#herta x y/n
solarsa1nt · 8 months
herta x fem!reader
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Tags — fluff , fear of needles , doctors visit , established herta/reader
Notes — this oneshot is pretty old but decided to upload it on here anyway
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“Do I… Do I have to?” Y/N asks as she sends a wary glance at the needle in the doctor’s hand.
“Yes, you do, now just sit down here—“ The doctor paused to gesture towards the nearby chair, “And it’ll only take a second.”
“But…” A frown makes its way onto her lips, eyes narrowing in hesitation as she briefly considers attempting to flee from the room.
“C’mon.” In one swift motion, Herta grabs Y/N’s hand in hers, pushing her towards the chair before forcing her to sit down.
Cold pale hands lock over warm S/C ones, restraining her from moving in the spot she’s now trapped in.
“Wait! Wait! I’m not—“ Y/N tries to desperately to pry herself free, eyes widening as the doctor steps forward.
Unfortunately for her, due to the fact that Herta is a puppet— and therefore has inhuman strength —she doesn’t even budge at the human’s pitiable attempts.
Y/N buries her head in Herta’s clothes shoulder once the needle pierces her skin.
Herta just seems bored, if anything.
After a brief moment that seemed to stretch on forever from Y/N’s point of view, the doctor pulls away again. All that’s left in the place the needle once was being a small droplet of blood.
“See, it wasn’t that bad.” Herta finally frees her girlfriend, who only returns the words with a disapproving look.
“You didn’t need to hold me down...” Y/N mutters, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.
“You kicked a doctor in the gut last time.”
“That was only once!”
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© 𝓢OLARSAINT 2024 ─── all of my works belong me alone! do not copy, steal, plagiarize, or spread any of my works in any other social media platform. these have only been reloaded on my own accounts on ao3 and wattpad
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chiara-hotel · 1 month
Dating Them! Characters: Himeko, Welt, Firefly, Herta, Ruan Mei, Fu Xuan & Obsidian Warnings: Penacony questline spoilers (Firefly)
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- Himeko is more of a quiet, gentle lover
- Her main love languages is quality time so she loves to hangout with you every single day, even if its as simple as chatting over tea or as big as going on an adventure to find a stellaron
- Following that it would be gift giving, giving you small but simple gifts of things that you like or reminded her of you
- In the past she has given you
Tea Cups (or Coffee cups if you're a coffee drinker)
Specialized Jewelry
- When she does cuddle its usually whenever you both are in bed getting ready to sleep
- But you don't go to sleep cuddling like that-she'd prefer to hold you a bit before and then sleep separately (although you both are still in the same bed)
- Himekos favourite dates include Coffee/Tea hangouts or Movies
- PDA is okay but only if its the express crew and only a little bit, not full on making out infront of them-holding hands, occasional kisses and hugging is okay. Infront of anyone else she sticks to hand holding or hugging
- Himeko also isn't too jealous as a person, she trusts you won't leave her so she trusts you fully
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- Welt is very similar to Himeko in a loving sense
- Similar to her hes gentle and quiet-not to mention he never gets jealous over you
- One thing he does get is protective, specifically when someones overstepped the boundaries a little bit
- His main love language would be acts of service. Welt loves helping you out whenever you need it, holding the door for you, protecting you from an enemy etc!
- Some gifts he would give you include...
Flowers (lots of flowers)
- Welt loves cuddling whenever you both have free time, specifically either you laying on top of him or the other way around
- If you both wanted to, he would also love to cuddle to sleep
- Some of the dates you guys go on can include:
Teaching you skills
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- Now to be dating firefly you have to know about her being SAM + know the other Stellaron Hunters
- As a lover, Firefly lets you take the lead in the relationship a bit more but she isn't afraid to talk to you about things that are needed
- Her main love language is Words of Affirmation & Gift Giving
- She always loves to say "I love you" or "you're beautiful" or even how cute/adorable/handsome you are
- Other than that we've seen before in the Penacony quest how she loves to give gifts/food to her partners whenever they remind her of them! The same goes with you! Whenever she seems something she think you might like she always goes out to buy it for you
- Which includes pastries, keychains, necklaces and a lot more
- Dates with firefly would occur really anywhere. She's not really known for being wanted like the rest of the hunters so she does have creative freedom-just don't do anything or go anywhere where she would need to activate SAM and you're fine!
- Occasionally she might get a little jealous/question if she deserves you but just talk her out of it and make her understand how much you love her
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- Dating Herta is special since she does have countless copies of herself all over the space station
- You could talk with her at her office and then walk out...BOOM! There's another Herta standing in front of you
- On that note, Herta's main love language is Quality Time!
- It works out since there are many Hertas-even so she wants you to hangout with her main body (the one in her office) the most, so its where you spend most of your day
- Some popular dating spots she'd bring you:
Researching together
Eating lunch together
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- Ruan Mei is a careful lover
- Her love language is Acts of Service & Physical Touch
- Ruan Mei enjoys helping you out with small tasks & she enjoys whenever you help her out aswell
- Physical Touch for her is mainly holding hands while walking and doing various things
- Jealousy doesn't exist in Ruan Mei's books either-why would you leave her for someone you met 0.5 seconds ago? That isn't like you at all
- Dates with her vary, some can include:
Going out for lunch together
Working on science projects/experiments
- Ruan Mei is very protective of you-its like she has a third eye watching you at all times to ensure nothing bad happens to you
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- Fu Xuan's love language is mainly acts of service
- She is very shy with physical affection most of the time, especially if you do something in front of others
- But she will help you out from time to time and occasionally takes your fortune if you wish
- Date spots with Fu Xuan include...
Walks around the Luofu
Combat training to up your skills
Going to an arcade together
- Occasionally she will also give small gifts that she think you'd enjoy, usually its only on special occasions though
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- From what we seen Obsidian likes to cause chaos and start "bloodbaths" as she'd say
- But in a relationship she'd treat you as a Queen/King
- Always paying attention to you, Always doing what you'd like
- Her servants always follow your orders because if they don't well lets just say Obsidian won't be happy
- Having baths together in "blood" is also her favorite activity
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hyperfixat · 7 months
part three wooowooo this is like. half rushed. urgh. i want to get to the good part already but that can’t happen until i establish a world that it can happen in. she is a bit short this time around, uh i don’t have an excuse, bcs this is probably my least fav location/character bunch ☹️ i still like them but its a bit flat whatever just read it if u want
shortest chap. yet… 2.5k> words… [melts] on the bright side this ‘book’ or ‘series of events’ ..whatever has over 10k words now!!
< prev .. next >
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** Written PRE 1.6 – Any mentions of new characters is pure speculation and or headcanons.
“I guess we have to talk to Ms Herta now,” Caelus sighs.
Part of you wonders why Caelus is so intimidated by Herta’s puppets. Maybe he has Pediophobia or something? The other part of you is intimidated at the prospect of meeting the eighty-third member of the Genius Society.
“I’m sure Herta will provide us with valuable insight regarding,” Welt says your name, “situation.”
Dan Heng has his nose buried into his phone screen, the dim light from the screen lights his face up, highlighting the planes as his eyes flicker from side to side as he reads. March slides into the spot next to him and you, grabbing for the half full coffee pot at the table.
“Ugh, how long till the warp jump?” March’s voice is grouchy as she stirs in a pod of creamer to her cute Pompom mug. She sways in her spot a little and her hand pauses for a second before she comes back to herself.
Dan Heng doesn’t look up, “two hours.” March lets out a dramatically anguished moan.
You had spent the night in Himeko’s room, it’s cozy and elegant like a hotel room. It’s the best way you think to describe it; beautifully decorated and clean, yet lived in. She let you share the bed with her and borrow a night shirt – after the day on the Lofou your lack of clothes was quite distressing. You were stinky and smelly from a busy day, and in desperate need of a shower and Himeko was your saving grace.
The ship stopping at Herta’s Space Station is useful regarding your (lack of) clothes, seeing as there should be plenty of regulation uniforms for you to wear until you accumulate a wardrobe of your own. (Luckily Caelus being an androgynous inhuman, somewhat recently synthesized being had a clean pack of proper undergarments for you to have.)
You had taken your retreat from Himeko’s room when she started brewing her (in)famous coffee.
Caelus puts their head in their hands, fingertips grasping at the gray strands loosely.
“Why are you so… scared, intimidated by Herta?” you breach their stupor, making them offer you a weak smile.
“I’m not scared of her per say, but she can be so brash, and I never know if I’m talking to an active puppet,” they sigh, “seriously she has so many puppets all over the station that it’s creepy like one per room. She does not need that many. It’s just that she’s hard to deal with sometimes, all geniuses are I’m told.”
Taking a deep gulp from her mug, March smacks her lips, “with you with us, I’m sure Herta will give us the time of day.” She smiles at you, still sleepy.
You aren’t sure what to make of Herta Space Station when the Astral Express arrives, the tracks are almost deserted save for a few spare workers. March hooks her arm around yours as your group traverses the grand place. There are some nearly deserted hallways that echo your footsteps, where the lights flicker and the only sound is your collective’s walking; just as there are some that are beyond packed, making you shrink into the center of the group, away from all the new sounds, scents, and people.
Sometimes you come across a Herta doll, prompting one of you to walk up and attempt to initiate a conversation with her, before walking off when she doesn’t react, idly staring blankly. It gives you the time to appreciate the craftsmanship Ms Herta put into the puppets. Their eyes are unlike any dolleyes that you saw on Earth, the glassy sheen over them glowing faintly. The joints look sturdy, as in some of the crowded rooms you saw some staff bump into her with decent force, making no movement from the collision.
“I guess we go to the room for the Simulated Universe testing,” Caelus suggests.
“Sounds good,” Welt affirms.
You wonder why you aren’t using any waypoints, maybe it was simply a game mechanic? You did see a Space Anchor when you were getting off the train….
The guards see Caelus approaching and tap on their wristbands simultaneously and the door’s to the testing room open up.
Herta’s eyes track over you and the other passengers, “I take it you’re not here to test the Simulated Universe?”
“No, not right now. Actually we came here because we thought you might be able to provide some insight to our situation right now. Besides, it concerns you as well.”
“Oh, and your strange guest? I take it they’re the center of this situation.” Herta stares straight into your soul with those doll eyes, making you shift behind Welt a little further. “Get on with it, don’t waste my time.”
“Wait!” March jumps in, “we need to gather a few more people!”
Herta sighs and her doll does an almost eye roll. “I’ll be here, or just get whatever doll is closest.” She sounds exasperated.
Asta is the easiest to find, not too far from Herta’s testing room. She’s standing where you usually find her in-game, looking at her phone, texting someone. She looks up when your group approaches her, giving you all an inviting smile.
“Hey there, trailblazers! Anything I can help you with?”
Her hair is really pretty, you note, the braid is tight against her scalp and it looks like she puts a lot of care into maintaining her look. You decide to subtly move away from the back of the group to stand next to Dan Heng and Caelus as they talk to her, explaining that she should follow them for an important meeting.
“Oh, and who’s this? I don’t think we’ve met before. Hi, I’m Asta, lead researcher here at the Herta Space Station.” Asta thrusts her hand forward for you to take, you do, introducing yourself in turn. “It’s lovely to meet you. Will you be a part of this meeting as well?”
“They will.” Dan Heng nods, corralling Asta into your party to head off to search for the next and final person, Arlan. “Do you know where Arlan is right now Ms Asta, he’s the last one that will be joining us.”
“Hm, I think he was talking with Adler, something about a missing Wubbaboo?”
“That kid…,” Caelus mutters under his breath, though it sounds more fond than annoyed, like one would talk about an annoying little sibling.
It takes a while to catch Arlan, you all find him coming out of the elevator on the second layer of the storage zone, close to where you first arrived. You convince him to join you and set off to look for one of Herta’s puppets to talk to.
“Hello? Helloooo?” March 7th waves her hand back and forth in front of the doll’s face and huffs when it doesn't react. Just when she's about to give up the doll jolts and Herta’s voice comes out of the voice box.
“I’m here. I’m here, what is it?”
“Asta, Arlan, you might want to sit down,” Dan Heng suggests kindly. “It might be a bit shocking.”
“Hm?” Asta tilts her head, eyes carefully decoding the emotion on his face, before taking the initiative to lean against the wall.
“Don’t say we didn’t warn you~!” March laughs, before Welt and Himeko bring the proper air of authority to the situation and begin helping you explain that they’re video game characters, you don’t belong here, and may need their help to get back home. At some point Herta’s doll stops its idle motions, but the light behind the eyes shows she’s still there, listening.
Arlan desperately looks at Asta, then you, then Caelus, as if at any moment you’ll all start laughing about how he definitely believed you for a moment. When that moment doesn’t come he takes a place with his back against the wall next to his pink haired superior.
There’s a block of quiet as they all process the bomb you’ve dropped on them, before Herta cuts into it, saying your name. “I’d like to speak with you, in person. Not now, I’ll have Caelus schedule it, but I may be able to offer some… wisdom.”
“Oh, that’s much appreciated, Ms Herta. Thank you,” you nod at her.
“Don’t be thanking me yet,” and at the mildly ominous words she promptly goes offline.
Hm. That’s not exactly reassuring, but it could always have been worse.
With the whole conversation thing done and dusted for everyone on the spaceship, you take a lone walk, breathing in the somewhat stuffy air, searching for any inner wisdom that could come from time alone without distraction.
Your mind doesn’t provide much thought, though being alone with yourself after so many eventful moments – spanning so close together too, gosh – is therapeutic in of itself. Only when it begins to get to the point of eerily quiet in the part of the station you’d wandered into does a small ‘yip’ sound at the end of the hall from whence you came. Spinning on your heel you spot a small, white and awfully cute dog.
You gasp in elation, kneeling where you stand and holding out your hand hoping the dog will come trotting over to greet you, it does, to your excitement, letting out another woof before following through.
“Hello there, little guy,” you coo at the dog, smiling as it yips happily at your soft touch.
Distantly echoing you here what you think is Arlan’s voice echoing down the halls, he sounds far. You lift your gaze away from Peppy as another echoing call arrives.
“Peppy!” you lift your eyebrow at the dog, giving it a skeptical look, almost as if it knows what you’re attempting to portray it averts it’s gaze, eyes flicking to the side.
An out-of-breath Arlan comes speeding down the hall, only stopping upon seeing you and the target he was searching for.
“There you are, Peppy. Lady Asta was looking all over for you,” he scolds the dog gently. “Sorry about this…” Arlan talks to you, bending in front of you to pick up the fluffy dog. His hands almost disappear into Peppy’s coat when he picks the dog up. “I hope Peppy didn’t cause you any grief?”
“They’re a sweet thing,” you laugh, petting the dog in his arms. Arlan smiles at you, verbally expressing his agreement.
Herta Space Station was fun to explore, and by the time your body begins to feel the wear of the day you aren’t far from a Space Anchor… hmm, you wonder if you could utilize it to make the trip back to the express much easier.
You walk up to the geometric floating object and hesitate before placing a hand on the surprisingly cool ring of gold around it. There’s no one around to hear the sound of alarm you let out when your entire vision is taken over by a bird’s eye map of the station. Oh! It’s just like the game, relief fills you at that.
