#[ - he can't kill people in that au but i wanted to make sure he's equally as much a villain in human verse ]
despairforme · 11 months
Honestly feel like if someone just loved him from a young age (canon and human verses) maybe he would have turned out different, someone who didn't see him as a beast
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TURNED OUT DIFFERENT? In what way? If someone didn't see him as a BEAST, they were fucking BLIND. Nnoitra was a Hollow. HE WAS A MONSTER. From a "young age"? Meaning back before he became an Arrancar? He didn't think he'd gained much humanity by evolving, but if anything, he had been even more of a monster back then. If someone had loved him --- Would that have changed anything? It was an impossible scenario, because when Nnoitra had been an Adjuchas, nobody had been able to even approach him without him killing them. So how could someone love him? There was no room for LOVE in Hueco Mundo. It was a dog-eat-dog world, and he had the BIGGEST TEETH.
Nnoitra didn't mind being seen as a beast. As a monster. It was the simple truth about who and what he was. It was never going to change. No amount of love could alter that. He could not be tamed. Tesla should be more than enough proof of that. Nnoitra didn't know if he could say his Fraccion loved him ( could a Hollow even feel love? ), but it was the closest thing to love he'd ever experience, he was certain of that. It made no difference to how Nnoitra acted. Even Tesla, who people viewed as less of a beast than himself, had the animalistic need to kill and harm. Hollow were MONSTERS. It would never change,
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Wasn't this the CLASSIC thing people thought about "bad guys". That they could be FIXED? That if someone ( their parents ) had just loved them when they were kids, they would've turned out differently? Nnoitra didn't like it when he was treated like "just a misunderstood boy". The truth was that Nnoitra had ALWAYS BEEN A BAD PERSON. From childhood. He was born bad. Born with a soul that didn't want to be saved. Born to be a person that nobody could love. It was the fundamental part of him.
He was pretty sure his mother never loved him, even if she sure as hell had tried. But she couldn't. Because it was impossible. Nnoitra tried to imagine how things would've been like if he HAD been loveable. He wasn't able to stretch his imagination that far. Everything would've been different, for sure, because Nnoitra would've been a different person from the start. If he was loveable, it would mean he wasn't a BAD PERSON, and then he wouldn't have done all the horrible things he'd done throughout his life. OF COURSE everything would've been different then! But Nnoitra wasn't going to lay the blame for his actions on anyone other than himself. He had made the decisions he'd made. Because he was a bad person.
The whole "nobody will ever love me"-attitude was a huge cliche, he knew that. That didn't make it any less true though. Time and time again, he'd proven that it truly was impossible for others to love him. Yeah, he'd be lying if he said he wished it wasn't like that. Reality couldn't be changed. There was no use fucking crying over his life. He was going to take responsibility, and keep moving forward.
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Question, cause I have an idea I can't shake and I wonder how you think it'd go because your takes are always immaculate, in an injustice style world where Supes goes off the rails and the JL follows him what do you think the Bats would do if Bruce was the one who died?
All of the batkids are alive (none of the kind of weird Damien accidentally killing Dick stuff) and Bruce goes to confront Clark about it and somehow it ends in him dead.
Very distinct scene in my head where Bruce sees it all unfolding and tells the kids he's going to go talk to Clark with very little expectations of success and the next time they see their father it's Kal-el delivering his body to them. Telling them he's sorry, but Bruce didn't understand. He's sure they do though, he's heard them argue with him. They understand sometimes death is necessary.
How do you think they'd react?
(saw some stuff from Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League and was thinking about the Bats and somehow this was born)
Personally I think there would maybe be some murder but you know it's just a little idea
Idk if I'll ever get around to fleshing it out and writing it but it's been plaguing me. I think Alfred deserves to get the final blow, you know if Kal killed his kid. He should be the one with the long range sniper rifle and a clip of kryptonite bullets. He deserves it you know?
I think it all kind of depends on the type of Clark here (is he really Injustice-y yet? is he a straight up dictator when Bruce goes to talk with him, or just warming up?) AND it depends on how Clark explains Bruce's death to the League and the Batkids.
Does Clark kill Bruce out of anger? Is it an unfortunate accident? A little bit of both? If Clark is really falling down the Injustice rabbit hole, he can explain it away as a Joker plot to save face. If he's still Clark, I think he would tell people the truth -- either that it was an accident, or he hit Bruce but didn't mean to kill him, etc.
Sometimes, getting revenge for a loved one's death is about making the person responsible feel your pain and devastation. The Batkids and Alfred will need to evaluate if there's 1) a way to hurt Superman that doesn't end with all of them hurt/dead too and 2) any hope of making Clark feel more guilty/devastated than he already is over Lois, his kid, AND Bruce.
There's nothing like showing up with a big kryptonite blade to kill Superman and him just...agreeing with you? And hating himself for what he did? But a Superman who's falling into that dictator role, who denies responsibility or some responsibility for Bruce's death, who tries to capitalize on it all for his new worldview -- that's a Superman worth fighting against.
If we take the Batkids as Bruce's substitute during the main events of Injustice, then yes. They'll create the insurgency and fight against the regime, in Bruce's memory. But it's an interesting upend of Bruce and Clark's dynamic, since part of their regime/insurgency was always underlaid by the fact that they were/are equals, and once very good friends.
These are Bruce's kids Superman would be hunting down, one by one. Does he restrain himself from killing them, out of some misplaced sense of guilt? Does he want to recruit them away from their insurgency because he knows even one Batkid alive is a huge threat?
All really good questions. Injustice AUs are so much fun, I don't know why there isn't more fic about them!
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eggcats · 3 months
I know it's common for, in radiostatic fics that get rid of Valentino, to get rid of the pornography empire they have, and I GET why, but in my own personal opinion I don't think it's always the best move
In my Housewife Vox AU, I've kept that part of the media empire Vox owns and simply changed ownership of being the overlord in charge of that to be Angel Dust (owned by Alastor) - (in the original deal, Val and Vox's agreement was a lot more equal, but to exert control, prevent a power grab, and make sure Angel can't do anything to hurt Vox or his empire, Alastor took Angel's soul)
(I also hate Val, so I did have him killed in the 80/90s and Angel taking over THEN, but even still, in my AU, Vox did decide to partner with Valentino to add control over hell's pornography into his empire because it'd be foolish not to, considering the power that would add)
Because, like, IMO the issue with that section of visual media was because of HOW Valentino was doing it (abusing his staff, using his venom to coerce people into it, creating the date rape drugs, etc) - but if you take that part out, it makes more sense for a media mogul who owns as much of the media and technology in the Pride Ring he can TO also have a monopoly on the pornography available - it's not like simply not owning it would mean it doesn't exist, so you might as well be the one to do it, do it right, and get the money from it, yeah?
I do think, though, that once Angel took over, he and Vox DID go over all of Val's previous contracts to make sure their employees still wanted the job they had signed their souls over for - the ones who didn't want to do pornography anymore were simply moved to other jobs; and Angel doesn't have issues signing new people on (even/especially without the drugging) because the contracts are relatively fair and the staff treatment at the studio is fine, so for many freshly fallen it's a good way to not be begging on the streets and to have a steady income
ALSO, because Alastor would go ballistic if any of Angel's employees hit on Vox or tried to get him to sleep with them, ALASTOR is usually the one visiting Angel at the studio when the need arises (he's not particularly bothered by sex work, he just has no interest in partaking in any part of it and generally doesn't want to think about it)
Alastor is aware of himself enough to know that if Vox came home smelling like the sinners and sex of the studio, he wouldn't be able to control the rampage he'd go on and would unintentionally clear out half of Angel's employees - which would be bad for Vox
Angel agrees, because no matter HOW many times he warns his employees not to, some will inevitably still hit on Alastor - who just ignores it and doesn't see it as anything relevant (so Vox never finds out to be the one murdering them) - but if Alastor saw/heard/smelled even a hint of them flirting with Vox it'd be a bloodbath worse than when he killed Val
Also, ironically, Angel can flirt with them both with no repercussions because somehow neither of them see him as a threat, and other than very close to his rut, Alastor considers Angel's scent on Vox not something to be alarmed about - like he's fine with Rosie and Niffty's scents as well
(Angel will never admit even under threat of death, but if Alastor and Vox ever did seriously take up his offer to be their third in the bedroom he's jumping at the chance - but he knows the only reason he's alive is because they think it's a joke. It's not. He knows it'll almost definitely never happen, but if the offer ever comes up, he's saying yes, immediately, lol).
