#{ An anon gave me this idea over on the other blog and i still love it }
scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
First, I’m so glad I found your wonderful blog to fuel my micro obsession.
Had an idea if you’re still taking g requests:
The hotel team decides to go to a club for a bonding exercise/letting off steam. Alastor doesn’t want to go, hates this new music, flashing lights, whatevs. He’s going to support the hotel and all that. He gets there, hates it, pouty UNTIL he sees you out on the dance floor. Watching you move plus watching others notice/approach you stirs something in him, making him feral. He stalks onto the dance floor only to pull you away to some dark hallway of the club to show you just what kind of effect you have on him.
Thanks! You’re a rockstar!!!
Dancing The Night Away
Alastor x GN!Reader
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A/N: I’m so so sorry this took so long, Anon!
Alastor let out a low growl as he watched the people around the club dance and get into each other’s personal space- touching. The music was too loud and too modern for his tastes; it made him want to tear his ears out and kill everyone around. He didn’t even make a true appearance on the dance floor, he just sat back in one of the disgusting booths watching people pass by or run off simply because they made eye contact with him. He turned his head to watch Nifty deep clean the sticky floor and grimaced at the thought of it.
It wasn’t until movement close by had his head snapping up and his eyes scanning the room, at first he didn’t see much and that would usually keep him calm but now? It infuriated him to no end as bright strobe lights started to flash and then he caught the sight of you, how Angel was dancing next to you as you held his arm, dancing along. That infuriated him to no end and his grip tightened on his cane before he tapped it onto the floor, the cane disappearing into the shadow’s easily. He didn’t like how that overgrown spider was hanging onto you and how the other people stopped dancing to watch you. Someone even had the absolute gall to try and touch you but his shadow was quicker. Silently getting rid of the nuisance as he stood up to make his way over to you, the crowd parting for him easily.
As he finally made his way over to you, he pulled you away from Angel and into his own chest making you smile and laugh at him, saying something but he couldn’t hear it over loud blaring music. He sent a glare to a random demon as they had gotten too close before he snapped his fingers, both of you disappearing in a dark secluded area of the club. He let out a sigh and relaxed for a moment, the loud music was putting a strain on his ears. “Wh- Al? What’s wrong?” You asked carefully, reaching out to place your hands on his arms as you blinked trying to get used to the darkness. 
Alastor pulled you closer to his body leaning down to press a kiss to your neck, his ears flat on his head as he thought of those insolent fools trying to touch you as if you weren’t his. He’d just have to make sure they would know you belong to him, that you gave him your heart fully. “Al? Speak to me, Love..” You replied ignoring how a fire was lit in the lower parts of you, he was silent as ever but if you listened closely you could hear him make soft grunting noises in anger and his foot stomped on the ground with a heavy thud as he pushed you back against the wall. It had finally clicked in your head, your darling Beau was jealous. 
Your hands came up and grabbed at his jacket lapels as he sunk his teeth into your neck, a loud gasp escaping your lips as you silently cursed at him. Then as sudden as the bite was he was licking up the blood and soothing the bite. He was going to make sure everyone knew that you were his and he was yours.
Angel scoffed as Charlie looked around, “They’ll be fine, Charlie..Alastor is with them.” He explained, causing the princess to frown. “But they aren’t even back yet-” She whispered as the front doors of the hotel opened and Alastor waltzed with you behind him. Angel froze before laughing as you glared at him desperately trying to fix your clothes and hid as many of the bite marks Alastor had left on your neck. “Looks like you both had some fun~” he called out as you looked away. “ANGEL-”
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rashomonss · 7 months
Part XV
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchila, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @arcayia, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl, @crxwned-mxnarch, @ibtisam-aran, @mochicurls21, @rxsehxney, @xpixie, @ihatecorns, @hello-gloomy, @lunarloathsome, @crazytacokoala, @levia-chan, @bunny-masks-blog
a/n: hey y'all!! yay i finally updated haha….im so sorry it took so long if you’ve been keeping up with my other posts you’ll know that february was not good to me haha
also i wanted to let y’all know that we’re finally reaching the end of this story!! i plan on only making a few more chapters then i believe that’ll be all!
lastly thanks for all y’all’s patience and continued support I love reading every one of y’all’s comments and theories, it means the world! love y'all ♡
warnings: violence, fighting, angst
express just how you feel, don’t bottle it up anymore
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“MC how are you? Even though I previously saw you everyday I’ve missed this you” Diavolo said with a bright smile as you joined him for breakfast. No thanks to Barbatos’ constant pestering.
You gave him a polite smile and nod as a response. It was easy enough to come up with a basic answer that you were fine, even if that wasn’t the case at all.
However as he ranted on about missing you and what activities he’d enjoy doing with you after he finished his paperwork you couldn’t help but feel nauseous.
After all he dislocated your shoulder the other day and now he was acting as if everything was perfectly fine?
Even if it was another version of him it was still him in a sense, which filled you with unease. If that version of him could do something that significant to you without so much as a thought then you had every right to be worried.
Is this how the other version of you felt?
Is that why they hated being touched by any demons?
Another hearty laugh broke out sending a chill down your spine. It reminded you of when he cornered you in the hallway as you tried to escape.
“MC are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look a little pale?”
You went to nod but your body betrayed you. A new wave of nausea washed over you and you felt bile rise up in your throat.
“MC…?” Barbatos questioned as he moved closer to you when you ignored Diavolo’s question.
Your fingers gripped the soft tablecloth as you tried to ground yourself. If anything you refused to lose your stomach in front of them.
Both demons looked at each other worryingly and Barbatos went to place a hand on your shoulder for comfort. Immediately you jolted in response and slapped his hand away as a sensation of fear became present in the pit of your stomach.
You had no idea where it came from, much less why you were scared when the butler reached out to help you. But you did know one thing, you didn’t want anyone touching you.
“Don’t touch me!” you yelled.
Your tone of voice startled him and Diavolo but mainly you as well. What was going on with you?
You never acted like this before, even when staying in the other timeline for so long. So why now? Why was everything anyone was doing so triggering you in any sort of way?
“I apologize…I didn't mean to upset you, I only wanted to check if you were okay,” Barbatos replied as he backed off. Even though he didn’t bother showing it, he was clearly worried about your current mental state. It appeared to be out of control ever since you returned. Which was another point he’d have to bring up with him later, since many instructions weren’t followed.
“…I’m…heading back to bed” you replied as you swiftly stood up and made your way to the door.
“But…you just woke up” Diavolo said softly but you were well out of range for his voice to actually reach you.
With a sigh the butler looked to his lord then to the floor. Maybe they weren’t the right demons to welcome you back after being gone for such a decent amount of time. It was better if you were around demons you were used to, ones that were comforting.
So he picked up his D.D.D and quickly called the first demon that came to mind.
Seven bodies rushed towards you faster than you could process and some large beautiful roses were shoved in your face as you tried to process everything that was going on.
All seven of your demons began talking at once and exclaimed how much they had missed you.
“Oh MC! I can’t believe you’re back, I’ve missed you so so so terribly” Asmo cried as he clung onto your shoulder.
“Hey let go of them!” Mammon yelled in your ear as he tried yanking you away from Asmo.
“Stop pushing” Belphie groaned as he hugged your frame from behind.
“Mammon stop yelling so loudly” Levi shouted out as he was hugging you from the same side Asmo was.
The other three demons who weren’t suffocating you were also arguing with their brother as they clung onto you. Yelling and shouting could be heard from all around you as you stayed in place watching all seven of them yell back and forth like children.
It was too overwhelming. The yelling in your ear, the way one would hold you tighter if they got mad, the way four of them were putting all of their body weight on you was too much for your liking. And the fact the other three were aggravating the four who were holding onto you.
You felt so suffocated.
You were suffocated in your own timeline due to your willingness to indulge all of the seven demons you lived with.
You were suffocated in the other timeline because you decided to show some demons some kindness they hadn’t experienced for a very long time. Look where that got you. A dislocated shoulder and some unresolved issues that you refused to acknowledge.
You were suffocated with the prince and his butler. They always were on some type of schedule, and when you didn’t follow what Diavolo wanted at that very second, you would never hear the end of it from Barbatos.
Why was everyone so demanding?
God forbid you do something for yourself for once.
You struggled in their grip and tried to get their attention to possibly settle down. The constant loud yelling was getting you more agitated by the minute and frankly you were getting a headache.
Just as you were about to speak someone yelled over you and a fight between two of them broke out. Since you were absolutely fed up with it you shouted for all of them to shut up and pushed them off of you.
Each of the seven demons shut their mouth in an instant and the prince and butler looked at you with a worried expression. Due to that being the same tone of voice you used with Barbatos earlier he knew that something was obviously wrong.
Diavolo then spoke up for you as he walked over to the brothers. “Don’t mind them, a lot is on their mind right now especially since they’ve dealt with so much physically and emotionally these past couple days. So please give MC some space to relax”
You in turn shot him a glare. “I’m perfectly fine. However I don’t appreciate it when someone is screaming in my ear and putting all their weight on me while others are fighting in the background like children”
“How about you head back to the House of Lamentation. A lot is on your mind MC, it would do you good to go rest in a place you’re comfortable and familiar with” Barbatos then added trying his best to ease the tension in the room and change the topic as well.
With a nod you departed with the brothers about fifteen minutes later for a silent trip to the House of Lamentation. Each of them were too worried to bother you so they all left you to do your own thing when you all got home.
However Mammon was still going to try to comfort you in his own way.
“Hey MC, ya wanna hang out and watch a movie? I got a few in my room and we can relax” he asked with a soft smile as she walked up behind you.
“Thanks but I��d rather rest right now, maybe later” and before he could even finish you were off.
It was odd, during any other time you would’ve enjoyed hanging out and relaxing in his room like you used to but as of now you really wanted to just be by yourself.
So quietly you made your way to your room and when you opened the door you were absolutely applauded by the way it looked.
Everything was everywhere and the decorations you had of you and your demons were ripped and taken down. Clean clothes were piled onto a chair and your bed was an absolute mess as a few shits and things littered the floor.
However you were too tired to take care of it at the moment. Due to how emotional exhausted you were a nap sounded lovey so you plopped down and in minutes you were out.
Around late afternoon you had walked into the kitchen to grab a snack since you didn’t exactly have much of an appetite after everything that had happened in the past two days. Surprisingly enough two demons were already occupying the kitchen when you arrived, one gossiped and the other listened even though he was believably bored.
“MC” Satan said with a smile, he was very grateful that someone showed up to stop Asmo’s rambling.
With a nod you dug through the fridge and grabbed something to eat and walked over to the two hesitantly.
“What are you both talking about?” You asked after they stayed silent and smiled at you.
Amso was the first to perk up and tell you. “Well we were just talking about some new gossip about this one actor and her husband, some people we know and you…well the other you”
“The other me?” You asked
“Yeah the one you switched with remember.” Satan added.
You nodded and then looked at them before responding. Just how did the other version of you act? Were they like the other Barbatos said? Angry, stubborn, and everything. Did they treat your demons like how they’d treated theirs? So many questions ran through your head at once, but you opted for only asking a basic one.
“So just how was the other version of me?”
“They were a bit intense at first…no I take it back they were really intense at first, but in reality they only wanted one thing in the end then they finally were content” Asmo said as he reapplied some lipstick to his lips.