Now, all you need to do is: click on the Pompom waypoint that will take you to the express and… your vision then goes white and you feel your legs fall.
This time someone is around to hear the sound you make as you crash and tumble into the carpet of the Astral Express. That someone being Pompom. Well. At least you managed to teleport.
Speaking of Pompom they were watering some of the plants over by the passenger log, but when you came in they jump, falling to the ground themself, landing on their furry butt with a huff. “HEY! Don’t scare Pompom like that!”
“Sorry, sorry,” you clasp your hands into a steeple; as if praying for forgiveness. “I didn’t know what would happen:” a half truth, as you had your expectations.
They brush their clothes off and you help them to their feet. You yawn then, holding a hand over your mouth.
“Have any of the others returned yet?”
“No. Pompom has been waiting for the first arrival to start making lunch,” the shuffle their paws together in a way that is sure to look dignified and professional, but from your perspective looks adorable. “Speaking of, the first passenger to return sometimes offers to assist the conductor….”
You pick up what they are putting down, as the idiom goes. “I can help in that case!”
You assist Pompom in the train’s kitchen. For a creature like them they’re quite purposeful with their movements, not that you have any reference of how a creature like them would usually move. That is to say they’re good in the kitchen. The rabbit(thing?) wears the cutest little bonnet and gloves to avoid getting fur into the meal, and tasks you with some simple chores to prepare the meal.
Cooking with Pompom is overall a fun and positive experience, and luckily the rest of the crew arrive just in time to eat. You all sit down around the dining cart’s table to discuss the day’s events and your future plans.
“The station is very clean. I like it,” you start the small talk the best you can.
“Indeed, the staff are very diligent,” Dan Heng nods.
There’s the scrape of utensils against plates and March speaks up, “so Jarlio VI tomorrow?”
“That is the plan,” Welt affirms. “Unless,” his eyes glint under the overhead lighting as they meet yours, “there have been any last minute change of plans.”
“Nope, we should be set.” You nod, feeling warm under the older man’s gaze.
“Well then, that settles it, Jarlio VI is tomorrow’s destination. All this adventuring isn’t meant for someone my age…” his last sentence is quieter and followed by a heavy sigh.
Himeko covers up a giggle with a bite of food, and March looks at you with mirth in her eyes.
“Jarilo-VI, here we come!” She finally laughs, lifting her glass in a mimicry of a toast. The rest of the table joins in, lifting their cups as well.
Jarilo-VI, here we come.
tags (comment or leave an ask to join) : @leafanonsforest @c00kie-cat @andromeda-gay
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lovelytsunoda · 7 months
fast car // colton herta
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their family might have changed, bur their love for each other hasn't.
twelve months ago, they welcomed their son macklyn into the world. with the indy 500 just three weekends away, it's time to bring macklyn to the track for the first time.
pairing: colton herta x wifey!reader
warnings: minor allusions to sex. dad!colton!!
she’d missed the sights and sounds of the track while she was on bed rest.
it was even worse when she was physically able to come, but scared to leave her baby at home. then her separation anxiety got worse, and she could barely be able to be away from colton.
but now it was all coming together. she smiled as she stepped out of the trailer, breathing in the smells of the track: gasoline, burning rubber, scott maclaughlins grill.
she was home. and she had the whole family with her.
the trailer door opened behind her, and she turned to watch with a giddy smile as colton hopped down the trailer steps, baby macklyn in his arms.
macklyn kyle herta was the best thing that had ever happened to colton. weighing in at a whopping nine pounds when he was born, the little boy was becoming more and more like his father every day.
colton couldn’t be happier, proudly wearing a baby sling and outfitting his little trouper with gainbridge headphones to protect his little ears.
“do you want me to take him?” she asked, a content tone in her voice at the sight of her boyfriend, race suit tied low around his waist, baby sling over his fireproofs.
“what? of course not. you hogged him for nine months. daddy’s got some catching up to do.” colton laughed, protectively hugging macklyn to his chest. “you’ll have to take him when we get to the pit box.”
“I think I can handle that.” she laughed, running a hand gently over macklyns head. the infant laughed, wide little eyes looking up at his mom through his eyelashes.
they had done that. they had created a human together.
over at the pit box, there was no shortage of attention for little macklyn as his father helped him out of the sling, holding the baby in his arms as colton pointed to his car, explaining his job to his son.
macklyn probably didn’t understand a word, but he would know that his father loved him.
and he enjoyed pressing buttons on the spare steering wheel.
“careful bringing that kid around here.” vicky joked, hands in her pockets as she crossed towards the pit box. “kyle might want one next.”
“god help us all when there’s a tiny kirkwood running around this place too.” she laughed, pulling the other woman in for a hug. "it's so good to be back!"
"how is the little guy doing?"
she laughed. "do you mean macklyn or colton? colton's had more baby time than i have this weekend. he's not letting that kid go very easily."
both women turned their heads, looking over at where colton was making faces with macklyn as his engineer tried (and failed) to explain the car setup.
colton was such a good father, from even before macklyn was born, before they even knew the sex of the baby. he was a saint, constantly rushing out to pander to her pregnancy cravings, lifting her bump for her to take the weight off her back. waking up in the middle of the night when mack would start crying because he knew she couldn't handle it alone. letting her sleep in and taking macklyn out in the stroller when he went for his morning runs.
she loved her little life.
"colton, you know you have to put my grandson down to get in the car, right?" bryan herta laughed, reaching over his son's shoulder to pinch macklyn's cheeks. "how's my favourite herta doing today?" he cooed at the infant.
"dad!" colton whined. "i thought i was your favourite."
"i'm a dad, i can't play favourites! but i can as a grandfather, and i pick macklyn."
y/n laughed to herself, saying hello to bryan before placing a hand on colton's back, kissing him softly before taking macklyn into her arms.
"cole, take the baby sling off if you aren't going to put macklyn in it." she smiled. "you look ridiculous."
colton grinned, running his thumb over macklyn's tiny knuckles. "but you love me when i look ridiculous. as i recall, it was me being ridiculous that brought my favourite little man into this world in the first place."
ah, yes. if a man tries to use tom cruise's dance from risky business as foreplay, do not fall for it. you will end up pregnant. she speaks from experience. (and colton could really rock a pair of white briefs. it was like a free magic mike show).
"and you can be ridiculous when we have a proper bed again, not a trailer. because we all know that you're loud enough your voice will carry, and one of the scotts will have something to say about it." she chuckled, leaning up to kiss him.
"i thought you liked it when i was loud."
"yeah, when it's just us." she grinned. "i love you, you big idiot."
colton smiled, one hand resting on his lover's waist, the other holding his son's hand as macklyn looked up at him with those wide little blue eyes he so adored. "i love you more. and i love macklyn. i love this life we've built together. and one day soon, i'm gonna buy you a ring. a really nice one. and we'll get married in australia, just like you've always wanted."
"i'm going to hold you to that, herta. now go out there and make me and your son proud."
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@magnummagnussen @httpiastri @clemswrld @diorleclerc @libraryofloveletters @thatsdemko @userlando @sidcrosbyspuck
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c0rrupt4 · 3 months
silly yap session of my story/fanfic ideas, pls don't take my ideas as I'm planning on writing these soon.
Megumi x femboy reader
I got this idea when I started watching Kakegurui like over a year ago So essentially Megumi. He was sent on a solo mission before the Shibuya incident. It was planned to be a quick mission. All Megumi had to do was figure out why so many people in this particular school were sorcerers. One major thing Gojo conveniently left out was the fact that this school was a gambling den for students NO this is not a crossover fic I'm just taking the overall theme alas Megumi's time at the school led him to become friends with reader, perhaps they will become more... or will become enemies in this gamble called life.
Dr.Ratio or Adventurine x swarm hybrid male reader.
[insert character choice] had to stop by Herta's space station for business with Ruan Mei. Upon entering into her labs to chat with her only to notice Ruan Mei wasn't there. So they took the chance too look around. [insert character choice] noticed a humanoid figure in an incubation pod, unfortunately, they made the mistake of tapping on it. Causing the reader to burst out. Now they have reader following them around like a lost puppy madly in love with them.
Teen Geto x Female Yandere reader Geto had saved reader one day but unknowingly to him just got himself a number one fan. this one will 100% be a short story full of drabbles and scenes of reader being a general yandere. meow thank chu for all the love on my Prey series
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Hello, it's me again ehe (the one who requested for Herta and Silverwolf).
Anyways, may I request for Herta and Silverwolf again? Modern au Where their s/o is a streamer?
Thank you!
SORRY FOR MAKING THIS SO LATE! I'm gonna make a habit of posting requests on weekends, so if you request something expect it to come out between Friday-Sunday PST.
Characters: Herta and Silverwolf
CW: None
Theme: Reader is a streamer headcannons
Reader: Gender Neutral Streamer
A/U: Modern Au
Premise: How Herta and Silverwolf help their s/o being an internet live streamer
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When you told Hera about being a internet live streamer, she was a bit confused.
She didn't really spend much time on the internet to understand most things other than looking up information for a project she was working on or music.
So she had you explain the concept of what an internet streamer was.
You just showed Herta to explain by having her join you during on of your streams.
This helped her so much to gain the understanding and she was shocked to see how many people around the world watched you play games and such.
Herta made it her priority to be your number one fan as well as to help you with any technical needs.
Broken computer? No problem, Herta is already working on a new one for you.
Broken webcam? Leave it to Herta to fix it and make it so much better than before.
Any technical difficulties during a stream? Herta is already on the case to help solve it.
You sometimes have her on stream and she gets caught up on how the audience seems to love her.
She doesn't understand why they do but it makes her happy she gets to be apart of your community.
Sometimes she explains her inventions and ideas on stream and is shocked about the amount of people who are interested.
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Silver Wolf knows what an internet streamer is but didn't think much of it when you told her.
She does ask about what content you focus on and if the community you're involved in is pretty popular or not.
When you ask her to join one of your streams, she's hesitant.
She says she'll join through the chat and not show her face or anything on account of her being a hacker.
Silver Wolf does like how natural the whole streamer thing comes to you and she thinks you look cute.
She also keeps tabs on certain fans that either trash talk you or seem to stalk you.
How? Hacking their profile and seeing what they're like.
Silver Wolf would also be someone who would help with technical difficulties but would go overboard with upgrades.
She'll enhance your webcam to produce a quality no one even knew existed.
She'll also add so many upgrades to your pc set up so you can keep tabs on so many things and play games with zero stutter or lag.
Silver Wolf acts more like a moderator for your streams to make sure you stay safe and that no one hurts you.
This especially shows with haters and rule breakers which chats are immediately not seen and they never get to see you stream ever again.
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strawberymilku · 9 months
Wet Dreams
featuring: Soft Dom!Imbitator Lunae x Afab!Reader
genre: dub con, dragon kink, mating season, breeding kink, friends to lovers, slightly yandere, masturbation, creampie, softdom, double penetration, p to v, praises, slaps, unprotected sex, a little bit of cussing, edging
a/n: well it's just dan heng in dragon form getting horny and the reader was the trailblazer in the astral express crew, he was so obsessed and he was a bitch in heat. slightly dub con, but the reader has a crush on him and he knows it.
word: 2.8k little this time
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It has been days already, Dan Heng couldn’t stop thinking about her, he couldn’t get enough of her, he looked at the polaroid picture that March 7th took of her, a smile shining that the Sun they usually see in the Astral Express, he has been jacking off her photos, he bought secretly, no, taken secretly away from March’s bedroom, he pants and moaned all over her name, fisting all over his palm, giving a few pumps before he orgasms. He has been having wet dreams because of her.
He was infatuated all over again, her beautiful eyes glistening, he wished to cum all over your face, but he should restrain further. That fellow trailblazer, it is her fault, she enchanted him like a witch, it’s all fault isn’t it, her laughter, the kindness she has shown. “Not enough,” he said to himself, fastening his pace to jerk off, some whimpers and babbles coming out, he need to prove his love, by cumming all over her photo. She was her guilty pleasure, he couldn’t stop himself, he is going feral, on his bed, looking at her the picture in the white frame, eyeing at her pink juicy lips, then back to her eyes, he closed his eyes, throwing his head off, imagining her mouth all over his double cock, taking turns to suck it off.
After minutes of monitoring her with his secret camera, her groaning and fighting those monsters on the Herta’s Spaceship, was an additional to his imagination, he bit his lips, he couldn’t help but cum all over her selfie with him, shooting all the semen across the polaroid.
He sighed, yet he wasn’t satisfied, it has been seventh pictures he ruined already, those pretty pictures, he reminded next time to do an extra copy, he threw the picture in the bin, hissing himself, cussing himself for not controlling himself, after the post-nut clarity he had. He got out of his room, to go clean his right hand. But there is a fact he didn’t knew. It was mating season, no wonder why he was so worked up. It is yet to find out.
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It has been over a week that the trailblazer was busy with Aurem Alley Market Management, he finally saw her, sitting in the Parlor Car, enjoying coffee with Pom-Pom and Himeko. A blush crept across his face, she had become more prettier than ever, or is it the mating season, driving him into thinking in a shojou filter. He couldn’t differentiate.
“Hi, Y/N.” he cleared his throat, to greet her. The girl just smiled, seeing in his dragon form since the last time they saw was in Xianzhou Luofu, “It has been a while, hasn’t it?” the girl spoke softly, smiling at her fellow Astral Express Crew Member.
“Been long, you didn’t reply to my message,” that is true, she was too busy to even open his text message. “I was busy with Bailu, but well I’m back to the train station,” they walked out of the Parlor Car, ready to rest for the evening.
Dan Heng opened his mouth, but he closed it again, staring at her walking in front of her, her body was so perfect, the thoughts of lust desires betraying his self morale. The effect is working on him as if he chucked on aphrodisiac chocolates just now.
‘Touch her,’
‘No, she trusts me. I can’t do that.’
‘Doesn’t March said she has a crush on you?’
There was hope when she turned her back to look at him, she was staring at his dragon horns, intensely. So it wasn’t only him huh? He felt uncomfortable as the girl was gazing at his horns, there were stars outside their window. It was a beautiful site to actually confess, but his throat suppressed to say any words.
The female decided to break the ice. “So can I touch it?’
"No, you can't touch my horns." he sighed, that was his most sensitive part, if she does it, he might go feral and lose his control.
"Why???" she whined, even made March 7th to back up with her, but their best friend decided to go back to her own room, leaving them alone in the hallway.
"It's a private thing, okay? Stop asking."
Dan Heng tried to keep his expression neutral, though it was impossible to not look irritated. Despite his protests, he still smiled warmly inside, knowing that she was more interested in him than his kin.
Still, he couldn't deny the urge to pull his tail closer to him. Was it because he felt flustered or was he just possessive? Not knowing the answer, Dan Heng grunted, frowning at her.
"Just once, please, just once.." she mumbled, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
‘Just once wouldn’t hurt me,’ he thought to himself.
"... Fine, just this once... But only for a second." Dan Heng conceded, his body language showing his reluctance. The corners of his lips slightly curved up, a hint of a shy smile, while his cheeks darkened. "Don't go crazy and grope all over my tail either."
