pyredez · 4 months
tagged by: @crylamby <3 tagging: YOU. yall should do it so I can see it.
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HOPELESS OPUS BY IMAGINE DRAGONS. I've got this place that I've filled with empty space / Oh, I'm trying not to face what I've done / My hopeless opus / I'm in this race, and I'm hoping just to place / Oh, I'm trying not to face what's become of me / My hopeless opus
FIRE DRILL BY MELANIE MARTINEZ. I've never fit into any category, always deemed an outcast / Since I was in Sunday school and all the cool kids said I was weird / It's exactly the same, they say, "Why do you dress that way? / Why do you act that way? Why don't you dress like me?" / So is that what you really wanna say to me?
JUST LIKE FIRE BY P!NK. Just like fire, burning up the way / If I can light the world up for just one day / Watch this madness, colorful charade / No one can be just like me anyway
LOW LIFE BY X AMBASSADORS. Now please tell me I'm broke / It's much easier that way, 'cause I just let you down / It's much easier that way / I'm nothing but a low life / Thinking about my own life / I can't help myself from falling
DANCE MONKEY BY TONES AND I. So they say / "Dance for me, dance for me, dance for me, oh-oh / I've never seen anybody do the things you do before" / They say, "Move for me, move for me, move for me, ay-ay / And when you're done, I'll make you do it all again"
I. We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it. ― Tennessee Williams
II. I seek strength, not to be greater than other, but to fight my greatest enemy, the doubts within myself. ― P.C. Cast
III. I like unkempt; I don’t mind if I have holes in my jacket or whatever. I think people should look more the way they feel. — Chris Robinson
IV. The mechanic, when a wheel refuses to turn, never thinks of dropping on his knees and asking the assistance of some divine power. He knows there is a reason. He knows that something is too large or too small; that there is something wrong with his machine; and he goes to work and he makes it larger or smaller, here or there, until the wheel will turn. — Robert G. Ingersoll
V. Humor can make a serious difference. In the workplace, at home, in all areas of life – looking for a reason to laugh is necessary. A sense of humor helps us to get through the dull times, cope with the difficult times, enjoy the good times and manage the scary times. — Steve Goodier
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ohlympns · 6 months
tags 2.
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thealtoduck · 7 days
Being the Son of Calliope, headcanons…
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PJO x Male Reader (No romantic pairing)
Warnings: None…
Summary: You’re the son of the goddesss of epic poetry and eloquence and One of the Nine Muses…
(A/n: I know I was meant to work on other stuff but I got distracted.)
(Song is unrelated to the story but it felt Muses coded so…)
You were the only half-blood at camp related to one of the Muses, specifically Calliope, the Goddesss of Epic Poetry and Eloquence.
When you had gotten to camp you used to stay in Cabin 11, even though you’d been claimed, there was no cabin for you. So you ended up bunking with Travis Stoll.
But after the war with the titans and Percy’s demands to Zeus to the gods, a cabin dedicated to the Nine Muses had been built.
You being made the counsler… not that there were any other options…
The cabin was great tho, it was decorated with statues and carvings of the muses and their symbols. There were paintings hung of their famous demigods too such as Orpheus, Hyacinthus and Linus
The cabin had a big book case with novels, plays, comedies, tradgedies, poetry. A soundproof dance studio, a spundproof music room with a bunch of instruments, a sky window to study the stars.
Basically everything associated with the Muses.
If you had a nickel for everytime someone had tried to pick you by saying ”you were their muse” or that ”you had inspired” the poem, song or novel they wrote… you’d be richer than Hades.
You were particullarly popular amongst the Apollo cabin who seemed to think you were some kind of key to overcome creative blocks. Will Solace, their counselor, needed to keep them in check since they all seemed interested in you in one way or the other.
Athena’s and Hephaestus’s cabins were also drawn to you for your creativety.
You would however end up being paired with the Apollo cabin to lead the campfire sing-alongs, you usually end up with a solo song telling the dramatic story of some greek hero.
Imagine something like ”The Gosphel Truth” from ”Hercules”, with the Apollo cabin acting as you back up singers.
As for your powers, you were far from the strongest of demigods, but you were by no means weak.
You had a natrual talent for the arts, singing, dancing, poetry, instruments, etc…
As the son of the goddess of Eloquence you could cast minor short lasting curses on people that would effect their speaking, that could for example cause them to only speak in rhymes and limericks or make them unable to finish long sentences before drifting off.
Your swordfighting style would be noted by the other campers to be quite different, while they fought normally with their swords, Percy described your style more as a ”VERY deadly and sharp dance”.
Being related to the muses you also had an aura that could induce inspiration and creativity in someone (so maybe the Apollo cabin was on to something with their interest in you).
Though that power worked both ways as you could also curse someone with creative block.
Unlike most demigods, you’re mother showed up quite often to advice you whenever you had a problem… and she didn’t come alone.
Let’s say you’re in your cabin and you’re sad after having an argument with a friend.
Well… then all the 9 statues of the Muses in the cabin come to life and start singing a pop-soul number about why friendship is important and you should make up with your friend.
It’s was quite terrifying the first few times it happened but you get used to it after a while.
Being one of the Muse’s son is pretty much like being all of their son.
(A/n 2: Sorry, this is shorter than i usually write and is more so a collection of small headcanons for a Son of Calliope!Reader than a full on fic.)
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sunnitheapollokid · 1 month
I desperately need a daughterofposeidon!reader x leo valdez with the brother's bestfriend trope (the brother being Percy duh) 🤭🤭 can be hc's or a blurb!!
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↳ leo valdez x daughter of poseidon blurb!
☀️ sunni’s notes : THIS REQUEST HAS BEEN IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG IM SO SORRY ARTIST!!! guys i swear— i’ll try to be more punctual with this LMFAOOOO <3 thank you all so much for being patient with me. 🥹💝 i’ve done lots of headcanons for these cutie pies, so i should give out a blurb now!! wanted to do something short and sweet ⭐️. (ALSO LEO IS DEFO A PHOTOGRAPHY GUY) happy reading bebis! sunkisses, sunni!
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LEO DIDNT start it. it was a stupid bet! and jason and piper knew it too, the minute they had dared him to. they snickered under their breaths as they watched leo heat up like a match on a bbq summer night. "lee, seriously, it's not that bad of a dare."
"yes it is, when she's literally my best friend's sister!" he cried, his voice echoing in bunker nine. "hey, not my fault you lost." leo grumbled as he stared at the uno cards laid out in front of him, smug looks painted on both his very close best friends.
"you guys are the worst."
IT WAS just like any other day in camp half-blood for (name). the regular swim, the peeking of the arts n' craft room, the good 'ol teasing towards percabeth. being the second child of the god of the sea felt like a breeze.
"hey jackson!" she heard her surname called from the back of her head. "oh hey leo." she waved, the skipping of her feet had made it's stop. she knew leo. she had acknowledged him multiple times when she hung out with her brother's friends. he was always just the hot-head gremlin friend of his brother to her.
"i," he coughed.
"you mind doing something for me, sirena?" she felt her ears grow hot. she waved the thought off, "sure, what is it?" she skipped on over towards him. he then pulled a camera out of his pocket, it looked old and rusty, but it looked like he had tweaked it a little to make it work again.
she cocked a brow, "i thought.. technology attracts monsters." leo let out an over-confident chuckle. "when you're the son of hephaestus, you manage to work out a few trinkets."
"wanna try it out with me?"
(name) suggested an amazing view for leo, just by the docks. they walked side-by-side as they sauntered towards the place she had recommended. "here we are!" she beamed. leo couldn't lie, it was incredibly captivating. "great! now, uh, just stand over there."
her eyes grew bug-eyed. leo laughed lightly, taking his eyes out of the lens to stare at her, "what? did you think i just wanted a view recommendation? i need you as my muse, sirena." she felt her breath hitch, what was this?
leo pressed his lips together in a smile. she didn't want to protest, so leo watched her walk towards the wood railing and she leaned over it, the sun hitting her eyes perfectly. a little too perfectly at that. leo felt himself freeze, staring at her for a good couple of seconds before,
"leo! are you going to take the picture?" she giggled. "oh-" he stumbled over his words. "just about to!" he held the camera in his hand, just about to take the picture when..
of course it was one of leo's pranks.
(name) jumped, startled, leo began to cackle, but had stopped when he noticed her tipping over the rail and her body falling almost instantly in the water, making a big splash, the curls of his face drenched.
"(name)!" he called, running towards the railing, and leaning over to check if she was okay. she was gone. shit! percy's going to kill me!
a hand had submerged from the water and took him by the collar, pulling him towards the water and his body falling into the lake with whoever it was.
"let me- (name)!" (name) had created a bubble for them underwater. she giggled lightly, then punched him on the shoulder. "god you got a punch!" he winced in pain, rubbing his arm. "that's what you freaking get." she grumbled, she was totally dry.
leo had forgotten she was the daughter of poseidon. he had gotten worried over nothing. he playfully rolled his eyes, "it was a good prank though, no?" she gave him an "are you kidding me right now?" look, before a muffled voice from above the surface started calling for her name, percy!
the thoughts began to spin in (name)'s head. "oh he's going to kill leo for sure if he found them like this. it might take a while for us to get out. what about food? god, and it's getting dark. what if-"
"uno?" leo pulled out the card game out of his tool belt.
(name) stared at leo and to the cards, then back to leo.
he'd already pulled a prank on her, he might as well cheer her up. she smiled, it would help the time pass.
"okay valdez."
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tylermileslockett · 9 months
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  “Sing, clear-voiced Muse, of Hephaestus famed for inventions. With bright-eyed Athena he taught men glorious crafts throughout the world, —men who before used to dwell in caves in the mountains like wild beasts. But now that they have learned crafts through Hephaestus the famed worker, easily they live a peaceful life in their own houses the whole year round.”  (-Homeric Hymn, translated by H.G. Evelyn white)
HEPHAESTUS, (huh-FAY-stus) is the God of weapon smithing, craftsmanship, and fire. Born with a lame leg, and described as ugly, he presents a much humbler appearance than his more majestic siblings. But he shines in the ingenuity department, crafting marvelous weapons, tools, and traps with his sacred objects; his golden hammer and tongs. I took an artist’s liberty; portraying him with vibrant red hair and beard to reflect his connection with fire, while his skin is pale purple from long hours within his cave forge.
The many golden, forged objects within the image appear in a variety of myths. Let’s begin with the item he hammers; the armor of Achilles. In the Iliad, Achilles pleads with his Nereid mother, Thetis, for new armor. We can see her in the pool in the lower right, waiting for the armor as she sits upon a hippocampusi.  Looking to the background, the throne was made for Hera as a trick, trapping her in the seat. The female figure above is Pandora, the first woman, made upon Zeus’ orders. Beside her are the winged helmet and sandals of Hermes. Above is the chariot of apollo. And at the very top is the golden net which trapped Hephaestus’ wife, Aphrodite, in bed with her elicit lover, Ares. 
Although Hephaestus doesn’t terrorize mortals like some of his more vengeful siblings, one scandalous myth has him chasing Athena in lust, and ejaculating on her thigh when the rape attempt fails. When Athena wipes the seed onto the earth, a son, Erichthonious, is born and later becomes an early king of Athens.
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024. check my bio LINKTREE
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 months
Okay, I've been discussing ideas about a PJO Psych crossover and it is now time to share my findings
Okay, so once upon a time Henry Spencer met a woman who when posing as a mortal went by the name Madeleine but she was actually a goddess, they had a kid, she was a minor goddess, so she was able to stay for a while, but eventually she left.
Yes, of COURSE Shawn thinks it's his Dad's fault
The goddess was Mnemosyne, the Greek goddess of MEMORY and the mother of the muses (works perfectly, right??!??!?!)
And Gus is his Satyr protector!!!
Henry does all the same training with Shawn to be a cop and such
Shawn gets his eidetic memory from his mother, the goddess of memory
I've also decided he gets taskmaster powers (can do anything he sees from memory) because that fucks hard
Shawn gets the record of fastest kid to get claimed as his mother officially claims him before he even leaves for camp
Here's her symbol by the way!
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Anyway, when Shawn gets to camp, he's a total little shit
At first, the other campers think he's just not being claimed, depending on how you work the timeline here? Percy is pissed
Then Gus and Shawn explain that he actually got claimed before he even showed up (Percy vows to personally thank his godly parent for being an actually decent person)
So, they ask who it is, and Shawn WILL NOT TELL THEM
Why? Because it's funner that way!
