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ok yknow what fuck it i'm clownposting
introducing: hanniclowns
these are just my first sketches that i did at like... 2am last night. so i still need to work on them but basically they're a whiteface clown/auguste pair
it's actually sort of a subversion of their dynamic class-wise because the whiteface is higher class than the auguste, but i think in terms of the character dynamic it fits - the auguste is meant to kind of like. follow the directions of the white clown but ends up messing everything up (sometimes on purpose). and the auguste is usually on the receiving end of Tricks and Joke and ok honestly now that im writing this out i think in my 2am brain i justified it in a way that doesnt make sense but like look at hanniibals smug little auguste face
i might rework it kdfhgfh but the angle i was going for was hannibal being a little jokester and messing around with will
also bonus hanniguste in his plastic suit
#i think this is a niche that only i occupy#but whatever !!!#hannibal#nbc hannibal#hannibal nbc#hannibal lecter#will graham#hannibal fanart#willgrahamsbecoming#girl help i forgot how to tag#clowns#hanniclowning#<- new tag for them
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Please please please tell me all about your OCs. The clans are so interesting to me.
Also I was having a think about cardinalclans crown and maybe the feathers could be shaped and held in place by tree resin?
vibrating thank you thank you for the opportunity to babble endlessly, i've been having a lot of fun adapting everyone to a wc au!!!! i'll go over some additions + worldbuilding stuff i havent covered + character beats.
and ooohhh!! I like that a lot!!! definitely yoinking that. my idea is that there's some sort of a base crown structure compromised of twigs sort of weaved together, i like the idea that feathers being affixed with resin. also, while on the tangent of crowns-
for serpentclan's 'crown', i'm thinking some sort of flower thematically relevant to the leader. i was thinking something with water lilies but their invasive nature/strangling out other plants doesn't fit troutstar's vibe. probably sorrel or some sort of medicinal herb.
tempestclan definitely has some sort of antler covering, reminiscent of the antler queen from yellowjackets for tempeststar. kind of creepy to look at but adds to the "otherness" of him.
Okay, SO! Starting with some additional worldbuilding & lore-
(under cut)
There is a small abandoned town in the area where the Clans reside! I mentioned it in Smokestar's bio, but the fire that ravaged it was actually a major event for the animals who live there. The town was essentially abandoned, leaving a lot of left behind pets to either die or adapt.
It caused some huge friction between outsider cats and the Clans, with some being able to join the Clans while others were chased away.
The survivors who did stay were, naturally, traumatized, angry and struggling to coexist. A few cats came forward and kind of created an unofficial city group to help one another, some of the notable cats being Ozzy, his brother Jack, and a she-cat named Oracle.
The group isn't nearly as tight knit as it was during the aftermath of the fire but there's still a sense of camaraderie and community.
Back to the Clans, there's not really a 'warrior code' in this world, each Clan has their own laws with only a handful of them being universal (and even then each Clan interprets them differently): Kill only as allowed, a cat must want to join another Clan willingly (not kit stealing!), and something something make the Gods proud.
Speaking of the Gods, I'm kind of going back in forth whether or not they're real or not. Leaning to yes and just keeping their original characterization from the source material, very much inspired by the Greek Gods. They are not benevolent and kind, they are beings who do not see the mortal cats as equal. Their interests lie in expanding their own supporters in the afterlife.
The Clans worship nine Gods altogether: a God of death, a God of war, a God of the hunt and harvest, a God of beasts, a God of creation and art, a God of day, a god of night, and a god of weather (might change).
Each have varying followers within the Clans and varying lore, though there's some very popular mythology attached to each of them that have become canon to a lot of the cats in all Clans. Most popular ones are the God of Death and the God of War being lovers, where the War God incites violence to feed their mate's realm. The God of Day and the God of Night are bitter enemies who chase each other in a constant cycle, hence why day and night are always coming and dawn and sunset have streaks of red.
They each have their own various ways to be invoked but most common cats do not invoke the Gods themselves. Most of the time, that's considered like...using radiation to bake a cake, waaaayy too much firepower. Instead, you invoke daemons.
