#“I'm mechanic not a electrician”
cheeseknives · 4 days
Everytime I feel useless, I think about how our neighbors' Skoda has its own WiFi
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l48yr1nth · 5 months
i want to draw so many things i think i am coming back
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johnnydany · 2 years
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I'm Here Because You Broke Something Funny Mechanic T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/39324611-im-here-because-you-broke-something-funny-mechanic
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ajaegerpilot · 1 year
maybe i have anxiety but sometimes i'm like *takes out the tim horton's hot chocolate mix and an instant coffee mix and puts them together to make a mocha with the best convenience/taste ratio* and i say to myself i'm really going to miss this in the post-apocalypse when we're all scrapping for resources and all the hospitals are non-functional
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huldrabitch · 9 months
I feel like Reyes probably got a lot of hate when the game was trending, but she's one of my favorite characters. She has a kid to get back to and a ship full of young adults and red flag old men with unrealistic theories that have little fact backing them up. I would also be upset and mad when people die around me, then blindly believe the 20 year old who's actually really scared and just trying to act toughy for the benefit of the others.
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pianokantzart · 28 days
I am very hyped for BrotherShip, and you seem like someone who is also hyped. Please vent about everything we know so far, so I can live vicariously through your rant.
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Uuuh jeeze where do I begin.
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Love how hard they're going with the "brotherly bonds" angle. I don't think I've seen a game synopsis that focused this hard on the bond they have. Then there's fact that their physical touch seems to literally generate some sort of interdimensional power!?
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How? Why? What's going on? I want to know. I want to know so bad. The world they get teleported to is called "Concordia," which means harmony/agreement. There's also the fact that the aesthetic theme of the game is centered around electricity, so maybe all powers revolve around flow/connection, which would be in line with introducing a mystical power generated by the brothers' emotional bond.
Speaking of electricity! I've seen these goons for five seconds and I am intrigued:
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It looks like they're going to be reoccurring foes. And while the allies are plug/socket themed, these three enemies are wire/plug themed. The purple guy at the front has a stereo plug for his hair piece and a jack for his hand, and their hands are designed based off of fork spade wire connector.
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So I'm going with a theory that the friendly residents are generators/guardians of a strong source of magical energy, while the Extension Corps and their affiliates are out to harness/steal that energy.
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Then there's who I'm presuming to be the big bad in this game:
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He was in the trailer for half a second, so I assume Nintendo is trying to keep him mysterious for now, but from the little I saw of his design two things stuck out to me: He's equipped with what looks to be a stylized pair of electrician pliers, and his hat has a green and red wire sticking out of the top.
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So THAT doesn't bode well
Bowser's going to be there too, but I'm not yet sure if he's going to be a hesitant ally, a small-scale villain, or a final boss who takes advantage of the new villain's failures like in Mario & Luigi Dream Team. At this point it could be anything.
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I DO like that Princess Peach is having more of an active role! In the past few Mario & Luigi games she's either been captured to move the plot forward (as is tradition), or has been quietly pulling strings from the sidelines to help out, but it'll be fun seeing her running around and exploring with her own group of misfits.
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Also!!! The Luigi "L!"!
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My main theory is that, every so often, Luigi is going to come up with a new mechanic depending on what we've encountered over the course of the story, and these new mechanics will be used to overcome obstacles and get into secret areas.
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Then there's the central hub world!!! Of all the Mario RPGs I've played (two of them) that's usually my favorite aspect: having a main area where you can hoard all the random nonsense you've stumbled across and get a few extra perks. Looks like we're going to have that same thing here, and they aren't going slouch on the "exploration" angle of this game
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I'll stop now, but I've got one last quick theory I'm gonna scream about: Apparently "electrical bonding" is the process of connecting multiple conductive components that are not intended to carry a current to a grounding system, so that if something goes wrong (like an electrical surge or a lightning strike) there's a lower risk of someone getting electrocuted.
So maybe Mario and Luigi are NOT meant to be conduits of this sort of bond-power, but they're unwittingly connected to it in order to prevent tragedy and create stability? (I may be looking into it too closely. I am not an electrician, but that's my theory until I see evidence suggesting otherwise.)
