#she was probably in the dream realm b e g g i n g u t o e a t . or s l e e p .
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raddest-laddest · 1 year ago
so yk how in the quirrel comic, he says “little food i need, and little rest” ?
i wonder if that’s because monomon was protecting him…
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years ago
JuLisa fluff alphabet <3
I am depressed so this somehow happened when I was supposed to be working on a lab lol.
Nothing spicy under the cut, only wholesome fluff. <3
A ctivities - What do they like to do together? How do they spend their free time?
Incidentally, Julius and Lisa basically spend ALL their time together, since they work and live together in the same place. But when they’re able to take a breather, they enjoy cuddling somewhere, reading a book, or going on a walk somewhere outside the noble realm. It’s nice to get fresh air and it gives Julius a chance to track down any cool magic.
B eauty - What do they admire about each other? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Lisa would say that she admires Julius’s confidence and positivity. He’s a very optimistic person and she needed someone like that to rub off on her. She finds his eyes to be very beautiful, as well as his lips...
Julius would say he admires EVERTHING about Lisa, but more than anything her tenacity and determination. She’s worked harder than anyone else in the kingdom despite being beaten down again and again. He would also say that her entire being is the most beautiful... but above all her eyes. And legs. ;)
C omfort - How would they help each other when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Julius is usually the one who has to comfort Lisa. For a man who’s good with words, he knows that they don’t work in those low moments, and instead makes sure to hold her tight, a silent gesture to tell her that everything is going to be alright. 
But even though he’s strong, the pressure of his job sometimes gets to Julius. Wordlessly, he’ll bury himself in Lisa’s chest, and she strokes his hair and whispers things in his ear to help him calm down. You’re doing your best. You’ve done nothing but wonderful things for everyone. And for me, too. You’re good enough.
D reams - How do they picture their future with each other?
Absolutely, for both of them. Julius has wanted to marry Lisa since almost day one jafkdsl but he took it slow of course. Lisa is always a little scared to dream about the future but it fills her with joy. Marriage might not be at the forefront of her mind, since she would just be happy to be by his side for the rest of their lives. And of course... they both wanted to adopt children eventually and have a big family.
E qual - Which is the dominant one in the relationship?
Funny enough, Lisa is probably the more dominant one in the relationship (outside the bedroom but I won’t get into that lol). From the start, Julius has always been very careful about the power dynamic between them, since he’s the WK and all, and his solution was to let Lisa kind of take the lead in a lot of things, relationship-wise.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their each other? How are they fighting?
They really don’t fight all that much? If Lisa gets upset Julius can usually tell right away. If Julius gets upset, he’s quick to say something about it. But if it’s a rare, bad fight, Lisa usually retreats into silence until Julius comes to apologize. But like I said, they are fairly harmonious and even the fallouts of the “worst” fights only last an hour or so.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? 
Lisa is beyond grateful. She’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for Julius, and his presence in her life has changed it completely. As for Julius, meeting Lisa brought new meaning into his life that he didn’t before, and he was able to imagine a future for himself that wasn’t lonely and dedicated solely to his work.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from each other? Or do they share everything?
Lol it is VERY hard to hide secrets between them, so they usually tell each other everything. However, there’s a few notable exceptions to this, including when Julius managed to hide the fact that he met a future version of Lisa during the elf arc. He did tell her eventually.
I nspiration - Did they change each other somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Yeah! For Lisa, Julius was the one who finally convinced her to leave her old life behind and become a magic knight. And later, he inspires to her want to become the Wizard King one day, returning long-lost ambition.
For Julius, it’s the other way around. He was ambitious when he was young, and sprinted to the top as fast as he could. He had resigned himself to a life committed solely to his job, but when he met Lisa, all that changed. Not only did she give him a more human reason to protect the kingdom, but she opened up a new future to him that he never thought he would be able to pursue... he finally found something he could love more than the kingdom itself.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Both of them have many admirers but they’re both comfortable enough to know that nothing unfaithful would ever happen. However, Julius does NOT trust other men around Lisa ajksl and is not afraid to flaunt his status proudly if he feels like someone is trying to get friendly with her. 
K iss - Which one is the better kisser? What was the first kiss like?
At first it was definitely Julius. Lisa’s only kiss before him was quick and drunk, but luckily she was now in the hands of a master ;) Their first kiss was shared after Lisa was badly injured trying to stop an assassination attempt and their feelings were finally spoken. Over time, Lisa definitely grew to match Julius’s kisses :)
L ove Confession - How did they confess to each other?