Daemons are essentially cats of the past who accrued such a legacy and immense of amount of respect that they are wildly believed to have joined the Gods' pantheons as lesser Gods/demigods, servants to the Gods. Obvious examples of Daemons are the Clans' founders while lesser ones would be notable healers and so on and so forth.
This applies also to cats have acquired a legacy due to their more...unfavorable actions. It's believed that a cat suffering from extreme misfortune may be being stalked by a trickster demon taking delight in their suffering.
tempestclan doesn't worship the pantheon, they believe in one god, the god of cats.
Uuuuh uh other misc notes: performances at the gatherings are pretty common, ranging from fights between cats of the clans (an act of kayfabe nowadays, most of the time they're trying to make a fun and enjoyable performance than seriously hurt each other) to big songs of the gods and even some tales from the elders.
Aaannnnd that's off the top of my head for lore stuff I want to touch on, I'll go through each Clan and make some notes on characters I haven't talked about as much/things not mentioned yet.
MustangClan Cats
Foxtrot is Fogstep's daughter, with her father being Ozzy! The two met and maintain a sort of fun open relationship. MustangClan doesn't have laws against their medic's having kittens. Foxtrot meets up with her father at least once a week and maintains a relationship with her half-sisters, Jinx and Marble.
Fogstep maintains the secret of Ozzy being her father, the only cat who knows is Bearstar who quietly tries to discourage Foxtrot from breaking the code to see her father. Foxtrot just got really good at sneaking off.
Foxtrot is...weird, has a morbid sense of humor that clashes with her upbeat and sweet demeanour. She doesn't necessarily buy a lot of MustangClan's values, but doesn't really have any interest in speaking out against them. She likes her family, her Clan, her friends, and her job.
She's close friends with Duskclaw, the two having grown up together with the latter being older. They're a funny pair to most cats: the no-nonsense deputy of MustangClan who once brawled her brother for the title of deputy and the breezy medic who couldn't care less about battles and honor. They just...work, offering each other a bit of freedom other cats can't.
She later meets Blightspirit and gets to know him, the two eventually bonding and getting together. Blightspirit joins MustangClan to be with her.
Duskclaw, as aforementioned, is the opposite. She's a brisk, stern, hardworking, and has a no-nonsense attitude that can sometimes rub cats the wrong way. She puts a lot of pressure on herself to achieve almost impossible expectations, and extends these expectations to those around her.
Her and her brother, Branchclimb, maintain a polite relationship in public, but don't talk in private. Their battle hurt their bond more than either thought it would, as it inadvertently put a dent in Branch's standing and reputation in the Clan. Duskclaw isn't sure how to fix it, or if it's even fixable.
This is turn put a strain on her relationship with her father, with Duskclaw, unconsciously, resenting the fact he put them in that situation to begin with. Bearstar's none the wiser to this.
Was once betrothed to Saugerleap in an attempt to make an alliance with SerpentClan, but that got thrown out the window when Saugerleap was discovered with Jaycall and Pikesnap went to tattle immediately lol Duskclaw was relieved, she really did not want to go through with it.
She does often cross paths with an interesting town cat named Omen who likes to tease her.
Mentioned before but they're close to Dawnstar and Sandstar's kits from travelling through their territory. They aren't as close as they used to be as apprentices but they still remain a friendly relationship.
SerpentClan Cats
Not too much on these guys?
Mainly it's just royal family drama with the Clan split between Saugerleap and Pikesnap inheriting the throne, with more of the Clan leaning to Pikesnap after Saugerleap's affair was revealed.
Still, his mellow attitude and interest in following his father's lead has earned him some support. SerpentClan likes avoiding conflict, they've been doing just fine with negotiating!
However, that doesn't mean there isn't a growing unrest. Negotiating means giving up something, the fact that Troutstar even entertains Bearstar isn't exactly a crowd pleaser. Pikesnap might be arrogant, but he's a cat who isn't afraid to tell someone off.
Maybe, some cats of SerpentClan think, that's exactly what the Clan needs. Enough playing nice with those warmongering fools, maybe a leader who can tell them to keep out of SerpentClan's territory is needed.
CoyoteClan Cats
Lots about Oxeyestar here. There was nothing special about him, he was picked because he was seen as an easy pawn.
