#{ i lied i did it first thing }
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arttsuka · 5 months ago
This scene is always in my mind
They make me sick get them out of my head NOW!
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sp0o0kylights · 11 months ago
Wayne takes in a Beat to Shit Steve Harrington after Starcourt as n Owed Favor to Hopper Part 4
Part Three: link
First Chapter (parts 1-3 on tumblr) on A03: Link
The kid was madder than a wet hen.
Just as slippery as one too, when he got like this--music pulsing like a living thing to signal all his rage and upset. 
Not like Wayne hadn’t expected it. 
He just wished it wasn’t quite so damn loud. 
The music had started up almost immediately after Eddie had stormed to his room, startling Steve awake and nearly making Wayne curse for it.
Normally it was a good thing--music meant Eds was willing to listen instead of heading for the hills.  
Normally, they didn't have a house guest who looked like he'd gone ten rounds with a bear.
They had a routine for this, was the thing and the music was a key part of it. It worked all the edges off for Wayne, and he'd long figured out that about thirty minutes was a the perfect length of time for Eddie to stew before he could actually talk things through.
Given the hand Harrington put to his forehead, Wayne wasn't eager to give him that thirty minutes.
Not when Steve deserved little peace he could have.
Unfortunately, so did Eds. 
 Strutting through the door and demanding to talk right now was a bad move and so, with a sympathetic look given to Steve, Wayne did what he did best
Gave space.
Let Eddie rage, as Wayne got up and shuffled about the kitchen.
Pulled out the soft earplugs he pretended weren’t there for Eds to steal (playing that damn loud guitar all the time could not be good for his ears) and offered them to Steve, before making two cups of what Wayne privately thought was the Munson “chitchat” drink. 
One cup of hot water, one packet swiss miss, a small amount of maple syrup drizzled in, topped with little marshmallows they reserved for these types of situations. 
Wayne took his time with it, thinking through what he wanted to say. 
‘I understand that this is a screen door on a submarine kind of situation...’ 
‘Son I know you hate listening to anyone for anything but this is serious...’ 
Absolutely not--that would end up with the boy bolting for sure. 
‘Ed’s, I love you but could we please turn Ozzy off while we talk? That man wails louder than any damn cat I have ever met.’
That one was purely self indulgent, mostly because the wall was starting to shake. 
Wayne put the finishing touches on the cocoa before staring at both of them. 
Perhaps if he stared the Garfield mug in its eyes hard enough, the right words would come through. 
They did not.
He kept trying, standing there long enough for the cocoa to reasonably have cooled and for Eddie’s song to flip over to something with more screaming in it than singing. 
Wayne supposed that this was the hardest part of being a parent. You just didn’t get to have the magical one liner. The right thing to say at just the right time.  
The joke that would ease all the tension and let things progress forward nice and easy.
Instead, you got to fumble your way through the dark with a flashlight up your ass and hope you were going in the right-ish direction. Ideally without making things worse. 
Wayne was here though, and that had to count for something. 
(Knew it counted for something--because Eddie was still here. 
They had cleared hurdles far higher than this when it came to trust. They’d get through this too, come what may. 
Steve too.)
“Can I just ask,” Eddie started, aggressive as always when Wayne finally gave in and entered his room, feeling all sorts of awful for the migraine Steve had to have, “what the absolute fuck is happening?” 
Sure as fire he was sitting on his bed, leg bouncing a mile a minute.
An unlit cigarette hung between two fingers, looking a little chewed on, but otherwise undisturbed--as it should be, because one of Wayne’s few rules was that smoke stayed outside the house. 
“You could.” Wayne said loudly but agreeably, as he turned himself around and dropped down next to his kid.  
Held out the Garfield mug, and was happy when it was taken from him. 
“Figured you might have other things to say, though.” 
Likely a lot of things. 
It was as good an opening as any, and his kid didn’t disappoint, launching right to it. 
“Why is he here and not at a hospital?”
 ‘Here’ was punctuated by Ed’s hand winging towards the door, and while it wasn’t the righteous fury Wayne expected, it was at least, an easy answer to give. 
“Steve has some people looking for him. Bad people. Hospital makes him an easy target.” 
Wayne was still talking loud. Could only hear Eddie himself because he was looking at the kid’s lips more than he was actually hearing his voice. 
Eddie took that in, swallowing it about as well as he’d swallowed anything he hadn’t liked. 
And thank the stars above, he finally reached a hand out and turned the music down. Not a lot--Steve wouldn’t be able to hear them over all this--but enough that Wayne didn’t have to struggle. 
“We’re hiding him from the cops now?!” Ed’s spat. 
