#herta x you
chiara-hotel · 1 month
Dating Them! Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & Obsidian Warnings: Penacony questline spoilers (Firefly)
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- Himeko is more of a quiet, gentle lover
- Her main love languages is quality time so she loves to hangout with you every single day, even if its as simple as chatting over tea or as big as going on an adventure to find a stellaron
- Following that it would be gift giving, giving you small but simple gifts of things that you like or reminded her of you
- In the past she has given you
Tea Cups (or Coffee cups if you're a coffee drinker)
Specialized Jewelry
- When she does cuddle its usually whenever you both are in bed getting ready to sleep
- But you don't go to sleep cuddling like that-she'd prefer to hold you a bit before and then sleep separately (although you both are still in the same bed)
- Himekos favourite dates include Coffee/Tea hangouts or Movies
- PDA is okay but only if its the express crew and only a little bit, not full on making out infront of them-holding hands, occasional kisses and hugging is okay. Infront of anyone else she sticks to hand holding or hugging
- Himeko also isn't too jealous as a person, she trusts you won't leave her so she trusts you fully
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- Welt is very similar to Himeko in a loving sense
- Similar to her hes gentle and quiet-not to mention he never gets jealous over you
- One thing he does get is protective, specifically when someones overstepped the boundaries a little bit
- His main love language would be acts of service. Welt loves helping you out whenever you need it, holding the door for you, protecting you from an enemy etc!
- Some gifts he would give you include...
Flowers (lots of flowers)
- Welt loves cuddling whenever you both have free time, specifically either you laying on top of him or the other way around
- If you both wanted to, he would also love to cuddle to sleep
- Some of the dates you guys go on can include:
Teaching you skills
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- Now to be dating firefly you have to know about her being SAM + know the other Stellaron Hunters
- As a lover, Firefly lets you take the lead in the relationship a bit more but she isn't afraid to talk to you about things that are needed
- Her main love language is Words of Affirmation & Gift Giving
- She always loves to say "I love you" or "you're beautiful" or even how cute/adorable/handsome you are
- Other than that we've seen before in the Penacony quest how she loves to give gifts/food to her partners whenever they remind her of them! The same goes with you! Whenever she seems something she think you might like she always goes out to buy it for you
- Which includes pastries, keychains, necklaces and a lot more
- Dates with firefly would occur really anywhere. She's not really known for being wanted like the rest of the hunters so she does have creative freedom-just don't do anything or go anywhere where she would need to activate SAM and you're fine!
- Occasionally she might get a little jealous/question if she deserves you but just talk her out of it and make her understand how much you love her
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- Dating Herta is special since she does have countless copies of herself all over the space station
- You could talk with her at her office and then walk out...BOOM! There's another Herta standing in front of you
- On that note, Herta's main love language is Quality Time!
- It works out since there are many Hertas-even so she wants you to hangout with her main body (the one in her office) the most, so its where you spend most of your day
- Some popular dating spots she'd bring you:
Researching together
Eating lunch together
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- Ruan Mei is a careful lover
- Her love language is Acts of Service & Physical Touch
- Ruan Mei enjoys helping you out with small tasks & she enjoys whenever you help her out aswell
- Physical Touch for her is mainly holding hands while walking and doing various things
- Jealousy doesn't exist in Ruan Mei's books either-why would you leave her for someone you met 0.5 seconds ago? That isn't like you at all
- Dates with her vary, some can include:
Going out for lunch together
Working on science projects/experiments
- Ruan Mei is very protective of you-its like she has a third eye watching you at all times to ensure nothing bad happens to you
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- Fu Xuan's love language is mainly acts of service
- She is very shy with physical affection most of the time, especially if you do something in front of others
- But she will help you out from time to time and occasionally takes your fortune if you wish
- Date spots with Fu Xuan include...
Walks around the Luofu
Combat training to up your skills
Going to an arcade together
- Occasionally she will also give small gifts that she think you'd enjoy, usually its only on special occasions though
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- From what we seen Obsidian likes to cause chaos and start "bloodbaths" as she'd say
- But in a relationship she'd treat you as a Queen/King
- Always paying attention to you, Always doing what you'd like
- Her servants always follow your orders because if they don't well lets just say Obsidian won't be happy
- Having baths together in "blood" is also her favorite activity
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solarsa1nt · 8 months
herta x fem!reader
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Tags — fluff , fear of needles , doctors visit , established herta/reader
Notes — this oneshot is pretty old but decided to upload it on here anyway
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“Do I… Do I have to?” Y/N asks as she sends a wary glance at the needle in the doctor’s hand.
“Yes, you do, now just sit down here—“ The doctor paused to gesture towards the nearby chair, “And it’ll only take a second.”
“But…” A frown makes its way onto her lips, eyes narrowing in hesitation as she briefly considers attempting to flee from the room.
“C’mon.” In one swift motion, Herta grabs Y/N’s hand in hers, pushing her towards the chair before forcing her to sit down.
Cold pale hands lock over warm S/C ones, restraining her from moving in the spot she’s now trapped in.
“Wait! Wait! I’m not—“ Y/N tries to desperately to pry herself free, eyes widening as the doctor steps forward.
Unfortunately for her, due to the fact that Herta is a puppet— and therefore has inhuman strength —she doesn’t even budge at the human’s pitiable attempts.
Y/N buries her head in Herta’s clothes shoulder once the needle pierces her skin.
Herta just seems bored, if anything.
After a brief moment that seemed to stretch on forever from Y/N’s point of view, the doctor pulls away again. All that’s left in the place the needle once was being a small droplet of blood.
“See, it wasn’t that bad.” Herta finally frees her girlfriend, who only returns the words with a disapproving look.
“You didn’t need to hold me down...” Y/N mutters, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.
“You kicked a doctor in the gut last time.”
“That was only once!”
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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nqmonarch · 7 months
Genuinely wanna hear more regarding the No Wish SAHSRAU (Is that how it's spelled?) especially with all the new events that's happened.
Including the Dr Ratio that slid into our DMs.
First, apologies for the wait I took a while doing this request and then also decided not to post anything during the Palestine strike period because free Palestine.
And man, I don't know how it's spelled. I'd assume that's right it's so long though. Also YES Dr. Ratio sliding into our DMs except bro waltzes in and calls us an idiot ;-;
But first! Let's catch up with some of the current crew who is currently in Penacony!
Warning Penacony Spoilers
For the Trailblazer Penacony's been rough... Shortly after the death of their new closest friend, they'd been coerced into talking with Aventurine, and now had to make a decision without consulting any of the Astral Express beforehand. Sure, they were a seasoned adventurer with two missions under their belt but they still have no idea about their past or if they could trust such sketchy people.
"Aventurine, that little rat..." Their ears perked up when they suddenly heard the voice of this presumed Aeon. "I want to knock my fist against his forehead and see if there's a brain in there." The Trailblazer wouldn't try that.
But if you were acting like this maybe Aventurine and Black Swan could be trusted. The Trailblazer forced themselves to relax and tried to show confidence in their eyes. They could do this. It was good you were still by their side in the dreamscape, otherwise... what would they do?
Herta has found it's more difficult to communicate with you than the Aeons. While the Aeons simply didn't want to communicate it was as if there was some sort of wall separating her from you. It was beyond fascinating but it irked her, she wanted to get into contact with you right away. Then, as she was working to implement a simulated version of you into the simulated universe as an Aeon she had a revelation. What if... this was all a game?
Natasha had done it. Recently the eyes glanced off her more often, something she couldn't help but feel disappointed at. But upon one instance when they glanced upon her, she'd taken their warmth in full, and decided to set out. It seemed when these eyes were on her, she improved in nearly every aspect, so maybe her luck would improve as well? Even though it had been a dead end many times before she investigated Vache's worn down laboratory covered by snow searching for research. Except this time, she found something. This Aeon... was strangely benevolent and caring towards mortals.
That's all the updates we have for now on the current characters, in terms of progress. Herta is one smart cookie but who else is one smart cookie? Dr. Ratio!!! That man I love him so much. Sampo is also a potential worrying addition.
Given in the current event you can get either Sampo, Guinaifen, Asta, or Yukong for free, so let's see how they react.
Dr. Ratio
...This was interesting. The plot unfurling behind the scenes of Penacony was to be expected, Aventurine was being a pain in his ass also to be expected, but an Aeon looking at him? A smart Aeon. One who also must hope to purge the world of ignorance! A noble pursuit. Or perhaps, they'd realized their own ignorance and sought to rectify it some of the Aeons were rather lackluster in this manner after all. But they'd likely never change in their ways.
And you're no longer looking at him, that's fine. Is it a bit more chilly in here or is it just him? An interesting side effect of your gaze then, the feeling of warmth. He wondered why that happened, the look of Nanook was dangerous and suffocating, near fatal for any mortal. That of Yaoshi's was said to be sickeningly sweet and suffocating as well. Nous' was cold and calculating, judging your every asset and whether or not you had potential. Everyone had potential, they just had to choose to rid themselves of their ignorance. If the gaze wasn't suffocating maybe... you were a weak Aeon? One that had just formed or had been thought to have died.
