#“contrary to endo beliefs”??
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Being a system is cool
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cage-of-atonement · 2 months
Do things for your system offline.
Being a system affects life more than just online. (contrary to endo beliefs) While having some amazing resources online to help organize and track things, there are a million reasons to have your physical life have resources set up as well.
you'll never know if an alter might not even know what a phone is yet, and gods forbid if for some reason a new alter is alone without help. Trust me, we had a new alter try to just up and leave our fiance on a vacation. We have also had alters who definitely needed a picture guide on how to use the system discord lol.
Here are some ideas we do to help ensure our system is safe, but also helps alters feel more grounded and present with themselves!
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Fronting Kandii bracelets, it can really help when you can't use your phone for switches, but also good for systems with significant barriers between alters and memory, so you can see who was here last!
a physical notebook labeled in bold for "if confused/lost read this" and inside keep important information; (what is a system, what the body name is, what your job is, and how to open and use a phone just in case, and also what to do to contact a gatekeeper or what to do if they can't, such as how to call out of work or avoid the family/friends asking what's wrong.)
another notebook might be helpful for alters to have fun decorating an 'about page' but also having your system journal individually as alters is REALLY IMPORTANT TO HAVE IN CASE YOU WANT TO TALK TO A DOCTOR ABOUT GETTING DIAGNOSED. It can really help the doctor see a track of things. We started our first journal in 2017, even outside of doctors, it's good for a physical medium for alters to express in.
these next ones are focused on alters having their own space and grounding in the real world!
having a small box or basket or something like that to keep their favorite or 'personal' items. our system likes having our own individual space and items, and for us it helps not only keep the peace, but also help us ground when we have our own things like clothes, comforts, snacks on hand, personal notebooks, etc.
remember kids, if your system is affecting you irl, when no one is looking then you are not faking! no sys doubting here pookies <3
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antiendovents · 1 month
not really a endo thing, sorry. a ex friend gorup i have are now stalking my tumblr and they know i have massive paranoia issues and sent me asks asking me to tell them about the situation that happened (the drama) in a public setting and i have to turn off anons from it.. terrifying honestly. -🐸
its fine, don't worry, not everything has to be about endos (contrary to endos beliefs lol)
I'm really sorry thats happening though and I hope you're okay, I might suggest making your blog private if you need to? To stop them from potentially using alts or continuing to stalk your blog. Turning off anons is a smart idea already though
if it makes you feel better we had something similar happen to us, except it was on tiktok because our ex friends don't have tumblr and don't know i have it
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sophieinwonderland · 11 months
Anti-endos, please stop assuming all therapists are against endogenics. That's my challenge for them.
Challenge level: impossible
But seriously, anti-endos have built their entire identities around this false belief that psychiatry hates endogenic systems as much as they do.
It's why they plug their ears when you point to the ICD-11 acknowledging endogenic plurality, or when you mention the plurality chapter in Transgender Mental Health (a book published by the APA), or when you point out that the creators of the Theory of Structural Dissociation have said that there may other ways besides trauma for self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality to form, or when countless endogenic systems come forward talking about experiences of being accepted and supported by their own psychiatrists and therapists.
They need to cling to this belief that psychiatrists and therapists are on their side, even in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, because that's all they have.
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tdpixtor-hot-takes · 4 months
Heyo hot take but calling people who are actively having delusions “delusional” is not ableist. Calling an endo “system” delusional for believing they have a trauma disorder without the trauma is not ableist because that is literally a delusion. Calling people who are disconnected from reality delusional is not ableist because it is Literally A Delusion.
Delusions are defined as “a false belief or judgment about external reality, held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, occurring especially in mental conditions”. Saying you have a childhood trauma based disorder without the childhood trauma is a false belief that goes against the proven nature of this disorder. That is a judgement made that is directly against the research that has gone into OSDDID and other CDDs. Saying someone is delusional when they are experiencing a delusion IS NOT ABLEIST.
