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actressposts · 5 months ago
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clownsuu · 2 years ago
I'll uhm, explain when it's finished. There is a lot I need to say so I guess this is a WIP I really wanted to share with you.
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Did you know butterflies love blood?
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csyakult · 1 year ago
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✻ ⌣ 🦦 ˚ 𖤛
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lightcreators · 3 months ago
@bigidiotenergy continue from here
I'll become the MONSTER.
Hands balled into fists as Odysseus stares into his reflection from a puddle on the Underworld's floor. If that's what had to be done, IT HAD TO BE DONE. The King was tired. TIRED of not seeing his son and wife.
Ruthlessness is mercy. And if he needs to be ruthless—
The King practically jumps out of his BONES at the sudden voice behind him. He makes swift movements then, turning around on his heels as a hand reaches for the handle of his sword. All while the mortal's eyes are trailing from the lurking shadow in the water all the way to— To—
Odysseus's eyes widen. Hands immediately falling to his sides as he takes a trembling step back. "... Hades... !"
Water's  reflection  always  has  been  an  amusing  perception  from  his  own  view.  Some  divinity  could  looking  back  at  you  within  it,  and  if  she  wanted  to  having  fun  once  in  a  while,  maybe  an  impression  of  an  breath  could  be  heard,  or  sometimes  there  will  be  the  sensation  of  something  inside  the  presented  reflection  …  Term  itself  who  was  actually  comic  at  the  moment.  It  was  the  beginning  of  an  long  term  comedy  in  which  no  explanation  manual  would  be  given  about  how  circumstances  must  be  understood,  how  much  reality  had  to  be  exposed  when,  in  all  cases,  immensity  of  his  lies  were  allowed  to  be  shattered  apart.  Every  fragment  of  an  glass  was  allowed  to  reflecting  themselves  like  an  private  party,  in  which  every  glitter  exposed  by  his  expression  or  his  gestures,  as  important  as  they  were,  will  be  filed.  It  doesn't  matter  anymore  if  the  reflective  glass  could  hurt.  It  doesn't  matter  if  the  reflective  glass  was  curshed,  in  which  inevitable  blood  would  flow  of  the  wound.  It  doesn't  matter  if  projection  of  his  soul,  along  misunderstandings,  desires,  wishes,  longing,  suffered  that  programmed  shatter  within  dimensions.  A  long  time  ago,  he  would  have  introducing  himself  inside  an  serious  and  stern  manners,  and  would  have  taking  great  care  not  troubling  the  dear  feelings  of  this  brave  hero.  Nevertheless,  time  changed,  right  ?  His  comedy  with  humanity  lasted  for  thousands  of  years,  and  for  once  within  his  entire  eternity,  for  forget  the  ache  trapped within  his  heart,  he  could  take  circumstances  at  heart  ---  showing  them  true  comedy  humanity  was  trapped  with. 
One  misunderstanding  couldn't  hurt  him  anymore.
If  humanity  craved  to  saw  the  terrible  destructor  of  the  world  they  would  be  disappointed  by  his  performance  to  giving  them  wrong  ---  ❝  Little  nature  that  you  are.  ❞  Another  comment  exposed  right  away  as  realization  of  his  voice  had  been  created.  An  tone  behind  Odysseus  voice  who  insisted  a  lot  over  the  permanent  sensation  of  mockery  welcoming  his  sentence,  in  amused  ardor  of  hoping  to  see  him  get  out  of  his  words.  It  was  unfortunate  for  him.  Although,  for  the  paradox  it  was  worth,  he  could  have  corrected  the  course  of  a  few  millennia  by  opening  the  way  to  Odysseus  differently.  Poor  Jason  only  received  his  mocking  comments  in  the  background,  and  an  particular  amusement  concerning  irony  of  his  circumstances,  him  in  which  Athena  pulled  so  much  faith  inside  him  ---  oh,  did  he  wanted  news  from  Jason  having  cursing  himself  a  good  beginning  his  own  blinded  pride  and  terrible  behavior  destroyed  it  all  ?  Athena  would  probably  blame  him,  AGAIN,  to  have  dared  touch  towards  faith  her  protegees  had,  nevertheless,  it  was  pointless,  right  ?  This  was  the  Underworld.  He  had  the  upper-hand.  It  wasn't  like  that  hero  was  planning  to  agonozing  for  plea  something,  right  ?  It  wasn't  like  he  was  planning  to  convince  him  ?  ❝  Are  you  scared  of  me  you  forget  the  norm  of  courtesy,  or  you've  passed  too  much  time  with  Athena  been  familiar  you  forgotten  I  merit  same  decency  ?  ❞  He  pondered,  as  during  one  second,  leaving  his  nice  space  inside  the  sky  enjoying  the  view,  he  exposed  closeness  by  moving  close  to  him,  admiring  every  feature  amusingly.  ❝  In  a  melancholic  mood  from  the  moment  you  entered  my  domain  ?  ❞  He  was  learning  beautifully  with  Lelouch  vi  Britannia.  He  was  still  learning  beautifully  with  Lelouch,  and  mastering  even  better  his  act  with  the  Golden  Witch.  For  whatever  reason  he  showing  up  inside  his  realm,  he  better  be  strongly prepared.  ❝  Why  the  surprised  face  when  you  couldn't  have  missed  the  Underworld  sign  ?  ❞
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raddest-laddest · 1 year ago
so yk how in the quirrel comic, he says “little food i need, and little rest” ?