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klm-zoflorr · 3 months
Now let's talk about Georgie in the superheroes AU! And wtgfs, and jongeorgie. Strap on!
I was just thinking, since I like her a lot and and her whole shtick in canon is to not feel fear (=not be influenced at all by them) but mostly that I like her a lot and I want her to have nice things, why not give her the ability to temprorarily erase other's powers? Like... Well let's not lie there are literally SO many people with that set of powers in media. Rogue, Alexia Tarabotti, Leech the mutant, Eraserhead, Amon, Number Seven,... Buncha cool people basically.
So, extremely powerful. But since she's Georgie... She doesn't want anything to do with that superhero business. Not at all. Nope. Categorically not. Forever civilian. That also means that while she has one of the strongest powers, she is entirely untrained in hand-to-hand combat and is actually kinda weak against anyone/villain/supe who doesn't rely overly on their powers or has like. A weapon.
Also the irony that the only person that might have a shot at taking down Dr. Magnus/The Watchman, the only person he fears (probably) has dated both of his ex-teammates is... not lost on me. I think it's kinda funny! So is the fact Georgie could take him down if she wanted but doesn't because she doesn't want to get involved, period.
Since she won't be doing much actual fighting, I dare think I'm allowed to give her very few drawbacks to her powers. So like, there will be someone else in the AU who can "steal" powers with a touch, I think (this really is one of my fav powers to give out, uh) (suggestions?) but for Georgie it's just. Area effect. She activates it and suddenly everyone in a certain distance of her can't do shit no more. It does tire her though. I'm thinking if she trained she could expand her "area of effect", control the distance she wants better, and work it for longer? But she's not interested in any of that. So!
Or maybe it's only one person at a time. Mmmh. But I also don't really need to give her limitations, so. We'll see, depending on what the plot requires when I actually get around to thinking about that particular can of worms.
Nowadays, she is dating Melanie, obviously. There's a certain poetry in knowing your partner is the only one that makes you vulnerable, the only one who could kill you if you asked. I think Melanie equal parts fears and respects her for it. It's a bit of danger in her life that she loves because adrenaline junkie but also she doesn't wholly trust Georgie even though she has no reason not to. It's... She's got complex feelings about this, man.
She used to be dating Jon, which went about the same as in canon I suppose. There's an added layer there though, with Georgie being the only one capable of giving Jon a reprieve, of sorts, from feeling/being harrassed by all the emotions of people around him. Did I say already that's something he struggles with a lot? He really does. He's having a terrible time. Puppy just wants a break from it all. And Georgie could give him that! And quite happily too. Although not all the time. Jon used to feel quite awful about it though, like he was using her for her powers. He questionned more than once if he was only with her because of what she could do for him. He wasn't, he truly loved her, but yknow. Jon's gonna Jon.
Georgie has complex feelings about her powers not being treated as a curse that removes people's abilities for once but instead a blessing with Jon. She has complex feelings about making Melanie human, about holding so much power over her life. Yadda yadda yadda, I'm sure you can imagine what all those feelings are.
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sootrootdoot · 3 months
hi hi 🖤 I LOVE ur jeff au do u have like a summary of his story maybe? Or like little facts and hcs ? 🖤🩶🖤🩶
SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LATE I BURNT OUT but we're back! and I have much more about jeff in my AU of him, so here we go!!
Who IS Jeff?
He is 23 years old.
He is tall, prolly taller than you.
He has a large frame.
He is a proxy of Slenderman.
Is he strong? Yes, but most of it comes from his size + proxy powers.
Anemic, Sjögren's syndrome, white leathery skin, chronic open facial wounds, (you know the ones). Lack of facial hair due to reconstructive facial surgery as a kid.
​🇮​❜​🇲​ ​🇳​​🇴​​🇹​ ​🇸​​🇺​​🇷​​🇪​ ​🇮​​🇫​ ​🇮​ ​🇼​​🇦​​🇳​​🇹​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇬​​🇮​​🇻​​🇪​ ​🇭​​🇮​​🇲​ ​🇩​​🇮​​🇦​​🇬​​🇳​​🇴​​🇸​​🇪​​🇸​ ​🇸​​🇴​ ​🇮​❜​🇱​​🇱​ ​🇱​​🇮​​🇸​​🇹​ ​🇼​​🇭​​🇦​​🇹​ ​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇭​​🇦​​🇸​ ​🇮​​🇳​ ​🇦​​🇨​​🇨​​🇴​​🇷​​🇩​​🇦​​🇳​​🇨​​🇪​ ​🇹​​🇴​ ​🇹​​🇷​​🇦​​🇮​​🇹​​🇸​ ​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​ ​🇧​​🇪​​🇭​​🇦​​🇻​​🇮​​🇴​​🇷​​🇸​.
He has manic episodes that can be triggered by things, events, situations, etc.
Has many traits of ASD, ADHD, and OCD.
He has a comfort object, which is his beloved iconic kitchen knife, the same one that saved him as a kid.
He can be narcissistic at times.
He has personality switches, he's overall unpredictable.
Confrontational, argumentative, will immediately start yelling, inconsiderate usually, self-absorbed, controlling, insane, obsessive, mood swings, violent, apathetic, enigmatic, stubborn, self-righteous, meh.
He is a gamer, but he can't game often because he usually ends up destroying either the controller, the console/computer, or the monitor/screen. And has to bargain tooth and nail to get replacements from Ben.
He's a slob. But he does brush his teeth, gotta have that pretty smile.
His hair being flat at the top with random strands poking out is a byproduct of it being unkempt, and very greasy.. do not recommend smelling his bedsheets. Or breathing when he walks by. Sleep schedule? The fuck is that?
------------- more positive traits
Dogs best friend, he's tolerant of animals.
Loves the Jackass movies.
Man of his word. He's very confident in general.
Prides himself on hunting people, he considers himself just a regular hunter/hunting enthusiast. But.. Y'know.. ;\
He actually carries in that department, the others put up with him a lot of the time because they don't have to pull their weight of kills thanks to him, and Smile, of course. Jeff is a very different person when Smile is around, much more approachable and even a bit more outgoing.
Smile gets away with a lot because of Jeff, like tracking blood and dirt and shit everywhere in the house, being on the couches, etc. But she can be bribed around situations usually with a dog treat.
He's also one of the few bold enough to talk back at authoritive figures like slender himself.
Strong sense of justice, which can either be good or bad. But he sure does act on it.
Love makes him feel the most human, but he also hates sentimental moments, and people in general. Soo good luck with that. Be my guest if you want to torture yourself trying to get past all of his walls.
He don't discriminate, he hates everyone equally <3 He is more in the straight department, but he doesn't really dwell on labels so it's whatever.
If he's into you, that is a whole new side of Jeff you have the privilege of meeting, lucky you! Same goes for if he has a squish. But again he's not one really motivated for friendship.
There's a lot more to be established down the line, but I'll cut it off here for now :) -------
Who WAS Jeff?
He was 12
He lived in the suburbs with a mother, father, and younger brother.
It happened 3 weeks after moving into the new ranch style house on a cul-de-sac.
A 'troubled' kid, prone to outbursts. A loner kids usually pitied.
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Jeff The Killer: Stuck by Blood
My alternate JTK origin story! (part one as per the title)
One summer afternoon, one of the neighbors hosted a 'welcome' barbeque in their own front lawn, a few houses down, to which his parents and little brother all attended. But Jeff, being the little loner he was/is, stayed behind in the house, putting clean dishes away as per request of his mother. (he didn't have to do it right then, but he thought he might as well get it over with while the house is quiet.) The front door of his house had a broken screen door, and it being a cool afternoon, the house was left with a few windows open, including the front door. The front screen door was initially slammed shut in a way it would stick if not touched, doing its job of being a bug barrier. However it was not a barrier to the rabid stray husky/wolfdog mix that wandered to the door from behind the house, from the forest. All it took was a little nose bump for the screen door to become unstuck, and creak open enough for it to walk through.
