hiddencircus · 4 months
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WXS SPACE ICONS! | requested by anon
likes & reblogs are appreciated! | reblog if use
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royalarchivist · 9 months
Whether it's already the 1st or still the 31st for you, Happy New Year everyone!
I've updated the QSMP VOD Timestamp Archive to include a section for 2024 timestamps. It's wild to think I've done this for (nearly) a year.
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
you said requests were open so maybe surge tucking kit in :0?
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she totally doesn’t care (lie)
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sidneycarter · 5 months
heyyyy do u have any hcs for sullivan & sid /cartivan??? <3
oh anon..... i have MANY i will try and filter them down for u now
EVERYONE in kembleford knows about cartivan being a thing before cartivan know its a thing... its an Open Village Secret that the police inspector and Father Brown's semi-feral adopted son have massive silly crushes on each other
As a result, every time they have one of their little flirting sessions arguments/squaring up to each other moments everyone is just rolling their eyes silently in the background
When they inevitably get together its actually Sullivan that makes the first move - for unspecified reasons everyone got very drunk at the Red Lion and Sullivan just dumped all of his feelings straight out onto sid
the next day sid goes to the police cottage to "check that sullivan has survived the hangover" haha yeah of course that's why and sullivan is MORTIFIED but can't deny any of what he said and sid is like.... oh
to start with sid is doing most of the leading because he's *ahem* far more experienced in the art of romance and other things
but sullivan's confidence really grows in the time they're together and it turns out that behind that icy facade is a very sweet and soft man
sullivan is very big on the old school romance, slow dancing, hand holding etc so when he comes round to the idea that he can have a boyfriend that loves him he goes ALL OUT
sid plays it cool but deep down is still a little bit stunned that he's managed to pull sullivan. like sully is handsome, hes accomplished, he's actually kind of funny when you get to know him and sometimes sid feels a little bit behind in his country boy ways
sullivan however loves sid's semi feral tendencies (sometimes) and goes BRIGHT RED whenever sid teases him with wiggling eyebrows an makes comments about being sullivan's bit of rough
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dumbkatsu · 1 year
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You ask and I deliver! I'm so happy everyone is enjoying the Mu Qing hc, so let's start:
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Mu Qing would notice the littlest things about you.
From how you style your hair, how you prepare your coffee/tea, what you put first in the bowl if it's the cereals or the milk to the little gestures you do when you're nervous.
He just loves your little mannerisms so much. He finds them endearing.
Even the way every week you organize your books in a different system
He would notice how you sometimes forget to take care of yourself properly so he would help.
If you are a very busy person in the morning and forget to eat breakfast he'd prepare it for you to take away with a sticky note saying: "Don't forget to eat dummy"
When you first introduced him to MBTI he was really confused.
And when you explained the concept to him he low-key thought it would be another zodiac thing.
Which made you really pissed
So you made him do the test.
(And during the test he was a bit bored ngl)
It gave him ISTJ
At first, he was confused but as he read his results he was starting to doubt his convictions and so he became interested in mbti's
Cue you sending him a shitton of mbti memes 24/7
And whenever he saw a meme roasting your mbti he would def sending you
You would def make him dress up as your mbti for Halloween
But he wouldn't mind
Because if it made you smile he would do anything for you
When it comes to communication in a relationship, he can get a bit shy and insecure, so there will be times when he won't say wants to say. But if you talk to him and show him that you can give him a safe space to express his feelings he will become more confident and it will show.
OH! I totally feel like mu qing is the type to avoid you when he realizes his feelings for you (pre-relationship)
If you were close friends before and this starts happening it can be very hurtful.
You try to corner him but to no avail, he just gives a half-assed excuse and weasels his way away from you again.
It takes Xie Lian, Feng Xin, and even a tiny roast from Hua Cheng to make him apologize and confess to you
"Mu Qing you should be honest about your feelings, it's clear that they like you too!"
"Yeah bro you need to go head in and do it, it's been too long and now that you decided to very obviously distance yourself they've kinda been upset these past few days"
"Only a pussy bitch boy wouldn't admit their feelings and just confess instead of causing mindless hurt to both parties, isn't that right Mu Qing?"
"San lang..."
Yes that was basically the last drop for Mu Qing and he decides to drive up to your place
(cliché warning: I'm about to be so corny on this one I hope you can forgive me)
It started pouring rain and Mu Qing cursed himself for not doing this sooner and just being a blatant coward.
When he reached your driveway he calls your phone
"Hey, why are you-"
"Come outside"
"Mu Qing it's raining"
"I don't care just come outside, I want to take you somewhere"
"Fine. Give me a minute"
You basically leave in your pajamas and go on a late-night drive with Mu Qing.
He obviously gives you the aux cord bcs he likes your taste in music
You guys drive for a bit until he stops at a place with a nice skyline
You guys stay silent until he turns the engine off.
Mu Qing sighs to himself as you look at him expectantly
"Look Y/n I'm sorry. I have been a first-class dick these past few days and I really didn't want to hurt you by doing it but...it's just that... " he stops.
The words he wants to say can't get out of his mouth it's stuck in his throat until he feels your hand on top of his giving him an encouraging nod
It's incredible how you make him feel like he can conquer the world without uttering a single word really.
"I have feelings for you y/n. I never felt like this before. I feel like I don't deserve to feel like this, I feel like I don't deserve you in my life because I can't treat you like you should be treated. You've been here for me through thick and thin and I would do anything for you. But I am honestly feeling very fucking scared for what it might happen next."
You stay quiet trying to process all of the information you were just told. It was a lot to take in. Until you broke the agonising silence.
"I like you too Mu qing. I always have" you said with a beaming smile
"And yes you were being a total asshat, I was so confused. I thought you were upset that I ate the last chocolate pudding in your fridge"
You two broke in silly laughter and when you opened your eyes you saw mu qing really close to your face.
He was looking at your eyes with such adoration that it was hard to maintain eye contact with those grey eyes.
He momentarily looked at your lips and his Adam's apple bobbed
He looks back at your eyes again moving closer. Your lips almost touching
"Can I k-kiss you?"
You guys can figure out the rest ;)
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heirofdirk · 1 year
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Here. Have the silly.
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juustozzi · 2 months
Once my friend needed name for Shawn's coffee shop in fanfiction
Finally i gave her idea for "Snowman from whipped cream"
Do you have any ideas how it may look? Or what they could serve there?
ooh that's a cute name!