i wonder if that’s because monomon was protecting him…
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izzyizumi · 5 months ago
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure (F r a n c h i s e) ~ Adventure, 02, tri., tri. S t a g e-p l a y, L a s t E v o l u t i o n: Kizuna, & Adventure: [2020 R e b o o t] + KOUSHIRO I z u m i + {F R A M E D In} S U N S E T {S}/{C O L O R S} + {KOUTAI} / {Taishiro} / {TaiKou} (Koushiro{u} I z u m i & Taichi Y a g a m i) {As Ship} + Koushiro & M e n o a Bellucci
+ {L O O K I N G}/A i m i n g Towards the F U T U R E {F O R W A R D}
Originally I wanted to make this for @taikouvember 2 k 2 4! (It could have fit for "L i g h t"!) {Though I made it a bit e a r l y!}
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koushirouizumi · 2 months ago
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Chanukah 2k24, Night #2 {Belated}
Night #1 + traditional Hanukiyah/Chanukkiyah!
{Personal} shot by @koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-produce My Work [*Including for @.I. Usages] Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
*Use for specific event Chanukah Project is okay!
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demonoftheseas · 3 months ago
mutuals ⚠️ do NOT reblog things i have on my blog unless you want me to love you
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clownsuu · 2 years ago
Are they friends? Frenemies? Oh, who knows!
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LMAOOO c l a s s i c Mob!Barnaby behavior
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taichi-x-koushiro · 9 months ago
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series)/tri. ~ Inspired + K O U S H I R O Izumi x T A I C H I Yagami {KouTai} / {TaiKou} / {Taishiro[u]}
"Do you ever want to see {each other} on your day{s} off?" {For any reason?}
"Do you ever want to hear {their voice} {think about them} before you go to bed?"
"Have you ever thought that you don't want 'something' to keep them away from you?" {Do you expect them to come back?}
"...It's ENOUGH."
-H o n e y L e m o n S o d a (Series) {Original Dialogue by Mayu Murata} Modified slightly by me; x Adventure (Series)
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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littlestar-center · 4 months ago
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(Image unrelated but I’m not suprized on how not surprised none of you asked multi questions in a single ask)
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thegoldenelite · 2 months ago
I can't wait for Dynamite on Wednesday...bc I NEED to know what Kenny's vibes are...
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months ago
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when life gives you lemons, trade ‘em in for lemon sweets bc you deserve a treat~~~~~
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tertiarycorvid · 6 months ago
I w o u l d b e t h e w o r l d ' s w o r s t
a u s p i c e . I f t h e y w e r e f i g h t i n g
I w o u l d j u s t h i t t h e m b o t h w i t h
a m a l l e t .
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izzyizumi · 8 months ago
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure: [2020 Reboot/Spin-off] ~ Episode 02 (Japanese version) + D I G I T A L {P r o j e c t i o n}!Taichi's {A d v i s o r}!Koushiro + Yamato & Koushiro Interaction{s} {YamaKou} + (Bonus) Taichi & Koushiro {KouTai} / {TaiKou} / {Taishiro[u]}
"THAT's why Koushiro's {sugei}/{sugoi}!" - T A I C H I
Gifs by @izzyizumi / koushirouizumi {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Copy} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!}
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biitchcakes · 5 months ago
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BLACK WIDOW: VENOMOUS vol. 1 issue 1
@mastcrmarksman / @manandmachines
( personals DNI . )
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