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AITA for ghosting my mechanic?
A year ago my car's cruise control broke. I called the auto electrician who installed it and booked my car in, he said he needed to order a part and he'd call me in two weeks.
Two weeks passed, then a few more because I was busy until I called to check in and they were still waiting on the part and he promised to call me in two weeks to update. He never did. I would call every three weeks, they'd promise to call me back and they didn't, etc etc.
eventually my car's air conditioning gave out and the repairs for that were gonna cost more than what the car was worth, and I needed a bigger car for work reasons so we decided to sell my car to the wreckers once I got a new car (with functioning aircon and cruise control!)
Now as I pass the anniversary of my first car getting sick I realised I never got a call from the auto electrician. Ever. As far as I know they still have the part on back order. I feel like the right thing to do is let them know the car isn't mine anymore and I don't need the part but I'm also a bit annoyed they never called me. AITA for not calling them?
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janitorboy-writing · 2 months
My Jay, Nya, Pixal, Zane, Kai, and Lloyd Headcanons about their expertise in STEM
I was struck by inspiration and I just had to write it down. It doesn't help that I'm taking a programming class and have a bunch of STEM friends and family, so I was given plenty of ideas
Please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes. I forgot to switch my keyboard from Portuguese to english
He is good with circuits and hardware
If he had the funds and motivstion, he would have been an electrical engineer, or at least become certified as an electrician
He practically already has the experience since he always tinkered with circuits and wires as a kid
His parents would always have him fixing the toaster, fridge, TV, basically any electrical appliance at home
He never had once touched a computer program until he came across his first computer at the junkyard
After tinkering with it and booting it up, he began to mess around and trid his best to understand the programs in it
He understood a little, but he wasn't a pro at it until Pixal came along (she taught him about different programming languages and the fundamentals, and he found out he's not into programming as much as he is with messing with circuits)
He does know mechanics and car stuff thanks to his dad, but he's more interested in wires and circuits
She definitely has a certification as a mechanic
Thanks to Kai, she had the time to study for a technical education
She also knows enough about electrical engineering to make all the cool cars and mechs
She didn't know very much about programming but she was very interested in it
She went to the library and read outdated books on programming (the local library near their village isn't the most well funded)
Hey, at last she grasped the fundamentals even though she learned an ancient language that most programmers don't use or learn anymore
When Pixal joined the team and started to teach her about programming, she was ecstatic
Now all her inventions could be more modern!
She is just like her dad, so robotics and computer science are her thing
She does know a bit about everything since she has an entire database in her head to glean info from
Still, programming is her favorite thing and the thing she considers herself the best at
She leaves vehicle maintenance to Nya and any circuitry to Jay
When Jay, Nya, or Zane aren't around, she handles all the things they handle even if she doesn't enjoy it as much as programming. Someone has to be there to take care of all their tech
Whenever there's a bug she can't seem to fix, she explains her code to Zane to help herself think
Zane listens and i happy to be helping his gf <3
When Zane isn't there, she talks to Nya, her bestie, instead
When neither are there, she talks to Jay
Jay only listens since he's not very experienced with programming, but he does try to help from time to time
Zane doesn't consider himself to be an expert in any tech related field
Like yeah, he knows basically everything and can do it all, but he's not very interested in them
He will fix cars or fix a line of code, but only when it's necessary or if he's asked to
Unlike the others, he doesn't spend his free time inventing or tinkering with anything
He's mostly meditating or hanging out in nature
He likes plants, like, A LOT
Plants, cooking, and animals are his expertise
He also knows a lot about herbs and tea, so he's basically the team's medic
Pixal is his medical assistant just like he is her programming assistant <3
Zane and Cole go out on walks and hikes a lot, and they drag Kai along just for fun
He knows a bit about mechanic since he sometimes helped Nya with her homework and projects
Him and Nya know exactly what they're talking about when Jya asks him to bring her the thingamabob
Kai had to teach Jay what the hell a thingamabob and a doohickey is so Jay could actually help Nya
In return, Kai learned some of Jay's weird names for tools like the thing and thingamajig
If things are really dire (like none of the team's inventors and Zane are with them) then Kai will try to fix a vehicle
50% chance of failure, 49% chance of success
The 1%? Who knows
It explodes
Like Kai, he knows a bit about mechanics, if not more because he spent a lot of time with Nya when he was younger and when nobody knew he was the green ninja
He has more success fixing vehicles than Kai, so Kai is always the last resort
Lloyd also knows about plants and herbs since he read about them after Wu was gone
Someone had to take care of all the plants for Wu and Zane after the merge happened
Lloyd also knows a bit of programming and electrical engineering, though it's not very useful
He could tell you what a variable is but he cannot write a program to save his life
He can tell you what XOR does, but he can't build a circuit
Due to his interest in video games, he's been trying to learn programming, but due to everything that happened in his life, he hasn't learned much
He's still trying, and that's what matters
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dandorime · 14 days
On a mission deep inside a secret Zoraxis facility...
