#Слава Україні
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I have no words after yesterday's news. My heart is not done breaking yet.
#slava ukraini#Слава Україні#war in ukraine#ukraine#support ukraine#astarion#astarion art#astarion fanart#astarion approves
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Living in an era where the paradigm of good and evil is on the verge of extinction is frightening. Pure, unpolished evil is terrible, but it wouldn't be evil if it wasn't so well camouflaged.
There is something mythological in resisting evil in all its shapes. Resisting evil that is cleverly masked with concern for you.
More than ever, it seems that living with faith in high concepts of Goodness, kindness, care and justice is no longer in trend.
But we are used to swim against the current.
In the first days of a full-scale war in Ukraine in 2022, few people believed in Ukrainians and our forces. I will never forget all the sweet words spoken and written at that time, but I will also never forget the fear in the voices, the feeling of dread transmitted in abrupt and intense messages. Thank you.
As a Ukrainian living in Odesa, I am reliving February 2022 all over again. Only with more tangible support from people who share our values from around the world.
We have not become unbroken, we are still vulnerable and we are still experiencing each loss with unbearable pain.
Not a single doctor will prescribe a painkiller for what every person in Ukraine has experienced over the years.
But it is not the victim's fault that she was attacked. Nor is it the victim's guilt for resisting the attacker.
And resisting is something we've learnt to do. Just like we've learnt to fight for the things we care about. For those who have already sacrificed themselves to shift the paradigm of good and evil towards the Good.
I stand with the Good, I stand with Ukraine. Please, join me 💙💛
Sincerely, Ekaterina
#photographers on tumblr#ukraine#Україна#artists on tumblr#original photographers#original photography#photo#photographer#art#photography#original photography on tumblr#Odesa#Одеса#Слава Україні#ukraine blog#ukrainianartist#ukrainian#ukrainian tumblr#ukrainian art#war#zelensky#ukrainian culture#abstract art#artwork#photograph#abstractart#abstract#abstract photography#contemporary art#modern art
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This post is for Ukrainians. If you know people from Ukraine, please, send them this post, this is extremely important.(FINISHED)
Я вже двічі підписую цю петицію і у нас знову великий шанс її продути. У нас залишилося всього 20 днів, щоб набрати дос��атньо голосів на петицію про відставку Миколи Хавр��нюка.
Микола Хавронюк розробляє новий кримінальний кодекс України. В суспільстві він висловлювався за зняття відповідальности із насильника. Мовляв, занадто жорстоко, перекладає відповідальність на жертву (спровокувала), ставить запитання чи було проникнення і (!)яка інтенсивність. В петиції є повний текст і з цитатами, тому прошу прочитати і ПІДПИСАТИ. Людина, яка поширює подібні наративи в суспільстві не має жодного права впливати на закони нашої держави. Я прошу поширити цей допис, посилання і залучити якомога більше людей, инакше ми вдруге продуємо цю петицію.
Donate to the Ukrainian army, spread information about the ruzzian war crimes, Stand With Ukraine
#ukraine#ukrainian#ukrayna#war in ukraine#slava ukraini#ukrainians#слава україні#україна#український tumblr#український тамблер#український блог#українською#петиція#ucraina#russia is a terrorist state#russia ukraine war#putin ukraine#witchblr#witchcraft#heroyam slava#героям слава#russia war#russia is the occupier#ruzzia#russian invasion#russian aggression#save ukraine#help ukraine#help us#укртумбочка
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i think i need to start making something very clear, as i should have done a long time ago.
