#☕️-cafe sweet
cafesweetvn · 4 months
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Our fourth love interest, Davi! He started coming to the cafe one day and has been a regular since. He has trouble speaking and maintaining eye contact with you and your coworkers. Hyun-ae is weirded out by him, should you be too?
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planete777 · 8 months
personally i think ur fics are not hyped enough. if u have 1 fan its me. if u have no fans its cause im dead. -cait/enchantecafe
cait, i love you ☹️🤍
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Bruce Wayne, sitting in a cute eco-friendly cafe while on a video call with Tim: Oh Noooo, are you sure there’s no way the board of directors will let us get rid of this old decrepit Wayne Factory building that is unsafe for our workers and also for the surrounding environment?
CEO Tim, with equal gravitas: No, I’m afraid they just won’t budge. It technically meets legal requirements on paper, and we can’t prove that the chemicals affecting the local ecosystem that have no other possible source are from the out-of-date drainage system… they’re saying it would cost too much to fix the place up too, which is ridiculous, because we’re us, but our hands are tied…
Bruce, full Brucie himbo mode: Oh I just feel so SAD for all the sweet fluffy animals and the pretty flowers and especially our hard workers dealing with such unsafe conditions… I think I’ll give them all a nice short vacation this weekend, so the ENTIRE PLACE will be EMPTY and SHUT DOWN from FRIDAY TO TUESDAY, the SECURITY SYSTEM WILL BE DOWN because it’s just so GLITCHY, I’m sure nothing will happen to the ENVIRONMENTAL STAIN ON OUR COMPANIES NAME THAT WILL BE COMPLETELY ABANDONED FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY- Timmy do you think I’m being too subtle?
Tim, snickering: no no you’re doing great Bruce I’m sure they’ve got it
Poison Ivy, on a date the next table over: ( ‘-‘)-☕️
Harley, through tears of repressed laughter: so… we doing anythin’ this weekend?
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digitalgirlguide · 3 months
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As I sat sipping my morning coffee, I couldn't help but wonder: why do we often wait for someone else to take us on a romantic date when the perfect partner has been there all along—ourselves?
We get so caught up in chasing love from others we often forget that sometimes that you can give yourself the love you need too.
There’s something soooo empowering about falling in love with your own presence. I mean why wouldn't I want to hangout with myself? I'm amazing, fun and smell good too.
When you take yourself out, you're not just spending time alone— you're setting the standard for yourself everytime you get dressed up and go to that fancy restaurant, everytime you grab your tote bag and favourite runners and go exploring in your city, or even monthly spa visits to pamper yourself. make your solo dates pop so you don't settle for less when it comes to romantic partners and platonic friendships
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Physical Solo Date Ideas
Sunset Beach Walk: Slip into your cutest sundress and wander along the beach as the sun sets. You could even pack yourself some of your fave sparkling drinks and some fruits! and everybody always feels better after they spend some time by the water.
Picnic in the Park: Pack a basket with your favorite snacks, a cozy blanket, and a good book. Find a shady spot under a tree 🍓📖
Yoga in the Garden: Roll out your mat in your backyard or a nearby garden. Breathe in the fresh air and stretch your body 🧘‍♀️🌸
Gallery Hopping: Spend an afternoon exploring local art galleries. Take your time admiring each piece and journal about it after 🖼️
Stargazing Night: On a clear night, lay out a blanket in your backyard or a quiet park and look up at the stars ✨
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Food Solo Date Ideas
Café Hopping: Spend a day exploring cafés in your city and act like the main character in a sitcom or romcom. My fave thing about cafe's is people watching and making up storylines about people. ☕️
Gourmet Dinner for One: Dress up and take yourself to that fancy restaurant you’ve been eyeing. Put on that dress you've been "saving for a special occasion" and order yourself the whole bottle! 🍷
Baking Adventure: Try out a new baking recipe and create some new sweet treats, whatever you have leftover you can share with your girls 🥮🍪🍰
Farmers’ Market Feast: Visit a local farmers’ market and pick out fresh, seasonal ingredients. Then, head home and cook a delicious, wholesome meal just for you.
Ice Cream Parlor Indulgence: Treat yourself to a visit to an ice cream parlor.
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Remember, darling, you're the star of your own show. Every moment spent with yourself is a chance to fall head over heels for the fabulous person you are. So, slip into that cute outfit, step out with all the confidence of a city girl in stilettos, and let the world bask in your glow.
After all, the greatest romance you'll ever have is the one you create within yourself.
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pistachi0art · 5 months
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A commission for @harmonytre who wanted a sketchpage of their Sweet Voice Cafe AU! ☕️🍰
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Caffeine fix and beyond - Part 1
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A/N: Did I come up with the worst fic title? Lmao. This is for @elixirfromthestars thank you for hosting the cutest writing challenge ever!
Sitting at the Coffee shop AU table, with some sweet treats - “I’m only doing it because you’re cute.”, “Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” & Saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
Find the writing challenge here ☕️
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warning: fluff! One bad coffee pun.
Word count: 2.2k
Tony Stark Masterlist
“Oh look! It’s my favourite superhero!” you exclaimed, giving the man before you a big grin as he mirrored your action.
“And it’s my favourite barista.”
Tony Stark lowered his sunglasses to greet you, shoving them in his pocket before ordering his usual cup of coffee to go.
Happy Hogan, his head of security or the guy who handed him things - as you formerly knew him, was missing today. That was a first. You got to know about his eccentric habits over the course of time, something which you initially found snooty and borderline narcissistic.
It was a sunny day in New York when the genius billionaire walked into your cafe with a caffeine urge to subdue and an air of indifference. He had cut through the line much to your annoyance but the people waiting didn’t seem to mind since it was the great Iron Man who’d just walked into your humble but prominent shop. After making him wait for a good fifteen minutes before giving him his fix, you were introduced to the man who had been observing you keenly from afar while you worked. As time passed, you got to know the man behind the titanium suit, the funniest, wittiest man you’d come across and a broken superhero you had grown fond of. It had come to a point where on days he wouldn’t show up, you would actually miss him.
“No Happy today?” you wondered out loud, raising your eyebrows when he held his hand out for the cup which you were about to place on the counter.
“He’s feeling under the weather. I’ll let him know you missed him.” he teased, taking a sip of the scalding hot beverage without flinching.
“Please do. You know how much I love him in his suit.” you grinned as Tony chuckled, waving goodbye as you watched the man head out.
“Might stop by later tonight, Y/N!” he called out without turning around, making a few heads turn your way before the superhero disappeared.
Shaking your head fondly, you went about your day, tending to the ever-growing line standing in front of you, all waiting for their favourite coffee.
While you rolled out the last of the cinnamon roll batch for the night, you heard the bell outside your door chime, knowing it wouldn’t be anybody other than the man who had quickly become one of your closest companions. He usually ended up in your cafe late at night for a chat, more often than not for a cup or three of his famous Stark brew - as you coined it.
“Are those cinnamon rolls I smell?”
You chuckled hearing his voice float through the empty cafe before the man appeared in the kitchen which was located behind the counter. Dressed in some faded jeans and a band t-shirt, he looked quite relaxed for someone you knew was running on four hours of sleep on a daily basis.
“Yes! Aren’t these a favourite of your best friend? James if I’m not wrong. Ask him to stop by tomorrow, will you?”
One of the things that you loved doing was teasing Tony Stark, the man was so easily annoyed, it was adorable.
“Yeah I’m starting to think you prefer my head of security and my best friend over my company, Y/N.” he narrowed his eyes at you, leaning against one of your work stations while snooping around for snacks.
“Finally you got the hint! You are as smart as they say, Stark.” you poked your tongue out, wiping your hands on your apron before handing him a bag of strawberries which he gratefully accepted.
“Alright, quit it.”
The two of you had quite the chemistry ever since you began talking, it always bordered on flirting and would more often than not lead to banter, something you thoroughly enjoyed and knew he secretly loved too. It had been a privilege getting to know the man behind the Iron persona. The man was generous and kind, he was sweet when he wanted to be and a stubborn prick when he pleased.
For a few moments he remained silent, watching you wrap the trays of cinnamon rolls in plastic before you transferred them to the fridge to prove overnight; he saw how meticulously you cleaned the kitchen before pouring a glass of white wine for yourself and perching yourself on the counter next to him.
“Not driving home?” he asked, concerned about how tired you looked, surely you were doing this for years and he had never seen you this exhausted. Maybe it was something other than your regular baking duties that were troubling you today.
“Car’s with the mechanic today, she’s giving me nothing but grief these days.” you sighed, rolling your shoulders to relieve some tension from your aching muscles. Some family drama aside, it had been a long, busy but fulfilling day.