I don't think he ever realizes he was being used or how much damage he caused. He dies outraged and arrogant that his own Clan would ever turn on him.
Mentioned before but Raindrop, one of the BoarClan's healers, was originally from CoyoteClan! She fled after she and two other apprentices were going to be brought up to TempestClan. They got split up and she ended up being taken in by BoarClan.
She does eventually return to her Clan when they chase out TempestClan's cats and kill Oxeyestar to act as their healer, but that doesn't happen for a while.
Mouseears and Speckleface are the two other apprentices that run, they live in the town for a bit before returning to try and overthrow things. Mouseears is the one that takes over as leader when Oxeyestar is killed in the revolt.
Mouse is...unnerving. They don't really break eye contact and have a really intense stare. They're deadpan and kind of monotone, quick to the point and definitely not interested in sparing anyone's feelings. Sometimes they don't even reply, just stare.
Speckleface is kind of the opposite, wears his emotions on his sleeve and you can tell fairly obviously what he's thinking at all times. He tries very hard to be brave, but can't always muster the courage to get feelings done.
When the three reunite, they cling to each other, glad each other's alive and well. They are the key leaders of the revolt, and Mouse and Rain work very closely to help repair their Clan.
Afterwards, there's some mixed ideas on how to go forward, with some cats wanting to return to being three Clans while others want to stick as one.
Mousestar and Raindrop have a lot of work ahead of them lol
BoarClan Cats
More about Dawnstar and Sandstar here. Fun fact about them is Sandstar actually orders elders and cats to "punch up" the story of Dawnstar defeating her parents in combat to take over as leader. Unfortunately, a cat in her prime managing to beat the shit out of two very old (if still very skilled) cats isn't as exciting as Dawnstar likes it to be (even if it is an impressive feat nonetheless).
They had two litters with Nightstride, Darkwater, and Dewleaf being part of the first and Lifeseeker and Jaycall being the only survivors of their second litter.
They are the most obnoxious parents to ever parent. Love their kids dearly, show an unfortunate amount of favoritism for them lol think Rainbow Dash's parents but five kids to gush over.
Nightstride is considered the eldest. He is massive, intimidating, and takes after his mother in terms of sheer prowess in battle. He is also awkward, horrible at eye contact, deadpan, and struggles to make friends outside his family. He and Raindrop actually get along and he's quite sad when she eventually returns to CoyoteClan, though he makes an effort to visit her.
Darkwater suffers from middle child syndrome. He's a bit angry and rowdy, but isn't necessarily bad. He just feels underappreciated in his work as one of the deputies. His siblings tease him a lot when he makes his melodramatic speeches about deserving respect and how he ought to get some acknowledgement for all he does! (He does the exact same amount of work as all of them do btw).
Dewleaf, who may I add finds her name very ill-fitting ("It's so...peaceful and saccharine. I deserve something cooler! Tougher! Like, uh...uh...Bloodslash or Tuskjaw!"), is rowdy and goofy. She loves staying out on the outskirts of the territory to go stargazing, just loves being on her own. Dewleaf was born with swimmer's syndrome and required some intervention during her kithood years. Nowadays she struggles with balance and can't really effectively climb or hunt, so she often helps out in camp or patrols. She definitely doesn't solo patrol just to flirt with Cranegaze, nuh-uh, would never.
More on Lifeseeker (and Mallardsong) here. His name came from a desperate plea from Dawnstar, renaming him from Turtlekit to Lifekit in hopes it would imbue the sickly kit with the strength to live. He finds the name soooo cringe and embarrassing.
Jaycall knew he wanted to be a healer at a young age, having been trained by the old healer before she passed away. He enjoys the job and the freedom it brings. He's a lot smoother with his words than the rest of his siblings, knows when to appease and when to challenge. He and Foxtrot get along, they're both more interested in their personal goals than any Clan values.
Raindrop does get along with the DawnSand family a lot, having been taken in by them when injured. They're sad to see her go and visit a lot, Nightstride, as mentioned before, visiting most often.
CardinalClan Cats
More on Swiftstar here.
