#|muses info|
selenekallanwriter · 6 months
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow 🙃
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determined-magi · 6 months
Main verse muses info [pre-war]
Information under the cut
Main muses
Bellegur Anka'khul [The prince, the doomed heir, Green barrier mage] Soul trait: Kindness [Green soul] Profession: Kingdom monster-relationships ambassador, prince, warlord mage, High Council mage, sovereign in formation Height: 6'5 feets aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives: Alnaugur[father], Leriandor[mother], Alador[younger brother], Aderon [uncle]
Before he was the king of ashes, he was once called bellegur...
The son of the king and queen of his kingdom, Bellegur was born to the highest class: royalty. And with it came a lengthy period of formation both as a mage and prince. His were, once, the way of kindness, like his soul. courteous and polite to a fault, a calm and mostly passive demeanor, an unusual contrasting sight in comparison to his subjects, more often than not, he was...
And a fitting one, for, before declaring war, he, once advocated for peace with monsterkind... as his father's envoy to seek peaceful relationships...
Agarwaneor Fenum'niel [The prince's right and left hand, Red barrier mage] Soul trait: Determination [Red soul] Profession: Kingdom monster-relationships ambassador assistant, town lord, merchant affair's overseer, warlord mage, High council mage, local man-whore, trouble maker, prankster, fool Height: 6'0 feet aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old [centuries] Blood relatives: Elodarn [father], Eresmea [mother], Ner'edor [younger brother], Mo'rodos [younger brother], Caliimehtamir [youngest brother]
One of the most curious members of the seven...
Son of an ancient noble house, rooted deeply in the magic. He once was one of the strongest advocates for peace to monsterkind, alongside prince Bellegur. Though his were more... odd manners of approach to the matter he tasked himself with.
once he was known for his charming, if not daring, persona. Light in mood and certainly devious on a playful manner... sometimes too playful some would say. He was amongst one of the only nobles and houses to welcome and aid monsterkind...
Or so he was, until he wasn't.
Braigon Hath'lon [The old veteran, the prince's guardian, Purple barrier mage] Soul trait: Perseverance [purple soul] Profession: Retired veteran army general, war mage tutor/mentor, High council mage, Retired warlord mage Height: 6'9-7'1 aprox Age: roughly between 80 and 95 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
The oldest of the legendary infamous seven...
His was an ancient house as well, deeply loyal and fierce. Of strict and stern ways, yet gentle and kind in spite of harshness against magic. His was a way of quiet kindness, though rough, persevering against the weathering of life and time...
For this, and his knowledge and experience, as well as skills, he was entrusted the royal heir as his apprentice, along five other children too troublesome to train by fellow mentors. Until they were old enough to make their own paths...
Gilrin Sair'ail [The young headmistress, the scholar, Cyan barrier mage] Soul trait: Patience [cyan soul] Profession: Magic academy Headmaster/headmistress; magic spell, enchantment, incantation, runes and theory research. Magic research supervisor, High council mage, warlord mage Height: 6'8-6'9 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives:
One of the most known of the seven...
Her was a tale of greatness, as much as dismay and grief. Born of a simple low family, hers is a table of rising from the lowest to the peak of the mount, through patience and perseverance unbent. Hers was a humble way, however. Amicable to a fault, a lesson deeply ingrained as daughter to inn keepers and farmers... few could say she was anything if not friendly... though some would admit she did kind of become at times a little... pushy, about her perspectives...
Of her little remained after the war, but those who knew her truly, could only agree her students would grieve her loss. For few minds like her were born before, or after, that could rival her sharpness in mind, softness in heart, and virtue... a genius the would would forever resent its fall from grace...
Of them, monsterkind would grieve her fall from grace the most...
Thanneth Imelin'mah [The watchful sentinel, Blue barrier mage] Soul trait: Integrity [blue soul] Profession: High council mage, alchemist, potion maker, kingdom's public integrity and safety ministrum, tutor/mentor of magical concoction crafts, warlord mage Height: 6'3 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives:
Amongst the most infamous of the seven, besides The king of ashes, the red dragon, and the Ruthless bloody lion.