“Really what did they want?” You asked, now interested in the other versions' motives.
“They just wanted an apology. After Belphie gave them an honest heart to heart in the planetarium they finally calmed down and we were able to be civil with them” Asmo explained.
“Yeah and they even started opening up a bit, although they were exactly like you so learning about what they liked was cute since we already know what you enjoy” Satan added with a smirk.
You tuned out the rest of the conversation they were having with you as you focused on the said “apology” Belphie gave the other version of you.
So it was true and they weren’t lying when they talked to you previously in the attic. Somehow that ticked you off even more.
“Oh yeah and we’re so sorry you had to go through all that crazy timeline stuff dear, I bet it’s been so exhausting huh?” Asmo asked as he rubbed your back.
“Uh huh” you replied and then brushed him off as you excused yourself out of the kitchen without another word, causing the two demons to look at you with a slightly confused expression.
Silently you paced around the house for a bit as you rethought about what the two of them said. With a sigh you ventured into the common room and stared at the fireplace. So you were worth a basic sorry but not one that took responsibility for all the damage they caused you?
It’s not as if their words actually meant anything. Honestly if they had been keen on sweeping the whole incident under the rug then why even offer the other version of you an apology?
They did it to better help them heal?
What about you?
How come they could do that for anyone else other than you?
When you’ve helped them so much.
Your rage and jealousy had been bubbling up inside you for so long that it finally reached its breaking point.
If anyone was supposed to receive any words or actions of their forgiveness it should’ve been you and you were tired of pretending you didn’t deserve anything less than that.
In a rage you trashed the common room as Asmo and Satan watched in horror since they just happened to walk by.
They rushed to try and stop you but you used your pact to stop them in place as you broke everything in sight. The sound of yelling and glass breaking alerted all the other demons in the house and soon the rest of them watched in awe as you demolished anything in your path.
Mammon ran to you as you ripped the roses they all bought for you and tore them to shreds right in front of them. When he reached you he grabbed you by the arm and you shoved him away and yelled at him in response.
They all just kept getting in your way, it was so unbearable.
As the six demons froze in place due to their activated pacts you picked up one of the large vases Lucifer loved and proceeded to lift it up to throw at them.
“This is all your fault! Look at what you’ve done to me” you screamed out to the six demons standing in front of you. Your cry was not one of just anger, they could sense the sorrow in your voice. The way it cracked and longed to just be healed.
You wanted someone to comfort you and the ability for someone, anyone honestly to just acknowledge what had happened to you. Maybe then if they did you could finally feel like your feelings were valid, rather than unnecessary and pointless.
Fresh tears fueled by pure anger and frustration fell from your eyes as you got ready to swing the vase at the six of them. That was until the youngest brother rushed in front of his brothers and spoke.
“This is my fault MC, please don’t take it out on my brothers” Belphie said as he stepped in front of the six of them, shielding them with his body.
“No it’s not just your fault. It’s all of your faults. Don’t feel too special Belphie, you're not the only one out of your brothers who has tried to kill me.” you spat out.
“Each of you have threatened to end my life at least once ever since I’ve been here, and believe me I haven’t forgotten a single moment of it. Unlike before I continued to ignore what happened just like all of you but I’m fed up now.”
The seven demons looked at themselves then back at you and sighed.
“MC we’re truly sorry, you know we-“ Lucifer began.
“I don’t want your apology. It means nothing to me anymore. Especially since you can go and hand it out to whoever now” you replied swiftly, cutting him off in the process.
“Then if I truly can’t make you believe me I’ll show you.” Belphie then said quickly.
“And how do you expect to do that?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of your body.
“Take it out on me.”
“Excuse me?”
“All of your anger, everything you’ve had building up. Punch me, hit me, choke me, do whatever you need to do so that you don’t have to feel this way. I know my apology means nothing to you, and believe me this is much more selfish of me to ask you to do this but I want to make it up to you MC. Even if you’ll hate me for the rest of your life I want you to get the closure you deserve. I’ll do whatever I can to make it up to you. For as long as I live”
Your eyes widened slightly as you looked at him in shock. You hadn’t expected him to actually respond like that, much less take responsibility for everything that had happened.
“Belphie-!” Beel began, he was still standing back with the others, but the worried look on his face was apparent as he watched his twin pour his heart out to the person they both cherished.
Belphie shook his head at his twin then looked back towards you. “I promise MC, I’ll show you how much of a better demon I can be. So go ahead”
The six demons behind you watched as you slowly approached the youngest hesitantly. Surprisingly enough he still had the same soft smile on his face as he watched you come closer.
Then you swung.
With a swift punch to the face, right on the nose Belphie stumbled back and grabbed his face as a small drop of blood pooled out.
You swung again.
And again,
And again.
As you watched the youngest fall to the floor you continued. And for some odd reason you didn’t feel bad about how beat up he was beginning to look.
Instead you finally felt a form of closure for the first time.
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lemotmo · 1 month
Well, THAT happened last night…
First time for everything, right?
I have a couple of things to get off my chest, but once this is posted I’m moving on to regular fandom stuff again. I’m not going to come back to any of this, because frankly it isn’t worth my time or energy.
So without further ado:
Thank you so much to all the lovely people who have been sending me and the other people involved in this mess non-stop kind messages in support. I appreciate it. I won’t be responding to each and every one of you, because there are just too many at this point. But know that you helped me a lot. It’s great to see that no one actually believes any of these terrible accusations.
Negative comments (very few of them) have been read, taken note of and deleted, with the sender blocked. I’m not engaging in fruitless discussion and arguements with anyone who is only here to cause trouble and rage bait. You won’t get any kind of attention from me.
I’m also not going to accuse any side of any fandom of this garbage posting. Mostly because I have no idea who is responsible for it and I don’t feel comfortable accusing a group of people or a person of something I’m not sure of. I wouldn't want to do what has been done to me yesterday.
As of this moment, I am done posting about anything else but Buddie or Tommy in function of Buck’s narrative. I will of course also post about all the other characters and the show as a whole. I have always tried to maintain respect when it came to Tommy and the BT fandom. I never used any of the tags this fandom frequents, because that would be disrespectful. Yes, I sometimes gave my opinion and talked about the more radical aggressive stans who for example, harassed other people over many platforms, but I have always maintained that there are a lot of BT fans and multi-shippers in fandom that have nothing to do with this toxicity and I still stand by that. Case in point, the two kind anon messages I got from BT shippers who didn't buy the lies either. Thank you by the way. I appreciate your support. I don’t care what anyone ships or doesn’t ship. Just like I expect other people to not care what I ship or don’t ship. Ultimately, the characters we ship are not real. They are fictional people in a fictional world. It's fun to ship them yes, but they aren't worth all of this insane drama. Drama that affects REAL people in the REAL world by the way!
Yes, I am aware that there are also radical aggressive Buddie stans and yes, I have a lot of them blocked as well. I don’t discriminate on what fandom you’re in. If I see someone suggesting to someone else to do harmful things to themselves, I react by blocking that person instantly, no matter what fandom they are a part of. We are all still living and breathing human beings behind our blog. No one should get things like that thrown at them.
I will continue to post Ali’s posts (anonymous blog I love), but I’m going to ask the anons that send me her posts to only send me messages that have to do with either the show as a whole, other characters, Buddie, Buddie speculation or Tommy and Tommy speculation as a character. He is still a part of Buck’s narrative for now, so I can’t ignore him, even when I really really really want to.
I won’t respond to any asks about any part of the BT fandom and more specifically about those radical stans anymore. So far I have been polite about all the drama, but I am tired of all of it. I don’t wish to spend one more second giving attention to these stans. If you want to still send me something related to that topic, you are free to do so and I will certainly take a look at it, but I won’t respond publicly to anything.
The fact of the matter is that the insane levels of toxicity that have popped up in this fandom have only been here for a couple of months. There was always some level of toxicity, but not to this amount. Like Tim said, it got ugly. I know because I have personally been in this fandom for years now and things have never ever gotten as bleak as what me and two other fans were subjected to yesterday. Do with that information what you will.
Finally, I wonder what drives people to do something like this and I fail to comprehend this kind of behaviour. I sincerely hope that they see the light and put all of their energy in doing something more productive in life, because this is not a healthy way to live their life. I wish them only the best.
All right, now on to normal fandom stuff:
I predict Buddie canon in season 8! 🤞😉
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kairiscorner · 1 year
Hello🙂 I'm really new to your Blog and I really adored Miguel O'hara so much.. Can You please write something for him and to his Filipina Girlfriend when the Reader let's him meet the her whole Family and they're liked challenged him for a Drinking game to see how serious he was on the Reader.. Thank you so much
HIYA ANON !! welcome to my blog, happy to see you here :>> also same, i adore him too 🛐🛐🛐(when he's not beating up miles 😭) BUT OOOOO I LOVE THAT IDEA !! np, and i hope this is any good >:DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
drunk miguel x filipina reader
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content warnings! mentions of excessive alcohol intake, if you are uncomfortable with this topic, please don't read any further ^^
"do you really love her?" your cousin asked miguel, who was lurching over on the table, horribly drunk and a little sick of the alcohol he was taking in. you didn't want to see the aftermath of this, you didn't want to know what kind of answer miguel would give despite trusting him so much. it wasn't that you didn't trust him, it was that you had so many horrible experiences with this kind of crap your cousins pulled that you couldn't bear to see it. you tried to get miguel away from them, but he suddenly blurted out his answer.
"i do." he said, his voice slurred and heavy from the drinking. your cousins nodded and agreed sarcastically, which made you question if you were even related to these people. "aren't there better options for you to fall in love with? come on, look at you! surely, you've looked at other people in ways you never looked at our cousin before, no?" they pressed him, eager to hear his response. you couldn't be any more disgusted or angry at their behavior, so you got up and started shouting--shouting at them to leave miguel alone, to leave you alone, to mind their own business as adults because they really didn't seem to get the memo. as you were shouting at them, miguel took your hand, and though he was still hunched over the table, he responded in a weak voice. "never. never have i... wanted anyone... the way i wanted... her." he confessed as he mustered the strength to look up at you with such a genuine expression on his face.
"i... i want nobody else. just you, mahal ko." he said as he looked you in the face and tried smiling, despite the alcohol already bringing him into the sober but dazed stage. he leaned over to kiss your lips, he needed nothing more right now than the feeling of you on him, right here and right now. he's rambling and mumbling, on and on, about how he's dreamed of marrying you, spending the rest of his life with you, maybe having kids with you if you wanted. "i've thought of... of names for them all, mahal..." he went on as he leaned against you, gradually putting his weight down on you. after your cousins realized that, even when drunk, he was pretty much hopelessly in love with you, they lost interest in the game and went back to their own worlds as miguel jumped to the giddy stage as he wrapped his arms around you for a bear hug and kissed you all over your face, as if he was separated from you for a lifetime, when in reality, you were hear the whole time--holding his hand while he drank away everything your cousins gave him.