“So, what ails you, dear child?” you joked, sipping on your wine. Tony would usually beg you to make him a cup of joe by now but tonight, he remained silent.
“Forget about me. Tell me about your day, Y/N.”
Tony rarely asked about this. His visits consisted of rants about technical jargon which you did not pretend to understand, they ended with him bragging about an invention or a girl he scored with the night before. You were more of a listener than a talker anyway, had been all your life, so it was like a natural fit. So this certainly came as a surprise to you.
“I’m serious. I always yap about my day and you always listen. You seem upset about something and I want to know if you’re willing to share. You need a listener too.” he smiled one of those rare Tony Stark smiles that were reserved for special people in his life. It warmed your heart.
He waited patiently as you took another generous sip from your drink, his brown eyes boring into yours, his body angled towards you, letting you know you had his full attention.
“Well, my baby brother is thinking about quitting college. He says he wants to focus on his start-up. You know the one I told you about.”
He nodded, immediately recalling the day you had mentioned about your younger sibling being inclined towards artificial intelligence and expressing the desire to venture into it professionally one day.
“I don’t want him to be yet another disappointment to my parents, Tony. One sibling has had enough trauma to last a lifetime. I don’t want him to go through what I did.” you sighed, closing your eyes to make the stray tears that gathered disappear.
Sure your parents gave you the upbringing you deserved, but they would never miss a chance to show their disappointment in you after you had quit your well-paying job to open up your quaint little cafe. It had been a lifelong dream of yours that didn’t seem to fit in their ideal world. You were used to ignoring the little jabs and remarks but your brother was still young, and you wanted to protect him.
“Look, I know you still think of him as your baby brother, but he’s old enough to make his own decisions now, Y/N. And you never know, he might be really good, good enough for the heir of Stark Industries to want to meet him to discuss ideas.”
He knew you would never take advantage of the fact that you guys were close and he was willing to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
A lesser known fact was that Tony Stark was quite smitten by you. His best friend knew it, Happy knew it, probably the only person who didn’t know was you.
“Tony, it’s not necessary. You’re being too kind, I just–”
“Nuh-uh. It’s already decided. He will be okay, Y/N. Stop taking his responsibilities upon your delicate little shoulders.” Tony jumped down and placed his hands on your shoulders to give you a little massage. His fingers felt like heaven, making you melt against his touch instantly, you had to stop yourself from letting out a moan that threatened to escape.
“That feels amazing. Do you moonlight as a masseur?” you yawned sleepily, placing the glass away.
“Perhaps. The rest of my services are paid though. Come on.” Tony held out his hand for you and made you stand up.
“Come where? Where are we going?” you frowned, eyelids already growing heavy, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up.
“I’m going to walk you home. Have you eaten today?”
You hadn’t. The day had been busy enough and you wanted to finish the batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, that had eventually led you to forget about dinner.
Meekly you shook your head, making him let out a dramatic sigh.
“What would you do without me, Y/N Y/L/N!”
If anything, Tony Stark would never fail to make you smile. He had a tendency to brighten up a dull day. You found yourself thinking just how much you’d miss him if he wasn’t in your life; not that you’d gather the courage to answer out loud.
He had looped your arm in his as you walked the ever busy streets of New York, grabbing a pizza on your way. This was a new side to him you were shown, one you were sure didn’t come out often.
As you unlocked your front door, you turned to the man beside you who stood fidgeting with the cardboard pizza box.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Instead of answering, Tony leaned closer and wrapped his hand over yours on the door knob, his breath fanning your hair slightly causing your heart to flutter hopelessly. Ever so gently he twisted the knob and opened the door for you, his body heat still radiating near you, making you want to lean against that taut chest. If only you could…
He stepped in after you, observing your space with keen interest. Years of hardwork and savings had bought you this modestly sized apartment, right in the heart of New York. The space was a little cluttered but it had a homey vibe to it which matched you.
Placing the pizza box on the kitchen counter, you discarded your bag and asked the snarky superhero who was currently skimming over family photographs if he wanted a drink.
“You didn’t answer my question, Tony.” You said, handing him a glass of wine. This time he turned to face you, a small smile played on his lips as he took in your appearance. Hair messy from a long day of work, minimal make-up and the light in your eyes that drew him in from day one; to him, you were perfect.
“I’m only doing it because you are cute.”
He stated matter-of-factly, reaching for your free hand and letting his fingers entwine with yours. A small gesture that awakened a few thousand butterflies in your tummy.
“You’ve offered to help my brother, you bought me dinner, walked me home, and you didn’t try to sneak a cup of coffee today. All that because I’m cute huh?”
You teased, feeling just a little bolder as you took a step closer to him. It was now or never, you thought.
“Ask me what I’ve always wondered about.” He asked softly, still toying with your fingers which he’d now brought up to his chest. Something in your heart whispered he felt the same way.
“What have you always wondered about, Tony?” Your eyes dropped to his pillowy lips, unable to resist yourself from getting closer until you were only inches apart.
“I wonder why you won’t bake some blueberry muffins for me?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to process and snap out of it, when you did, Tony’s eyes were dancing with mirth. You shoved him away with a groan only for him to grab hold of your arms and pull you close.
“I’ve always wondered how I’ve grown so close to someone I only met a few months ago, I’ve always wondered how someone as beautiful and amazing as you would ever entertain a selfish prick like me..”
You were about to open your mouth to speak but were stopped when Tony placed a finger on your lips.
“I’ve also wondered what it’d be like to kiss you…” his soft murmur traveled down your spine in a delicious manner, making your breathing hitch as his doe eyes landed on your parted lips.
Taking initiative, you gently pressed your lips to his in a kiss that assured you your life wouldn’t be the same again. It was surprisingly tender, contrary to his boisterous persona, soft lips molded into yours in a perfect union making the surroundings disappear.
You smiled into the kiss when Tony let out a small whine, almost as if battling in his head whether to break the kiss or take things forward. You felt his grip on your hands move to your waist, holding you flush against his chest before he reluctantly broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, grinning.
“And?” You kept your voice soft, afraid to break the bubble you were in.
“I think I found my perfect blend.”
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ilwonuu · 6 months
perfect date
જ⁀➴. kim seungmin
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𐙚 paring- nonidol!seungmin x fem reader
𐙚 summary- just a bunch of little drabbles about the cute dates you and seungmin go on<333
𐙚 warnings- seungmin is whipped, kissing, affection, fluff, mentions of sexual acts vaguely, lmk what else
𐙚 a/n- i haven’t written for seungmin before but i loved this sm. please lmk what u think i tried something new 😘
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art museum 🖼️ *:・
you and seungmin were so excited to go to the new art museum that opened close your area. seungmin excitedly buying the tickets for you two. you two walk through the museum, commenting on the art you passed.
him not letting go of your hand as you two stroll. seungmin snapping photos of the art. he doesn’t forget to take any photos of you of course. getting more new pictures of you than of the art.
“you are the art babe.” he grins at you. as you just blush looking away from him. “let’s look at the rest of the art you dork.”
you smile back. the two of enjoying the quietnesses of the exhibits, the pretty paintings, the amazing aura the museum had, and of course each other. making sure to definitely come back for another date there<3
beach picnic 🧺*:・
the two of you LOVED your beach dates. he loves the way the waves sound mixing with your voice. the two of you cuddled up into a blanket as you watch the sun go down.
seungmin feeding you sweet treats that he brought for you two. both of enjoying the nice breeze from the ocean. “want to collect sea shells?” seungmin asks suddenly. making you giggle a little bit.
“random but- yes.” he plants a soft kiss on your head as he pulls you up from the blanket with him. the two of you running closer the water.
you start picking up the sea shells you think are pretty. loving seungmin’s idea immediately more. “look at this one! it’s so pretty.” you say showing seungmin the shell you found.
“mm it is my love, but not as pretty as you.” he’s wearing a proud smile. “you’re so cheesy min.” he just nods. “i just love you.” you smile at his words.
“i love you too.” he smiles back at you. “okay i underestimated how cold it would be so close to the water. uhhh can we go back to the blanket! im dying.”
seungmin shakes dramatically just to mess with you a bit. you sending him a playful eye roll. “lets go minnie.” as soon as you say those words, seungmin has you in his arms bridal style.
“babe you don’t need to carry me.” you laugh as he starts to half jog to the blanket. finally you two arriving back to your designated spot. him immediately pulling you into
his arms as he wraps the blanket around your bodies. he kisses your cheek. “more treats ny love?” he asks with a puppy smile.
movie night 🍿 *:・
tangled in your bed with your boyfriend as you watch horrors movies all night. seungmin accidentally making too much popcorn.
his hand is around your waist as he focuses on the movie playing. seungmin won’t admit it but it helps him be a little less scared if he is close to you.
