#Before every big prank one of the marauders says “I solemnly swear” and the others respond with “I am up to no good”
mxro-x · 3 months
[preparing for a prank]
Remus: Everyone ready?
[chorus of yeses]
Remus: Okay, I solemnly swear—
Peter and James: [silence]
Sirius: Really? You all took time out of your day to plan that?
Sirius: Fuckers
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isolemnlyswear · 3 years
hey ev 🤭 could u pls write something abt remus showing the marauders map to the reader and explaining how to use it? tysm 😁😁😚😚
i solemnly swear | r.l |
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warnings/content : remus lupin x fem!reader , platonic!marauders x reader , swearing, mentions of sex, lots of cheeky lil jokes,
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @mistress-riddle @inks-and-jinx @jxsperhxle @punkrific @mellifluous-cosmos @krasivayadarling @orifortheweeknd @fallin-4-ya @daisyyy2516 @hoe4cedricdiggory @vsawyer1989 @fathermarty @silly-little-bl0g @outerspacecalum (tell me if you’d like to be added!)
note : thank you for beta-reading @miss-starkov <3 if any of you would like to beta read for a future fic lmk <3
a/n : yes i chose the title for my username. no i don’t regret it. and i’m sorry there is not much romantic interaction between rem and reader in this!! it’s more platonic w the marauders and remus is cute at the end but. <3
You're curious; that's all there is to it. You're desperate to open the complex folds of parchment and reveal whatever may be inside – that is, your boyfriend didn't tell you what it was before accidentally leaving it on his desk. And now he was gone, attempting to rally up the rest of the boys and prevent them from doing a reckless prank or two, leaving you alone to fight your urge to open it.
And it's stupid, really, but you give in. You sit down carefully on the desk – attempting not to make any noise, although not another soul is in the room – and pick up the paper.
You clasp gentle fingers around it, trying to open it up, but it doesn't open. It's as if it's locked; so you pull out your wand and tap it gently, reciting a quiet “Alohamora”.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and you berate yourself mentally for not realizing that Remus, along with the others, the master of all spells and tricks, would make it as simple as that.
You huff in annoyance, turning it around and inspecting the small lettering and drawings scrawled there.
Suddenly, you jump out of your seat, practically throwing the paper across the room when you hear the boys entering the room, clamoring loudly and speaking over one another.
“Where’d you put it, Moons? We need it, now,” Sirius asks, clearly annoyed.
“I don't want to give it to you if you're going to be gits about it–” the lycanthrope pauses as he turns around, finally setting his eyes on you. You're curled into the chair, worried you'll be chided for looking at this clearly important thing in the first place.
There's a few moments of silence, and Remus walks over to you, leaning against the wall flush to his desk. You open your mouth to speak, but Remus does the same.
“I'm sorry–”
“Now, what did you find?” Remus’s voice overpowers yours, for the cadence is slower and deeper, but it's not haranguing in the least; he, like you, is merely curious.
“I-I dunno,” you respond, eyes wide, and Sirius fights back laughter in the background, with James sitting opposite him wearing a prideful smirk.
“Well, I think you have what these twats want,” he says, shooting them a pointed glare, then looking back to you. He offers out his hands for you to give him back the paper, and you do so, cowering back into your chair, still scared of being reprimanded for looking through his private items.
“I'm sorry, I–” you begin, but Remus merely smiles.
“Don't be sorry. Y’were bound to find out somehow,” he says, fetching his wand from his back pocket.
“What-what is it?” you ask, now eyes wide with inquisition rather than fear. He doesn't respond, but he grins, raising an eyebrow and tapping the paper with his wand - much like you did.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”
The map - yes, you can see it's a map now - unfolds, intricacies making themselves seen as it flattens into a complex web of footsteps and pathways on the faded parchment.
You exhale in pure bewilderment, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“The marauder's map,” James says from the other side of the room, grin plastering his features, and Sirius has a similar one embellishing his.
“What does it do?” you finally ask, leaning toward Remus to get a better look at it.
“Hmm… Have a look up in that corner, yeah, there,” he says, and you point your finger to where you are - the Gryffindor tower - and find four pairs of footsteps in a dorm room. This door room.