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dentalucg · 5 months
Exploring the Depths of Endodontics: Understanding Root Canal Therapy
Introduction: In the vast landscape of dentistry, there exists a specialized field dedicated to the intricate anatomy and physiology of the tooth's inner workings. Endodontics, often referred to as the "science of saving teeth," delves into the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of dental pulp diseases. At the heart of this discipline lies a procedure known as root canal therapy, a cornerstone in preserving natural teeth and alleviating pain. Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the mysteries and marvels of endodontics.
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Understanding Endodontics: Endodontics, derived from the Greek word’s "endo" meaning inside and "odons" meaning tooth, focuses on the internal structures of teeth, primarily the dental pulp and surrounding tissues. The dental pulp, nestled within the pulp chamber and root canals, comprises nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue crucial for tooth development and sensation.
When the dental pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to deep decay, trauma, or extensive dental procedures, it can lead to excruciating pain and jeopardize the tooth's viability. This is where endodontists, specialists in saving damaged teeth, come to the rescue.
Register here: https://dental.universeconferences.com/registration/
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Root Canal Therapy: A Lifesaving Procedure: Root canal therapy, often misunderstood and feared by many, is a highly effective procedure aimed at removing infected or diseased pulp from within the tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the root canals, and sealing them to prevent further infection. Contrary to popular belief, root canal therapy is not a painful experience but rather a means to alleviate pain and preserve the natural tooth structure.
The Procedure Unveiled: The process of root canal therapy typically begins with a thorough examination and diagnostic imaging to assess the extent of damage and plan the treatment accordingly. Local anaesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure.
Next, the endodontist creates an access opening in the tooth to reach the pulp chamber and root canals. Using specialized instruments, they carefully remove the infected or inflamed pulp, clean the canals, and shape them to accommodate filling material.
Once the canals are cleaned and shaped, they are filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha to seal off the space and prevent bacterial recontamination. Finally, the access opening is sealed with a temporary or permanent restoration to restore the tooth's strength and function.
The Road to Recovery: Following root canal therapy, patients may experience mild discomfort or sensitivity, which can be alleviated with over-the-counter pain medication. It's essential to follow post-operative instructions provided by the endodontist and attend follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and restoration of the tooth.
Register here: https://dental.universeconferences.com/registration/
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Benefits of Root Canal Therapy: Root canal therapy offers numerous benefits, including:
Pain relief: By removing the infected pulp, root canal therapy alleviates the severe pain associated with dental pulp inflammation or infection.
Preservation of natural teeth: Rather than extracting the tooth, root canal therapy allows for the preservation of the natural tooth structure, maintaining oral function and aesthetics.
Prevention of further complications: Treating infected teeth promptly with root canal therapy helps prevent the spread of infection to surrounding tissues and reduces the risk of abscess formation or systemic complications.
Long-term success: With proper care and maintenance, teeth treated with root canal therapy can last a lifetime, providing functional and aesthetic benefits.
Conclusion: Endodontics and root canal therapy play a pivotal role in modern dentistry, offering patients a chance to preserve their natural teeth and maintain optimal oral health. By understanding the principles and procedures of endodontics, we can appreciate its significance in relieving pain, restoring function, and saving smiles one tooth at a time. Whether you're facing a dental emergency or seeking preventive care, remember that endodontists are here to help safeguard your dental health and well-being.
