#{ //don't deny it and say you never sneezed- }
devildomsoup · 1 year
Silly little headcanons #1
Definitely has a favourite pen and everyone dreads the day he will have to change it.
He once shrunk Cerberus and carried him around in a handbag because he had to go to the vet.
Joint pains (no, I will not elaborate)
Has a picture in his wallet of his brothers and MC. Luke is also there for some reason.
Will turn off the lights and walk out of his room. Walks back a few moments later to check if he remembered to turn the lights off.
Boops his younger brothers on the nose when he says goodnight.
Considered dying his hair piss yellow at some point.
He swears that Luke is just an annoying little chihuahua that he doesn't care about. But the pictures of him accompanying Luke to the cinema suggest otherwise.
He forgets to throw out socks with holes in them. So sometimes he will just walk around with socks that are barely holding on.
Has a controller that only MC is allowed to use. He will not even use it himself.
Can touch his nose with his tongue
Accidentally called his brothers "Ruri" on multiple occasions.
Has an album on his phone with pictures of him and Lucifer. Will deny it if you ask him.
Once cursed the entirety of Lucifer's record collection. The curse in question made it so the only song on any of the records was Baby Shark.
When he wants MC's attention he will go "pspspsps."
Satan has put on his blue jacket normally a grand total of 6 times.
Will wear heels with just about anything. Yes, that includes sweatpants.
A lesser demon once found out about MC's deepest insecurity and started using it to insult them. Asmodeus found out and sent the demon flying through a wall.
He either sneezes like a cat or like an old man. There is no in-between.
He reminds everyone in HoL to drink water and will make sure they do so one way or another.
Not allowed to be alone in RAD's art supply room. He will eat the paint if left unattended.
He only had 4 shirts until Asmodeus forced him to get more.
Takes Luke with him around RAD when Simeon can't. Also scared of any demon that looks at Luke the wrong way.
He has carried every single one of his brothers to bed more than once. Lucifer is no exception.
Follows the cat rule. If it fits I sits.
Don't tell anyone but his favourite blanket is the jackets of his older brothers.
Will sometimes force people to take a nap with him. Does someone look tired boom it's nap time.
Pops his back really loudly whenever he wakes up
Will show anyone and I mean anyone pictures of Luke like a proud father.
Got scammed once and now he's afraid of opening links.
He once accompanied Beel to a workout and ended up destroying a punching bag.
Do not under any circumstances let him be alone in the candle section of a store. Purgatory Hall already has a closet full of them.
Tried to kill a fly with one of his spears.
When asked if he wanted anything special for his birthday he requested a cake made by Solomon.
Enjoys watching butterflies flutter around. He will stand absolutely still if one lands on him and stay like that until the butterfly leaves again.
Wins every staring contest.
Has gotten lost in stores, parks and RAD so many times that he now has a bracelet with the contact info of Simeon and Barbatos. Even though he has his own D.D.D.
Mimics Simeon and Raphael to appear like a mature angel.
He will never admit it but he makes drawings for the brothers.
Luke and MC have a secret handshake.
Immune to the pain of stepping on a lego.
Once accidentally turned himself into a rat and nearly got murdered by Barbatos.
Enjoys watching romcoms with MC.
Can and will randomly appear in MC's room tell them a horrible joke and then vanish into thin air.
She has the most random things in her pocket. Watch her pull out a porcelain frog from one of her pockets.
She had a buzz cut at some point.
Will drag you out of bed in the middle of the night so you can test her new inventions.
Loves playing with people's hair. It doesn't matter what texture or length it is. Just let her play with it.
Has a rubber duck collection.
Was introduced to vocaloid and now he won't stop singing World is Mine.
Gives the best hugs. 10/10 would hug again.
Buys Barbatos flowers every week to show his appreciation.
Knows how to tap dance.
Let's MC call him Barbie.
He receives small trinkets from the Little Ds.
Will cradle MC like a little baby when he is stressed or just missed them.
He enjoys soup.
He says he hates hugs. But in reality, he might even shed a few tears if you hug him.
A master of building card houses.
Once took care of a bat until it was healthy enough to live on its own.
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looooochie · 27 days
okay here
hate me // marc bernal
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requested: yes
word count: 849
summary: the average case scenario of enemies to lovers, but one rainy afternoon makes a difference.
There was a heck lot of bad blood between you and Marc. You two hated eachother for as long you can remember.
And it was even worse when you were a Madridsta and he was well... You already know he's a Barça player. Marc never knew how you two collided but, he pretty much hates you.
You were getting your stuff from your locker and suddenly it closed. Then you feel someone grab your collar, he had a line tattoo on his arm.
You sigh, to see your enemy pinning you. "The fuck do you want with me Marc..?" you look up.
"I want you to put something else on. That jersey makes me sick as hell." Marc says. It was clear he didn't like your Madrid shirt.
"You don't get it estupido (stupid). You cant make me stop supporting Madrid. So, Hala. Madrid." you reply angrily. Marc scoffs and let's go of your shirt. Then the bell rings.
As Marc walks, he looks at you with a scowl. "I better not catch you wearing that shitty shirt ever again." he says. You also scoff and begin to walk towards class.
It was finally the end of school and you were walking home. Then, you felt something cold hit your head. Next thing you know, you felt that se feeling, but all over your body.
That meant, it was going to rain now. You started to run, and the rain started to get heavier and heavier by the second. There is a Blue, cover thing where you could sit down and take shelter or something..
You got to that place and sat down. Every part of you was drenched due to the rain water. You take your hoodie from your backpack to try and keep warm, and that was not wet.
Then, you hear some footsteps snd you look, to see it was him. It was none other than him, Marc Bernal. As Marc is walking, he sees you.
At first, he tried to ignore you by walking past you and acting like he didn't care. You were practically freezing. And you didn't expect Marc to care. He then suddenly stops and walks backwards, slightly looking at you.
"Hey loser. Are you okay?" he says in a playful tone. "Why the hell would you care, don't you hate me?" you scowl back, giving him a glare. "I do but, you don't look too okay there."
"What sort of thing possessed you- ah- ah- Achoo!" you say, but then you get interrupted by a sneeze. Marc sighs and takes off his hoodie and tosses it to you.
"Wh-what the.." you say as you look at the hoodie. "Look, I didn't do it because I felt like being nice, it's because you looked like you were getting sick." Marc scoffs again, with a little blush.
"Uhm.. thanks? I guess." "Don't mention it." He continues. Then Marc walks off. You were extremely confused right now.
Why on earth would your sworn enemy want to give you his hoodie Just, why? You just then sneeze again, so you put on the hoodie that Marc gave you. Oh my God, it even smells like him. But, the scent was awfully nice though.
Ever since that thing that happened between you and Marc, you began to start liking him. You always kept trying to deny it, but you just help it.
You were sitting in class, almost half asleep because it was THAT boring. "I'm going to get some whiteboard markers from the art room, there better not be any chaos." the teacher says, and she left the room.
It was silent for a few moments then, it slowly started to turn into a chaotic mess. In the midst of it all, Marc got something from his backpack, and got a pocky stick from it.
Then, he put it in his mouth and tapped you on the shoulder. "Hey loserface. You know how to play the pocky game right?" Marc says.
"Uhm yeah, why?" you ask him in response. "I wanna play with you and beat you to prove that I'm better than you." he replies, with a playful tone.
"Sure. I'd never back down from challenges." you reply, then you put the other side of the pocky stick in your mouth. The class fell silent and turned their attention towards you and Marc.
Your mouths began getting closer and closer to one another, and they were almost together. Then out the blue, Marc bites the stick and crashed his lips onto yours.
This was totally unexpected. Well, you liked Marc back too. So it wasn't really a suprise. He ran his fingers through your hair and you traced the tattoo on his arm.
You and him pull apart, looking at eachother, blushing. "Wow Marc.. that was.. Amazing." you say.
"Stupid girl! Quit being so cute!" Marc says, hugging you. "Is that so? More like you're the one who's being cute." you say as you hig him back. "Oh shut it!" Marc responds, still hugging you.
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satansaidnottoday · 5 months
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When they are sick: human Au.
Info: Human AU, GN!Mc.
Summary: how do they deal with being sick and how can you help them.
Warnings: just general talk of sickness.
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He ignores all of the symptoms and signals that he's going to be sick.
Even if you try to tell him to take care, he will tell you it's just a sore throat.
He's sneezing all over his paperwork and can barely breathe.
He won't take a single day off. He'd just chug some pills and act like his fine.
In the end, you have to force him to bed when the fever takes over and he's writing down nonsense. You let Diavolo know he won't be working the rest of the week.
Protests and whines about it, but it's too weak to do anything about it. Internally he's actually glad someone cares for him, but it's too prideful to admit it.
He will sleep most of the day, trying to pass the sickness as fast as possible. Bring him tea, and some medicine, and put on his favorite classic vinyls. It will help immensely.
When he is better he thanks you genuinely. Being the oldest brother, he never got to rest and get taken care of. He's very appreciative.
The moment he feels the smallest indication of sickness he starts to whine about it.
He just wants attention. Your attention specifically.
If you give in and console him he will latch on to you and act way worse than he actually is.
If you don't he will whine even more about you not caring about him.
"Mc! You're do cruel, I could die you know…"
Over dramatic when the cold actually hits him.
He's in bed with the lowest fever ever, crying because he's going to die.
Encourage him by saying he's way stronger than any sickness and he'll instantly stop.
You're right! The great Mammon can't lose against a common cold.
Won't let you leave his side. Gets really needy and asks you the most random questions to keep you talking to him.
"Okay but what's your second to last favorite animal?"
Will get better pretty fast, his immune system is amazing. He will pretend to still be a little sick to get pampered tho.
He will buy you presents as a thank you for taking care of him.
He ignores the symptoms at first. It's not like he leads a super-active lifestyle anyway. Playing video games all day can't make your cold worse.
His immune system is shit due to how little he goes outside, so when it hits, it hits really hard.
He says he's okay and can take care of himself. It's a lie, he not only wants you to take care of him, he desperately needs it.
He gets high fevers and skull-hammering headaches. Every time he sneezes he feels like his brain is rearranged. He can't even sleep because of the pain.
He clings to you and whines about the pain.
"Why meee?"
You make him his favorite chicken ramen because that's all he wants to eat.
Since he can't look at screens, you read him novels to keep him entertained.
When he gets better you stay over for a marathon of every new anime episode he missed.
He starts preparing when he feels the symptoms coming.
He tries a few home remedies he read about, but they rarely work.
When he is actually sick, he will arrange time off work. He has his doctor on the line and already made a run to the pharmacy to get real medicine.
Takes a lot of short naps.
His symptoms are strong, but he knows how to manage them.
Reads most of the day. Only allows the cats into his bed. Sadly, that doesn't include you.
He won't let you come close, he will even try to convince you to not visit at all. Of course, you still show up to make him vegetable soup and refill his honey tea.
When his eyes sting too much to read, you sit at a cautious distance and narrate to him whatever book he wants.
Gets better pretty fast.
He surprises you with homemade dinner as a thank you.
He panics when he realizes he is going to be sick. Tries to deny it until it's too late.
He hates being sick, more than anyone else. He hates the puffy eyes, the swollen nose, the chapped and broken lips.
The only saving grace is you. He loves the extra attention (like he doesn't get enough already).
He actually has a pretty good immune system and has barely any symptoms.
Doesn't exaggerate his symptoms like Mammon, he just straight up tells you to pamper him.
And how could you say no to that face?