To Cranegaze, Swiftstar's sister and next-in-line to take over as leader, there's something uncomfortable about the way the Clan quickly almost...deified their deceased parents. Hawkstar and Robinhop became martyrs, amazing cats who's lives were taken too soon.
It's so hard to listen to cats wax poetic about how Hawkstar was an exemplary leader, ahead of her time (she was fine, she hadn't done anything really that amazing) or how her father was prime example of a true CardinalClan warrior (he was...normal. Loyal, polite). It's hard when one was your mother who never had time for you and a father who snapped at you for little things.
They weren't terrible...but they certainly weren't the cats that the magistrates described them as. It's hard on Cranegaze, to watch their memory get distorted until they've become angels among cats, amazing beings who were taken too soon. It's hard to watch her own brother buy into it, to earnestly believe his parents were that stupendous, as if they didn't hurt him too.
She tries to keep their real memories alive through Mallardsong, who was a young kitten being reared by permaqueens in the nursery when their parents were killed.
Mallardsong, on the other paw, finds it hard to care. She doesn't really see anyone as her parents, just her siblings as her family, and even then that's enough family for her. She doesn't like talking to her older brother, she only knows Swiftstar, not the fun and adventurous apprentice he used to be.
She does start to reach out when he works at the negotiations though will immediately walk off the moment he tries to go Leader Mode and lecture her. She wants the brother Cranegaze says he was, not the bossy-fur he is now.
One idea i've been throwing around is one of the Magistrates, or a few of them, getting some cats to 'rough up' Mallardsong and pin it on BoarClan to cease negotations.
She's found bloodied and half-dead at the border at sunrise, with Lifeseeker being the prime suspect.
The drama clan lol where all the drama is going down!
Blightspirit, then named Harvestspirit, comes from a long line of esteemed saints. He and his brothers, Ptarmiganmarch and Graylion, begun training at a young age while his sister, Storrmrunner, was excluded.
The four of them were a miracle litter, with TempestClan cats often only having surviving litters of one and two. It's custom that kits don't even receive their names until apprenticehood due to the high mortality rates for kits.
Their parents, Sheepfall and Cariboucall, had a...tense relationship. Sheepfall was a loner who was taken in and cared for after being found half-dead, and was essentially pressured to stay. She had an arranged mateship with Cariboucall, one of the more devout Saints of TempestClan.
I plan on making a post on this family soon so I'll try not to repeat too much of what's going be on there buuuutt-
Sheepfall is a spy for Wolf's rebellion and loops Stormrunner into joining her. Sheepfall always has a Situationship with Wolf that only becomes fully realizes after TempestClan is taken down. She is extremely touch averse and struggled for a while with physical contact, eventually she's able to sleep by Wolf.
Stormrunner was overlooked for being smaller and having a speech impediment (stutter). However, she's got an eye for detail and a natural curiosity. She later goes on to become a "wanderer", leaving the territories to see what else the world has to offer.
Ptarmiganmarch and Graylion are similar to Tempeststar, seeing through the facade of the Saints but wanting the power offered to them. They're very angry when Harvest is picked instead to become the first successor.
Tempted to have Harvest be renamed just to drive in how much he is being isolated and groomed into inheriting this role. The Saints thrive on his desire to please him, rewarding him with special titles and special treatment.
Cariboucall is the only surviving Saint when TempestClan is destroyed. He lives an isolated life, with two dead sons, an ex-mate that hates his guts, and two living children who don't ever want to see him. He gave his life to his God, and all he got in return was loneliness. He thinks about it a lot.
Tempeststar and Cariboucall were childhood friends and, while their jobs have made them change, they are still close. Tempeststar loved hanging out with the kits and is heartbroken when they stop wanting to chill with him later on.
Thing to note about Tempest is that he's given opportunity after opportunity to do right and he will never take them. He never connects this as to why his niece and nephews don't like being around him anymore.
Wolf, originally named Wolfhowl, was a Warrior of TempestClan. However, she lead a revolt to try and overthrow the Saints, resulting in her nearly being executed by them and her and her supporters being forced to flee. Their rebellion is small at first, but eventually they go down to live in the town and make friends.