“are you scared minnie?” you ask teasingly. he rolls his eyes at you trying to act un phased. “i am not.” he sees you scooting closer to him to hug his side.
“it’s okay min i will be your protector.” you giggle a little. seungmin joining your laughter as you receive a glare. “i don’t need protection baby.” he says planting a kiss on your lips.
“that sounded dirty minnie.” you laugh again. “it can be if you want it to be my love.” he says with a wink. causing you to roll you eyes playfully.
coffee ☕️ *:・
your seated in a booth across your boyfriend as you two enjoy breakfast with some coffee. the two of you wanting to go to your favorite cafe together.
seungmin is holding your hand across the table as he sips on his coffee. he takes in your soft appearance. no makeup, in his hoodie, your tired expression. he thinks you look too cute.
“i love this cafe even more min, every time i come here.” he nods taking another sip of his coffee. “i know me too. especially with you. i love being anywhere with you.”
he rubs your hand gently. his words and his touch immediately causing you to blush hard. “i love being anywhere with you too. especially when there’s coffee.” you say playfully as you take another sip of your coffee.
“you are the cutest person on this planet what.” he says in disbelief as he watches you a bit. “minnie why are you peppering me with so many compliments- im turning bright red in here and people probably think im crazy.”
he chuckles at your words before shaking his head. “first of all i do this all the time because you deserve it. second of all you look so cute when you blush.”
he smiles before taking a sip of his coffee. “plus you look even more adorable right now.” he smiles at you lovingly.
dinner 🍝 *:・
seungmin made a reservation for the two of you to have dinner at this fancy italian restaurant you were dying to try.
you are beyond excited when seungmin also surprises you with a new beautiful dress that you have been wanting but couldn’t afford.
“seungmin- you didn’t.” your shocked as he lays it on your shared bed for you. “i did my love. now- before you say anything about the price, let me just say it doesn’t matter how much it is. you’re gonna look so beautiful and thats all the matters.”
he knows you better than yourself at this point already knowing you would have a concern with the dress price. “but minnie-“ he shakes his head pulling you into a hug.
“baby i will buy anything for you. don’t worry about it okay?” he smiles giving your head a kiss. “put it on my love. i want to see you in it.” he sits on his bed as he watches you change (respectfully of course)
he smiles at your figure always forgetting how beautiful you look in everything. you try on the dress looking in the mirror at yourself then to seungmin.
“wow- my love you look absolutely gorgeous.” he gets up from the bed to kiss you sweetly. you deepen the kiss for a moment then pull away. “we’re gonna miss our reservation.”
he nods grabbing his keys. “let’s go?” he says before you two leave to the restaurant. the restaurant even fancier than you imagined.
you and seungmin sit at your table talking and eating for awhile. his habit of holding your hand across the table being too cute for you, him of course doing it any time he is seated across you.
“dessert?” the waiter comes to ask. both of you of course ordering your desserts of choice. “this is so good. want to try?” you ask him offering him a bite of your cake.
he obliges opening his mouth to take the bite off your fork. “mm that is good. i would offer you mine but i ate it all. sorry my love.” he laughs at himself.
“it’s okay you can give me something better at home hm?” you say shifting the convo a little. he gulps at your words, feeling his dick harden a little bit at the thought.
seungmin eyes widen and then he’s suddenly calling the waiter over. “check please!”
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blue-disco-lights · 11 days
Galladrabbles: Mine
Thank you @jrooc for this week's @galladrabbles prompt! Allow me to transport us into this coffee shop AU...
☕️ 🍂
“Autumn Spice Cookie Latte for Mickey!” The redhead looks straight at him and pushes the cup in his direction.
Mickey swivels his head around the cafe, surprised to see it’s just him and Mandy in there.  
“Hey thought you ordered me a black coffee, Mands,” he grumbles. To which his sister just shrugs.
He approaches the counter and is immediately hit with a delicious smell.
“Thanks, but that ain’t mine.’
“Thought you might like something sweet for a change,” hot coffee guy says. 
Curious, Mickey grabs the cup and sees what’s written on the side. 
Ian. And a phone number.
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dummypwnces · 3 months
𓍢ִ໋ ⋆˚ ☕️ SO CLOSE, BUT SO FAR . જ⁀➴ |
Nahoya Kawata
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˚˖𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒✧˚.🎀༘⋆ ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
warnings; sugar daddy! Nahoya, implied chubby! Reader, f!reader, a bit of degrading, pet names, oral sex f & m receiving, spanking, fingering, a bit of hair pulling, kinda brat taming, TIMESKIP Corrupt Toman! Nahoya, Mean! Nahoya, a bit of Dom! Nahoya, maybe bimbo reader?, porn w/ plot, first time writer so might be bad, Hoya is physically taller than reader and bigger, M!DNI PLZ!!!
Word count, 2.2K (૮ •͈ ‸ 𖦹 ა )
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Nahoya Kawata. A feared captain of the fourth division of the delinquent gang Tokyo Manji or known as ‘Toman’ or at least he USED to be. Always feared, loving the feeling of beating someone’s ass regardless of who they are, side by side with his gang members and his brother, oh how he misses those days; but good thing he’s rich now!
You were just a simple barista, cleaning tables, dealing with rude people who thought they were better than you, and all KINDS of men. Hitting on you, getting mad when you rejected them, even threatening you on the job. But you couldn’t do anything, this job is what you needed to pay your rent, that was until you met him..
He walked in the cafe with his straight, orangish hair, clearly not used to it being locked from its curly form, a smile that could make your heart stop from fear and attraction, his eyes closed, the perfect voice mixed with a giggle and a deep voice, and a tannish suit that showed off his lean physique and god, the way he spoke his first words to you should’ve been the first red flag, but his words sounded like the sweet taste of honey from a bumblebee.
As normal like all the other guys that came for ‘coffee’, he asked for your number and stupidly enough, you agreed, feeling like you had to give him as his smile was slowly starting to curt. Slipping it to him on his receipt for the order of his coffee, black coffee with nothing but sugar, oh god how it matched him perfectly; you got a call later that night to find out his name as you picked it up, ‘Nahoya Kawata.’ It seemed so nice when it rolled off his tongue, you heard the voice of another girl in the background, yelling, screaming, crying even for his attention, another red flag you stupidly ignored because of Nahoya’s tantalizing voice. Asking you out for a date, which you agreed, and that’s how it all started with you becoming his sugar baby.
Always buying you lavish gifts, giving you money when you need it, making sure your rent is paid for, even getting you the apartment you dreamed of! It seems perfect, but god knows that money can’t hide it all. He always throws money at you, a new girl on his arm while you’re just old and the perfect toy he can always go for when he doesn’t get the girl he wanted for the night, and he’s found some new arm candy, again.
Once again stopping by your apartment you finally decide to confront Nahoya, which he responds with a callous tone mixed in with the high pitch of his giggly voice, the smile you once fell for making you disgusted at the way he talks back to your defiance. “Just shush and take the money, alright doll!”
You glared at the way he treated you, his words making you feel dumb and also insulted, trying to ignore the way his sweet voice always made you feel like putty. Arguing back with him with respect for yourself finally coming up again. “Fuck you, ‘Oya! Either I leave you or you make me your only girl!”
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Nahoya couldn’t lie as he stared down at your angry face from his clean height of six feet tall. The smile on his face turned into something a bit more sadistic, he grabbed your face with the slender, fingers decorated with metal adorned rings designed into a skull, two more into initials of his name and his last and another it seems with the same last name.
For however long it seemed since you’ve met the man before you, you’ve never seen his eyes until now. Being met with the angry, deceitful, but hungry eyes of a pretty color of moss green darkly turning. His words resonated with you as his voice seemed to turn you even more into putty.
“Ah, ah, ah~ what I tell you first thing you got here doll? You’re not my top priority, but ‘f you gonna be such a bitch about ‘t, might just fuck you like the little bitch yea acting like!”
As Nahoya’s words finally clicked inside your nearly going cock-dumb brain and you haven’t even done anything yet. You felt him shove his lips roughly to yours, keeping your face clutched in between his slender fingers, ruining the cute, cherry lipgloss he bought for you, letting his other hand go up the Victoria Secrets blouse he bought you, continuing to ravage your lips as he finally lets go of your face. Feeling proud of the already fucked out face he made of you.
“Such a cute, fucked out little face… ‘gonna make sure you’re ruined by tonight!”