I get the feeling the shop would be small but super cozy... like a warm spot in a cold winter night! warm lights, beige and blue colors, lots of cozy plush chairs and pillows and blankets. and mismatching tableware, mostly old recycled things for a bit of nostalgia!
and the menu would be homely and comforting and delicious!
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instead of cramming text into the image, here's what I figured out: brewing in the Zero Japan tea pot, a creamy african rooibos with hints of vanilla and orange; a homemade-style pie from red apples, with cinnamon-y oat crumble and berries of the season; shop's signature coffee, a floral and fruity blend from Rwanda and Burundi; vanilla biscuit bites with chocolate chips, made from milk from a local farmer in Hokkaido; and a hot cocoa, dark and rich and the right amount of sweet with toppings of your choice.
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catgirljaneway · 9 months
For the character ask game: Kes + 1, 12, 20
Thank you so much for the ask!! (Ask game in question)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Ok! So I'm a huge Kes fan, and I was initially drawn to her because she's got this little aura of joy, and you can't help but love her, which you can see in other character's interactions with her on the show. Any room she walks into instantly gets a little brighter and she's just so fundamentally kind and gentle and full of love.
So that's what initially drew me to her, but what hooked me, was that fact that the longer you watch, the more we learn about her, the more deeply strange she gets. We've got that fantastic scene in elogium where she eats all those fucking bugs with that deranged expression, and of course, my all time favorite, this one scene where the doctor tells Kes he has some autopsy reports for her to read because he knows she loves autopsies. This by the way, is NEVER brought up again which I think is a terrible loss, because what thing to say about a character and then never mention! What a fact!
So you've got this little elfish looking girl, who's still fundamentally kind and gentle, but now we also know "oh she's a bit of a freak!" and she's wicked smart, and then she learn, oh, she's got these terrifying powers at her core and actually she might not be as fundamentally gentle as we (the audience) or kes herself thought. And now Kes has to grapple with this, and she's still a deeply good and loving person at heart, but now she has to try a little harder to suppress these urges and that makes her fundamentally more interesting.
Also her relationships with Janeway and Tuvok and The Doctor all bring me so much joy. Janeway's love for her, and the way she smiles when Kes is around, the way she hugs her when she leaves just!! Rip me to pieces. And Tuvok's mentorship and quiet protection of her?? And that scene when the Doctor holds her in Twisted. Kes has 3 parents, and honestly all three of them think they're taking care of her, but they need her more than she needs them.
And what's kept me loving her, is in a way her missed potential. So much about Kes wasn't explored, so much was left unanswered, and getting to rotate her around in my head and think about all the things she could have been is so fun. I deeply wish she had been used more, because on paper she's such a fascinating, deeply weird character. And she was just starting to come into her own when we leave her. She's broken up with Neelix, she's making her own choices, and I want to imagine where that would have gone. (I have further thoughts on this, but this is already ridiculously long, so I will continue this in a different post)
Long story short, she's a lovable little weird girl, and I like weird little girls. She'd crawl around on all fours and make up weird stories at recess in fourth grade and I like that about her.
Also she reminds me of the "a little guy!" > "oh they're actually fucked up" meme.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Well I LOVE the art where people make her look a little more bug like. With weird pupils and antennae and such. I love that, I definitely headcanon her looking a bit creepier like that.
I also headcanon her as a lesbian. Her whole relationship with Neelix baffles me. I honestly LOVE them as friends, they're so great when they're just silly best friends, but I cannot stand them as a couple. She's a gay girlie.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
SEVEN!! Seven!!! GAH! The missed potential! Pretty much a weirdgirls club with Seven, B'elanna, and Kes. Kes would have been the perfect person to help Seven reintegrate into society, because she's patient and kind, and she'd get a huge kick out of Seven's deadpan humor. I mean, the EMH is her best friend, she's very good at dealing with people who others consider hard to get along with.
Kes wouldn't make Seven feel bad about the way she is, or try to pressure her to conform to what she wants from Seven. She'd take her how she was and love her for her whole being, not for what she could be. Also Seven would be Kes's scary dog ❤️ Because people meet Kes and think she's an easy target or a pushover (even though she could probably obliterate anyone if she so felt like it) but then Seven is standing behind her looking menacing and they hurry away as quick as they can, completely unaware they were scared of the wrong blonde.
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theghoulboysblog · 4 months
hi aly!! happy pride month!
i’ve seen you post about butterflies a few times and i was wondering- which species/type is your favorite?
(also i was totally inspired by your pfp frame so i did one for mine lol)
HI RAINE! :D happy pride month! your pfp looks great!!! :)
AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING ABOUT MY FAVORITE BUTTERFLY!!! i know you probably wanted a singular answer as to which one is my favorite, but i am insane af when it comes to these beautiful lil creatures so i fear i cannot choose 😭 i love them all too much! 🫶 but here is an quick summary of my top ten favorites:
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here is a spicebush swallowtail, or Papilio troilus! it is commonly found in north america, it loves deciduous woods and swamps, and i’ll bet you can guess what this pretty lil butterfly’s most common host plant is! (if you guessed a spicebush, you would be correct! 🫶)
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this small guy is a chalkhill blue, or a Lysandra coridon! they are found in the palearctic, they love chalky grasslands, and the female chalkhill blues are actually brown rather than blue! :)
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this is a red-spotted purple, or Limenitis arthemis! they are spread all throughout north america, they like birches and willow trees, and their scientific name translates to “harbor goddess” in greek! <3
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here is a mourning cloak, or the Nymphalis antiopa. this butterfly is native to eurasia and north america. it is montana’s state butterfly, it has one of the longest lifespans of any butterfly (it can live up to a year!), and it is called the camberwell beauty in england!
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this is a polyura jupiter! it is found in indonesia and other islands that surround it! the larvae supposedly feed on albizia stipulata! :D
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this is a Morpho aurora! it is neotropical, it is found often in the rainforests of peru and bolivia, and it is named after the roman goddess of dawn, aurora!
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this is the blue mormon, or Papilio polymnestor. it is found in south india and sri lanka, it is the fourth largest butterfly in india, and it loves areas with heavy rainfall! :D
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this is the eastern tiger swallowtail, or Papilio glaucus! it is native to eastern north america, the first known drawing of a north american butterfly was a drawing of this butterfly in 1587, and it gets its name from its distinctive black “tiger” stripes! :)
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this is a malachite, or a Siproeta stelenes. it is a neotropical butterfly found all throughout central and northern south america, it is one of the most commonly found butterflies in south america, and it is named after the mineral malachite because of its similar bright green coloring.