At the same moment as their first kiss! Lisa realized that the reason she fought so hard was because she couldn’t bear the thought of Julius not being in her life, and Julius realized that Lisa meant more than the world to him. Holding her limp and almost dead in his arms was what hammered that point home for him. In the hospital later, he came to visit and they both ended up all over each other, and never wanted to let go again. :)
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Like I said before, YES! It wasn’t on Lisa’s mind until Julius brought it up, but she really wanted to. They were talking to each other about having kids, and Julius mentioned that, if they did, he would be expected to be married to the mother of his children. But he promised that he would do a better proposal later! Which he did... When Lisa came back from the Sea Temple mission, Julius took her up on the roof before pulling out a gorgeous ring, and asked her to “be my queen.”
As for a wedding, sadly they never got to have an official one. However, they eloped before the Royal Knights exam and sealed the deal. However, now that Lisa lives in a timeline where Julius is very much alive and well, they are still planning a large ceremonial wedding for sometime in the next year.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Lisa usually sticks to simple things like “darling” or sometimes “Juli~” because it sounds cute. Julius bounces between many pet names, his favorite being “sweetness” <3
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Before they confessed, both of them kept their card close to their chest. Lisa was slightly worse at this. Images of Julius were constantly dancing in her mind and she would often get distracted lol. When she was around Julius, just a mere touch or an intense look made her blush furiously. It was pretty easy for Julius to tell that something was going on with her.
As for Julius, like I said, at first he was able to stay calm, but rest assured he was freaking out all the time on the inside. But in private, he too got distracted easily and would smile to himself “creepily” (in Marx’s words). It was very hard for him to get any work done.
Once everything was out in the open, Julius was not afraid to show his feelings at the drop of the hat. Lisa still got very flustered about it but was very happy to know that she was loved.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Sadly, the two of them could not be upfront about the relationship for a long time. Lisa got into trouble last time someone found out about it, so they keep to themselves. But within the castle, Julius is very loving and doesn’t mind PDA at all. Lisa still is a little worried that someone from the press is going to find out, but is usually very eager to receive whatever he gives her.  
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Dyad. I’ll leave it at that ajkfdsl
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make each other happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Oh boy. As soon as Julius got a girlfriend it was clear that he was the epitome of the romantic type. He can be creative AND cliche, and both are just as sweet. Flowers, fancy dinners, romantic escapes to the countryside, he would do all of it at the drop of a hat for Lisa.
Lisa’s approach is less of the grand gesture type and more small things. Small gifts, quality time, that kind of stuff. 
S upport - Are they helping each other achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Absolutely. Julius has already kind of reached his goals but Lisa is a great help to him every day as he goes through his WK duties. As for Lisa, she doesn’t really have any future goals for a long time but wants the kingdom to prosper, so she helps Julius as much as she can.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Their relationship is very spontaneous. Both of them like to run off on a date at the drop of a hat, sometimes in the middle of a work day! But they do value routines too, especially when they’re winding down for the day.
U nderstanding - How good do they know each other? Are they empathetic?
After six years together, they know each other inside and out. Even without the help of a Dyad spell, they complete each other and are always open and understanding with communication.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
More than anything.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Lisa really likes curling up under Julius’s robe. It’s so soft and warm and it smells like him. When Lisa is away, Julius sleeps with it too because it smells like her. In truth... the two of them have the exact same scent but it’s the thought that counts lol
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes. :) Julius is a big softie and Lisa is a human space heater so their cuddle sessions are pretty mindblowing lol.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing each other?
Neither of them are very happy when they’re apart. Lisa deals with it a lot better, since she’s usually out training when she rarely leaves him. Julius is a lot more clingy and can’t focus as well when she’s gone. The nights are long and lonely for him, and he finds it very hard to sleep alone now.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Both of them are really secure in their relationship and it is not really in danger. However, both of them would do anything for the other.
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walkineternity · 5 years ago
Day 3: Delirium
(The Umbrella Academy x Sandman)
Klaus knew he was in trouble.
He had overdosed again. He tried to stay clean, for Ben and Vanya, for his other siblings, and for Dave. He so very much wanted to see Dave.