And sure enough, there is one pair of footsteps directly next to another; one is labeled “Remus Lupin” and the other “Y/N L/N”.
You take in a sharp inhale, looking up at Remus, who has a shit-eating grin on his face, and then he straightens up to take a step. Your eyes flick from him, walking across the dorm to James, and to the map, which mirrors his movements exactly.
“Did- how did you make this?” you ask, eyebrows furrowing in inquiry, and if possible, Remus’s smile gets even wider.
“Take a few spells, tap into the ward system that Hogwarts already has… easy going, really!” Remus says, biting his lip as he grins again.
“Says the man that took four months to make it, let alone thinking up the idea since we fuckin’ got here,” James jabs with a roll of his eyes and a smirk, and Remus punches him in the arm, scrunching his nose.
“Hey, Prongs, I helped too,” Sirius pouts in feigned annoyance, and Remus scoffs.
“If by helping you mean telling me exactly who on the map we've pranked and attempting to list off every student in the whole bloody school, then sure, Pads, you helped,” the sandy-haired boy replies, raising his eyebrows.
“Oh fuck off, I got to about seventy.”
“The greatest wizard in our year! An uncanny ability to list off names of his peers! Get this man an award!” James says with great bravado, slapping his hands to his cheeks and getting up to kneel below Sirius.
“Bugger off, you two, or I'll maul you as Padfoot.”
“Ah! the big bad wolf! Let me protect you, Y/N, or he’ll come for our necks!” Remus says, holding back laughter, but you don't. You're giggling obsessively as the boy runs over to sweep you in his arms, feigning a growl at Sirius and guarding you with his limbs.
Sirius laughs, but it's distorted as he transforms into his animagus, a large, fluffy black dog, and runs at you.
He jumps at you – not with any attention to hurt, of course – and paws at your shoulders, grinning his doggy grin and you reach your arms from Remus’s grasp to ruffle the fur behind his ears.
A few minutes of gentle playfighting pass, and after your laughter subsides you're able to focus your attention back on the map.
You've moved to the couch now, and you're sprawled across Remus’s lap with his hands playing delicately with your hair. Sirius, the dog that is, is lying on top of you, and you're petting him idly as James rattles on about his latest endeavor with Lily.
The map catches your eye again, and you pick it up, diverting your attention from the dog on your lap and to your wand. You recite the words as Remus told you, and it opens, revealing two footsteps on top of each other where you're sitting.
James stops talking, and you look up at Remus.
“Where's Pads?” you ask, and the mess of fur on top of you perks his head up at the mention of his name.
“It doesn't show people in their animagus form,” Remus explains.
“Ah, that's why the animagus shit is useful, huh? Other than the, y’know, full moon,” you say, and Remus nods, smiling at you. “It does show us overlaid on each other, though,” you observe with a raised eyebrow, and James scoffs in laughter.
“That means we can see you when you-”
“James,” Remus warns, cutting off the bespectacled boy with a firm look, and Sirius lets out his dog laugh (a sort of snort and shake of his big head). James holds his hands up as if in surrender, and you laugh.
“Just sayin’, don't try anything.”
“Oh believe me, I will have this with me at all times we are–”
“Fucking?” James interrupts bluntly, cocking his head to the side.
Remus sighs. “I was going to say alone.”
“Same thing,” you say quietly, giggling, and Remus fights back a smirk.
“Moving on very quickly from that,” the lycanthrope says after a few beats, and you grin, sitting up in his lap to cuddle into his chest. Sirius jumps up and into his human form, laying back onto the couch and opening his mouth to speak.
“Ah-” Remus chides, “no ruining it. Twas so nice when you were silent,” he sighs in feigned wistfulness, and you laugh.
“Fuck off, you twat,” Sirius says, beginning to ramble on again, and you nestle into Remus’s lap, inhaling his scent with your face in his neck.
“M’tired,” you speak into his collarbone after a few minutes, and he smiles, kissing your forehead.
“Sleep, pretty girl. I'll be here when you wake up.”