You spend the week holed up in his room because he doesn't want to be seen by anyone but you. Every time he needs you to run an errand for him, he frames it as a mission.
Your most frequent mission is getting more chocolate.
Skincare, skincare, and more skincare. You use around 20 different masks a day.
When he is feeling better he wants to go out and have a proper date.
Now you gotta pamper him because he was sick before! He couldn't fully enjoy his time with you.
Has an immune system made of steel.
Rarely gets sick, and when he does he just goes on with his normal life. At most, he gets a low fever and has to test for a day.
You can convince him to take a little rest by offering to cook for him. Anything will do, even just instant soup. He just loves the thought of you cooking for him.
He will try to help, do not let him. One thing he does get when sick is dizzy. You don't want him near anything hot.
He is completely fine by the next day. I wish we could say the same about you.
He infected you. Now you're in bed with a high fever and can barely move.
Don't worry tho! He will make you the best chicken soup you've ever tried.
You would think he is another drama queen, but honestly, he doesn't have the energy for that.
He already expects you to spoil him at all times, sick or not.
He gets sick too often to make an event out of it. The winter, the change of seasons, and humidity variations; everything gets him mildly sick.
Of course, that's just a great excuse to take extra naps.
Doesn't care at all about infecting you, he will demand you cuddle him the whole time.
You're the greatest body pillow ever, so of course he needs you to feel better.
A lot sweeter than usual. He will drop the snark and be pure fluff.
Force him to eat some vegetables, he will never get better if he keeps sustaining himself on snacks and candy.
If you're strong enough, you will have to carry him everywhere. His bones hurt too much to walk.
If you're not strong enough, you will build muscle dating him.
Not much will change when he gets better, he'll just have more energy to tease you.
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A little bonus Lucifer scene. Because I'm shameless about my favoritism.
"Luci, I think you have to go to bed," you said as you raked your hand up Lucifer's hair. He looked at you from his desk, his eyelids dark and red.
He tried to speak, but his throat hurt and he gave up. He let himself rest against your touch. He slowly shook his head.
"You have a fever, angel," you leaned down to whisper, caressing Lucifer's face and feeling it burn under your hands. "What you're writing makes no sense."
You tried to explain, but Lucifer wasn't hearing anymore. He hugged your lower body and let his head rest against it, looking for comfort. You gave him your arms and helped him stand up, guiding him all the way to his room.
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Thanks for reading!
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instarsandcrime · 7 months
Ambrosia to Go
@here-for-the-sick-fics Hi hello! I broke rather early, so thanks for the request! I'm not sure if it's what you had in mind, but I liked the challenge and I like Huskerdust! So! Here! You go! Enjoy!
Part 1
As the local bartender, Husk was very aware of what made the Hazbin Hotel tick. And unfortunately, that did not stop with how they handled illness.
Charlie was not one to hide it, but she would play it down and throw endless hours into her work until she collapsed. A rumor had started around the hotel that their bartender had thrown a blanket around her shoulders when she passed out at the counter. And he'll keep saying 'no, that didn't happen' until he's blue in the face because well, no one was there to prove it, were they?
As far as he can tell, he knows Alastor can get sick. Sort of. Kind of. A sniff here, a cough there. Even if, by rare chance that an overlord gets sick, he can hide those little details-- and hide them well. It would take only God themself to even catch him sneezing more than once.
When Lucifer gets hit, he gets hit hard. Denying it is somehow his go-to strategy even when the slightest cold knocks him down. Last time he'd seen the king sick he'd been working on some pretty important documents and, by the end of one of his many fits, he'd sneezed so hard that he breathed fire through the entire stack.
Niffty doesn't get sick. She's never gotten sick once since they started working together. He knows this. She knows this. It's incredibly unsettling and he'd rather not talk about it.
And today, he’s unfortunately left with...
"Angel Dust." Husk raised a bushy brow, "I'm cuttin' you off. You look like you're gonna pass out any second now."
And there sat the demon of the hour, famous porn star beloved by millions, plastered out of his mind and clutching a glass of what he calls his 'medical ambrosia'.
"Lissen! Lissen. Iii..." Angel's nose scrunched, and quickly covered it with a tissue-- which Husk nudged slightly to the left for accuracy's sake. "Hep'shhh! HET'shhhiieww. Ugh, gross."
The owlcat winced, fighting back the guilt he'd stuffed down for hours now. "Ange, I--"
"Shaddup!" Four accusatory fingers pointed, "If I had a cold I'd have it! And if I had your previous cold I'd say shhhhhaddup! Because you're-- snffff! you're a real nice guy, y'know that?"
"Shhhhhhh!" Angel squinted, "All...all four of ya shut yer traps. You were worth it and don't you forget it. 'Kay?"
That speech was way too sincere. Oh God above he has to care again, doesn't he? Rolling his eyes with a groan, Husk swept the half empty shooter from the swaying patron’s grip.
"Hey! What gives?!"
Wordlessly he tossed Angel’s ambrosia down the drain, jumpstarting the closing time routine.
"Don't be like that Whiskers! We were just...g-gettin'...g-gettin' intehh...hih!" Angel hitched, fanning himself desperately before--
"HEP'shhhh!" He pitched forward, caught by a tissue in helping paws. The bartender sighed– then repressed a shiver when the sickly spider blew messily into cheap paper.
"Yer lucky you're cute." Husk grumbled.
"Nothin'." Tossing the soaked through tissue in the wastebasket, he snaked an arm around Angel Dust's waist. "C'mon sickie, let's get you to bed."
As he pulled Angel off the stool, it took a few seconds for his mind to buffer before sobering up a little and– here we go. Right on cue.
"Y'know this’s just allergies, right?"
"Mmmhm." Husk nodded mechanically, inching up one velvet step at a time.
"An' really, when ya think about it-- snff! Niffty's been slackin', y'know?"
"Sure." Second floor.
"I mean, missin' an hour of cleanin' today and for whuhh- what? Fightin' more roaches?"
"A shame, really." Third floor, second door on the right.
"And I...I-I..." Angel wobbled, breath hitching. Without even glancing Husk held a claw up to the spider’s nose. "Snff! Ugh. Thags."
"Shut up." Husk swore as they stumbled into the room. Purple fluorescent lights rained down on a plush bed, vanity close by. Thankfully with tissues, because he knew what was coming next. 
"Id's cold id here, isn't it?"
"Yup." Husk grunted, leaning to grab a piece while balancing Angel with the other arm. "Pretty-- ugh-- chilly."
"I mbean geez! Sub-- snff! someone should really turn up the thermos-staahhh-hheh-hihhHIHH'ATSHHHHH!" Angel pitched forward again, and Husk spread his wings to keep balance, pressing a cloth to his face before he could get sprayed. "Guh..."
"Gesundheit." Husk deadpanned. The finger under the nose trick can only work so well when it literally and figuratively backfires a few seconds later. "Alright, let's lay you down before--..." 
He tugged, but his patient wasn't moving. He was busy staring into the mirror. 
"Angel?" A paw squeezed his bicep.
"...I can't wear the robe."
"I can’t wear the robe. He's gonna kill me." Angel Dust repeated, turning pale. "I-I…we have this scene tomorrow with this sexy lingerie bathrobe lookin' thing and-- and I look like a wreck. I sound like a wreck. When I get sick I get messy and I'm gonna sneeze all over the stubid thi’g--"
"And thed Val's gudda see how gross I mbade it--"
"Hey, hey, easy." Gently guiding Angel to the bed, he mourned at the way his fluffy frame shook. “Let’s sit you down before you fall down, okay? We'll take this one step at a time. And I won’t drop you, promise."
"...I-I kndow." The patient shot him a shaky smile. Shivering and unsteady, Husk tucked the tissue box beside him and draped the comforter over his shoulders.
"Okay." He took four gloved hands in one of his own, other reaching to help Angel Dust wipe his eyes. Then moved to his nose. "Blow."
"Wh-- I cad't let you do that! It's disgustig--!"
"Good to know, ‘cause we've done this all night."
"We have?! Oh, Husgk..."
"Trust me, I've cleaned up worse at the bar."
Pink cheeks glowing red, Angel rid himself of the muck as quickly as possible-- relieved sigh quickly replaced with panic.
"It's alright." Husk kneaded patterns on the other's thigh, glancing a knowing look. "Like I said, I'm not gonna drop ya."
Understanding, Angel scooped the tissue up and pressed it to his nose. "Et'SHHHH'iiew! ep'shhhh! Ghuhh..." With another honking blow he tossed the wadded ball on the desk, flopping face first into the pillowy mattress. Husk's eyes traveled everywhere but to his partner...in...crime? Ugh. Still not sure. Instead his attention lay on Fat Nuggets while he waited, little menace snoring softly in the corner.
"...I'm gross." Angel Dust rasped, muffled through satin and lace.
"I can see that." 
"Forget what just happened. I was actin’ stupid, freakin’ out over nothin’."
"Nah." Claws threaded through tangled hair, "Fuck your boss. You should sneeze in his face."
Angel Dust snorted. Husk smirked. "Yeah. Really make 'im squirm. He wants messy fluids right?"
Slowly moving to lean against the headboard, the spider brought his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around them as he stared. Pupils shrunk to pinpricks like he was at the climax of a horror movie.
"...What? I'm right." A pointed ear flicked irritably.
"Nope. Nuh-uh. Shut up. Did you just make a sex pun?"
Husk blinked in surprise, forgetting himself. And only smirked wider.
Alright, new plan.
"Me? Do somethin' like that? C'mon Legs, you're grasping. All I'm sayin' is ya gotta take a few tissues and get real passionate with 'em."
"Hhhhholy shhhhit."
"Then stuff 'em in his chest fluff or something. He can use 'em as padding."
"Are you real?" Angel gasped teasingly.
"What? You said you were gross. If he's not lettin' you call in, you might as well snee--"
"Hp'shhhh! HT'SHHHH'hhoo! Unh..."
"Yeah. Like that."
Pausing to let his patient give a gurgling blow, the tail end of a miserable groan broke into a soft giggle. Giggle breaking into another hitching mess until--
"Hih'TSCHHH! HTCH'shhhiew! H-hih-hhhHHITSCHHHH!"
"Alright, alright, that's enough excitement for one night." Husk quickly got to work, grabbing the required fluffy sweater and pajama pants. Ignoring the disappointed pout between pulling the top over Angel's stomach with a satisfied tug.
"Aw Husk–snfff! Really? Pants? I don't wannaaaa."
"Yes, pants. I thought you said you were cold."
"But they're such a paiiinnnn."
"Do you wanna get more sick?"
"Then I'll go back to my room so you can slip those on."
A single step and--
"Wait!" Angel blurted.
A pause filled the room, save for a few coughs dragged out by the sudden burst.
"...Need something?"
"I, uh. I'm not ready."
"Christ Ange, are you still drunk? Jus’ put on your pants one leg at a time–"
"No! What?! No! I don’t want you to leave!" An aching voice broke. Tired eyes squeezed shut. Suddenly feeling rather small, he forced his gaze down to his gloves, peeling them off one by one as he spoke. "I…I-I know it's late, so you can always say no. I just…I don't wanna be alone right now."
Another pause. “...Please.”
A sharp sigh immediately cut any creeping tension, listening to a winged back thump against the wall. "I get it. Bein’ sick is…a lot. You don't need to write me an essay. And I don't pick favorite customers, but I gotta admit. I'll keep the bar open all night if it means I get to talk to Anthony again. Just once, that’s all I need."
