#‘I definitely don’t have a STYLE’
yuurionviktor · 10 months
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Wanted to see if there’s consistency in the way I draw them
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remxedmoon · 3 months
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“the valiant bison. it leaps to protect its fellow creatures, but not you.”
2 power - 8 health - 3 blood
protector - when a creature on this card’s side of the field is about to take damage, this card will jump forward to take the hit instead.
sharp quills - once a card bearing this sigil is struck, the striker is then dealt a single damage point.
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BISABEAU!! YIPEEE! and a fancy custom sigil to go with him! wow! writeup below, as always
that custom sigil huh!! i had to rewrite that description SO MANY TIMES and it STILL ISN’T PERFECT GRAAAA. i couldn’t fit it into the proper description, but isa’ll return to his original spot after taking the hits. he basically redirects all attacks on his teammates to himself. like a moleman but in reverse.
also ^ he won’t try to protect terrain cards! because that’s a boulder. not his friends. the entire concept around the sigil is based around him protecting his friends from harm.
sharp quills is there to let him counterattack while covering for his allies! fun fact, in my original concept for this card, this was replaced with the mighty leap sigil?? for some reason??? even though airborne cards can’t attack cards on the field?????? idk what my thought process there was. thank god i caught that before finalizing his card
don’t ask how he has sharp quills btw. it’s uhh. his horns. yes. the quills are his horns.
i went back and forth between calling him a bison or a buffalo. his design was based more on water buffalo than american bison? but i ended up going with bison just because it was shorter lol. plus the bisabeau pun. i am beholden to the pun.
you might’ve noticed that the patch is in a different spot here! i couldn’t find a spot that didn’t cover an important part of the card. so i had to go through the miserable experience of moving the patch and cutting it out even more thoroughly to prevent it from messing up the pixels around it. somehow that damn patch was harder to make than the CUSTOM SIGIL.
speaking of the sigil patch. he gets burrower! which makes him move to any empty space that’s about to be attacked. functionally, this means that ALL damage on the board will get redirected to him. except for airborne attacks i guess
this card doesn’t have a hidden trait! and there’s a reason for that! because…
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“a meek, unassuming calf. it has not yet learned its own strength.”
0 power - 2 health - 2 blood
fledgling - a card bearing this sigil will grow into a more powerful form after 1 turn on the board.
clinger - when one of your creatures is placed in a space, a card bearing this sigil will move towards them as far as possible.
TWO CARDS!! he gets to have a fledgling form :3
fledgling is self explanatory i think? i wanted to keep some kind of reference to his Change and this was the best way i could think of! lil baby thing based on his past self…
clinger is a sigil from act 3! it’s like. only on the lonely wizbot i think. initially i was just going to give them sprinter (which makes them move to a different space after attacking) but it felt… too similar to the elk fawn for my liking. and it felt more appropriate character-wise
this card is also part of the reason why i went with bison. buffalo calf is a long name!!!
idk how well it comes across but they have their lil braid!! i wanted to include the glasses in some way but it felt a little out of place with the card design. so they only have the braids. a necessary sacrifice
i realize that burrower is a TERRIBLE sigil for this card but! i had to keep it consistent with his mature form. hope your bison calf doesn’t fling itself into danger and die! oops!
that’s everything to do with these cards! phew! that was a lot of text. here’s the patchless versions!
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jeanmoreaue · 3 months
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inspired by the scene where Cat brings Jean seashells at the beach bc Jean’s old teammates trashing his little trinkets is OUT, and Jean’s new teammates adding to his collection is IN
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autthesnot · 3 months
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Tyger Tyger burning bright,
In the forests of the night:
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
(William Blake, The Tyger)
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rowynri · 5 months
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some old red son doodles i colored!!
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bugeyedfreaks · 3 months
Gotta say I probably owe it all to PPG for my (and probably all the other millennials that grew up with early seasons of ppg) love for anything 50/60s minimalistic, mid century aesthetic. Craig’s style was definitely inspired by those era. even when he’s not trying to approach it, there’s still some essence of it and it becomes my comfort aesthetic
Oh, same! At the time the 50s and 60s aesthetic was pretty trendy in pop culture just in general, so I’m sure it being part of the zeitgeist (as well as being a Hanna-Barbera production, so stylistically similar to their older cartoons) made it that way. There’s some 70s stuff in the show as well, but overall it definitely pulls more from that midcentury design sensibility and I truly do love it.
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yellobb · 10 months
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Fallen Angel
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foxgloveinspace · 10 months
Dying to know if you’ve listened to Vaxis II yet!
I’d love to know your thoughts if you have 🫶🏼
I hope you’ve had a splendid weekend!