Jeff was wiping off a kitchen knife when he spotted the mangey beast walking into view from the counter. And froze. He wasn't a fool, he knew how dangerous dogs could be. And this one looked like a fucking zombie, foaming at the mouth. The dog lunged and tackled Jeff to the ground, his knife clattering a ways behind him. It's hard to wrestle a dog off of your body when its teeth are clamped onto your face, ripping skin and muscle tissues off where ever it could sink its teeth, hook and then tear. Unwrapping him like he was made of tissue paper. Jeff couldn't even get an arm between its face and his. But before it moved down to his neck, Jeff made a swipe behind him and palmed the handle of the kitchen knife. And he wasted no time putting every adrenaline filled flex of muscle in his body into swinging the blade up under the side of the dog, plunging it all the way in, and twisting it, taking it out, plunging, twisting.. It finally pulled back at the fourth. wailing desperate cries, as it scampered over his and its own blood, scrambling back out the open door and into the veil of the forest. Liu was then moments later sent to check up on Jeff, and upon entering the scene before him, shrieking for dear fucking life, brought their parents, and some neighbors to the scene. They moved here, they came all this way, to start a new. Before the move, he was expelled from his old school, and for being a hell of a bully. But he was ready to change, he was in middle school now, he wanted to turn a new leaf, not be surrounded by eggshells for other people, he wanted to be someone his parents could be proud of, he wanted to be a big brother, looking out for Liu. And oh, he was doing so well. He was passed out, he looked unrecognizable. They did the best they could in the ER and with what facial reconstruction they could afford. They had to do a whole separate one for his eyes. If there was one thing Jeff didn't want to be anymore, going by his past school experience, was feared. But now, it doesn't even matter. It's ruined, he's ruined. His face, and his trust, no one would ever look at him again without an ounce of fear, or pity, or disgust, or some mix of the such. Eventually, school began once again, and it was bitterly how he expected, and now he always was tense, and confused, but so very angry. When he felt eyes on him, when people looked at him with that blank face. It's like he wore a mask of the devil, a mask he could not take off. And he constantly paid the price by the eyes of all who see him, see it. He doesn't need a mirror, he has the faces people make when they see him. Where's his nose? Where're his eyebrows? His eyes are terrifying. What's wrong with his cheeks, his lips?
Don't they realize? Don't they fucking realize how annoying they are? The audacity they all have, to react to something about him out of his control. He was too quick to feel like an outcast because of it, and so, he acted like one, and so, he was treated like one. Prophecy fulfillment, if you will. And his life carried on like this to the age of 14. With only one last reason to keep it all together, his little brother, Liu. Who no matter what looked up to him, seeked his advice, his company, nothing could ever change that. Liu was never scared of Jeff, even when he lashed out at home, he would be the one to bring dinner to his room, talk about his day, convince mom to let him have his phone back early, Liu was a diamond in the rough. Jeff never, ever expected however, to be the subject of abuse from other kids in his own grade. He saw it all one day, while suspended from school for throwing a chair at someone. Liu was standing out front, where the other cul-de-sac kids and himself would wait for the bus. Jeff was busy coming down from an episode, bloody scissors in one hand, the other hand gripping the edge of the counter, he cut his cheeks open, from the corners of his mouth. It wasn't that bad, in the sense that he couldn't really feel it thanks to unrepaired nerve damage. He could feel the way cool air would be on his gums and teeth, even if he closed his mouth. He felt new, in control. He then went to the kitchen to get a first aid kit, he didn't want to bleed all over the house, AGAIN. But something caught his eye from out the window, where he saw the usual group of kids waiting for the bus. First it was yelling. Then, it was shoving. Then, it was going through his backpack, holding him back as two others let its contents spill on the ground. They all wore their hoodies up, were they..... Pretending to be Jeff? Liu was held face to face with one of them, some more talking it would seem, Then it looked like Liu spat in the other boys face. That got a chuckle out of Jeff as he watched from a window. Liu then got punched in the face. Rage. Rage like never before. His eyes locked on the scuffle through the kitchen window, his hand swiped that very knife from the knife block, and in one swift motion left through the front door, slamming shut behind him. His pace was fast, and the bullies had their back turned, except for one.. But it was too late. His eyes shut. And then, they open. But he does not understand what he sees. Or feels, he is in a cold, cold forest, siting against a tree, covered in leaflitter. Even as he slowly rose to his feet, the leaves stayed on him, and he peeled one off of the front of his shirt, ah. Stuck by blood. His own? He calmly takes a moment standing there ignoring the multiple pangs of pain he felt all over his body, recalling the past events albeit difficult. He saw Liu being attacked by other school kids, he went to take care of it. ..Take care of it?
Yes, the knife. Jeff gasps, patting himself down, and realizing his knife was carelessly tucked into his hoodie pocket, it's caked in sticky blood upon taking it out. He starts to remember little things, the feel of the blade pushing deep into the shoulder of another, and then in the chest of another, and another, another.. The sounds of shrieks, sobs, bloody screams and pleas. The smell of iron, and sweat, and crisp autumn morning air. The feeling of nails clawing at your face, neck, wrists, the blows made to your ribs, and legs.. And it was until his brother Liu came between him and one of the last standing bullies, does he stop. He almost shared his fate as well, if the call out of his name didn't snap him out of it. Bolted, a B-line for the tree line, he doesn't know how long he was running but it hurt his feet to stand on them. Before he is able to process any emotion, the world around him became impossibly quiet. Completely silent. As he then felt a presence. --------------------- part 2 later, if dis gets any attention lmao------
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byfulcrums · 5 months
mark and wasp are the same height, and they hate it almost as much as they hate each other. even if wasp is older than mark (read somewhere he could be 20, not sure tho), he'd still look 17 bc of the weird viltrumite aging thing
so basically they'll stay the same size for about 500 years. this is what nolan meant when he said mark would suffer...
ANYWAY. That thing abt them wanting to be taller than the other made me laugh and reminded me of a shadowpeach hc i posted on 2022(? LMAO
gonna use the same hc w them too
so. they're out as invincible (they still haven't decided on a name yet. wasp says he's stronger and therefore should be called invincible, but mark points out that he's the one in charge and also that this dimension is his. mark gets to keep it. they're still arguing about what to name wasp) ("why don't you just go by "vincible"?" "no.")
mark is talking to some gda agent or a cop or smth, when he notices that wasp (who is looking at the sky w the most bored expression he can muster, bc he genuinely doesn't understand why they have to talk to such inferior beings) seems to be just, a few milimeters taller than him (he may be shit at schoolwork, but if you hate someone enough you can notice the smallest details about them)
he, w/o stopping the conversation, answers to this by floating just a little higher, barely noticeable to the human eye
ofc, i said "human" eye
wasp notices. he flies higher
mark flies higher too
eventually he's screaming instead of talking bc of how far down the cop is
wasp laughs. now mark is screaming at him
they fight
most normal ppl r used to mark working alone as invincible. so since wasp really doesn't do interviews and he's usually too fast to see when he fights, no one really knows what his name even is
and everyone is used to invincible being. well. invincible. sure, the news say that when he's around this guy he gets a little meaner, but it can't be that bad!
it is that bad
wasp says smth mean n sarcastic. everyone expects invincible to answer w something equally sarcastic, but not as mean (maybe making fun of how his suit looks). they do not expect invincible to just fucking bite him after 8 of those comments
wasp keeps trying to kill This One Kid, who is either super brave or super stupid and won't stop asking him questions (they go from "what's your name?" to "what underwear do you have? do you even need underwear?" in a matter of seconds) for his weird school diary thingy
he can't get close, bc mark starts pulling the other way. besides, they're stuck together, and killing people would seem awfully annoying if it's with this guy
they can't punch each other, so wasp bites him. they bite each other a lot bc of the "no punching (or kicking)" thing
"Wasp throws a car at Mark which Mark instinctively swats away and then goes flying after it to prevent it from slamming into a building. Wasp cackles so hard it gets hit by a laser beam to the throat by some other bad guy." ASJDSAJDHDSJFAH YES THAT'S SO FUNNY
they mess w each other sm
it's funny bc they do the same things to annoy each other (wasp throwing a car at mark, mark hitting him with a tree, etc) , but lose their shit when the other does it to them
they're basically this:
mark, sleep deprived, flies straight into a lamp post
wasp laughs at him. he actually laughs so hard he runs into the same lamp post
there are a lot of compilations on youtube that is just them laughing at each other mid fight and running into things or being hit w stuff the other throws at them
they grow more wild every time
it goes from throwing cars, to throwing real life dinosaurs (mark doesn't want to talk about it) (wasp absolutely does)
"Cecil remarks Mark handled something well and he looks like Cecil just told him his entire family got slaughtered."