Important Information: Conference Name: International Dental, Advanced Dentistry and Oral Health UCGCongress Short Name: IDADOH2024 Dates: July 25-27, 2024 Venue: Dubai, UAE Email: [email protected] Visit: https://dental.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://dental.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/ Register here: https://dental.universeconferences.com/registration/ Call Us/What Sapp Us: +12073070027 / +442033222718
#Endodontics #RootCanalTherapy #DentalHealth #OralCare #SaveYourSmile #ToothPreservation #PainRelief #DentalWellness #Endodontist #HealthyTeeth #SmileSaver
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agere-culture-is · 3 years
Hello, and welcome to the newest culture is blog! Here we'll be focusing on age regressing! My name is Shift/Chara, and I most commonly go by ze/zir pronouns, though I have a bunch of other neos. I am a minor, and I age regress! When regressed, I go by the name Briar and use he/him pronouns. My typical regression age is around 3-4. So what is age regression? Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "little space" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious). Contrary to popular belief, age regression is NOT a kink or even related to sexual intercourse whatsoever. Some age regressors refer to themselves as littles and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child. So what will you be posting here? All agere related content! Submissions, asks, and reblogs of anything agere related! This will also count as a safe space to me when I am regressed. Here are our rules! 1: Please start all asks with some form of "Agere Culture Is." Variations are acceptable, but it must be related to agere culture. 2: You can send in asks asking for advice about being agere! I will say that I am incredibly new to this still, so I can't promise a lot. But I will definitely try! 3: No NSFW content! This is a completely SFW blog, and I'd like to keep it that way. DNI! Racists Homophobes/Transphobes/Etc. Sexists MAPS/NOMAPS Terfs NSFW Blogs Exclusionists Anti Endo Proshippers Ageplay/DDLG You know, all of the usual stuff. And, if you'd like to see me elsewhere, go check me out at @gray-culture-is! Thank you for reading, and I hope we all have a good time here!
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ablednt · 2 years
“why are so many pro endos proshippers?”
Do sysmeds just like. Spin a wheel on what their gonna pick for their latest strawman or....?
Anyway in case anyone wants to know it’s because people who medicalize plurality/gatekeep system are a loud minority and most people do not give a fuck about this incredibly niche discourse they invented for no good reason. You could say that there’s more endo supporters who do or believe just about anything because we out number “anti endos” by a significant amount. Acting like the fact there’s shitty people in our community is somehow a condemnation of it is really hilarious coming from the community that has people regularly sending death threats to traumatized teenagers in it. Most of our abusers have been anti-endo, what does op of that post have to say to that?/RH (rhetorical)
Contrary to popular belief most systems, even most systems with disordered symptoms, don’t give a fuck about what other systems call themselves.
[proshippers and sysmeds/anti-endos/whatever DNI I do not consent to a debate with you take your gross ass opinions somewhere else lol]
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brightside-brigade · 3 years
Not coming in here to start a fight, however your struggle is not comparable to the struggle DID and OSDD systems face. While you may think your struggle is bad, its minor in the eyes of those systems because they face mich more than just an one alter breaking another's arm and "ohhh i want my own body."
Just because "if people knew" about whatever is going on, and that you have one agressive headmate (idk what you prefer the usage to be so ill just use headmate!) Doesnt mean you are going to be villanized in the eyes of medical professionals, because in the eyes of those professionals, you cannot happen.
I once saw someone say, if endogenic plurality could exist we'd actually have thoroughly researched information! However, professionally, being a system is seen in nothing but did and osdd. Because contrary to belief, we actually know a ton about these disorders!
Many of the "resources" endogenics and co. use are frequently debunked by some of the more trustworthy anti-endos, ones that ive actually learned a lot from!
While you may want to do whats in your best intrest, sometimes you also have to accommodate the intrest and needs of others. And please please please listen to the people who actually have an ounce of knowledge as to what's a credible source. Many of the sources endos use aren't the greatest and have frequently debunked itself, had been misinterpreted, or was biased. (All of this is /npa and /gen)
Well, see, we may not be a 'system' by definition, but there's still more than one of us. What are we to call ourselves, then? Perhaps our struggles are different, but we do still all struggle. Perhaps the professionals say we cannot happen and yet here we are. That's why I agree that there should be more credible research into the topic, though in our case, most of us view ourselves as spiritual, which isn't something that can be proved, but spirituality also isn't inherently disproved.
