#◜guanyin: in character.◞
fatedefyd · 1 year
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   happy mother’s day to them !!
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starstrvckfool · 9 months
"Lord give me on more chance"
"Will this be the last one, I wonder?"
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This drawing is based off a song and how qiang met guanyin
Yang Jian was about to kill qiang but then GuanYin showed up and saved him from death, but since qiang still needed to be punished got robbing, and attacking a celestial, and murdering another GuanYin assigned Yang Jian to give qiang a punishment other than death since qiang is important for DESTINY
So that's where the river comes in 👍😋
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
This is how I hc Guanyin and Sun Wukong's familial relationship:
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Perfect caring Big Sister / Mother Figure + little demon of a brother.
Tripitaka barely gets this treatment cus they're more like the Big Sibling that looses their temper after a while and starts chasing their little sibling with a slipper like a berserker.
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i love your Guan Yin design, i was wondering if you could explain how you developed her and why you drew her the way you did! id love to see your thought process for such an interesting take on her.
First, I had the help of all the amazing artists who’ve influenced me in life. Second, when I see people’s designs of Guan Yin, she typically is portrayed as a human woman with several arms. That’s how I also draw her human form, but I believed she needed a design that exploded with life and magic to really hammer how incredibly powerful and loved she is.
People also seem to gloss over the fact that she lives in the southern sea! I wanted to surround her with sea flora and fauna. Coral reefs blossoming off her body, inhabiting plumes of creatures to happily float around her
You’ve only seen about ten percent of her actual design in my style too! Much like Wukong, I want each interaction with her to mirror what the lesson of the chapter is and what time of year it is as well. When Wukong meets her in the comic I made, she’s calm, composed, worry-free. In a comic I’m planning with her, she’s resentful, impatient, and unkempt. What do you think she’ll look like then?
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fei-ren-zai · 15 days
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More 9th anniversary art. Not sure if these were officially released somewhere as still images, but they come from this official anniversary video. These six are taken from this Weibo post, which also includes the other 6 characters posted earlier.
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dorothygale123 · 11 months
For today's mythology sh*tposting, I'd like to give some inspiration to the fanfic writers out there by giving you an antagonist that has a beef with a certain monkey.
Way back when, there was a goddess called the Old Mother of the Waters/Shui-mu Niang-niang who was notorious for causing floods. The other gods kept trying to catch her, but she always slithered out and kept being a problem. What was heaven to do?
Call their OTHER recurring problem and have HIM deal with her! So good old Sun Wukong went down to deal with the Old Mother, but even though catching up to her was no problem (this is Sun Wukong we're talking about) he couldn’t stop her from slipping away again. Naturally this got him very frustrated, so he went to HIS go to solution:
So he motors over to her palace in the Southern Seas and they hatch a plan.
Now, the Old Mother was getting pretty hungry. This running from the law business takes it out of you at that age, you know? So she decides to take a little break at a food stall and get something to eat.
For you see, the owner of that stall was Guanyin herself and the food the Old Mother just ate were actually really heavy iron chains that very painfully revert to their true form! Unfortunately for the Old Mother, she was already halfway done with her meal by the time this happened, so she was stuck with iron in her gut and chains coming out of her mouth (honestly I'd just be thankful they weren't coming out the other end...).
So with the flood lady all tied up Sun Wukong drags her to a well at the foot of a mountain in Hsu-i Hsien and locked her up tight, where I'm sure she'll NEVER cause anyone problems EVER AGAIN. There's no way this ancient and powerful goddess of primordial oceans is sitting there, steaming while she waits for escape and dreams of monkey leather boots. Nope, she'll stay there forever, just like the Demon Bull King!
..... oh. OH NO.
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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rainboopz · 9 months
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in Hughie's world, Quán Thế Âm (Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy) very much exists and plays a role as a voice of reason and represents the Mahayana side of Buddhism, though she does not interfere more than that. Really though, she's here for the demon Cuồng Nộ Quái
She has many forms so!!! Thought I'd doodle some examples
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tychodorian · 3 months
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That's it! That's a wrap!
The end of Chapter 07 is finally here. What did y'all think? Do you think Shawn's gonna take the deal? I'm so excited to finally be through the exposition of the comic, and now we're on to the main plot. Thank you all so much for subscribing to the comic and supporting it this far. I appreciate each and every one of you!
If you want to read all of Heaven's Equal (all 125+ episodes of it), you can do so on Tapas and Webtoon. The link is in my pinned post!
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"Ah, thank you, Rihe." Guanyin nodded at her youngest acolyte as the bai ze poured her cup full of wine, the child shooting her a smile at her praise. Guanyin laughed slightly, patting their head as she turned back to the other gods at the celestial banquet.