“Cops know he’s here. Hopper’s the one who asked me to take him.” Wayne reminded him, because it was the truth. 
Not the full truth, but given how Ed’s pissed off half the local PD on a good day, Wayne absolutely did not want to see his nephew take on Federal Agents.
(Particularly not the kind who were going ‘round killing kids.) 
“So--what?” Eddie yanked hard on his hair, a gesture that looked less intentional and more like he was trying to fight his own anger down. “Hopper just called you up and said ‘Hey, we had a whoopsie with the rich kid, the hospital’s not safe anymore. Can we stash him with you for a few days?” 
Wayne nodded once, slow-like. 
Always remembered how too fast movements had made Eddie flinch and jerk back when was littler, and given the way Steve was looking, figured it was a good time to be cautious again. 
“He did.”
“And you just--agreed? Just like that!?” 
“I did.” 
He pretended not to see Eddie boggle at him at the simple admission, so furious that he seemed to struggle for words when he normally had too many to say. 
Wayne took advantage. 
“We did talk a bit more than that, I’ll admit.”
Ed’s scoffed. “About the weather I’m sure.” 
“‘Bout trust.” 
Eddie blinked at that. 
“Trust.” He echoed flatly. 
“What have I always told you? People like to ask you to trust them, but you they don’t get to have it until--” 
“They provide proof or a reason.” Eddie finished with an eyeroll. “So which did Hopper provide then?”
Wayne took a noisy sip of his coca. Smacked his lips a little before saying: “Both.” 
Didn’t bother to say anything else, because he knew Eddie would finish the thought for him. 
“One of them was me, wasn’t it.” 
Eds didn’t say it like a question, but Wayne hummed in agreement anyway. 
He wasn’t gonna shame his boy, but he wasn’t gonna sugar coat Eddie’s involvement in this either. Not when he’d already admitted that was half the reason Hopper had gone to Wayne to begin with. 
“No one is expecting Steve to be here.” He said, seeing the chance to hammer home the most important part of this entire shitshow. “So long as no one finds out he’s here, he’ll be safe. Everyone will be safe.” 
Steve from the Feds who were hunting him for while he was busy being involved in shit he couldn’t control and Eddie because he had a mouth that most people didn’t like. 
Not small town people anyway, and absolutely not authority figures with guns. 
“Who’s even after him?” Eddie was theatrical as always, hands waving away as he talked. “Did he make a deal with the mob? Piss off some other rich guy? I know it’s not anything drug related, I’d have heard about it by now.” 
After years of experience, Wayne knew exactly how far to lean away to stay out of range, too used to his nephew talking with his entire body.
“That’s his story to tell ya, Ed’s. It ain’t mine. Same way it ain’t my place to tell him your story.” 
That at least got the boy to think for a minute. Put down that frustration he carried with him all the time, and use the brain they both knew he had. 
“How long is he staying here?”
Wayne shrugged. “Don’t know.” 
Eddie sighed and mockingly mimicked Wayne, taking an obnoxious slurp of his cocoa. “The neighbors are going to notice if he’s here more than a few days. The trailer park isn’t exactly big.” 
“They didn’t notice that time you decided to make fireballs with the cooking spray and about blew up half the driveway. Don’t think they’re gonna notice someone being quiet in the house.” 
Eddie snorted, and probably rolled his eyes again, not that Wayne could see it given the kid was looking into his own mug as he thought it all through. 
Wayne sat with him as he processed. 
Eds worked at his own pace with things, and while life at large might be against that, Wayne was happy to let him do it. Found it easier that way, then trying to poke and prod and force him like so many father figures did. 
Wayne’s patience was rewarded not even a full minute later, when Eddie turned to him and asked; 
“What if he finds out?”  
This in a quieter voice. An unsure one--words and body hunching in a way unlike the Eddie the world outside knew, but very much like the little boy Wayne had brought inside his home. 
It took Wayne  a moment to connect the dots--he’d been speaking out of the place parents and authority figures often do, and in doing so hadn’t thought much of the fact his nephew had a real secret. 
The kind small town minds didn’t like--and would kill him over. 
This all wasn’t about Wayne taking in Steve, he realized abruptly.  It was that Steve being here meant Eddie couldn’t be himself. 
Could not relax in a place he was accepted for who he was, because Wayne knew and made sure Eddie understood he was wanted here, had a place here, regardless of who he loved. 
Now, Wayne had gone and removed it.
“He won’t.” Wayne said. 
Knew that wasn’t enough, and so, promised: “But if he does, I’ll make sure he understands his safety here relies on your own.” 