She caressed his horns slowly, which he let out a moan out accidentally, which gave her some ideas, giving him a smug expression. "Oh, so you're sensitive here?" she touched more.
Dan Heng shuddered in response to her touch, his cheeks flushing. He couldn't stop his eyes from closing in bliss as his hand brushed over his sensitive horns.
"I can stop if you want.." she let go of his horns, she felt bad for asking such request and in her eyes he looked uncomfortable.
"No... No, don't stop," Dan Heng whispered without hesitation, his eyes half-lidded. It was as if her touch had him completely under her spell.
"I-It's just my body responding this way... to your touches." Dan Heng said breathlessly. His dragon form was indeed responding to her teasing, making him want to surrender to herr every desire.
It suddenly hit him that he was during the mating season, which was risky.
She let out a few giggles, he didn't want to admit he was affected by the mating period. "Should I leave you alone?" she turned a bit of considerate, looking at the male panting.
"Wait, don't go," Dan Heng begged, his breath still short and heavy.
"Please, I... I need you here with me." He confessed, his eyes pleading for her not to leave him alone during this period.
"You can get through it, let me get you tea, so you calm down," she pat his cheeks slowly, walking to the Parlor Car to grab a tea from Mr. Welt.
"No, you know this won't get better until I... I..."
Dan Heng trailed off, his words drowned out by his panting breaths. He felt like he was losing this battle of will, and soon, he was sure he would give in.
"Please, don't leave yet, at least not until after..." He continued, his words almost a whisper.
The usual brain over body man is losing his wits, is holding on the clueless person's arm.
"What?" the girl questioned him. He finally confessed he was affected during the mating season. A blush crept on both of their cheeks.
"Just stay here, okay?" Dan Heng's request sounded somewhat like a needy plea.
With his brain still clouded by his bodily desires, Dan Heng couldn't come up with a proper explanation.
"Just... Please," he reiterated, his hands coming up to grab her arms, squeezing them tightly.
"If we stay further-, I think I will ask tips and help from Mr. Welt for you for the birth control tips," she reassured her male friend, but he couldn't let go of her body, back hugging her, with a growl.
"No... No more talking... Just..." The trailblazer struggled to express his thoughts as she could feel his trembling.
"Just touch me..." He whispered into her ear.
"D-dan Heng, you aren't yourself, right now," she turned back at him, but he lost his cool further, pressing his body against her, he couldn't control his carnal desires, he just have, leaving him hot and bothered.
"I might not be myself... But I need this right now, okay?" The trailblazer breathed deeply, looking straight into her eyes.
His body was pressed against her, his heart beating so fast that she could feel it. With his breath warming her skin, Dan Heng tilted his head close.
"Dan Heng, I think you're mistaken-" she was cut off with a desperate kiss on her lips, she let out a word but it was cut off with a passionate kiss, he was losing himself, and he doesn't care to think about that right now. *He wanted her, right here, right now* That is for sure.
The dragon male’s tongue eagerly searching for hers. With her lips locked, he couldn't do anything but let his desire take over.
Dan Heng was losing himself over the girl in this moment. Every rational thought was gone, his mind filled with only one desire...
"Dan Heng, we will find another way to solve this-" he didn't like her answer, opening his bedroom door of the Rail Express, his eyes glinted in beastly golden ways, pushing her on the bed.
"You don't understand..." Dan Heng spoke with low breaths, his hand coming up to cup her cheeks.
"This is the only way… God, I want to breed you so badly," he continued as his gaze darkened.
"No, I don't want to mate, we will regret this someday, just listen to me-" her arms were pinned against his black mattress, earning another no.
He refused to listen, pinning her down on the bed with her arms above your head. He got closer, his hot breaths on her skin, as his golden eyes bore into hers.
"I won't regret this... Not if it's with you." Dan Heng mumbled before his lips descended on hers once again, melting on her lips.
"Dan Heng, please, listen to me, okay?" convincing is what the trailblazer could do to him. "Please?" she whimpered as he continued to caress her skin.
"Y/N... Don't you understand... My... My heat is taking over.." Dan Heng said out of breath. His body was on fire, his eyes darkening with every passing second.
"Just... Just let it happen..." The trailblazer begged, his voice shaky with barely-contained passion.
"I- no, Dan Heng, stop, please," she begged as he continued to touch her body without consent. "There must be another way-"
"There isn't!" The trailblazer groaned as he finally got her clothes off her body. His eyes roamed over her flesh as if he was seeing you for the first time. He was mesmerized by her curves, your sweet scent, and the beauty of her skin.
"I'm not stopping... It's either this or nothing at all."
There was regret filled in her eyes, why did she even touched his sensitive horns in the first place? She just nodded, hoping things ended quickly so they won't have to go through it, but his desires grew much further.
"Dan Heng," she let out a moan, finally giving in his touches and requests. He was selfish for wanting it for himself, "Please, I don't think it's the right way," she whispered in his ears.
Her weak protests only fueled Dan Heng to keep going, pressing his body against her and increasing the intensity of his touches.
"Yes... It is..." He sighed, his voice laced with pleasure. "How else will we resolve my heat if not like this? I'm sure we both know what I want." he tried manipulating her that it was she wanted as well.
Dan Heng smiled at her response, from earning a nod happy that he wouldn't have to convince her for much longer. He enjoyed the way she accepted him, making him feel more confident as her body responded to his touches.
His fingers made their way to breasts, kneading it like a dough that would give both pleasure and pain. And he knew just where to touch...
She let out a huff and some moans, kissing him on the lips hungrily, using her lips at work, ready to be pleasured the both of them for the evening. She lets him used her for his frustration, his pent up desired under those pants, grinding against her underwear, after his sprung out his double cocks.
As he could feel her underwear soaked up against his bare dicks, Dan Heng couldn't help but gasp against her lips. Her moans did a good job of driving him to please her more, his fingers tracing everywhere as he explored every inch of her body, finally sinking in, deep inside her wet soaking cunt.
"Y-You're so responsive..." He murmured, his lips returning to her neck, nibbling and kissing it like an animal.
"I-I'm not!!" a blush crept across her face, denying such claims, letting out another moan as he sunk his teeth on her skin. It hurts so bad, she got doubled dicked inside her small hole, she is trying to adjust to his size, he did gave her time, he isn’t that cruel.
"Oh, I'm just getting started..." Dan Heng replied as he continued to explore her body. By now his dick tip already kisses her cervix, moving it further in, teasing her until she mewled in pleasure, his voice lowering in pitch as her body responded to his touch.
"Is it already too much for you?" He asked as his mouth left her neck, traveling down to her breasts and back up again. The bed was shaking, holding of its dear life as he moved his hips further to see how much she could take it.
“Is it too big??” he said it against her neck, after bruising her soft skin with desperate bites, and fucks.
She panted, moaning as she could feel the cocks twitching her insides, touching all the gummy walls, pumping further. "No-no, I can handle it," she gritted her teeth.
"Good, because I'm not stopping no matter what you say..." Dan Heng mumbled, his hands beginning to travel further.
"In fact..." He paused as he let out a grunt. "I'm tempted to go further than this... Is that okay with you?" his balls slapped at the base of her ass further, making squelching noises across the room. All she could do is moan, and gave him a needy nod, asking him to go further.
“There you go, it wasn't hard was it? You're such a good girl..” he let out a low groan, slapping her breasts as the recoil bounced further with the thrusts he has been sending, in an inhumane pace. She let a louder moan, from the faster speed as he pressed her thighs, putting on his shoulders, pushing to her high.
"I'm-I'm close, nghhh, Dan Heng, I can't-" she whined, her mind finally melt from his merciless breeding inside her.
Dan Heng couldn't help but smile, listening to her whimpers and sighs as her body is overstimulated by him, no by his two massive cocks, dicking inside her, stretching her out.
"I don't think you're close enough yet.... Maybe I should speed things up a bit." He whispered into her ear, giving a sloppy deeper thrusts once more.
The trailblazer groaned, his mind hazy with desire as he continued to tease the poor female.
"Hngh... I'm not gonna stop now... And I'm definitely not stopping until you've had enough..." He teased as he continued to touch her and keep her the edge of pleasure.
After a long time of making her hold her orgasms, he finally let all the white semen, pouring all on her womb as her cunt twitches in pleasure as well, he cursed. Finally his senses coming back. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m so sorry, I came all inside you…” he panted, throwing his head up high, all the waves of pleasures pumping inside her, filling her insides. He hasn’t let her go yet.
“Can you please, please forgive me and take all my cum?” he begged, kissing her forehead, begging for her forgiveness, all the cum oozing to the brim from two of his cocks, insisting to stay in until she said yes.
"Fine..." the female trailblazer groaned, he just smiled, she looked so beautiful, taking all his cum like a good girl, a good girl just for him, finally letting go of his cocks, putting her weak overstimulated body on top of hers, she was out of stamina as well.
“I will take full responsibility for what happened,” he sighed, cleaning her up, going out of the Express.
Later after minutes, he came back with her favourite meal, a trick snack an plan B pill with some water.
“Thank you,” he kneeled down in front of her, kissing her knuckles. “Thank you forgiving me, love.”
To her surprise, she didn’t get pregnant, thanks to the plan B pill, but what is Dan Heng up to? He will breed you more later.
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melodic-haze · 3 months
I have kind of Ruan Mei brainrot rn… imagine Ruan Mei running a test on you but reader is a girl w penis I hope you know what you mean and well, the reader gets hard from the little touches Ruan Mei gives… okie I’m leaving the rest of the job for you 🫡
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ruan Mei x dom!gp!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Fem reader with a dick ☺️, consensual use of aphrodisiacs, semi-public sex
☆ — NOTES: Oh my god a post?!?!? From ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Anyway may this bless my rolls please HALLELUJAH
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So really it probably would've started off as 🤷‍♀️ a favour 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ yk, just some harmless (lied) tests she wanted to do and you just happened to be in the right (wrong) place at the right (wrong) time. She wanted to test how one would react to certain stimuli, especially when it comes to more........"medicated" states
For the sake of my peace of mind you've probably both already talked about it before in the past anyway at one point, with her getting curious about chemicals and what it could do to one's libido ever since she started dating you 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ though she doesn't necessarily say when she'd ever do it lol
"Y/N, there you are."
You hear familiar heels click amidst the station floor, the sound now distinct enough to separate from all the ambience in the Station—the pace was languid yet decisive, soft yet forceful.. and so very her.
"Ruan Mei," you tore your gaze from the vast sea of stars to smile at her, "you need something?"
She shakes her head, stepping into place right next to you, "No, I do not. I simply thought to.. find you, is all."
"Taking a break from your research just to see me? Wow, did Herta do something or..?"
"No, she hasn't. Though I do admit that I had an ulterior motive for my actions," she says before holding out a small plate that you hadn't realised were there until now. "I had a new recipe I wanted you to try."
You picked one of the two lotus cakes up to inspect it in all its golden brown glory, "Trying to change up your recipes? They're already good enough, though."
"I had a new ingredient or two that I wanted to try using for such delicacies. It makes for a nice experiment."
"That so?" You raise it to your mouth, "Well, I trust that whatever you make is--"
"--did you say 'experiment'?"
"Yes, I did. Why do you ask?"
You lightly furrowed your eyebrows in suspicion as you lowered the pastry from your lips, "Ruan Mei."
"..I'm not going to ask what, exactly, you used. But could you at least tell me if this is gonna hurt me one way or another? Maybe have another moment of 'unexplained' amnesia?"
The scientist shook her head, though her expression doesn't slip from that ever-so-present mask of indifference, "I made sure that the effects don't harm you in any way."
"So there are side-effects to this."
"I never had the intention of lying to you."
"I love you, I really do, but you're very evasive with very important details like that."
"Because you simply don't ask."
"Yeah, well, I'm not your labrat," you say as you take a bite of the pastry anyway, "I'm your girlfriend. ..Though whatever you put in this, it's really sweet. Could you maybe make a drug-free version of whatever this is?"
The smallest of smiles graced her lips as you chewed and savoured her creation, and you just can't help but melt on the inside at the sight as she swipes off some stray crumbs from the corner of your lips with a thumb. She licks said crumbs off her digit (and your eyes widened the slightest bit) before responding, "I'll be sure to look for such an alternative."
"You better. You know I like whatever you create."
"I do."
"Even if it involves getting spiked for your own curiosity."
She leans in to press a gentle kiss on your cheek, "I appreciate the constant indulgence. Truly."
And as she ghosts her fingers down your arm before they snake over to hold your hand, you can't help but notice that you're just a touch bit more sensitive than you were a few moments ago.
Or maybe it's because it was your lover doing the touching.
Yeah. Maybe that's it.
"Hey, babe."
"Why did you make two of them? Usually it'd only take one for it to hit me."
"In case we need another one."
"..Uh huh."
She doesn't just leave you, which is a wonder but also kinda not? Cuz she's observing you, not because she's affectionate 🤷‍♀️ sorry gangalicious she needs her baby steps towards understanding love in her own way 🫶🫶🫶 personally I'd be patient with her always (she's so me)
So the both of you are just chatting about whatever, like she asks you about how your day's been and then you ask her about how hers was. With you, while still a bit cryptic, she's much more of an open book to you than to anyone else, so you can just freely ask her whatever as you both take a stroll around Herta's Space Station and enjoy each other's company (I'd ask about the cats personally they're my babies :()
But then you start getting a bit......feverish, let's say. Just a tad bit hot under the collar 😊😊 which gets you to wonder like. Did Herta turn up the heat??? Like it was fine before, and why would she ever even need to mess with the temp settings when all that's here are her dolls?????? And why didn't your beloved seem unaffected??????¿????????
It's when she starts to give you touches here and there—her 'casual' handholding, naturally drifting close to you, clinging onto your arm—and noticing details you'd never have ever thought about in usual times that you think that Perhaps There Is Something Going On Here. And THEN you realise What Exactly Is Wrong when you feel that tension (and tent) centred at the bottom half of your body 😜
She's WELL-AWARE of it too, with the way her eyes drift down and her free hand going from resting on your stomach to moving to your lower abdomen.......before stopping 🫶 which gets on your Nerves to the point where all caution's thrown in the wind, your mind nothing more than a lustful haze (lol) and your only priority being to beat this heat......and your meat too, but really that's kinda obvious
It's as if she knew too!!! The moment you find some empty spare room, propriety be damned, she locks you both in IMMEDIATELY before putting the small dish to the table on the side (and you could've sworn you heard her breathe out "finally", though your braincells lost their way amongst the stars or something so you didn't know OR care) and walking back to you. At least until, yk, you grip the fabric of her clothes and slam her to the wall before THEN slamming your lips to hers 🤷‍♀️
She's surprised at your brazen forcefulness at first (who the heck wouldn't be ngl even you'd be surprised somewhere in your basically melted brain) but then she immediately relaxes. Hell, maybe there were remnants of whatever chemicals she put into the cake and she's having a taste for herself, bc she gets more daring by the second as her hands roam around your body and squeeze at your tits and her nails cling onto your biceps as she pulls you in deeper
Coincinentally just like how her nails dig deep into your back as you plow into her senselessly 😄 technique be DAMNED man bouta call yourself a carnivore bc GOD you're hungry for that meat HAHAHAHA (if not you then me I'm hungry for her thanks)
You could just barely register your lover's whines and pleas for you to slow down, but you couldn't care less as you hammered your length into her hot cunt over and over again.