"you did well today. hella efficient, quick and straight to the point. who taught you that?"
mark: D:
and also,
"oh, wow. you saved an entire family and their cat from a villain that wanted to turn them into zombies while mark was off fighting the bad guys? that's great!"
and wasp. cries
"oh no, no, you think I'm gonna help you?" THIS TISHTISHTSIHIST
this really feels like smth he'd say in canon. he'd say it w a smile, half-shocked half just pretending out of amusement
he'd laugh too
it's the same type of cocky tone of voice sinister mark/wasp used when teasing angstrom
"I gotta imagine if they tackle things separately, they are also allowing each other to do they want and like to do?" YEAH!!
it's hard 'cause wasp always wants to take the bad guys on alone, but mark also likes to fight (just not w the same brutality) and he doesn't want to be just a lifeguard
it takes wasp a while (a LONG while) to stop tackling mark when he's about to attack to get to the enemy himself, or to kick mark into the next country, etc etc etc
but eventually they settle on mark getting everyone to safety while wasp stalls the bad guy. then, after he's sure no one's here anymore, they both fight the villain together
or uh. they try. sometimes they'll start fighting each other too so it's less of a 1 v 2 fight and more of a... 1v1 V another 1 fight lol
"Mark's own reaction that truly confirms it to be true"
he gets the episode 8 levels of anger and anguish
wasp is talking shit on tv and he just loses it
he immediatly flies off and tackles wasp into fucking space
i mean, they do say that actions say more than words, right?
mark is usually making the typical superhero noises when he's fighting, but now? he's just focusing all of his anger into This One Motherfucker
wasp loves it
it's a "see? i knew you had it in you!" type of moment
he's been longing for a real fight for a WHILE
they don't kill each other but it comes close
see, the things is. they are the same person. it's easy to start viewing them as two separate beings, but they're really. not
they're evenly matched in everything
this is why wasp likes fighting mark
this is why mark doesn't like fighting wasp (never ending battles are boring to him) ( he likes to win more than to fight. i mean it's not like he enjoys getting beat up)
we could dive deeper and start talking about the self-destructive tendency these two have to getting beat up. i mean, wasp's idea of a real, actually enjoyable fight is when the other is either able to beat him, or when he can kill ppl. and mark spends sm time out as invincible, neglecting his social life and mental health to the point he quits college, and he gets beat up a lot while doing it. so yeah--
self-destructive tendencies
"-having to confront he sees the exact thing in Wasp to a slightly different degree" i will ALWAYS love making them deal with the constant reminders that they're the same person
they deal w stuff in similar ways but to different degrees and realizing that gives them psychic damage like that magic squirrel in mca so they just preted they don't exist
unless it's to like. bring the other to their side
"you like fighting too. violence is in you, it's part of you. you're always covered in blood. all that's left, would be your hands" VS "you're me, and i'm you. we have similar thoughts, and that means i- y'know. but it means you are, too. you have a chance. and get that blood off you-- you need a shower"
because it is, in a way, his world too
he grew up in it. raised differently, yes, but still on earth
he was always different from the rest, getting his powers at an early age and all, but it's still the place he grew up in
not all the memories from it can be bad, right?
ANDDDDD... wasp reminding ppl of how strong he is regularly
"i could pull out your spine in a second." he says that out of nowhere, in a conversation that would've seemed normal to literally anyone else. he says it like it's nothing much. "i could kill you." you know he could, but you still wonder
would he? with how he is, with his inability to escape --- would he?
also he has fun when he watches the color drain from their faces
"Rudy has psychological profiles on all his friends he regularly updates like a diary, and he has one for himself too." NO BUT THIS IS SO IN CHARACTER FOR HIM
wasp talks shit about mark to anyone avaliable and rudy is no exception. even tho he finds him deeply annoying
honestly wasp is capable of doing p much anything to mess with mark
the self-hatred is strong with this one too master!!! (sw ref again lol)
wasp saying mark breathes annoyingly is such a sibling thing tho. "why are you chewing like that" "stop biting your stupid fork" "the way you cut your food is so weird" "your handwriting sucks, don't hold the pencil like that" etc etc etc
ANDD "he knew what wasp was going to say" DUDE YES??
he's talking and he gets. a feeling. and he turns to wasp, who is opening his mouth, and says "don't you fucking dare"
same w wasp. mark is annoying little shit too sometimes, he's also a teenager. so he infuriates wasp too
mark calls him a hypocrite
imagine if ppl actually start calling them that tho
one day wasp calls mark to their? his? room and is like, "holy shit look at this" and shows him their? his computer
mark doesn't understand, until he sees the title and image of the video
"the twin terrors of heroism, terrorizing the terrorists once again" and its a picture of them kicking ass
"twin terrors of-- oh, come on, really?" "yes" "they couldnt have at least called us the invincibles or something?" "that'd be even worse" "...alright, i'll give you that" "..." "...." "they think we're like the fucking mauler twins" "oh you have got to be--"
ALSO this is so funny, them being like "mark/wasp" when they show up hurt or smth. everyone just learning to accept it. i mean what are they going to do. fight against two gods??
AND YES YES YES DO TAG ME IN IT!!!! if i make anything about this au (posts, fics, drawings, u name it) i will tag u too
alcohol doesn't really affect viltrumites i think, but there has got to be something that gets them drunk
nolan could've taught wasp how to make it. if the ingredients are on earth, then he would maybe try to prepare it on mark's earth. mark shows up and sees that he's drunk. he goes "nope" and gets drunk too, maybe on accident maybe not. debbie shows up and sees her two superpowered sons sobbing over a bowl of popcorn
alternate version: gasoline gets them drunk
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prince-liest · 5 months
Thank you for answering my ask and sorry for sending you a new one so quickly, but I just have a lot of Thoughts(tm) about this au!!!
So I keep going back to reread the first chapter, both in its entirety and just specific bits that I like, and I keep noticing how.... polite? Alastor is being? And it's just totally throwing me off lol.
Like, I actually read the snippet you posted of Vox offering Alastor's new shoes before I realized/read the first chapter, and thought it was a little odd how nice Alastor was being, as at that point I thought it was a snippet of a new 666 chapter.
But Alastor being polite in this universe totally makes sense!! He's just been beat up in an alley way, watched two guys get killed in front of him, was (kidnapped) taken to his "savior's" room, and hypnotized by said savior.
Of COURSE he's going to be polite to Vox!! Vox can electrocute and hypnotize people!! Alastor isn't an idoit, he knows he's in hell with a very dangerous person. That he's in a room with someone with someone more powerful than he is, that if Vox did get annoyed or angry at him, and hurt him, Alastor doesn't have that great of odds fighting back, and it's not like someone else is going to pop out and save him.
He's being careful.
But, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of. He knows that if acts like helpless prey, then he's going to be treated like it. So he has to establish that Vox sees him as an equal, or else he risks Vox hurting or hypnotizing him if Vox wanted to.
There's also another thing I noticed- Alastor's.... animalistic (if that is the right word) tendencies. Like, Alastor attacked both Vel and Vox, but didn't use the knife he was on either of them. I think this really interesting, as it would be smarter to use the knife (it's like Vox doesn't know he has it) but by using his teeth and his hands to hurt, it showcases Alastor's new animalistic tendencies. Though I don't know if this was On Purpose, or if it's just a theory lol.
Anyway, I just wanted a chance to talk more about this fic because im really, REALLY enjoying it, and I can't wait for me! (But I can! So don't feel the need to rush! You've already written so much! Take your time!)
One LAST ASK, I promise you (🤞 but probably not lol, sorry) so I'm pretty sure you hinting that Alastor killed someone and was burying their body before being killed himself (like in canon), but what caught my attention is that VOX doesn't seem to know this?? Like he doesn't know that Alastor has killed people?? Which makes sense, it's not common knowledge. But!! Vox has already established that he knows more about Alastor than the general public would, like he knows more about his relationship with his dad (maybe Vox hunted down Alastor's dad and forced him to spill info regarding Alastor, which is hilarious to think about lol). So I'm just SO EXCITED for when it's revealed that Alastor also killed people in life, and for Vox to no doubt get so hard he passes out lol. Also, this means that Vox doesn't know that Alastor is a cannibal, which is also really interesting! (Also, I'm not sure if you were hunting at Alastor's cannibalistic tendencies when he won't let go of Vel with his teeth, but it is a funny mental image to me of Alastor just, trying to eat Vel because a new part of himself is starving for flesh.)