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koreofitall · 7 months
Okay! so I saw this art of Kaveh and Al Haitham on twitter and IMMEDIATELY wanted to write something for it. My brain instantly saw the potential to include snz, so I did lol. These 2 will have a forever grip on my heart istg 💚
Al Haitham and Kaveh are sat together on the couch. Haitham is sitting upright, Kaveh is laying against the arm of the couch, legs draped over Haitham's. They're conversing, but Kaveh is doing all of the talking, and using sign language nonetheless. Haitham had a rather overstimulating day at work and needed to come home and recuperate, headphones off and all. Kaveh goes in and out of vocalizing some words because he just can't help it, but most of the conversation is done in complete silence. He starts by explaining how he dropped his pita pocket on his way to a consultation this morning, and then how one of his clients was completely delusional for wanting to build their house right in the middle of the desert.
'Oh my god, he never shuts up,' Haitham thinks to himself, but with the sweetest smile on his face. Kaveh learned sign for him, and even knows immediately when it needs to be used. No questions asked, just the most willing and effortless accommodation for his love.
Kaveh, still signing, is going on and on and on and on about other various little troubles he encountered throughout the day, when he suddenly pauses. His hands stop moving and actually hover closer to his face. Haitham notices, but just keeps caressing his legs as he's been, waiting for Kaveh to continue but aware of what's about to happen.
"Hhi-!tzshu!-IShu! HHha-! HI'NGXT-shiew!"
He let's out 3 small(ish) and clearly subdued sneezes, throwing them into his elbow and away from Haitham.
"Snf! Guh, sorry," he semi-whispers.
"Bless you," Haitham signs and speaks, then goes back to just signing.
Why did you hold those back? It sounded like it hurt.
You've had a rough day, I don't want my sneezes to add to that.
His normal sneezes are ridiculously loud and Haitham can't deny that. He smiles to himself, Kaveh noticing.
What? Kaveh signs.
"You're so good," Haitham says, very matter of fact. "To me, to those around you. Very accommodating and attentive."
Kaveh pauses, not expecting to have heard that from Haitham. It sounds too good to be true.
Well, I try to be. Kaveh signs with a rather proud look on his face, soaking up this rare praise.
"But don't do that again. Not only is it bad for you, but holding back and stifling make your sneezes specifically ten times worse. I'd rather you blow my eardrums out now than over the course of the entire evening."
Kaveh, who is now visibly fuming, angrily signs and speaks.
"You! Just when I thought I'd finally received genuine praise for being so mindful of you, you pull this! Everytime!"
"That was genuine praise. You can't deny what stifling does to you, though. Any second now and-"
. . .
My point exactly.
Haitham then takes Kaveh's left hand, brings it to his face and kisses it, making him blush and shutting him up immediately.
"Thank you, Kaveh."
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kokusfluffyhair · 9 months
When They Get Sick
Ramblings on some of my favourite boys for the sake of being able to write this, demons can get sick
Kokushibou + He goes through his daily routine as if nothing is wrong + Will not take medicine because he thinks he can push through the illness without it + Ends up making himself sicker because he refuses to rest (but he does get in some sword practice) + He will treat himself to a long, hot bath though + He doesn't get you sick
Muzan + Panics, but tries to hide it + Becomes very demanding and nasty + Thinks he will die + Threatens to kill you if this disease does him in + Might stab you with a knife, so best to leave some medicine for him and wait for him to get better + He doesn't get you sick
Gyutaro + He will not isolate himself + Complains a lot + Leaves used tissues all over the place + Gags on something like cough syrup because he thinks it tastes horrible + Gets you sick + Takes care of you after when you're sick but he calls you weak and pathetic all the time thanks Gyutaro
Tahomaru + Sneezes a lot + Wants to cuddle with you and watch movies, but also doesn't want to get you sick so he suffers alone + Falls even more in love with you when you bring him some hot tea + Is afraid he'll make you sick + Takes whatever medicine that will put him to sleep + He doesn't get you sick
Hyakkimaru + Gets that pouty face like he did when he got his hearing back and everything was too loud for him + It's hard to keep him resting so he'll end up doing stuff anyway even though he's sick af + Goes out to hunt demons or something and then passes out + You have to tie him to the bed + He gets you sick and feels bad about it after + He doesn't know really how to help you when you're sick but he tries his best because he's such a sweetie
Daigo Kagemitsu + Big mf baby + Says he's not sick one moment and claims he's dying the next + Is too stubborn to take medicine + Is really annoying because he's always calling for you + You give him alcohol to knock him out + He gets you sick and then denies that you caught it from him + He cares for you when you're sick but doesn't talk to you + He knows he got you sick and is embarrassed/sorry but he will never say it so he gives you the silent treatment
Vanitas + Tries to hide from you + He's kind of embarrassed about being sick + He doesn't want you to see him at his worst + Mumbles and grumbles to himself a lot + Refuses to take medicine + You don't hear anything from him so you have to check up on him once or twice a day and he yells at you to leave him alone + Doesn't get you sick
Noe + He's a good boy + He does anything you suggest for him -- soup, a hot bath, tea with honey, medicine, you name it + You get him some tarte tatin and he almost cries of joy + Gets you sick -- you care so much for him and because he's so cooperative you spend more time around his sick ass than you should + He becomes your nursemaid when you're sick
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lokisbiiiitch1993 · 1 year
If Loki somehow got the flu, do you think he would accidentally freeze tea or soup by sneezing?
First of all i want to say that I am sad that Marvel only talked about Loki's Frost Giant Heritage in one Movie and never again - Marvel and Disney should have explored it more
Good Question 😊 I really like this
Check also out My Loki Summer Headcanons
My Loki with the Flu thoughts
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When Loki is sick it's harder for him to control his Powers
He will deny it for awhile - Darling, I am not sick - God's don't get sick
I like the Idea of him touching his warm Cup of Tea and it freezes instantly
He will be soo dramatic and whine a lot - take care of him 🥺
It might be cool if he can shoot Icicles or Ice Cubes out of his Nose by sneezing 🤧
He will look really Pale
Loki would be so exhausted and tired
I imagine having fever must feel like Torture to him
Help him cool down - tell him to stay in Bed - if it's a cold Day open the windows let the cold Air in
Use Vicks Vapor rub and massage it gently on his Chest
Put some cool Compress on his Forehead and Wrists
I also found this on Marvel - Fandom.com :
The frost giants can exist comfortably at frigid temperatures but are highly vulnerable to heat. Although they can withstand the normal temperatures to be found in Asgard and in the temperate regions of Midgard, intense heat causes them to shrink in size rapidly, as if they were melting. Long exposure to cold will eventually cause them to grow back to their previous size. The Frost Giants' powers are strongest in their own realm of Jotunheim, presumably due at least in part to the frigid climate of much of the realm.
My Masterlist
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Always yours, Eddie Roundtree
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by @eddiesaurora — maybe a fic where y/n is eddie/warren/grahams significant other and y/n gets sick (like on tour or something) and one of them takes care of y/n (fluff based!!!)
✧.* summary — Even if you tried to fight it, being on the road wasn't always easy, especially when you ended up getting sick. But he would do anything to see you better.
✧.* warnings — none.
✧.* word count — 1.4k
✧.* 🎸 — eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I thought this one is so adorable, I hope you like it too. 🫶🏾
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Being on tour was already exhausting, of course the gratification of seeing your work being recognized and sung by the fans was incredible, but you couldn't deny that catching a bad flu wasn't the scenario you were looking for. It was horrible to stay upright since the unusual sensation took over your body, your eyes hurt from being kept open too long, your muscles ache even though the crowd's adrenaline rubbed off on you every night, you were trying to hide it through the last few cities you passed but it was becoming more and more difficult.
You apply makeup under your eyes to mask the dark circles under your eyes that seem to get worse every day, taking advantage of the fact that you were probably the only one awake at that time of the band. Fixing your hair with the strength you need to lift a lot of weight, it was bizarre how fragile you became when you were sick like that, even if you didn't like to admit it. 
You put your leather jacket on your body, your eyes on the clock on the wall of the van, but your body freezes when you notice that you had slept too much and it was very likely that even Daisy had arrived at rehearsal by now. You hurried as fast as you could, but it felt like your body was sabotaging you and your surroundings were in slow motion only to make you even more late.
When you finally gain access to the stadium where you were playing that night, your friends' eyes stare at you. Eddie is quick to drop his bass and run over to where you are, his hands stroking up and down your arms in concern. 
“Where were you? You scare the hell out of me.” He says hugging you to his body, kissing your temple tenderly. “You're never late! Are you okay? Did something happen?”
“Hey babe, it's okay, I'm okay.” You hug him back, your body rooting for him to keep you there. “I just lost track of time. It's okay.”
He detaches his body from yours, holding your face in his hands, a way to observe you better. You could see the worry in his eyes, and you wanted to somehow reassure him that you were okay, even if it was a lie.
“Princess, you look pale.” He says, frowning. “Come here.” He holds your hands gently, helping you to sit on the stage stairs.
“You good nena?” Warren asks from his drum kit when he sees you looking down. You just nod, he goes back to talking to a girl who works backstage.
“Sunflower you look ill, come on, you need to rest.” Eddie says, holding your hand as he looks carefully at you. “You told me you were going to rest after Pittsburgh.”
“I'm fine, I can play today, don't worry.” You say, but he was unable to complete the sentence as a cough emanated from your throat. “I swear, I can do this tonight.”
“My girl, you can't, yesterday you needed more  pills to sleep.” He strokes your cheek, as if begging you to consider. “Let's go back to the van, Daisy has you covered on the keyboard, I already know what I'm going to play, it won't make any difference if I spend the afternoon taking care of you.”
“Eddie… I don't know.” You say tired, trying hard not to close your eyes.
“It won't kill you to rest for a day, come on, wait for me outside. I'll let them know.” Eddie kisses your lips tenderly, you let him take care of you.
“Okay, can you tell them I'm sorry I couldn't make it today?” You ask, getting up with your bag and then sneezing.
“Of course, my one, I will.” He kisses your forehead, and you make your way outside.
Eddie puts away his bass and everyone looks at him in question. “Guys, Y/N hasn't been feeling well for a few days, she won't be able to perform today. I'll spend the afternoon taking care of her.”
He senses Billy turning to complain about his absence, as if that would affect him too much. “I've already done my soundcheck, there's no discussion.” He says directly to the older Dunne. 
“Tell her to rest, and if she needs anything we're here for her.” Daisy says, blowing Eddie a kiss affectionately. 
“That's right Roundtree, I hope she gets better.” Rojas says, holding out his drumstick to him.
You snuggle into the not-so-comfortable mattress, trying to sleep but the pain in his muscles was very irritating, the door to your "room" opens and you look up to see who has entered.
“How are you, baby? Feeling better?” He says tucking himself into the blanket, you notice he has a bag in his hands. “I brought you more medicine and some sweets, now here let me snuggle you so you can sleep better.”
“Thank you so much, babe.” You whisper, already feeling your body relax against his. You kiss him, feeling the strands of his hair between your fingers. “You didn't have to, thank you for doing this for me.”
“I just want to see you well, it was killing me to see you weak like that.” He pulls you closer, kissing the top of your head multiple times. “Sometimes you have to understand that you can rest, you know? You deserve it, even more so when we're on the road like this, our immunity becomes more vulnerable and I don't want to see you bad. You get it?”
You feel his hand stroking your hair, and you snuggle closer to his body, feeling his comforting scent. He takes a bottle out of the bag and hands it to you along with a pill he had bought.
“Here my love, to ease your pain and you can sleep better too, don't worry about the time my love it's time to rest.” You take the item from his hands and drink it, snuggling closer and closer to him as your body relaxes with sleep.