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startanewdream · 4 years
Hey, I just wanted to say that I love your Jily Live AU. I hope you can write more of them. Have you written anything about James and Lily finding out about Snape being Harry’s teacher and his shenanigans? Or about them talking to Harry about Peter? Or even Harry asking his mom what it was like to be a muggleborn? I think those could be good.
Hi! I'm so glad you are enjoying it, it's such a nice world to think of!
I think Snape's relationship with James and Lily is difficult in any universe, and it hurts me to think how a living James would deal with Peter's betrayal (though this is a story I hope to write sometime). So here is a short drabble of Harry and Lily discussing her being a Muggleborn. Hope you enjoy it :)
Warning for mildly swearing, I think.
Her hand is writing nonstop, registering her latest discovery, and Lily is so immersed in that feeling of uncovering secrets of potions - new combinations for old ingredients, the closest to science she can find in magic - that she doesn’t immediately register Harry calling her.
‘Mum? Mum!’
‘No chocolate before dinner, Harry, you know the rules’. she says vaguely, still concentrating on writing down the effects of mixing moonstone and wolfsbane.
‘No, I don’t…. there is chocolate?’
‘I want to talk to you’.
‘I’m working now, Harry, you know when mum is busy you have to -’
‘What is a mudblood?’
That makes her lose control of her hand, making a line with the quill across the parchment. Her hand trembles as she carefully rests the quill, raising her eyes to find a pair of green eyes that are the exact tone of hers.
Harry’s voice is nothing like Snape’s, but she can somehow hear the echo of her former best friend calling her mudblood a lifetime ago.
‘Where did you hear that word, Harry?’, she asks quietly, but Harry seems to know something is wrong because he recoils, unsure.
‘Is that an adult word? I am sorry, I didn’t know -’
‘That’s okay, Harry, I am not mad at you’, Lily assures, forcing herself to smile at her son. She offers her arms. ‘Come here’.
Harry doesn’t hesitate before rounding her desk and approaching her. Lily puts him on her lap, caressing softly his hair, making it messy in the way Harry likes, to copy his father’s style.
He is looking at her curiously, and Lily wishes she didn’t have to explain the hard reality of the world - of her world - to her six-years-old son.
‘Who said that word, Harry?’, Lily asks again, softly.
‘I heard today when dad and me -’
‘“Dad and I”, Harry’, she corrects him with a gentle smile. Harry blushes.
‘Yes, when we were at Diagon Alley today. Someone told Dad was a disgrace for marrying a mud… that word’.
Lily bits her lips. James hadn’t said anything to her, even though he had returned home from their trip with a closed face. She should have known something had happened -
‘Dad was going to fight the man’, Harry whispers, looking as if he is sharing a secret. ‘But Uncle Moony didn’t let him. He said - he said Dad was just going to get in trouble’.
‘Remus is always the most reasonable’.
‘I don’t want Dad to be in trouble!’
‘He is not, Harry, it’s fine’, Lily says reassuringly. ‘Your father was just upset. That man said a very bad word’.
‘But you are not a disgrace… you are mum. Dad is happy marrying you!’
‘Of course he is. It’s just… Some people don’t think he should have married me’. When Harry looks mutinous, she touches the point of his nose, making him blink. ‘Let me explain to you, ok?’
She waits until Harry nods silently, his eyes big and confused and so pure that Lily hates more than ever all the prejudice there is in the wizarding world.
‘Do you know how I told you about my parents? Your grandparents?’. He nods once more. ‘They were Muggles’.
Harry furrows his brows, concentrating.
‘They always took you and Aunt Petunia to the zoo’, he says slowly, remembering one of her stories. Lily smiles softly. ‘And they bought you ice cream at the exit’.
‘I always chose chocolate ice cream’.
‘Like me! It’s my favourite’.
‘Yes’, she agrees, tickling him, making Harry giggle. She waits until he stops laughing, then she sighs. ‘Well, because they were Muggles, I’m what wizards called muggleborn. That just means my parents weren’t magical folks’.
‘Does it make a difference, being a muggleborn?’
She can hear the echo of herself making that same question years ago. Severus had told her it didn’t. He had lied.
It wouldn’t be his last lie.
