#✦ ( headcanons || morana )
autumnmobile12 · 11 months
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Okay, but I kinda, really want Olrox to be besties with these two.
Like they just periodically meet up for wine and cards or something?
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
I have a request could you do the Castlevania cast reaction to there s/o being a barbarian like there 8 feet tall and very strong but has a very kind heart and is very protective of them.
Trevor/Sypha/Alucard/Greta - blushing, staring, gods you’re so tall?? Just a kiss??? But so sweet and cute?? The kids like you??
Dracula - you two are the perfect height for kisses! And your kind nature easily seizes his heart!
Isaac - your kind nature is refreshing as he has a new perspective on life, and the tall build wards of those who try to seek trouble
Hector - he feels protected and utterly fails at hiding his blush when you call him sweet nicknames
Carmilla & Styria - Carmilla feels genuinely touched for the first time, thinking she’s found the ideal lover. Striga has someone for sparring, and Lenore and Morana appreciate your softer nature
Godbrand - look me in the eyes and tell me this Viking wouldn’t appreciate a tall buff woman because he would!!
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dontcallmetreffy · 9 months
Rewatching Season 4 and thinking about how much hair Striga has, then thinking soft thoughts of Morana spending hours just brushing Striga’s hair. Morana finds the act relaxing. Obviously Striga does too- probably falling asleep on her once or twice unintentionally. Just tender bonding moments like those.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Styria sisters headcanons
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After talking about this with @autumnmobile12 about this yesterday, I thought I might as well share some of my headcanons for the Styria sisters. Some of them are closely based in what we learn in the canon. Others is stuff that I just made up. After all we have very, very little canonical information about them.
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Let's start with Carmilla. Who is probably the one, we do know the most about. We know she got turned by a vampire, who was a "cruel old man" and whom she killed. This makes it quite likely that she in fact does originate from Styria - something that obviously also fits with her novel counterpart.
Part of my headcanon for her as a human is, that even back then she was struggling with the expectations society put on women. Her mother died, when she was young, so first her father and when her father died her older brother put those expectations on her. She fled her first abusive marriage by becoming a nun, but when she was in the monastery her sire saw her and wanted her. At the beginning she came willingly, because she wanted the power he promised. But of course he was just another abuser.
After she killed him, his followers wanted to kill her. But it was Morana, who saved her life. And it was with the help of Morana and Striga that she took over the castle. At the time Morana had her fledgling with her - Laura. Who obviously became her romantic partner.
Oh, and I put Carmilla's birth date into the year 1029.
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I wrote about my headcanon for Lenore before. A lot of my headcanon for her comes from this one bit of dialogue we get for her: (Paraphrasing) "I grew up in a castle just like this two hundred years ago. I was five years old when English soldiers came climbing up the toilet chutes with knives between their teeth."
Now, this tells us she is just around two hundred years old and the place she came from had a violent conflict with England at the time. Around two hundred years before the show, so in the late 13th century, England had two wars happening shortly after the other. First another war with France (I mean, it is England and France, what do you expect?) and then the first war of Scottish Independence.
Given her name (that was actually pretty popular in 13th century Scottland) and her red hair, it would make sense for her to be Scottish.
Now, based on her design, she was also fairly young when she got turned. Probably in her late teens. She clearly looks a lot younger from how her face is drawn compared to everyone else.
Something else that makes a lot of sense, as we know her parents got killed, is that she might well have been taken as a hostage, which was something the English did to Scottish gentry.
From this comes my headcanon: She was born in 1287, making her five years old, when war started. She got taken as a hostage by the English, living in luxury, but very much inside a golden cage. Also suffering quite a bit of abuse. She was made to marry at age 15, got pregnant at age 16, had complications and died during child birth age 17. But she was "lucky" that a vampire was nearby, who took pity on her and turned her. That vampire being Laura, aka Carmilla's girlfriend and Morana's fledgling. The two tried to return to Styria from there, but on the way back Laura got killed by English soldiers.
Lenore did somehow manage to make her way to Styria, though she arrived there as a ferral vamp.
We see in the series quite a bit of tension between Carmilla and Lenore. And this is my headcanon reason for it: Lenore came to Styria without Laura.
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Morana is kinda in an odd position for me. Katie Silva, who designed her, said, she immagines Morana to be from Ancient Sumer. Buuuut... Ancient Sumer as a civilisation ended around 1500BC. Though it included, obviously, Ancient Babylon. And there is kinda my issue. I set Babylon as the origin of vampires. And if there were vampires left from the time, the knowledge about where vampires came from, would not have been lost.