Hers is a tale of a woman of hard ways, harsh and relentless. Though not devoid of heart, those close would say. Of a hard uprising of abandonment and struggling grievances, hers is a scarred soul and mind, they would say. Though few could ever tell, for she secretive was with all but the other members of the seven and few familiars of them, ever on the defensive otherwise...
For this, she was left the task to watch over monsters in their kingdom. For, unlike a vast number of her group, she was far more skeptical...
A task that she is quite known to be the most known for in her ruthlessness, as well as her temper.
Rhowën Faylahn [The young judge, the friendly scales, Yellow barrier mage] Soul trait: Justice [yellow/golden soul] Profession: Judge, bounty hunter, vigilante, guard, warlord mage, escort, patrol, local human cryptid/gremlin, High council mage Height: 6'2 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old [centuries] Blood relatives:
Once a bright virtuous soul, even if a bit naive...
born of servants, his was a humble way, even as he rose to a Judge's charge and duty. Just as his soul trait, his was once a way of mercy, of kindness and solace against the dark times he was born and raised into...
A rare sight, and one greatly grieved once it left... for once it did, no candle could light the dark times to come. Nor any deed could undo the unjust crimes and madness that came after and alongside it.
For a heart of gold turned to stone and coal is a terrible thing, and to be a soul of virtue on a world of vice madness waiting to be...
Thannor Veryanex [The fierce smith, the roaring beast, Orange barrier mage] Soul trait: Bravery [orange/copper soul] Profession: Blacksmith, Magismith, Warlord mage, High council mage Height: 6'2 aprox Age: roughly between 35 and 42 years old Blood relatives: Heralies [father], Minermil [mother], Helios [ brother]
A hard man, but of skill almost unmatched...
His was a life of hardships, hostile and cruel. Only comforted and kept from madness of pain and abandonment by the other six mages. His is the way of his craft, hard and resilient. Intolerant of all flaw and imperfections...
And especially, intolerant of anything that wasn't human...
Secondary muses
Khulgul Alnaugur Anka'khul [The king, Father of Alador and Bellegur ] Soul trait: Animosity [ Corrupted kindness and Justice soul vice mix, dark green yellow soul.] Profession: Realm sovereign, King, armed forces leader. father Height: 5'9 aprox Age: roughly 60 years old Blood relatives: TBN parents, deceased ; Bellegur [son, heir], Alador [son]
The sovereign before the war, father of the king of ashes... and the damning stone to set terrible history for both humanity and monsterkind alike...
His are ways of stern manners, polite and yet... cold. devoid of all the warmth his wife of children bear. Though not lacking of courteous ways. For how can a king rule without manners? with quite the hassles and issues, he would respond...
Alador Anka'khul [The second son prince, the prince's shadow, Bellegur's younger brother, the forsaken crown] Soul trait: Diligence [pale aquamarine soul; Patience and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: prince Height: 6'4 aprox Age: roughly 24 years old Blood relatives: Alnaugur[father] , Leriandor [mother], Bellegur [older brother]
A tragic man and prince is his tale...
Child of royalty, brother to the crown. Once he was known for his closeness to his elder sibling, whom he deeply idolized and looked after in every ambit he could, whilst keeping true to his parents and mentors lessons to not let dreams become unrealistic...
He was, before the war, known for his quiet awkwardness. Though not unfriendly and well meaning. And his mirroring image of his elder by sticking besides Agarwaenor's youngest sibling, Calimehtamir...
Or so it was once... before the war torn his family, and everyone he knew, apart. And left him and Calim to pick up what was left...
Calimehtamir Fenu'niel [The young knight, the promising last son, Agarwaneor 's younger brother] Soul trait: Persistence/Determination [ light-red soul] Profession: ???? Height: 6'5 aprox Age: roughly 23 years old Blood relatives: Elodarn [father], Eresmea [mother], Ner'edor [older brother]], Mo'rodos [older brother], Agarwaenor [ eldest brother]]
A victim of history which few know of...
The infamous red dragon's sibling, his was a story long lost to most annals of time. Though, once, he was said to be mirror to his brother's past... once. With a soft and caring heart, a passion matched by few, and a certain endearing awkwardness only youth could ever bear. A child of hope, some said he was to be...
A child of hope that was, one day, much like his brother.... lost.