Ukraine hasn't stopped needing your help and listening to our voices hasn't stopped being important
i think i've been way too patient and understanding with non-ukrainians following me. but i'm tired and angry and hurting and i've been carrying this burden, as all ukrainians have, for a very long time.
i am officially completely done with all those posts fucking "comparing" ukraine and palestine. i've tried to be understanding. i know you're trying to say that ukrainians get slightly better press coverage in the west due to white privilege, but our press coverage in the west is still dogshit. our genocide and colonization is still reduced to a "war" ukraine is still described as a "post-soviet state" and ethnic minorities in ukraine are still never mentioned. crimean tatars, koryo-saram, romani-ukrainians, jewish ukrainians, muslim-ukrainians, and many other communities have been disproportionately targeted by ruzzia's relentless violence and you still say nothing of their unique struggles and experiences. not to even mention how, although ukrainian diaspora in north america, like myself, have white privilege, ukrainians in europe face discrimination from both ruzzia and western europeans. they are not privileged
we are called slurs and subjected to other ethnically and culturally motivated violence by ruzzians very frequently when we try to tell our stories. ukrainian diaspora try to use our privilege and knowledge of english to advocate, but we are always shut down by ruzzians because we are always somehow either "too western" or "too ukrainian" to know what we are talking about.
and it really doesn't help that SOMEHOW none of you seem capable of caring about more than one genocide at a time. those posts comparing ukraine to palestine is all you have to say about us as our printing houses are being destroyed and our babies are being taken away and raised as ruzzians. weird! i don't seem to have this problem! caring about multiple genocides at a time and advocating for the liberty and power of all oppressed people is second nature to me. maybe because i don't have the privilege of only caring about one genocide at a time.
like sorry but i'm officially done. comparing which genocide is """""worse""""" is such a horrible and incomprehensibly evil thing to do. victims of genocide are standing together in solidarity. westerners with no connection to these issues do not have a seat at this table
#i don't expect this to achieve anything but it made me feel a little better so. there's that i guess#ukraine#colonial violence#colonialism#слава україні
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#фото#позитив#nature#arhitecture#dnepr#my city#Дніпро#слава україні#nature photography#photography#photographers on tumblr
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#ukraine#kyiv#kyiv ukraine#kyivphoto#russian war crimes#russia is a terrorist state#war in ukraine#russian invasion#standwithukraine#my photography#my photos#original content#original photography on tumblr#slava ukraini#heroyam slava#слава україні#героям слава#український tumblr#український тамблер
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My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, the Cherkasy Chornobyl Heroes Institute of Fire Safety. Originally established in 1973, it was named for the heroes of Chornobyl in 1997. (Everything I found online had Chernobyl, but I am using the Ukrainian transliteration, which is Chornobyl.) I'm guessing the graduates of the Institute of Fire Safety are living up to the example set by the Chornobyl Heroes every day due to muscovy's terrorist invasion of Ukraine. May they stay safe and save lives.
#Героямслава 🇺🇦🌻

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3 years into Russia's 3 day SMO. Ukraine is stronger and more independent from Russia than ever. Mr Putin has failed his primary objective. Let's not let Russia off the hook for what they have done! #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState #СЛАВАУКРАЇНІ 🇺🇦
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October 1st - the Ukrainian Defender's Day.
Thank you, warriors defending everything we have - our past, our present, and our future.
Eternal glory to fallen heroes.
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the beginning of that week was full of suspense and yet life was going on until it didn't. on 23.02.2022 i was donating blood. it was my first time donating blood. i found out that my natal documents probably state my blood type wrong. i would have gotten a free blood test results in a few days and found out the truth. i never came back to pick them up.
on 24.02.2022 couldn't sleep bc the news about my blood type bewildered me. that night there were three loud explosions in my city. it wasn't confusing at first bc there were building sight near us and it would usually make a lot of noise. but nothing like those explosions. also, there's no building at night. after the third explosion i checked twitter and everything became clear. the situation was much worse in the East too. Grandma was already awake and worried. i stayed with her during day. we waited for what's coming next.
on 25.02.2023 i was suppose to have a job interview. i applied for it during winter holidays. i never went there. first they've called to postpone then i wasn't in the city anymore.
I didn't have a plan for life anymore, it became apparent the same morning. the front was moving closer from the East, there was no certainty as to when would be our turn. i was afraid that our local government would surrender the city if russians arrive. i was genuinely planning to go to first aid course, now that it was more important that ever. i was even ready to go stand in queue for military training course. i couldn't tell my mom though. i knew she would be horrified. i also knew that have i decide to join the defence forces, they would be left alone. my mom would be left alone to look after my sister and my grandma and my dad. so i stayed by her side. I hoped it would be just for a while. it was still relatively quiet in odesa.
they we hoped it wouldn't be long. we hoped that it wouldn't take so many lives, both civilians and defenders. but it did. and it's been 2 years of full-scale war, 10 years of war for our rights to exist as Ukraine. Brave men and women of Armed Forces of Ukraine have been holding the defence for this long. im grateful for each day that i live through in safety. it's never a granted thing now, it wasn't for 10 years. there's always a price paid in blood, health or someone's life.
