#[no reason] ''okay now hit me as hard as you can'' ''lmao hell yeah''
astrocassette · 2 months
thinking abt how seren will playfully bust out "don't make me headbutt you" when their friends tease them
rekke is gently headbutted often, and he usually turns it into a brief tussle that leaves both of them grinning. he's the only one aside from vela they allow to grab their horns to wiggle their head around by
tekehu has been playfully headbutted a couple times, but usually relents with a laugh when seren ducks their head
eder has been full force headbutted. many times. he enjoys it, it's recreation for the two of them
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The Umbrella Academy season 3 episode 2
Fucking damnit. I knew something was up with this hotel due to the episode descriptions, but now I know it has to do with fucking Reginald
Reading the news paper cause I think it will hold clues
Guests will never need to leave, eh?
Geeze, how has no one noticed how OLD this guy is! Newspaper said 1920! It's 2019! He should be LONG dead!
Oh Luther
Wait do they take LUTHER hostage?? That's so funny
Oh no. Shit fuck. Allisonnnnn
Oh Allison:(
I knew it was coming but that doesn't make it easier
Sissy died October 1st 1989? How... curious. There's no way that's a coincidence
Wait what
Why do these people seem like they are stuck in time? Doing the same thing day after day and have been for decades?
Five is fine with a little murder between sibilings
Also I'm laughing over what Five is wearing he looks like a grampa
This is making my heart happy
Hi Viktor <3
Klaus ily
Why do the blasts keep killing animals
Da fuck?
Oh Viktor :(
SIGH Lutherrrr
Buddy. You should be asking questions. You were kidnapped. Don't just EAT with them!!!
Oh my god
He just wants to be their friend, I'm laughing so hard
Luther, as is the theme for this family and kidnapping, they have not noticed
Didn't like that look exchange between Sloane and Ben
Also this Ben is a Dick and I want OG Ben back
Oh Allison :(
I love Viktor so much, he's a good brother. I dig his and Allison's dynamic very much
UHHH why isn't the briefcase working???
Awww. Five. You're adorable. You don't get to breathe yet.
My heart
"You're family, Viktor. Okay? And there's nothing... nothing that would make me love you less." My heart. If this turns out not to be true imma burn this place to the ground and build a therapist office on top
Im laying in a puddle of my emotions
No, Diego, you are not about to kick this guy's ass. His power is redirecting attacks onto his attacker. Also he's literally just shopping. Stop being so violent
Wait, is it specifically being hit in the face??? That's Hella specific if yes
Oh, is it specifically things that draw blood?
Poor stan
This is really funny
Klaus being amish makes me giggle a bit because, I mean, LOOK at him he's a freaking MESS
Five seems happier and calmer now that he's not dealing with constantly saving his sibilings' lives and I like that for him!
I dont trust any of this
I don't trust her. I think this is allll a trap to get information and keep Luther from being a threat
Hm. She's scared of whoever is on the other side of that Camera
Luther! You're getting more brain cells!
No babe, you can not get one day off
It's working it's way out further and further, and taking bigger and bigger animals it seems
That's why the number was only 16 this time. For some reason, 27 of the original 43 mothers died when exposed to the dust rather than give birth
"Five is an asshole, not a monster" five better not tell them that it doesn't matter or imma beat that old man
Oh. He has her eyes
Honestly props to this lady for being so willing to trust Klaus when by all rights she has no reason to. But he does have her sister's eyes
Now Five is invested
Oh Allison
Allison, leave old man Harlan alone
So they can follow you back to where yall are staying
There goes their briefcase
Well, either this is the wedding in episode 8, or this is Romeo and Juliet. Could be both!
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aerodaltonimperial · 1 year
Idk if ur still taking those smut prompts... but if you are, I would be very interested in 109 for junglecorpse, preferably with Darby getting ruined <33 love ur work!!!
(💚🖤 honestly i'm, like, always taking prompts for them LMAO love u anon friend!!)
Most of the surprises he gets these days are shit: getting challenged by old wrestling legends, people going out of their way to avoid him, or, worse, people going out of their way just to fuck his shit up before matches. Fine, Jack can deal with that. He can weather all this bullshit backlash and come out the other side with the belt still clutched in his hand. But this surprise? Getting sought out in the locker room when Jack had thought he was easily the last person still milling around the arena for reasons completely unrelated to trying to set fire to his personal affects? This one wasn't terrible at all.
In fact, now that Darby's got his hands up on the lockers, his nails—short and red, painted bright and flaking off—clawing at the surface of the waist-high metal while Jack's got him bent over the top edge? This one is actually pretty fucking great.
Jack had honestly just braced himself for the next weeks, months, hell, half a year maybe, being awful back in the lockers, and so far, he's been mostly right, but Darby barging in while Jack was killing time for wait for the last car and just...demanding...well. He can't say he saw this one coming.
Not that he's complaining. It's been long enough that if he doesn't slow this whole thing down, they'll be dressed and out the door in less than five minutes, so he slows. Pauses. The heat around him makes him want to scream, tight enough to almost hurt, but it's way worse on the other end. A moment, and when Jack fails to start up his rhythm again, Darby growls, low and deep in his throat. His fingernails scrape against the metal.
"What the fuck," Darby groans.
Jack doesn't give him an answer; doesn't think he needs, to, really, because after all, Darby was the one who stormed in and flipped everything upside down. Grabbed Jack's face and kissed him: no warning, no questions, just his tongue shoved down Jack's throat. So Jack doesn't feel bad about tightening his grip on Darby's hips while he remains motionless just to feel the tremble work its way up from Darby's thighs.
Another groan. "Jack."
He rakes his nails down Darby's back, down that tattoo that mimics all the knobby vertebrae beneath, and he must catch on a sore spot from the match because Darby hisses when Jack hits about halfway down. "Why would you come to me?"
"Are we talking right now?" Darby asks, kind of strangled and thin. "Are we talking about this when you should be fucking moving?"
Oh, he's getting desperate. So is Jack, but his last weeks have been a never-ending slew of bullshit trying his patience, so this? This is nothing. He could spend the whole night inside him just to be a tease as long as Darby kept making those rumbling whines with his whole chest.
"You didn't answer the question. Why me?" Jack repeats the motion down Darby's back again, makes sure he hits that spot again, just because. It must hurt. "Don't you know I ruin everything?"
"Kind of the fucking point," Darby says, and yeah, that's breathless. That's wrecked, and it shivers straight down to Jack's toes. He arches back, and fuck, gets far enough to whip his arm backwards and grab Jack by the neck. Hauls Jack down by his hair, tugging hard enough to sting all over Jack's scalp. "I want you to ruin me."
If Jack stutters out a ragged noise, if it's needy and desperate and desperately high-pitched, if he digs his fingers back into Darby's hips to drag him flush and tight, well, there's no one else to hear but the man coming apart beneath him, and Jack thinks he's pretty okay with that.
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literalite · 1 year
these r all the asks i got last night about the whole aesthetic discussion i'll answer in order of when i got them :p
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truth b told if i started simblr like. today and knew nothing about photoshop then i'd probably be pretty demoralised too but also thats exactly how it was starting simblr anyway i just worked on it until i was happy w my skills... no one gave me a cheat code i just put time and effort into it
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i agree with u im ngl like i do sincerely wish everyone had the opportunity to put hours and hours of their lives into learning how everything about this works if thats what they truly wanted. also if anything doing it solely by urself will make the process all the more time consuming but if u ask around for help people (including me! im down to help fr) will usually give it to u and that'll speed up the process more. being mad at me for having that is pointless what am i gna do go back in time and unlearn it all and for what? dsfghjk
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okay i did see this being said a lot and uhhhh i was trying to understand it but like. i also don't. like ok with cluttered aesthetic build shots or yknow the odd landscape with heavy bloom shader on it i guess if ur looking at it completely from that pov yeah i guess it looks like some posts that "blow up" r just sort of the same shit. but the fact remains that its also it's good shit like anyone can clutter a room and take a photo of it what really counts here in my opinion anyhow is shot composition. and there's literally preestablished rules for this sort of thing u can google cinematography basics and get it for free... there's a whole field of study looking into what draws the human eye. like maybe the core concepts behind what makes a popular post popular is the same but thats because it just works. if u wanna shy away from that entirely but then complain about ur posts not being as popular then that's very much a u problem it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of us
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amen these are my ocs wdym these are "sims" LOLLL these are the real people living in my head if i bust my ass making them look good then thats a choice i made
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u can call this an empathy problem and try explain it to me more but i dont see how other people feeling insecure about what their current ability scales up to is any fault of mine or my problem to bend backwards to try fix... or even how i could. like is the standard high now yeah honestly it is. the learning curve was steep as hell when i first started as well. no disagreements here. but what am i supposed to do about it LMAO like i didn't create the human proclivity to be drawn to beauty i just ride off of it.
idk why i'm the bad guy for being honest for my reasoning behind what i do and don't reblog? lots of other people have been saying they dont really care about aesthetics which is great but if i said that i'd literally just be lying to you. i'm not gonna apologise for not lying... i like being able to see the passion and energy poured into the same video game we're all playing it's only natural to appreciate that- if that reads as passive aggression and u don't understand my stance that's fine by me
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i would say for me personally try watch visual media that u can recognise as "beautiful" and not to shit on like. cw shows but i mean stuff that is marked by its cinematography being truly excellent. and just really examine how those set and lighting designers use angles and lighting and how the people filming and editing choose to frame their shots to achieve what works. hell looking at art helps with this too. look at other people's stuff on simblr analytically try to seriously work out why it appeals to people the way it does. ik u asked for editing tips but i think it really starts ingame you can have the most incredible editing style but it doesn't work if ur shot comp doesn't work then it'll won't hit as hard
take time to learn what most of the adjustment layers do on photoshop, and what all the blending layers look like, download other people's psds and play with them on top of ur shots to see what works! what u personally think looks good will be different from what i personally think looks good, i like dramatic lighting and muted colours and mid level contrast so not too strong but i can't speak for whether you will too. ALSO im a religious user of @/simmerstesia's psd set here i think a well chosen shot can be really elevated by using something like this to really give it that final polish
additionally if u have any like really specific questions or need some advice u can ask me on discord my dms are open like i can talk u thru it. promise it's not as daunting as it can look
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
Drift: Empire of Stone
Empire of Stone 1
okay now jump to the present. Honestly, love that Drift is out here not knowing what the fuck to do with himself but at least trying his best to do good in the meantime. Like, he could've gone back to Cybertron but god knows he feels like he's ruined all his chances with all sides of the Cybertronian populace, so drifting it is
love that Drift is simply better than Grit lmAO he's come a long way from getting tossed around by Wing
“be shoosh,” he says. Shut up nerd lmAO
“When's the last time you went in for repairs?” “The shuttle's fine.” “I wasn't talking about the shuttle.” ehehehehehe
“I like being out here, doing this,” he lied, trying too hard to look cool in front of his crush
sorry I went and said that as a joke and then I remembered that they get canon married so that's like. Actually not a joke lmfAO Ratchet actually is his crush and I still even now am fucking floored by that
gfdsjka love Grit's comrades being like “ooh, ooh, I'll rat!” “I'll rat as well, please”
“There's no point in living if you have to sacrifice everything you are to do it.” hell yeah
Empire of Stone 2
honestly I kinda like that we're facing the consequences of Drift's past actions as Deadlock in a way other than “someone wants to kill him for either defecting or for something he did as Deadlock”
also love that Drift folds immediately once Gigatron starts even mildly hurting Ratchet, gayass
“Decepticons don't slaughter their own kind for no good reason at all.” they like. Extremely do lmfAO there's an entire Justice Division that is known by literally all Cybertronians for doing exactly that but go off
gfjhdjks I will admit the humor in this miniseries is really hit or miss, but the jokes that hit are still so good, love Ratchet's attempt to escape jail by having Drift play dead and how it does not even slightly work
“You've got your own issues, I get it, don't put 'em on me.” Yeah, I bet Drift does see a lot of Deadlock in Grit, especially with how much faith he has in the Decepticon cause
Love Ratchet not taking one more second of Drift's self-sacrificing heroics. “Did kicking you out of the Autobots really have this much of an impact on you?” is a fucking excellent question to ask him. I don't think it was any kind of special attachment to the Autobot cause that made his exile hurt this much, but more just him being rejected by a community he was almost starting to finally belong in. Like if the Circle of Light had kicked him out, it would've made him just as much of a mess
Empire of Stone 3
I was gonna make a joke about Hellbat embarrassing Drift in front of Ratchet by bringing up something awful he did as Deadlock but it actually is really sweet how that doesn't deter Ratchet from bringing him back to the Lost Light at all. He knows damn well what Drift has done and he's already come to his own conclusion, thank you very much
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love this fuckin panel so much :')
I did not have a lot to say about this issue but honestly that's because I don't have a lot to say about the whole conflict what with Hellbat using the stone army to kill everything ever because I do not care lmAO I'm here for Drift and Ratchet and maybe a little Grit, he's pretty good
Empire of Stone 4
maneuver seven is just tossing a bitch
hell yeah, Drift, you assert that self worth
I'll be honest, I have not given a single shit about Hellbat or Gigatron this whole time, but there is something about their inability to move on from the war, their choice to kill and die in battle for the sake of it, not even for any cause, just killing and dying because it's all they can do. Drift was close to falling into that same trap, flying around and defeating rogue Decepticons because fighting is all he can do, but Ratchet's presence and Wing's memory helped him finally move on and let himself start to be something else
yeah this is kinda what I mean when I say the humor is really hit or miss lmAO this was a really good moment for Drift, finally realizing his worth as a person and I really wish it wasn't met with “that's pretty stupid.” Like I get that Ratchet was just jabbing, but like. You couldn't have had him say “it's about damn time” or something??? he's been waiting for Drift to have this realization for four million years, come on lmAO
good for Grit for moving on, too. Shame he never shows up again, at least not that I remember lmfAO I know for sure he's not in MTMTE or Lost Light, maybe he showed back up in another series and I just don't remember
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superbcandyangel · 5 months
Ooh I liked those! Okay i gotta ask about more!!!!
- hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af [GOTTA know]
- dissecting the bird (trying to find the song) [where is the bird dissection coming in, please, connect these 2 thoughts for me]
- substitute [cant tell if this is an unassuming placeholder name, or a hint at something REALLY angsty]
hell yeah you managed to hit some of my absolute favorites <3
hanamiya, your power forward looks gnc af
the fucked up KNB ImaHana fic I was working on long before the one I actually posted, which started as a fluffy little throwaway about Kazuya Hara wearing skirts and KiriDai being protective of him and ended up turning into a fic about Imayoshi being an absolute creep and sexually harassing him to get a rise out of Hanamiya
And so Chekhov's other shoe dropped. Imayoshi caught up in an instant, caging Hanamiya against the doorframe. Hanamiya barely squirmed. He tipped his chin up in a performance of defiance, but Koujirou knew his captain. If he really wanted out, he was plenty capable. Imayoshi knew that too.
If Hanamiya wasn't acting now, there had to be a reason he <i>wouldn't</i> knock Imayoshi's teeth in.
"You enjoy making a fool of me, Makoto. A lovesick one, sure, but a fool nonetheless." He spoke slowly, softly, leaning impossibly further into Hanamiya's space. "I've been very patient with you all these years. I think we can at least be honest with each other."
"<i>Honestly?</i> You're not lovesick, senpai, you're just sick."
A weary hum, with too much familiarity, too much affection for Koujirou's liking. "Such a pretty mouth saying such nasty things."
Hara shifted behind him. Voyeurs or bodyguards. Victims or bait. Imayoshi's hands traveled down, down, and Hanamiya was letting him. Visibly gritting his teeth, but letting him all the same.
"If you're so <i>envious</i>, I'm not the only one who's sick."
2. dissecting the bird (trying to find the song)
DabiHawks fic!!!! and the only multichapter I'm working on. the title comes from a John Craigie song (which is barely relevant unless you squint So hard) and it started in the same collection of BNHA BFRB fics as some (most) of the others on the list
Hawks has dermatillomania (hence dissecting the bird) and refuses to take his uniform off during sex with Dabi on his infiltration-turned-honeypot mission bc of that, partially due to Commission PR training but particularly bc he's afraid Dabi will think he's taking his non-burnt skin for granted
the first two chapters are Hawks' own perspective, and the third gives more insight into how Dabi feels about it
Frankly, he'd resigned himself to a lovely, bitter, sexless marriage to his own right hand before the asshole had sauntered into his life, wasn't sure his medical miracle of a body could handle much more than that. Hawks seemed dead set on proving him wrong. Not sweet, rarely gentle, seeming to sense the hell that Touya would put him through if he treated him like he was made of glass, but a certain respect, reverence even; an acute awareness of some line he couldn't cross, the stupid fucking limits of his stupid fucking body as it ate itself alive. Damn hero.
Probably something they taught at those boot camps they were calling hero schools, right before handing out baby's first phone book and a license to use it as they deemed fit. He hadn't been able to find records of Hawks attending one, strangely enough, but it was a safe bet all the same. He'd be lying if he said he weren't getting something out of it. Lying if it didn't stir something dim and deep and prone to groveling that he thought he'd stomped out decades ago, being treated like this. Seeing something almost like remorse for watching as Touya crossed that line himself, of his own free will.
Well, if Hawks really wanted to even the playing field, he could think of one way.
3. substitute
100% something angsty lmao, it's a fic exploring Naruto's grief over Sasuke leaving the village for Orochimaru (and his denial that it even qualifies as such) and why he reacted to Sai the way he did — he represents a direct, active, intentional threat to the sanctity of Team Kakashi as he knows it
Sai is my absolute favorite character in the series but I simply never pass up an opportunity to write about agonizing grief
Kakashi-sensei had gone on to talk about how you just can't win after a loss like that — every change hurt, good or bad. So did staying the same. Anything that reminded you of the time you spent with them also reminded you that nothing would ever bring that back. The more you clung to scraps of familiarity, passed up opportunities they'd never get to have, the more you alienated yourself from who you were with them in the first place.
Meanwhile each new development, no matter how petty, how small and stupid and insignificant, carved the knife a little deeper. It showed that the world was forgetting, piece by piece. It put the responsibility on you to remember, if no one else would. To plant your feet and refuse to betray their memory. To keep them alive, in some form, whatever the cost.
Naruto thought that a double-edged sword sounded way too cool to describe what he was feeling.
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cloudinterlude · 2 years
stony in bio and three and a half stony posts total lmao. it’s okay to ship stucky come join us.
This is genuinely so hilarious to me omg. Thank you, anon. I like that you confronted me on this cause I was thinking about it. Believe me, I would ship Stucky with you if I could! Unnecessarily long post coming because I love to ramble and talk about myself!
There's a few reasons why I don't talk about Stony that much, but none of them have anything to Stucky LOL. I have zero Stucky posts (as far as I know) for a reason!
This is a Steve blog first and foremost! I just appreciate Steve because I love him so damn much and I want to contribute to his fanbase. There's so many misunderstandings or straight bullshit about his character that are SO easy to counter and clear up and I like doing that. I like talking about who he is, what's he's done, why's he's done it and his interactions with others. I've been a little reserved on that front, but that'll change soon. I was initially nervous about this turning into too much of a shipping account because I didn't want to turn into one of those people who reduce Steve to his ship or only love him when he's in a ship. Thankfully, I found that I just genuinely like the guy individually and can talk about him all day lol.
Funny thing, I actually tried hard as Hell to ship Stucky when I first started watching the MCU for the sole reason it was the top ship on ao3. But I just didn't connect with it at all. I see the vision - even I can admit the idea is extremely romantic. Past lovers who knew each other their whole lives and discovered that not even the force of death can keep them apart? Hell yeah! It's an objectively good ship, but it just doesn't hit me. Now, I actually have exceptions - I do occasionally read Stucky for two reasons. 1) Smut because it's easier to find sub/bottom Steve and that's hot, 2) Good Steve characterization and/or it's Steve centric, 3) If it's Bucky/Steve/Tony with NO Tony/Bucky (annoyingly rare to find this combo). I recently read a Stucky story that made me BALL my eyes out, so I'm not adverse to it, I'm just not passionate about them two together romantically.
Oddly enough, I'm fully willing to be on the platonic soulmates train. Steve and Bucky live in each others' back pockets? All for it. They'd do anything for each other? Yeah, fully agree. They'd by a farm together and live out the rest of their days if they found no one else? Absolutely. Just because I just can't force myself to see it through a romantic lens (most of the time) doesn't mean I'll downplay their relationship. It just doesn't make me feel anything. I suspect a large part of this is because I'm pretty neutral to Bucky's character and I've never been the type to ship characters if I'm not madly in love with and invested in both of them.
If I'm going to be honest, one reason Stony is even in my bio is to warn people that I'm not a Tony anti. I love Tony DOWN despite what I think of some of his decisions. I see him through such a sympathetic eye. I know there are people who have the same views as me (loves Steve, Team Cap, ect ect) don't like Tony and I wanted to give them a fair warning that I will be talking about him fondly, not only as an individual, but also together with our fav, Steve, which puts people off. And I don't particularly care if people hate Stony (I have one MCU ship I hate with a burning passion so I get it lol), but I didn't want to surprise anyone.
The other reason it's in my bio is because I love Stony and want to rep them lol. I'm extremely passionate about them together. ALL versions of them. My banner is the 1872-verse which is one of the most clear-cut canon depictions of Stony. It's perfect! Back on topic though - I actually don't look at many Stony blogs though since I'm particular about them and I'm afraid of seeing something that'll piss me off before I can filter it out lol. Most of my Stony consumption comes from fanfiction (I've even been doing that less since I've ran out of stories that appeal to me) and my own imagination. I actually have no problem talking about them more. I probably will be since I'm working on an insanely long fic on their relationship, but I'm pretty content just talking about Steve.
I don't talk about Stony much mostly because I don't know what to say and I'm nervous on the things I do want to say. Mind you, I'm not a reserved person at all when it comes to flapping my lips about my opinions. In fact, being nervous about it only makes me want to say it more. Just to prove I can lol. I only just learned how to pick my battles online a while ago. But my interpretation of Tony and Steve as individuals are often not in line with what majority of the Stony fandom has agreed on, so I kind of just, let it be. I don't know many people who ship Stony who have the same or even closely related view. Now this may fully be because I'm new to talking about them online so I just haven't had the chance, but I think a large part is that a lot of them just aren't in the fandom as deeply anymore. I've said this before, but I get it. It can be exhausting especially after CW came out. The only reason I'm here is I'm too stubborn for my own good.
Uhhh, I'm pretty sure I had more to say, but I forgot my other points this far...I might edit the post if I remember...anyways, I'm pretty sure this is WAY more than you asked LMAO. I run my mouth a lot! Anyways, thanks anon for stopping by to chat! <3
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Attention! CipherDefender.exe has intercepted an unknown transmission, "Shinobi46.txt" from A.R. World untouched by the Desire Grand Prix. Extracting this file can cause damage to your GlareOS/GazerOS system. DGP Management will immediately and painfully replace you in the event of network compromise or Master Suel's game of PUBG lagging. Proceed anyway?
->Yeah sure, why not? Heck no at all!
Running Shinobi46.txt...
Nin-Pow! Episode 46 of Shinobi! Sniff... oh Kanjo... How I miss you so... may Geiz Revive from Decade Season 2 carry thee to thy rest.
I thank you all for accompanying me these past 45 episodes. We laughed, we cried, we made new friends and foes. I got to date a smoking hot kunoichi and now we get paid to laze around and do nothing... life is good.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Oh don't remind me! Sniff... these damn recaps...
-You're the most evilest son of a bitch I've ever done seen in a Ninja show, Amakusa. I mean, Jesus Christ! ...literally.
-Ganbare, Rentaro-san!
-They got Bomb Chick, Kusarigama Dude, Kunai Lady... and my babygirl... Sai Guy...
-Whoa wait a sec OTHER WORLD NINJA RIDERS????
-Who the hell is this doofus?
-Keiwhat now?!
-I thought he was the Geats guy!
-Oh thank god, Izanagi. I feel better.
-Icchi..... I miss you...
-Oh that's nice, Dork-on and his cute sister got added to the intro.
-Oh man... showing me episode 3 knowing I'm crying... I hate this show sometimes, I swear.
-Oh that's a cool belt. I wonder what kinda toys you sold in your world?
-Do you need a reason, Keita? Or whatever your name is?
-Oh, down he goes!
-Bro doesn't know about the Ninja Act lmao
-...this dude talks to lawn ornaments. Weirdo. Not like us, we talk to wall scrolls!
-Oh that Gamano. Always so well informed.
-Y'know I wish that neechan was the Ninja Rider from your world. She seems to have a backbone!
-That kagemusha is my friend, Geronimo.
-Oh wow, he can just... instantly tell from that Daikon guy's belt, huh?
-Amakusa's a gold digger.
-Things have gotten real bad for us all, Keitai.
-Boooooo! Booooohoooooohooooooo!
-"Hah... Dumbass."
-Rentawooooo :((((
-He hungwy :((
-I still can't believe we've gone this long with Iroha still knowing nothing about Shinobi's identity. Not like in [REDACTED] Sentai [REDACTED]. Sun Wukong and pals are the most open and functional of friends!
-Ah, a noodle boy? You do seem like you drop your spaghetti a lot.
-No ninja wedding? Okay, sure.
-...Something tells me K-Touch's sister gets fridged somehow in her world. Poor lass. I don't even get told your name.
-Oooh, fuck 'em up Iroha!
-Oh right, Amakusa's magic glass lotus thing.
-So, Ketamine hides his secret too. I wonder how hard Trigon has it with those Jamiroquai guys?
-Diet Ryuki, huh? I bet you're wishing for something cringe like "world peace" or whatever.
-NINPO! ...Nin-No!
-Gotta hand it to Canine, he seems to know his way around a fight.
-Rickshaw express to Konjou Company!
-Oh, there's neechan.
-Amakusa would have a private Christian wedding. Great attention to detail there, Kaori-sensei.
-Stop the wedding!
-There's Keijo's belty thingy.
-Oh shit!
-Movie Riders showing up in-series never happens unless it's Decade or Decade 2!
-Who... who's this green guy though? The Great Prophet Master Woz, who served under the wonderful Geiz Revive, never had a watch for this lime dude. ...he looks cool, I'll give him that. Also... strangely familiar...
-Bro doesn't even know about Rider Fights lmao
-And Kayfabe hits the floor!
-C'mon Kagenari, you've got a daughter!
-And youuuu.... Green Guy! You have somebody you care about, right?
-Shun Sugata! The man! The Ninja!
-You're looking great, Ryo!
-Ooooooooohoohohohohoho, goes hard!
-He's helping us!
-"C-Cyborgs?" Indeed he is, Kiddie Kong!
-Excellent technique, Neesan!
-"...this isn't Madoka's track meet."
-"...Kento????? Bro????"
-...why do I know that name?
-"Oh man, Niichan...I hope you stop sucking soon."
-ZX's ninja gadgets are always so sick <3
-It's nice seeing Kagenari do good :)
-Oh, this green guy's a book guy, huh?
-Another Hattari!
-...is there retooling from Yaminin in that suit?
"-Icchi, come on man! I don't wanna fight you again! Remember how much we were fighting in the 20 mark?"
-Oh, there's Senhor Geronimo.
-Oh wow... Taiko's got a cool form. ...that buckly thingy he's got on his belt looks fun to play with too. Kinda like the Shuriken Starter!
-Get in there, Shinobi!
-Well, he's down! Oh, not yet!
-Whoa... you're cool.
-Get in there, Rentaro!