And really, why would you slow down? This is what she wanted, isn't it? Having you fuck her like some simple-minded animal in heat with your only instinct being to fill your lovely little scientist up with your cum until its dripping out of her abused hole... This was her end-goal, so who was she to tell you to slow down?
It was better to lose yourselves in the moment.
..Even when you could hear quiet murmurs on the other side of the door. You could just barely make out what the voices are discussing—they had wondered why there were faint sounds of impact beyond the walls.
You've never seen Ruan Mei in such a state of panic before, with her eyes widening in concern as she pushes through her breathless state and keeps telling you to "stop" and that "it's too much" and "they'll hear of our experiment" (is that what we're calling it now?). Unfortunately for her, however, such words fall on deaf ears; especially when her body language says otherwise, with her limbs refusing to let go of you and her left heel dropping to the floor with a clack that is easily drowned out by the sounds of your explicit duet.
"W-We need to be qui-- mmnf..!"
One of your hands had reached out to the remaining cake before stuffing it in your lover's mouth, "If you wanna be.. ahhh.. quiet so-- ffffucking badly, then have something to c-chew on-- ohmygods, A-Ruan, you feel so good..!"
Her hips buck up in response to you using her true name, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she lets out a particularly loud yet muffled moan. You actually slow down this time, though you make up for the speed by plunging in as deep as you can as she eats her own creation—even you were able to recognise that her choking on something other than your dick would be one hell of a bad idea, and whatever effects that cake had on you was going to hit her rather quickly anyway.
You don't help the rising heat beneath you either, even when you've slowed down; your head bends down to play with her soft tits, tongue licking and mouth sucking as if something was going to ever miraculously come from it. You are a woman-- no, a bitch starved.
And from the feel of your partner's desperate grinding movements on your hard cock, from the looks of your pretty little scientist's pupils being blown, from the fact that her, from the fact that you've managed to reduce your Genius' brain to some sort of needy mush—the same state that you're in—you're pretty sure that she is the same state as you are right now.
Really, who cares about the people outside?
Let them know of your shared depravity with each other.
It stands to reason that neither of you finish for. A long time. Who knew that sharing the effects of two potently-crafted aphrodisiacs would make you two fuck like rabbits? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ you're there for HOURS, doing whatever you two can manage to do—every position, whatever kinks you two have managed to discover yourselves (plus some new ones you hadn't even realised you were interested in until now, go figure)......hell, even when you sit there to catch your breath, you're still inside her 😭
You Are both at least Slightly aware that you're making a huge mess and you're probably gonna be so fucked AND fucked out by like idk tomorrow. Did you have the capacity to care? No not really, but Herta's possible wrath about dirtying up her Station like this was more than enough to have you both think that MAYBE you should take this to one of yous' quarters (though really it's a 50/50 but either way she'll still ridicule you somehow tbh)
So she cleans you up, crouching down and shamelessly sucks you off like a cheap whore—her enthusiasm and fervency is a CLEAR contrast to her usual lethargy and stoicism. Your shared cum drips to the floor as she did so, though not for long when she stands up and puts her panties back in place. Are they ruined to all hell???? Well yes but she won't really need it at your place so it's not like it matters
Once you've got yourself and the room cleaned up (that's a stretch I'm ngl but you get ⭐️ a gold star for trying), you quickly leave as soon as possible. It's both bc neither of you are far from done with your 'experiment' AND bc you two are such messes. Like you could be a mess on the daily, who knows, but Ruan Mei NEVER has a hair out of place and now she looks So Very Dishevelled My God
But again, none of that matters once you both get into your room and continue for round........who knows
But after you both inevitably end up passing out and the effects wear off? Lol she wasn't joking about how it won't do anything negative to you—the both of you remember precisely Everything you've done
"At the end of the day," you spoke, voice raspy from the sleep and the overexhertion from the day before, "what was that research even for?"
She snuggles into your embrace—a rare moment of tenderness between the two of you—as she thinks on her words, "..Sexual potential?"
"..Could you elaborate?"
"..Not right now, my apologies," her voice is in the same state as yours, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"I figured."
Whatever research it was, it turned out to be Very Good Research 🫶
It also helps that she kept the recipe AND found a non-drugged alternative. Win win!!!!!
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la2yn0va · 2 months
Self-aware Honkai Star rail x Streamer!Male Reader (Part 2)
CW: The characters hate the chat/viewers, Chat Slander, Cult/Religious Topic
Y/n: Chat who should my team be today?
Long strings of texts quickly fly up his screen, he leans on the desk, looking for the first text that stops with four characters. Meanwhile in the game.
Boothill: For fudge sakes!! Why must he take advice form those…FUDGING CREATURES!!
The space cowboy/galaxy ranger loudly exclaimed everyone’s thoughts. Argenti’s placed his hand on the rangers shoulder.
Argenti: Calm yourself my friend. Anger will only cloud your beauty.
Jade: He’s right ranger. After all your loudness will make my ears bleed.
Boothill: You—!!
Herta: Ugh, just shut up already! Any louder and his grace will know were self-aware and the prophecy will be destroyed!! So Shut your mouths and HATE each other more quietly!!
The genius yelled, glaring at the two who released a small ‘tch’ knowing she was right but being too stubborn to admit it.
Y/n: Okay, up first…Ruan Mei. Good choice for once idiots.
He said jokingly to the chat, meanwhile the game characters turned to Ruan Mei and let began to clap for her. Ruan Mei however, didn’t seem pleased. Why would she? His grace didn’t chose her, it was those…parasites.
Y/n: The others are…Jingliu, Blade and Luocha. Okay, I can finally start playing.
Claps once more erupted for the four chosen ones of today, but just like Ruan Mei, the three didn’t seem pleased at all with how they were selected.
Blade clenched his biceps harder as his Mara was rising, Kafka quickly put a stop to it before it got worse.
Jingliu released an icy cold dimension around her, her eyes becoming more dead then they already were behind her blindfold. Luocha merely held a displeased face.
The four quickly disappeared from the selection screen, leaving everyone else to their own devices.
Topaz: Alright. Spill it, Which one of you prayed wrong or didn’t pray correctly!
Topaz quickly started the discussion, looking at everyone accusingly, which made everyone begin accusing the other.
Dr. Raito: Mind your eyes, idiots. I pray every day the SECOND it turns to the appropriate time.
Huohuo: I-It wasn’t me!! I-I Swear!! I Promise!!!
Tail: Listen to the kid!! I’m willing to bet it’s that cyborg!
Xyuei: You little—
Hanya: Silence Tail! Your false narrative won’t be tolerated!
Arlan: Me and lady asta prayed correctly together! Don’t even think about accusing us!
Acheron stood alone, quietly glaring at others with a clear expression of disgust. Silverwolf was beside her, drawing out the noise with her video games.
Sampo: Stop glaring at me Captain! You’re looking at the wrong guy!
Gepard: I don’t buy it criminal!
Sparkle: Well you should. I personally make sure this idiot prays on time.
Natasha: I can attest to that Gepard. Sampo is not the criminal this time.
Kafka: Everyone! Shut up and listen to me!
Kafka yelled, using her spirit whisper to get everyone to shut up and focus on her.
Kafka: Now. Listen. Who is the person who didn’t pray or prayed incorrectly. Step forward.
She ordered, but much to her annoyance, no one stepped up.
Kafka: Wonderful. So the problem isn’t us.
She said as she freed everyone from her spirit whisper, with everyone coming together in agreement to whose the criminal of their graces actions.
Everyone: Those PARASITES!
What we thinking about this one chat?
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gojoidyll · 2 months
Aeon Flux | Ch. 1
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Various x Aeon ! Reader
Summary | As an aeon in a human disguise, you traverse the cosmos because... you're bored. Immortal life, unchanging circumstances, the weak begging for power, the powerless asking for a second chance. It all got so boring for you. So, you decided to see why these humans continue to groan about the atrocities of everyday life. Thing is? It's turning out easier than you thought!!
@boothillssugarmomma @immahuman @nadiayuan @killerqueen1245 @seikouryuu @dorimimimimi @amistakehadhappened @tainted-artist4161 @missingtophat @diamondcookie45
“So let me get this straight,” Himeko began as she watched lay back into the couch, soda in hand with a bag of chips laying in your lap, “you went to Herta’s space station, met Stelle, played Go Fish with Stelle and Dan Heng before the Legion arrived, stood up and said ‘my job here is done,’ and then left?”
You grinned, “yep, and March 7th oh so loudly declared, ‘you didn’t even do anything!!’ it was quite hilarious,” you said as you took another swig of your soda, “besides, I’m not worried. Those three will be just fine.”
Welt was the next one to come up to you, “how are you sure?”
Glancing at the man, you gave him a thumbs up, “I’m not! Just a gut feeling is all, I mean, I’m not like the people on the Luofu who have the divine foresight and crap like that,” you took another sip of your soda, “but anyway, those guys should be here any moment… which reminds me, you all for real letting a stellaron aboard this train?”
“You’re on here, aren’t you?”
You winked at Himeko, “touché.”
“There you are!”
You looked over at the doors as they opened up, March coming barreling through a moment later, “yo!”
March shoved her pointer finger into your chest, “don’t you ‘yo’ me! You left us there.”
You pouted and raised your hands in mock surrender, “but I had to, I was going to miss the season finale of my favorite anime, and you know I hate watching reruns. Besides, I couldn’t let Pompom spoil it again for me…”
“You’re unbelievable!”
March says this with an exasperated expression while throwing her hands up in the air as she walked away. Waving goodbye to March as she was probably going to her room, you then brought your attention to Dan Heng, “well?”
“It was alright, we didn’t need you there.”
“See! I knew you three will be alright,” You stood up from the couch, your bag of chips and soda being placed onto the table as you walked up to Dan Heng and the new trailblazer.
“The name is y/n, and that was a fun game of Gold Fish! Let’s play again sometime, ok?”
“It’s Go Fish,” Dan Heng lightly reminded again as Stelle took your hand and gave it a good shake.
“You sure,” you asked.
“But Gold Fish sounds so much better,” you say as you let go of Stelle’s hand and shift your focus to Dan Heng.
“It only sounds good and correct because that is what you got used to saying. It’s kind of like Roku and Ruko. You know that device you hook up to your tv for streaming different apps.”
“Ahhh, that makes sense.”
Dan Heng knew you were just playing around, but he found that he quite liked and even looked forward to these interactions with you, but he knew that it won’t last forever. He remembers when you first joined the Astral Express and how you said you won’t be staying long.
He’s not entirely sure when you plan on leaving, but he hopes it won’t be soon.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and looked to see Stelle, “what’s up?”
Stelle held up the playing cards from before and you grinned, “oh? Wanna get beat again?”
“I’m pretty sure you left when I started winning.”
You rolled your eyes, “whatever Dan Heng, let’s just play.”
You grabbed Dan Heng’s and Stelle’s hands and moved your way to the couch. Pompom, Himeko, and Welt all the while could only shake their heads at the scene.
“Well, while those three play around, it’s time to go to our next destination!”
You perked up at that from the spot on the couch, “aww… already? I didn’t get the chance to get souvenirs yet…”
Pompom ignored you “time to get this train moving!”
Before you could cry a river at being ignored, Dan Heng held out a small phone charm for you, “here.”
You grinned at the small piece of jewelry before nudging Dan Heng’s shoulder, “aww, it’s a spear and it looks like yours too! How thoughtful!”
“It may not be the souvenir that you were hoping for, but I’m glad you liked it.”
You nodded enthusiastically and quickly pulled out your phone to hook the charm on, and as you did so, the Express was beginning to warp so you looked to Stelle, “hold on tight, it’s going to get a bit…bumpy.”
When you looked away to shuffle the cards in your hands, you didn’t notice how both Dan Heng and Stelle grabbed onto your sleeve. They couldn’t quite explain the reason of why they did it, but they just felt like if something went wrong, you would be able to save them just fine (even if you didn’t do anything on the space station or did anything ever as March liked to put it).
And they would be right on that feeling. You may have been the type to sit back and let them handle their own problems. But if the Epxress blew up or was going to crash, well, maybe it would of been alright for an aeon like yourself to save them.
Granted, you hoped something like that doesn't have to happen because you quite liked having them not know you're an aeon. Heh.
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kurogane2512 · 6 months
Part II, continuation for HoV reader x HSR Himeko pls..
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Y'all I didn't expect such a huge demand for it😭😭 but thank you im glad it was well received and here is pt 2!
Game: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: HSR Himeko x Herrscher!reader (HoV)
Type: Fluff and smut
Himeko may have made her declaration of love to you, but she gave you enough space and time of your own to settle down with everyone and get used to things as a Nameless. Though, everyone was quick to notice how things had changed between you two. How could they not when she would be all over you every morning, making you sit close by as she drank her coffee? You no longer avoided her; if anything, you were around her the most now, so much so that March even got jealous you weren't talking to her like before.
You had come to understand the ways of the Nameless more, what trailblazing meant and how the Astral Express operated. Chatting with Welt about old times was a nice change of pace too, even though he was reluctant to talk about Earth too much, he did share why he left and everything that happened in your absence as much as he knew. Dan Heng was mysterious to say the least, but he was most curious about your powers and liked to train together.
One day, the express made a stop at a space station. It was your first time seeing such a big space station which practically felt like a home for all the scientists living there. Himeko asked you to accompany her on the space station, she first visited some researcher named Asta and handed her an item then took you to a storage room filled with interesting artifacts.
"What is this place, Himeko?"
"Hehe, it's a storage room to say the least. But these are all prized possessions of Herta, they are called Curios."
You nodded and looked over the place in fascination until your eyes landed on a familiar item, a broken red sword....
"H-Himeko, is that....? What you showed me earlier?"
Himeko softly smiled and patted your head, "It is. I wanted to show it to you in person, I hope you don't mind."
"I'm just surprised...."
You smiled back and walked towards the item on display, it definitely looked like the real thing you had seen and even clashed your own blade with. A greatsword surging with a fiery passion to fight for all that's beautiful in the world, the person who wielded it upheld that motto till her last breath. Even then, she never tried to kill you with it. Even her last words spoken to you as the blade broke in fragments were full of love and care, wishing for you to be well.
Your memories of her flowed through your mind as you gazed at the broken sword, fiery particles floating around you as if the sword was alive and had her soul in it. That's when you heard a strange whisper in your ear, a familiar voice spoken all too calmly and gently that if you weren't paying attention, you'd easily miss it.
"Keep your heart steady and carry on, I'm proud of you."
Your eyes widened, it felt as if your love was right around you and whispering words of encouragement one last time. You felt a warm and comforting feeling wrap around you in an embrace, the fiery particles of the sword flying around you even more than before. You looked down and nodded with a smile, "Thank you." You whispered as a tear melted down your cheek.
You then stepped away and turned to face Himeko who was silently standing nearby the whole time and gazing at you. You wiped away the tears filling your eyes and lunged into Himeko's arms, tightly embracing her.