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and last but not least, here is a marbled white, or Melanargia galathea. this species can be found in forests clearings and meadows across most of iran, southern russia, asia minor, and europe, they are most often seen out and about during june through september, and the butterfly larva love eating grass! :)
(also, i looked for a raine butterfly cause it sounded like it could possibly exist, but there sadly isn’t one :( don’t feel too bad tho, there are some cute little mites and beetles called rain bugs and rain beetles respectively, which is semi-close to your name! :) oh and the mites are a beautiful bright red! they’re pretty cute! :])
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skayafair · 7 months
"Really? R E A L L Y ? "
Finally got to listen to the Q&A and there were a lot of times when it made me laugh out loud but "Elora would have half and half" about the ice cream question was the champion.
Elora is NOT amused! unlike me, sorry Elora
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Also listening to all the linguistic details was D E L I G H T F U L. I could listen to this for a few more hours at least.
Edit: That's what happens when I don't read the script 😅 Thanks for mentioning the name's spelling in the tags, I fixed it!
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partywithoutsmiling · 4 months
what headcanons would you apply to the trolls world building or characters?
Pft well I already talked about my headcanons for the various trolls anatomy here, so it's no use to repeat that XD
I also talked about Brozone and their immediate family here (Part 1 and Part 2), and those posts also touched briefly on my ideas for the Pop Trolls, but I will try to summarize those here as well.
Do expect sort of messy answer, but I will try my best to make it somewhat coherent! I will try sort the headcanons by General and by each Tribe individually (Trying to include character headcanons in the tribe ones)
Buckle up lol, it's going to be a long one!
(EDIT: Sorry I took so long to answer, the headcanons just kept coming and I spend hours on editing and trying to make it coherent enough to read lol)
(EDIT2: Also most of my headcanons are focused on World/Lore building, sorry XD;)
Early Trolls history is largely innacurate; before the Theft of the Strings by Pop, neither Tribe seen a particular reason to keep 'written' records of what happened, until it was deemed too important not to. All their recorded history Starts with the String's creation, but for all the Tribes it's more of a cautionary tale for future generations, with different level of faithfulness to the real events. Funk focused on the most factual history; Rock talked about betrayal and the terrifying powers of the strings combined; Country simply cautioned against other Tribes- if one ached for power, so did the others; Classical stressed the importance of keeping the String safe from everyone; while Techno didn't go to any details, and just talked about the importance of their string for their music. Pop Tribe actually has the most accurate retelling of what happened, but that Scrapbook is kept for Royal eyes only- the one that Peppy showed the gang is actually crafted Propaganda, and I will explain more about why Peppy showed that one later in the Pop Tribe Headcanons
The Strings were not created at the same time; going off our own musical history, the creation went in this order: Classical > Country > Rock > Pop > Funk > Techno; before this point, the tribes were mostly differentiated by their lifestyle and the habitat they adapted to, with plenty of intermingling in between. All of them were capable of making music, even though back then it mostly included only humming and primitive musical instruments, usually drums and flutes
The trolls themselves are more like Fae in their origin; beings of flesh and bone but at the same time sort of also full of magical, musical whimsy, their outward appearance reflects the habitat they attuned themselves to. Which is why, even though their looks are so wildly different, they have no issue intermarrying among tribes; starvation is also hardly a big issue, as eating a meal can sustain them for weeks, and all non-aquatic tribes are able to 'breathe' underwater for brief period of time, but only if sort of subconsciously preparing for it. If thrown into water suddenly without preparation, they can and will drown (unless they are able to swim); the opposite is also true for aquatic trolls
The Trolls used to be more widespread in the world; as shown in the updated map of the Troll World (I attached the map to this post), the actual world is rather huge; going off the fact that the Troll Tree was situated in the middle of the Bergen Town, and the Bergens build their town around it on purpose, it hints at the Troll territory spanning more than just their little corner in the north of the map. This would explain the awareness large beings like the Vacationers and Mount Rageons being aware of Trolls Existence- specifically Pop (expand on that later)
The Troll Tree used to be Capitol for all Troll Kind; and ancient effort to create Trollstopia, as exotic in looks and different habitats as is Zootopia in the same named movie, it used to be considered the hub of cultural and technological advances, a perfect Utopia where all Tribes could co-exist in peace and equal. It was also where all the Strings were housed, in the Lyre of Harmony, put on display for all Trolls to see- untill the Pop King took possession over it, causing the Rift and forcing the other Tribes to eventually flee, and the Tree changed to fully attune toward the Pop Tribe only
It was the Trolls Tribe presence that influenced the world around them to change to suit their needs; while at first it was the world that influenced their anatomy so they could adapt the best to their surrounding, now, with the Strings' existence, it was the Trolls who had more palpable influence. Which is why, when setting up shop in their corner of the world, the Troll Kingdoms seems surprisingly diverse considering the position. This ability is not lost with the Strings' destruction, as all the trolls are now infused with their power, as being born under them generation after generation
The Strings are tangible manifestation of music and will; a purified and distilled foci of power, alone they are awe-inspiring, together they are terrifying. No troll alone can hope to use the Strings for long, not if their goal is to focus them only towards one genre of music, getting rid of harmony and instead sharpening their focus towards one note. Their mere presence had wild reaching influence on the Trolls of their representing tribe. When used in disharmonious manner- like when Ancient Pop and Barb used them- the Strings of the Opposing tribes compensate by leeching the User's life force and talent, undected under the euphoric rush of unlimited power, until the user eventually drops dead- something which happened to the original Pop Royal and was avoided by Barb only by pure luck
There is even larger world beyond the updated map; and it's from where the Vacationers originated from, arriving from the east; Vacay Island is actually just a claimed colony which they turned in a holiday resort. Their species name is most likely something else, but being so chill, they don't mind being called a Vacationer.
Vacationers don't venture into the world of the shown map; compared to other large species of habitants, they are actually very fragile- smaller then most of them as well, they keep to themselves, and only feel comfortable around similarly sized species or similarly fragile ones
Vacationers are actually another type of Fae like creatures similar to Trolls; but they are what Trolls would be if they never discovered their Musical Strings- influenced by their surroundings over generations. Their similarities, however, is enough that they can freely intermingle and have children without issues. Similar to Trolls, they are eggborn species
Vacationers are used to having large families; Brandy herself probably comes from seven siblings. It is a sign of happy life and prosperity, and thus considered a good luck to be able to support that many children
Mount Rageons cannot thrive in warm/hot temperatures; going off their plastic-y looks, their skin is actually thick and hardy, insuling them away from the chilling temperature of their homeland but putting them at disadvantage in more tropical settings.