Ed’s chin jerked in a nod, the two of them sitting in silence for a moment before the boy did as he often did when he wanted a hug but felt too awkward to ask for one, and tipped himself into Wayne’s side. 
“Thanks old man.” Eddie whispered into his shoulder and not for the first time, Wayne wished things were easier for the poor kid as he put his mug in one hand and hugged his kid with the other. 
Hoped that in the future, it would be.
Even if he had to force everyone and everything coming after him--and now Steve--to do it.
(Wondered vaguely, how bad it was that he was already getting as protective as Steve as he was of his own kid.
Probably very, given his kid clearly hated Harrington.)
Wayne took the first night of Steve’s stay off.
He wasn’t the type to use his PTO lightly. Was used to rationing it for any possible thing Eddie might need him for.
A night up sick when he was younger, to a night spent chasing him down during some of their bad spots--but the last year or so Wayne had slowly realized he hadn’t had to use it much.
He was still careful with it though, precious as it was, and was thankful for it now as it ensured his nephew didn’t murder their house guest. 
Or at the very least, didn't sit there pecking at him.
The kid might've failed English a few times, but he had a real gift with words and an even better one with insults.
(Wayne wasn't quite clear on what all the "King" jabs were about, and absolutely did not get why Steve looked far more hurt at the comment about his "sad ass floppy hair" but given the increasingly flat look Steve was throwing Eddie's way, Wayne figured it couldn't be anything good.)
Thankfully a pointed reminder about Steve's injuries had finally gotten them all some peace, enough for Harrington to drop back to sleep--and for Wayne to realize he looked a little too dead while he did it to be comfortable getting any sleep himself.
The kids chest barely moved, and that it ate at Wayne’s until he got up and shoved a hand under his nose. 
Felt his breath, and told himself the poor sod was fine. 
Hurt, absolutely, but alive. 
Over and over again, until the sun had made its rotation in the sky, bringing the morning with it.
‘Better than nightmares, I suppose.’ Wayne figured, as exhaustion scraped at his eyelids.
Those Wayne knew, would come later. When Steve’s brain caught up to the rest of him, and stopping dumping survival chemicals through his battered body. 
He'd given up on sleep entirely sometime around 1 am, and now he sat at his small kitchen table, writing out a medication schedule for Harrington so he and the kid both knew when he could have his next Tylenol. 
Wasn’t even halfway through it before Eddie made his typically late appearance and blew through his door. 
Had his back up from the moment he’d stepped a foot in the kitchen and it didn’t take a genius to see he’d worked himself into a snit again.
Unfortunately for him, whatever scenario that imaginative brain of his had cooked up fell flat to the reality that was the poor kid on the couch. 
Steve Harrington was one a hell of a sight.
Didn’t help that he was doing his level best to make himself as small as possible, curled deep into Wayne's ancient couch.
The blankets covered the ribs and hid away most of the damage, but there wasn’t much Steve could do to hide the shiners on his face--or the marks around his neck.  
Not when they’d grown worse overnight, practically inviting questions.
It was almost laughable how quickly Eddie ate whatever words he’d prepared, mouth awkwardly chewing around them as if they were tangible. 
The less-than-sneaky looks he threw at the younger teen were equally amusing, and if Wayne wasn’t trying to peace keep, he’d have given in and chuckled when Eds split attention caused him to pour half his coffee into the sink rather than a cup. 
Looked utterly lost when, after finishing putting his coffee together and grabbing some junk food thing that absolutely was not a breakfast item, he came to stand awkwardly at Wayne's shoulder, openly staring as Steve blatantly ignored him.
Eds didn’t know what to do, and Wayne couldn't blame him. 
Seemed to keep thinking he was going to encounter a boy that likely no longer existed, and whose blood tinged specter just made things sad.
Shit like this, Wayne knew, took a man’s ego and warped it, shaping it to something else entirely. 
At least for Steve, it seemed that getting wrapped up in whatever mess he had had shaped him for the better, instead of pretzeling him into something worse. That, Wayne thought, spoke to the boy's character more than anything he’d done prior. 
(It helped to know what Hopper tolerated and what he didn’t. That he’d vouched for Steve in the same way Wayne knew he’d vouched for Eddie, even if Eddie didn’t yet realize the cop he antagonized so much would do that for him.) 
That didn't erase the history his kid had with Harrington, though.
Wouldn't stop him from seeing the old Steve, first.
‘Don’t you got school?” Wayne asked when he decided Ed had stared enough. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Eddie waved him off, trotting out the door. “Bye old man, house parasite!” 
It was clearly a jab, meant to nettle, but Steve barely acted like he heard it. 
Wayne rolled his eyes. 
