reminder that disinformation is bad even when it furthers your narrative. if an organization is bad, you don't have to make up lies about it being bad. it's already bad literally just utilize the facts that are available to you
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acepumpkinpatrick · 8 months
Half an hour ago all of Palestinian tags were trending and now only one?!! Oh they're trying hard fr fr 💀
Anyway, keep talking about Palestine and the Gaza Strip y'all.
The shit that is happening inside the Israeli gov. cabinet? Hilarious.
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dinozaurtual · 1 year
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u people on this website are so fucking stupid god bless
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starlight-bread-blog · 8 months
Leftists: Everyone is a little bigoted. Bigotry is deeply integrated into our society. Everyone picks up on it. You have to actively unlearn it. Check your bias. Your intentions might be good, but you're not immune to bigotry learnt since childhood. Even if you're an activist already. Even if you have friends from the minority. Listen to marginalized voices. Take the critisism. This is the only way to overcome our internalized prejudices.
Jews: Hey so–
Leftists: ZIONIST!!
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david-goldrock · 2 months
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When you see an "antizionist jew" remember what you are looking at
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some-israeli-guy · 2 months
I want to take a few minutes to talk about my connection to Israel, as a Jew. I want to do that because some people desperately need to understand this, and also I'm procrastinating on uni homework.
Some years ago there were calls to return artifacts from the British Museum to the countries they're from. I know Britain pretty much went anywhere and took anything they wanted, but it got me thinking about cultural identities and their connection over time.
The middle east was home to some of the world's most ancient civilizations, and I'm sure most people living there could trace their lineage back to those civilizations (theoretically of course, we don't have data going that far). But how are they related to them? Do modern day Iraqis have any connection to Babylonians? They don't have a common language, religion, holidays, costumes… there is no cultural connection there. Babylonians happened to live in the same place, but other than that…
But this is not the case for Jews. Wherever Jewish people ended up throughout time, we kept a direct connection to ancient Israelites. I speak the same language they did thousands of years ago, I celebrate the holidays they celebrated. Our holy book is localized to Israel. We have holidays where we use local flora as decorations. We remembered our home, wherever we were, and waited to return.
The city I grew up in has flooding every winter. The whole area does (the Sharon region). It's because it used to be a swamp. There are 3 limestone ridges blocking the rivers from getting to the ocean, and when the early Zionist pioneers bought lands in this area (which were uninhabited swampland at the time) they had to open up tunnels through the limestone and drain the swamps before people could live here.
Why am I telling you this? Because we already did it before. Ancient Israelites already dug tunnels and drained swamps and lived here. There was a prayer during Yom Kippur specifically for the safety of people living here. All of the towns in the Sharon were razed by the Mamluks in the 13th century, and it became a swamp again. Until we returned.
To anyone who call us "colonizers": These "ancient" Israelites don't just share a religion with us, they ARE us. We were expelled from our homeland, but we kept our identity, we refused to let go, we kept wishing to come back home. We were always indigenous to Israel. We don't belong anywhere but here.
And now they're are trying to tell us that some people with a name invented by Rome to erase Judea and Israel, with a religion and language from Arabia, who didn't have a distinct cultural identity other than "Arab" until a few decades ago, belong here more than we do? I don't think so.
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chanaleah · 22 days
my impressions of israeli cities as someone who's never been to israel
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Did not rescue the Israeli hostages:
1) the UN
2) the ICJ
3) NGOs
4) any world government besides Israel, including the countries whose own citizens are hostages
5) the Free Palestine movement
7) college campus encampments
8) keyboard warriors
9) calls for a “ceasefire”
10) anyone who calls themselves an “anti-Zionist”
Did rescue the Israeli hostages:
1) Israel
2) the IDF
Why would we ever listen to anyone in that first category? Listening to them means we die. Ignoring them and rescuing each other means we live. It’s that simple. Don’t you dare moralize at us and lecture us while sentencing us to death. If you’re not going to lift a finger to save us, get the fuck out of our way.