They have an ongoing tally and betting pool of who his godly parent is, no one guesses it
He also keeps sneaking Mr D alcohol because it's funny and no one but Dionysus is happy about that
Gus is still his best friend that he drags into things, obv, they probably end up soul bound just like percy and grover
Juliet is a child of Athena
Lassie is a child of Ares and if your going by the show there's a super funny joke about how he looks exactly like Hephaestus but is the son of the guy he hates most, haha
Shawn KILLS at capture the flag
No one believes him when he says he doesn't have charm speak
Instead of becoming a SB Psychic, he ends up being this crime solving traveling cryptid (he's gotta keep moving bc monsters) (dont worry, he still visits camp pretty often and likes to drop by Santa Barbara to solve crimes and piss off his dad)
There was also a lengthy convo about each gods opinion of him of any of you wanna hear that
Shawn is the muse of doing weird shit
Also art lover shawn 🔛🔝, he's got plenty of muse talent, yall
Instead of pretending to be a psychic, he's pretending to NOT be muse adjacent
And now, a list of Gods people keep guessing for Shawn
Dionysus, Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hecate
And finally, gay people real???
As you can see, we mostly talked about Shawn lol
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kristenwell · 5 months
My Muse – Leo Valdez x Male!Apollo!Reader
(finals are over at last, Dobby is free 😭)
Part 2
Y/N looked at the sketch in his hands. As the son of the arts god he was naturally a very skilled artist. Lately only one person has been able to inspire him to draw: Leo Valdez.
The son of Hephaestus has managed to steal his heart even if he wasn’t the usual go-to crush for most people. Leo was short, scrawny, flirty and had an unusual sense of humor. Y/N couldn’t help but fall for the little rascal anyway.
The son of Apollo slowly finished his sketch of him. The drawing depicted him smiling with a hint of blush.
Just a few days ago his brother, Will Solace, caught him in the act. There was only so much privacy you can get while in your cabin.
Y/N felt a presence behind his shoulder but before he could close his sketchbook his older brother shoved his face in the drawing.
„I knew you have a crush on Leo but I had no idea it was this bad.“ Will shook his head and chuckled.
The younger male slammed his sketchbook shut with an embarassed look on his face. He pushed Will’s face away from his personal space.
„Would you stop grinning? I don’t like him like that, we’re just friends nothing more.“ He was aware that lying to him was futile. First, he’s a bad liar and second, the two brothers are way too close and both of them knew something was up.
Will raised his eyebrow and took a seat next to him.
„You should confess to him, you know? It’s really tiring watching you two simp for each other when you think no one’s looking. Give him the drawings, it would be romantic.“ He suggests.
„Uh, yeah and have him thinking I’m some sort of creep? Forget it.“ Y/N made his way over to his desktop and sighed. His brother was right, but confessing your feelings to your friend is easier said than done.
„I think he’s aware of that.“ Will let out a laugh. „but seriously, everyone knows you’re into each other besides you two.“
He noticed his little brother’s lack of answer.
„You’ll figure it out, bro, one way or another.“
Y/N shuddered at the memory, the last thing he needed was his nosy siblings‘ love advice (he loves them to death), if he wanted it he would’ve gone to the Aphrodite cabin.
He got up from his seat and started heading toward his cabin before a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
„Yo, wait up!“
He turned around just in time to see a certain short latino running his way. Leo stopped infront of him with a grin.
„Just the person I was looking for.“ He was slightly out of breath, seems he ran for a while before he reached him. His curly hair was messy and his clothes and face were stained with oil and dirt which fortunately failed to cover his pretty features.
„Looking for me? What do you need , Leo?“  Y/N observed the shorter male before him momentarily.
„I wanted to tell you that I’ve already fixed your bow that Will brought last night.“
„Did he now?“ The son of Apollo turned around to meet his brother’s devilish smirk. He had the audacity to smile innocently too. „of course he did.“
Y/N turned back to Leo and smiled at him awkwardly.
„Thank you, I don’t know what would I do without you.“ He chuckled nervously , he tried to think of something else to say but his brain was fried from Leo’s presence alone. So naturally he failed to catch his reply.
„-over to Bunker 9 when you’re finished, okay?“ He sent him a cute little smile.
Before Y/N could ask him he was already on his way to the Bunker.
In the evening
Leo was sitting at his table, his latest project has really been straining him. A sudden noise disrupted his concentration.
He turned around just in time to see a slip of paper near his door. He got up and approached it, picking it up. He examined the paper and turned it around: a very detailed portait of him.
Leo could feel his face heating up and a smile crept on his face. He went back to his table as he folded the drawing carefully.
Neither he nor Y/N were aware that they were now a part of a certain friend group’s plan to make them both confess.
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Dionysus Deity Guide
Content warning: Dionysus is linked heavily with sexuality and sexual themes will be prevalent throughout this post.
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Who is Dionysus?
Also spelled “Dionysos”, he is the Greek god of wine, ecstasy, and theatre to name a few of his areas of expertise. He was later adopted by the Romans who referred to him as Bacchus. Dionysus was known as being “twice born” due to the story of his birth(s).
The story of Dionysus’ birth is a tragedy, beginning his life with his mother’s death. The story goes that Hera caught wind of Semele’s pregnancy with Zeus’ child and convinced her to ask Zeus to show her his true godly form in order to prove that he really was Zeus. This true form was too much for a mortal to handle and Semele was consumed by fire—or the heat Zeus’ lightning bolts. Not wanting his child to die with her, Zeus sewed Dionysus into his own thigh (thought to mean his testicles).
Parents and Siblings
Zeus (Father)
Semele (Mother)
Demeter (Mother, at times)
Persephone (Mother in Orphic mythos)
Helen of Troy
the Graces
the Horae
the Litae
the Muses
the Moirai
Lovers or Partners
Ariadne (Wife/Consort)
Polymnus or Hyplipnus
HYMENAIOS/Hymenaeus (Son)
IAKKHOS (Iacchus) (Son)
METHE (Daughter)
PASITHEA (Daughter)
PRIAPOS/Priapus (Son)
SABAZIOS/Sabazius (Son)
TELETE (Daughter)
THYSA (Daughter)
DEIANEIRA (Daughter)
KERAMOS/Ceramus (Son)
NARKAIOS/Narcaeus (Son)
OINOPION/Oenopion (Son)
PEPARETHOS/Peparethus (Son)
STAPHYLOS/Staphylus (Son)
Note: Dionysus has many epithets and to create a list of all of them would make this post WAY too long so I’ve added as many as I could while retaining a good length for the post. :,>
Dionysus Eleutherios ("the liberator")
Acratophorus, Ἀκρατοφόρος ("giver of unmixed wine"), at Phigaleia in Arcadia
Acroreites at Sicyon
Androgynos Ἀνδρόγυνος (androgynous, specifically in intercourse) referring to the god taking both an active male and a passive female role.
Bassareus, Βασσαρεύς a Thracian name for Dionysus, which derives from bassaris or "fox-skin", which item was worn by his cultists in their mysteries.
Braetes, Βραίτης ("related to beer") at Thrace
Cistophorus Κιστοφόρος ("basket-bearer, ivy-bearer"), Alludes To baskets being sacred to the god.
Dimetor Διμήτωρ ("twice-born") Refers to Dionysus's two births.
Dendrites Δενδρίτης ("he of the trees"), as a fertility god.
Enorches ("with balls"), with reference to his fertility, or "in the testicles" in reference to Zeus' sewing the baby Dionysus "into his thigh", understood to mean his testicles). Used in Samos and Lesbos.
Iacchus, Ἴακχος a possible epithet of Dionysus, associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries. In Eleusis, he is known as a son of Zeus and Demeter. The name "Iacchus" may come from the Ιακχος (Iakchos), a hymn sung in honor of Dionysus.
Lenaius, Ληναῖος ("god of the wine-press")
Phleus ("related to the bloοm of a plant").
Pseudanor Ψευδάνωρ (literally "false man", referring to his feminine qualities), in Macedonia.
Tauros, Ταῦρος ("a bull"), occurs as a surname of Dionysus.
Dionysus may have been worshipped as early as c. 1500–1100 BC by Mycenaean Greeks.
After birth Dionysus was said to have been sent to be cared for by Nymphs at Mount Nysa, the identities of these Nymphs varies by source.
His wife, Ariadne, was abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos. In some myths she is slain and/or ascends to immortality to live with her husband on Mt. Olympus.
Once he was an adult, Dionysus traveled to the underworld to bring his mother back with him to Olympus where it’s said that Zeus then turned her into the goddess Thyone—Goddess of the Bacchic frenzy that his female followers experience.
Dionysus is regularly found with groups of satyrs and maenads.
Another name the Greeks had for Dionysus was Bacchus, this was the name the Romans would later adopt for the god. Bacchus means “the noisy or riotous god”, fitting for this buck-wild deity! (Said with affection, of course.)
Along with wine, ecstasy, and theatre, Dionysus was known as a god of vegetation, madness, and frenzy along with quite a few other specializations.
Once a group of pirates kidnapped Dionysus who planned to sell him as a slave (or other unsavory things, depending on the myth); he overran their boat with creeping vines and beasts, and caused the men to go insane, then turned them into dolphins as they jumped overboard.
Dionysus has been depicted in many ways over time but two prevalent depictions are either him as an androgynous youth or an old, bearded man.
Apparently Dionysus hates owls; rather he hates the “sight of an owl” (Theoi)
As Bacchus he was commonly depicted as having ram or bull horns.
Dionysus had many cults throughout the ancient world including not just Greece, but in Scythia, Eastern Europe, Libya, North Africa and Gaul, Southern France as well.
Modern Deity Work
These are not all historically accurate. Anything that has a background in ancient tradition will be marked with a (T).
Grape Agate
Amethyst (it was believed that this stone could protect you from drunkenness)
Pinecone & Pine tree (due to his staff being tipped with a pinecone) (T)
Grapes/grapevines (T)
Ivy (T)
Asphodel (T)
Leopard or Panther
Dolphins (T)
Fawns (his followers were said to wear fawn-skins)
Important Dates
Wine (T)
Objects or imagery of the aforementioned items and animals
Fruit or fruit salad
Acts of Devotion
Go buck-wild (half joking here)
Host festivities
Attend, write, or act in a play (T)
Sign, create, or recite Hymns to Dionysus (T)
Protect or be an ally for queer, androgynous, and gender non-conforming folks
Dress up in costumes
Make a mask for him (T)
Have sex or solo sex
As the god of comedy he'd also probably enjoy stand-up comedians just sayin
Be yourself!! Dionysus is especially known to love on outcasts.
All in all, how you interact with a deity is up to you, these are simply a few suggestions for you based on my readings!
References and Further Reading
Dionysus - Britannica
Dionysus - Wikipedia
Dionysos - Theoi
The Bacchae - Ancient-Literature
The Masque of Dionysus by Helene P. Foley
The Frogs - Aristophanes (wiki summary, but there are free pdfs of the translated story!)
Misc Myths: Dionysus - Overly Sarcastic Productions
Ecstasy and Possession: The Attraction of the Women to the Cult of Dionysus
Cult of Dionysos - Theoi
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
Going through your Olympian relationship headcanons is very fun and I absolutely agree with pretty much all of it but it does paint a hilarious picture of Olympus being one big competition of who gets the most Apollo Time. Made extra funny by this stance being at least kind of supported in the general canon of Greek myth, at least to my limited knowledge
It's so funny how like. you can argue Apollo is the favorite of everyone.
favorite brother. favorite nephew. favorite stepchild. favorite son.
i can argue for each and every one of these^
and yeah, there's even some support from the mythology itself! I mean, Apollo in the mythology is Zeus's favorite son. We can infer he's Hera's favorite stepchild because of his damn fine hair. He's literally buddies with Hermes and Dionysus, and gets along quite well with Ares and Athena - and Hephaestus also made his bow and arrows for him! When he was a baby!
This boy be SPOILED <3
oh and OBVIOUSLY he's Artemis's favorite Of All Time. People who write/say the twins don't get along you are WRONG they have KILLED FOR EACH OTHER and they throw some damn good parties at Delphi with the Muses and rock out <3
no i am not making that up it's in Artemis's Homeric Hymn.
I love Apollo and his family <3 Mythology or RRverse, I love it either way.
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godsofhumanity · 6 months
Do you think you can elaborate on your HCs about Dionysus being Zeus’ heir? How do they and the other Olympians feel about it? When would the transition of power happen?
hulloooo!!!!!!!!!!! yes i can! i have a lot of things to say, so i am dividing the hc's into sections so that it is easy to read. i also have added colour to some names-- it doesn't mean anything, i just thought it would be easier to read!
so Lore doesn't actually say that Dionysus was Zeus' heir, just that Zeus brought him into the world to bring laughter and joy and whatever.
