#[life's a game and i'm gonna break it // despair]
dogboystory · 3 months
A/N: got high and wrote this, enjoy <3 Kind of a short one, IM BAD AT SPELLING I HAVENT DONE THIS IN A WHILE PLZ FORGIVE
TAGS: Dark! Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, Submissive Reader, Puppy Play, Kidnapped, Fear, Mean! Bucky, and Chasing.
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Running for my life has never felt so exhilerating.
Maybe it's the way my pulse quickens like a rabbit, with the beat of a drum in my ears. It pushes me forward, deeper into the heart of the forest.
The forest I so desperately tried to avoid. But he's cornered me. He'd planned it all along, and I realise this far too late. He's outsmarted me.
Once again. That bastard.
As if he can hear me, he pays me retribution. My eyes dart to the left, with the sound of a full tree snapping in twain. They widen in terror, as I dart another direction. The shadow of the falling tree looms above me, and my breath catches in my throat when I trip. My ankle snaps under a wnarled root from the very tree that's about to land on top of me.
I slam into the dirt, only just registering the black mud patches formed from the pouring rain. The bitter cold seeps into my clothes.
The log never arrives.
"You put up a good fight, pup."
A whimper rips from my throat, and without opening my eyes, I pitifully cry in the mud.
That man, his damn voice.
His palms encase my biceps, as he lifts me onto the hastily thrown trunk. He had caught it, before it managed to crush me. He accomplished it with inhumane speed and agility.
It struck fear into my chest, like a needle of lighting.
My ankle throbs once he drags me into a sitting position. He swipes at the droplets on my face with a lighthearted, calculative smile.
"Silly puppy, huh?" He mumbles to himself, and it makes my stomach churn. I practically mewl and desperately try to claw myself away from him. He doesn't seem to care.
His metal hand clenches my jaw and directs my eyes to his; "Stupid fucking puppy thought she could get away, huh?" He starts to make himself angrier and angrier, "Where the fuck did she think she was gonna go, pretty girl?"
The tears continue to trail down my red and muddied cheeks, along with the pattering of rainfall. I shake my head in his steely grasp. "Please," I whisper, "please let me go."
I shouldn't have ran. Why did I think I could run?
The despair settles in my chest and elicits another wail from me. All the while, Bucky continues to think to himself. Silently, above me. Just watching the emotions process through my facial expressions.
And then his lip twitches upwards. That knowing look on his face. He knew this would happen, and he wanted it.
You sick fuck.
Without a word, Bucky's hand creeps over my abdomen. I hiss and throw my hips up to try and kick out, but it feels impossible. My thighs tremble beneath him, as he slowly leans over and cages me against the solid oak.
One last try, I think. Just plead with him one more time, and he might be gentle.
"Bucky," I whisper desperately, my terrified eyes seeking any form of forgiveness, "please. I'm sorry. I didn't..." I heave now, overcome with terror and suffocating from the lack of space, the panic clawing at my vision. "Please Bucky, I'm sorry."
He hushes me gently, then swiftly crouches with his leather combat boots tiptoed in the mud, still above me. Always above me.
"Shut the fuck up." He barks. I immediately follow order, swallowing heavily.
The silence stretches uncomfortably long. He loves doing this with me. Playing mind games. It's his ultimate goal, to break me. Psychically and mentally. He's fucking insane, and I don't even know if he knows that.
"I should drag you all the way back, just by your hair, huh pup?" Buck snarls, harshly.
I only bite my lip in response. There's nothing I can do now. I just have to submit and accept my fate.
"Maybe I should just leave you, lyin' face down in the mud." And with that, it begins.
His flesh hand slaps my cheek and sends me careening to the ground. He stands and rips my head up by my scalp, to which I screech pathetically. I hiccup and sob, but his hold is unrelenting. He resumes watching me, while stiffly holding the nape of my neck to his crotch. The jean scrapes against my lips uncomfortably, but I can't pull away. The smell of damp denim, and his overwhelmingly strong scent, somehow overpowers the unrelenting fear. It acts as a sedative.
The brain does funny things in traumatic situations.
"I thought of couple'a things I could do to you, while you were runnin', ya know?" In one motion, he lifts your pliable body over his shoulder, and begins walking. "I'm gonna light a fire when I get in and sear my fucking name onto you, pup. Show you what it really means to be mine. And I'm not just telling you for nothing. I want you to've fully accepted it by the time we get back. You better be on your damn knees, by my feet, and beggin' for me to fucking abuse you."
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blastthechaos · 1 year
All of them
All the rainbow colors
Well maybe not the pink ones I'm to soft for that sexual stuff, accept the after care that is wholesome enough for me to ask!
I'm still gonna do Pink but I'll put a warning so you know when to skip it.
For context, there's gonna be a 'Canon' universe which is one where Makoto and Junko were in a relationship but the canon events did happen (as in Junko plunged the world into Despair and the Killing game still happened) and a Non-Despair universe which is basically UTDP and DRS.
This is under a Read More because holy fuck is this shit long
RED! Romantic Headcanons
A. What made them fall in love:For Junko it was the fact that no matter what she did, she couldn't break Makoto physically or mentally, he was unpredictable due to his luck and she couldn't crush his hope no matter how hard she tried, he was...different, entertaining, even though he was constantly annoyed by her and foiled her plans whenever he could he still cared about her, plus he was a constant source of Despair for her since she keep losing and losing to some "nobody", it was a lot of factors basically.
For Makoto is because of how she made him feel, he never got as mad to anyone as he ever had towards Junko, she always made him drag up all the anger he often kept inside of him which was...therapeutic in a way. She always made his life fun with trying to prevent her from causing problem and her trying to kill him. Plus he fpund out there's a glimmer of a good person inside so he wanted to see if he could drag it out of her...or just enjoy spending time with her as she was, he even found out stuff about himself he would have never found out if it wasn't for Junko.
Basically, their lives changed forever because of each other...for better or for worse in various ways.
B. First kiss:It happened one time after one teasing too many, Junko keep teasing Makoto about his crush on her and he was getting sick of it up til one point he decided "fuck it", grabbed Junko by the arms to pull her down and kiss her.
Junko never shut up about her being right and being so happy for her new boyfriend, but seeing her surprised face after the kiss made it worth it in Makoto's eyes.
C. Do they like physical intimacy (holding hands, cuddling, sex):Yes, a lot, it took a bit for Makoto to be comfortable with it (since he's still a little tsundere about it, Junko was all for it) but these two can not keep their hands off each other.
D. How affectionate are they with each other:They both have a "Hate-Love" kind of relationship (cause that's how they work) but even their insults at one point just felt like compliments the way they say it.
So yeah, they're very affectionate with each other, though Makoto still tries to reign it in a little, to...less than successful results.
E. What are their kisses like:Depends on the time and mood, often it's just a quick 'see you later' kiss, other times when Junko is super excited or happy she grabs him and kisses him by surprise, other times Makoto grabs her arms or tie to drag her down and kiss her.
F. Where do they like to kiss/be kissed:Aside from the lips, they like to kiss each other in the cheek or forehead.
G. Who said 'I love you' first:Junko was the first one to say it, she went into a big tirade about how annoying and disgusting he was for being so unkillable and so full of hope, then going on about how she loved these same traits, it culminated in her saying "I hate and love you so much!"
H. What is their reaction to 'I love you': Makoto couldn't for the life of him understand what she meant by that, he even thought this was an attempt to trick him or make him suffer despair, once he understood what she meant ans that it was genuine he felt...weird.
When Makoto told her he hated and loved her too Junko felt like the heavens, she was bouncing all over the place and was so happy she actually felt a tiny bit of hope and puked afterwards...she was still happy.
I. How often do they say 'I love you':Relatively often, Junko says it ore than Makoto.
J. What are their thoughts on PDA:They're a firm fan of this practice, they aren't afraid of doing it in public and screw anyone else who has a problem, even Makoto has no problem because Junko is always so happy about it.
K. What makes their heart race:For Junko, it's seeing Makoto just overcome anything people (including her) throw at him and keep going, it's seeing him trampling her plans she worked so hard for, it's seeing him be kind to her despite how she treats him (even if he wants to pretend he doesn't like her all that much).
In fact, in the 'canon' universe, she was happy when it was her time to go because both the immense despair she felt but seeing Makoto in all his glory, like a reminder of why she fell in love with him (and more despair because she threw it all away).
For Makoto it was often foiling her plans and avoiding whatever scheme she has to kill him, it's when he sees her motivated or happy about something because it means she's feeling happy and entertained, that she's not hurting herself with despair, although he does like to see her in occasional small despair because it means she's happy even if he doesn't like it.
L. Do they like to share their feelings:Yup, very much so...Ok Makoto is more tsundere about it because she often annoys him or makes him mad so he doesn't like to show her she's right...but he really fools nobody with this act.
M. How do they express love:Junko tends to climb to Makoto like a cat or jump into his arms when she feels excited and happy, often she hugs him out of nowhere and drags him by the hand when she wants to show him something...she also attempts to kill several times, because she knows she will fail no matter what she does.
Makoto is a bit more reserved when it comes to that, but he often just grabs her hand tight to reassure her he's there for her, he often gets her gift that he gets from the gashopon machines while making sure it's something she likes, he also doesn't throw her off him when she climbs to him and even carries her around when she does...he also foils her plans to give her that sweet despair of failure, even if he doesn't like it.
There's actually a multitude of ways they express their love, but these are a few of them.
ORANGE! Emotional Headcanons
A. How protective are they towards each other:Junko is more lax with Makoto's protection, but that's due to the fact they both know he can't die no matter what, a magical unicorn appearing out of nowhere is more likely that Makoto's luck ever running out, she still has some instances where she gets worried for his safety.
Makoto, on the other hand, is very protective of Junko. Because he knows she doesn't share his luck and that she has many enemies and people wanting to inflict payback on her, so he always looks out in case something seriously bad might happen to her.
B. What makes them excited:Their usual routine is exciting enough.
C. What makes them happy:Just spending time with each other and seeing the other happy is enough to get them happy, Makoto gets extra happy when Junko is having a good time without despair.
D. What makes them anxious:There's time Junko worries one of her plans is gonna be the one that succeeds on killing Makoto, Makoto is worried that Junko is gonna do something that's too far for him or that she might actually be hurt or even killed.
E. What makes them sad: When they can't spend time with each other, although not by much, Junko's despair obsession often gets Makoto sad because he knows she doesn't actually enjoy it all that much.
The events of the 'canon' universe is just a big sad event from both of them, Junko knows her plans effectively ruined any future they could have had and knows that Makoto is gonna hate her for real after this even if he survives and recovers his memories, she knows she'll never see him again after she dies and the only solace she has is that the Despair she'll suffer from this was gonna be amazing. Makoto is just utterly dissapointed and sad after what she did, not only did she throw the world into ruin, not only did she betray the entire relationship they created together, not only did she force their friends to kill each other...but she also died and he would never see her again, at that point while he was still the SHSL Hope he was never the same after that.
F. What makes them angry:Insulting Makoto is enough to get Junko angry, only she gets to do that! Also trying to deprive her from him.
The same is also true for Makoto, threatening, trying to hurt or actually hurting Junko is enough to get him pissed at you and try to throw hands no matter the result, he knows that on some level Junko does deserve some of the bad things that happen to her (he's not blind to the fact she's not a good person) but he doesn't care.
On another note, they quite often get made at each other, Makoto for the plans to cause Despair and her attempts at killing him and Junko gets mad at Makoto for foiling them, but it's part of their routine and they make up in record time.
G. What triggers them:I...had nothing to add here, sorry.
H. What makes them jealous:Junko often gets jealous of other girls Makoto is friends with, because she knows all of them are better people than her and probably better for Makoto a "normal girlfriend"
Makoto often gets jealous of guys that get close to Junko because he feels he's nothing special and Junko could be doing better.