I don't know how long it will last, but im hopeful. that we will win, and we will heal after all. and then we will prosper again all odds.
#ukraine#russian war in ukraine#russian agression#russia is a terrorist state#слава Україні#Героям слава!
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Happy vyshyvanka day! The day of the ukrainian embroidered shirt. Here's my character Hydra wearing vyshyvanka with Kharkiv's region ornaments.
#oc#original character#vyshyvanka#ukrainian culture#ukraine#collapse the villain ocs#hydra#that's ukrainian au#вишиванка#укр арт#слава україні#славазсу#Spotify
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turn on the sound to hear the comments in English
russians are bombing us every day. They take away from us the most precious - life. Their goal is to exterminate us. Every day for us is full of horror, loss and pain. Despite this, we still live our lives we have, even if it could be taken away by russians at any moment. We write books, create books, buy books, study. russians are trying to take that away from us as well. In general, everything. And not only from us, you too. We have to be strong, united and wise in order to defeat this global evil. This is our common war with you and responsibility for the future. Thanks to everyone who cares and is doing everything possible for our joint victory. You are incredible. Let's keep going.
Декілька днів тому почала читати книжку видавництва Vivat. Це абсолютний збіг але відчуття моторошні. Я зараз читаю серію книг "Дюна" і після "Дітей Дюни" мене чомусь потягнуло прочитати саме "Завтра. Завтра. Завтра", яку я придбала пів року тому.
Це не єдина книжка видавництва Vivat, яка у мене є, проте це єдина була непрочитана мною книжка від них в моїй бібліотеці. Нажаль, відтепер ця книга назавжди буде в мене асоціюватись зі смерттю співробітників друкарні, яких вбили росіяни. Мої співчуття сім'ям.
Закликаю вас підтримати видавництво. Придбайте у них книжки, якщо ще цього не зробили. Навіть якщо ви не фанат читання.
#crimes of russia#stop russia#russia is a terrorist state#russia has always been a terrorist state in all times#war in ukraine#ukraine#ukraine will win#моя україна#україна#україна переможе#слава україні#Vivat#FactorDruk
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Three years of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Infinity multiplied by three.
Although recent events are trying their best to push us back to the sense of hopelessness of the early days, there will be no way to zero out these three years.
Honour and everlasting memory to all those who gave their lives, health and powers for our freedom. Glory to Ukraine.
#ukraine#Слава Україні#Україна#photographers on tumblr#photography#photographer#artists on tumblr#original photography#photo#original photographers#art#original photography on tumblr#blackandwhite#black and white photography#monochrome#monochromephotography#black#grey#black and white#white#glory to ukraine#war in ukraine#war in europe#ukrainian#ukrart#ukranian#український tumblr#український тамблер#український блог#ukrainephotographer
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today is 2 years of russia’s full-scale invasion.
i painted these 24.02.22 bc it was the only way to process that my world changed forever.
if you're not Ukrainian, please remember: every time you see my art, or you see me and think hey this looks like a thriving queer person -- it's only possible because right now someone is protecting me from the r*zzians and someone is being killed by them not so far away.
keep sharing information about Ukraine. keep donating if you can. the war is not over.
я пишаюсь тим, що ми все ще тут. ми надзвичайно сильні. я обнімаю кожн_ну. ми вистоїмо.
Слава Україні.
Glory to Ukraine.
#my art#ukraine#ukrart#ukrainian art#ukrainian#ukrtumblr#украрт#слава україні#украіна#укртумбочка#український tumblr#український тамблер
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Українки та Українці, робіть реблог і пишіть з якої ви області 💙💛
Закарпатська 🌲
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I love my Dnepr 💛💙
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