“Goodbye, Eds.” He said firmly, much of a warning as he ever gave, and fondly watched his nephew scuttle out the door. 
Turned to see how Steve was taking things, and was once again given a reminder that Steve wasn’t doing a hell of a lot other than feeling his injuries. 
“I think I promised you a game, son.”  Wayne said gently, startling Steve out of the distant, dim look he had trained on the wall. 
It wasn’t a lot to offer in terms of a distraction, but it would have to do.
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egophiliac · 3 months ago
Sorry to bother you - I love your art sm! 💕 I had a quick question as a new-ish player. Does Book 7 immediately follow Book 6 the way Book 6 does for Book 5, or is there some space between them?
thank you! 💚💜💚 there is indeed a bit of a timeskip between 6 and 7 -- I don't remember if they say exactly how long, but it's a few days at least? (the end of 6 has its own little timeskip that I think is supposed to be at least a few weeks later, and then the beginning of 7 is sorta vaguely sometime after that.) but yeah, it's not a direct picking-up where the last scene left off type of thing like 5 to 6 was!
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o3o-lapd-o3o · 3 months ago
okay here's part 6! this literally was not meant to be as long as it is, but i got carried away while doing some archery research... and here we are.
hope you guys enjoy! part 7 will be uploaded tomorrow!
(p.s if you're an archer/know archery and i get stuff wrong please don't yell at me, google can only give me so much info hdshdshdh)
the post/thread that started this whole au
dinner scene: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 7 | part 8
there's a masterlist now!
*athena had left not long after midday, but not before saying she’d see them all later at dinner*
*telemachus, odysseus & penelope are all together in the palace gardens*
*penelope is sitting on a bench, with odysseus also laying on it & his head in her lap as they watch telemachus practice using a bow and arrow* 
telemachus: *trying to aim for the centre of the target in front of him*
telemachus: *struggling but wants to show his parents what his training with athena is doing for him*
telemachus: *lets the bowstring go*
*the arrow flies through the air, but misses the centre of the target completely and hits the edge of the target*
telemachus: *drops the arm holding his bow to his side and sighs in disappointment*
penelope: *looks at her son and then looks down at odysseus*
odysseus: *looks up from his son to meet penelope’s eyes*
*both seem to have a conversation through their eyes*
odysseus: *smiles and nods at penelope*
odysseus: *gets up from penelope’s lap and walks over to telemachus*
penelope: *smiles while watching odysseus head over to their son*
odysseus: don’t be disappointed son, go ahead and nock another arrow
telemachus: *does as his father says*
odysseus: now draw and anchor, as you normally would
telemachus: *again does what odysseus asks*
odysseus: *looks at his son’s pose* ah i see some of the problem
odysseus: *gently takes hold of telemachus’ drawn back elbow* 
odysseus: ok your elbow needs to be a bit higher, and just straighten your back a little…
telemachus: *follows odysseus’ instructions*
odysseus: *stepping back so he’s not in the way* that's perfect! now breathe in as you would, but not to the point it hurts! 
odysseus: and then as you go to let the string go breathe out but not all the way, about only half way
telemachus: *breathes in as he aims for the centre of the target again*
telemachus: *steadily breathes out and releases the string*
*the arrow flies through the air again… and hits just slightly off the centre of of the target*
telemachus: *looks at the target in disbelief but in also joy*
odysseus: *cheers in happiness for his son* you did it!
penelope: *clapping and calling out to her son* well done telemachus! 
telemachus: *drops his bow and turns to his father*
telemachus: *gives odysseus a hug* thank you father!
odysseus: *hugging his son back* no need to thank me, i’m happy to be able to help teach you!
telemachus: *lets odysseus go while smiling*
odysseus: *looks down at telemachus’ bow then picks up it up and grabs an arrow*
odysseus: *nocks it with ease and shoots it in the blink of an eye*
*the arrow hits the dead centre of the target* 
odysseus: *turns and hands the bow back to telemachus*
odysseus: now, how about you keep practising? once you have this completely down i’ll teach you other things you can do with a bow
odysseus: *hand under his chin in thought* i’ll have to get an archer’s ring commissioned for you
telemachus: *stares at his father in shock at how easy he made that look* i didn't know you knew so much about archery- i mean…
telemachus: *thinks back to when odysseus shot an arrow through 12 axe heads*
penelope: *giggles to herself as she realises even their son doesn’t know about his father’s mastery & skill with a bow*
odysseus: *looks over at penelope, and then he understands just why she's giggling*
odysseus: *now looks at telemachus with an amused expression*
telemachus: *sees his father’s expression*
telemachus: *holds his hands (with the bow still in one of them) up hoping he hasn’t offended his father*
telemachus: not saying you didn’t know how to use one! 
