#all hallows
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ad-crucem · 4 months ago
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The Dance of the Beatified
Detail from The Last Judgement by Fra Angelico (c. 1425)
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sparkles-and-trash · 4 months ago
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Started working on my embroidery again and made these lilies of the valley for my all hallows in honor of my grandmother (who died when my mom was 11 and I sadly didn’t get to meet), as they’re both of our favorite flower ♥️
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threadbareturnbacks · 1 year ago
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pagan-stitches · 4 months ago
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All Soul’s Day (Dušičky) in the Czech Republic.
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the-trans-folk-witch · 4 months ago
The Red Devil Stirs The Boiling Pot: A Red Apple Turns Man Wicked
Autumn is in full swing as I write this. The fresh apples of September have become the yellow and red leaves of October. Soon they will become the woolen blanket of leaves on the cold earth in November.
My devil has shifted as the seasons have. From the Boogey man came the Foul One. The red devil of the west.
The devil wasnt always red. He was traditionally green, black, or blue in Europe. It wasn't until the protestant reformation that he became popularly known as red in the United States and soon the world over. The red devil was commonly depicted as a silly little thing who was quite imp like. He was said to stir the pot metaphorically and physically. As if the souls of the damned were boiling in his cauldron of torture. It was his job to take his staff (wand?) and stir, whip, beat, and prod condemned souls. Just as one stirs, whips, beats, and prods in the kitchen.
His imagery is toted in the west during the fall and he remains somewhat a god of Halloween, the dead, hell on earth, and wicked celebrations of the veil thinning. He is the apple bobber, the bonfire, the hard cider, and the fornication of lovers in this romantic and chilly time. He is the suffering we endure when white girls tout their pumpkin spice lattes. He is the cause of the season. The Great Pumpkin if you will. He is the flame of hell made man and stored within the jack-o-lantern. He is the commander of demons and unruly spirits. He is the butchered face of a gutted pumpkin. His seed is toasted and eaten warm with spices of cinnamon and nutmeg. He beckons the witch to bake poisoned apple cobbler or pumpkin pie filled with urine. He is the altering of foods for blessing or bane. The great chef, the burning man, the roasted imp. The season is fully his as are all who celebrate it. Halloween is truly a demonic holiday.
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photozoi · 1 year ago
Well, it is that time of the year again, and the Brother is Not Thrilled.
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He is not a Costume Guy. We have given him the minimalist outfit.
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He is still displeased. Not minimalist enough apparently.
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"Get it off now!" (Some days he is more tolerant.)
The Imp is incensed to see that his Brother is in his posing seat. He likes to play dress up. He does not like to see His Special Clothes on his Unappreciative Brother.
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The Professional.
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"I gets to be the Alien! I am the One who Poses! Only Imp!"
And then, a surprise! When the Imp was done with his photo session and had vacated the Posing Chair, Mr Mung, who had been observing all of this very closely, hopped up. A Volunteer!
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Looks like the Imp has a stand in! Mr Mung has not worked his way into full regalia yet, but he definitely has potential.
The Imp has not yet decided how he feels about this development.
Silken Windhounds, 'Tis the Season
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thedestinysunknown · 7 months ago
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Tomb Raider 3 Remastered - All Hallows:
"Last level in the game and if you've collected every secret in the game, then you unlock this level. Is it worth it? HELL NO. This is one of the worst levels in the game. It's a short but not sweet level at all. Annoying traps and gimmicks."
PS: the gameplay used for this gifset is not mine. The original video belongs to the user: Shirrako, on Youtube.
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octobermourning31 · 2 years ago
Oct 31st by Matthew Paoletti
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allhallowsthemepark · 6 months ago
Hm. Should Puck's Labyrinth (the Goblin Woods maze attraction) be called Pooka's Labyrinth instead?
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yoga-onion · 2 years ago
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[Photo above: Samhain, courtesy of Beltane Fire Society]
Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (22)
Hyldemoer – 'the Elder Mother’, the guardian of the elder trees
“If you stand beneath an elder tree on midsummer eve you will see the King of the faeries and his entourage but be careful that you do not get swept away to faerieland.