Mount Rageons were the 'dominant' large species of the current Troll world map, and the ones the Trolls interacted with the most during their ancient days; still keeping to more temperate and mountainous regions, they encountered trolls on fairly regular basis- this changed when their culture became too technologically advanced and secluded themselves to their current position
Mount Rageous is not a single city, but an actual Mountain Range, representing the whole country; they have no differentiating settlements- their whole country is build to from bottom up in layers, joined in connecting carways, with the less fortunate living at the bottom and the elite on top.
Mount Rageous is the most technologically advanced of all of the large species, but their society fell largely into consumerism cut throat fame culture; with the glamour and bright polished life reserved only for the most fortunate, which is why Velvet desired that life, to actually have the chance to see the stars; thanks to the negligence of the elite, the lower levels of Mount Rageous are largely carpeted by mist and smog, depriving them of the little natural light the Rageons can 'enjoy'
Rageons are not actually eternal teenagers; but years of chasing the ideal and attractive beauty standard had the whole species 'suffer' from the perpetual infant-like looks (I cannot remember the scientific name for it now XD), making it seem like at one point, Mount Rageons just stop aging, untill they just drop dead from old age at one point.
Velvet and Veneer are legally of age; yes, still technically in their teens, being freshly 18, but that was the earliest they could take control of their own life. Contrary to what it seems, Rageons don't allow minors to become Pop Stars without their guardian's approval, and V&V's parents were against their choice of career
There was a record of trolls being used for their talent in Mount Rageous before; and it is now considered banned and serious crime- not for the talent stealing itself, but because Trolls were seen as good luck and harming one was seen as the most disgusting thing one could do
Neither Velvet and Veneer were actually talentless at the beginning of their career; yes, the movie shows them singing terribly off-key in one of their scenes, but that actually is actually a consequence of them using Floyd's talent as their own. Both siblings had a vested interest in music since very early on in their life, and were able to rise to a wider audience's knowledge on their own merit- enough that they employed Crimp as their manager through purely legal and non-nefarious means. It was only after their rise to fame stuttered to a stop and stagnated just below widely known sensation that Velvet got desperate and greedy- and learning about the way to steal a Troll's talent, decided to kidnap Floyd who has been in Mount Rageous as a guest lecturer, talking about his Brozone days. Using Floyd's talent came with the hefty price of dulling theirs, which is why they realized they need a steady supply of trolls to keep this charade going as they no longer could continue on their own
Crimp was bullied into compliance, but it came with hefty sum of money to convince her; it was easy for her to turn blind eye towards what was happening when money was involved- it was only after Velvet decided to cut her off ("Now I don't trust you") that Crimp decided to cut her losses and try to get out squeaky clean- a ploy that didn't work when futher investigation into Floyd's kidnapping revealed her involvement.
The Bergens at first were a nomadic tribe but forced into being one; coming to the map from the west, they first settled in the area around where the current Golf Course is. Even back then the land was largely inhosbitable and most of their efforst were at trying to pretend they are doing well even as they weren't
Bergens probably originated from colder north woods, dominated by large conifers and plenty of mountain range; a catastrophic event- most likely a doing of another yet unknown species- forced them to traverse from their original land into their current
Bergen's 'offputting' looks are a direct result of said catastrophic event; something that alienated them for sure in the eyes of the Ancient Mount Rageons, who considered their hunched misshaped forms an abomination, and forced them to flee even further north and away from Mount Rageous
Bergens have never met a troll before, untill that fateful day when they devoured one; their goal wasn't actually to find a way to feel happy- they were part of the refugee tribe, led by their 'Gristle' (Gristle Jr.'s father) and they have been starving. Eating the troll was a sign of desperation that turned into something more.
The Bergen's idea of royalty was an influence both from the yet unknown species and the Pop Trolls they encountered; back then, Gristle's father has been just 'Gristle' first, as it was just a title that named the chief of the tribe- but seeing the reverence the Pop Trolls had for their Royalty, his father decided to adopt the King as well, with Gristle thus becoming and inheritable name of the Bergen Kings
When a Bergen achieved an important position, their birth name became obsolete and disrespectful to call them as such; which is why Chef as only ever adressed as 'Chef', and as mentioned above, any Bergen king is only ever addressed as 'King', 'Gristle' or 'King Gristle'; while Chef called Bridget a scullery maid, it's not considered an important position of note- at the same time, however, she also butchered her birth name, offering her the highest insult
Chef was after the throne for decades; born with a cunning streak mile wide and more clever than most, Chef still experienced the strife and hardship of her tribe even as a small child, being already alive when they were nomadic and on the run from any perceived threat. Growing up rather resentful of the Gristle leading their people, as in her eyes his refusal into standing his ground against their adversaries and rather fleeing was a sign of a weak link. She never aspired to try and get to the throne the 'easy' way- to present herself as willing mate and mother to the future Gristle, detesting the idea- but when the Trolls existence became known, along with their effects, it presented her with the perfect oppoturnity to rise to the top and become the whispering viper standing behind King Gristle's throne, enjoying luxuries and power no Bergen ever enjoyed before. It was a slow and insidious overtaking, as the King got older and his successor was born with physical disability that even the Bergens looked down upon (his low stature), while Chef was quite content to slowly build up her image as the one and only source of happiness and prosperity- something that crashed and burned hard with the Trolls' escape
Unable to make peace with her plans getting ruined, searching for the Trolls became Chef's sole purpose; not only for the desperation to return to her previous prestigious position, but also to enact revenge on the little rats that dared to play against her rules. She was also aware that she was not getting any younger- though in her madness spent in the wilderness, the reason started escaping her, and she was just hyper-focused on getting her position back- but not what to do to keep it
Bergens of Bergen Town were actually dying out; thanks to Chef's powerhungry efforts, the whole tribe was desperate to live in Bergen Town, around the Troll Tree- but the Town was not big enough to contain them whole. It most likely came to blows in the past, and perhaps ended with many deaths, with the perpetrators banished into the wilderness- a punishment that remained to be the most used one, as Gristle refused to build a prison as it would deprive them of already rather limited resources they can scrape together.
