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Eva Green (39) in Proxima (2019)
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powdermelonkeg · 4 months
Cybertron's Location
Okay so Alpha Centauri is named as Cybertron's star system in multiple continuities.
Easy, right? Just make up a planet for Cybertron to be. Plausible enough that there's one out there we don't know about.
NOPE. I found a spot for it.
The Alpha Centauri system has three stars in it. These are Rigil Kentaurus (α Centauri A), Toliman (α Centauri B), and Proxima Centauri (α Centauri C). I'm going to be calling them by their non-ABC names for distinction.
Alpha Centauri, as we see it, is Rigil Kentaurus and Toliman's lights being indistinguishable from one another. Those two are a binary star system of sun-like stars, so their orbit intersects and they look something like this:
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Meanwhile, Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf, and orbits at a pretty far distance, like so:
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It's still part of the same star system because it still orbits around a common point, but in any planet that orbits Proxima, Rigil and Toliman just look like exceptionally bright stars in its sky.
So the question THEN is, which star does Cybertron orbit?
Proxima's the most obvious candidate. It even has a full planetary system:
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Proxima Centauri b is in Proxima's habitable zone (the area where water could feasibly exist as liquid), and it's just a little bigger than Earth.
Generally speaking, Cybertron is depicted as larger than Earth, so let's set that aside for this post.
Proxima Centauri d is a tiny planet that's closer to Proxima and no smaller than a third Earth's size.
Proxima Centauri c is either a super-Earth or a gas dwarf, about 7 times Earth's mass, which is disputed both in its nature and whether or not it's really a planet (it's complicated). Regardless, it's outside the habitable zone.
So it could be Proxima c. That's our default option. The biggest problem is the lack of a habitable zone, because, while giant robots don't necessarily need comfortable heat to live, there's the whole "acid rain" and "sea of rust" deal that'd be hard in a planet that far from its sun.
Granted, sometimes Cybertron is seen hurtling through space without a sun or any of those features to speak of, but I'd like to account for it.
So what about the other two?
Toliman was claimed to have a planet orbiting it in 2012 (α Centauri Bb), but by 2016, it was more or less conceded that said planet didn't exist.
Rigil Kentaurus, on the other hand...
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Meet Candidate 1 (α Centauri Ab).
It orbits within Rigil's habitable zone, has a period of about a year, and has a mass between Neptune and half of Saturn, with possible habitable moons.
Does it exist? Maybe.
The thing is about Candidate 1 (yes that is its real name) is that it wasn't observed for long enough to confirm its existence. It COULD be a planet. It could also be dust that got captured, or an artifact of the observational instruments.
THIS is my proposal for Cybertron.
TLDR: There's a (possible) planet that orbits the brightest star of the Alpha Centauri star system in its habitable zone and it's bigger than Earth.
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hyenaa-euphoria · 7 months
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milkyrrr · 6 days
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Them again because y e s
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justaz · 4 months
merlin au where merlin keeps excalibur and returns to camelot to serve under gwen as court sorcerer after she repeals the ban. merlin remains for years, unaging, even as gwen dons wrinkle after wrinkle and spouts grey hair after grey hair. eventually, gwen passes without an heir and since merlin holds arthur’s sigil, he ascends the throne and leads camelot for years. eventually invaders come and slaughter the people and burn the fields etc etc and merlin goes out to fight. he fights like a demon, which is what they call him with his unnatural abilities and golden eyes, and merlin chases them from his kingdom - only, they slaughtered everyone within the citadel. there is no camelot, not anymore, not without her people. merlin should’ve seen this coming as her one true ruler has been and will always be arthur. he waves a hand and puts out the fires and restores the buildings to their once gleaming glory then takes excalibur into the center and drives it into the stone. with the force and power behind it, merlin raises the earth around the kingdom and buries it away from further invasions.
he leaves the kingdom hidden beneath the earth and travels up to the surface to explore just how far the continent spreads. then theres new continents across the ocean and he explores those as well. he watches as the world expands and grows and learns and advances but humans go too far and begin to destroy the world and create weapons of mass destruction and threaten each other with war. merlin assumes arthur will come back considering the destruction of practically everything but he doesn’t. tensions rise and snap and in the blink of an eye, humanity is chased back to their caves. with the loss of technology and modern ideas, humans revert back to their roots and connect with the elements which means they reconnect with magic. it takes another few thousand years for these humans to achieve the level of civilization merlin grew up in his first few decades of life.