So yes, I support Israel and the IDF, the entities that actually save the lives of Jews - the only entities in the world that do so. And I will never, ever be ashamed of that. And if I became ashamed of that, the world would still let me get kidnapped and leave me to rot for being a Jew, so 🤷‍♀️
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shalom-iamcominghome · 3 months
Jewish mantra of the day:
You cannot kill us in a way that matters
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etz-ashashiyot · 5 months
So like Am Yisrael Chai and all that, don't get me wrong I'm so grateful for the superhuman resilience of Israelis (and really the whole Jewish people) because it's necessary
but damn, like
Could it just, for once, not be?
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cinderbagels · 2 months
*sigh* I'm not a Zionist, I'm Israeli, we don't think of ourselves as Zionists on a daily basis, just Israeli. And Jewish of course. And yes, I believe I have a right to remain Jewish and Israeli and live my quiet life the same as everyone else. Now can I please have the coffee I ordered?
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casavanse · 7 months
*dies of frustration*
*gets up on a stage*
*takes a deep breath*
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jewelleria · 4 months
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seen in tel aviv. we will outlive them.
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david-goldrock · 4 months
Would you keep me in your closet?
When they tell you that we're the murderers of Christ, blasphemous heretics, who poison the wells and eat christian babies, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're of an infirior race, that our presence destroys culture, that we backstabbed your country, that having kids with us will leave them with the same flaws, that we are inherently and unchanginly evil, and that killing us is a mercy, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're overlords of a secret society, secret cosmopolitiains of the deep state, controlling the media and the economy for our benefit, leaching on the work of good, hard working people, would you still keep me in your closet?
When they tell you we're white supremacists, fanatic nationals, colonizers, explotators, slave owners, oppressors, occupiers, starving, ethnically cleansing, genociding, harvesting organs off of Arab children...
Today, when they knock on your door and ask politely if you happen to hide me in your house or basement, whatever they may call me, whatever excuse they came with
Would you keep me safe in your closet?
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low-cole-timothy · 7 months
If you ask a non-jew what is the symbol of a Jewish wedding they will say it's breaking a glass. But why?
What you don't know is that when the groom breaks the glass the couple are already married. The rabbi has technically already pronounced them husband and wife (though there isn't really that part in a Jewish wedding).
The glass is crushed to represent the grief of the destruction of the temple. The groom says "If I forget you Jerusalem may my right hand be lost, may my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I don't remember you and don't put Jerusalem at the top of my joy" (my translation) Even at the happiest event of our lives we will always remember Jerusalem and Zion (i.e Israel) and how it was destroyed and how we were exiled from it. Then and only then, you may kiss the bride.
The verse is from the same psalm that starts with "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion"
This has been Jewish tradition for over 2,000 years and it doesn't matter if it was Jews in Europe, Africa, Asia - we always yearned to return to the land of Israel.
So if you say we aren't indiginous to the land of Israel or that we have no claim to the land, you need to educate yourself.
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avian-misdemeanors · 4 months
the world's hatred for Jews will never be stronger than our love for each other. we have kept our culture and identity and unity strong for over 2,000 years of diaspora and oppression. we have watched empires rise and fall like the cycles of winter and summer. we have seen kings and dictators and zealots alike swear to wipe us out and then crumble into the dust of history.
we have been here for thousands of years, we still speak the same language and still recite the same prayers and poems. when I rise in the morning and say "Shema Yisrael, Adonai eloheinu, Adonai echad!" it sounds exactly the same as it did when my ancestors said it 5,000 years ago. and it will sound the same when my descendants say it 5,000 years from now.
we are an ancient, stubborn, resilient people with long memories and beautiful art. our libraries are full of history and debate and study and stories and every year that we live their shelves grow heavier.
you cannot stamp us out, no matter how hard you try. we have survived the Romans, the Greeks, the Persians, the Assyrians, the Abassids, the Caliphate, the Russians, the Czars, the Nazis, the Soviets, the Inquisition, the Catholics and more dead empires than I care to name.
we will survive you.
I love you, my fellow Jews. We will survive this one, too.
Thank you, Hashem, for making me a Jew.
אני אוהבת את עם ישראל 💙
עם ישראל חי!
מיר וועלן זיי איבערלעבן!
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