Wolf is passionate, something who deeply believes in her values, sometimes to the point it blinds her of her options. She is someone with so many feelings that it sometimes overwhelms her. But she is earnest and that earnestness has earned her a tight following, one that believes in the destruction of TempestClan as much as she does.
Atheist, doesn't believe in any Gods.
She's poly, with her own little cluster of lovers, including Sheepfall. They all have a tight knit bond, with some also having relationships with each other while some are only in relationships with Wolf.
i vomited out everything i thought was relevant lol lots of characters!! too many characters perhaps, but that's the fun part of all this to me, seeing where they all fit and how they changed. thank you so so much for asking about them!!! i had a ton of fun typing this all out
#wc fanclans#warrior cats#warrior cats ocs#clans of the pantheon#<- new tag for them#i wanna try and make more art. rn im doing the sheep/caribou fam#got kind of messy at the end? i'll clean it up later#but here's some general ideas!!
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New optional bows for my sona :3
#randys sona#<- new tag for them#grims art#ocs#grims ocs#oc#original character#strawberry#rosy maple moth
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31. First oc you made? When did you make them?
COBRA!!! i made her in 2020, for a roleplay, recently ive been revamping her and her story..
theres a small character lineup at the end, feel free to ask me about the other guys
#kitsumox#kitsumo answers asks#asks#wof#wof oc#wof ocs#wings of fire#wings of fire oc#wof art#wof oc art#wof fanart#sandwing#skywing#rainwing#seawing#icewing#<- for the last image#my art#COBRA & CO#<- new tag for them
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I finally designed werewolf Babs little werewolf buddy :] Her name is Lupe and I'm obsessed with him.
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Me every time you mention your characters:

This applies to worldbuilding too
Im late in answering this but THANK YOU! I was always kind of scared of sharing my original oc's since I keep thinking no one would be interested in them.
But I'd like to take some time to actually explain one set of them instead of just throwing vague hints at them. I did draw some of them on this blog but if people like them enough I'll start actually drawing them.
So uh, here take this!:
This world has a bit of a animals (not furries) x criminal underground x martial arts idea. In this world, hybrid animals of all types roam the world. But our characters live in a city called "Zoia", a lawless city full of hybrids that live tough lifes of crime and chaos. In this city, 4 bosses called the "Wilders" rule parts of the city through thier meticulous scheming and martial art prowess.
An aspiring young con-man of 30 years old. He's charismatic, but also kind of a loser that doesn't know when to seperate his outrageous goals from reality, making it his job of doing petty thefts and reselling what he "borrowed" at the kiosks. His arrogance often leads him to get his ass kicked, and he gets in trouble with smaller gangs because of his thefts on their turfs. Still, he likes to think he has a shot at making it big in this city. His current goal? Becoming the next big Wilder.
Local 27 year old organ trafficker hiding as a dentist. She works for a small gang because her shitty brother got both of them in debt. She's a nervous and shy girl who tries to cover up her snake-like appearance to look passive and insignificant just so that nobody can disturb her. But underneath all that lies a tempermental snake, and she's one day away from showing her fangs. Cunning and harsh, Snake will do anything to get a one up in this harsh world, even if it means betrayal. She's catching the attention of Tiger, who was coincidentally looking for a doctor. Currently has beef with Mongoose because he keeps fucking around with her orders.
25 year old guy that became a Wilder by pure fucking rage. Because of his hybrid type, he's been seen as weak and small his whole life. After some people tried to mug him, he snapoed and sent them to the hospital. What followed was the rumour of a bunny hybrid that's been going on a rampage and fighting big shots. So, bunny climbed to the top of the criminal food chain by fighting. Other then that he's a quiet and introverted guy that kind of has a weird way of thinking. But since he's so sure of himself, many started following him. He earned the title of the new Wilder and he's making bank by the night clubs he opened up that's actually a back drop for meetings between the dangerous groups of the city.
The current leader of the west side and the most powerful fighter next to Bull. A 34 year old Wilder that was recently given the title after his mom stepped down. Stoic and prideful on the outside, but has a strong sense of tradition and justice. He has a close group of friends that are loyal to a fault, and his pride in his work often attracts the younger generation to join. Don't be mistaken though, his work is built on generations of fear and blood, and he's not willing to give it all up. Currently wants to help Mongoose find his sister, as she was a close friend of his mother and a role model.