You don't know exactly when you slept, but it was indeed one of the best sleeps you've had in a long time. When you stretch out in bed still waking up, the window outside revealed that it was already night, probably the time when your show would start. Sitting up in bed, you see a note hanging on the closet, which makes you get up to see what the paper contained. 
“I hope you were able to rest my love, I'll be back as soon as we finish the show, don't worry I'll be thinking about you the whole time and of course, I'll play all the songs for you.”
Always yours, Eddie Roundtree.
You roll your eyes at how adorable he was, remembering that months ago you had seen a movie together where the couple left notes for each other and you thought it was very cute, without thinking that he would come and do that to you. You put the paper away in your things with care, going to take a shower.
You can hear from the shower the noise that the band always brought with them when they returned from the show. You knew that today the party would be in Rojas' room, so your rest was guaranteed until then. You wrap yourself in a towel when Eddie opens the door to your hotel room, putting on his shirt to welcome him.
“Oh look at her, you look much better now that you rested my love.” He goes towards you, wrapping you in a hug.
“You left a note for me, huh?” You say putting your arms around his neck, sealing his lips with pecks. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, I don't deserve you.”
“You deserve so much more, cutie” He hugs you, throwing you on the bed and tickling you. “Did the medicine help you?”
“So much, my body is getting better.” You say, opening your arms, looking at him tenderly. “But I would still take a few days off.” you joke.
“So that's what you're gonna do my pretty one, You will rest until you feel better.” He kisses you once more, stroking your hair. “Now come on, choose a movie so I can tell you everything that happened at the show while we pretend we’re watching.”
You laugh and hug him, feeling at home in his embrace. “I'll be back in a minute.”
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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Taglist: @Jaidaschampagneproblems @boredshit-shadow @warrenrojaswife @o1iv3 @hopelessromantic727 @eddiesaurora
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polifandom · 5 months
snippet from a wip of a buck/bucky oneshot of mine. enjoy ;)
Gale is quiet. He keeps to himself, doesn't drink, doesn't party, doesn't smoke. He never got in John's way and never tried to get inside the room when the other placed a sock on the handle. He doesn't listen to loud music, doesn't talk in his sleep, doesn't snore. He was always a gentleman to whoever John did have in the room when he forgot to put the sock. He never walked around indecent.
John, logically, recognized he was hot – but Gale wasn't really his type. John liked 'em messy, adicted, loud, horny. The type that he knew could take John breaking their heart, because it was inevitable that he would. The type that looked like they liked being hit in the face, that would hit John back.
Gale looked like none of those. He was elegant, eloquent. A lider, an example. A gentleman. He didn't step a foot out of line, didn't say a word he didn't mean. Didn't scream, didn't fight. He's perfect, in all the ways that matter and don't – not a hair out of place.
John couldn't deny he was hot, because who can? But John needed messy. Needed adrenaline, rush. He doubted Gale could give him that – not that he had shown any interest to.
And then, John fucking saw it.
They were friends already, in their second year being roomates. Gale had become one of his closest friends, despite all odds – they were nothing alike, but they fit. John liked his company, despite the stick Gale constantly had up his ass.
And then, for the first time ever, Gale decided to change with him in the room.
John had never seen him shirtless, ever. He doubted Gale was insecure (because look at him!), so he just assumed it was yet another of Gale's antics – not changing in front of others and allat. Gale, the gentleman.
And then he did.
His back was facing John, so as soon as Gale started lifting his shirt, the new one already in hand, John saw it.
From the end of his neck to the start of his hip, Gale was fucking full of tattoos.
Gale fucking Cleven, who excuses himself every time he sneezes, who says sorry when someone bumps into him, who is fucking perfect – has his entire back tattoed.
Amongst the tattoos, from the small time frame between taking the shirt out and putting the new one, John spotted a skull, a snake, a dagger, an airplane, roses, a chain, and the biggest of them all; a buck who's antlers go from shoulder to shoulder.
And then, when John believed there couldn't be anything he could be more shocked about, Gale turned to him as he pulled his new shirt down, and during the split second his chest was exposed facing John, he saw a fucking piercing on Gale's fucking nipple.
And from that point on, John was done for. There was nothing else he could think about, masturbate to, daydream of.
Just Gale. Gale and his tattoos and nipple piercing. Gale, Gale, Gale.
this one hasnt been posted yet, but i already have a clegan oneshot up!! you can check it out here <3
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
HIIII how are you?? I hope you are doing well and getting enough sleep and food to eat!!
I was wondering if you can do a Logan x black fem! reader? I just love my blonde nerdy boy, he needs some lovin' frfr
You could do anything you want with it, I don't personally mind at all, yk cuz ue the writer and all lmao, plus I don't like pressuring ppl either.
Yess logan needs more attention!
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Warning's: racist (yuck)
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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You were alone because your getting teased about being black
His alone because his getting teased about being nerdy
So when you two were group its kind of awkward you were both scared to talk to each other but then he find out your in the astrology club too you two suddenly became close
Just two outcast being together, when you visited his house you met his grandparents and thought they hate you but they were kind and caring
While walking with him after school Barron always pick up on you and logan yet he was the one who always gets hurt in the end
You want to confront them but Logan just shrugged it off and told you that there's nothing to worry about
Everytime you drop him in his house his grandparents always ask you why did he have a bruise again and you always find a way to lie about it and they somehow believe you?
But even all this things you two were never not attached to the hip even the teachers wants you two to be grouped because no one ever dared to talk to you or him so you were always a pair
Then all the sudden poof you both have now a new five friends
After everything that happened logan starting to change a bit you was a bit more serious he doesn't talk to much like before
"hey (name) fun fact if you sneez so hard you might break a rib cage?"
*new trauma unlock*
On more and more blah blah stuff that you like about him starting to fade away
You miss everything about him even though you dont though you don't understand most of them you still love him blabbering every small detail about those things
That's where you feel those feelings like you swallowed a whole pack of butterflys in you're stomach yet you kept overthinking what if this was all a bet and he didn't like talking to you
What if he won't like you back because you're black (I'm no racist don't attack me)
This things keep swerling in your mind
You also noticed in the realm his more tired i mean we're all tired but his different he was starting to avoid you like if you said hi he will smile at you then walk away
Even in the real world you wanted to walk with him but he denied you're offer and said he can walk himself
You wanted to confront him but you don't wanna sound clingy so you just let it go
But he really wasn't ignoring you he was only embarrassed of his feelings too but doesn't know how to say it
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It was so awkward between you two that made your friends question what happened to the both of you
You two were attached to the hip then suddenly you and him suddenly became distance
They wanna fix what has been done because you two are cute together they even think that you and logan are a better couple but doesn't say it because you said so
But whenever they let you two sit in a room its getting more awkward and awkward causing it to just let you two out
Then they tie you up together causing you having tantrum because of how tight the rope is
They tried everything they can but ben said or wrote "its better if the two of them fix this than us fixing it" Ashlyn nodded
"aw where's you're little boyfriend now"
The woman speak she was one of those bastard that goes with Barron now what do they want..
"he's not my boyfriend you asshole"
You wanna punch her so bad but couldn't escape one slice of your throat and your dead
"what did you say to me?"
Then the door open revealing Barron and his minions, ngl they do look like a minion
"what do you want now" you frown at him and glaring
"remember that one time you literally beat the shit out of me in the arcade huh?!" The woman let go of you, and you stumbled to barron
"listen here N(word, I will not say it) my friend left me because of that boyfriend of yours"
"okay one since when did a friend do and follow you're orders because friend always helps each other not follow one because this world doesn't need a follow the leader for you and second i just told her Logan isn't mine" whenever you denied he's not your boyfriend you feel a heavy chest you wanna take back what you said
"you stupid bitch, you're gonna regret this" he smirked at you
You tried to fight but you were outnumbered you took down most of them but still couldn't
Now you were laying down near the dumpster crying that Logan was there to hug you but you just curled up taking the pain where they beat you up you cried silently
Then a hand touches you
"w..what the hell do you want now-" your words cut when you met a worried teary eyes there is the one you're looking for that face that you love, that you wouldn't get bored to stare at it
"who- what? Uh why are you just sitting here..and you're hair..." Yes you're hair was cut after you smack that womans face atleast she was a broken nose now
You stayed silent then cried Logan tried to calm you down by hugging to and you're head at his shoulder this is what you wanted. Even at this serious situation Logan couldn't help it his chest was beating so fast
"did you find?!...her" Taylor screamed then stop when thay saw you and logan
" i know you two need a moment but can i ask what happened to (name) hair?" Aiden said not breaking a smile
You still stayed silent "are you okay? Do you wanna tell us or maybe later or not" he cupped your cheeks making you dizzy you were so inlove with this nerd
"Barron.." once they heard his name they changed reaction mostly Logan "what did he do?" You can see aiden trying to calm down and angry bird i mean an angry Ben
You shake your head not wanting to say nothing more
Then logan came looking for him you tried to stop him but he got out of your grip you told your friends to stop him but they just stayed silent and took you to you're house. Tyler was piggy backing you because you felt numb and weak at the moment once you got there you asked them if Logan texted them
They shook their heads and waited Ashlyn texted Logan that you are in you're house
Not a minute later the door came busting open he was dirty but not that dirty
He looked angry and kind scary aura around him
When you walk up to Logan everybody knew it was time to leave you two alone
"don't worry that woman regret cutting your hair" he said while he hugged you and you can't help but smile even that little things he did can make your heart beat
Then now you were the one who was cupping his cheeks " thank you Logan" your face was so close to him causing you two to back away Logan scratch his nape and your scratching your arm
You two said it at the same time
"you go first" you told him
"look i know we've been friends for not that long but long enough so I'm okay if you leave this friendship once i told you this"
You're eyes were widen your feelings starting to sink you don't wanna end this friendship nor do not wanna lose this feelings for him
You were caught when your lips and him were connected suddenly then pulled away only you taking the collar of his shirt kissing him again you pulled away when the door was open" hey you two okay there?... Sorry" aidne peek then close the door you look at logan and you both giggle
"are you sure you want me? I mean I'm not that you know those skin-"
"I don't care about your skin or anything else I just know that i love you and that won't change anything" you started to tear up again and hugged him
"Once the sun asked moon for a hug they call it an eclipse "
You giggled at Logan poetry again and told him it was cheezy
"it was not?! Here is one i remember and i promise it's not cheezy"
You giggled and told him to go one he cleared his throat
"so, i love you because the entire galaxy conspired to help me find you" -paulo coelho
"alright alright that's enough" you two were giggling little do you know they were listening to the both of you smiling
"told you, you can't fix between a two bird if you invade them" ben wrote
Okay maybe he is a good at poetry too
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Masterlist | about me | rules
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The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
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The Monster Inside (Tyler Galpin x Addams!reader)
Sequel to Monster Like Me
Word Count: 5170 Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Warnings: mentions of prison treatment, self-hate, a gun, hanging, active murder scene, and (obviously) SPOILERS for Tim Burton's Wednesday tv show on Netflix. Note: NOT A TYPICAL HAPPY ENDING
Since their first encounter, (y/n) has found herself visiting Tyler more often than she would like to admit. The past twelve months have seen the two draw closer as they try to heal old wounds. But just when there seems to be a light at the very dark tunnel they both crawl through, a threat on Tyler's life forces (y/n) to choose whether to let justice reign... or embrace the monster inside.
Welp... guess I have to eat my own words because we're here now. That being said, thanks for the support on the first piece, people. I do appreciate all the love and nice comments and so this is for you since I can't get this story out of my head!