"i meant every word of it, y'know..." he whispered to you with a slight giggle as he held you closer and squeezed you a little tighter. "they said... 'when drunk, the truth comes out'... they didn't need to make me drunk to... to make me remind them all that... you're all i want." he said as he began running a hand through your hair and chuckling as he fidgeted with a lock of your hair and smiling wider when he saw you smile. "you have such a perfect smile. it's enough to knock me out..." he said as he leaned over to kiss your cheek, and soon, his head fell to your shoulder, almost knocking you down with his size. you called for your other cousins to help you take him to your room, and they teased both of you for how disgustingly sweet you two were with each other.
as you and your cousins plopped him down on your bed, you closed the lights and curled up into the bed next to him. miguel was still a little awake when you snuggled in next to him, so he seized the opportunity to grab you by the waist and pull you in for another hug, calling you all his favorite nicknames for you and complimenting every bit of you as you two lay there on your bed. "i'll love you forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, and... ever." he said as he kissed your nose. you placed your hands on either sides of his cheeks and giggled. "and i'll love you forever, and ever, and ever, miggy." you said as you kissed him on his soft, pouty-like lips as he let the alcohol drift him off to the land of sleep in your arms as you hugged him by his waist now, both of you in each other's arms.
a/n: ang himbing ng tulog ng lasing 🥰
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck
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thankeywa · 1 year
Can i request a FILTHY SMUTY IMAGINE. that lo'ak has a wet dream of kiris best friend.that he hates.. 😔and then he has to deal with the results (bôñér) then later he like kisses us then that leads to filthy smut. 🧍🏻‍♀️
Cruel to be kind | Lo'ak x fem!Na'vi!reader (Smut)
Summary: request (above), enemies to lovers, a lil angst, NSFW, p in v, oral (reader receiving), Lo'ak and f! Omatikaya! reader are AGED UP (20+)
minors DNI with this or anything on my blog.
A.N: oof anon, this request got me bad, also the way you wrote boner is funny as hell. Going to try something new and write 'you' instead of 'y/n' for this. Also the fact that Lo'ak kisses both of us, I love that for us. I hope you enjoy 😉😘
word count: 4.2k
Lo'ak hated you. No, seriously. He quite literally couldn't stand the sight of you.
Kiri just had to choose you as her best friend for some reason, and you'd always been hanging around his family since you were little. Even though the years had passed, and you were no longer that annoying little girl who teamed up with his sister to bother him, you still found other ways to infuriate him.
Your constant strive to know more about humans, for example. Lo'ak could see right through your phoney attempts to pretend to be interested in Kiri's origins, no matter how often he caught you listening to her mother's music or learning how to read English through her 'books'. It was all a farçe and he knew it.
Your looks were another thing. Every single male his age couldn't help but fawn over you, and he just didn't get it. Honestly, it was hard to even look at you most of the time. Especially into your eyes. The mere idea made his stomach flip. One night, Neteyam had even briefly mentioned how 'beautiful' you'd become, and Lo'ak had almost torn his head off. How could his brother actually be so stupid? It had been completely lost on him that Neteyam was simply trying to make his brother realise he actually had a crush on you, and that's where all of his pent up anger was coming from.
It wasn't a secret that Lo'ak didn't like you, not even to you. Yet you still tried to be nice to him all the damn time. You were such a fake, it was unbelievable.
One night Lo'ak wanted to be alone, but on his way to one of his usual hiding spots he ran into you and someone who could have only been... courting you.
"Kaltxì, Lo'ak!" You waved at him sweetly while holding the guy's hand. It made Lo'ak sick. You made him sick.
"Bite me, [ ]." Lo'ak answered rudely, not stopping to engage in any further conversation.
You weren't really taken back by his hostility, but as always the hurt showed in your face. Sealtiel, your date, wasn't at all impressed with Lo'ak's behavior. "How dare you talk to her that way, you five fingered freak?"
Rage boiled up inside of you even before Lo'ak had a chance to react. You pulled yourself away from Sealtiel's hold on your hand and gave him a piece of your mind. Lo'ak imagined you were more intent on defending Kiri than him, since she had human features too, but he still felt like shit for being rude to you in front of someone else at that moment.
You stormed off, and after a few seconds of contemplation, Lo'ak tried to follow after you. But you stopped him in his tracks. "I don't need anymore of your crap right now, okay Lo'ak?" You snapped at him, turning around to face him.
"No, it's just--- I wanted to—" Lo'ak stammered. It had never happened to him before. Maybe only once, when he was 12, and he'd alone out in the forest, reciting all the ways he could think of to ask you a girl he liked out. Just for practice. It wasn't like he'd gone out to pick flowers, or anything.
"What? Make another cruel joke? Wait for someone else to come by so you can humiliate me in front of them? I don't know what I ever did, for you to hate me so much, but I'm done trying to understand." You hissed at him. "Stay. Away from me."
Fine, Lo'ak thought, as he watched you walk away from him. He had nothing to apologise for anyway. It wasn't his fault he couldn't be obsessed with you like everyone else seemed to be. Lo'ak had already been keeping clear of you, you were the one who always seemed to want to talk.
"Yeah? Well maybe you should take your own advice, then!" He yelled back at you, his voice cracking. You were already gone.
That night he couldn't sleep. It was just another thing about you. On those days that you really irked him, he just couldn't relax. Lo'ak would toss and turn for hours on end, rethinking all the things he could have said and done instead. Until finally exhaustion would take over in the early hours before the end of the eclipse.
Lo'ak was making his way through the forest, longing for a soak and some well deserved time alone in the small stream just past the waterfalls. He'd gone out at night as usual, so none of his annoying siblings would follow him.
Soon enough he could hear the stream, and finally he came upon the small pond of clear water where he usually went to clear his head. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw someone had already had the same idea as him. Before the other Na'vi could notice him, Lo'ak panicked and hid behind a tree.
But then he made the fatal mistake of peeking around the corner to see who it was and was caught by them immediately.
"I know you're there, Lo'ak." Your voice called out to him, followed by a soft giggle. Lo'ak felt himself grow hot all over from the embarrassment, screwing his eyes shut and drawing his ears down as he desperately hoped for the ground to swallow him whole.
The last person he wanted to see at that moment was you. Especially underneath those circumstances.
When he dared to open his eyes again, he was staring right at you. Your body was wet and glistening in the darkness, and you were shivering lightly from the cool air of the night on your skin. Lo'ak could see all of you, or the best approximation of what his mind could come up with of your features, and he was completely frozen in place y the sight of them. "I was— I didn't know that you were..." He breathed out with some difficulty, doing his best to keep his eyes trained on your face.
"It's getting a little cold now..." You murmured, cozying up to him. "Come warm me up a little?"
Lo'ak was a goner as soon as he heard you say those words. The second he nodded and leaned into you to catch your lips with his own, your hands were on his waist and making quick work of ridding him of his loincloth.
All the desperation Lo'ak felt down to the very core of his being, made the scene in his mind escalate pretty quickly. The Na'vi pulled you close, finally able to let his hands roam your body as he pleased, and trapped you between himself and the tree he'd been hiding behind only a few moments earlier.
"Lo'ak, I need you, please..." You almost sobbed as he ran his fingers between your slick folds just to feel how ready you were for him there. Lo'ak took a moment to appreciate your arched back and spread legs as you presented to him, before taking his stance behind you. "This why you mess with my head all the time?" He whispered in a low voice as he began to pound into your warmth, but you could only answer with broken moans as you feebly tried to meet his thrusts. "You just wanted me to pay you a little attention, uh?"
He gave your tail a harsh tug when you didn't answer right away.
"Y-yes! Hh-hhn, w-wanted... you... t-to..." Your answer got lost in a babble of incoherent mewls and wails.
The night began to twist itself in a fever dream of Lo'ak body entangled with yours in different scenarios that came and went in his mind. If at first he was staking his claim on you at a punishing pace until the roughness of the tree bark began to cut into your skin, the next moment the two of you were by the stream and you were riding his cock like your life depended on it.
"See this?" You asked him sweetly as you gestured towards yourself. Lo'ak watched you run your fingers over your breasts (which were now covered in all sorts of marks left by him), down your stomach to your thighs, and finally back up to your core that was currently clamping down on his shaft. "You'll never have any of it..."
Those words startled him.
"And you'll—never—have—me, Lo'ak Sully." You punctuated each segment of that scathing sentence with a roll of your hips. Your words cut Lo'ak deeper than he'd ever been, all the while the sight and feel of your body on top of him kept knocking the air out of his lungs.
Lo'ak listened to you cry out from the pleasure of the two of you reaching your peak at the same time, meanwhile, a feeling of dread began to settle over him. You languidly let yourself rest across his chest, leaning down to leave a trail of soft kisses across his face that he was now desperately trying to commit to memory. "Don't... don't go..." Lo'ak mumbled, wanting to hold on to you for as long as he could.
But you were already fading from him. "Why should I stay? You hate me, remember?"
Your voice was far away from him now. Instead, all the hateful things he'd said to you and about you during the years began to ring louder and louder in his mind, until finally, he woke up with a start.
"...I'm sorry." Lo'ak heard himself saying, as he woke up drenched in sweat, all the while sporting the most uncomfortable erection he'd possibly woken up with in recent memory. Thankfully he'd spent the night in one of the hiding places the Sullys had built for themselves across the years away from the rest of the clan. He had no reason to think anyone else would be coming by there so early in the morning, so Lo'ak saw no harm in taking care of himself then and there.
If anyone else were to climb up the treehouse, Lo'ak was sure he'd be able to hear their movements in time to cover himself up. There was little risk involved, and he certainly couldn't walk back home sporting a boner.
Little did he know, you were still trudging through the forest, your thoughts once again plagued by his hurtful behaviour. You'd always liked Lo'ak, despite your better judgement. He'd always been abundantly clear about not wanting you around, yet your heart seemed to have a hard time accepting that. Recently, you'd thought that maybe it was time for you to start courting and be courted. To know what it really felt to be cared for the same way you'd cared for the younger Sully brother.
But that night you'd realised, your heart had been completely wasted on him and there was nothing you could do about it.
Suddenly, your acute hearing picked up some ragged breathing coming from way up in the trees, and you were snapped out of your reverie. It was one of your people, and they sounded like they were hurt. You couldn't ignore it, especially since nobody should have been that far away from Home Tree after the eclipse.
Pushing your sadness to the side, to quickly climbed up the tree where you could hear the pained moans coming from. The closer you got to the top, you began to recognise the voice as Lo'ak's. Of course he'd gotten himself in trouble at that time of night. The adrenaline rushing through you made you perform a couple more reckless jumps until you finally found yourself outside of a hut built in the middle of the branches.
You rushed inside, worry written all over your tear stained face. "Lo'ak! Are you —"
The scene you were met with was a far cry from anything you'd been imagining until that point. Your eyes were perfectly capable of seeing in the dark, and there was no mistaking what was happening. Lo'ak's five fingered hand was wrapped around his... his... well, you knew what it was called, you'd just never seen one before...
The shameless act brought colour and heat to your face. Lo'ak had looked completely feral in that moment, and now the cries you'd been hearing took on a whole different meaning. The second he saw you, his pupils widened almost comically, and he quickly attempted to cover his arousal back underneath his loincloth, but the hard outline of it was still there, completely unaffected by your sudden appearance.
"[ ]" Lo'ak called your name as you began to turn your heal and run away from what you'd just seen. You couldn't deal with the way the sight of him naked and pleasuring himself made you feel, not after the way he'd treated you a couple hours prior.