telemachus: i thought you just knew the basics and that ‘trick’ you did to prove yourself, was originally just to impress mother?
telemachus: *puts his arms down and then looks down towards his father’s hands* besides, that ring you wear on your thumb is just a normal one like the other’s you wear isn’t it? 
telemachus: it certainly doesn’t look like any archer ring i've seen before at the markets…
odysseus: *laughs to himself and holds up his hand* oh this? you’re right it doesn’t look like an archer ring.
odysseus: *rubs his thumb along his index finger* that's because it isn’t a normal one
telemachus: *looks again at his father’s ring to see it now has a point to it like any standard archer ring*
telemachus: *looks up at odysseus’ face, then back down to his hand and then back up to his face again* 
telemachus: but- you- it- hOW?
odysseus: *rubs his thumb against his index finger again and the ring is back to looking like any standard ring* 
odysseus: *looks from telemachus to penelope* ask your mother, it was a gift from her
telemachus: *immediately swivels to face her*
penelope: well, as you’ve now found out…your father isn't one to let people know he’s a skilled archer, so i ‘commissioned’ an archer ring to be made for him that could hide as a normal ring when not needed. 
telemachus: wow! the jeweller who made this certainly is skilled then
penelope: *thinks back to asking athena if she could try to get hephaestus to make one*
penelope: yeah skilled indeed 
telemachus: *turns back to odysseus* so why didn’t you want people to know? about your skills as an archer i mean.
odysseus: sometimes it's best to not reveal all your strengths
odysseus: *grins while shrugging* keeping people guessing is also fun
odysseus: *walks to telemachus and ruffles his hair* anyway, back to practising! i’m going to head back over to your mother, but call me if you want me to assist with anything ok?
telemachus: ok!
*time passes as telemachus keeps on practising, odysseus is back to laying in penelope’s lap while she caresses his hair*
*odysseus wants to keep watching his son but is struggling to not fall asleep from penelope's motions*
*telemachus notices so decides to discuss some final dinner plans with his mother*
telemachus: so the cooks have everything they need for tonight, right? are you sure you don’t need me to quickly run down to the market for anything? 
penelope: *smiles reassuringly at telemachus* they do, and if on the off chance they don’t i'm sure one of them will go to the market themselves. no need to worry yourself my son.
telemachus: *nods while getting another arrow ready* 
telemachus: *starts pulling the string back when he has another thought*
telemachus: oh what about the seating plan? i should probably tell fathe-
penelope: *who knows about athena’s seating plan, and also knows that odysseus doesn’t (hey she wants to have some fun too ok?)*
penelope: *forgetting about her husband peacefully half-asleep in her lap*
penelope: *jumping up from the bench* NO-
telemachus: *not expecting his mother’s outburst*
telemachus: *lets the string go accidentally and also having lost his aim*
odysseus: *falls off penelope’s lap and the bench with a startled yelp*
*meanwhile the loose arrow now wizzes straight past the target, through the garden trees and over the palace cliffs, heading into what looks to be its final destination of…. the sea*
telemachus: *turns to face his parents* mother, are you ok? why did you yell no?
penelope: oh um… i’m sorry for shouting telemachus 
penelope: what i meant to say was, there's no need to spoil anything. we’ll keep it as a surprise!
telemachus: uh ok…
odysseus: *face down on the ground and groaning from the sudden series of events*
odysseus: *pushes himself up and looks at his wife*
odysseus: penelope why?
penelope: *laughs a little at odysseus’ rumpled state* 
penelope: *helps him up* 
penelope: i’m sorry my love *kisses him on the cheek*
odysseus: *smiles at the kiss and then brushes his clothing free of dust*
odysseus: what were you two talking about anyway?
telemachus: uhh-
penelope: -the final bits for dinner! speaking of which, we should all go and start getting ready!
penelope: *points at the sun starting to set* helios is not long from being done for the day, and i'm sure when selene takes to the skies, our dinner guests won't be long!
penelope: *starts to head inside* come along you two!
telemachus: *to odysseus* what about the archery equipment?
odysseus: *shrugs* we’ll deal with it later
*telemachus & odysseus follow penelope back into the palace*
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sonnyaavce · 9 months ago
Chapter 1
The team remained neutral as the sprite slowly floated down the flight of stairs, his form flickering in luminescence as it guides them to where his body is, but according to Robin it was just an ‘empty room’
‘Are we sure he isn’t taking us out in secret?’ commented Wally in the shared mind link, Artemis glared at him annoyed and whacked him hardly on the shoulder ‘stop being such a baby! He’s harmless enough!’