I haven’t had the time sadly😭 I’ve been In Recovery™️ today from the overstimulating weekend I had (fun times, a lot of Car Time which I love, but I am exhausted now🫠). I’m planning on listening tomorrow I think, I’ll be home alone, and I can use the big tv with the good speaker that when I turn it up loud can be heard from the drive way!!
Edit, oops: I hope your weekend was really good too! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
the problem is that you can’t all see the incredibly animated movements i am constantly making with my arms and the pepe silvia board i have with me at all times to immediately break out into brennan lee mulligan style ramblings about rvb
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sisaloofafump · 10 months
Daily Diana is really pushing my nonexistent skill to draw characters recognizably the same each time and to draw in the same style each time. I am normally… very bad at that. I don’t think much has changed
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artificialcaretaker · 4 months
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There’s no fucking way I got into school mandated classic lit yaoi again why the fuck does this keep happening……
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[Literally praying that we read page 222 in class I need to see everyone’s reaction to that.
Also, Bromden is literally me. Bro will start talkin about his paranoid delusions and how the Shadow Government is controlling him and I’ll be like “ONG TWIN 🫡🫡🫡”
That may or may not have some implications on my current mental health status.
ALSO also, I finally changed my signature. I no longer want to be associated with the same thing I used to mark the yaoi hentai I drew in middle school. That ain’t me. I’m a changed man. Like hell I’ll ever find it again but the important thing is that I’m moving on.
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athalantan · 5 months
You know what line, more than any other, is the most compelling evidence for El having taught Gale at some point (although I still don’t think that happened til after Mystra’s return)? “Elminster’s not around so might as well.”
The thing is El is a reckless individual. Always has been. They’ve more than once thought themselves a fool and in the next breath thought that, if they weren’t a fool, they wouldn’t be themself. They’re prone to daring plans and also to experimentation, including with magic. (Mystra loves for those who wield the Art to get creative with it as well, and often tasks the Magister and her Chosen with encouraging that.) They’re far from tight-laced.
But, they are an exacting teacher. They have high standards and set challenges that will push you past your limits every day. They will frustrate you, madden you, damn near torment you. It’s all for a good cause, ultimately. They’re not just teaching apprentices to hurl spells. They’re teaching them to maintain focus and control under harrowing conditions. They’re teaching them to think quickly and creatively in a pinch. They’re teaching them to stay alive in fatal circumstances. They’re also guiding them — hopefully — toward ethical and, well, artful use of the Art. Too many focus on the prideful, power-hungry, destructive aspects of magic. They challenge their apprentices to think philosophically as well as mechanically.
So that line — Elminster’s not around — is 100% about El the teacher and not El the friend or adventurer. El the friend is not so forbidding. El the teacher will fix you with a look that’s brought godlike tyrants to their knees.
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starlooove · 5 months
Will forever be mad that everyone ignores that Musa’s og style is based in hip hop and tbh that is literally indicative of how white people think everything we do is “alt” like the baggy pants and shit Is things white ppl did to rebel they rebel by copying us because everything we do is weird and outlandish to them and now its “alt” which is FINE or whatever but then they completely ignore the black aspects of it like
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triplethreatsonic · 2 years
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Hey proof that I still exist! Have some angst
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nohoney · 1 year
rlly want to know how the break up talk in your us series drabble (which i occasionally reread honestly ur such a great writer!!) would’ve turned out if touya and keigo hadn’t alr known about the reader’s plan to breakup!!
this ask was one of the first questions i received about us series! this one i had to sit down and think over for a bit and i’m so flattered that you guys want to delve into these different possibilities with the series!
It’s scary how quiet they are.
It’s frightening how loud the silence is.
It’s terrifying that you reached the point of having to tell them, “I want to break up.”
Your heart is pounding in your chest and you try to remain calm as you wait for a horrible reaction to come. There’s going to be some yelling involved, you know that there is, and you’ve been bracing yourself for weeks to have this confrontation. All the kisses, hugs, and sex you’ve had with them the past month made you feel guilty. It’s not that love wasn’t there anymore; it’s that the type of love you’re being given wasn’t good for you.
“Why?” Touya asks you, eerily calm as his gaze makes you even more nervous. “Why do you want to break up?”
Because of all the fighting, the arguments, that everything you ask for is being made as an impossible task for them to do for you. Because you’re tired of being upset and pretending like you were fine once a poor attempt of a make up is done. It’s all valid reasons you list to them.
“You know that’s all things we can work on,” Keigo does exactly what you expect him to do, to act as damage control to make sure things stay the same, “it’s not that we don’t see it. We feel bad when you get upset.”
That’s very much true, you know that, but they don’t feel bad enough to want to be better.