You were about to jump down from and incredibly tall branch without even checking your landing, when a pair of strong arms wrapped around your middle to keep you from doing something utterly stupid. "Just what do you think you're doing?" It would have sounded like his usual rude self, if it wasn't for the soft tone and the clear concern in his voice.
"N-none of your business..." You struggled against him weakly. "Let me go, Lo'ak..." Lo'ak didn't even have that good of a hold on you, he was trying his best to keep his excitement angled away from you. You looked mortified, and he felt beyond ashamed that he'd been touching himself while thinking of you, when clearly you despised him. And with good reason.
"Forgive me, [ ]. Please forgive me." Lo'ak begged you. The words sounded so foreign coming from him. He didn't even apologise to his family most of the time. "I... never meant for you to see..."
Your ears lowered in understanding. Lo'ak wasn't apologising for his behaviour, just for the dishevelled state he'd put you in now. "It's fine..." You breathed out, relaxing a little bit in his hold. "I just... I thought you were hurt..."
Lo'ak couldn't deny the sincerity of your words, nor would he ever forget how worried you'd looked as you'd barged into his tent. He didn't deserve any of your care and attention, yet you kept giving it to him despite his brutish behaviour.
"You were crying..." He blurted out suddenly, seeing the tear streaks on your face and the redness in your eyes now that you were so close. Lo'ak thought back to the way the two of you had parted ways. Only he could come to the realisation he had feelings for someone just after bringing them to tears. "I... I made you cry..."
You didn't want to answer Lo'ak, and suddenly the need to get away from him became much stronger. It was humiliting, and you knew he'd realise soon how badly you had it for him. "Lo'ak... please... " You didn't know if you were asking for. To be let go? To somehow have this pain taken away from you?
Lo'ak didn't let you go however, and he decided he wouldn't, not until you calmed down. His hold wasn't forceful, you could have pulled away from him if you really wanted to. Instead, he was holding you like you were the most precious thing to him in the world. His hands began to caress your skin gently, all the while he was crooning soft apologies to you. It made you melt against him almost too easily, clinging to him while your breathing began to settle down.
To the back of your mind, a nagging thought began to grow. "Is... is this your way of playing a prank on me?" You asked, your words breaking Lo'ak's heart. Finally, he'd found away to be with you without reflecting the negativity inside of him onto you, but of course you didn't trust him.
Lo'ak was the one trying to fight back tears now. He looked angry, distraught even, as his face twisted into a side of him you'd never seen before. "Of course you'd think that..." He said, taking a step back from you. "What have I ever shown you if not hatred over the years...? I'm so much of a loser and a fuck up, why wouldn't you think I'd try to trick you when you're this vulnerable?"
"Lo'ak —" You tried to stop him from being self-deprecating, which hurt you more than anything.
"But what choice did I have?" He snapped back, his voice filled with grief. "You were always off with Kiri or Neteyam when we were kids. And that was fine, I could never live up to my siblings anyway. But then... everyone in the clan started to understand... how goddamm perfect you are... and I knew, I would never be enough for you... I would have brought you nothing but shame... so, so I had to shut you out. I had to make you understand how big of a disappointment I really am to everyone around me..." Lo'ak took a glance at his demon hands, a constant reminder of how sick his longing for [ ] truly was. Someone like him was meant to end up alone.
Lo'ak's words almost broke you. The realisation he longed for you just as much as you did, was unfortunately overtaken by the pain you felt for him. You didn't want him to believe these things he'd clearly been telling himself for years. Those thoughts of his had kept him away from you for too long.
You threw your arms around his neck, holding him so tight you would have cut his circulation off if he wasn't much stronger than you. "You... complete and... utter skxawng..." you reprimanded him. "I never want to hear you say those things about yourself again. What you are, Lo'ak Sully, is a moron, nothing more." Lo'ak gave you a little grin through his tears. "Because I have always been yours... and you never saw it."
Hearing those words leave your lips almost made Lo'ak's knees give out from under him. Afraid it was all just a dream, a sudden need to feel you and brand his touch onto you overcame him.
Lo'ak ran his nose against your cheek a little before capturing your lips into a searing kiss. You arched into him, letting out a soft mewl at the heated contact you'd never experienced before. It didn't take long for the two of you to retreat back into Lo'ak's hideout, and only then did he pull away from you.
"J-just... gimme a sec..." He said nervously. You were a little dazed from your shared kiss, and both of you were starved for more. Lo'ak was doing his best to create a comfortable spot for the two of you to rest on, and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute it was. You walked over to where he was fretting, laying down and pulling him down with you.
It wasn't uncommon for Na'vi your age to mess around before bonding, even outside of an official courtship. However neither of you had ever wanted or even contemplated having fun with someone else. So you were both completely inexperienced. That didn't stop Lo'ak from doing to you all the things he'd been dreaming about for years.
Once he'd made sure you were comfortable, he began to worship every single part of you, committing every single inch of your skin to memory. The little sobs you let out when he started playing with your breasts, had him teasing you relentlessly until you were in tears. "L-Lo'ak... I'm sensitive there... please...!" You didn't know whether you were beginning him to stop or keep going.
He absolutely loved having you at his mercy in that way, but the sweet scent of your arousal had him finally relenting as he directed his attention to your glistening cunt. "Look at you, what a pretty little syulang, huh?" Lo'ak licked a stripe up your slit without as much as a warning, making you moan and tug at his braids. His eyes were completely transfixed by the sight of you, letting his fingers pet you gently at first. "I hope you know, your little syulang is all mine now... I don't plan on sharing you with anybody else." He growled possessively, before burying his face between your thighs to drink down the sweet nectar you couldn't seem to stop producing. "Y-yes... Lo'ak... all yours..." you whined softly, fully losing yourself into the pleasure he was so adamant to give you.
You were so foreign to the feeling of an orgasm approaching, you ended up squirting all over Lo'ak face. When he pulled away to look up at you with fully blown pupils, you were completely mortified at what just happened. You tried to pull away and apologise, but Lo'ak didn't let you second guess yourself for a second. He'd never been more turned on in his life. "No way, baby... can't have you saying that... this pretty little cunt deserves all the praise and care in the world... now stay still, I'm not finished..."
He lapped up all the slick that had been running down your thighs before attaching his lips to your folds once again. Soon, you were begging for him to claim you. All of you. While Lo'ak had been painfully hard the whole time, he hadn't thought about his own pleasure for a single second until then. His hands and even his sex were different to the ones of other Na'vi. He was afraid of disappointing you again, of not being up to the standard of what you needed.
"Lo'ak, please... I don't want you to take care of it by yourself..." you crawled over to him now, your shyness almost gone while his own insecurities were back. He let out a deep croon, holding you tight as you sat in his lap, your back against his chest. You tilted your head to the side so he could kiss and mark up you neck, all the while the two of you were rutting against each other. "You're already taking care of me..." He reassured you, but you still positioned yourself to line yourself up with his cock.
Lo'ak bit into your shoulder then, the feeling of your tight walls awakening a feral need to claim and breed inside of him. You were so small, you were struggling to even take him more than halfway, but Lo'ak was there to reassure you everything was perfect, you were perfect. "You're doing such a good job, yawne... fuck, fuck, fuck.... you're just so tight aren't you? Gonna have to ruin that cunt nice and proper first, if I you want to take me all the way..."
"Yes, Lo... I need it..." Lo'ak's words had you completely dumb and needy for him, and the two of you had just lost any semblance of self control you may have had until that point.
Your sweet and pliable nature give Lo'ak an immense sense of power and control over you. While it was undeniably hot to watch you struggle to take in the size of him, it was time to give both of you what you wanted. He gripped your hips tight and pulled almost all the way out before driving himself back in, loving the obscene sound of your wet walls dragging against him. You cried out his name, as he repeated the harsh motion, steadily driving himself deeper and deeper inside of you.
The two of you went at it for the entirety of the eclipse. The desire you had for each other was so desperate, the promise of feeling each other's pleasure once more was stronger than any ache in your body or sense of tiredness.
Waking up the following morning, you still felt the need for Lo'ak to mate you before the two of you had to once again go back to reality. This time, you finally managed to take him all the way and he thrust into you in one swift motion. The two of you were outside in the sunlight, your body trapped between Lo'ak's and the rough bark of the tree he'd pinned you against.
"Good girl... such a good girl... knew you could take me all the way..." Lo'ak praised you, pounding your raw and sensitive cunt, now able to make you feel every single inch of him. The pleasure was indescribable, even if you were overstimulated and sore from the previous night. You were calling out him name and begging him not to stop.
Unbeknownst to you, he'd dreamed about having you exactly like that the previous night.
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kit-williams · 6 months
The Golden Palace of the Dead
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon & @sculptorofcrimson
sooo this idea comes from a homebrew culture my husband and I made and they do ancestor worship. I thought it would fit nicely for the brain worms sculptor has given me
The Custodian Pyrrhus was experiencing heartbreak. The white cloth looked so small in his arms as he went into the depth of the palace to prepare her for her resting place. He was there for the final breath that slipped between her lips as her heart gave out one final time. Some of his brothers were greedy with their time with their obsessions but Pyrrhus knew that you can only prolonged the human body for so long.
Aristotle looked up at him as Pyrrhus made his way down... at least he would have company as he prepared the gruesome task of preparing her body. Cold and lifeless he could not stop himself from leaving a final kiss upon her forehead. His eyes grew cold as he began the delicate task of removing flesh and muscle from bone...leaving the pink bones upon a table and a container full of gore to be buried under one of the few trees in the gardens of the imperial palace.
He could still see her face like a ghostly impression around that skull of hers. Aristotle was getting the gold and resin ready for her arrangement. Metal in the shape of parchment with her name engraved upon it was placed upon a table along with a few other items Pyrrhus had requested. A macabre art piece.
"Do you know where you're going to put her?" Aristotle asked.
"Room 67sc near garden 7. Right at the angle that she loved to look down into the gardens at."
Aristotle just rumbled in agreement as one of his own, Sarah, was on the opposite wall of where Pyrrhus' recently deceased would go. He watched as the bones were cleaned... they talked as they dried as and as Pyrrhus began to set her bones lovingly in place he was silent. It was an honor for these thousands of mortals would receive to be remembered... to be preserved... to rest in the same great Mausoleum as their beloved Emperor.
Pyrrhus placed a final funerary kiss upon the skull before that golden resin slowly filled the mold that her bones and trinkets placed with her got covered. He stayed there guarding her once more an unmoving guardian... to protect her as the resin was cured and by hand he shaped it and polished it to its final form.
Pyrrhus walked with Aristotle to the room as he hung it up his eyes looking over the piece as it melded in with the rest of the minor directions on the walls and other details allows her to become one with the rest of this palace of death.
"Thank you Aristotle." Pyrrhus says softly taking a step back from where she hangs as those tiny pink flowers she liked would be blooming soon.
The two demi gods left as another body was added to the palace of bones. Tended to lovingly by its caretakers.
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Hey!! i saw your countryhumans post and it was rlly cool!!!
can you do russia,canada,france and germany with a tall s/o??
(your blog is so cool!!!)