But both of them at the end of the day knows they love each other and nobody else, that they have nothing to be jealous off.
I. Do they have bad temperament: Junko it's easy to get on her bad side (though never to the extent Makoto does in canon) and get pissed at you, she also gets annoyed at Makoto often for being....well, him.
Makoto is hard to get on his bad side (unless you're Junko, which she does with ease) but man if you're an actual evil piece of shit he will want to fucking beat you to the ground and even cuss at you, just ask Monokuma and Junko in canon, he will try to throw down even if he knows it will end badly for him.
J. Do they have self-control:Junko...not really when it comes to her despair obsession, though she knows when to reing it back a little, she also has self-control when it comes to Makoto when needed.
Makoto does have self-control, he often holds back his more mean comments to himself...though if you're evil that flies off the window, he also has self-control when it comes to Junko.
K. How do they comfort each other:They often held the other's hand when the other is upset or sad and stay as close as possible. Junko actually holds back on causing problems while Makoto sets up pranks on himself so he could make her laugh.
YELLOW! Mental Headcanons
A. Do they have insecurities:Pretty much what was mentioned on the jealous section.
B. Are they dependent on each other:Not really, they both are able to exist perfectly without the other...but their lives wouldn't be the same if it happened after they meet each other, they felt they...complete each other in a way.
C. How empathic are they towards each other:This one is a bit tricky to answer because they effectively embody the polar opposite of the other (Hope and Despair) so it's hard to feel empathetic to someone like that...but they manage.
D. What secrets would they never want each other to know:Makoto generally doesn't have any embarrassing secrets he wouldn't want her to know (aside from the wet the bed one), Junko often keeps her past under wraps and it takes a while for Makoto to find out her origins (and not an outlandish lie she tells him).
But for Junko in the 'canon' verse, the tragedy she orchestrated is something she doesn't want Makoto to know so he doesn't stop it until the right time...and eventually it's also because she knows he'll hate her.
E. How do they react to the other being vulnerable:They get surprised because it's not often the other is vulnerable but they handle it with as much care as possible...though Junko sometimes tries to take advantage of it to cause him despair, though it never works and she doesn't even bother to try hard (though even if she did try hard it wouldn't work).
F. What makes them worry about each other:Pretty much already explained above, Makoto often worries Junko's despair obsession will end badly for her (which it does in the 'canon' verse).
G. What do they find mentally attractive about each other:Junko finds Makoto's mental resilience as annoying as it is attractive, she also finds it attractive how smart he is and how good his memory is.
Makoto does find her smarts attractive, and while they cause him a headache, he also loves her "Multiple Personalities" just as much as her.
H. How do they make each other laugh:Junko once in a blue moon makes a joke that actually makes Makoto laugh, she actually tries to make Makoto laugh as much as possible.
Makoto is able to make Junko laugh simply by having a prank played on him.
I. How do they react on each other's emotions:I think it be redundant what I put here.
GREEN! Spiritual Headcanons
A. Do they have any fears?: Pretty much what I already elaborated before.
Through one primal fear Junko has is Makoto's luck running out and him dying or her finally breaking him, because then she'll have just broken Makoto like everything else she touch, it would mean Makoto wasn't the one, her other half, the unmovable object to her unstoppable force, that the one that countered her and was perfect for her died and never really existed to begin with, because there wouldn't be anyone else for her.
She's also afraid he will leave her behind like Mukuro did.
Makoto also has a profound fear of losing Junko because he knows his luck cannot protect her, he fears that something might happen to her and he would not be able to do something about it.
There's another fear he has in which he's afraid if Junko dropped her despair obsession and was 'healthier' she wouldn't be the woman he fell in love with, but shrugs it off and decides that if that ever happened he support her like always and care for her happiness.
B. Do they have any hopes?:Junko would kill you for saying that Honestly they just want to spend their lives together and that if there is an afterlife that they can spend it together too.
C. Do they believe in soulmates:Junko does, Makoto doesn't have an opinjon on the subject...but both of them think they're each other's soulmate and that is that.
In the 'canon' universe, Makoto never got with anyone else after Junko died.
D. What's their spiritual connection like:They're two sides of a coin (Hope and Despair), so I leave that to your criteria.
E. What are their common goals:To keep their battle of Hope VS Despair (albeit only between themselves Makoto wants) and just spend their life together.
F. How do they complement each other:Makoto manages to drag out the goodness that's inside Junko and also gives her an unbreakable target to her tendencies while Junko brings up Makoto more assertive side and helps him de-stress
G. What are their plans for the future:Junko already has a solid career as a model and with her analytical talent she can easily find work somewhere else...and even then she has enough money to probably sustain themselves for a long, long time.
Makoto wants to work in Hope's Peak to foster talent much like they did with his class and others, Junko helps him in weeding out the corruption of the place for shits and giggles...and cause she likes him.
H. What values do they believe in:I think this one speaks for itself.
I. How do they help each other grow:Again, Makoto helps drag out the goodness in Junko and gives her an indestructible target for her more dangerous tendencies, which means wonders for the rest of the world. Junko meanwhile helps Makoto get a purpose in life and to become more assertive and confident in himself (whether intentional or not). She was also the one who helped him discover that his Luck talent is an actual thing and helped him discover he was the Super High School Level Hope.
CYAN! General Relationship Headcanons
A. Do they fight:Yeah, but as I mentioned before they're often not really serious and they make up quickly.
B. How do they handle conflict:They go cool off and return later to talk it with more calm.
C. How is their communication:Surprisingly good (though in the 'canon' universe there's a few...issues you see)
D. What's their love language:A little bit of all 5 of them.
E. Favorite qualities in their partner:Junko I already mentioned pretty much all that she loves about Makoto.
Makoto loves her energy, excitement, how childish she can be at times, he loves all her personalities, her occasional showings of kindness, how funny she can be and other traits.
F. Least favorite qualities:I think I already pointed out what they don't like of the other.
G. Do they have nicknames/pet names for each other:Aside from the insults they fling at each other, it's "Sweetie" from Junko's side and "Sweetheart" from Makoto's side.
H. Favorite dating spots:Many of them, though one unusual one is Hope's Peak, even after they graduate Makoto occasionally makes some arrangements to have a date with Junko there.
I. What gifts do they like to exchange:Makoto often gets Junko a lot of stuff that he gets from the Gashopon Machines, he even gets her Dragon Quest games when he can.
Junko always tries to get him something nice, she even gets him stuff that she's sure he likes a lot and not just "trendy" stuff cause he knows he likes more stuff than that.
J. What are their important gestures toward each other:Junko tends to hug Makoto from behind and stays hugging him, sometimes she even peeks out from his hair (since she's in perfect height for that), she often does that show her love and that she feels safe with him.
Makoto often puts his arm in front of Junko when he feels there's a threat and never lets it down until he's sure things are safe.
They both also hold hands and never let it go in certain moments to reassure that they're together in this.
VIOLET! Daily Life Headcanons
A. Who is in charge of cooking:Junko, she's a good cook with her Analytical ability...but also because she doesn't want Makoto with his..."unique" taste in foods to get in charge of cooking...though she eventually just accepts it.
B. What good habits do they have:Makoto always makes sure Junko takes care of herself and is safe while Junko always steps in when someone seems like abusing Makoto's kindness.
C. What bad habits do they have that annoy the other:I feel this is redundant to answer.
D. Favorite vacations and getaways:Jabberwock island when there's no evil plan being caused by Monokuma, also Towa City.
E. Favorite sleeping position:Both of them cuddling together with Junko putting Makoto's head in her ****
F. What are their daily routines:Wake up, go to class, Junko tries to make a plan to cause despair only to get foiled by Makoto, she tries to kill him, fails, hang out together and generally stuff like that.
G. How do they spend time together:Read above.
H. Do they spend time on each other hobbies:Yup, they often play videogames together and do other stuff.
I. What are their best memories together:All of them are their best memories, but to be more specific in the night before their graduation Junko cried tears of joy upon realizing that no matter what she did she couldn't get rid of Makoto, which means she found the one person she couldn't fuck up and couldn't get rid of, she found the one person that could make her happy.
Makoto doesn't have an specific best memory, but he considers everytime Junko was truly happy and smiling to be one of his best memories in his life.
PINK! Sexual Headcanons
NSFW Part, skip this if you don't want to see it!
A. How they approach:Generally Junko tries to temp Makoto or teased him until he had it and pounded her.
B. Favorite position:Doggy Style (I'm an unimaginative virgin, sorry about the lack of knowledge in this area)
C. Kinks:Discipline, Bondage, Puppy Play, Spanking, BDSM, Pussy Torture, chastity belt, Roleplay, Butt plug, hatesex, humiliation, etc.
Also, just to make it clear, Makoto is the dom and Junko is the Sub.
D. Favorite body parts:I guess Junko likes her...tits? And Makoto his...cock? I don't understand this one unless they refer to which part they to be played with on their own body.
E. Favorite partner's body parts:Junko loves Makoto's ass, a lot, she actually asks him to sit on her face.
Makoto tries to hide it but his favorite part of Junko is her...tits, he's ashamed of admitting it cause it's the most obvious vanilla answer but Junko reassures him that it's ok and she doesn't mind, she's flattered actually.
F. What they like:Makoto often likes topping Junko even if he wants to pretend he doesn't, mostly because he refuses to even back down or submit against Junko, Junko meanwhile likes to be dommed by Makoto because the 'Despair' of having a loser foiling her plans and then dominating her (In reality though they just like being like this to each other). They both also like getting touchy with others in public (but never actually anything explicit), Junko also likes to incite Makoto's more possessive side and to break his Tsundere facade by making him jealous on purpose, Makoto responds by wrapping his arms around her waist (and maybe touching her butt) and dragging her away because he already knows she wants that.
Junko also calls Makoto daddy...cause daddy issues you see.
G. What they don't like:Well aside from Makoto not wanting to be a sub (he allows himself to be when Junko wants it but he's kinda bored during it and doesn't even bother to act subby), though that one isn't usually a problem because Junko prefers him to be dom.
Also they don't like getting interrupted, but that goes without saying.
H. Do they like eye contact:Yup, they like getting to look at each other while doing it, even while doggy style which is a bit...awkward, but they still try.
I. Favorite places to get dirty:Honestly be easier to list where they don't want to get dirty, Junko can gets mischievous so she wants to do it in certain...places and have others not realize, meanwhile Makoto tries to talk her out of it...but decides not to.
But their favorite place is doing it in the Headmaster's office, so they can roleplay Makoto being the headmaster and Junko a troublesome student.
They still do it when Makoto actually becomes the Headmaster.
J. Aftercare:Makoto hugs Junko, asks her if she's alright and not hurt, then caresses and cuddles with her after she reassures him she's not and that she had an amazing time, then they sleep with Makoto being the large spoon.
Holy shit that was a long part, it took me hours to write all this...but I'm happy that I did, happy that I got to talk about my OTP and Happy that I got this out of the way
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simplegenius042 · 1 year
Music Monday
Tagged by no one but timezones are weird so it's a given that my Monday is someone's Sunday (or Tuesday... if that works like that).
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika @strangefable @josephseedismyfather @chazz-anova @adelaidedrubman @direwombat @inafieldofdaisies @poisonedtruth @cassietrn @shallow-gravy @gaeadene @g0dspeeed and @ishwaris
As per the announcement I made yesterday, there is now 8 days to go until Jurassic World Before The Storm from my @the-untitledverse-blog is released. In celebration, I'm sharing three music choices for the fic in question, a FC5 OC from my @the-silver-chronicles blog and a protagonist from my @life-despair-and-monsters-blog if anyone is interested.
Tomorrow will be some OC information for the upcoming fic if anyone is interested. I'll be putting up some OC ask games on my Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters blogs as well.
Below is the music.