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But I do fucking love it. Ehehehehe. These are the EXACT things that I was hoping the first chapter would get people thinking about. I just. GESTURES WILDLY. THERE'S SO MUCH, IN WHAT YOU SAID. SO MUCH. But I can't say shit about it one way or the other for fear of spoilers. Just know that I love you for this.
Actually the one thing I can confirm is that Vox indeed is not under any impression that Alastor is anything more than just, like, a really talented storyteller and true crime podcaster!
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mcytscienceside · 10 months
i love this au! it's so fun!!! is the soulfire kingdom in hiding or are they in the mountain for defense? what atrocities has bbh committed for him to be know across the kingdoms and were they in the name of soulfire or did he go rouge then seek refuge with soulfire? what happened to tubbos brother? is tina an advisor of some sort or does she play a different role? is rivers a guard and does she get taken hostage or fight foolish in your au? how does aypierre feel about the young king?
A long one!! ty so much annon okay!! lets do this one at a time! :D 1. Their kingdom is in the mountains as defense, you can't really get into the place except its one entrance, and the mountains interior keeps the people of soulfire safe from the snow and cold. 2. bbh is the right hand in the council of soulfire, literally the man who runs their defense, but sometimes he will go too far. Making enemies of other kingdoms. Most of this has to do with his 'dirty' fighting style. Lots of sneaking and constant attacks. He's well known in Bolas for having escaped their territory many a time, killing and on a rampage, at least that's how Bolas paints him. For this reason his only home has been soulfire, he'd be most likely killed anywhere else, from his own point of view. 3. Let me get to tubbo's brother at the end here hehe 4. Tina is an advisor! She is at equal say to bad but her place is in agriculture and food production. She's the one making sure farms run smoothly, plants aren't sick and that everything in the farms is working optimally! She's well known as well for bringing a skeleton into soulfire and declaring him 'apple boy'. 5. RIVERSSSS, now I have to think on her some more but anon your feeding me good ideas heheh, would love to make her a knight like you said. Maybe some backstory with Roier and their whole past, along with her training and trying to get stronger, especially as bolas grows more bold. 6. WOOO AYPIERRE TIME. So that brother I mentioned? Yeah so in this au Tubbo and Aypierre are related. It's a family hc I have that I have ported over to this au. Aypierre was the king of Soulfire before some sort of incident occurred (working on it) that caused his death. He had a backup however, a robotic body that meant he could continue to live even if his original form died. However this caused a bit of a succession crisis...see he died but is also alive...so is he still king or is Tubbo king? This went back and forth in the council for a while before Aypierre abdicated the throne to Tubbo. Stating he was tired of the responsibility and just wanted to work on machines. He's now head engineer in the council and Tubbo's number one annoyance when it comes to anything. Their sillayyy. Ty so much for the ask anon sorry its so long XD
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henry-or-something · 11 months
🕸️🎃🕸️Trick or treat?🕸️🎃🕸️
This is the beginning of the Ze and Chilled go to Empires AU. I hope you enjoy :)
Trees flew past his vision as Ze sprinted through the forest. He has to go. He had to get away. Leaves and branches scratched at his arms, his legs, his face, but he could stop. He had to keep going.
He couldn't turn and fight. If the arrows whizzing by didn't pierce his heart, they already stole all his hidden supplies. That bastard Speedy turned on them after Shubble left.
He says left. More like disappeared. One morning, she was just gone. Ze and Chilled looked all over the server for her. They thought she just accidentally fell asleep in the hidden room under the lavafall. Then they thought she was in the decoy base. That she was playing a prank on them.
They searched for months. They raided every base they knew about. They tortured for information on the bases they didn't. They lost every ally they ever had. No one wanted to be near them.
Chilled was explosive, more so than before. He was rude when you weren't talking to him and volatile when you were. If anyone dared mention her name, it would equal a sword to the gut. Moo learned that the hard way after mocking Chilled during week 17 of her being gone. People stopped speaking to him after that.
Ze became quiet. Before this all, most members of the SMP would say Ze was quiet, but that wasn't true. He would still speak to others. He would yell if their base was attacked. He would join in on a joke. He would laugh. Now, he doesn't speak if not needed. Everyone was cautious of Chilled, but they were terrified of Ze. They knew he was plotting, just not what for.
They thought it was about the solo mass raid he did about two weeks before the Purge glitched. He stole from every secret stash on the server. Dozens of diamonds, gapples, potions, armor, and weapons went missing over the span of a few hours. Factions turned on each other while Ze got away Scott free.
Just Ze. Not Chilled as well. They hadn't spoken to each other for a while when this went down. It was her who caused it. Ze was tired. He wanted to leave the server, leave the grief and pain that the place held. Chilled hated him for that. He couldn't imagine running off and abandoning her, wherever she was. He saw Ze trying to escape as giving up. They fought in their base. The one she helped build. Chilled left. He ran off, out to find her. Ze stayed. He hoped they would both come back.
While he waited, he planned his heist. He spent hours awake every week, not sleeping for weeks on end. He had needed a way to distract himself from everything, and he found it. It got him rich in the process too. When he did complete the heist, his adrenaline wore off. He had no one to bask in the glory with, no one to share his stolen wealth with. He got rid of most of it immediately. Sure, he saved a few things for himself, but the rest went into the ocean. That's probably why they are chasing him now.
The forest was getting darker and darker as he rans, his vision is almost all gone, but he has to keep going. He can't die here, alone. It was permanent now.
Something had happened a week ago. Another purge was announced. The fighting had started almost immediately. Tensions were high after the mass robbery. It was Pete who discovered it. He and Kruz had been arguing when the Purge started. It was unplanned and they both knew that. Pete didn't care though. The moment Kruz stopped talking because of the announcement, he stabbed her. He needed to know if she was holding onto the valuables and was expecting her to drop them when she despawned. She didn't. Her body just lay there, cold and unmoving. Blood began to pool around her. A message was sent out to every communicator.
Kruzadar was slain.
Kruzadar has left the server.
After that, the violence stopped, but the arguments continued. They waited for the Purge to be over before making any rash decisions. It never ended. People got tired and the killing started back up. Eventually, after so many people were lost, they figured out who had stolen everything. And thus, the hunt for Ze began.
Currently, it was Nogla, Wildcat, Speedy, and Sidearms chasing him. They formed an alliance after Moo and D4 were killed in a trap set by Tay. She was going for Pete as revenge, but they got nosy and paid for it. The rest of them didn't care about Tay's excuses. She was killed within hours of the explosion.
Now, they were shooting at Ze. It felt like he had been running for hours. He couldn't feel his legs anymore, but he had to keep going. He couldn't stop. He had to tell Chilled he forgave him. He had to find her. The ground was getting rougher. Stones and roots carpeted the forest floor. Ze wasn't looking in front of him. He had glanced over his shoulder for a second to see how far back they were when he tripped. He didn't fall, more like a stumble over the exposed root, but it was enough.
A piercing feeling coursed through his right shoulder as an arrow that would have previously missed made contact. Ze gasped, but didn't stop. Didn't scream. He couldn't. He had to keep going. He heard a cheer from behind him and used that moment of distraction to down an invisibility potion he had stolen. He was unable to get a moment to before, but with their shooter occupied for a split second, he could down it. The potion took effect and Ze kept running. He made it to a small outcropping with a fallen tree resting over it when he heard the swearing.
Ze rolled under the log, barely fitting, and threw his left hand over his mouth to quiet his strained breathing. He couldn't give any indication that he was here. The potion only lasted for three minutes and he knew for a fact that they would search for hours.
And they did. He could hear them all through the forest, climbing up trees, destroying brush. He managed to bury himself under the log with a bit of dirt while he was invisible. That probably saved his life. He lost count of how many times he heard Wildcat within 10 feet of him. After about 45 minutes later, Ze heard them all reconvene.
"This is fucking pointless." He heard Nogla say. "He's probably sailing back to the mainland by now."
"How could he get that far?" Side spoke up. "Invis doesn't last that long."