His hands also approached the buttons of your blouse with a gentle touch, but you both knew that wasn’t what he wanted. You couldn’t lie as your thong was almost soaked by the way he tore off your blouse with a hungry touch. Leaving you in just a lace bra with wire straps looking like it would cut your shoulders; his hands grabbing your soft hips and placing you up on the marble kitchen counter of your apartment. Grabbing the hooks of your bra and tearing it off with a smirk on his face that you’ve never seen before, be oh he knew it was all telling…
Finally sinking his mouth onto the nipples of your breasts, having to lean his head down a bit as he happily rubbed the wet spot appearing on your thong. Pulling and tugging at it to keep your puffy cunt warm from his teasing.
Your glossy smeared mouth mewling and whimpering from the pleasure and slight pain you felt in two places of your body, trying to rub your plush thighs together from the sweet tension growing in your thong.
A slap comes to your clothed cunt, a whimper escaping from your mouth as Nahoya talks about your needs like it’s a burden for him to take care of.“Such a pretty ‘lil thing, but too damn loud. Gonna make sure yea screamin’ my name by tonight.”
That was all you could hear before he his lips let go of your now puffy nipple with a wet *pop!*, smirking at the look of your soft lips in a tired ‘O’ your eyes teary eyed already and begging for the touch you hated only a few moments ago. He finally gave into your needs and sunk down to your knees, his fingers gently exposing the way your puffy cunt glistened in the light of your kitchen.
He sunk his long fingers inside of your cunt, making sure he put his mouth to work, his tongue working with his fingers as the wet muscle twitched and curled inside of your wet gummy walls. Your manicured hands trying to find its way to his forcibly straightened hair, your mouth continuing to let out mewls and moans loud enough for your neighbors to hear, your plush thighs wrapping around his head before you finally utter the words he’s wanted to hear since you started to get an attitude with him.
“H-hoya! Cummin’ ‘m cumming!-“
Your words sounded so pretty to him, the way you slurred your words, the way your gummy walls were clenching around him and sucking in his tongue and long fingers like a vice grip. You felt emptiness from your puffy, soaked cunt as your brows gently furrow, glancing down to see Hoya hovering over you with the same smirk on his perfect face, he grabbed you by the same hair he paid for only to be ruined by him now. Placing you on your knees as he keeps his eyes on you, waiting for you to pull down his tanned pants down to suck his cock.
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You could only apply as your shaky hands gently hooked around the belt loops of his pants, being met with the sight of his raging cock having a bulge and a wet spot with his precum showing through his gray boxers, he scoffed out loud as he pulled down his boxers.
His cock bouncing up and down as it finally stopped against his abdomen, he had a slight happy trail of orange hairs that almost made you drool at the sight, his reddened tip slathered in precum as you gently placed your lips on the tip of his cock. Bobbing your head up and down on the six inch cock he had, almost too thick for you to take; feeling it hit the back of your throat as his hands was roaming through your perfectly done hair turned into nothing but a mess from all he’s done, hearing soft grunts, groans, and almost whines escape from his lips.
“Shit.. y’know ya so pretty when you’re not running your mouth like a ‘lil bitch…~”
You’re sure you could feel your puffy cunt clench around nothing at the way he talked to you, a moan escaping from your throat as your moan made his cock vibrate, a grunt escaping from his lips as he shoved your head fully down to the base of his cock, warm, tart ropes shooting down your throat into your tummy. Letting your mouth come off his cock with a loud, wet *pop!*, licking your lips clean as you gently batted your lashes up at him with soft doe eyes that made your pupils seem like hearts.
“Aww, think this little act ‘s gonna win me over? Huh, honey? Let’s get you in the bedroom.”
Hoya couldn’t lie that he felt his cock harden again at the way you stared up at him from your knees; his hand picking you up from your soft hips and dragging you over to your bedroom. Throwing you down onto your queen-sized bed he bought you with a new-found roughness you couldn’t lie and say you didn’t enjoy.
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‘Hoya grabbed you once again by your hair, making you choke on the cutest mewl you hid in your pouty mouth, feeling your tummy be pressed up against the rough, naked knee of him. Feeling his big hands nearly cover the whole half of your ass, raising his hand up in the air before he gives a hard blow to your ass.
A loud squeal escaping from your mouth as you squirm around your hips from the pleasurable but painful slap of Hoya’s hand. Feeling his other hand grab you soft, fucked-out face before giving it a hard slap. Making your pussy clench around nothing, you whimper quietly as you snatch your head back from his grasp. Trying to grind your puffy clit onto his knee.
Feeling a soft slap come down to your cunt, glancing back up at ‘Hoya with a soft pout that almost made him want to give you mercy *almost..* he placed one hand near your puffy cunt, another on your bottom as he starts to finger his slender fingers out of your puffy, tight hole going slowly before he picks up the pace, the squelching sounds of your hole getting his fingers all wet from your gummy, sensitive walls, still wet from your previous failed orgasm.
Your face contorting in pleasure, as you grab at Hoya’s forearm, trying to get his fingers out of your puffy hole before he makes you cum, squirt? Who knows. And finally your brain went fuzzy. Your brain going full cock-drunk as a weak, but cute smile appears on your face, he couldn’t help but smirk at the way you looked, his closed eyes finally back as he spoke to you mockingly.
“Aww, ‘s my little brat finally all stupid, just from my fingers?”
Hoya chuckled quietly as he pulled his slick covered fingers from your hole, grabbing your hair and forcing your face up to meet his. Flipping you back on your ass to sit you on the bed, forcing his long fingers in your mouth as you mindlessly suck on them to clean your juices from his fingers. ‘Hoya chuckled quietly again, grabbing you and with ease.
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Hoya bent down in-front of your plush thighs, being face to face with your wet hole as it clenched from the cold air in your room. Hoya spat at your hole, smirking quietly at your soft mewls from your sensitive cunt, pushing in his fingers again as your back tastefully arched, and your lips turned into a soft, shiny mess of an ‘O’ ;feeling your earlier orgasm come back to life with a spark back bigger and better.
His fingers sissoring inside you as your mouth continued to let out more mewls and moans that you couldn’t keep quiet, your eyes teary once again as your tears threatened to spill from your eyes at the feeling of pain and pleasure from his long fingers inside your tiny hole.
Hoya finally pulled his fingers out of your sweet hole, smirking at the damage he’s done for you, getting up from his knees and lining up his pretty, thick cock with your tiny, puffy cunt. You couldn’t lie when your cracked voice choked out these words with a hint of uncertainty.
“‘H-hoya? ‘m thinking ‘ts not gonna fit!-“
You felt his finger come up to your mouth, the smirk still plastered on his face as his sweaty, perfect face was so pretty in-front of your fucked out, teary eyed face. It was all a distraction as he shoved his cock into your gummy walls, groaning out loud, his pace started out slow but rough, his hips making your soft ass ripple as he grabbed your hips and quickly flipped you over into your belly.
One of his hands gripping onto your hips, another gripping your belly with a newfound appreciation for your curves. Your mewls got louder and louder before they just turned into incoherent babbles from your little fucked out brain going cock-dumb, your orgasm growing faster and faster before it finally snaps, your eyes going wide as a soft whimper escapes your lips before your brain finally goes from his cock hitting your special spot.
All you could say now was incoherent babbles and soft mewls with your head down into the stained sheets of your bed. His hand letting go your belly to give you one final slap to your plush ass as he cums inside of your sweet cunt, a loud groan escaping from his lips as you can feel all the soft, warm ropes filling up your tummy. Your lips letting out an array of soft whimpers.
“‘m yours H-Hoya, love chu so much!”
“Aww, love you too baby, just one more round ‘n we done for tonight~”
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You felt your puffy, ruined cunt clench around nothing at another thought, feeling your body get lifted up with ease as you open your teary eyes to be met with the sight of you sitting in his lap with his limp dick nearly standing proudly at your tummy.
You couldn’t help but let out a gentle moan, feeling his fingers rub your puffy clit, your mouth turning into a soft ‘O’ feeling your hips gently rock against his thigh in desperation for some more friction. Mewling, moaning, begging for Hoya’s fingers to go deeper into your pretty pussy filled from him.
Hoya couldn’t help but smirk as he sunk his fingers deeper inside of you just liked you wished hitting your sweet spot with a soft chuckle, your cunt clenching around his slender fingers as you feel the knot in your tummy finally release, squirting all over his fingers and staining his thighs with your juices.
You finally collapsed onto your stained bed, a fucked out smile on your face as you curled up into a ball tired and ready to go to sleep. Unknowing to the way Hoya had a smile on his face watching you sleep like the girl you are.