It was a minor affair, mostly- a yearly celebration that invited the presence of gods and their students, whether offspring or apprentices. This was why one of the youngest gods, the Third Lotus Prince Nezha, and Guanyin's acolyte, Rihe, were attached at the hip, making faces at each other during the dinner. Nezha's brother and Guanyin's other student, Muzha, was also there, alongside the two's father, Li Jing. (Neither Jinzha nor Longnu could make it, robbing the general and the goddess of a child and acolyte respectively.)
Speaking of General Li Jing, Rihe had begrudgingly turned around to lift the wine pitcher for his cup. Guanyin had reminded them time and time again that a child like Rihe, no matter how valid their points may be, had no right to disrespect their elders. No matter how many times Rihe saw their friend flinch under the gaze of his father, no matter how many times the boy's bangles and torque tightened mercilessly against brown skin, and no matter how many times Rihe had watched Nezha bow in obedience when his father raised that golden pagoda above his head, threatening him-
Somewhere in the world outside Rihe's mind, the flow of wine shifted to spill over the rim of the goblet.
And the general's mighty white and green garments became soiled with dark red wine, dripping down the fabric in spooling rivulets.
"You-!" Li Jing pounded his fist on the table, glaring down at the young tiger demon that stood stock still on the golden banquet floor. Rihe did not meet his gaze, still staring at the wine dripping down the cloth.
After a long beat, Guanyin laid a delicately manicured hand on their shoulder. "Rihe." Her gentle voice turned stern, blue fingers lightly squeezing their shoulder. "Apologize."
Guanyin's acolyte took a deep breath, swallowing the poison on their tongue before performing a rigid bow toward the general. "Please accept my apologies, General Li." They finally lifted their head, tail swishing behind furrowed brows. "I will not disrespect my elders with such clumsiness again." They lifted their clawed hand upwards, offering him a handful of towels grabbed from the table.
Li Jing scoffed, glowering at them as he took the offered towels. "Insolent child." He grumbled, dabbing the remnants of wine from his clothes. "There is a reason we do not often allow your kind up here." At the word 'kind', Li Jing's gaze shifted to Nezha, and Rihe visibly bristled. They may be a demon, but the legacy of them and their fellow 'demon child' was needlessly cruel.
One breath in. One breath out. Two in, two out.
Rihe sighed, keeping their gaze cast to the floor. "Of course, general." Claws scratched across the gilded floor, and only Guanyin and Nezha could catch the mumbled "I shall make up for my entire species while I'm at it."
Guanyin loudly coughed into her wine, and Nezha choked on his drink for a moment, quickly brushing it off when his brother and father cast a glance at him. Rihe privately grinned, head still bowed in respect, but only those familiar with the child could sense the curled lips beneath the sheen of long hair as Rihe pranced back to their seat beside Nezha.
'Eh?' They nudged him in the shoulder, ear twitching in anticipation.
Nezha looked down at his drink, watching the juice ripples finally settle down. He sighed, slowly putting down his glass. 'Please don't do that again.'
Rihe's ears and tail drooped, nervously tapping a claw against the table. 'Sorry, Nezha. I didn't mean to make him angry…-er, I just hate having to "respect our elders" all the time... even when your dad sucks.'
The young god played with his bangle for a moment, hesitating. 'Me too. But I don't want him to...'
A squeeze to his hand interrupted the memories of gilded pagodas that threatened to rise up, and he turned to see Rihe squeezing his hand, an extremely guilty expression on their face. 'I'm really sorry, Naza. I promise I won't do it again.' Rihe looked around the table as the officials talked, looking for something to make up for it. '...Do you want my walnuts?'
Nezha wrinkled his nose at the walnut offered to him. 'I'm not eating your walnuts, Rihe. Why'd you even get a shrimp and walnut dish if you don't like it?'
'I didn't have a choice! Master started piling everything she could see on my plate.'
'My condolences, but suffer with your walnuts.'
'Noooooo!' Rihe threw their paws up in dramatic betrayal, causing their best friend to snort.
'Oh, shut up.' Nezha rolled his eyes, flicking their forehead with a wisp of flame. Rihe giggled, finally finishing their silent theatrics before turning back to their plate.
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orangetubor · 1 year
I get that they're heavenly beings but do they ALL have to be HOT
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amorremanet · 11 months
seeing a post that has interesting canon analysis and wanting to reblog it until you get to the last paragraph and just
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fatedefyd · 1 year
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   @qicixian​​ foretold :  📜 guanyin and wukong HEHE sorry im going apeshit rn
   📜 incorrect quotes generator  /  still accepting !