"Thank you for bringing me here." Himeko caressed your head and nodded with a smile, relieved that you felt some closure now.
You returned to the express soon after and departed for your next destination with everyone. Later that night, a knock was heard on your door and you opened it to reveal none other than Himeko wearing a nightgown and carrying a pillow with herself, looking at you with a smile.
"Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight, Y/n?~"
Her words made you blush, thinking of all sorts of scenarios.
"O-Oh, of course, come in!" you quickly made way for her and she walked inside then placed her pillow beside yours then laid down on the bed.
"Come here, sweetheart~" Himeko patted the place beside her, inviting you to lay down as well. You blushed even more by the nickname and the fact that you really were going to sleep beside her. You laid down as she asked and hesitantly looked away, too shy to look at her face. Her hands caressed your face in soothing motions, a gentle smile adorning her face and her tender golden eyes gazing at you lovingly.
"Are you feeling okay, darling?"
Himeko asked softly, shifting closer to you so that your face was buried in her neck.
"Yes, I'm fine. Better than fine, actually. It feels like a huge burden was lifted off, and I feel free again."
You looked up at her and pecked her life, catching her by surprise, "thank you so much...."
Himeko smiled back and cupped your face, brushing her thumb across your lower lip. You gazed at her own lips, both of you feeling a magnetic attraction towards each other and before you knew it, your lips were connected once again but much more intense than before. Himeko passionately moved her lips, her tongue swiping them and slipping inside entangle with your own, soft moans escaping both of you.
Her voice was divine to hear, your lips chased hers to draw out more of her angelic moans. She felt overwhelmed, something she didn't expect from you. Maybe your Herrscher powers were doing something, or maybe you were just needy by nature and she only experienced that now. She realized you must have held yourself back for a long time, afraid to hurt people so you isolated yourself.
She did not know how far you went with the Himeko in your world, just how deep your relationship was in terms of physical intamcy. But she had a small hope to be your first, though she wouldn't mind at all if she wasn't. She suddenly felt you hold her shoulders and apply force as if you wanted to push her down, you continued kissing her and raised your body while coming closer to her and she knew you really were going to come on top.
Oh, how could she have that? A girl younger than her dominating her this way?
"Wait, Y/n! Just a minute—!" Himeko whimpered out and you immediately stopped then moved away from her in worry.
"Ah, I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me, I'm really sorry!" you apologized as if you had made a grave mistake, reminding her of the way you were in the beginning when you arrived.
Himeko sat up and cupped your face, moving it to the front to look at her.
"No, don't say sorry. You didn't do anything wrong, I was just surprised by how intense you became all of a sudden. I thought I'd have to take things slow but it seems you are eager to go all out, hehe~" Himeko teased with a chuckle, blush forming on your face at her words.
"No, I am at fault... I took things out of order and didn't confirm your feelings first."
"Is that so? I thought the kiss earlier conveyed all my feelings~"
You chuckled, "But I want you to know.... I love you, Himeko. I'm so grateful that I met you and I cannot thank you enough for all the help you gave me. Will you... um... be my girlfriend?"
Himeko's eyes widened and a blush formed on her face too, "I love you too, Y/n. And I'd be very happy to date you~"
You smiled brightly then Himeko placed her hands on your shoulders, making you confused for a moment until you were pushed down and Himeko straddled you. A teasing smirk on her face as she stared down at you, you anticipated what she would do and couldn't deny feeling aroused. Himeko first slipped down her own gown, giving you an eye-candy display as you watched her naked body slowly come into light.
She was perfect in every way, beautiful well-endowed breasts with perky pink nipples, luscious fiery red hair cascading over her shoulders. Her hands roamed over your body now, pulling you to sit up as she first took off your shirt. Though, she did not expect what she saw next. Your body was riddled with numerous markings going down your arms and around your belly, they seemed to be some kind of energy markings with the way they were engraved in your skin.
"What are these, Y/n....?" Himeko asked in concern.
"A-Ah, it's.... Honkai energy, back when I lost control and had an overload of Honkai reaction.... I thought they would disappear once I gain control but seems I was wrong, haha." you tried to laugh it off.
"....Does it still pain?"
"N-No, it's fine. You can touch if you want to...."
Himeko smiled then leaned near your neck and licked up your skin, placing small kisses all over then biting your collarbone. You shuddered with a small gasp, her tongue licked down to your belly and she caressed the markings for a moment then kissed all over them as well. You blushed profusely, feeling loved at such an endearing action of hers.
She removed your shorts and underwear next, continuing to kiss down your abdomen. Her hands brushed your folds, feeling how wet you were becoming at just simple kisses. Her thumb slowly circled your clit, your body shivering in response as you muffled your moans and arched up.
"Now, just relax, darling. I'll take care of you~" Himeko kissed your cheek as she started rubbing her finger across your vulva, your hands gripped the bedsheet below as you threw your head back feeling her slowly insert one finger inside you.
She engulfed your entire body and senses, every feeling and thought. Her smooth long fingers parted your walls as she plunged them deep inside, immediately touching a sensitive spot making you arch up with a loud moan. Himeko smirked at the reaction and further kissed your neck and cheek, gradually increasing the pace and thrusting her fingers in and out.
"Aah~ H-Himeko.... feels good....mhm!~"
"That's right, moan for me how you feel. Tell me everything about your body, my darling~"
Your hands wrapped around her neck now as you held her closely and moaned out, her fingers intently thrusting and scissoring inside you drawing out your sweet juices and whimpers. Her lips were busy marking your neck and kissing your face, eventually licking up your ears and biting down the lobe.
"Aaah! I'm close... Himeko.... please....ngh!~"
"Cum for me, my love. Shout my name and release everything~" Himeko's sultry voice whispering in your ear immediately made you tighten around her fingers and release, your body arching up the most and a sweet moan resounding in the room. Himeko relished every sound and movement you made, taking out her drenched fingers and licking your essence.
"Mhm, how sweet. I knew my girl tasted just as sweet as she is~"
Her praises always did something to you, making you flustered and aroused at the same time.
"Hah... Himeko... let me do you too..." you requested as you laid panting, and Himeko was more than ready to comply.
"My, how considerate. I was thinking to please you more first, but I won't deny I have become quite desperate myself after the sensual display you just put on~"
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0vereasy · 9 months
Life’s Creation and Love’s Manifestation Chapter 2 - Dr Ratio x Female reader
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Summary: Your promotion as one of the heads of the Security Department at Herta’s Space Station was full of many headaches, one of the biggest being a visiting scholar from the Intelligentsia Guild and a delegate of the IPC, Dr. Ratio.
When you were forced to team up with him to solve several crises emerging at the Station, how will your tense relationship change? And what exactly is the Doctor hiding?
A/N: Thanks so much for the support on Chapter 1! Hope Chapter two is just as enjoyable! Note that this contains spoilers for the first half of the Trailblaze question in 1.6, including spoilers about the new boss. The Trailblazer is kept gender neutral so feel free to picture whoever.
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Taglist: @96jnie
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Chapter 2: Tough Survival
Word count: 7.0k+
“Why exactly do you need to go in the Seclusion Zone again?” you asked, eyebrow raised at the Trailblazer standing beside you in the Storage Zone, you tapping your foot impatiently as you both waited for the elevator to arrive. It was taking longer than usual, the display panel showing the elevator’s current location showed that the metal tube was forced to make the long trip from the bottom of the station back to your location. Your arms were tired of lugging shit around this god-awful Space Station, your full water bottle and heavy-duty laptop making your arms ache as shifting them slightly in your arms from where you stood.
Unfortunately, your comfort was also not aided by the person standing in beside you. In all honesty, the Trailblazer had been giving off weird vibes since their arrival at the Station late last night; even now they wouldn’t meet your eye despite standing beside you, shuffling slightly in their spot. You weren’t the first, and definitely wouldn’t be the last to admit that they weren’t exactly the brightest bulb, but hey, neither would you, and you could tell there was something more to their evasive answers.
“Completely legal business that is completely ethical and not dangerous at all!” they exclaimed, forcing a laugh as they scratched the back of their neck awkwardly. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you followed them into the elevator. You turned to watch the doors close, ensuring you were both firmly in the metal carrier before you set your laptop and water bottle down, bending at the waist to do so. You straightened once more, cracking your knuckles. To their credit, the Trailblazer quickly picked up on your action, backing themselves as far away from you as the small metal tube would allow them, “What are you-”
You turned from the elevator door to face them, arms moving up and grabbing them by the collar of their white shirt, pushing them against the back wall of the elevator. Their amber eyes widened in shock at your actions, hands lifting in a vain attempt to pull your own digits from their shirt collar. Your grip only tightened at that, pushing them more firmly into the wall in a way you expected would leave a few bruises.
“Look, I’m trusting you today; you’re the Station’s saviour after all, and you have Madam Ruan Mei’s access card,” your gaze dipped from their golden eyes to the card hanging around their neck, the picture of Ruan Mei gazing back at you as if the Genius was in the elevator right now, mocking you. You moved your face closer to their own, using your hand to tilt their chin down slightly to make sure they looked you in the eye, “But if I find out that you do anything to threaten the safety of the Station while were down there, I won’t hesitate to deal with you myself.” You whispered those last words in their ear after shifting your head to the side slightly. You moved your head back to speak again, “Capeesh?”
“U-Understood, Miss Y/N,” came their studdered response, their face visibly flushed and mouth slightly agape as they stared up at you. You sighed, releasing their shirt, though your body lingered close to their own for a second, keeping them on guard despite your hands lowering to your sides. You bent down once more to pick up your items, though this time you kept your gaze focused on the Trailblazer as you did so before inevitably having to turn your back away from them to face the buttons on the elevator panel.
God, you were getting real tired of pinning people against walls. What was this, twice in one week? Must be a new record, if not it was at least a personal best score.
“Great!” you exclaimed, turning to flash a smile over your shoulder at them. Despite the friendly nature of the action, their body flinched backwards, “Come on, don’t be like that, you know I can’t play bad cop for long,” you shrugged, turning your head back to the button panel,”let’s go then,” you shifted your laptop under your arm so you could grab your key card hanging around your neck, pushing it against the access scanner on the wall of the elevator. A green light flashed on the scanner, approving the descent, while a second green light from a panel above it turned on, the light moving across your face as a robotic voice confirmed your identity. After the light turned off, you pressed the lowest button on the elevator panel, turning to look at your companion again once the elevator started descending, “That’s why the elevator wasn’t moving earlier.”
“H-Huh?” the Trailblazer was still clearly flustered from earlier, as they looked at you blankly as if not truly processing your words, a familiar look for them really. Even from your spot a few feet away from them, you couldn’t mistake the flush on their cheeks or the way they fidgeted slightly with their hands. You allowed yourself to roll your eyes this time, taking a swig from the water bottle in your hand, the ‘water’ burning your throat nicely as it went down.
“Theirs a dual processing system!” you announced proudly after swallowing, turning to look at the panel. You pointed first to the key card scanner, “This device scans a key card,” your finger then moved to the panel above it, “and then this one scans the person’s face to make sure their identity matches the card they scanned!” you turned to look at the Trailblazer again as you leaned against the wall of the elevator with a smirk, crossing your arms confidently, “That’s why it wasn’t working earlier when you tried to use Ruan Mei’s card without me! I designed it after the Legion attack to try and increase Security; I know, I know, I’m a genius.”
“You sure change moods fast, Miss Y/N,” the Trailblazer sighed, though their body language was already slightly more open from before, their amber eyes clearly meeting yours and their feet planted firmly on the ground. You forced down a smile at the change.
“Come on Trailblazer, you know me, I’m not meant to play the serious security roll for long. Like I said, I can only play bad cop for so long before I clinically go insane,” you huffed dramatically, standing up straight so you stop leaning on the metal wall, “Besides, it’s my day off, I threatened you for safety purposes only, obviously.”
The Trailblazer opened their mouth to respond, but their attention was instead caught by the slowing of the elevator as it reached it’s destination. As the doors of the elevator opened, they looked between you and the dark space beyond skeptically, breathing slightly heavily as you took your first few steps into the Zone.
“Why is it… so dark?” The Trailblazer asked you, as you both stepped into the empty corridor. The, elevator ascending back up behind the two of you, leaving the only source of light as the stars and planets beyond the Space Station windows. Compared to the rest of the station at this hour, everything was quiet, as one would expect for a Zone locked away from the public. Your eyes scanned the place as you both walked, lingering at the work station in the distance voluntarily, before you forced your gaze to look at your companion again.
“Energy saving mechanism,” you explained casually, steps large and confident compared to the small skeptical ones of your companion, “you should see Herta’s energy bill, yeesh, I know the IPC have a payday everytime Topaz comes to collect our debts,” you explained, “No one really uses this place, so the lights are motion activated to save us some credits, they’ll come on soon.”
You both paused at the sight of a little robot in front of you, the glowing red light from its body serving as the only other source of light down in the dark Zone. Much like the little helper bots around the Space Station, the white robot seemed innocent enough. Well, that was until it decided to turn suddenly to look at both you and the Trailblazer, the red lights on its face flashing angrily for a moment beyond the cracked glass of its scanning screen, causing the Trailblazer to take a nervous step back.
While the Trailblazer flinched beside you, you merely huffed in annoyance, waving at the robot calmly, “Don’t be like that stupid, it’s just me!” the red lights of the robot dimmed at your voice, while the lighting for the floor seemed to come on given your waving, bathing the main floor of the security zone in red lights lit up from the panels serving as arm rails around the platform. The robot quickly flew off to its proper position as you turned to face your companion, “Sorry ‘bout that, the robots down here are designed for security so they can be a little extra when someone new comes around.”
“Right…” the Trailblazer murmured, still clearly taken aback by all the events they had witnessed in the past five or so minutes. You almost felt bad about pushing them against the door now… well, almost. They did give some interesting reactions after all.
“Anyway, from here Ruan Mei’s card will allow you access to whatever you want,” you explained, pointing towards an elevator opposite to the one you emerged from, the elevator in the same direct the robot had scurried back to, “That elevator there will take you down to the research and curio storage area. I’ll stay here til you’re done whatever the hell Ruan Mei put you up to.”
“Thanks again Miss Y/N… sorry for bothering you on your day off!” the Trailblazer scurried away before you could reply, clearly anxious for a chance to get away from you, not that you could blame them exactly. You let them go, watching their anxious form get onto another much more welcoming elevator than the one you currently stood in front of.
It was only when they began their descent, metal doors closing behind them, that you spoke, “I didn’t expect to see you here, Doctor,” you commented, turning your gaze from the elevator back towards one of the two work stations on the ground level of the Seclusion Zone where Doctor Ratio stood, “Have nothing better to do than hang out in dark rooms all day? I wonder what the IPC would think if they heard their delegate had nothing better to do than waste their time.” You hummed playfully, moving towards the workstation he was at.
The doctor merely scoffed, the sound slightly muffled by that stupid alabaster head that he had on again today, “Those are the words you decide to greet me with today, really?” he sighed, as if disappointed, “I expected much more from you after our previous encounter.”