Nonbinary 31 year old that's both smart and eccentric. Neither a Wilder nor weaker then one, they currently run a small organ trafficking business and loan company, but their main job is arms dealing. They travel across the world making deals with all kinds of people, but stop by Zoiac to say hello to her dearly beloved "workers". Charismatic and a bit of a flirt, they'll make you dance in the palm of their hand without you ever knowing it. Currently, they like to bother Snake by pushing her buttons. They really seem to enjoy testing her, but it looks like they have other plans for her?
A 19 year old outsider looking for his missing sister. He's naive about the ways of the city and often gets himself in trouble by sticking his nose into businesses he shouldn't. But he's pretty smart and knows how to persuade people into helping him. He's very energetic, but also so serious that if you tease him he'll actually get mad at you. Currently, he lives with Monkey as his roommate. They get along suprisingly well, since they both love old kung fu movies. He also believes that Snake has something to do with his sister's dissappearance and they're this 👌close to getting into an all out brawl with each other that'll probably end in bloodshed.
A 35 year old Wilder woman that's hard working and cunning. She's the first of her family that managed to rise their debt induced name into fame and luxury. She's the wealthiest Wilder of the city, and has her claws into multiple famous casinos and clubs. Cold and brutal, she's stubborn into getting whatever she wants in this city, and her plan to have full control of this city is only stopped by some pest she wants to swat away. But she's all to patient to wait for them to wander into her gaze so she could dig her teeth into them. Snake and Mongoose has caught her attention as of recent, and she's debating on whether she wants these two animals to work as bodyguard and an informant for her by 'persuading' them into a deal that's very beneficial for both of them.
8 year old orphaned little girl that's in the middle of a very dangerous world. She has a mutation on her eyes that's causing her to see the future. Because of this, she's sought out by the Wilders and she's constantly running away from them, only to find herself deeper into the city. She's quiet and very meticulous with her plans, untrusting of those who reach their hand out to her. She also may have some form of autism (one od her special interests is dragons). She currently lives with Bull, and she doesn't know whether he pretends to act as her dad for the sake of it or he wants to use her for her foresight. Either way, she doesn't trust him and she's planning on getting out of his grip.
40 year old Wilder that's been playing this city's game since he was 20 years old. A family guy that likes people who are "interesting", and likes to tip things slightly on edge to relieve him of his boredom (this bastard). He's friendly and has that leadership vibe that just makes you want to have one drink with him at least. He just went through a divorce and is currently wanting to get along with his 19 year old daughter that seems to have no interest in inheriting the family and instead wants to pursue her love for art. Currently looking after Wolf who he picked up after, uh, "fired" the last Wilder. He slowly kind of sees her as his adoptive daughter (if only she doesn't run away every 5 damn seconds. He swears he doesn't care about her ability to see the future and wants to spoil her, but she's determined to tear each gift up and throw it back into his face.)
#I ramble#My oc's#Zoiac oc's#<- New tag for them#I don't have art of them atm because I keep daydreaming them to heavy japanese rock music.#I will if people are interested in them
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“Starshine, dead are long gone, don’t pay too much attention to them.„
💫🔭Pinwheel🔭💫, hell yeah baby !! She’s now an oc that comes from the stars n all !
Pinwheel and Gaël belongs to me !
Mentioned Sprinkle belongs to : @jayssillycreativitybox
- Most likely my only oc that goes by she/her—
- consider Sprinkle her adoptive sib <3 ( Sprinkle by @jayssillycreativitybox )
- In a platonic relationship with Dread ! ( by @/jayssillycreativitybox )
- has two adopted children with Dread in the future, Meteo and Mimas.
- Pansexual !!
- Pinwheel’s tongue colour and mouth is light yellow !
- the star on her face glows in the dark, and when she uses her power !
- the star itself has the power of seeing monster dust and stars even in the day, differentiating it from normal dust. When it activate, everything become grey except the sky, and she looks frozen. It takes a lot of efforts to keep in that state !
- Very shy and physically weak, her little brother is usually the one to beat people up for her.