The tree and the wood is greatly prized by the fae folk, so it must not be used to make mundane household objects, especially not a cradle or the baby will be pinched black and blue.
Do burn the wood or bring it into the house as this is very unlucky and will bring the devil in.
The Elder Mother guards the tree and although she is usually kind she can become dangerous, if her trees are harmed so you must always ask permission before cutting an elder tree.
To cut elder wood you must say, three times, ‘Elder Mother, please give me some wood, and I’ll give you some of mine when I grow into a tree (Ourd gal, give me some of thy wood, an oi will give some of moine, when oi grows inter a tree)’.”
Faeries and Folklore from the British Isles
The Elder Mother is thought to be the guardian of the elder trees, and it was said, until recent times in various parts of England and Scandinavia that to take wood from the elder tree one would have to ask the Elder Mother first, or else ill luck would befall the woodsman. The spirit is said to haunt or torment people who build from elder wood unless they ask permission first.
In Denmark, the Hyldemoer (“Elder-mother”) or Hyldequinde (“Elder-woman”) is a spirit like a wood-nymph or dryad that lives in the elder tree.
Other similar and related beliefs have been handed down in various cultures.
In Denmark, an elder twig put in the mouth was traditionally thought to drive out evil spirits and thus could cure toothache. Also in Denmark, on Midsummer's Eve, if you were to stand under an elder, you could see the Elf-king and his host. A similar tradition existed in Scotland where it was said to happen on All Hallows or Samhain.
In England, it was thought that the elder tree could never be hit by lightning and that carrying the twigs of an elder could protect their bearer from rheumatism. Farmers used to protect their animals from evil by placing a cross made from elder on their cow-sheds and barns.
In some Slavic countries, such as Russia, it is thought that the tree had the power to ward off evil. In Sicily, it was claimed to have the power to ward off snakes, and so on.
Every summer, our neighbourhood had an elder hedge with divine, full blossoms, but it was completely cut down to develop a residential site. These days, they spray the stumps with powerful chemicals to prevent regrowth.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (22)
ヒルデモア-「エルダー・マザー」、ニワトコ (エルダー) の木の守り神
デンマークでは伝統的に、ニワトコの小枝を口に入れると悪霊が追い出され、歯痛が治ると考えられてきた。またデンマークでは、夏至祭の夜にニワトコの下に立つと、エルフの王とその群れが見えるとされていた。スコットランドにも同様の伝統があり、万聖節(All Hallows)またはサウィン祭(Samhain)に起こると言われていた。
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shaydystheshadowqueen · 4 months ago
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posting this before I forget due to work, but I made a lovely artistic version of the map for All Hallows theme park
I made sure that it matched the description of the park in @allhallowsthemepark 's descriptions to the best of my ability, along with some extra creativity on my end.
Maybe next year I'll add my extra bits Midnight Midway, Croaker Creak, and Museum Of Horror, but for now this makes me happy.
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parafrazerofhistory · 24 days ago
Ancient Irish Royal Taboos
“The ancient kings of Ireland, as well as the kings of the four provinces of Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster, were subject to certain quaint prohibitions or taboos, on the due observance of which the prosperity of the people and the country, as well as their own, was supposed to depend.
Thus, for example, the sun might not rise on the king of Ireland in his bed at Tara, the old capital of Erin; he was forbidden to alight on Wednesday at Magh Breagh, to traverse Magh Cuillinn after sunset, to incite his horse at Fan-Chomair, to go in a ship upon the water the Monday after Bealltaine (May day), and to leave the track of his army upon Ath Maighne the Tuesday after All-Hallows.
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Hill of Tara in County Meath, Leinster, Ireland.
(Source: Deichtine, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
The king of Leinster might not go round Tuath Laighean left-hand-wise on Wednesday, nor sleep between the Dothair (Dodder) and the Duibhlinn with his head inclining to one side, nor encamp for nine days on the plains of Cualann, nor travel the road of Duibhlinn on Monday, nor ride a dirty black-heeled horse across Magh Maistean.
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Mount Tonelagee and the Glendasan River, which flows through the Wicklow Mountains in Leinster.