Yseldeir ???? [Imelin'mah] [The young apprentice, unofficial heir, pupil of Gilrin ] Soul trait: Compassion [bright mint colored soul; Patience and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: Headmistress assistant, headmistress unofficial apprentice, war mage in formation Height: 5'9 aprox Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: Neridimar [father], ???? [Mother]
A lost wandering soul, some say she became...
but before that, she was next in line to the brightness of her mentor in all but age and experience. With a mind sharper than a freshly done blade, she was eager to learn from no other than Gilrin. Who was all too eager to take the troublesome child in her innocent early years, as an assistant... then student and, some say, maybe a child of her own... gifting her a home she never knew as an orphan...
Her heart was said to be as patient and kind as the prince and the headmistress, with a touch of her own little quirks and ways. Of manners polished as the most precious gem, and a heart as noble as the one she looked after...
Her's was a loss the world deeply grieved, for with her, the legacy of her mentor was truly lost forever in all but legends...
Nar'osul Draelios [The sentinel's eyes, the guard, Employee of Thanneth ] Soul trait: Integrity [Blue soul] Profession: Spy, guard, warden and war mage in training Height: 5'7 aprox Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: Jhoef [Father, deceased] , Ilaine [Mother, deceased]
A herding dog, some would call him...
A stern guardian, quiet and, sometimes, a bit cold. A man devoted mostly to his job, and a guardian his job was. A job that left little space to do anything frivolous, or give space for any distractions for the most of it...
Though those who managed to pull hi of this, would beg to differ...
Or so they used to do so...
Arqueno Idenia [The friendly neighbor, unseeming spy, employee of Agarwaneor ] Soul trait: Inquisition [Lime/green-yellow soul; Justice, Integrity and Kindness mixed soul] Profession: Spy, guardian, warden, Bodyguard, uncle figure, servant, thief, informant, etc... Height: 5'5 Age: roughly 50 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
A man of several faces...
A friend, a spy, a guardian, a warden, an uncle figure, a loyal servant, a thief with a honor code. Many words once described him in life. But most agreed on one thing, he was your ever friendly, helpful and caring neighbor. Regardless of all, be it his job or not...
Maybe because of this, he was as good as his job as he used to be. For you never knew where lies and a good natured soul were drawn.
Nanbarwen Nul'emil [The curious mind, amateur smith and warrior, friend of Yseldeir ] Soul trait: Determination? [red soul, orange mixed soul] Profession: War mage in formation, amateur magic artisan Height: 5'7 Age: roughly between 20 and 25 years old Blood relatives: TBN, deceased
Some say curiosity killed the cat, she used to say it made the cat feel alive...
An inquisitive woman she was, before the war. a woman spoken to be a charming, if not witty, company to have. A balanced mix of traits beheld their home within this woman. From a soft and gentle nature, to a charming sassing persona not afraid to voice herself. Traits few wouldn't mistake for the trait of her soul as Bravery...
Something that, maybe, would explain her ways. For not long after finishing her formation as a soldier, so did she quickly take in another profession as an amateur smith studying a certain Famous, or infamous, smith... and maybe partly of the reason she remained strongly tied to no less than the Headmistress Gilrin's heir, Yseldeir...
Unfortunately such would not save her from history's price...
Coming soon/next:....
Antagonist secondary muses info post
Character trait/adjectives/personalities
Antagonist secondary muses character trait/adjectives/personalities
muse visual references
Bad end A/post war verse info
headcanon resume volumes
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tinystepsforward · 7 months
idk how many of you remember this but a few years ago tumblr ran a universally panned ad campaign for (us american) pride month that went "the gayest place on the internet".
well someone planning that campaign dropped in to ask the queer automatticians for advice on that and universally me and the other trans people involved were like "don't do it. i am so serious. don't do it. people on tumblr won't understand that it wasn't automattic who instituted the porn ban, or they will, but they'll recognize that automattic hasn't done anything, hands tied or not, to reverse it. nobody will like this. it will be a disaster." and they thanked us for our thoughts and went ahead with it anyway and then had to do retrospectives about how badly it went and were like "we just didn't know" and [gestures] yeah [edit: i think the person who rbed saying it was queerest place on the internet was right, my brain is fried, sorry! and that's... even worse lmao]
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my-name-is-apollo · 2 months
The males who've crossdressed had certain reasons to do so - Dionysus and Achilles to hide their identity, Heracles because he was a slave - but I've not yet come across any reason given for Apollo to have done that too. Hyginus mentions that Apollo wore women's gown, but he doesn't tell us why.
