pyredez · 7 months
               LEO   ALLOWED   HIMSELF   TO   BE   GUIDED   INTO   THE   BIG   HOUSE   where   Elle   was   able   to   snag   the   peach   cobbler.   His   stomach   was   already   growling.   Honestly,   he   should   probably   eat   something   more   suitable,   but   he   was   exhausted   from   his   travels.   He   was   glad   to   be   here…   to   be   home.   And,   that   meant   grabbing   the   last   bit   of   this   cobbler   for   dinner—   perfect   homecoming,   “   Thanks.   ”   he   had   mumbled   while   taking   his   offered   slice.
                  HE   WONDERED   IF   THEY   WERE   SUPPOSED   TO   BE   IN   HERE   while   she   scanned   for   something   to   drink.   Leo   took   a   seat,   hopping   on   top   of   the   countertop   with   his   dessert   in   hand.   He   took   a   small   bite.   The   taste   lulled   him   back   to   happier   times,   standing   in   the   kitchen   while   his   mom   baked   similar   desserts.   His   eyes   saddened   a   bit   as   he   recalled   those   memories.   Leo   missed   his   mom   so   much.   
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               HE   HAD   BEEN   THINKING   A LOT ABOUT   THOSE   WHO   HAD   passed   on   while   he,   out   of   everyone,   had   a   second   chance.   The   thought   turned   the   sweet   taste   of   cobbler   sour.   
         LEO   EASILY   REPLACED   EVERYTHING   WITH   A   SMILE,   PUSHING   DOWN   PAIN   with   that   simple   gesture,   “   Yeah,   I   saw   all   that.   I’ll   definitely   do   my   part   starting   tomorrow,   ”   he   managed   another   bite,   “   Building   things,   well   uh,   making   things   usually   make   me   feel   better.   I   think   the   camp   needs   a   little   more   creating   than   destroying   these   days.   Especially   with   all   the…   loss.   ” @nosestealer cont'd.
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ohlympns · 8 months
          COULD   ANYONE   REALLY   BLAME   HIM   FOR   HIS   ACTIONS?   IF   HE   truly   let   anyone   in   besides   Hazel   and   Frank,   they   would   have   stopped   him.   They   would   have   made   this   tough   situation   harder   than   it   needed   to   be.   Besides,   of   course   it   had   to   have   been   him.   He   was   the   only   logical   choice.   At   least,   in   his   deepest,   darkest   part   of   his   mind   he   felt   that   way.   Still,   Festus   came   through,   and   here   he   was   breathing   again.   It   took   him   awhile   for   he   had   promised   to   free   Calypso   which   he   had   done,   and   was   finally   able   to   make   his   way   back   to   camp.   Home.   This   was   his   home.   Despite   feeling   as   such   an   outsider,   he   was   apparently   welcomed   back   with   a   line   of   punches.   All   worth   it.
            JUST   WHEN   HE   THOUGHT   HIS   ARM   WOULD   GET   A   BREAK,   another   familiar   face   came   into   view.   He’s   talked   to   her   a   few   times,   loved   the   trickery   spells   she   made,   but   his   arm   didn’t   want   to   have   another   greeting,   “   Look,   can   we   all   just   say   ‘Leo,   you   suck   for   what   you’ve   done,   but   welcome   back’?   Because   my   arm   and   gut   have   had   enough   for   one   day—   oh!   Better   yet,   just   extend   it   to   the   next   day.   We   should   pass   that   on   to   Nico.   I   think   that’s   a   great   deal.   ” @nosestealer
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crownofgildedlilies · 6 months
oh, don't let your sunshine burn me!
in which: a son of hephaestus discovers a problem he can't solve. mainly, a daughter apollo who doesn't realize just how much her smiles hurt him.
pairing: leo valdez x daughter of apollo!reader
warnings: not proof read, slight cursing (otherwise, n/a)
tropes: friends to lovers, fluff, pining
word count: 3k
notes: my inaugural fic post on this blog. how special. plz enjoy. feedback is much appreciated.
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Leo Valdez was going to lose his mind.
Or maybe a limb. Maybe that would get your attention. He wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't that desperate for you to turn your focus to him.
Stupid Garrett from stupid Ares. Why did he have to go and nearly get his head chopped off by Clarisse while sparring, stealing his thunder?
He should have done more than let his finger slip while hammering away in bunker nine. An exciting injury would have earned the most prized reward of your attention, for sure.
"Are you sure she's too busy?" Leo asked Will for probably four times too many to be considered casual. The blond only rolled his eyes and shoved an icepack into Leo's chest, nearly knocking him back a step, snapping him from his far too obvious admiring of you.
Even from across the infirmary, three hours into your shift, you stole the wind from his lungs. He was convinced you were a favorite of Apollo's, what with the way you glowed and lit up every room you were in.
Which is how he ended up in his current predicament. Absolutely desperate for any hint of your sunshine smile sent in his direction.
"Positive. Now, get out." Will confirmed, checking things off on his clipboard. Leo figured he was probably recording basic information like the patient—himself—had all his limbs, both eyes, ten fingers, and was practically drooling at his half-sister. Leo darted another glance across the room to you, still diligently assessing moronic Garrett from Ares who had been brain dead enough to accept Clarisse's offer of sparring.
Why were you blushing so much?
Something awful and too familiar twisted in his stomach, and all Leo could hear was Piper's voice telling him that he better make his move on you soon, because you were too sweet and too pretty to remain single much longer.
"When's her break again?" Leo asked, ignoring the way Will tipped his head back and closed his eyes, like he was praying for the strength to not hit his patient while under his care.
"And you can't ask her yourself because...?" Will prompted, dragging out the final word and forcing Leo to snap his attention towards the son of Apollo, his jaw practically open in shock.
"Because then she'll know I'm totally into her!" Leo whisper-shouted, waving his hands around as if to emphasize his point.
"You come in here everyday with a new injury asking for her to fix you up." Will pointed out, voice flat. "If she hasn't figured it out yet, I'm not sure she will. You should probably just be direct and ask her out."
Leo narrowed his eyes at Will, but on a rare miracle, he was at a loss for words. Maybe Will had a point. Leo was never exactly good at being subtle about his many, many, crushes, and if you hadn't realized he was hopelessly in love with you yet, then maybe he was safe from feeling the sting of your rejection.
"You're not going to talk to her, are you?" Will sighed, tilting his head slightly as he studied Leo, who, despite having already been given the magic remedy of an ice pack, remained perched on the side of a cot used as a medic's bed.
Leo shook his head side-to-side so quickly Will was a blur of blond hair and orange t-shirt in front of him.
"No can do." Leo said solemnly. "She's miles out of my league. Not even I'm stupid enough to think I have a shot with her."
"Well, at least Garrett isn't as oblivious as you," Will shrugged, shooting Leo a pointed look he didn't understand. The ugly feeling was back in Leo's stomach as he darted his attention towards you and the gods-damned son of Ares.
You were laughing, and Leo wasn't the cause.
Jealousy flared up in him.
You, on the other hand, were completely ignorant to the conversation occurring on the opposite side of the infirmary, far too engrossed in charismatic Garrett from Ares who was retelling the story of how Clarisse had knocked him on his ass and sent him to get bandaged up.
For a child of the war god, he was surprisingly graceful in his defeat.
"Next time, at least bring a shield with you." You smiled at Garrett, checking off the final few items on your clipboard. No major injuries towards his limbs, nor his ten fingers, neither of his eyes had been affected, and he was able to hold a proper conversation with you. "Otherwise I've got nothing else for you. Just an order to take the rest of the day easy."
"I can manage that," Garrett relented, which, for a demigod, was a pretty big ask. Taking it easy was never really an option when one of your parents was a god or goddess. "Hey, any particular reason Valdez is looking at me like he's going to send one of his inventions after me?"
Your heart skipped a beat, but you forced yourself to act casual as you turned around slightly, finding that Leo had in fact found his way into the infirmary and in fact was staring at Garrett like he might make a good snack for Festus.
You had been starting to worry, thinking that maybe he wasn't going to show up that day.
"Dunno," You shrugged, ducking your face into your clipboard so you didn't have to look at Leo, or Garrett, or Will—who was sending you a look that was both pointed and annoyed at the same time. "But you're set to go."
"Perfect," Garrett jumped off of the examination bed, acting like he hadn't been carried in by two of his half-brothers, a sly grin on his face. "You sure that's not jealousy on Valdez's face?"
"What? Why would Leo be jealous?" You were ashamed to admit you stumbled over your words, your face turning a vibrant shade of red, as you considered the implication of Garrett's words. That Leo might have been into you, enough that just the sight of you talking to Garrett might have been enough to turn his mood sour. "We're just friends."
"Sure," Garrett grinned wickedly, the kind of grin only children of Ares could ever create. The kind that told he totally didn't believe her rushed dismissal of his words. "All I want is an invitation to the wedding. Talk to you later!"
Garrett darted off before you could swat at him with your clipboard, your face flushed with embarrassment. Gods, were you really that obvious in your crush on Leo?