different tribes are settled across the land but, thats the thing, over the course of the last few millennia (lets pretend land moves super quick plsplsplsplspls) the separate continents have collided with one another and practically the entire mass could be considered albion. he’s not even sure where the original land resides now. sooo he’s not even sure where camelot resides now. he really should’ve set up some beacon so he could remember but its been thousands upon thousands of years. sue him for his memory being a little foggy. he wanders from tribe to tribe and learns from their new magic while acting as a physician which a lot of them consider him some sort of miracle healer considering his advanced medical knowledge. it’s a win-win tho, he learns new magic and they don’t die. everyone is happy.
then during one such visits to a tribe, he finds a man of twenty summers with a head of golden hair like a crown and sunkissed skin from working outside all day and bright blue eyes that look like the very sky was captured in his gaze. merlin stands for a while and watches him dig around in the dirt, sweat gleaming on his brow, and his muscles rippling as he works. merlin can feel the countless years falling from his shoulders, he feels lighter on his feet, and pure happiness bubbles in him. a grin wide enough to split his face pulls at his lips.
he can’t help himself from stumbling over toward his long lost best friend, his body awkward and gangly with excitement and when he calls out to arthur his voice seems younger than it has in millennia and he vaguely notices that his appearance of wizened old healer melted away to his twenty year old body. arthur looks up with a polite yet confused smile and greets him followed by a question and merlin is faced with the realization that arthur doesn’t know him, doesn’t remember him. merlin manages to keep a thin smile on his face as he reaches out with magic and finds an injury in his knee from years ago that must’ve been bothering him and excuses his use of arthur’s name as someone sending him to find him and help heal the injury.
anyways merlin and arthur become friends and set off on an adventure of gathering the knights of the round table from various tribes/villages and they eventually stumble upon gleaming white stone that merlin belatedly realizes camelot was built with. the knights all take turns tugging at the sword but it doesn’t budge, not until arthur reaches out and tugs as if expecting it to be y’know stuck in stone only it slides out like butter and he knocks the hilt on his forehead and knocks himself out it out. with the sword tugged from the earth, it rumbles and cracks and splits and a hidden kingdom arises from the dirt, gleaming white and shining in the sun. they stare in amazement and awe for a moment before they grow confused and distracted. then arthur turns to merlin and says his name in an all too familiar way and merlin starts sobbing bc arthur is finally back
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alphamecha-mkii · 9 days
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lilisouless · 2 years
SoC deleted scene that i saved from the darkness
Wylan: i hate myself so much
Matthias: Me too
Kaz: I hate you too
Matthias: I was figthing with Nina and she said "fuck you" and i meant to say "fuck you too" but i accidentally said "fuck me too" (i shouldn't had stared at her cleavage"
Wylan: at least you could say you mixed up words, Jesper was bugging me and said "we shoud have brought another demo man" and i wanted to say "bite me" but i accidentally said "bite me, please" (i have to stop staring at his mouth)
Kaz: Pathetic, i called Inej an investment and actually meant that.
Matthias: ...
Matthias: I don't know what is worse, what he did or the fact that he looks so proud about it
Wylan: "whispering" no, look at his eye, he is crying on his insides
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thef1amingcat · 4 months
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A little Proxima and Ataraxia (Proxima b) comic
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paige | she/her | age: 30
proxima-writes -> hauntedhowlett-writes
replies and follows as @hauntedhowlett
smut writer, dilf lover, fandom enthusiast
send me coffee | main blog | find me on AO3
🇵🇸 support for palestine | 🇵🇸 the pious project
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ljsbugblog · 7 months
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a Confusing Spur-throated Locust. not sure what about them inspires such a strange common name, but they are a beautiful, robust hopper we see frequently in the tall grass.
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Confusing Spur-throated Locust (Austracris proxima).
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viaphni · 2 months
I'll never smile again...
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I drew this wirh my finger on my phone in an hour at 2 AM when i couldn't sleep. In complete darkness and silence. because the Ruined Reality parasite is slowly worming its way back into my mind (i blame my friends entirely) and the concepts presented are too crushing to not create something off of
Anyway Light fighting with Cliff's pickaxe destroyed me
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defconprime · 2 months
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USS Philadelphia
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mantarobin · 2 months
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do you yield?
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milkyrrr · 11 days
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Today I'm feeding you delicious sketches with husbands. They are happy and everything is fine with them, nothing else matters
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