#«I solemnly swear that I am up to no good».
prostoshtyka · 1 year
L - is for the way u look at me
O - is for the only one i see
V - is very very extraordinary
E - is even more than anyone that you adore can...
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Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
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pottermagiczz · 16 days
Sirius: Sirius. Sirius Black
James: Are you?
Sirius: Am I what?
James: Sirius
Sirius: Yes, I'm serious
James: You're seriously Sirius?
Sirius: I'm serious, I'm Sirius
James: Seriously? Well, Sirius, I'm James Potter
Sirius: I, Sirius, am seriously pleased to meet you in all seriousness
James: Oh, Sirius, I'm seri-
Remus, crying from the corner of Peter: CAN YOU NOT
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writteninart · 4 months
Unpopular opinion, but I do wholeheartedly believe, that Sirius would NOT mind James dating his brother, at least not the way the whole fandom thinks so. Personally, if it were to concern James' loyalty/treatment I believe Sirius knows BEST just how James Potter is when he loves someone and would personally think his brother couldnt've chosen better. The things Potter did for Sirius himself, the lengths he goes for people, the fierce loyalty and determination in him - you cannot convince me that Sirius would not acknowledge that. I genuinely believe that if he were to have a real problem it would be with Regulus himself.
Thank you to listening to my rants
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miss-traumatised · 12 days
*Sirius looking at remus with puppy eyes*
SIRIUS - Can I bother you for a second?
REMUS - *finally looking at him* If I say no, would you stop?
SIRIUS - No. But I swear it will take a second
REMUS - *eyeroll* sure, It will!!
(p.s - Sirius continued to vent for 2 hours)
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alltoounwellll · 5 months
when your card declines at therapy so they bring out a wolf, a dog, a deer, and a rat and a random piece of old-looking paper.
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 23 - Resist
@jegulus-microfic April 23, Word count 648
As requested by @phoenixtears13 there may even be a part 3
First part
James stood by the quidditch stands, absolutely stunned. Sirius’s little brother had just tackled him and slammed him against these very stands. And what had he done? He’d reacted and swung them around, crushing him against them instead.
Regulus had caught him just wrong, right in the massive bruise hidden by his jumper. He’d growled at the boy. But as soon as Regulus had gone limp in his hands, he’d panicked and tried to find help. Regulus had asked him so quietly and sadly to let him go that he’d just dropped him and prayed the boy could hold himself up. 
James hadn’t been prepared when Regulus shoved him, but he stepped back when he realised what he wanted and watched as the strange boy literally ran away from him. 
The main problem James was having, though, was the whiff of night air and dark wood mixed with something lighter, maybe floral, that had lingered after Regulus had disappeared. He couldn’t quite place it. 
He’d smelt that particular collection of scents before, but he couldn’t remember where. He puzzled over it as he made his way up to Gryffindor Tower and the awaiting party. 
“We did it, mate!” Sirius boomed as he hung off James’s neck, a half-drunk bottle of firewhisky sloshing about in his hand. “Ha, did you see Reggie’s face? He was not happy!” Sirius barked a laugh, and James felt his body stiffen at the name. He couldn’t tell Sirius what had happened after the game. He’d do something reckless. Luckily, Remus came over and peeled Sirius off James’s neck to take him to get some water and food. 
James tried to join in with the celebrations, but he had that niggling thought in the back of his mind, and it wasn’t until he saw someones forgotten potions textbook stuffed down the side of the cushion of the chair he was sitting in did the dots connect.     
A wave of pure panic hit him. He must have looked a right sight as the horror of what those scents meant took over his mind. 
He had to get out of there. So he rushed up to their dorm room and locked himself in the bathroom. He started hyperventilating. He’d smelled that combination in potions class when Slughorn had shown them the mother-of-pearl shimmering potion of Amortentia. 
But how could it smell like Regulus Black? Regulus Black, Sirius’s little brother! Regulus Black, heir to the Black family! Regulus Black Death Eater in training! 
He slumped to the floor, head in his hands. How could this have happened? But nothing had happened, had it? 
James took a deep, steadying breath, raised himself off the floor and went back to join the party. 
For the rest of the night, he kept telling himself it was nothing. Sure, it was a strange combination of scents, but there must be someone else out there that smelled the same, right? 
By the time he went to bed, he couldn’t get Regulus out of his mind. He had to see him. He was sure it was all a misunderstanding. Unable to resist, he pulled out the Marauders Map and whispered to it while tapping his wand against the parchment.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.” He watched the inky lines spread over the parchment and reveal the enchanted map of Hogwarts. 