HOWEVER. you may be familiar with a little guy known as Zagreus! Zagreus is considered to be the son of Zeus and Persephone (ew! this is 100% Zeus at his absolute lowest btw) and Zagreus was often conflated with Dionysus. Orphic mysteries say that Zagreus was the first incarnation of Dionysus-- Dionysus was Zagreus reincarnated because Zagreus was killed by the Titans.
now. according to Wikipedia (bad source, i know, but i couldn't find much more on where this statement came from), Zagreus was meant to be Zeus' heir.
in Nonnus' Dionysiaca, 6, 168:
"By this marriage with [Zeus,] Persephone... bore Zagreus the horned baby, who by himself climbed upon the heavenly throne of Zeus and brandished lightning in his little hand, and newly born, lifted and carried the thunderbolts in his tender fingers."
from memory, i don't think any other god actually sits on Zeus' own throne OR wields lightning, so i take this to mean that Zagreus was meant to be Zeus' heir, and by the connection between Zagreus and Dionysus, I am hc-ing Dionysus to be Zeus' heir.
now. even if this isn't true by Lore, i think Dionysus is the only suitable option for the throne.
from the elder Olympians: Hades and Poseidon are already kings of their own domain so i don't think they'd reach out to get Heaven as well. Hestia has too much of a passive role in myth to be a ruler. Demeter has never been shown to care much for the affairs of Olympus. Hera COULD be, but i cannot see her rallying the support of everyone given her history of vindictiveness. and that's the older generation completely ruled out.
from the younger Olympians: Ares, like his mother, would be unable to garner support from everyone and is also too brash. Artemis does not care enough for the affairs of Olympus to rule-- she is quite cold and has been demonstrated in Lore to prefer the wilderness and her own group of girls to the rest of the Olympians. Apollo is said to remain unwed because he could not choose a wife from amongst the Muses; this demonstrates indecisiveness to me which is not a useful trait for a king. furthermore, Apollo often laments his decisions/mistakes which shows weakness, which is also not a useful trait for a king. thirdly, i simply do not see Apollo as having enough ambition for the position-- he would lose his freedom. Hephaestus is too busy with his craft to rule. Hermes is too mischievous and going from Messenger to King doesn't really make sense logically. Aphrodite, too chaotic and has never demonstrated potential to rule.
that leaves Athena. i think she COULD BE. but i think she is quite arrogant and unwilling to compromise which would make her a very difficult queen. i think she would make enemies quite easily. also, i hc her to have no desire to rule-- i think she would like the independence to pursue her own whims, and being Queen would take this freedom from her.
Dionysus, on the other hand, has a distinct advantage to me-- he began life as a man. i know he had divine blood, but his MOTHER was mortal... Dionysus is the ONLY god who is required to undergo "trials" to prove his divinity.
everyone else is divine by birth, but Dionysus must EARN his place in Olympus by living amongst men first.. and it's CHALLENGING. he is undermined by mere mortals on countless occasions.
now. i do not actually like Dionysus as he is presented in Lore... but evidently, Zeus thought him worthy after all his years on earth and granted him the golden tickets to Olympus, so i think that counts for something.
in my personal hc's for Dionysus, i think he is very similar to Zeus. the most from all Zeus' kids.
Dionysus and Zeus are both very cheerful and jovial. they laugh a lot. they're fun. they're smart. BUT. they can also have a terrible, vicious anger. they command others. they can lead armies. they know when to insist on their way and when to compromise in a way that does not make them seem weak.
i think Dionysus is immature in his youth, like Zeus. but in adulthood, he becomes compassionate and wise, strong and gentle, commanding and forceful. these are the words i would describe my own version of Zeus with as well, and the traits i would expect from a king.
in light of all these hc's, i do not think Dionysus faces much opposition-- his siblings LIKE him and i think that by the time Dionysus becomes King, he is quite mature, and people are quite happy to accept him. What about Hera? the short answer: she's dead. the long answer? check the next section on how the transition happens.
to explain this, i need to take a side-step and tell you about a story i made-up (or rather, am in the middle of developing in my mind) in which the End of the World takes place.
you've heard of Ragnarok; well, i think that every pantheon has their own version of Ragnarok. and i think that when Ragnarok comes, it is the end of the world for EVERYONE. greeks, egyptians, aztecs, etc. everyone. i hc there to be an uprising of old gods; Chernobog, Loki, Apep, etc. who instigate a war that kills off many familiar faces.
when does this take place? Hesiod, in his Theogony, describes 5 Ages of Man:
Golden Age - made by Kronos. perfect men, practically gods.
Silver Age - made by Zeus. stubborn, foolish men.
Bronze Age - made by Zeus. barbaric, warring men.
Heroic Age - made by Zeus. noble heroes like Heracles. descendants of Deucalion.
Iron Age - made by Zeus. "us", allegedly. mortals today.
i think this end of the world happens at the end of the Heroic Age and the new world that is born after the End becomes our age: an age where the gods have left. i'm rejecting Hesiod's writing and saying that this Iron Age is created by Dionysus & co., not Zeus, when Dio is the new king.
now that we've got a timeline, let's get back to Dionysus' promotion.
Zeus swallowed Metis because he was warned that her son would overthrow him. i have a hc that Metis was pregnant with twins- Athena and a son, whom i have named "Diophontes" (slayer of Zeus). there's some more background to this, but let's just say for now: Diophontes gets trapped in Zeus' skull while Athena emerges, and eons later, at the End of Days, an enemy god releases Diophontes and during the Great War, Diophontes fulfills the prophecy and kills Zeus.
i said before that i think Hera dies. during this Great War, there are other fearsome enemies including Typhon and his mate Echidna, and a host of other evil gods and monsters... i think Hera falls in battle here alongside Zeus.
theoretically, Hera would make a kick-ass queen, but i think it makes far more sense thematically for the New World to be led by a god of the younger generation... there needs to be fresh blood and a clean slate. Dionysus fulfills that requirement.
so i think, after all the fighting settles, Dionysus is chosen from amongst the surviving Olympians to become King of Olympus, and under his guidance, Greek gods abandon the earth and refrain from taking active part in human affairs. no more demigods, no more curses, no more gods in disguise. it is a time for mortals to develop and grow on their own without divine intervention. and thus the 5th age of man is ushered in.
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unseentravler · 7 months
BTVS Percy Jackson AU Characters
Buffy Summers - Daughter of Aries, for obvious reasons. Came to camp when she was 13 and is not a year rounder. She has a 1/2 sister who is mortal ( Dawn) and has a good relationship with her mom.
Willow Rosenberg- Daughter of Hecate, again for obvious reasons. Came to camp when she was twelve with her best friend Xander. She is technically not a year rounder, but her parents never noticed when she's not home.
Alexander 'Xander' Harris - Son of Hephaestus, because of the whole carpenter thing. He and Willow were best friends before they found out they were demigods, and they came to camp together. He is a year rounder and is perfectly happy with that.
Liam 'Angel' O'Connor - Son of Hades, and actually came to camp rather late at the age of 14 and is now one of the oldest campers still at camp. Got the nickname angel because all the girls at camp thought he He looked like a dark angel.
William 'Spike' Pratt- Son of Aphrodite, Been at camps since he was 9. He has survived 3 separate quests and has quite the reputation around camp as a lady's man, but he is currently dating Drusilla. Got the nickname spike after killing a cyclops with a railroad spike.
Drusilla Keeble - Daughter of Apollo, because of her prophecies. Came to camp when she was 11. A bit out of her mind after a bad encounter on a quest when she was younger.
Rupert Giles - Son of Athena, he is technically retired but helps out around camp when during the summer. He is one of the few demigods that lived past 20, so he has a lot of experience and helps train the younger generation.
Daniel 'Oz' Osbourne - Son of Euterpe Muses of Music. Got to camp the same year as Willow and Xander, but he was a year older and arrived a few months earlier. He has gone on one quest and had a nasty encounter with Lycaon.
Faith Lehane - Daughter of Aries, So Buffy's half-sister. Arrived at camp the year after Buffy after being on the run for about a year and seeing her sader guide killed in front of her.
Cordelia Chase - A clear cited mortal who has the potential to become the next Oracle of Delphi. She was friends with Buffy before Buffy came to camp and was one of the only people who believed Buffy when she told them that monsters were attacking her.
Anyanka 'Anya' - A wind spirit that's been alive for a very long time. She likes to hang around camp because for a brief time in the 70s, she was human. She likes to occasionally help demigods on quests, but always an exchange for a favor.
Jenny Calendar - A clear cited mortal, who is a devoted of Hecate. She's friends with Giles ( maybe more) and sometimes comes to camp with him to help teach.
Robin Wood - A Roman legacy of Mars. He is a centurion of the fourth cohort. His mother died on battlefield.
Darla Jones - Daughter of Nemesis, just going off vibes. She's around the same age as angel but arrived at camp when she was 11. They've gone on several quests together.
Terra McClay- A mortal girl who, while running away from her family, got stuck on Circe's island. She was there for a long time until a quest found her as she was brought back to camp half blood.
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pyredez · 4 months
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greekfamily · 11 months
Let me introduce you to my Greek Pantheon
Hades: This is my wife Persephone and this is her primordial girlfriend Nyx and their olympian girlfriend Athena. Persephone is also with Minthe and Aphrodite. Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus and her boyfriend Ares. Aphrodite is also with Demeter, Hecate, and Nyx. Hecate is also with the fates Clotho Atropos, and Lachesis. Nyx is married to Gaia and is dating Erebus. That is my sister Hestia who is dating Circe and is with Agalia. My worker Thanatos is with Tisiphone, Alecto, and Megaera. Hypnos is Thanatos brother and is dating Hermes. Demeter son Dionysus is with Ariadne. My sister Hera is married to Zeus and dating Maia, Leto, and Metis. Letos son Apollo is with Ares. My favorite neice Athena is married to Artemis and Medusa and is with Medusa's sisters Stheno, and Euryale. Stheno, Medusa, and Euryale are with Arachne. My mother Rhea is with Gaia. Artemis is with Callisto. and finally Hebe is with the 9 muses Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polyhymia, Urania, and Calliope. Demeter: Please do not have a stroke reading that
by. Nyx @0lympian-c0uncil
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ghosts-junk-pile · 1 year
PERCY JACKSON AU GO! Ok so this takes place post PJO and during HOO but as I haven't started it TAO aren't cannon to this au .... yet . This au is will be kinda just a collection of story with very little things relating to the plot of HOO. The reason there are a lot more Big Three God kids than one might expect is I can't think of anyone better to make these people their godly parent(and hey now the cannon big three kids won't be as lonely ) . Here's a list of everyone's godly parents(and some notes) edit : thanks to @skylardoesthings almost everybody who needed a godly parent got one! :
Bdubs : Hypnos
False : Athena
Cleo : Hades
Notes : Makes creepily realistic statues out of bones, lots of stitches
Jimmy : Poseidon
Lizzie : Poseidon
Scott : Boreas
Impulse : Poseidon
Zed : Satyr
Alex(Ex) : Zeus
Grian: Hermes
Pearl : Demeter
Notes : Tilly is a Hellhound she made freinds with and Froggy is just a normal cat
Gem : Faun
Note : Is really good at fighting
Shelby : Hecate
Fwip : Hermes
Note : Him and Gem adopted each other as siblings after a week
Sausage : Aphrodite
Notes : He is Fwip's cousin, Him and Joel made a small automaton that they named Hermes he is basically their son.
Pix : Athena
Kathrine : Aphrodite
Note : She reminds some people of Selina a bit too much
Joey : Glaucus
Joel : Zeus
Oli : Apollo
Joe : Apollo
Mumbo : Hephaestus
Stress : Demeter
Tango : Hephaestus
Doc : Saytr
Note : Hags out w/ the Hephaestus cabin most of the time, has made too many weapons of mass destruction
TFC : Hestia
Note : He's a half-bold who made it to adulthood and works to look after the camp w/ Chiron and Mr.D
Xb : Poseidon
BigB : Hestia
Beef : Saytr
Pris : Poseidon
Note : She's more of a minor character but let it be know she is there
Scar : Saytr
Notes : Bad legs uses a cane, Insanely good at archery
Etho : Boreas
Wels : Nike
Ren : Muses(do they have a cabin?)
Iskall : Hermes
Hypno : Hypnos
Xisuma : Bellona
Skizz : Harmonia
Jevin : Hermes
Note : Thanks to a prank w/ some dye his skin is a bit blue tinted
Xornoth : Hecate
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tylermileslockett · 9 months
  “Sing, clear-voiced Muse, of Hephaestus famed for inventions. With bright-eyed Athena he taught men glorious crafts throughout the world, —men who before used to dwell in caves in the mountains like wild beasts. But now that they have learned crafts through Hephaestus the famed worker, easily they live a peaceful life in their own houses the whole year round.”  (-Homeric Hymn, translated by H.G. Evelyn white)
HEPHAESTUS, (huh-FAY-stus) is the God of weapon smithing, craftsmanship, and fire. Born with a lame leg, and described as ugly, he presents a much humbler appearance than his more majestic siblings. But he shines in the ingenuity department, crafting marvelous weapons, tools, and traps with his sacred objects; his golden hammer and tongs. I took an artist’s liberty; portraying him with vibrant red hair and beard to reflect his connection with fire, while his skin is pale purple from long hours within his cave forge.