 But. He tried, okay. Tried so very fucking hard, and everyone was so focussed on Vanya that his efforts weren’t exactly…supported. Ben, of course, knew. And Klaus was grateful to have him. And he didn’t really blame everyone for not paying attention to him. They never really did that in the first place, unless he was causing trouble. And this time, it was because Vanya had nearly ended the world and he got that. He really did. He was trying to be there for them.
 But. He was an addict, okay. He can admit that. And…it was so hard to stay clean. He was so fucking high right now. He was so fucking sick right now. And Ben was yelling at him again.
 “Fuck! I can’t do this again, Klaus! You were doing so well! Fuck! I can’t even pick up the phone to call the ambulance can I! No! You are going to die in this alleyway and then I’m going to have nobody to talk to and, and, and you can’t leave me alone! Please, Klaus, please! Shit, okay, I’m going to try and get help, okay? I’m going to try.”
 Klaus felt himself drift. Ben was still talking, but then suddenly everything was quiet. He didn’t really get how he could still hear Ben with all the drugs in his system, but the other spirits had quieted down. And now, finally, Ben was gone too. He was going to die alone. Like he fucking deserved. His eyes shut, closing over tears that never fell and let the fog take him…
 Next thing he knew there was something licking his face. Okay, still alive. Still dying. Probably. He opened his eyes.
 Well. Where was he? This wasn’t the alleyway anymore. Maybe he wasn’t dying and he was already dead. But this wasn’t heaven. This was…he wasn’t sure. There were explosions of colours and shapes twisting in and out of existence and he felt simultaneously the highest he’s ever been and stone cold sober. He felt like he was awake and dreaming at the same time.
 And in the midst of all this madness, there was a rather ordinary looking dog, who was licking his face.
 “Well, hey there, boy. You wouldn’t happen to know the way back to reality now, would you?”
 He didn’t know what to expect at this point. And yet it still startled him when the dog stopped licking his face and spoke back. “Ah. You’re awake. Good. You don’t taste very good.”
 Klaus frowned. “Actually, I’m a snack. A delicious- wait. I’m…awake.” He sits up and looks around. Nothing was solid. There was no up and no down and he had no clue what he was sitting on because reality kept changing. Okay, he was definitely going crazy. “I don’t think I’m awake.”
 “Hm. Well. In a manner of speaking. And in another, you’re dead.”
 “You don’t sound surprised.”
 “Well, I’ve been dead before. And really, I was asking for it anyways.”
 The dog tilted its head, considering him, “I should be more specific. You’re only mostly dead, this time. This isn’t Death’s realm, but her sister’s.”
 “…mostly dead? What am I? The man in black now?” Klaus hadn’t seen the movie until his teens, when he was homeless and couch-surfing. Or rather bed-surfing. And old lover had the movie on VHS.
 “I don’t know what that means.” The dog huffed and then said, “I’m Barnabas, by the way. Not that you asked.”
 “Aw, what an adorable name!” Klaus tried to pet him, but Barnabas looked mildly offended and ducked his head away. He looked like he was about to say something snippy when a bunch of brightly coloured fish swam past his head. Klaus had been trying to ignore his surroundings for the sake of his own sanity, but this caught his attention.
 And then the…strangest voice followed after. “Ohhh, fishies! Come back here! …Hi, Barnabas!” He couldn’t really describe it. He could understand it, and for the most part it sounded like a young women’s voice, but something was distinctly…otherworldly. The voice sounded how this world looked. Chaotic, ever-changing, pitches and stresses in all the wrong places. It would have been called musical, if it wasn’t so discordant.
 And then a figure stepped out of the swirls of colours and then he realised that nothing was ever going to make sense in here. She was colourful herself. Rainbow hair cut in an odd style. Two different coloured eyes and the oddest combination of clothes.
 Though, honestly, he couldn’t say anything about his clothes. Currently, he was sporting the same outfit he wore in the real world and, frankly, wasn’t to off from this figure’s choice of clothes.
 Well, at least they had something in common. “Nice shoes,” he tries.
 The woman (girl? Young lady?) was talking to the dog and the fish, but turned to him at the sound of his voice. She drifted closer and peered down at him.
 “Well, hello there, traveler. You seem a little lost.”
 Klaus shrugged. She giggled. “Welllll, I suppose that’s, uh, that’s what you call life, now, isn’t it? Just a little bit lost and a lot bit lost! Go-ing on Forever!”
