#<- sarcasm. help
e77y · 5 months
Me, doing compulsions alone in my bedroom: I’m faking it
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demaparbat-hp · 2 years
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I believe July is trying to tell you something, Nico.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
"Why does this thing exist, people are so lazy!"
Disabled people both exist, and also.... even if it's "laziness", "laziness" is not a sin. People should be able to do anything with any level of assistance. Just because the way you exist is the way that is "normal" doesn't mean that it is Right and Divine
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lexumpysfunland · 5 months
Guys: 🎶wooo-oooh~🎶 🎶The narrator is in love~🎶 🎶ooooooooo~🎶
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He doesn't like being made fun of 👀
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lesbianangeldust · 7 months
huskerdust fic where angel has a flashback/ptsd moment during sex and husk helps him manage it (I am totally not projecting nor do I want to read this for my own mental wellbeing)
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faceless-dude · 2 months
They say praise educates better than scold.
How about smooching this kid in the forehead for each day he hasn't killed anyone?
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Никого сегодня не (у)бил? Чмок в лобик.
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god-blog · 2 months
Lord Hermes,
Patron of the commuters, of the bustling city that raised me,
Please help me come into more money.
I’ve been working three jobs and a side hustle but prices are so high. I feel so guilty buying things that make me happy and even things I need to survive.
I want so many things I can’t have: books, new clothes and shoes, a full meal three times a day, money for my metrocard, money for my passport, stability.
I want, I want, I want.
My heart aches with want. My stomach growls with want.
I don’t want to be poor anymore.
Please help me come into more money.
Please help me come into more money.
Please help me come into more money.
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antiterf · 1 year
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InterACT made a glossary for a large amount of intersex variants! It's not all of them, as the glossary mentioned that new ones are constantly found, but it's one that's mindful of language and gender while trying not to be overly medical.
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brethilach · 2 months
euughh just saw someone say that Celegorm kidnapping Lúthien to force her into marriage was "out of character" and just. I understand the urge to smooth the edges off your blorbo's flaws or whatever but if you've gotten to the point where you genuinely believe the author's portrayal of his own character isn't in line with canon then I think you just misunderstood what you read
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zeroroze159 · 8 months
Nico would definitely say:
Nico:"Will, tell your dad to take a break for a week, At the very least do us all a favor and tell him to lower the brightness for once" Nico:"Someone has a death wish,Your wish is my command" Nico:"Do you think people would get upset if i force them to reenact Jurassic world?...Meh" Nico:"Ughh...Dont remind me" Nico:"What even is Ocean spray?" Nico:"No, It was not me. I had nothing to do with the frog you woke up next to." Nico:"Im not saying there is anything wrong with "Love" Im just saying Cupid needs to get his shit together." Nico:"NO ONE can say that im "too young" to do anything im literally 2x as old as a middle age man, i was born in the 1920's" Nico:"I am NOT an exorcist, if anything im the opposite. Honey i'm not getting rid of the dead from your home i'm BRINGING Them there."
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I wanna see you naked ❤️
What a nice request, so well mannered and gentlemanlike. Very charming. So politely worded.
How can I resist when someone asks so nicely? The heart emoji just won me over.
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You will just have to remove the sheet then.
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everyone say good job CJ for finishing your finals
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itsmaats13 · 3 months
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jesncin · 2 months
I was considering quitting MAWS altogether once I got to binge watching season 2 (haven't done that yet, still too busy). This show makes me sad and I just don't want to give it any more attention that it doesn't deserve. But with this announcement that season 3 is going to have Conner Superboy? One of my niche fixations who barely gets any adaptations, especially lately? I'm honestly so mad- because this feels calculated.
The only reason I was interested in season 2 was because of Kara (which I know they've done dirty from what little I've heard and seen) but now you're introducing yet another Superfam character at such breakneck speed? It's like this show knows that its current incarnation of Superman, Lois, and Jimmy (let alone those forgettable rogues) can't stand on their own or retain your attention. So they're bringing another Superfam member in as clickbait for the next season. Oh and he's ambiguously brown too (yes I know Lex is white in this show but there's obvious plausible explanations for this if you're familiar with Conner Superboy lore)?? Great. I cared so much for Asian Lois and obviously POC!Conner means so much to me. But I already know this show will not deliver that kind of representation for me. Conner's history is so riddled in exotification and racism with themes of adultification, and I know this show doesn't have the brains to talk about anything substantial or political about him. DC would sooner forget about that history instead of fixing or revitalizing it.
I've wanted to quit MAWS because the reactions the show gives me feels so antithetical to why I enjoy Superman as a whole. It made me feel embarrassed about hoping for an Asian Lois reimagining. It makes me wish I wasn't a Superman fan. It makes me wish I didn't care about these characters so I can more easily quit like my casual Superman fan friends.
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
lost my uncle in a tragic flittle cyclizar accident.. the league will NEVER address this
they'd sooner tell us that ground and rock are different types. c'mon guys. who the hell do you think we are. fairy-type is real? psh. i dunno about that. might as well be Normal Two. and while i'm at it i don't think dark or steel are real either
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do we think satire is just doing the same thing other folks have done to me that i already rejected, but this time just being more overtly assholish about it? the ask and response up above the cut is satire. not to mention that if that was supposed to be quoting a hypothetical anon saying something like that, it could've been a bit more obvious. furthermore, the word "satire" basically doesn't even mean anything anymore, but that's a conversation for another time. with how many times i've had to clarify that i don't do requests, i wouldn't doubt that that would be a real thing someone would say
all of that is to say… even if it was satire, i just think it misses the critical part of good satire… which is being funny
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antiterf · 10 months
Whenever a transphobe talks about how trans people are putting on a mask and pretending to be something we're not I think of what I wrote as a closeted 15-year-old as my gender dysphoria was leading me to disassociate while at school.
"This isn't us. This is a mask. This is a script. And everything we do is all part of an act."
Like... Maybe you think that you would feel like you're pretending to be something you're not but it's kind of the opposite.
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