#Paper’s genshin art
daily-amber · 3 months
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day 149: they are communicatinggggg
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semothekat · 11 months
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collei but shes flowey from undertale
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Uncolored version
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the-amber-blog · 2 months
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day 7: sayu crawling as per my cousins request
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Happy Birthday, Wanderer!
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"How absurd... Those Vahumana researchers are a sorry lot indeed if they're basing their research on such claptrap."
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yutaan · 6 months
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A papercraft commission of Keqing from Genshin Impact, sporting her Opulent Splendor outfit! Genshin's designs are all gorgeously detailed, but I was extra excited to get to make this outfit - those jeweltone blues! The butterfly-like shapes! The floating semitransparent cloth! I used a lot of shimmery papers, since that seemed appropriate for such a lovely design. ^_^ So fashionable, Keqing!
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wriochilde · 6 months
u should draw ur username
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sampomain · 7 months
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dottore head be upon ye
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starphenie · 5 months
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my nikki x genshin au design
class doodles + notes! i have thought about this deeply and extensively (the hour and half that is my programming lecture)
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the og design and a low detail bobo and kimi + my attempt at crossover worldbuilding (i am not a writer. i don’t think this makes any sense story wise. like i picked aeon as the archon for apple at first but he is so blue and water themed and i refuse to NOT make cloud the hydro nation but he is not from cloud. guess who’s not blue? desire. i think there are better fits for most of the archons i picked i just don’t know who.)
- everyone’s visions are based on vibes and colors
- nikki’s vision is fake because she’s the traveler it’s a fashion thing
- i have not played genshin impact since inazuma came out
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highly critical important footnote:
((characters whose appearances already translate well))
(into Genshin…)
((& that I remember))
aka i drew favs that i have committed to memory and gave them a vision that i think makes sense, doesn’t take a lot of thought bc they have sprites that are super ornamental compared to like nikki and kimi who def need redesigns lol
here is my list of characters + visions because sorting is fun, i might update this periodically
anemo: bobo, noah, royce, mercury, shade, bai yongxi
geo: nikki, yvette, orlando, loen
pyro: zoey, zhu yuxian, mela, ozeca, lilith, qin yi, cesare, peachy
cryo: agata, louie, neva, kimi
hydro: lunar, aeon, marina, ming shuiyuan, vulture, chloris
dendro: nanari
electro: ace, elle, ai, caprico, sofia, grey raven
- pretty much all the elves fall under anemo or dendro, except for Evil Vampire Flame Sword Cesare, who is an outlier and should not be counted
- nidhogg reads geo to me but ozeca is pyro obviously and they could serve such overload slay he could be an electro wielder i see it. i just can’t pick <\3
- shade got his vision when he was flynn. hc that it doesn’t respond to him since he’s changed he just uses guns now. non magic ppl with a gun in magic universe are my favorite thing
- lilith qin yi and zhu yuxian need to stop burning down buildings
- a lot of characters are omitted actually because i can’t pick an element for them. but reid doesn’t get a vision he’s just some guy
some guys: reid, hiber, toto timi aron etc all the citizen npcs
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shi-yin-drawings · 3 months
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Yelan in a qipao! I have a really wide wave design that I thought would fit as her dress pattern so this was my whole excuse to create this piece. I initially was aiming to have it completed for Lunar New Year, but it didn't happen 😂 The final piece turned to be more chaotic and unpredictable than I had in my mind and not sure if I'm a total fan of the final colors, but overall I think it was good practice for when I make her OG outfit.
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faggentio · 9 months
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OMGGG NEW 5★ GENSHIT CHARACTER!!!! HE'S THE WORST!! ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ anyway, i made this for a collab
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daily-amber · 6 months
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day 117: friends!!!!!
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semothekat · 4 days
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me when im crazy about two characters that dont even know each other.
Thank you to @oathofkaslana for writing the id for this!!
#Paper’s art#Paper’s genshin art#Sayu#amber#genshin impact#hey guys.#hey. Guys. What if i exploded#I could go on and on and on#If i was writing this a little earlier then i probably would#BUT !!#i lied im gonna talk now#Ok so sayus sensei. Ambers grandpa.#they were both mentor/ parental figures and very very important to amber and sayu#And then they left and never came back and didnt tell them much if anything at all.#And their leaving caused sayu and amber to get their visions.#Both of them were trying to figure what to do after their sensei/grandpa left#I feel like im not explaining this very well but whatever#Sauy and amber are soo similar guys#amber’s book about flying courage#Sayu’s vision story about weakness and strength#ALSO THE WINDDD#Sayu wouldve died probably if there wasnt wind!!#The wind blew and she got away by turning into leaves!!!!!!! Also anemo vision#The amber bird book!! The wind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bird had courage and jumped!! And it flew becuase the wind came!!! Also wind glider#Btw i put the leaves and the birds in the comic becaue of that but whatever#Also theres more but idk idk idk lets talk about who the sensei is#As far as we know from the game- we know like ntohing. The only things we know from sayu is that they’re taller than sayu and smiles pretty#So why did i make the sensei kazuha’s friend? Because why not.#When i first heard about sayus sensei thats who popped into my head so ill stick with it. It also explains why sensei didnt come back yet#Ok theres no more tag space left
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the-amber-blog · 20 days
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day 25: are you tired?
wiggly site
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The "A Parade of Providence" wallpaper series is now available!
The "A Parade of Providence" wallpaper series is now available!
Click the link to download the wallpapers in different dimensions!
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yutaan · 1 year
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Papercraft commission of Raiden Shogun from Genshin Impact! Before this piece, I'd been eagerly anticipating being commissioned for a Genshin papercraft for a while - all the character's designs are very beautiful and soooo detailed, and that seemed like a heck of a challenge but also a fun test of skill. And now here she is, details and all!
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linkerbell · 1 year
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Kazuhei commission :D 
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