Reginald: Anything suspicious yet, agent?
Phoenix: Not a damn thing. All these machines are in excellent condition, and there's OSHA-compliant signage and safeguards everywhere... Are you sure this is even a Zoraxis factory?
Suddenly the lights turn on, and a voice booms over the PA system...
???: Good evening, comrade Phoenix.
Phoenix: (◎_◎;) OH SHI-
Reginald: Strange, I don't recognize that voice... This could be a new Zoraxis operative. Be careful, agent! (。ŏ_ŏ)
Phoenix: Alright, you caught me. Now show yourself! (૭。•̀ n•́。 )૭
???: But of course. Since we're not on company time...
With the flourish of a large picket sign, a woman in overalls and a teamsters t-shirt steps out of the shadows onto the catwalk overhead.
???: A pleasure to have you on site, Agent Phoenix.
Phoenix: Who are you?! ಠ_ಠ
???: I am... The Rep.
Phoenix: ...what?!
The Rep: ...The Rep. Union representative. Zoraxis Workers United #73.
Phoenix: ...huh... (°-°?)
The Rep: You need to wear a hard hat at all times on the factory floor, even when the machinery is powered down. It's a contractual obligation. 🫱⛑️
Phoenix: Oh. Uh... Thanks. ⛑️
The Rep: And don't forget to clock your overtime on the puncher in the locker room when you leave.
Phoenix: (•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )Um... Listen. You realize I'm an EOD agent, right? That I don't actually work here...?
The Rep leans in close, placing a hand on Phoenix's shoulder as she does so.
The Rep: And you realize that your shenanigans produce a living wage for close to 10,000 unionized welders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, stonemasons, miners, and mechanics under Zoraxis Industries, right? (σ-`д・´)
Phoenix: ...oh.(・□・;)
The Rep: *pat pat* Keep it up. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
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notasapleasure · 1 month
Wild hopes for Andor S2:
Oh, apparently blorbo *might* be in the trailer? Riding a speeder on Dantooine you say? Aughhhh don't toy with my emotions like this!!
So for posterity, before anything about s2 does actually become clear, my vague hopes/'if I got to write their story' headcanons for my Ferrix badasses are a jumble of the following:
I don't see them immediately going back to Ferrix, they're recognisable (Bix is known to the Empire, Wilmon will be known by association with Salman, Bee is known as Maarva's droid, they had an eye on Brasso as 'the big guy' even before he fucked shit up with the funerary brick...and I can't remember Jezzi doing anything specific but she'll have been seen round Maarva's home and funeral), and riot or not, I'd say the Empire will be in the mood to make an example of Ferrix rather than to go 'oops our bad we'll leave you in peace'. So it seems a bad idea for the fugitives to return there for their rebellion as soon as they've left.
On that ship we know there's a skilled electrician (Wilmon) and mechanic (Bix), and I've always presumed Brasso must know his way around a ship well enough to be able to take it apart, and that Jezzi has some similarly Ferrixian industrial skill. I thought it would be very sexy if they all got involved in making/repurposing tech for the rebellion. In my heart of hearts they're patching together the first fleet of X-Wings.
