#c a n t f i g h t i f u r b u s y g e t t i n B O N K E D
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I recently made a post about how dni lists are stupid. however, please interact lists are awesome. so.
please interact if:
-is a john mulaney fan
-is a bo burnham fan
-has shipped an embarrassing pairing (let's say dramione, totally just the top of my head) when you were younger
-is obsessed with commentary youtubers (ex: kurtis conner)
-you're in the process of learning spanish as a second language (so am I)
-has dyed hair, because c'mon, join the club
#please interact#dni#john mulaney#bo burnham#dramione#kurtis conner#dyed hair#join the m o t h e r f u c k i n g c l u b :)
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{D I G I M O N} Adventure + 02 + tri. + Kizuna + 2020 Izumi K O U S H I R O [U] + {Common} V i s u a l s / A E S T H E T I C S {T y p i n g} +{I n t e r e s t s (in T e c h n o l o g y)/K N O W L E D G E-G A T H E R I N G} + {H A N D S}
Bonus: {02 Epilogue}:
{with Shuu Kido [Jou’s 2nd oldest sibling], Mr. Takenouchi; & Koushiro’s C h i l d}
Cap’d by @izzyizumi / @koushirouizumi / @hikari-m {Do Not Re-p o s t} {Do Not C o p y} {Do Not Remove Caption} {Do Not Re-produce My Work Under Any Circumstances Without My Permission Whatsoever!} [*Including for @.I. Usages] (A S K to Use!)
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{PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS A BLOG DEDICATED TO A Support OF DIGIMON ADVENTURE[S] as an ENTIRE SERIES. While I cannot stop people from engaging, please respect my rules. Please DO NOT Interact OR FOLLOW / REBLOG if you are unable to interact respectfully (including within tags).}
[Note: commenting/tagging positively/respectfully is ok!] (Please AGREE TO BANNERS BEFORE interacting) (Note: Click on the banners to view in full or enlarge!)
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#koushiro izumi#koushirou izumi#izumi koushirou#2020 koushiro#koushiro izzy izumi#autistic koushiro#koushiro and interests#(Hi im a cTUALLY p ROUD this set c AME o U T s e m i p ASSABLE-)#(So a NYWAY F A V sure t YPES A L O T in this s eRIES & t0ei L I K E S to a NIMATE tHIS)#(02 one is from s TART of one of 02 M o v i e s & I t HINK may have been t AKEN.. o UT of d u b ver but F a v j u s t c ASUALLY c LICKS-)#(&it s h o w s the m o v e m e n t of the m o u s e s LIDIN a c r o s s m OUSEPAD-)#(butyea its j UST a f EW S e c o n d s of Fav *C a s u a l l y* s lidin m OUSE a c r o s s m OUSEPAD all ~a ESTHETICALLY~-)#(I n EED F a v p o s i t i v i t y that d OES n O T d ERIDE!!! for I N T E R E S T S in tECH& n ERDY t h i n g s & k NOWLEDGE+p ROVIDIN IT)#(this was a CTUALLY Q U E U E D for m ONTHS but I b u m p e d it up q UEUE for r EASONS-)#(Yes im i NCLUDIN E p i l o g u e F a v & c h i l d my L o v e bc I c AN)#(S p a c e s to k e e p o u t of S e a r c h)
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This scene = Nick quietly pining for Gatsby while playing wingman for him and Daisy...