Interesting. Aeons, the topic no scholar knew completely about. Herta was researching deeply into them, Dr. Ratio supposed he could always ask her yet he didn't want to feed into her ego. There were other ways to get the information though.
"Hello, hello! Can you all hear me? Good morning fam! And welcome to Little Gui's stream!"
It was then when Guinaifen suddenly felt warmth wash over her. Oh, maybe it was because this stream was her first normal one after all the ghost catching business but she found herself getting flustered...? Flattered...? She wasn't sure exactly how to describe it yet she felt even more energetic than usual! As if she could go on for hours! When she ended her stream, the warmth was still there and she still felt as if she was being watched.
Wait-- wasn't this how people said they felt when they were being watched by an Aeon? Something similar to this right?! If even an Aeon was watching her, she was definitely going to be famous! When Guinaifen went to tell Sushang about this news, she found Sushang had run into the same thing! Weren't the two of them an impressive pair? :)
E1 Asta
Research had been going smoothly, partly thanks to the eyes always observing Asta. With them came the warmth that brought confidence and innovation she felt she wouldn't feel otherwise. But, she could feel the warmth all the time now. She doubted an Aeon would be able to watch her all of the time so had she been blessed? That was good, she was able to focus on all the stars and her research more now and learn more in less time!
But... why did she feel so forlorn? As if she had been deserted? Had you just blessed her and moved on your way? Herta... Herta knew a lot about Aeons maybe she would know something about what had happened to her, maybe she would know if you're still around.
E1 Yukong
Even after it all Yukong wished to return to the skies. Despite failing her comrades, despite all those around her who she'd cared for yet failed to stop their death, despite the burning wreckage she'd had to painstakingly crawl out of. Yukong wished to fly. In this long life where even the things she'd once loved had dulled, the longing to fly was forever there.
The warmth was on her constantly now, she completed her paperwork faster, she created ingenious plans, but what did it matter?
"I want to go back," Yukong had spoken one day out to the silence of the world and when the warmth remained she realized, perhaps she could go back and fly. Maybe... it would be okay. But for now her fear remained, albeit comforted by the sight of an Aeon.
What a strange Aeon, to care so much for a mortal.
Sampo (spoiler warning for Black Swan quest, although I was kind of confused the whole time so some information may be incorrect)
Now this would be fun! Sampo had known he was right, this was only another clue in the right direction! And this Aeon, watcher, player, reader, whomever you were appeared at the perfect time! Whenever your gaze fell upon him, he could feel his speed increase as well as the rest of, if this were to be a game, his "stats." He knew he wasn't crazy, of course he'd never had that idea in the first place! He'd be able to retrieve his mask much easier now, he could deal with you later.
It wouldn't be anything bad, don't worry, Sampo Koski is always happy to have a new business partner and friend :) !
If there's anything else you wanna hear about it I'd be more than happy for ideas cause I love these little guys (the characters) . It's just them living their life except they're stronger and feel as if they can enact their dreams! And maybe they gain a friend or a small crush on the way but hey that doesn't mean anything until Penacony comes out with some tech they worked on with Herta that allows you to visit in your dreams but no way something like that will happen, right?
Also trailblazer is genuinely so stressed like imagine having to make the decisions to save an ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET and you don't even know who the you are or what you've been through, you're genuinely so lost but hey you're alive, somehow.
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chaeyoei · 1 month
Hello :3 ,I had an idea while staying up late (it's 3am) and I was remembering school and so on, so I'm curious if you could write about HSR characters in school (as usual I want Blade and Aventurine;) and other characters if they're male or female (Kafka pls..) And how they act with the reader
All in all, have a good day/night (Any time.)
👀 we'll settle some things down then. Gender Neutral. These are personal opinions and my creative juices aren't flowing well.
Blade borderlines between Class delinquent and Bunker.
Blade was an A grade student but something happened and he lost all motivation and became who is he now.
You can expect school bully traits from him. He and his group are always in detention. It's become a daily basis.
His interaction with you would really just be him not acknowledging you or if you're close to him, he'll share his lunch with you.
Sliver Wolf
Sliver Wolf is the Kid who's going to be developing obbies in Roblox and just be a champion in digital games.
She's going to bunk classes and just grafiti the school wall.
If you ever see the username ChampionSliverWolf_0 in your game, just know that you're losing your one game streak.
She'd call you loser if you're really bad at games (me), and if you make for a good opponents, just expect from her to come up to you and go "Game night at 5 pal" And then leave.
Makima Charm with Monkia's manipulation.
You know this woman is going to make you question your sexuality. She just has that charm. The one girl who's locker would be filled with love letters and roses.
If you ask anyone what they think she'd be in the future, 99 out of 100, you're going to hear model.
I think that her and Blade would be friends which nobody expected to happen but she would give her notes to Blade and in return Blade would protect her from the creeps. (No ship.)
Kafka would either be that one girl you can ask on how to charm your crush and she'll give you tips for some credits ofc.
That one silent and shy girl that can kick ass and give you nasty looks if you bully her or her friends.
She's a goodey two shoes but she'd break rules for her friends.
I'd like to think she has a condition that limits her to have a few friends.
But I think she and Silver Wolf would get along pretty well. Silver Wolf would host a slumber party and invite Firefly, they play Mario kart and monopoly, munch on Cheetos and fall asleep.
Firefly, if you're a good friend would remain lighthearted and shy infront of you but boy if anyone ever bullies you, she's going to kick some ass.
That one kid who already has a business running. Need a pen? That'd be 10 credits, a new notebook? 25 credits. Gum? 5 credits.
He's really popular too. Heck he's somehow friends with the topper Ratio.
i think he'd be a shameless flirt. He'd have those right lines and rizz you up like it's nobody's business.
The Academic weapon. Doesn't even attend the class, shows up in the finals and scores the best with full marks and nobody knows who she even is.
honestly, nothing. She's not even attending. You either don't know her or do.
The popular girl who'd help you do your make up and is just nice. There's a chance that my Seele can crit more than the chance of anyone disliking her on planet Earth.
The most active and the lead of the choir.
She'd help you in everything, whether it'd be studies or getting you into a group.
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Drabble and no long paragraph because my creative spirits have betrayed me like Dan Heng IL not coming home after I spent everything on him.
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deathbxnny · 4 months
Herta, Dr.Ratio, & Ruan Mei with a teen!reader who is a member of the Genius Society! They’re smart and they know they are and like they just shit on Dr.Ratio bc he’s not a member so that means their probably smarter then him they just rub it in his face.
But with like Ruan Mei and Herta they’re an angel (I’m playing fav’s) like always helping with Mei’s projects and running errands for Herta! (Platonic oc!)
(I have sent a lot sorry! I have to many ideas but can’t write…(╥_╥))
Hello Anon!! I don't mind your many asks, especially because I love them all, hehe!! Thank you for this cute request, too, and I hope you'll like this!!<33
Content: Reader just being a bit of a snobby smart-ass, Ratio being over it, fluff, unserious, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Ratio absolutely regrets ever taking you in daily. You were a student of his that was one day just suddenly promoted to being a member of the genius society, after a groundbreaking scientific discovery you made. He was truly proud of you at first, especially as he was your teacher and caretaker ever since you were a small child.
But he'd certainly be lying if he said that he didn't think about putting you up for adoption at least ONCE, whenever you were teasing him relentlessly for essentially being smarter than him. He usually ignored your bullying attempts, knowing that you still needed his mentorship and care anyways, but he couldn't help but still deadpan when you'd giggle and wave your rank right in his face.
He definitely also banned you from his office after you kept on boasting about your grand achievement. You, however, only seemed to stop once he threatened your weekly allowance. Just as expected.
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Herta was less impressed by the whole ordeal, mainly because she obviously expected you to be a member. This, however, doesn't mean that she doesn't appreciate your discoveries as they still helped her out with things on the ship. Since she still is your senior, she also expects to be still respected by you as one, which you ofcourse oblige to gladly. Just because you were announced to be a genius, didn't mean that you weren't still a kid in your mentors care.
With that said, the only visible change she gave you after your little promotion was more high-profile errands, which required alot more effort than usual. She figured it was enough to showcase her "congratulations", whilst also making clear that you were still a child.
She wants you to see this accomplishment more as a beginning to your long and very much successful career so that you don't begin to slack off thinking that this was it. Quite the contrary, as she knew you could do even better than that. Trying to be a smartass with her wouldn't work anyways, as her puppets suddenly turn deaf whenever you try and "outsmart" her in anything.