‘It shouldn’t make a difference, Harry’, she says slowly. ‘Every witch and wizard is capable of doing magic, and magic doesn’t care about your surname or your blood or who your parents are. But…’
‘But some people don’t see it like that. Some people think they are better than others because all their past relatives were magic too’. Lily swallows hard and looks at Harry deeply in his eyes. ‘They are wrong, Harry. No one is better than anyone. Every witch and wizard should be equal’.
‘There are people that don’t like you?’, Harry asks in a whisper.
Lily closes her eyes briefly and she can remember the first time she understood the snickers, the contempt in other people’s eyes when they looked at her.
‘Yes’, she admits. ‘Do you remember when we told you about the war? About the man that gave you that scar?’
Harry acquiesces quietly, trembling slightly. Lily and James had told him only the basics of Voldemort, the bare minimum he needed to understand where his scar came from.
‘Well, one of the things he defended was that wizarding blood was different, that muggles were lesser than wizards. And that anyone who had muggle relatives, especially muggleborns like me, were worthless because of their relation with muggles'.
‘But you are a great witch!’, Harry cries indignantly. ‘You make all these spells and potions and -’
‘That’s the point, Harry’, she cuts him off gently. ‘I am as magical as your dad, as much as anyone. It doesn’t matter who my parents were, but that doesn’t mean I’m ashamed of them. I loved them very much and I’m glad to be muggleborn. It means I belong in both worlds. Like you’.
‘I am in two worlds too?’
‘Of course you are’, she assures him, smiling at her son. ‘And everyone is worth the same, magical or not, witch and wizard or any other creature. No one is better than anyone’.
Harry agrees with his head, looking as thoughtful as a six-years-old can be.
‘But those who are prejudiced use Mudblood as a slur for muggleborns like me’.
‘It’s a bad word’, says Harry solemnly.
‘Yes, it is’.
‘I won’t let anyone call you that’, Harry promises. ‘You or anyone else’.
Lily hugs him.
‘Just don’t get into trouble for it’, she asks. ‘Those people - those prejudiced people - are not worth it’.
‘The secret, Harry’, she hears someone saying from the door, and she turns to see James smirking there, ‘is that if no one knows it was you, you won't ever be in trouble’.
Lily raises her eyebrows, but doesn’t say anything.
‘Sirius just arrived. He is asking for his favourite godson’, James adds, and Harry lets out a happy cry.
‘Can I go, Mum?’, he says. She nods, and he kisses her on the cheek before jumping, running towards the door.
James just messes with his son’s hair as Harry passes through him, and he closes the door of her office.
'Did you just tell our son that he shouldn't get caught?', Lily asks, the corners of her mouth almost lifting up in a smile.
'Well, I wasn't going to say he shouldn't defend his mum', James ponders, sitting on her desk. There is a smile on his face that Lily can only describe as marauder.
'Why do I think you took your own advice?'
'Oh, Lily, you hurt me', he says playfully, tucking her hair behind her ear. 'What would you think I have anything to do with Travers' office being inundated for a week?'
'Who said anything about Travers?'
'Not me. In fact, the less I think about that wanker, the better'.
'Language, James', she teases, smiling despite herself. 'That's an adult word. What if Harry hears it?'
'Harry is pretty busy right now, since Sirius owned me a favour or two', he whispers, bending down to press his lips softly against her neck. 'How about we do some adult things?'
The door of her office stays closed for a very long time.
There is an expression on James' face when he returns home that Lily has long ago learnt to associate with a prank.
'What?', she asks, raising her eyebrows.
James grins.
'I had the most fascinating chat with Minerva today, when I dropped by to deliver her my recent articles'.
'She told me a curious tale. Apparently Lucius Malfoy's son's new broomstick had to be sent to repair because someone managed to dispel the cushioning charm'.
'How come?'
'No one knows… just as it happens, by pure coincidence, Harry asked me a week ago about the theory of dispelling charms'.
'What?!', Lily cries, just as James' smirk increases. 'Harry is supposed to behave, James, especially after that story with the flying car -'
'Apparently, the Malfoy boy called Hermione Granger a "Mudblood" one week ago', James adds, in a nonchalant voice.