You woke up earlier that morning with the sight of Hoya anywhere in your apartment, you almost couldn’t lie saying you missed the man that treated you like he was yours for a might. But a note was on your drawer in his horrible writing saying he would be back later that week, and he wants you to be ready for him and someone special?
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Thank you so much for reading this if you made it to the end!!! I hope you liked my first story and I would REALLY enjoy any criticism to help me be a better writer ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶꒱ა also I’m very sorry if the gifs don’t work at first!! ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
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flem17ng · 9 months
Jessie and y/n finally decide to soft launch their relationship on social media
Soft launch: JFlem x reader
summary: Jessie and reader decide to go public (kind of). established relationship
warnings: Kinda suggestive at the beginning
“ok Y/n. what’s wrong. You’ve been in a grump all day” Jessie asked from the other side of the couch. You were both sitting curled up watching a movie but for the past day you had been more withdrawn than usual. Sure, you were a bit of an introvert anyway but jessie knew there was something on your mind. The was you gazed around the room as if not really seeing anything told her as much. 
“hmm?” you asked, not hearing what she said. 
“see! what’s up babe? you’ve been all mysterious” jessie grinned trying to get you to smile. 
“I am not being mysterious!” you scoffed. Jessie raised her eyebrow. 
“during water break you tried to drink from your bottle upside down and- AND” she cut off your complains “and when Emma asked what’s wrong you said AND I QUOTE ‘good how are you’” Jessie paused with a raised eyebrow as if asking if she needed to say more. 
You sighed and curled into her side, feeling embarrassed about why you had been so off. Nothing was wrong or anything! You’d just seen something of social media that set you off. 
“babe please?” jessie whined, pulling out her puppy eyes. you sighed because you knew you would do anything for those big brown eyes. 
“fine i’ll tell you but don’t laugh ok?” You warned with a finger to her mouth. 
“i pinky promise i won’t laugh” jessie smiled past your hand. 
“ok well. I was on instagram before training and i saw a post about you…” you trailed off again feeling embarrassed. Jessie squeezed your leg to get you to continue. 
“it was like- I don’t know how to say this- It was a thirst edit” You all but whispered the last bit causing jessie to almost howl with laughter. 
“Jess! You said you wouldn’t laugh!” you moaned, clamping a hand over your girlfriends grinning mouth. 
“i know babe i’m sorry but you said it like it’s a curse word” Jessie chuckled making you role your eyes. 
“ok!” jessie forced a straight face, “what was it about this Jessie fleming thirst edit that got you in a grump?” she asked innocently.  
“Well It just got me thinking.” you leaned forward to hover above jessie’s face “your my girlfriend and-“
“you want people to know i’m yours do you darling?” she asked with a sweet smile and a raised brow. 
“well maybe i do? What if i want them to know your mine?”
“you should watch more edits of me it this is how you’re going to get” Jessie smirked with a steady blush rising up her neck. You leant down and placed a teasing kiss on her lips. 
“you know what i mean Jess” 
Jessie sat up more and looked at you for a moment, thinking. 
“I’m happy to do it if you want to” she said decidedly.  You chewed your lip, unsure. 
“i do but- Well we are both pretty private! you more than me- I wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way”
“babe” jessie cut off your ramble “you are the most important thing in my life-“
“apart from sustainable farming” you joked. 
“you are even more in than sustainable farming darling” jessie laughed, “What i’m trying to say is that i want people to know that! You are everything to me ok? I don’t care who knows what as long I’m with you”
“you even want them to know that you’re really good with your fi-“ Jessie clamped a hand over your mouth making you both laugh. 
“ok so maybe people don’t need to know everything” she blushed suddenly looking quite flustered. 
“well take it slow then?”
“slow is good” Jessie smiled, leaning forward and pressing a kiss on your lips. 
_yourusername_ posted:
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Liked by _jessflem and 23,670 more
_yourusername_: London coffee mornings ☕️
_jessflem: should have gotten the cold brew. . _yourusername_: i’m not drinking your battery acid jessica.
Samanthakerr20: I recognise that puffer… 🧐
fanacount2: guys i’m not crazy if i say this looks like a date… right? . yournameswifey: babe come home the kids miss you 😣
_jessflem posted:
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liked by _yourusername_ and 17,573 others
_jessflem: Film from a hike :)
_yourusername_: smelly feet 🤢 . _jessflem: oh now you complain?
Kmewis19: dreamy 🤍🤍
fanaccount1: Y/n commenting pretty early… 😯
fanaccount2: who’s the second pair of shoes fleming??? . flem17ng_: jeff needs to share with the class
_yourusername_ posted:
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liked by _jessflem and 21,780 more
_yourusername_: why is she like this?
_jessflem: cozy 🌲 . _yourusername_: 🙄 .. Y/n/nxflem17: OMG WHAT?? HUh
niamhcharles17: can’t believe i wasn’t invited
Fanaccount2: same location as jessie’s post HELLO PEOPLE.
_jessflem posted:
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liked by _yourusername_ and 24,567 others
_jessflem: my two favourite things: cats and [redacted]
_yourusername_: 😺 . _jessflem: I hate that emoji. .. _yourusername_: 😺😺😺😸😸😸😸😺😺😺😺😺😺😺
Fanaccount1: i need twitter to decode this
_yourusername_ posted:
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liked by _jessflem and 34,567 others
_yourusername_: busy market day!!
_jessflem: my 🤍 . _yourusername_: all that coffee is gonna give you diarrhoea 🤍🤍🤍
samanthakerr20: stop giving her caffeine pls
Fanaccount1: hard launch is coming i can feel it
fanaccount2: it’s her- the tattoos THE FUCKING TATTOOS!!
_jessflem posted:
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liked by _yourusername_ and 23,341 others
_jessflem: hiking (new zealand this time)
_yourusername_: i hope you got eaten by a bear xx . _jessflem: you would rock the widow aesthetic. .. flem17ing_: jeffrey you can’t just say things like that. some of us need to breathe.
Chelseawfc: love to see our girls staying active ❤️. . Fanaccount1: GIRLS plural?!??? .. fanaccount2: admin knows something we don’t know.
_jessflem posted:
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Liked by _yourusername_ and 152,567 others
_jessflem: photos from today! thank you for everyone who worked on set <3
_yourusername_: omg. jessie. i’m dead. deceased. omfg. i just choked . _jessflem: don’t die 😣 .. fanaccount1: not y/n simping on main lmao
chelseawfc: 💙💙💙
flem17ng: someone check that y/n is still breathing pls. . _yourusername_: I’m not. .. flem17ng: LMAOOOOOO GIRL
_yourusername_ posted:
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liked by _jessflem and 788,563 others
_yourusername_: happy 3 years to my beautiful girl. I can’t picture a world without you and your dumb jokes. forever and always xx
_jessflem: my love 🤍🤍
_jessflem: I love you but why did you use that picture . _yourusername_: love you too pookie .. _jessflem: 🙄🙄🙄
samanthakerr20: love you both lovers
kmewis19: look at my babies! all grown up
niamhcharles17: ok can jessie move out of my apartment now please?
Fanaccount1: 3 YEARS WTF HOLD UP. . fanaccount2: not us thinking they just started dating 💀
flem17ng: ok it’s alllll coming together now. . fanaccount3: with widow comment really makes sense considering THEY ARE BASICALLY MARRIED WTF?
331 notes · View notes
philistiniphagottini · 4 months
Heyo!! I was hoping to send a request for your domestic bliss event too with you know who 😔🙏 very hard to pick because I want them all 🥲 but!! Can I request jing yuan with a gn reader for ☕️ cafe date?
Hi Honey! I'm so happy you've dropped by and asked for something. I appreciate the support. And I know what you mean. Jing Yuan fits so many of these prompts so well that you are spoiled for choice. I hope you like what I wrote, it's almost 2k words of pure, self indulgence. Take care xx
cw. fluff, gender neutral reader
Domestic Bliss
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"You’re spacing out again."
You snapped back to attention as Jing Yuan brushed a stray strand of your hair out of your eyes, the wisps curling around the tips of his finger as he gently tucked it behind your ear. Your cheeks burned, the tips of your ears turning hot as Jing Yuan retracted his hand and placed it back in his lap. Your eyes flitted away nervously.
"Sorry" you mumbled.
A warm chuckle breezed past Jing Yuan’s lip as he rested his chin in the upturned palm of his hand, a smile playing at the edges of his lips as his eyes shimmered with amusement in the warm, afternoon sun. 
"It’s quite alright."