The many golden, forged objects within the image appear in a variety of myths. Let’s begin with the item he hammers; the armor of Achilles. In the Iliad, Achilles pleads with his Nereid mother, Thetis, for new armor. We can see her in the pool in the lower right, waiting for the armor as she sits upon a hippocampusi.  Looking to the background, the throne was made for Hera as a trick, trapping her in the seat. The female figure above is Pandora, the first woman, made upon Zeus’ orders. Beside her are the winged helmet and sandals of Hermes. Above is the chariot of apollo. And at the very top is the golden net which trapped Hephaestus’ wife, Aphrodite, in bed with her elicit lover, Ares. 
Although Hephaestus doesn’t terrorize mortals like some of his more vengeful siblings, one scandalous myth has him chasing Athena in lust, and ejaculating on her thigh when the rape attempt fails. When Athena wipes the seed onto the earth, a son, Erichthonious, is born and later becomes an early king of Athens.
Want to own my Illustrated Greek myth book jam packed with over 130 illustrations like this? Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024. check my bio LINKTREE
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thewidowsghost · 11 months
Seeing the Beauty (Piper McLean x Fem!Jackson!Reader) - Chapter 13
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"Wolves," Piper says. "They sound close."
Jason and (Y/n) rise, drawing their swords. Leo and the Coach get to their feet too. Piper tries, but black spots dance before her eyes.
"Stay there," (Y/n) tells her. "We've got you."
Piper grits her teeth, hating feeling helpless. She doesn't want anyone to protect her. First her stupid ankle, and then stupid hypothermia. She wants to be on her feet, with her dagger in her hand.
Then, just outside the firelight, at the entrance of the cave, she sees a pair of red eyes glowing in the dark.
Okay, she thinks. Maybe a little protection is fine.
More wolves edge into the firelight — black beasts bigger than Great Danes, with ice and snow caked on their fur. Their fangs gleam, and their glowing red eyes look disturbingly intelligent. The wolf in front is almost as tall as a horse, his mouth stained as if he'd just made a fresh kill.
Piper pulls her dagger out of its sheath.
Then Jason steps forward and says something in Latin.
Piper doesn't think a dead language would have much effect on wild animals, but the alpha wolf curls his lip. The fur stands up along his spine. One of his lieutenants tries to advance, but the alpha wolf snaps at his ear. Then all of the wolves back into the dark.
"Dude, I gotta study Latin." Leo's hammer shakes in his hand. "What'd you say, Jason?"
Hedge curses. "Whatever it was, it wasn't enough. Look."
The wolves are coming back, but the alpha wolf isn't with them. They don't attack. They wait — at least a dozen now, in a rough semicircle just outside the firelight, blocking the cave exit.
The coach hefts his club. "Here's the plan. I'll kill them all, and you guys escape."
"Coach, they'll rip you apart," Piper says.
"Nah, I'm good."
Then Piper sees the silhouette of a man coming through the storm, wading through the wolf pack.
"Stick together," Jason advises. "They respect a pack. And Hedge, no crazy stuff. We're not leaving you or anyone else behind."
Piper gets a lump in her throat. She's the weak link in their "pack" right now. No doubt the wolves can smell her fear. She might as well be wearing a sign that says free lunch.
The wolves part, and the man steps into the firelight. His hair is greasy and ragged, the color of fireplace soot, topped with a crown of what looks like finger bones. His robes are tattered fur — wolf, rabbit, raccoon, deer, and several others Piper can't identify. The furs don't look cured, and from the smell, they aren't very fresh. His frame is lithe and muscular, like a distance runner's. But the most horrible thing is his face. His thin pale skin is pulled tight over his skull. His teeth are sharpened like fangs. His eyes glow bright red like his wolves' — and they fix on Jason with absolute hatred.
"Ecce,"he said, "filli Romani."
"Speak English, wolf man!" Hedge bellow.
The wolf man snarls. "Tell your faun to mind his tongue, son of Rome. Or he'll be my first snack."
Piper remembers that faun is the Roman name for satyr. Not exactly helpful information. Now, if she can remember who this wolf guy is in Greek mythology, and how to defeat him, that she can use.
The wolf man studies their little group. His nostrils twitch. "So it's true," he muses. "A child of Aphrodite. A son of Hephaestus. The Jackson girl. A faun. And a child of Rome, of Lord Jupiter, no less. All together, without killing each other. How interesting."
You were told about us?" Jason asks. "By whom?"
The man snarls — perhaps a laugh, perhaps a challenge. "Oh, we've been patrolling for you all across the west, demigod, hoping we'd be the first to find you. The giant king will reward me well when he rises. I am Lycaon, king of the wolves. And my pack is hungry."
The wolves snarl in the darkness.
Out of the corner of her eye, Piper sees Leo put up his hammer and slip something else from his tool belt — a glass bottle full of clear liquid.
Piper racks her brain trying to place the wolf guy's name. She knows she'd heard it before, but she can't remember details.
Lycaon glares at Jason's sword. He moves to each side as if looking for an opening, but Jason's blade moves with him.
"Leave," Jason orders. "There's no food for you here."
"Unless you want tofu burgers," (Y/n) offers.
Lycaon bares his fangs. Apparently he isn't a tofu fan.
"If I had my way," Lycaon says with regret, "I'd kill you first, son of Jupiter. Your father made me what I am. I was the powerful mortal king of Arcadia, with fifty fine sons, and Zeus slew them all with his lightning bolts."
"Ha," Coach Hedge says. "For good reason!"
Jason glances over his shoulder. "Coach, you know this clown?"
"I do," Piper answers. The details of the myth come back to her — a short, horrible story she and her father had laughed at over breakfast. She isn't laughing now.
"Lycaon invited Zeus to dinner," she says. "But the king wasn't sure it was really Zeus. So to test his powers, Lycaon tried to feed him human flesh. Zeus got outraged —"
"And killed my sons!" Lycaon howls. The wolves behind him howl too.
"So Zeus turned him into a wolf," Piper continues. "They call . . . they call werewolves lycanthropes, named after him, the first werewolf."
"The king of wolves," Coach Hedge finishes. "An immortal, smelly, vicious mutt."
Lycaon growls. "I will tear you apart, faun!"
"Oh, you want some goat, buddy? 'Cause I'll give you goat."
"Stop it," Jason says. "Lycaon, you said you wanted to kill me first, but . . .?
"Sadly, Child of Lightning, you two" – he nods to (Y/n) – "are spoken for. Since this one" – he waggles his claws at Piper – "has failed to kill you, you are destined to be delivered alive to the Wolf House. One of my compatriots has asked for the honor of killing you herself."
The wolf king snickers. "Oh, a great admirer of yours. Apparently, you two made quite an impression on her. She will take care of you soon enough, and really I cannot complain. Spilling your blood at the Wolf House should mark my new territory quite well. Lupa will think twice about challenging my pack."
Piper's heart tries to jump out of her chest. She doesn't understand everything Lycaon had said, but a woman who wants to kill Jason and (Y/n)? Medea, she thought. Somehow, she must've survived the explosion.
Piper struggles to her feet. Spots dance before her eyes again. The cave seems to spin. "You're going to leave now," Piper says, "before we destroy you." She tries to put power into the words, but she is too weak. Shivering in her blankets, pale and sweaty and barely able to hold a knife, she can't have looked very threatening.
Lycaon's red eyes crinkle with humor. "A brave try, girl. I admire that. Perhaps I'll make your end quick. Only the son of Jupiter and daughter of Poseidon are needed alive. The rest of you, I'm afraid, are dinner."
At that moment, Piper knows she is going to die. But at least she'd die on her feet, fighting next to (Y/n).
(Y/n) takes a step forward. "You're not killing anyone, wolf man. Not without going through me."
Lycaon howls and extends his claws. (Y/n) slashes at him, but her bronze sword passes straight through as if the wolf king isn't there.
Lycaon laughs. "Gold, bronze, steel — none of these are any good against my wolves, child of the Sea."
"Silver!" Piper cries. "Aren't werewolves hurt by silver?"
"We don't have any silver!" Jason replies.
Wolves leaps into the firelight. Hedge charges forward with an elated "Woot!"
But Leo strikes first. He throws his glass bottle and it shatters on the ground, splattering liquid all over the wolves — the unmistakable smell of gasoline. He shoots burst of fire at the puddle, and a wall of flames erupts.
Wolves yelp and retreat. Several catch fire and have to run back into the snow. Even Lycaon looks uneasily at the barrier of flames now separating his wolves from the demigods.
"Aw, c'mon," Coach Hedge complains. "I can't hit them if they're way over there."
Every time a wolf comes closer, Leo shoots a new wave of fire from his hands, but each effort seems to make him a little more tired, and the gasoline is already dying down. "I can't summon any more gas!" Leo warns. Then his face turns red. "Wow, that came out wrong. I mean the burning kind. Gonna take the tool belt a while to recharge. What you got, man?"
"Nothing," Jason replies. "Not even a weapon that works."
"Nothin,'" (Y/n) says. "Unless we're gonna fuckin' box some wolves."
"Lightning?" Piper asks, glancing at (Y/n) with amusement.
Jason concentrates, but nothing happens. "I think the snowstorm is interfering, or something."
"Unleash the venti!" Piper offers.
"Then we'll have nothing to give Aeolus," Jason replies. "We'll have come all this way for nothing."
Lycaon laughs. "I can smell your fear. A few more minutes of life, heroes. Pray to whatever gods you wish. Zeus did not grant me mercy, and you will have none from me."
The flames begin to sputter out. Jason curses and drops his sword. He crouches like he is ready to go hand-to-hand. Leo pulls his hammer out of his pack. Piper raises her dagger — not much, but it is all she has. Coach Hedge hefts his club, and he is the only one who looks excited about dying.
Then a ripping sound cuts through the wind — like a piece of tearing cardboard. A long stick sprouts from the neck of the nearest wolf — the shaft of a silver arrow. The wolf writhes and falls, melting into a puddle of shadow.
More arrows. More wolves fall. The pack breaks in confusion. An arrow flashes towards Lycaon, but the wolf king catches it in midair. Then he yells in pain. When he drops the arrow, it leaves a charred, smoking gash across his palm. Another arrow catches him in the shoulder, and the wolf king staggers.
"Curse them!" Lycaon yells. He growls at his pack, and the wolves turned and ran. Lycaon fixed Jason with those glowing red eyes. "This isn't over, boy."
The wolf king disappears into the night.
Seconds later, Piper hear more wolves baying, but the sound is different — less threatening, more like hunting dogs on the scent. A smaller white wolf bursts into the cave, followed by two more.
Hedge says, "Kill it?"
"No!" Piper replies. "Wait."
The wolves tilt their heads and study the campers with huge golden eyes. One of the wolves steps forward, sniffing around (Y/n), and (Y/n) kneels down, stroking the wolf's ears. Piper watches as (Y/n)'s expression softens as she talks quietly to the wolf, as though missing her own dog.
A heartbeat later, their masters appear: a troop of hunters in white-and-gray winter camouflage, at least half a dozen. All of them carry bows, with quivers of glowing silver arrows on their backs.
Their faces are covered with parka hoods, but clearly they are all girls. One, a little taller than the rest, crouches in the firelight and snatches up the arrow that had wounded Lycaon's hand.
"So close." She turns to her companions. "Phoebe, stay with me. Watch the entrance. The rest of you, follow Lycaon. We can't lose him now. I'll catch up with you." (Y/n)'s head snaps up, and she watches the girl, as though she recognized the voice. A possible girlfriend, Piper wonders, feeling a little disappointed.
The other hunters mumble agreement and disappear, heading after Lycaon's pack.
The girl in white turns toward them, her face still hidden in her parka hood. "We've been following that demon's trail for over a week. Is everyone alright? No one got bit?"
Jason stands frozen, staring at the girl. Piper realizes that something about her voice sounds familiar. It's hard to pin down, but the way she speaks, the way she forms her words, reminds her of Jason.
"You're her," Piper guesses. "You're Thalia."
The girl tenses. Piper is afraid she might draw her bow, but instead she pulls down her parka hood. Her hair is spiky black, with a silver tiara across her brow. Her face has a super-healthy glow to it, as if she's a little more than human, and her eyes are brilliant blue. She is the girl from Jason's photograph.
"Do I know you?" Thalia asks.
Piper takes a breath. "This might be a shock, but —"
"Thalia." Jason steps forward, his voice trembling. "I'm Jason, your brother."
For a minute, Jason and Thalia face each other, stunned. Then Thalia rushes forward and hugs him.