 Barnabas came a bit closer to her, to sit beside her, not quite touching, but close. Like he meant to offer her comfort. She absentmindedly scratched his ears, but still didn’t look away from Klaus. Oh, was he supposed to offer a reply?
“Well, I’m hoping that’s not the case. I’ve been trying, lately, you see, to settle down a bit. Stay clean and, y’know, be there for my family. Try to…have a home, a proper one.” His voice grew more unsure as he continued to speak.
 She was staring at him as he spoke, but not in his eyes. Just looking there briefly and then looking at his shirt and then his hair. Listening, but just couldn’t keep completely still. As she did, her nail polish changed colour and her ears changed shape and the rainbow in her hair shifted. This whole place was topsy-turvy. Strange how a talking dog named Barnabas was the sanest thing in here.
 She looked back up briefly into his eyes and then down at her feet. “It’s Nice to do things for fa-mi-ly. I have many Siblings too. I like to help them sometimes. You said I have nice shoes. Would you like to wear them? We can trade!”
 “Um.” Klaus wasn’t really sure what to say. “I don’t think our feet are the same size?”
 She frowned. “Oh, what does that matter? Its just for fuunnn. C’mon!” And she proceeded to take off her shoes. Which, were just as colourful as her hair. Rainbow boots that had really neat buckles shaped like the fish that swam around their heads.
 His were a solid black heel, stolen from Allison. They pinched his toes, not being the proper size, but they made his legs look gorgeous.
 Allison probably wasn’t going to be happy to learn her shoes were traded away, but then again, she probably wasn’t going to be happy with him either way. If he ever made it back, that is.
 He decided he should probably say all that out loud, and then he did, because they really weren’t his shoes, but the girl in front of him just sat down to better take of her shoes. “Oh, you’ll get out of Here eventu-ally. I like you, but you’re not mine to keep.” She finally managed to pull off both her boots. She was wearing mismatched socks, but those seemed to vanish. “And your family is just worried about you. If your sssister is mad, it’s only because she cares. You should ask them for help.”
 He shrugged and easily kicked off his own shoes, accidently kicking it too close to Barnabas. The dog just looked long-suffering.
 “They just think I’m useless and crazy. Well, maybe not Ben, but I’m not exactly doing my best there, y’know? He deserves to follow someone else around. Someone who won’t disappoint him again.”
 The girl hummed. “They say I’m crazzzzy too. But that’s alright. Mad-ness isn’t always a Bad thing….it helps when I know too much. Sometimes its nice to have a break from san-i-ty.” Here she started to slip on the heels and gestured at the boots, so Klaus grabbed one and put it on, stamping a little to get his heel in. Huh. Perfect fit. She continued, “And just because I’m mad, doesn’t mean my siblings don’t care about me. Doesn’t mean I don’t care about them. We aallll make mistakes, even Beings such as us, even little ones such as you, and we…oh, shoot, Barnabas! What’s the word? The- the Big one.”
 She glanced around as if the word she was looking for would suddenly appear. “You know. When the butterflies are iiiinn your body instead of outside them. Like stepping off the edge of a cliff, but knowing there is Someone to catch you, or for you to catch them.”
 Barnabas opened his mouth to say something, but she snapped her fingers (which made Klaus do a doubletake when the snap sound created visual shockwaves of colour, like they were in some sort of comic book), and then said, “Oh! Love! It’s lo-ve. We all love each other the same. They loved me when I was Delight, and they still love me as Delirium. I mean, look at Bar-na-bas!” She gestured with a heel in her hand. The dog sat a little straighter. “He was a gift to me from one of my bro-thers, to care and look afterrr me, and we’ve become such good friends! Destruction cares in his own way, and I know your siblings do too. You just got-ta….gotta ask, okay?”
 Barnabas smiled slightly. It looked a bit weird on a dog, but it seemed gentle. “I think we are the very best friends, my dear Delirium.”
 She put the other heel on and bounced up onto them, smiling at them both, at the world around them, at the tiny fish swimming above her head. The black of the heels swirled with spots of colour, but mostly stayed the same.
 Klaus finished doing up the buckles on both shoes and stood up too. He reached a hand up and the fish swam through his fingers and around his arm. The rainbow shoes felt warm and comfortable on his feet. He felt a bit giddy. He gave her a big grin and said, “Yeah. Okay. Sure. If I ever manage to get out of here, I’ll ask. Why not!”