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Her only awknowledgement to your achievement was a simple pat on your head and a gentle hum of praise before she handed you more worksheets to fill out on her most recent creations. It wasn't that she didn't care, but with her mind drifting through endless different projects she had to complete, you knew that her earlier actions spoke on her pride for you more than any words ever could.
She also showcases her appreciation for your new rank by letting you in on rather personal and more challenging little projects of hers. She confides in you more, not afraid anymore to overwhelm you with complicated calculations or complex questions.
This, however, means that you are often now also contemplating things like she does, mainly as she was the one to mentor you through all of those years to begin with. She wants you to learn more, see more, and think outside of the capability of the genius society in order to further your own future projects more easily. She also knew that you need to be pushed even harder now in your younger years before your rank made you lazy. She's thankfully alot more softer and slower with her methods than Herta is.
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Alrighttt... thank you again for the cute request and I hope this was okay for you!!<33
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hyperfixat · 7 months
part three wooowooo this is like. half rushed. urgh. i want to get to the good part already but that can’t happen until i establish a world that it can happen in. she is a bit short this time around, uh i don’t have an excuse, bcs this is probably my least fav location/character bunch ☹️ i still like them but its a bit flat whatever just read it if u want
shortest chap. yet… 2.5k> words… [melts] on the bright side this ‘book’ or ‘series of events’ ..whatever has over 10k words now!!
< prev .. next >
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** Written PRE 1.6 – Any mentions of new characters is pure speculation and or headcanons.
“I guess we have to talk to Ms Herta now,” Caelus sighs.
Part of you wonders why Caelus is so intimidated by Herta’s puppets. Maybe he has Pediophobia or something? The other part of you is intimidated at the prospect of meeting the eighty-third member of the Genius Society.
“I’m sure Herta will provide us with valuable insight regarding,” Welt says your name, “situation.”
Dan Heng has his nose buried into his phone screen, the dim light from the screen lights his face up, highlighting the planes as his eyes flicker from side to side as he reads. March slides into the spot next to him and you, grabbing for the half full coffee pot at the table.
“Ugh, how long till the warp jump?” March’s voice is grouchy as she stirs in a pod of creamer to her cute Pompom mug. She sways in her spot a little and her hand pauses for a second before she comes back to herself.
Dan Heng doesn’t look up, “two hours.” March lets out a dramatically anguished moan.
You had spent the night in Himeko’s room, it’s cozy and elegant like a hotel room. It’s the best way you think to describe it; beautifully decorated and clean, yet lived in. She let you share the bed with her and borrow a night shirt – after the day on the Lofou your lack of clothes was quite distressing. You were stinky and smelly from a busy day, and in desperate need of a shower and Himeko was your saving grace.
The ship stopping at Herta’s Space Station is useful regarding your (lack of) clothes, seeing as there should be plenty of regulation uniforms for you to wear until you accumulate a wardrobe of your own. (Luckily Caelus being an androgynous inhuman, somewhat recently synthesized being had a clean pack of proper undergarments for you to have.)
You had taken your retreat from Himeko’s room when she started brewing her (in)famous coffee.
Caelus puts their head in their hands, fingertips grasping at the gray strands loosely.
“Why are you so… scared, intimidated by Herta?” you breach their stupor, making them offer you a weak smile.
“I’m not scared of her per say, but she can be so brash, and I never know if I’m talking to an active puppet,” they sigh, “seriously she has so many puppets all over the station that it’s creepy like one per room. She does not need that many. It’s just that she’s hard to deal with sometimes, all geniuses are I’m told.”
Taking a deep gulp from her mug, March smacks her lips, “with you with us, I’m sure Herta will give us the time of day.” She smiles at you, still sleepy.
You aren’t sure what to make of Herta Space Station when the Astral Express arrives, the tracks are almost deserted save for a few spare workers. March hooks her arm around yours as your group traverses the grand place. There are some nearly deserted hallways that echo your footsteps, where the lights flicker and the only sound is your collective’s walking; just as there are some that are beyond packed, making you shrink into the center of the group, away from all the new sounds, scents, and people.
Sometimes you come across a Herta doll, prompting one of you to walk up and attempt to initiate a conversation with her, before walking off when she doesn’t react, idly staring blankly. It gives you the time to appreciate the craftsmanship Ms Herta put into the puppets. Their eyes are unlike any dolleyes that you saw on Earth, the glassy sheen over them glowing faintly. The joints look sturdy, as in some of the crowded rooms you saw some staff bump into her with decent force, making no movement from the collision.
“I guess we go to the room for the Simulated Universe testing,” Caelus suggests.
“Sounds good,” Welt affirms.
You wonder why you aren’t using any waypoints, maybe it was simply a game mechanic? You did see a Space Anchor when you were getting off the train….
The guards see Caelus approaching and tap on their wristbands simultaneously and the door’s to the testing room open up.
Herta’s eyes track over you and the other passengers, “I take it you’re not here to test the Simulated Universe?”
“No, not right now. Actually we came here because we thought you might be able to provide some insight to our situation right now. Besides, it concerns you as well.”
“Oh, and your strange guest? I take it they’re the center of this situation.” Herta stares straight into your soul with those doll eyes, making you shift behind Welt a little further. “Get on with it, don’t waste my time.”
“Wait!” March jumps in, “we need to gather a few more people!”
Herta sighs and her doll does an almost eye roll. “I’ll be here, or just get whatever doll is closest.” She sounds exasperated.
Asta is the easiest to find, not too far from Herta’s testing room. She’s standing where you usually find her in-game, looking at her phone, texting someone. She looks up when your group approaches her, giving you all an inviting smile.
“Hey there, trailblazers! Anything I can help you with?”
Her hair is really pretty, you note, the braid is tight against her scalp and it looks like she puts a lot of care into maintaining her look. You decide to subtly move away from the back of the group to stand next to Dan Heng and Caelus as they talk to her, explaining that she should follow them for an important meeting.
“Oh, and who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met before. Hi, I’m Asta, lead researcher here at the Herta Space Station.” Asta thrusts her hand forward for you to take, you do, introducing yourself in turn. “It’s lovely to meet you. Will you be a part of this meeting as well?”
“They will.” Dan Heng nods, corralling Asta into your party to head off to search for the next and final person, Arlan. “Do you know where Arlan is right now Ms Asta, he’s the last one that will be joining us.”
“Hm, I think he was talking with Adler, something about a missing Wubbaboo?”
“That kid…,” Caelus mutters under his breath, though it sounds more fond than annoyed, like one would talk about an annoying little sibling.
It takes a while to catch Arlan, you all find him coming out of the elevator on the second layer of the storage zone, close to where you first arrived. You convince him to join you and set off to look for one of Herta’s puppets to talk to.
“Hello? Helloooo?” March 7th waves her hand back and forth in front of the doll’s face and huffs when it doesn't react. Just when she's about to give up the doll jolts and Herta’s voice comes out of the voice box.
“I’m here. I’m here, what is it?”
“Asta, Arlan, you might want to sit down,” Dan Heng suggests kindly. “It might be a bit shocking.”
“Hm?” Asta tilts her head, eyes carefully decoding the emotion on his face, before taking the initiative to lean against the wall.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you~!” March laughs, before Welt and Himeko bring the proper air of authority to the situation and begin helping you explain that they’re video game characters, you don’t belong here, and may need their help to get back home. At some point Herta’s doll stops its idle motions, but the light behind the eyes shows she’s still there, listening.
Arlan desperately looks at Asta, then you, then Caelus, as if at any moment you’ll all start laughing about how he definitely believed you for a moment. When that moment doesn’t come he takes a place with his back against the wall next to his pink haired superior.
There’s a block of quiet as they all process the bomb you’ve dropped on them, before Herta cuts into it, saying your name. “I’d like to speak with you, in person. Not now, I’ll have Caelus schedule it, but I may be able to offer some… wisdom.”
“Oh, that’s much appreciated, Ms Herta. Thank you,” you nod at her.
“Don’t be thanking me yet,” and at the mildly ominous words she promptly goes offline.
Hm. That’s not exactly reassuring, but it could always have been worse.
With the whole conversation thing done and dusted for everyone on the spaceship, you take a lone walk, breathing in the somewhat stuffy air, searching for any inner wisdom that could come from time alone without distraction.
Your mind doesn’t provide much thought, though being alone with yourself after so many eventful moments – spanning so close together too, gosh – is therapeutic in of itself. Only when it begins to get to the point of eerily quiet in the part of the station you’d wandered into does a small ‘yip’ sound at the end of the hall from whence you came. Spinning on your heel you spot a small, white and awfully cute dog.
You gasp in elation, kneeling where you stand and holding out your hand hoping the dog will come trotting over to greet you, it does, to your excitement, letting out another woof before following through.
“Hello there, little guy,” you coo at the dog, smiling as it yips happily at your soft touch.
Distantly echoing you here what you think is Arlan’s voice echoing down the halls, he sounds far. You lift your gaze away from Peppy as another echoing call arrives.