Here's a song for the upcoming Jurassic World fic, which is of course a Jurassic World song, as the occasion calls for it:
Life Finds A Way by NerdOut
"This power right in our hand, new world we couldn't resist But things don't follow the plan, problems that shouldn't exist How many times will we test this but we never learn? There's things we shouldn't have messed with We're watchin' it burn, no matter how much we pretendin' Life wasn't meant to be contained, life finds a way
Trapped in our own disaster, they've been here before The road we're on, they're gonna be here after Yeah, it finds a way, yeah, it finds a way And this time, no matter how much we're pretendin' Life wasn't meant to be contained, life finds a way."
Here's the song for the FC5 OC of mine, under the name Paul Yellowjack, who is Silva's adopted father... well, formerly that is. Here's the song:
A Man Without Love by Engelbert Humperdinck
"I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me So if you see my girl, please send her home to me Tell her about my heart that's slowly dying Say I can't stop myself from crying
Every day I wake up, then I start to break up Lonely is a man without love Every day I start out, then I cry my heart out Lonely is a man without love."
And here's a song for my Life, Despair & Monsters WIPs. Gives me a "protagonists vs antagonists" sort of vibe that I can't help but enjoy. Here's the song:
Take This City by Everfound feat. Joel of for KING & COUNTRY
"Apathy is killing me We could be the saints down on our knees Lifting each other Out of ashes out of ruins Hope will bring a new beginning If we break the silence
So lets take this city Our souls are singing, oh Can you feel the fire in your bones? I know we won't be defeated If love is leading, oh We're laying down our stones.
We were made for this moment We were meant to be here And we're not gonna stop Till the walls disappear."
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nazmazh · 11 months
Not that I speak for my whole generation, let alone GenZers too, but man...
My parents and their friends are such fuckin' Boomers(TM) about certain generation differences.
It's all "Nobody wants to work", "People want too much money for too little effort and that's why nobody likes hiring them."
And, like. Just... Ugh.
Trying to explain things to them from the point of view of someone who gets lumped in as "one of them damned Millennial socialist-types" (which, I mean, I am, but still - my points don't stop existing because of that) or what have you, would be like trying to explain particle physics to a brick.
They just utterly cannot wrap their heads around the idea that things have changed in significant ways.
That even with consumer goods being cheaper, the costs of living, especially establishing yourself when you're young have gone way up - Rent/housing, vehicles, food, maintenance, loan payments, etc. - God forbid you actually want to start a family on top of all of that.
While wages effectively decrease more and more, especially relative to the amount of actual productivity generated.
And that with that, a lot of the "stay late, put in 110%" mentality (while being toxic and fundamentally just being free labour for employers, which we're all more conscious of as being, well, shitty for us workers) - That stuff isn't a nicety that'll make you stand out and look good for an employer come promotion-time. It's just expected or outright demanded of you. And when it comes time to promote or at least give raises? Nah - They'll nickel and dime and hem and haw about giving their own workers more money or less duties - They'll just bring in someone who feels more exploited somewhere else - And then turn around and complain about disloyalty when their employees leave for greener pastures in the same way.
And we're all a lot more conscious of the ill-effects of too much stress and poor work-life balance, so we try to push back against being overworked and burnt out where we can (That being said I absolutely do know people my age and younger who willingly get into that "grind mindset" and I worry for them. Like, are they actually getting enough money to meaningfully get ahead? Or are they just working themselves into an early grave for no real benefit?)
It's no longer the "just walk in, shake the manager's hand, work in the same place until retirement and comfortably make enough to buy a house and raise your kids through university with your partner being a SAHP." world anymore.
Like, the Boomers just don't get that we're in a situation where working harder doesn't translate to meaningful improvements for our lives.
To the point that it feels impossible to meaningful get ahead and achieve "milestones".
And when you're stating that down, expecting it to only get worse because of policies Boomers voted into place and by-and-large continue to vote into place. And that this is the expectation of how your life is going to be for the next 40+ years- It does lead to a sort of crushing, existential despair.
And if that doesn't break you just a little bit, well you're probably doing a lot better than a lot of people.
So there's two approaches that emerge from that (and they're not mutually-exclusive):
The first is just to check out. "If this job isn't gonna pay my bills no matter how good I do it, I'm just gonna do enough not to get fired."
And honestly, there's always been people like this in the workforce. The Olds are just mad because "How dare someone young not hop-to when they ought to!" They'll complain about useless coworkers of the same age too, but not with the same vitriol. Not with the same disdain. And they won't dismiss the whole generation as "lazy" or worse because if them.
The second strategy is to embrace what you can - Enjoy our many frivolous things. Toys (including recreational vehicles), games, computers, phones, streaming services, makeup, clothes, good food, whatever floats your boat. Because, as I said, those sorts of things are relatively less expensive these days.
Because if you're gonna never really be able to get a house, no amount of cutting back on avocado toast is gonna change that. And there's no point in denying yourself little joys indefinitely to aspire to it.
And this offends The Olds, because, 'how dare you have conspicuous consumption of any kind of you complain about not being able to afford rent or a mortgage?!". And back in the day, maybe you could save a meaningful amount if you cut back on little luxuries, and it would make enough of a difference to get you into a house/whatever your goal was notably sooner. And it'd only mean tightening your belt for a pre-determined amount of time - Not in perpetuity.
And of course, that's assuming you have the luxury of disposable income at all. I know I'm relatively privileged with an MSc (even if disability means I can't work, myself), let alone any university, so my friend circle is largely similarly privileged. There's plenty of people - Both younger and older than me - That can't even cut back on luxuries to save, because there's no money going to luxuries, period.
I guess the shift is that even things that used to guarantee you a "good, middle-class life" aren't really guaranteeing that anymore.
The kicker is that they too complain about life being shitty, work sucking, etc.
But then when anyone proposes that maybe the whole system is broken and we could rethink it?
Well, now that's outrageous! "How dare you be so ungrateful and not just pull yourself by your bootstraps you lazy slacker?! And why bother trying to change things? Just get sloppy drunk every night at the bar after work or something like that. That's how we've always coped as a society!"
I don't know if I ultimately have a point or solution to any if this, beyond, like, a total societal shift in the way we approach labour compensation and property commodification.
I just needed to get this ranting out of my system after holding my tongue at the table, several hours ago at this point.
Because as much as I disagree with their whole approach, down to their utter lack of empathy for those suffering in a world they helped make, there wouldn't be anything meaningful for me to actually gain by engaging them on their misinformation in the heat of the moment.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to look up the difference between a fermion and a boson for a conversation I'm about to have with a paving stone.
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elekinetic · 2 years
hey team. buckle up. this is gonna be a long one.
aka let's break down my byler playlist cause i put way too much fucking thought into it
here's the complete playlist. i highly highly recommend listening while you read, but it'll make sense regardless <3
let's dive in.
1. i can't be with you by the cranberries.
we open with the line "lying in my bed again, and i cry cause you're not here." you're in the upside down, you're possessed, you're spending all your time with el, you're in california. they're ALWAYS separated, there's always something pulling them apart. they can't be with each other. "put your hands inside my face and see that it's just you," cause their existence is so informed by each other. constantly on each other's minds. "thinking back on how things were and on how we loved so well." i mean. C'MON. "i wanted to be the mother of your child" ok that's not byler EXACTLY but listen listen listen, dreaming of a future together? playing nintendo and dnd in their basement for the rest of their lives? "put your hands in my hands and come with me, we'll find another end…my head on anyones shoulder cause i cant be with you": basically they are dreaming of a world where everything is easy, where they can be together, but they know that's not the real world. they'll seek other comforts (el, losing yourself in your art, etc) to try to fill the hole in their hearts (y'all know there's more nuance to the el situation but i don't feel like typing all that out lol) dolores o'riordan's wailing is a great expression of the despair of seemingly unrequited love, while the upbeat fast paced drums invoke that teenage-first-love genre feeling through the song, we have dolores assuring herself that she cannot be with this person. its almost like shes trying to convince herself that there's no point to feeling this way bc they're NEVER gonna be together. but she ends with "but i'm still in love with you." there's nothing she can do about it. she can try to deny it all she wants, but its a simple truth. she loves them. they love each other.
2. wicked game by chris isaak.
this is the most stranger things ship coded song ever imo. doomsday love? soulmatism? reluctance? disbelief? wanting something different? HELLO? byler?? lumax?? jopper?? jancy?? "i've never felt this way... i don't wanna fall in love...the world was on fire and no one could save me but you, its strange what desire will make foolish people do, id never dreamed id love somebody like you..." is this song about being upset that a relationship is over? yes. which works for byler! but i think its also about loving intensely. its about looking at the tragedy of existence and saying, your love saved me. i feel so much, and i feel so sad because you mean so much to me. it says, without an ounce of real resentment, how dare you make me care so much? thus we establish from the jump JUST how much they care about each other. how important they are to each other. the song end's with "this world is only gonna break your heart" over and over again, which sets up the tragedy we're abt to be feelin through the rest of this playlist. all aboard the angst train!
3. fade into you by mazzy star.
we're back on that hand holding imagery shit we say in i can't be with you. "i wanna hold the hand inside you." i miss how close we used to be. "i look to you when i see nothing, i look to you to see the truth." -> you have always been the grounding presence in my life. there's a double meaning here of looking to the other person to see the "truth", being that they're never gonna love you like you love them. "fade into you, strange you never knew." its strange you never knew i was in love with you. how much i cared for you. (and if we're talking mike pov, strange you never knew before i fucked it up so bad.) "a stranger's light comes on slowly, a strangers heart without a home" we're strangers now OWWW. i am a stranger to you now, and my heart doesn't have a home.
4. does anybody know by jade bird. do i even have to explain?
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pre s4 separation. very sad. california sunshine + s4 heart to hearts in the sun + the colors in you can hurt someone? something something will's painting and the rain fight and their ability to hurt each other.
5. graduation day by chris isaak.
a reflection on what used to be, and an attempt to move on. an attempt that will fail (see: further sad pining songs later in the playlist) "driving slowly, watching the headlights in the rain" - rain fight, will biking away. "think of the good times, wishing you were still with me, the way it used to be.... a million dreams have all gone bad, think of all we had...thinking of a time with everything was right...with only you and i..." HELLO??? once again, the theme of "i miss the way we used to be" makes a reappearance. "i knew it all then, thought you loved me, i was wrong.... learned my lesson now there's nothing left to say." what if i committed mass murder. i knew it all? hello michael. we've also got the theme of growing up. graduation day. they're getting older. on one hand, this could mean them graduating to the big leagues, the final fight. the end of everything is coming. they're almost at the finish line. on the other hand, they could be reflecting on "graduating" out of their childhood feelings and comfort, making peace with the fact that they're older and they don't get to go back to when everything was right.
6. please, please, please, let me get what i want by the smiths.
this song is so simple, and so direct, and so. so. so. sad. its a reflection of how much they love each other. this....this is all i want. he is all i want. my life has been so hard. i could've become a bad person, and i didn't. and that doesn't mean im owed anything. i know that. but can i please get what i want. this is the only thing that i want.
7. there's no need to argue anymore by the cranberries. just....just read it.
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highly recommend listening to this song because all it is is vocals and an organ. it is so reflective and soft and introspective. its simple. a simple truth. (i mean you should listen to the whole playlist but yk)
8. boys dont cry by the cure, but covered by I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME.
yall already know the drill lyric wise cause. you know. it's boys don't cry. so, im just gonna talk abt why i picked this particular cover. it feels younger, a little less professional, a little more intimate. i love the cure version, but this one just feels...i don't know. it feels like the emotions of a teenage boy.