-Shinobi Buckle!
-Keiwa-kun! ...no, Kamen Rider Tycoon! Show that jerk who's boss!
-...have I been shit-talking his successor?
-Ohhhhhh, that's so sweet, they're singing it together :3
-At last... the holy ninjutsu!
-Rider Double Slash?
-The other Ninjas...
-Ninja Riders, Squad Up!
-Kamen Rider ZX! Kamen Rider Fuuma! Kamen Rider Kenzan! ...apparently! Kamen Rider Tycoon! Kamen Rider... Shinobi!
-Go forth, Ninjas!
-Holy Ninjutsu! Five Footed Assault!
-Noooooo, nooo Icchiiii...
-Amakusa, you fucker!
-Thank you... Ryo-senpai...
-Little Bro Keiwa, vanishing whenever there's trouble.
-Thank you, Keiwa :)
-See you around, Keiwa-kun.
-Damn, I bet the guy in Geats World must freak out whenever he hears it.
-Pffft... Geats... bet he's some kinda Beowulf type.
-...bet his actor's a real fox though.
-Wait for us, Icchi.
-Shirou, you monster
-Oh man, I can't wait to talk about this on social media with all my Rider Bros.
-I heard that up and comer Fuku Suzuki is a big fan!
[This concludes the decoded transmission. The World of Shinobi has been added to DGP Record as potential stage for next DGP Series upon World of Geats reaching Grand End.]
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fan-kingdoms · 2 years
OOH OKAY OKAY ! I’m genuinely excited to talk to you about SKZ now, I guess because it means we have one more thing in common that we can talk about <333
Okay so like. I’ve realized that I’m probably not going to fully RETURN to stayville to the extent that I used to inhabit it, because my whole thing has been that I was like… a bit unhealthily attached to K-pop, so i had to distance myself from the fandom, fan culture, etc etc for a bit in order to start enjoying it with a healthier mindset again. And now I have returned! I don’t think I’ll ever go full Stan mode again because that was kinda sorta detrimental to my emotional wellbeing, BUT there are still groups whose vibes and music I love a ton and Stray Kids is one of them! I think I’m especially attached to them because they were the second group I ever got into, and their entire dynamic reminds me of my dynamic with my friend group (read: absolutely unhinged and insane with a dash of queer vibes) so seeing them be goofy together is just like a warm mug of home, yknow?
ANYWAYS onto business. I got into them early 2019, around Miroh era—I remember because I got recommended the Chronosaurus MV (which was pretty recently-released at the time) under a B*S video I was watching and that was how I got started on them. My bias journey with them was uh,,,, a bit insane. To put it mildly. I started out with Hyunjin and then basically did duck-duck-goose with the whole group for like three years until i landed where I am now: with a giant soft spot for Minho (as you accurately put it :>), but also a generous one for Jisung and the group as a whole! (And Hyunjin! My visual artist buddy Hyunjin! I get so happy seeing his art AKSJJHSJHSF I’m just there like “omg he’s one of us!!!”)
omg you are so valid for hello stranger that song HITS. there was a time when I knew literally their entire discography (I would play it on shuffle when I was cleaning lmao) but nowadays there are a lot of songs on the new albums I’m not familiar with :( some of my older favs are question, 3rd eye, M.I.A., maze of memories, and chronosaurus! And some (vaguely?) newer songs I like a lot (I’ve mentally marked “newer” in my head as everything from levanter onwards, for some reason) are sunshine, TA, phobia, easy, wow, another day, red lights, cheese, and taste—honorable mention to literally every song on both cle 3: levanter and GO Live because those albums were SO GOOD, but I couldn’t just say all of them because that would have been like 30 songs. So. Yeah SKHFKJHSHD
I really need to listen to the newer albums because even though most of their recent TTs haven’t been my thing, there’s probably a TON of absolute bangers I’m missing out on
HELL YEAH MORE STUFF TO TALK ABOUT !! it’s so valid to not want to return to the whole stan lifestyle it really can be detrimental and i’m glad you’re taking care of yourself that way!! and yeah skz are really homey comforting and unhinged and i love them lots it’s so fun with them.
wow you had a whole JOURNEY with them but bias picking is hard in a group like skz anyway (i totally left out the soft spot i’ve got for chan too DJKSDNS it’s very lowkey)
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Accidentally Injuring Their Partner PT. 2
Part One Here
Y’all- the last one is like, my most popular post. As I’m currently writing this, it’s literally almost at 1K notes so... yeah. This one needed a lot of thought and effort if it’s going to meet people’s expectations. 
Please read the note I added at the end of the fic
Genre: angst
Type: drabbleshot
Warnings: gore, mentions of hospitals, crying, cursing, toxic relationships, self blame, some real ‘who cares how I feel, how do you feel?’ kind of unhealthy vibes, hazbin hotel reference (found in Todoroki’s section), talking down on oneself,
Other: this was requested multiple times, but this bitch was planning it before it was requested haha I’m so cool no I’m not I still feel like shit lmao. 
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy @catcherisvibin @thesubtlewhore
Tomura Shigaraki
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It was really all he could do to stare at you.
You’d moved from the theatre to an abandonment hospital, mostly to find any leftover supplies to help with your arm, or rather, lack thereof.
You’d only sort of expected this. Tomura lashing out at you, you getting hurt, you just didn’t expect it to result in you loosing a fucking arm.
Toga was helping to change your bandages, and Magne was speaking quietly with Twice, Spinner, and Compress.
Dabi was speaking with Shigaraki outside the room, and you couldn’t hear what they were saying. You were glad, you didn’t exactly want to hear his voice right now.
You didn’t think you were being that annoying, you thought you were just helping him. And you usually did. When he’d have his little tantrums, he’d get upset at you sure, but he’d never hurt you.
You knew you didn’t do anything differently than usual, maybe he was just more stressed than ordinary? Maybe you should’ve recognized that and altered yourself to fit accordingly.
Or maybe he’d just been horrible, and attacked you for no reason, and you had just been trying to help him.
You knew it was more likely the latter, but you couldn’t help but blame yourself. People don’t just try to kill their partners that they love so much
The door slid open, and Dabi stepped in. He glanced around the room, waving his hand to usher Magne, Spinner, Twice, and Compress out of the room. Today stood up, but you grabbed her hand.
Dabi pushed the door open a little wider, and your boyfriend stepped inside. For once, you were glad he had that horrible hand in his face, you knew that if he took it off you’d probably vomit.
“Call us in if you need anything.” Dabi offered uncharacteristically, sliding the door shut behind him.
Everything was quiet.
Not even the people in the hallway wanted to say anything.
He slowly walked towards you, pulling up a chair and sitting down.
You sat cross-legged on the creaky hospital bed, staring at him as Toga held your hand.
“Why are you here?” You asked quietly.
“I- I um. Why is she here?” Tomura ignored your question, pointing to Toga next to you.
“She’s here because she chopped off my arm after you dusted it. She’s here because she saved my life. Why are you here, Tomura?”
One of his hands lifted to his neck, scratching lightly.
“Shit- I didn’t want anyone else in here-“
“Why not? Don’t want anyone to see you loose yourself and hurt me more? Don’t want anyone here to save me?” You snapped.
“You- you know I didn’t mean it-“
“It doesn’t matter if you meant it or not, Shigaraki.” He flinched away when you spat out his last name like that. “I still got hurt. I lost a fucking arm because of you. How horrible are you that you have to cover up your own insecurities by trying to kill me? No really, I could have died.”
“I’m sorry!” He exclaimed, nails digging deeper into his neck. “I love you, okay? And I promised I’d protect you so-“
“So you broke your promise in the worst way possible.” You swung your legs over the side of the bed, squeezing Toga’s hand before letting go. You walked up to Shigaraki, lifting your hand and gripping his shoulder tightly.
“I’m going.” You whispered. “I can’t be around you. I still have family outside the League, friends that aren’t villains. I can build myself a semi-normal life. I’ll be happy without you.” You turned back to Toga, offering her a smile. “You can come over whenever you want, you’re my friend.” You headed towards the door.
You paused when you heard a soft noise, like a gargled scream. You turned around, seeing Shigaraki shaking.
“No, no please no- don’t go!” He spun around, grabbing your shoulders. You shoved him off you in an instant, curling into yourself
“GET OFF ME!” You screamed. But he was already launching himself at you again, you saw his palm flying towards your face. This time, it wasn’t an accident.
And you knew you wouldn’t make it out this time.
You were pulled back by a strong force, realizing Magne was holding you tight. Compress and Dabi were on either side of Shigaraki, holding him back, while Twice had ran to Toga.
“No! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please don’t leave me!” He screamed, the hand fell loose on his face, tumbling down to the floor. You turned away, not wanting to see him.
You could only imagine his expression.
“Goodbye, Shigaraki.” You whispered, ducking out of Magne’s grip and rubbing off.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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It had been a week since he’d seen you, a week since he’d felt your hands on his. A week since he’d heard your voice. A week since he’d seen your smile.
A week since he’d burned you.
Called you inferior.
Threatened to kill you.
Well there was certainly a reason why he hadn’t gone to see you since the incident.
He missed you.
He felt so guilty, knowing what he’d said and done to you, and he needed to see you.
Maybe he was just being selfish.
Maybe he knew he’d done something wrong.
Maybe he needed to call you.
He flipped his phone upside down, then right side up again on the counter of the bar.
Toga sat on a stool next to him, tapping her hands against the marble in boredom.
“So... what’s up with you?” She asked, cocking her head and glancing at him.
“Like I’m telling a brat like you.” He growled, flipping his phone over again.
“You’ve been off all week!” She exclaimed, leaning towards him. “Somethings happened to you.”
“If i tells you a little, will you shut up?”
“Mhm mhm!”
“Ughhhhh fine. I had a fight with someone close to me. I... I really hurt them. I know it. I haven’t spoken to them in a week.”
“So... Dabi has a soft spot?”
“That’s not the point of this. Also say that again and I’ll kill you.”
“Oookay then. You should just call them. Say something to them and apologize.” She offered with a shrug.
Dabi sighed, pressing his face into his hands.
“They don’t want to talk to me. Trust me on that.”
“Welp- that’s just my advice. Cent for my thoughts kind of thing except you didn’t pay me. You owe me a penny.”
Toga shrugged, hopping off the chair and leaving the room.
“Don’t owe you shit.” Dabi grumbled, glowering down at his phone again. He pulled up your contact, staring at the picture he’d set for you.
You had a bright smile, emoji hearts decorating your cheeks. It was from your first ‘date.’ When you’d hung out at your place after he broke in looking for shelter and food.
You’d taken care of him, let his spend the night, and even offered to let him stay whenever he needed to.
You were an Angel on earth.
And he’d burnt you.
Called you dirty.
And selfish.
You were anything but.
“Why the hell are you calling me?”
“Dabi. Why are you calling me? You hate me, don’t you?”
“I don’t hate you...”
“Jeez, coulda fooled me.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“I- I didn’t mean it.” He choked out. “Everything I said, I didn’t mean it. And I-“
“I really don’t care. The doctors said my arms would scar. I’m burnt and scarred like you. Are you happy? Is that what you wanted to achieve? Make me like you so that no one would want me? So that only you could have me?”
“No! I never wanted to hurt you, ba- Y/n please,”
“Please what? Please what, Dabi? What do you want from me? Huh? You want me to cradle you and say is all going to be okay? You want me to kiss your scars and tell you you’re beautiful? You want me to suck your dick and tell you I love you? After everything you’ve put me through?”
“It’s not just you burning me. You’ve left me for days without contact, and then showed up like nothing’s happened! You’ve hit me and then groveled and cried for my mercy! You’ve made me do so much shit for you in bed that I never wanted to do! Our entire relationship, I was scared you’d get sick of me and kill me!”
“You really thought that?”
“Well guess what motherfucker? You can’t come after me! I’ve told the police what happened. Everything between us. They’re helping me move across the country. You’ll never see me again. Happy?”
“No. No no I’m not happy why would I be happy? You made me happy, when I didn’t even know what the word meant, you don’t have to go through with this, please don’t go through with this!”
“Don’t flatter me. I never made you happy. Nothing could make you happy except watching the world burn. I don’t make you happy, Dabi-“
“Yes you do!”
“Just shut up. I’m going to hang up. If I’m being honest... I’ll miss you. You made me happy. But with so much anger and fear surrounding you, it’s hard to even remember the last time we were happy together.”
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
You were gone.
Shouto Todoroki
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If you thought Shouto was quiet before, you should see him now, wait, you were seeing him now, in class, eyes boring into your spine.
You still had a large bandage on your face, being hit in the face with plus added fire power is bound to leave a mark that lasts for over three days.
Did I mention it had been three days now?
It’s very hard to ignore Shouto, seeing as you were in the same class and lived in the same dorms. 
Plus everyone in class wanted to know what happened between the two of you, why Shouto seemed so down, why you had the bandage on your face, and if it was all connected.
You’d only told one person what had gone down between the two of you, and that was Bakugou.
Which maybe was a mistake, because he took to trying to fight Todoroki every time he saw him, and repeatedly told you that he ‘fuckin knew that icy-hot bastard was a good-for-nothing bag of of poorly packaged horse shit.’
You appreciated his comfort, but it hurt you every time he said something about Todoroki.
“I don’t get why you’re defending the scumbag. His hand hasn’t even healed off your face yet!” 
You and Bakugou were heading to the dorms after class, and he had gone on his usual tangent about how Todoroki did this, Todoroki did that, Todoroki was an asshole, etc etc.
“I mean... he’s technically still my boyfriend. And he’s been nothing but kind to me up until this point. He just... he was stressed, and I was being a bother. I’m sure the injury will fade at some point, then he’ll talk to me again and we can get back to normal.” you shrugged, rubbing at the back of your neck. “We’ll be fine.”
“You know what you are? A pushover.” Bakugou glared at you. 
