#pokemon x dtfa au
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review-anon · 3 days ago
I would ask more about the pokemon au but, I'm a digimon fan an I've only played a few poke games. Rangers, 3ds Sapphire, and the first mystery dungeon.
So with the little knowledge I have. Is there anyone in the au being a pokemon ranger?
//Oh geez the Pokemon Ranger games. Well...given how I made the teams of the protagonists and that someone has a Manaphy, which you can only get via Pokemon Ranger, I suppose the Ranger games are canon.
//Now Fiore, Almia and Oblivia are Japanese regions so this means that all the Ranger characters unless they're foreign will have their Japanese names. And thus all the Ranger events we know take place in Japan.
//Given how its established that Pokemon Ranger has its own school where they train Rangers all across Japan and thus have their own Hope's Peak Academy in a sense, I don't think there's anyone in the Danganronpa side who is like the Ultimate Pokemon Ranger. Certainly some like Gundham and Tamami have interacted with them and maybe it was a Pokemon Ranger who found Kinu in Australia since while we see the Japanese branch, its a global organisation. And Pre-Tragedy they were quite the formediable force.
//Since all the Ranger game events take place Pre-Tragedy, they play out like they do in canon with mimimal Danganronpa interference. But the Ranger Orgainisation is hit the hardest during the Tragedy for two reason.
//I haven't mentioned this before but the Tragedy in this AU is even worse then the canon for one major reason; Legendary Pokemon. The chaos of the Tragedy has caused Legendary Pokemon to awaken all around the world and go on rampages. And given how many of them could end the world, this means muitiple civilisation dodging events had to averted. In fact this is how Yuuki loses his life since he had to make sure the Weather Trio don't destroy Japan and he successfully did so...but he didn't make it. Yep one protagonist bits the dust and he's not the only one since Kouki and Hikari similarly vanished trying to quell the various Sinnoh Legendaries from doing too much damage.
//But the Pokemon Rangers are often stationed in countries/regions where there's a noticable lack of trainer and region presense and thus are often the main front liners when shit goes down. The death toll is beyond your worst imangation and I estimate that 90% of all Rangers around the world were killed trying to calm Legendary Pokemon down. And here's the kicker most of these deaths were calming the lesser Legendaries down? The serious world ending ones? That's the job of a 4th, that's right a 4th organisation made up some of the world's most powerful trainers who's main job is to qwell these Legendaries and stop them from destroying the world. Noticable members of this Organisation are Red Taijri, Blue Hanato, Wes Rebello and Hilda Hertz. N also joins this organisation a bit latter too.
//That's the first reason why they took such a hit. The second reason is that Capture Stylers have a side effect that when used on Shadow Pokemon, they can clear some of the Heart Gauge and thus could be useful in purifying them. And since Shadow Pokemon are cruical to the armies of Ultimate Despair, Junko made it a order for them to destroy the Rangers whenever they could thus killing any Rangers they could find, burning down their buildings and releasing a virus which breaks any Capture Styler and renders them useless. Due to this the Japanese branch is more or less gone, and while it still exists in other countries its a shadow of its former self.
//However there is hope. A single untouched Capture Styler was recovered by Future Foundation and Miaya's division is working to ensure its not only able to be reproduced but Sunako is also modifying it so its immune to the virus that Ultimate Despair released. Technology from the Snag Machines in Orre is also being incorporated into it so that Future Foundation agents will have a easy way to purify Shadow Pokemon that they encounter in the field.
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review-anon · 5 days ago
//And with that I'm happy to announce an DTFA AU where it crosses over with Pokemon.
//If you are wondering how that came about, Poi came to me shortly after I posted Foxy Love and we got talking, and things got really out of hand since the Good Ideas Fairy struck me big time and lol and behold I ended up creating an AU of DTFA where Pokemon and its characters exist.
//Now just to clarify this is purely gonna be in bulletpoints and answering to asks. I'm not doing any fics on it, I'm not doing an askblog on it, this is purely for fun and nothing more. And I figure today is the day to share it with you all.
//So if you want to know how the AU works, send asks in and I will answer them to the best of my abilities. Keep in mind some of the stuff I have come up with is tied with events that have yet to occur in DTFA so I will not be publishing THOSE until the coresponding event in DTFA has been revealed.
//Just so we get things off to a good start I will cover some general overpoints that I know people will ask.
I'll be using the Video Game series as the basis for this AU, so any characters that appear in the Anime, Mangas and any other side material will not be included. I might use those materials for reference for certain events, but predominately the video game series will come first and I won't use anime and manga exclusive events if I don't have the games backing them up. So don't ask me how Ash gets on since he doesn't exist.
Regarding names, what region they come from depends on the names of the characters I'm using. Any character that comes from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh will use their Japanese name. Characters from Orre, Unova, Alola and Galar will use their English names. Characters from Kalos will use their French names and finally characters from Palada will use their Spanish names.