9. i know its over by the smiths.
this one... oh god. the first verse is "oh mother i can feel the soil falling over my head // and as i climb into an empty bed // oh well, enough said // i know its over, still i cling // i dont know where else i can go." something abt will's relationship with joyce and mike's relationship with karen. something about knowing their relationship with each other is over, knowing that and still not being able to stop thinking about each other. we get a sweet little nod to mileven in verse 2 "sad veiled bride, please be happy, handsome groom, give her room." yeah. if we're talking will's pov and substitute "she" for "he", this line is fucking killer: "loud, loutish lover, treat her kindly. [talking to el now] though [he] needs you, more than [he] loves you" OW and then this whole part.... mike's self hatred is just so chefs kiss.
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anyway. this song is mostly just there for vibes. its sad. most of the playlist is sad. yk. it doesnt fit perfectly but pls tell me yall understand the vision.
10. electric indigo by the paper kites.
[this section was previously posted on its own here. there are a few details i left off of that version bc they referenced the playlist, this is slightly different.]
this song is the most mike pov to ever pov ITS INSANE. i'm sorry i didn't see you before. i love you and i'm sorry i hurt you. how do i fix this? how do i get you to come back to me? you're getting line by line annotations, fuck you. "never meant to cause you trouble with my coloured lies" hey. hey remember back during does anybody know when we talked abt "the colors in you, they can hurt someone"? "but you holding me with something locked behind your eyes [real love], you're setting me right // cause you got something that i need [real love], something i can't find" "distance never made me stronger, it tore us apart [hello california], i'm calling, im calling to you [BYERS BUSY PHONE LINE THEORY RISE] // and i know i left you questions and a lonely heart [do you even care what i have to say mike? you called twice! etc etc.]" "but you've been waiting long enough to let it go [i've put you through so much for so long, i get that you are probably done with me at this point, i know i would be] // i'll do you right [im gonna make it up to you, i swear], cause time is just a remedy covered in disguise [i grew up, okay? im better, i know more know. im not like that anymore.]" "and all i know is that i want you so heavy on my mind [i think about you all the time. i want to think about you all the time]" "and the feeling grows, when youre dancing slow. i see your fire go electric indigo [i watch you in your element, i watch you paint and be around our friends and argue with your brother....i see you be unapologetically you, and i just... i love you. i love you.] "what's it gonna, what's it gonna take? what's it gonna, what's it gonna take? what's it gonna, what's it gonna take? (x4) [how do i fix this? how do i show you how much i love you? how do i show you how much i love you?]
11. iris by the goo goo dolls, but covered by chris lanzon.
it's iris. do i even need to explain? i chose this cover the same reason i chose IDKHOW's boys dont cry cover. "it feels younger, a little less professional, a little more intimate. i love the cure version, but this one just feels...i don't know. it feels like the emotions of a teenage boy."
12. lover, you should've come over by jeff buckley.
our penultimate track. its about letting go of expectations, thoughts of who you should be and what you should do, and realizing how much you love someone who you let yourself lose. realizing that you're young and you've really messed up, but realizing what you want and seeking forgiveness. it's mike's realization. its a healthy reflection on how he's hurt the people he loves, and what he really wants. who he wants to be. it's mike growing up. he's willing to give up the trivial shit, the judgement of others and himself, to be with will. not even to be with will, just to let himself love will. there's this line, "maybe i'm just too young to keep good love from going wrong //...you should've come over ... well i'll wait for you." he wants will to come back. he knows he's lost will, and he knows its his fault. but he's telling will, "listen. i know you don't owe me anything. but im here. im here, okay? if any part of you still wants me, or even if you don't, im here."
13. time after time by cyndi lauper, but covered by iron & wine.
like boys don't cry and iris, i chose this cover because it feels softer, subtler, and more masculine. its acoustic, youthful, lighter. stronger. do you guys remember the opening line of the playlist? the first time of i can't be with you? "lying in my bed again, and i cry cause you're not here?" our final track, time after time, opens with "lying in my bed, i hear the clock tick and think of you." full circle moment, but time after time is different. those final thoughts are resolute, sure. i know how i feel, and i am here for you. wherever you are, whatever you need, whoever you were and whoever you become. i'm here. i love you. i love you. i love you.
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Someone messaged me about my thoughts on the three Daganronpa characters in my banner, so I'm answering here.
Simple answer? They're my favourites from the main three games.
Long answer? Well...
Trigger Happy Havoc - Makoto Naegi
Okay, so to start off with, my initial introduction to Danganronpa was through the anime so I only really knew about the THH cast (and later, the SDR2 cast, but I'll get to that in a bit) and it wasn't until later on that I got into the games themselves.
Honestly one of the things that struck me about Makoto is how underrated he is. A lot of people tend to prefer Hajime or the protagonists from V3 which, y'know, fair enough. We all have our preferences.
Makoto is honestly pretty impressive, and I know some people might say that he's kind of generic as far as protagonists go. And maybe that's true, but if you look at him from the context of the setting he's in and not what his character role is? There's definitely something interesting there.
Makoto himself points out time and time again that he's fairly average, but he really isn't, or at least not in the way he seems to think he is. You throw an average person in a killing game and chances are they're gonna break, they're gonna give up, especially when you consider the kinds of people he's trapped with. But he doesn't, Makoto doesn't give up.
Sure he gets close to breaking a couple of times but nothing ever really pushes him over that edge (at least, not in the killing game itself). Hell, the guy got framed twice and almost executed once, and he still didn't break. He's had to vote classmates guilty, knowing that they'll die, and he still didn't break.
Also he cares so much about his classmates, people who (as far as he's aware) he's only ever known as participants in the killing game. The one person he does have any memory of tried to frame him, and he never really seems to hold any kind of grudge over it. He mentions that he'll carry their deaths with him, which is a pretty heavy thing for anyone to do, especially in an environment where your life is constantly on the line. But he does it.
Then he becomes the Ultimate Hope, and people don't really talk about it as much as they should. In this setting they're in hope is kind of a big thing, Makoto goes from being completely average - a "nobody" - and becomes this revered figure. And not many people talk about how difficult that must've been to deal with, and Makoto himself never really seems to mention it either.
And then there's that scene in the Future Arc of the anime, and Makoto finally does break. He finds out that Kyoko died, and that in some twisted way he was partially responsible for it, and he breaks. Which, honestly? It felt right.
Makoto is the Ultimate Hope, yes. But he's still human, not some ideal. And when that video starts playing, we finally see just how difficult things were for him.
He gets thrown into another killing game after he'd already escaped one, he sees one of the people he's come to care for die and because of the twisted rules they're playing by he thinks it's his fault. Then there's the video. And what does Makoto see? He sees his fallen classmates and what do they tell him? That he should've died instead of them.
Makoto's been dealing with survivor's guilt since the first game, he's had to see someone else he cared about die, one of the people he'd helped save during that first game. And now he was being told, by the people he couldn't save, that he should've died. Makoto breaks.
It would've been easy to claim that the whole Ultimate Hope thing makes him immune to despair, but it doesn't. Makoto isn't superhuman, he's fallible just like everyone else and that's what I like about his character. Even after becoming the Ultimate Hope, even after he became this kind of 'saviour' figure, he's still just a normal person. Even when everything's said and done, he's still that average dude who's probably a touch too optimistic for his own good.
Goodbye Despair - Chiaki Nanami
Oh boy, Chiaki gives me so many feels. A lot of characters in this series are pretty tragic, but Chiaki in particular really highlights just how unfair this entire thing was.
We see during the Despair Arc just how much Chiaki brought her classmates together, we see how all these eccentric personalities started to mesh together just because she was willing to put in the effort.
We know these characters are talented, but don't really share their talents with each other all that much because a lot of the time their talents aren't really things that they can share that easily. But then we see Chiaki including her classmates, we see them playing games with her despite knowing that they'll probably lose, something which they're probably not used to at this point. And they enjoy it.
What makes it so tragic, is that that closeness is exactly what made it so easy for them to fall into despair. We see the class unite when they thought Chiaki was in danger, we them work together to try to save her. And then they don't. They fail and they have to watch her die a gruesome death, one that they couldn't prevent. And it breaks them.
Chiaki is such a tragic character, because her efforts to bring them together only made their fall that much easier. And the worst part? There wasn't even anything she could do about it.
Then, there was the killing game. And Chiaki's there.
What strikes me about Chiaki's part in the killing game, is what happens towards the end. Yet again, Chiaki ends up dying, and yet again her death was something that she couldn't do anything about. She was the blackened yes, but she didn't set out with the intention of killing anyone. She was the blackened in a case where the murder was set up by the victim themselves, and she was the one who took the fall.
The whole thing was a bit more complicated than that, but that's a topic for another day. But the thing that struck me the most about that trial wasn't what happened during it, but what happened at the end. Chiaki didn't try to plead she was innocent, she didn't fight what was about to happen, instead she chose to reassure her classmates. She chose to comfort them, to make them know they made the right choice.
And then there's the actual ending. The ending of SDR2 was so bittersweet. Because on the one hand, it was a simulation, no one had actually died. But the Chiaki in the killing game wasn't real, the Chiaki in the killing game wouldn't wake up with them. The real Chiaki died at the start of the tragedy, the real Chiaki died probably thinking she'd failed them, the real Chiaki was gone.
Honestly it would probably be more accurate to refer to Despair Arc Chiaki and SDR2 Chiaki as two separate characters. But they're both equally tragic for very different yet similar reasons so I feel it's appropriate for this post to talk about them both.
Killing Harmony - Kokichi Ouma
And now for the gremlin. I've already talked about Kokichi a lot on this blog so I probably won't go too in depth here since I've already shared a lot of the thoughts I have about him.
But, generally speaking? Kokichi is really intriguing. There's so much we don't really know about him (well, about his game persona, since we don't really know anything about the pre-game V3 cast) and what we do know is pretty suspect simply because it's Kokichi.
This guy is a walking mystery to begin with, but then we find out later on about his plan to masquerade as the mastermind and it adds a whole new layer to pretty much everything that he said or did previously. There's just so many different ways to interpret a lot of his actions and motives, and I don't think anyone other than Kokichi himself truly knows what the correct answer is.
At an initial glance Kokichi looks a lot the villain of the story (at least up until the end of chapter 5) but he's so much more than that. I won't go as far as to say to say he was a hero, but I feel like just brushing him off as being 'evil' doesn't do his character justice.
Like I said, I'm not going to go too in-depth because I've already done that a lot for Kokichi and I don't really want to repeat myself too much.
But, if I had to pick out what really stuck with me in regards to Kokichi? It's how alone he really was. Kokichi was such a paranoid character, arguably the most paranoid to be introduced in this series so far. Sure there were characters he was probably close to, and we see how one death in particular affected him - how genuine that response was is open to interpretation - but he never really seemed to form connection like the other characters did. And when you consider his plan to masquerade as the mastermind, you understand why.
But for a character who seemed so determined to push everyone away, his plan wouldn't have worked at all if he didn't have the cooperation of at least one person. And sure, the plan didn't end up working, but it came pretty close and he wasn't even there to see it.
I've said in a previous post that trust is a pretty significant theme when it comes to Kokichi, more specifically that he doesn't trust anyone (at least at the start). But when it came to enacting his plan? He needed to trust someone.
There's more that I could say about Kokichi, but I've said a lot of it already so I won't.
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Find the Word Game XIV
tagged by: @pertinax--loculos!! my words: crumb, next, connect, secure, refer tagging: @pertinax--loculos, @drippingmoon, @druidx, @drabbleitout, and Guetry's sister Genni your words: bed, green, fly, mouth, line, force
crumb(led) (Aurora)—
"Empty your life into the void," the Emmuli said. Encased in Thrive's voice, their words truly wreaked terror. "The cosmos will reap from the depths of your despair and gorge until we are sated."
It threw an arm to slam Warren into the bulkhead, right on his wrist again.
"No," Warren grunted through the stars in his vision. He cradled his throbbing wrist, air returning to his lungs all at once. "I'm not...going down without a fight, fucker. You're gonna...have to try a lot harder than this."