Sure, he came into the infirmary just about every day you were working, with some minor injury or another for you to tend to. And maybe you took a little longer to heal him than you did when Percy or the Stolls came in, were a little sweeter, but were you so transparent that even Garrett from Ares knew what you felt?
"For the love of all the gods and goddesses, would you please just go talk to him?" Will grumbled, borderline exhausted, as he appeared at your side. You jumped, nearly lost in thought, and narrowed your sunshine stare at your half-brother. "He won't leave until he gets the chance to brag to you about his latest made-up injury."
You didn't have to ask who Will was talking about. Leo was still watching you from across the room, rather impatiently. He'd managed to find a few loose bolts and washers and was currently inventing something you couldn't comprehend while he stared very pointedly at the ground by your feet, having averted his stare the moment you darted yours in his direction.
"Shut up," You mumbled to Will, but regardless you dashed off across the room with what felt like permission to engage in your favorite part of the day.
You had received Apollo's gifts of healing, not his poetic words. And every day you cursed that fact, because never could you put into words just how much being around Leo Valdez made you feel centered within yourself. It was like his very personality gave you permission to the version of you that was nearly lost to time and circumstance and the tragedy of being a Greek hero.
"What's the problem today?" You grinned, the smile your half-siblings claimed shined brightest in the camp plastered on your face almost of its own accord as you stood before Leo.
"My hand, Doc." He sighed, playing along and holding up his left hand while the right shoved the ice pack Will had already given him behind his back. You snorted a laugh, and Leo's grin broke out from the solemn facade he had attempted. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to work again if you don't help me."
"Well there's only one solution," You nodded, pretending to read something off of your clipboard—which was still filled out with Garrett's information.
"Anything you recommend is good with me," Leo leaned closer, trying to read over the edge of your clipboard, which you quickly tugged close to your body.
"Right, I've got it." You grinned, dropping your face closer to his, almost like your heart was in control of your body instead of your mind. Leo nodded, and you would have sworn you saw his gaze shoot to your lips for the briefest of seconds. "Amputation. Mr. Valdez, I'm afraid we're going to have to take your hand off."
"But, that's my pretty hand!" Leo protested, playing into your joke quickly. You couldn't even pretend to hide your smile, laughter falling past your lips just as easily as breathing.
"Then I'm afraid there's nothing else we can do for you." You shook your head, grinning widely at Leo, who was—for a guy with ADHD as severe as him—giving you his full attention. "You're free to go. I'll see you and your pretty hand at the bonfire tonight."
"Glad to hear you agree that my hand is pretty." Leo slid off of the examination bed with a grin that had you flushing and looking over the contents of your clipboard simply for something to do with your eyes. "See you later, Doc."
Waving, you sent Leo off.
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Over the course of the following week, Leo had found himself at the infirmary—during your shifts only—six more times.
Three smashed fingers from equipment you knew for a fact he knew how to handle properly. One cut to his arm from a piece of scrap metal. A paper cut.
On Thursday, he came in complaining of a serious burn.
"Doc, you'll never believe it. My whole arm caught on fire."
Will hadn't let him into the infirmary, claiming that Leo needed a better lie than that to come visit, since everyone already knew he was fireproof.
Leo came back fifteen minutes later with a second paper cut. Will took his break an hour early, claiming he needed to for his sanity.
But then you didn't so much as catch a glimpse of Leo for four straight days.
You felt more than a little pathetic, jumping every time the door to the infirmary opened, hoping against hope that it would be the curly haired son of Hephaestus you so adored.
On the afternoon of the fifth day, the door opened and you couldn't stop the way your body instinctively twisted around from where you words repacking first aide kits that were left in various locations around camp.
But it wasn't Leo standing at the door, but Piper.
You weren't the closest with her, but you were friendly. So you didn't think she was there for you, at first, until you saw her talking to your half-sister Stella and pointing towards you.
"Hey," Piper's voice had an edge of seriousness to it that snagged your attention, halting your efforts of resupplying. "I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you."
"Okay...?" You trailed off, not sure what she could have needed from you.
"Would you be willing to talk to Leo for me? He's in Bunker Nine, convinced he's going to make some big breakthrough on whatever machine he's currently working on." Piper explained and you nodded slowly, not seeing the problem. From your conversations with Leo, he always seemed to be in the middle of some big breakthrough. "He hadn't come out in four days. It's not healthy."
You frowned, trying to recall the last time you'd seen Leo at any of the meals. And when your mind came up blank, you settled on your answer to Piper's request.
"I'll talk to him."
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You had never been to Bunker Nine.
As much as you talked to Leo, pretty much everyday, it was always in yours and shared spaces. The infirmary, mainly, but every once in a while at the dining pavilion or at the camp bonfires.
But you could barely focus on any one thing in the bunker. Half-finished projects littered the space, along with countless tools, scraps, and blueprints tacked haphazardly against walls and bulletin boards.
Since it was nearly dinner, the bunker had cleared out of all but one of its occupants. Perched over a table, working so diligently he didn't hear you approach, was none other than Leo Valdez.
Without thinking of the consequences, you dropped the canvas bag you had brought with you on his worktable, startling him so much he jumped in surprise and nearly sent his latest project clattering to the floor.
"Gods!" He shouted, wide eyed and hand pressed to his chest as if he could physically calm his racing heart. You couldn't help the way you grinned, a little lopsided, wholly endeared by him. "Sorry, were you trying to kill me? Because, if so, mission almost accomplished!"
"Actually, the opposite." With a confidence you didn't really possess, you leaned against the worktable next to him and started pulling tinfoil wrapped sandwiches out of the bag. "Everyone's convinced I'm your appointed caretaker, since you don't seem to do it yourself."
Leo had the good sense to seem chastised by the glare you sent him following your words. It wasn't like he could deny it, anyways. How many times had he ended up on your patient list?
"Did Jason put you up to this?"
"Piper," You confirmed, pushing a wrapped sandwich across the table towards him. Next out of the bag was a metal bowl, the bottom slightly charred and filled with paper scraps and twigs. "Light this for me, will you, please?"
"Well, when you ask so nicely," Leo grinned, a ball of flame forming in his palm and igniting the twigs in the bowl. Without needing to be told, Leo unwrapped his sandwich and ripped off a chunk to throw into the flames.
You copied his actions. And if you made a wordless prayer to Aphrodite to ask for a little assistance, that was no one's business but your own.
"I've..." You hesitated, darting a glance to Leo before focusing on your sandwich, biting down your declaration that you've missed him in the infirmary. He had already started eating, only further proof that he had been skipping meals while holed up in the bunker. "How come you're always getting hurt, Mr. Clumsy? I thought children of Hephaestus are supposed to be good in the forges."
You would have sworn you saw Leo blush, but your attention quickly darted away from him the moment he lifted his eyes to yours.
"You sure you wanna know the truth?" Leo asked his voice a kind of serious that was almost out of character for him. You nodded, slowly, and forced yourself to meet his eye. "I've been getting hurt on purpose."
"Leo Valdez!"
"Wait, let me finish!" Leo held up his hands to defend himself from your words and your glare, the healer in your absolutely hated the fact that Leo would have done anything to intentionally cause himself harm. "I did it because I got an excuse to see you."
"What?" For a child of Apollo, you sure didn't have a way with words. Distantly, you cursed the fact that you were a gifted healer and not a poet, because you knew what Leo's words meant and yet you couldn't get your own to function. "Wait—"
"I know this sounds stupid," Leo dragged a hand through the dark, disheveled curls atop his head. "But Will wouldn't let me in to see you if I wasn't hurt! So I... maybe... lied, a little bit."
You frowned, in thought. Thinking back, you couldn't remember Leo ever actually being hurt beyond the occasional cut or scrap. You'd always been so caught up in him and his visits to notice.
"I swear I'm not weird. I just really like you." Leo winced, no doubt taking your silence in a bad way.
And you weren't one of Apollo's poetically gifted children, so you simply pressed your lips against his and hoped he got the message.
It was a short kiss, a good first kiss, you noted with no small satisfaction. Your lips tingled and your fingertips were buzzing—and Leo looked like he had just won the lottery.
"You're sweet," You smiled, a thousand watt one that maybe Leo adored as much as your half-siblings did, and nudged his sandwich closer to him. "But you're banned from the infirmary unless you're actively dying. And for real!"
Leo paused, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head, trying to create a scenario that would get him past the barrier of your totally official and absolutely within rules ban.
"I can make that happen,"
"No, you can't," You tried to shoot him a discouraging look, but your smile was far too wide to deal any real damage. "Or else I'll go to tonight's bonfire with someone else."
"Nope!" He shook his head quickly, hair bouncing with the movement and expression light with an impish grin. "You kissed me, Doc. You're stuck with me, now."
You smiled, silently deciding you wouldn't mind being stuck with him.
"That's what I thought."
Leaning over to press a second kiss to the corner of his lips, you pretended not to notice the sparks dancing in his curls.