- likes to go to the cat caffe on the daily ! :] she has a cat named Piwhy there that looks like herself.
- white pupil !! It can change into a star when she feels happy :]
- Has birthmarks on her legs, in shapes of stars :]
#mdraw#oc#Pinwheel#Gaël#Gael#ref#star children#star child#<- new tag for them#also yeah Aconite and her turned into ocs whoops-#and Gael#pansexual#cat!pinwheel#piwhy
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Finally now that the comic is fully public on comicfury, I get to share it with all of you here, too <3
If you enjoyed, please consider supporting by buying a PDF of the comic on itch.io: https://tawnysoup.itch.io/home-in-the-woods
#I'd rather not clutter the caption so I'll ramble a little in the tags#HitW is short but special to me as it represents and encapsulates some hard life experiences I was going through at the time of its creatio#Ofc in a more metaphorical manner! but. I have been very much enjoying reading people's comments and speculation as its been posting#the interpretations are so meaningful and varied and i love that and really want to encourage anyone to reflect on what it means to them#for me making this comic was a way to process and move past trauma. i feel like it ends anti-climactically but i wanted to be true to#where i thought things were actually going in my life moreso than to veer towards impact. ultimately im glad i managed to finish it#and for it to finish going public right before the new year? maybe i can see this as shedding that old pain in time to become something new#so thank you for reading for supporting and for still being here. lets wake up to 2025 with wind in our sails#Home in the Woods#my art#my comics#original comic#cw guns#cw blood#cw body horror
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✨Metal lovesong 🩺🎸
Randy/jason 🏳️🌈
#oc x canon#self ship moodboard#Steckle tag#self shipping#ship name: metal lovesong#🩺🎸#<- new tag for them#gay self shipping#gay self ship#mlm self ship#y’all probably wonder when I’ll stop making these#answer is never#selfshiptober#selfship aesthetic#Randy Steckle I love you
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Don’t mind me I just like to see him go bananas about cartoonish Autobot rules
Maaan…..if Prowl was in tfp he would spontaneously combust at least once a day
#maccadam#transformers#prowl#tf prowl#there is no Prowl in Tfp so Optimus can pull all kinds of heroic cartoonish bullshit#and only Ratchet actually calls him out on it#but Ratchet also kinda has soft spot for Optimus#Op does sad eyes and Ratchet is like okay okay sorry I understand#Prowl would see the whole situation and lose his marbles immediately ahahahah#lol hey hey you. two people who read tags. imagine little au realquick#Autobots find the escape pod with Smokescreen right#but there’s two bots instead of one#back on the base humans look at the new guys and like#Smokey is fun and energetic and eager for heroism and adventure#and then there’s Prowl. The final boss. The ultimate MOM.#He makes one step into base and immediately starts scolding Optimus and everyone except for Ratchet#agent Fowler listens to him talking and decides that Prowl is his favorite autobot#damn. Prowl would SO not approve keeping humans around. Kids would hate him#but also he would be completely right. Because by keeping humans that close Autobots basically show that the humans can be used as leverage#against them you know.#He would immediately suggest getting rid of kids and hiring actual competent adults instead. So all hacking can be done by professionals#and all infiltrating can be done by people who are at least old enough to drink you know#yea kids would haaaate him so much#he would also build make all kinds of little annoying gadgets bc I have read Covenant of Primus and tfp Prowl is smart like that#he would be going around sticking trackers on every enemy he fights#and then triangulating Cons positions by the coordinates where their signals stop tracking#bc Nemesis blocks them#He would also keep sending Smokey to ghost through walls and steal all kinds of valuable shit from Megsy#they would be such a menace together#man this is getting kinda long I should probably stop
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happy gojoday to all who celebrate
#my art#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk fanart#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#jujutsu gojo#satoru gojo#characters need to stop being born in december ive only got 2 hands and only 1 of them can hold a stylus#i will b so real i fully did not plan on drawing anything for his birthday but then as with most things gojo i went sigh fiineeee#and then i desecrated a designer item for jjk purposes as u do#thank u versace 2022 pre-fall letterman for your service and for having red blue And purple u rly helped a gal out#in other news forget sukuna honestly if im his barista im killing him im spitting in his coffee and then im killing him#i held back bc /i/ didnt want to draw a massive drink but u kno that tag wld b longer than the gd cup#anyway kinda different style aka i lined again after weeks of painting which youd think would lose me time but its sm faster#id forgotten i can b fast when i want to im so happy ive still got it in me 2 finish a draws in a day#looks at the week spent on megumi's upcoming bday piece........cries#anyway hbd goe joe my feelings 4 u r complicated but u r very fun to draw and for that i thank u
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Happy Holidays!! ✨🎆❄️
what a strong, handsome boy!!! show 'em what you've got, buddy!!
