#patrick shadows house
stxrry-dxys · 1 year
this is still such a funny ricky and patrick picture to me
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they look like they’re bullying you 💀
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Badly edited meme of Patrick and his two Emotional Support Blondes
Inspired by @dearlybelovedemilyko
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sunsetsmakemesad · 5 months
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I made a meme
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sc0rchez · 4 months
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(Old art) Patrick Bateman
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dearlybelovedemilyko · 4 months
shadows house is NOT "the selfcest bait anime". except of course when it is. and when that's the case i fully endorse it
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leniviypelmen · 1 year
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a collaboration with @yeahbelka! (please!!! check her part too!!!! it's awesome!!!) indroducing to you a menuet performed by wonderful soulmates 🍀
the idea/base sketch and Ricky were done by Belka, while i did the background and Patrick
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starryrock · 10 months
JUMPSCARE! I have more.
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Also I don’t have links to the specific post but Ty to whoever said “Emilico and Ricky siblings” because that has never left my mind.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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micia-posts-stuff · 8 months
Currently thinking about this
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Look at him! I'm obsessed! They really were destined to be soulmates
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nirobe-sam · 4 months
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hi hi hi. did i ever mention I love them?
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bojjiphrog · 1 year
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Without Kate the childrens wing is in shambles
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honeycheerio · 21 days
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stxrry-dxys · 1 year
i don’t think i’m ever gonna stop thinking about this panel sorry. this is literally peak john and shaun. i love them sm.
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4aceclover · 3 months
Shadow house outfits (slight manga spoilers)
Anybody who has seen shadows house knows about the outfits that Emilio and her Shadow Master's friends where but many people are still confused as to how they got these outfits or more specifically the inspiration behind these outfits
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Well the manga itself actually has a cover page showcasing the shadow Masters outfits in great detail so instead of a character breakdown I'm going to do an outfit breakdown and how each shadow master's outfit is connected to their living dolls previous outfits.
This post will be a breakdown of each of those outfits as best as I can
The Shadowmasters outfits
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Kate's outfit is mostly based off of a rose in both color and hair accessories, the elements of her outfit maintain
Her under shirt
Her top coat
Her dress
Her Petty skirt
White socks and red shoes
And most importantly her red rose hair clips
Despite the limited space we actually get a good idea of what John actually wears it's just as wild as him
His undershirt
A blue coat
His blue pants
And his white socks and blue shoes
A more simpler outfit but still packed with a lot of importance mostly based off of the flowers of yarrow coliseum and lavender
Her undershirt
Her Petty skirt like pants
Her lavender dress
Her yarrow hair clip
Her lavender bow (fun fact about this I'll get to later)
And her white socks and purple shoes
His outfit ironically enough reminds me of a lucky clover and his love for flowers definitely makes this outlet all the more ironic
His green top
His shoulder pads that have a white bow
His brown pants
His white socks and black shoes
(surprisingly one of the only ones to not have an undershirt)
And finally we have Louise a bit more simple but still extravagant at the same time must be pretty hard to do exercise and that kind of dress
The striped under dress
Her main dress
Her black shoes
Her signature flower is a yellow gerbera daisy which is all over her outfit, her neckline waist and shoes
Most importantly her gerbera hair clip
Each of these outfits look very extravagant and very fancy despite it needing quite a bit of assembly but where did the inspiration for the outfits come from where the shadows house get such amazing ideas well why not from the children they stole these ideas from
The living dolls selection outfits (spoiler warning)
Anybody who's seen shadows houses manga knows that before entering the house these were just regular kids and for the selection these were the outfits that they are wearing a special breakdown is an order
(for this section I'll be referring to them by their living doll and normal names they're living doll names will be highlighted in their respective color. I'm also going on based off what I'm seeing in this photo so apologies if I get a few things wrong or miss something)
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Louise / Lou
As you can clearly see before entering the house Lou had a much different outfit and completely different personality
There seems to be a layer under her dress
Then there's the yellow main dress
Yellow shoes
A bow like headband
The middle of the bow seems to have something puffy in it
Patrick/ Ricky
Despite the clothes looking pretty simple Ricky makes it clear that these clothes that he was wearing were of high class (must have cost a lot of money)
An undershirt
His green vest like coat
Brown shorts
Darker brown shoes
John / Shaun
Still a bit confused on how they managed to get master John's outfit from this but here we are Shaun's outfit is the exact opposite of John
A simple white shirt
Blue overalls
Blue pants
Brown shoes
No glasses (important for later)
Shirley / Rum
Definitely a cute outfit you can see more similarities with this Rum's than the others
Lavender top dress
A gray like underskirt
Light purple shoes
Two light purple berets
A gray bow close to the left pocket
A lavender bow (important for later)
Kate / Emilico
By far this is one of the more fancier outfits if not the biggest difference in both color and design
Long pink dress
Short pink top coat
Pink cap in her hands
Two pink hair ties
Pink shoes
This is where the shadow house got the ideas for the future shadows outfits from these outfits the kids wore during the selection look at all the similarities between the color choices and the position of hair accessories for example the girls flower choices heck even the design of the outfit themselves could have been influenced by this
For example both Rum and Shirley wear short lavender based dresses while Louise and Lou both wear long yellow dresses with cute yellow hair accessories, compare that to Patrick who looks like he's wearing a green flock like coat to Ricky's outfit where he looks like he's wearing a sweater vest and seriously John and Shaun how do we go from overalls to a fancy coat
The most obvious differences being Kate and Emilco but I'm not going to explain that spoiler just yet, besides the colors being obviously different the length of the dresses are different too and Kate doesn't have a cap like a Emilico did
Fun facts
The lavender bow on Mistress Shirley's finger actually belonged to Rum before she entered the house, when she entered instead of it being replaced like Lou's bow like headband it was just transferred over to Mistress Shirley and she received a darker colored version of rummy's bow
The reason why Shaun isn't seen wearing his glasses throughout the show and manga is because during the selection he chose not to wear them in order to have a higher chance of being picked which is why Master John doesn't need glasses
Ricky's hair wasn't always swooped back it actually used to cover one of his eyes as bangs that were more skewed to one side of his face but in order to look more professional he slicked it back thanks to his sister
It confused me why they replaced Lou's accessory until I looked closer, it's not a simple bow like Rum's it's actually a bow connected to a headband and while headbands do exist in the shadows house evident by Maggie and Margaret once like hers probably don't exist so they compromised by making it a bit more simple
Isn't it a bit interesting that despite the colors in Shadow's house being all over the rainbow they purposely gave Emilico a pink dress while they gave Kate a red dress (potential for a future post)
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sc0rchez · 3 months
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Old art dump pt 2: Sketch edition
Some of 'em angst, funny and weird
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dearlybelovedemilyko · 4 months
check out this patrick at the start of the robe sama arc mocking his fellow debutants for getting involved in romance/engagement drama
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patrick. mocking people for getting involved in romance/engagement drama.
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