“Peppy!” you lift your eyebrow at the dog, giving it a skeptical look, almost as if it knows what you’re attempting to portray it averts it’s gaze, eyes flicking to the side.
An out-of-breath Arlan comes speeding down the hall, only stopping upon seeing you and the target he was searching for.
“There you are, Peppy. Lady Asta was looking all over for you,” he scolds the dog gently. “Sorry about this…” Arlan talks to you, bending in front of you to pick up the fluffy dog. His hands almost disappear into Peppy’s coat when he picks the dog up. “I hope Peppy didn’t cause you any grief?”
“They’re a sweet thing,” you laugh, petting the dog in his arms. Arlan smiles at you, verbally expressing his agreement.
Herta Space Station was fun to explore, and by the time your body begins to feel the wear of the day you aren’t far from a Space Anchor… hmm, you wonder if you could utilize it to make the trip back to the express much easier.
You walk up to the geometric floating object and hesitate before placing a hand on the surprisingly cool ring of gold around it. There’s no one around to hear the sound of alarm you let out when your entire vision is taken over by a bird’s eye map of the station. Oh! It’s just like the game, relief fills you at that.
Now, all you need to do is: click on the Pompom waypoint that will take you to the express and… your vision then goes white and you feel your legs fall.
This time someone is around to hear the sound you make as you crash and tumble into the carpet of the Astral Express. That someone being Pompom. Well. At least you managed to teleport.
Speaking of Pompom they were watering some of the plants over by the passenger log, but when you came in they jump, falling to the ground themself, landing on their furry butt with a huff. “HEY! Don’t scare Pompom like that!”
“Sorry, sorry,” you clasp your hands into a steeple; as if praying for forgiveness. “I didn’t know what would happen:” a half truth, as you had your expectations.
They brush their clothes off and you help them to their feet. You yawn then, holding a hand over your mouth.
“Have any of the others returned yet?”
“No. Pompom has been waiting for the first arrival to start making lunch,” the shuffle their paws together in a way that is sure to look dignified and professional, but from your perspective looks adorable. “Speaking of, the first passenger to return sometimes offers to assist the conductor….”
You pick up what they are putting down, as the idiom goes. “I can help in that case!”
You assist Pompom in the train’s kitchen. For a creature like them they’re quite purposeful with their movements, not that you have any reference of how a creature like them would usually move. That is to say they’re good in the kitchen. The rabbit(thing?) wears the cutest little bonnet and gloves to avoid getting fur into the meal, and tasks you with some simple chores to prepare the meal.
Cooking with Pompom is overall a fun and positive experience, and luckily the rest of the crew arrive just in time to eat. You all sit down around the dining cart’s table to discuss the day’s events and your future plans.
“The station is very clean. I like it,” you start the small talk the best you can.
“Indeed, the staff are very diligent,” Dan Heng nods.
There’s the scrape of utensils against plates and March speaks up, “so Jarlio VI tomorrow?”
“That is the plan,” Welt affirms. “Unless,” his eyes glint under the overhead lighting as they meet yours, “there have been any last minute change of plans.”
“Nope, we should be set.” You nod, feeling warm under the older man’s gaze.
“Well then, that settles it, Jarlio VI is tomorrow’s destination. All this adventuring isn’t meant for someone my age…” his last sentence is quieter and followed by a heavy sigh.
Himeko covers up a giggle with a bite of food, and March looks at you with mirth in her eyes.
“Jarilo-VI, here we come!” She finally laughs, lifting her glass in a mimicry of a toast. The rest of the table joins in, lifting their cups as well.
Jarilo-VI, here we come.
tags (comment or leave an ask to join) : @leafanonsforest @c00kie-cat @andromeda-gay
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strwbmei · 10 months
Herta Anon here:
Hu Tao and Furina threesome. Thoughts? :3
Furina is unexpectedly very obedient. She might act all high and mighty, but as soon as either of you say the word— she's on her knees before she can even make sense of them like a well-trained pet. And well-trained, she is! Furina always makes sure to remember what pleases the two of you the most. At least, while she isn't too fucked out to make sense of anything. You can't go too rough on her, though! Her delicate body has been spoiled and pampered by almost everyone around her; it can't take much before she's trying to crawl away from the two of you because of the overstimulation. Poor girl might actually break if you go too hard...
It probably goes without saying, but Hu Tao tops Furina. One stark difference they have, though— is how much of a sheer brat she is. As a top, she's a tease through and through; bringing the poor archon close to release before taking it away from her almost effortlessly. As a bottom This woman is not submitting to you. At least, not without a fight. She claims that's exactly what makes it more fun. If you're not pinning her down and angrily leaving marks all over her body while degrading her for being a bad girl that gets off on getting punished, then what's the point? Unlike Furina, Hu Tao can take it as rough as you want. Rather, you know Hu Tao is only such a brat precisely because she wants someone to put her back in her rightful place. <3
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 6 months
Hello!! I really love your work, since I saw Honkai Star Rail... You can write then can I ask you to write Caelus x fem reader who is from Herta Space Stations.
That's all please write it, since it is my first time writing this.
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭.
𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩.
𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴.
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You were one of the Herta space station members that helped out Asta... Well, you most likely are good at self-defence enough to defeat some of the attackers but... It wasn't enough when you were surrounded.
That day was as clear as water... The Trailblazer who came to save you on time.
With a smash of his bat the monster disappears.
"Hey... Are you alright?" His voice asked you as your gaze fell up and nodded while holding the cards close to you.
He doesn't know why you have cards on you not until March 7th hugged you.
"Y/n!! I thought I would not see you again after we got separated!" She said while snuggling closer to your neck as you smiled a bit reassuring March that you were fine.
"..." Caelus stood awkwardly as he took notice of your appearance... Your h/c hair was not that rare among the people present but your eyes was simply e/c coloured with the pupils been green clover like.
"Who... May you be?" You asked unsurely as March smile and beckon hit Caelus in the back who flinch.
"My name's Caelus"
"He seems to have short-term memory loss... Say y/n have you ever seen him on the space station?" March asks as you stare at Caelus who... Somehow feel slightly flustered by your unblinking stare yet you quickly smile.
"No I have not... But I guess I don't look around much"
"I suppose... Where were you heading off to?" March asked as you told her you were heading to the storage room to take some supplies for taking care of the repairmen.
"We were going to the elevator," March said as you nod.
"I'm sure Himeko and all will be there"
"Be sure to come since we don't often stay in space station we have a lot to chat about!" March said as you smile softly and nod.
"Be careful on your way... Both of you" you replied as March smiled brightly and waved while walking away while Caelus stood unsurely..
You tilt your head to side confuse as he smiles a bit, "sorry for the trouble... But..."
"I was wondering if-"
"Caelus! Hurry before more monsters come!" Match shouted as Caelus sweatdrop and shook his head slightly.
"Can we meet again?"
"Huh? Sure... I will be present at the space stations"
Caelus smile and walk away waving as you stood there slight confuse yet quickly left to get the supplies.
"Asta... The supplies are brought..." You said as Asta beamed happily and ask if you were in short of trouble or not... In slightly worried tone.
As you told her about what have happen, as Himeko smile and thank for the contribution which make you flustered.
"I have done the task given by the others" a voice interrupted as you turn to notice Caelus whose eyes widen slightly yet he quickly smiles at you then face at Asta.
"I'm sure we have some time to spare" March said as Dang Heng nod in acknowledgement.
You smile and nod about to ask how they are after facing off the other enemies.
Until the alarmed went red.
As the enemies try to attack neutralizing all defence.
"Take the express and leave" Asta said as the others nod Caelus eyes flickered on yours as you told them to leave immediately to the express.
"Y/n Tell the others to Evacuate quickly"
"On it Asta" you replied and rush away to evacuate the others people who cannot fight or defend themselves.
With a swift of your card you make the enemy into a card of glass that shatter defeating them.
As you immediately help around for others to leave.
"Miss Herta welcome back" you replied in relief that the strongest enemy was defeated by The Trailblazers.
"Y/n! You seem like you have drank a lot of caffeine" Herta mention as you smile a bit.
"I guess so... Miss Himeko will be upstairs"
"Well... I surely hope things will settle. Take a rest you need it... Beside if one of the fighter lose its strength I can't fight off all you know"
"Alright Miss Herts I will... Keep in mind to rest"
Herta left as March ended up taking you to chat as you found out Dang Heng was helping Arlan.
As Caelus was helping Herta in simulating universe of sortm
As you ended up taking slight break with March who told you about her journey of recent travels.
"I can manage" you replied to Caelus who shook his head and hold onto the supplies.
"I want to help as much as I can"
"That's... Very kind of you" you said smiling abit as Caelus smile back helping you out on the works.
"If I'm not wrong you are leaving in express right?" You asked as Caelus said he doesn't know and haven't decided yet.