I want understanding in the similarities, even though there are differences. We have our problems, you have yours, and we all do our best to make it through. I don't think the sides fighting will ever get us anywhere.
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system-society · 3 years
Okay, I have a terminology question. Might be briefly syscourse but I mean it genuinely just not sure how to phrase it best? Apologies in advance for that, I unfortunately started my system journey around a lot of sysmeds so I'm still working to like, unlearn it and use better words so if there's a better way to ask this please feel free to correct me.
So, I always thought the term traumagenic was the one for ""real"" (heavy /s) systems that fall under the DID/OSDD umbrella. Like, from how I was understanding it, traumagenic=has/eligible for DID diagnosis, endogenic=any origin from outside the DID/OSDD diagnosis criteria.
But in one of your more recent asks, it seemed like they were being discussed as two separate terms? Are they, or was I just reading it weirdly? Basically, I'm not sure if traumagenic and DID system are synonyms, or just two descriptors that happen to have a lot of overlap?
Hello anon! I’m happy to explain!
DID/OSDD and traumagenic are in fact not the same thing, but yes they do overlap a lot. Traumagenic is the origin, DID is the disorder. Just how other disorders can have different causes (environmental, genetic, etc) so can DID. Generally, yes, it is much more common in traumagenic systems due to trying to suppress the trauma, but not always! Both the ICD and the DSM label DID/OSDD as dissociative disorders, not trauma disorders. There is no requirement for trauma, only a most common cause.
I’m very happy you are trying to unlearn things from anti-endos, and if there’s any more you would like to learn we are happy to help! -♟
Adding in as the mod who answered the ask I& think you’re referring to, the two terms are not always synonymous! There are in fact some OSDDID systems who are endogenic, or even parogenic/tulpamancers! OSDDID, contrary to popular belief, can develop at any age and for a various amount of reasons.
We’re not quite certain when our DID developed, but I’m sure it was at least a little later then sysmeds say the requirement is. (However, we were still plural beforehand! Our plurality had become disordered overtime due to trauma and other circumstances.)
That being said, there are some traumagenic systems who don’t have OSDDID! Traumagenic just means the system formed from trauma, not that their functions are inherently disordered.
The only “requirement” for being a traumagenic system is that trauma affected the creation of your system and headmates. -🌩
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lostsouls-house · 3 years
“unless you got some actual evidence backing up your bullshit that's not from a sysmed or a singlet, you can fuck off” so we can probably accurately assume that by singlet, anon means reputable legitimate research done by singlets. so, doesn’t this leave only pro endos?
like… you can’t demand evidence and then go “but it can’t be from a, b, c or anyone who agrees with a, b and c! it has to be exclusively from d, who i agree with,” because at that point you’re no longer genuinely looking for evidence to challenge your beliefs and educate you, you’re just arguing for the sake of it.
no one will ever be able to provide evidence of the contrary if the only evidence you’re willing to accept is that of those who agree with you. that’s literally just common sense.
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We have nothing to add. Very well said Anon.
-Reece/ Avery {LostSouls}
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wavership · 5 years
So just a general reminder/update since this blog is p much dead aside from my occasional pettiness
And contrary to my own belief even this is not a discourse blog so I will not be responding to discourse
I'm pro:
Bi lesbians
Pan/ply/omni/general mspec inclusion
Endo/non trauma systems
Tucutes + nondysphoric trans people
Ace inclusion, aro inclusion, aroace inclusion, etc
Im anti:
Te rf
Tru sc um
General assholes, gatekeepers, etc
Anti-antis (I'm anti anti-anti? Well that sentence sucks)
Uhhh theres probably more but yeah.
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ghost-mantis · 8 years
Would a facehugger be able to infest a Matoran or other MU inhabitant? They have organs and stuff, so maybe. Contrary to popular belief, the facehugger doesn't implant an embryo, but rather a cancer that grows off of the host's cells. So would a Matoran Xenomorph be possible, and if so, what would it look like? They change with each host they gestate in
Interesting question! I’m not a big Aliens fan so I’m not well versed in the lore but I can come at this from the perspective of a biologist, strap in.