"My gods! She told me you were dead!" She grips Jason's face and seems to be examining everything about it. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip — you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"
Leo laughs. "Seriously?"
Hedge nods like he approved of Jason's taste. "Staplers — excellent source of iron."
"W-wait," Jason stammers. "Who told you I was dead? What happened?"
At the cave entrance, one of the white wolves barks. Thalia looks back at the wolf and nods, but she keeps her hands on Jason's face, like she's afraid he might vanish. "My wolf is telling me I don't have much time, and she's right. But we have to talk. Let's sit."
Piper does better than that. She collapses. She would've cracked her head on the cave floor if (Y/n) hadn't caught her.
Thalia rushes over. "What's wrong with her? Ah — never mind. I see. Hypothermia. Ankle." She frowns at the satyr. "Don't you know nature healing?"
Hedge scoffs. "Why do you think she looks this good? Can't you smell the Gatorade?"
The wolf at (Y/n)'s feet lifts her front paws after she helps Piper back onto the ground.
"You always were good with dogs, Jackson," Thalia's eyes twinkle with mischief. She parts with Jason, and wraps (Y/n) in a bear hug. Then her gaze turns slightly angry. "Where've you been?"
The wolf at (Y/n)'s feet barks, staring at Piper.
Thalia looks at Leo. "You and the satyr," Thalia orders, "take this girl to my friend at the entrance. Phoebe's an excellent healer."
It's cold out there!" Hedge retorts. "I'll freeze my horns off."
But Leo knows when they weren't wanted. "Come on, Hedge. These three need time to talk."
"Humph. Fine," the satyr mutters. "Didn't even get to brain anybody."
Hedge carries Piper towards the entrance. Leo is about to follow when Jason calls, "Actually, Leo, could you, urn, stick around?"
Leo sees something in Jason's eyes he doesn't expect: Jason is asking for support. He wants somebody else there. He's scared.
Leo grins. "Sticking around is my specialty."
Thalia doesn't look too happy about it, but the four of them sat at the fire – (Y/n) in between Leo and Jason. For a few minutes, nobody speaks. Jason studies his sister like she is a scary device — one that might explode if handled incorrectly. Thalia seems more at ease, as if she's used to stumbling across stranger things than long-lost relatives. But still she regards Jason in a kind of amazed trance, maybe remembering a little two-year-old who tried to eat a stapler. Leo takes a few pieces of copper wire out of his pockets and twists them together.
Finally Leo can't stand the silence. "So . . . the Hunters of Artemis. This whole 'not dating' thing — is that like always, or more of a seasonal thing, or what?" (Y/n) lets out a snort of laughter, stroking the wolf's snout – the wolf had put her head in (Y/n)'s lap.
Thalia stares at Leo as if he'd just evolved from pond scum. Yeah, definitely liking this girl.
Jason kicks him in the shin. "Don't mind Leo. He's just trying to break the ice. But, Thalia . . . what happened to our family? Who told you I was dead?"
Thalia tugs at a silver bracelet on her wrist. In the firelight, in her winter camouflage, she almost looks like Khione the snow princess — just as cold and beautiful.
"Do you remember anything?" Thalia finally asks.
Jason shakes his head. "(Y/n) and I woke up three days ago on a bus with Leo and Piper."
"Which wasn't our fault," Leo adds hastily. "Hera stole their memories."
Thalia tenses. "Hera? How do you know that?"
Jason explains about their quest — the prophecy at camp, Hera getting imprisoned, the giant taking Piper's dad, and the winter solstice deadline. Leo chimed in to add the important stuff: how he'd fixed the bronze dragon, could throw fireballs, and made excellent tacos.
Thalia's a good listener. Nothing seems to surprise her — the monsters, the prophecies, the dead rising. But when Jason mentions King Midas, she curses in Ancient Greek.
"I knew we should've burned down his mansion," she says. "That man's a menace. But we were so intent on following Lycaon — Well, I'm glad you got away. So Hera's been . . . what, hiding you all these years?"
"I don't know." Jason brings out the photo from his pocket. "She left me just enough memory to recognize your face."
Thalia looks at the picture, and her expression softens. "I'd forgotten about that. I left it in Cabin One, didn't I?"
Jason nods. "I think Hera wanted for us to meet. When we landed here, at this cave . . . I had a feeling it was important. Like I knew you were close by. Is that crazy?"
Nah," Leo assures him. "We were absolutely destined to meet your hot sister."
Thalia ignores him. Probably she just didn't want to let on how much I impress her.
"Jason," she begins, "when you're dealing with the gods, nothing is too crazy. But you can't trust Hera, especially since we're children of Zeus. She hates all children of Zeus."
"But she said something about Zeus giving her my life as a peace offering. Does that make any sense?"
The color drains from Thalia's face. "Oh, gods. Mother wouldn't have . . . You don't remember — No, of course you don't."
"What?" Jason asks.
Thalia's features seem to grow older in the firelight, like her immortality isn't working so well. "Jason . . . I'm not sure how to say this. Our mom wasn't exactly stable. She caught Zeus's eye because she was a television actress, and she was beautiful, but she didn't handle the fame well. She drank, pulled stupid stunts. She was always in the tabloids. She could never get enough attention. Even before you were born, she and I argued all the time. She . . . she knew Dad was Zeus, and I think that was too much for her to take. It was like the ultimate achievement for her to attract the lord of the sky, and she couldn't accept it when he left. The thing about the gods . . . well, they don't hang around."
Leo remembers his own mom, the way she'd assured him over and over that his dad would be back someday. But she'd never acted mad about it. She didn't seem to want Hephaestus for herself — only so Leo could know his father. She'd dealt with working a dead-end job, living in a tiny apartment, never having enough money — and she'd seemed fine with it. As long as she had Leo, she always said, life would be okay.
Leo watches Jason's face — looking more and more devastated as Thalia describes their mom — and for once, Leo doesn't feel jealous of his friend. Leo might have lost his mom. He might have had some hard times. But at least he remembers her. He finds himself tapping out a Morse code message on his knee: Love you. (Y/n), who had seen the movement of Leo's fingers, smiles gently at him, also decoding the message – one of the cons of being best friends with the smartest girl at Camp Half-Blood, you learned stuff, like Morse Code.
Leo feels bad for Jason, not having memories like that — not having anything to fall back on.
"So . . . " Jason doesn't seem able to finish the question.
"Jason, you got friends," (Y/n) tells him gently, reaching out to squeeze his hand in a sisterly fashion. "Now you have a sister. You're not alone."
Thalia offers her hand, and Jason takes it in his free one. The wolf in (Y/n)'s lap nudges her hand again, and (Y/n) takes her hand from Jason's, and starts petting the white canine's ears again.
"When I was about seven," Thalia begins, "Zeus started visiting Mom again. I think he felt bad about wrecking her life, and he seemed — different somehow. A little older and sterner, more fatherly toward me. For a while, Mom improved. She loved having Zeus around, bringing her presents, causing the sky to rumble. She always wanted more attention. That's the year you were born. Mom . . . well, I never got along with her, but you gave me a reason to hang around. You were so cute. And I didn't trust Mom to look after you. Of course, Zeus eventually stopped coming by again. He probably couldn't stand Mom's demands anymore, always pestering him to let her visit Olympus, or to make her immortal or eternally beautiful. When he left for good, Mom got more and more unstable. That was about the time the monsters started attacking me. Mom blamed Hera. She claimed the goddess was coming after you too — that Hera had barely tolerated my birth, but more demigod children from the same family was too big an insult. Mom even said she hadn't wanted to name you Jason, but Zeus insisted, as a way to appease Hera because the goddess liked that name. I didn't know what to believe."
Leo fiddles with his copper wires. He feels like an intruder. He shouldn't be listening to this, but it also makes him feel like he's getting to know Jason for the first time — like maybe being here now made up for those four months at Wilderness School, when Leo had just imagined they'd had a friendship.
"How did you guys get separated?" Leo asks.
Thalia squeezes her brother's hand. "If I'd known you were alive . . . gods, things would've been so different. But when you were two, Mom packed us in the car for a family vacation. We drove up north, toward the wine country, to this park she wanted to show us. I remember thinking it was strange because Mom never took us anywhere, and she was acting super nervous. I was holding your hand, walking you toward this big building in the middle of the park, and . . ." She takes a shaky breath. "Mom told me to go back to the car and get the picnic basket. I didn't want to leave you alone with her, but it was only for a few minutes. When I came back . . . Mom was kneeling on the stone steps, hugging herself and crying. She said — she said you were gone. She said Hera claimed you and you were as good as dead. I didn't know what she'd done. I was afraid she'd completely lost her mind. I ran all over the place looking for you, but you'd just vanished. She had to drag me away, kicking and screaming. For the next few days I was hysterical. I don't remember everything, but I called the police on Mom and they questioned her for a long time. Afterward, we fought. She told me I'd betrayed her, that I should support her, like she was the only one who mattered. Finally I couldn't stand it. Your disappearance was the last straw. I ran away from home, and I never went back, not even when Mom died a few years ago. I thought you were gone forever. I never told anyone about you—not even Annabeth or Luke, my two best friends. It was just too painful."
"Chiron knew." Jason's voice sounds far away. "When I got to camp, he took one look at me and said, 'You should be dead."'
"That doesn't make sense," Thalia insists. "I never told him."
"Hey," Leo says. "Important thing is you've got each other now, right? You two are lucky."
Thalia nods. "Leo's right. Look at you. You're my age. You've grown up."
"But where have I been?" Jason says. "How could I be missing all that time? And the Roman stuff . . ."
Thalia frowns. "The Roman stuff?"
"Your brother speaks Latin," Leo says. "He calls gods by their Roman names, and he's got tattoos." Leo points out the marks on Jason's arm. Then he gives Thalia the rundown about the other weird stuff that had happened: Boreas turning into Aquilon, Lycaon calling Jason a "child of Rome," and the wolves backing off when Jason spoke Latin to them.
Thalia plucks her bowstring. "Latin. Zeus sometimes spoke Latin, the second time he stayed with Mom. Like I said, he seemed different, more formal."
"You think he was in his Roman aspect?" Jason asks. "And that's why I think of myself as a child of Jupiter?"
"Possibly," Thalia replies. "I've never heard of something like that happening, but it might explain why you think in Roman terms, why you can speak Latin rather than Ancient Greek. That would make you unique. Still, it doesn't explain how you've survived without Camp Half-Blood. A child of Zeus, or Jupiter, or whatever you want to call him — you would've been hounded by monsters. If you were on your own, you should've died years ago. I know I wouldn't have been able to survive without friends. You would've needed training, a safe haven —"
"He wasn't alone," Leo blurts out. "We've heard about others like him."
Thalia looks at him strangely. "What do you mean?"
(Y/n) tells her about the slashed-up purple shirt in Medea's department store, and the story the Cyclopes told about the child of Mercury who spoke Latin.
"Isn't there anywhere else for demigods?" Leo asks. "I mean besides Camp Half-Blood? Maybe some crazy Latin teacher has been abducting children of the gods or something, making them think like Romans."
As soon as he says it, Leo realizes how stupid the idea sounds. Thalia's dazzling blue eyes study him intently, making him feel like a suspect in a lineup. "I've been all over the country," Thalia muses. "I've never seen evidence of a crazy Latin teacher, or demigods in purple shirts. Still . . ." Her voice trailed off, like she'd just had a troubling thought.
"What?" Jason asks.
Thalia shakes her head. "I'll have to talk to the goddess. Maybe Artemis will guide us."
"She's still talking to you?" Jason asks. "Most of the gods have gone silent."
"Artemis follows her own rules," Thalia says. "She has to be careful not to let Zeus know, but she thinks Zeus is being ridiculous closing Olympus. She's the one who set us on the trail of Lycaon. She said we'd find a lead to a missing friend of ours."
"Percy," (Y/n) finishes; Thalia nods, her face full of concern.
Leo wonders if anyone had ever looked that worried all the times he'd disappeared. He kind of doubts it.
"So what would Lycaon have to do with it?" Leo asks. "And how does it connect to us?"
"We need to find out soon," Thalia admits. "If your deadline is tomorrow, we're wasting time. Aeolus could tell you —"
A white wolf appears again at the doorway and yips insistently.
"I have to get moving." Thalia stands. "Otherwise I'll lose the other Hunters' trail. First, though, I'll take you to Aeolus's palace."
"If you can't, it's okay," Jason says, though he sounds kind of distressed.
"Oh, please." Thalia smiles and helps him up. "I haven't had a brother in years. I think I can stand a few minutes with you before you get annoying. Now, let's go!"