His words did little to ease the heat simmering in your veins and drenching your body in a hot flush. You could feel beads of sweat prickle the back of your scalp despite the cool air that permeated the humble little cafe that you and Jing Yuan decided to dine in. You each had a drink placed in front of you and a myriad of the finest sweets that had caught Jing Yuan’s eye the moment he had stepped foot in the shop. You had mentioned to him not to spoil you and he politely didn’t listen to your suggestion. 
You idly picked at the skin under your nails, trying to stop the tremble of your knee as your leg continued to bounce under the table. It was getting harder for you to contain your nerves by the second. This wasn’t the first date you had been on with Jing Yuan, but the budding romance that was shared between you had only just started to blossom. You had been friends longer than you had been lovers. The shift in your relationship still made you a little nervous. And being seen out in public with him in such a casual setting did not help calm your frantic nerves. All eyes were on him constantly and since you were frequently by his side, those eyes were now on you too.
The cafe was quiet today, only a few patrons speaking amongst themselves over the soft tunes of classical music that occupied the space in between hushed whispers. You were sure you could hear someone mention his name a few tables over. Though your table was seated behind a wide folding screen, Jing Yuan’s voice was distinct and it was very easy to pick him out in a crowded room. Jing Yuan, on his part, didn’t seem worried. He was as calm as he always had been, lazy eyes half lidded and a smile stretching his lips. He did not care what opinions others held for him and you envied that lackadaisical nature. You wished you could be more like that. Instead, your head continued to spin like a broken record as you continued to worry and fret over such trivial matters. 
You took a deep breath and reached for your coffee, the mug warm in the palm of your hands as your fingers curled around the fine china and you brought the rim to your lips. You gently blew on it, the stemming steam disturbed by your heavy breaths as you glanced in Jing Yuan’s direction over the rim of your cup. You tried your best not to let your nerves get the better of you and decided some small talk would be a nice distraction. 
"So, how’s work?" you asked. 
Jing Yuan opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off by you as you abruptly corrected yourself with a shake of your head. 
"Right, you’re the General. You probably can’t talk about official business" you said. 
Jing Yuan was ready to retort to your comment but didn’t get the chance as you took a swig of your coffee and immediately regretted it. You had briefly forgotten that you had been letting your drink rest because your coffee had been made as hot as the sun itself. You remembered when you singed your tongue on the scalding liquid. You sputtered as you swallowed your mouth full, tears pricking the corners of your eyes from the boiling heat that tickled the back of your throat. You coughed roughly; hand placed over your mouth as you tried to hold onto what little dignity you had left. Jing Yuan didn’t hesitate to reach over the table once more, large hand wrapping around your wrist as he tugged it away from your face. 
"Relax" he said. "Just breathe."
He brushed his thumb along the sensitive pulse on the inside of your wrist, causing goosebumps to erupt along your arms from the soft touch. Your coughing fit subsided as you started to relax, eyes focused on the way Jing Yuan rubbed soothing circles into your soft skin with the calloused tips of his fingers, drawing unfamiliar patterns that you only faintly recognised as the erratic beat of your heart quelled. Nervous butterflies fluttered in the pit of your stomach as you offered him a sheepish smile.
"Thank you" you murmured.
Jing Yuan cocked his head to the side, a small furrow in his brow as his smile dropped off a fraction.
"Is everything alright?" he asked.
Your tongue darted over your cracked lips as you swallowed thickly. You nodded gently, your other hand coming to rest over the hand he held you with. Your fingers struggled to curl around his wrist and you were mildly fascinated with how your fingers didn’t even touch. His skin was pleasantly warm placed against your own searing flesh and it felt like little bolts of electricity were shocking you when he dragged his fingertips over your pulse. 
"I’m okay. Just nervous" you admitted. 
Jing Yuan offered you a warm smile. He was well aware of your nervous habits, even before you had been properly acquainted. He found your modesty completely endearing and he was always patient with you.
"There’s no need to be nervous" he replied. "There’s nothing to worry about."
You hummed in acknowledgement. You knew that. You knew how silly it sounded. And when Jing Yuan touched you like this, he was able to calm that fierce storm inside of you. He had the innate ability to be able to calm you, no matter the situation. Your jittery nerves started to calm the longer Jing Yuan held you, your deep breaths subconsciously syncing up with his own, steady breathing as your tense shoulders slumped. You eyed the spot next to him and you were sorely tempted to request that you sit next to him, just to help control your unruly nerves. You knew it was a selfish question yet your lips parted around his name as you attempted to ask.
"Jing Yuan, can I…"
Your voice trailed off when your brain finally caught up. You shook your head, trying to shake the thought out of your mind as you forced a smile on your face, gaze still looking longingly at the empty spot beside him.
"Never mind."
Jing Yuan gently squeezed your hand as he let go and you silently mourned the loss of warmth, your skin tingling from the lingering heat of his skin. He idly patted the spot beside him on the seat, a smile curling his lips. 
"Come, sit with me and indulge in these sweets."
You blinked owlishly at him as he patted the spot beside him once more. He had noticed your staring and he was not going to stop tapping his fingers against the plush cushion until you got up and occupied the space beside him. You couldn’t contain the smile that lit up your face as you sprang to your feet and trotted over to his side of the table. Jing Yuan scooted over just a smidge before raising his arm and ushering you closer. You missed the dangerous glint smouldering in his golden gaze when you went to sit down, a sly smile playing on his lips as he snagged his arm around your waist and dragged you the rest of the way down. You swallowed the squeak that bubbled up your throat, a sharp gasp of surprise whistling through your teeth as Jing Yuan practically pulled you into his lap. You panicked in that instance. You cared about his public image. But he did not.
"Don’t worry so much" Jing Yuan said with a light chuckle.
Your cheeks puffed up as a small pout tugged at your lips. Despite the small spike of panic, it was quick to quell when you settled in Jing Yuan’s lap, his hand by your side and soothing your frantic mind. If you were really uncomfortable, he left you room to climb out of his lap unhindered. Yet you didn’t, the smell of his pleasant cologne curling in your lungs as you nestled against him, his chest warm against your back. 
"Scoundrel" you commented.
Jing Yuan nodded along as he plucked one of the sweets from the tray, peeling the delicate wrapper from it as he offered up to you. 
"Yes dear. Now, say ‘ah.’"
You opened your mouth and let him push the sweet past the seam of your lips. You hummed softly as you bit into the small treat, the burst of flavours dancing along your tongue as you rolled it around your mouth. Jing Yuan watched you with rapt attention, watching as the tip of your tongue timidly licked your lips and lap away the sweetness still clinging to the plump flesh. 
"How is it?" Jing Yuan asked. 
"Good" you replied with a nod. 
You reached over and picked up the closest sweet to you, mimicking Jing Yuan’s actions as you peeled the wrapper off and brought it up to his lips. Fluffy strands of white tickled your chin as you leaned closer, close enough to notice the bob of his Adam’s apple as your warm breath brushed over his jaw.
"Say ‘ah.’"
Jing Yuan’s lips parted and you deposited the sweet in his mouth. As you pulled your hand away his teeth playfully caught on the tip of your finger, pinching the soft skin before you wrenched your hand further away from his nippy mouth. A chuckle rumbled in his chest as you scowled softly. You pinched his cheek in retaliation, waiting until his skin flushed red under your touch before you let go. You had many choice words rattling around in your brain but you swallowed them, not wanting to draw attention to yourselves. You were just thankful that you were both obscured behind that folding screen otherwise you didn’t think your heart would be able to take it. Jing Yuan’s casual pda never failed to catch you off guard but…you didn’t exactly hate it. 
Jing Yuan hummed softly as a thought struck him, idly reaching for another sweet to offer up to you again. 
"Next time, I shall show you my garden" he mused. "It’s a lot more…private" he added, large hand squeezing your plump stomach.
You nodded in agreement as you took another sweet from him, indulging in the vibrant flavours that melted in your mouth. Your heart was ready to jump up into your throat at the elation that pulsed through your system, ears ringing as your name dripped from his mouth like warm honey and warmed your throat. You swallowed your food, a shy smile playing on your lips as your mind already started to swirl with anticipation.  
"I’d like that."
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cafesweetvn · 4 months
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Our sixth love interest, Imani! Despite her shy nature, she's done very well to maintain her close friendship with you, Valeria, and Fritz after all these years. You're probably the only person in your friend group who she really trusts.