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izzywantscheesecake · 9 months
leo valdez x female reader!! dating headcanons *blows kiss*
Dating Leo Valdez Headcanons!
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Pairing: Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader Fandom: Camp Half-Blood Chronicles/Heroes of Olympus Quick Synopsis: Just some paragraphs headcanons on how you and Leo would meet/what dating him would be like. Tags: Use of Y/N, Fluff, no specific physical description of the reader (other than the fact they're female coded), Comfort
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HOW YOU TWO WOULD MEET I imagine Leo to be someone who looks for a person he's able to have a lot of common ground with in a relationship. Of course, he's able to crack jokes (even the not so funny ones) around practically everyone, but there's a difference between small banter and just full on being able to vibe with someone. I think he'd be very attracted to someone interested in the arts, or someone who likes to make their own things as a mean of self expression in general. We all know how Leo is in terms of self confidence - he'd like a person who is unapologetically them, proud of their art and self expression and someone who has enough emotional awareness to give him reassurance in a relationship when they can sense he needs it. You guys would probably first meet at some type of event or workshop, or if you're a camper, probably at the dining pavilion when he sees you and has to do a double take because "who is that cool girl I've never seen before?" he'd muster enough confidence to come up and tell you a corny joke, stumbling on his words, which makes you laugh.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You looked up from your feet, now practically face to face with this guy you'd never seen before. His clothes were wrecked with dirt and debris, so were his gloves.
He was standing awkwardly, and his hands, clearly shaking, were clenched into tight fists.
"So um, riddle me this. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?"
"Because pterodactyls went extinct 65 million years ago?"
His eyes widened, and a red tint began to become more visible around his face as he scratched his head, messing up his already tangled locks of hair.
"Oh.. That wasn't what I was going to say," He chuckled.
You smiled, suddenly feeling a warm aura coming from this boy.
"Well, what were you going to say?"
"Because, uh.. The P is.. Damn, whatever. My name's Leo. What's yours?"
ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS He was awkward at the start of the relationship, not really knowing what to say or what exactly "being a boyfriend" entails, but once he starts getting comfortable and more confident around you, that's where the fun begins (yes this is a star wars reference) Expect every Spanish nickname to be pulled out of the book. "Mi amor," "Hermosa," "Bonita," "Mi vida," "Corazón," if it exists in the Spanish language, he's most definitely said it. And he won't skip out on variations of your preferred name, or even silly sounding nicknames in public, like: "pookie" and "sugarplum" or some other stupidness. For dates, I believe he'd very much vary between educational and immersive dates and just straight up goofing off. It honestly depends on the season. Late Fall/Winter is for going to museums, workshops, possibly a joint coding class or hanging together in one of your rooms, and Spring/Summer is for exploring the town and having those cute little boardwalk + beach + ferris wheel dates. (I also imagine him to be somewhat clumsy and he WOULD drop ice cream all over the pavement.) As the son of Hephaestus, he is most definitely a human radiator. Definitely had a lot of fever scares just because of his temperature alone. But don't worry, he's fine. And the heat is an extra bonus if you're cuddling. Speaking of cuddling and physical proximity, Leo's love languages are gift-giving and physical touch. It doesn't matter if you guys have been apart for 2 minutes or 2 days, if he hasn't seen you in a little bit, he will greet you with one of those spin around hugs or a kiss on the hand. And for gift giving, he enjoys giving and receiving gifts. He likes to either make you little trinkets, or make/buy your favorite foods. He is a firm believer of giving his lady princess treatment, even on a dollar store budget. Though he wouldn't consider himself much of a photographer, I think he probably enjoys taking lots of pictures of you, both with and without him. It's to savor the moment, and also because he wishes he could've taken more pictures with his mother when she was still alive. He has a photo album of just you, him, and the adventures you two go on. You're not a stranger to pranking by him, by the way. If anything, he probably pranks you the most, out of love. You'll chase him down for a few hours, and he gets a thrill out of it knowing you won't stay mad at him forever. In conclusion, dating Leo can be rocky, calming, and give you a whirlwind of emotions, similar to how being on a floating trireme would feel.
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A/N: I'm going to be real I never really paid much attention to Leo in the books, so I'm hoping this is accurate?? my bad if it isnt gang 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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enehana · 1 month
can you write about Leo crushing on fem reader who is daughter of Khione and at the time they both don't know who the reader godly parent was but she is shown to have ice powers and can change the temperature around the environment when she gets anxious, scared or sad and over time they grew close and started dating that is when Leo put two and two together that the reader is Khione's daughter
Of course! Hope you like it. I absolutely did not proof read anything.
Leo Valdez x Daughter of Khione
You and Leo Valdez certainly weren't alike. You were a tall, sexy, badass with an affinity for combat. There wasn't too many good stories about you, especially due to you never being claimed despite Percy forcing the gods to pay their child support and claim their kids. To newer campers, you were standoffish and scary. Yet, when Leo Valdez arrived with camp along with Piper and Jason, he was absolutely taken with you.
You were confused. He had shown to be a carefree, silly guy. Yet he always wanted to talk to a girl that wasn't often liked at first glance. He was claimed quickly, as many demigods are nowadays. A son of Hephaestus. Not exactly the type of kid that would want to talk to you. A son of the god of the forge and fire constantly trying to make friends with a orphan girl with ice powers and anxiety-induced snowstorms. Quite the pair.
"Hey, Elsa, don't you wanna come watch me at work? I've got a new flamethrower I'm working on that I think you'll find pretty hot."
"It's a flamethrower. I certainly hope it can get hot enough to throw fire. And my name isn't Elsa."
"Whatever you say, hermosa."
"That isn't my name either."
He'd never leave you alone. Sometimes it was comforting. Not many people thought about you like that. Annabeth was too preoccupied with Percy being missing to think about anyone but him. Thalia was gone with the huntresses. Luke, Silena, and many of your other friends died a year prior in the battle of Manhattan. And Nico never stuck around at camp. So you were on your own most of the time. It was nice to have someone who thought of you enough to come bother you everyday. Though sometimes you just needed to be alone.
"What are you doing here all alone, Hermosa? Capture the flag is about to start, you love playing."
"Not a good time, Leo."
"I can't exactly postpone the game, unless you want me to blow up the entire forest."
"I don't care about the game."
"You're making it awfully chilly in here, y'know."
"Then leave."
"Damn, okay. If that's what you want, your wish is my command, your highness."
Then he went on a quest. And you were left at camp. No more crazy fire boy to annoy you. Yet, you thought of him more than you expected to. You kept telling yourself he wasn't thinking of you. He was on a quest, there were a million more important things than the girl he decided to borderline harass everyday. Surely he was more focused on staying alive, right?
Leo hadn't been at camp nearly as long as you had. He did get somewhat of a grip on the whole dying before reaching adulthood thing, but he was used to that. He didn't see quests in the same light you did.
Then when they got back from the quest, and the first thing he did was run up to you, excited to tell you about it. Excited to see you. All the thoughts left your brain. He was an absolute idiot.
"Oh my gods, there's literally so much to tell you."
"You're supposed to debrief-"
"Nah, Jason's got it. Let me tell you about this batshit insane lady I killed."
Unbeknownst to both of you, that batshit insane lady he 'killed' was your mother.
Slowly, you started to laugh at his jokes. You'd sit with him while he built the Argo II in bunker nine. You'd bring him snacks and made sure he slept at least enough to stay alive. It was peaceful, for a short while.
Then they had to go on another quest. Finally retrieving Percy. Stopping Gaea. Potentially saving Nico.
You had to stay at camp. Again. Not your lucky day.
Leo would iris message you almost every day. You weren't used to that. The people you talked to were always at camp, nearby. Then all of a sudden, all of your friends are off saving the world without you. At least Leo cared enough to fill you in on what was going on.
But the seven disagreed on whether or not to save Nico. And that hurt the most. You knew Nico better than most people at camp. You were outcasted because somehow you didn't have a godly parent. And he was the son of Hades. Of course misfits tend to drift towards each other.
You wanted to save Nico more than anything. So you packed your shit and left camp. You stopped accepting iris messages. No one knew where you went.
So when you ran into the seven down at Nico's prison, everyone was shocked. You were convinced they wouldn't come to rescue him. They all thought you dropped off the face of the Earth.
You all got Nico and got the hell out of there. Then you were stuck on the Argo II indefinitely.
Leo built you your own room, right next to his. Not that he ever slept there anyways. You two would stay up all night, keeping him company when he couldn't sleep.
And of course, there had to be encounters with monsters. You really came in handy there. You could just freeze them, and Percy or Jason would shatter them with their swords, sending them straight back to Tartarus. Leo didn't look at you the same way after that.
You two were still best friends, but he always acted like he knew something he didn't want to tell you, especially when you used your powers. And no matter how much pushing you did, he wouldn't tell you.
The anxiety this caused you was immense. Snowstorms would rage outside the ship every time he insisted nothing was off. Hail would knock holes in the ship, which Leo would complain about every time. The ocean underneath you almost froze over. That's when he confronted you.