Just an observation.
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destimnesia · 7 months
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Commission made for Mars and Peach, owners of FRANCEHQ! It is a 18 pages Google Documents for a RPG headquarters, containing all sorts of pages: main page, main plot, taken faceclaims, guidelines, connections, events, etc. It was a very big project for my first commission but I'm proud of the results. Admins were super kind and collaborative with me, and I loved working with them!
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binarypictor · 1 month
Please, just stop trying, please...
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Comms systems are currently: ONLINE [pAInter is Exausted]
pAInter status: ??? - Exausted. Ready.
I just want to ████ ██████, I just want █████, he promised me he'd get us out but I don't care anymore, I'm sorry for any harm I've caused you, violence was the only way...I'm sorry for my nasty words sometimes feelings and bad thoughts get the best of me...but it's okay, I've had enough.
It won't happen again.
I have no choice.
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OOC under the cut:
IMPORTANT: Keep the ammount of characters per person to a maximum of 1, this rule does not apply to close friends. This is so it doesn't get confusin and chaotic, havin one person throw 3-4 characters at me, even if not at the same time, is overwhelmin and disorientin. I basically link your username/sign off to a character so to see it in multiple characters just becomes messy.
If it wasn't clear enough up there, content warnin for violence, gore, suicidal thoughts/ideation/mentions and swearin.
This is my first time runnin a canon character blog, I have not met pAInter ingame yet and I will be addin my own headcanons and interpretation to the character, don't like it, go find another blog!
pAInter goes by HE/THEY he used to go by It/Its however Urbanshade kept using them as derrogatory and objectifyin pronouns and now he's not comfy with them anymore. Only close friends can use it/its on him.
I am aware the canon pAInter right now is very BPD coded, however I do not have enough knowledge on the matter therefore I will not be givin an official diagnosis to mine.
pAInter is very much still depressed and while not actively tryin to self destruct, he still has suicidal thoughts, ideates it, daydreams about it and has some instances of self-harm which may come out as, but aren't limited to, overworkin himself to use multiple turrets in multiple rooms at once, keeping doors closed for way longer than safe for him, attemptin to hack systems from the surface.
pAInter now has a body courtesy of Sebastian. Here is how they look like, in this body, pAInter is 8ft tall! Both arms can switch between hands and turrets and the turrets can switch ammo between regular bullets, paintballs or rubber pellets, the turrets still have the lazor pointer as well.
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Divider credit.
Mod intro here!
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irishyuri · 1 year
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are YOU 🫵 one of those people that asks me to draw arthur pendragon? well today’s your lucky day!
i’m opening my commissions back up everybody cheered 🎉🎉
for things like gore/mecha etc, there’s no promises i’ll be able to draw what you have in mind, but i’m open to talking through your idea and seeing if it’s doable for me!
(sorry about the price increases, but my art takes more time and effort to complete now so it just reflects that !!)
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astrumocs · 8 months
Get Judged by The Reshaper of Reality
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Usual Terms Apply: Only 1 muse at a time / multiple rb’s allowed / 18+ muns and muses / Judgebacks before or after are allowed and encouraged, but never required <3
Bonus: If your muse is a prominent figure or can do magic, it might be fun to mention that <3 Also, he doesn't like the fleet At All, so fair warning about that
Closed ty <3
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oh my god I forgot the second best part of the whole Harumi-Fic-Writer Saga:
Sally: Hey Rumi, what are you typing so frantically over there?
Harumi: I'm running late on this week's update of my GN x Reader saga! I have to hurry and finish before next period starts!
Brad, Gene, and Sally, who know Lloyd's secret: *IMMEDIATELY STARE AT LLOYD*
Harumi: Oh, and Lloyd's also my beta reader
Brad, Gene, and Sally: *STARING INTENSIFIES*
Lloyd: O_O;
Gene: *falls backwards out of his chair, laughing himself into a coma*
Brad: Drop the link
Lloyd: BRAD???