So... I decided she was from Ancient Persia. Specifically from the North of the Ancient Persian empire, though she was living there at a time the empire was already expiring. Though at the same time, vampires were still part of normal society and ruled together with humans.
But of course Ancient Persia was another empire, that ended. So, in the end, her home was turned to dust. And when she became adrift, she was originally with some other vampires from her home. But bit by bit all of them died. Some of them got killed, others chose the sun. Leaving in the end only Morana. She drifted for a bit, but the Romans did not make Europe a hospital place to be at the time - especially as a vampire - so she drifted further east, spending almost five hundred years in Asia. Part of this she spent in Japan together with Cho. But when Cho went off the deep end, she left, returning to Europe in the end.
Something, that she learned over the time, was that cooperation with humans was not possible.
During the middle of the 11th century she ended up with this sick girl, that would not leave her side. Which is Laura. And who was very, very insistent on being turned. So, when Morana looked for a safe place for Laura to spend her fledgling years, she went for one of the vampire kingdoms - Styria. Arriving there just days after Carmilla killed her sire.
It is also, when she meets Striga.
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Lastly we have Striga. My favorite sister. :D Love this wonderful big woman. (All I wanna do, is see you turn into, a giant woman xD)
Now, we do know very little about her, outside of her admittance of not being able to forget an implied to be bad past. She also has an Eastern European accent, though - again - langauge is another messy topic in Castlevania.
I looked into it and her voice actress is from Croatian heritage, so I decided that Striga is from that area. Which would make her of mixed Slavic origin, as before the slavs got to Croatia some Arabian people were living there. It might explain her hair, too.
I am meanwhile fully in agreement with @g-vlssz here, making Striga a trans woman. I just think her design really well fits this interpretation.
My backstory for her is, that she was a human mercenary to feed her family - that is her younger siblings - hunting bandits and monsters. But at some point she got sent after a group of vampires ravaging the country side. This was Lazarus and his men - a vampire stemming from Ancient Rome. When she fought him and managed to hold her own for a bit, leading him to turn her.
Now, just like Carmilla's sire, he was a cruel old man, being abusive towards the men (and the one woman, though Striga was not out at the time) following him. When he learned about Striga's human siblings, he went out of his way to kil them. Striga was with him a good while, until the troop made their way to Styria this one winter as well - just after Carmilla had killed her sire. And when Lazarus tried to take the place over, Striga managed to kill him.
I put Striga's birthday right at the beginning of that millenium. Into the year of 1004.
And, yeah... That is basically my headcanons for the four sisters.
I really adore those four and their sad, sad stories. :D
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tremordusk · 4 months
My gay ass decided to rewatch Castlevania and-
Will say significantly different viewing experience when sober,
Especially season 3-
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tawaifeddiediaz · 2 years
Tristan/Morana+soft candlelight and champagne
Tristan/Morana - (Dark Verse series by RuNyx)
(for backstory, just remember that this is a dark mafia romance, and Tristan and Morana are enemies xD)
I love this idea so much because in canon:
they first had sex in the bathroom of this super high-scale champagne-wine-and-menus-with-no-prices restaurant while Morana's father and guards were on the other side of the door
Tristan repeatedly tells Morana not to mistake him for a gentleman, or mistake him for a man who does all the romantic shit, and Morana doesn't want him to be anything less than what he is, but Tristan ends up doing some of that stuff anyway???
Morana tells Tristan later that she's never been on a date before
Tristan makes that come true for her
But, if I were to write this fic...I think I would have him setting up a date at home. Tristan canonically loves cooking (something he keeps hidden under his steel-enforced mask), and he loves cooking for her even more because she always relishes every piece of him like it's something precious.
So...he'd make a nice dinner, set up a date with movie-typical candles and roses in their home. Maybe not the typical candlestick candles, but one of those fragrant ones that Morana loves, a smell that comforts her but one that doesn't clash with the roses. And he'd cook the first dish he ever made for her, all those weeks ago when she'd run to him for safety. And he's a little awkward about it the entire time because he doesn't know how to do the soft stuff, but he's trying to let Morana see the rare soft parts of him.
And at that dinner, Morana would reveal a tattoo of her own, around her ring finger - Tristan - to match the tattoo Tristan has of Morana on his own finger.