“Much more?” you echoed, shooting him a puzzled glance as you plopped yourself down at one of the chairs at the workstation, sighing at the relief of finally being able to put your items down for a longer period of time. You shook your hands out in front of you, as if trying to shake off the built up tension within them accrued from your long period of lugging things around, “What, were you expecting me to push you against a wall again until you lost all your inhibitions? Sorry to disappoint you, Doctor, but I think I’ve reach my kabedon quota for the month.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” the Doctor rebutted with hostility as he sat down in the chair a few feet away from your own, “I obviously expected an apology after our previous encounter. In fact, I’ve expected an apology for the last five days since our previous meeting. And yet you avoid me! Does this Space Station have no shame? No desire to maintain diplomatic relations between important parties?”
“What, you want me to apologize for doing my job? It’s my day off, I’m not apologizing for shit,” you said bluntly, moving your gaze away from him to flip open your laptop, one hand shielding the other as you typed in your password. You didn’t exactly know how he managed to see through the stupid alabaster head, but you weren’t about to put your laptop’s safety at risk.
“You and I both know, Miss Y/N, that embarrassing and threatening a guest and pushing them against the wall is nowhere within your employment description!” he exclaimed dramatically, crossing his arms across his chest like an angry child.
“It is when the guest is acting like a little shit,” you shrugged, watching your computer screen as the device turned on. You could hear the sound of him opening his insufferable mouth to speak again, forcing you to speak sooner, “Besides, I’m sure you’re happy to know that I received internal punishment from Arlan already. I don’t owe you anything.”
“It is satisfying to know that actions do have consequences in this Station,” he removed the alabaster head, revealing a sly smile below it. God you wished you had the freedom to punch his pretty face, especially right now, as you watched his amber eyes scan your appearance, “I must say, your apparel makes much more sense with the understanding that you are off the clock.”
You looked at your own outfit; a simple white cropped top and a high-waisted pair of black shorts that rode up as you sat down, the fabric only barely covering what it was supposed to, “What, you find offence in my outfit, Doctor? This ship is hot all the time, sue me!” You rolled your eyes, forcing yourself to look away from him to your computer, deft fingers quickly moving to reopen the programs you were using before the Trailblazer interrupted you.
“Not a fan of the heat? How interesting,” he retorted from beside you. From the corner of your eye, you could see him picking at his fingernails in mock boredom, “For someone has hot-headed as you, I would expect heat to be second nature.”
“Ha, ha,” you muttered, completely stone-faced, refusing to look at him for a few seconds before a smirk made its way onto your features. You turned in your swivel chair to face him head-on, “I didn’t know my temperature preferences would be so fascinating to you, Doctor. If you’re so interested in my experience with warmth, I could give you an indepth explanation of the last time I was hot and heavy, if you catch my drift.”
“You-” he coughed, cutting his own outburst short, “I can assure you I have no desire to understand you or your… bedroom habits at all.” You snickered at the half-assed retort. Aeones, it was so easy to get under this guy’s skin; you hadn’t had fun in a verbal battle like this in a while. It almost made you sad that this guy would leave the station sooner or later, well until you realized that his departure meant an end to dealing with his arrogant attitude.
“Great, in that case you can happily leave me alone then,” you flashed a mockingly cheerful smile at him before dropping your expression to a neutral stare, “It may be my day off, but I have shit to do… so, shoo.” You flicked your wrist mockingly at him, as if he Peppy begging for attention that you had no time to give. His eyes narrowed at the hand motion.
Of course, he didn’t shoo as you requested, only scootching his desk chair closer to you instead. To his credit, he let a few moments pass, watching you as you reopened all your closed tabs on your computer before he spoke again, as if in mock courtesy, “How did you know I was here?”
“Come on Mr. Ratio, I’m sure someone as smart as you allegedly are knows how eyeballs work,” you commented, focused on your computer instead of him as you scanned the information on the screen, “I know you wear an alabaster head, but the rest of us do have free range of our vision ya know?”
He ignored the quip, speaking once more, “Please do not play dumb with me, Ms. Y/N. You knew I was here the second the elevator arrived at this platform, if not before that. I saw you look this way upon your arrival” You turned your eyes from the screen to him again, stifling a sigh at the unfinished work that kept being put off. At this point, you started to doubt why you even lugged your laptop down here
“Only five people have access to this Zone,” you started, the Doctor blinking twice, as if startled that you were actually answering his question, “Screwllum, Herta, Ruan Mei use this area for their work, and, Arlan and me make occasional trips for security purpose. The geniuses are all in some meeting in some Aeon forsaken corner of the Simulated Universe, and Arlan is working upstairs, soooo.”
“I don’t quite see the chain of your logic,” the Doctor crossed his legs, resting his elbow on his uppermost knee to glance at you again as if you were entertainment. This time, it felt more as if you were an animal at the zoo that he was excited to observe.
“Whose playing dumb now, Mr. Ratio, you clearly know what I’m implying, “ you stared provocatively into his amber orbs, crossing one leg on top of the other. You watched his gaze flicker downwards at the moment, eyes scanning your nearly bare legs, before he forced his gaze upwards again, “The elevator came from this floor when the Trailblazer ‘n I were heading down here, meaning someone or something had to be here. That’s how I knew something was here,” you broke the eye contact, focusing again on the computer, an attempt you were sure was only in vain, “As for how I knew it was you, you didn’t exactly conceal yourself; you know that wearing that head doesn’t make you invisible to the rest of the world right?. If anything, I’m betting you sent the robot off to distract the Trailblazer, just so they wouldn’t notice you standing a few feet away.”
The Doctor chuckled, mockingly clapping his hands, “Bravo, bravo. I must say, you’re logic in impressive for someone of your calibre. If only you had the capacity to understand other areas of knowledge.” He sighed pittily, scooting his chair one more step towards yours.
“How did you get down here?” you ignored his quip, once again meeting his gaze, your features contorted into a frown. The Doctor clearly noticed the shift in your tone, shifting slightly in his chair. Part of you wanted to tease him for the effect your first encounter must’ve had on him, but the other more serious part wanted to find out who was behind the breach in security that you would have to correct during your next shift.
“Oh that? That was a simple task,” the Doctor shrugged offhandedly, regaining any composure he had lost a moment ago, “I simply struck up a conversation with one of your department members? What was her name…. Hmm I suppose I forgot it, or rather did not bother to remember it in the first place,” he shrugged, “Regardless, she seemed rather enthralled for the chance to observe me as she happened to come across me during my morning workout a few days prior,” he smirked at you, “it is funny how people misplace vital pieces of technology at the mere sight of human muscle.”
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms around your chest, the Doctor’s eyes following your movements again. Aeons, could this dude be any less subtle, “You’re telling me you managed enter your information into the permitted visitor’s list to the Seclusion Zone simply by using your rizz to distract the poor girl while she was on duty?”
“I am unsure of the meaning of…’rizz’ but you are correct,” he smirked as the frustration grew on your expression, “I must say, considering the recent Anti Matter Legion invasion, I would expect more from a security department which must be struggling to win back the trust and support of researchers. What a pity.” You resisted the urge to clench your jaw in frustration, forcing yourself to take a deep breath to release the growing tension in your body.
“And I would expect a delegate from the IPC would have better things to do then visually undress me after illegally obtaining entry to this area,” you retorted, scootching your chair close to his for a moment until your knees touched, ignoring the jolt you felt from the contact. His throat bobbed as he watched you place a hand on his clothed knee, “Does your both know your tendency for sexual harassment? Or am I the lucky one getting to see this side of you.”
“I-If there’s anyone engaging in harassment between the two of us, it is clearly you!’ he attempted to tilt his chin upwards in a show of domination, though the stutter in his tone was as clear as day, “I’ll let you know I have much better things to do than entertain this exacting conversation.” He turned his head away from you, crossing those muscular arms across his chest again. You scanned him for a moment; it definitely was no wonder that the guy worked out, he was built like a statue or something with the girth of those arms. You let your mind wander a few unsavoury places for a moment before you remembered who you were talking to.
“Good to know Doctor,” you said drily, using your feet to push your body away from his, the heat from his knees touching yours remaining on your bare leg. You turned your shoulder, facing your laptop again, this time with the determination to do work, “If that’s the case, you have no reason to stay here. It may be my day off, but I got work to do. So, like I said before, shoo. Leave me alone.” You mockingly waved your hand at him again, eyes still focused on the screen.
You were starting to wonder if the man in front of you had no concept of the words shoo, as he once again scooted his chair closer to you, this time his eyes focused on the computer. Based on his demeanour, he had already, his movements made with no hint of hesitation. You did your best to ignore him, even the wheels of his office chair nudged the wheels of your own, his chair now firmly placed directly behind you. You could feel his breath on your face and sense the heat from his toned body as he leaned in, as if wanted to get a closer work at what you were doing. The tension resting between you two was hot and electrifying, leaving goosebumps on your skin and, despite the disgust rising in your stomach, a slight heat on your cheeks. To your credit, you kept your features neutral, even as his toned arm accidentally brushed against your elbow resting firmly on the chair, the feeling of his firm muscles only adding to the heat surrounding the two of you. You forced your fingers to move expertly across the keyboard, glad the motions were well-trained and familiar to account for the brain fog that this whole situation was giving you.
The Doctor was the first to speak, breaking through the growing atmosphere between you two, “You know how to code?” he questioned, no hint of a quip in his tone as he watched your fingers move, line after line of a carefully typed code appearing on your screen.
“What, no insult with your words Doctor? Getting soft on me?” you teased, a closed-lip smile taking over your face, though your focus remained on the screen, “I know how to code,” was your simple confirmation. A moment of silence passed between you two, as if he was trying to process the information.
The one-word reply broke your concentration, your eyes finally leaving the screen to face the Doctor beside you, his hand on his chin once again, as if in thought, “Are you seriously asking me why I can code? Why not? We leave in a free universe after all,” you held back an eye roll.
You were surprised, even slightly creeped out, when he replied again without a quip attached to his words, “By the way you’re typing, you clearly have experience with this. Given your young age, and the fact you have worked your way up to a senior position in the Security Department on a renowned station, you must have learned outside of a place of formal education,” you blinked dumbly at his lines of reasoning. Maybe this dude really was a genius, “So yes, Miss Y/N, I am asking why.”
You let a few moments of silence pass before smirking at him, “So, you think I look young?”
“Is that really all you picked up from that speech? Perhaps I am giving you too much credit your intelligence,” he scoffed, watchful eyes noticing you stifle a chuckle in your hand. Ah, finally, you worked another quip out of him.
“If you are so curious to know more about me,” you started, the mix of playfulness and seriousness in your words calming his agitation, “I used to work for Lady Asta’s family before I worked here,” you shrugged, “A while back, her family wanted a new security system, and the ones offered by the IPC are either overpriced or stupidly designed,” she flashed him a sly smile, “No offence of course. So, I borrowed some books from the library about coding, and I taught myself. That’s all there is to it.”
“So you are self-taught,” he pondered to himself, “quite interesting. At least you manage to possess intelligence in some areas, even if you happen to be an idiot in most others.” You laughed out loud at that one, earning a strange, long look from the Doctor that you couldn’t quite read.
“Aww, Doc, is that a complement I hear? Guess I can’t blame you, I am a woman of many talents after all,” you smirked at him, leaning back in your chair to invade his personal space, your arm brushing his own as you did. Flesh lingered on flesh for a moment until he pulled the limb away.
“If that is your definition of a complement, you are a greater idiot than I suspected,” he snapped back, the speed of which he defended your remark being oddly quick. You watched him as he scooched his chair further away from you, the warmth of his skin on your own still lingering on your arm.
“Hmm, whatever you say,” you hummed playfully, noticing the way the Doctor swallowed heavily at your teasing, “I answered your little questions, can you leave now? The Station’s security system can’t exactly maintain itself ya’ know?” You knew you should turn back to your laptop, but witnessing the Doctor like this was just too good of a reward to give up.
“You designed the security system?” he asked, tone of genuine curiosity instead of judging disgust. Wow, he must really be growing soft on you.
“How else do you think I got promoted exactly?” you raised a teasing eyebrow, “I’m not exactly the model security guard,” you let your eyes gesture to your water bottle, a knowing look passing both of your faces as you took a swig of the alcohol inside, “I had to earn my promotion elsewhere. So yeah, I did design the system; well, really I just replaced the old one from before Asta, Arlan and I got here,” you shrugged, “Same difference. I’m sure you’re glad to know the very system causing you headaches upon arrival and preventing the docking of your ship was my own! Does it feel nice to know that you physically couldn’t drive your ship forward because of my external protection shield?”
“It explains why the system is as infuriating as you,” he explained drily, tone unamused at your quips. You opened your mouth, a playful comment on the tip of your tongue, before both you and the Doctor were distracted by the sound of the farther elevator returning to the main floor of the Seclusion Zone. You and the Doctor watched in silence as the metallic door opened, the Trailblazer strutting over to you with confusion in their eyes. A quick glance told you that the doctor had repositioned his alabaster head, leaving only his figure exposed.
“Whose this?” they asked you, gaze flickering between you two. You were happy that, either given their confusion or just their pure ignorance, they failed to recognize the heat that had built between the two of you, as if their one-track mind could only focus on one stimulus at a time. You weren’t exactly prepared to explain the source of the tension.
“He’s not important,” you commented drily. Despite the alabaster head on the Scholar’s body, you almost felt that you could see him glaring at you, “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“I gotta take that other elevator; go to the bottom floor,” they explained, eyes flickering to the second metallic elevator, closer to the main elevator you had descended from earlier. You recognized the hesitation in their tone, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“That’s fine… but you good?” you questioned, “Is something down there?” you paused for a moment, as if waiting for an answer, before sighing, “Oh right, I forgot that you’re doing that whole not talking thing. Whatever, it’s fine, I can come with, if that would make you feel better.” You flashed them a smile that you hoped was reassuring despite the less-than-civil encounter you had with the Trailblazer earlier. Luckily for you, it seemed to be reassuring enough, as they matched your expression back.
“Honestly, that’d be great, thanks Miss Y/N,” you could almost visibly see the tension leave their body, shoulders relaxing and breathing settled. Their own relief caused the smile to remain on your face before the grating sound of the Doctor’s voice invaded your thoughts.
“So? Get on with it then,” the man beside you finally regained his composure, huffing at the two of you, “Are you waiting for a sign? Time is ticking, descend via the elevator, what you seek is there.” You cocked an eyebrow at the knowing tone, forcing you to look at the Doctor, standing to place one hand on your hip.
“And how would you know, Doctor, what my friend here is looking for?” you strutted into his personal space, finger poking his closed chest accusingly. His covered head tilted down as if following the motion, before tilting up again. The action was probably a mistake, you recognized, doing nothing to quell whatever the hell you two had built up a few moments prior, but if you were good at anything, it was threatening people.