The floor crumbled open and Warren fell down, down to every deck as it engulfed him at each stop, each pause another wallop into solid metal. His muscles and bones already screamed for relief, and the last fall was enough to knock the wind out of him again.
He lost consciousness for a second, but he wouldn't let himself break that soon. He struggled to lift his head and assess his whereabouts.
The shuttle bay. Had he fallen even a little to his left, he would've broken his neck on the top of one of the shuttles.
next (Eternal)—
"Hey, Corin! Long time no see. You look nervous."
Corin glanced from him to Calen and back again. He reeked of guilt and secrecy. "Nothing," he said abruptly. "No, it's nothing."
"Is this about the plan?"
"Actually, no. I'm not sure..." Corin thought through his next words carefully. "Gouna's in my lab."
Warren exited the shuttle, following him away from the shuttle pad. They were silent the whole way to the research lab, other than Corin, who kept over-explaining that he "didn't expect it" and "couldn't have foreseen something like this," though he refused to go into detail about what "it" and "this" was.
Gouna looked up from the workstation, evidently surprised to see them. "Erm...you're here."
"Yeah? Where the hell else would I be?" Warren frowned. "What's going on?"
connect(ion) (Warpath)—
Thrive's jaw tensed and he turned to Sathmax. The rest of the room fell silent, Hondris sniffing quietly, and Warren shook his head, holding it over the table.
"Last week," Sathmax said, his connection stuttering before clearing up, "there were reports from Node security of viruses being sent to terminals set up along one neighborhood of the Eastern Division. They were cleared up and nobody thought anything of it. Perhaps…perhaps we should've thought something of it."
"It's not your fault," Warren said.
Sathmax's projection flickered red and froze. The static got louder, the stuttering more prominent, until it was all that could be heard besides a lone voice, distorted across the channel.
"Are you sure about that, Your Highness?"
Vriea's fingers flew over the touchscreen of the console. "I can't close the call."
"The good delegate Sinkship's blood is on the hands of those who refuse to declare the High Immortal the one and only king of the Joined Galaxies. Be sure you're not in the way, Your Highness."
The call ended abruptly, plunging the room into darkness.
"Oh...god," Warren said at length. He stared at the space that once held the frozen image of Delegate Sathmax, paralyzed with disbelief. "FaiTh is revolting for you?"
When he turned to Thrive, he was pale and trying very hard not to outwardly show his outrage.
secure (Rebirth)—
The rest of the time was spent in mostly silence on the bridge, Warren occasionally glancing at Guetry as he stared into nothing while his tattoo and the scar in his temple lit up. Varussa and Emnophene conversed among themselves, partially in what Warren assumed was telepathy as they couldn't seem to finish a sentence out loud to save their lives.
He left the bridge and made his way down to the engine room, far in the underbelly of the Ganymede. Greeted with a wall of heat upon stepping over the threshold of the open door, he took a deep breath to keep himself from asphyxiating.
"My god," he coughed, and the door closed behind him. "How can you stand this?"
Three enormous pistons chugged along in a section of the back of the room secured by glass walls, occasionally sparking with electricity that seemed to feed into the bulkhead behind them, which had been fitted with some kind of material that absorbed the electricity and pulsed into channels that ran into the ceiling. Lights in the floor ebbed and faded, almost breathing, and the air was musty and thick with engine heat.
Alec looked over from a wall panel. "You should see what it's like when the coolant system isn't working." She swiped the back of her wrist over her face. "Hiya. Need something?"
refer (Aurora)—
"You've protected us all from several threats," Latx said, standing straight again. "We're showing our reverence."
Thrive acknowledged the red flag yet kept calm. "...Reverence."
"Yes," DeCosta said. "As the ruler of Tournaltis—"
"I am no longer the sole Leader of Tournaltis," Thrive interrupted. "Even so, I was hardly deserving of the reverence one would bestow upon a…" He trailed off, his shoulders tensing.
Mydhassa smiled at him, but it didn't feel as kind as he'd intended. A layer of manic glee presented itself from within that smile. "...A king?"
That was the trigger word. Thrive's frown deepened and he shook his head. "No. Please do not ever refer to me as a king again. That is not how I've established the government of my planet to proceed."
"Not of Tournaltis," Sussa said levelly. "Of the neighboring galaxies. Of Ashva and Ashvara." Her expression couldn't be read. "We've taken to accepting you as our leader. Our king." She shrugged her shoulders. "The High Immortal."
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Danganronpa 3 Future Arc episode 10.
There's an episode of Yugioh Abriged, I can't remember which but the opening is Yami Yugi crying and saying "this episode is filmed before a dead crying pharaoh."
That is the current vibe of this.
I am... Not looking forward to this.
I mean I am, because I am enjoying this series.
It just pulled a Munakata and stabbed me right through.
I did not think I was this attached to Kyoko.
But she's really grown on me much like Byakuya has grown on me.
... Good thing to learn... Now
Anyway, let's get on with it.
That's so mean, just giving me a flashback of the first game when Makoto ended up in the rubbish pit and Kyoko came for him.
They were so small back than.
And than bam right back to the present with everyone crying around her dead body.
They had fun with this didn't they? Bastards.
The audacity of Munakata to use this situation against Makoto, after he killed Juzo.
Makoto closing Kyoko's eyes and getting her blood his hand.
And he's angry.
Wipes his tears, gets up and says he's gonna face Munakata once and for all.
This isn't the first time we've seen Makoto angry, but this feels different. This is such a cold rage.
Ryota my dude... I like you but don't say that. He's not brushing her death off, he's heartbroken just as much as Asahina if not more.
He just doesn't have the luxury of breaking down right now.
He has a duty, he's going to fulfill it. It's what Kyoko wanted.
Him explaining it sounding so close to tears tho... Ooooh. I hope was Bryce okay when he did these voice overs.
Aw Asahina's little words or encouragement.
Aawwww him crying when he left the room, God my heart. I'm so glad that they aren't just brushing her death off.
Or minimising the impact of it. It is delivered as this awful tragedy and with such weight and pain, as it should be.
I think that Ruruka's body? I can't tell but man they've just been... Cut in half.
The little walk around and deep breathe, yeah I feel you there Makoto.
The flashback of Chisa sobbing to Munakata during the tragedy asking when it'll end.
See it did end but than you had to go and become the assassin of hope. Don't think that's what Chisa would've wanted.
Makoto's little self pep talk, he's just trying his best.
I love seeing the difference between Makoto and Munakata's perception of Hope.
Makoto sees it as a feeling that brings people up that he can use to help others. While Munakata sees it as a tool of destruction he can use to destroy all despair.
Makoto wants people to live, he wants them to live and spread hope. While Munakata is okay with sacrificing all life but himself if it means an end to despair.
Makoto saying "I'll stop you" and Munakata saying "I'll save you."
It's really unnerving that Munakata thinks that killing peoole is an act of compassion.
And the chase begins.
Munakata getting hit by the sprinklers and looking like a wet cat.
I hope somewhere Mondo and Sakura are giving Makoto pointers and cheering him on in this fight.
Was not expecting Makoto to try and fry Munakata alive.
My boi got violent.
This really went full Security breach.
Ouch, and the extinguisher don't work.
I love how he just threw it, it didn't work but props to him.
It zoomed back up and hit him. Never underestimate Makoto's luck, because it be both good and bad and unlike Nagito's not easily predictable.
Nagito's luck is very cause and effect, Makoto's is whenever the universe wants to stop using him as a punching bag.
"Why'd you stop, you can't kill me can you?"
Makoto I'm rooting for you, always but don't say that with a sword right above your head.
Oh shit yeah this is the same place they had that stand off before.
The one where he let you go, interesting.
Wait, his forbidden action is he can't open doors? That's why he's been dramatically breaking windows?
That's amazing.
And very on theme for the guy who's so close minded he literally can't open doors.
Smart move Makoto, trapping him in here if he kills you so he can't.
Maybe don't make a deal with him, he can't kill you but he can hurt you.
... Like that.
"When did despair get its hooks into you"... When was the first day of school again?
Also fuck you Munakata, you have been, by your own wording seduced into darkness.
You're eye is literally all black.
Man even their shirts are symbolic with Makoto's being white and Munakata's black. And Munakata started out in a white suite and Makoto in a black suite.
I love stuff like this.
I'd love it more if Munakata wasn't strangling Makoto.
The word platitudes has been ruined, forever.
... Don't you dare bring Kyoko into this! How dare you.
Ahh so close to a "you got that wrong" but I'll allow it.
"You've got tunnel vision" it is genuinely a miracle this man can see.
Ohh I love that the Directors answer was that everyone's responsible.
Because everyone has despair it's not crazy to say that but Munakata takes that to mean I should kill everyone because they have despair.
And heck wow Chisa murdered some kids... Nevermind that's crazy what?
And admitted it in blood on a photo.
Awwh Makoto saying if it had been Kyoko, if she fell to despair even if he had to kill her he'd still be greatful and happy for the person she was.
That is so him.
"I'd always think of her as someone I couldn't possibly live without."
Among many things that's the difference between Makoto and Munakata.
Makoto would do anything to save another person, even if they were gone he'd remember them for who they were and honour the good they've done.
While Munakata seeks to destroy anyone who doesn't meet his ideals or perceptions of hope.
No one is immune to despair.
Munakata remembering who Chisa was and screaming, I feel like it's the first time he's really let himself grieve.
"I'm sorry Kyosuke."
Using his first name too, this is such a powerful scene.
Their not friends, but this is the first time these two have ever understood each other.
They've bared their souls, greiving the people they've lost and just thinking what do we do now?
And Munakata's eye turning to normal, just perfect.
This is unironically what the Martha scene in Batman V Superman should have been.
This is a perfect encapsulation of that shared greif and understanding between two people who've lost so much.
Oh oh shit Asahina figured it out.
Dun dun dunnnn....
Post credit scene of a ship near Jabberwock island.
... We are erm very much brushing past Chisa apparently murdering children which may have been from the brainwashing if that succeeded.
And than keeping the photos which he'd find on her corpse.
... That is so fucked up.
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lancelotscloak · 2 years
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Chronicles of You - Ikemen Revolution Lancelot Kingsley’s playlist 🌹
Note: After 1.5 years of making countless changes to the playlist, I think I’m confident enough to post it now. It was meant to go public on his birthday this year, but better late than never, amirite? Lol
A character study is what I wish to convey in this playlist, diving deep into the nuances of his personality and traits that made Lancelot who he was. It captures his internal struggles to do what is right without putting lives in danger. It provides a genuine insight into his mind: how he thinks of the Magic Tower, and how he made himself believe that he had lost his humanity and turned into some kind of a “villain”. It shows how confused he was with his emotions when Alice slowly worms her way into his heart, and how he tried to push her away to protect her. The last six songs focused on how he is like in both endings, event stories, etc. when he’s learning to be “alive” again.
I highly recommend you listen to the playlist in order while digesting the lyrics of each song. I have provided a YouTube link for non-Spotify users.
Man or a Monster by Sam Tinnesz (feat. Zayde Wølf)
When you close your eyes, what do you see?
Do you hold the light or is darkness underneath?
In your hands, there's a touch that can heal
But in those same hands, is the power to kill
Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace
But there's still rage inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Blood // Water by Grandson*
We'll never get free
Lamb to the slaughter
What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?
The price of your greed, your son and your daughter
What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?