The snow crunches underfoot as they walk their daily route around the prison exterior.
It became regular every time she came to visit for them to go on walks. They had picked up the routine six months ago when the prison stopped putting him in straight jackets and the resident therapist suggested gentle exercise would do him some good.
When (y/n) had first heard the news, she hadn't hesitated to drag him outside to feel the summer sun on his skin. She would never forget the look that had blossomed on Tyler's face when he had stepped outside for the first time in who knew how long. It wasn't exact joy, more of an awestruck disbelief. Like a dream he never thought would come true.
Perhaps it was that very look that had been engrained in her brain from that day on that drew her back more often. Six months after her first visit she only returned twice: the first time was two months after, being her scheduled check-in with the boy for clinical reasons, the second a special request from Sheriff Galpin himself. But after six months, after that summer day, she found herself visiting more and more until she came by the prison once a week.
Every Thursday she booked off to visit. Although, (y/n) couldn't exactly deny it was just for professional reasons anymore.
'I think the weather has finally had enough of seeing our faces,' he says, his breathy laugh floating like a ghost past his flushed lips. His cheeks bleed a demure scarlet.
'On the contrary,' she counters, her eyes wandering across the white landscape surrounding them, 'I think it's rewarding us.'
'How so?'
'Don't you see it?' She gestures with her arms to the snow that blankets the ground, that nestles in the tree tops, that glistens in individual flecks off the remaining leaves. 'It's beautiful.'
Tyler huffs, only sparing the view a moment of his warm gaze before it returns to her, charming smile stretching his lips. 'Guess I hadn't noticed with you being beside me.'
Her cheeks flush. He's still got it.
The flirting wasn't a new concept to either of them. Between their snarky banter and clinical catch ups, they always managed to sneak in a comment or two that had the other blushing. It was like some sort of competition: who could rile the other up so much that they get turned on first?
But it was always something that appealed to their dark humour. Recently, though, the comments had become... sweet, nice even.
The worst part, however - the part that had her truly sick to the stomach - was how genuine he sounded. How she sounded in return.
Her gaze locks with his. Hell help her, no wonder even Wednesday fell for him for just a moment. His eyes, his hair, his voice...
He was intoxicating.
The sudden sneeze shatters the bubble the two had formed, forcing them to stop in their tracks and drawing their attention to the accompanying guard that walks twenty-odd metres behind them. It is the same guard that has accompanied them since they insisted on walking outside the prison yard. He looks elsewhere, rubbing his nose with the sleeve of his coat casually. Despite his relaxed demeanour, (y/n) knows a gun hides within the giant pocket of his coat, ready to draw if Tyler tries anything.
There once was a time I was willing to pull a gun on him. In some sense, she still is. A gun (approved by the prison) lays in her own coat pocket right now. But things have changed. She is not so certain that she would be able to do it with as little hesitation as she once had, with as little guilt and regret.
Tyler pulls at the collar of his orange jumpsuit that is tucked under a tattered trench coat lent by the prison. More specifically, he pulls at the black shock collar strapped to his neck - the new substitute to the constant gene-repressant drugs since he has been on 'good behaviour' according to the prison warden and therapist.
'Might as well be summer with this thing on,' he says, his tone betraying a bitterness (y/n) had come to associate with the boy. 'Darn thing gives a whole new meaning to being hot under the collar.'
'Oh, don't lie,' she scolds. 'You're practically a Smurf you're that blue.'
'It's called the Prison Look, where orange and blue are the new black.'
Despite the dark meaning, an amused smirk twitches at her lips at the joke. But his shivering form prompts her to unravel the white scarf that warms her neck without a second thought.
'Here,' she says gently, raising herself onto her tippy toes to reach behind Tyler once, twice, then tug and tuck the reminder of the scarf into the top of his jumpsuit. For good measure, she tugs the tattered jacket as much as possible over the jumpsuit, as if to trap as much warmth as she could inside.
'There,' she breathes out, looking up at him once more. 'Now you won't freeze to death before they declare you fit to return to society.'
His eyes glow under the winter sun much like a fireplace. She senes his awe, his wonder as he scans her with those eyes. But she also senses uncertainty, doubt.
'I wouldn't waste your breath,' he mutters. 'I've spent six years here now, and not once have they indicated at potentially releasing me.'
'Because up until now you haven't given them a reason to consider it.'
'Well maybe that's because I never had a reason to consider it.'
The way he looks at her now, she swears he can hear her erratic heartbeat with his heightened hearing thanks to his Hyde heritage. His sadness and pain threatens to consume her, and she is oh so tempted to take it all away like he had begged for almost every time she visited.
Another emotion stops her, though. Between the sadness and pain, she senses a glimmer of light. And as she looks in his eyes now, she sees it.
(Y/n) forces herself to breathe, to steady herself before she speaks again, not knowing where this conversation is heading. 'So you have a reason now?'
He doesn't reply straight away. Instead, his gaze flickers down to her lips then back up. It was only a second, but the movement has her breath hitching as he some steps closer to her.
Chest to chest. Heart to heart.
'Maybe,' he whispers, his words taking shape in the form of warm mist that grazes her lips. Like the first time she got this close to him, back in the interrogation room with only a gun between them, she finds herself wanting to lean in more to him, desperate to feel warmth, but more importantly his warmth.
'You really think I can ever go back?' he asks, and the desperate plea in his voice is so genuine and hopeful it threatens to break her heart.
Based on his past actions alone, absolutely not. Nothing would ever be the same as it was back then. But many nights (y/n) had dreamed of Tyler, of him being released and starting over somewhere else.
Some nights she dreamed he would take her with him.
Wednesday scolded her any time she brought up Tyler in casual conversation, saying, 'You'll surely regret ever involving yourself with him.'
She knows he is trouble, that he still doesn't regret what he did no matter how sick it was. But that same sick, twisted part inside her couldn't find it in herself to care.
'Maybe,' she finds herself repeating, because she doesn't want to see his hope die in his all-consuming eyes. 'You're a good person, Tyler. It would be a shame to see you waste away because of someone else's choices.'
'A waste for who exactly ? Society? Or you?'
Before she can answer, an alarm pings inside her coat pocket. She waits a breath, thinking it is just her imagination. But when it goes off again, she forces herself to step away from Tyler - to let go of Tyler - and retrieve her phone from her pocket.
It is the timer she sets for an hour every time she comes. Time truly does fly when you're... occupied, I guess.
'Time's up?' Tyler asks, though he knows what the alarm means by now.
She nods, turning around to call to the guard. 'Ready when you are.'
He nods in reply, silently walking up to them to lead them back to the prison. Before he reaches them though, Tyler flashes (y/n) a sad smile.
'Guess I'll see you next week?' he asks, his voice a mixture of light amusement and hope.
The moment between them has passed, and who knows if she'll ever get it back. But (y/n) finds herself smiling in reply. 'Aw, you going to miss me or something?'
'You know I will. You're the only monster like me I know.'
(Y/n) cannot drive to the prison fast enough.
A week has passed since their walk in the snow and she can no longer deny her excitement she feels with every impending visit. But this morning she received a call from a certain Sheriff Galpin that melted her mind into irrationality.
She doesn't bother correcting her park as she pulls up to the entrance of the door, nor does she bother locking the car, for she is already racing into the foyer.
'Where is he?' she declares as she enters.
A guard immediately stops her as she attempts to pass through the declaration zone. 'Ma'am, you need to go through standard procedures before you are allowed through.'
'You have no right to do this to him. No right!'
'What is going on?' It is the warden. He's a tough and burly-looking fellow, his stature emphasised more so by the petite figure of the prison therapist that follows behind him, her heels clacking against the tiled floor.
(Y/n) turns to him, fury coursing through her like wildfire. 'That's a question I should be asking you. What is going on with Tyler?'
He releases an exhausted sigh, but she senses no regret or guilt from him as he says, 'So you heard. Sheriff Galpin, no doubt.'
She nods, and it takes all her self control to not punch his pudgy face in. 'He's so close, sir. I respectfully ask that you rethink this course of action.'
'I'm sorry Miss Addams, but it's not my call. The higher ups still consider him a danger that needs to be stopped.'
'He hasn't turned, let alone hurt anyone, in six years! He hasn't done anything to warrant your distrust.'
'And in those six years he also hasn't done anything to warrant our trust, either.' It is the therapist this time, her clipped words clinical and heartless. 'I'm sorry, but his lack in progress is unsettling, and I'm afraid he cannot be saved.'
(Y/n) cannot believe what she is hearing. Each word they speak breaks her heart a little bit more than she liked to admit. 'So you would subject a 22-year-old boy to be executed like some medieval criminal?'
When Sheriff Galpin called her saying Tyler was to be hanged today, she never could've expected the panic and terror that floods her entire being now, that turned her veins icy and halted her heart for only a moment.
She knew from the start that this would always be Tyler's end. Even as they drew closer and she hoped beyond hope that it wouldn't happen. But she should've known better, even as her judgement had been clouded by emotions.
She should've known that monsters don't get happy endings.
(Y/n) turns her blazing gaze upon the therapist. 'And you're one to talk. Isn't it your job to help people like him? To fight for every life?'
The therapist smiles sadly at her, her calm demeanour angering (y/n) more. 'You don't need to feel guilty for him, (y/n). We both did our best. Some people just don't want to be saved.'
'Miss Addams,' the warden stepped back in, 'it is not our decision to make. I am simply following orders.'
Furious tears threaten to sizzle down her cheeks as she looks between the two. Logically, morally, what they are talking about doing is right. The clinical, factual side of her is partial to those demise.
And who doesn't love a good hanging?
The hollowness behind the clinical facade, however, is so strong that she feels as if she is being torn in two. But she is surrounded, she is the minority in this majorly wrong operation.
She sucks in a deep breath, blinking rapidly to force the tears away. 'Of course. But... can you show me to him? Perhaps the thought of death row will make him see some sense. I'm sure his dad would appreciate that closure.'
The warden contemplates her for a moment. She doesn't look away from his scrutinising gaze. She doesn't even blink. My sister and I are more alike than I thought.
A moment later, the warden sighs in defeat. 'Of course, Miss Addams. If you'd care to follow me...'
The walk to the yard is blurry, (y/n)'s mind numb with defeat. When they finally reach the open area, the sight of the huge hanging platform doesn't bring her the joy she thought her first official hanging would bring.
The ones she and Wednesday subjected their dolls to as children don't count.
Instead, she resists calling his name when she sees Tyler being lead towards the stairs that will lead him to the platform. Which will lead him to his imminent death.
'Hey!' The warden holds a hand that tells the guards to stop. When they do, he turns back to (y/n). 'You have two minutes.'
She nods her thanks before jogging over to Tyler, the guards escorting him taking a few steps away to give them some privacy.
'Hey,' she says.
'Hey,' he replies, lips twitching with the itch of a smile though his eyes don't reflect such casualness. They are almost as dead as the day she first visited him a year ago. No fireplace warmth to take away the sting of Winter's cool breath blowing through the yard, through her clothes.
She doesn't know where to begin. For a year, she has stood by this boy. For a year, he has shown that he is still the kind and loving boy she first met all those years ago. For a year, she has spent her time and attention and - dare she say it - heart to heal this boy, only to realise somewhere along the way he was helping her heal too.
And now he will be slaughtered like some farm animal.
For a girl who prides herself on her eloquent and succinct way of speaking - how her tongue was more like a rapier, and wielded words with deathly precision - she now finds herself in the most discombobulating situation where she cannot speak her mind.