He scanned it, trying to find the little marker that read Regulus Black. He wasn’t in the dungeons or out at the quidditch pitch or anywhere on the lower floors. Surely, at this time of night and after the team’s loss, he should be in bed. He was about to give up when his eyes flickered past a long name at the top of the Astronomy Tower. ‘Regulus Black’, written in Sirius’s elegant script. 
James barely thought about it and, grabbing his invisibility cloak, hurried towards the name. 
Next part
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vorpalfae · 1 month
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𝔥𝔬𝔤𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔰 𝔦𝔰 𝔪𝔶 𝔥𝔬𝔪𝔢 ‹𝟹
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mxskellington · 7 days
[preparing for a prank]
Remus: Everyone ready?
[chorus of yeses]
Remus: Okay, I solemnly swear—
Peter and James: [silence]
Sirius: Really? You all took time out of your day to plan that?
Sirius: Fuckers
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marauderslove5101520 · 3 months
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The Marauders at their Hogwarts years, Wolfstar!
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life-spire · 9 months
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@ iyamiphotography
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l0nelylibra · 2 years
𝐽𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐻𝐶
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TW: very brief mention of ED 
he´s lactose intollerant
idk why he just gives me that vibe
also he literally does not care/ forgets it all the time
blames his friends for not stopping him when he gets a tummy ache after
“Why didn´t you stop meee”
“Well i tried but you-”
early bird (5am type shit) 
and his dorm mates hate him for it
loves quidditch with his whole heart but hates any other type of athletics (except for jogging maybe)
his love language is quality time and physical touch
james always had his parents full attention and love so he´d seek that a lot in his partner
goes absolutely feral if he hasn´t seen his partner in a while
gives amazing hugs 
(especially after long time of not seeing each other)
“Jamie you´re suffocating me”
“I missed you so much”
“We were only apart for 4 hours”
would DIE if anybody gave him the silent treatment after an argument
scared of needles
we all know sirius has tatoos and i feel like james would find them so cool but would absolutely shit his pants at the thought of getting any himself for that exact reason
(ik literally EVERYONE says this but i just agree 100%) 
he´s the mom friend
you didn´t drink enough water? he got you
you´re not feeling well? he got you 
you need someone to vent to? he got you.
goes full confidence (it´s almost annoying) on the outside but secretly needs lots of reassurance and gets insecure easily
this is kinda sad but i feel like james had some struggles with food and his body for some time
he just compares himself a lot i mean he´s always been perfect in his parents eyes but now they aren´t at hogwarts with him and there´s so many people around him who he feels are better than him
cries when he gets angry
can´t stay pissed at his friends for more than 2 minutes
isn´t really into books simply cause he can´t stay focused on one topic
is the type of person to read one page and forget everything on it when he reaches the end (very adhd like)
but really enjoys listening to people remus talk about the storyline of a book because for some reason he can focus better that way and it often calmes him down 
especially after a hard day
would never admit it for the life of him but he gets really homesick the first week at hogwarts
he´s a flirt but if he´s serious with somebody he only has eyes for them
best dad in the world
is the kind of dad who picks up their child at school early for their “doctors appointment” but really gets food with them somewhere instead
“don´t tell your mom”
talking about mom...
mommy kink (shocker)
loves boobs but not just in a sexual way 
he loves laying his heads on them 
thinks they´re really comfy
loves having late night convos with his SO but falls asleep halfway in
“i could stay up the whole night talking or just listening to you that´s how much i love you”
he fell asleep 3 minutes after saying that
modern!james would def be the guy who makes you a spotify playlist
i need a james in my life
in heated situations he´s usually to one who tries to calm everyone down
but when he´s by himself..oh boy
he freaks out so badly and so SO easily
i need to stop now before i write an entire essay on this man but GOD i love him
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rubctosis · 5 months
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ah-   so   i   didn't   die   -   .   .   . 
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pottermagiczz · 26 days
While Moony naps in the Common Room
Sirius: A wema way a wema way a wema way a wema way...
Remus: no
James: In the Jungle...
Remus: nO
Peter: The mighty Jungle...
Remus: NO
Remus: Go
Remus: To
Remus: Hell
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solumsblog · 9 months
Marauders making up my entire will to live recently
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aurus-3d · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to this double-trouble
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littlespace-soldier · 9 months
Remus, walks into the common room absolutely soaked: Hey guys.
Sirius, goes into mom mode and smothers Remus in blankets and gets him a hot chocolate: MY BABY
Remus, actually loving the attention: I-... Pads.
Sirius: hush, go to bed my child.
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