When Leo sees how well Piper and Hedge are being treated, he is thoroughly offended. He'd imagined them freezing their hindquarters off in the snow, but the Hunter, Phoebe, had set up this silver pavilion right outside the cave. How she'd done it so fast, Leo has no idea, but inside is a kerosene heater keeping them toasty warm and a bunch of comfy throw pillows. Piper looks back to normal, decked out in a new parka, gloves, and camo pants like a Hunter. She and Hedge and Phoebe are kicking back, drinking hot chocolate, but when Phoebe catches sight of (Y/n), she stands up and comes over to give her a quick hug.
"Jackson," Phoebe says.
"Phoebe," (Y/n) replies, smiling slightly.
"Oh, no way," Leo says. "We've been sitting in a cave and you get the luxury tent? Somebody give me hypothermia. I want hot chocolate and a parka!"
Phoebe sniffs. "Boys," she says, like it's the worst insult she can think of.
"It's all right, Phoebe," Thalia smiles slightly. "They'll need extra coats. And I think we can spare some chocolate."
Phoebe grumbles, but soon Leo, (Y/n), and Jason are also dressed in silvery winter clothes that are incredibly lightweight and warm. The hot chocolate is first-rate.
"Cheers!" says Coach Hedge. He crunches down his plastic thermos cup.
"That cannot be good for your intestines," (Y/n) jokes.
Thalia pats Piper on the back. "You up for moving?"
Piper nods. "Thanks to Phoebe, yeah. You guys are really good at this wilderness survival thing. I feel like I can run ten miles.
Thalia winks at (Y/n). "She's tough for a child of Aphrodite. I like this one."
Piper can see (Y/n)'s cheeks redden, but she can't tell whether she's flustered or just warm.
"Hey, I could run ten miles too," Leo volunteers. "Tough Hephaestus kid here. Let's hit it." Naturally, Thalia ignores him.
It takes Phoebe exactly six seconds to break camp, which Leo cannot believe. The tent self-collapses into a square the size of a pack of chewing gum. Leo wants to ask her for the blueprints, but they don't have time.
Thalia runs uphill through the snow, hugging a tiny little path on the side of the mountain, and soon Leo is regretting trying to look macho, because the Hunters leave him in the dust.
Coach Hedge leaps around like a happy mountain goat, coaxing them on like he used to do on track days at school. "Come on, Valdez! Pick up the pace! Let's chant. I've got a girl in Kalamazoo —"
"Let's not," Thalia snaps.
So they run in silence.
Leo falls in next to Jason at the back of the group. "How you doing, man?"
Jason's expression is enough of an answer: Not good.
"Thalia takes it so calmly," Jason says. "Like it's no big deal that I appeared. I didn't know what I was expecting, but . . . she's not like me. She seems so much more together."
"Hey, she's not fighting amnesia," Leo says. "Plus, she's had more time to get used to this whole demigod thing. You fight monsters and talk to gods for a while, you probably get used to surprises."
"Maybe," Jason says. "I just wish I understood what happened when I was two, why my mom got rid of me. Thalia ran away because of me."
"Hey, whatever's happened, it wasn't your fault. And your sister is pretty cool. She's a lot like you."
Jason takes that in silence. Leo wonders if he'd said the right things. He wants to make Jason feel better, but this is way outside his comfort zone.
Leo wishes he can reach inside his tool belt and pick just the right wrench to fix Jason's memory — maybe a little hammer — bonk the sticking spot and make everything run right. That would be a lot easier than trying to talk it through. Not good with organic life forms. Thanks for those inherited traits, Dad.
He is so lost in thought, he didn't realize the others had stopped. He slams into (Y/n), who slams into Thalia, and nearly sends the three of them down the side of the mountain the hard way. Fortunately, the Hunter is light on her feet. She steadies them, then points up.
"That," Leo chokes, "is a really large rock."
They stand near the summit of Pikes Peak. Below them the world is blanketed in clouds. The air is so thin, Leo can hardly breathe. Night had set in, but a full moon shone and the stars are incredible. Stretching out to the north and south, peaks of other mountains rises from the clouds like islands — or teeth.
But the real show is above them. Hovering in the sky, about a quarter mile away, is a massive free-floating island of glowing purple stone. It is hard to judge in size, but (Y/n) figures it's about half the length of a football stadium, and just as tall. The sides are rugged cliffs, riddled with caves, and every once in a while a gust of wind bursts out with a sound like an organ blast. At the top of the rock, brass walls ring the fortress.
Piper leans over, her mouth next to (Y/n)'s ear, "It's really pretty."
"Just like you," slips out of (Y/n)'s mouth.
Piper pulls away, raising an eyebrow. "That was smooth, Jackson."
(Y/n) flushes, looking at the only thing connecting Pikes Peak to the floating island – a narrow bridge of ice that glistens in the moonlight.
Then (Y/n) realizes the bridge isn't exactly ice, because it isn't solid. As the winds changed direction, the bridge snakes around — blurring and thinning, in some places even breaking into a dotted line like the vapor trail of a plane.
"We're not seriously crossing that," Leo says.
Thalia shrugs. "I'm not a big fan of heights, I'll admit. But if you want to get to Aeolus's fortress, this is the only way."
"Is the fortress always hanging there?" Piper asks. "How can people not notice it sitting on top of Pikes Peak?"
"The Mist," Thalia says. "Still, mortals do notice it indirectly. Some days, Pikes Peak looks purple. People say it's a trick of the light, but actually it's the color of Aeolus's palace, reflecting off the mountain face."
"It's enormous," Jason says.
Thalia laughs. "You should see Olympus, little brother."
"You're serious? You've been there?"
Thalia grimaces, exchanging a look with (Y/n) – as if it isn't a good memory. "We should go across in two different groups. The bridge is fragile."
"That's reassuring," Leo says. "Jason, can't you just fly us up there?"
Thalia laughs. Then she seems to realize Leo's question isn't a joke. "Wait . . . Jason, you can fly?"
Jason gazes up at the floating fortress. "Well, sort of. More like I can control the winds. But the winds up here are so strong, I'm not sure I'd want to try. Thalia you mean . . . you can't fly?
For a second, Thalia looks genuinely afraid. Then she gets her expression under control. Leo realizes she is a lot more scared of heights than she is letting on. "Truthfully," she says, "I've never tried. Might be better if we stuck to the bridge."
Coach Hedge taps the ice vapor trail with his hoof, then jumps onto the bridge. Amazingly, it holds his weight. "Easy! I'll go first. Piper, (Y/n), come on, girls. I'll give you a hand."
"No, that's okay," Piper starts to say, but the coach grabs her's and (Y/n)'s hands and drags them up the bridge.
When they are about halfway, the bridge still seems to be holding them just fine.
Thalia turns to her Hunter friend. "Phoebe, I'll be back soon. Go find the others. Tell them I'm on my way."
"You sure?" Phoebe narrows her eyes at Leo and Jason, like they might kidnap Thalia.
"It's fine," Thalia promises.
Phoebe nods reluctantly, then races down the mountain path, the white wolves at her heels.
"Jason, Leo, just be careful where you step," Thalia says. "It hardly ever breaks."
"It hasn't met me yet," Leo muttered, but he and Jason lead the way up the bridge.
Halfway up, things start going wrong. Piper, (Y/n), and Coach Hedge had already made it safely to the top, and are waving at them, encouraging them to keep climbing, but Leo gets distracted. He is thinking about bridges – how he would design something way more stable than this shifting ice vapor business if this was his palace. He is pondering braces and support columns. Then a sudden revelation stops him in his tracks.
"Why do they have a bridge?" he asks.
Thalia frowns. "Leo, this isn't a good place to stop. What do you mean?"
"They're wind spirits," Leo says. "Can't they fly?"
"Yes, but sometimes they need a way to connect to the world below."
"So the bridge isn't always here?" Leo asks.
Thalia shakes her head. "The wind spirits don't like to anchor to the earth, but sometimes it's necessary. Like now. They know you're coming."
Leo's mind is racing. He is so excited he can almost feel his body's temperature rising. He can't quite put his thoughts into words, but he
knows he's onto something important.
"Leo?" Jason says. "What are you thinking?"
"Oh, gods," Thalia says. "Keep moving. Look at your feet."
Leo shuffles backwards. With horror, he realizes his body temperature really is rising, just as it had years ago at that picnic table under the pecan tree, when his anger had gotten away from him. Now, excitement is causing the reaction. His pants steam in the cold air. His shoes are literally smoking, and the bridge doesn't like it. The ice is thinning.
"Leo, stop it," Jason warned. "You're going to melt it."
"I'll try," Leo says. But his body is overheating on its own, running as fast as his thoughts. "Listen, Jason, what did Hera call you in that dream? She called you a bridge."
"Leo, seriously, cool down," Thalia says. "I don't what you're talking about, but the bridge is —''
"Just listen," Leo insists. "If Jason is a bridge, what's he connecting? Maybe two different places that normally don't get along—like the air palace and the ground. You had to be somewhere before this, right? And Hera said you were an exchange."
"An exchange." Thalia's eyes widen. "Oh, gods."
Jason frowns. "What are you two talking about?"
Thalia mutters something like a prayer. "I understand now why Artemis sent me here. Jason—she told me to hunt for Lycaon and I would find a clue about Percy. You are the clue. Artemis wanted us to meet so I could hear your story."
"I don't understand," he protests. "I don't have a story. I don't remember anything."
"But Leo's right," Thalia said. "It's all connected. If we just knew where—"
Leo snaps his fingers. "Jason, what did you call that place in your dream? That ruined house. The Wolf House?"
Thalia nearly chokes. "The Wolf House? Jason, why didn't you tell me that! That's where they're keeping Hera?"
"You know where it is?" Jason asked.
"Something's wrong," (Y/n) realizes, watching as Jason grabs Leo's coat. (Y/n) goes to step back onto the bridge to help, but Piper pulls her back.
"Don't," she says. "You might make it worse."
Then Jason and Leo start scrambling up the bridge. (Y/n) grabs the boys' hands, pulling them onto the floating island. When they turn, they see Thalia backing down the bridge as it crumbles.
"Find out where the giant is keeping Piper's dad! Save him!" she shouts. "I'll take the Hunters to the Wolf House and hold it until you can get there. We can do both!"
"But where is the Wolf House?" Jason shouts.
"You know where it is, little brother!" She is so far away now that they can barely hear her voice over the wind. Leo is pretty sure she says: "I'll see you there. I promise."
Then she turns and races down the dissolving bridge.
Leo looks back down. The top of Pikes Peak floats below them in a sea of clouds, but there is no sign of Thalia. And Leo had just burned their only exit.
"What happened?" Piper demands. "Leo, why are your clothes smoking?"
"I got a little heated," Leo gasps. "Sorry, Jason. Honest. I didn't —''
"It's all right," Jason says, but his expression is grim. "We've got less than twenty-four hours to rescue a goddess and Piper's dad. Let's go see the king of the winds."
. . .
I found my sister and lost her in less than an hour, Jason thinks miserably. As they climb the cliffs of the floating island, he keeps looking back, but Thalia is gone.
Despite what she'd said about meeting again, Jason wonders; she's found a new family with the Hunters, and a new mother in Artemis. She had seemed so confident and comfortable with her life, Jason isn't sure if he'd ever be a part of it. And she'd seemed so happy when she'd found (Y/n), and so set on finding Percy. Did she ever search for me like that?
Not fair, Jason retorts. She thought you were dead.
He could also barely tolerate what Thalia had said about their mom. It was like she'd handed him a baby – a really loud, ugly baby – and said, Here, this is yours. Carry it. He doesn't want to carry it. He doesn't want to look at it or claim it. He hadn't wanted to know she had an unstable mother who'd gotten rid of him to appease a goddess. No wonder Thalia ran away.
And then he remembers the Zeus cabin at camp – the tiny little alcove Thalia had used as a bunk, out of sight from the glowering statue of the sky god. Dad isn't much of a bargain either, Jason thinks, understanding why Thalia had renounced that part of her life, though he's still resentful. I can't be so lucky. I get stuck holding the bag – literally.
The golden backpack of winds is strapped over his shoulders, and the closer they get to Aeolus's palace, the heavier they get. The winds keep struggling, rumbling and bumping around.
The only one who seems to be in a good mood is Coach Hedge. He keeps bouncing up the slippery staircase and trotting back down. "Come on, cupcakes! Only a few thousand steps."
As they climb, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper leave Jason in his silence. Maybe they can sense my bad mood. Piper keeps glancing back, worried, as if he were the one who'd almost died of hypothermia rather than she. Or maybe she is thinking about Thalia's idea. Jason doens't really understand how they were going to save Piper's dad and Hera, and he isn't sure if the possibility had made Piper more hopeful or just more anxious.
Leo keeps swatting his own legs, checking for signs that his pants are on fire. He wasn't steaming anymore, but the incident on the ice bridge had really freaked Jason out. Leo hadn't seemed to realize that he had smoke coming out his ears and flames dancing through his hair. If Leo started spontaneously combusting every time he got excited, they were going to have a tough time taking him anywhere. Jason imagines trying to get food at a restaurant. I'll have a cheeseburger and—Ahhh! My friend's on fire! Get me a bucket!