There is of course exceptions. Since Surge is implied to be American he will be using his English name. Fantana is another one since I HC her coming from Kalos so instead of her being named Melissa (her Japanese name) she will be called Kiméra which is her French name.
All events up to Black and White have occurred as they did canonically, as they take place when the game in question is said to come out. Some Danganronpa characters will have involvements in the backgrounds and maybe minor events in those games will change, but the major beats of the stories from those games will remain the same as they do in the main Pokemon series.
The only exception is Pokemon XD: Gales of Darkness since it takes place in 2005 (when the game came out) rather then 2009 which is when its supposed to happen according to the game lore. The reason being is certain events that occur on the Danganronpa side would be heavily disrupted otherwise so I had to cut the timeskip short for that reason.
Black 2 and White 2 onwards though due to the Tragedy occurring when the games would take place will experience major plot devation. Danganronpa characters WILL get involved in the stories of those games and things will not be the same.
Yes Pokemon will die and be killed. Pokemon die in the main series so in a darker setting like Danganronpa this certainly gonna happen.
Likewise don't expect every Pokemon character to survive the Tragedy because some don't period.
Not every Pokemon character is an Ultimate but quite a few are. Some won't come as a surprise but others will.
Pretty much every Danganronpa character owns Pokemon since they are very convienant to have, and the teams will be what suits them the most.
Legendary Pokemon are off limits to the Danganronpa cast due to their wild unpredictable powers and the sheer media attention they get. Only two will have Legendary Pokemon and it becomes very obvious who they are. There's quite a few Danganronpa characters who have encountered Legendaries, but owning one? That's in the hands of the Pokemon protagonist characters.
When it comes to the age of the Pokemon characters the Teraleak is a godsend for this as with the exception of some Gen 1-2 characters, nearly every Pokemon character's age is confirmed and thus I can use maths to determine how old they are.
//And that is a general overview of how the AU works, so send in asks if you want to find out more and happy Pokemon Day everyone!
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review-anon · 5 days ago
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//Today is Pokemon Day, and in celeberation of that, I'm gonna unveil the second of the Divine Paradox Fakemon mini-series I've been working on and since we did Akane Taira last time, its time for me to move onto the Voids and while Mikado Sannoji is the first revealed, I'm saving him until the end so that means the next one up is Hajime Makunouchi and this is his partner Pokemon; Herby Boxer!
//Yeah kinda obvious I was gonna go for Hitmonchan since that is the go to Boxing Pokemon. I was toying the idea of some other fighting type Pokemon, but I decided that old habits die hard and if something seems the most obvious one to go for, its the one to do so thus Paradox Hitmochan it is. Like Hariyama could have been a alternative but with Iron Hands existing and with the exception of Donphan which was probably done intentionally, normally Paradox Pokemmon don't overlap with each other and yeah couldn't really think of anything other then Hitmonchan so that's the one I'm doing.
//Now you can probably tell what the typing is by the design but I will say it anyway that Herby Boxer is Grass/Fighting. Since Hajime is obsessed with health, Grass seemed the most logically secondary type to give to Herby Boxer. Yes this means its 4x weak to Flying but plenty of offical Paradox Pokemon have 4x weaknesses so I don't really care, and on the plus side, it means Herby Boxer is immune to all powder moves so no Stun Spore, Poison Powder or Sleep Powder for you! Of course it possesses Divine Luck like Foxy Love does which I will say is the ability they all have. If you want to know how that ability works, check out Foxy Love's section.
//As for stats, they are 110/130/140/35/79/106. Yep to the surprise of no-one I beefed up HP big time which given it was a stat Hitmochan sucked at was very much needed and I also gave the Attack, Defence and Speed a boost but at the cost of Special Defence since I basically swapped the defences stats around so unlike normal Hitmochan which has quite the special bulk, Herby Boxer will die if you throw an Air Slash in its general direction so be warned. Its also a lot faster so that should help it with dealing with threats.
//Movepool wise I imagine that it still keeps all the punching and fighting move it has so yes Herby Boxer still has the Elemental Punches. But it also gains Grass type moves like Trailblaze, Leafage, Leaf Blade, Power Whip and even Solarbeam though due to its piss poor Special Attack its not gonna do much. It also has a lot of ulitery moves like Sunny Day, Leech Seed, the Powder moves like Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Rage Powder and Poison Powder. And a lot of healing moves like Synthesis, Aromatherapy, Pollen Puff, Revival Blessing, Healing Wish, Recover, Refresh the list goes on. The point is Herby Boxer has the potiential to be quite the sponge when it comes to damage and with various ways to whittle down health and keep alive in a battle of endurance, Herby Boxer comes out on top!