We do know that the Aliens are fairly genetically flexible and can adapt to nearly any host they use, and at the same time it’s been stated that the inhabitants of the GSR do have a protodermic equivalent of DNA. 
Normally for science fiction horror this would be enough to work with, but I think it actually wouldn’t work because the Aliens are (and correct me if I’m wrong on this) carbon based lifeforms. They are composed of carbon based molecules and all their biological processes need carbon to function. All the GSR inhabitants are composed of Protodermis and presumably 100% carbon free. Therefor, you can dump babies in them, but ain’t nothing gonna grow.
We know that the Aliens like the GSR inhabitants are engineered organisms. Presumably you could make an Alien from scratch using Protodermis, though they’re much more “organic” in design. The Great Beings seemed to rely a lot on computer board “brains” and metal endo/exoskeletons for most of the superstructure of their creations, with very little muscle and organ material in any given being. You’d have to either make the Alien baby super efficient at using what organic material is available, or it’s going to have to eat a ton of people to actually complete it’s life cycle. 
More Problems:
You’re really going to have to get creative in the biological processes of your organism. Protodermis appears to be an element or complex molecule containing the properties of both water and a metal. Since nothing like Protodermis exists on our current periodic table, it’s probably one of the superheavy elements with gobs of protons that place it somewhere in one of the further islands of stability. Essentially, the more protons things have, the less stable they are, but if you start adding a lot of them it’s theorized that they reach occasional stability points.
This means you have a molecule much larger than that of water, which is still probably one of the foundations of Alien biology. Literally none of the biological processes that rely on a water are going to work in a Protodermis based lifeform. Even if they can find a workaround for all of these processes, Protodermis is exceedingly rare, it’s an artificial construct made from naturally occuring and super-deadly energized Protodermis and only found on one planet in the known universe. Once they wiped out all Protodermis based life, there would be nowhere else left to use these adaptations, making it an evolutionary dead-end. It might just be easier for the Aliens to move on to the next world than try and adapt to the GSR inhabitants. 
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2016 A Reflection of Aphorisms
:“It will perhaps never be possible to speak about our inner life in precise scientific terms. Can one laugh at oneself or pity oneself in scientific terminology? The choice is between poetry and aphorism. The latter is probably the less vague.” - Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State of Mind and Other Aphorisms
:“Fear and Freedom are mutually exclusive.” – Eric Hoffer
:“The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than in what we are free not to do. It is the freedom to refrain, withdraw and abstain which makes a totalitarian regime impossible. Those addicted to action do not probably feel unfree in an active totalitarian regime. Hitler won over the generals, technicians and scientists not by preaching to them but by giving them more than they asked for and encouraging them to go the limit.” – Eric Hoffer
:“Love is one of those bonds which enable people to function and societies to flourish- without being directed from above. Love is one of the many ways we influence each other and work out our inter-related lives without the help of the anointed. Like morality, loyalty, honesty, respect, and other immaterial things, love is one of the intangibles without which the tangibles won’t work.” - Thomas Sowell
:“Once you become loving, there are certain things you can never do again. And there are certain things you can do in the energy field of love that are impossible otherwise. Morever, people do things for you that they would not do for others. Love makes possible the miraculous without labeling it ‘miraculous.’ Love has a transfiguring effect.” – David R Hawkins
:“If what we do and feel today is not in harmony with what we want to be tomorrow, the meeting with our hope at the endo f the trail is likely to be embarrassing or even hostile. Thus it often happens that a man slays his hope even as he battles for it.” – Eric Hoffer
:“Context is the most important thing in your life because from context comes meaning and from meaning goals and all concordant life decisions.”