But also, I can picture an angsty masquerade ball, but that's for another day dajskldj
send me a pairing + a fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write for them
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lumiinousbeingsold · 3 months
tag drop - angel and demon ocs
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startold-a · 2 years
tag dump : leona, nina, morana
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bebisexual · 4 months
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Morana was pretty sure, by this point, she was more than half in love with Amara. It was impossible for her not to love her. And after everything she’d done for her, she deserved a friend. As did Morana.
headcanon: morana vitalio bisexual
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kassiedoodles-xo · 8 months
Yuki (ninjago OC) power headcanons
Has the best stamina out of everyone, purely because she runs on the treadmill for 3 hours everyday while belting Taylor Swifts Eras Tour setlist ( ngl this is me projecting)
accidently developed a bloodless torture curse (like crucio from harry potter) when she was 10 and spewing random words after the death of her brother.
She's one of the strongest masters of Magic, stronger than her mother. Sensei Wu even admits "she's far beyond Asterias' skill level at her age. The last time the master of Magic was so powerful was when Queen Morana ruled." (The name Morana means death... sooo ✨️ foreshadowing✨️)
Despite being the purple ninja, her Magic isn't purple, it's actually pink.
Yeah that one was a surprise to everyone.
Turns out Dark magic is purple tho
look. she's not evil, but she developed a lot of Jinxes just to use for pranks
Once Lloyd made her blush so hard she burst into pink flames.
Jay pissed her off once and she burst into flames and her eyes glowed.
Jay Is scared of Yuki
Yuki turned Jay into a Squirrel multiple times
There's an inside joke about her spontaneously combusting
Her eyes glow when using her full power.
They also glow when concentrating. On anything. Or when angry.
Her eyes BURN when they glow for too long
PIXAL figured out it's probably the main cause of her migranes + stress + head trauma.
Curse marks that look like frostbite on her fingers after using the forbidden spell
Has a spell for EVERYTHING
Her metabolism is WHACK cause of her powers. Magic uses alot of energy & cals .
Remeber the hc that she forgets to eat? Sometimes after a battles she's completely worn out and this conversation follows:
Yuki: *on the verge of passing out* why am I so tired T_T
Zane: when was the last time you ate?
Yuki:.... God dayum
Everyone else: *pulling out protein bars* eat up
So yeah everyone keeps protein bars on them.
also is skilled at body manipulation after becoming more comfortable with the use of Dark Magic(similar to blood bending from ATLA)
Taught Nya how to manipulate someone's body by manipulating their blood like it was water.
did i mention her powers cause frequent fainting spells?
everyone genuinely thought she had narcolepsy for a while cause it'd happen EVERY day.
She temporally looses her power during a full lunar eclipse (2-3 times a year)
on the contrary, a total Solar eclipse empowers her even more (every 18 months)
overuse of magic can weaken the immune system
after the events of The Forces Of Destiny, she can astral project and channel (communicate with spirits of the past queens)
so yeah that's it for now :)
ill do a thorough breakdown of the magic system soon!
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
Castlevania AU: Modern Day Occupations
Trevor: Manages a bar. The bar is called Death's Door.
Sypha: Coffee barista who's running a café that doubles as a bookshop.
Alucard: Fencer, figure skater, professional Shakespearean stage actor, is a regular at both the bar and the café.
Greta: Paramedic, also teaches first aid and CPR classes on the side.
Hector: Veterinarian that also volunteers religiously at an animal shelter.
Isaac: Professional Event Photographer (Kind of a weird one, I know, but this is mostly because I imagine Isaac's 'no bullshit' personality would be perfect for corralling large groups of people into formation and keeping them all on schedule.)
Carmilla: Either a fashion model or the CEO of a major fashion company.
Lenore: Assistant to a politician...but she ends up doing all the work and has been quietly plotting her revenge for not getting the recognition she deserves.
Striga: Teaches women's self-defense. Morana attends the class; that's how they met.
Morana: University professor for social studies, psychology, and/or history.
St. Germain: Also university professor, teaching chemistry and/or philosophy.
Godbrand: Coach for some winter related sport. I don't know if he's putting the supportive fear of God into a hockey team or some poor snowboarder, but I'm here for it. Is also a regular at Death's Door.
Varney: That one weird guy who has multiple unrelated occupations, not all of them legit. Lawyer, unlicensed dentist, tax consultant, tailor, etc...
Ratko: Runs a YouTube wilderness survival vlog.
Lisa: Physician (Obviously.)
Dracula: Opera singer. (Don't ask why. I don't know.)
Anyone I missed? Any ideas of your own? Let me know!