Ze could practically see Wildcat rub his eyes as he said, "You dumbass. We've been in the same part of this forest for the past hour. He's been running the whole fucking time, why would he stop now?"
"I don't know, maybe the fucking arrow in his shoulder?" Side was beginning to yell at this point.
Sensing something bad was about to go down, Speedy intervened. "Guy, calm down. I honestly don't care where he is right now. I stole everything from the asshole's base, so if he goes back there, he can't even heal his shoulder. If he doesn't, he's going to either starve in the forest or die from infection."
The group went silent before a chorus of murmured agreements broke out. Eventually, they all left. Ze waited for a few more minutes before digging his way out from under the tree.
Maybe it was a few minutes. It might've been days or seconds. He couldn't be sure anymore. All he could feel was the pain in his shoulder, the blood leaking out and staining his shirt a deeper red. He looked around, trying to find anywhere to set up shelter for the night, but his vision was blurring.
Ze took a staggering step forward. Then another. He tried to take one more, but his knees gave out. He collapsed to the ground silently. Shouting would take too much energy.
He was tired. So tired. Maybe closeing his eyes for a moment would help. Just to get some energy back. Something moved in the corner of his eye, but Ze didn't care. He was probably hallucinating anyway.
On the floor of that forest, Ze closed his eyes and rested for the first time in months.
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barid-bel-medar · 2 years
For the Time Traveling Bakugo and Izuku au, normally, there's a pro and con for changing events too much as a time traveller unless the events were far enough that the whole timeline can adjust to it. BK only intended to do minor changes, that he perceives, before going for the big game prior to UA. Izuku went to tell AM about secrets that he shouldn't know at all and dealt with the problem before it bugs. AFO, Hero Society adjustments, etc. are dealt early that BK's future info is mostlyuseless
Yeah this relates to the point I made over here, namely that Bakugou doesn't actually get what needed to be done to stop the future they came from. It's not that a different successor was needed, not that a different 'hero of the story' was needed, not even entirely that fights needed to go a different way (the only exception here really is the earlier fight between All Might and AFO, and even there it's more a 'make sure to watch the corpse be burnt to ashes and even then keep a close eye out'). It was that people needed to be saved in the past, which would prevent those fights from being a thing.
You can't start with the getting of OFA/start of the school year.
It also doesn't help that Bakugou still doesn't get on more than a shallow level of why Izuku was the right choice for OFA (ignoring that 'if you have a Quirk it'll kill you eventually' thing since while I can actually see a good reason for it, I'm also not going to go into it here since that's not the point here). It wasn't just because he saved someone. It's that he selflessly saved someone. He sees the heroes failing to save Bakugou, sees that Bakugou is going to die, and knows he has to do something. It's the same thing with him rescuing Ochako during the entrance exam; he's not doing it because he wants to destroy the Zero Pointer, or thinks he'll get something out of it. He does it because he sees her in danger and believes he needs to help her (it is most likely that the Zero Pointer wasn't a real danger to her and would have stopped before reaching and hurting her, but Izuku can't know that; for all he knows she could be hurt or killed by sheer accident) Bakugou would be saving someone for selfish reasons, and All Might would have been able to tell (he wouldn't necessarily know it's because Bakugou want's OFA, but he would reasonablly view it as happening because he wants his attention).
Also at this point he would have already given OFA to Izuku.
But to also go back to how he views the changes he needs to do pre-UA, he's not getting that he's doing very *shallow* changes. Yes, he has what on the surface level are healthier relationships with their primary and middle school classmates; he's also still viewing them as extras. He gets that he needs to treat Izuku better, but he also doesn't get that what he needs to do isn't protect him but to treat him as an equal. That also is a bigger issue here because Izuku is also a time traveler but he also quickly realized Bakugou is basically ignoring the possibility because he views it as his role to change things.
The only big thing Bakugou really viewed as needing to be changed is who the successor to All Might is, and that was never the case.
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canofworms95 · 1 year
Could you recommend some of your favorite dbh fics?
Absolutely! I'm not sure what your preferred pairings/characters/types of fics are but here is a selection of fics I can read over and over again
Savior Complex
Pairing: Connor/Gavin
Rating: explicit
Words: 239543
Summary: What defines a human? Free will? Empathy for one's fellow man? When those options are removed, what divides human beings and the machines they create?
It's September 2039, and Connor is slowly but surely finding his place in the world. Gavin is trying just as hard to maintain his.
Connor has integrated into the DPD, into Hank’s home, and into life as a detective.
Gavin would rather forget that Connor and Hank exist altogether than watch his former mentor play house with a robot.
When a distressed suspect nearly kills Hank in the field, Connor and Gavin are assigned as partners in his absence. In order to unravel a pattern of disturbing murder-suicides in Detroit and beyond, they must learn to see past each others faults and find equal ground. The further down the rabbit hole they go, the further the lines that divide human and android will begin to dissolve.
> Case fic with some old fashioned violence, some smut scenes with feelings. I can't recommend this one enough. Read it. Read it.
Not a teacher but I can teach you a thing or two
Pairing: Gavin/RK900
Rating: teen and up audiences
Words: 55061
Summary: Gavin owed the walking hunk of plastic. He owed him. Ugh, Gavin hated owing people stuff. It gave him a horrible feeling in his stomach, like indigestion, except worse because it involved emotionsTM. This, coupled with the fact he was pumped up with drugs and suffering a concussion, was why he was about to make a terrible, terrible mistake.
“‘Kay. Fine. Thanks or whatever. Lemme know if you ever need anythin' prick.”
RK900’s LED went yellow at this, and this time Gavin was pretty sure he was doing the processing thing. It was still yellow even when he nodded in a serious way and said:
“That would be useful.”
> light hearted, fun story. Gavin and Nines are both hilarious in their own way. No smut. Instant favorite.
You are enough
Pairings: Gavin/RK900, background Connor/Hank
Rating: teen and up audiences
Words: 63374
Summary: He was made to be a killing machine.
He wasn’t made to be domestic. Wasn’t meant to clean or cook or take care of a dog.
But he’ll try. He’d be damned if he didn’t.
He wanted to be more than what he was programmed to be.
> angst. So much angst. Nines needs a hug (dw he gets it). No smut
Stay with me (part 1) and Come back to me (part 2)
Pairing: Connor/RK900
Rating: teen and up audiences
Words: 7000/14515
Summary: RK900 meets with Connor when the time allows for it.
> very cute and somewhat melancholic RK1700 piece. Def recommend it
Les Mignardises
Pairing: Gavin/RK900
Rating: explicit
Words: 58051
Summary: Slowly, like the trickling warmth of the tide coming in, the flush rises in Gavin's cheeks. He doesn't answer, just stomps away as belligerently as he can with two dozen eggs nestled in his apron, while Tina and Chris exchange their animated chatter. Spellbound still, Nines follows Gavin with his eyes until he stomps into the staff entrance and disappears from sight.
Two different things, what Nines is meant to do and what he has come here for.
I came here for you, he thinks.
> Reed900 restaurant AU! Very enjoyable read with a bit of smut dashed in between.
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hurrakka · 1 year
oh man. theoretically in a l4d au luis would've helped develop the green flu yeah? sure it's a naturally occurring virus in l4d canon (maybe. we're not really sure where it comes from cus ceda doesnt say shit but ellis mentions the government using bio-bombs in one of his keith stories so it could be a bioweapon?) but this is an au we can do what we want.
anygays im just imagining leon getting infected. we know better-safe-than-sorry-guy (i call him scout cus his va is the same as scout from tf2) is human when we first find him but experiencing extreme paranoia and some compulsions then a few minutes later he fully turns, going from able to speak and function to choking and growling and fully mutated (either into a hunter, boomer, or smoker) so there's always the possibility of a rapid transformation too. im thinking leon falling behind a bit while theyre walking because he's coughing and chokin and shit n he falls to his knees and luis is all like "bro whats wrong!!" and he gets to watch as leon Turns Before His Eyes. even better if he turns into a hunter cus if you look closely at their models they don't have eyes. we can't be exactly sure what Happens to their eyes when they turn but the two most popular headcanons are both equally brutal-- either Luis has to watch Leon's eyes quite literally melt out of his skull or he gets to watch him claw his own eyes out. Fun!