‘But how sure are we that he won’t harm us once he’s back on his body!’ fumbled the speedster towards the archer ‘there’s always a catch, no favor is free!’ 
‘I see your point Kidd but as Artemis and Zatanna says he’s a projection not a physical entity’ adds Megan as she floats  closer to Robin and Connor ‘But if what our mentors told us is true about this mission, then there’s a possibility that they unintentionally missed some important information’
‘what we know about this mission is that this was once a facility own by and organization called GIW, who were using some type of pure concentrated Lazarus water to power up some kind of weaponry's and clean energy plants; we also know that they moved theirs bases all around the globe by using some kind of portal, so that’s all the information that we have on paper but if what Megan says it’s true then..’ ponders Kaldur, his steps faltering a bit as he slows down.
Robin scoffed at this ‘I bet this is one of Batman usual test-‘ when a screech interrupted him; the group managed to catch themselves before running down the stairs.
“Why the fuck would you keep doing t-?!” growled Connor at the figure, before freezing in shock as the visage of the small kid started to glitch, in and out of focus. Like an old DVD player making interference. Arms going missing for a second before the legs and the head followed suit.
A silent scream muted in the child’s face, horror margin it was the last visage they managed to catch before the small child disappeared again. Shit.
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blanc-et-n0ir · 1 month ago
So KaiSae and RinSagi turn for their double date (RyuSae and RinSagi already got theirs here)
It would be ten times funnier if this double date was basically KaiSae's first date vs RinSagi's anniversary date and it was Isagi's idea because he found out that Kaiser asked Sae out and Sae agreed. Isagi found out because of Sae. Then Rin found out because of Isagi.
It's one demented form of telephone because at the end of it all, Kaiser finds out it's a DOUBLE DATE because of RIN (he kicked down his door (read: called his phone multiple times until he picked up) and started ranting about how DARE he think of going near Sae with his bullshit attitude and he should walk into a road of traffic instead of going to the double date).
Kaiser is absolutely floored because he had all these things planned and now it's ruined because of ISAGI. He's devastated. He's enraged. Isagi fucking Yoichi ruined his shit again!! And he's like ten seconds from outright calling Isagi and telling him to fuck off and never be seen in his immediate vicinity again.
Isagi calls him first and its to tell him "If you won't agree to the double date you will FAIL at wooing Sae. I swear" and Kaiser takes that as a challenge. Cause what do you mean he would fail? He could woo Sae definitely (ignore his many past rejections from Sae).
The date starts and Kaiser is glaring at Isagi who is pinching Rin who is glaring at Kaiser. All the while Sae is absolutely oblivious to it and is just content that not only is his brother here, so is his sorta friend Isagi and his maybe possibly could be crush Kaiser. So it's going great for him.
Every single time Sae turns around, it's like that one angel and devil game and it's basically Kaiser flipping Isai off to which Isagi will smile and reach for Kaiser's hair to yank it off his scalp AND Rin also looks ready to murder Kaiser as he reaches over Isagi's head to strangle him.
The date ends up as a mess and Isagi slightly feels bad and he suggest they go to an ice cream thing. While he and Kaiser order (he forcibly and physically has to drag Kaiser along), Isagi tells Kaiser to order Sae's favorite. Kaiser stared at him like how do you even know this??? And Isagi just shrugs and goes "Rin talks more about Sae than himself. I actually learn about Rin by observation or by asking Sae." (Which was how he and Sae even got close in the first place).
So, Kaiser takes the truce begrudgingly and mid enjoying their ice cream, Isagi convinces Rin that they should head out first cause he was tired and when Rin tries to argue, Isagi pulls his sad boy act and Rin MELTS. To the surprise of Kaiser and fondness of Sae. So, they leave but before they do Isagi mouths to Kaiser to "not fuck this up or I swear" and this is when Kaiser realizes that this wasn't a double date.
This was two of Sae's "family" (with quotations cause Isagi is loosely part of it because of him saying Rin and also getting close to Sae + Rin and Sae still not really talking about this issues properly) practically shotgunning him and low-key shovel talking him to make sure their first date was fine.
The date ends great! When Kaiser leaves Sae at the door, Sae snorts and reveals he knew what the other two were up to the entire time but he appreciated that Kaiser powered through it and he also really enjoyed the date nonetheless. Kaiser is flustered and stuttering mess but smooths his way through and Sae gives him a kiss and the end!!!
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transgender-daisuke · 20 days ago
evan hansen did bad things but not because he liked zoe if you’re going to criticize him at least get it right🙄
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elevenenthusiast · 7 months ago
If those leaks about stranger things 5 on twitter are true then i have nothing else to say other than that it sounds ass.