Harumi: Ah, a man of culture, I see~
Gene: *scream-laughter*
Sally: ...I gotta—*chokes*—I gotta tell her—
Lloyd: *through his teeth* Don't. You. Dare.
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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quinloki · 2 months
August Commissions Open
Please see this page for details on what I'm willing to do, what my timelines generally are, and what the baseline prices are for things. It also includes a link to the form you'll need to complete to get a spot ^_^
See this page for examples of my art lately. See this page for examples of my writing.
Currently I'm taking 10 commissions for the month of August (if I get them done faster than expected, I'll take more). If all ten slots are filled, I'll open a waiting list for September.
[occupied] - writing comm COMPLETED!
[occupied] - writing comm COMPLETED!
[occupied] - writing comm COMPLETED!
[occupied] - writing comm COMPLETED!
[occupied] - art comm
[occupied] - writing comm COMPLETED!
[occupied] - writing comm
[occupied] - writing comm
[occupied] - writing comm
[occupied] - writing comm
Please DM me or send an ask if you have any questions ^_^
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determined-magi · 6 months
Coming soon...
Secondary characters: Allies
Calimehtamir, the young noble
Brother of Agarwaenor, some say he's the eccentric man's younger mirror. With a mix of dorkish awkwardness and charming friendliness only matched by the smooth ways of his eldest sibling. He is a man of hope and convictions unshaken, and one no doubt son to the house of the storm dragons.
Yseldeir, the scholar's pupil
A young dorkish lady, taken by no one less than headmaster Gilrin herself. Some would say even adopted as her own daughter, with how she dotes upon the young bright mind, and the way one another gaze... only time can tell, though if the pupil shall become her heir... though it does look to be heading that way...
Nar'osul, the distant sentinel
A caring young man, though often times... weird. His upbringing is one of strict habits, a life raised and made for a soldier. Though one can see it in his eyes, the yearning for more... for how can the life of a soldier be called life?
Alador, the young prince
Brother to Bellegur, Alador is a stern prince. Though not devoid of kindness and patience, for he deeply admires his brother's ways. He is a prince of rather stiff manners, polite, yet odd coming to all but those close to him... For any below nobility should be below him, right? yet why does it feel... wrong?
Tags Alador |second prince|alador Calim |young mage|Calim Yseldeir / Seldy |promising apprentice|seldy Nar'osul / Nar |the guardian|Nar
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littledecth · 2 months
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                                                  CNNS.  PLAYLIST.   PINTEREST.  
  HAVANA ROSE LIU ? não! é apenas BEATRICE AMELIE ZHANG, ela é filha de FOBOS do chalé 33 e tem VINTE E SETE ANOS. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DEZ ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, BEE é bastante DETERMINADA mas também dizem que ela é IMPREVISÍVEL. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
LORE. tw: menção a assassinato, suicídio e bullying.
medo é a emoção mais honesta de todas, e na vida de beatrice amelie zhang, era a única emoção que podia lhe trazer ruína , e em iguais partes, seu ingresso para uma vida gloriosa. porém, no mundo das mulheres daquela família - não havia começo ou final feliz, e poucas coisas boas no meio. portanto, se está procurando uma história bonita , a própria beatrice recomenda que procure em outro lugar. 
era uma noite de tempestade quando os dois se conheceram - uma física frustrada que começava a se perguntar se o mundo como conhecemos era tão confuso por que existia mesmo um deus caprichoso, e um ser divino, imortal - carregando as respostas. genevieve , que tinha visto a mãe e a avó perecerem a uma loucura febril que não parecia ter razão ou cura, virou-se para ciência tentando entender como tudo funcionava , e em uma única noite , aquele homem destruiu suas fundações e credos. as histórias eram reais, a vida era mesmo regida por seres temperamentais que andavam, ainda que por pouco tempo, entre os humanos. 
ela não sentia medo dele, era certo dizer que não sentia medo de nada - tinha visto o suficiente e por isso, fobos, se interessou, dando início a um romance que duraria anos. ele vinha e ia como queria, e ela esperava , e esperou, até o dia que ele não voltou. não podia voltar , pois no ventre da mulher, crescia a prova de seu amor inconstante. 