*for the Magic Tower
Stomp Me Out by Bryce Fox
You can't stomp me out
You know you can't even slow me down
You know I spread this wild around
So if you're sure, you better shoot me now
If you find a change of heart
I might forgive you (I might forgive you)
But if you keep running that mouth
It just might kill you (Just might kill you)
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine
Holy water cannot help you now
See, I've come to burn your kingdom down
And no rivers and no lakes can put the fire out
I'm gonna raise the stakes
I'm gonna smoke you out
Autoclave by The Mountain Goats
I am this great, unstable mass of blood and foam
And no one in her right mind would make my home her home
My heart's an autoclave
When I try to open up to you, I get completely lost
Houses swallowed by the earth, windows thick with frost
And I reach deep down within, but the pathways twist and turn
And there's no light anywhere, and nothing left to burn
Moondust by Jaymes Young
Nothing can breathe, in the space
Colder than, the darkest sea
I have dreams about the days
Driving through your sunset breeze
But the first thing that I will do
Is bury my love for you
Goodbye My Love by Fox Academy
Goodbye my love
I wish things were different
Don't spend your time
With someone that doesn't deserve it
The Dark Side by Muse
I have lived in darkness
For all my life, I've been pursued
You'd be afraid if you could feel my pain
And if you could see the things I am able to see
I hail from the dark side
For all my life, I've been besieged
You'd be scared living with my despair
And if you could feel the things, I am able to feel
Fallen Angel by Zaradiah
They don't like when you go against their way
Learn your strength and watch as you become the prey
Born from pain, fueled by fear, you see it clear as day
It's a game of cat and mouse I refuse to play
Break the chains
I changed my fate
Accept the stains
That I left behind
My Life For Hire by A Day to Remember
Somebody give me a sign that everything's going as planned
And then everything falls away into the darkness of this shallow place
The detail is striking, the room's cold and frightening
You'll kick and you'll scream, you'll try everything to survive
But you should know your fate by now
But I swear I'll be the one
To let the world know what you've done to me
Headstrong by Trapt
Now I see the truth, I got a doubt
A different motive in your eyes and now I'm out
I see your fantasy
You wanna make it a reality paved in gold
See inside, inside of our heads, yeah
Well, now that's over
Let It Breathe by Water Liars
There's a room inside my heart that no one ever goes
It's been boarded up and locked for years and everything is gone
Then you come along and cut yourself a key
Swept the floors and opened a window, said ‘baby let it breathe’
Golden by Harry Styles
Golden, golden, golden
As I open my eyes
Hold it, focus, hoping
Take me back to the light
I know you were way too bright for me
I can feel it take a hold (I can feel it take a hold)
I can feel you take control (I can feel you take control)
Of who I am and all I've ever known
Loving you's the antidote
Indigo Puff by Sundara Karma
I feel the light surrounding me
I'm open now and feeling free
I see the sound land on my skin
A passion moves me from within
You're the one, you're the one, you're the one
In my heart, in my bones and in my soul
You're the one who keeps me on my own
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Jya! Jya-Jya-Jya. Jyama? Jyamato.
Jurapira! Henshin.
I believe this is the Recap Episode (TM). I didn't mean to wait so long to watch it (lie), but I guess now's as good a time as any. Waiting for KingOhger's making me feel like I'm constantly breaking out into meat sweats.
Spoilers, I guess...
-Haha, hello, Samas-san!
-Niram-P, hello!
-This'd better be good, you guys!
-There's a lot of space next to Michinaga and Daichi in the intro.
-Time-traveling murder.
-Ohhhhhh, the audience picks people to audition.
-"Hey look man, you're on TV!"
-Beroba just nuked an entire forest. That sorta slipped my mind a little.
-Little fun fact about her, by the way: She's got the same name as the Japanese name as the Gen 8 Pokémon Impidimp. Spelled slightly different ("ベロバ" as opposed to "ベロバー"), but very fitting for her character.
-"We've been around. Romans, samurai, robots..."
-Our little world was never an exception.
-Oh man, that time travel angle adds so many layers to how fucked up this whole thing is.
-How many absolutely horrendous crimes did various Desire Gods commit and/or cover up with their wishes? How many people were fed into the meat grinder for these assholes?
-"Many people became God, Neon-chan. It might even be you some day."
-Ukiyo Ace. I sincerely hope that Ace's insane John Cena promotion means that the DGP haven't been able to grant any genocide wishes for a long time.
-Thank you Ziin, we get it, Ace is the coolest man on the planet.
-...so, Ace was a teenager in a Japanese high school when he first fought the Jyamato. His fractured memories and Julius Caesar coin told me he was a Roman, but perhaps...
-Ohhh, I got an idea!
-Okay so, if Mama Mitsume was a DGP navigator, then it's entirely possible that she was also a Rider at some point. She kicked Jyamato ass, and used her wish to give Ace the life she couldn't. And the Goddess of Desire interpreted that as "become a Japanese highschooler".
-"Kon Kon time, boy."
-Hot damn, Tsumuri just gave him a gun, huh?
-I take it back, this is way better than a recap episode.
-Hot damn, they even caught him eating breakfast with Big Sis Tsumuri.
-Ohhhh, Win, I miss you.
-Tycoon and Nago!
-The best by default, frankly!
-"Damn right you're a Kamen Rider! You should be thankin' me, kid!"
-"No, lots of my friends are from the future!"
-So... he really is just a frog man, huh?
-Noooooooooo, Taira-san :(((
-"I have to bring back the lost... no matter what!"
-I get real weird vibes off of this guy.
-Our ideal worlds are just a championship away.
-So close, yet farther than it's ever been!
-Beroba's gonna gaslight gatekeep girlboss her way into the show's cancellation.
-Her and her goddamn Breaking Mammoth Rider form.
-"So like... how are we gonna fix this?"
-Oh fuck, here she comes
-The Jyamato are unionizing!
-They became people!
-Jyamato Grand Prix! A game where Bugsters kill humans!
-"Kill Niram-P! Take his Driver! Become Jama Jesus!"
-I guess the Jyamato don;t
-Tsumuri's got technical skill.
-Time to go save the people.
-"Good luck, Mr. Michi! I look forward to watching your sweep."
-We're meeting the people who killed Tohru-kun one day. No way in hell we're not.
-"You're my new bias. Your biggest stan's gonna help you kill as many people as you need to get that wish. All you gotta do is wash the world in Despair~!"
-"Keep your creepy stalker hobbies out of my business."
-How many fanfics do you think Beroba's written where she tortures Buffa by making him kill people who even slightly annoy her? How hard does she work to keep him "in character"?
-"Man fuck the DGP, these people need us!"
-Lying fox.
-Beat! Magnum. Ninja!
-Let's get smashing!
-Boost time!
-Omfg the "Ready Fight"
-"I'm pledging all my efforts to the DGP telethon!"
-His fucking humansona is Makoto from Amazons.
-Ah yep. Kyuun's here.
-"Time for a flame war."
-These're a bunch of internet losers larping out their Ridersonas.
-Oooooooh, spicy henshin jingles.
-I guess Ziin's the only one in a real suit, huh?
-That's fine with me I guess. Okay not really, but like
-I get why it is, y'know?
-And continuing with my belief that Kekera's from the Geiz Revive timeline, his model seems to be recycled from Shinobi's Kurogane Oogama. They're straight up trolling us, at this point.
-I'm not entirely sure I recognize Kyuun's model though, I'll get back to you on that.
-Ohhhh, waiiiit
-Is that...
-Oh goddammit, it's Beast Chimera.
-I'm gonna be honest Niram-P, I don't think I want either of you assholes to win.
-Tsumuri seems to be in agreement.
-Ohhhh, new rules, eh?
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Been a minute since I've done a reading, and they were calling to me this morning and also I'm just having a very shitty morning so let's fuckin go.
First, gonna open up with the rune we're studying today, which is sowilo.
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This is the sun: guidance, goal setting, mastery, and success. It is a rune of clarity and healing. I feel like this gives an overall more auspicious tone to the tarot spread for today, which is... good.
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The key takeaway with this bad boy is "you are on the struggle bus. The tribulation train. The purgatory pontoon. But keep moving, for the love of god, because I promise it'll be worth it."
I'm going to drop the longer interpretation under a break so I'm not forcing everyone to read it, so you're welcome lol.
Also, you'll note I'm going to use "we" here, because this ain't just about me today folks.
Starting off with our "hey, it you" card, Knight of Swords is ambition, action, motivation. The hustle game is strong in this house right now.
Nine of Swords is just here to remind me that the reason we're hustling is because the alternative is giving into the cloud of anxiety and despair hovering over us every day (which doesn't go away, but it's at least a little easier to move through if we just don't stop and think about it, literally DO NOT STOP.)
The Magician is manifestation and resourcefulness. Bringing ideas and dreams into fruition, which goes hand in hand with our friendly Knight. Hustle. But likewise it's a source of some of that surrounding anxiety. We're doing great over here folks!
Three of Wands is the card of enterprise and opportunity. We saw a chance and we took it, and that's led us to where we are now. Likewise, there's an element of foresight and planning involved here. None of what's happening now happened on a whim. Or... you know, at least our whims lol.
Normally I tend to read this position as "goals," but in this exact context it's reading more as a "why." There's been a lot of reveals recently, a lot of red and yellow flags, and that's got us moving forward very carefully -- but still moving forward.
Eight of Pentacles brings us right back to the hustle, but more specifically indicates skill mastery and general "improvement." We are really rolling our sleeves up and trying to make life more bearable for ourselves.
The next two cards are tied together very closely, so I'm going to discuss them together in like... The vaguest possible terms lol. These positions loop back around once more to our Knight, and speak more on our internal and external influences. The Eight of Swords indicates that we feel trapped, in one sense or another. Probably several. We can see the exit, and we can technically leave at any time, but we've reasoned we have no choice but to stay -- at least for now. The Seven of Swords indicates a betrayal, but (and especially with the Knight in context) it also indicates strategy. We are not sitting idly in hell. We are planning, and we are making moves, and we WILL land on our feet. We are putting ourselves first.
Knight of Pentacles in the hopes and fears position is, on its face, underwhelming: like, woo, you're going to be working hard and persevering, and making slow but steady progress. But within the context of the reading as a whole, it makes more sense why such a small aspiration seems so huge.
Finally the Ten of Pentacles. Man, all I can really say about this one is just that I wanted to cry when I saw it. It's THE goal. Long term success, foundations, sustainable future. Security. Home. Like I cannot stress enough how big a deal this is, what a bright light at the end of a dark ass tunnel that for once -- for once!! -- isn't an oncoming train.
None of this is telling me anything I didn't already know: the last few months have been really rough, and we're in for a few more. And things could still change between now and then. But at least as things currently are, there's an end in sight and it's going to be scary but it won't be a disaster
In theory, anyway.
But yeah this is once again my runes and cards being frighteningly on point and also in tune with each other and I think my method of "pick the one you feel in your gut" is really working out for me lol.
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shslpunkartist99 · 6 months
I demand details on that Symbol verse's possible recovery situation you mentioned. Share them now or else I'll kidnap Sharky and the babies for the day. 🔫 /LH
I get distracted with gaming with friends, so I'll see if I can make it quick. Still a lot tho
When Leroy heard that Pachinko was able to get Tsuri's maid and butler to the city, he wondered if he could possibly get his siblings to join as well. Tsuri, however, immediately went to Oreo and tried to convince them NOT to bring those two here, as that would probably make things worse for Leroy. Oreo didn't know the situation, but they wouldn't want to deny Leroy's wish if it made him happy, so when Leroy eventually brought up it, Oreo suggested:
"Let's see them from our perspective. They won't see nor hear us, but we'll see where they are and how they're doing."
Leroy immediately agreed, and what he saw was.. despair. He saw Leona get beaten down and thrown about. Laughed and spit on. Before some cash was tossed at her limp body, which was shaking in pain and fear. Leroy cried out to his sister, wanting to pull her out, but just as Oreo said, Leona couldn't hear nor feel him.
Leo was just as bad. Seeing the lifeless person be dragged along by his superiors in a dark and full of fumes room made Leroy feel sick. Leo couldn't even react to the food pushed to his face, until a gas mask was brought to him, in which he inhaled as much as he could. He looked so pale and skinny, so fragile, so.. dead inside.