“Wha- I am not! Where did you get that idea?” 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe from the fact that You forget to check in with how you feel and keep thinking only about that Half n Half bastard! ‘Oh, he must be so upset with himself!’ Fuck that! How do you feel?” 
You kept your eyes on the ground, speeding up. Bakugou grabbed your sleeve, tugging you backwards. His hands found your shoulders, thumbs rubbing soft circles. Your breath hitched, did Shouto ever do this for you? 
Not that you could remember.
“I feel... nervous.” you admitted. “I’m nervous that he meant what he said to me. That I’m nothing but a bother to him. I’m nervous that he’ll never come and talk to me, never apologize. I’m worried that if he does talk to me, he’ll think it was my fault. It wasn’t was it?”
You looked up at Bakugou warily, and squeaked when he tightened his grip on your shoulders.
“The fuck? Of course it’s not! Idiot.” he poked your forehead, and you couldn’t help but giggle a little. “Keep talking.”
“Um... I’m...” you took a deep breath. “I’m angry. I’m angry that he hasn’t talked to me. I’m angry about what he said. I’m angry that he even hit me to begin with. If we were training, of course it’d be different, but we weren’t training. And he hurt me. And now I’m doubting everything between us.”
Bakugou was silent, Cardinal eyes met yours. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, and for a moment, you feared Bakugou would try to blow your ass up for being a pathetic little weakling.
I mean... compared to people like Todoroki and Bakugou, you were right?
Bakugou took a step forward, pulling you into his arms. You held your breath, wondering if he was going to finally snap and kill you. 
But... it felt nice. 
You lifted your arms, wrapping them around his body and tugging him a little closer. You buried your face into his uniform shirt, body shaking a little as you cried.
You almost wanted to scream, but then the school would panic.
So you just cried, sobbing into his arms and letting him hold you. His embrace was war and comforting, nothing like you’d felt from your so-called boyfriend.
Maybe he was right, maybe you really shouldn’t try to think about him.
You did deserve better.
You sniffled, pulling off Bakugou with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Bakugou. I really needed that. And you’re right.”
“What was that second thing?”
“You’re right.”
“Hmmm?” Bakugou cupped a hand around his ear, feigning deafness.
“Oh my goodness- I said you’re right!”
“That’s it.” he patted you on the shoulder, proud smirk traced across his features. You chuckled. “Now you’re going to tell that to Mr. Daddy Issues and get the fuck over him.” 
“Alright, but you’re coming with me!” he nodded, keeping his hand on your shoulder as you returned to the dorms, heading to his dorm.
You paused just outside his door, knocking lightly. Bakugou was a few feet behind you, out of the way, but close enough to step in if something were to happen.
The door swung open slowly, revealing a bored-looking Todoroki. WHen his eyes landed on you, he jumped a little, taking a step back. His hand tightened around the doorknob, his other hand gripping his pants
“Y-Y/n-“ he stuttered, eyes flickering between you and Bakugou. “I-“
“We need to talk.”
“Listen I- I’m sorry!” He exclaimed.
“Todoroki, I don’t think you get it. ‘Sorry’ doesn’t cut it. You might have scarred me, so your one mistake might stay with me my whole life!”
“I know.” His head drooped, and his grip on his pants loosened. “I know. I’m- I’m just like him.”
“I promised I was nothing like him but here we fucking are!”
“Shoto what are you talking about?”
“I’m the worst kind of person!”
Shouto looked up, eyes brimming with tears. You took a few steps forward, taking his face into your hands.
“I’m sorry.” You whispered “it was an accident, and you didn’t mean it. Please don’t talk about yourself like that.”
Bakugou grabbed you, yanking you away from him
“Uh, what the fuck? You came here to sever ties with him, not fucking comfort him!”
“Look at him, Bakugou. He needs me.”
“Trust me.” You smiled at Bakugou, pushing him away from you slowly before turning back to Shouto. You took the boy into your arms, rocking back and forth with him.
You ignored the heavy feeling in your chest, and the screams your brain slew ar you to get off of him, get away from him, and let Bakugou protect you.
You ignored logic, emotion, and all better judgement.
For this boy who’d hit you.
But Bakugou would end up being right, he was smart.
You’ll see.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Shit wrong Pomeranian
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That’s better
Katsuki stood outside Recovery Girl’s room, waiting for Kirishima to come out and tell him what was going on.
He was chewing on his nails, foot tapping against the ground as he stared at the door. He could hear people moving around and talking inside.
He couldn’t get the sound of your screaming out of his head, the large dark patch that formed on your skin around your face, the way you just... fell.
The door slid open, and Bakugou stared forward and Kirishima stepped out, smiling and thanking Recovery Girl.
Bakugou was on his feet in an instant, grabbing Kirishima’s arm.
“How are they? Do they hate me? Can I see them?” He rambled, Kirishima gently pushing Bakugou off him.
“Uh, they’re fine for the most part, they haven’t said anything about you at all, and ask Recovery Girl.” He said, backing off down the hall as Bakugou stared helplessly after him.
“You uh- you might want to apologize. They are really upset.” Kirishima told him, quickly running off down the hall. Bakugou faced towards the room, stepping inside.
A cyan curtain blocked him from seeing you, and he heard shuffling behind it. It slid open, Recovery Girl stepping out. She looked up and saw Bakugou.
She wacked his leg with her needle/cane, and he yelped, stumbling backwards.
“You have no shame!” she snapped. “With what you did to them, you should be cowering outside right now!”
“Shhh!” Bakugou pressed up against the wall. “Do you want them to know I’m here?”
“Are you that clueless?” she grumbled, pulling herself up into her chair. “They’ve gone temporarily deaf.” Bakugou froze, glancing back at the curtain.
He’d blown up your eardrums.
He felt Recovery Girl press something into his hands, and he glanced down. 
It was a small whiteboard, with a pen and washcloth.
This was how he’d have to talk to you.
On a fucking whiteboard.
RG pulled the curtains aside, revealing you.
You were laying in the bed, half your face wrapped up in bandages, hands resting on your lap.
“Y/n...” he murmured. You remained still, staring out the window. Bakugou cleared his throat, and you still didn’t react.
“They can’t hear you, remember?” RG shook her head, waddling over to the other side of your bed, pointing at Bakugou. He watched your face slowly turn, before his eyes shot away from you, staring at the ground.
He heard you swallow, and you let out a soft whimper.
Were you scared of him?
Bakugou lifted the whiteboard, quickly scribbling some kanji on it 
ごめんなさい (Translation: I am sorry)
You reached forward, taking the whiteboard from him and erasing his words, putting your own down instead.
分かってる。(Translation: I know)
Bakugou pursed his lips, fidgeting with his shirt before he watched you put more writing down
どうして?(Translation: Why?)
Bakugou reached out, taking the whiteboard back, quickly putting down his excuse explanation
私は弱いと感じました。 じゃあ霧島を助けてくれたんだ。 うらやましくなってきた (Translation: I felt weak. Then you helped Kirishima. I got Jealous)
お許しください (Translation: Please forgive me.)
He handed you the whiteboard back, tapping his foot against the ground. You passed it back to him, and he hurridly read your response.
私はそれについて考えます (Translation: I’ll think about it.)
He had a chance. His eyes finally lifted off the whiteboard, landing on you.
The visible part of your face looked exactly the same, although there was a large bandage on your ear. Your eye looked sad, fearful, and nervous. You had a shaky smile on your face, trying to make him feel better.
You were always thinking about him.
それは再び起こらないだろう (Translation: It won’t happen again)
You sighed, smile falling.
本気?(Translation: Are you sure?)
Bakugou felt his heart drop into his stomach.
Well of fucking course you didn’t trust him, look what he’d done to you!
おっしゃる通りです。. もうお前を放っておいてやる さようなら、y/n。(Translation: You are right. I will leave you alone now. Goodbye, y/n.)
He stood up, leaving the whiteboard on your bed. He headed towards the door, with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He ignored the soft cry of your voice, surprised he was leaving.
He ignored the way you managed to choke out his name in a warbly, unsure voice.
He slid the door shut behind him, slumping against it and sliding down until he sat on the cold ground. He buried his face into his arms, finally allowing himself to cry.
He wasn’t going to try and talk to you, he resolved. He wasn’t going to bother you or scare you.
He’d keep you safe by refusing to talk to him.
He’d let the author end the fanfiction right then and there.
The door slid open behind him, and he flopped backwards, staring up at your face. You were holding the whiteboard.
オマンコにならないでください。 事故だったのは分かってる 頑張って俺を捕まえるのか諦めるのか? どんなヒーローがあきらめるだろうか?
(Translation: Don't be a pussy. I know it was an accident. Are you going to work hard and get me or give up? What kind of hero would just give up?)
A smirk slowly spread across his face. Yeah, he’d work hard. He’d never scare you or hurt you again. He’d do better.
He’d be the best boyfriend.
And he’d accept your help to stand up next to you.
After fic note: ohmygod I’m finally finished. This took fucking forever. You loved part one so much, I had to make sure part two was perfect.
Some of these ended in heartbreak
Another ended in a questionable descision
The last ended happily
All of them are different! 
I hope you get my references, and appreciate the Japanese Kanji I put in Bakugou’s part (if any of it is inaccurate, please let me know so I can try my best to fix it. I don’t speak or write Japanese, I used this translator to get what I needed). 
I worked hard on this, so if y’all could tell me what you like and dislike about this so I can improve my writing, that would be lovely. Don’t be afraid to pop a comment or pop into my ask box, I do my best to respond to every comment and ask, so don’t worry about being ignored.
I love all of you, and I’m so glad to be able to write for you.
Thanks for all of your support, I promise I’ll work hard on all of my drafts to make sure you get entertainment constantly! 
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bellesowl · 4 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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raineydays411 · 3 years
Thanks T
 Summary: A dad is supposed to be your rock. Someone you can go to when times are hard. Someone whos supposed to protect you. WHat happens when your dad doesn’t fit the bill, and Tony does?
A/n: Hello yall! So this story hit really close to home for me lmao. It was mentioned that there aren’t any good dad/step dad Tony fics so I hope you like it. Everyone thank @alphaandromedae97 and an anon for this fic. 
Hope yall enjoy!
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Your life was complicated. 
How can it not be when Tony “billionaire playboy” Stark is your step dad. 
Yes you read that right, step dad. It’s funny really, turns out he has a thing for waitresses that aren’t interested in him at first. That waitress being your mom.
They met when she was working a shift at the restaurant she works at, and he came in with Avengers. He expected her to fall at their feet like everyone else did, but she just scoffed and asked for their order. Pretty epic. 
Then one long montage later, and they ended up getting married. You were happy for your mom, of course. Deep down, Tony is a good man and you knew he’d do anything for your mom. And he’s always been nice to you, making sure you were okay with him proposing and then you moving upstate with him and your mom. He always made sure you felt included, maybe a little too much. He actually took interest in your life, which you’ll always appreciate. 
But you were a total daddy's girl by heart. You always felt like you had a close relationship with your biological father. He was a good dad, he took you out to movies, went to recitals, and always made sure to take you to the father-daughter dance your school district put on every year. It was your tradition. But after your parents divorced a few years ago, it seemed like he was getting more and more distant from you. He stopped calling as much, would skip out on your days to visit him and when you did visit, he’d lock himself in his office, claiming he had to finish some paperwork. It broke your heart, knowing that a man you were so close with, seems to be detaching himself from your life. But, in his defence he always managed to take you to the father-daughter dance. He always did. No matter how long the both of you went without seeing each other, no matter how long you haven’t spoken, he always made sure to take you. 
That act alone, reassured you that he did still love you. He was just busy. In fact, you were getting ready to go to the final father-daughter dance, as you were going to graduate this year and therefore you would be too old to attend the next year. This year was especially important to you. You wanted this night to be perfect. 
And you were positive your father would pull through as he has the past years.
You were filled with excitement as you tried on multiple different dresses. You always liked this part of getting ready, the dress shopping. 
The confidence you feel when you finally found the right dress. The happy feeling you and your mother had, browsing through the dress shop downtown. Tony offered to buy you a custom designer dress, but you couldn’t accept. This was the shop you’ve been going to since you were a little girl, since you went to your very first dance with your dad. Call it nostalgia or tradition, but you couldn’t shop anywhere else. 
“ Hey ma! I think I found the one.” You shout from the dressing room, finally finding your dress after hours of searching. 
“Come out here and let’s see bug” She replies from where shes seated. You take a deep breath, soothing the wrinkles on the dress and walking outside. Your mother gasps as she see the gown. It was beautiful really. It was a glittery, lilac purple floor length dress with spaghetti straps. And it even had pockets! You were absolutely obsessed. Plus, you could probably use it as a prom dress if you really wanted to.
“Oh baby...you look so beautiful...” You mom says, tearing for the millionth time. 
“Ma, are you crying again?!” You laugh, “ Come on, that's the fifth time you’ve cried since we’ve been in the store!”
She laughs with you, sniffling as she wipes her tears,” I’m sorry, but you’re getting so big, it feels like it was only yesterday we were walking in this shop to get your first dress...and now...” She starts to cry again.
You smile softly, understanding what your mom was saying. You were in kindergarten when you first started attending these meetings, now you’re a senior in highschool. 
“Alright, no more crying. It’s a happy day for you. Has your father called texted you when he was going to come pick you up?” Your mom asked wiping her tears.
You frown, “ No, I haven;’t hear from him since two weeks ago when he said he wanted to get lunch.”
You can see your mom roll her eyes in the mirror, “ Mom he’s just busy. I’m sure he’ll call when he can.”
“Oh sure, I just hate that he doesn’t answer you fast enough.”
“I know ma, but he has work” You argue, “ He calls when he can, and that's okay.”
Your mom sighs, knowing that you were stubborn when it comes to your father. 
“ Well, let’s get this wrapped, Tony wants to get lunch and we need to convince him to get something other than shawarma.” 
You roll your eyes, “ God, what’s with that man and shawarma. It’s like his life line or something”
“I know!”