'I just heard this morning,' she says, the words coming out strained like she just ran a marathon. 'I came as quickly as I could. I... I...'
'It's okay,' he offers, noting her struggle for the right words. 'Honestly, I didn't expect you would come.'
Her brows scrunch with confusion. 'Why wouldn't I come? It's the day I always come.'
He shrugs, causing the chains on his wrists to rattle ever so slightly. 'Don't know. I guess... If my own dad wasn't going to come to my hanging, then why would you?'
It is the genuine tone of his inquiry that makes the statement all the more heart breaking. He is almost nonchalant about it all, his face a rigid portrait of nothing. Void of emotion, his exterior is the perfect deflection of the deeply hurtful emotions that lurk in the shadowed parts of his heart.
(Y/n) tries to remain relaxed in the face, cool and collected in her stature. But when she speaks, her words are tighter than she intends. 'But I am here,' she finds herself saying, stepping closer to him and placing her hands on his. As if her presence alone isn't enough to convince him of the reality that she truly is there, standing by him.
His hands are ice under hers. Perhaps that is why he takes in a sharp breath before huffing out a quiet chuckle. It isn't joyous, nor sad. It is a melancholic sound that echoes in her heart in a way she doesn't appreciate.
'You are certainly one of a kind, (y/n) Addams,' he says, and it relieves her to see some life return to his chestnut eyes. 'And seeing as I'm now on death row, I see it only fitting that I tell you my one regret in this miserable, horrible, bleak life.
She cannot help but roll her eyes. 'Oh don't be so dramatic. Don't tell me now, of all times, you have grown a conscience.'
'Come on, I'm trying to be serious for once, Addams. Can't you let me have this one?'
She wants to playfully argue more, wanting to draw out these two minutes as much as possible, but can't find the words to do just that. So instead, she breathes out a shaky laugh and concedes her loss with a nod.
'Fine. What is it?'
The chains rattle again as he reaches into one of the pockets in his jumpsuit, his hands rifling around for a second before pulling back out. As one hand clenches tightly around something when he is finished, he uses the other one to pull her own hands out in front of her. A conglomeration of emotions shoot through her every fibre as his fingers brush her palms, gently open and letting the small object float softly into her awaiting hands.
It's a small square piece of paper, with white on one side and on the other side-
No. Not a piece of paper.
(Y/n) recognises the object now. It's a photograph. Of the two of them. Well, sort of.
The image itself is blurry, like the photo had been taken while in motion. Usually an image like this would make her cringe, having spent countless hours researching and practicing and taking notes on taking the perfect shot. This photo disregards all the rules and formats of proper photography.
Despite the poor quality of it, the smiles both her and Tyler wear are clear as day. She remembers the day it was taken. It was about six months ago back at the beginning of summer when she had brought in her camera because why not, and Tyler had managed to steal it from her bag without her looking.
The picture captures the moment she had realised and had tried to tackle the camera from his grasp but he would not relent. Somewhere in the chaos of it all the picture had been taken. After taking her camera home and looking through her photos, seeing that one in particular brought an unfamiliar yet familiar feeling into her heart. She didn't know what it was, but she knew she wanted Tyler to have the photo. So the next visit came, and she gave Tyler the photo.
She hates how her throat constricts at the sight of the photo once more, how she feels herself slightly shaking at the thought that he kept it all these months, right there with him.
'That I couldn't give you more moments like this,' he mutters so deathly quiet (y/n) thinks for a moment she imagined it. 'After all, there are not many monsters like us in this world. Perhaps if I hadn't been so pre-occupied with Wednesday, with all that drama back then... perhaps things would've been different for us.'
It confuses her when a water droplet plonks onto the picture in her hands. Until she raises a hand to her face and feels a wet trail from her eye run down her cheek and chin and realises that it is a tear.
She is crying.
The last time she cried was six years ago when Wednesday battled Crackstone at Nevermore and somehow came out of it alive.
(Y/n) finally looks up at Tyler to find a similar mixture of shock and confusion on his own face, probably also not expecting her sudden reaction.
She's aware they have no time left, so she swallows the threat of more tears and nods in agreement. 'Yes. Yes, I believe they would've.'
Footsteps draw closer to them, and suddenly Tyler is being taken up the stairs of the platform to be fitted with the noose. (Y/n) looks up but isn't really watching, her mind racing with thoughts, her heart thumping too loudly and with too many emotions. What she wouldn't give to feel someone else's emotions right now.
It is true what they say: the quiet ones usually are the ones that feel the most.
She watches as the noose is fitted around Tyler's neck, how the executioner hides behind a black cloth so he remains an unnameable murderer who kills in the name of justice.
Justice. She used to believe in justice. It is why she agreed to help Tyler in the first place. It is why she didn't argue about Tyler's treatment at the prison for so long. But where had it gotten him? No trial, and an unfair execution of life.
'I truly am sorry, Miss Addams.' (Y/n) hadn't noticed the warden come up beside her, the therapist in tow. 'But people like him... well, people like him just can't be saved.' They look up at the platform too, but now she looks at them, irritation morphing her features.
'He didn't even get a fair trial,' she mutters, because that is all she can manage without screaming. 'Sounds like you didn't want to save him rather than the other way around.'
The warden huffs but doesn't spare her another look. 'Look, if you think a psychotic monster with no regrets about killing can be saved, then you're just as crazy as he is.'
His words aren't meant to mean much; a simple, blanket statement at best. But there rings a bell of truth in them that flips a switch inside (y/n). Like when one turns off the lights of their house to go to sleep, all thought and feeling disappeared, leaving a void of darkness of hollowness.
With the light gone, there's nothing stopping the monster inside from coming out to play.
She turns her head with a cool grace to look upon the platform. The executioner is ready to pull the lever, Tyler is set to fall. On the warden's call, it will all go to hell.
(Y/n)'s hand slips into her coat pocket, fingers folding around the desired item like it was made for her hands alone. 'You know what, warden?' she says, voice as steady as her grip.
'I think you might be right.'
A gunshot rings through the yard before he can say the word, and another follows close behind. The warden and executioner both hit the ground simultaneously, identical shots in their heads.
The therapist screams but is cut off as (y/n) fires another bullet and finds its target too. The surrounding guards of the yard run towards her, their stunned hands fumbling with the guns they never thought they would have to use that are stuck in their holsters. But she clocked them all the moment she stepped into the space, and she is pulling the trigger faster than they can call for help.
Fifteen seconds. That is all it takes before the yard is quiet once more.
The void suddenly closes up, and the lights inside her turn back on. A tightness constricts her chest like a python constricts its prey. Ever so slowly, her heart aches more and more at the horror around her, the horror she brought upon them all.
I turned it off. The realisation is both terrifying and exhilarating, fuelling her with a kick of adrenaline that spurs her towards the platform stairs and up them. She finds Tyler's face in front of hers before she can fully comprehend what she is doing.
'(Y/n),' Tyler says, his eyes wild and cloudy - a reflection of the confusion and shock she senses from him. 'What are you-'
'We don't have much time,' she says, bending down to the executioner to fish through his pockets. She eventually finds a set of keys and returns to Tyler to work on his wrist and ankle shackles. By a miracle, the key fit the key hole of the shock collar around his neck, too. It makes a heavy thudding noise as it hits the wooden platform. Once he is free, she throws the noose off his neck and pulls him off the trap door. 'Other guards will have heard the gunshots by now. We've got to move.'
'Wait.' Tyler's grip on her forearm is both strong but gentle, firm but comforting. His eyes search hers, however, much like a bloodhound, his gaze insistent and headstrong. 'Care to explain what happened just now?'
'Tyler, we don't have time for this.'
'Fine, let me rephrase: Tell me what in the hell just happened, Addams.'
She looks frantically around. No guards yet, but she knows they will be there soon. But when she looks back at Tyler, she cannot find it in her to deny his eyes.
'I turned it off,' she says so quietly it is almost a whisper. 'I turned my humanity off... and on again.'
Tyler looks her up and down, his face relaxing with shock and surprise and something else she can't quite put her finger on. 'I thought you said you couldn't do that.'
'I couldn't... until now.'
'How, then? Why?'
'Seriously, Tyler? Can't we talk when I get you out of the prison?'
'Wait, slow down. You're breaking me out?'
She rolls her eyes. Her patience is wearing thin. And so is their time. 'Damn, I would've thought me killing a bunch of people then breaking you out of chains would've been a big enough sign, but I guess not.'
'But why, Addams? Why didn't you let me d-'
'Because I love you, damnit!'
The silence that stretches between them is weighted with the echo of her words, bouncing off the walls and tiles of the yard and coming straight back to them. Only their heavy breaths from their heaving chests breaks up its monotony.
Tyler swallows thickly, his voice tight with an invisible restraint. 'You what?'
She clenches her jaw with a force so strong she might've broken her teeth had she not opened her mouth to reply. 'I know I shouldn't... but I couldn't let you die, Tyler. Not when I know you're good deep, deep inside. Not when you've worked so hard for a second chance. Not when I still needed to say that I love you.'
Her gaze falls from Tyler's prying eyes over the edge of the platform. Pools of blood bloom around each corpse's head, and from the angle and height she stands from, the whole thing looks like a painting.
It is a sick and twisted outlook, but one that she cannot help but relish in knowing this is all wrong wrong wrong. She knows her humanity is back on because she can feel. Tyler's shock, the confusion and panic of close by prisoners. She even senses the emptiness where emotions should've been in the corpses, their hearts still and their souls long gone.
But among all the emotions she feels, cannot find it in herself to feel sorry for any of it.
'I never thought I'd fall for anyone,' she continues, turning back to Tyler. 'Let alone you of all people.'
Something shifts in Tyler's demeanour as they lock eyes. His gaze darkens as he steps closer, and she senses another emotion festering inside him. This time, however, she knows what it is. It is the same emotion she's been feeling for a while now unknowingly. But she recognises it all the same.
Want. All-consuming and disorienting and intoxicating want.
'And who am I? To you?' His breath fans her face he is so close, his voice sultry and promising danger. But despite the lights, the monster is inside the house now. And it lives for danger.
'A monster like me,' she breathes out before Tyler grabs the back of her head and slants their lips over one another.
A primal hunger courses through her every nerve as she grabs at him, her hands not seeming to pull him close enough despite how their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. The taste of mint and fresh air taints her lips as she tries to devour him, her hunger for him insatiable. She senses the feeling is mutual as he kisses her with just as much fervour and want.
His hands in her hair and down her back, his lips on hers, the groans and growls that escape him when she bites his lips. It is simply delectable.
But underneath the hunger and desire, there is a genuine passion that burns so intensely it pulls a squeak from (y/n). What they feel is true and raw and overwhelming right despite the wrong circumstances. A sense of relief and joy overwhelms her at the thought.
The door to her home has finally been opened to guests and she is just so happy to have a friend.
A monster like her no less.
When they pull apart, all she wants is to pull him back in for more. It doesn't help that his eyes burn with life again despite the lustful darkness that surrounds them. 'You are... full of surprises, (y/n).'
She can't help the small smile that twitches at her lips at the tone of surprise. 'As usual, you underestimate me, Tyler.'
'Something I will never do again.' He pulls her back in for another mind-numbing kiss, but this one is backed by relief and a gratitude that threatens to break (y/n)'s heart. When he pulls away, he keeps their foreheads touching, his panting breath hot against her cold skin. 'I never thought I'd find someone like me, someone with a monster inside them.'