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anghraine · 4 days ago
Speaking of "The City on the Edge of Forever," I've been thinking about how my femslash Spirk AU winds out through the canon TOS episodes, interacts with gender expectations of the show, etc, and am mentally organizing episodes by how drastically affected they'd be.
I'm also thinking of S'paak hiding her ears beneath a beanie in 1930 :P
#s'paak and jessica in a piece of the action too! damn. i didn't even think of their mobster suit chic era when i was planning but...#still. poor s'paak freezing while trying to build a computer out of 1930 materials and also passing as fully human AND pining#iirc there's canonically only one bed in their flop (no really) and she's torn between staying as far away as possible when they sleep#(for lesbian angst reasons) or huddling near her (for lesbian angst + living space heater reasons)#i think s'paak is obviously ice-cold when jessica's skin brushes hers but she blatantly lies about being fine and stays 6 in away at night#jessica (exhausted but trying to think of how to convince her. suddenly struck by genius): i don't understand why you're being illogical :(#s'paak: *affronted cat look*#also poor s'paak not only has to watch jess fall for edith but keep them from smashing into homophobia in the usa c. 1930#on the bright side both jessica and s'paak look very cute and i think s'paak finds she likes the music of the time#it once slips out when all three of them are talking that s'paak is musical and when edith is like 'oh what do you play?' s'paak is '...'#and jessica promptly says: oh she's a wonderful harpist. the first time i heard her play with some - uh - friends i stopped in the hall#and stood outside the door and just listened because i was on my way to somewhere else but it was so beautiful#edith: oh how lovely <3 i hope you'll be able to find an instrument to play someday - if things get better. i really do believe they will.#s'paak: ...i hope so. (and then edith goes away and with some not quite concealed exasperation s'paak is like#i have never understood how you manage to manufacture narratives out of nothing. and jessica just says 'well it's easier#if you take something that really happened and change a few details. it was your lyre instead of a harp of course.#and not all friends but just the rec room on *makes a gesture obviously meant to mime a starship. possibly with sound effects*#but i did get distracted and stand listening until our... mutual friend wanted to know what was taking me so long to get to the hospital.'#s'paak: .......i see.)#anghraine babbles#fic talk#fic talk: the lesbian spock agenda#s'paak#jessica kirk#star peace#genderbending#c: i object to intellect without discipline#c: who do i have to be#otp: the premise
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
fixation so real I am about to enter my "the curtains are fucking blue" era of link click analysis, but I need yingdu to finish airing first before I can even feel confident about why I think every season of link click features someone wearing a yellow and blue jacket (i.e. the way cheng xiaoshi, the twins, and xia fei are foils of each other and how their character arcs when they wear the yellow and blue jacket are a small scale representation of the overarching story of shiguang, which are represented by, you guessed it, yellow and blue)
(and of course, the way shiguang, xiaochen, and veifei are foils of each other, etc etc)
but anyway. I'll be patient and wait for yingdu to finish or else I'm probably just clowning around here. but I am thinking many thoughts and have written many words in the drafts.
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semperama · 5 months ago
When Lena confronts Eddie in Malfunction, because Eddie says, "I thought we were friends," and Lena is like "I know all this shit you're going through, like your dead wife and your kid, and you don't even know if I have a cat or not," but this whole time Eddie is hiding what he's going through and how he's feeling from Buck........this is something, right? Something about how he can't bring himself to open up to Buck because he's afraid of what that vulnerability might lead to, versus dumping it all on a near stranger who he doesn't have to worry will actually try to care too much about him.
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 5 months ago
My hot take is that marcanne has as much potential for toxic yuri as any other calamity trio ship and it's not nearly as soft and fluffy as one may think
#amphibia#marcanne#anne boonchuy#marcy wu#in one hand: marcy kidnapped her. by giving her AS A BIRTHDAY GIFT something that was meant to benefit HER#(yes she didn't know it would work but the point is that she thought about herself first. even though it was her best friend's birthday)#she never wanted to come back. she wanted to keep her with her forever. she was happiest when they were together#most importantly she saw what she did as a good thing. as something good that she gave to her#yet still lied to her. After what happened with Sasha#she still lied to her. became another person to betray Anne#then she fucking died for her 😭😭😭#on the other hand. you have anne#she looked after her. she certainly loved her. but she didn't care much about the things that were important to marcy#nor did she care about her feelings or needs. she and sasha third-wheeled her for years#even though marcy came first#she could only really see her once sasha was gone#you have to remove her from the equation for both of them to flourish and connect#because the shadow of sasha's abuse oppressed them for so long. anne and marcy reuniting in S2 looked a lot like two people escaping#abuse together. healing together. coming into their own. becoming better people. they get to know themselves and each other much more deeply#now that they're free. only - they aren't free. they're constantly thinking about sasha. when sasha comes back they welcome her#they reproduced the toxic patterns she left of them#though i'll recognize that in anne's case she healed a lot more from sasha's toxicity than marcy#and you can see that in how her way of relation to marcy is a lot healthier than marcy's way of relating to anne#anne is now truly and genuinely connecting to her friend. marcy is still lying to her#pushing down her feelings. ignoring her own needs. pretending everything is okay. lying lying lying#anne was the only one who could escape but marcy couldn't quite move on yet. she couldn't be free#hope this makes sense i'm writing it at 4am i'll delete tomorrow if i realize it sounds dumb
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semothekat · 8 months ago
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me when im crazy about two characters that dont even know each other.
