories#vkm#vk#yume#eternal yume#yuuki kuran#kuran kaname#hino matsuri#song
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