 She gave him a grin in return. To match. Though hers stretched a little too far on her face. Still friendly, but not exactly a human smile. Her eyes changed colours too, but never the same colours at the same time. A fish swam in front of her face and this distracted her from him.
 “Well, how do I get out of here anyways? Not that I don’t mind your company, I should be getting back to the real world.”
 She looked back at him and seemed to startle a little bit. “Ohhhh, what were we talking about?”
 He blinked and looked at her and then looked at Barnabas, who said to her, in a reassuring manner, “It wasn’t important. Klaus was leaving soon anyways.”
 “Hm. My he-ad hurts. Was I talking Rightly again? That always Hurts.”
 “Yes, Delirium, but you don’t have to anymore. Why don’t we help Klaus go home and then play with the fish?”
 Klaus frowned at Barnabas in confusion. Delirium laughed joyfully and said, “Well, hell yeah! There’s only a few swimming around, buuuut I can make more!” She proceeded to spin around and do exactly that.
 Barnabas sidled closer to Klaus and said, “She does that, sometimes.”
 “What? Forgets?”
 “No. Remembers. The advice she gave you? How coherent she spoke? Does not happen often. You should take heed. The knowledge she has…is vast. So vast that it seems to…hurt her. Now, it’s time for you to go.” He didn’t say this roughly, but there was a sadness when he spoke.
 “Thanks,” Klaus said, heartfelt. “And thank her for me, too, even if she doesn’t remember.”
 Delirium wandered back over with a great many more fish swimming around, some bigger than others. Some so small he could barely see in the swirl of colours and shapes. “Oh yes! You!” She tapped him firmly on the forehead and said, “Say the magic words!”
 “Um, please-”
 “Wrong, so wrong. Try again.” And here she clicked her new heels three times.
 Klaus couldn’t help it. He laughed. He saw that movie too. And then he copied her action and said the “magic” words, “There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no pla-”
 And then he was in an ambulance, the paramedic’s expression triumphant and relieved. Ben, hovering over him on the other side, looked similar.
 “Klaus, don’t ever do that to me again. You are so lucky there was this goth lady around. Apparently, you aren’t the only one that can speak to the dead. She was pretty Zen about the whole thing. Said it wasn’t your time and managed to find a nearby payphone. She didn’t even ask why I couldn’t call the ambulance myself!”
 Ben sounded a bit hysterical. The paramedic seemed to be chattering away as he checked Klaus’ vitals. Klaus felt himself tearing up. He could still feel the drugs in his system. “I’m so sorry, Ben. I can’t do this-”
 “C’mon, Klaus! I know you’re stronger- what about Dave-”
 “No, shit, Ben, just- I can’t do this alone, okay? I-I really need. I need help. I want to stay clean. Please. I just- please. I can’t do this alone.”
 The paramedic wasn’t paying attention to his babble, too focussed on actually keeping him alive, but Ben was listening intently. He tried to lay his hand on Klaus’ shoulder, but his hand passed through. Klaus shivered. Ben looked disappointed, but not surprised. He settled for leaning over, close to Klaus’ face, and said, “Never, Klaus. I’m here, okay. And the others…we’ll ask for help from them too. We’re all trying to be a family, right? And….and whatever you need.”
 Klaus felt tears in his eyes and with a rough voice he said, “Thank you, Ben. I always knew you were my favourite brother.”
 Ben rolled his eyes, but a smile tugged the corner of his lips. “Oh, please. I’ll remember that next time you say that to any of our other siblings.”
 “Why would Allison or Vanya be my favourite brother?”
 “Fuck off, you know what I meant.” Okay, definitely a smile now.
 And then Ben happened to glance at his feet. “Klaus, where the hell did you get those?”
 Klaus looked at his feet and saw that he wasn’t wearing Allison’s heels, but rainbow boots. Huh. So not a drug-induced dream.
 “I’ve been thinking, Ben.”
 “Oh no. I didn’t know you could do that.” He gestured at the boots. “Are you not going to answer?”
 Klaus ignored him and stared at the boots. “I’ve been wondering if they might allow aquariums in rehab.”
 Ben stared at him a little. But he was also long used to Klaus saying weird stuff. “Well. If we manage to use some of dad’s fortune for rehab, they’ll allow us as many fish as we want. If…if that’s what you wanted the aquarium for.”