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lavaflowe · 2 years
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Tighten the Fillet
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quitealotofsodapop · 8 months
JTTW-era Stone Egg part 2:
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referencing this previous post about the Pilgrims reacting to the knowledge that au!Wukong is having a baby and has a missing mate.
Ao Lie is a real bro; he figured out Wukong was a having a kid based on his dragon/horse nose, and decides to support him 100% no matter his choice at the end of the day. The fact that he suspects its an asexually-produced Stone Egg that could kill his new buddy is something Ao Lie is keeping quiet about until Wukong himself is comfortable sharing it.
Ao Lie, after Bajie accuses him of having a crush on Wukong: "Ew no! He most certainly has a mate awaiting his return - I wouldn't dare dishonor a married demon!" Wukong, brightly playing along: "Yeah, piglet! Plus, no one will ever measure up to my Mihou!" Ao Lie, confused whinny: "Excuse me, what?" Wukong, tail curling into a heart: "The strongest, most clever monkey on Flower Fruit Mountain - my equal in all including on the battlefield. <3"
The rest of the gang are pleasantly surprised... and outraged to learn that their pregnant companion has a mate that up and left him while he was pregnant. Whomever this "Macaque" figure is, the Pilgrims gonna have a stern talk with him when they find him.
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Except maybe the two former-celestials;
Bajie is just like: "Wait, did you just say this Macaque guy was your equal in battle!?" Wukong, wistful sigh: "Yeah..." Zhu Bajie & Sha Wujing: *share equally terrified looks*
Maybe they'll need to devise an attack strategy before confronting this guy head on. Ao Lie loudly states that he's gonna kick the guy if he sees him first.
Tripitaka meanwhile has to mentally wrap his head around the idea of two men marrying before he can process that *Sun Wukong* is married. The Confuscist / Buddhist attitudes at the time said "Girls have Karma Cooties"; so it was considered normal for men to "prefer other men's company" but it was still super-illegal. Being raised in a sheltered, likely all-male, monastery also adds in extra confusion for the monk. Not to mention his own asexuality.
Tripitaka: "Is it... acceptable for a man to love another man like one would a woman?" Zhu Bajie: "Only if they're into it." Tripitaka: "Wha...?"
Eventually he ends up asking the boddhisattvas and different gods for their opinions;
Tripitaka: "Is it normal amongst those in the Celestial Realm for men to... have thoughts of romance for other men?" Erlang: "Oh diyu, yeah! It's totally normal! We even have Tu'er Shen - he's the rabbit god of homosexual love!" Tripitaka, pleasantly surprised: "Oh! That's interesting - but is it accepted?" Erlang & the Plum Hill Lads: *share a footballer's huddle, whispering intensely* Erlang: "Ehhh... just don't bring it up around my uncle. He's kinda weird about it." Triptiaka, a little heartbroken: "Oh..."
Best advice comes from Guanyin herself ofc;
Guanyin: "I'm am composed of multiple energies, Tang Monk. Although I do not experience romantic feelings like say, Chang'e and Hou Yi, I know for a fact that the buddha does not judge those for whom they love - even if their fellow man do so." Tripitaka: *delighted smile!* Tripitaka, remembering why he asked: *fatherly instincts activate* "I'm going to kill that Liu'er Mihou for breaking my student's heart!"
In the Jttw Stone Egged au where Macaque lives, Tripitaka is the only one to get a solid punch in before Wukong calls the gang off.
Angst and canonical death tw under Read More;
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Zhu Bajie ultimately starts out as a huge a-hole, and the Journey makes him a little less of a jerk. One huge change Wukong noticed in his bro's behavior was around the time... he lost Macaque.
Especially in the Slow Boiled au.
Bajie would walk up to Wukong like he did many time when he tried stealing his snacks or to poke fun at him... only to sit down next to the monkey watches the moon together. Both longing.
Zhu Bajie: "You know... I wasn't lying when I said I was cursed to suffer many heartbreaks... I know what it looks like from a mile away." Wukong: *says nothing, hiding face in his arms and knees* Zhu Bajie: "You really loved that guy, huh?" Wukong: *nods, face still hidden* Zhu Bajie, confidently: "...you'll see him again. Maybe not in this lifetime, but you will." Wukong, uncharacteristically quiet: "Thanks..." Zhu Bajie: "No problem."
The pig is noticeably easier on Wukong after that day. And maybe a little more appriciative of the time he had with Culian... he's experienced enough bad love-lifes to figure out how to make things work. Maybe after the Journey is over, he'll give her a call?
He does really hope his Eldest Brother and his mate reunite in the future... even if it means in the Diyu.
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Monkie Destiny Challenge with Guanyin Bodhisattva 觀音菩薩
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fei-ren-zai · 3 months
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Snacking icons (2015)
source: FRZ Weibo
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