Even in Bergen Town, the chance to enjoy Trollstice was actually based on lottery; only select few were able to enjoy the treat if their name was drawn, and after that they couldn't participate in the Trollstice Lottery for at least 3 consecutive rounds. The only one able to enjoy Trolls every Trollstice and outside it was the King- a rule that Chef whispered to him, knowing the unfairness would silently grate at the populace. Chef herself never participated in the public Lottery, wanting to be seen as being one of the common folk; any time she was seen plucking up a Troll outside Trollstice, it was believed she did so on King Gristle's orders
The Lottery was rigged; entirelly in Chef's hand, she kept tabs on who was connected to 'troublemakers'. Bridget's parents were most likely one of the early advocates for Trolls' freedom and were banished for it, and thus Bridget's name was never in the running
Most banished Bergens were guilty of either murder or feasting on Trolls in secret (this is why the Cage has been build eventually, to keep those greedy Bergens out)- some, however, were banished for 'disrupting the peace'; Bridged was not the first one to find her moral compass and treat Trolls as living, sentient beings; they were some Bergens before her who tried to do the same and tried to advocate against Trollstice- something that Chef put a direct stop to. Now that there is peace between Trolls and Bergens, those advocates for Trolls' rights returned to Bergen town or started building settlements around Bergen Town.
Not all Bergens were happy with the peace, especially those previously banished for eating a troll outside Trollstice; however King Gristle Jr. goes through the grim effort to make sure those are kept in check, and probably made it clear to up the severity of punishment to execution if needed be- something they don't advertise to their Trolls friends
With their dependance on trolls stopped, Bergens are starting to experience a technological boom; especially after TWT, when the other Music Tribes started to offer their own advancements
Used to be called Mertrolls;
While gaining their String last, they were actually the first to sepparate from the general 'ancestor troll'; it was this separation that it took a while for them to develop a String of their own; while they became the most changed of the Troll Tribes anatomically
Their first homeland weren't the Seas, but rivers and lakes; it was only after the String Theft that they decide to completely seclude themselves away for protection
It was only after they moved to the Sea that they gained their bioluminescence; and also when they started adding more actual electronic sounds into their music
Techno Trolls eggs are the only ones who do stay in the Trolls' hair to finish their grow cycle; they sepparate as soon as they bud, and are kept in hatcheries, overseen by the Egg Keepers. The hatcheries themselves are kept near hydrothermal vents that supply the necessary warmth, and also the neccessary nutrients for the eggs to finish their growth and eventually hatch
Each hatchery has section reserved for the specifical bonded couple; this reserved spot remains for the whole of their life and is only passed to another when the original pair either renounce it or passes away
Much like other Tribes' trollings take comfort in snuggling into their parents' air, Techno Trollings like to press their face to their Parents' pulsing hearts;
Techno Trolls are the only Tribe to have never a large species in the past; it was only after TWT that they became more curious and were introduced to Bergens, while they found the Vacationers all on their own
To them, their String became a sacred artifact, a single source of their music; and their history murals warned against anyone ever laying their hands on it, all the other Tribes described as alien like creatures from the land
It was the role of the Techno Ruler to keep their String safe and if needed, sacrifice their life for it- and the lives of other Techno Trolls if it came down to it; something Trollex refused to do, chosing to rather give up the String rather than going over corpses to keep it
This most likely caused some discord among the Tribe; where it was the more conservative Trolls butting heads against the more liberal ones, arguing if Trollex's choice was a correct one
While Techno never feared danger from larger people, they have enough sea predators trying to devour them; something that caused Trollex's parents to perish early in his childhood and the Tribe was ruled by a regent untill recently- the opening party in TWT was actually his Coronation party, and for this reason Barb chosed to attact, knowing it would be the most opportune time to do so
Used to be known as Crested Trolls;
Even in ancient times, they considered themselves to be the the most cultured out of all Tribes; being the first to really start building their settlements instead of living wild, they first focused on producing food for themselves instead of gathering. This lead to them having firmly assigned roles and routine in their lives, leaving free time which they used to polish their musical skills and gave grounds for the creation of their String
Being a largely nectar and fruit eating species, they consider killing and eating another living thing barbaric; something that put them at odds even in the past, when all Tribes lived in Harmony. They were the most reluctant to keep their string along with others on display in the Lyre- a reluctance that became justified when Pop tried to steal all the Strings
Well aware of the power the String possesses, it became their goal to keep it safe from everyone else; not because it was sacred, but because they know that it could lead to destruction. Encasing it in the Conductor's baton seemed to be the most incospicuous choice of placing
They pride themselves on being the original String makers and always harboured a little sense of superiority towards other tribes because of this;
They have no King to rule them; considering the ancient's King folly to give up their string for the Lyre of Harmony, they went away with the whole monarchy concept and are futhermore ruled by the Conductor- which is a job title rather than a leadership title. Conductor's main role is to be the Warden of the String, and it is a prestigious position that a Troll trains hard for
Conductors never bond and never have children; they refuse to make it inherritable position
Trollzart is the oldest of all the current Tribe rulers; being in his late forties, and holding the position of a Conductor for over ten years now
Used to be called Humpback Trolls; nearly all of them were quadrupeds, untill more bipedal Funk Trolls started being born
Well before creation of the first String, their prime focus was knowledge and thirst for it; living seemingly inhospitable deserts and steppes, they became largely invested in seeing how the world ticks, and what to do to make their tribe live and thrive. It was only after witnessin the powers of the Rock and Pop Strings that they started to entertain the possibility of researching them. Knowing, however, that asking the Other tribes for one would be stupid, they went on to create their own
Realising the destructive power of the String early on, they didn't see danger in it but hidden potential; their own String in particular became not only representation of their music but also a tool, one that allowed them to power their early machine and syntetize new metals and alloys. They shared this with the other Tribes when the effort to instill harmony started, and it was thanks to their help that the troll tribes started leaping in technological advances. They were also the ones to build the Lyre of Harmony, as a way to house all the Strings safely, unaware of the consequences that could bring that
After the String Theft happened, they were the first to clear the premises, with Techno following close second; they saw no point in contesting the Pop Troll territory that even after the death of their mad King was rather large, and instead looked to the skies. Their first ships were at first gas and steam powered behemoths, before they started to explore more fantastical options of anti-gravity and magnets
They keep their String under lock and key, grimly aware of the events that took place, and vowing to never let history repeat itself;
Up until Cooper's return, they considered Pop Trolls to be extinct, as they havent seen a hair of them for over 30 years; and even then, they didnt hold them in the highest regard. When Cooper told them about the Pop Trolls turmolous history and the way they accepted him and cared for him as one of their own, it was enough leeway that Quincy and Essence were wiling to give Poppy an audience
Contrary to other tribes, Funk trolls are the most open towards evolution of genres, as shown in Prince Darnell's Hip Hop core, and celebrate this evolution joyfully, seeing it as natural progression of things;
Gold and Silver tinsel are only reseved for the royal family; Silver for the Consort and Gold for the main ruler and the Throne Heir
Quincy and Essence sort of unofficially adopts Branch, though he is very unaware of it; encouraging Darnell to be his friend- which is no hardship to the Prince- Branch is often hanging around in Vibe City, when not with Poppy that is. They can just see he is starving for familial love- especially after Cooper tells them more about him- and can sense that Branch is more gender-fluid than it shows
Used to be Dasher Trolls;
Country Trolls were the second to separate from the 'ancestor troll', and their chosen territory was the most inhospitable out of all; with no cover as far as eye can see, their only option to protect themselves from birds of prey and other various predatory fauna is to run away. Combining that with scarcity of edible vegetation, they too needed to become more hunters than gatherers.