"Okay, we all know you're doing this. What in Tartarus is this about?"
"Oh my gods, Leo. It's nothing." You used the phrase exactly like he did. Same tone and pausing as him. Every little detail exact. He didn't get the hint.
"Clearly not. I don't know if I should be concerned for you or worried that you're trying to kill us all."
"I am not trying to kill you!"
He took you into his arms, his heat and your cold causing steam to rise from your bodies.
"If you're not trying to kill us, you must be killing yourself. We can't have that."
His heat thawed right through you. The storm outside calmed and the ship passed through the silky water gracefully.
And one night, while you two were up in the engine room way past curfew, he turned to you.
"Y'know, you're actually not as bad as everyone tried to tell me you were."
"Oh. Yeah. The whole unclaimed thing doesn't come across as lightly as it used to, huh?"
"I guess. And for the record, I'd totally claim you. Whoever your godly parent is should be proud to have you as their kid."
"Oh wow, thanks."
"Yeah, sure."
Then he smiled at you with all the warmth in the world. Your entire spirit was set ablaze. You unconsciously leaned towards him, your shoulder brushing against his. The whole world seems to stop spinning. The sound of your heartbeat drowns out the crashing waves and heavy machinery all around you. You and Leo didn't leave the engine room until morning.
Things were different between you two ever since. He'd bring you flowers that were often burnt in his nervousness and he'd allow you to take a break in his room whenever you needed it. And you started calling yourself his girl.
Eventually, he caught on to that.
"What, am I your boyfriend now?"
"Yes, you are."
"Damn, anything to make you happy, hermosa."
And he was yours. No more watching him flirt with every woman that comes his way. Much more being flirted with. Every chance you got, you were by his side. You also noticed he observed you more often. Especially when you used your powers.
"What in Hades has possessed you to look at me like that?" You questioned, having just turned an empusa into an ice sculpture.
"You just- oh shit."
"You're an awful lot like Khione. Y'know, the hair, the attitude, the ice powers."
"Oh. Oh shit."
"Could she be...?"
"I guess. If she tried to kill you she's also probably the type of bitch to not claim her kids like she's supposed to."
"What the hell was your dad thinking?"
"The same thing you were thinking when you first met her."
And you and Leo laughed. It wasn't too different. Sure, your mom tried to kill him, but that can't stop Leo Valdez from being yours. Nothing could. Even when he was willing to die to fulfill the prophecy and kill Gaia. The physician's cure brought him back to you. Everything always turned him back to his new home. And the anxiety induced snowstorms almost completely stopped with him by your side.
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captainremmington-13 · 6 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, mutual pining, kissing, shirtless Luke lmao
A/N: the italicized part is basically a recap/flashback of earlier events
“I can’t say I’m surprised, but I am disappointed.”
You and Luke stood in Chiron’s office in The Big House, trying and failing to look ashamed.
Your day trip had been a success, but now you had to face the inevitable consequences of sneaking out.
You had told Luke to write a note to Annabeth explaining where you both had gone. He had slipped the piece of paper through the Athena cabin window, knowing someone would find it the following morning.
You’d snuck out at the crack of dawn, slipping past the camp borders and heading to the gas station a half-mile away. Luke had then stolen a car, and slid into the driver’s seat.
“Do you know how to drive?” you had asked nervously.
Luke gave you a relaxed smile. “First time for everything. How hard can it be, really?”
Turns out, Luke was a decent driver. He was able to get you both to the Bronx in an hour and a half, without getting into an accident.
As Luke drove, you debated on how to spend the day. After awhile, the winning idea ended up being sneaking into The Bronx Zoo. 
As you looked out the window of the passengers seat, you had imagined what life would be like if you and Luke were normal teenagers. You wouldn’t be spending your days preparing to fend off monsters, or caring for your fellow demigods. You’d probably be in high school, preparing for a career in “the real world”. When you weren’t attending school, you’d be going to the movies, or the the park, or the mall. 
Luke would definitely be popular in high school. His good looks, athleticism, and charm would captivate everyone, just like they did at camp.
Maybe he’d even get a girlfriend. He wouldn’t be so preoccupied with running Cabin 11 and mastering the art of swordfighting if he was a normal mortal teen. He’d find someone who would make him happy, who would love and appreciate him like he deserved.
The thought had made you feel sick.
Neither you or Luke had ever been to a zoo before, so it was a thrilling experience. He had borrowed stolen the wallet of a rude middle-aged man who’d pushed past you to see the vultures better, so you had no trouble paying for food or souvenirs. 
You’d bought yourselves a huge bowl of ice cream and shared it while enjoying the sunny weather. You also dragged Luke to the merch store and bought a stuffed animal that resembled a bat. He’d briefly teased you about it, but your playful threat to make the stuffed animal your new best friend quickly shut him up. You’d also convinced him to get cheesy matching bracelets: yours had silver-colored star charms, and his had the same charms in gold. 
It was one of the best days you’d had in a long while.
After a lovely, monster-free day of roaming around the zoo, you hopped back into the stolen car and headed back to Camp Half-Blood. On the way home, you had fallen asleep, exhausted from your adventure.
Little did you know that Luke had had a difficult time focusing on the road, as he kept sneaking glances at your sleeping form.
And how could you blame him? You had looked so happy, so relaxed, and oh-so beautiful.
“I am glad you made it back safely,” Chiron said, pacing back and forth. “However, you completely neglected your duties as senior campers, which caused quite a bit of chaos. Chris had to take over sword-fighting practice, which resulted in a young child of Demeter having their hair set on fire by a son of Hephaestus.”
Luke winced. “Yikes.“
“Yikes indeed,” Chiron agreed. “I know you two had no bad intentions, but I cannot allow you to get away with breaking camp rules. Therefore, I’m giving you both the task of cleaning the armory. I want it completely organized and spotless. You will be doing this on Sunday, as I need you both to help with combat practices and whatnot.”
“Understood, sir,” you said politely. 
Chiron sighed. “Now, you two need to head to bed. I don’t want you missing curfew and getting in more trouble.”
As you and Luke walked back to Cabin Eleven, you leaned up to ruffle his hair playfully.
“All in all, I’d say that today went well.”
Luke smirked. “Never thought I’d see the day that you became an optimist, angel.”
“Oh hush,” you said, rolling your eyes. “I’m just happy we had a nice, peaceful outing, that’s all.” 
“You know,” Luke said, stopping just before the steps of your cabin. “It was sort of like a date.”
You shrugged, trying to feign nonchalant-ness. “Yeah, I guess so.” 
“Let’s do it again sometime,” he said. “At least, let’s do something fun, just the two of us. We don’t need to sneak out again though, I don’t want Chiron to feed us to the harpies.”
You laughed. “Fair enough. And I agree, let’s do it again sometime soon.”
After you changed into your pajamas in the makeshift changing rooms, you climbed into bed, hugging your new stuffed bat. It was comforting, having something to hold at night. Perhaps it would keep the night terrors away. 
You heard Luke clear his throat softly a few feet from you, and you rolled over to face him. “Yes?”
He gave you a lazy grin. “If you clutch that thing any tighter, the stuffing is gonna pop out.”
“Oh, shut up, Castellan,” you said, giving him a playful glare. 
“Y’know, you can always cuddle with me if you feel lonely at night, angel.”
You stared at him.
“You’re fucking with me.”
“I’m not, angel, I promise.“
How could you possibly resist his pretty brown eyes, looking at you with so much sincerity?
So you climbed into his bed, tucked yourself against him, and quickly drifted off to sleep, still holding your new stuffed animal.
Neither of you had nightmares that night.
𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝕷𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗
“I hate this.”
Luke laughed, brushing a lock of brown curls out of his eyes. He was sweating profusely, as were you. The armory had no windows, which made it heat up like an oven if the doors were closed. 
“It’s definitely not fun,” he said, handing you a sword to place on the rack attached to the wall. “But at least I have you for company.”
“True.” You picked up the rag and spray bottle Chiron had given you, and started scrubbing the grime off of the metal rack. “This still fucking sucks though. It feels like we’ve been thrown directly into Hestia’s fireplace.”
“Yeah,” Luke replied, handing you another weapon. He used the hem of his camp t-shirt to wipe his forehead, briefly revealing his bare torso. It was nothing you hadn’t seen before, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit flustered. 
After a few moments of working in silence, Luke set down the armor he was polishing. He peeled off his shirt, tossing it to the side. 
Gods, was he trying to distract you? 
“Something bothering you?” 
Yeah, he was definitely doing this on purpose.
But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you blush. Not so easily, at least. 
“Nope. I’m totally fine.”
“Mhm,” he hummed, walking over to where you were standing. “You sure? You look like you’re burning up.”
You set down your spray bottle, turning to face your best friend. “Yes, I’m doing wonderful. Other than the fact that I want to be done with this punishment as soon as possible.”
