#@ Emy Rose
rose-tinted-kalopsia · 2 months
Alright so, hear me out.
Xavier definitely has a thing for dry humping. Listen, listen.
On days when he’s too tired to fuck you or wants to tease you, he’ll definitely grab you by the hips or ass and just start rutting into you. He prefers to do it sitting on the couch more than standing because it’s easier (obviously) and the gravity adds to more direct pressure on your clit. He for sure uses this to his advantage as he gets to see you cum for him up close and personal, while you’re trying to bury your face in his neck to shy away, he’s watching as you fall apart in his hands and become putty. And the little shit smiles to himself as he feels the dampness on his pants as he bucks his hips into yours, cumming in his pants too. He’s such a fucking tease. He knows it and while you’re there catching your breath, he has enough stamina to carry you into the bedroom and go for a few more rounds.
(Long story short, he’s doing that more often from now on.🤭)
HOOLLLYYYYY SHIT EMI IS IT GETTING HOT IN HERE?!!!! EMI BRAINROT IN MY ASKS I'M SO HONORED OMG 🥰🥰🥰🥰 but no bc facts?? i think about dry humping with xavier all the damn TIME and you. YOUUUU have captured all of my thoughts so perfectly!!!!!
something about xavier just screams unconventional when it comes to sex, and it definitely lines up with the whole "innocent guise" he has going for him hfjsjfj he just wants to render you a complete and utter mess for him and what? no he's not going to wait to get your clothes off for it? no he's not going to drag you to the bedroom right from the get-go? he needs you!! he needs you here and now and to see your pretty little face up close as you realize he's barely even doing anything and yet you're so <3 damn <3 helplessly <3 surrendering <3 to the pleasure <3 despite the neediness and the desperation in the way he'd rut into you, you BET he'll be a little shit about it 😭 that damn smile 😭 he knows what he's doing, yet he'd dare act like he doesn't 😭 "mmh,, didn't know you liked this, angel..." BYE EMI THE BRAINROT WAS TRIGGERED
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emistations · 9 months
What if... Amy Rose the Werehog???
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Awwooo (thought it'd fit if she's reversed werehog Sonic!)
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shadowxamyweek · 3 months
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This amazing artwork is by FarFromReality and has been posted with their permission! You can find it and so many of their other fantastic works by following this link to their Twitter,  this link for their Instagram, this link to their TikTok!💖🖤
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fawn-x · 3 months
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Takarazuka's Seal of Roses/Bara no Fuuin (2003-04) Booklet and Insert scans
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thegoths · 5 months
this last year and onwards has been so SATISFYING for shadow and amy fans for real. the two characters who are most commonly misrepresented and boiled down to a single character trait have FINALLY been getting some really solid content
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nonbinarydollie · 3 months
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my doll shelf in the new place ✨
the idea is to restyle, display, and rotate dolls as i post them online. it's a good system for now but i am a little sad about having to take apart these looks and store em away for a while.
also while emi's fit should go together i'm not feeling it so i won't be posting individual pics of her outfit
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westofessos · 1 month
You know I just think it’s a bit silly to turn another woman heel when this is what the roster currently looks like. Plus the reports of Megan Bayne coming in as a heel. And idk much about Kamille but she gives off heel vibes to me.
(This is just off the roster page. I’m aware some of these women are now primarily in ROH. I put Tay in the tweener section because I genuinely don’t know what she’ll be when she comes back.)
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chronicallykiki · 9 days
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Look at all my goodies from Brogan Coral!! ✨
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lonelycowboyclub · 9 months
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Plush Series 6 👑
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stxrry-dxys · 1 year
this is still such a funny ricky and patrick picture to me
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they look like they’re bullying you 💀
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thecalvinistkat · 7 months
DAY 17: Silent Night
A beautiful song cover today by @/TheEmuEmi to brighten your Sunday…
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emistations · 8 months
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good idea actually (reminded me of this old art haha)
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shadowxamyweek · 3 months
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This amazing artwork is by FarFromReality and has been posted with their permission! You can find it and so many of their other fantastic works by following this link to their Twitter,  this link for their Instagram, this link to their TikTok!💖🖤
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artstar1997 · 4 months
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March 10 means it is Mario Day so I decided to do a redraw of my old drawing. Now, it’s Billy Reverb who is dressed as Mario, my trollsona, Queen Rose is looks good as Princess Peach, Queen Poppy is now wearing a Toadette costume, and Branch is dressed as Toad. @jade-green-butterfly’s trollsona, Jussy is still dressed as Princess Daisy and Cooper is dressed as Luigi while Emi a.k.a @groovinyeen and @yeenstrollart is still wearing her customized version of her Bowser costume, Prince D still sports the Penguin King costume, and John Dory remains in the Wario outfit.
It has the same plot as the first Mario Kart IRL art but with some tweaks.
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milkupudding · 2 years
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my ver of shogakukan nicky and emi! tried out a softer lineart and render style than i usually do :>
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i really wanna do a mini webcomic au w these two, i think the concept of nicky and sonic being two completely different characters is very interesting and i’d like to play around w the chaos emeralds being apart of that switch 👀👀
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thegoths · 5 months
if sonic x shadow generations keeps in the bit where amys trying to hug sonic and hes pushing her away and ignoring her im burning down sega
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