Orange. Ferrix orange (Brasso's felt jacket orange) and rebel pilot orange. And there's the shot of Cassian in an orange pilot's suit in the trailer. I just. I just have hopes. And dreams. And colour was so significant in Rogue One (the red of the force/rebellion...there was an awesome post on here pointing out way more examples than I'd noticed, but I always think of the lining of Jyn's vest). Maybe it's reclaiming Narkina orange, even? But the look of the Ferrix clothes reminds me so much of the OT aesthetic, I think that's got to be the more likely connection.
Bee? Kay? Do they meet? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ trying to suppress the thought 'what if Bee helps to make Kay possible?' but the thought has been thunk. (ETA: NOT into the theory that they're the same person that's not what I mean. I'm talking hardware donation. Wires and chips. Not personality)
Dantooine. Dantooine base. After all this time!!!! What Legends book did I first read about the base on Dantooine in?? idek but if I'd ever written the epic angsty plot follow-up to that one fic (only ever just one night) it would have involved the Ferrix gang making X-Wings work on Dantooine :') I have feelings about Brasso the wrecker learning to make things instead :))
It should go without saying that I want to see Bix channel her healing into getting stuff done and fucking up the Empire.
I guess my feeling is that if we're time-skipping over a five year period in a, what, 12 episode season? There's not time for a huge arc for all the Ferrix characters alongside everything else the show needs to cover. My cautious assumption is that this either means a load of them get killed off/sidelined early, or they're kept together in the same setting so their stories are interlinked, but presumably with focus remaining on Bix (and Bee). Dantooine/wherever the rebel base is beforehand/the move to Yavin struck me as a good place for this, where they can still be brought in and out of episodes through whatever time-skips happen because it's a place the title character is going to be coming and going from regularly, like Ferrix is in S1. Naturally it is a selfish thought to want to recreate the S1 dynamic :)) because I want my blorbo(s) to get to be relevant and a part of Cassian's life still, but if that suggestion about Brasso on a speeder on Dantooine in the trailer is remotely accurate then I will cry happy tears.
Who knows, if they get to survive, maybe all those heart-pulverising fics and fanarts about Cassian's (glass) stone being laid on Ferrix will find a place at the end of the series?
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shintoinenglish · 6 months
Professions list
I'm planning on making a list of professions and which kamisama are considered to be their patrons (so to speak). This is not to make a 'correspondence list' but to help people who feel lost about which kamisama to worship. Please send me any professions you don't see listed below the readmore that you'd like me to include via ask, submission, or reply!
Alcohol Maker
Astronomer, Astrologer
Cook/Chef/Food Service
Craftsman (general)
Dancer, Stripper
Delivery Person, Mailman
Factory Worker
Farmer (general), Gardener
Fashion Designer
Hair Stylist, Makeup Artist
Hotel Clerk
Janitor, Cleaner
Jeweler, Jewelry-maker
Logger, Woodworker
Mall worker, Department store worker
Medical Professional (Doctors, Nurses), Pharmacists
Oil Drilling
Photographer, Videographer
Physical Labor (general)
Pilots, Cabin Attendants/Flight Attendants
Post Office Worker, Deliveryman, UberEats, Doordash
Professor or Teacher
Retail, Cashier, Customer Service
Rice farmer
Sailor, Shipbuilder
Scholar, Researcher
Sex Worker
Television Reporter and accompanying staff
Textile workers
Writer, Reporter, Journalist
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johnnydany · 2 years
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I'm Here Because You Broke Something Funny Mechanic T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/39325118-im-here-because-you-broke-something-funny-mechanic
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desire-for-thinner · 27 days
Czech school so we don't have like apprentices, you go to school for stuff like electrician etc and I'm going to electrician and mechanic school and I'm in the IT major, so anyway as its a wide known fact like 1 out of every electrician does coke or meth so its really funny when I go into bathroom to cvt myself and in the stall next to me are 2 guys just snorting lines at 9 in the morning like LOL spare some for me motherfuckers
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dear-indies · 2 years