BUT there's graffiti in one of the safe rooms arguing over how long it actually takes to turn-- whether it's 20 minutes, 2 hours, overnight, or some other wacky chunk of time. so there's also the thought of Leon turning slowly. progressively becoming irritable and irrational and confused and him slipping in and out of conciousness for days until Luis goes to check his temp one day and he fucking Lunges.
and if leon turns and luis makes it out alive imagine the Guilt. he feels awful enough in re4 canon when there's a cure,,, but the green flu mutates too often to develop a proper cure for it. if leon gets infected and he isnt immune then he's just. done. theres nothing that can help him at that point. and luis already feels so goddamn guilty about the millions of people he's killed and now leon's gone too and he cant help but visualize every single person who had somebody ripped from them by his hands.
oh man and if luis has to put leon down? its joever. that man would Never recover. i dont even know if he'd keep trying to survive at that point. maybe just for that shred of hope of developing a cure (even though he knows it'd be damn-near impossible but it's the only thing hes got, dammit) and stopping this whole disaster.
coughs. sorry for the rambling i simply have been obsessed with l4d for going on 12 years now so <3
I had to lay down for a moment bc of the feels and potential outcomes in the event luis lives on while leon well...yeah (thinkin abt how buddy from re damnation would jus turn as well since leon is no longer there and that made me big sad dgkrnekhbfgnjklh) Since the re verse has like morbillion viruses, the green flu existing would be plausible so its just another stonks moment for umbrella lol. But yeah luis would absolutely be devastated. He probably doesnt have the guts to pull the trigger, least he can do is to restrain leon for a while and tries to find whatever humanity he has left in his nonexistent eyes. Tho in my witch!leon hc I think luis may have a chance to keep leon around??? Since witches seem to have the most humanity among the infected (and thats not saying much) he could probs observe him a lil bit without getting eaten right away. It would just be a warm bodies scenario ngl (i just watched that movie recently so this is huge copium dksfghbshgndfh) Honestly Im glad l4d fandom still alive after all these years. That game will always be goated and it was one of my high-school obsessions. I used to do crossover stuff back then and Im back to doing it now. Time rly do be a flat circle
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aprito · 2 years
At what age do you think Sasori would ha e been too far gone? I'm working on a fanic idea that deviates from canon around the time the Land of This gets destroyed by the art duo. I'm guessing that must have happened when he was in his mid-twenties(?) Would it be too late then to pull off something like that realistically?
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First of all thank you for being interested in what I have to say I am very touched <3 Sorry this is going to be rambly again also I'm replying very late because I didn't see it my bad
In short: Can't really see a substantial change of character the same way I can't see it for Orochimaru. Despite what Shit Tierrot wants us to believe, patching Tsunade back together does not undo all the horrific shit he did before and afterwards.
Ok so I guess to establish a timeline here I'm assuming Deidara would be older in your AU? Because he was forced into the Akatsuki when he was around 13 and Sasori had already been 29 by that time. Deidara and Sasori have not been canonically active before we actually get introduced to them in the KKR arc, even if it's canonically implied Sasori took over an entire country at some point in his life, the country in question probably being some small ass city state like the anime concludes, while Deidara had apparently been in contact with two other jinchuuriki. You can be pretty flexible for those 6 years in your fic because some of it even takes place before Naruto canonically kicks off.
I guess I don't really talk about Sasori's crimes because I take them for granted when I say he's canonically not really redeemable, but if we take the age Deidara joined (13) and the age Sasori (15-16ish) joined, who was his partner in crime for give or take 12-14 years? Orochimaru, who I consider to be equally not really redeemable. Why? Because they essentially are both guilty of the same crimes (against humanity). Orochimaru is an easy villain to hate RIGHTFULLY BTW because we actually see what he does, whereas it's only implied for Sasori.
Let's be real here: Both of them spent most of their time on this earth trafficking, torturing, experimenting on and murdering people regardless of affiliation. For every successful human puppet transformation, you probably had plenty of failed ones, and that is just one aspect of the probably hundreds of thousands of deaths this dude has caused directly and indirectly through the people he additionally tortured and brainwashed into doing his bidding.
12-14 years is a pretty consistent time window of two mass murders, human traffickers and mutilation enjoyers being consistently exposed to each other. If we thought what Sasori did as a whee 15 year old burning down villages to look for scraps and killing his Kage was bad, then him having pretty much unfiltered access to the stuff mentioned for absolutely no reason but self satisfaction is bound to make me think he would not be the type to start valuing humanity on a whim, unless he had no self consciousness. The OVA implies he didn't like Orochimaru from the jump, but I never thought it was because of Orochimaru's actions, probably just because he knew Orochimaru was the traitor type. He clearly had not stopped doing what he did even after Orochimaru left, up until he ultimately GAINS self consciousness through the fight against Chiyo and Sakura and immeditately unalives himself. So, by the time he meets Deidara, he would already been way too far gone tbh.
We didn't see a transformation when he was around Deidara, and we obviously didn't see a transformation when he was around Orochimaru. His entire stint in the Akatsuki surely did not improve his character in the slightest, so for me personally, I would find it very hard to redeem him with everything above kept in mind, especially since I and many others believe Orochimaru should also not be redeemed for the same reasons.
to conclude your question on how a redemption could still work:
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diamondkat · 3 months
I like to think of Alastor's first and last meeting with Lilith when I hear this song. In the Child of Roo AU, Lilith has been actively killing off powerful children of Roo when they arrive in hell to prevent Roo from gaining too much power in hell. This has been easy in the past because the power they receive on arrival in hell usually drives them mad. She finds them based on the chaos and destruction they cause and kills them. Alastor escaped this due to the training that he received when he was alive and his mother's voodoo protection. The time he took to learn to harness his powers under Rosie before reconnecting with Roo also helped him escape notice by Lilith.
After reconnecting with Roo, she tells him that she doesn't want him leaving with the fear that Lilith will eventually find and kill him so she instructs him to make a deal with Lilith that would bring an end to her constantly killing Roo's chosen children. He finds a place where he can approach Lilith. He sends in one of his shadow minions to scout the place but it is killed immediately. Alastor decides to take the risk and approaches Lilith.
Lady of the palace, sorry that I ask this But I hope that I've been misinformed I sent out some scouts to take a look around through here And they wound up at your doors Through the years, we seldom get a warm welcome So I must ask just to be sure Did you do something to them?
Alastor is acting as a representative of Roo. At this moment, he isn't talking about the minion but all the previous children of Roo that have been killed by Lilith
Lilith doesn't feel the need to take this random sinner seriously.
Who, me? All I did was reveal their true forms
Alastor calmly states, You killed all of them
Lilith is starting to realise that there is something weird about this sinner that has approached her.
Huh I don't know who you are, nor why you're here But let me make this one thing clear I've got people to protect Those I can't neglect So I'm not taking chances, dear If you make one wrong move, then you're done for Anything I don't approve, then you're done for I could put a spell on you, and you're done for Boy, you better run, or soon you will be done for
Alastor reacts with confidence in his power and the protection of Roo who sent him to this meeting to act on her behalf.
I don't mean to tip your scale but You will fail at placing any spells on me You will find my power, quite equal to your power So you better cower now and flee
Lilith while suspicious felt no need to worry that a mere sinner would be equal to her as the Queen of Hell.
You must be a liar Sinners can't challenge Me without dire consequence
Alastor continued to act unphased.
Then I must be a royal like you 'Cause I have the power to take this challenge on
Noticing the eyes and appearing behind him, it became clear to Lilith what she was dealing with.
You're a child of Roo, aren't you?
Now, that she knew, it was time for Alastor to lead her to th
Okay, fine, yes, but regardless You and I are now evenly matched Our fates are intertwined, they're attached
Alastor puts his cards on the table alongside Lilith.
I've got people to protect Friends I can't neglect So now, there is no turning back
Alastor also having people that he wants to protect convinces Lilith to give the listening to Roo a chance. Using the threat heaven was presenting with its constant intrusions into hell to kill their people, Alastor and Roo manage to convince Lilith to accept a cease-fire against Roo. As part of their agreement, Alastor would work for Lilith whenever she needed his help. They go on to have several years of successful partnership.
Seven years before the start of the series, Roo informs Alastor that Lilith has broken their agreement and sends him to take her out. Alastor had recently been betrayed by Vox so hearing that Lilith betrayed him and his mother upsets him even more.