 It was…so fucking nice to hear Ben using “us” and “we” like that. He knew Ben was stuck with him, but it felt…. like he wasn’t alone. That Ben meant it. That he was going to have help this time, from the whole family. And if they used dear old dad’s money…well. That would be icing on the cake. Petty? Yes. Deserved, even beyond the grave? Hell yes. He’s glad that he didn’t have another visit from him. He doesn’t think he could stand anymore revelations or disappointment from him. He’d take a bizarre realm of multi-coloured girls and fish and talking dogs any day.
 Though, he really didn’t want to go back any time soon. Being mostly dead was exhausting.
 “Yeah, Ben, fish. Lots of colourful fish.” His voice sounded further away, like hearing himself through a long tunnel. Klaus could feel his eyes droop closed.
 Ben laughed softly. “Anything you need, Klaus. Have some nice dreams for me, will you?” Klaus’ eyes were closed, but for a flash, he thought he saw someone above him. He couldn’t see features, just a strange helmet and black robes. A pale hand sprinkled shining dust onto him. Onto his closed eyes. And then the figure was gone.
  And he swore, right before he drifted off to sleep, that he felt Ben’s hand on his shoulder. But then again, it could have just been his imagination.
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brightlycoloredteacups · 6 years ago
Babe I love you and I have a request for you! Can I have the whole fluffy alphabet for the gorgeous Lady Loki.
Sure thing babe! 
Tumblr media
Find the Alphabet here:
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
-Drowning, suffocating, overwhelming, that’s the affection you’re gonna get from this lady. Of course, she’ll back off if you ask her to, but more often than not, she’ll be all over you as much as you allow her to be. 
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
-Probably the day she came to you. She was so nervous, nothing about your behavior previously indicated your attraction to women, so when you opened her with open arms, she nearly wept with relief. 
C = cat or dog person (this is pretty obvious)
-Cat person, she hates dogs, leave them outside where they belong. 
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
-Who knows? This lady’s dreams are changing day by day. Though many of them often involve you. 
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
-She likes to go out for the evenings, simple walks, to dinner. Doesn’t matter. Or, she likes to cuddle on the couch, especially when it’s hot out. 
F = first date (what was it like?)
-A first date with Loki is an extravagant one. Nothing is too much for you, beautiful. 
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
-Her giggle is very soft, barely noticeable. Her laugh is much the same way. 
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
-Loki loves hugging, full front, side, back, doesn’t matter, just touch her darling. 
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
-she plays the harp and the piano.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
-giving people nasty comments generally gives her a huge amount of joy. She also like it when you kiss her cheek. It’s dumb, but she lives for it. 
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
-She’s a very passionate kisser. Anytime she kisses you it’s going to have some heat behind it. 
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
-She’s much kinder to the person she has a crush on, and much more flirtatious. When you’re in a relationship, her flirtation doesn’t stop. She’s a serial ass grabber. 
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
-Her favorite memory is a shocking one actually. Dancing with Odin. When she was little and at a party, Odin stood her on his feet and danced with her. She hates that she loves it so. 
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
-rudeness. She can’t tolerate it, won’t tolerate, especially from you. 
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
-She doesn’t have a dream job, she’s never needed to think about it. 
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
-Lady Loki is a mischievous parent. She’s strict, but she isn’t about to stop her kids from having fun. Thor had better be on the lookout, because one Loki was bad enough, but now there seems to be two. 
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
-Loki does believe in the supernatural, and aliens, she’s both. She’s a pagan. 
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
-She’s very romantic, but it always has sexual undertones to it. She’s a sexual being love, she isn’t going to stop it. 
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
-You, when you first wake up. You’re tired eyes blinking at her, that dumb, sleepy smile, she loves it so much. 
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
-Loki is very clingy, especially in private. 
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
-her sarcasm sometimes irks you. As for you, your general unwillingness to do what she wants at all times. She’s spoiled, and used to having people follow her orders, so it’s hard for her to accept that you have your own agency. But that’s also the reason she fell inlove with you. 
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
-She has entire paintings dedicated to you. 
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
-She wants an extravagant wedding, all of Asgard is invited. There won’t be a person in all the nine realms that won’t know when your big day is. And yes, she expects gifts. 
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
-There is nothing more Loki likes than seeing you in her clothing. Wear her dress, her shoes, her jewelry. Gods, she loves it. 
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
-Loki hates pickles, especially the sweet ones. 
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
-She’s a moderate sleeper. but she must be curled around you. She feels so loved being so close to you, she needs more of it. 
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