Mostly, though, Jason worries about what Leo had said. Jason doesn't want to be a bridge, or an exchange, or anything else. He just wants to know where he'd come from. And Thalia had looked so unnerved when Leo mentioned the burned-out house in his dreams — the place the wolf Lupa had told him was his starting point. How did Thalia know that place, and why did she assume I could find it?
The answer seems close. But the nearer Jason gets to it, the less it cooperated, like the winds on his back.
Jason keeps catching (Y/n) glancing back at him, as though trying to find something to say.
They arrive at the top of the island. Bronze walls march all the way around the fortress grounds, though Jason can't imagine who would possibly attack this place. Twenty-foot-high gates open for them, and a road of polished purple stone leads up to the main citadel — a white-columned rotunda, Greek style, like one of the monuments in Washington, D.C. — except for the cluster of satellite dishes and radio towers on the roof.
"That's bizarre," Piper mutters.
"Guess you can't get cable on a floating island," Leo says. "Dang, check this guy's front yard."
The rotunda sits in the center of a quarter-mile circle. The grounds are amazing in a scary way. They are divided into four sections like big pizza slices, each one representing a season.
The section on their right is an icy waste, with bare trees and a frozen lake. Snowmen roll across the landscape as the wind blows, so Jason isn't sure if they were decorations or alive.
To their left is an autumn park with gold and red trees. Mounds of leaves blew into patterns — gods, people, animals that run after each other before scattering back into leaves.
In the distance, Jason can see two more areas behind the rotunda. One looks like a green pasture with sheep made out of clouds. The last section is a desert where tumbleweeds scratch strange patterns in the sand like Greek letters, smiley faces, and a huge advertisement that read: watch aeolus nightly!
"One section for each of the four wind gods," Jason guesses. "Four cardinal directions."
I'm loving that pasture." Coach licks licked his lips. "You guys mind —"
"Go ahead," Jason says. He is actually relieved to send the satyr off. It would be hard enough getting on Aeolus's good side without Coach Hedge waving his club and screaming, "Die!"
While the satyr runs off to attack springtime, Jason, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper walk down the road to the steps of the palace. They pass through the front doors into a white marble foyer decorated with purple banners that read olympian weather channel, and some that just read ow!
"Hello!" A woman floats up to them. Literally floated. She is pretty in that elfish way Jason associates with nature spirits at Camp Half-Blood — petite, slightly pointy ears, and an ageless face that could've been sixteen or thirty. Her brown eyes twinkle cheerfully. Even though there is no wind, her dark hair blows in slow motion, shampoo-commercial style. Her white gown billows around her like parachute material. Jason can't tell if she has feet, but if so, they don't touch the floor. She has a white tablet computer in her hand. "Are you from Lord Zeus?" she asks. "We've been expecting you."
Jason tries to respond, but it is a little hard to think straight, because he'd realizes the woman was see-through. Her shape fades in and out like she is made of fog. "Are you a ghost?" he asks.
Right away he knows he'd insulted her. The smile turns into a pout. "I'm an aura, sir. A wind nymph, as you might expect, working for the lord of the winds. My name is Mellie. We don't have ghosts."
Piper comes to the rescue. "No, of course you don't! My friend simply mistook you for Helen of Troy, the most beautiful mortal of all time. It's an easy mistake."
Wow, she's good, (Y/n) thinks.
The complement seems a little over top, but Mellie blushes. "Oh . . . well, then. So you are from Zeus?"
"Er," Jason starts. "I'm the son of Zeus, yeah."
"Excellent! Please, right this way," she leads them through some security doors into another lobby, consulting her tablet as she floats. She doesn't look where she is going, but apparently it doesn't matter as she drifts straight through a marble column with no problem. "We're out of prime time now, so that's good," she muses. "I can fit you in right before his 11:12 spot."
"Urn, okay," Jason says.
The lobby is a pretty distracting place. Winds blast around them, so Jason feels like he is pushing through an invisible crowd. Doors blow open and slam by themselves.
The things Jason can see are just as bizarre. Paper airplanes of all different sizes and shapes speed around, and other wind nymphs, aurai, would occasionally pluck them out of the air, unfold and read them, then toss them back into the air, where the planes would refold themselves and keep flying.
A creature flutters past. She looks like a mix between an old lady and a chicken on steroids. She has a wrinkled face with black hair tied in a hairnet, arms like a human plus wings like a chicken, and a fat, feathered body with talons for feet. It's amazing she could fly at all. She keeps drifting around and bumping into things like a parade balloon.
"Not an aura?" Jason asks Mellie as the creature wobbles by.
Mellie laughs. "That's a harpy, of course. Our, ah, ugly stepsisters, I suppose you would say. Don't you have harpies on Olympus? They're spirits of violent gusts, unlike us aurai. We're all gentle breezes." She bats her eyes at Jason.
"'Course you are," he replies.
"So," Piper prompts, "you were taking us to see Aeolus?"
Mellie leads them through a set of doors like an airlock. Above the interior door, a green light blinks.
"We have a few minutes before he starts," Mellie says cheerfully. "He probably won't kill you if we go in now. Come along!"
. . .
(Y/n)'s jaw drops. The central section of Aelous's fortress is as big as a cathedral, with a soaring domed roof covered in silver. Television equipment floats randomly through the air – camera, spotlights, set pieces, potted plants. And there's no floor. Leo almost falls into the chasm before Jason pulls him back."
"Holy —!" Leo gulps. "Hey, Mellie. A little warning next time!"
An enormous circular pit plunges into the heart of the mountain. It is probably half a mile deep, honeycombed with caves. Some of the tunnels probably led straight outside. (Y/n) remembers seeing winds blast out of them when they'd been on Pikes Peak. Other caves is sealed with some glistening material like glass or wax. The whole cavern bustles with harpies, aurai, and paper airplanes, but for someone who couldn't fly, it would be a very long, very fatal fall.
"Oh, my," Mellie gasps. "I'm so sorry." She unclips a walkie-talkie from somewhere inside her robes and speaks into it: "Hello, sets? Is that Nuggets? Hi, Nuggets. Could we get a floor in the main studio, please? Yes, a solid one. Thanks."
A few seconds later, an army of harpies rises from the pit — three dozen or so demon chicken ladies, all carrying squares of various building material. They go to work hammering and gluing – and using large quantities of duct tape, which doesn't reassure (Y/n). In no time there is a makeshift floor snaking out over the chasm. It was is of plywood, marble blocks, carpet squares, wedges of grass sod — just about anything.
"That can't be safe," Jason comments.
"Oh, it is!" Mellie assures him. "The harpies are very good."
Easy for her to say. She just drifts across without touching the floor, but Jason decides he has the best chance at surviving, since he can fly, so he steps out first. Amazingly, the floor holds.
Piper follows, then (Y/n), and then Leo.
Mellie leads them towards the middle of the chamber, where a loose sphere of flat-panel video screens floats around a kind of control center. A man hovers inside, checking monitors and reading paper airplane messages.
The man pays them no attention as Mellie brings them forward. She pushes a forty-two-inch Sony out of their way and leads them into the control area.
Leo whistles. "I got to get a room like this."
The floating screens show all sorts of television programs. Some Jason recognizes — news broadcasts, mostly — but some programs look a little strange: gladiators fighting, demigods battling monsters. Maybe they're movies, but they look more like reality shows.
At the far end of the sphere is a silky blue backdrop like a cinema screen, with cameras and studio lights floating around it.
The man in the center is talking into an earpiece phone. He has a remote control in each hand and is pointing them at various screens, seemingly at random.
He is wearing a business suit that looks like the sky — blue mostly, but dappled with clouds that change, darken, and move across the fabric. He looks like he's in his sixties, with a shock of white hair, but he has a ton of stage makeup on, and that smooth plastic-surgery look to his face, so he appears not really young, not really old, just wrong — like a Ken doll someone had halfway melted in a microwave. His eyes dart back and forth from screen to screen, like he's trying to absorb everything at once. He mutts things into his phone, and his mouth keeps twitching. He is either amused, or crazy, or both.
Mellie floats towards him. "Ah, sir, Mr. Aeolus, these demigods —"
"Hold it!" He holds up a hand to silence her, then points at one of the screens. "Watch!"
It's one of those storm-chaser programs, where insane thrill-seekers drive after tornados. As Jason watches, a Jeep plows straight into a funnel cloud and gets tossed into the sky.
Aeolus shrieks with delight. "The Disaster Channel. People do that on purpose !" He turned toward Jason with a mad grin. "Isn't that amazing? Let's watch it again."
"Urn, sir," Mellie says, "this is Jason, son of—"
"Yes, yes, I remember," Aeolus interupts. "You're back. How did it go?"
Jason hesitates. "Sorry? I think you've mistaken me —"
"No, no, Jason Grace, aren't you? It was — what — last year? You were on your way to fight a sea monster, I believe."
"I — I don't remember."
Aelous laughs. "Must not have been a very good sea monster! No, I remember every hero who's ever come to me for aid. Odysseus — gods, he docked at my island for a month! At least you only stayed a few days. Now, watch this video. These ducks get sucked straight into —"
"Sir," Mellie interrupts. "Two minutes to air."
"Air!" Aeolus exclaims. "I love air. How do I look? Makeup!"
Immediately a small tornado of brushes, blotters, and cotton balls descend on Aeolus. They blur across his face in a cloud of flesh-tone smoke until his coloration is even more gruesome than before. Wind swirl through his hair and left it sticking up like a frosted Christmas tree.
"Mr. Aeolus." Jason slips off the golden backpack. "We brought you these rogue storm spirits."
"Did you!" Aeolus looks at the bag like it's a gift from a fan — something he really doesn't want. "Well, how nice."
Leo nudges him, and Jason offers the bag. "Boreas sent us to capture them for you. We hope you'll accept them and stop — you know — ordering demigods to be killed."
Aeolus laughs, and looks incredulously at Mellie. "Demigods be killed — did I order that?"
Mellie checks her computer tablet. "Yes, sir, fifteenth of September. 'Storm spirits released by the death of Typhon, demigods to be held responsible,' etc . . . yes, a general order for them all to be killed."
"Oh, pish," Aeolus says. "I was just grumpy. Rescind that order, Mellie, and urn, who's on guard duty — Teriyaki? — Teri, take these storm spirits down to cell block Fourteen E, will you?"
A harpy swoops out of nowhere, snatches the golden bag, and spirals into the abyss.
Aeolus grins at Jason. "Now, sorry about that kill-on-sight business. But gods, I really was mad, wasn't I?" His face suddenly darkens, and his suit does the same, the lapels flashing with lightning. "You know . . . I remember now. Almost seemed like a voice was telling me to give that order. A little cold tingle on the back of my neck."
Jason tenses. A cold tingle on the back of his neck . . . Why does that sound so familiar? "A . . . um, voice in your head, sir?"
"Yes. How odd. Mellie, should we kill them?"
"No, sir," she says patiently. "They just brought us the storm spirits, which makes everything all right."
"Of course." Aeolus laughs. "Sorry. Mellie, let's send the demigods something nice. A box of chocolates, perhaps."
"A box of chocolates to every demigod in the world, sir?"
"No, too expensive. Never mind. Wait, it's time! I'm on!"
Aeolus flies off towards the blue screen as newscast music starts to play.
Jason looks at Piper, (Y/n), and Leo, who seem just as confused as he is.
"Mellie," he says , "is he . . . always like that?"
She smiles sheepishly. "Well, you know what they say. If you don't like his mood, wait five minutes. That expression 'whichever way the wind blows' — that was based on him."
"And that thing about the sea monster," Jason says. "Was I here before?"
Mellie blushes. "I'm sorry, I don't remember. I'm Mr. Aeolus's new assistant. I've been with him longer than most, but still — not that long."
"How long do his assistants usually last?" Piper asks curiously.
"Oh . . ." Mellie thinks for a moment. "I've been doing this for . . . twelve hours?"
A voice blares from floating speakers: "And now, weather every twelve minutes! Here's your forecaster for Olympian Weather — the OW! channel — Aeolus!"
Lights blaze on Aeolus, who is now standing in front of the blue screen. His smile is unnaturally white, and he looks like he'd had so much caffeine his face is about to explode.