I feel it, bro
#~ N I C K ; ; M I R R O R ~#~ J A Y G A T S B Y ; ; worth the W H O L E damn bunch of 'em ~#~ C O U S I N D A I S Y ; ; the GOLDEN girl ~#~ N I C K ; ; T H E E Y E S O F E C K L E B U R G ~#( ( ;; O O C ;; ) )#( ( ;; RAMBLINGS ;; ) )
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#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp comte#ikevamp leonardo#ikevamp dazai#ikevamp meme#i#my wife told me to look in the drafts and when i tell u witnessing this was an E X P E R I E N C E.#it was even funnier bc i only saw the first half at first glance so i see tall blonde and gorgeous and im like 'okay yeah lmfao'#i see painfully thicc and i SPUTTER but otherwise be like 'yeah its tru tho...' then i get to fucking 'b o r g a r'#just see dazai next to it and utterly LOSE IT ALSJHKG#I HATE THIS POST THE A C C U R A C Y#came for the painfully thicc--stayed for tall blonde and gorgeous--memed with B O R G A R#man it makes me miss the sasuke shenanigans from ikesen#like the memelord potential stored in dazai is S T A G G E R I N G I TELL YOU#all i can imagine is sebas one day handing MC a glass of water and her being like 'ah yes. enslaved m o i s t u r e'#sebas gives her a dirty look but dazai's like :oooo WAIT LET TOSHIKO-CHAN S P E A K#he has like an existential crisis and euphoric epiphany all at the same time--t h i s. this is what he was born and bred f o r#starts listening MUCH MUCH more intently to her convos with sebas#im crying just imagining MC finding lumiere and harry in some godforsaken dark corner/hole in the mansion#and instead of being like 'wtf how did you both even--' she just 'ah yes me and the boys at 4am LOOKING FOR B E A N S'#as she picks them up and takes them to their respective owners#and dazai's just like 'omg write that down WRITE THAT DOWN'#like can you fucking imagine her waking up and getting kissed by napoleon and just being like#'aight i don't wanna be his sleep paralysis demon anymore'#or 'WHO KISSES THEIR SLEEP PARALYSIS DEMON IS HE ASKING TO GET K I L L E D!?!?'#and dazai is just in fuckin tears bc he can't take much more#isaac tries to ask him what's wrong and he's just 'the world is just so beautiful--y'know?'#to which isaac looks at him in disgust (cat banana face) because he doesn't even want to KNOW what kind of shitfuckery inspired this
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Stealing hearts since 1996

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#ASSORTED RUDYS#HAPPY HAPPY BOY#LOOK AT HIM AHGFHDG HES SO CUTE :')))#look at this boy. look at him#S T U N N I N G#B R E A T H T A K I N G#A S T O U N D I N G#T R U L Y M A G N I F I C E N T#i just.... i just love him so much#RUDY = BEST BOY#RUDY > EVERYTHING ELSE
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“That’s a good look, man. Finding the balance between brooding and stylish. That one’s cover material, y’know if we did things like that.”
#c. Samuel Thomas#i. sam + bucky#( mail | s u b m i s s i o n )#( mail | g i f t )#( mail | a n s w e r e d )#( nosuperpowersjustfaith | a n s w e r e d )#( forget everything you t h i n k you know | wildcard verse )#mxrvelouscreations
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『 ❝ I’m in the mood to blow stuff up... ❞ 』
#『 🌙 || Come T A L K To M E [Open] 』#『 🌙 || v01. Carrying The B U R D E N Of E X P E C T A T I O N On My S H O U L D E R S [Main Verse] 』#『 🌙 || v08. F I G H T For What's R I G H T Even If You D I E Trying [FFVII Verse] 』#『 🌙 || v09. I Can't Give U P And I Can't Back D O W N. There's T O O Much To P R O T E C T [Final Fantasy XIV] 』#{ all verses... he's just ready to make things go boom. }
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wish there was a post like lrb w letters you hate and likeso i could talk about what letters i hate and like
#i like m the most. and i y x s v sometimes a.. i HATE d f g p e b h c. q r t u o j k l z n neutral also this all varies depending on#combination#really strong feelings aboutthis one.
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Dmitri please stop. Your embarrassing yourself
No! I Don't know what you're talking about! Uh- UwU! I'm going this just fine- Uh- Brrrrr....
#s t o p b e f o r e i t ' s t o o l a t e .#G O O N T O A D I F F E R E N T S U B J E C T B E F O R E H E T R I E S T O B E C O O L#henry stickmin collection#henry stickmin#dmitri petrov#dmitri johannes petrov#answer time!