After the two of you buy the dress, you pick up Tony from the HQ. You loved the drive up there,mainly because of the scenery, but also cause you can see Cap running laps outside.
“Hell my love, hey kiddo” Tony greets switching seats with your mom.
‘Hey T” You greet, smiling at the man. 
“Did you find the dress?” He asks, driving away from his place of work and to a restaurant. 
“Yeah! It’s like the one I told you I wanted. I was surprised it was there to be honest.” You reply, “ Mom practically dehydrated herself shopping though.”
“Oh? How many times did she cry this time? Cause she was crying earlier when she was getting read-- OW! Hey I’m driving” He exclaims as your mom swats his arm.
You giggle at their antics, chest warming with the sight of your mom happy again.
“She cried five times while we were shopping. Five!”
“Five? I didn’t know the human body had that much water.”
The two of you chuckled as your mom made an offended noise.
“I hate that the two of you get on so well.” She pouts, “ And excuse me if I’m a little sad my baby is growing up so fast.”
You tune out the rest of their conversation as your phone buzzes. 
Hey kid, I’m gonna have to meet you at the school tomorrow. I have a meeting that’s gonna run late.
Okay daddy, I’ll see you there <3
You frown, your dad always managed to pick you up from the house. He used to take you to eat before the dance. And he always used to take the day off, devoting his time to you.
“ Uh oh, someone's frowning back there.” Tony remarks, “ What’s wrong kiddo, did a character off that show you like die/”
“Uh no, ma do you think you can drop me off at the dance tomorrow? Dad said he has a late meeting and won’t be able to pick me up.”
Your mother makes eye contact with Tony. They both know how your father has been flaking on you and how it breaks your heart that he does. It makes Tony especially mad because it remind him of his childhood. How his father really didn’t pay attention to him unless he was criticizing  his life choices.
“ Hey y/n, I can drop you off if you want.” Tony offers, “ I really don’t mind.”
You smile, “Thanks T.” 
“No problem kid.”
And with that he pulls into the restaurant parking lot. 
As your family is seated, you take a quick look around the restaurant, wanting to see the reactions of the patrons when they realize Tony Stark is in the building. But as you do, you see a man who looks very familiar. But before you can take a closer look your mom interrupts you.
“Y/n, you know it's rude to stare.”
“Oh sorry mom.” 
So you take a seat and continue with your meal. You tune out your mother and Tony’s conversation as you can’t take your mind off of that man. You take a quick glance back while your parents discuss the dessert menu.
That’s when you realize that the man was your father!
You stand up from the table and make your way towards the man. Surprised to see him there because as far as you know, he’s supposed to be in a meeting right now.
“Daddy?” You ask cautiously. The man tenses up before turning to you.
“Y/n? Honey what are you doing here?” You notice he doesn’t make an attempt to get up and hug you. 
And you also notice the second plate of food across from him and a napkin stained with what looked like lipstick.
“Um, T and Ma wanted to grab dinner.. I thought you were at a meeting?”
“This is a five star restaurant, and you just stopped in?” He asks ignoring your question, “ Of course Stark did..”
You wanted to roll your eyes. Everytime your mother was even close to being happy, your dad always found something wrong with the person she was with. But he seemed to have a strong disliking towards Tony for some reason.
“Um right...So you told me you were in a meeting? That’s why I couldn’t come over after dress shopping?”
“Right! A meeting...I’m currently in right now.” He says quickly looking towards the women's bathroom, “ You should go back to your table hon, my boss is really strict”
“Oh right, sorry” You say dejected, “ I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” your dad says with a soft smile, “ I love you Bug.”
You smile at the nickname your parents gave you, “ I love you too pop.” 
And with that you walk off, back to your mother and Tony. You can see they’re trying to hide the fact that they were watching by covering their face with the dessert menus.
“Oh here you are, we got you a tiramisu” Tony says nonchalantly, pushing the dessert towards you.
“Uh huh” You hummed teasingly, “ Dad says hi by the way.” 
“ Oh does he now?” You mom said not convinced, “ That’s nice of him.”
You hummed, mouthful of cake signaling that you were done with the conversation. Your family finished up their meals and signaled for the check. As you were walking out the restaurant, you turned to say goodbye to your dad, only to see his “boss” was back from the restroom.
Only this boss was a 5′3, brunette bombshell in a tight red dress and having her neck kissed by the man you call your father. 
Your stomach felt sick.
“Oh gross, I really didn’t need to see that.” You mutter catching the attention of Tony who was behind you. 
“See what kid?” He asks following your gaze, “Oh. Yikes is that even allowed? I didn’t know your dad was a vampire.”
You snort, “ Oh god T, that's disgusting.” 
He just laughs and pats your head, “ Come on, lets go before your mom yells at us.”
You smile, but you wondered why your dad didn’t tell you that he was on a date. Or that he was even seeing someone?
Thoughts of your fathers secrets where wiped from your brain as you scrambled to get ready for the dance the next day.
Tony surprised you and your mom with a mani-pedi day at 10am and a hair appointment for you at 1pm. After you had to get shoes for your dress at the mall and then be home by 5pm to get your dress and makeup on, take pictures, and then be out the door by 7pm to take pictures with your dad, then finally be at the dance by 8pm when doors open. 
The whole day you were messaging your dad about how excited you are, getting similar replays back. He pays for you shoes and complements your hair. 
Your heart swells as you think about how hard it was in the beginning of the divorce. But your father always tried his best to spend time with you and made sure you knew he loved you.  
It was hard on you at first, but you appreciate that he tried for you. The fact that he’s been taking you to this dance since you were a little girl is proof enough. You were a little sentimental, this was your last dance after all. 
You smiled looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked beautiful in your dress. Your makeup was done to perfection and you had gotten a silk press in your hair. You felt like a princess.  You heard your mom sniffle.
“Mom, again?” You laugh,turning to face her.
“I’m sorry! You just look so beautiful!” she says with a sad smile, “ God, you grew up so fast bug” 
You roll your eyes, but feel the tears spring to your eyes as well, “ Ma! Stop I can’t ruin my make up” 
You both laugh as you fan your eyes
“You ready?” She asks, “ Tony’s waiting for you in the living room.”
You nod, gathering your things and walking out the door. You let your mom walk down the stairs first. You can hear Tony and you assume Happy in the living room. You finally make it down the stairs. It turns out it was Tony, Happy, and Peter Parker. Your mom was chatting with them and they all had their back turned to you. 
“Ahem.” You clear your throat, catching their attention.
You see Peter stiffen as he gazes at you and mutters a soft “Wow”
You blush, what can you say he’s a cutie.
 Happy gives you a comforting smile.
 And Tony?
He has a soft look on his face, “ Jeez kid, you clean up well.” 
You laugh, “ Better than you old man, what's up with the pants?”
He had on Iron Man pj pants.
“Oh hush.” He laughs, “ You look beautiful kiddo.” 
You look down with a grin.
“Oh pose for some pictures!” You mom says excitedly, “ Go Y/n, by your self first and then with me. Then with Tony.”
You sigh, knowing how long it was gonna take.  
Finally after three million pictures, your mom and Tony drove you to the school.
“Okay bug, is your dad here?” Your mom asks looking around at the group. 
“Yeah! He should be inside.” You say kissing your mom goodbye and waving to Tony. You show the ticket and waltz in the gym. 
You smile and wave at classmates and parents. These people you’ve known since you were a child and who knew you. You finally got to the table you always sat at woth your dad. 
It was empty.
You frown and look at your phone.
On my way pop!
It said the message was read.
“He must be on  driving” You think to yourself as you sat at the table.
But then twenty minutes passed. Then an hour. then two
You were still there, waiting for your dad to come. You sent five messages and they all remained unopened. 
You looked around the gym, seeing a few parents looking at you with pity in their eyes. You can barely stand it.
You got up and went to the restroom, trying not to cry. and in the restroom you tried calling you father, but you were sent to voicemail. The you finally got a message. 
“I’m so sorry bug, I can’t make it to the dance. I have a meeting today. :(”
You felt dejected. Humiliated. 
Your father has rearranged visitation days, skipped out on little crimonied and rectitals you’ve had, but this by far was the most disappointing thing he has done. 
He promised multiple times that he’d be here. Never has he ever skipped out on the dance before.  ANd he knew how important this was to you. Thi was your last dance, and he ruined it. 
You let yourself cry. You sobbed as you realized that your father has been distancing himself from you. That your relationship hasn’t been okay for a while. And you just didn’t want to let go.
You sigh as you realize you’ve been in the restroom for a while. You stand up and look at your face. Despite the red eyes and slightly red nose, your make up was pretty much intact.
“Huh at least my setting spray hasn’t let me down.” You say to your self. After a few mintues of calming down, you walk out of the restroom and bump into a figure. 
“Sorry” you mutter about to pass the person. 
“Gee you took a while in there, I told you not to get that coffee kid.” 
You quickly look up and se Tony.
Dressed in a suit, flowers in hand.
“Hey kid.” He says softly
“what..what are you doing here?” You whisper, tears filling your eyes again.
“Well apparently you need an rent a dad, and I happened to be in the neighborhood.” He jokes, then says, “ I’m sorry your dad didn’t come kiddo, and I know I’m not him, and quite frankly I’m glad I’m not. But I do love you like you’re my own, and well...yeah here I am.”
You stay quiet, looking at Tony in wonder. Touched that he did this for you.
“Of course if you just want to leave then we can just get out of here” He rambles nervously, “ But you gotta tell me kid cause I’m kinda freaking out.”
“Can we get ice cream after?” You ask him
“After the dance, we should go get ice cream.” 
“Uh sure?” Tony says, “So what do you usually do at these things?” 
You laugh and steer him to the tables where they have all the activities at. You actually have more fun with him than you had recently wit your dad. Tony is definitely more competitive than your father and treats every game as a challenge. Not like something he’s humoring just for his kid. He celebrates with you instead of telling you to calm down. He chats with the adults, is nice to the kids, and does the goofy dances with you. Seeing Iron Man do the chicken dance is something you didn’t know you needed till now. He managed to turn this horrible night to one of the best ones you’ve had in quite a while. 
Finally the father daughter dance started to signal the end of the dance. Tony bowed dramatically and said in a horrible british accent, “ Lady Y/n?”
You laugh and make your way to the dance floor. You’re both quiet for a bit, snorting at how serious the other dads and their daughters look.
“Hey T?” You say softly, looking at the ground.
“Yeah kid?” 
“Thank you. It’s nice to know that one of my dad's isn’t a total asshole.” You say. knowing that this is the first time you referred to Tony as your dad.
His eyes get misty as he clears his throat,
“Anytime, bug”
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under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
398 notes · View notes
sevlgi · 3 years
hit and run
requested: no
group: blackpink
pairing: rosé x fem!reader
genre: a  shit ton of angst, some fluff
contents: idol!rosé, actress!y/n, closeted!rosé, costar!au, slight enemies-to-lovers, unhappy endings because i’m a bitch, a lot of attempted cinematic parallels, italicized dialogue is when they’re speaking as their characters
warnings: slight homophobia
synopsis: There’s absolutely no reason for you to get involved with a costar who you should hate by all accounts. But of course, you manage to forget that love is usually more like a hit-and-run than a cruise ship. 
a/n: while i was writing this, i  imagined this as what happened before rosie sang “gone”, so maybe you can think of it like that too? i’m honestly so terrified of this flopping lmao... 
for a little background on the film: Y/N plays Luna, a pirate captain who unknowingly sacrificed her family in order to have the power to fight the regime that Rosé’s character Helen is a part of. Helen approaches Luna, determined to help her bring justice, but Helen is unable to choose between the benefits of staying with the regime, and following what she knows is right and destroying her life as a result.
word count: 6.8k
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The last thing you want to hear on the morning of your first script reading is that the actress playing your love interest in the film has changed.
“What?” you say loudly, straightening in the backseat. Your manager frowns, and you sit obediently, but the scowl doesn’t leave your face. “What do you mean the actress changed?”
“Yeah. She had to leave the movie at the last minute,” he sighs.
Sooyoung was chosen alongside you, after lengthy interviews testing whether the two of you would be able to handle your characters’ dynamic. It took weeks for the director to decide that you were the pair that she wanted, so the news that you’ll be meeting your costar for the first time in front of paparazzi is quite the shock to your system. “Shit. Then who’s the replacement?”
Your manager presses his lips together firmly before answering, “Park Chaeyoung. She’s an idol.”
You groan and slump down again. “Great. Another idol actress? Please don’t tell me that this is her first role too. Oh god, is she straight?”
“Yes to all of the above,” Chan says tensely.
Maybe you’re being dramatic, but it’s honestly a big deal. It’s the first leading role you’ve bagged, especially in a mainstream LGBTQ+ movie, and Sooyoung was the best costar you could’ve picked. You’ve never met Park Chaeyoung before, and you already know that all your plans are going to be messed up.
Chan pulls the car into the parking lot, and you scowl when you realize that most of the paparazzi have arrived. “We’re going around the back. Y/N, promise me one thing: don’t make a scene, okay?” your manager pleads. “I’m not happy about it either, but Chaeyoung has a good reputation. You’ll just ruin yours if you blow up at her.”
“I promise,” you answer through gritted teeth. You slip through the open side door as soon as you get out of the car, ignoring Chan’s call after you to have a good time like you would’ve.
To make matters worse, you don’t even get a chance to talk to the director or Chaeyoung before you’re swarmed by a crowd of reporters, even if that ‘talk’ would’ve consisted of more yelling than anything. “Y/N, Y/N!”
“Okay, let her up!” Seulgi shouts, pushing her way through. She grips your arm to lead you towards the cast table, whispering under her breath, “I’ll explain later. But just run with it, okay?”
You have plenty of problems with idol actresses, but you’ve never been inclined to say all those problems to their faces. Until now, that is.  Now, you’re sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with a girl you know has absolutely no credentials to be playing the other role in your upcoming movie, resisting the urge to ball your script up and throw it in her face.