With gaining of their 4 legs, most Country trolls lost their ability to use their hair at all; it is still thick and able to stay upright, but right now all they use it for is for keeping their eggs safe as they develop
First Country trolls were nomadic; it was only after the creation of their String that they started becoming settlers, leaving their hunter lifestyle behind to instead get into farm-raising animals
Country Trolls are the only ones who are unable to 'breathe' underwater, even for a while;
With their nomadic lifestyle, they have been considered a myth at first by the ancient troll tribes; and when met for real, not accepted as wholeheartedly, thought to have too many limbs
In recent times, after Pop Trolls, Country Trolls are the only Tribe whose numbers have diminished greatly; forced to free from well established settlements and setting up new ones in Lonesome Flats took their toll, especially as new dangerous fauna and flora cut down their numbers from inexperience. It wall all very trial and error, and too painful even for them- so it's not something they talk about
Country trolls are used to seeing wandering trolls from other major tribes (like Rock) or smaller ones (usually bounty hunters); they don't mind offering their settlement as point of respite, but often they have to deal with unruly visitors- thus every town has a jail
They have no royalty, but their Mayor position can be considered semi-hereditary; Delta Dawn took over the position of Mayor from her Uncle, however in every 5 years there is a chance to vote in someone else- Delta has already been re-elected once
Country trolls were the only one not completely horrified to learn Pop Trolls were regularly eaten; after all, that's the daily risk in Lonesome Flats- something is always trying to eat them
Delta Dawn and John Dory met in the past; specifically after JD followed the escape tunnels' direction from the Troll Tree in hopes of finding any sign of Pop Trolls- instead he overshot and wandered into Lonesome Flats, Grey and Depressed
Delta's job before being a Mayor was Jail Guard; it was her task to guard JD who accidentally mixed up with pair of Rock Trolls causing havoc- she failed this task as JD managed to escape, causing Delta to habour a minor grudge
Tunneler Trolls;
Rock and Pop Trolls share the same closest ancestor; before the creation of their Strings, one could hardly distinguish each Tribe troll apart, as their colours were muted an earthen, their only differences influenced by their lifestyle
Are definitelly more nocturnal than other trolls and dislike going out in full sunlight; their eyes are sensitive, so most of the day is spent either napping like lazy cats or expanding work underground
Longstanding rivalry with Pop Trolls, even before Pop Tried to Steal their String; definitelly had some territory disputes while their musical styles clashed with each other the most
Rivalry started after Pop Created their String; before that the Tribe traded frequently and intermingled
Young Rock Trolls posses Wanderlust; it is considered 'rite of passage' to go on a 'World Tour' after reaching 18yo, thought one can choose to go later. This Tour can happen within the Rock Troll territory or outside of it- and can be done in group or solo
They are ruled by King and Queens, but don't use the title of Prince/Princess; instead they are simply called Heir/Throne Heir
With the exemption of Pop, they are the only Tribe whose Royal line comes directly from the Originator of their Rock String; Whenever a heir with is born with red hair, it's seen as good luck.
The future King/Queen is determined by using their Rock String; if Winged Skull and Lightning Bolts appear on their chest after, they are considered blessed by their ancestor to rule the Rock Tribe (King Thrash never had it- it is a carefully guarded secret, as the original heir, Thorn, abandoned his Tribe in favour of his mate and his sons-> this is connection to my headcanon about Brozone's parents XD;);
Barb's tattoo faded after her failed World Tour; it is still there but not as visible as before- she can't decide if it is because the Strings were destroyed or because she tried to steal them
Rock Royals don't wear crowns; instead all wear Skull belt, which only Rock royal family can wear
After Funk Trolls, Rock Troll civilization is the most developed and advanced; they are also the only one minting their own currency, in the shape of guitar picks (Steel > Brass > Copper)
This currency is adopted by the Minor tribes living in the Unclaimed territories, and is the only currency the various Bounty Hunters accept contracts for;
Canopy Trolls;
Rarely ever ventured down from the trees, generally kept to the highest branches of the trees; it was from there where their incredible hair control and shaping developed, though those skills grew stronger and sharper only after they gained their String
They used to have more earthen, mossy colours, until their Pop String; they also used to be taller and more wiry, compared to their Rock Troll relatives
Pop Tribe had the largest population boom after they gained their String; they are the only Tribe where any Troll can have an egg, male or female or other. Also, many minor Tribes joined willingly or were coerced to join
Even within the Tribe, there are distinguished clans; the glitter trolls hailed from now extinct Disco tribe
The Troll Tree Utopia has been a plan from dominance from the start; while alliances were agreed upon and made, the at the time Pop King knew the only way to get his hands on all the Strings was to convince all the Tribes to live together
"Poppy" is a heritage name; it is usually given to the younger daughter, who is not meant to inherit the throne, in honour of the Queen Poppy the First who ruled over the tribe after he mad brother the Pop Emperor died after overusing the Strings
Peppy is not of Royal Blood; his Wife was. His full tittle is King Consort but no-one is going to call him such. This is also why he never knew the real history of what happened with the Strings, and only knew the Propaganda version, that laid blame at all their feet
Pop Trolls were always loud and fearless; they interacted freelly with the ancient Mount Rageons and lived in their settlements all Borrower style- habit they never grew out of, becoming incredible crafters, able to make something out of nothing, but focused on their scrapbooking and artistic efforts
They used this skill especially while caged in the Troll Tree; while full on escape was not possible, they were able to send small scouting parties into Bergens' homes and basements, bringing back scraps and materials that supplied their much starved economy while giving them the tools to continue crafting their escape tunnels
The escape tunnels were started being build as soon as the Bergens encircled their Tree from all sides; the Pop Royals were not blind towards their people's plight, but the project was both delicate and time consuming
'Sad Book Club' was a covername for rebelious Pop Troll faction; especially while at the Troll Tree before their capture by the Bergens, there were plenty of trolls whose ancestor did not heed the Queen Poppy the First's orders to not keep records of what really happened with the Strings and passed it down. The Goal was to not only keep the truth alive but to also have contingency plans in case another Royal goes mad
They did have appreciation for sad books that wasn't a cover-up however;
Majority of them are within the Putt Putt Clan; Clay has been accepted into the co-leadership position partially because Viva chose him, but mostly because it would mean Clay was the closes to watch her for any signs of madness, as back then they were convinced they were the only Survivors from the escape
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I've been doing crochet for a few months for…reasons, mostly mental health, and getting better at it! And in the interest of being less shy, lets try sharing some of what I've done so far:
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Goblin. One of my earliest, hadn't got the tension going yet. Still cute. Ears. The cute nubby horns were originally warts on the pattern, but I didn't like that so repositioned them to be horns. Done with yarn pulled from my grandma's rejects bag, it's a really nice shiny copper in real life. Pattern by Hello Yellow Yarn (MJ Carlos), published in Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi my Meteoor Books.