Lily blinks.
'I see. I suppose no one discovered who tampered with the broomstick?', she asks, her voice as calm as his now.
James denies with his head.
'Too bad then', she replies, returning to her book with a smirk that she knows it’s just like the one on James’ face. 'I guess we will always wonder who did it'.
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weloveharrypotter · 4 years
Father Figure Pt. 7
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Student! Orphan! Reader
Summary: Y/n goes to the burrow with Fred. She meets a few people, some more interesting than others 😉, and experiences a true family Christmas. (This is an Au where Fred lived. It takes place in current time, cursed child doesn’t happen. Also I know Teddy Lupin is supposed to be 6 years older than the reader and James Sirius but for the sake of the fic I’m making him a year older)
Warnings: cussing, long
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Y/n was riding the train with Fred. Her and Fred were on their way back to his family’s home.
She sat leaning against the side of the train, with her legs pulled up against her chest, and wrapped her arms around them.
She watched as the train sped past the fields of snow. She was nervous to say the least.
Did they think their relationship was weird? What if they didn’t like her?
“You alright?” Fred asked. Y/n nodded.
“It’s ok, you can tell me the truth.” Fred said. Y/n sighed.
“W-what if they don’t like me?” Y/n said as she moved to sit cris cross, and fidgeted with her hands in her lap.
“They’ll love you.” Fred tried to assure.
“But... I don’t know that. I mean I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t-.” “Hey. Your an amazing kid. They’ll love you.” Fred said again.
Y/n smiled at him and nodded as she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear.
Fred stood up and walked over and sat next to her. He wrapped his arm around Y/n, and she leaned against him.
“Does everyone know I’m coming?” Y/n asked.
“Yeah, they do. And they explained it to their kids as well.” Fred informed.
Y/n let out a shaky breath and sighed.
Fred and Y/n had gotten to the burrow. And Y/n stopped a few feet from the door. Fred turned and noticed.
He walked over and out his hands on either side of her face.
“Everything will be alright. They’ll love you.” Fred assured. Y/n nodded.
He led her into the house and Y/n looked around. She was amazed. Sure it was small, a lot smaller than the orphanage, but it was amazing.
She’s never felt a cozier place. She could tell that this was a family home, and she quite liked it. It beat the orphanage by a landslide.
Fred closed the door and an older ginger woman came out from around the corner.
“Oh, Freddie.” She greeted happily. She walked up and pulled him into a big hug that he returned. After a mintier they pulled apart.
“Mum, this is Y/n. Y/n this is my mum.” Fred introduced.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Weasley.” Y/n said extending her hand.
“Oh, I’m a hugger.” She said as she wrapped her arms around Y/n. Y/n hugged back and then they pulled apart.
“You can call me Molly, deary.” Molly had responded. Y/n nodded in response.
“Now, come along you two.” Molly said.
Fred and Y/n finished making everyone’s plate and Molly called for all of them. They all came rushing in.
“Ok, everyone this is Y/n.” Fred intoduced.
Fred than proceeded to introduce everyone to her, but one took her intrest. His name was Teddy Lupin, he looked familiar, mostly his blue hair though.
After everyone was introduced, they took their seats, and started to eat.
“So Y/n, how did you and Fred meet?” Bill asked.
“Oh, uh, my friend had just gotten cheated on, so we wanted to get some revenge. So I convinced her to go to his store, and he helped us out a lot.” Y/n explained.
“Couldn’t think of a better way for Fred to have met a person.” Ron said.
As dinner continued the family got to know Y/n and even shared a few laughs.
Every now and again Fred had to discreditly warn them when they had asked a little too personal of a question.
After they had finished Molly went to wash the dishes, and Y/n had insisted on helping, and Fred joined too.
George, Ron, and Harry sat at the table talking.
“So Y/n how has school been?” Fred asked.
“It’s been alright, I guess.” She replied.
“Anything new?” He asked.
“What do you mean knew?” Y/n asked.
“I don’t know. Like... boys?” He asked suspiciously.
“No, there haven’t been any boys, dad.” She replied without realizing what she had just said.
“Oh, what?” George asked.