“Aw, come on, angel,” Luke said, resting his elbow on your shoulder. This wasn’t unusual for him, he had gotten more comfortable with platonic affection in the past year. You had come to enjoy physical contact with him, even if it earned you some stares. “It’s not that bad.”
“Suit yourself,” you grumbled. “I’d rather be anywhere else in camp but here. Except maybe the attic of The Big House.”
“Perhaps we should take a break,” Luke suggested. “Start again once we’ve rested a bit.”
You immediately sat down, leaning your back against the wall. Luke did the same, looking up at the wooden ceiling. Your legs felt like jelly after cleaning the armory all morning, and the sweltering heat was becoming suffocating. But after a few minutes, you still felt abnormally warm.
“Hey,” Luke’s voice recaptured your attention. “Let’s get you some fresh air. You look like you’re gonna pass out.” 
He lead you out of the armory and behind the building, so you could rest in the shade. The light breeze was refreshing, effectively cooling down your skin. 
Luke placed a hand on your bicep gently. “Better?”
You nod, stepping towards him to lean your head against his chest, ignoring the fact that he was topless. He seemed surprised, but wrapped his arms around you nonetheless. 
“What’s this for? You usually aren’t this affectionate.”
Fuck, had you gone too far? You pulled away and stepped back, avoiding making eye contact. “Sorry.”
“Angel, I wasn’t complaining. I just wanted to know if somethin’ was wrong, that’s all.”
Gods, this was so awkward. Why couldn’t you get words out like normal? It was just Luke you were talking to, not some stranger who thought you were a spawn of Hades’s worst demons. 
Your desire to be physically close to Luke had tripled over the past few days. Perhaps it was because you had been sharing a bed, or because he had initiated physical affection more often than ever, and you had greatly enjoyed it. 
But it wasn’t enough. You wanted to be closer to him. You wanted to be more than his second-in-command. You wanted to be more than best friends.
You wanted him.
Gods, this was cruel. Aphrodite was a heartless bitch for orchestrating this.
You were hopelessly, completely in love with your best friend.
“Hey, you listening?”
There was no point in lying. You’d been lying to yourself about your feelings for Luke for longer than you cared to admit. Besides, Luke would see right through you.
“What are we, Luke?“
He looked confused. “What do you mean?”
“What are we?” you repeated. “Ever since you started calling me ‘angel’, we’ve been acting less like best friends and more like…I don’t know, like we’re a couple.”
Luke took a deep breath. He looked nervous, his usual confident demeanor fading. 
Oh no, had you made him uncomfortable?
“I’m sorr-“
“Don’t be sorry, angel,” Luke cut you off. “I’m the one who should be apologizing. I…I let my feelings cloud my judgement, and I sorta just got carried away with the affection, and I thought you liked it so I didn’t stop-“
“Luke.” It was your turn to interrupt him. “If I didn’t like it, I would’ve told you right away.” 
He looked dumbfounded, his lips curling into a small, confused pout. Gods, he was so pretty. “Oh.”
“So…what exactly are those “feelings” you mentioned?”
You knew the answer, but you wanted a verbal confirmation.
Luke swallowed, his eyes darting around frantically, as if he was desperate to look at anything but you. 
“Angel…you’re my best friend, you know that, right?”
“Yes, I do.”
“And I’m your best friend, right?”
Fuck, was he going to reject you? 
If he did, you were sure you would burst into tears on the spot, or hide in the woods until you withered away and died. Maybe you were being dramatic, but the possibility that Luke didn’t feel the same towards you was enough to make your blood run cold. 
“I don’t want to just be your closest friend anymore. It…It’s not enough. I want to be more than that, I-“
He stopped talking when you stepped towards him, placing your hands on his toned shoulders. He instantly put a hand on the small of your back, sending warm shivers across your skin. 
A sudden wave of bravery rushed over you. 
Fuck it. It’s now or never.
“I love you too, Luke.”
Luke’s baby-pink lips fell open, which made you laugh quietly. He was adorable, especially when he was flustered. 
Finally, he cleared his throat, and his eyes met yours. 
“I love you so much, angel.”
When you kissed him, the world faded away. You didn’t care if the gods disapproved, or if the other campers would gossip about you endlessly.
You had Luke Castellan, and he had you. 
Nothing else mattered.
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!!
I decided to add one more chapter before diving into Luke’s quest. It will definitely start in Chapter Six, and it’ll probably take up a couple chapters.
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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firinnie · 9 days
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Erichthonius of Athens
(Before the main post I wanted to say that I want to add some more animal attributes to my gods. When I found out that Hephaestus has a donkey under his patronage I couldn't resist lol. Of course, they are gods so they can change their appearance or hide something in it but for now let's give them a little shine.)
So, since we're sticking with interesting Greek myths, I have a story for you today that involves Athena's (short) motherhood, still as a virgin goddess.
Safe part: So Athena canonically decided to adopt Hephaestus' son, Erichthonius, who according to one version was half boy and half snake. The goddess left him to be raised in Athens where he grew up, proved his power and wisdom, and later became a legendary king. Wow, happy ending! Now you can move on to the less happy part. 🙂
Mentioning attempted rpe: I remember what a big wtf I had the first time I read this myth but Erichthonius' birthday is much more complicated. You see, Hephaestus and Athena were supposed to have a friendly relationship, platonic on her side but not on his. One day Poseidon told his nephew that the goddess of wisdom was making advances on him. So he tried to seduce her and when she didn't want to - tride to rped her. You don't have to guess that the goddess experienced in fighting defended herself but despite everything, Hephaestus' "seeds" dirty her thigh, she pushed it on the earth in disgust and because of that Gaia (personification of the Earth) gave life, which literally came out of a crack in the same earth. Athena decided to adopt child even though SHE IS NOT BIOLOGICALLY CONNECTED TO HIM, which is important since she is still one of the 3 virgin goddesses. (with Artemis and Hestia) I once read a version where she was supposed to clean her thigh with a lock of her cut hair, but most definitely it is a piece of wood, so we can safely say that the child was born of Hephaestus and Gaia only.
Mentioning successful s*icide: It is worth adding that Athena gave the boy to the three daughters of Cecrops, current king of Athens, to raise. The child was in a basket that they were not supposed to open, but because they did, they went crazy and threw themselves off a cliff. Here too, there are two versions, one says that it was because Erichthonius was actually half a snake, the other that in the basket, apart from boy, there was also a snake that attacked the princess.
I hope you like this interesting facts. It shows how thin the ice of decency of Greek myths is, but it also gives a very interesting perspective on this. I still prefer the myth of Pallas tho.
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time-and-the-waves · 3 months
𝐀𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐈'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎'𝐬 𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞!
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NAME: Circe Achilles Jackson.
ALIAS: Cee, Ceecee, Soda-addict, Jackson, CJ. NATIONALITY: American.
AGE: 15/16 years old.
WEAPONS: A standard issue CHB sword, small intricately decorated daggers.
RELATIONS: Sally Jackson (Mother); Perseus Jackson (Brother); Poseidon (Father); Gabe Ugliano (Ex-stepfather.); Paul Blofis (Step-Father); Estelle Jackson-Blofis (Step-Sister).
PERSONALITY: She's stand-offish, stubborn and sarcastic. There used to be a time when she was loud and liked giving people nicknames, now, she's more of a tired teenager.
FATAL FLAWS: Inferiority complex, Hard time forgiving others.
FEARS: Heights, Loud sounds, abandonment issues
HOBBIES: playing guitar, skate-boarding, annoying her brother, playing Skee-Ball and other arcade games.
SEXUALITY: Bisexual. and Painstakingly single. Come flirt with me, I'll flirt back <33
APPEARANCE: curly, messy, black hair. heterochromic eyes (one sea-green, one brown.). lanky and lean. BACKGROUND: Circe is Percy's twin sister. Biologically. She went with Percy, Annabeth and Grover on the quest to find their mother and get the lightning bolt back, even though Chiron had warned them taking 4 people on a quest was bad luck. Well, bad luck it was. The group made their way to Lotus Casino, and Circe got sidetracked, attracted by the games and the food. They lost her. While searching, Ares demands one of the staff there tell Percy she's dead, so that he'll back off the quest. They tell him, and heartbroken, they leave. Once realising she couldn't find her brother anywhere, panic seized her and the staff told her he'd left. She felt betrayed. Had he not wanted her? Everyday, she waited, hoping he'd come back, but he never did. In the process, she meets two other kids, one obsessed with mythomagic and his older sister. They leave at some point too. She makes out 3 years before right now, and starts aging pretty quick, turning up at around 16 while her twin brother is 40. Talk about weird. PEOPLE I KNOW:
@ghost-king-and-thebones Nico Di Angelo. Son of Hades.
@doctor-sunshine-andcarebears William Solace-Di Angelo. Son of Apollo.
@olivernothere Oliver Solace-Di Aneglo. Son of Nico di-angelo/
@chasing-that-jackson Praetor Jackson. Daughter Of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase. (technically my niece..sigh.)