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celestialtarot11 · 10 months
Romance December Predictions 🎄🌟 PAC ☕️🤍
Hey friends! For fall break I decided I’d do a little cozy reading for ya’ll ☕️ wishing ya’ll a beautiful Christmas for those who celebrate, and to those who don’t enjoy your new years! ✨ lets get into it (these pictures are so cute)
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Pile 1 👀🦋: Strength • Two of Pentacles For some of ya’ll you are getting invited to a Christmas party where you’ll meet this person! This could be an office celebration at work. Maybe you already know this person and during the party you’ll find the courage to start a conversation with them. This person will dress very classy with a suit, vest, and tailored pants. If you’re not the type to go out often, you could meet this person on the way to a cafe or walking in the park! You could literally bump into them as you’re walking 😂 this person loves having fun and they will invite more of that in your life. I’m getting major homebody vibes for someone here 👀 so you may be the type to chill at home, whilst they show you the world! Ya’ll will love cozy dinner dates at home and out. It might make you feel uncomfortable at first since it’s a new environment, but over time you’re focus will shift to this person and how easy going they are. For those who love dinner dates great! This person does too and wants to go out fancy with you 💅🏻 they will spoil you! Some of ya’ll might actually be married already💍📲 and you’re receiving a surprise text to go out! Ladies, enjoy your night 🙌 if you’re not a lady, this can still resonate too!! Enjoy pile 1’s!
Pile 2 ✈️☁️: King of Pentacles • Three of Pentacles Hi pile 2’s! 🙌 This person is financially blessed and loves to bless others, especially you. They love providing, nurturing, and will support you in every kind of way. This is the person to stay for the long haul 💍✨ this person is desiring to be around you for December and wants to celebrate. They want the tree, the gifts, the whole Christmas celebration with you! If you guys met online, they still want to call you and spend time 🌟 I’m hearing Christmas music, seeing drinks, and hearing lots of laughter. Some of ya’ll know this person already, and they are coming in to reconnect 🤗 if you want this spirit is saying this is part of your Christmas gift (more to come for you) and they want you to take your time in enjoying this. Sit back and embrace the holidays! For those of you who don’t know this person, you could meet them at a family event. You could be introduced to them through a friend, sibling, cousin etc. They will talk your ear off and you’ll be invested ✨ feelings are mutual in December! They will be checking your body out a lot if you’re having a party or going to one. Lots of physical attraction here 👀 and they aren’t ashamed to admit how beautiful you are. Enjoy your Christmas pile 2’s! 🦋
Pile 3 💗🎄: Three of Pentacles • The Hanged Man Hi pile 3’s! Welcome to your December love predictions 🦋💗 this person could be your childhood best friend coming in. They want a deeper intimacy with you, and they love enjoying time with you. If you guys spent time with each other in the past they are reflecting on the experiences. They love how childish and silly you two were, they love carefree experiences ya’ll share 🌟✨ For others, your love life could’ve been stagnant, I’m seeing new opportunities to meet people! Lots of celebrations, new places to see, and happy moments in December. This person is silly, fun, sweet and charming. Loves to show you how much they care through gifts and quality time 🙌 when you two are together the rest of the world disappears. You could meet them out of nowhere and feel your life shifted! Might even be shocking and you’ll feel excited for this change, but curious to see where it goes ✈️ this person is patient, and doesn’t mind doing a little something extra for the holidays! You mean the world to this person and seeing you all dressed up is something they love. They want to see you dressed up 💅🏻 take care pile 3’s! Enjoy your December and the holidays 🌟✨
Thank ya’ll so much for reading this 💗🙌 December predictions are my favorite thing to do especially romance ☕️ i love a good winter romance. Add in some drama too and you got me invested 👀 feel free to reblog comment and like 🦋
Book a reading with me here 🤍
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sorritalasorra · 11 months
Blue Lock Boyfriend Isagi Yochi!
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You two probably met at school, you were mesmerized by this cute soccer player and he was mesmerized by the cute fan in the stands watching him 🤭
You two would begin to date after getting to know each other for some time, a strangers to friends to lovers scenario 😩❤️
You two would be dating for a bit before he got sent to blue lock
Before blue lock
He would take you on dates whenever he’s free, would be anything from cafe and aquarium dates to a simple walk through a park ☕️
Loves quick food runs, any time you guys spend together he absolutely loves
Pda would be handing holding of course, a few kisses too 💋
Would call you love or by your name, I just see him calling you love in such a sweet way I can’t- ✋🏽😭
His favorite cuddle position would be having you tucked under his neck, his arms delicately wrapped around your frame
He would love a good cuddle session after a tough day of practice, practically melts into you, would definitely nap for a bit if it happened to him especially on a rough day 🫂
His wallpaper would definitely be a picture of you in his clothes, it makes him feel butterflies inside every time he looks at it 😭
During Blue Lock
He would miss you so much, it’s really bad with the amount of time you guys with spend together is basically nothing now 🥹
He would make an effort to try and call you every chance he could, you always receive text messages in the morning wishing you a good day
Loves hearing about your day and loves to share what happened in his, he’ll talk about all the people he’s met and how wild they are ☠️
Sends cute little selfies and will ask you to send some in return because it’s only fair
Always tells you how he misses you and can’t wait for when you guys reunite
He'll look at his photo album of you all every day before he goes to sleep
Isagi fully believes that he wouldn’t be here without your love and support in him. He will forever be grateful for having you in his life and cannot wait for an anticipated reunion full of love as he works towards his dreams. A dream with you in it. ❤️
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yunarim · 1 year
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「 ☕️ ⊹ summary 」 : apparently you have a new regular customer in a cafe you work part-time at. though you wonder why that certain someone always glances your way and smiles every time you voice his name when his coffee is ready…
— ⋆ characters : ace, epel, floyd, silver — ⋆ tags : gn reader, fluff, reader is yuu but they work as a barista at a nearby cafe
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「 Ace Trappola 」
At first you didn’t want to announce that you’ve managed to escape dependence on your so-called parent (Crowley that would be) who didn't give you pocket money at all. The reason is that well… congrats on having a part-time job so you can spoil your besties with that limited melon buns in the cafeteria!
Yeah, now you have some amount of money but still it’s enough just for you to buy food for yourself and provide Grim with tuna cans so that he doesn’t annoy you much.
And while you were managing to hide this fact you knew you wouldn't last long with your friends. 
“Hey, are you free today?” Ace would ask you often.
“Right, we’re having an unbirthday party, come with us.” Deuce would add.
“Sorry guys, I need extra studying with how often Grim distracts me… Maybe another time.”
Extra studying, my ass, Ace once thought and decided he should check on you in case you’re doing something illegal. You surely weren't but hey, he was genuinely worried for you! (definitely not interested as hell, not that) 
He found you heading to a city centre and entering a fancy-looking cafe which got popular not so long ago. 
He entered too a few minutes after, seeing you adjusting something on the shelves and saying a sweet ‘welcome!’ as you heard someone enter.
Ace got used to you regaining composure whenever you were doing assignments or concentrating on midterm tests but somehow the way your gaze lingered on coffee beans and cute cupcakes was still sharp but more… gentle?
“What would you like to- Oh.”
It wasn’t shocking to see him here. You knew it would happen one day, but today? Not after that hellish history test you’ve managed to survive, not to mention you just had to take a night shift today. 
“Anything our cute secretive prefect would recommend,” he grinned at you rolling your eyes. 
“Alright, just wait a second, I’ll call your name when it’s ready.”
Unfortunately, you were having a lot of customers that day so he couldn’t really chat with you. And if you actually thought he would just check on you and let you work peacefully (or not really), Ace knew the possibility of him turning into a coffee-addict wasn’t so distant anymore.
“Ace, your ice latte is ready.”
At first he counted how many times a week he visited the cafe you worked at and now it was absolutely pointless, given he was completely lost in his thoughts. 
You just had to pronounce his name so cutely, huh?
Yo wait, cutely? For real?
Nah, no way. The way you smiled every time he walked in, raising his voice and calling you by some lame nicknames, always different every day he decided to drop by and have a little chat with you, wasn’t delightful to witness, too. No way.
“Hey, it’s already late. Not that I’m worried about you being scolded by Riddle or something, but it’s just strange seeing you studying in a cafe like a diligent student you aren’t. Let’s go together.”
Shit, he thought, closing his copybook and realizing he had done all the homework he had for two weeks forward. 
Shit, he thought when you closed the cafe and took off your apron.
Somehow you, wearing not the school uniform in which he saw you every day in college, but in casual clothes made him blush a little, realizing something he couldn’t admit at first.
Ace in his dorm room at 3 am: Sevens forgive me for being so shamelessly cringe lovestruck.
Ace today when he orders his ice latte: that's for your boyfriend Ace, please.
You: you’re so dumb I like that in men.
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「 Epel Felmier 」
He didn’t know himself how he even managed to sneak out to the city centre without Vil noticing but finally he could eat something that wasn’t plain vegetable salads full of something oh so healthy and nutritious… whatever.