“What?” Y/n asked.
“You just called Fred... dad.” Ron said.
Y/n’s heart stopped as she realized. She had indeed called Fred... dad. Her heart started to race.
“What, no I didn’t. I called him Fred.” Y/n lied.
“No need to argue, we just heard it.” George said amused.
“It’s alright, darling, I don’t mind.” Fred said while trying to glare at his brothers as if to say stop.
“Do you see Fred as a father figure?” George asked.
“N-no, I don’t.” Y/n lied again as she quickly started to make her way out of the room.
Once she disappeared Fred sighed.
“Why did you press her on that?” Fred asked.
“She called you dad!” George said.
“I’m aware, but you didn’t need to make her uncomfortable.” Fred replied.
“Fred, she called you dad. She sees you as a dad. You see her as a daughter. Do you see where this is going?” George asked. Fred rolled his eyes.
Whilst this was happening Y/n walked upstairs, and went into a random room. She turned around to see a guy playing on his phone.
He was the guy from earlier with blue hair who was really tall. Once he heard the door close he looked up.
“Sorry, I didn’t know someone was in here.” Y/n said ready to leave.
“Oh, it’s fine, you can stay.” He said politely.
She nodded and walked over and sat on a bed across from the one he was on.
“You look familiar.” She said.
“How so?” He asked.
Y/n thought for a moment, than it clicked.
“Your the guy who held me back during my fight with Taylor.” Y/n said.
He chuckled and ran his hands through his hair.
“Yeah, I did.” He said. “Your really hard to hold back by the way.” He said jokingly.
Y/n shrugged.
“I was mad.” She said with a smile, and he chuckled.
“It’s Teddy right?” She asked. He nodded.
“And the last name?” She asked.
“Lupin.” He answered.
“Who’s kid are you again?” Y/n asked.
“I’m Harry’s godson.” He answered.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know I-.” “It’s alright, love.” He said with a smile.
Y/n looked down as she felt her cheeks heat up. That’s when the door flew open. Y/n looked up and saw two guys standing there.
She remembered their names. It was James and Albus. “Hey, Teddy, I just came up with a beautiful prank idea.” James said.
Albus look to his right at the other bed.
“Oh, hey, your Y/n right?” He said.
“Yeah. It’s nice to meet you.” She said.
“You too.” He replied.
That’s when James took notice of her.
“Oh, are you a snitch?” James asked. Y/n chuckled.
“I’m the furthest thing from.” Y/n responded.
“She got into a fight like two months ago because she wouldn’t stop pranking a guy.” Teddy informed.
“Well, than, you can stay.” James said closing the door. The two walked over to and sat between the two on the floor.
“So I was thinking.” James said pulling out a piece of old parchment, and pulling out his wand.
“I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.” He said and the map started to light up.
“Is that the marauders map!?” Y/n asked excitedly as she sprung to the ground, and sat next to James.
James smiled at the fact she knew who they were.
“You know the marauders?” James asked.
“Of course I do. Their practically pranking royalty... even if they got caught quite a bit.” Y/n replied.
James smiled at her response.
“What did you have in mind?” Teddy asked.
“So, we heard that the new potions professor is treating muggleborns badly so... we’re going to drop a dungbomb in her room, and set up a firework system for when she walked in.” James said, and Teddy nodded.
James and Albus started to explain their plans on how it was going to happen.
“Than well sneak out the window Beacuse the charms professor will be walking by around then.” James said pointing.
“That’s not a good idea.” Y/n said stepping in.
“Why?” Albus asked curiously.
“The caretaker makes his way around the courtyard, which is where the window leads, around the time you’d sneak out.” Y/n informed.
“So what do we do?” James asked.
“The best option would to go out the main door.” Y/n said.
“Once he goes. We go in, and when he comes back, he always waits for a second for another professor so we’ll need a distraction.” Y/n explained.
“Damn we need you to help us more often.” James said.
That’s when the door burst open. James immediately hid the map behind his back, and I looked up to see his father, Mr. Potter.
“It’s time for presents.” He said.
That’s when he saw James holding something behind his back.
“What are you hiding?” He asked.