//Now I will make another post about this but to cut a long story short after posting Foxy Love, me and Poi have been talking and we have offically decided to create a Pokemon x Despair to Future Arc AU where Pokemon and the characters within the franchise exist in the DTFA universe. I will have more details of it in a upcoming post but suffice to say its allowed me to flesh out the Paradox Fakemon. Hajime got Herby Boxer as a Tyrogue and naturally it was as bad as Hajime was when he fell in with a bad crowd but once Hajime met his boxing mentor who set him on a straight path, it then evolved into Hitmonchan. Its body contains herbs which are vital for Hajime to beat back his illnesses and its a very peaceful and calm Pokemon. In fact there is a garden near where the Voids live which it has set up with its powers and its a magnet for Wild Pokemon, especially once the Tragedy started as it was one of the few green areas left in the area. This explains how the Voids could get their hands on some quite rare Pokemon if they don't travel around much since they come to the garden and are caught.
//That's all for Herby Boxer! As you can probably tell, Emma will be next on the list but don't expect it come out soon, since I am neckdeep in doing the Valentine's Day Review. Perhaps once I finished doing the writing I will do her's...which I suspect a certain someone here will ADORE. But why? You have to wait and see~
//Anyway, hope you enjoy this, stay tuned for the Pokemon x DTFA AU post and as always I have the shiny form under the cut due to spoilers from DTFA.
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//So I kept the main skin colour from shiny Hitmonchan and went for a orange look to make it look autummely. You will soon see soon what the general theme for the shiny colours for the Void Paradox Fakemon wiill be, but for now its too early to call. The only one that feels out of place is the blue flowers but meh.
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review-anon · 5 days ago
DTFA-Pokemon AU question! How involved do the danganronpa characters get when the events of some Pokemon games start to happen? Specifically I need to know how the events of XY go down
//Pre Tragedy not a lot. As I said most of the events happen more or less how they pan out there is of course some minor details.
//For example, a certain police commissioner might get involved when Team Rocket is being thwarted by Red and Hibiki (Ethan's JP name), Yuuki (Brendan's JP name) might have bought some stuff from an Otori Mart since its main operations started in the Hoenn region, more or less confirming that Teruya is Hoennese, and Kouki (Lucas JP name) might have battled a certain amoral psychologist when clearing out Team Galactic. Little things like that.
//Once the Tragedy starts though this is NOT the case as Danganronpa characters get VERY involved within the storylines. As a basic overview here's how things go down;
Black 2/White 2: Because Ghetsis has gone even more deranged and crazy then ever and is using the Tragedy as a smokescreen to justify some very radical measures, Future Foundation agents have been sighted in Unova. Miaya and Seiko go over there to help with Gou since he lives in Unova, and while Nate does interact with with them, its really another organisation and not a Danaganronpa one which gets move involved in its events.
X/Y: I have mapped this one out the most and its WILD. Long story short; Lysandre has gone full genocide, gotten Yvetail and is trying to kill every living being on the planet. Masa goes over there to investigate both the rumours of people turning to stone and eventually learns there is a mole in the Pokemon League working for Team Flare. And yes its Malvia, I'm actually using her as actual plot point. Nikei also follows Masa to try and one up her and be a headache. Serena and her friends start doing their thing but after most of them die, Serena teams up with Masa and they journey across Kalos to try and find the Team Flare Mole and also investigate why people are turning to stone, while Nikei is just a nunsense.
Side note; this is a extremely dark storyline, with muitiple character deaths and Masa and Nikei themselves even winding up dead at one point but don't worry they get better.
Sun/Moon: Mio is the one who comes over as she's trying to learn about Alola's traditions and perserve them, which puts her into conflict with Team Skull since they are challenging the status quo. Meanwhile Yō (Elio's Japanese name) and Mizuki (Selene's Japanese name) are doing their island challenges alongside Lillie, Hau and Gladion.
Since Mohn didn't fall into a Ultra Wormhole thanks to the Tragedy putting a stop to that incident, he's the President of Aether Foundation and they remain good, with Lusamine being a decent human being as well. Mio works alongside the Aether Foundation to study Alola's culture, and of course gets dragged along when Ultra Wormholes start opening on mass due to Necrozma going berserk and the Island Guardians getting cranky.
Compared to some of the other games which get much darker in their storylines, the Sun/Moon one remains light hearted and silly, helped by the fact Yō and Mizuki are 10 years old whereas the protagonists in the other games are a lot older. Heck Guzma even eventually winds up working under Mio once she beats him senseless.
While this takes place when Sun/Moon come out which is 2016, I do base the events more off Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon.
Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee: Doesn't happen due to the Tragedy being so bad, that its unsafe to leave 10 year olds wandering around plus some vital characters in that game being dead.
I can confirm that Kazuki (Chase's JP name), Ayumu (Elaise's JP Name) and Shin (Trace's JP name) are alive though and they might have a special connection to some other characters in the Pokemon series...
//Anything from Sword/Shield onwards will contain DTFA spoilers and thus cannot be talked about.
//That's all I can say as a basic overview. Want more details, ask.
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