“It appears, Miss Y/N, that you became so caught up in our banter that you failed to ask a vital question; why am I here in the first place?” your finger lowered in shock as you listened to the words, the scholar taking the chance to stand and turn his back to you, leaving you face-to-face with his muscles as he talked to the Trailblazer, “I know exactly who you are, and I am aware you are in Ruan Mei’s employ. This was not my intended destination,” he turned his body to face you, giving you know choice but to tilt your head upward to meet his gaze, or else be sentenced to look at his toned chest, “If your Miss Y/N had the intelligence to question why I was here, instead of merely question how, she would have been able to tell you that I just happened to find my way here during my visit, and saw what she was up to. My goals are roughly aligned with yours. Since you’re here, I won’t intercede. That’s all you need to know.”
The Trailblazer merely blinked, as if struggling to process the words, “Sooo, what’s with the alabaster head?” Though you couldn’t see the Doctor’s expression, you could almost picture the way his jaw must have dropped at the casual comment, a thought that would’ve made you laugh, if not for the rising suspicion you had of the man.
“My question exactly,” you huffed, rolling your eyes. At least you and the Trailblazer could agree on one thing. Unlike when you made comments about it the other day, though, the Doctor kept the head firmly in place.
“Because I can’t bear to see idiots. Of course, they wouldn’t want to see me either,” the Trailblazer once again stared blankly, earning a sigh from the Doctor, “Regardless, the real Ruan Mei’s creation is hidden in the giant incubator below us.”
“Incubator?” you questioned, though besides a sparing glance, no one offered you a reply, “Ruan Mei’s creation? Aeons, I’ve about had it here with that woman and her stupid ecological research.” you rolled your eyes.
“You two best hurry. Go. Take the elevator and bear witness to this ‘Genius Masterpiece,” as if feeling confident in his reply, the scholar turned on his heel to leave, strutting towards the central elevator.
“We are definitely having a chat about this later!” you called after him, not bothering to hide the anger in your tone. The man of the hour merely glanced over his shoulder, alabaster head still in place as he pushed the button to the elevator. You hated how his muscles flexed at the motion, leaving your lips empty of threats for a moment as the elevator descended quickly to your level, and opened up to allow him access to the upstairs.
“I will look forward to that conversation then,” was his simple reply as he stepped inside, “I wonder what pathetic insults you will manage to muster this time” The metal doors closed behind him, leaving the room temporarily basked in silence. You were grateful for the chance to force your anger back down.
“Let’s go,” you nodded to your companion, following their lead as they rushed towards the other elevator, hurriedly pressing the button, as if their quick finger movements would make the machine arrive faster, “Care to explain what this incubator is, exactly?” you raised an eyebrow as you both waited.
“Can’t,” was their only response before they rushed into the now open device, forcing you to hurry after them.
“Rude, what did Ruan Mei do to you exactly” You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms as the machine started to descend. You spoke again, knowing that they, for whatever reason, couldn’t provide you with an answer, “Whatever, I’ll know soon enough anyway. Aeons, this day is exhausting,” you attempted to force the tiredness out of your eyes, your relatively calm demeanour contrasting the stress building up on the Trailblazer’s features. Their growing stress, though, was starting to give you some second thoughts too. They may not be the brightest book on the shelf, but they had fought a plethora of beasts in their short lifespan. The fact that whatever was down here was stressing them out was almost ominous.
Soon enough, the elevator arrived in the bottom room, forcing you and the Trailblazer to step out, your eyes immediately widening, “The hell? What did Ruan Mei do to our old welcome hall?” you groaned, taking in the giant broken device hanging above, dripping some type of fluid on to the floor, “Does she even know how long it takes to clean these floors? Aeons, she’s insufferable.” The normal lightening down in the hall wasn’t flickering on, leaving the round, circular space bathed in an eerie red light. Ruan Mei had replaced the old chandelier with some sort of investigation which clearly wasn’t safe or ethical, the thing suspended above the ground haphazardly.
“I think that’s the least of our problems right now, Miss Y/N,” the Trailblazer muttered, gesturing for you to look further up. You did as they told you, following their lead, both of your eyes widening what you saw. Flying right at you was a giant blue bug, probably 20 feet tall with sharp stingers and an even sharper, angry expression. The Trailblazer was quick to react, summoning their bat and swinging it at the creature in a vain attempt to drive it off. You quickly summoned your own weapon, a black pistol, pointing it in the creature’s direction.
“What the fuck is that thing?” you exclaimed, dodging out of the way when the bug flew at you two again, stifling a groan as your body hit the ground hard, your knees taking the brunt of the impact. You were quick to get your feet back under you, forcing any vertigo out of you and aiming the gun once again as the creature flew around you. You waited til it stilled momentarily to fire a shot, not wanting to risk something more reckless in a closed space with the Trailblazer around. Not that the shot made much of a difference anyway; the creature only shrieked, flying once again as if not in danger at all.
“It’s an emantor of propagation clone! How could this be…?” the Trailblazer muttered from beside you, swinging the bat hard at the big again when it charged you, not caring as he got hit in the side by one of the claws, “Miss Y/N, we gotta defeat this thing fast, otherwise the swarm will-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you watched in horror as the bug paused, making a noise somewhere between the sloshing of water and squishing of something slimy as the one bug turned into two… and then four. The replication process caused a gust of energy to swirl around the enclosed space, the force of the gust pulling you and the Trailblazer closer and closer to the center of it.
Struggling to keep their footing, the Trailblazer fell to the ground, unaware of the several bugs flying in their direction. You were quick to grab them by the waist, dragging them to the side forcefully to dodge the onslaught of attacks, throwing caution to the wind to fire your weapon at the smaller bugs. However, with the force of the dodge, and the continued harsh breeze, you too fell to your knees, leaving you to hold up your pistol protectively as the bug continued to swarm around you.
“Miss Y/N!” the Trailblazer exclaimed, pointing up in horror. Your eyes widened as the larger bug created something seemingly akin to a black hole above you, the large ball of energy blowing a dark blue colour as it grew bigger and bigger. You pushed the Trailblazer’s body behind you in vain, wondering how the hell you were supposed to get out of this situation as the ball grew bigger and bigger. You had half the mind to tell the Trailblazer to run off, to get out of there before the both of you were killed.
At the moment you truly felt helpless. It’s funny how we can take life for granted, living day after day without a care in the world, until some crazy genius lady creates a bug that threatened the safety of hundreds with her stupid creation. Your body still on top of the Trailblazers, you held them protectively, hoping that at least they would survive, even if that meant your untimely demise. Someone had to protect the researchers, and if that couldn’t be you, at least you knew that the Trailblazer would have it covered. You stared at the growing blackhole, accepting whatever fate you would be dealt.
That was, until everything exploded, the blackhole shattering into pieces as if the creature was made of shards of glass. Above you, the five bugs shook violently for a moment, their bodies growing larger and larger before they exploded into pieces. A trail of blood and guts rained down on the two of you like some messed-up version of a snowstorm, coating your body in a slimy substance that you sure as hell hoped would wash out in the bath.
You let yourself lay there for a second, your body still on top of the Trailblazers, just trying to catch your breath. Your heart was thumping like crazy, as if your body, like the bug, also was on the brink of explosion due to the build-up of adrenaline. You forced yourself to breathe, though the breaths were still shaky as you moved your head to view the surrounding area.
“Hey… it’s okay now, were safe,” you moved your body off of your companion below you, tone gentle and reassuring. They slowly opened their eyes, as if shocked to be alive. Given what you both had just seen, you were in no position to judge them for their reaction. A few more seconds of that thing and you both would’ve been toast.
“It’s over..?” they questioned, voice as shaky as their wobbly legs as they stood. You were quick to stand to, steading them by placing a gentle hand on their back “Are you okay Miss Y/N?”
“As good as one can be after almost dying, I guess,” you moved your hand away after they regained their balance, observing the piles of bug guts surrounding the two of you. You realized then that you would probably be tasked with cleaning all this up, causing your face to recoil in disgust.
“...I…I need to get some answers out of Ruan Mei,” the Trailblazer muttered, body still shaky as they turned from your form, “Thanks for the help Miss Y/N… I really owe you one.” They didn’t wait for a reply, simply dragging their tired body to the elevator, leaving you alone in the room, your hear still hammering out of your chest.
As you stared at the mountains of insect guts coating the bottom of the incubator room, only one thing came to mind.
“I really need a raise…”
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
mess is mine // colton herta (instagram au)
summary: colton and his girlfriend have always kept their relationship lowkey. but when they both seem to disappear from the internet, fans begin to worry.
warnings: mentions of severe anxiety!
pairing: colton herta x female reader
listen to ‘mess is mine’ by vance joy for best experience!
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liked by kyle_kirkwood, josefnewgarden and 380,457 others
coltonherta all the love songs in the world can’t hold a candle to the way that I love you ❤️
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yourusername 🥹🥹🥹
yourusername I love you. Thank you for sticking with me ❤️
user5839 can someone catch me up? who is y/n? who is this beautiful woman who only has 170 followers?
-> user291 she’s coltons girlfriend! they’ve been together for two years, and she likes to keep her life private from the fans. she’s been on some of his livestreams before and sometimes shares small parts of her life with us! she’s studying copyright law and plans to work in the publishing industry.
davidmalukas I thought you did write a song about her?
-> coltonherta not one I’m letting the rest of the world hear. that’s song is for y/n’s ears only 😊
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coltonherta added to his story!
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coltonherta added to his story!
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indycargirlfriends y/n y/l/n seen entering the indianopolis motor speedway this morning ahead of this weekend grand prix on the ims road course. the girlfriend of andretti driver colton herta has been noticeably absent this month during the open test for the upcoming Indy 500 race, and her strange behaviour over the past few race weekends has been the subject of much debate.
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magicmalukas she looks pale…like a lot paler than normal…and has she lost weight?
andretitty have you ever seen y/n wear sweatpants? every time she’s been at the track she’s either been in jeans or a sundress
user3619 as someone who’s in indianopolis rn I can confirm that she doesn’t look very good. coltons been fussing over her all morning, and he’s only left her side when he was contractually obligated. it’s almost like he’s scared to leave her alone
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liked by davidmalukas, 12willpower and 20,561 others
coltonherta Everybody talks about the magic of love and how wonderful being in a relationship and finding your person is. But they don’t talk about is how unglamorous showing up for your partner can be, how sometimes, you want to tear your heart out of your chest when you see the pain that your loved one is in.
Y/N has struggled with severe anxiety and panic attacks since long before I knew her. Over the past few months, her condition had taken a nosedive for the worse. She found it increasingly difficult to get out of bed, and her intrusive thoughts made her scared to be left alone. When I came out to Indiana for the 500, many of you noticed that she wasn’t with me. She flew back home to the town where she grew up and spent time with her parents, time she was trying to use for recovery. Even though I told her that she didn’t need to come out for the two races in Indianapolis, she has always supported my career as I have supported hers.
The 500 weekend was the final straw for her. She felt on edge and overwhelmed, and struggled to enjoy a race weekend the way that she normally did. That night, I sat down with my dad and told him that I couldn’t do this any more. That I could not keep putting her through this. That I would not compete in another indycar race until I knew that she was okay.
We’ve spent the past three weeks in Maine, where we’ve focussed on reconnecting with each other. I am very pleased to announce that Y/N is faring much better. While she may never be fully ‘recovered’, I can now see the smart, funny, lovely girl that I fell in love with. Assuming things stay in this positive, upwards trajectory, we will both see you in Mid-Ohio
Peace out,
Colton and Y/N.
comments on this post have been limited.
kyle_kirkwood Send y/n my love. Rooting for you both.
12willpower This is what real love is like. I know better than most what you’re going through, and I know that Y/N couldn’t be in better hands. Keep your head up, and I’ll see you in Ohio.
yourusername Forever thankful to have you by my side 🫶🏻
andrettiautosport ❤️❤️
coltonherta added to his story
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@clemswrld @thatsdemko @love4lando @libraryofloveletters @lorarri @diorleclerc @oconso @scuderiamh @sidcrosbyspuck @silversainz @silverstonesainz @scuderiasundays @magnummagnussen @somanyflippingbooks
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Well, since you're asking, how about Topaz and Himeko (Separately), with an S/O who is a kleptomaniac, so their room is full of things that were definitely not bought, there's a skiff from xianzhou, a robot from Belobog, and even a puppet from Herta. Normally they would ask to return it obviously, but what if their S/o was presenting their treasures to them with so much enthusiasm that they are thinking about what decision to make... Until they see a Stellaron as a lamp
Them with a kleptomaniac
characters: Himeko / Topaz x gn!reader (separately)
warnings: none
a/n: decided to make it a little bit *less* extreme, since stealing one a whole Stellaron might land someone in… serious trouble.
Also, I don't often write for Star Rail, so if I got smth wrong, please tell me, I'm always open to feedback.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Himeko understood the importance of keepsakes better than anyone. With how many planets the Astral Express visited it was difficult to keep in touch with them all, so having a small souvenir to remember one’s adventures was a nice and effective way. A mindset the two of you shared… although as it turned out your definition of memento seemed to differ slightly.
Remaining on the Express while the others went on an adventure had its upsides. There was no threat looming over one's head, no responsibility of saving a world or defeating the big bad. Just a calm silence filled with the knowledge that there was nothing to worry about… In other words: It was boring.
“I only noticed when I went down on Javrilo-VI myself, but that pin you are wearing is from Belobog, right?” Himeko’s question punctured the silence, both of you having spent the last hour or so looking out the window at the ice-covered planet in front of you, the familiar sight causing her to remember what she had intended to ask so long ago.
Within an instant, your eyes lit up as you excitedly stared at her before nodding your head, seemingly happy one of your colleagues finally noticed.
“Do you want one as well? I have a full box of them in my room”, you quickly offered as your legs started to move on your own, vanishing through the door before she had a chance to stop you.
A full box? That was… a concerning amount of something to keep as a keepsake. And yet, with how eager you seemed to collect as many mementos as you could, it didn’t seem too far-fetched for you to have asked for it at some point. 
When you returned with a collection of different pins in your hand however, Himeko’s skepticism turned into full-on suspicion. 
“Which one of them is more to your liking? There’s this one made out of surprisingly light metal, even though it looks pretty sizable you cant even feel it tug on your shirt. Oh! Or this one plated in gold, that one was quite difficult to get my hands on, since the light reflective off of it nearly made Pela notice. Or do you like this one more?”, you explained while showing one pin after another into her hands, making it that much more difficult to get a good look at the small inscription on them.
“Wait. What was that last part about?”, Himeko suddenly cut you off, looking at you with a baffled expression you or your fellow trailblazers didn't get to see all too often, in turn causing you to slightly tilt your head in confusion.
“When I… grabbed the pin plated in gold the light of the sun reflected on it and nearly caused Pela to notice”, you slowly repeated yourself, sounding unsure about which part caught her attention as your mind began to wander over the possibilities.
“You just grabbed all of them and took them with you without anyone noticing?”
“Yeah? Wait. How do you get your keepsakes?”, you asked bewildered, taking a quick glance down at your pins before looking back up at her, a hint of red finding its way onto your cheeks.
“Y/N. What other mementos did you take with you?”, Himeko’s expression grew more serious, her question sounding a lot more than an interrogation now than before, something that didn’t get better when silence filled the room as you didn’t answer, suddenly averting her gaze.
“...Do you remember when Asta told us about one of Herta’s puppets going missing?”