"Hello, Olympus! Aeolus, master of the winds here, with weather every twelve! We'll have a low-pressure system moving over Florida today so expect milder temperatures since Demeter wishes to spare the citrus farmers!" He gestures at the blue screen, but when (Y/n0 checks the monitors, she sees that a digital image is being projected behind Aeolus, so it looks like he's standing in front of a U.S. map with animated smiley suns and frowny storm clouds. "Along the eastern seaboard — oh, hold on." He taps his earpiece. "Sorry, folks! Poseidon is angry with Miami today so it looks like that Florida freeze is back on! Sorry, Demeter. Over in the Midwest, I'm not sure what St. Louis did to offend Zeus, but you can expect winter storms! Boreas himself is being called down to punish the area with ice. Bad news, Missouri! No, wait. Hephaestus feels sorry for central Missouri, so you all will have much more moderate temperatures and sunny skies."
Aeolus keeps going like that — forecasting each area of the country and changing his prediction two or three times as he gets messages over his earpiece — the gods apparently putting in orders for various winds and weather.
"This can't be right," Jason whispers. "Weather isn't this random."
Mellie smirks. "And how often are the mortal weathermen right? They talk about fronts and air pressure and moisture, but the weather surprises them all the time. At least Aeolus tells us why it's so unpredictable. Very hard job, trying to appease all the gods at once. It's enough to drive anyone . . ."
She trails off, but Jason knows what she meant. Mad. Aeolus is completely mad.
"And that's the weather," Aeolus concludes. "See you in twelve minutes, because I'm sure it'll change!"
The lights shut off, the video monitors go back to random coverage, and just for a moment, Aeolus's face sags with weariness. Then he seems to remember he has guests, and he puts a smile back on.
"So, you brought me some rogue storm spirits," Aeolus says. "I suppose . . . thanks! And did you want something else? I assume so. Demigods always do."
Mellie says, "Urn, sir, this is Zeus's son."
"Yes, yes. I know that. I said I remembered him from before."
"But, sir, they're here from Olympus."
Aeolus looks stunned. Then he laughs so abruptly, Jason almost jumps into the chasm. "You mean you're here on behalf of your father this time? Finally! I knew they would send someone to renegotiate my contract!"
"Urn, what?" Jason asks.
"Oh, thank goodness!" Aeolus sighs with relief. "It's been what, three thousand years since Zeus made me master of the winds. Not that I'm ungrateful, of course! But really, my contract is so vague. Obviously I'm immortal, but 'master of the winds.' What does that mean? Am I a nature spirit? A demigod? A god? I want to be god of the winds, because the benefits are so much better. Can we start with that?"
Jason looks at his friends, mystified.
"Dude," Leo says, "you think we're here to promote you?"
"You are, then?" Aeolus grins. His business suit turns completely blue — not a cloud in the fabric. "Marvelous! I mean, I think I've shown quite a bit of initiative with the weather channel, eh? And of course I'm in the press all the time. So many books have been written about me: Into Thin Air, Up in the Air, Gone with the Wind —"
"Er, I don't think those are about you," Jason says, before he notices Mellie shaking her head.
"Nonsense," Aeolus says. "Mellie, they're biographies of me, aren't they?"
"Absolutely, sir," she squeaks.
"There, you see? I don't read. Who has time? But obviously the mortals love me. So, we'll change my official title to god of the winds. Then, about salary and staff —"
"Sir," Jason says, "we're not from Olympus."
Aeolus blinks. "But —"
"I'm the son of Zeus, yes," Jason says, "but we're not here to negotiate your contract. We're on a quest and we need your help."
Aeolus's expression hardens. "Like last time? Like every hero who comes here? Demigods! It's always about you, isn't it?"
"Sir, please, I don't remember last time, but if you helped me once before —"
"I'm always helping! Well, sometimes I'm destroying, but mostly I'm helping, and sometimes I'm asked to do both at the same time! Why Aeneas, the first of your kind —"
"My kind?" Jason asks. "You mean, demigods?"
"Oh, please!" Aeolus says. "I mean your line of demigods. You know, Aeneas, son of Venus — the only surviving hero of Troy. When the Greeks burned down his city, he escaped to Italy, where he founded the kingdom that would eventually become Rome, blah, blah, blah. That's what I meant."
"I don't get it," Jason admits.
Aeolus rolls his eyes. "The point being, I was thrown in the middle of that conflict, too! Juno calls up: 'Oh, Aeolus, destroy Aeneas's ships for me. I don't like him.' Then Neptune says, 'No, you don't! That's my territory. Calm the winds.' Then Juno is like, 'No, wreck his ships, or I'll tell Jupiter you're uncooperative!' Do you think it's easy juggling requests like that?"
"No," Jason said. "I guess not."
"And don't get me started on Amelia Earhart! I'm still getting angry calls from Olympus about knocking her out of the sky!"
"We just want information," Piper says in her most calming voice. "We hear you know everything."
Aeolus straightens his lapels and looks slightly mollified. "Well . . . that's true, of course. For instance, I know that this business here" — he waggles his fingers at the four of them — "this harebrained scheme of Juno's to bring you all together is likely to end in bloodshed. As for you, Piper McLean, I know your father is in serious trouble." He holds out his hand, and a scrap of paper flutters into his grasp. It's a photo of Piper with a guy who must've been her dad. His face does look familiar. Jason is pretty sure he'd seen him in some movies.
Piper takes the photo. Her hands are shaking. "This — this is from his wallet."
"Yes ," Aeolus says. "All things lost in the wind eventually come to me. The photo blew away when the Earthborn captured him."
"The what?" Piper asks.
Aeolus waves aside the question and narrows his eyes at Leo. "Now, you, son of Hephaestus . . . Yes, I see your future." Another paper falls into the wind god's hands — an old tattered drawing done in crayons.
Leo takes it as if it might be coated in poison. He staggers backwards.
"Leo?" Jason says. "What is it?"
"Something I — I drew when I was a kid." He folds it quickly and put it in his coat. "It's . . . yeah, it's nothing."
Aeolus laughs. "Really? Just the key to your success!" Aeolus then looks at (Y/n). He waves his hand, and a photograph flies down, falling into the daughter of Poseidon's hands.
(Y/n) chokes back a sob as she studies the photo. It was a picture of herself, Percy, and their parents, Sally and Paul, and Percy's arm is wrapped around Annabeth's waist – and everyone looked happy.
(Y/n) clears her throat, and shoves the picture into her pocket, she aggressively wipes at her eyes and Leo, Jason, and Piper avoid her gaze.
Aeolus shrugs it aside, "Now, where were we? Ah, yes, you wanted information. Are you sure about that? Sometimes information can be dangerous." He smiles at Jason like he's issuing a challenge. Behind him, Mellie shakes her head in warning.
"Yeah," Jason says. "We need to find the lair of Enceladus."
Aeolus's smile melts, "The giant? Why would you want to go there? He's horrible! He doesn't even watch my program!"
Piper holds up the photo. "Aeolus, he's got my father. We need to rescue him and find out where Hera is being held captive."
"Now, that's impossible," Aeolus says. "Even I can't see that, and believe me, I've tried. There's a veil of magic over Hera's location—very strong, impossible to locate."
"She's at a place called the Wolf House," Jason says.
"Hold on!" Aelous puts a hand to his forehead and closes his eyes. "I'm getting something! Yes, she's at a place called the Wolf House! Sadly, I don't know where that is."
"Enceladus does," Piper persists. "If you help us find him, we could get the location of the goddess —"
"Yeah," Leo adds, catching on. "And if we save her, she'd be really grateful to you —"
"And Zeus might promote you," (Y/n) finishes.
Aeolus's eyebrows creep up. "A promotion — and all you want from me is the giant's location?"
"Well, if you could get us there, too," Jason amends, "that would be great."
Mellie claps her hands in excitement. "Oh, he could do that! He often sends helpful winds —"
Mellie, quiet!" Aeolus snaps. "I have half a mind to fire you for letting these people in under false pretenses."
Her face pales. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."
"It wasn't her fault," Jason says, "But about that help . . ."
Aelous tilted his head as if thinking. Then Jason realized the wind lord was listening to voices in his earpiece.
"Well . . . Zeus approves," Aeolus mutters. "He says . . . he says it would be better if you could avoid saving her until after the weekend, because he has a big party planned — Ow! That's Aphrodite yelling at him, reminding him that the solstice starts at dawn. She says I should help you. And Hephaestus . . . yes. Hmm. Very rare they agree on anything. Poseidon agrees . . . Hold on . . ."
Jason smiled at his friends. Finally, they were having some good luck. Their godly parents were standing up for them.
Back towards the entrance, Jason hears a loud belch. Coach Hedge waddles in from the lobby, grass all over his face. Mellie sees him coming across the makeshift floor and catches her breath. "Who is that?"
Jason stifles a cough. "That? That's just Coach Hedge. Uh, Gleeson Hedge. He's our . . ." Jason wasn't sure what to call him: teacher, friend, problem? "Our guide."
"He's so goatly," Mellie murmurs.
Behind her, Piper poofs out her cheeks, pretending to vomit.
"What's up, guys?" Hedge trots over. "Wow, nice place. Oh! Sod squares."
"Coach, you just ate," Jason says. "And we're using the sod as a floor. This is, ah, Mellie —"
"An aura." Hedge smiles winningly. "Beautiful as a summer breeze."
Mellie blushes.
"And Aeolus here was just about to help us," Jason explains.
"Yes," the wind lord mutters. "It seems so. You'll find Enceladus on Mount Diablo."
"Devil Mountain?" Leo questions. "That doesn't sound good."
"I remember that place!" Piper says. "I went there once with my dad. It's just east of San Francisco Bay."
The Bay Area again?" The coach shakes his head. "Not good. Not good at all."
"Now . . .''Aeolus began to smile. "As to getting you there —"
Suddenly his face goes slack. He bends over and taps his earpiece as if it were malfunctioning. When he straightened again, his eyes are wild. Despite the makeup, he looks like an old man — an old, very frightened man. "She hasn't spoke to me for centuries. I can't — yes, yes I understand."
He swallows, regarding Jason as if he had suddenly turned into a giant cockroach. "I'm sorry, son of Jupiter. New orders. You all have to die."
Mellie squeaks. "But — but, sir! Zeus said to help them. Poseidon, Aphrodite, Hephaestus —"
"Mellie!" Aeolus snaps. "Your job is already on the line. Besides, there are some orders that transcend even the wishes of the gods, especially when it comes to the forces of nature."
"Whose orders?" Jason says. "Zeus will fire you if you don't help us!"
"I doubt it." Aeolus flicks his wrist, and far below them, a cell door opens in the pit. Jason could hear storm spirits screaming out of it, spiraling up towards them, howling for blood.
"Even Zeus understands the order of things," Aeolus said. "And if she is waking — by all the gods — she cannot be denied. Good-bye, heroes. I'm terribly sorry, but I'll have to make this quick. I'm back on the air in four minutes."
Jason summons his sword. Coach Hedge pulls out his club. Mellie the aura screams, "No!"
She dives at their feet just as the storm spirits hit with hurricane force, blasting the floor to pieces, shredding the carpet samples and marble and linoleum into what should've been lethal projectiles, had Mellie's robes not spread out like a shield and absorbed the brunt of the impact. The six of them fall into the pit, and Aeolus screams above them, "Mellie, you are so fired!"
"Quick," Mellie yells. "Son of Zeus, do you have any power over the air?"
"A little!"
"Then help me, or you're all dead!" Mellie grabs his hand, and an electric charge goes through Jason's arm. He understands what she needs. They have to control their fall and head for one of the open tunnels. The storm spirits are following them down, closing rapidly, bringing with them a cloud of deadly shrapnel.
(Y/n) grabs Piper's hand. "Group hug!"
Hedge, Leo, (Y/n), and Piper tried to huddle together, hanging onto Jason and Mellie as they fall.
"This is NOT GOOD!" Leo yells.
"Bring it on, gas bags!" Hedge screams up at the storm spirits. "I'll pulverize you!"
"He's magnificent," Mellie sighs.
"Concentrate?" Jason prompts.
"Right!" she says.
They channel the wind so their fall becomes more of a tumble into the nearest open chute. Still, they slam into the tunnel at painful speed and go rolling over each other down a steep vent that is not designed for people. There's no way they can stop.
Mellie's robes billow around her. Jason and the others cling to her desperately, and they begin to slow down, but the storm spirits are screaming into the tunnel behind them.
"Can't — hold — long," Mellie warns. "Stay together! When the winds hit —"
"You're doing great, Mellie," Hedge says. "My own mama was an aura, you know. She couldn't have done better herself."
"Iris-message me?" Mellie pleads.
Hedge winks.
"Could you guys plan your date later?" Piper screams. "Look!"
Behind them, the tunnel is turning dark. Jason can feel his ears pop as the pressure builds.
"Can't hold them," Mellie warns. "But I'll try to shield you, do you one more favor."
"Thanks, Mellie," Jason says. "I hope you get a new job."
The aurai smiles, and then dissolves, wrapping them in a warm, gentle breeze. Then the real winds hit, shooting them into the sky so fast, Jason blacks out. 
Word Count: 12090 words
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