Russia, canada, France, and germany with a Tall S/O
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probably u are the same height of this mf lmao
congrats cuddling is more easy in some aspects , like surprise hugs/kisses/etc,
the part of the nicknames is
the ""normal"" nicknames like bean, shorty, short stuff or things like that
and he stays with nicknames like, "Darling", "sweetie", "sugar cube", etc.
they can wear each other's clothes without problems
"sweetie is that my sweater?"
"i thought it was mine!"
the problem comes if you would like your clothes to be loose,
hehe yes… discard that from your wish list
when you go anywhere you probably both have to bend over
It's obvious but I wanted to say it
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this man LOVES you
he let you be the big spoon
he loves showing you off
"have you seen my partner? they are so tall just like russia, cry bitch"
but if you want it to stop just say so and it will stop, (like for 2 months and then it will, but only every like 2 weeks)
"germany stop-"
be prepared for lots of questions of "can you pass me that?", "can you hang that?" but that only happens when
A.- didn't find the ladder
B.- he gave up after a long time
C.-I don't know, maybe he can reach it but he just wants to try to talk to you
nicknames like "bean", shorty, etc are still there
"hey shorty can you pass me the salt?"
"ok but you know that i'm…y'know, t a l l?"
"ok, ok, but pass me the fucking salt-"
sometimes he has made jokes about him wishing he were so tall
I said they were jokes?
why the fuck aren't they
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I feel that his type of person is the short ppl
but when he realized that he fell in love with you he said "FUCK I LOVE TALL PEOPLE"
he loves to steal your clothes
regardless of color
"bro, why do u have a (insert fav color, except red and white) shirt? i thought you hated that color-"
"who cares? it smells like my beloved and awesome partner and!-"
"now i understand why i love being single"
i don't have to much ideas rn sorry 😭✋
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protective asf
I feel like this bitch would want to grab your waist but he ends up grabbing your ass
"yes mon amour?"
"that isn't my waist-"
"oh.... O H "
I feel like I would be proud enough to tell you "pass me that please!"
"I don't needed help…"
"honey you almost broke your leg a, THE DAMN LEG"
tall ppl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>idk
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ryuichirou · 14 days
Hi again! More short replies. The majority is related to our latest posts, but not all of them…
About Azul/Jamil comic from yesterday:
Anonymous asked:
"Long live the king or whatever..." *sounds of an octopus tumbling down a flight of stairs*
Awww poor octopus~  I wonder if Azul’s octopus form suffers too if his human form breaks a couple of limbs 😭
thestarlightfae asked:
Rip Azul. What did Jamil do to him to make him sulk?
F in the chat for our boy Azul
To answer your question: not sure! I’d say that he just refused him for 1000th time, but Azul is surprisingly good at handling rejection from Jamil (it’s his “sure sure, keep playing hard to get” mentality). But then again, maybe Jamil really was too harsh this time…
About Ruggie and leonut:
thestarlightfae asked:
Omg! Ruggie is adorable with his leonut!!!!!
Anonymous asked:
Thank you so much!! <3 I am very happy you like him.
Ruggie is such a rare guest in our blog, but he really is adorable and deserves nothing but good things.
About the Jade/Vil massage comic:
Anonymous asked:
JADEVIL?! truly blessed to live in a time where I can see JadeVil
HHEHE YES I can’t believe we haven’t posted anything proper with them yet and didn’t even have a tag for them… this is a good ship 💪
Anonymous asked:
OMG, Ryu, you gave me a heart attack as soon I saw Jadevil on your feed!! I'm so happy you guys ship, too 🫶🏼 I love it, thanks for the food 🙏🏻
Please enjoy your food, Anon! Thank you so much for liking it!! <3
Both of the tweels have interesting dynamics with Vil, both separately and together, so I’m happy to explore Jade and Vil together hehe.
Anonymous asked:
Thank you for the women. They have me gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
(related to stuff from our 🔑🔞 acc)
You are very welcome, Anon, and thank you so much for enjoying them!!! 😭 I feel a bit weird when I post nothing but girl smut for a long period of time, so it’s very encouraging and frankly amazing to see you getting feral over them lol
Anonymous asked:
Out of curiosity, were any of your other drawings inspired by asks you received?
To be honest, I can’t remember anything major… But I am very bad at remembering my own drawings, so maybe it’s just my memory thing.
Sometimes I get carried away when I write a reply and start thinking “damn this sounds fun” and then months later end up drawing it, completely forgetting that it was a hc from a list or something like that…
But also sometimes I draw a new ship and start remembering how Anon asked about this ship ages ago and I replied “nah don’t ship them” or “nothing against it but we don’t care much” back then lol I think it happened with Ace/Riddle and Trey/Vil, for example.
Anonymous asked:
[shroudswap anon] of course it's fine with me, if anything i'm honored! i would love to hear any ideas you have on it!! :] one aspect of it that i think about: do you think ortho would receive a subtle sort of... disdain from STYX? because idia is this once-in-a-lifetime genius, and ortho is just... above average. so who knows what idia would've made and been capable of if he hadnt died, and this whole thing WAS orthos idea.... this subtle air of "it should've been you" to rub it in. thots?
I’m happy to hear that, Anon! <3 I’ll definitely come back to this idea again once I figure out how I want to draw it.
Also oof, good question. I feel like Ortho would definitely feel like this is how people feel about him, like they would be nice to him and all, but him being worse than Idia is such a huge elephant in the room that no one could realistically ignore. There could probably be some people in S.T.Y.X. who genuinely blame Ortho for what’s happened with their precious prodigy, but the overall consensus would probably be that this was an accident, Ortho was still very young, and that they shouldn’t blame him. This is partially because Ortho is seemingly everyone’s little sunshine, and people would probably feel bad for him.
But! Once again, Ortho would absolutely feel like they just don’t truthfully express how they really feel about him. To him it’s 100% objective truth: it should’ve been him, and everyone knows that even if they act like they don’t agree. He doesn’t have as much to offer as Idia did and he can’t achieve half of the things Idia could have…
The angst just keeps getting more and more potent huh
Anonymous asked:
politely hands you the idea of the tweels nonconing epel…i’m also curious if you think azul would ever join in on the twins…playing…with someone in any way
Anonymous asked:
tweel x epel anon, i hope i’m not coming across as requesting anything i just want to share the idea sharing is caring
No worries, Anon, it does feel like you’re sharing, and I appreciate you sharing~ ;3
Epel is a very good victim for such a scenario; even know he knows that he shouldn’t do it, somehow he ends up fucking around and finding out… so the tweels could definitely play with him.  He would be a delightful little toy~
But when it comes to Azul, I feel like he would only be present if the whole thing was his idea initially + he is very interested in the victim. Otherwise to him it’s just his rabid hounds terrorizing a piece of meat to keep themselves entertained. It’s mostly their own business I think 🤔
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lilithizhere · 1 year
your niece is adorable
the headcanons are dabi x reader with a victorian/gothic victorian aesthetic
and the oneshot is dabi x kojiro sasaki!fem!reader and reader is 21 in this one
im not gonna give out a plotline since i just made one for another writing blog and i have no more juice left to recharge on😞
as you can see im obssesed with dabi and i daydream myself as ragnarok characters
so expect alot of dabi x reader from me😊
so yeah have a safe camping trip
- 🌑 anon
Hey I'm back! Also, thxs I know she's adorable! :) I really don't know like what to write for the headcanons, I just don't get the creative feel so I'm gonna have to pass, but I will write for the oneshot!
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You met in the after life, because your older but stronger.
You were know as the world's greatest loser, but that never bothered you. You examined many peoples fighting styles to get stronger.
You met Dabi when you were in a fighting match. He questioned you why you never picked up your sword.
"I am examining, their moves so then I know them in the future!"
That's all you said to him and he was surprised, but he said that a cool idea and that you should keep doing it.
You and him became best friends that day.
Now, it was Ragnarok, you were called to fight for the humans and you agreed. Brunhild said that they changed Ragnarok a bit. If you lose and die you will be brought back.
So, you have nothing to worry about. You met Lu Bu and Adam, because their were breaks in between matches to fix the stage and got eat and use the restroom.
Adam looked surprised to see someone so "Young Fighting". When you only in your prime years which is 21 when you should be 50.
You thought, I am literally probably the same age as Lu Bu.
You liked the Chinese warlord cause he could scene how strong you were. He gave you a crazy smile that made you smile. You didn't know why people were scare of him.
Then you heard the announcement for Fighters to get ready. You nodded at Adam and Lu Bu.
Adam stopped you to give you and pat on the head and said. "It's okay to lose, just try your best."
You nodded and went to your spot. Not noticing a group of people in the crowd.
(With the Lov)
Dabi was talking to the others as they knew you. You have met them before.
The announcement went off about getting ready and they looked for you and saw your opponent. Posiden, a strong ruthless God that hated humans.
They saw you come out on a boat. They cheered. And then the hear Heimdall introduced each other.
They kinda snickered when they heard the crowd questing why the world's greatest loser is fighting for humanity.
The humans were scared but the lov just heard you smile and insult Posiden. They were snickering.
(Back to you)
You loved the reactiong on Posidens face when you insulted him. And then you to just stood there, he was examining you while you were trying to find ways to beat him.
You were sweating a bit. But you found a way to beat him.
You and him started to walk toward each other and then you both attacked. This went on for a while, Posiden barly got a hit on you. While you got many hits on him, smiling.
Then Posiden broke your sword. You were still smiling then they broke into 2 swords and they still fought.
Then, you gave him a fatle blow. He was not believing that he was defeated by a human, in his final moments.
You just smiled as you heard humanity cheer for you. You walked to the infirmary and just patched up and healed, when you saw Dabi leaning against the door and you smiled and waved hin in.
He walked over to the infirmary bed, which is were your sitting, and sat down.
You talked with him for hours and then some of the lov came in and sat down.
Dabi was your boyfriend and he loved you whether you were in your prime years or you were 50. He loved you and respected you.
You were currently scolding Toga who stabbed Shigaraki for a little blood. You saw Adam at the door and Lu Bu you waved them in and they sat down in a chair.
Adam congratulates you on winning, but Lu Bu now wants you to spar with him along with Thor.
You were joking and laughing with them and the lov, who you introduced Adam and Lu Bu to.
You wouldn't have this any other way.
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wsknbfanaccnt · 2 days
Hello! First of all, I am really happy to have found an active Akashi blog! :)
I have an Akashi x reader scenario request. Well, one of your blogs said you want to write some Akashi drama so I have this idea... I have seen some Akashi comforting his s/o but what about the other way around? okay, this might be more angsty than dramatic but here's the situation:
what about Akashi breaking down because of his dad not approving of his relationship with s/o and instead wants to arrange him with the daughter of a successful business man? so, akashi, being really depressed about it, ends up breaking down in front of his s/o (which is extremely unusual knowing Akashi) and he let's out all of his feelings, also about his bad childhood as his father never really allowed him to have freedom, and it just crushes him that he doesn't even have the freedom to spend his life with the person he loves the most. however, it ends up with his s/o who is there to comfort him (of course) and gives him the courage to confront his father. i don't expect akashi actually confronting his father tho, more a situation where we as the reader listen to akashi who is opening up to us and comfort him.
sorry if this is too specific :')
& don't feel forced to write this scenario please!
Thank you!
Helloooo Anon! It's been a while since i revisited this acc and I randomly got the urge to write lol but i don't have any ideas
to the inbox we goooooo~
its also been a while since ive written anything but I PROMISE you I still know everything about the love of my life AKASHI SEIJURO heheh
I hope you enjoy this one!