(Source: Joe King, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
The king of Munster was prohibited from enjoying the feast of Loch Lein from one Monday to another; from banqueting by night in the beginning of harvest before Geim at Leitreacha; from encamping for nine days upon the Siuir; and from holding a border meeting at Gabhran.
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A castle in Munster, Gortmakellis, Tipperary.
(Source: Mike Searle / Castles of Munster: Gortmakellis, Tipperary (2))
The king of Connaught might not conclude a treaty respecting his ancient palace of Cruachan after making peace on All-Hallows Day, nor go in a speckled garment on a grey speckled steed to the heath of Dal Chais, nor repair to an assembly of women at Seaghais, nor sit in autumn on the sepulchral mounds of the wife of Maine, nor contend in running with the rider of a grey one-eyed horse at Ath Gallta between two posts.
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Map of Connaught, by John Speed (1627).
(Source: John Speed, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)
The king of Ulster was forbidden to attend the horse fair at Rath Line among the youths of Dal Araidhe, to listen to the fluttering of the flocks of birds of Linn Saileach after sunset, to celebrate the feast of the bull of Daire-mic-Daire, to go into Magh Cobha in the month of March, and to drink of the water of Bo Neimhidh between two darknesses.
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The foggy trackway of Slieve Gallion in Ulster.
(Source: Track, Slieve Gallion by Rossographer, CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
If the kings of Ireland strictly observed these and many other customs, which were enjoined by immemorial usage, it was believed that they would never meet with mischance or misfortune, and would live for ninety years without experiencing the decay of old age; that no epidemic or mortality would occur during their reigns; and that the seasons would be favourable and the earth yield its fruit in abundance; whereas, if they set the ancient usages at naught, the country would be visited with plague, famine, and bad weather."
—J. G. Frazer, Taboo & the Perils of the Soul (The Golden Bough, vol. III, 1914, pp. 11-12).
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The Stone of Destiny, atop the Hill of Tara.
(Source: Ianfhunter, CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
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stephenkingporn · 2 months ago
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Starting one of my Christmas present books, got high hopes for this one. Cozy, doing what I want to satisfy my anxiety vibes this Christmas fyi ✌🏻
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morellocheri · 1 year ago
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A menace to society
And now the info dump section
This here is Mango, he's a sheep in my story All Hallows! He's cared for by an oc called Elijah, me and @pinkmuttonchops joke that Elijah is a single mum to Mango
If ya'll have any questions of Mango or the story All Hallows don't hesitate to ask!
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pagan-stitches · 4 months ago
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All Hallows (Dušičky, Dia de los muertos) is an important event in our house hold.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years ago
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New York Times bestselling and Bram Stoker Award-winning author Christopher Golden (Ararat, All Hallows) will publish The House of Last Resort on January 30.
The 304-page horror novel will be available in hardcover and e-book via St. Martin's Press. Read the synopsis below.
Across Italy there are many half-empty towns, nearly abandoned by those who migrate to the coast or to cities. The beautiful, crumbling hilltop town of Becchina is among them, but its mayor has taken drastic measures to rebuild―selling abandoned homes to anyone in the world for a single Euro, as long as the buyer promises to live there for at least five years. It’s a no-brainer for American couple Tommy and Kate Puglisi. Both work remotely, and Becchina is the home of Tommy’s grandparents, his closest living relatives. It feels like a romantic adventure, an opportunity the young couple would be crazy not to seize. But from the moment they move in, they both feel a shadow has fallen on them. Tommy’s grandmother is furious, even a little frightened, when she realizes which house they’ve bought. There are rooms in an annex at the back of the house that they didn’t know were there. The place makes strange noises at night, locked doors are suddenly open, and when they go to a family gathering, they’re certain people are whispering about them, and about their house, which one neighbor refers to as The House of Last Resort. Soon, they learn that the home was owned for generations by the Church, but the real secret, and the true dread, is unlocked when they finally learn what the priests were doing in this house for all those long years…and how many people died in the strange chapel inside. While down in the catacombs beneath Becchina…something stirs.
Pre-order Christopher Golden's The House of Last Resort.
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