There’s nothing wrong with Park Chaeyoung as a person-- she’s admittedly gorgeous, probably sweet, and you’re sure she isn’t a bad actress in any sense. The only thing wrong with the situation is that she’s painfully straight and auditioning to be your love interest in what might be Korea’s first mainstream lesbian film, and that you have never spoken to her before.
Chaeyoung avoids your stare with a clenched jaw, and in normal circumstances, you would already be apologizing profusely for making her uncomfortable. In this circumstance, though, your obvious grudge against her only contributes to the dynamic her character is supposed to have with yours.
“Miss Kang, is it true that the actors were only picked today?” 
The director grimaces, and the both of you turn to look at the cameras flashing by the sides of the room. It was never the plan to allow paparazzi to sit in on the first reading that you and Chaeyoung would be doing together, especially since it’s true that Chaeyoung was only chosen hours ago, after the original actress bailed. Even though your grudge should be against the girl who left, it’s easier to glare at the one sitting next to you. “Not exactly. Y/N has been confirmed for the role of Luna for months, but we recently added Chaeyoung as Helen. But we can assure that their chemistry will be wonderful,” Seulgi reassures the audience. What a lie.
Yet another reporter calls out, “How much of the script will we be seeing today, and when will the trailer be released?”
“Since the casting was changed today, the trailer has been delayed,” Seulgi says. You can hear the panic in her voice, and clear your throat. “As for the script… we’re only doing part of one scene that will show up in the trailer today, so we’ll just let them begin. Y/N?”
As you take a sip of water to prepare yourself, you almost hope that Chaeyoung messes up her part. It would be bad press, sure, and it would only contribute to Seulgi’s stress, but it would be satisfying for her to realize that she doesn’t deserve her part. She’s just an idol, after all, and she’s taking away representation from the people who need it.
“Are you saying you’re better than me?” you begin, your voice ice-cold.
You watch Chaeyoung’s throat bob, but her voice is steady and clear when she says her line. “No! I’m not saying that I’m better than you… but by all accounts, there’s no way you should have this power.”
“Would you be less scared then?” You pause, watch as Chaeyoung’s expression changes to the panic that her character’s would. “I’m kidding, Helen. I did things to get these powers, things that I’m not proud of.”
“Why would you do that? You’re strong… you don’t need them.”
“I’ve never been-- shit.” The tips of your ears start to burn, and suddenly, your lines are swimming before your eyes. Maybe all your hoping and wishing that Chaeyoung messes up has reflected onto you instead.
She attempts to remind you, “I haven’t always--”
“I know,” you hiss, but your voice is too loud in the silent room. Chaeyoung turns bright pink, too, but you still can’t seem to say your lines out loud. Shit, shit, shit--
“I’m just trying to help,” she sighs.
You whip your head to glare at her, and she winces at the daggers you send in her direction. “Shut the hell up--”
“Okay, the script reading will end here,” Seulgi announces loudly, and you bite down hard on your tongue. You don’t dare to look at the other cast members, don’t dare to think about how they must be guilting you for cutting their PR short. “Thank you everyone, please leave with security.”
You stay in your seat, staring at your script with burning eyes until you feel a hand on your shoulder and jolt. “Hey,” Chaeyoung reminds you, “we can leave.”
“Don’t touch me” is your only answer, and you storm out of the room. Alone.
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The next time you see Chaeyoung is the next day, at a script-reading that the paparazzi knows nothing about. (You do see a friend request from a Park Chaeyoung the night before, but you ignore it.)
Seulgi attempts a smile, but it doesn’t hide the bags under her eyes. She claps and raises her voice to get the cast’s attention. “Okay, everyone. We didn’t get what we wanted yesterday, but that’s fine. Um… let’s try yesterday’s scene from Chaeyoung’s part, okay? From ‘you don’t need them’.”
Chaeyoung nods. “You’re strong… you don’t need them,” she starts, worry tinging into her voice.
“I haven’t always been strong,” you reply, your voice harsher than it should be just to stop yourself from messing up again.
“Still. Powers aren’t everything, Luna, it’s too hard to have them.”
You sigh. “Newsflash, princess. It’s harder not to.”
“But--” Chaeyoung interjects.
“Did you ever think,” you cut her off, “that I didn’t care that it’d be hard? Did you ever think that the rest of us are tired of you abusing the thing that you’re given, but we have to fight for?”
You look right to Seulgi once you finish, ignoring the part underneath that says you should look to Chaeyoung at the end of the scene. The director smiles anyway. “That was great, you two. I think you capture the tension perfectly, which is a relief.”
You fight the urge to laugh. “I know that changing our main cast so close to the actual production is really difficult,” Seulgi sighs. “And I’m really sorry to inconvenience you all. The schedule is really squished now, and we just have to work through it. Chaeyoung, Y/N, all I ask is that you try to work together, okay? I know you’ll be amazing together.”
Chaeyoung speaks, possibly for the first time besides her lines. “Of course, Ms. Bae. I’ll do my best.”
“I’m sure. We have to cut this short, again, but we’re scheduled for costume fitting right now,” Seulgi groans. “We have to at least get the outfits for the trailer to fit. Sorry, everyone. Down the hall, okay?”
Of course, you and Chaeyoung have to get fit together. The only sound in the hallway is that of her heels clicking on the wood, and you resist the urge to shout at her to stop. Luckily, you arrive in the fitting room before you can.
Your eyes widen at the dress hanging there. It’s incredible, even without the layers that would support the skirt-- you can’t even imagine how the beading and pink silk would look on Chaeyoung. Ethereal, probably. “Y/N, yours is here,” the costume director laughs, beckoning you over.
Even though your own outfit isn’t nearly as opulent, you can’t help but admire the gold detailing on the cuffs and the tailoring. “Thank god yours doesn’t take so much sewing,” the director grunts, pinning the side. “You know, the two of you are going to look fantastic in these, even if we have to spill all that blood on them to shoot the trailer.”
“Sooyoung would’ve looked better.” It’s mean, and it’s a low blow, but the director doesn’t take your bait.
She pokes her head out to where Chaeyoung’s being fitted. “Now? Okay, Y/N, go out there. We need to take a look at the two of you together.”
You can’t stop your jaw from dropping when you see Chaeyoung. She’s all candyfloss hair and gold adorning her tiny waist, and in all her glory, you can’t stop yourself from thinking that maybe she was made for the role. “You look really good,” she compliments softly.
Nodding stiffly, you turn for the seamstresses. Chaeyoung moves to fiddle with her gloves when she realizes that you have absolutely no interest in continuing the conversation.
Well, if there’s one thing you can nitpick about her, it isn’t how she looks; she looks absolutely perfect for the role of Princess Helen, maybe even more perfect than Sooyoung. 
One of the costume directors steps in. “Okay, you can get changed out, but you have to come back in a few hours,” she tells you. “We have to make a lot of changes, then fit you again.”
You step down from the podium, going towards your dressing room without a second thought until Chaeyoung calls for you. “Y/N? Do you want to have lunch later? In your trailer or something?”
“Sure,” you answer, barely glancing back. When you do, all you see is her with shiny puppy eyes, and in her giant gown, it’s eerily similar to the role she’s supposed to be playing.
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“It’s nice. You’ve decorated it?”
You nod absentmindedly, clearing the narrow couch off for yourself to sit on, since Chaeyoung has taken the only chair that could fit in the trailer. “Yeah. I mean, I’ve had it for a few months, so.”
She winces. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” you frown. Chaeyoung apologizes too much, but at least she’s upfront about whatever she has to say.
Your costar sighs, “For usurping the role? You must’ve gotten attached to Sooyoung, and it’s got to be horrible for me to just… arrive like this.”
“You know… that’s part of it.” You can’t lie; a big part of the resentment you hold against Chaeyoung is the fact that she took a role meant for someone else, someone you were friends with. “The other thing… I don’t like idol actresses,” you tell her.
Chaeyoung’s brows furrow, and she leans forward. “Why? I mean, why don’t you?”
You pause to think about it. “Well… I mean, think about it like this. Sooyoung and my auditions went for weeks before we were chosen, as a pair. Didn’t you get this role because you were an idol? You had to audition, sure, but I bet you just flashed a few smiles and read the script and got chosen. How is that fair?”
She opens her mouth to speak, but you hold your hand up and continue, “And the other thing. You’re straight.”
Chaeyoung chokes on air at that, spluttering, “What? You hate me because I’m straight?”
“No,” you say incredulously, “Well, I don’t hate you. But you being straight, and landing the lead role in a film like this… you’re taking away representation. And that’s kind of shitty of you.”
The air inside the trailer becomes suffocating, and Chaeyoung’s fiddling with the jacket in her lap finally stops when she throws it aside and stands up. She sounds like she’s about to cry when she says quietly, “Have you ever considered that I’m not straight? It’s not… it’s not that easy to be out about it--”
“Oh, cry me a river,” you groan. “Look, I apologize for assuming, but if you want to act in lesbian roles, you can’t pretend to be straight. It’s all for your fans, isn’t it? Another part of being an idol--”
She stands up, then storms right out of the trailer without another word, the door banging closed. The only thing you can do in response is sigh and utter a quiet, “Shit”.
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Perhaps it’s just your luck that the first proper scene you have to film with Chaeyoung is your culminating kiss scene.
It shouldn’t be in the trailer at all-- according to the scene schedule, the two of you would’ve filmed your scenes together in chronological order, and the kiss would’ve been at the end, hopefully after a reconciliation between the two of you. However, for some inexplicable reason, it’s going to be the first one you do, without a single second of rehearsal.
You’re a one-take wonder, and you always have been, but you can’t help but think about how impossible it’s going to be to pull off such an intense scene with someone you just fought with. Sighing, you lean over to fiddle with your hair; it’s slightly tangled now, and there’s a fake scrape on the side of your cheek. 
At a side, Chaeyoung is similarly beat up, fake blood smeared on the left side of her face. Her long hair has been put in an updo and then taken down, and parts of her dress are ripped; to you, she looks more like Helen than herself now.
“Okay, everyone, are we ready? Positions, please!”
You arrange yourself on the ground where you should be, holding a handkerchief to your cheek like instructed as Chaeyoung stands by the camera to run to you. Exhaling sharply, your eyes meet hers for the first time in days. “Action!”
Chaeyoung sprints to you as soon as she’s cued, falling in front of you in a heap. “Luna,” she gasps, reaching a gloved hand out to the ‘injured’ half of your face.
“I’m fine,” you smile weakly. The camera hovers by Chaeyoung’s shoulder, and you soften your gaze as much as possible as your hand comes up to hers.
The other girl only moves closer, her eyes scanning yours and her dress surrounding the both of you like a sea of gauze. Her nose is almost brushing up against yours, and you mutter softly, “Be careful. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want.”
“Well, what do you want?” Chaeyoung implores, almost inaudible. Her breath quivers, and you feel it when you reach forward to cup her jaw. “Luna, what do you want right now?”
“I’m not making a move until you tell me to,” you shake your head. 
The blonde’s hands slip off your face, and she braces herself on your thighs instead. She laughs breathily, “Coward.”
“Your coward, huh?”
Chaeyoung pauses, scraping her teeth across her bottom lip. It’s so quiet that you think you could hear a pin drop, and the torches held up by the crew flicker across her face so naturally. “If you want to be.”
There’s probably another line that comes after, but with Chaeyoung so close to you, it swims blurrily in your mind. So instead, you just lean up, pull her down, and connect your lips.
She plays along, thankfully, stumbling slightly in her character’s eagerness to get a little closer. The only thing you can hear is Chaeyoung’s slight gasp when you let your hands wander down to her waist, and it’s almost scary how absorbed you are in the scene.
“Okay, cut!” Seulgi’s shout breaks you from your trance, and you hold your hands up as if in surrounder. Chaeyoung’s cheeks are red yet again when she sits up, staring anywhere other than you.
Your director hops off her chair to run towards you, a huge grin on her face. “That was perfect,” she shouts. “Y/N, I think you forgot a line? But it worked out amazingly. The one-take wonder, right?”
You grin when she pats you on the shoulder, a little harder than necessary. Apparently, all your worries were for nothing, as you and Chaeyoung stand to monitor your own shot in the screen next to Joohyun.
You can’t even hear all the praise she showers on the two of you, and you pay no attention to all the details she points out that apparently showcase your perfect chemistry with your costar. All you feel is a slight squeeze on your hand, hidden in the mess of fabric by your side.
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You jolt awake at the sound of your phone ringing loudly by your side, finding an unknown number as the caller ID. Accepting hesitantly, you greet, “Hello?”
“Y/N? Did Chan give me the right number?”
Oh. It’s Chaeyoung. “Yeah.” You clear your throat in an attempt to sound a little less drowsy, then repeat, “Right number. Why’d you ask Chan?”
“Well, it’s kinda hard to find you when you never accepted my request,” she laughs quietly. “Um, I have to record the OST today, and I was wondering whether you’d want to come watch? Chan said you didn’t really have any scenes later today.”
“Um. Okay. I’ll ask Chan to bring me,” you answer, then hang up. Your head swims slightly, partially due to the fact that you woke up to the piercing sound of your ringtone and partially because you just don’t understand why Chaeyoung’s reaching out again. You should be the one apologizing, after the tangent you went off on, and you highly doubt that your kiss scene doubled as an apology. Of course, you’ll take it.
Your manager is more than pleased to pick you up this time, but thankfully, he doesn’t question you. If he did, he’d probably be the one you shouted at.
The studio is honestly too small for two people, probably hastily set up, but you recognize the recording equipment from a video of Chaeyoung recording one of her group’s songs. And you recognize the girl already standing in the recording booth, waving you over. “Hi,” she smiles, and for all you try, you don’t see a hint of malice.
“Hey,” you mumble, taking a seat. “Uh… I’m sorry.”
“Wow, straightforward,” she tries to joke. “What for?”