Under the Stars
[ (Y/N), could you meet me at the park tonight? ]
You were surprised to receive a text from your boyfriend at this hour, since usually his time was occupied by the millions of things he needs to do. You understood this of course, which is also the reason why you immediately got up from your bed and put a jacket on. It must be important if he wanted to meet with you in person.
[I'm on my way.]
It was already twilight, but the orange and red hues of the sun still shone through the clouds and onto the grass. Your boyfriend was already there, his red hair glowing in the sun. He was watching you, or rather, admiring you with a small smile on his lips.
"Hey there Sei," you said quite cheerfully, almost skipping as you went to him and sat down next to him. This park was your little hiding spot since it was rather secluded. It was hidden by tall trees, making the entrance easy to miss unless you knew where to look. Often you two come here to look at the stars.
"My love. Always so beautiful," he greeted softly, wrapping an arm around you and placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. Small gestures like these always gave you butterflies, no matter how insignificant it seemed.
"Oh you.." you giggled softly, leaning against him. Not wanting to delay in case there was something wrong, you went right for it. "So... what's up?"
His lips pursed softly, the boy clearly in distress. Akashi let out a gentle sigh, looking up at the sky as he held his hands together and mentally prepared himself to say it out loud.
"I have some unfortunate news. My father... does not approve of our relations. He has already scheduled a meeting for myself and a girl from another family." he said, his voice trailing off at his last words. You had never seen Akashi this lost before.
"What?! He can't do that to you!" you exclaimed immediately, sitting up and looking at him, your expression filled with worry and panic. The boy merely looked down as he played with his fingers, a pained smile curling the corner of his lips.
"It appears.. I have no choice." he mumbled, his voice barely over a whisper. A pang hit your chest at the sound of his voice, and you wished you could take all his pain and carry it yourself.
"Sei... I'm so sorry..." you said softly, carefully wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing him tight. He turned his head away, concealing his emotions as much as he could. This time he stayed silent, biting his lip as it quivered. Akashi slowly moved closer to you, hugging you back as tightly as he could. Being here in his beloved's arms, the scent of her neck, the comfort she brought him, it was worth every single hardship he had endured. But as he reminisced those times, the things he had to go through, and his mother, it became too much for him to handle. You noticed his body started to shake even as he repressed his emotions.
"Hey... Sei? Are you okay...?" you whispered softly, pulling away as worry rose to your chest. Akashi didn't look you in the eye, turning his head away from you in embarrassment as his breath hitched. He remained silent, only the crickets chirping filling the air.
"Please look at me Seijuro..." you didn't want to force him, so you reached your hand out and gently cupped his cheek. He took a deep shaky breath as he slowly turned his head towards you, but never looking at you in the eyes. Your heart broke into a million pieces as you spotted his eyes brimming with tears, his cheeks stained with wetness as well. This was the first time you saw Akashi cry, and it was too painful to bear.
"Oh my darling... I love you so much... Come here baby," you whispered as you pulled him towards you, the boy hiding his face in your neck. You let him cry as long as he needed to, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as you stroked his back. Seijuro was silent as he let his emotions out through his tears, but his body still shaking.
"Cry it out, okay...? You're gonna be okay, you're here next to me. You're with me Sei, you're safe." you muttered softly. You wanted to make sure that he knew that he was allowed to express his emotions, that he could trust you with things like this. Admittedly, you felt happy that Akashi was comfortable enough with you to finally let his walls down. It reminded you of when you first met him; so intimidating and feared by people around him. But you knew better, especially now. He was just a boy, and he never deserved such treatment.
The two of you sat there on the grass holding each other for a long while, just listening to the sounds of the night. The crickets, the low humming sound of the light pole, the scent of the grass and the brush of the crisp, cold breeze. Your head snapped up at the sky, realizing that it was completely dark now. It was a perfect night. You couldn't see the moon anywhere and there were no clouds in the sky. You looked down at the boy that was still snuggled against you, kissing his head.
"Do you wanna look at the stars?" You muttered, breaking the silence between you two. Akashi paused for a second before pulling away, his heart now calm. Still he remained silent, nodding as you laid down on the grass. This time, he snuggled against you, looking up at the stars at well. You held him in your arms, both of your eyes lingering on the twinkling.
"I apologize for tonight, my love. I did not want you to witness me in such a weak state." Akashi finally spoke, taking a deep breath. You could hear in his voice that his throat was still swollen from crying.
"It's okay Seijuro, really. I would rather you cry in my arms than shoulder all your emotions yourself." you reassured him, stroking his hair.
"You know... you are the only other person I have truly let my walls down with," he started, snuggling against her more. Your lips curled into a smile, happy that he felt safe with him.
"My mother was the first," he said quietly, his voice melancholy. You turned his head to him, mildly surprised. He had never talked about his past before, especially not his mother. You knew the basics of course, but this was the first time he brought the subject up on his own. You looked back up at the night sky, listening to him.
"As you know she died when I was very young... 5th grade. My father had been life this since I was born. Strict, unforgiving and cruel. Never once did he allow me to stray from perfection. As a result, any mistakes are deemed completely unacceptable. As if failing meant death." he started, scoffing at the memories.
"It was all to raise me as his heir of course. It almost felt as if he wanted a child for the sole purpose of passing it down to me. This was quite a lot of pressure for a someone that age... for anyone. Though, I wanted to win my father's approval. His attention, his praise... he was still my father after all. Not once did I recieve such treatment from him. I did however, recieved love from my mother," he said, his lips curling to a smile as he reminisced.
"She was beautiful and kind. Gentler than a feather in the breeze. She introduced me to basketball and somehow managed to convince my father that this was a sport that I could use to better improve myself... and thus it was approved. Mother knew exactly how to handle father... it was incredible how she did. She hid her tactics from me to protect me. Because of her I had leisure time. I had fun through the sport. My father was brutal, but it was all worth it because through her I was able to at least peek into the life of a normal child." You smiled, your heart warming at how he talks about his mother.
"After she was gone, Father became more strict than he ever was before. He did not even give me time to cope with her death. I remember that day... he called me to his office and told me the news. As you might expect, I wanted to go to her and see her for one last time. But just as he told me she was gone, immediately he increased my workload without even a hint of rest. Eventually, even satsfaction had been stripped from basketball. Again, I had no place to relieve myself from my worries."
"Then you entered my life. I felt as if I had been risen from the depth of the waters... something I had not experienced in a long while. And not being able to spend my life with you... to lose you similar to how I lost my mother... I could not bear the burden again."
You sniffed unexpectedly, listening to his voice and him telling you about his childhood. Seijuro looked to you and sat up a bit, a worried look on his face.
"(Y/N)... Why are you crying, my love?"
"It's just so sad...! You've been through so much and your mom died and you didn't have anyone but yourself- I feel so bad for you..!" you whined softly, your voice high pitched from crying.
"There is no need to feel pity for me my darling... It is not unusual to me-"
"That's what makes it even sadder...!"
"Oh dear..." but Seijuro couldn't help but smile softly at the sight, feeling relieved. His heart felt lighter, finally being able to express his burdens without fear.
"I love you so much." he said softly, laying down on the grass and placing a kiss on your head as you eventually calmed down.
"I love you too..." you said, sniffing a bit as you layed down next to him, snuggling in his arms.
"Thank you, (Y/N). For being here for me, listening to me always. You make me strong, my dear." he said, slipping his fingers through her hair and smiling up at the stars.
"Of course. I will always be here for you, Sei."
Those words rang in his mind, as he finally relaxed on the grass. As you two lay under the stars and pointed out constellations, he couldn't help but feel that things would be okay, especially with you by his side.
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akaakeis · 19 days
oh nooooo i tripped and fell for u into ur ask box
eating ny ice cream rn ;; strawberry is such a weird flavour like if i had to choose and get one i would not get strawberry but if irs rhere at home im finishinf ALL of it
ALSO, DRAWING ON PEOPLE'S HANDS 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
anyways about the iwa smau!!! genuinely have no motivation rn #tweaks BUT i would like to say that the yn is shamelessly based off me like i have consumed acrylic paint on multiple occasions (today) (with ice cream)
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lost a mark in my chem test today im tweaking
also like lowkey icl i was hanging around ur blog again rn and thats why i decided to send an ask !! ur blog is so pretty rrrrr
also about OUR iwa fic i was js thinking like,, fake dating this dumbass b word ushiwaka and hes like ?? why me ??? "ur names rhyme kind of" ?? wth ??
lowkey think im immune to anything thats in acrylic paint now bc i have Eaten So Much Of It
anyways the book is lowkey good i havent finished it YET but irs called the girl on the train and like woahhhhhh smth like that at our super conservative school is iNsane
i hope u feel better soon!!! if u dont ill fly over and idk. magic
i have a maths test tmr rjejsjskssk the topic is fun but I Don't Know what if i Fail
OSHIT I WAS SUPPOSED TO LOCK IN AND DO HW OOPS ERM HRU TELL ME AB UR DAY ETC ETC and also any sav x yaku tidbits youd like to drop <- forgot the ship name AND AND AND THE ANONS THINF IS SO REAK KMFG
ok byebye ily xx
ah thats a shame 😞😞 hope your knee or whatever u banged on the way in heals up well lina 😞
yum yum yum ice cream!! i hope ur enjoying it!! also thats so real i feel like strawberry ice cream is just an odd flavor... but true that i always eat the strawberry ice cream in the freezer just to spite my other roommate (with love!!!) LMAO
also real 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i adore when people draw on me or let me draw on them it js makes me so happy <3
HELP i didnt ever realize how much time you spent on my blog like genuinely 😭 BUT THANK YOU SM!! im super proud of this theme even tho its not the most intricate <3
WOOOW THE LIBRARIAN RECOGNIZED YOU AND TRUSTED YOU W AN UNFILED BOOK??? i aspire to be you but i never step foot into my school library i much prefer my public library... there's sm more books that i read there!!! BUT THATS GENUINELY SO COOL WTF
bro that fic will genuinely be so funny 😭 like the quote we were yapping ab earlier "ushijima?? the hell?? you don't even go to the same school as him?? 😨" iwa would be more confused than anything at first AND I THINK THATS HILARIOUS!! and pls ushijima just AGREEING hes a closeted himbo i swear i swear i swear
alina im genuinely concerned over the fact that you CONSUME acrylic paint? but whatever? i guess? please dont eat too much that's definitely not meant to be consumed 🧍‍♀️
im gonna add that book to my tbr list!! i read the synopsis and it sounds pretty good tbh
THANK YOU!! my roomie is taking care of me so i'll probably be fine within the next few days 🙂‍↕️
AND GOOD LUCK!! im sure you'll do amazing dont even play w me rn alina YOU WILL DO SO SO SO WELL YOU LITTLE MATH NERD (affectionate)
bye bye!! ily ily <3
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celestie0 · 1 month
🪷 I have been summoned. ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔱𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔶𝔬𝔲.
These guys will never give up on the horny agenda will they 😭 it's been months wallahi I still remember the last time you got asks like these and like..okay I get it everyone gets horny occasionally but there's several stories that will cater to your needs of the moment. Hell just search up the tags #(insert character) smut and you'll get that shit.