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I’m screaming okay your love for Pitch is my love for fuckin Jack and my god I haven’t thought about rotg in like a YEAR fuck you oh man I’m gonna be thinking bout those idiots all day
Please don’t hold back on my account. By all means, scream louder.
Those two are still a big ship for me, from a very formative fandom that I still adore, and I’m more than content to pollute your brain with such... happy little memories.
They are, without a doubt, complete morons, but it’s so easy to love them. I was drawn to Jack being this bitter little bleeding heart who only wants love, so exploitable in his sweetness that it was easy to get attached, and so sassy in his demeanour that I just wanted to break him into tiny pieces, just so I could have Pitch put him back together again.
And Pitch, my lanky vessel of dorky darkness. Oh, he had his moments when he could be truly frightful, but mostly, it made me want to coo at him. Boogeyman babycakes wants to rule the roost? You go, Pitch, you go! I may have been a tad pouty about what he did to Sandy, but sweet Gaia, that Lair scene, the spine-tingling chemistry, and Jack’s frightened little face...
I’ve fallen into my own trap.
#jack frost#pitch black#blackice#rise of the guardians#rotg#WHAT HAVE I DONE#...well#i know what I've done but#WHY#lokie-dokie#E M B R A C E#T H E#S U F F E R I N G
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Riku: . . .Bitch.
Terra: Watch your language .
Riku: . . . Fuck .
#willfulwayfarer#x. f u l l o f m e m o r i e s | d a s h c o m m e n t a r y#x. t h e b i g b r o t h e r t h a t i ' v e a l w a y s w a n t e d | t e r r a#terriku
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Ahahahahaha.... don’t mind me!!!! Just passing through!!! Yep! Nothing to see here!!!!
#g o s h#I’m really desperate for T-words aren’t I?#This lee mood is lasting so long—#This is the biggest lee mood I’ve had in s o l o n g#hhhHHhHHHhhHhhh—#Just give me T-wooooords—#I would even ask at this point#h e c k#I would ask however the person wanted me to—#I’d use all the big flustering words and phrases and say the T-word as much as they wanted—#Gosh I just want it so b a d —#nobody is allowed to see this e v e r#Especially y o u —#y o u know who you a r e —#a l l o f y o u —
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There is no reson the alfabet needs to be in order
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ship tag dump, bc ya trash mom is changing them again.
#| | the w a y i'm drinking you d o w n like i wanna d r o w n; rel ( frank fontaine )#| | breakup w i t h your girlfriend cause i'm b o r e d; rel ( j s steinman )#| | t r y to k i l l it but it won't s t o p beating; rel ( hannibal lecter )#| | i'm c r a z y but you l i k e that; rel ( randy sullivan )#| | i f o u n d it hard to f i n d someone like you; rel ( benny )#| | baby you're like l i g h t n i n g in a b o t t l e; rel ( maya becker )#| | h e a r t made of g l a s s my mind of s t o n e; rel ( clarice starling )#| | there's b o n e s in my c l o s e t but you h a n g stuff anyway; rel ( anna culpepper )#| | dance w i t h me in my b a c k y a r d boy; rel ( booker dewitt )#| | bob the b u i l d e r broke m y heart; rel ( jasmine jolene )#| | i h a t e your friends and they h a t e me t o o; rel ( atlas )#| | c h o k e me like you h a t e me but you l o v e me; rel ( bobo del rey )
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“Whoever took this photo knew exactly what they were doing, Harrington.” Eddie chuckles, setting the photo down and putting his hands on his hips. All to hide the fact his palms are sweating. The photo definitely looks innocent at first glance. But, only the first one.
#c. edward brian#i. Eddie + Steve#( mail | s u b m i s s i o n )#( mail | g i f t )#( metalheadhero | a n s w e r e d )#( forget everything you t h i n k you know | wildcard verse )#mxrvelouscreations
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