Leroy couldn't take it. He had no idea his siblings were going through such turmoil. How did he not try and find them sooner?? Why did he just... wait?! Well, no more waiting. No more suffering. Through angry tears, Leroy begged for Oreo to bring those two into the city. He'll take full responsibility for them.
Oreo agreed, and thus the two were suddenly teleported to the city.
Leona was shocked at first, terror sinking in as not knowing where she was now. Leo barely reacted; just kept staring at the ground. None of them recognized Leroy, who had completely changed from the small little redhead they last remembered. Leroy brought them to his cafe, leading Leona and holding Leo's hand, and sat them down. It took a lot of strength to not break down in front of them. He made tea for them and tried his best to explain why they were here and what exactly "here" was. It was all a shock for Leona, but she tried her best to listen and understand what was happening. It's unclear if Leo was listening or not.
"Listen.. I had no idea who two were going through such terrible things.. I saw those bastards beat you down, Leona, a-and I saw how they treated you as well, Leo. This city is a secret place that nobody can leave once they enter, and.. I'm in a position of power. I'm gonna do everything in my power to help you two. I'll keep you safe, I'll make your lives better, I-I'll.. I'll do anything and everything to give you guys a happier life than what you were going through! I promise.."
That's when Leroy broke down into tears again. He wanted to be happy that he had his siblings back, but he still felt so horrible for what they went through. But at the end, Leona pulled her brothers into a tight hug, also crying and promising to be better, even if she fears the gang controlling her will find them.
"Don't worry about that.." Leroy assured. "If they somehow manage to find this place.. I'll personally give them a 'warm welcome'.."
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
War of Shadow Realm ~ Origins of the Ink Demon Chapter 4 Epilogue (1/5) ~
*Heartbeat echoeing*
Seto : I...I...I finally understand what truth really meant to this world. All that pain, all that struggle, all the troubles that caused by people's problems and therefore the world of Needless is gone. The one who only erased the world of Needless, it was me! I left the world when I died and...I'm not gonna let it happen again! (stands up and pulls out her sword) I will not cower in fear and face against the actions that we did! I may have a sin of greed like Krabs or the Eds, but that doesn't I do not care about money...I care about saving others! That is why I chose to fight as a hero and become Shinigami of Today!
Solva : I only regret that you'll ever be a pity that the world of Needless isn't like the real world that we live in, and that's the fact!
[Lance Lullaby - Sota Fujimori]
Inky Evans : Quite the hero, you say? (laughs evilly) I've only underestimated that you finally the left the world of Needless which you destroyed it, and it hardly pains you that you struggle your actions from the truth and let the chains break loose from your past world. So, in this terms for Inky Albarn's master plan, the predictions of her ruling the world will be an astonishing achievement and the planet shall be her's to give the human race their demise and despair! I only let you girls proceed so that the Kusakabe would never suspect the queen's true intentions of covering this world into darkness. So, now the deception from Shinra is over, I will dispose of you all and the game will finally be over, both shounens, shoujo, and seinen must die alone together. Die!
*DBZ SFX : Energy Shot*
Kimial Diehl : Hold it right there,ya creep!
Ashley : Kimial! Right on time!
Kimial Diehl : This is time! I won't let you get away with it. So you must be responsible for breaking the seal of Inky Albarn's imprisonment, you are going to regret that for the rest of your life! I assume that I won't have any take backs from you, sh*thead!
Inky Evans : Sounds like you wouldn't even grudge against the forces of nature, haven't you? I bet that the people would even think that I would grudge against all law enforcements on earth, including you two detectives that fights crime and serving justice to all those who committed a crime, and crime itself doesn't pay a small steep price. But in this case, I don't have time for slow pokes like you, it'll be a bad start to fight against me! [Recreates Motorbike with his magic]
[Crush thy Name - Yutaka Minobe]
Inky Evans : Hope that Soul Evans guy doesn't even recognize how dumb this planet is, the real world is going to be toast forever! The next time we meet, the next time it'll be you on the list! I will make sure that you'll never find a way to stop me or the queen itself! (turns on his motorbike and starts flying off]
Eve Neuschwanstein : So, it's gonna be like that, huh? Guess this means it's time for a little challenge that is good enough to stop me. I wonder how the real Maka Albarn is doing?
"Meanwhile later..."
Maka Albarn : Hmmm...It's quiet. Too quiet. I don't feel myself lucky that it's a rough landing for me to handle our peace. But it's a good thing that we manage to hunt down the poison spear monster in Egypt. Woowee! I'm feeling lucky today, sis!
Moirai Albarn : Glad that you finally knew that our relationship won't last forever, you and I...are both coming along together and that's how things work in the family. You have mom, you have father, your other father, and you have me, your sister. So I may have my attention to assure that I was not in the situation of concerning the plans of how are we going to take responsiblity for ourselves. You know, I had my reasons to be with you, In fact. Will Makoto ever...(a spot on the red is shown on Maka's head) Hey, sis. You got a red spot on your head. Is just me or does it looks like it's moving all around you?
Maka Albarn : Red spot all over on me, where did you see a red spot on my...Sister, I don't think we're not alone.
[lights were suddenly turned on]
Egg Pawn : Freeze! This is the Hang Castle Security Unit! Put your hands up in the air and stay where you are!
[Endrum Collective - Hideaki Kobayashi]
Maka Albarn : Hey! What's going on?! Why are these machines are telling us to do that?! Hold on, who's in charge. Sister, did these machines told that are you responsible for the attacks in this country?
Moirai Albarn : [to Maka] What?! Nepgear, no! I would never do such thing to this big city in the far east! That's crazy talk! I didn't think that you were responsible for the upcoming monster attacks and there was literally no proof that you didn't do it! You've been framed! Fooled by! And I suspect that you were never responsible for a crime that you did not commit!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Maka Albarn, daughter and heir of the Phantonian race. I have you now. Are you really responsible for the death and destruction of this city in Japan?
Maka Albarn : No, never! I did no such thing here and I didn't even lay my finger on another victim! I would definitely disagree on those terms, therefore, I would never tell a lie about it! I only come face to face with Truth along side us, there's always truth for me and I'm the sworn protector of earth! I am no enemy to the planet. But I agree that this isn't funny when I tell a joke, but no jokes tho. I pinky promise that I didn't even flinch. That would be another me, that a demon is going to one real treat. In the questions for that matter, you're mistaken for a demon that looks alike me. And my name Inky Albarn ... isn't Inky Albarn! It's Maka that you wanted.
Moirai Albarn : So, I heard someone that has broken the seal of Inky Albarn, am I right, fellas? She's been framed for the crimes that she didn't commit. She was only trying to protect this planet from being destroyed.
[Flowering Destiny (Memories) - Maki Kirioka]
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Of course, you are correct. The seal that was for the imprisonment of the demon queeen was broken and it believe that it was man named Soul Evans, said that he was responsible for releasing the queen itself, but I really realized that man the detectives were chasing wasn't Soul Evans, it was a look alike named Inky Evans, a demon from the same world as Inky's former love. He is a servant to the queen and he has ability to shapeshift into one's appearance, like Inky Albarn does. He is that cold blooded killer who wanted nothing but to devour hearts and Soul in order to gain power.
Moirai Albarn : And you expected that demons have the ability to shapeshift into one's appearance, like an apparition? This Inky Evans guy that looks alike Soul Evans is a master of disguises like Inky Albarn, doesn't it? I have no idea of how'd they do that with some kind of connection. Maybe I was wrong about the Real World, turns out that Soul World wasn't about young people as weapons to become Deathscythes, it was about Ashley's kind getting involved of putting their Hatred against each other, destroying one's heritage, and the monopolization of political power!
Maka Albarn : That is the reason that why Shinra created his new world, why everything that I'd cared friends and this Crona person!? I cared about mom and my two dads, and even my sister! And I cared about others, I did not cared about the legacy nor my love for Soul or Crona. But it hardly pains me that I never really met Soul Evans nor Crona as a kid, I only met the boy that once saved my life before and it changed my life forever. So, I understand that I did no such things hate crmes against witchkind and I guaranteed that I determined my Destiny to protect both humans and witches to bring love and peace together! But I beg your pardon that we all do respect, so...can you forgive me, my lord? What do you say that we can bring the love and peace together for both Humans and Witches?
Moirai Albarn : We forgive you, my lord. I do all a favor and we all do respect to each other with the highest authority to come up with. And to accept our appreciation for our lordship's kind, there will be a future where humans and witches can live together for good.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Excellent wise chose, my dear. (walks up to the two) That's what I wanted to hear. Even though, humans and witches offer their will to make sacrifices of a lifetime if they were right or wrong, I should get the feeling of this is nowhere near it's end. You should be more realize that what would happen if this planet will die by the hands of the enemy or will be destroyed and vanish into nothingness.
Maka Albarn : Yes, my lord. I won't let the planet be held in the enemy's hands. We all do respect.
Moirai Albarn : All the better if we do, we can fight and live up to the pain itself, I would hardly recognize If I ever feel sorry for what has my sister did. (bows down as well as her sister) I should consider the fact that humanity's arrogance should be the undoing favors of Shinra Kusakabe's influence.
Maka Albarn : Please accept our promise as a gift to you, my lord. And may the hearts and souls be with you. We promise that will keep this Planet safe from being destroyed or being taken over!
Grim (Metal Sonic) : You truly are the greatest of all warriors on this planet, after all. I guranteed that the world of the blue hedgheog has changed since I died during my battles with the sinners I faced with. And it's coming back to me that I was able to save one's life, one's heart, and one's forgiveness. I only wanted to help those who protect. But I will accept that challenge to protect the good and fight against evils that lies within. But I didn't want anyone to waste a precious life, not even a single Heart and soul to carry away.
Maka Albarn : Thank you , my lord. I cherish that I'll be good from now on. Maybe you aren't such a bad reaper after all and I hardly even noticed that you wanted to protect those that are needed in light and hope, and bringing courage to the ones that you cherished.
Moirai Albarn : Sounds like you're not half bad at all. Guess we should wrap things up and you will let us go.
Grim (Metal Sonic) : On the second hand, I should probably let you go, but before I can do that, there is one more very important thing for me to do. And you are gonna like this one.
Moirai Albarn : Really? Like what? Are you gonna give us something good? Treat us something well?
Maka Albarn : So what are you gonna give me something like what? A present, a gift, a reward. So what should you offer me to give you something?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Like this.
Maka Albarn : Well, I don't see the point that you're--*PUNCH* GUGHHH! (gags) W...Why? I thought that we had a deal... (collapses, unconciously)
[Out of Control - TAI-HEY]
Moirai Albarn : Hey, what gives!? Grim, what in God's name do you think you're doing!?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Just doing business.
Moirai Albarn : Hey, Reaper! What are you planning to do with my sister! What are you even trying--
Grim (Metal Sonic) : Moirai, no! This has to be done, I won't let another enemy harm this planet ever again! I gotta get this one to a safe place for imprisonment! It's the only to keep your sister safe!
Moirai Albarn : "Imprisonment"? Are you really going to lock my sister in some kind of prison? What do you want from me and her, reaper? Why do you wanted her to be locked away? What's the point of having no obligations of where to go somewhere or what did we even think about something before!?
Grim (Metal Sonic) : ....
Moirai Albarn : Grim the Hedgehog, I am favoring you to see if you're wiling to let my sister go! I'm begging you to...
Moirai Albarn : (groans in pain) Not...even...a flinch. Father...Sister...f...forgive me. (collapses, unconsciously)
[No Past to Remember - Jun Senoue]
Moirai Albarrn : [about to wake up] H...Huh? Sister, Grim? Anyone? Where am I? What is even with this place? What's going on here? I'm wonder if I'm lost or something? I wonder where did the reaper would lead me to? Guess I sure do not know if I have any memories of this place before, and I didn't even think that I'd remember of ending up here. That's no brainer of mine. Hmm? That portrait looked familiar. [Looks at a portrait of Seaside Hill] Huh, guess someone manage to keep the decoration of this place, not sure why I was brought here. I better finds some clues around this place. I hope my sister's alright and I bet she even knows where could she be right now. But how...[thinking] How did get through this place and find the Reaper's throne inside the place?