The Xianzhou Luofu’s residents and the IPC had… polite relations at best, often clashing over different approaches of how to handle trade. So hearing that her partner did a stellar job at juggling making profits and improving relations with the populace whenever her higher-ups sent them there filled Topaz with something akin to pride, not comparable to what she felt whenever she accomplished something remarkable herself, but still enough to make her appreciate you even more. 
And yet, whenever she heard her own higher-ups mention your name, it was often followed by a complaint or comment about paying for something out of your pocket.
“Topaz? Are you alright?”, your voice ripped her out of her thoughts, suddenly once again finding herself in front of the door you had led her to, only to see it wide open as she managed to see a collection of all kinds of different items on the other side.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just spacing out”, Topaz quickly apologized before stepping into the large room, taking a look around herself as she felt her mouth slightly open in awe. “Are those all from the Luofu?”
“Mhm”, you hummed in approval before striking a proud pose. “It took a long time and effort, but I’d say it was worth it”, you stated before showing Topaz a small smile. Seemed like she wasn’t the only one that liked to collect things, only that she liked to adopt small animals and you keepsakes from your jobs. And yet, just as she was about to say something once again, her eyes landed on what was obviously a starskiff…
“Wow. How much does a starskiff even cost? You must have saved up a long time to put enough money on the table that they agreed to sell you one, right?” Topaz asked half-jokingly with a big smile on her lips as she reached out to touch it, still surprised to see it in a place like this.
“Who knows? I honestly doubt they’d agree to sell it to me even if I put all the money in the world on the table.”
Your statement caused Topaz to freeze in motion, as her head slowly turned towards you. “But if they’d never agree to sell this to you, how do you have one here-?”
And then it all started to suddenly make a lot of sense. The complaints from the higher-ups, the fees they’d use your salary to pay, the fact that you did such a great job and still didn’t manage to get a promotion and last but not least the special guide the Luofu sent to accompany you at all times that you told her about… a guide that suddenly sounded more like a babysitter.
Oh no.
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 6 months
Hello!! I really love your work, since I saw Honkai Star Rail... You can write then can I ask you to write Caelus x fem reader who is from Herta Space Stations.
That's all please write it, since it is my first time writing this.
𝘏𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘬𝘢𝘪 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘭.
𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩.
𝘚𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴.
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You were one of the Herta space station members that helped out Asta... Well, you most likely are good at self-defence enough to defeat some of the attackers but... It wasn't enough when you were surrounded.
That day was as clear as water... The Trailblazer who came to save you on time.
With a smash of his bat the monster disappears.
"Hey... Are you alright?" His voice asked you as your gaze fell up and nodded while holding the cards close to you.
He doesn't know why you have cards on you not until March 7th hugged you.
"Y/n!! I thought I would not see you again after we got separated!" She said while snuggling closer to your neck as you smiled a bit reassuring March that you were fine.
"..." Caelus stood awkwardly as he took notice of your appearance... Your h/c hair was not that rare among the people present but your eyes was simply e/c coloured with the pupils been green clover like.
"Who... May you be?" You asked unsurely as March smile and beckon hit Caelus in the back who flinch.
"My name's Caelus"
"He seems to have short-term memory loss... Say y/n have you ever seen him on the space station?" March asks as you stare at Caelus who... Somehow feel slightly flustered by your unblinking stare yet you quickly smile.
"No I have not... But I guess I don't look around much"
"I suppose... Where were you heading off to?" March asked as you told her you were heading to the storage room to take some supplies for taking care of the repairmen.
"We were going to the elevator," March said as you nod.
"I'm sure Himeko and all will be there"
"Be sure to come since we don't often stay in space station we have a lot to chat about!" March said as you smile softly and nod.
"Be careful on your way... Both of you" you replied as March smiled brightly and waved while walking away while Caelus stood unsurely..
You tilt your head to side confuse as he smiles a bit, "sorry for the trouble... But..."
"I was wondering if-"
"Caelus! Hurry before more monsters come!" Match shouted as Caelus sweatdrop and shook his head slightly.
"Can we meet again?"
"Huh? Sure... I will be present at the space stations"
Caelus smile and walk away waving as you stood there slight confuse yet quickly left to get the supplies.
"Asta... The supplies are brought..." You said as Asta beamed happily and ask if you were in short of trouble or not... In slightly worried tone.
As you told her about what have happen, as Himeko smile and thank for the contribution which make you flustered.
"I have done the task given by the others" a voice interrupted as you turn to notice Caelus whose eyes widen slightly yet he quickly smiles at you then face at Asta.
"I'm sure we have some time to spare" March said as Dang Heng nod in acknowledgement.
You smile and nod about to ask how they are after facing off the other enemies.
Until the alarmed went red.
As the enemies try to attack neutralizing all defence.
"Take the express and leave" Asta said as the others nod Caelus eyes flickered on yours as you told them to leave immediately to the express.
"Y/n Tell the others to Evacuate quickly"
"On it Asta" you replied and rush away to evacuate the others people who cannot fight or defend themselves.
With a swift of your card you make the enemy into a card of glass that shatter defeating them.
As you immediately help around for others to leave.
"Miss Herta welcome back" you replied in relief that the strongest enemy was defeated by The Trailblazers.
"Y/n! You seem like you have drank a lot of caffeine" Herta mention as you smile a bit.
"I guess so... Miss Himeko will be upstairs"
"Well... I surely hope things will settle. Take a rest you need it... Beside if one of the fighter lose its strength I can't fight off all you know"
"Alright Miss Herts I will... Keep in mind to rest"
Herta left as March ended up taking you to chat as you found out Dang Heng was helping Arlan.
As Caelus was helping Herta in simulating universe of sortm
As you ended up taking slight break with March who told you about her journey of recent travels.
"I can manage" you replied to Caelus who shook his head and hold onto the supplies.
"I want to help as much as I can"
"That's... Very kind of you" you said smiling abit as Caelus smile back helping you out on the works.
"If I'm not wrong you are leaving in express right?" You asked as Caelus said he doesn't know and haven't decided yet.
"What about you? Will you leave if you get the chance?"
"Well yes... I want to go around the universe.."
Caelus nod while in thought and ask, "so why not travel together?"
You quickly refused.
He was confuse by your dismissal.
He later on even ask March, Himeko, Mr Yang and even Dang Heng about you.
"Seem like someone have a crush" Said March teasing Caelus who quickly refused.
He find out you help around the space station ad worker too... And you also fight.
Herta also seems to speak fondly of you.
There are two type of Caelus ending.
One yandere as he fall deeply for you second normal crush ending.
In yandere ending he will stay back in Herta space station leading to the missing of the astral express which you were disheartened by the fact they may have died.
Caelus will often stay beside you and help around and in no time become closest to you.
One way or another Herta will find out but for her it doesn't matter if Caelus like you too much.
As long as he is not a murderer thanfully he isn't.
Unless someone push his button to the point of harming you then let's say some monster present have killed that person.
No one will know eventually.
It is either that person is too... Rude and make people life difficulty.
As somehow you may or may not be fall in love with him.
Which can go good or bad way...
In normal ending
He will text you often while in astral express.
He will try to be much more into texting and all if he is busy on worlds he won't be able to talk for two or three days.
I think this one have more likely to be delusional type to think you also like him a lot.
I mean who will reply to someone who often bother? And he will surely purpose you one day when he returns back to space station.
A:n- that's all good day/night to all
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myalvmss · 1 year
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DESC. “make a choice that you know you won't regret,” had always been what you've heard from your mother. but what if you don't know what's ahead of you? or what to not regret? these, are the times where it gets challenging for you.
PAIRINGS. aquamarine hoshino x fem!reader
WARNINGS. click this before reading!
BUTTERFLY'S NOTE. y'all have no idea on how much I procrastinated on this 💀 LMFAO. enjoy! this is so short omg 💔 BUT LIKE HELP I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO WORD THE ENDING??
LYRICS. i've got my eye on you. (x2) + you'll find another life to live, I know you'll get over it.
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Y/N had been extremely bored about all of these talking her mother had been doing, babbling about how things will go in the future as she worries for her daughter, y/n. “mother, you've been quite hectic lately..” y/n mumbled, loud enough for her mother to hear however. “How am I not, sweetheart?” y/n's mother only sighed in a slight tint of frustration, “you've always been a prodigy.. perhaps I'll let you choose a career on your own.” y/n's mother gave her a soft smile, an apologetic one if she was pressuring you. “well..” y/n spoke to her mother, and she nodded.. “i wanna try being an actress, and an idol. I mean, I have experience on being an actress. and being an idol is hard, but I'll work through it.” your mother only showed her approval for y/n's decision, and it was a high chance her father did too. just, as long as y/n's grades are passing enough. that's okay. but the thing is, y/n didn't know what choice to choose. what is it a wise one? no? probably. but.. it was too late.
and that was only taken back months ago while y/n was only a middle schooler, right now y/n is a popular idol and also an actress, acting in many series and movies, all of them seemed to be successful enough. y/n's parents weren't exactly strict about grades, in a way. they weren't harsh at all, like. for example, if they were to be something wrong, they'd sit down and talk to y/n about it, with an open mind. and also an understanding nature for their only daughter. they always hold support for y/n, and honestly with whatever decision she makes, they're proud. but of course, for some terms, they are protective as they were still y/n's parents. y/n was only enrolling in Yotou Highschool, it was perfect. even her best friends from middle was attending! in the entertainment course, luckily the four of them got in.
y/n walked into the classroom, seeing many students there.. all looking pretty, handsome and all. there were pretty girls, handsome boys, yeah whatever.. but y/n wasn't interested. especially not by only appearance, y/n prefers personality. you know? y/n walked pass the students talking to each other, as she found her idol-mates. “Ah, y/n!” ann exclaimed, waving towards y/n with a big smile. y/n returned one back to ann, as she walked towards the group of girls. y/n sighed, “this school seems to be very..” y/n started trailing off a little, as she looked down to her shoes. “intimadating?” herta guessed, as fuyuko and y/n nodded in agreement. however ann reassured, that everything will be fine!
it wasn't too long before people started recognizing who y/n and the girls were. the four was already successful either way. there wasn't much of a surprise — kind of. herta only wished for those to not recognize her, as she was basically trying to hide at all costs from people. which she failed miserably. ann only laughed at herta's little sulking while fuyuko and y/n couldn't help but hold in their laughs, as they hold pity towards herta's failure.
the teacher seemed to be extremely late, from what you thought. but fuyuko was desperate for the teacher to be absent! “fuyuko, it's only the first day.” y/n reminded her, but fuyuko paid absolutely no point in that reminder. “a first day is like any day.” fuyuko argued, as y/n deadpanned. while for ann and herta, the two were wondering about their idol activities. a slight whine from ann coming, as they were whining about how they're gonna end up tired just by doing a long rehearsal of dancing, “you can't do much about it.” herta said, getting a tablet out from her bag as she scrolls through the groupchat named "Starlight ; Lvamia Productions". checking through their schedule for the day, y/n and fuyuko entered the conversation after. “if we have rehearsal, we can simply leave school for it.” herta said, turning the tablet opposite to the three girls in front of her, showing the schedule they had. “after all, we're in the entertainment course. we're allowed to have a sloppy attendance, as I'm pretty sure that our parents won't be too happy if we had terrible grades, yes?”
the girls nodded. the four couldn't help but think about your parents if they were to find out about the performances you had academically. “do we have rehearsal though?” asked fuyuko. herta turned the tablet around, looking through the schedule. she nodded as a response, soon enough there will be rehearsal in a few hours, herta told the other three girls. “we have a dance rehearsal, then soon enough we'll go over our notes.. as we have a chance to perform on stage in a few months or so?” herta specified. the girls eyes lit up as they were excited to go on stage again like last time they did, it was successful enough and they even made to have attention in the media. y/n smiled, “right then. starlight?” y/n placed the back of her palm in the air, as fuyuko and ann looked at each other and smiled. placing their hands above yours, while herta was the only one left. she hesitated, before showing the most smallest genuine smile she ever did in her whole life, as she joined too.
the girls exclaimed, raising their arm up in the air after. they all looked at each other, lowering their arms down. sharing laughter and joy together. a choice made in y/n's path once again, is this finally a choice that y/n did not regret? finding happiness in this life other than the last life she had lived through? now that y/n thinks about it, maybe this is what mother meant by making a choice you won't regret. will she make more choices in the future? ones she'll know she won't regret? there's no such guarantee, but having this kind of friendgroup made her forget the miserable life she once lived. although the thought of dying and ending up in a place like hell was something you thought of before, you didn't expect to live another life. reincarnation. but knowing that you did get this rare chance, it feels like you got to relive a new life and experience things that you never got to experience. sure, you sometimes get deja vu or flashbacks of your old life, but you didn't pay too much mind on it. she's happy now, I think. still, there's more hardships coming in her way soon enough. but she knows, she'll get over it. she always does.
suddenly, the teacher came in the class. finally! wait, no. fuyuko felt down with the fact the teacher came; but like y/n said, it's the first day. no way the teacher would be absent on the first day, right? the girls quickly sat down on their seats, as y/n gave fuyuko a smug look that explained that y/n herself was right. fuyuko huffed in frustration, as the teacher went on with the class. it wasn't too bad for the girls, it's just that fuyuko only wished to get out of the class as soon as possible. meaning by that, her constantly eyeing the clock. ann wanted to laugh, but they held back SO HARD. herta was slightly sighing to herself, absolutely tired of the shenanigans the girls always did. while y/n was holding back from wanting to throw her pen to fuyuko in order to signal her to pay attention. though, to fuyuko's relief, after a few hours, the following classes ended and it was pretty much a free period. “girls, its time to go and attend rehearsal.” herta said, as the girls nodded. being already outside of the school.
as the girls started running out, almost like having a race due to ann and fuyuko's competitiveness, y/n only joined for fun. while herta only joined in the so-called race to catch up with ann and fuyuko, and stop them in case they trip and fall down to the ground or something. way worse possibility to that situation, get hurt. what a mom. but as the four girls ran, y/n passed a group of four other people. while running, she slowed down a bit to see the four people's faces. specifically, meeting eyes with a boy with blue starry eyes, same like y/n's. however, due to y/n running, she ran pass the boy and basically stopped. slightly looking back at the corner of her eye.
a girl, who had ran passed aqua but in that split second, something that felt more than just a split second actually.. he met eyes with her, yet aqua didn't know who that girl was. should he pay that much mind to it? no. it was probably just some random girl that attended to the same school as him, obviously. he stood there, stiff like some laughable doll. “y/n! hurry up!” fuyuko yelled, y/n. that's the girls name? he looked from afar, seeing the girl he met eyes with get a little sidetracked by looking at frill, minami, ruby and him at the corner of her eye. “her name is y/n, huh? hm..” aqua thought, however pushing that inconvenient thought away. “aquamarine?” frill mentioned aqua's name, due to how he seemed to not pay attention to the conversation. aqua looked to frill, “you're from the live action, sweet today, right?” frill asked. y/n looked at the direction where her idol-mates were, as she exclaimed, “I'm coming!” y/n ran off, heading to rehearsal with her idol-mates. but y/n couldn't help but think;
“his name is aquamarine, huh? hm..”
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