You scratch the back of your neck, sighing, “For assuming, for blowing up on you, for… I don’t know, kind of everything. I’m an asshole, even if what I said wasn’t wrong.”
Chaeyoung chuckles, fiddling with the mic. “I mean, I appreciate the apology, but I wasn’t great either. You definitely had some truth behind what you said, even if it was kind of too to the point.”
“I know. You were just trying to apologize and help us become civil, and I kind of ruined it,” you hum. The other girl adjusts the lyric stand as you continue, “But I’m hoping you understand why I had to say what I did?”
“I do,” she agrees. “You’re definitely right that it’s not good representation at all, I just wish you had heard me out.”
You nod uncomfortably, changing the way you sit on the couch just to distract yourself. “So… you’re gay? I’m just asking because I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about it, and I’ve seen plenty of your interviews.”
“So you watch my interviews?” Chaeyoung teases. When you scowl, she just smiles, “I can’t say specifically, but I am confused. You said last time that it’s just another part of being an idol, and you’re… you’re right. It’s taboo for idols to be gay, even though Korea’s opening up to it a bit more now. So even though I want to, I don’t think I can ever be out about it.”
“I understand. And I’m sorry,” you say quietly.
She swallows, throat bobbing. “Thank you. Hey, Y/N… would you mind singing with me?”
“What?” You stare up at her incredulously; it’s not like your singing would make the other girl faint on the spot, but you definitely don’t possess an angelic voice like hers, either.
But maybe it’s an olive branch. “Just… can you match this note?” She hums, and you attempt to create the same pitch. “Okay. Can you do the chorus part in that key, while I do it in the main one? We’ll sound better like that,” Chaeyoung offers.
Against your better judgement, you stand, and shuffle into the recording booth next to her. “If this sounds bad, you’re taking the blame,”  you warn, and she giggles while twisting the stand so you can see.
You do sound good together, maybe to a level that you would’ve never anticipated.
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You know that something’s off when Chan doesn’t wake you up bright and early on your birthday, even if Seulgi already promised that you wouldn’t have to go to work on the day of. After spending many a birthday with him, you’ve already gotten used to him tugging you up just to take you outside and celebrate somehow.
You know something’s especially off when you hear a female voice cursing from your kitchen, and smell something burning.
“Who the shit-- Chaeyoung?”
The girl turns in surprise, caught red-handed with a piece of burnt toast pinched between her fingers. “Um. Hi?” she offers weakly.
Suddenly self-conscious, you cross your arms over the faded sweatshirt you wear. In your own apartment, Chaeyoung is leagues more put-together in the summery dress she wears, her dyed hair tossed in a braid and glitter shining at the corners of her eyes. “Hello?”
“Chan said you wouldn’t be awake for a few hours,” she sighs, shaking her head as she tosses the toast in the trash. “And I wasn’t supposed to burn the toast.”
“What were you supposed to do?” you question, stepping closer. There’s a cake box on the counter, as well as a couple suspicious tubes of icing right by it, and you think you know what’s going on.
Chaeyoung huffs out an exasperated breath. “I was supposed to surprise you. Chan has something going on at home, so he sent me to supervise your birthday instead. Obviously, I messed that up.”
“It’s fine,” you shrug, taking a seat at the counter and reaching for the icing. “I’ve always wanted to decorate a cake anyway.”
She looks surprised at that, but a smile breaks out across her face. “Really?”
“Really,” you confirm. It’s partially a lie, but you’re decently sure that Chaeyoung will refuse to let you do most of the work anyways. “Uh. I’ll just change first, and then we can get that going?”
“Yeah,” she grins, and you take it as your cue to scurry off to the bedroom.
By the time you come back, there’s a plate of not-burnt toast on your counter, and Chaeyoung’s pouring out two glasses of the juice that you can never bring yourself to buy because of the price tag. “I hope you like it, this is one of my favorites.”
“Like it? I love this,” you gasp, surging forward to pick up one of the glasses. “It’s expensive as hell, though.”
“Well, I couldn’t get you a gift, so I thought a nice morning would suffice,” Chaeyoung laughs. She unties the bow on the cake box to reveal a completely bare vanilla cake, a few packets of sprinkles that you hadn’t noticed now lying next to it. “Do you want to start?”
“Oh, sure.” You choose the blue icing after a bit of debating, and pick up the spatula that your costar offers you. “You didn’t have to, though, I would’ve been okay on my own today.”
Chaeyoung shrugs, “I mean, I didn’t have anything else to do, and I wouldn’t like to be alone on my birthday.”
“How do you usually celebrate?” you question, glancing up at her.
She pauses to think, then answers, “Well, I do live with my members, so we’ll get something to eat. Sometimes, we’re on vacation, so we just do what we can, but I like staying in the dorm to receive the things that their families send me.”
“It sounds sweet.”
“It is,” she grins. “I honestly don’t know what I would do on my own, it seems lonely-- Oh. I’m sorry.”
“What for? It is kind of lonely,” you admit, squeezing a glob of icing out. It’s definitely not as graceful as you would’ve appreciated, and you catch Chaeyoung stifling a laugh. “Chan lived with me at the beginning, but he eventually moved out when I got a girlfriend. Obviously, that didn’t laugh.”
“Sorry,” the other girl repeats again, and you wave a hand out. “When was that?”
“She moved out two years ago,” you answer. “And I’ve been alone since. Or, lonely, not always alone.”
Chaeyoung nods just so that you know she heard you. She accepts the icing tube when you hand it to her, making a spiral that’s infuriatingly better than yours. “How about you? I know you said you aren’t out, but have you dated yet?” you question.
She shakes her head, admitting, “Not yet. I don’t really know how to, you know? You assumed I was straight when you first saw me, so I think everyone else does too.”
“Sorry,” you say, an echo of her.
Your costar doesn’t respond, only setting the spatula down once the basic blue icing is smooth. “I think we’re supposed to refrigerate this before decorating, right?”
You grimace. “Well, I don’t know. I stopped watching cake videos years ago, so I’ll just listen to you.”
Chaeyoung hums and ties the box back up. “Okay, then I’ll just do it. Um, do you mind ordering chicken or something while we wait?”
“Sure.” Reaching for your phone, you ask, “Would you be opposed to romcoms?”
“I’m never opposed to romcoms,” the other girl answers.
You have to remind yourself to order two servings of chicken, something that you haven’t done in a while. But it’s comforting, in a way, to not be alone again.
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“Can you believe we’ve only got a week left of filming? I feel like I haven’t seen you at all.”
You wince guiltily, even though you know that Yerim doesn’t mean it. Acting with your friend was originally a huge incentive for you to accept the film’s role, but the two of you quickly discovered that you had almost no scenes together, and with your push-and-pull with Chaeyoung, you forgot all about it. “Sorry, Yerim.”
She makes an incredulous expression, swatting your arm. “Don’t be ridiculous, Y/N. I’m happy you’re pursuing love and all that, and besides, we’ll have plenty of opportunities to act together.”
Blinking, you set your cup down on the counter. “Pursuing love?”
Yerim raises her eyebrow and says, “Yeah. Aren’t you and Chaeyoung together yet? We’ve been filming for two months, I’ll be shocked if you still haven't kissed and made up.”
“Uh. Well, we’ve kissed, but I don’t think it counted,” you frown. 
Your friend sighs and rolls her eyes. She’s all too used to how dense you are, and apparently, she’s finally gotten tired of it. “You’re an idiot. You literally met the morning of your first script reading, and you knew each other for… what, a week before you had your kiss scene? There’s got to be something there.”
Right on cue, a few of the other cast members arrive, Chaeyoung sandwiched between them. “Have you seen the articles?” Nayeon grins, waving her phone around in the air. She’s drunk, obviously, but you have to indulge her.
“Which articles?”
She shoves the screen in your face as an answer, and you cringe when you find a screencap of you and Chaeyoung. “You won’t believe the chemistry-- nope, I’m not reading that.” You hand the phone back to Nayeon, then press it in her hand when she doesn’t take it. Yerim sends you a knowing expression, one that you definitely don’t like.
“Aw, come on! It’s good press,” Nayeon whines. “And a great kiss scene.”
“Don’t be weird,” Chaeyoung warns. She doesn’t seem to be drunk at all, though she does look fantastic in the silver dress that she wears. Your eyes linger on her for an embarrassing amount of time.
Nayeon pouts. She’s bubbly-- you’ve learned that much through acting alongside her in a total of three productions so far. You note that your costar doesn’t seem to be so accustomed to her temperament yet. “You’re no fun, Chaeng. We all know you enjoyed it.”
She goes bright pink at that amidst Yerim’s joking coos. “The token straight, converted?” your friend gasps, and you elbow her to stop her from going too far.
Apparently, it already has. “I didn’t!” Chaeyoung defends herself.
“Prove it,” Nayeon demands, slipping when she attempts to lean on the counter next to you.
Chaeyoung goes silent at that, apparently unable to find a way to ‘prove it’. You finally sigh, “Okay, I think that’s enough teas--”
If it wasn’t for the fact that you’ve long since memorized your entire script book, you would almost think that Chaeyoung reaching forward to tug on the front of your shirt is a scene between your two characters. After all, it’s perfectly in character for your eyes to widen comically as the other girl kisses you right on the lips. 
It’s also in character for Nayeon to start whooping next to you when your hands wrap around Chaeyoung’s waist to pull her in closer. You part at the noise. “You certainly look like you liked it,” Nayeon grins. 
“Yeah, get a room,” Yerim follows, and you shove her.
“You know what? Maybe we will.” Ignoring your friends’ jeering, you grab Chaeyoung’s wrist and lead her down the hallway, though not to a bedroom like you joked you would. “Hey. You okay? I didn’t know if that teasing crossed a line,” you whisper worriedly.
She bites down on her lip, but instead of answering you, Chaeyoung tilts your face up and leans closer, only stopped by your hand on her wrist. “Chae…”
“I’m sorry, this… this isn’t what you want, is it?” She steps back, mouth already opening to apologize, but you stop her from leaving you alone in the hallway.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” With the flashing neon lights echoing in her eyes, you can’t tell what Chaeyoung’s feeling, and you can’t tell if she’s willing to answer you properly at all. “I’m not making a move until you tell me to.”
Still, you don’t hear her say a word, until your grip starts to loosen on her wrist. “Did you drive here yourself?” she finally asks, barely audible. You nod hesitantly, and Chaeyoung’s voice grows firmer when she says, “I’m telling you to make a move.”
“I thought you were questioning?”
She swallows hard and takes your hand. “Not anymore.”
You don’t taste any alcohol when you lick your lower lip, and so, you nod. It’s stupid, especially considering how quickly your time together is about to end.
But for once, you know what you want.
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“Good luck out there, Chae,” you smile, arms wrapped around the girl’s waist. 
“Thanks,” she hums, adjusting her hair yet again in the mirror. “We’re almost done filming, I have to promote us well so that we have enough money to at least put the damn film out.”
“Mm.” Your thumb smooths over the sliver of skin exposed by her top, and you place your chin on her shoulder to look at the two of you together.
She glances down at you. “What? Are you thinking about something?”
“Sort of,” you shrug. “I just can’t believe we’re almost done, but we… we just started this. You know, this thing between us.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely a thing. But it doesn’t have to stop with filming,” Chaeyoung says offhandedly.
Raising an eyebrow, you question, “Doesn’t it? It’s going to be suspicious for us to constantly be seen together after filming together, I’ve seen the way your fans behave. Especially while you’re not out.”
“I think I can negotiate that with my company,” the other girl shakes her head.
You joke, “What, you release another two albums if you get to come out about having a girlfriend?”
“Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Chaeyoung responds immediately. Her ears pink endearingly, and you wait for her to clarify, “In secret for now, obviously. But… one day, I’ll be out about it. I promise.”
“Don’t make empty promises, okay?” You press a kiss to her bare shoulder and let her go when you hear a knock at the dressing room door. “Do good!”
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“Alright, Chaeyoung, it’s about time that we ask you some questions about your upcoming film, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, absolutely,” your costar smiles, and you raise your head from your phone to watch the screen. She’s sitting cross-legged across from some of the most famous idol interviewers in Korea, absolutely poised and natural even in front of the crowd that cheers over the interview.
The woman behind the podium clears her throat. “A huge talking point in Korea right now is your chemistry with your costar, Y/N. How exactly do you pull that off, since you’ve never experienced a relation like that?”
Chaeyoung laughs nervously, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Oh. Well, um, I don’t have much experience with relationships at all, so--”
“Really? A pretty girl like you must have had a boyfriend or two before.” You despise the way that the interviewer leans in conspiratorially, as if the prying questions weren’t completely scripted. “But you seem a little to pretty to have experienced that, am I right?”
The crowd laughs with her, but Chaeyoung glances behind the scenes, probably to where her own staff sits. “You know, you can tell me if you ever felt… uncomfortable during filming,” the interviewer continues on. “Y/N has been out for years, hasn’t she?”
“Oh, she has…” You’re practically fuming, but you also can’t seem to pry your eyes away from the screen. All of Chaeyoung’s practiced idol-charm has seemed to dissipate into thin air, and she’s practically blending into the wall as she sits there.
The Chaeyoung you know-- no, the Chaeyoung that you’ve come to know, wouldn’t stand to hear something like that. You’ve watched her argue with a scriptwriter, and you’ve watched him get fired because he said something incredibly offensive, even though it wasn’t about you. But here, she sits still and just listens to the interviewer discuss you behind your back, and she says nothing about all the disgustingly backhanded comments.
The thing is, you don’t care about Chaeyoung not being out. You were closeted for enough time yourself, and you know how hard it is, so you’d never wish it on her; but watching her completely let go of all her personal principles just for a stupid interview is just another reminder that you’re letting go of your own. Chaeyoung won’t ever speak up, you realize, because her career comes before anything else. And you can’t stand for that.