Keigo talks but your attention is more on Touya. His silence was not expected when you asked to meet them at this pond in a residential neighborhood. You planned to meet them separately and not be in any personal space to have this conversation, especially since you couldn’t afford for your neighbors to complains about your arguments again. Yelling is what you expected to happen. You thought there would be some pushback or some aggression but this stoic silence was not something you were prepared for.
“See, why do you do this? It feels like I try to get through to you but you don’t care what I have to say.” Keigo sighs out with an edge of frustration. “It’s like you don’t care that I’m here sometimes.”
Keigo’s words surprise you and you set your eyes on him instead. “What do you mean? I’m with the both of you! Of course I care!”
“Then why were you looking at Touya when I was talking? Did you hear anything I had to say? It has to be all about what we’re doing wrong but when I’m talking about myself, you don’t pay attention.”
You know what he’s doing, you know what Keigo is doing, he’s turning it around that you feel bad. As charming as he was with his words, he was equally cruel in using them too. But how can you argue against him when he was also speaking his truth too? What justification do you have to tune him out to look at Touya instead?
Trying to remember to be strong in your conviction, you try to muster up the words to get this conversation over with. You decided that this is over and being with them is no longer healthy for you. “I’m sorry Keigo, you’re right that I should have been listening to you. I just don’t think that we’re all good together anymore. I always feel like I’m being ganged up on and that you guys are-“
“So you don’t do anything wrong? Ever? You’ve never hurt our feelings or done something to make us upset?” Touya jumps in and you feel less sure about yourself now that he’s spoken up. “You know that we dote on you equally but you’re always switching up on when you play favorites? And we’ve never said anything about it?”
You know what’s happening, you know what they’re doing, but you’re starting to lose footing in your conviction. “I-I do not! Look, this is about me and how I want-“
“It’s always about you! Everything we do is for you and you’re ungrateful!” Touya snaps at you, “How many times have you had a tantrum over something small and we let it go? How many times have you driven off in one of our cars when you’re pissed off and we never revoked your access to using them still? Why is it that you’re all over Keigo when we’re fighting but then you’re so keen on me once everything is fine between us?”
Fuck, it’s all truth he’s telling you and he’s derailing you from the main point! But Touya is overwhelming you with guilt over things that you also don’t apologize for either or even things you didn’t know you had to apologize for. And he pushes you to tears and the conviction you built for slowly crumbles so easily. It falls apart like a kicked over sand castle and the routine of a fight settles in like it usually does. Maybe you could never win against the both of them together.
“Touya, lower your voice. This isn’t the place to be upset. Now c’mere dove,” Keigo comes to the rescue like usual and without even thinking, you seek him out as he pulls you into that comforting hug that you’ve grown to be so familiar with, “if you’re upset with us, it’d be nice if we got a heads up. Breaking up without giving us a chance to fix anything isn’t fair, right?”
His hands are warm as they rub your back to soothe you and then another hand pets the top of your head, knowing that it belongs to Touya. Your eyes peek up at him briefly only to look back down. You feel weak all over again, hurting because of them, but also wanting to be comforted by them all the same. “Look, you have every right to be mad at us. We’re not saying you’re allowed,” Touya speaks to you with a gentle caress of his hand, his fingers threading through your hair and carefully massaging the headache he knows you’re having, “but at least try to see it from our end what you put us through too.”
You wear the blame again for another fight happening. That apparently you ignore Keigo more than you thought and they’re so generous to let you get away with so much.
“Oh doll, look at you. You’re all upset now, how are you supposed to drive yourself back to our home now?” Touya sighs out, leaning down to kiss at your temple before he assigns Keigo to care for you. “Drive her car back for her, you know how she gets when she’s upset. She can’t really get behind the wheel. Who do you want to go with, doll?”
You want to choose Keigo to be with because he’ll baby you exactly the way you want to be when you’re upset. But then again, now it’s only going to be seen as you only needing Keigo for comfort and eventually choosing Touya once all the tension is leveled out. You sniffle and only shrug your shoulders, deciding that if you make your own decision that it’s going to backfire or be used as ammunition in a later fight. So you might as well let them choose for you.
“Alright, I’ll have you come with me.” Touya decides for you, asking for your car keys to hand to Keigo. “Drive safe, alright?”
You’re sitting in the passenger side of Touya’s car, still sniffling from crying and worn out all over again. His hand goes from the gear shift to resting on your thigh, his fingers squeezing comfortably and you lay your hand on top of his. Fingers weave together through the spaces and the car ride is quiet at first.
“I’m sorry.” You say softly with your eyes looking out the window.
“It’s okay. I forgive you.”
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mossflower · 1 year
how in the name of all things holy do people do curly hair routines
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