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Unicorn, was possibly overambitious here, working in slubby wool (it was perfectly unicorn coloured, unfortunately doesn't photo well, especially with my dodge camera skills) and came out with a really nice texture. Wouldn't have worked with a more intricate design, but was fine here, as it's basically just orbs. Pattern by Anabu Crochet, published in Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi my Meteoor Books.
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Dragon. I'm really pleased with this one, got the tension good. The main body/tail/limbs are in variegated wool, which is how it's come out stripy. Pattern by DIY Fluffies, published in Unicorns, Dragons and More Fantasy Amigurumi my Meteoor Books (Been working a lot out of that book, it's really good, and got the sequel for Christmas).
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My most recent one, a kit my brother bought for me (at my request). As a kit, relatively high quality, yarn is from the company's Bernat range (artificial fibre, unfortunately) and it feels gorgeous (primarily, the details are in fairly poor-feeling acrylic). Instructions are…fine, if a bit vague in places (in particular, working out what they wanted for the wings). Still inclined to keep the pattern on hand, though, the design is quite nice and I'd be inclined to try again once I've got a bit more practice and confidence. I didn't manage to get the tension quite right again, the chest is a bit holey, but overall, really nice, been cuddling it since I finished it. Kit is Draco Dragon, produced by Creative World of Crafts in their Knitty Critters range, pattern credited to Mandy Cameron
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hermitcrossovers · 1 year
So boat boys apocalypse AU
Etho found out he can cure people with his blood after joel accidentally eat some of his blood
About two years after the apocalypse broke out, the two of them found eachother after ending up in a lightly populated zone, they worked together and ended up trusting eachother with their lives.
Then Joel got bit.
It was a stupid mistake, both of them had been confident there weren't any infected in the area, but all it takes is one idiot getting bitten and running away to turn for everything to go bad.
They decided to spend whatever time Joel had left, Etho promised him he'd finish him off before he turned all the way. But, despite everything, he hesitated, it had been just them for so long, the only person he could trust. It was just long enough for Joel, what was Joel to get to him.
In the end maybe it was for the better, it saved both of them, Joel's life, Etho's pain. When Joel came to, he found Etho sitting near him, with the most confused look on his face, staring at a bite on his own arm.
And maybe it was selfish, to keep it to themselves, but the world out there is cruel, and as friends come by, and their community grows they know at the very least their slice of the universe is safe from the plague that endangers their cruel world.
-Mod Jer
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bloodyarn · 2 months
How does Babette feel about being a Hexblood? Is it something she'd ever want to change, or is she happy with it?
So, Babette is never very vocal about things she dislikes (except, well, if there are bugs in her tent lol). But the whole hexblood thing…
She actively hates it. She will not hide or brush that off. From day one of travelling with the player character, Babette will vocalize how her lineage bothers her and how much she regrets her decisions. One could see the appeal of being a hexblood, like the cantrips, the ability to easily disguise oneself, faerie charm etc. Plus, she became a warlock with the pact too, which means she is not at all bad in combat.
But seeing how she never wanted to be a fighter, never wanted to step out of Baldur's Gate, she hates it. The spells are useless (in her opinion), for all she wants is a routine, an easy life. A tailor does not need eldritch blast. A tailor would not need the whole collection of fey spells. All the little lady sees is that 'ugly' growth around her head, the sickish lavender skin and her inevitable demise of becoming a hag one day.
Babette strongly believes if she just worked harder on her sewing skills and wasn't so 'lazy' to have contemplated asking a hag for help in that department, she would never have needed to give up on her humanity. Her appearance is everything, that was burned into her head since she was a child. It's all about reputation, making a great first impression. She can't remove the crown. It belies her failures. She wants her blonde hair back, her greenish eyes, her rosy cheeks. Now she just looks like a younger version of her patron.
Tldr; She would absolutely love to change it, but it's sadly not possible.