I don't think the anon meant it in a pushy way but seriously on your end I can't even imagine the pressure it must put on you. Like imagine tens of people sending you stuff like this, then on top of that the cunts who send hateful, catty asks over STORIES and HEADCANONS. I'm actually so sorry dude. Forget about touching grass these people need a shot of chlorophyll injected straight to their bloodstream.
I think so much of this brain rot is because as a reader the effort isn't that significant on our end. 15-20 mins of reading and maybe a like or comment if necessary and that's all. As the writer on the other hand? So many hours spent in just coming with ideas, even more hours trying to articulate said ideas and make it coherent and fun to read, even more hours editing that stuff. Whew bitch. I remember why I gave up on my blog now 😭 but back to the point it's a major imbalance of effort and time put into the work from the parties. And after a point these people start feeling like they are owed their own specific fantasies and needs and it's just..girl I get it it's a self insert y/n fic but dj your kitty and go back to sleep instead of pestering an already tired and anxious writer.
You're god's strongest soldier Elliebear we love you. You and all the writers who put so much love and effort into your work only to get stuff like this in return.
HIIIII lilypad anon omg hope you’re doing well <33 also every time i read one of your asks i’m always reminded of how fucking funny you are 😂 the chlorophyll line sent me to the moon bahhaha. tysm for always coming to my support n rescue 🥺💕
AAA yea ikk like the fuckin kickoff smut asks too like bruh. i understand that i get new followers periodically that haven’t seen my posts addressing my issue w these types of asks, but like?? is it not also just basic decency? lol. i’ve been reading fanfics since i was like 12 y/o and i’ve never sent an author a rude asf ask or pushy comment like that…i can’t always keep giving these ppl the benefit of the doubt.
yea i mean i felt really awful when i responded to that ask about an hour after all my anger subsided lolol, because i can acknowledge that it’s not just the anger towards that particular anon, but also just a combination of all the asks i’ve gotten that just want smut. like, i’m ALREADY self conscious about writing smut, and i’m ALREADY self conscious about the lack of smut in my fics. these asks just make those feelings of anxiety increase ten-fold, and then i become too paralyzed to write anything.
yes i 100% agree w you, there’s definitely an imbalance of effort and i think the way you put it is perfect lol i could never put that thought into words the way you did haha. although it’s ultimately my decision to write and i’d never pressure ppl to interact w my work, i think because there is inherently such an imbalance of effort, some entitled readers suddenly think that they are OWED my time and OWED their hyperspecific fantasies to be included in my fics.
idk i’m like kinda getting carried away here i’m also pms’ing so bad i think that’s why this whole situation is messing me up more than usual 😂 but anywho thanks so much for supporitng me lilypad bb :(( i’m so grateful to have you as a reader. and yes! i’ve seen similar situations w my writer moots as well, so all the love extends to them too. i think writers really need to stand up for ourselves more often so these ppl fuckin learn n don’t do the same shit w other authors or in other fandoms
much love <3 ellie 🐸
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
Sorry in advance for the long ask
Do you think the rumor about SM4 being released in the summer of 2025 is fake? We've been hearing that for the past 2 years but I'm under the impression he hasn't sign up for anything yet and I think he should at least do other movies before coming back as Peter Parker (same for Z as 'MJ') it seemed like something he was planning to do anyway so I really don't get why so many tomdayas here are so apprehensive about him filming a 4th movie so soon. Is that because they don't care much about his acting career outside of Marvel or because they're too greedy for more "tomdaya" content? 🤔 Sorry to bring this to your blog I just find REALLY hard to discuss this topic with them because anyone ends up being called an anti if you don't agree with their opinions.
And as for Z, I don't get why the same group of fans want her to be back as well, but don't like the idea of her shooting Euphoria S3 so soon (you know, the show that gave her TWO Emmys).
All I want to say is, another trilogy demands a huge commitment and if he wants more freedom in his career choices... well he knows the sacrifices.
IMO We don't need another trilogy (let alone 2 more lol) and I think Tomdayas need to calm down and stop being so greedy for content to the point they starting to see these two (especially Tom) not as humans with plenty of other choices, IYKWIM.
I love T/Z acting together, but they're not machines. Some of these fans are too damn greedy (I hate to repeat that, but it's true)
Hey Anon! 👋🏾😃 No worries about the long ask. Long asks don't scare me lol.
Now to unpack all of this.....
Do you think the rumor about SM4 being released in the summer of 2025 is fake? We've been hearing that for the past 2 years but I'm under the impression he hasn't sign up for anything yet
I mean...Rumors are just rumors. Films get rumors all the time. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Right now, all we've been getting are possible projected time frames that they might want to release SM4. But of course, things can change all the time.
Honestly? At THIS point, I wouldn't even worry too much about release years until the film has actually been filmed. Let's first work on seeing the film being filmed FIRST, and THEN we can worry about the release date/year. Sound good? 😊
I think he should at least do other movies before coming back as Peter Parker (same for Z as 'MJ')
Well, that's exactly what he's going to be doing?? He has to film Astaire the biopic. He also filmed TCR. To me, Tom HAS been filming other things before coming back as Peter Parker. We also don't know what he might have after the FA biopic either.
Zendaya too has filmed other things herself after playing MJ. She filmed "Challengers", and "Dune: Part 2". She will also have S3 of Euphoria to film as well. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I really don't get why so many tomdayas here are so apprehensive about him filming a 4th movie so soon. Is that because they don't care much about his acting career outside of Marvel or because they're too greedy for more "tomdaya" content? 🤔
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Who's been "apprehensive" about Tom filming SM4 "so soon"?? 🥴 I haven't seen people being apprehensive about it. I just think fans in general (NOT just "Tomdayas" 😒) are anxiously awaiting a new Spider-Man franchise film after the last film came out in late 2021.
Let's face it, we're almost into 2024, and we STILL haven't received any firm news, dates, or casting announcements for SM4 yet, and the last movie came out in 2021. Can you blame people for wanting to see what happens in the next installment?? Especially after THAT cliffhanger??
And who's being "Greedy" about Tomdaya Content? 🥴 We already get a TON of Tomdaya content (especially THIS year, my goodness lol 😅🤣) without Tom and Zendaya even filming a SINGLE, SOLITARY THING! Let alone, needing to film SM4 for any "content". 🙄 Last I checked, we didn't get hardly ANY Tomdaya content while they were over in Atlanta filming NWH. That set was LOCKED TIGHT! Certainly not like what we've been getting now that they've been free from work. So, Idk what you're talking about Anon.
Sorry to bring this to your blog I just find REALLY hard to discuss this topic with them because anyone ends up being called an anti if you don't agree with their opinions.
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"Them"...... "Their"..... 😏
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You all always show yourselves in some form or fashion one way or another smh... 🤦🏾‍♀️
So, I take it Anon that YOU aren't a Tomdaya.... 😏 Look, if people are calling you an "Anti", it's probably because that's EXACTLY what you are. Anon, people aren't dumb. They can usually pick up on bs a mile away.
And as for Z, I don't get why the same group of fans want her to be back as well, but don't like the idea of her shooting Euphoria S3 so soon (you know, the show that gave her TWO Emmys).
Maybe those people just don't care for the show?? Maybe they just don't like Sam? Maybe they don't like the writing? Maybe they feel like after 2 or 3 seasons, it's best for Z to move on? Who knows?? Look, I LOVE the fact that my girl got 2 Emmys out of the show (and she might even get a 3rd!), and she has been amazing in it! It's been a growth experience for her in acting for SURE. But not everyone has to LOVE every single project their fave does. Just because that person is your fave, it doesn't mean that as a fan you HAVE to watch every single project, or even enjoy every single project your fave does. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't see the big deal?
All I want to say is, another trilogy demands a huge commitment and if he wants more freedom in his career choices... well he knows the sacrifices.
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Whewww chiiiile....Let's just see about film #1 first. We don't know what Tom has signed on to yet.
And he's been obviously doing other work aside from SM. IDk what the problem is?
YES, SM is a huge commitment, but it's not like we've been there in the room with Tom and knowing what they've been discussing. For all we know, they could decide to film Parts 1 and 2 of SM in one whole filming phase like they did with the final Twilight movies. We don't know what they have in store honestly.
IMO We don't need another trilogy (let alone 2 more lol)
After THAT cliffhanger in NWH?? Chiiiiile...get REAL. 😒🙄
It's obvious they always intended to film another 2nd phase of the franchise/trilogy. Now, whether it will actually happen is still left to be seen, but saying "we don't need another trilogy" is dumb imo. That was what was always originally intended. If you don't like that, take it up with Marvel/Disney. 😒🙄
and I think Tomdayas need to calm down and stop being so greedy for content to the point they starting to see these two (especially Tom) not as humans with plenty of other choices, IYKWIM.
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I find it so interesting how you think that it's ONLY "Tomdayas" who are wanting a SM4 film to come out. As if, Marvel fans, MCU fans, and other comic book fans (or even just regular movie-goers period) aren't interested in a second franchise. Get REAL. 🙄
Also, your assumption that Tomdaya fans only want a SM4 film JUST because we are "greedy" and want "Tomdaya Content" is really stupid if you ask me. We already get PLENTY of Tomdaya content, and we got a plethora of it during NWH press. We don't need another SM movie to come out in order to have "Tomdaya Content". 🙄
I love T/Z acting together, but they're not machines. Some of these fans are too damn greedy (I hate to repeat that, but it's true)
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You've already shown what your REAL issue is Anon.... It sounds like YOU have a problem with Tomdaya Content. Oh well, sucks for you!
I don't need to say anything further. I've said more than enough.