"What about you? Will you leave if you get the chance?"
"Well yes... I want to go around the universe.."
Caelus nod while in thought and ask, "so why not travel together?"
You quickly refused.
He was confuse by your dismissal.
He later on even ask March, Himeko, Mr Yang and even Dang Heng about you.
"Seem like someone have a crush" Said March teasing Caelus who quickly refused.
He find out you help around the space station ad worker too... And you also fight.
Herta also seems to speak fondly of you.
There are two type of Caelus ending.
One yandere as he fall deeply for you second normal crush ending.
In yandere ending he will stay back in Herta space station leading to the missing of the astral express which you were disheartened by the fact they may have died.
Caelus will often stay beside you and help around and in no time become closest to you.
One way or another Herta will find out but for her it doesn't matter if Caelus like you too much.
As long as he is not a murderer thanfully he isn't.
Unless someone push his button to the point of harming you then let's say some monster present have killed that person.
No one will know eventually.
It is either that person is too... Rude and make people life difficulty.
As somehow you may or may not be fall in love with him.
Which can go good or bad way...
In normal ending
He will text you often while in astral express.
He will try to be much more into texting and all if he is busy on worlds he won't be able to talk for two or three days.
I think this one have more likely to be delusional type to think you also like him a lot.
I mean who will reply to someone who often bother? And he will surely purpose you one day when he returns back to space station.
A:n- that's all good day/night to all
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sapphiclofter · 2 months
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Original by 啊泽 Translation by me
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barelylivingscholar · 9 months
“Herta, with a childhood bestie who is in Genius Society as well…”
Crack post. Don't ask what I was on while making this... - You and Herta met during kindergarten, whereas you would act as her “research assistant” in her tiny experiments which would evolve into something else pretty soon… How did Herta ask you into becoming her assistant? You basically won the idgaf war regarding her attitude and that pretty much sums up how you two became “friends”. - At first, it was strictly business. But over time… You got her involved in many of your chaotic ideas and experiments that you would do whenever she’s out and about… Somehow, she would always catch you in the act… 😃😃😃 Be it be… Feeding the warp trotter with your latest invention that’s named “Scooby Snacks.” 😈😈😈 It ended up with the trotter becoming hyperactive… Or, that time when you said you wanted to test if you could go to the moon without using oxygen and just by using a trampoline… Yeah… 😬😬😬 It was pretty embarrassing but it worked! But you ended up in the hospital for days since… Y’know…   - Fast forward to when you guys were teenagers, you grew up to be a chaotic scientist that would usually either… A. Do experiments that would either end up in flames or something will go wrong or B. Do experiments whereas people expect it to flop 🤢🤮 but it didn’t??? 🤨🤨🤨Okay but you slayed??? Somehow??? So yeah, a mixture of yay or nays, while Herta went off to become that bitch by whipping up experiments that have a 100% success rate like okay queen pop off! You were proud of your bestie despite the attitude she gives you while the two of you collaborate on research… 🙄🙄🙄 Oh, and you get to like, have some of her “leftovers” meaning, her research that was unfinished because she, quote — unquote “lost interest” like girl what is you doing??? 🤨🤨🤨 - Anyways another time skip and she got invited to the genius society and you guys were now old while she went off to become famous for her contributions, you on the other hand, was also famous but… Not in the way you expected… It was the memes, the iconic interviews you did with other people, and the contributions that you made that made no sense but YOU made it have sense… 💅💅💅Idk where I’m going with this but POV: You are famous for the memes not for your contributions lol. So… You got invited by Nous too, slayyyyyy 💅💅💅and Herta invited you along with some random people, like president robot, cake lady who somehow magically always have cake wherever she goes, and kid who plays games 24/7… You were confused about the lineup but sat down on that chair anyways… So, Herta invited you to become a part of the simulated universe project and you were like??? The f am I going to do in the project??? Troll the beta testers???And then… Herta looked at you seriously 😈😈😈 and said, yes. So now you’re a part of the team, you ended up talking with the president robot, side eyeing the lady with the cake so she gives you more cake, and trolling the kid who does not touch grass in his games…
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c0rrupt4 · 3 months
silly yap session of my story/fanfic ideas, pls don't take my ideas as I'm planning on writing these soon.
Megumi x femboy reader
I got this idea when I started watching Kakegurui like over a year ago So essentially Megumi. He was sent on a solo mission before the Shibuya incident. It was planned to be a quick mission. All Megumi had to do was figure out why so many people in this particular school were sorcerers. One major thing Gojo conveniently left out was the fact that this school was a gambling den for students NO this is not a crossover fic I'm just taking the overall theme alas Megumi's time at the school led him to become friends with reader, perhaps they will become more... or will become enemies in this gamble called life.
Dr.Ratio or Adventurine x swarm hybrid male reader.
[insert character choice] had to stop by Herta's space station for business with Ruan Mei. Upon entering into her labs to chat with her only to notice Ruan Mei wasn't there. So they took the chance too look around. [insert character choice] noticed a humanoid figure in an incubation pod, unfortunately, they made the mistake of tapping on it. Causing the reader to burst out. Now they have reader following them around like a lost puppy madly in love with them.
Teen Geto x Female Yandere reader Geto had saved reader one day but unknowingly to him just got himself a number one fan. this one will 100% be a short story full of drabbles and scenes of reader being a general yandere. meow thank chu for all the love on my Prey series
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imeriayapping · 2 months
hey ohmygosh all ur wips sound so cool :)
if you don't mind I'd love to hear abt ur colton x logan uni au and the lando + loscar please <3
Okay so Colton and logan one started totally just as my delusion when i started getting into indycar and connected dots that didn't even exist, like only time of them even being at the same place that i found so far was 2012 supernational karting competition in Vegas. at least they follow eachother on insta which is something
But they make so much sense to me. Fratboy logan that got dragged to a garage concert by his best friend Kyle????where kyle plays on guitar in the same band as Colton???? And Kyle makes them interact???? It works so well.
Also calm logan + drama queen Colton is just a chief kiss of a dynamic on top of indy grange band drummer x frat boy
I'm thinking on making a subplot of them doing karting together without knowing who the other one is so then when they find out (while talking like normal when they have hangouts together with kyle or something, generally just talking to eachother normally) they r like????? IT'S YOU???
But i didn't think further than that yet so here you go :p
And for another one - it's pretty simple, loscar are in relationship from even before f1 started. Oscar also have some form of crush on lando and logan is aware of it and ok with it. Lando is kinda bad with defining platonic feelings from romantic ones but he likes oscar well enough either way.and he's kinda indifferent about Logan, like sure they know eachother since forever but it never was close, just acquaintances.
And then Logan does a thing like landing him his glasses because room they are in or giving his headphones when it's end of the day and everything is loud in a bad way. It's very confusing to lando so he goes to logan to ask (using returning his glasses as an excuse) and Logan just simply sais that it's just little things that he remembers from their time in karting and oscar likes lando very much so he tries to make some effort too, and it's not like that's too much work, just little details to remember.
But it does mean a lot to lando bc dealing with adhd is hard and even these little things help enormously. So he in turn start paying attention to Logan too, noticing how sweet and caring he is. And then oscar gives him a present for his birthday and it contains his favourite childhood candies and lando is very confused how oscar can possibly know about them and he just says that logan helped him prepare the present.
It feels lando with so much affection for both of them that he wants to explode and that was his clue that feeling that he have for both of them for quite some time probably aren't platonic anymore
And with time after that realisation all their hangouts start include more cuddles and some kisses later on too
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Hello, it's me again ehe (the one who requested for Herta and Silverwolf).
Anyways, may I request for Herta and Silverwolf again? Modern au Where their s/o is a streamer?
Thank you!
SORRY FOR MAKING THIS SO LATE! I'm gonna make a habit of posting requests on weekends, so if you request something expect it to come out between Friday-Sunday PST.
Characters: Herta and Silverwolf
CW: None
Theme: Reader is a streamer headcannons
Reader: Gender Neutral Streamer
A/U: Modern Au
Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help their s/o being an internet live streamer
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When you told Hera about being a internet live streamer, she was a bit confused.
She didn't really spend much time on the internet to understand most things other than looking up information for a project she was working on or music.
So she had you explain the concept of what an internet streamer was.
You just showed Herta to explain by having her join you during on of your streams.
This helped her so much to gain the understanding and she was shocked to see how many people around the world watched you play games and such.
Herta made it her priority to be your number one fan as well as to help you with any technical needs.
Broken computer? No problem, Herta is already working on a new one for you.
Broken webcam? Leave it to Herta to fix it and make it so much better than before.
Any technical difficulties during a stream? Herta is already on the case to help solve it.
You sometimes have her on stream and she gets caught up on how the audience seems to love her.
She doesn't understand why they do but it makes her happy she gets to be apart of your community.