This might sound stupid but I’m struggling coming with occupations that aren’t your usual doctor:nurse/firefighter/cop (yuck on the last) and could do some help <3
It's not stupid, anon! When I'm stuck for ideas I always ask my friends for inspiration. I would personally love to see muses who are blue-collar workers or unemployed but here are a random list of occupations in no particular order — zoologist, zookeeper, geologist, biologist, palaeontologist, microbiologist, librarian, retail worker, content creator / influencer, teacher, professor, barista, bartender, artist, singer, musician, professional athlete, writer (fiction? ghost writer? lyricist?), photographer, videographer, lawyer, store owner, massage therapist, beautician, hair dresser, makeup artist, fashion designer, interior designer, graphic designer, costume designer, web designer, farrier, actor, mechanic, developer, architect, childcare worker, B&B owner, animator, illustrator, chef, baker, sweet maker, stylist, programmer, data analyst, dog groomer, dog trainer, dog walker, receptionist, factory worker, florist, flight attendant, glass blower, groundskeeper, museum curator, handyman, carpenter, hotel employee, journalist, landscape architect, gardener, magazine editor, marine biologist, model, movie critic, nail technician, bodyguard / personal security, janitor, ranch hand, seamstress, tattoo artist, tour director, truck driver, au pair, sculptor, jeweller, fisherman, contractor, electrician, comedian, dancer, events organiser, wedding planner, taxi driver, researcher, interpreter, midwife, doula, personal trainer, tour guide, park ranger, scientist, nutritionist, veterinarian, judge, private investigator, blacksmith, chemist, engineer, magician, psychologist, and waiter.
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rebeccalouisaferguson · 10 months
"When we called him and said, ‘Hey, do you want to play this part?’ he was real excited about it, and he was like, ‘Oh yeah, I'm gonna… I have a great idea. This is going to be really scary.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, sure.’ And we all showed up full of swagger. It was like, yeah, ‘We're just gonna roll. We're gonna have somebody down there flicking the blood, because we want a little bit of splash on his chin.’ Not what you guys saw. That was a little more than we thought would happen. And Rebecca, who’s pretty fearless, was full of attitude. And when she met Jacob – he had been doing another movie, so we never rehearsed with him. I would talk to his father and he's like, ‘We're rehearsing ourselves. And it's really good. It's really good. It's really upsetting.’
He's the sweetest, most charming kid you'll ever meet. Rebecca was even, ‘Oh, get ready, Jacob! We're going to mess you up! Oh, True Knot, we're coming to get him.’ That whole group of actors, they're the bad guys. They get to strut around on set in cool costumes and say cool stuff. So they showed up to it just cocky. We started with Jacob. When we rehearsed, we didn't put any emotion into it. I was like, ‘Jacob, don't scream. We're just going to walk through it mechanically, so you don't get traumatized. We'll save it.’ … We started on him. We started on his frontal and his profile, which were running simultaneously. He's like, ‘No, I got this.’ I was like, ‘Do you want to do a dry run? You want to do anything with it?’ He said, ‘Nope, I'm good.’ And we all went to the monitor.
Rebecca gets all into character and everybody's ready. And [Jacob’s] dad leans over to me and he's like, ‘You have no idea what you're in for.’ He was kind of smirking. And I was like, ‘Okay, like, we know this is going to be a disturbing scene. It's gonna be fine, though.’ He's just smirking. He knows what's coming. We don't know. And, the general idea was, stuff's always worse in the movie than it is on the set. Like on set, the stuff tends to be fun and silly. And Jacob just lets loose. And it's what you see in the movie. He's just screaming and begging, and he’s ad-libbing, you know? He's just throwing in, ‘Please.’ And Rebecca can't get her lines out. He's just screaming over, and he's crying. And Rebecca comes in like, ‘Uh, yeah, this, this is, this is going to hurt, because fear purifies steam.’ And then she starts crying. And we’re in the van. At the time we had all the monitors in this ride, we're all in there, just staring at it, horrified. We get through to the end of the take. I’m too shocked to call cut. He's just dead. He died, and we’re all just staring at it. And I looked over to [producer] Trevor Macy and I was like, ‘What have we done?’