'I guess fate works in mysterious ways.' Distant, muffled shouting echoes down the hallways that lead into the yard. (Y/n) pulls away from Tyler, her mind racing with plans on how to escape this place. Well, there is no going back now. 'Come on, lets get out of here.'
Soon enough the news will get out: Prison staff killed in monster breakout. She knows Wednesday will never forgive her. Her family will never forgive her. But she has never felt quite right playing the role of the good guy.
Perhaps she was always meant to play the villain. And with Tyler by her side, she finally feels at home.
The monster inside has been unleashed, and she has no plans on locking it up ever again.
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jelzorz · 1 year
inspired by a single line from @raayllum's the purpose of a knight
It's only a cold, claims Opeli. Nothing she can't handle, nothing she hasn't worked through in the past, and to her credit, she had looked mostly fine. Soren will give her that much. He'd only noticed to begin with because he's grown so used to her. Callum and Ezran and Rayla don't--they're their own little trio, caught up too often in each other's dramas and emotions that they forget, sometimes, to take in the drama around them. In any case, it's not like Opeli has made it easy: she's been very good at making everything around them look and feel fine, and, for some reason, is insistent that this is her job and her job alone. She doesn't take breaks, and she's obviously doing too much, and she refuses help too often, so of course this was going to happen, and well.
This is how Soren finds himself tending to her in her chambers while she fights off a fever that has her shivering in the summer heat.
"I don't think this is a cold, Opeli."
She grimaces and has the grace not to deny it. "I think you may be right," she grumbles. The way she pouts about it would be funny if she weren't huddled sadly under her sheets. "My apologies."
Soren raises an eyebrow at her. "For being wrong?"
"For being sick," she corrects. She shifts guiltily under the covers and accepts the cup of tea that he hands her--lemon, honey, and a little ginger for her sinuses, cooked up specifically for her by Barius who's been all but pestering her to just sit down for weeks. "I've left you all in a lurch, and there's so much to do."
Soren makes a face at her. "Are you being serious right now?"
She makes one back. "I'm certainly not joking," she grumbles, although whatever indignance she meant is lost when she sneezes and almost spills her tea. "Ugh, excuse me. What poor timing, I'm so sorry."
Soren presses his lips together, borderline offended that she thinks anyone would care about the work more than her health. "Stop that," he scolds. "Sources, Opeli, no one blames you for being sick. You work harder than anyone else in the castle, it's amazing you're not sick more often!"
She smirks weakly over her tea and sits up a little straighter, wincing the whole way. "Just unlucky this year, I suppose. Regardless, I'll be fine. Let Ezran know I'll be back tomorrow. I just need the day."
"Um. No." Soren crosses his arms over his chest and frowns, which is an odd and kind of funny role reversal: usually she is the one being disapproving of his shenanigans. "You're going to stay in bed until your fever breaks, and then you're going to take the rest of the week off to rest."
Opeli gives him a look. "Are you a physician now?"
"I'm Ezran's Crownguard, and my duty is to the Crown."
She snorts at him. "I am decidedly not the Crown, Soren."
"No, but Ezran is, and if you make him sick with whatever the hell you've got, I'll have you kicked off the council."
There's a pause. Opeli makes a face so shocked and so scandalized that Soren has to bite back the laugh rising in his throat. He smirks at her, victorious, and waits, daring her to argue against the health and safety of her King.
"I won't let you harm the Crown, Opeli," he lilts, enjoying her frustration maybe a little too much.
"I would never," snaps Opeli.
"Then rest," says Soren, uncrossing his arms to push her back into bed by the shoulders. "Please. I am begging you to just--let yourself recover, and if you're going to refuse to do it for yourself, then do it for Ez. I'm not above accusing of treason if you don't. I mean it."
"I mean it." (He doesn't, and she knows this, but the point still stands).
Opeli scowls and slurps at her tea, frustrated but defeated all the same. "Does it have to be the whole week?"
"It has to be the whole week," says Soren decisively. "I'll come and check on you personally and bring you your tea and stuff just to make sure. You and Zubeia, Moon and Stars..." He shakes his head. "Just, like." He huffs. "You work too hard. You gotta let us look after you too. Okay?"
He expects her to be furious about it. He half expects her to get out of bed and accuse him of treason or something--but in the end, Opeli ducks her head over her tea and sighs.
"Fine," she mutters. "One week."
"One week." Soren tilts his lips upwards at last and pats her shoulder for good measure. "I'll check back in in a bit, yeah?"
"Okay." Opeli grumbles a little bit more over her tea, but she doesn't protest, and when Soren turns to go, she sighs. "Thank you," she says, resigned. "I appreciate the effort."
Soren grins. "Any time," he says. (He does mean that, and he knows she knows it).
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Merlin rewatch, 2x10 : Sweet dreams.
Episode rewatched on the 16th of april 2024
Summary :
Dignitaries from rival kingdoms descend on Camelot for peace talks, but what King Alined really wants is war and he'll do everything in his power to stir up hostilities, even if it means using magic. 
Alined's jester Trickler puts a spell on Arthur to make him fall madly in love with rival King Olaf's daughter Vivian. Chaos reigns in the palace and Camelot is once more poised on the brink of war. 
Can Merlin free Arthur's heart before the prince loses his head in battle?
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Sounds like a crucial piece of information for Arthur's future, as he is supposedly destined to unite Albion.
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Alined looks as amiable as a prison door. Funny to see how he treats his servant and compare it to how Arthur treats Merlin. I wish we'd see how Uther treats his own servant but it seems like this character doesn't exist.
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That knight handshake cracks me up all the time. Supposing that we don't sneeze or cough into our elbow, this is a very Covid-era like way of saying hello.
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Oh hi Georgia Tennant ! <3
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Arthur, you can be such a gentleman sometimes !
Oh wait THIS IS THE "Destiny and chicken" episode !!!!! Aaaaah I'm excited ! I love this line.
Why does the servant's face looks so familiar to me ? He must have acted in something else I've watched.
Vivian quickly revealing herself to be a brat like one of those Upper East side nepo babies from Gossip girl... That's gonna be fun ! I wonder what Georgia remembers from shooting this episode.
Arthur praising Guinevere <3
"She is one of Camelot's finest". "Then I fear for Camelot".
Milady. You're getting Lady Morgana's private maid. This is special treatment. Be graceful about it.
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The disbelief on Arthur's face !
"Good luck with that one".
And then they laugh. How cute !
I think Vivian is an incredibly interesting character because she serves as a contrast for several character : Guinevere, and Arthur.
Let's not forget that she is acting like a spoiled brat, just like Arthur was when he first met Merlin. He's made some progress since then, and we see that in how he reacts to Vivian's behaviour.
Then, Vivian is a contrast to Guinevere : one is spoilt, demanding and arrogant, the other is hardworking, sweet, humble and kind. Two kinds of woman, two kinds of love interest.
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"You should have heard what she said to Gwen".
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I love these scenes between Arthur and Merlin when they're going about their daily routine, especially when they're in Arthur's bedroom being all domestic. Here, Arthur is dressing for the feast.
He had a hole in his first shirt, created by moths ! It's pretty weird that Merlin doesn't seem to care it would leave a bad impression on the five kings present at the feast. I like to think Merlin is both a bad and an extremely competent servant in his own way. He'll mess with unimportant stuff but will be extremely careful with Arthur's armor and making him look good to other people, especially foreign dignitaries. Well, that's my headcanon.
Merlin truly has no fear, he can just bring up Arthur's love for Gwen like that, out of the blue, when Arthur doesn't want to talk about it and is denying it (even after admitting his feelings about her to Merlin a few episodes ago when they were on their way to rescue Gwen from those bandits).
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Arthur's threats can't make Merlin back down. He knows deep down, Arthur won't hurt him. He can keep on teasing him and laugh a bit about it.
"You're blushing !" "No I'm not."
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Morgana should always be surrounded with pretty women. This should have been her destiny.
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How can Alined treat his servant like a total buffoon when he knows he has magic ?
Also while sometimes love potions can make people act stupid and in funny ways on tv, I think we'd laugh way less if this was GHB.
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Are the CROWN PRINCE'S CHAMBERS never properly guarded ? I swear ! Fuck ! No wonder prisoners keep escaping, the security in this castle is a vast mess ! And why is Arthur not waking up ? You're a soldier for fuck's sake. The way the guy pops up and down like he came from under the mattress and is going back there... Comical but illogical. Get up and leave, maybe ?
"You're dressed".
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Everytime Merlin shows up to Arthur's room in the morning and Arthur is awake, up and dressed, Merlin is surprised.
"Indeed, you are very skilled... at getting people to do things for you." "That is your job".
Merlin is not afraid to spit the truth hahaha.
"I wish to make a proclamation of love".
Arthur you never speak of your feelings so openly. Ever.
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Aww I love when Merlin is arranging Arthur's clothes and basically touching him as part of his job.
"Right. What will you tell your father?" "What does my father matter?" "Well, that's one way of approaching things."
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"Of course" Merlin replies, and Merlin rolls his eyes, because of course even in love Merlin has to do Arthur's job for him.
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Arthur you are clumsy with your feelings and how to express them even under a lovespell, but you still look extremely cute <3
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You know what, this is the kind of scene that make me doubt that Merlin is bi and think he might actually be gay, and his short lived affair with Freya was more about compassion and the feeling of finally be with kin, people who understand him, that about attraction and romantic love.
"Flowers ?" "Excellent. Find some. Perhaps you should also send a note". "Brilliant idea". "Something moving. Something... from the heart. Something... You'll think of something".
Arthur relies so much on Merlin omg. I would say that this is because he's enchanted but I think I remember him making Merlin pick flowers to give Gwen in season 5.
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OHMYGOD MERLIN THIS IS WHAT YOU WROTE TO GWEN ? You have strong Cyrano powers ! It never ends well. Gosh. And the flowers are in the colours of Gwen's favourite outfits : cream and light purple. Merlin, were you ever to court someone, you would have a VERY strong game. Anyone you would woo would fall under your charm instantly.
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Intricate ritual : manhandle your servant as you talk about what you made him do to court the woman you are enchanted to be in love with. Touch him, grab him. And then talk about how beautiful that woman is.
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Merlin you're finally picking up on something.
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This is the face of someone who realised that :
A) There's something wrong happening with Arthur
B) He fucked up.
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Two things to know about Merlin :
He never knocks.
He always has the lamest excuses for being somewhere and they usually involve vermin : moths, woodworms, and now rats.
I love seeing Gwen smile... Her life probably isn't easy, and it shows a nice attention like a bouquet of flowers can change someone's day for the better <3
Haha Merlin trying to get Gaius to help but he can't tell him the specifics because he can't reveal Arthur is actually in love with Gwen ! He's being a good friend.
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One of my favourite lines ever from the show.
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Help he's so insistent and into the food x)
He's so lucky Merlin arrived when he did! Poor Arthur, his feelings are hurt...
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There is no straight explanation for this, Alined.
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Arthur, you're cute. You need a hug.
"It might be worthwhile returning to your old love."
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You know what, this is actually the first time I hear Merlin expressing doubts about Arthur's feelings for Gwen and their relationship.
Part 2 in another post, I can't add more pictures to this one.
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ga-yuu · 1 year
Yoichi and Shigehira Sequel Cute moments - Part 5 (Yoichi route)
Yoichi: "Now that we're back, don't you think two childhood friends and one girl is a best stage for a love triangle?"
Yoshino: "Haa....?"
Shigehira: *blushing*
Yoichi: "Since I like Yoshino, I'm not losing her to you."
Pulls Yoshino towards him.