Thank you to @oathofkaslana for writing the id for this!!
#Paper’s art#Paper’s genshin art#Sayu#amber#genshin impact#hey guys.#hey. Guys. What if i exploded#I could go on and on and on#If i was writing this a little earlier then i probably would#BUT !!#i lied im gonna talk now#Ok so sayus sensei. Ambers grandpa.#they were both mentor/ parental figures and very very important to amber and sayu#And then they left and never came back and didnt tell them much if anything at all.#And their leaving caused sayu and amber to get their visions.#Both of them were trying to figure what to do after their sensei/grandpa left#I feel like im not explaining this very well but whatever#Sauy and amber are soo similar guys#amber’s book about flying courage#Sayu’s vision story about weakness and strength#ALSO THE WINDDD#Sayu wouldve died probably if there wasnt wind!!#The wind blew and she got away by turning into leaves!!!!!!! Also anemo vision#The amber bird book!! The wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bird had courage and jumped!! And it flew becuase the wind came!!! Also wind glider#Btw i put the leaves and the birds in the comic becaue of that but whatever#Also theres more but idk idk idk lets talk about who the sensei is#As far as we know from the game- we know like ntohing. The only things we know from sayu is that they’re taller than sayu and smiles pretty#So why did i make the sensei kazuha’s friend? Because why not.#When i first heard about sayus sensei thats who popped into my head so ill stick with it. It also explains why sensei didnt come back yet#Ok theres no more tag space left
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theharellan · 2 months ago
related to what skells was saying, solas never asks ian to join him in trespasser, and in fact tries to deny him from doing so. ian more or less inflicts himself upon solas by putting himself in a situation where he cannot "live well while time remains" in normal society, necessitating that he must join.
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rachelbigpeep · 2 months ago
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
#mine musings#not tagging etc etc#i just want to ramble (this is about lc)#do people feel like lg's character is incomplete without a backstory?#like a “past” before he met cxs#i feel like it's a nice-to-have thing (wouldn't be opposed to it) but i don't think his character requires it to be fully fleshed out yknow#his character is strongly defined by his role in the narrative because that's how stories work. but like#i do feel like we've learned a lot about him that would've stayed constant even if cxs isn't in his life though#like idk i just don't understand calling him a plot device i guess#like would he be more interesting if it was revealed he got attached to cxs so easily bc he had some kind of unhappy childhood or whatever?#i mean if it's executed well. sure?#personallyyyyyyy i think it's already compelling if he's just like. some guy#he's just some nerdy kid who made a friend and felt grief and loss for the first time and couldn't take it#like. that's compelling to me. unhappy childhood would be interesting too but like. there's nothing wrong with lg being just Some Guy™ imo😭#maybe it's bc i like the idea that lg could be anyone#and what i mean is like. that could be me. that could be you#all it takes is to find a love and friendship you're not willing to let go of. and as S1 has shown many clients have the same regrets#the only difference is that they never had the ability to change the past like lg did#like cxs said in YE1. everyone would want to have the ability to change the past. it's human nature#and i like the idea that the love and grief lg went through isn't something that's unique to him#like obviously it's unique in the sense that he makes it worse for himself with time loops#but like. the love he experienced could also happen to me. could also happen to you#same with the grief#i'm realizing as i'm rambling here that THIS is actually what i love about lg's character#now i kinda wish i didn't hide this in the tags lmao but whatever#i didn't want to invite debates over this and like if director li wants to give him a backstory that's fine#but the way lg is right now. i don't think he's “just a plot device”#and i don't think he's an incomplete character#i'll accept any backstory but god i really wish he stays being just Some Guy who loved and lost and continues to love and lose#because it's human and normal and everyone goes through it
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