“Nothing.” James responded. Mr. Potter eyed them suspiciously but nodded before leaving.
“Your a horrible liar.” Y/n pointed out.
“That’s what I’ve been saying.” Teddy said.
James hit him with the map.
“I’ll see you guys downstairs.” James said before leaving with Albus.
Teddy stood up, and Y/n moved to get up. Teddy extended his hand for her to use. Y/n took his hand and he helped her up.
“Thanks.” Y/n said.
“No problem, love.” He replied. Once again Y/n looked down to hide the blush on her cheeks.
“We should get down.” Y/n said.
“Yeah.” Teddy agreed. The pair made their way down the steps and saw everyone sitting in the living room.
Teddy walked over and took a seat next to Lily. Y/n stayed by the bottom of the steps, leaning against the wall.
The family looked happy with each other, and Y/n didn’t want to ruin or intrude on them. She smiled as they all got comfortable.
They looked like a happy family, and she kinda envied that. Fred didn’t spot Y/n and he looked around confused.
He looked up at the steps and frowned a bit when he spotted her standing.
“You can join us, darling.” Fred said.
“It’s fine, I don’t wanna intrude-.” “Your not. Come here.” Fred said.
Y/n hesitantly pushed herself from the wall and walked over. She walked over and sat next to Fred on the floor.
They cycled through everyone, and Y/n couldn’t help but enjoy the atmosphere. They were clearly a close family, and it was foreign.
“Alright, this one is for you dearie.” Mrs. Weasley said pulling out a gift and handing it to Y/n.
Y/n looked up with slightly wide eyes and a confused and shocked face. She took it slowly.
“Wait... really?” She asked.
“Yes, now go open it!” Mrs. Weasley said happily.
Y/n smiled as she opened the present. She pulled it out and held it up. It was a sweater with a big initial on it. It was the first letter of her name.
“I usually make sweaters with the initial of your first name, and I wanted you to have one too.” She explained.
Y/n held back tears, and managed to hide the fact she was about to cry.
“Thank you, I really love it.” Y/n said with a happy smile looking at it. Fred wrapped an arm around her.
“I’ve got you something too.” Fred informed.
Fred pulled out a box and handed it to Y/n. She took it. There were about three candles and a lighter.
“I remember you told me that you love candles but you couldn’t afford any. So I hope you like them, I tried to get most of the scents you like.” Fred said.
“Theres a dungbomb in one of them, isn’t there?” Y/n asked. Fred smirked mischievously.
“Maybe.” He replied.
The two laughed lightly.
“Thank you.” Y/n said.
It was now time for everyone to go to bed, and Y/n had changed into the sweater Mrs. Weasley made.
Y/n had insisted that the couch was more than enough, so that’s where she was for the night. They gave her the pillows and blankets, and everyone was off to bed.
Y/n said Goodnight to Fred and turned the lights off. She laid on the bed and sighed. She was happy and thankful for the evening she had but... she would have to go back to reality soon.
The reality of not having anyone at school. The really of not having a real home. She hugged the sweater close to her and eventually slipped off to sleep.
Y/n sat up when she had awoken from her nightmare. It had been a memory from the orphanage.
She wiped cold sweat from her forehead and sighed. She pulled the blankets back and stood up.
Y/n made her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass and filled it with ice water. She leaned against the counter as she took a sip.
She drank her drank and stood there. She wasn’t sure for how long, just lost in thought. She was pulled out of her thoughts by a voice.
“You alright?” The familiar voice of Fred asked. She looked up and saw it was indeed Fred.
Y/n nodded even though it was a lie.
“Darling, you don’t have to lie to me.” He said walking in slightly.
Y/n put down her cup. After a moment she walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.
He wrapped his arms around her. The two sat their enjoying the time they had together.
“I’m sorry for earlier. I wasn’t thinking and I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Y/n apologize.
“What are you talking about?” Fred asked confused.
“When I... called you dad.” Y/n clarified.
“Oh.” He said.
“Darling, I ment what I said. It’s alright, and I don’t care.” Fred said, and she nodded.
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before returning back to a regular hug.
(A/N): Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed. There will be more parts. 😊
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