Yoshino: *blushing*
(Shigehira-kun help!)
Shigehira (while blushing): "I also care about Yoshino-san! So I won't lose to you!"
Shigehira grabs Yoshino's hand.
Yoichi: "All you can do is hold her hands. That's why you're still a baby."
Yoichi: "However, me, who is older, has many more amazing things to entertain Yoshino.'
Shigehira: "Like?"
Yoichi: "Likeee...."
He pulls Shigehira to the corner with a nasty smile and....
Yoichi: *whisper whisper whisper*
Shigehira: *blushing*
Shigehira: "Aren't you embarrassed!?" *blushing even more*
Yoichi: "You're still too young I guess."
Yoichi: "Well, if Yoshino happens to capture my heart and body one day, then I'll tell her."
Yoichi: "Until then, it's secret~"
(He's just teasing me!)
Shigehira: "I feel bad for you Yoshino-san....you shouldn't go with Yoichi-san."
Shigehira: "You...you're going to have a hard time. That's all I can say."
Yoichi: "Aww. That hurts. But I'll still wait for you though."
Yoshino (blushing): "Yoichi-san. If you say such things so lightly, women might resent you someday."
Yoichi: "It's not something I'd say so lightly to just anyone."
Yoichi: "I've never said anything like that to anyone except to you."
Shigehira and Yoshino: *shocked*
Yoichi: "You're free to believe it or not."
Sueharu (whispering): ".......Hmm, what do you guys think?"
Benkei (whispering): "Yoichi may be a lazy bastard, but he won't do anything like misleading women. That's for sure."
Kurama (whispering): "Usually, he's a person who wants to avoid trouble, but I don't understand why in this case, he is interested in that little puss."
Yoshitsune (whispering): "Sorry, I was so focused on holding my sneeze because Kurama's feather was tickling my nose, so I couldn't listen carefully."
(Even Yoshitsune-sama is here!?)
Shigehira and Yoichi: "...........!"
Yoichi stood up and opened the door to my room.
Yoichi: "What are you guys doing? ANd why is Yoshitsune-sama also involved in this?"
The rest of the Rebels entered my room.
Sueharu: "Thank you for inviting us."
Yoshino: "You're always welcomed."
Benkei: "We came to find Yoichi because we were all planning to eat out. I sincerely apologize for eveasdropping on your conversation."
(Such sincere apology!)
Yoshino: "But I asked the maids to not let anyone walk by in the corridor for the time being."
Sueharu: "Oh that, I politely asked the maid to let us in and that 'I'll take any punishment if something goes wrong.' "
Yoichi: "Haa...and when Sueharu asks something like that, everyone in the mother can't deny it."
(No wonder he's so popular with women!)
Shigehira: "....I don't understand frivolous attitude anyways, but I thought Yoshitsune-sama would at least stop this."
Yoshitsune (no expression): "It's just that, I was concerned about that part where Yoichi wanted to do unholy things to Yoshino."
Yoshino (blushing): "It's a misunderstanding!"
(Don't say things like that with a straight face!)
Shigehira was faceplaming and Yoichi sighs in despair.
Yoshitsune (straight face): "I'm sorry Yoichi. I shouldn't have eavesdropped."
Yoshitsune stepped forward with a straight face.
Yoshitsune (straight face): "But I was concerned about Yoichi because he's an important vassal of mine and also a friend. That's why I was curious."
Yoichi: "................Haa, seriously. Don't say things like that with a straight face. Please."
Yoshitsune (straight face): ".....?"
Shigehira: "......Wow, I've never seen Yoichi-san looking so troubled."
Yoshino: "Me too!"
(Looks like he too is weak against Yoshitsune-sama's charms!)
Yoshitsune (straight face): "I don't know what happened, but it seems like Yoichi and Shigehira's relationship has been fixed."
Shigehira: "Wait! Don't tell me you heard that too!?"
Yoshitsune (straight face): "No, but I can tell from the atmosphere because I've been with Yoichi for a long time."
Shigehira: ".....Mm. I see."
(Shigehira, who really wanted to be by Yoichi's side...)
(Yoshitsune-sama might be a complicated existence for him)
Yoshitsune (straight face): "Congrats."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "Mending a broken relationship is far more difficult than fighting."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "People who have achieved that will have a stronger bond than before."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "No matter how much long I've been with Yoichi, he always had a place for Shigehira in his heart."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "I've always sensed it..."
Yoichi (shy): "You know what, I can't stand this atmosphere.....I'm leaving."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "Wait, I haven't confessed all of my feelings yet."
Yoshitsune (straight face): "Anyways, I'm happy that Yoichi chose me as his Lord."
Sueharu: "I'm happy to be friends with Yoichi. What about Benkei?"
Benkei: ".......His guardian."
Kurama: "I'm nothing but me."
Yoichi: "Thank you!"
Seeing Yoichi-san blushing in the midst of his close friends made me smile.
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muraenide · 1 year
25. bloody  kiss (mostrohost)
25. bloody  kiss — Azul / @mostrohost
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The room is cold, bleak, and completely dark. It was quiet, nary a sound or thing moved since the past 30 minutes when the last cry died out. Something sinister hangs in the air, the remnants of something inhumanly nefarious. Hidden behind the darkness is a grisly, visceral scene that would churn the stomachs of most of the students in the school. The muffled screams of the victims whose blood painted the walls never made it beyond the door, shut and magic-proofed so that it rebounds only within these walls. At this moment the spell would have dwindled, Jade had already allowed the last survivor to flee through the door, left ajar so a thin ray of white light from the outside seeps through it.
Out of breath, Jade slides to the ground at the furthest side of the room. The butcher from a while ago had tempted him into a crazed frenzy. He almost lost control of himself breaking limbs and snapping necks into two; humans were weak and far too easy to kill. They were nothing to sneeze at compared to mildly larger prey in the Coral Sea who could at least put up a decent fight before they go down. His sharp teeth tore into the soft, tender flesh far too effortlessly, ripping it into ribbons.
A hand rests on his chest as he wills himself to calm down, to not give in to his roots, reminding himself that he is on the surface and that there are people watching him. His lashes lift as a white-gloved hand rests itself on the knob and pushes the door slightly open. He lifts a hand to shield his eyes from the light just as it reaches his face.
"What on earth happened here?" Azul gasps, more upset rather than horrified. "I thought I told you not to take it too far."
Jade cackles emptily. "Can you blame me, Azul? It's simply far too much fun." He grimaces, "Besides, you give back what you take. It's a simple concept. The indebtors knew when they signed the contracts."
"Well," Azul pushes his glasses up, "They are no use dead to me. And people will ask us questions. This only spells trouble."
Azul is right. As he always is. Sometimes Jade is just as bad as Floyd if not much worse, if he ever cared enough to admit.
"Right. Of course. My apologies for not having thought of that."
Jade pushes himself to stand up. He wobbles sluggishly. His vision is still too feeble as it fought to readjust itself back to the light. The sinister air seems to alleviate a little bit with Azul's presence, though the chill remains on the scribbles on the wall, the victims' final messages calling for help as they begged for mercy. Jade bends down to pick his bloody fedora back up and slaps it onto his head, then he skips over to Azul.
"I left a survivor to pass the message around," He says, voice disgustingly sweet, as if he's doing him a favour, "You must admit. It's very effective."
A blood-clad and blood-stained glove slithers up Azul's jaw as he gently places a kiss on his lips, leaving long reddened streaks behind. "Don't worry. I'll clean the place up myself."
"If anyone asks, you only have to deny any responsibility and shove everything to me. I'll know how to handle it." Another playful, reassuring nudge on his cheek as Jade proceeds to return to his room, humming a song while he dances on his way.
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psych 2x15 Black & Tan, a crime of Fashion. I thought this was way later in the series, it was one of the earlier episodes I'd seen. SF, CH, KK, JRr, DH
I might be able to tell their voices apart this time
nope nvm it has been nearly two months.
kelly is using her husband's name now! <3 Good for her
*asked permission to not have the flashback* *denied* *extended part where shawn gives himself a mustache*
Something sexy & edgy & sleek
Gus not working on his birthday & the complications that ensue when a case pops up
DH: I enjoyed shooting this scene because it was right around the corner from my apartment (I love the "I'm Black, he's Tan" it's so good.)
JRr: Dule Hill's finest hour
"Cheeta" SF's bro knew the names of ALL the laker girls & that was the inspo for Gus knowing the Gooey Girl's name.
SF: How do you know if someone is bulimic? Me: ... Mom don't read this post. *listing off symptoms in my head* SF: The two fingers are chafed but it looks like she dipped them in acid or red paint.
My man was named after a german tennis player. & then he died.
"The names caused a stir in this episode with the network." "American duos had, like, five, but this has eighteen." "I sent them a document with 30 REAL supermodel names, all of which were multisyllabic & weird, & they were like 'yeaaaaaah....',"
Foot model XD ok Gus. & ankle & hand
It's Gus's birthday hence he's not working tonight. *counting down until midnight.*
Why does Shawn think his dad is asleep at 8pm? Wait nvm he fishes early in the morning.
*Chief opens the door* SS: I didn't see anything SF: & then for one moment it gets just a little weirder
Purple shirt
HS: Come on hawn you have an opinion on everything (Funny how it comes off as "I hate you" even while he's asking him for help)
*leave the gate open* *Gus calling himself cinderella*
Pancakes in a diner at 11 at niht? BG: Woah! Six five! Commenters burst out laughing bc Shawn isn't even doing anything
"Every promotional clip of this show should have this" *Gus & Shawn doing the arrow dance thing
The sneeze was so cute
JRr wrote "I'd rather shower with a bear"
"Look at my jaw!" KV: I've seen enough, you're hired.
YES PLEASE BRING THAT CHARACTER BACK! The show's over, nothing I can do now
Heck yeah amanda detner
a thousand dollars over budget & all in wardrobe
... "I got the window" Kelly left it in for once
Sigrand O'o, who he went to college with. Sorry, Gus would kill me if I said that. Let me fix it: with whom he went to college.
Gus is legit hella strong. I love him. *immediately tends to him* (gay) That pillow fight is JRr sticking to his guns; everybody tried to take it out but JRr du his heels in & got ONE shot.
So much debate on what the song for the slow-mo should have been. *winds down* Dad?
"Why was Henry out in an alley knowing where Shawn would be?" There was an earlier version where Henry heard they were going to a bar, but "I was a detective" was fine.
SS: I'm proud of the fact that I've never been in therapy That's true, he didn't even call the crisis line, he made Gus do it. Related fact: his mom was a psychologist. He probably should be in therapy though.
JRr directed this scene! Good for him.
SF: It's taken Gus about 3 minutes to turn into an incipient horror
Heck yeah aotearoa, this kiwi stuff is so funny but so subtle.
Still shocked that they kept "don't be surprised if your pillow smells faintly of my butt" made it through the censor
Soo funny how the models wake up looking ready for the runway & Shawn is there looking like a normal guy (still a pretty actor tho ofc)
She's a vampire? Where did that come from?
*walking by saying horrible things to the head*
The fashion funeral was a great set piece. "You can't dance at a funeral, Shawn"
"Props to my dear friend amanda for letting herself look like this" *weird model fashion*
She died with her eyes WIDE open but it was cut
Gus with NO PANTS ON but still his SHOES
"That's a painting of Bruce Jenner as a fish''
Star filter & the three of them like *eyes emoji*
Ghandi as a fish
Dead, not dead, & this is how the show got around it.
The point of it, besides Gus's birthday, was to see if they could write a show where there was nobody to cuff in the end.
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