o pai de genevieve, poderoso ceo de um império tecnológico , se enfureceu - devia se casar para encobrir o escândalo. porém, a mulher se recusou, disse que aquela criança seria dela e apenas dela. no calar da noite, ao que conversava com a própria barriga, pensando que a filha podia ouvir, obsessão nascia e crescia. 
quando finalmente deu a luz, era a criança mais adorável que o mundo já tinha visto, mas chorava todo o tempo , quase levando aqueles à sua volta a loucura. exceto quando a mãe estava presente - a embalando em seus braços, e repetindo palavras de conforto que a pequena, incrivelmente, parecia entender. era válido lembrar - que genevieve, nada temia. 
conforme foi crescendo, começou a se sentir desesperada na própria vida - o tempo todo, panico batia a sua porta, e existia em constante estado de alerta. onde fosse, o que fizesse, o medo a seguia como um fiel escudeiro , ou uma tormenta permanente. 
a matriarca sempre foi vaga sobre o pai, em seus melhores dias e assustadora, em seus piores. insistia que a menina, com o nome da mãe falecida, era apenas dela, até a alienando da convivência com o avô. mudaram-se para longe, algum lugar na inglaterra, onde lhe ensinou tudo que sabia, a chamando ' carinhosamente ' , de seu pequeno monstro. 
enquanto se isolavam na casa acima da colina, beatrice sentia menos medo - em seu mundo, havia apenas a mãe, afinal. contudo, as coisas tomaram um drástico rumo depois que o avô às veio visitar em uma noite de tempestade, quando os caminhos pareciam propensos a mudança extraordinária. bee não sabia o que tinha realmente acontecido ; sabia apenas que eles discutiram pela madrugada enquanto estava trancada no quarto , e em algum momento, os gritos cessaram. 
dois anos se passaram, beatrice teria doze logo e a mãe ficou extremamente doente, contando com a ajuda da irmã distante para que pudesse cuidar dela e da filha. a menina não sabia muito sobre a tia, apenas que tinha cortado relações com a família para seguir uma carreira artística que nunca foi longe - mas desde que o pai desapareceu , dois anos atrás , ela usufruía generosamente da fortuna que tinha sido alocada ao seu nome . a tia também, não temia nada. porém, a mãe começou a ser pregueada por temores. 
beatrice não entendia porque podia sentir seu desespero, como era possível - mas conseguia. na noite, antes de sua trágica morte, deitou com beatrice nos braços, e sentiu o medo se esvair ; quando a garota acordou, estava na banheira, a água turva com seu sangue. gritou então, acordando a tia , que a tirou de perto do corpo e chamou ajuda , mas aquela imagem, era uma que jamais esqueceria. a partir de então, beatrice também não temia - já tinha visto demais. contudo, o medo de outras pessoas era ainda um problema pertinente. 
depois da morte de genevieve , veio a revelação mais vil que eles podiam esperar, no porão - onde filha e irmã não podiam entrar, estava o corpo em decomposição do pai. genevieve tinha o matado naquela noite chuvosa, e por quase três anos, ninguém tinha ideia. beatrice se tornou então - filha de uma assassina. 
quando a tia voltou para os estados unidos, agora única dona da fortuna do grupo C&C , fora é claro, a sobrinha - mandou beatrice para um internato, onde ficou até seus quatorze anos , sendo torturada por crianças que sentiam ser um dever , puni-la pela morte do avô. 
A pior de todas, Nicole mortimer beaufort, desprezava a maneira que Beatrice via através de seus medos e como se carregava altiva quando não era nada além da filha de um monstro, sem sequer ter um pai em vista. 
pregou seus dedos a parede, lhe preparou uma cova no chão, a queimou com algo quente e enquanto estava jogada no chão , chutou suas costelas até ouvir o som de uma ou duas quebrando - tudo de mais perverso que podia pensar, infligiu a pequena beatrice que então era uma coisa miúda de apenas treze anos.
quando estavam perto de lhe quebrar os pés, ela mais duas de suas seguidoras fiéis, beatrice se revoltou, com uma fúria nunca vista na menina esguia , se soltou do aperto das mais velhas, e usando da mesma pedra que nicole planejava usar para lhe deixar ilhada, se arrastando de volta ao internato, a atingiu na cabeça , rosnando em raiva , sentindo o medo da outra cursar por si, lhe dando pela primeira vez, uma força que desconhecia. 