Okay, cool. This sortie into the city was planned during long sleepless nights with Epel exploring a ton of reviews about new cafes that opened nearby recently. 
Good old fast food was something he tried eating already so it was out of his choice for today, moreover he wanted to know what kind of coffee shops metropolises have and what kind of drinks and cupcakes they could offer.
Today was the day, and after taking photos and getting souvenirs for grandma he finally found the cafe he had chosen for today’s observation. 
A warm cozy atmosphere enveloped him, who was tired by the evening, and pleasant relaxing music helped regaining calmness after an eventful day.
“Good evening,” you greeted him and smiled gently. “What would you like to order?”
Maybe he got why this cafe has the best reviews. How could it not when the barista is so cute and friendly? 
He didn’t know how other baristas behave but he was sure they were completely out of your league. Really, why are there no drinks named after your smile? That’s a crime.
“Uh… latte maybe? With a lavender syrup.”
“Latte with a lavender syrup coming right up. Your name please?”
“Alright, Epel, I’ll call you when it’s ready!” 
Shit, you’re literally shining with a golden glow around you, that’s illegal! 
Once you called him he knew he gotta find a decent reason to sneak out more so that he could see you again.
“Rook, help me, it’s urgent. Take me to the city centre without Vil noticing, I’ll repay you somehow. Wanna some apple juice maybe?”
Good for him Rook knew by one glance his underclassman got lovestrucked heavily and what a great news it was! 
Epel didn’t know (nor didn’t he wanted to) what exactly Rook said to Vil but now he got a strong reason to visit the cafe he met you. 
Okay, so today he definitely must ask for your number or something. 
He was already drowning in dreams of you two talking over the phone, you still working during the night and he hiding under the blanket from Vil and almost whispering to you and discussing little nothings and-
Ah, grandma’s calling. He answered her and explained where he’s heading to.
“Yeah, yeah, that cafe,” he replied, rolling his eyes at her curious tone. “Yes, the one with that cute barista. Yeah, grandma, I’ll ask. Yeah, yeah.”
He entered and met your soft gaze. You waved at him in a friendly way, recognizing him and he almost melted.
“Good morning,” you said quietly, noticing he was talking over the phone, and he nodded, greeting you as well. “Lavender latte as usual?”
“Alright, I’m busy, grandma, call you later,” he tried to hang up the phone but suddenly even you heard her reply.
“Sure sure, don’t forget to ask them out already!” 
Beep beep beep and you and Epel remain completely silent. 
“Aargh this is not what you think, I can explain!-”
“Really? I was planning on asking you out too actually.”
You when Epel called his grandma after your shift was over: discussing when the wedding would be.
Epel: cringing hard but smiling like an idiot, holding your hand and drinking his lavender latte.
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「 Floyd Leech 」
Dig around what’s with that new menu our competitors have, Azul said. It would be a good intel, Azul said.
Boring! Why not Jade? He was much better at gathering info anyway. 
But still Jade advised he should look for merits everywhere, so Floyd actually decided to listen to his brother and decided he could at least mess up someone’s business so this trip would be fun.
He entered the cafe Azul told him about and approached a barista, throwing a curious grin at them and giggling.
“Good morning!” You said with a beaming smile and adjusted your name badge. “What can I get for you?”
Bonus points for your sunny smile. Floyd tried to imagine Azul or Jade smiling like that and almost roared with laughter at how silly this thought was. They lack cuteness! Not that they had it in the first place and nor they should have had it, but still it’s interesting seeing someone smiling so genuinely at a stranger!
“Something warm and extremely sweet~” he leaned on the table and observed your features shamelessly, finding it amusing that you still remained so bright and friendly. “It’s so cold outside!”
“Alright! What’s your name?”
“Floyd,” he replied. 
You wanted to get his drink ready but suddenly heard your boss calling for you. You apologized and quickly went to a staff room. Floyd didn’t mind waiting for a little, considering you’ve piqued his interest and not to even mention you were so adorable! So small and lively, it was so refreshing to see someone so vivacious. Bonus points: obtained!
Hmm~ You came back with an irritated frown on your face. Floyd wondered what happened.
“I’m sorry for the delay,” you said and turned to the coffee machine, gathering ingredients and starting making his drink, but just as he was about to chat with you a bit more, you were called once more.
“I’m really sorry,” you apologized once more, quickly retreating to the staff room again.
Your facial expression was so unbelievably funny when you returned. Floyd couldn’t contain his laugh at how fast and professionally you switched between being a little lovely sunshine and furious raging harpy cursing your boss under your breath. 
“Your drink, Floyd. I’m really sorry…”
“No worries~” He took the drink from you and took a sip. My my, you knew exactly what you were doing, your skills were incredible! Bonus points definitely. “See ya tomorrow!”
“Ah? Yes, see you.”
Floyd wondered whether he could add bonus points for your puzzled expression or would it be too much already.
Next day Floyd convinced Azul he needs more time to make a report. And the day after. And the next week too. 
One day you greeted him not with that sweet smile of yours but with a sad sigh and forced laugh and Floyd thought he could beat the shit out of your boss for making you so gloomy.
“Here,” he blinked at how a cup of cappuccino appeared before him. “Take it as a compensation for always hearing me out.”
Jeez, were you serious! So many bonus points just didn’t exist. 
Floyd when he decided to have a little chat with you for a few minutes and your boss shouted again: you know what, work for us. At least Azul doesn’t scream like that. Well, maybe he does sometimes, but he's cute. Not as cute as you though!
Azul when he was supposed to receive a report and eliminate his rival cafe: excuse me?
You being squeezed by Floyd: nice to meet you.
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「 Silver 」
When kids are taught that two times two is four Silver realized coffee doesn’t help to remain awake. 
Still, Lilia decided it wouldn’t hurt to try and suggested Silver drink coffee in the mornings, and maybe it was just a self-hypnosis but Silver found himself staying awake for fifteen minutes longer if he had a cup of strong americano in the morning. 
Getting to the city and grabbing a fancy coffee before lessons was his motto, so that almost all baristas knew who he was and just how strong his coffee should be.
You didn’t, though, at least due to the fact that you started working not so long ago.
You saw an extremely handsome boy entering a cafe and was so dumbstruck with how charmingly he looked that you didn’t notice his rather inert movements. 
“Good morning, what would you like to order?” You greeted him, smiling brightly as usual.
“Hm… Something strong. Americano would do.”
“Okay! And your name is?” 
He glanced at you and realized you were someone who he saw for the first time. Usually other baristas are already aware and don’t even ask his name anymore. 
Meanwhile you were trying your best not to scream at how insanely beautiful his eyes were glimmering in dim cafe lights. 
“It’s Silver.”
You gave him his coffee when it was done and he thanked you. After he left you found yourself spacing out, the image of that cute boy popping up in your head randomly, and you thought you were seeing things when he came once more by the evening.
“Good evening, Silver.”
“Oh,” he replied. “You’re quite quick with remembering names, I presume.”
It’s just your name’s so lovely, how could I not, you thought almost voicing it out loud, but you just smiled instead. 
“Americano once more, please.”
This time he didn’t go straight away but sat near the window and opened his textbooks. You assumed he was doing his homework and concentrated on serving other customers. 
It was already late when you spotted Silver sleeping at the table, textbook pages wrinkled under his cheeks, and you approached him. He felt your gentle touch on his shoulder and slowly opened his eyes, meeting with your tender gaze full of worry.
Were you concerned about him falling asleep here? Maybe you really were but why then was he so happy to see such genuine worry in someone’s eyes which were so incredibly pretty, by the way… What was he even thinking?..
“Oh, I’m sorry. Are you closing up?”
“Don’t be,” you sighed, giving him a cup of what he thought would be coffee but the green tea flavor was too strong to mistake it for coffee. “I think you should drink herbal tea instead of coffee actually. Here, on the house.”
Silver thought if heart eyes were real, you could see them right now just with one look at him. 
Lilia almost freaked out seeing Silver drinking sea buckthorn tea the next morning and chatting with someone over the phone.
Lilia: wrong sticker, use this instead.
Sticker: two kissing kittens.
Silver: dad what the-
Lilia: they replied~
You: omg you know how to use stickers i’m delighted 🫶🫶🫶🫶💗💗💗
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© yushiiae 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐰𝐧.
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stim-odds · 2 months
any version of technoblade or characters played by him with coffee/sweets/cafe type energy/theming?/nfaa
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[ 🍓 ;; coffee ; [ TECHNOBLADE ] ; sweets ]
[ 🍰 ;; request made by ; anonymous ; ]
[ ☕️ ;; requests ; OPEN & AVAILABLE,!! ; ]
[ 🫖 ;; this is such a pretty board <3 ]
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