And Jacob's dad is just grinning. So Jacob hops up off the ground. Just, popped. There’s blood all over him. Half the crew is gone. Like, they have abandoned their posts. So during the shot, grips and electricians and stuff were like, ‘Nope.’ And they just walked away. … Jacob hopped up and his dad kind of smirked at him and they, I'll never forget it. He hopped up, walked past his dad, and they high five. His dad just put his hands up to high five, Jacob walked over to crafty to eat candy, but we were all like crying and fucked up.
[On the day he turned 12, Jacob Tremblay had to act out everyone’s worst fear: dying.] We brought out a birthday cake after [the scene]. This is all true. We had a cake that was made in the shape of the baseball jersey with the number 19. It was red velvet cake. So when you cut it up, it was red inside. And we brought that out and sang to him. It was before we saw what he was going to do, and we were all feeling really just, ‘It’s just another day.’ But then we saw what he did, and we all felt awful. We brought it out. We had cake. We sang. He's covered with blood. There are hilarious pictures of him and he’s just [with a thumbs up] with the cake and the blood. And then he just laughed and said good night. You know, ‘That was so fun everybody, bye!’ And he left and the cast recovered.
[Ewan McGregor and Cliff Curtis didn’t share a scene with Jacob Tremblay, so they weren’t on set for the murder. They showed up after, genuinely curious how things had gone.] We're all still shaking [when they show up]. Rebecca Ferguson just doesn't want to talk about it. And Ewan’s like, ‘How’d it go with the kid?’ And she’s like, ‘I don’t even want to talk about it.’ She did all of her stuff – all the shots of her when she talks to him, when he's like, ‘Is this going to hurt?’ And she's like, ‘Yessss!’ And like all the roaring in his face and stuff… he was gone. We did that after Jacob left set. She couldn't look him in the eye and do that" - Mike Flanagan on how Basball Boy scene was filmed (ReelBlend podcast)
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sportsbianism · 6 months
could you tell us about your apprenticeship?? how did you get into it etc? i'm really thinking abt moving towards a trades career but it's a bit intimidating
depending on what trade u r going into and where u are going into it it can be a piece of cake or a bit difficult. here in alanta joining the union is easy as fuck. i haven't even taken my exam yet and i am already placed in a job. definitely did not require a resume. the exam is high school english and algebra. if u pass, you immediately get a raise and begin your official apprentice period. but for the same union, if you apply in portland for instance, you are competing against thousands, must submit a portfolio and go through two interviews, and your job placement is dependent on how high you score on the exam. high scorers getting the first and best placements, low scorers having to wait potentially months and months for placement. honestly still worth it bc the pay in that area is sooooooo good, and it's still doable, not that crazy, certainly not harder than getting into college.
whatever your trade, definitely consider going union if possible. one great thing abt the union is, if you hate the company or crew you are working with, you can request a new job assignment very very easily. so if there's a crazy or sexist guy giving you a hard time, you can just go work somewhere else, it's a piece of cake. plus these guys are really not trying to lose their pensions or get into trouble w the union. but if u work for a private company and not the union, much more difficult to get out of a shitty situation.
i think electrician is a great way to go for women. i think machinery mechanic or crane operator (chachingggg $$$$$) could also be a good way to go... hvac could be cool, i know a lot of female carpenters but not on my jobs bc my local is mainly industrial and not residential.... pipefitters and sheetmetal workers make good money but tbh i haven't seen any women in those crews so far, they're a bit heavier on the heavy lifting, and the guys seem like fucking knuckleheads, but idk. women make superb welders. from what i have seen.
cnc machinist could be cool but idk if the money is all that good. there's a based as fuck aircraft mechanic here on tumblr, that's a cool option. pilot is another cool ass trade, high demand rn, with a strong union presence though it works a bit differently in their area.
also a good option? ups? but if u go ups try to get that first package handler job at an air hub, not a ground hub, way more women and dykes in the air industrial sector in that company.
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