“I’m leaving,” you tell the guard standing outside of your door. Only increasing your anger, tears start to burn in your eyes, and you scrape your sleeve across your face as roughly as you can. Chan picks up on one dial, and you say furiously, “Pick me up. It’s over.” In more ways than one.
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Chaeyoung shivers at the top of the hill, where she’s supposed to be filming her closing scene with you. She hasn’t seen you for the past week, and after how disastrous her interview was, she’s pretty sure she knows why.
“Where’s Y/N?” she finally asks her makeup artist, giving in to her own curiosity.
Felix shrugs, reaching to mess with the blood on her hairline. “I have no idea, honestly, I haven’t seen her yet. She’s never late, though, you don’t have to worry. You’ll get your scene done.”
“That’s…” Chaeyoung sighs. That’s why she should be worried. “Right.”
“Okay, can we start?” Seulgi shouts. It’s started to rain, but with the excited look on the director’s face, Chaeyoung figures that it suits the scene even better than the gray clouds that had been planned. “Great. Chaeyoung, Y/N!”
Your hair is plastered to your forehead with the rain, and water makes your blouse cling to your curves; with the grim expression on your face, Chaeyoung could easily just mistake you for your character. “Hi,” you mutter, taking a seat on the grass right next to your costar. You say nothing else.
When cued, Chaeyoung takes a deep breath before her line. “Luna. I love you.”
For a second, Chaeyoung thinks you won’t respond, but the rasp to your voice proves her wrong. “No. No, you don’t.”
“I think I’m the one who should be deciding that, don’t you?” The blonde raises her eyebrows, reaching forward hesitantly for your shoulder.
Of course, you dodge it. Blinking the rain out of your eyes, you’re resigned when you ask, “You have your birthday gala tonight, don’t you?”
“Yes, but--” Chaeyoung swallows, lets her hand make contact, then continues, “I’m spending as much time as I can with you, aren’t I with you right now?”
“But you’re going.” It feels like you’re staring right into Chaeyoung’s soul when you speak, as despondent as your voice is. She nods, and you stand, her hand slipping off of your shoulder and into her lap. “Then go. You’re still a princess at the end of the day, aren’t you?”
“At the end of the day, yes…”
“You can’t do that. You sneak out onto my ships, get my people to love you and protect you, and then turn right back to your family to stay safe while we die for you. You can’t say you support our cause and then go back on it when it’s inconvenient for you, it doesn’t work like that!” Chaeyoung flinches at how intense you sound; at this point, she barely knows if it’s still acting. She can only hear her own heart in her ears, can only see your chest heaving from how quickly you spoke, and it all feels too real.
“What, do you want me to get found out?” Chaeyoung demands, getting to her feet as well. The rain becomes harsher, angled so that it perfectly blurs her vision of you. “I’ve saved your ass just as many times too, don’t pretend like I’m not a valuable part of your ship!”
“You’re still pretending.” Realizing that it’s not the right line, Chaeyoung opens her mouth to stop you, but your voice chills her into silence when you speak again. “You’ll always pretend, as long as it benefits you, won’t you? You can’t do that, Helen, not if you ‘love me’. Putting a crown on your head doesn’t mean that you’re a princess. Until you realize that, and until you’re willing to embrace it, you don’t love me. and I don’t love you.”
None of it is the script. None of it is the scene that you rehearsed a thousand times together in your trailer, but somehow, it makes Chaeyoung’s heart quaver in her throat so much more than the original lines ever did.
And when you drop your gaze to the ground, turning to walk off into the rain alone, she knows that to you, your entire relationship is already done.
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 315: I Didn’t Expect This to Blow Up
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “guess which plot that you thought was dead is actually not dead and is making a comeback!” and we were all “EVIL HPSC??” and he was all “girl you know it,” and that’s the story of how we got a sexy Lady Nagant flashback with lots of guns and murder. Flashback!Lady was all “gotta murder peeps to preserve the people’s trust,” but then a little while later she was like “actually wait that makes no sense,” and so she shot her evil boss and they sent her to jail. Back in the present, Deku was all “okay fair, the hero system might in fact be a little fucked up, but hear me out... have you considered not helping AFO take over the world so he can murder like a bazillion more innocent people??” The chapter ended with the not-all-there Overhaul finally revealing himself to Deku, and I honestly have no idea where this is gonna go.
Today on BnHA: In what is unfortunately the single worst plan ever concocted by anyone in BnHA, Nagant is all “I’m going to try and get this Deku kid to panic and freeze up by putting someone in mortal danger.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t panic and freeze up at the sight of someone in mortal danger].” Nagant is all “omg no way.” Deku, who is now all of a sudden being so OP that even I have to acknowledge that it’s OP lol, is all “[smashes Nagant’s gun arm to bits]”, which sucks but is also really cool, and which also apparently makes Nagant decide that she actually likes this kid after all. Deku is all “NAGANT I REALLY LIKE YOU AND THINK YOU’RE GREAT SO PLEASE JOIN UP WITH ME AND STOP BEING EVIL.” Nagant is all “aw shucks (✿ •͈ᴗ•͈) well okay then” and everyone is all “( ・◡・) ✰ ( ˆᴗˆ ) ( ᵘ ᵕ ᵘ ⁎)” and then Nagant FUCKING EXPLODES LIKE AN EGG IN THE MICROWAVE AND FALLS TO HER DEATH!!!! except not really because Hawks saves her??? In conclusion, (a) THE FUCK, and (b) AFO TURN ON YOUR LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK.
so I have to tell you guys something, which is that barely ten minutes after I made that “please don’t send me spoilers” post the other day, someone replied to the comments in a stunning fit of “tell me that you’re twelve without actually telling me you’re twelve” energy and posted what seemed to be the copy-pasted spoiler summary from reddit or twitter or whatever lol. so here is my good news/bad news rundown of all that
good news: I have very well-conditioned ABORT!! reflexes and have trained myself to immediately look away from the screen (usually in dramatic fashion) as soon as I realize that whatever I’m reading is a spoiler
bad news: unfortunately as I was subsequently deleting said comments, I accidentally read the very last one
good news??: said spoiler was so unbelievably, absurdly over-the-top that I’m almost positive this person was just trolling. like, there’s just no way lmao
bad news: but in the unlikely event that it is true I will absolutely lose my shit I swear to god
(ETA: “NAGANT DIES.” that was the spoiler I read lol. like, literally all I read from the person’s comments was “My Hero Academia Chapter 315 Title: “Beautiful Words.” Chapter starts with...” and then I noped out of there, and then of all the comments to read as I was deleting, it had to be that one lol. I seriously was just like “SURE, JAN.” all “just how gullible do you think I am” sob. but I was wrong. a troll, but an honest troll they remain.
but anyways like I’m pretty sure Nagant isn’t even actually dead lol, so in the end this whole little adventure doesn’t even have a point to it, but for me it was a journey!)
anyway, so there are apparently two versions of the chapter today?? no idea what the difference is, but I’m going to go with the Bean version, because it’s the one at the top and I don’t feel like making decisions today
huh, so Overhaul is actually more coherent than Horikoshi was letting on
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look at him having a whole back and forth conversation with her. side note, how is he still this jacked when he’s been sitting in a cell doing absolutely nothing for the past six months
anyway so he says he’ll go with her on one condition. I wonder what that condition could possibly be. do you think it could be the thing he literally hasn’t shut up about ever since he reappeared lol
yep! and damn -- maybe this guy will surprise me after all
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still would be nice if you also felt a bit sorry for the little girl you tortured and traumatized, but this is something at least. maybe Deku will yell at him for that other stuff lol
(ETA: also can’t help but wonder if he wants to make amends because he put him in a coma, or because his plan was a failure and ended up destroying the family. just hoping you’ve finally had that “hurting other people is bad” epiphany dude.)
anyways so now Nagant’s arm is transforming again, and this particular transformation happens to be the only truly unsexy thing that Nagant has done thus far so I’m just gonna skip right on ahead lol
aaaaand we’re back to the delirious ranting
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buddy. just. read the fucking room, guy
wow she really is aiming at Overhaul, then. those theories were spot-on
damn she’s really out here all “it really fucks with kids’ heads when you kill people right in front of them and make them blame themselves” like yo
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I’m picturing her saying all this in a very loud stage-whispery tone while making very significant eye contact with Deku lol
uh oh but wait
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um. okay. who’s gonna tell her. Nagant I might have some bad news for you about the kid you’re trying to capture here. specifically about the way he tends to do the opposite of what you’re thinking that he’s about to do
holy shit
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so it’s basically just “tap x repeatedly to charge up your attack” lol
and okay, so that’s cool and all, but is anyone else wincing at the thought of what that must be like on his knees. oh to be young
anyway, but so to the surprise of basically no one, Deku did not, in fact, freeze. I am very sorry, Nagant. he’s just like this
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someone wanna tell me how getting yoloed in the fucking ribs by this fucking slingshot kid moving at literal sniper bullet speed is in any way even remotely better than getting hit by the bullet itself lol
(ETA: this is 10x funnier now that we know the bullet wasn’t even gonna hit him lmao.)
anyway so now Nagant is having an extended “!?!?!?” reaction about how Deku just moved with no hesitation, and I’m starting to get an inkling of fear that the rest of this fight isn’t going to go very well for her and maybe that’s what all the “hoo boy” is about
oh my god Deku are you about to Gomu Gomu no Rocket yourself at her you insane little man
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now Three is popping up again and he’s all “I see you’ve learned your lesson and are now only using three quirks at once instead of five” like with all this effusive praise about how great and badass Deku is and sob, okay, yeah. this chapter is basically one of those machines that shoots tennis balls at people, except instead of tennis balls it shoots hot piping discourse
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lol oh my god it’s literally two opposing reactions at once wtf. do I love this or hate this. like just for once can Horikoshi actually let a badass lady character win their fucking fight without getting their arm ripped off, BUT ALSO fucking look at that absurdly cool “SMASH” onomatopoeia though. it looks like it’s about to float right off the page holy shit that’s some seriously good art
anyway so is this really the end?? do I need to break out my ಠ_ಠ faces
lmao okay yeah I can definitely see how this would piss a lot of people off
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he basically one-shotted her and she’s all “damn this kid is so amazing that I’m about to do a complete 180 turn on all of my previous angst” lmao. Horikoshi is really shounening it up today
on the plus side though, maybe this means there’s still a chance for her to join up with him after all? unless that spoiler was true lmao, then all hell is gonna break loose
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OH MY GOD AND HE SAYS THE BULLET WOULDN’T HAVE DONE MORE THAN GRAZE OVERHAUL ANYWAY, wow, I’m actually more relieved by that than I would have expected. I mean I would have forgiven her either way, but it means that there was still more hero in her than she was letting on
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lol but I mean, it’s also like, “oh so today they get to have brain cells”, thank you so much lol. sometimes it’s really hard to tell which times we’re supposed to question these character decisions that seem dumb, and which times we’re just supposed to full on embrace them and switch off our critical thinking
but okay, so in this case it really was Nagant going easy on him on purpose, and not just her fucking up for no good reason even though she used to do this for a living and was the best in the game. and I know in this case it’s probably just Horikoshi giving us some consolation headpats to soften the blow of her losing so abruptly, but you know what, shit. I’ll take it
also you guys the light is coming back into Deku’s eyes again for just a moment here and I’m having feels about it?? the way it still comes back when he’s reaching out to save someone, and following his own hero path instead of the much darker and lonelier Christopher Nolan path that’s been laid out for him instead that he never wanted?? it’s both reassuring and also very sad
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p.s. I am now absolutely scared shitless that that spoiler was actually true sob. swear to god, I will throw this manga into a fucking volcano. but we’re almost at the end of the chapter and this seems just WAY TOO GOOD to be true fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck f
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fuck, lol, I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna scroll down what have I ever done to deserve this oh my god
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can someone please give AFO a really good, sharpish kick in the balls. just really let him have it. I’m so tired, what the fuck
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bro. I was literally going through my Excel folders to find the spreadsheet about female characters in BnHA that I made back when Midnight died. was gearing myself up for a wholeass rant. and honestly I might just let all of that continue simmering on low to keep it warm just in case lol, because to tell you the truth I have absolutely no idea what’s happening right now
my girl straight up does not have a face. she used to have a face. people usually need those, idk. like, even if she’s alive, her gorgeous eyebrows are definitely not making it out of this and I’m gonna throw a funeral just for them
how the fuck did AFO just blow her up?? how did he know what was going on?? and if he had a quirk that could explode people at will, why is this the first we’re hearing of it?? you’d think that might have come in handy at Kamino or Jakku, like what
(ETA: present!me, who’s had more than three hours of sleep and can now actually remember facts about the series, would like to remind past!me that AFO gave Nagant a quirk, and so this is probably just more Vestige shenanigans now on his part. that’s also probably why Air Walk suddenly stopped working out of nowhere. still doesn’t explain why he doesn’t go around blowing people up more often though but maybe he thinks it’s gauche.)
Hawks just straight up out of nowhere. just Mirioed his way straight into the chapter just in time to be too late sob. here I was looking forward to seeing your face when Deku showed up with his new best friend. can’t believe Horikoshi deprived us of that moment
on the plus side, WELCOME BACK, HAWKS’S FEATHERS. I have no doubt that in this chapter of Deku being an almighty threequirk-mastering god, and Nagant losing anticlimactically only to be immediately blown up because girl characters in BnHA can only be cool for one fight and one fight only, there are still some people who are focusing solely on the “how dare Hawks get his wings back when he is a MURDERER this is an outrage what about CONSEQUENCES” discourse, and to hell with all the other discourses lmao
anyway, so yeah. wow. and now it’s just occurring to me that maybe the real reason why Overhaul is there is so he can get a head start on that amend-making by actually doing a good thing for once in his life, and using his quirk to heal Nagant. assuming he can still do that
and so now Horikoshi has got me out here actually rooting for Overhaul. you know what, on that note I think I’m just gonna go ahead and call it a day sob
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