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meep--tm · 2 years
23. draw your fav as a vampire
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look at my lawyer dawg im going to hell
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lavenoon · 2 years
(What if too tired for work, but not too tired for fanfic?) XD But seriously, I’m taking advantage of the fact that I can no longer focus on assignments to be able to read the latest chapters! And boooooooy do I have thoughts! Ok, ok, so first of all, man did Moon take the brunt of that reveal huh? Not only realizing what’s been going on, but now questioning his whole relationship with the Robin he thought he knew. I’m sure their complaints were more annoyed at first, but surely Sun may also have exaggerated a liiiiitle how bad the “coworker” was actually perceived when he told Moon about it, based on how we know Sun has also felt a pang of jealousy when y/n did speak fondly of him. But I can definitely see how Moon needed the space, (even if it actually might have made it worse just spiraling in his thoughts). And then also Sun! Because he’s so, so afraid that y/n wouldn’t see him as the sweet guy that they kinda went on a date with and have been building a closer relationship with, (which I mean, fair assumption, we saw how the ruthlessness went in reverse au even if it was due to have it directed AT them, which canon Sun wouldn’t do at this point). These guys are a combined ball of anxiety and fears. And omg, poor Robin. You have mentioned before that they didn’t use to hang out with anyone before and that they generally didn’t get along with most coworkers, so I suspected they were already a very lonely person (and pretending they could handle it fine) before they met the boys, but wow, this really highlights how much that was the case. They’re very concerned about Moon, and while they themself have disappeared before, they probably felt something was off about this time. And then to come back to find out their neighbor who maybe possibly went on a date with them just the day before is obviously avoiding them? Sun and Moon at least had each other to reassure themselves that everything would be fine when their landlord/rival disappeared . Robin had no one. And knowing how sweet Sun was towards them probably only made them think that whatever they did was a grave offense. So their rival could be dead and they wouldn’t know, and their neighbor might hate them now, and now they tried to fix it, but they’re still terrified of finding out what really is going on. And that loneliness that they probably didn’t even notice was there before is coming twice as strong now that they’re used to the company of two very important people to them. Ough, loving it all, can’t wait until reckless y/n learns the truth and does whatever they’re gonna do!
I sat on this the entire workday wanting to answer, you really sent this right before I left! gdhsj
This. has turned MUCH too long I am so sorry. Read more for you GFHDJS
But yea yea yea! If we compare Moon's reaction about being the "annoying coworker" in the first alt reveal drabble and the canon reveal, the difference is drastic.
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In one, he has the complainer right there - throwing pillows at him, rather than anything actually hostile. Y/N is frantic, and near panic, but did not go further than any attacks they direct at each other on any other day.
Another example from that one unpublished drabble I have no idea when I'll get to it (context: Dusk picked Robin up):
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This is early in the rivalry, but still standard. They fight a bit, but they don't truly hurt each other - in the alt reveal scene he had that immediate reassurance that yes, Robin may snark and throw some punches (or, pillows), but they don't see him as an enemy.
In the canon reveal? He has the immediate comparison of Robin & Dusk vs Y/N & Sun, with the latter being much friendlier and closer (as he thinks). Then he has the thought that he's the coworker, and Y/N isn't there to reassure him of their relationship and dynamic, he only has Sun who's in denial and then freaking out just as much, and he catastrophizes. It's a lot, it's too much, and then he's already buried himself in those worst case thoughts where not even Sun could reach him.
The nights he hides away to think he basically went through all their interactions, trying to interpret them differently, and some (especially earlier) memories might have fit this terrible new pattern he has to consider, but more and more... It doesn't make sense. Things don't add up, and then Sun shares that he was jealous because Y/N wouldn't rest until they heard their coworker is concerned.
So by the time Sun urges him to go back to work to see Robin? He's ready to hope again, and boy does Robin deliver. There's still a lot of hurt, remnants of doubt that he needs to talk to Y/N about, and fear of the unknown future for them all. But when Robin cheers him up, baits him into a chase, and is just so relieved to have him back? That's when things start looking up for him again.
And Sun? "which canon Sun wouldn’t do at this point" well. Maybe not quite - but once Sun leans into the rivalry, Robin is in for a surprise. And not just the "Oh no he's hot" kind! They just have the advantage that they already know all of him by then, unlike reverse Robin meeting the ruthless side first.
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He is ruthless. That is him, and he enjoys a good chase! He's also sweet and loves taking care of Y/N, yes, and if he had thought it's an option he would have hidden away all those parts he wouldn't want them to see and just be that for them. Would he have been entirely happy? Probably not, honestly. The secrecy and cutting off parts of himself to fit into that image he projected would have taken their toll on him.
If, post-reveal when things settle down, you'd ask him if he thinks it was good they found out? Immediate "Yes." He gets to show all of himself to Y/N, and they accept him, and enjoy all of him. He gets to cook for them and ask them if they're staying hydrated and also chase them through the city and fluster them on missions.
But right now? He doesn't know what the future holds. There's just fear that they might find out, and while they might not be horrified at what he's capable of per se, it's still one hell of a contrast to the person he tried to be for them. He thinks they'd see it as a downgrade, as opposed to Moon having an easier time since they already knew his agent side.
Moon's fear is that Robin may have never liked him. They disprove that as soon as they get the chance, unknowingly.
Sun's fear is that Y/N may hate Dawn. He doesn't get the reassurance until they do find out, and then some.
Moon took the brunt of the reveal - but Sun has to endure it longer.
Y/N? They thought they were fine on their own, they were doing well enough, they had some fun, they didn't realize that something was missing until they gained it, and then lost it again.
They were sick when they were "missing", or in the first case in the hospital, though Dusk knew about that.
An animatronic does not get the flu.
They don't know if it's something harmless keeping him, like it was something harmless for them - because their situation simply does not apply to Dusk's.
So when both of their support pillars suddenly crumble and cave in, when they're suddenly all alone again? They're terrified.
They're proud, and don't quite dare pester their supervisor for more info - just "You'd tell me if he was dead, right? I work with the guy regularly, I need to know if he'll be back. When he'll be back" and only gets noncommittal answers back that they assume mean he's fine, because they would tell them if Dusk was dead, right? But they can't be sure.
And they might feel like talking to Sun about it, hear any reassurance even if they can't share much, but... His last text came super late, and was kind of stiff, and they haven't seen him for a while now, where before they used to see each other on the porch or balcony pretty regularly?
Is he... Is he avoiding them? And if yes (because man, that would fit what's happening), why? The distance came after they sent the pictures - was there something wrong with those? They took a bunch of him, and didn't ask every time, was he put off by that? But that wouldn't warrant ghosting, right? Was there something else, something they missed? A signal, a cue, did they mess up? They don't even know, and they're already in a bad headspace, so they just spiral.
Keep hoping Dusk comes back, keep hoping they'll see Sun again.
When neither happens, they reach out to the one they can reach at least, their pride finally having lost to their concern and hope and loneliness.
They got the reassurance that Sun doesn't suddenly hate them for some reason, but he's still tense and unhappy, and Dusk is still missing, so it's still just a small relief.
They start feeling better when Dusk comes back to work, and almost close to normal when he falls back into their usual pattern, and Sun greets them on the porch again when they meet. But things are off, still, somewhat, and, well...
Their boys do have a bomb to drop right back.
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