@sincerely-anniejackson Annabeth Chase. Daughter of Athena.
@ineedtoescapefromreality echo and rosalyn mclean. Children of Piper and Shel Mclean.
@leo-repairguy-valdez Leo Valdez. Son of Hephaestus.
@iggy-mini-miny-moe Ignis Grace. Son of Leo Valdez and Jason Grace.
@notwillingtobefound Will Grace. Son of Leo Valdez and Jason Grace.
@violent-cinnamonroll Aria La Rue. Daughter of Clarisse La Rue and Silena Beauregard.
@daredevil-larue Lucine La Rue. Daughter of Clarisse La Rue and Silena Beauregard.
@hey-guys-its-sam Samantha Zhang. Daughter of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque
@yourfavoriteadoptedkid Eloise Zhang. Daughter of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque
@not-a-panda Pandora Stoll. Daughter of Travis Stoll and Kaite Gardener.
@crimes-girlfriend Andrea Lilith. Daughter of Hades
@praetor-ambrose-asher Ambrose Asher. Praetor of Rome. @the-poison-and-the-sky Belladonna Chase-Jackson.
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Tags: Circe is here! - ic Don't listen to the witch's advice - asks Circe in the Casino - Lore Lotus Casino staff cleans up - Ooc
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Adding to that post you made about Elain being devastatingly beautiful and Lucien being so heavily scarred. I can’t help but think that his appearance also plays a part in why he isn’t approaching Elain. He thinks she’s the most beautiful female he has ever seen and he is basically at the lowest point in his life (essentially homeless, courtless, no family, no title, I don’t know about Lucien’s finances but I mean he’s certainly no high lord). And added to that is his physical appearance. Not only does he look more fae than Azriel for example (Azriel could pass for a human without his wings), he is also a fae surrounded by perfect beauty with a facial scar and likely other scars across his back etc. When he exclaims “to accept a life shackled to me” I think he really must think that he has nothing to offer Elain, especially compared to her human life and the life that was promised to her, being a lady in a traditional rich human family. And she also expressed that she blames him for how she ended up in the cauldron. It’s interesting to me that Lucien doesn’t say that he didn’t know about that, he doesn’t deflect. I really hope we get to see all this inner turmoil going on whenever we get to be inside Lucien’s head.
I wonder how Elain will treat this insecurity if it’s ever discussed. I think their story could be a version of Hephaestus and Aphrodite. Hephaestus is the only disfigured god of Olympus and he is married to Aphrodite (through arranged marriage) who cheats on him with Ares, the god of war. The myth usually depicts Hephaestus as a cruel punisher which I don’t think would happen in ACOTAR, but I think that starting point is interesting, Elain sort of betraying the mating bond with Azriel which might prompt Lucien to distance himself, it could also probably lead towards a more pronounced insecurity about his looks, seeing as Azriel is the prettiest bat boy. I just don’t think Lucien would go the Hephaestus route and shame Elain lol he really isn’t the type.
(Side note: there’s no way he isn’t aware of at least part of that whole necklace incident, he was in the house, I always felt like Rhys stepped in to prevent any conflict lol)
You made an excellent point and while I always used the line, "to accept a life shackled to me?" as a comparison to other SJM endgame couples, I never thought about what he was actually saying. If Lucien suspects that Beron might not be his father, then that means he doesn't truly know who his father is. Sure he might have used light to break free of Hyberns chains but he tells Feyre his friend in Dawn has light powers so there's a chance he thinks his real father is from Dawn (and not necessarily someone of power). Maybe he suspects Day but again, that could be anyone. So not only is it possible he's not even the 7th son of the High Lord of Autumn (already considered worthless because of that fact) but he isn't sure of where he actually comes from. He doesn't have a true home where he belongs, he knows he's unwanted by Beron, possibly thinks he was unwanted by his real father (if he suspects that's not Beron) and he is disfigured. He probably wonders exactly what he can offer Elain. Elain who is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen who lives in a place with her sisters, as well as Rhys and the IC who are the kind of family Lucien once hoped to have, in a city Lucien admits to finding beautiful. Really, the only thing Lucien can offer her right now is the chance to get to know one another and maybe his love as a result. That's something he once offered to Jesminda and we know how that turned out for him. His love alone was not enough to keep her safe. In ACOMAF he says to Feyre, "isn't that what all human women wish for? A handsome faerie lord to wed and shower them with riches for the rest of their life?" I'm guessing he doesn't entirely believe that but if there is a small part of him that thinks that's what he should be offering to someone and realizes it's not something he can provide considering he's adrift and very aware of his scars, then feeling like Elain would be shackled to him makes a lot of sense. That he feels unworthy to give her the life she deserves. I can see the similarities in the storyline with the Greek Gods that you mentioned! Though as SJM likes give things a happy ending twist, I agree that Lucien isn't going to turn around and punish Az or Elain. He might get the chance to prove everyone wrong but it's not going to be with some intentional vendetta.
I do think it's possible Lucien is aware of what happened on Solstice and if so, that seems to be in line with all the mated males she's written about in ACOTAR. Rhys knew Feyre was with Tamlin and going to marry Tamlin yet he had to tamp down the emotions he was feeling to let her. Cassian knew Nesta was sleeping with other males and tried to convince himself it didn't matter. So Lucien being aware of Elain and Az but standing down to allow her the freedom to do what she needs to do is exactly in line with Rhys and Cassian. I loved your ask though it simultaneously broke my heart for everything Lucien must be feeling right now. I can't wait for his POV.
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boy-of-the-flowers · 4 months
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Ravi Kiran, son of Hephaestus, new to camp half-blood, 17, mortal parent is Keerthana Kiran
acc run by -@deadaldipshit-jpg
powers- immune to fire, can heat up his body on will, which is handy for metalwork and hugs, talented at metalwork and woodwork, really good at physics (his mom is a mechanical engineer)
bi with a preference for boys, he/they, call everyone nicknames
Dating @itsprobablydean
tags: ic, ooc
face claim- mehul somar
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kozumesphone · 3 months
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📂 REQ. requests open !
📁 WORKS. 020
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が ─── P. JACKSON [ 004 ]
🩵──────BROOKLYN BABY — 1.4k, FLUFF | percy x daughter of aphrodite!reader, best friends to lovers, y/n constantly yaps about the idea of love to her best friend, percy, and he realises he has feelings for her.
🩵──────MAESTRO — HEADCANNONS | skaterboy!pj x ice skater!reader
🩵──────FAMILY LINE — 1.02k, ANGST | emercy angst because percy is betrayed by emma (one of my fav moots!), hurt no comfort, nice!luke, CRY
🩵──────DATING P. J. — MOODBOARD | dating your fav son of poseidon <3
ぎ ─── L. VALDEZ [ 007 ]
🧡──────LOSS OF MY LIFE — 0.6k, ANGST | hearing leo’s voice over the (demigod-safe) phone as he tells you he’s leaving for a quest and may not come back this time
🧡──────TOO SWEET PT. 1 — 1.0k, AU | street racing!au, rivalry between the top street racers: leo and y/n [part II on hold]
🧡──────SWEATER WEATHER — MOODBOARD | dating hcs for leo x mori (one of my fav moots!)
🧡──────FAVOURITE — SMAU | mortal!au, library dates and cringe/cute moments with leo ft. the argonauts and others
🧡──────DATING L. V. — MOODBOARD | dating your fav son of hephaestus <3
🧡──────CRAZY = GENIUS — 1.0k, FLUFF | leo x daughter of athena!reader, comfort fic after all the crazy angst you’ve gotten, building engines with leo, cuddling
🧡──────PAPER RINGS — 1.3k, FLUFF | leo x daughter of poseidon!reader getting married
げ ─── J. GRACE [ 002 ]
💜──────DATING J. G. — MOODBOARD | dating your fav son of jupiter <3
ご ─── F. ZHANG [ 001 ]
❤️──────DATING F. Z. — MOODBOARD | dating your fav son of mars <3
づ ─── N. DI ANGELO [ 000 ]
な ─── W. SOLACE [ 000 ]
ざ ─── C. LA RUE [ 002 ]
ず ─── P. MCLEAN [ 002 ]
🩷──────RED WINE SUPERNOVA — SMAU | desc.
🩷──────DATING P. M. — MOODBOARD | dating your fav daughter of aphrodite <3
ぜ ─── A. CHASE [ 001 ]
🩶──────GIRLFRIEND — SMAU | desc.
だ ─── H. LEVESQUE [ 000 ]
ぢ ─── R. RAMIREZ-ARELLANO [ 000 ]
ぞ ─── MISC. [ 001 ]
💚──────LIKE WE JUST MET — 1.5k, FLUFF | christmastime fluff for multiple characters x sister!reader
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🤍 INC. character x character / character x reader | mlm / wlw | angst | fluff | au’s + smau’s | imagines | headcannons | scenarios | songfics | no nsfw
🎬 CR. kozumesphone © 2024 | don’t repost my works onto other platforms, or edit and post them even on tumblr, without asking me first • don’t steal my works, steal my heart instead • reblogs and comments are more than appreciated !