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ghostace · 4 months
hiiiiiii I was wondering what the pieces are for your rattataki OC's outfit (sorry I don't know their name) in the lineup of your SWTOR OCs. You have really amazing taste and I am a SWTOR fashion obsessed person but find it hard to get that balance of Jedi Fashion(tm) that still looks sleek and cool like your OC does. Teach me your ways pls thx
same anon, I imagine you know exactly which OC I was asking about but I found her name in your blog so I'll specify that I mean Teness (which is a gorgeous name, again, teach me your ways). Much love to your lovely characters
ahh thank you 💖 i assume the one from this post? i forget what i have and haven't deleted and there may have been an older lineup that isn't up any more
i actually don't have a lot of ~unique outfits for teness, and the irony is i actually made that outfit expressly for that lineup because i was annoyed with myself since all her outfits are basically just straight CM sets with or without dye, and all the other characters i had in there had some sort of unique element to their outfits so i didn't want her to not match
(annoying, way too long rambling under cut)
this one is actually a pretty lazy outfit (by my own self judgmental standards, not something i would apply to anyone else)-- three of the pieces are from the same set, which i always take as a failure on my part to be creative 😅 but the chest and pants from this set are very hard to match to other sets so i gave up and left it as is
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going down the list:
chest, legs, and boots are all Builder's Apprentice from the current ongoing galactic season (building a foundation) and the chest has a Secondary Black dye, and the boots have a Primary Black dye (which if you didn't know, you can get for very cheap in the cartel market area of fleet if you have the underworld exchange reputation track)
gloves (and wrists, though you can't see them) are unfortunately from the last pvp season because i'm a clown and i actually enjoy semi-casual pvp. the collections unlockable set is called Cunning Plunderer and i'm obsessed with it and i'm currently overusing those gloves in my outfits, but there is a vendor purchasable legacy version called (i believe) Plunderer’s Greed that has a different colour set and costs 6 pvp tokens (which you can get from the pvp season track after it hits the "catch up" point of the season by buying levels if you don't want to touch pvp) (and i would not want to encourage anyone because pvp is hell but also i love it)
the belt is from the Expatriate armour set from the CM - the ahsoka tank top set everyone including myself has been obsessing over. i don't have the helmet on, but i stamped the Expatriate one in just for the sake of having one. have to give credit to @/villainship for the idea to pair that belt with that chest/pants because i did not have any good ideas (there's a lot of clipping with everything else i tried)
and to put it all together, everything except gloves and boots are unified/dye matched to the chest piece so they stay black
it wasn't in that picture but her lightsaber is the Tulak Hord lightsaber with the Overcharged tuning and a plain Cyan colour crystal (old crafters may have the recipe or you can buy a legacy bound one from the Eternal Championship vendor)
(you can stop here if you just wanted to know what she's wearing lmao sorry i have can't shut up disease)
as for outfit tips...
i'm not sure i have any really good ones-- it took me a long time to really start dressing up in swtor (i started playing in 2013 💀) because i mostly just used either dropped gear before outfit designer was a thing and then after that mostly just straight CM sets.
i usually start with a full set (or a chest piece i want to work around, usually chosen for a specific story beat or planet) and then slowly swap pieces out one by one until i have a cohesive look but with mixed pieces. i'm a heavy user of primary and secondary dyes (especially black) or shelling out for expensive dyes to change up a look-- some sets are barely recognizable once you put a dye on them
i also collect random pieces that catch my eye and store them away in the most disorganized legacy and cargo bays you've ever seen until an idea hits me. sometimes it doesn't work out but random drops sometimes spark outfit ideas-- and then sometimes outfit ideas spark story ideas hello all the sith AU outfits for my jedi
i often reuse pieces heavily with the same character-- i don't know how other people live, but i wear the same pants or shoes with different outfits all the time so there's nothing wrong with reusing iconic pieces, especially when it's a piece that's ties in to their personality. i try not to just pick pieces or outfits that "look cool" (though that's entirely valid. it's an mmo go wild have fun don't let me tell you how to enjoy yourself), but instead think about what pieces the character themselves would pick and also WHY they would make that choice because that can also give you some insight into the character. it might sound weird but the piece that actually sets a theme for an outfit for me is actually the boots-- practical heavy boots for armour vs soft and comfortable for at home vs thigh highs to show off... shoes/boots really tell a lot of the story of a character and if i can't get them right the whole vibe is off for the outfit
i guess i could say i have a "character palette" in my mind when i make outfits in order to keep some consistency in all their looks. for teness: neutrals and grayscale colour palettes, silver accents and avoiding gold (since she has silver earrings/gray eyes/markings), soft fabrics even when in armour, and i try to pick pieces that disguise the tiny waist that the body type 2 characters have as much as i can-- she's nowhere near that skinny.
thematically, her outfits follow the themes of the class story: uncomfortable and plain as a padawan, lighter and then heavy armour as the threats escalate, a more uptight jedi look for looking professional once she's a jedi master, and then more comfortable robes and outfits as she ages and gets more confident in her skin in the expansions.
in general for dressing jedi, it's about picking what kind of jedi they are first... combative jedi would dress differently than a healer who lives in the temple, dark or light, confident or meek... jedi have a style but you can bend it so much depending on what the outfit is for. i stay away from overt jackets and trooper-style plastic armour, i usually make sure there's softer elements to it with either a cape or robes or a skirt but you can go pretty casual or even dip into sith/imperial outfit pieces and still look jedi imo... the lightsaber does a lot of heavy lifting to make sure it comes together. there's no rules on being revealing or not, colour scheme (i overuse browns and grays but jedi don't need to stick to that) so it's up to the individual character and their personality
tl;dr you can do what you want forever and jedi don't need to dress like "jedi" if you believe in it hard enough and also shut up ghost goodbye
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sugar-omi · 1 year
(If you don't wanna post this feel free not to but I was kinda inspired but way to afraid to come off anon and respond to the original pokemon ask)
I totally agree with the concept that in a pokemon based our life au cove and mc would catch each other pokemon but here's my thought. Not sobble or wishi-washi but what about a young cove telling mc his favorite flower is the white poppies like in the original game. And young mc remembers and goes out of their way to catch him a white flower flabèbè. And little MC tells cove, "I know moving somewhere can be scary but now you have another friend for when I can't be with you." And cove treat the flabébé with like the up most care will very rarely have it actually battle but is always in his party (with exp. share ofc). He can never bring himself to evolve the pokemon even if mc reassures him that they wouldn't mind. (Imagine battling cove wiping out the rest of his team only to face off against a lol 100 flabébé. RIP ur team). And when one day cove asks you to marry he sends his flabébé to get bring you to him on poppy hill. Instead of proposing with the the flower himself he has his pokemon hold the ring. And he says something cheesy like, "You were my first friend and you gave me my second friend. You've always looked out for us and we both love you." But yeah come would move heaven and earth for that pokemon just because mc went through all that effort and we know he's the most sentimental man on earth.
Side note- I could totally see like a 13 year old Lizze ironically gifting cove a Sobble for his birthday. Like just a pokeball in a box with a note that says, "A cry baby lizard for my sister's cry baby boyfriend". But secretly she hopes they get along and that he likes it but Liz can never resist being a little mean.
P.S. So sorry to ramble about a topic you don't know in your ask box but I was kinda feeling it.
P.S.S. Love your writing and your blog
P.S.S.S. If anybody is interested I have some ideas for pokemon cove would gift mc lol.
HE SO WOULD DO THAT TOO, pls.... he drives me wild
also its okay!!! trust me i love when ppl ramble to me abt anything, my friends have gone on many tangents n i have to them too, n we're all friends here<333 so pls tell me abt all your little thoughts, I may not know anything but I do know Pokémon is the shit n if I had enough brain compacity I'd learn it myself but I'm still vv happy to hear everything you or anyone has to say abt anything bc trust me it's all fascinating n I'm over here w star eyes LMAO
n tysm🥹 knowing ppl like my writing makes me very happy<3 writing is very rewarding and some days are tough for me but getting to make myself n others happy w all my little word spills makes me feel good💞💕💞
also YES!!! we'd love to hear abt your Pokémon cove ideas, omg that's how he and mc bond when he first moves into town.... crying
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
Ok so initially I didn't want to make this ask because your blog doesn't allow anon, but I really need to get all these thoughts about the newest helluva boss episode out. This is gonna be very long and may be a bit confusing as I have a lot to say and English isn't my first language, so sorry about that
First of all I must say that I'm quite disappointed about this episode. I half expected it to be a continuation of the season 1 finale where Stolas would confront Blitzo about their relationship, reveal the purpose of the Asmodean crystal, tell Octavia the truth about his and Stella's marriage... basically get it all over with. But when I looked at the thumbnail, I saw that this was going to be about Octavia and Loona, not their parents. And you know what? I was ecstatic that it was! Those two are my favorite characters, plus I think we need a break from the Stolitz storyline to focus on something else, keeping things fresh y'know?
So why was I disappointed? It because the episode ended up revolving around Stolitz anyway, yet somehow their story didn't gain an inch of progress. It seems that the show's writers forgot half-way through that they were supposed to focus on Via and Loona and tried to messily jam the plots of previous episodes into this one. The result was a rushed episode with no focus on any character whatsoever. It started out with we have to find Via because she could be in danger, but suddenly it switched to watching Blitzo pretending to be a good comedic actor, and then we have to see how obsessed Moxxie is with art... In the end we only get a little information about Loona's past, see a tiny bit of Via and Loona's relationship, and see how Stolas and Blitzo interact with each other after the events of the finale
Speaking about Stolitz, I don't know why the hell they act that way the entire episode. Aren't they and their relationship supposed to be at their lowest point? Did they just... conveniently forget about their first "date"?? Or pretend nothing happened??? Why did Stolas act all lovey dovey towards Blitzo when he realized that their relationship was "full of comfortable lies" just a few episodes back? Why didn't Blitzo try to stop him if the idea of Stolas being seriously in love with him was unthinkable? Why didn't both of them show any awkwardness or discomfort when being with each other if their last time hanging out was so disastrous??? Even if they're focusing on finding Via (and then got distracted anyway), the fear and worries of loosing her shouldn't interfere that much with the state of their relationship, and it definitely shouldn't be a miracle that magically bring them back together
Now let's talk about Via and how weirdly forgiving she is towards her dad. Despite Stolas' shitty parenting and him repeatedly hurting her emotionally, she keeps forgiving him for seemingly no reason. But I think there is a reason. I don't know if the writers intend to write her like this, but it looks like Via only forgives Stolas so that he won't leave her. Think about it, Via has had abandonment issues since she was little, and it's hinted that only Stolas cares enough to be with her and comfort her. This could lead to her forming a codependent relationship with him, and this episode kinda proved it with how she just happily watch the fireworks with Stolas after a whole day feeling angry, frustrated and hurt that he "hate(s) [Stella] more than he loves [her]". It also proved that while he does try his best and is better than Stella at parenting, he's still an awful dad and I don't think Via would ever be trully happy with him
Oh and that little speech Loona gave Via about how they both should cut their father figures some slack? I hate it. As someone who grew up with horrible and abusive parents who do care and do love me, I have to remind myself constantly that they are still abusers and what they did to me and my sister is wrong, even when they didn't mean it or didn't know better. Their lack of parenting skills and issues are explanations as to why they fucked up, but not excuses for them to get away with it. And while it's best for abuse victims to eventually forgive their abusers, they should only do that as a way to move on and absolutely not to (re)gain the abusers' affection. But considering that both Loona and Via depend on their dads, plus how Loona is stuck feeling grateful that Blitzo adopted her and is the first person in her life to care and love her, they're not gonna learn this lesson any time soon. I also have a feeling they won't get much development once the Stolitz story is done
Overall, this episode is... bad comparing to all others. To me it's probably the worst so far. For the first time ever I didn't get a satisfying feeling after watching helluva boss and it was thank to this episode. I'm a bit worry for the show's future now, I mean I know it has problems with inconsistency since the middle of season 1 but this has to be the worst case. I'd still watch it, I just don't think I can enjoy it as much as before
Never feel bad about ranting to me guys, I mean look at MY posts, they’re like….essay style long lol, I love hearing y’all out! 💕
And yeah, I agree with everything you said. I’m ganna say it now, this has got to be one of the worst episodes of the series ever. Like I didn’t think we could stoop lower than the Cherub episode and Ozzie’s (in my opinion) but HERE WE ARE lol. As for the writing as a whole, I’d say I hope the show gets better, but I really don’t know. I’m so tired of this show doing certain characters dirty, and only obsessing over this dumb toxic ship. To me personally, every time an episode releases I feel like we scale further and further down the hole, but I’m not going to say there’s 0 hope. It’s up to you as the viewer wether you’re going to keep watching or not, but yeah this episode was….not written well. I had some hope for Adam Neylan, but now that I know he wrote this episode, my faith is ruined, which I know is petty but it’s the truth.
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