Sometimes she explains her inventions and ideas on stream and is shocked about the amount of people who are interested.
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Silver Wolf knows what an internet streamer is but didn't think much of it when you told her.
She does ask about what content you focus on and if the community you're involved in is pretty popular or not.
When you ask her to join one of your streams, she's hesitant.
She says she'll join through the chat and not show her face or anything on account of her being a hacker.
Silver Wolf does like how natural the whole streamer thing comes to you and she thinks you look cute.
She also keeps tabs on certain fans that either trash talk you or seem to stalk you.
How? Hacking their profile and seeing what they're like.
Silver Wolf would also be someone who would help with technical difficulties but would go overboard with upgrades.
She'll enhance your webcam to produce a quality no one even knew existed.
She'll also add so many upgrades to your pc set up so you can keep tabs on so many things and play games with zero stutter or lag.
Silver Wolf acts more like a moderator for your streams to make sure you stay safe and that no one hurts you.
This especially shows with haters and rule breakers which chats are immediately not seen and they never get to see you stream ever again.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
Yanqing, Jing Yuan, Herta, and Kafka with an Emanator of Finality!Reader who follows HoFi!Kiana because I firmly believe that Kiana is Terminus (Aeon of Finality)!
Also, they're friends with Elio (Elio confirmed to be also an Emanator of Finality but maybe I'm wrong) just because they can.
A/N: I had to look up the lore surrounding the concept of this, so if I got this completely wrong, then I'm so sorry, I did my best to understand. Also thank you for the request!<33
Content: Fluff, established relationship, some lore Spoilers??, angst if you squint hard enough, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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She'd absolutely want to know everything about you and conduct some experiments on your abilities, if you agree ofcourse. You give her the opportunity to learn more about a world that is still so vague and unexplainable even to her and she's most grateful for that.
She'd love to see you use your powers in her simulated universe and often gives you her odd backhanded compliments, that she however actually means well. Don't be surprised, if you find plenty of notes and files on you either. It's all in the name of sience ofcourse.
She's not afraid to voice her distate of Elio and will make sure to take up all of your time to keep you away from him. She doesn't want you to get hurt and doesn't trust him with you at all. Arguing with her on this is also useless, as she loves you way too much to listen.
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She's already familiar with the concept of your abilities and therefore doesn't make all too much of a fuss about it. Though she can't hide her excitement, whenever she sees how powerful you are. It's something she is proud of, when it comes to having you as a s/o, and she isn't shy to compliment you for your abilities either to the point of flustering you.
She likes fighting by your side, mainly because it makes her stronger and makes her feel much more safer. She feels unstoppable and is near addicted to your power. She'll teasingly call you her protect you and keep you close to her at all times.
She ofcourse doesn't mind your friendship with Elio and generally even uses it to her own advantage for whenever she wants to spend more off days with you.
》Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan was a little concerned about the source of your abilities at first, but eventually began to accept that they were a part of you. He trusts you and knows you won't ever use them for anything evil or bad, which calms his worries however.
He likes to see your abilities in battle and often proudly smirks to himself, knowing that someone as powerful as you is his dear s/o. He loves to secretly therefore show you off to others, just to remind them who you belong to. He'll also like listening to you tell him more about your abilities, which makes him mentally wonder how to use it best in any upcoming battles.
He absolutely does not approve of your friendship with Elio and will try calmly telling you so. He doesn't want to control who you're friends with, but this is an exception to him. He doesn't want you to get hurt or used, so he'll slowly try you to get you to distance yourself from Elio for your own safety.
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Yanqing doesn't question your abilities much and just happily accepts them as a part of you. He enjoys watching you fight and use your abilities, mainly because he finds them just that fascinating. He also always eagerly listens to you, whenever you tell him about your powers.
Yanqing will ask you to train with him often, as he sees you as a worthy and perfect opponent. You don't have the heart to tell him, that you hold back alot of your powers to not hurt him in the process, but he thankfully never notices either. He's just happy to spend time with you.
He doesn't know much about Elio, but after asking his Master about him, he decides that he's not a suitable friend for you. Yanqing would never force you to do anything, but he still voices his worries and fear about your friendship. The last things he wants, is to lose you, after all.
A/N: I hope this was okay! I'm sorry if I got it wrong and thank you again for the request!<33
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perfectpuppet · 1 year
// the day herta gets ship art im gonna explode. someone please date grandma (would she have any time for you or be able to be a good wife god no but i wanna see her be kissed so sue me)
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areislol · 3 months
being transported into their world
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►— pairings. honkai star rail men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. nothing really, not proof read 🙅🏻‍♀️, caelus is the trailblazer, romantic but you can see it was platonic if you want to! girls in the astral express are mentioned for a bit, i mentioned both dan heng and imbibitor lunae so don't mind that! mentions of self attempt/bodily harm for blade, boothill is ooc probably, spoilers of penacony quest, skipping herta space station (will be mentioned in other chapters though!), sahau (self aware honkai au)
►— synopsis. their beloved creator, the one who created many worlds, including theirs, had yet to return after thousands of years. but lately, they've been experiencing strange things, feeling like a heavenly, divine figure loomed over them. could it possibly be their one and only creator?
►— a/n. i've been thinking about a self-aware au but a honkai star rail version for a couple of weeks now after my reverse isekai'd genshin sagau series. also this may be a bit biased towards dang feng (imbibitor lunae) because uh i like him, maybe you can tell?
►— wordcount. 4.5k
part 2
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for days they've felt uncomfortable, well, slightly. it only began to happen a couple of months ago when they felt as if something, no... someone was controlling their every movement and choice.
during their adventures, they felt an unsettling sensation creep upon them like a shadow in the night—a feeling of being watched, of a presence looming over their every move.
the presence was overwhelming, their body would stiffen, and they felt as if something like a heavy, invisible blanket was casted upon them.
at first, the passengers in the astral express dismissed it as mere paranoia, attributing it to the heightened tension of their journey or maybe the warping effects in the train. but as days passed and the sensation persisted, they couldn't shake off the unnerving feeling that they were not alone, that someone or something was observing their every action.
at times, they would catch fleeting whispers carried by the wind, faint voices that echoed in the corners of their minds. yet, despite their efforts, they could never make out the words, the words slipping through their grasp like elusive dreams.
as the feeling grew more pronounced, thoughts began to gnaw at their consciousness. who or what could possibly be speaking to them? why is it that every now and then they would feel a sudden boost and surge of power?
they knew deep down that the only being in the universe could make them feel that was,it could be no other than their creator.
the mere thought that their creator was dropping hints of their arrival was exciting. and only when the astral express crew noticed how each and every one of them felt the same exact things—looking around the moment they heard a voice, their body in sync as they tensed up... it was all too coincidental not to notice.
as they talked with one another and pieced the puzzle pieces together, using the information they found along the way travelling to each region, it all became clear.
it was a pivotal moment in their journey, the truth was revealed. in a flash of realization, they discovered that the presence they felt, the elusive voice they heard, was none other than their creator—the architect of their existence, the mastermind behind their trials and tribulations.
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dan heng, himeko, welt, march and caelus had a hunch that it was their beloved creator, it couldn't be anyone else. everything added up, everything made sense. they acted like mad scientists, scurrying to their rooms and digging around every nook and cranny of their room, finding any evidence and papers that mentioned you, the creator.
as they all met up back on the train they carefully placed each and every newspaper and article about you. they had to make sure that it was really you. some of the articles that dan heng bought were from way back, thousands of years ago, he refused to tell anyone where he had gotten them from.
"in the vast expanse of the universe, where time flowed like a meandering river and galaxies danced in an eternal cosmic ballet, there existed a being unlike any other—a being known simply as a creator. born out of the primordial chaos, the creator was a solitary entity who traversed the endless void, seeking purpose in a universe devoid of meaning.
for millennia, the creator roamed the expanse, witnessing the birth and death of stars, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the ebb and flow of cosmic energies. yet, amidst the vastness of space and time, the creator found itself consumed by an overwhelming sense of ennui, a profound boredom that gnawed at their very essence.
then, the creator embarked on a journey of creation—a quest to fill the void with worlds of its own design, to sculpt realities from the raw clay of the cosmos. with a mere thought, the creator breathed life into barren planets, adorned them with oceans and mountains, and populated them with a myriad of creatures both strange and wondrous.
as creator delved deeper into their newfound passion, they discovered a love for the act of creation—a love that transcended time and space, a passion that ignited a fire within its soul. with each world it fashioned, each story it crafted, the creator found solace in the act of shaping reality, in the sheer joy of bringing something new into existence.
for six thousand years, the creator laboured tirelessly, weaving tapestries of worlds and galaxies, each one a testament to its boundless imagination and creative prowess. from the smallest blade of grass to the mightiest empires, the creator poured their heart and soul into every facet of creation, infusing each world with a unique charm and character all its own.
