#writer mood
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voodoo-tofu · 1 year ago
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Always the writer, never the reader.
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selenekallanwriter · 1 year ago
Person: What's your book about?
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I'm both somehow 🙃
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crackheadintheclouds · 3 months ago
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ddgraywrites · 8 months ago
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I’ve been MIA from writeblr cause I’ve been too busy doing ✨ this ✨
My mind is so far from writing right now but I’m not too upset about it. It’s been fun falling in love with ACNH again. This game is my peace 😌
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suspensefulpen · 4 months ago
No, we do not fix the problem.
We give the problem to a character.
Like real men.
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mimiyapshard · 2 months ago
inspiration works like being spoken through as the Oracle of Delphi. I don't know who is using me as a puppet, but I know I'm going to tell their story.
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smolwriter · 29 days ago
did I do anything productive yesterday? No. Am I going to do something productive today? I’ll try but that was my goal yesterday and you can see how well that turned out.
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hayatheauthor · 8 months ago
I miss being in love with words and beautiful prose. I miss typing out stories so enchanting they twist from ink to life, painting entire worlds with each stroke of the pen. I miss the thrill of the written word, the shiver of excitement that accompanied a newfound plot point.
But I fear that adoration has been eclipsed by a thirst for adulation—an ache for worldly acclaim that devours me whole, leaving behind the rotten carcass of a linguistic soul. A soul long buried and burned, laid to rest in the forgotten purgatory of withered pages and blotted ink.
For what good are words if they are never read? What good are stories if they are never told? What good is an author if they are never known?
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burntoutdaydreamer · 1 year ago
I don’t write my characters, my characters write themselves and I just pick up the broken pieces left by their ill advised hijinks and repressed traumas and try to cobble them together into a coherent narrative
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that-one-girls-blog-posts · 22 days ago
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"The doctors said this was typical for my condition, my brain simply works differently. It might be a struggle but I can do other things better than most people, I have different abilities. "Differently abled", I hate that term. They make my brain sound like some kind of alien substance. A material from a different planet, a repulsing slime that disgusts and intrigues them at the same time. One that they cannot study because they don't know how and they cannot name because they wouldn't know where to start.
I named it, it's "no borax, no glue, no shaving cream, no contact lens fluid activated slime". In a way, they're right. It disgusts me too sometimes."
-An excerpt(1) of the story I'm currently writing (haven't decided on the title yet)
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ajmonarch · 2 months ago
Me earlier: ah yes, a nice semi early night. Look at me, #adulting.
Me now: outlined 4 books for a new series, arguing with a bird outside my window because I haven't slept yet.
I would ask why I do this to myself, but I know the answer 😅
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birdiebortnik · 6 months ago
When your workshop mentor says the character you put the most of yourself into is “an unlikable character”
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includedisco · 6 months ago
You know what, at the end of the day, the biggest struggle for a writer is that the beautiful story ideas we have can't be told as well or as fast as they appear in our heads😒
I want to share the story ideas, and fast but....that involves actual planning, organizing, typing, that nightmarish editing and worst of all....keeping the plot and characters consistent😐😣😩
But I'm still in love with the mess😅 it's complicated ☺️
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ddgraywrites · 9 months ago
WIP: Fictional Flame
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You've Got Mail meets Beauty Shop when Paige Dela Cruz, a hairstylist aspiring to open the first Filipino-owned hair salon in the heart of little Winnipeg, falls head over heels for Christian Sato, or so she thought.
Paige Dela Cruz is a hairstylist who falls head over heels for the charming and sexy Christian Sato, or so she thought. She's actually talking to Eddy Silva, Christian's cousin.
While Paige and Eddy's messages become more intimate with each passing text, Eddy finds himself wanting to let go of his facade and show Paige the person he truly is.
As if her love life wasn't complicated enough, Paige faces another threat to her well-being. Her boss, Michael Coward. He takes everything from her - her clients, her tips, and her time. As Paige endures the constant nonsensical wrath of her boss, she begins to doubt if she'll ever be able to open the salon of her dreams.
I've contemplated whether or not I should post this because the more I think about my WIP, the more embarrassed I get which is so bizarre cause I'm over here trying to make it as a romance author. The self-sabotage and imposter syndrome are really sinking in right now which is exactly why I decided to finally share the details of my WIP.
Why did I write this book?
I was a hairstylist for 5 years and met the most amazing (and awful) people in the industry and I wanted to tell a more dramatized version of what happens in this cut-throat world that is hairstyling.
As a Filipino-Canadian living in little Winnipeg, I also wanted to share glimpses of what it's like being raised by immigrants, the food, and the covert racism I've encountered throughout the years.
Lastly, I just wanted to write my own romance because I love love. I love reading and watching love stories. I've always been a hopeless romantic. After my dad died in 2021, I needed some sort of outlet. I started writing a fantasy about a young girl who also lost her dad but then I reached a point where I couldn’t move on cause fantasy was too big for my brain to fathom lol. So I decided to stick to a genre I knew I could do well, and that was romance.
I feel incredibly vulnerable right now while I type this because I'm BRACING for the criticism and the eye rolls. Not that anyone has ever done that, it's just the aNxIeTy talking. But again, thank you for following me on this journey to become a traditionally published author (crossing my fingers SO hard) and if you're also a romance author and need a critique partner/beta reader, please DM me so we can do a little swap-aroo (I just lost you there, didn't I?)
Here's the sign-up form if you're interested in beta-reading Fictional Flame: https://docs.google.com/
I'm not sure how to end this so in true Canadian fashion, thank you again and sorry for saying thank you so many times. ❤️
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suspensefulpen · 8 months ago
You know you’re a writer when you’re in some situation, no matter how serious/dire or mundane/boring and you say to yourself “i wanna/needa write about this”
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ellierenae · 2 years ago
pov: youre my blank google doc
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