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pyredez · 6 months
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@tidaltow asked: “Hey, Leo?” Percy stood outside the engine room, waffling stupidly there in the entryway like he wasn’t allowed in . . . or was maybe just respecting this was more Leo’s domain than anywhere else on the ship and deciding to treat it that way. His knuckle rapped on the nearest wall as if to knock. But then he kind of looked at his own hand in a way that more or less said Who authorized that? before hooking a thumb in one of his belt loops. “Do you, uh . . . Do you have a moment? Not gonna take a lot of your time; I just wanted to talk.”
                  LEO   WAS   IN   THE   MIDDLE   OF   TIGHTENING   UP   A   BOLT   when   a   voice   pulled   him   from   his   concentration.   The   wrench   slipped   from   his   grip,   and   he   shot   up   to   only   be   greeted   with   a   small   clunk   against   his   head.   He   hissed   through   his   teeth,   a   hand   reached   to   run   at   the   spot   he   hit,   and   maybe   a   few   choice   words   were   muttered.   Honestly,   Leo   needed   to   come   up   with   a   better   system   of   how   to   get   his   attention.
               Well,   you   come   down   here   so   you’re   not   disturbed.
               HE   CRAWLED   OUT   OF   THE   SPACE   HE   WAS   WORKING   IN,   oil   stained   hands   reached   for   a   rag   to   clean   them   off.   Though,   now   he   was   thinking   that   he   just   rubbed   some   of   it   in   his   hair…   great.   He   let   out   a   small   huff   before   he   turned   to   face   the   doorway.   His   body   instantly   stiffened   upon   realizing   who   had   called   for   his   attention.   Percy   Jackson.   
               SUDDENLY,   LEO   WASN’T   SURE   HOW   TO   RESPOND   TO   HIM.   THEY   didn’t   really   get   a   great   first   impression   of   each   other,   “   Uh…   yeah,   ”   just   wanted   to   talk?   That   could   mean   so   many   things,   but   Leo   relaxed   himself   as   best   as   he   could,   “   I   mean—   yeah,   sure!   I   got   some   time.   Wanna   step   into   my   humble   office?   ”   He   gestured   to   the   little   mess   that   was   the   engine   room,   “   Or,   you   know,   go to the   deck?   ”
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ohlympns · 8 months
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                           more random dialogue prompts ,
@nectaric asked: “i’m trying really hard to keep it together.”
                  WITH   EVERYTHING   THEY’VE   BEEN   THROUGH,   IT   WAS   STILL   STRANGE   TO   see   a   big   guy   like   Frank   freak   out   as   much   as   he   did.   Leo   wasn't   so   sure   what   the   issue   was   this   time,   but   it   appeared   to   be   bothering   him   greatly.   And,   with   everything   that   happened   between   the   two,   Leo   was   still   surprised   that   Frank   could   confide   in   him.   Despite   those   feelings,   he   felt   almost…   honored?   Maybe   honored   wasn’t   the   right   word,   but   the   feeling   was   strong.   
                  LEO   TOOK   A   FEW   STEPS   FORWARD   SO   HE   WAS   STANDING   over   the   child   of   Mars.   He   wasn’t   really   good   with   people,   let   alone   with   their   emotions.   Gods,   did   he   wish   Piper   was   around.   He   sighed,   and   lowered   himself   to   a   crouch   before   him.   His   hands   rested   on   his   knees,   head   tilted,   “   Hey,   man,   ”   his   tone   was   surprisingly   gentle,   “   I   know   you   are,   but   sometimes   it’s   okay   to   let   that   stuff   out,   ”   a   sadness   crept   within   his   gaze.   Like   he   was   the   one   to   talk,   “   You’re   one   of   the   strongest   people   I   know,   ”   one   hand   left   his   knee   to   gently   nudge   Frank’s,   “   C’mon,   talk   to   good   ol’   Leo.   ”   He   tried   for   a   smile.
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abookishdreamer · 5 days
Character Intro: Triptolemus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- God of Crops by the people of Olympius
Honey by his wife
Dad by his son
Trip by his brother & friends
Age- 37 (immortal)
Location- Achaea, Olympius
Personality- He's a dedicated hardworker with a general laidback temperament. He holds family, community, and wellness of the land to the utmost of importance. Despite being a grudge holder, he doesn't see the need for unnecessary drama in his life, opting for simplicity. He's married.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of farming his other powers/abilities include transfiguration (can turn beings into a plant, tree, or crop), being able to use ancient/modern farming and gardening tools proficiently as weapons, soil manipulation (edafoskinesis), as well as chlorokinesis (to a much lesser extent than Demeter).
A notable physical feature is his golden brown tan skin, due to him always being outdoors.
His natural scent is a mixture of fresh damp soil and sweet corn.
Triptolemus is a native of Eleusis. Mostly bad feelings and memories come up whenever he thinks about his homeland; never mind the constant death he was surrounded by in his early godhood.
He's married to Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill). They have a child- a son Deipneus (god of cooking & breadmaking). Other members of Triptolemus' extended family includes his younger brother Trochilus (god of the mill wheel), his father-in-law Cyamites (god of beans), his sister-in-law Promylaia, as well as his nephews Matton (god of meals) and Keraon (god of baking & wine mixing).
He lives on a thirty acre farm property with his wife in a french country style home. The house has natural wood flooring, a wraparound porch, antique furniture (like armoirs), wood beamed ceilings, simple yet elegant chandeliers, & nude and cream colored toile patterned wallpaper. On the same farm just a few minutes away, there's the house his brother and wife live in.
Triptolemus is a HUGE animal lover. On the farm there's cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, ducks, chickens, & horses. There are a few employees on the farm (like a leimonide named Maris), but he and his brother don't mind actively participating in the responsibilities of the farm like trimming the horses' hooves, bringing in/tagging the many crops, administering vaccines to the animals, or operating farming equipment.
He usually starts his day at the crack of dawn. Following a session of meditation, Triptolemus will ride through the farm on his horse- a quarter horse named Moxie then take a swim in the private pond. He'll then tend to his garden before breakfast.
Displayed in the living room is a farming pitchfork forged from adamantine by Hephaestus (god of the forge). It's taken the place of Triptolemus' former divine symbol.
He loves eating a steaming plate of gyeran bap for breakfast. He also really likes when his wife makes buttermilk biscuits alongside her cajun breakfast casserole (made with scrambled eggs, sliced andouille sausages, shredded hash browns, hot sauce, heavy cream, red peppers, various spices, & shredded cheddar cheese. He'll also enjoy a big bowl of Earthly Harvest cinnamon oat hearty nut medley cereal (which is cinnamon coated flakes, almonds, pumpkin seeds, pecans, and walnuts).
A go-to drink for him is bori-cha (barley tea) which he brews himself. He also likes his brother's homemade banana milk & sujeonggwa, mineral water, orange juice, his wife's homemade iced tea, beer, white wine, sparkling lemon cocktails, ginger ale, lemonade, mint juleps, good farmer cocktails, celery tonics, as well as hard cider cocktails. His usuals from The Roasted Bean include a cafe au lait and an olympian sized green tea.
There's a couple of secrets Triptolemus has kept close to him, only divulging in it with trusted beings in his social circle. In his early days of godhood, he was under the brief mentorship of Demeter (goddess of the harvest & agriculture). It's not a known fact in the pantheon or the public. His brother Trochilus was establishing his godhood in Corinth.
In the early days of the Titanomachy, Eleusis was the most fertile place in the entire country. Triptolemus and Demeter would be responsible for feeding many beings that were displaced due to the war. Every time the tax was raised, he would hand deliver a basket of crops to the needy and hungry families.
Triptolemus' earliest accomplishment in his godly career was when Demeter gifted him an Imperial Gold wheeled chariot, which was pulled by two majestic looking winged serpents. He traveled all throughout the country, feeding the hungry. Triptolemus was seen as a folk hero- first in Eleusis, then in Athens.
He had a quiet adversion to overseeing the Eleusinian Mysteries, being that he was never comfortable around suffering & death. He then spoke out against Demeter regarding her treatment of Celeus, the lord of Eleusis at the time as well as his family- particularly his son Demophon. Seemingly without warning, his chariot was revoked and Triptolemus has his mentorship transferred to Eubouleus (god of the swine & ploughing).
Even though he wasn't active in the war on the battlefield, Triptolemus supported Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning) and the rest of the Olympians.
After the war, he spent some time in Athens & reunited with his brother before settling in Achaea.
Triptolemus had no say in the matter when Demeter came back into his life by way of her newfound friendship with Eunostos and Promylaia. The family even relocated back to Eleusis while their sons were still little. At this point, he didn't tell anyone about his early godhood. Triptolemus always maintained a friendly disposition whenever Demeter came around and was surprised when his son & nephews developed a friendship with her daughter Persephone. When his wife and sister-in-law eventually had a falling out with Demeter, Triptolemus wasn't terribly surprised. When the family relocated back to Achaea, he finally revealed his past with the harvest goddess.