[Doorbell Ringing]
Moirai Albarn : Huh? Who goes there? Show yourself, assassin!
??? : Hello, is anyone home. I've come here to deliver the truth for the reaper.
~ Seventy Third Scene : Mystery of Hang Castle ~
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ppravitas · 11 months
TAGGED BY: @tacticalvalor TAGGING: you.
► MAIN: aim for the head / creature feature
↳ can i pose a question? / how do you kill what is dead? / i just shoot from the hip / and i aim for the head / he used to be your friend / that was another life / with a single bullet / we're gonna blow his mind [...] nail up all the windows / they've come to settle the score / make sure no chamber is bare / they're right outside the door / this is a test of your strength / and your will to survive / if you give up now, they're gonna eat you alive
► SILLY: nobody likes me / the northern boys
↳ brother, look / wank myself with a single finger, captain hook / then i go smoke my pipe with a random man in a dark and weary nook / bought a transgender man two pints / can i get lucky and fist him tonight? / constrict my cock with a pink hair tie / not too tight, no, i don't wanna die
► DETERMINATION: back and forth / dr steel
↳ i'd never lie to you / y'know i'd die for you / yeah, i love you too / just do what you do / consume and gobble it up, c'mon show me some love / or i'll be blowing you up / i'm lying through my teeth / to get everything that i need / i'll be what you want me to be / that's why i'm dancing back and forth [...] free me / i'll drag a burning smile across this nation
► BATTLE: a soul can't be cut / kit walters
↳ my ears are ringing with a sound / feel the vibrations, my heart starts to pound / give in to darkness, bodies melt / how do we play the cards we've been dealt? / beauty, it's humanity's greatest sin / beauty hiding the beast that lies within / for all our righteous crimes we compensate / but as for me, it's far too late
► SAD: lullaby bye / dr steel
↳ with no one around this robot fell down / and the crank, it broke off of his head / with the jog to his hard drive, he felt all alive / the old robot he used to be, dead there was rage in his brain, there was pain in his frame / there was love, there was hunger, and strife / he felt lonely, rejected, at times disconnected / no answer to the meaning of life / so he sang
► RELAXED: sickness unto foolish death / akira yamaoka
↳ no lyrics for this one :3 but it's about sin and despair. yay!
► CONTEMPLATIVE: childhood (don't) a go-go / dr steel
↳ and i'm constructing this fantasy / imagination is saving me from the world i despise / and what about loneliness? / what about friends? / what about winning and getting revenge? / and what about all of the things that they've done? / it's time for some payback / it's time for some fun
► HAPPY: homewrecker / marina
↳ i'm only happy when i'm on the run / i break a million hearts just for fun / i don't belong to anyone / i guess you could say that my life's a mess / but i'm still looking pretty in this dress / i'm the image of deception
► HARD WORK MONTAGE: kill everyone / hollywood undead
↳ oh no, here comes the riot / does everything have to resort to violence? / if you think you can hide, go and try it / now let's let the fucking gun break the silence / close your eyelids / another shot and then here come the sirens / i thought i told you to keep fucking quiet / somebody's dying, so come say goodbye kids
► LOVE THEME: e.v.o.l / marina
↳ candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker / every kiss you give me makes me sicker / a day in the dark, a day in a cloud of gloom / i look at you, you look at me / milk and roses, squeaky clean / well you're the best i've ever seen / and i'm your dying beauty queen / it only takes two lonely people / to fuck love up and make it evil / it only takes a drop of evil / to fuck up two beautiful people
► BREAKUP / HEARTBREAK: power & control / marina
↳ but love will always be a game / we give and take a little more / eternal game of tug and war / power and control / i'm gonna make you fall / i'm gonna make you fall / we give and take a little more / 'cause all my life i've been controlled / you can't have peace without a war / without a war, without a war
► FAILURE / DEFEAT: cirice / ghost
↳ a candle casting a faint glow / you and i see eye to eye / can you hear the thunder? / how can you hear the thunder that's breaking? / now there is nothing between us / from now our merge is eternal / can't you see that you're lost? / can't you see that you're lost without me?
► FINAL BATTLE: world burn / taylor louderman
↳ i wanna watch the world burn / i got the gasoline / i wanna watch the world burn / and everyone get mean / cady, time to watch your back / cady, time to turn and cough / because you took me down / but you didn't finish me off
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Blood, Flesh, and Tears // Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Torment (He/Him)
Race: Zariel Tiefling
Class: Paladin (Oath of Vengence)
Background: Haunted One
Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
Ayo, it's been a minute. Due to work, life, and other stuff, I've taken a long while break from the game due to the exhaustion. So I haven't gotten far with my bbys. So much so that for Torment, I didn't have enough, I feel to make a stand alone post with just him. So, we're gonna combine my two playthroughs with both Admaer and Torment together into one post!
Starting with Torment. Last we left off, we found Balthazar and secretly agreed to help him reach the Nightsong. You know, until I decided "naw, that's wack" and killed him early on anyways. After completing the trials of Shar and gaining access to the Shadowfell, I was very tempted to have Torment stand in Shadowheart's way so that he would have to make the ultimate decision to kill her...But I fucked that up lol. I ended up activating a dialogue tree where I was able to fucking succeed a goddamn DC 30 PERSUASION CHECK on her ass and got her to stay in the party anyways and save the Nightsong. Laughing my fucking ass off on that one homie.
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After freeing the Nightsong, since Last Light Inn was still standing, I got to see a cool cutscene where it looks like Jaheira is about to rally the forces to go against Ketheric Thorm and help us in the fight. Torment was able to kinda comfort Shadowheart and while at camp, Torment talked with Lae'zel about the whole "not going to the Githyanki creche thing." Which, she did threaten to leave, but Torment threatened back that she should stay...Which she approved of apparent...Girl you a freak, I can't wait to finally romance her someday lmao.
As Torment was settling in to rest, homeboy, Sceleritas Fel, came to visit again. This time, bearing some very unfortunate news. Presented in front of us was Wyll, the one companion that I have the highest approval ratings with (funnily enough lmao). Because we didn't go after Isobel and kill her, our urge requires blood. It will not wait any longer and it will take what it can get. Despite Torment saying that he won't hurt Wyll, a lot of the choices that I experimented with led to Wyll getting bodied, and unless I lie about the cause of Wyll's death, the whole camp will be against Torment and kill him.
So, with a successful will save to not @ Wyll, Torment hurriedly warns Wyll that he's next on the chopping board and came forward about what happened to Alfira. Torment ended up blacking out, but instead of waking up in a pool of Wyll's blood, he awakens tied up. At this point, Torment is absolutely berserk, not even able to formulate proper and sane sentences (depending on the choice of dialogue you choose, of course). Wyll encourages Torment to fight against the urge and to regain his senses. And with a howl and a snarl, the urge eventually subsides.
Because Torment came forward about killing Alfira, Wyll asks why Torment didn't say something sooner. RP-wise and based on the dialogue option I chose, Torment became overwhelmed with emotions, mainly fear and despair, and simply cried. And honestly, I don't know why my simp ass was overlooking Wyll for Torment's playthrough, because I was immediately smitten by Wyll's promise to work with Torment through his dark urges. I'm honestly pulled in so many different directions with this character XD. First Astarion, then Halsin, and now Wyll!
After getting some encouraging comments from everyone...Except from Astarion, funnily enough. But this is where we will end with Torment and transition over to Admaer.
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Moving over to Admaer, I was able to find He Who Was (HWW for short) and accepted the quest to find the guilty ones' confession of their transgression. Now, I already dealt with 2 of the Thorm family and decided to take a quick trip over to Malus and tell him to kill himself. After doing so and picking up the item to continue Halsin's quest, I picked up the book and went running back to HWW. This time around, I wanted to instead verbally call the guilty one so that I didn't harm HWW. This apparently got us onto good terms with him and maybe slightly insinuating that homeboy gets aroused when punishing sinners. HWW leaves us, but with the promise that we'll see him again.
As for Halsin, I was able to more successfully keep his ass out of the Shadowfell and went on a trip to find Thaniel's missing half, Oliver. This time around, Admaer didn't both playing games with the kid, letting them know right away that the crew knew that they were Thaniel's other half. This initiated combat over at Riethwin and this time around, due to positioning, Lae'zel got caught up in the cutscene. I decided to pick the option that best sounded like Lae'zel, which was harshly telling Oliver to get in the fucking kid.
Once again, we're informed that we gotta get rid of Thorm to fully restore the land. This time around, I'm gonna try to get into the upper levels of Moonrise Towers before going after the Nightsong with Admaer and Nalanthar to see what would happen.
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yourladystar · 1 year
Star's Engage Catalogue Day 24 (part 1)
OK, I'm done with my break and I finally have time to play, and I have a lot of catching up to do. But I think I can still do it before the DLC comes out! Let me check the date-
"April 6"
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Yeaaaah... As you can tell things got really away from me. And with how much sh*t I have to do this month, I'll be lucky if I even have time to play this game, let alone beat it to get to the xenologue before the month is over. But I'll still try my best, especially since I don't have to rush as hard anymore.
But before I do that, I'm gonna start this day a bit differently. Since I wanna speak more about what happened the last time I played, something I wanted to talk about but was too tired to get to and has been consuming my thoughts for the last week. This is going to be talking about that last scene from chapter 20 and how it relates to Alear, so if you don't want spoilers, just skip this one. If you're cool then
Spoilers for chapter 20 (the last one)
Now I don't think I need to say that the ending scene after Griss reveals who Alear is was amazing. Everything from the voice acting, the writing, the music, and the emotions was on point. But what made me really love this scene and this chapter was something else.
I've noticed that an underlining theme some of the characters have is not allowing your past actions or problems to stop you from living your own life. Alfred dealing with his childhood illness coming back and pushing through to get stronger, the Elusian sisters turning against their kingdom and allying with their enemy to better themselves and give their people a better future, Yunaka leaving her past as an assassin behind and trying to do better while dealing with the consequences of that, Seadall becoming a well-renowned dancer despite being a homeless orphan as a child, Pandreo and Pannette salvaging a good life for themselves in their own way despite having sh*t parents; there are likely more examples I can give once I go through more supports. And the big example of this is Alear learning he's the Fell Dragons child but persevering in being the Divine Dragon.
Let me give an idea of just how intense learning this would feel. Imagine in your head learning in your adult years that your adopted and the people you've been calling your parents are strangers who picked you up on the side of the road. Got that idea in your head? Now imagine learning that your real parents are effectively Satan.
The fact that Alear didn't break down into complete despair and hopeless nihilism upon learning this is genuinely shocking. And even then, he was still left in shock and considered leaving the cause altogether. What point is there for him to stand as their beacon of hope if he's a false prophet? How can he accept his role if he's not even the person everyone believed he was?
It's what made Sigurd and the royals reassuring him so heartwarming because it reinforces the theme of the game; what matters is who you are now. Even if Alear isn't a true Divine Dragon in blood, he is one in heart. He's kind, caring, loving, and supportive despite his fell dragon lineage and that's no different now that he knows about it. And the people who love and care about him aren't going to turn their backs on him just because he's not a true Divine Dragon, because that love and trust in him was built on who he is as a person, not because of his title. And I feel like during the end stretch, Alear is going to come to truly accept his role and who he is meant to be, not just because he has Lumera's power in him, but because it's what he chooses to be.
And considering that the remaining Hounds know about this and that Zephia has already used the helmet on Veyle, I am f*cking terrified about what's gonna happen to my dragon children.
I just want them to have happiness!
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