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demigoddessqueens · 2 years
Could I plz request Castlevania's Striga and Morana with a S/o who is a werewolf? 🙏
Oh sure! Absolutely 💯
First thing first is they will do everything they can to protect you.
Carmilla most likely will look down on anyone or anything not a vampire, so you’re safety comes first
That aside, you couldn’t ask for two more loving vampires
Protective, loyal, love to spoil you, and supportive through your transformations every full moon
Striga is one you can rely upon in terms of your strength, whereas Morana is the soft-spoken one you can divulge your inner thoughts too
Sometimes they like to sneak you little tokens, books, gifts, trinkets, and other rich foods and wines you may crave/need.
When they first saw your transformation and human form, it struck Striga and Morana how soft and delicate you could be under that fierce exterior
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shentheauthor · 15 days
Fuck it! Cult of the lamb character “nationalities” (in-game domains lmao) (these are my headcanons + some ocs)
Kore (lamb oc)
Thistle (oc)
Rinor (canon)
Berith and bop (headcanon)
Forneus (headcanon)
Flinky (headcanon)
Klunko (hc)
Ratau & Ratoo (hc)
Shrumy (hc)
Nima (oc)
Fisherman (unknown, likely canon)
Midas (likely canon)
Silk cradle:
Penn (oc)
Helob (likely canon)
Monch (hc)
The Fox (hc)
Morana (oc)
Overseas/not from the lands of the old faith:
Jalala & Yarlen/stinky (canon)
Plimbo (canon)
Sozo (hc)
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Isaac's Styria
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As anyone who reads my stuff on Ao3 will know: What really has me fascinated about Castlevania in the end is Styria post-canon. Because it is just such an interesting scenario.
We know that Styria has been ruled by the sisters for hundreds of years. How many hundred years? That we do not know. But we can pretty certainly say it has been at least 200 years. Maybe even more.
As the show does not go a lot into the worldbuilding (which, again, is totally fine, because it would not add to the plot), so we do not exactly know what life in Styria looks like. But we do know that the vampire sisters talk about the humans within the country as livestock, so not really considering them as people. We also see that - until the mercenaries are hired - there are only vampires living in the castle.
So, it is pretty clear that within Styria under the sisters humans were at most just second class to the vampire. But it also seems that the sisters mostly keep to themselves. We do not really see them in any meaningful interact with any of the other vampires. Though the other vampires seem to have a good life for the most part.
Now, Isaac takes over by killing Carmilla. Striga and Morana decide not to return to the castle, because they care more about each other than they care about ruling. And Isaac decides that he wants to build "a way for people to live". Which is all very nice as a sentiment... But it also makes me think about stuff.
Through the dialogue of Miranda we know that Styria mostly holds the neighbouring kingdoms off by force. Which kinda makes sense. Because on one hand we do know that certain people do not like a kingdom ruled by women (which for the time is admittedly not quite historically accurate, given that the neighbouring duchy of Bavaria had a duchess ruling at the time) and I highly doubt that the human kingdoms were quite happy about their vampire neighbours.
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But with Isaac taking the throne he is gonna run into some problems, right? Because racism and anti-muslim sentiment. And also because he has not learned how to rule. We know he knows how to read and probably also write at least. We see him read in Greek, he very likely also knows how to read/write Arabian. Given he tried to learn what his owner was doing, he probably also knows some Latin. He probably does not know any German.
But he seems to aim to make a society where people can actually be free. So instead of having their labour exploited (what happened under feudalism as well, though not to the degree of capitalism), so that they can have an actual future instead of "an eternal now".
But while a great idea, he is very much gonna struggle in having it happen, right? Because the human populus was held as livestock. So we gotta wonder how much they know about self-governance and such.
And there is also another issue: Canonically he has all the vampires in the castle killed. But it is likely that he needs some of those vampires to help him, because he needs some people who know stuff about the realm and the best people for that would be some vampires.
Which is why I just opted to ignore the "kill everyone" part, with about sixty vampires surviving the attack on the castle. (With more vampires that were acting as border guards also being alive in the end.)
But that also would mean that they are going to have to include the vampires into the government, too. And of course, a free society would have some form of democracy or anarchism as the form of government. Probably with Isaac acting as a figurehead king because without some form of nobility folks would not accept the realm as such.
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Now, I have Striga and Morana return to Styria after two years. After the events of The lesser Evil to be exact. Because it ends up being mutually beneficial. Striga and Morana are of course in more danger as long as they are out there without an actual home. Because, you know, they still die in the sunlight. So a vampire castle most certainly is preferable. Meanwhile Isaac really does not know how to run the place - and the people probably also do not know it. So, having them help would be good for either side.