Despite his status as a minor deity, Triptolemus has two temples built in his honor- one in his native Eleusis and one in Athens.
He leads an active lifestyle through tai chi, riding horseback, jogging, working out, & even bullriding!
Triptolemus loves his younger brother and appreciates how protective they are for one another. Though their experiences in godhood was drastically different, they understand each other in a way that most can't, aside from their wives. They have a good working relationship as well, being that they're business partners.
He has a sandwhich inspired by him at his son's nationwide business The Bread Box. The farmer sandwhich is a toasted baguette with roasted chicken, sweet corn, melted brie cheese, tapenade, a thyme mayo spread, and romaine lettuce.
Triptolemus adores Eunostos. He finds his wife's supple soft skin & natural scent of flour and powdered sugar to be addictive. He also admires how she held her head high after the fallout Demeter. They enjoy spending time outside of their shared business- like taking a weekend trip to Athens to visit her father, traveling to New Olympus to see their son, or going on double dates with Trochilus and Promylaia.
He's heard whispers that the chariot (claimed by Demeter) was thrown into Tartarus following the end of the war, but he can't be too sure.
Triptolemus has a good relationship with his son and is proud of all of his accomplishments as a deity. He wishes that Deipneus would call him more often, but is understanding of his busy schedule. When he and his wife travel to New Olympus, Triptolemus (along with his brother) will play basketball at Eaglepoint Park with Deipneus, Keraon, and Matton.
His primary source of income comes from the business he co-owns alongside his brother, sister-in-law, & wife. The Achaean Flour Company is one of the largest manufacturers and distributors of flour & flour products. On his own Triptolemus is the head of the Farming Union of Olympius, an organization that works to improve the quality of life and economic well-being of family farmers, ranchers, and rural communities. He also owns a small farmer's market in the town's square, known to give away products for free sometimes!
In the pantheon Triptolemus is known for his finger licking yangnyeom chicken, fried chicken covered in a sweet & spicy sauce and garnished with sesame seeds.
His favorite sweet treats includes his wife's beignets, his brother's bingsu (sweet shaved ice), and his own baesuk and yaksik (sweet rice cakes added with nuts, dried fruit, & honey).
In the pantheon Triptolemus is good friends with Ktesios (god of the household), Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest), Priapus (god of fertility, vegetable gardens, livestock, sexuality, & masculinity), Apólafsi (god of enjoyment), Kópros (god of manure & excrement), Corymbus (Cory) (god of the ivy), Záchari (god of confectionery), Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music), and Hestia (goddess of the hearth).
Aside from Demeter, he also dislikes Limos (goddess of starvation & famine).
Triptolemus thinks that his son's girlfriend Pandaisia (goddess of banquets) is a sweetheart.
His favorite frozen treat is pear ice cream.
When he and Trochilus travels back to New Olympus soon, they plan on finally tackling the culinary behemoth known as the Mt. Olympus burger at Poté Tróei, the restaurant owned by Adephagia (goddess of gluttony).
For fun, Triptolemus hosts a gardening club every week, open to anyone. The members generally "meet" online on Fatestagram by use of video group chat, with an in-person meeting at his greenhouse. Maris is one of the members.
His favorite thing to get at Hollyhock's Bakery is the jumbo pancake cookie (topped with a buttermilk syrup glaze & a dollop of vanilla buttercream).
Triptolemus, Eunostos, Trochilus, and Promylaia always participates in the annual Achaean Beignet Festival.
Another trip he's planning is to Crete to see Karmanor compete in a bullriding competition.
His favorite meal is his wife's spicy sausage penne along with yangnyeom chicken, topping it off with a cold glass of hard apple cider.
In his free time Triptolemus enjoys gardening, cooking, baking, bike riding, swimming, basketball, sunbathing, golf, football (soccer), and sailing.
"The farmer has to be an optimist or he wouldn't still be a farmer."
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 year
posting this here before ao3 because i just realized i can do whatever i want.
Learn Your Blades
Summary: A brief character study as to why Esperanza Valdez keeps on letting Hera in despite every other sign not to.
Hera comes to Esperanza with an offer she can’t refuse, a knife and a prophecy. She accepts without a second thought and hates herself for it. She’d do anything for Leo to be safe, but Esperanza hadn’t realized how far she’d go with this.
Hera places Leo in a fireplace and Esperanza screams and sobs and tells her that she’ll never come back to Esperanza’s house. The next day, Leo walks straight into the fireplace and walks out unharmed. She cries for an hour and lets Hera back in again. If she can make Leo immune to death itself then Esperanza would cry all her tears if it meant her son was safe.
To storm or fire, the world must fall. The words echo in Esperanza’s ears as she tries to get people to take her seriously, tries to build something outside the ranch and the dirt that the horses kick as they run. They echo as she fusses over Leo’s clothes and his drawings, echo as she works with grease and gears and tries not to scream.
Leo couldn’t die, but she imagines the other mother of the poor child that’d die in her son’s place and her heart aches. She’d never wish that on anyone, but Esperanza couldn’t live with it happening to her son.
So she lets Hera in, she lets her in after the snake, she lets her in after the knives. She lets her in and Esperanza never understands why.
Hera takes a liking to Esperanza or so she thinks when she finds five hundred dollars just enough to make up this month’s rent on her table wrapped in a peacock feather. She pays the rent and takes Leo out for ice cream.
“He must learn his blades early,” Hera says, and Esperanza listens. “He must learn to move on from suffering, he must learn to control his fire lest he burn himself out. If you want your son to live, dear thing, you must teach him how to be a Valdez.”
So she does. Esperanza teaches him how to build machines, gives him a secret language if he’s ever taken prisoner, and if she teaches him how to break out of locked rooms and how to open windows well that was her prerogative. Esperanza teaches him jokes that her grandfather told, teaches him how to ride a horse, although he’s horrible at it, teaches him how to lie to the world at large but never to her.
Esperanza teaches Leo all that Hera tells her and more. It’s like having a mother to guide her through her raising of Leo. Not that her mother wasn’t a mother, but Ximena Valdez would’ve not encouraged anything Esperanza was doing. To her mother, Esperanza had to return to the farm, take care of the books and wait for her mother to die with the patience of a saint waiting on her hand and foot. She thought Esperanza’s dreams were just dreams and that they should’ve given Leo away the moment he was born.
 Leo did not fit in the perfect future everyone had envisioned for Esperanza, she wasn’t even sure he fit in Hephaestus’s future, but Leo fit in Hera’s future and that was enough for her to keep opening the door for her.
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k1w11sh · 8 months
howdy hey how does a bfdi x pjo au sound
like the events of the books but with the contestants.. idk i’ll think of smth but here’s what i have under the read more
this is really messy but i’ll make it work somehow
camp counselors: Two, Four and X
(Two is supposed to be Chiron while Four is Mr.D, X is just there i guess lol)
campers: (Some not actually campers, the unclaimed are ones i can’t think of a godly parent to give)
LIGHTNING: son of zeus.
PUFFBALL: daughter of nike
TENNISBALL: son of hephaestus
FIREY: son of apollo
LEAFY: daughter of nemesis
GOLFBALL: daughter of athena
BELL: daughter of apollo
CLOUDY: son of hermes
TEARDROP: daughter of ares(? maybe i’ll change it to poseidon..i might do that..)
BLACK HOLE: son of hades
TREE: son of demeter
FLOWER: daughter of aphrodite
BASKETBALL: daughter of hephaestus
YELLOW FACE: son of hermes
LOLLIPOP: daughter of hermes
WINNER: child of nike
PILLOW: daughter of ares
FANNY: daughter of nemesis
LOSER: son of nike)
PRICE-TAG: child of hermes
NAILY: unclaimed
FRIES: son of demeter
GELATIN: son of dionysus
Donut: son of athena
ICE CUBE: daughter of nemesis
GATY: unclaimed
LIY: daughter of athena
BOTTLE: unclaimed
MARKER: son of demeter
MATCH: daughter of aphrodite
PENCIL: unclaimed
BOOK: daughter of Athena
CAKE: son of apollo
CLOCK: son of
NICKEL: son of apollo
PIN: daughter of athena
COINY: unclaimed
SNOWBALL: son of ares
GRASSY: son of ares
ERASER: unclaimed
BOMBY: unclaimed
NEEDLE: daughter of ares
BARF BAG: unclaimed
FIREY JR (known as jr):
PEN: unclaimed
BLOCKY: unclaimed
REMOTE: daughter of hephaestus
TV (known as TEEV): son of hephaestus
BALLOONY: unclaimed
PIE: daughter of hypnos
WOODY: unclaimed
SPONGY: unclaimed
STAPY: unclaimed
EGGY: unclaimed
BRACELETY: unclaimed
SAW: unclaimed
8-BALL: unclaimed
TACO: unclaimed
PROFILY: satyr
ROBOTY: unclaimed
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