yet, amidst the infinite expanse of its creations, the creator remained a solitary figure—a godlike being adrift in a sea of its own making, forever yearning for companionship in a universe devoid of peers. and so, the creator continued their eternal quest, weaving worlds out of boredom and growing a love and passion for creation that would endure for eternity. and we, this universe, was crafted by none other than the creator, the place we call home. it is said that only after six thousand will the creator return to us, to watch over us once more."
the article itself looked worn, it wasn't signed by anyone, and no one knew who wrote it, or how they got the information. but it seemed plausible. millenniums... it has been well over six thousand years, it was about time the creator descended.
they had to be prepared, they had to tell the rest of their friends and families, the world. as much as they would like to keep the information to themselves they knew that you deserved a much better, bigger and more beautiful welcome.
sampo, gepard and luka were more than stunned and nervous, to say the least. their creator... was finally returning back? upon hearing the news from caelus they were sceptical at first, deep down they really wanted to see you in your glory, to finally meet the creator, but at the same time, it was nerve-wracking.
what should they say? what should they do in preparation and celebration? what gifts and offers should they give to you? nothing would do. they were positive that anything they bought, even if it got them in debt, would suffice. you deserved more than a measly couple of dishes and the most delicate and fitting garnets.
it was embarrassing really, their hearts racing as they tried their best to think of what to bring to your feet. but one thing they all had in common was their loyalty to you. if it was their life you wanted then so be it.
sampo is sampo, he was sure that his creator's glory and attractiveness were over the top, he would be sure to compliment you as many times as his mouth could allow, but he was sure that your beauty would be intimidating. no matter your looks your presence was more than enough.
gepard is nervous. his mind is full of "what ifs" and "what should i.." not even his sister can calm him down. every morning and night when he closes his eyes he's anticipating the day his sister barges into his room, yelling that the creator had finally descended. although he isn't quite sure of what to offer you he knows that whenever you need him, whatever you call him for he will be there in less than a minute, by your side or feet if you prefer.
whatever you ask of him, whatever favour you need from, he will never say no.
luka on the other hand is absolutely pumped to meet you! he had heard stories of you when he was a child, and from the stories told by the adults they described you as a kind being, who soon fell in love with the art, beauty and joy of creating. well, their most favourite was creating worlds.
he was absolutely sure that you would be the most kindest, heavenly person he had ever met, what was there to worry about now? luka knew that if he ever laid eyes on you he would fall in love no doubt, he would do anything for you. maybe you would agree to watch his wrestling matches?
jing yuan, blade, imbibitor lunae, and luocha are the most excited of all, sure, everyone is elated to finally meet you with their very own eyes. but them? oh lord... they all believe to be your worshipper, having heard tales of you from their parents, this alone caused them to be awe and love-struck with you.
they were a firm believer in you, you did no wrong in their eyes. all your actions and words were justified. they followed your principles, they made sure to announce their presence every time they came to your altar and placed down the most expensive jewels, dishes and gifts. (they had a shrine of you at home don't worry)
jing yuan was the one of the firsts to get hints that you were finally returning, the divine foresight fu xuan always looked so weary and cautious, but as time grew she began to be more... happy and elated, yet everytime he questioned her she was tense up and smile like it was nothing. and only when he pried did she say that she saw things, saw a blurred face, and heard a voice. "don't be alarmed... i'm here to tell you that.."
he made sure that everyone who worked under him and every prominent person knew of this, he began to make preparations of your arrival, he cancelled all meetings and plans, only focusing on you and your arrival. everything had to be perfect. he had even forgotten about the wanted criminal blade. jing yuan booked the most fanciest restaurant for a month max, he wasn't sure when you were coming, of course, so a month it was.
jing yuan prepared every entertainment and paid the orchestra, he wanted everything to be perfect, even the most minuscule details.
blade's loyalty was and is only for you and only you. he may be cold and stone-hearted (we all know it's false) but if it's you... whatever you ask for he will do it no doubt. he refuses to take orders from a stranger even if it is his friend, but if it's you? say no more. blade knew you were a kind soul, you needed protection from the other so-called "enemies" (he proclaimed it!).
he swore that you saved his life, years ago when everything was tumbling down, when his feelings got the better of him, he tried doing the unthinkable, as he blacked out he suddenly "saw" something.. a beacon of light, it was magical and airy, he tried his best to grasp onto the light but obviously could not.
it floated further and further away, and he followed it, his eyes glued only on the beacon of light. as it stopped moving, so did he, he continued staring at the light as it shrank into a ball, it didn't speak, it didn't look anywhere, it stayed there. suddenly he woke up, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to catch his breath. what was that?
sweat clung to his forehead when jingliu found him, concerned she rushed over to him, he refused to say a single word. he was left perplexed. what was the ball of light? why did he feel so at ease? why did it only appear after he...
he would make it his mission to meet you before the rest do other than the astral express crew and become your bodyguard, even if you deny his offer he will stick with you no matter what. of course, he would respect your boundaries but he knew that you didn't have the heart to deny anyone, especially your creation.
imbibitor lunae absolutely adores you, even if he was reincarnated the memories still pass on. and the tales being told by the grown-ups were famous around his area and still is. from the earliest days of his existence, tales of the creator had woven themselves into the fabric of his consciousness, painting a portrait of a being of boundless kindness and infinite compassion.
as a child, imbibitor lunae had listened with rapt attention to stories passed down through generations, tales of the creator's benevolence and the miracles they wrought upon the world. and in the quiet moments of the night, he would gaze up at the starry expanse above, whispering prayers to the creator, his heart overflowing with admiration and reverence.
when news of the creator's imminent return after six thousand years reached his ears, his heart soared with unbridled joy. in no time he set about preparing for your arrival, pouring his heart and soul into crafting the perfect gifts to present to his divine benefactor.
drawing inspiration from the tales of old, he fashioned intricate trinkets and tokens of his affection, each one imbued with his unwavering devotion and love. amidst the swirling maelstrom of feelings, one thing remained constant: his unwavering love for the creator.
imbibitor swore that once he felt or sensed a sign that would be arriving he would immediately act, he would be the first to meet and lay his eyes on your divine figure. slap him as many times as you want if you found it rude, he would only thank you.
luocha, despite remaining calm and composed on the outside, internally, he was freaking OUT. luocha found himself grappling with a myriad of conflicting thoughts and emotions. on one hand, he felt a profound sense of excitement at the prospect of meeting the creator, the architect of his existence and the source of all that he held dear.
yet, on the other hand, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of inadequacy, the fear of not being able to live up to your expectations.
his mind raced with a flurry of possibilities. what gifts would you appreciate? what could he offer to express his gratitude and reverence for the being who had breathed life into his world? with each passing moment, the weight of the impending meeting pressed down upon him like a heavy burden, filling him with a sense of anxiety.
despite his inner turmoil, luocha maintained a facade of calm and composure, determined not to let his anxieties show. with a steely resolve, he set about meticulously planning and preparing for your arrival, carefully considering every detail in his quest to find the perfect gift.
he even resorted to asking the children about what gifts he should bring, and yes, they did laugh at him but helped him nonetheless.
from ornate trinkets to rare treasures, luocha spared no effort in his search for the ideal offering, pouring his heart and soul into each carefully chosen item. yet, even as he laboured tirelessly to ensure that everything was perfect, doubts continued to gnaw at the edges of his mind, although one thing was for sure, if you didn't like any of his gifts he wouldn't be upset rather, maybe all you wanted was his whole body and life, and he would not hesitant once to give it up for you.
they all couldn't wait to meet you.
aventurine, sunday, gallagher and boothill are freaking out. horribly. mainly aventurine.. once the news had reached them from the astral express that it was possible (about 98%) that you were the comet arriving in a week... oh boy were they NERVOUS. everything HAD to be perfect. they had everything to thank you for, during their life and death situation they were lucky enough to survive—thanks to you.
it was only natural to return the favour, you created them, their personality, their arms, legs, their body, you sculpted their face, you made them. you made the very world they live in right now, the world they call home... they were sure you were by their side, making them make the right decisions and the right thing. aventurine? oh, the amount of MONEY he will spend buying everything he thinks you'd like, the fanciest, most elegant and most expensive shoes, clothing and accessories. he would rent out an entire week or months of work at a restaurant if you'd like to dine alone or with a couple of people. he knows his luck is a part of him, he can only pray that he'll meet you first with his luck.
sunday... just the sound of your name makes him tear up. he could've sworn that one time you spoke to him, your other-worldly echoing voice speaking to him directly about the loss of his dear sister. and here he stood in his room, looking out the window, and in the far distant a light shimmering as it swiftly dived down. a shooting star. he knows that with everyone getting the news they're all aiming to be the first to meet you, and trust me, he does want to meet you FIRST. the second you land he'll be there right with you and guiding you to safety—penacony.