:“Context means prevailing conditions that are ever changing and unfolding.” - David R Hawkins, I; Reality and Subjectivity
“Whatever its origins or its ability to influence or be influenced by external events, economics is ultimately a study of an enduring part of the human condition. Its value depends on its contribution to our understanding of a particular set of conditions involving the allocation of scarce resources which have alternative uses.” - Thomas Sowell, The Role of Economics
:“Context is the total field of observation predicated by a point of view. Context includes any significant facts that qualify the meaning of a statement or event.” - David R Hawkins, Power vs Force
:“The real ‘haves’ are they who can acquire freedom, self-confidence and even riches without depriving others of them. They acquire all of these by developing and applying their potentialities. On the other hand, the real ‘have nots’ are they who cannot have aught except by depriving others of it. They can feel free only by diminishing the freedom of others, self-confident by spreading fear and dependence among others, and rich by making others poor.” - Eric Hoffer
:“My generation has failed you to some extent. More and more, we’re delivering to you in California a legislature in which mostly the certified nuts from the left, and the certified nuts from the right, are the ones allowed to serve. And none of them are removable. That’s why my generation has done for you. But, you wouldn’t like it to be too easy, would you?” - Charlie Munger
:“We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.” - Eric Hoffer
:“No one likes to admit being wrong. However, in many kinds of endeavors, the costs of not admitting to being wrong are too high to ignore. These costs force people to face reality, however reluctantly and however painful that might be. A student who misunderstands mathematics has little choice but to correct that misunderstanding before the next examination, and someone in business cannot continue losing money indefinitely by persisting in mistaken beliefs about the market or about the way to run a business. In short, there are practical as well as intellectual imperatives to see through fallacies. The difference between sound and fallacious economic policies by a government can affect the standard of living of millions. That is what makes the study of economics important- and the exposure of fallacies more than an intellectual exercise.” - Thomas Sowell, Economic Facts and Fallacies
:“We can see through others only when we see through ourselves.” - Eric Hoffer
:“There is no question that economists as individuals have their own respective preferences and biases, as do all individuals, including mathematicians and physicists. But the reason mathematics and physics are not considered to be mere subjective opinions and biased notions is that there are accepted procedures for testing and proving beliefs in these disciplines. It is precisely because individual scientists are likely to have biases that scientists in general seek to create and agree upon scientific method and procedures that are unbiased, so that individual biases may be deterred or exposes.” - Thomas Sowell, The Role of Economics
“M: Who sets the example? Why should a liberated man necessarily follow conventions? The moment he becomes predictable, he cannot be free. His freedom lies in his being free to fulfil the need of the moment, to obey the necessity of the situation. Freedom to do what one likes is really bondage, while being free to do what one must, what is right, is real freedom.” - I AM THAT
:“The readiness to praise others indicates a desire for excellence and perhaps an ability to realize it.” - Eric Hoffer
:"It is an evil thing to expect too much either from ourselves or from others. Disappointment in ourselves does not moderate our expectations from others; on the contrary, it raises them. It is as if we wished to be disappointed with our fellow men. One does not really love mankind when one expects too much from them.” - Eric Hoffer
:“If one values integrity. It is incumbent that one trains earnestly for weakness also corrupts.”
:“No one is truly literate who cannot read his own heart.” - Eric Hoffer
:“The weakness of a soul is proportionate to the number of truths that must be kept from it.” – Eric Hoffer
“Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.” – Eric Hoffer
:“The nurturance of excellence and recognition of its value is the responsibility of all men, because the quest for excellence in any area of human endeavor inspires us all toward the actualization of every form of man’s unrealized greatness.” – David R Hawkins
:“The common conception is that capital means wealth or money in the bank. It fails to recognize that the true source of capital is the creativity of the mind from which the accumulating of money is the inevitable consequence or the automatic result of creativity, genius, inspiration, dedication, hard work, integrous and often grueling self-sacrifice and effort, as well as discipline and resourcefulness.” – David R Hawkins, Truth vs Falsehood p.164
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