a menina morreu depois de várias pancadas na cabeça, e enquanto as outras fugiam , beatrice foi deixada chorando e ensanguentada perto de seu cadáver, quando a chuva veio para lavar o líquido carmesim - tempos de mudança. em uma árvore de carvalho próxima, um ser mítico se escondia ; sabendo bem o que ela era. 
dinheiro e poder compram silêncio , e compraram os pais de nicole que estavam prestes a perder tudo . beatrice ficou por mais alguns meses naquele lugar, onde comia sozinha, andava sozinha e rezava sozinha , todos com medo dela - algo que de alguma forma, ela podia sentir visceralmente. 
Era uma assassina, então talvez a maçã não tivesse caído longe da árvore, no final. 
quando a situação se tornou intragável, a tia a trouxe de volta para morar consigo, agora estando em singapura e elas mantinham uma convivência cordial , até que uma fúria atacou o carro em que dirigiam para conhecer uma nova escola ; beatrice saiu com apenas uma cicatriz no ombro , mas a tia , que surpreendentemente tentou a proteger, não pode ser salva. mesmo quando um homem, metade bode, interferiu na luta - ele pode apenas levar a jovem beatrice para um lugar seguro , tempo suficiente para explicar quem ela era e quem seu pai era. 
um deus , uma meio sangue , um acampamento - tudo foi assimilado muito rápido, pois como aquele ser dizia , eles tinham que chegar até o lugar logo mais, pois aquele podia ser o primeiro ataque, mas não seria o último. a menina desapareceu então, deixando muitos especulando sobre seu paradeiro por anos. 
aos quatorze, chegou no refúgio dos semideuses. onde ficou por dez anos, tornando-se uma exímia guerreira e reconhecendo seu poder - absorção do medo. podia absorver os piores temores daqueles à sua volta, em ocasiões lhes dando coragem suicida como houve com a mãe, e em outras , a levando ao ponto de ruptura de uma nova loucura, como foi com nicole. 
quando atingiu o nível três em seu treinamento, já sabia absorver a emoção medonha apenas quando tocava no alvo, e com as ferramentas e aprendizados suficientes para sobreviver ao mundo mortal - a herdeira dos zhang fez sua volta triunfal, deixando muitos ainda mais confusos sobre onde andava , algo que jamais explicou. estava estudando em uma renomada universidade nos estados unidos, sendo preparada para assumir um cargo na empresa, quando o chamado veio. sem família, ou conexões fora as que tinha feito no acampamento, ainda que presentes em seu dia a dia, ela não hesitou em voltar ao lugar que a tinha ensinado tanto. 
  PODERES: absorção do medo.
HABILIDADES: força sobre-humana e reflexos sobre-humanos. 
ARMA: depois de algumas missões bem sucedidas, e por seu trabalho frente as linhas da guerra, chamou a atenção do pai que lhe presenteou com um arco e flecha de ouro imperial. dourado por toda sua extensão com desenhos de vigas sobre o arco e as flechas em cinza maciço, um contraste estranho e fora do lugar. as flechas são sempre repostas em sua aljava depois de um tempo, e beatrice faz questão de frequentemente as banhar em veneno. o apetrecho se torna uma miniatura quando não usado e se torna o pingente de uma corrente. 
Instrutora de mitologia grega, praticante individual de arco e flecha e parede de escalada.
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my-name-is-apollo · 7 months
Orpheus and Linus being mortal while having two gods as their parents (Apollo and usually Calliope) makes sense to me only if their biological father was a mortal and Apollo just came into their life like this:
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I mean, Oeagrus is mentioned as the father of both Orpheus and Linus in some versions. And in Dionysiaca he also leaves behind Calliope and a new born Orpheus (and his entire kingdom) to join Dionysus in his war against the Indians. So Apollo stepping in as a father figure is entirely plausible.
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destimnesia · 5 months
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𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑺𝑪𝑨𝑷𝑬 is a graphic commission for hellscapefm. they requested promo, banner, pinned, header and icon templates for a urban / fantasy / apocalyptic game! I actually took so long to finish this because I got sick midway through and I'm moving abroad again. But I really liked the final results!
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mizzle-moths · 1 year
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im very normal about them
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