Morana was the administrator. And as such she can probably teach a lot of things to Isaac. She also seems to be the most attached to Carmilla out of the sisters from what we see, which makes me think that she is also gonna hate Isaac's guts. Because he was the one who killed Carmilla. (I mean, technically Carmilla killed herself - but let's not kid ourselves, if she hadn't, he would've killed her within the next minute.)
But with the vampires being around - which again is necessary - there also needs to be a solution for feeding. While we never quite know how this happens in Carmilla's Styria, I am just gonna assume that people die. Because that is just how vampire culture is shown to deael with that.
But in a more equal society, there can be consensual feeding. We know that vampires cannot need too much blood given how long Dracula goes without blood. So, you know, have humans who volunteer to give a bit of blood.
Some of the vampires might actually grumble about that. Because to them the aspect of hunting for the food was actually part of the fun. But that is an actual compromise.
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Again, who reads my post-canon Styria stuff knows, that I am very fascinated by this topic. Because it is just such a hopeful ending for that storyline.
And yes, also it is no secret that I just really love the characters involved. That is Hector, Isaac, Striga, Morana and also Abel and our little awkward FlysEyes. I find them so interesting as characters and I really enjoy writing about their relationships. Not only the romantic ones, but also the platonic ones.
So... yeah. I wanted to talk a bit more about this before Nocturne comes out. As I still doubt that we will get to know much about what happened there after the ending.
So, if you crave more content about the forgemasters, the wives and the night creatures... go read my post-canon Styria stuff.
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
navigation: death under waxing moon.
This verse alternates the spoken canon about the sorcerers & curses outside Japan being almost non-existent.
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𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐝. 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥, 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐝.
Title: Ice Queen  Age: 28 years old, July 27th, Leo Ancestors: Chernobog and Morana (sorcerers turned vengeful spirits) Grade: Special Grade Innate Technique: Death In Winter
To speak simply and to, later on, write it better in another headcanon, Zarina’s cursed energy transforms into ice, she is able to create a variety of tools and even ‘living’ and ‘acting’ figures such as animals or even humans. Her technique can also apply either ‘stagnation’ state or ‘fragile’ state on her enemies but only one at a time due to complications of such technique. 
Domain Expansion: Eternal Slumber of Death;
Full description: TO BE UPDATED.
Incantation: All are equal before Death.
Heavenly Restriction: Inability to use the fire-related techniques passed down in the family in exchange for enhanced ice technique; emotional detachment in exchange for control of emotions and cursed energy. 
Binding Vow: Limitation of cursed energy based on ‘chains’ (accessories). Zarina binds her powers and her cursed energy based on how many accessories she wears (she wears 9 at all time but may wear 10 to fully be seen as if a normal person), each accessory limiting ten percent of her power. 
o1. The main history behind this verse: Background information and the story.
o2. The curse of Morana: the ancestry, the relation, and the effect on Zarina’s life as a sorcerer.  TO BE REWRITTEN/UPDATED.
o3. Morana’s Doll: What will happen when the seal breaks down? How will it affect Zarina? Why is she in such hurry? UPDATED.
o4. “I’m glad Gojo Satoru was born.” What does this phrase mean?
o5. Morana's Doll: The location of the doll at the beginning and middle of the manga. (TBA)
o6. (Ten) Nine limiters of powers: What are Zarina's 'limiters'? How do they affect others' perception on her power level and what they do to her powers?
o7. Reputation: How others view Zarina? What others whisper about her? What information is fully available from her reputation?
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Do Harumi and Lloyd get together after Crystalized in that One Decision fic?
No, they thought about it but after a bit of therapy they decided the best thing was to Coparent their daughter Morana
Lloyd ends up with Brad, Harumi with Gene
Yes that Gene in my headcanons Gene's parents or well one of them is none other than Master Chen, he is the little brother of Skylar.
So while Skylar slings noodles and works the restaurant he runs the Mafia side, just like his father had been training him to do. Take over the Chen Clan as the new Head of the Family.
Harumi thus adds what's left of the Sons of Garmadon to the Chen Mafia. It's one of the most powerful groups in the Underground.
I also have a twisted sense of humor and thought it would be funny if Harumi ended up with Gene because former schoolyard bully runs off with the woman who traumatized you deeply but also is the mom of your kid.
So Greenflower/Forgivenshipping
I'm still figuring out a name for Gene and Harumi probably JadeHeirshipping
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