but first, he must pinpoint where exactly you'll land. and with his power and influence he will most definitely try his best to find you and be sure to hide you from everyone else... he needs you, desperately.
gallagher and boothill have exactly the same thoughts. to present themselves good to you and spend every minute and second with you. but with everyone gossiping and spreading rumours about your arrival it's hard to be unique. everyone wants to be with you, everyone wants your favour. but they could never worship you as much as them. they had dreamed of this moment, it seemed unreal to meet their own creator but nonetheless, they clung to their hope and boy did it not go to waste.
boothill basically pauses any mission he needs to complete, that can wait. you are eternal. he's practically on edge with the fact that at any moment the comet would crash through and there you'd be, dozing peacefully.. like an angel. he won't hesitate to cause some trouble or initiate some violence if it means that they don't get to see you first.
gallagher on the other hand tries to stay hidden and in the shadows. of course, he'd like to meet you face to face but with the feeling of an overwhelming and looming divine presence, it's all too much. and if that's too much then what would he feel when you stand right before him? he's like an overprotective dog, fiercely loyal and clingy. even if you can't spot him he'll be right there, lurking and watching.
dr. ratio and argenti are absolutely and 100% loyal and would do EVERYTHING in their power to meet you, even a glance would do, anything to feed their curiosity and desperate need to know the creator. so when they get wind that you were supposedly descending down... they freeze on the spot, their breath hitches as their eyes widen. could it really be?
dr. ratio was always a curious boy, and he has you to thank for giving him consciousness and the opportunities to venture out and earn knowledge and eventually spreading his knowledge to his students (preaching i guess you can say). he's a bit biased when it comes to talking about you to his friends or students, and speaking your name in a more positive light, not that anyone minds, if anything they agree!
although he isn't much of a gifter or "i'll spend my money on you" he's more of a "anything you want just tell me". if you told him to drop his precious books to come and tend to your needs he would do it in a heartbeat.
to argenti you are the standard and epitome of "beauty". the beauty he has been searching for his entire life. he intends to shower you with compliments and roses freshly picked by hand unless you're allergic or not a fan of flowers, fear not! compliments should do! be ready to be bombarded with such positivity, compliments and gifts from the knight of beauty.
anything you wish for he will try his utmost best to get it done perfectly and quickly. "your hair looks so pretty like this..." say no more, he will always style it and keep it exactly like that! "my feet feel so sore from all the walking" ?!!? why is his dear walking anyway!?!? don't worry, he'll massage it for you! "ugh all this work is making me tired" move aside, let him do the honours!!
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It was a long ride home from work, you were currently in an almost empty bus, glancing over the top of your phone you read the time. 11 P.M.
Was it that late already? You knew this office job would be the death of you. You never wanted to work at a place like this, the cubicle life bored you and it was just so... depressing. That was the only way to describe it.
You decide to pass the time by playing your all-time favourite game: Honkai: Star Rail. The soft glow of the screen illuminated your face as you began to grind relics and exp for an upcoming character. It definitely worked in keeping you busy and awake as time passed by slowly.
All was well, everything was fine. You had everything planned in your head. Get home as soon as possible, take a nice warm and rejuvenating shower, get five hours of sleep, go back to work and repeat.
The more you thought about your daily routine the more you realised how depressing it was, but what could you do? That job was the only one that was hiring and had average pay and things like that are rare, especially when you decided to live in the city which was your first mistake.
You were barely getting by in the city, the crime rate increased, there were more breaks in, pickpocketing and murder. But despite all of that you decided to rent an apartment where it was less populated, the rent in the heart of the city was way too high.
Pushing all those thoughts and information aside you let out a defeated sigh, leaning your head on the window as you continued to tap away on your phone.
If only life went just a little bit easier on you.
Everything was fine. The silence was comfortable and the low, soft rumble of the engine kept you awake, until a loud deafening crash jolted the bus, sending people flying and falling onto the ground.
Letting out a scream you grabbed onto whatever you could to keep you steady—the head of the chair in front of you. Although it didn't do a good job of keeping you still you couldn't care less, because as you lifted your head, your eyes caught something massive charging straight at you, and before you could react, a blinding light engulfed you, followed by an eerie silence.
When you regained consciousness, you found yourself tightly packed against something dark and rocky. Just great! Something had happened to the bus and knocked you out.
You looked around, it was pure blackness, like a void. Maybe this was what happened after death... Out of all things and especially the time too!
Feeling confused and scared you try to move your body to shift into a more comfortable position but due to the lack of space, you could barely even move an inch.
Suddenly, a crack was heard. And you froze.
Then another crack, and another, the darkness began to crack and splinter and not long after half of the egg-shaped looking ball broke in half as it fell to the side.
Shards of obsidian-like material fractured and scattered around. A large amount of dust, and shiny glitter-like specs flew everywhere, it was extremely dusty.
Unfortunately, you inhaled the smoke, coughing and sputtering, you waved their hand in front of your face, trying to dispel the particles as you squinted against the harsh light that slipped through the smoke.
As the dust settled and the steam dissipated, your surroundings gradually came into focus. You found yourself in front of... one, two, three, four, and... five.... wait.. what?
Right before you stood four male figures (with the other seemed to have a more feminine build), male figures that looked awfully familiar to you for some odd reason, just why was that?
You were confused and curious as you surveyed your surroundings, realizing that maybe this was death? You would've never guessed that "life" after death would look like this. It was very.... interesting.
The buildings that surrounded you were intricate and otherworldly. Dazzling celestial landscapes and luminescent structures piqued your interest as you slowly and carefully stepped out of what you assumed was a shell.
Its' architect and infrastructure reminded you of something, it seemed nostalgic—as if you've seen this exact building before. The more you observed and watched, your eyes tracing every precise curve and detail of the buildings your heart began to pick up its pace.
Your eyes searched every corner and inch, and finally, it landed back on the five figures you had spotted before and it wasn't until you caught sight of familiar faces that you were certain that you had to be hallucinating somehow after death.
There, standing in a circle, were figures that you could hardly believe were real: Caelus, Dan Heng, Gepard, and Bronya. It was unmistakably them.
Their presence, their unmistakable aura of reverence, left you no doubt.
They watched you, their gazes filled with awe and admiration as if you were the embodiment of some long-awaited prophecy (and in this case, it was).
You were in disbelief. Disbelief that you had somehow been transported into the very game they were playing moments ago, but now they were tangible, real.
It was a long silence, it was both comfortable and uncomfortable with their longing gaze. You remained still as you checked around your surroundings once again before settling your eyes back on the group of people.
At your gaze they felt a shiver down their spine, and the hair on their skin stood up.
"W—Who are you guys?!" You yelled, narrowing your eyes to see if it was truly the characters from the game you adored.
Dan Heng's breath hitched at the sound of your booming voice, your voice... it was just like how they described what you would sound like in the carved stones and ancient scrolls.
The more he stared at you the more he wanted to come to you, to kneel down at your feet and profess how long he has been waiting for this moment.
With his eyes trained on your figure, he steps closer, Gepard notices and swiftly stops him from moving any further with his arm. Dan Heng looks to his side, confusion strewn on his face.
Not a single word was spoken yet with a stern gaze and the shake of a head, Dan Heng understood. Now was not the right time.
Minutes passed by in complete and utter silence, it unnerved you. Why were they so quiet? So watchful?
Finally, after what felt like hours, the silence was broken just with a couple words.
"We have been awaiting your arrival, Your Gracefulness."
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note: after 5 months WOW. i've been so busy with things i haven't had the time to really sit down and work. I'm so sorry everyone!
tags 🏷️: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls @goldenglow149 @rhwm @urlocalheizousimp @saltylovetale-blog @toramune @oreo-ren @backintomykpopphaseagain @serenity-loves-red @flooofity @minteasketches @yurassia @chellazhef @fulldoves @kateybuggi @wanderingconstellations @mini-shower @160ccm @rosariashield @sickize @sarah22447 @dreamlessnight @gimmealmap @bebeluvs @caramelstarlight @sukiidreams @oceanist @achy-boo @alhaitie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @that-mom-friend @v-ish @merormerry @gojoulen03 @scarletttcrow @hadischara @kithewanderingme @keiqq @livelaughlovekuni @chirikoheina @wr1t3rfum1k0 @issacdaholi @yu-ulda @alysinbshsu @vanilla-sweets @your-local-reblogging-kazoo @be-gay-do-crime-ahaha @seipaws @clavichordcleffa @uhhhiwassup @youdontneedyoknowlol @the-lazy-perfectionist @issacdarknight @lucienbarkbark @bizzybkd @obliviousariies2007 @coffee-seed
(if the usernames aren’t highlighted that’s because I can’t tag you so I’ll dm you when I post a new chapter! if i forgot to tag you im so sorry!)
for those i've taged: if you do not want to tagged for hsr drop a comment or message me.
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