You've made your one wrong move, now you're done for I will be the one to prove that you're done for Not even a spell saves you, 'cause you're done for Oh, you better run, or soon you will be done for
Lilith is winning, but she has noticed something is going horribly wrong. The more they fight, the more she gets the feeling that the walls separating hell from the dimension that Roo is trapped in is breaking. Roo is using her fight with Alastor to free herself.
Alastor notices her fear
You'll lose
Lilith realises that this fight is exactly what Roo wants and decides to convince Alastor that there is a better way to go about this
My people are like my daughter I protect them at all costs The last time we let Roo get in We faced a heavy loss You've given me no reason to bestow you with my trust But everyone's true colours are revealed with the right deal
Alastor isn't quite sure what Lilith's intentions are but decides to listen since he is aware that she is stronger than him. If there is a way to get Roo what she wants while reducing harm to himself, he sees no reason not to take it.
I'm not sure I follow
Lilith tells him that since Roo wants her gone, she will leave but in exchange, Alastor cannot do anything that would interfere with her ability to stay away and would help her look out for her daughter when the time comes. Alastor agreed to the deal, but Roo wasn't pleased. While she did want Lilith gone, she wanted to be freed more. Alastor agreeing to the deal cost her the opportunity to get free. As punishment, she puts Alastor to sleep. Alastor sleeps until he is woken by his deal with Lilith to look out for her daughter when Charlie needs help starting her redemption hotel for sinners.
In the Child of Roo AU, Lilith was also hoping that if Alastor bonds with Charlie, she might be able to reduce his loyalty to Roo. However, part of the deal backfired when Alastor got hurt due to the part of the deal that said he wasn't allowed to interfere with her ability to stay away. Lilith made a deal with Adam to escape hell because of Roo so Alastor trying to kill Adam counted as an interference leading to his powers getting limited. Almost dying because of the deal reset whatever good feelings he was starting to have towards Charlie, undoing Lilith's plan and moving back his loyalty firmly towards Roo.
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
Tubbo is a force to be reckoned with
If he got kidnapped he really would do live while he's kidnapped
Kidnapping vlog
The pactoiles brainrot is real(feel free to scream about them)
Insane duo mermaid au you say? 👀
Mermaids are one of the things that the brainrot never truly leave me, it aways come back every once in a while for whatever the reason is
But yeah, the world should stop being afraid of us, like, what could we possibly do?
There's nothing to be afraid:)
Very random, but people started calling Philza and Cellbit the archivists and I get so many the Magnus archives vibes from it
And I know very little about TMA but I like the vibes
Talking about Philza...
About the dead federation workers thing
I'm very... Divided(I hope that's make sense on English) about it, like, if qcellbit really did it I think some people would react in a similar way they did to qbbh about Ron(how is that guy btw? I haven't heard about him anymore) and... Y'know, he changed from the guy he used be and such
But at the same time I'm like "FINALLY", because, yeah fudge the federation:D
I dunno, perhaps if he really did it he could convince people it's just the federation trying to frame him y'know
But just time will tell
And you can probably tell to wich side I'm more inclined to
I crave the chaos
(Also I saw someone say "F bit, now it's just Cell")
Pac would swim his way outta this island if he wasn't scared of water too
At the same time I don't think the federation are above killing their workers to frame him
He's one of the most anti-federation people on that island and he got a very dubious past, sure he changed, but at the same time it would make the others wondee if he would do it, he hates the federation and after everything they've done to him, his family and the others Islanders, he would have a reason to do it
So yeah, both options are equally possible to me
"he's just like fr"
-Cellbit's discord about Cellbit probably
The devil work fast but Cellbit's discord work faster
I have found the headcanon of Cellbit's discord being some sort of entity or god(s) or something and nobody will it off me
Its just so cool
This reminds me I've said that I would make designs for the qsmp goddess and still haven't done it
I never have ideas to draw except when I do(at 3am)
How do you imagine them tho?
I could talk about it probably but it would definitely be really long because I can't write something short to save my life
Maybe on another ask:)
- 🍽️
tbh a kidnapping vlog from q!tubbo would be very very funny MKNSJHCKJA what can the federation do?? they already put him in prison?? double prison??? i think the federation really want tubbo of the island but have no way of doing it yet lol
insaneduo mermaid au are so silly… i love them so much
i tried to get into the magnus archives once but i got distracted and then never retuned to listening to it TT it looks so cool i want to get into it, especially the avatars/entities (?) like the web, the lonely, etc etc. i think you could so easily make a qsmp au with it but i’m not in it so i can’t be the one to do it TT
i heard that jaiden asked the uh federation/mods about her wings so maybe that’s how they can get them like out of canon kekw i know cc!philza would just not ask for his wings back tho JUST TO KILL US WITH ANGST!! HE KILLED NEARLY ALL HIS FANS SAYING HE KEEPS HIS BACKPACK ON BECAUSE ITS LIKE HAVING THE WEIGHT OF HIS WINGS BACK HE WILL KILL US AGAIN!! the crows are miserable
i don’t know what to think about the dead federation workers… maybe cellbit just confused what halloween decorations are and killed a man to decorate spawn with u-u i support him to do that halloween is my favorite holiday. i think with how his character is rn it wouldn’t really make sense for him to kill a worker all of a sudden? BUT if it is actually him who did it then i will support his crimes. i’ll defend him in qsmp court
CELLBITS DISCORD BEING A GOD/DEITY ENTITIY IS SUCH A COOL IDEA HOLY SHIIIIIT O-o maybe cellbit is a follower of this god because they really love puzzles/is all about mystery, that’s why they always make themselves known when there are enigmas on the server (like with q!bagi and solving it with her) (maybe the god feeds on mystery and knowledge? owo) it’s funny to think that tubbo always calls out to this god too, asking if he’s doing good and asking them for answers kamknfkns the deity is a little fond of q!tubbo because he’s silly.
ID LOVE TO HEAR YOUR IDEAS FOR GODDESS DESIGNS!! the only real idea i have is for mumza. she’s super purple and wears a huge hat like a qphilza with a veil so it hides her face. i think she might have some sort of galaxy aesthetic too because it’s pretty and she deserves that <33 she always has crows surrounding her too. I’ve seen a lot of cute designs for Mine and i think she’s be very pink like her irl lol. i think she should also get wings uwu
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
squid game au where since generations, lans had organised the squid game in an attempt to "uplift the poor" and to give them "equal chance at life"
they had also sold player's organs in black market so the "deprived could get another chance to live"
as the second master of lan, lan wangji had served as the frontman, taking his responsibilities seriously and diligently. he had always thought that his old childhood friend wei wuxian would have been proud of his efforts in helping the poor.
on the other hand, due to horrible circumstances that arose after madam yu had thrown him out and stealing his self made tech company, wwx was left with nothing. for the sake of his adopted son wwx participated in the game.
lwj was horrified when he first saw wwx as a contestant, finally realising the darkness of the game. but by the time the game was over and wwx had come victorious, the smile of his face was completely gone.
on the other hand, when lwj went to congratulate him for "uplifting himself" and being successful in "helping his own son" and could he please join their family because he loved wwx... wwx is devastated to find out what lwj had done. collaborating with nie huaisang, they attempt to expose the lans. whether they succeed is up to you.
This is what pushed me to finally watch Squid Games....... dude. Holy crap.
Wei Wuxian would definitely do it too. He would gamble his life in the games thinking about sweet little Yuan and how Wen Qing can't afford medical school and Wen Ning's hospital bills are piling up. He wants them to have a better life. He would do anything to make sure they have a better life.
Lan Wangji doing all the metal gymnastics to see the killings of more then four hundred people as a good thing is... scarily accurate? Like. Dude. The Ultra Rich are watching this for entertainment and you consider it charity.
I can see him being horrified that Wei Wuxian is among the contestants but not letting himself do anything to give him an advantage because because Equality. It breaks his heart to see Wei Wuxian slowly breaking down, but tells himself that he will make everything better once Wei Wuxian wins.
Do you think he would stop a game and step in if Wei Wuxian were to lose? Or give orders for him to not be disposed of the same way others are so he can give the man he loves a proper funeral?
Oh my god though, can you imagine how bad it would break Wei Wuxian to go through all of that and then have his old friend take off a mask, smile, and say that he was so happy and he knew he could do it.
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