(woah!!! a grace post that isn't malleyuu??? unheard of. in another case, I do need to draw yuu with the first years more,,, I love them,,, I need to honor them as well)
ahggghhhhhhhh i'm still swamped with college stuff so once again, I couldn't make anything more rendered or elaborate sob sob,,,,, so please have this humble quick thing that I did with nothing but the jack brainrot fueling me ToT (seriously, how handsome can they keep making him???)
#twst#twisted wonderland#mal draws#twst sam's new year sale#jack howl#twst jack#twst yuu#twst oc#jackyuu#is there a tag for them actually?#jack howl x oc#jack howl x yuu#twst fanart#disney twisted wonderland#disney twst#twst x yuu#jack howl twst#savanaclaw#twst yume#twst yumeship
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not much going on except for the average autism and sage of truth….truthlessage….oh yes……
#cookie run fanart#cookie run kingdom#shadow milk cookie#pure vanilla cookie#crk fanart#cr kingdom#cr fanart#Crk#cookie run kingdom fanart#truthless recluse#sage of truth#shadowvanilla#pureshadow#truthlessage#can we use that tag too#New name for them specifically because i love them so much#I like shadowvanilla as much as the next guy but i wanna see more of specifically truthless recluse and sage of truth. Im totally not biase#cookie run
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Happy New Year :) Featuring my favorite ships from this year!
#dbhc-ificated…. because of course :) gotta make it my guys <3#dbhc#dbhc art#art escapades#hermitshipping#hermitcraft au#dbhc ethubs#dbhc xbralis#dbhc hels24#dbhc docsuma#docsuma#ethubs#dbhc grumbo#grumbo#xbralis#dbhc xb#dbhc keralis#dbhc android 24#dbhc helsknight#dbhc hels#dbhc doc#dbhc xisuma#dbhc bdubs#dbhc etho#dbhc grian#dbhc mumbo#UHHH idk if I forgot tags but feel free to lmk#IM. OBSESSED WITH ALL OF THEM#HAPPY NEW YEAR KISSESSSSS YAYYY I used to do this every year :3 bringing it back!#OKAY COOL HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! RUNS AWAY REALLY FAST
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#everyone is obsessing over the new companions meanwhile me:#and yeah i drew these based off 3 dimly lit screenshots so they're probably inaccurate. do i care? no!<3#my art#dragon age#dragon age 4#dragon age the veilguard#da:tv#what is the correct tag. idk#evanuris#ghilan'nain#elgar'nan#<- i hope :)#alongside the egg on this game's roster of antagonists we have: eldritch horror lesbian and evil divorced father#absolutely obsessed with them#man they scene where they come out of the fade from behind solas has been replaying in my head nonstop since i saw it#also just wanted to point out that they said on the q&a that all ancient elves eventually go bald. but elgar'nan actually has hair in the#closeup. therefore i honestly think it's a skill issue on solas' part#also no one pay attention to the fact that i haven't posted art in like 5 months lol <3
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#TAG LATER AGAIN BECAUSE OMG IT'S DONE#Please people make this do numbers#if not for me then my laptop#DB found siblings#Doey the doughman#Bobby bearhug#/// Adding new tags!#drawing Doey holding Bobby with his neck all squished is just as much therapy for me as it is for you guys btw#I'll draw them happy occasionally#also I love the HC of Doey's neck being able to sink down like a tortoise or seal#it's so cute!#the nightmare comic#the nightmare comic part 2#Poppy playtime#Poppy playtime OC#Palettes art#My art
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